Proportional Valves: Adjustment Procedure
Proportional Valves: Adjustment Procedure
Proportional Valves: Adjustment Procedure
Proportional Valves
Adjustment Procedure
30 Design Proportional Valve Amplifier
EEA-PAM-523/525-A-30 K*G4V-3/5 Non-feedback valves
EEA-PAM-533/535-A-30 KFG4V-3/5
EEA-PAM-561-A-30 KFDG5V-5/7
EEA-PAM-568-A-30 KFDG5V-8
EEA-PAM-581-A-30 KHDG5V-5/7/8
This procedure may also be applied to displacement (travel) and oil flow through the valve that exceeds levels
the EEA-PAM-5**-C-30 and partially to through the valve. By controlling the rate traditionally experienced with on-off
the EEA-PAM-5**-B-30. Refer to Vickers of current increase or decrease, the solenoid valves. Smooth speed change
catalog GB-C-2007C for more detailed spool displacement or valve opening transitions are obtained as compared to
information on these power amplifiers. rate will increase or decrease resulting the high shock with on-off solenoid
in acceleration or deceleration control of valves. A single proportional solenoid
This is an easy-to-use procedure for the hydraulic actuator and its working valve can replace several conventional
anyone with a little understanding of load. valves in a control system. Deceleration
how proportional valves work. valve, acceleration valve, flow controls
This document does not deal with valve and solenoid switching valve functions
Proportional valve solenoids are current sizing. However, it should be recognized are all packaged in one proportional
controlled. This current is usually that proper sizing will directly affect the valve envelope. Smaller manifolds and
regulated by varying the command control of acceleration and deceleration. fewer hydraulic interconnecting lines are
voltage into the amplifier. The greater Select the smallest valve size possible needed. Remote electric, programmable
the current to the solenoid coil, the and the smallest spool size within that signals to the amplifier controls all of the
greater will be the valve spool valve size. This results in pressure drop above functions.
Circuit and Connections
Drive enabled
Drive Enabled
z6 b20
Drive signal zero indicator
b6 b12
Ramp active indicator
b8 A B A B
b10 Current feedback
z8 Power amplifier
Command z26
signal bz4 Signal 0V Gain Ramps Dead z28
inputs; band PWM
see table below comp.
Close to Solenoid
enable current
Compensator PWM
network Power
Feedback Current
module feedback
LVDT position
monitor points
LVDT 15 +15
b18 b16 b14 b22 z22
Command signal
monitor points
On front panel
To solenoid adjacent to LVDT
Command Signal Type Input Pins Reference Signal Polarity Secondary Pins Reference Valve Flow
+ PB
Non-inverting volt
ges b6/8/10 or z8
+ PB
Non-inverting ccurrent
rrent z6
Link (connect) one of PB
Inverting volt
+ b6/8/10 or z8 to bz4 PA
One of PB
+ b6/8/10 or z8 PA
Differenti l volt
Differential voltage
+ PB
One of b6/8/10 or z8 z10
Figure 1
Setting Up The Amplifier
Deadband compensation pots
} Gain pots
} Ramp pots
Gain Adjustment
about 48% (4.8 volts). This means 40
that with 6.0 USgpm flow the valve will 10
create a greater pressure drop as it 8 30
closes further and further or as less and 6
less command voltage is applied. 20
Again, the valve solenoid is controlled 4
by current and regulated by command 2
voltage into the amplifier. A lower input 0 0
voltage level results in lower current to 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
the solenoid and lesser opening of the Command signal (% of max. signal)
valve spool.
Command Voltage vs. Spool Opening
Figure 5 shows the spool position travel just to clear the overlap. That is, when a 10 volt command is
relationship to the flow gain curve. Therefore, approximately 20% of spool applied at b6, b8, b10 or Z8,
The flow gain curve is a straight line travel occurs with approximately 2 volts (as shown below) the valve spool moves
in this case, which makes it easier to of command input to the amplifier. With to the full open position.
understand. Note, again the spool 10 volts command input, the valve is
must travel 20% or more of its full fully open.
