Formerly Alstom T&D India Limited
Formerly Alstom T&D India Limited
Formerly Alstom T&D India Limited
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
Special instructions:
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Wiring Schedule
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
1 2.5 GY P201 1375 2BA 2BA 87CUA +L2 87CUB J7 87CUBL1250 L1025
2 2.5 GN EARTH 1375 2BA 2BA 87CUA E01 87CUB E 80DC1L1250 L1025
3 2.5 GN ELOOP 3550 2BA OBA 87CUA E02 EBAR 02 L1250 M1175
4 2.5 GY P301 625 2BA 2BA 87CUA J7 87CUA J9 87CUAL1250 L1250
5 2.5 GY P311 1375 2BA 2BA 87CUA J8 87CUB K10 L1250 L1025
6 2.5 GY P301 625 2BA 2BA * 87CUA J9 87CUA L13 87CUBL1250 L1250
7 2.5 GY P313 1375 2BA 2BA 87CUA J10 87CUB K12 L1250 L1025
8 2.5 GY U5 3375 2BA 2BA 87CUA J11 TB2# 42 L1250 M1175
9 2.5 GY U6 3375 2BA 2BA 87CUA J12 TB2# 43 L1250 M1175
10 2.5 GY P205 1975 2BA FRK 87CUA K2 SS1 1P4 L1250 L725
11 2.5 GY P207 1975 2BA FRK 87CUA K4 SS1 2P2 L1250 L725
12 2.5 GY P209 1375 2BA 2BA 87CUA K6 87CUB L14 L1250 L1025
13 2.5 GY P219 3450 2BA 2BA 87CUA K8 TB2# 34 L1250 M1175
14 2.5 GY P211 1375 2BA 2BA 87CUA K10 87CUB J8 L1250 L1025
15 2.5 GY P213 1375 2BA 2BA 87CUA K12 87CUB J10 L1250 L1025
16 2.5 GY P215 1975 2BA FRK 87CUA K14 SS2 1P4 L1250 L725
17 2.5 GY P202 625 2BA 2BA * 87CUA K15 87CUA -L1 FS2 L1250 L1250
18 2.5 GY P217 1975 2BA FRK 87CUA K16 SS2 2P2 L1250 L725
19 2.5 GY P301 1375 2BA 2BA * 87CUA L13 87CUB +L2 SS4 L1250 L1025
20 2.5 GY P309 1375 2BA 2BA 87CUA L14 87CUB K6 L1250 L1025
21 2.5 GY P202 2775 2BA PIN * 87CUA -L1 FS2 2 L1250 M1175
22 2.5 GY P301 1600 2BA FRK * 87CUB +L2 SS4 1P3 SS4 L1025 L725
23 2.5 GN EARTH 1725 2BA 2BA * 87CUB E 80DC1 E 80DC2L1025 L450
24 2.5 GY P201 625 2BA 2BA * 87CUB J7 87CUB J9 87CUBL1025 L1025
P211 87CUB J8
25 2.5 GY P201 625 2BA 2BA * 87CUB J9 87CUB L13 SS1 L1025 L1025
P213 87CUB J10
26 2.5 GY U7 3400 2BA 2BA 87CUB J11 TB2# 44 L1025 M1175
27 2.5 GY U8 3375 2BA 2BA 87CUB J12 TB2# 45 L1025 M1175
28 2.5 GY P305 1600 2BA FRK 87CUB K2 SS3 1P4 L1025 L725
29 2.5 GY P307 1575 2BA FRK 87CUB K4 SS3 2P2 L1025 L725
P309 87CUB K6
30 2.5 GY P319 3475 2BA 2BA 87CUB K8 TB2# 36 L1025 M1175
P311 87CUB K10
P313 87CUB K12
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Wiring Schedule
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
