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2017 - 22 Dec - Forefeast - Festal Matins Hymns

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Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa

Archdiocese of Good Hope

By the Grace of God 22 December 2017

Nativity of our Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ
PO BOX 28348





Festal Matins Hymns


Festal Matins Hymns & Readings St Symeon the Theologian
We may find ourselves hampered by those who sow tares of
Kindly use the Service Book until this point, despondency. They will try to prevent us from climbing to such
then carefully follow instructions with regard to these Hymns Heights of Holiness by discouraging us with various thoughts.
For example, they will tell us that it is impossible for us to be Saved
PSALM 117 /118
nor to keep every single one of God's Commandments while we live
Theos Kyrios ke Epefanen imin. The Lord is God, and has Appeared to in this world.
Evlogimenos O erhomenos en us. Blessed is He Who comes in the When this happens we should sit down in a solitary place by
Onomati Kyriou! Name of the Lord! ourselves in order to collect ourselves, to concentrate our thoughts
1. Exomologisthe to Kyrio, oti Agathos, 1. Confess the Lord, for He is Good; and give good counsel to our soul by contemplating the following:
oti is ton eona to Eleos Aftou! for His Mercy endures forever!  P S A L M . 4 2 : 5 - "Why, O my soul, art thou dejected, and why dost
2. Panta ta Ethni ekiklosan me, ke to 2. All the Nations surrounded me, but thou trouble me? Put thy Hope in God, for I will give thanks
Onomati Kyriou inamin aftous. in the Name of the Lord I drove
them back. to Him; for my Salvation lies not in my actions but in God
3. Para Kyriou egeneto afti, ke esti
Thavmasti en ofthalmis imon. 3. This is the Lords doing, and it is
Marvellous in our eyes.  G A L A T I A N S 2 : 1 6 Who will be vindicated by actions done
Etimazou Vithleem, inikte pasin i Edem. Prepare, O Bethlehem, Eden is opened  P S A L M 1 4 3 : 2 - No living person will be vindicated before God .
Evtrepizou Efratha, oti to Zilon tis to all! Be ready, O Ephrata, for the Yet by virtue of my Faith in God I hope that in His Ineffable
Zois, en to Spyleo exinthisen ek tis Tree of Life in the Grotto has
Parthenou. Paradisos ke gar, i ekinis Blossomed from the Virgin! As Mercy He will grant me Salvation.
gastir, edixthi noitos, en O to Thion Paradise Her Womb is Spiritually  M A T T H E W 1 6 : 2 3 - Get behind Me, Satan! said our Lord and
Fiton, ex ou fagontes zisomen, ouhi Revealed in which is found the God-
de os O Adadm tethnixometha, planted Tree, from which if we eat,
Saviour, Jesus Christ when He was being tempted by the evil
Hristos Gennate, tin prin pesousan, we shall Live and shall not die, as did one. Likewise, we should also reject temptations.
anastison ikona. Adam of old. Christ is Born, so that  M A T T H E W 4 : 1 0 - I worship the Lord my God .. we must declare.
He might Raise up the formerly
fallen Image. I have served God since my youth, for He alone, is able to
Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Save me simply through His Great Mercy.
and to the Holy Spirit Therefore, when we find ourselves being confused or tempted by the
FESTAL APOLYTIKION ST ANASTASIA THE GREAT HOLY MARTYR TONE 4 evil one through the words and actions of others, we must tell the
I amnas Sou Iisou, Krazi Megali ti Foni: Thine own Ewe Lamb, O Jesus, cries devil and his servants: Go away from me! My Lord God Who
Se Nimfie mou potho, ke Se zitousa loudly to Thee: For my Bridegroom I created me in His Image and Likeness will reduce you to utter
Athlo, ke sistavroume ke sinthatome yearn, and seeking Thee I now
to Vaptismo Sou. Ke Pasho dia Se, os contend, and am crucified and buried impotence!"
Vasilefso Sin Si, ke Thnisko iper Sou, with Thee in Thy Baptism. I suffer
ina ke Ziso en Si. All os Thisian for Thy sake, that I may reign with
amomon prosdehou tin meta pothou Thee. I die for Thee so that I may
tithisan Si. Aftis Presvies, os also Live in Thee. Accept me as an
Eleimon, Soson tas psihas imon. Unblemished Sacrifice as I offer
myself to Thee with Love. At her
Intercessions, O Merciful, Save our