Flow P B z2
100% +10V x 5 mA
Flow +10V x 5 mA
Valve cracks
open at 23V
23 Command
0 +10 volts b10
(valve z8
full open) z10
78 volt Command
effective command signal
bz4 Signal 0V
range inputs;
EEA-PAM-5**-A-3* Amplifier
Flow Spool
Spool Movement
Gain Control
Figure 6 shows what happens when the This serves two purposes: Therefore, reduction in slope of the
gain pot is adjusted. If the B gain pot is rod-end curve will be greater than
turned clockwise, the gain is increased. 1. It enables the user to size the valve that of the blind end.
Turned counterclockwise the slope of to the actual flow rate involved. That
the gain curve is decreased. Adjustment is, if a 10 USgpm rated valve is to be 2. By using the gain adjustments, the
is from 100% (valve full open) to 25% used on 10 USgpm flow, full gain or full range of the command voltage
(valve 25% open). To get to 25%, the full clockwise adjustment of the pot is can be used, thereby providing more
gain pot is turned counterclockwise as likely. If only 5 USgpm flow is sensitive command control. If there
far as it will go. The pots are a 20 turn involved, the user would want to were no gain adjustment and a 10
type so it will take about 20 turns to get reduce the gain to 50% by turning USgpm rated valve was operating at
to a reduction of 25%. This means that the gain pot about 10 turns clockwise 5 USgpm, command control would
with 10 volts command input applied to from the full counterclockwise be from zero volts to 5 volts. Any
pin b6, b8, b10 or z8, the valve will only position. command adjustment beyond this
be opened 25%. point would have no affect on control.
Also, as very often a single rod With gain control, sensitivity is
cylinder is involved, the flow to and improved by being able to control
from the blind end will be different command inputs from zero to the
from that to and from the rod end. full 10 volts.
Output (Flow)
Gain =
Input (Comm.)
Gain = USgpm/Volt
Flow P B
100% 100% Flow
24V 15V
25% Flow
+10 volts
0 Command P
O.V. [23 volts B
Gain pot., A
flow from
25% port P to B B
Flow Spool t
Spool Movement
Deadband Compensation
Proportional valves are derivatives of through center. A small step overlap As there are differences in overlap from
standard solenoid valves. They are remains. valve-to-valve, it is possible that turning
modified to provide spool displacement the deadband compensation the full
in proportion to the current level going to Before going any further in the amount would result in the valve spool
the solenoid. As solenoid valves are explanation, it is necessary to look at moving to an open condition. Then there
designed with spool land overlap in the gain curve for the amplifier. Figure 8 would be a jump in the actuator motion
relation to the valve body land (see describes the amplifier current gain with the smallest of command input
Figure 6), proportional valves have the curve. Note, it doesnt go thru center. signal; that is with 80mV or little over
same overlap, reduced to some extent There is a small step of about 80mV on this level applied.
by the notches in the spool. Therefore, either side of center. This was designed
flow doesnt start until this overlap is in, to assure the valve will be centered
cleared. It would be desirable in the when the command is zero or near zero.
case of very accurate position control to The dash line shows the affect of
have a zero lap condition between the compensation. A minimum command Amplifier
spool and body lands, characteristic of input voltage causes a large jump in Flow P B
more costly servo valves. This is shown current to move the valve spool to near 1.6A 100%
Current With
by the dashed line flow gain curve in opening. Increasing the command Compensation
Figure 7. further will then increase flow through
the valve.
0.8A 50%
100% Flow P to B
Flow P TO B Without
0.4A Compensation
0 23 10 volts
Deadband Increase Port
Compensation Deadband B
10V +10V
Command Command 10V +10V Flow
Command Command
Final adjusted
Flow P to A 100% (varies
Flow P to A valve-to-valve)
Deadband Elimination/Gain Adj. after Deadband Adj.