31 2.5 GY P315 1600 2BA FRK 87CUB K14 SS4 1P4 L1025 L725
32 2.5 GY P302 625 2BA 2BA * 87CUB K15 87CUB -L1 FS4 L1025 L1025
33 2.5 GY P317 1575 2BA FRK 87CUB K16 SS4 2P2 L1025 L725
34 2.5 GY P201 1725 2BA FRK * 87CUB L13 SS1 1P3 SS1 L1025 L725
P209 87CUB L14
35 2.5 GY P302 2900 2BA PIN * 87CUB -L1 FS4 2 L1025 M1175
36 2.5 GY P201 625 FRK FRK * SS1 1P3 SS1 2P1 SS2 L725 L725
P205 SS1 1P4
37 2.5 GY P201 700 FRK FRK * SS1 2P1 SS2 1P3 SS2 L725 L725
P207 SS1 2P2
38 2.5 GY P201 625 FRK FRK * SS2 1P3 SS2 2P1 FS1 L725 L725
P215 SS2 1P4
39 2.5 GY P201 3250 FRK PIN * SS2 2P1 FS1 2 TB2 L725 M1175
P217 SS2 2P2
40 2.5 GY P301 625 FRK FRK * SS4 1P3 SS4 2P1 SS3 L725 L725
P315 SS4 1P4
41 2.5 GY P301 700 FRK FRK * SS4 2P1 SS3 1P3 SS3 L725 L725
P317 SS4 2P2
42 2.5 GY P301 625 FRK FRK * SS3 1P3 SS3 2P1 FS3 L725 L725
P305 SS3 1P4
43 2.5 GY P301 3400 FRK PIN * SS3 2P1 FS3 2 TB2 L725 M1175
P307 SS3 2P2
Page 3 of 13
Wiring Schedule
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
54 2.5 GY S101 4275 2BA 2BA * 80DC2 2 TB1 7 TB1 L450 M1175
55 2.5 GY S165 4250 2BA 2BA 80DC2 4 TB1 10 L450 M1175
56 2.5 GY J22 4100 2BA PIN 80DC2 14 FS45 1 FS49 L450 M1675
57 2.5 GN EARTH 5125 2BA 2BA * 80DC2 E ETLP6 E ETLP5L450 M1175 R1675
74 2.5 GY J12 1000 PIN PIN * FS43 1 FS47 1 FS51 M1675 M1675
P302A FS43 2
75 2.5 GY J21 1000 PIN PIN * FS44 1 FS48 1 FS52 M1675 M1675
P301B TB2# 2
76 2.5 GY J22 1000 PIN PIN * FS45 1 FS49 1 FS53 M1675 M1675
P302B FS45 2
77 2.5 GY J11 1000 PIN PIN * FS46 1 FS50 1 FS54 M1675 M1675
P301C TB2# 2
78 2.5 GY J12 1000 PIN PIN * FS47 1 FS51 1 FS55 M1675 M1675
P302C FS47 2
Page 4 of 13
Wiring Schedule
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
79 2.5 GY J21 1000 PIN PIN * FS48 1 FS52 1 FS56 M1675 M1675
P301D TB2# 2
80 2.5 GY J22 1000 PIN PIN * FS49 1 FS53 1 FS57 M1675 M1675
P302D FS49 2
81 2.5 GY J11 1000 PIN PIN * FS50 1 FS54 1 FS42 M1675 M1675
P301E TB2# 2
82 2.5 GY J12 1000 PIN PIN * FS51 1 FS55 1 FS39 M1675 M1675
P302E FS51 2
83 2.5 GY J21 1000 PIN PIN * FS52 1 FS56 1 FS40 M1675 M1675
P301F TB2# 2
84 2.5 GY J22 1000 PIN PIN * FS53 1 FS57 1 FS41 M1675 M1675
P302F FS53 2
85 2.5 GY J11 1025 PIN PIN * FS54 1 FS42 1 FS38 M1675 M1675
P301G TB2# 2
86 2.5 GY J12 875 PIN PIN * FS55 1 FS39 1 FS35 M1675 M1675
P302G FS55 2