imon. Ton Agion ke Dieon Holy, Glorious and Victorious
Theoptoron Ioakim ke Annis. .. On Martyrs; of our Saintly and God-
Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of ages.
ke tin Mnimin epiteloumen ke panton inspirred Fathers; of the Holy and eonon.
ton Agion, eleise ke Sose imas, os Righteous Ancestors Joachim and Amin. Amen
Agathos ke Filanthropos ke Eleimon Anna; of whose memory FESTAL APOLYTIKION - FOREFEAST OF THE NATIVITY - TONE 4
Theos. we commemorate, and of all the
Saints, and Save us, for He is Etimazou Vithleem, inikte pasin i Edem. Prepare, O Bethlehem, Eden is opened
Gracious and Loves mankind. Evtrepizou Efratha, oti to Zilon tis to all! Be ready, O Ephrata, for the
Zois, en to Spyleo exinthisen ek tis Tree of Life in the Grotto has
Amin PEOPLE Amen Parthenou. Paradisos ke gar, i ekinis Blossomed from the Virgin! As
Di evhon ton Agion Pateron imon, PRIEST Through the Prayers of our gastir, edixthi noitos, en O to Thion Paradise Her Womb is Spiritually
Kyrie Iisou Hriste, O Theos imon, Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our Fiton, ex ou fagontes zisomen, ouhi Revealed in which is found the God-
eleison ke soson imas God, have mercy on us and Save us. de os O Adadm tethnixometha, planted Tree, from which if we eat,
Hristos Gennate, tin prin pesousan, we shall Live and shall not die, as did
Amin PEOPLE Amen anastison ikona. Adam of old. Christ is Born, so that
He might Raise up the formerly
fallen Image.
Entheos evfrenete, i Ktisis simeron, Divinely Inspired, let Creation be glad,
Hristos gar O Kyrios, O tou Theou for Christ our Lord, the Son of our
mou Iios, ek Koris gennate Agnis, God, is Born of a Pure Maiden, so
apan to ton anthropon, genos making all mankind immortal, and
St Seraphim of Sarov athanatizon, lion ke tin kataran, tis abolishing the Curse of our
promitoros Evas. Dio os evergeti Foremother, Eve. So, as to our
imon, asma prosaxomen. Benefactor, let us sing.
In spite of our sinfulness, Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
in spite of the Darkness surrounding our soul, eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
the Grace of the Holy Spirit, conferred by Baptism Amin Amen
in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Entheos evfrenete, i Ktisis simeron, Divinely Inspired, let Creation be glad,
still shines in our heart Hristos gar O Kyrios, O tou Theou for Christ our Lord, the Son of our
mou Iios, ek Koris gennate Agnis, God, is Born of a Pure Maiden, so
with the Inextinguishable Light of Christ ... apan to ton anthropon, genos making all mankind immortal, and
and when we sinners turn to the Way of Repentance athanatizon, lion ke tin kataran, tis abolishing the Curse of our
promitoros Evas. Dio os evergeti Foremother, Eve. So, as to our
the Light smoothes away imon, asma prosaxomen. Benefactor, let us sing.
every trace of our sins we have committed, MENAION - SECOND FESTAL KATHISMA - FOREFEAST TONE 4
clothing us as former sinners Tin Parthenon kiousan, ton Proeonion To the Virgin who bore the Pre-Eternal
Logon, Iosif O Dikeos, imnologon Word, Joseph the Righteous hymn,
in the Garments of Incorruption, anevoa. Velpo Se gegenimeni Naon crying out: I behold Thee, who hast
spun of the Grace of the Holy Spirit. Kyriou, ferousan ton pantas sose become the Temple of the Lord,
vrotous elthonta, ke tous touton bearing the One Who has come to
It is this Acquisition of the Holy Spirit animnountas, di ikton Thiou Naous Save all mortals, and through the
about which I have been speaking. Diknionta. pity of the Divine, Who shows those
who praise Him to be Temples.
Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
Amin Amen
Tin Parthenon kiousan, ton Proeonion To the Virgin who bore the Pre-Eternal
Logon, Iosif O Dikeos, imnologon Word, Joseph the Righteous hymn,
anevoa. Velpo Se gegenimeni Naon crying out: I behold Thee, who hast