Note, in going thru this process, the gain procedure should be followed to 2. It provides a greater range of
curve is shifted to the left (for port B) eliminate the deadband on the A port. command input control, possibly
as shown in Figure 10. Now a very low See Figure 11. from 80 mV to 10 volts.
voltage input signal causes flow to start,
but the valve will be full open with only, The deadband elimination serves two Having completed this part of the set-up
for example, 7-8 volts command purposes: process, it is easier to understand why it
applied. This can be offset by adjusting is called a top-down procedure. That is,
the gain. Turn the B gain pot 1. It will enable the system to adjust the deadband before adjusting
counterclockwise until the valve is full accomplish finer positioning in a the gain.
open at 10 volts command. the actuator closed (outer) loop system.
speed will stop increasing. The same
Dead Gain
[0.09V [0.09V
0 23 [78 volts +10 volts 0 23 +10 volts
(valve full
6.97.9 volt 9.9 volt
effective command effective command
range range
Gain pot.,
flow from
port P to T t
Figure 10. Deadband Elimination Figure 11. Gain Adjustment after Deadband Adjustment
Load Acceleration/Deceleration
(Ramp Control)
The final adjustments are to the deceleration in either direction can be going into the solenoid coil after 2.5
acceleration and deceleration control. adjusted independent of each other. seconds.
The upper pot in the third box on the
front face of the amplifier controls the The range of adjustment is from .050 If a command signal of 4 volts is applied
acceleration ramp. The standard Vickers seconds to 5 seconds as shown in to the amplifier, the valve will open or
A amplifiers have two ramp controls. Figure 12. These ramp adjustments close (about 40%, with full deadband
Therefore, the ramp setting for determine how long it will take for the compensation) in about 2 seconds, if the
acceleration in one direction of the valve spool to shift open (acceleration) ramp has been set for a full 5 seconds.
actuator will be the same in the reverse or shift closed (deceleration). That is, Changing command voltage from 4 volts
direction. The same is true for the they set the rate of current buildup into to 6 volts will see the valve open or
deceleration control or the lower of the the solenoid coil. With the ramp set for 5 close at the same rate or in this case
two pots. Vickers has a C amplifier that seconds (ramp pot set full clockwise, 20 take one second to go from 40% open
has four ramp pots so acceleration and turns), 50% of maximum current will be to 60% open.
Output Flow P B
0 2.5 seconds
TIME 24V 15V
sec. 25%
Overlap B
Spool B
Flow A
Spool Movement
Ramps enabled, yellow LED t
Monitoring Points
The box at the bottom of the front face The lower monitoring port measures the For two-stage valves the outputs at
of the amplifier provides a means of output as seen by the LVDT feedback b18 and z18 follow those of the
monitoring the valve condition relative to device. With 10 volts command and full feedback type single-stage valves
the input commands and on-board gain, the output at z18 will be +10 volts described above.
adjustments. The two ports on the left (the same polarity as the command).
side (Figure 13) are grounds. The upper Again, with a 50% decrease in gain, the Conclusion
port of the two, to the right of the reading would be about +5 volts. Set-up is easy if you follow this
grounds, is the monitor for the procedure and understand what is
conditioned command or pin b18 In the case of single stage non-feedback happening to the valve spool with
(Figure 1). Note, if a +10 volts is applied valves, i.e., KDG4V-3, the readings at each adjustment.
at b6, b8, b10 or z8, the reading at b18 b18 follow the same rule as above for
will be 10 volts. The polarity is feedback valves (those with an integral
reversed. If the gain had been LVDT). However, the output at z18
decreased 50%, the reading at b18 measures current going to the solenoid
would be 5 volts. at a ratio of one volt per amp. If the
solenoid pulls 1.6A max., the maximum
voltage will read +1.6 volts with 10 volts
command and full gain.
24V 15V
Common ground, 0V
Monitor point
Solenoid current
(non-feedback) t
KD/TG4V models
Front panel and z18 1 V/A solenoid current
Output impedance 10 K. Short-circuit protected