87 2.5 GY J21 875 PIN PIN * FS56 1 FS40 1 FS36 M1675 M1675
P301H TB2# 2
88 2.5 GY J22 875 PIN PIN * FS57 1 FS41 1 FS37 M1675 M1675
P302H FS57 2
Page 5 of 13
Wiring Schedule
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
101 2.5 GY J11 825 PIN PIN * FS42 1 FS38 1 FS34 M1675 M1675
P301A TB2# 2
102 2.5 GY J22 800 PIN PIN * FS41 1 FS37 1 FS33 M1675 M1675
103 2.5 GY P202R 2100 PIN 2BA FS41 2 TB2# 32 M1675 M1175
104 2.5 GY J21 800 PIN PIN * FS40 1 FS36 1 FS32 M1675 M1675
105 2.5 GY P201R 2150 PIN 2BA FS40 2 TB2# 31 M1675 M1175
106 2.5 GY J12 800 PIN PIN * FS39 1 FS35 1 FS31 M1675 M1675
107 2.5 GY P202Q 2350 PIN 2BA FS39 2 TB2# 16 M1675 M1175
108 2.5 GY J11 800 PIN PIN * FS38 1 FS34 1 FS30 M1675 M1675
109 2.5 GY P201Q 2400 PIN 2BA FS38 2 TB2# 15 M1675 M1175
110 2.5 GY J22 800 PIN PIN * FS37 1 FS33 1 FS29 M1675 M1675
Special instructions:
Page 6 of 13
Wiring Schedule
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
111 2.5 GY P202P 2275 PIN 2BA FS37 2 TB2# 30 M1675 M1175
112 2.5 GY J21 800 PIN PIN * FS36 1 FS32 1 FS28 M1675 M1675
113 2.5 GY P201P 2325 PIN 2BA FS36 2 TB2# 29 M1675 M1175
114 2.5 GY J12 800 PIN PIN * FS35 1 FS31 1 FS27 M1675 M1675
115 2.5 GY P202N 2525 PIN 2BA FS35 2 TB2# 14 M1675 M1175
116 2.5 GY J11 800 PIN PIN * FS34 1 FS30 1 FS26 M1675 M1675
117 2.5 GY P201N 2550 PIN 2BA FS34 2 TB2# 13 M1675 M1175
118 2.5 GY J22 800 PIN PIN * FS33 1 FS29 1 FS25 M1675 M1675
119 2.5 GY P202M 2375 PIN 2BA FS33 2 TB2# 28 M1675 M1175
120 2.5 GY J21 825 PIN PIN * FS32 1 FS28 1 FS24 M1675 M1675
121 2.5 GY P201M 2350 PIN 2BA FS32 2 TB2# 27 M1675 M1175
122 2.5 GY J12 825 PIN PIN * FS31 1 FS27 1 FS2 M1675 M1675
123 2.5 GY P202L 2450 PIN 2BA FS31 2 TB2# 12 M1675 M1175
124 2.5 GY J11 825 PIN PIN * FS30 1 FS26 1 FS1 M1675 M1675
125 2.5 GY P201L 2425 PIN 2BA FS30 2 TB2# 11 M1675 M1175
126 2.5 GY J22 800 PIN PIN * FS29 1 FS25 1 FS4 M1675 M1675
127 2.5 GY P202K 2225 PIN 2BA FS29 2 TB2# 26 M1675 M1175
128 2.5 GY J21 800 PIN PIN * FS28 1 FS24 1 FS3 M1675 M1675
129 2.5 GY P201K 2200 PIN 2BA FS28 2 TB2# 25 M1675 M1175
130 2.5 GY J12 1400 PIN PIN * FS27 1 FS2 1 FS10 M1675 M1175
131 2.5 GY P202J 2325 PIN 2BA FS27 2 TB2# 10 M1675 M1175
132 2.5 GY J11 1350 PIN PIN * FS26 1 FS1 1 FS9 M1675 M1175
133 2.5 GY P201J 2300 PIN 2BA FS26 2 TB2# 9 M1675 M1175