Kyriou, ferousan ton pantas sose become the Temple of the Lord, Eti deometha iper ton karpoorounton ke Again, we pray for those who bear Fruit
vrotous elthonta, ke tous touton bearing the One Who has come to
kalliergounton en to Agio ke and who do Good Works in this Holy
animnountas, di ikton Thiou Naous Save all mortals, and through the
pansepto Nao touto, kopionton, and All Venerable Church, for those
Diknionta. pity of the Divine, Who shows those
psallonton ke iper tou periestotos who Labour and those who sing, and
who praise Him to be Temples.
laou, tou apekdehomenou to para for those here present who await
PSALM 50/51 
Sou Mega ke Plousion Eleos. Thy Great and Rich Mercy.
Kyrie Eleison (3) Lord, have Mercy (3)
I en pirasmis, ke thlispesin iparhontes, Those in trials and tribulations, hasten
pros ton Son Naon, prostrehontes to Thy Temple and receive the Oti Eleimon ke Filanthropos Theos For Thou art a Merciful God Who Loves
lamvanousi, ta septa iamata, tis en Si Revered Gifts of Divine Grace, which iparhis, ke Si tin Doxan mankind, and to Thee we offer Glory
ikousis Thias Haritos. Anastasia Si dwell in Thee, O Anastasia, for Thou anapempomen - to Patri, ke to Iio, - to the Father, and to the Son,
gar ai, to kosmo pigazis ta iamata. ever pour forth Healings for the ke to Agio Pnevmati, nin ke ai ke is and to the Holy Spirit, now and
world tous eonas ton eonon. forever and to the Ages of ages.
Tis Anastaseos tou Kyriou sineponimos Named with the title of our Lords DISMISSAL BLESSINGS
ousa, peptokota me nin anastison tes Resurrection now by Thy Prayers Sofia! P R I E S T Wisdom!
Presvies Sou, ek ton Thavmaton ton raise me who has fallen, letting a
Son, stagona epistaxasa, martys ti drop of Thy Wonders fall upon my O on Evlogitos, Hristos O Theos imon, Christ our God, the Eternal is Blessed,
psihi mou, ke ton flogmon tis dinis soul, O Martyr, and quench the flame Pantote, nin ke ai, ke is tous eonas now and always, and to the ages of
amartias katasvesasa. Ton kosmon of dread sin, for Thou Save the world ton eonon. ages.
gar diasozis ek pathon plitropon each day from passions of many Amin PEOPLE Amen
ekastote, on per kago pepirame. Si kinds, with which I, too, have been
gar panta is pasi parehousa, to tried. For granting all things to all, Stereose Kyrios O Theos tin Agian ke PRIEST Preserve,
O God, the Holy and
kosmo pigazis ta iamata. Thou pour forth Healings for the Orthodoxon Pistin ton Efsevon ke Orthodox Faith of Pious and
world. Orthodoxon Hristianon sin ti Agia Orthodox Christians, together with
SYNAXARION 22 DECEMBER tafti Ekklisia ke ti Poli tafti is eonas this Church, and this city until the
eonon. Ages of ages.
Ti KB tou aftou minos mnimi tis Agias On this 22nd day of the month, we
Megalomartyros Anastasias, tis Commemorate the Great Holy
Amen. PEOPLE Amen
Pharmakolitrias. Martyr, St Anastasia Pharmakolytria. Tin Timioteran ton Herouvim ke READER Greaterin Honour than the
Ti afti imera mnimi tou Agiou Martyros On this day we Commemorate the Holy Endoxoteran asigkritos ton Seraphim, Cherubim, and in Glory greater
Hrisogonou. Martyr, St Chrysogonos. tin adiafthoros Theon Logon beyond compare than the Seraphim,
tekousan, tin ontos Theotokon, Se O Thou Who without corruption gave
Ti afti imera mnimi tis Agias Martyros On this day we Commemorate the Holy Megalinomen. Birth to God the Word and Who art
Theodotis ke ton teknon aftis. Martyr, St Theodota and her truly Theotokos: we Magnify Thee.
Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati, Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
Ti afti imera mnimi tou Agiou Martyros On this day we Commemorate the Holy ke nin ke ai ke is tous Eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
Zoilou. Martyr, St Zoilos. eonon. forever, and to the Ages of ages.
Ti afti imera ta Thiranixia tis tou Theou On this day was the Door Opening of Amin Amen
Megalis Ekklisias. the Great Church of God.
Kyrie eleison (3) Lord, have mercy. (3)
Ti afti imera to Fotodromion tis tou On this day was the Processing with
Theou Ekklisias. Lights at the Church of God.
Pater Evlogison! Father, Bless!
Tes afton Agies Presvies, O Theos, By the Intercessions of Thy Saints, O Doxa Si O Theos, i Elpis imon, Doxa Si! P R I E S T Glory to Thee, O God our
Eleison ke Soson imas. God, have Mercy on us and Save us. Hope, Glory to Thee!

Amin Amin O Hristos O Alithinos Theos imon, tes May Christ, our True God, have Mercy
Presvies tis Panahrantou ke on us, through the intercession of
THE MAGNIFICAT FOLLOWS IMMEDIATELY Panamomoou Agias Aftou Mitros. His Most Pure and Holy Mother;
 Dinami tou Timiou ke Zoopiou through the Power of the Precious
Stavrou. Prostasies tou Timiou, and Life-giving Cross; the Protection
Evdoxou Profitou, Prodromou ke of the sublime Spiritual Powers in
Vaptistou Ioannou. Ton Agion Heaven; the Supplications of the
Endoxon ke Kallinikon Martyrion. Precious, Glorious Prophet and
Ton Osion ke Theoforon Pateron Forerunner John the Baptist; of the

eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the MAGNIFICAT HIERMOS TONE (8) PLAGAL 4
Ages of Ages.
Kyrios Theotokon, Se Omologoumen, i Thou art the Theotokos we Confess, O
Amin PEOPLE Amen dia Sou sesosmeni Parthene Agni, Sin All Pure Virgin, for we have been
FESTAL APOLYTIKION - FOREFEAST OF THE NATIVITY - TONE 4 Asomatis Hories, Se Megalinontes. Saved through Thee whom we,
together with the Angelic Choirs,
Etimazou Vithleem, inikte pasin i Edem. Prepare, O Bethlehem, Eden is opened
Evtrepizou Efratha, oti to Zilon tis to all! Be ready, O Ephrata, for the
Zois, en to Spyleo exinthisen ek tis Tree of Life in the Grotto has Axion estin os Alithos Makarizin Se tin Truly it is worthy to Bless Thee, O
Parthenou. Paradisos ke gar, i ekinis Blossomed from the Virgin! As Theotokon, tin Aimakariston ke Theotokos - Ever Blessed and Pure,
gastir, edixthi noitos, en O to Thion Paradise Her Womb is Spiritually Panamomiton ke Mitera tou Theou and the Mother of our God - Thou
Fiton, ex ou fagontes zisomen, ouhi Revealed in which is found the God- imon. Tin Timioteran ton Herouvim Who art more honourable than the
de os O Adadm tethnixometha, planted Tree, from which if we eat, ke Endoxoteran asingritos ton Cherubim, and incomparably more
Hristos Gennate, tin prin pesousan, we shall Live and shall not die, as did Serafim, tin adiafthoros Theo Logon glorious than the Seraphim - Who
anastison ikona. Adam of old. Christ is Born, so that tekousan, tin ontos Theotokon, Se incorruptibly bore God the Word,
He might Raise up the formerly Megalinomen. truly Theotokos: Thee we Magnify.
fallen Image.
Eleison imas O Theos kata to Mega Eleos Deacon: Have Mercy on us, O God,
Sou, deometha So, epakouson ke according to Thy Great Mercy, we Parthenomartys Endoxe, athloforon to O Glorious Virgin Martyr, Splendour of
Eleison. pray Thee, hear us and have Mercy. kleos, Anastasia Pansofe, disopousa Champions, All Wise Anastasia,
mi pafsi, ton ek Parthenou nin Koris, ceaselessly implore the One Who is
Kyrie Eleison (3) Lord, have Mercy (3) tis Agnis Theotokou, tehthine now coming to be Born of a Virgin
Eti deometha iper ton efsevon ke Let us pray for Pious and Orthodox proerhomenon, en Spileo ke fatni, the All Pure Mother of God in a
Orthodoxon Hristianon. Christians. amartion, doune lisin pasi tis Grotto and Manger, to grant release
ektelousi, tin Panagian mnimin Sou, from sins to all who celebrate Thine
Kyrie Eleison (3) Lord, have Mercy (3) ke timosi Se potho. All Holy Memory and Honour Thee
Eti deometha iper tou (Arhiepatikou Again, we pray for our Holy Father, the with Love.
Vathoumou) imon (tou dinos) Archbishop (NAME) FESTAL EXAPOSTEILARION FOREFEAST TONE 3
Kyrie Eleison (3) Lord, have Mercy (3) Tin ek Parthenou Gennisin, tou Hristou Thy Light-bearing Memorial, O Martyr
Eti deometha iper ton Adelphon imon, Again, we pray for our Brethren the prokirritti, i Fotoforos Mnimi Sou, Anastasia, proclaims in advance
ton Iereon, Ieromonahon, Priests, the Hieromonks, the Martys Anastasia, en Vithleem Christs Nativity in Bethlehem, as it
Ierodiakonon ke Monahon, ke pasis Hierodeacons, the Monastics, and all sigkalousa, Magous men ek persidos, summons Magi from Persia with
tis en Hristo imon Adelfotitos. our Brethren in Christ. sin doris, tous Pimenas de, met gifts. The Shepherds with Angels
Angelon pros imnon. Si gar saftin, os sing in Praise, for Thou offered
Kyrie Eleison (3) Lord, have Mercy (3) hrison ke livanon ke os smyrnan, Thyself like gold, incense and myrrh
Eti deometha iper Eleous, Zois, Irinis, Again, we pray for Mercy, Life, Peace, prosixas to Despoti Sou, enathlousa to Thy Master when Thou Struggled
igis, Sotiria, Episkepseos, sighoriseos Health, Salvation, Protection, Theofron. in the Contest, O Wise in God.
ke Afeseos ton amartion ton doulon Forgiveness, and Remission of sins LAUDS FOREFEAST - NATIVITY TONE (6) PLAGAL 2
tou Theou, panton ton efsevon ke of the servants of God, all Pious PSALM 148
Orthodoxon Hristianon, ton Orthodox Christians residing and
katikounnton ke parepidimounton en visiting this city the Parishioners, Pasa pnoi enesato ton Kyrion. Enite Let everything that has breath praise
ti (poli komi), tafti, ton enoriton, the Parish Council, the Stewards and ton Kyrion ek ton Ouranon. Enite the Lord. Praise the Lord from the
epitropon, sindromiton ke afieroton the Benefactos of this Holy Church. Afton en tis Ipsistis. Si prepi imnos Heavens; praise Him in the Highest.
tou Agiou Naou toutou. Lord, have Mercy (3) to Theo. To Thee praise is due, O God.
Kyrie Eleison (3) Again,we pray for the Blessed and Ever Enite Afton, pantes i Angelli Aftou. Praise Him, all His Angels; praise Him,
Eti deometha iper ton Makarion ke Enite Afton, pase e Dynamis Aftou. all His Powers. To Thee praise is
memorable Founders of this Holy
Si prepi imnos to Theo. due, O God.
Aidimon Ktitoron tis Agias Ekklisias Church, and for all our Fathers and
taftis, ke iper panton ton Brethren who have Fallen Asleep
proananpafsamenon Pateron ke before us, who have been reverently Enite Afton epi tes Dinasties Afton. Praise Him for His Mighty Acts.
Adelphon imon, ton enthade efsevos, laid to their Rest here, as well as the Enite Afton kata to plithos tis Him according to the greatness of
kimenon, ke apantahou Orthodoon. Orthodox everywhere. Megalosinis Aftou. His Majesty.
Kyrie Eleison (3) Lord, have Mercy (3)