134 2.5 GY J22 1400 PIN PIN * FS25 1 FS4 1 FS12 M1675 M1175
135 2.5 GY P202H 2100 PIN 2BA FS25 2 TB2# 24 M1675 M1175
Page 7 of 13
Wiring Schedule
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
136 2.5 GY J21 1350 PIN PIN * FS24 1 FS3 1 FS11 M1675 M1175
137 2.5 GY P201H 2075 PIN 2BA FS24 2 TB2# 23 M1675 M1175
142 2.5 GY J11 850 PIN PIN * FS1 1 FS9 1 FS13 M1175 M1175
143 2.5 GY P201 1425 PIN 2BA * FS1 2 TB2# 33 M1175 M1175
144 2.5 GY J12 850 PIN PIN * FS2 1 FS10 1 FS14 M1175 M1175
P202 FS2 2
145 2.5 GY J21 850 PIN PIN * FS3 1 FS11 1 FS15 M1175 M1175
146 2.5 GY P301 1325 PIN 2BA * FS3 2 TB2# 35 M1175 M1175
147 2.5 GY J22 850 PIN PIN * FS4 1 FS12 1 FS16 M1175 M1175
P302 FS4 2
148 2.5 GY J12 850 PIN PIN * FS10 1 FS14 1 FS19 M1175 M1175
149 2.5 GY P202A 1550 PIN 2BA FS10 2 TB2# 2 M1175 M1175
150 2.5 GY J11 850 PIN PIN * FS9 1 FS13 1 FS18 M1175 M1175
151 2.5 GY P201A 1600 PIN 2BA FS9 2 TB2# 1 M1175 M1175
152 2.5 GY J21 850 PIN PIN * FS11 1 FS15 1 FS20 M1175 M1175
153 2.5 GY P201B 1350 PIN 2BA FS11 2 TB2# 17 M1175 M1175
154 2.5 GY J22 850 PIN PIN * FS12 1 FS16 1 FS21 M1175 M1175
155 2.5 GY P202B 1325 PIN 2BA FS12 2 TB2# 18 M1175 M1175
156 2.5 GY J11 850 PIN PIN * FS13 1 FS18 1 FS22 M1175 M1175
157 2.5 GY P201C 1500 PIN 2BA FS13 2 TB2# 3 M1175 M1175
158 2.5 GY J12 850 PIN PIN * FS14 1 FS19 1 FS23 M1175 M1175
159 2.5 GY P202C 1550 PIN 2BA FS14 2 TB2# 4 M1175 M1175
Page 8 of 13
Wiring Schedule
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
160 2.5 GY J21 850 PIN PIN * FS15 1 FS20 1 M1175 M1175
161 2.5 GY P201D 1425 PIN 2BA FS15 2 TB2# 19 M1175 M1175
162 2.5 GY J22 850 PIN PIN * FS16 1 FS21 1 MCB2M1175 M1175
163 2.5 GY P202D 1450 PIN 2BA FS16 2 TB2# 20 M1175 M1175
164 2.5 GY J11 850 PIN PIN * FS18 1 FS22 1 MCB1M1175 M1175
165 2.5 GY P201E 1625 PIN 2BA FS18 2 TB2# 5 M1175 M1175
166 2.5 GY J12 850 PIN PIN * FS19 1 FS23 1 MCB1M1175 M1175
167 2.5 GY P202E 1675 PIN 2BA FS19 2 TB2# 6 M1175 M1175
J21 FS20 1
168 2.5 GY P201F 1550 PIN 2BA FS20 2 TB2# 21 M1175 M1175
169 2.5 GY J22 1025 PIN SFK * FS21 1 MCB2 5 MCB2M1175 R1200
170 2.5 GY P202F 1575 PIN 2BA FS21 2 TB2# 22 M1175 M1175
171 2.5 GY J11 950 PIN SFK * FS22 1 MCB1 2 MCB1M1175 R1200
172 2.5 GY P201G 1775 PIN 2BA FS22 2 TB2# 7 M1175 M1175
173 2.5 GY J12 925 PIN SFK * FS23 1 MCB1 1 MCB1M1175 R1200