Nin e palee dialionte emphasis, eshen en Now all the ancient images are being Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of ages.
gasti. I Parthenos gar ke lithos, ex discharged, for the Virgin is with eonon.
Orous apetmithi, ke i Ravdos Child, the Stone has been cut from Amin Amen
evlastisen, i tou Iesse, ke droso arti, i the Mountain, Jesses Rod has
tou Gedeon en gi errii, lai kraxomen. Blossomed and Gideons Dew has
O Vasilefs tou Israil, Histos been poured out upon Earth. O Mi stignaze Iosif, kathoron mou tin Do not be downcast, O Joseph, when
paraginete. People, let us all cry out: The King nidin, opsi gar to tiktomenon ex emou Thou see my Womb, for Thou wilt
of Israel, Christ, is at hand! ke harisi, ke os Theon proskinisis, i see Who is Born of me, and Thou
Enite Afton en iho salpingos; Enite Praise Him with the sound of the Theotokos elege to eaftis mnistiri, wilt Rejoice and Worship Him as
Afton en psaltirio ke kithara. trumpet; praise Him with lute and molousa tou tekin ton Hriston. Taftin God, said the Theotokos to Her
harp. animnisomen legontes: Here, Betrothed, as She was about to give
Keharitomeni, meta Sou O Kyrios, ke Birth to Christ. Let us sing Her
Xenou toketou, xena pragmata orate! Strange happenings, Strange Birthgiving dia Sou meth imon. Praise, saying: Hail, O Full of Grace!
Pos O to patri, en Ipsistis sinedrevon, are seen! How is the One who is The Lord is with Thee! And through
en fatni ton alogon, gennithis Enthroned with the Father being laid Thee with us!
anaklinete? Pos O anafis en tis in a Manger of irrational beasts? DISMISSAL PRAYERS
sparganis? Pos O pantahou en to How is the One Who cannot be
Agathon to Exomologisthe to Kyrio ke PRIEST It is Good to give Thanks to our
Spileo? Lai krazomen, O Vasilefs tou touched in swaddling clothes? How
Lord, and to sing to Thy Name, O
Israil, Hristos Paraginete! is the One Who is everywhere in the psallin to Onomati Sou, Ipsiste. Tou
Most High - to proclaim Thy Mercy in
Cave? O People, let us cry out: The anangellin to proi to Eleos Sou ke tin
the morning and Thy Truth at night.
King of Israel, Christ, is at hand! Alithian Sou kata nikta.
Enite Afton en timpano ke horo. Enite Praise Him with timbrel and dance; TRISAGION PRAYERS
Afton en hordes ke organo. praise Him with strings and flute. Agios O Theos, Agios Ishiros, Agios Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy
O Teratourgon, ke ti Egypton mastizon, He Who worked Wonders, and Who Athanatos, Eleison imas. [3] Immortal, have mercy upon us. [3]
ion te lao, to agnomoni to Manna, smote Egypt, rained Manna upon the Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
sarkoute ke thilai, ke Pedion ungrateful people, became Incarnate Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
oromenos, fevg ton Irodin, os epi and suckled, and as an Infant beheld, eonon. ever, and to the Ages of Ages.
Nefelis ti partheno, Martri He fled from Herod, borne upon His
ohoumenos, os Isaias proora, O Virgin Mother, as though on a Light Amin Amen
Theoptikotatos. Cloud, as Isaiah the Most Visionary Panagia Trias Eleison imas. Kyrie, All Holy Trinity have Mercy on us.
of Prophets had foreseen. elasthiti tes amarties imon. Despota, Lord: Cleanse us from our sins.
Enite Afton en kimvalis evihis; enite Praise Him with tuneful cymbals; praise singhorison tas anomias imin. Agie Master: pardon our iniquities. Holy
Afton en kimvalis alalagmou. Him with loud cymbals. Let Ipiskepse, ke iase tas asthenias imon, God: Visit and Heal our infirmities
Pasa pnoi inesato ton Kyrion. everything that has breath praise the eneken tou Onomatos Sou. for Thy Names sake.
Lord. Kyrie Eleison [3] Lord have mercy [3]
Pedion O proon, Vasilefs O ton eonon, The Pre-Existent Child, King of the Doxa Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
tiktete ekon, ke IIos imin edothi. Ages, is willingly brought to Birth Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton and to the Holy Spirit, now and
Kousate ta Ethni, Israil enotisthit, and given to us as a Son. Listen, O eonon. ever, and to the Ages of Ages.
gnote ke ittasthe. Meth imon gar, os Nations Israel, give ear!
leptini ke eklikmisi, ek gis apasan, ke Understand and be discomfited, for Amin Amen
Vasilian ke arhin, afto mi ipikousan. He is with us He Who can grind OUR LORDS PRAYER
down and wipe out from the Earth Pater imon O en tis Ouranis, Agiasthito Our Father Who art in Heaven:
every Kingdom and Ruler who does to Onoma Sou, eltheto i Vasilia Sou, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy
not obey Him. genithito to Thelima Sou, os en Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on
Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Ourano ke epi tis Gis. Ton Arton Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this
and to the Holy Spirit imon ton Epiousion dos imin simeron. day our Daily Bread, and forgive us
Ke afes imin ta ofelimata imon, os ke our trespasses as we forgive those
Ravdo sidira, pimanthisi Ioudee, ia With an iron Rod, O Judean, thou will imis afiement tis ofiletes imon. Ke mi who trespass against us. And lead
apithis, ke Profites antipipton, Iio gar be shepherded as thou did not isenengis imas is pirasmon, alla Rise us not into temptation, but Deliver
gennithenti, O Patir kliron didosin, believe and resisted the Prophets, for imas apo tou ponirou. us from the evil one.
Ethni ke katashesin Gis pasis. Se de to the Son, when He was Born, the
apothite miefone, oan ou pithi gar. O Father gave Nations as His Lot and Oti Sou Estin i Vasilia ke i Dinamis ke PRIEST For Thine is the Kingdom, the
Vasilefs tou Israil, Hristos paraginete! the whole Earth as His Possession, i Doxa tou Patros, ke tou Iou, ke tou Power and the Glory, of the
while thee He will thrust aside, O Agiou Pnevmatos, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and of the Son and of the