174 2.5 GY P202G 1800 PIN 2BA FS23 2 TB2# 8 M1175 M1175
175 2.5 GY J12 625 SFK SFK * MCB1 1 MCB1 3 R1200 R1200
176 2.5 GY J11 625 SFK SFK * MCB1 2 MCB1 4 TB1 R1200 R1200
J12 MCB1 3
177 2.5 GY J11 2275 SFK 2BA * MCB1 4 TB1 3 TB1 R1200 M1175
178 2.5 GY J22 625 SFK SFK * MCB2 5 MCB2 7 R1200 R1200
179 2.5 GY J201 625 SFK SFK MCB2 6 MCB2 8 TB1 R1200 R1200
J22 MCB2 7
180 2.5 GY J201 2300 SFK 2BA * MCB2 8 TB1 5 R1200 M1175
P201A TB2# 1
P202A TB2# 2
P201C TB2# 3
Page 9 of 13
Wiring Schedule
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
P202C TB2# 4
P201E TB2# 5
P202E TB2# 6
P201G TB2# 7
P202G TB2# 8
P201J TB2# 9
P202J TB2# 10
P201L TB2# 11
P202L TB2# 12
P201N TB2# 13
P202N TB2# 14
P201Q TB2# 15
P202Q TB2# 16
P201B TB2# 17
P202B TB2# 18
P201D TB2# 19
P202D TB2# 20
P201F TB2# 21
P202F TB2# 22
P201H TB2# 23
P202H TB2# 24
P201K TB2# 25
P202K TB2# 26
P201M TB2# 27
P202M TB2# 28
P201P TB2# 29
P202P TB2# 30
P201R TB2# 31
P202R TB2# 32
P201 TB2# 33
P219 TB2# 34
P301 TB2# 35
P319 TB2# 36
U1 TB2# 38
U2 TB2# 39
U3 TB2# 40
U4 TB2# 41
U5 TB2# 42
Page 10 of 13
Wiring Schedule
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
U6 TB2# 43
U7 TB2# 44
H1 TB1 1
H2 TB1 2
181 2.5 GY J11 600 2BA 2BA * TB1 3 TB1 4 M1175 M1175
J11 TB1 4
J201 TB1 5
J202 TB1 6 TB ONLY
182 2.5 GY S101 600 2BA 2BA * TB1 7 TB1 9 M1175 M1175
S163 TB1 8
S101 TB1 9
S165 TB1 10
E311A TB1 12
E331A TB1 13
E351A TB1 14
E371A TB1 15
E211A TB1 16
E231A TB1 17
E251A TB1 18
E271A TB1 19
E111A TB1 20 TB ONLY
E131A TB1 21 TB ONLY
E151A TB1 22 TB ONLY
E171A TB1 23
E311B TB1 26
E331B TB1 27
E351B TB1 28
E371B TB1 29
E211B TB1 30
E231B TB1 31
E251B TB1 32
E271B TB1 33
E111B TB1 34 TB ONLY
E131B TB1 35 TB ONLY
E151B TB1 36 TB ONLY
E171B TB1 37
Page 11 of 13
Wiring Schedule
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
H3 PS 1
188 2.5 BK H4 2550 PIN PIN * PS 2 HT 2 L1250 M1175
189 2.5 GN EARTH 1675 PIN OBA * PS E EBAR 01 L1250 M1175
H7 HT 1
H4 HT 2
Page 12 of 13
Wiring Schedule
no. IndiaPanel
KY08 Limited
type 4BB File PY084BB
T&D India Limited) Date 22/11/16
Note: Use respective colour wires and sleeve all wires with black sleeves - FULLY SLEEVED.
S.N. Siz Clr T Wir Len Tag F Tag T Src Eq-F Ter-F Eq-T Ter-T Rem. Tr-1 Tr-2 Tr-3
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