THE PRIEST QUIETLY PRAYS: foul murderer, for thou cannot be
Kyrie, Agie, O en ipsilis katikon ke e O Holy Lord, dwelling on High and persuaded to cry: The King of Israel,
tapina eforon, ke to panteforo Sou beholding all things below, and with Christ, is at hand!
ommati epvlepon epi psan tin Ktisin, Thine Eye that observes everything, Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the Ages of ages.
Si eklinamen ton avhena tis psihis ke keeping watch over the whole eonon.
tou somatos, ke deometha Sou Agie Creation, to Thee we have bowed the
Agion. Ektinon tin Hira Sou tin neck of our soul and body, and we Amin Amen
aoraton ex Agiou katikitiriou Sou, ke beseech Thee, O Holy of Holies Skirtison David, ex osfios Sou Hristos Leap for Joy, O David, for Christ comes
Evlogison pantas imas. Ke iti stretch forth Thine Invisible Hand from
gar. Heris Iesse, exanthi gar Sou i forth from Thy loins! Rejoice, O
imartomen ekousios i akousios, os Thy Holy Dwelling-place and Bless us Jesse, for Thy Root has Blossomed!
Agathos ke Filanthropos Theos all. And, as Thou art Good and Lovest
riza, ek mirou Sou Iouda, proelefsete
Kyrios, kata Valaam edete Ethni. From Thy thigh, O Judah, the Lord
sighorison, doroumenos imin ta mankind, pardon us if we have will come forth. As Balaam had said,
egkosmia ke iperkosmia Agatha Sou. sinned in any manner, voluntarily or Kata ton Megan Isaian, Idou texete,
Pedion ton Emmanouil, Parthenos i He devours Nations! As Great Isaiah
involuntarily, granting us Thy said: Behold the Infant Emmanuel is
Blessings both of this world and of that Panseptos.
Born to the All Revered Virgin!
to come.
Si Doxa prepi, Kyrie, O Theos imon, ke Si To Thee belongs Glory, O Lord our God,
Son gar esti to Eleein ke Sozin imas, O For Thine it is to show Mercy and to tin Doxan anapempomen, to Patri, ke and to Thee we send up Glory, to the
Theos imon, ke Si tin oxan Save us, O our God, and to Thee we to Iio, ke to Agio Pnevmati, nin ke ai, Father, and to the Son, and to the
anapempomen, to Patri, ke to Iio, ke give Glory, to the Father, and to the ke is tous eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to
to Agio Pnevmati, nin, ke ai, ke is Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and the Ages of Ages.
tous eonas ton eonon forever, and unto Ages of Ages.
Amin Amen
Amin Amen
FESTAL APOSTICHA FOREFEAST OF THE NATIVITY TONE 2 Doxa en Ipsistis Theo ke epi gis Irini, Glory to God in the Highest, and on
en anthropis Evdokia. earth Peace, Goodwill to mankind.
Prolampi O Astir, idi en to Spileo. The Star shines out already in the Cave; Imnoumen Se, Evlogoumen Se, We Praise Thee, we Bless Thee, we
Pimenes met Agelon, i Magi meta O Shepherds with Angels, O Magi
Proskinoumense, Doxologoumen Se, Worship Thee, we Glorify Thee, we
doron, profthase evtrepisthite. with gifts get ready to arrive.
Efharistoumen Si, dia tin Megalin Sou give Thee Thanks for Thy Great
O Theos apo Theman ixi, ke O Agios ex God will come from Theman, the Holy Doxan. Glory.
Orous kataskiou daseos. One from the Mount of shaded, leafy
Kyrie Vasilef, Epouranie Thee, Pater Lord, King, God of Heaven, Father
Pantokrator; Kyrie Ie Monogenes, Almighty: Lord, Only Begotten Son,
Engizi O Hristos. O Astir proavgazi, to Christ is drawing near! The Star already Isou Hriste, ke Agion Pnevma. Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.
Ouranion Plithos, tis Stratias prokipti, shines! The Heavenly Host of
ton Noeron Dinameon. Spiritual Powers bows down.
Kyrie O Theos, O Amnos tou Theou, O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the
Ios tou Patros, O eron tin amartian Father, Who takes away the sin of
Kyrie isakikoa tin akoin Sou, ke Lord, I have heard Thy Report and was tou Kosmou, eleison imas, O eron tas the world, have Mercy upon us; O
efovithin, Kyrie, katenoisa ta Erga afraid. I considered Thy Works and amartias tou kosmou. Thou Who takes away the sins of the
Sou, ke exestin. was greatly astonished. world.
Here i Vithleen. O Pimanon epesti, ton Rejoice, O Bethlehem! The Shepherd of Prosdexe tin deisin imon, O kathimenos Receive our Prayer, Thou Who sits at
Israil O Sozon. Ouketi elahisti, Israel, our Saviour, is upon Thee! en dexia tou Patros, ke eleison imas. the right Hand of the Father, and
Ioudea tis Arhousin. Judea, Thou art no longer least have Mercy on us.
among the Rulers!
Oti Si i Monos Agios, Si i Monos Kyrios, For Thou alone art Holy, Thou alone
Doxa Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati Glory to the Father, and to the Son, Iisous Hristos, is Doxan Theou Patros art Lord, Jesus Christ, to the Glory of
and to the Holy Spirit God the Father.
Amin. Amen
Proeortis imera simeron, tis The Forefeast days of the Incarnation of Kath ekastin imeran Evlogiso Se, ke Every day I will Bless Thee, and praise
enanthropiseos Hristou tou Theou, ti Christ our God, today shines with Thy Name forever and to the Ages of
enesio to Onoma Sou is ton eona ke is
tis panevfimou ke Martyros eorti, the Feast of the All Praised Martyr, Ages.
ton Eona tou Eonos.
sinexelampsen Anastasias. Idou i Anastasia. Behold! The Virgin is
Parthenos, en Vithleem epigete, approaching Bethlehem to lay, Kyrie, katafigi egenithis imin en genea Lord, Thou hast become for us a Refuge
vrefos sparganoumenon, anakline en wrapped in swaddling clothes, in a ke genea. from generation to generation.
fatni ton alogon, ton eeftherosanta manger of irrational beats, the Infant Ego ipa: Kyrie, eleison me, iase tin psihin I said: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my
imas, ek tis arheas kataras, ke Who has freed us from the Ancient soul, for I have sinned against Thee.
mou oti imarton Si.
sozonta tas psihas imon. Curse, and Saves our soul.

Kyrie, Pros Se katefigon; didaxon me tou O Lord, to Thee have I fled; teach me to Parashou Kyrie PEOPLE Grant this, O Lord
piin to Thelima Sou, oti Si I O Theos do Thy Will, for Thou art my God. Signomin ke afesin ton amartion ke ton PRIEST For Forgiveness and Remission of
plimelimaton imon, para tou Kyriou our sins and transgressions, let us
Oti para Si Pigi Zois; en to Foti Sou For with Thee is the Fountain of Life; in etisometha... ask of the Lord ...
opsometha Fos. Thy Light we shall see Light. Parashou Kyrie PEOPLE Grant this, O Lord
Paratinon to Eleos Sou tis ginoskousi Se. Extend Thy Mercy to those who know
Ta kala ke simferonta tes psihes imon ke PRIEST For all that is Good and Beneficial
irini to kosmo, para tou Kyriou to our souls, and for the Peace of the
Kataxioson, Kyrie, en ti emera tafti Grant, O Lord, this day to keep us etisometha... world, let us ask of the Lord...
anamartitous filahthine imas.. without sin. PEOPLE Grant this, O Lord
Evlogitos I, Kyrie, O Theos ton Pateron Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of Parashou Kyrie PRIEST For the completion
of our Life in
imon, ke Eneton ke Dedoxasmenon to our Fathers, and praised and Ton ipolipon hronon tis Zois imon en Peace and Repentance, let us ask of
Onoma Sou is tous Eonas. glorified is Thy Name unto the Ages.
Irini ke Metania ektelese, para tou the Lord...
Amin Amen Kyriou etisometha... PEOPLE Grant this, O Lord
Genito, Kyrie, to Eleos Sou ef imas, May Thy Mercy O Lord, be upon us, as Parashou Kyrie PRIEST For a Christian end to our Life,
kathaper ilipisamen epi Se. we have put our hope in Thee. Hristiana ta teli tis Zois imon, anodina, peaceful, without shame and
Evlogitos i, Kyrie, didaxon me ta Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me anepeshinta, irinika ke Kalin suffering, and for a Good Account
Dikeomata Sou. Thy Commandments. Apologian tin epi tou foverou before the Awesome Judgement Seat
Blessed art Thou, O Master, make me Vimatos tou Hristou etisometha... of Christ, let us ask of the Lord...
Evlogitos i, Despota, sinetison me ta
Dikeomata Sou. understand Thy Commandments. PEOPLE Parashou Kyrie PEOPLE Grant this, O Lord
Evlogitos i, Agie, Fotison me ta Blessed art Thou, O Holy One, Tis Panagias, Ahrantou, PRIEST Commemorating our All-
Dikeomata Sou. Enlighten me with Thy Iperevlogimenis, Endouxou Despinis Holy, Pure, Most Blessed and
Commandments. imon Theotokou ke Aiparthenou Glorious Lady, Theotokos and
Lord, Thy Mercy endures forever. Marias meta panton ton Agion Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the
Kyrie, to Eleso Sou is ton eona. mnimonefsantes, eaftous ke allilous Saints, let us commit
Ta Erga ton Hiron Sou mi padidis. Do not urn away from the Works of Thy ke pasan tin Zoin imon Hristo to Theo ourselves and one another,
Hands. parathometha and our whole Life, to Christ
To Thee belong Praise, to Thee belongs our God.
Si prepi enos, Si prepi imnos, Si Doxa
prepi, to Patri ke to Iio, ke to Agio Hymns, to Thee belongs Glory: to the MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS & BOW DOWN TO GOD
Pnevmatin, nin, ke ai, ke is tous eonas Father and to the Son, and to the
ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and forever, and Si Kyrie CHOIR To Thee, O Lord
unto the Ages of Ages. Oti Theos Eleous, iktirmon ke PRIEST For Thou art the God of Mercy and
Amin Amen. Filanthropias iparhis ke Si tin Doxan Compassion and Loves mankind, and
LITANY OF FERVENT SUPPLICATIONS anapempomen to Patri ke to Io ke to Thee we ascribe Glory: to the
to Agio Pnevmati, nin ke ai ke is tous Father, and to the Son, and to the
Plirosomen tin Eothinin Deisin imon to PRIEST Let us complete our Morning eonas ton eonon. Holy Spirit, now and always, and to
Kyrio... Prayer to the Lord... the ages of ages.
Kyrie Eleison PEOPLE Lord, have Mercy Amin PEOPLE Amen
Antilavou, Soson, Eleison ke Diafilaxon PRIEST Help us, Save us, have
Mercy on
Irini pasi! PRIEST Peace be to all...
imas, O Theos ti Si Hariti. us, and protect us, O God, by Thy
Grace. Ke meta tou pnevmatos Sou PEOPLE And to thy spirit...

Amin PEOPLE Amen Tas kefalas imon to Kyrou klinate PRIEST Let us bow our heads to the Lord...

Tin imeran pasan Telian, Agian, Irinikin PRIEST That the whole evening may be MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS & BOW DOWN LOW TO ALMIGHTY GOD
ke anamartiton, para tou Kyriou Perfect, Holy, peaceful and sinless,
etisometha... let us ask of the Lord...
Si Kyrie PEOPLE To Thee, O Lord
Parashou Kyrie PEOPLE Grant this, O Lord
Angelon Irinis, Piston Odigon, filaka ton PRIEST For an Angel of Peace, a Faithful
psihon ke ton somaton imon, para Guide, a Guardian of our souls and
tou Kyriou etisometha... bodies, let us ask of the Lord...


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