Academics On Hinduism
Academics On Hinduism
Academics On Hinduism
by Dr. Gautam Sen
"The Bhagavad Gita is not as nice a book as some Americans think. Throughout
the Mahabharata... Krishna goads human beings into all sorts of murderous and
self-destructive behaviours such as war... The Gita is a dishonest book; it
justifies war. ...Im a pacifist. I dont believe in good wars."
(Wendy Doniger, Indologist and Professor of History of Religions at the University of Chicago:
Philadelphia Inquirer of 19 November 2000.)
This discussion seeks to understand why Indian studies in the West (especially the US and
the UK) are overwhelmingly hostile to their object of study. In the first place, ethnocentric and
parochial perceptions will usually dominate when one culture critically evaluates another. And
once the resulting interpretative canon becomes firmly established through common consent,
prolonged practice and appropriate imprimaturs, it becomes painfully difficult to dislodge,
even if it is motivated by an intellectually disingenuous political rationale. In the case of the
contemporary Western critique of India, and increasingly Hinduism, its rationale and sheer
perversity can be attributed to mundane political reasons and international power politics. In
order to understand the dynamics of this phenomenon vis-?-vis India and Hinduism one first
needs to explain the role of the academic and researcher, the intellectual entrepreneurs of
society, and their function as agents of the political objectives of society.
The growing numbers in contemporary society engaged in intellectual endeavour and the
resulting institutionalisation of their work underlines the role of the modern intellectual
entrepreneur. This class of entrepreneurs operates in an intellectual marketplace that
ultimately serves the needs of the prevailing order, i.e. groups and/or powerful societies and
states. They are profoundly dependent for material rewards and status on established
institutions. Such entrepreneurs display a superficial restlessness and rootlessness that may
suggest cosmopolitan allegiances, but they are in fact firmly anchored to the prevailing
structures of political, economic and social power. That has of course always been true to
some degree in all societies. The hallmark of such a social class is necessarily opportunism
and the few virtuous dissidents that undoubtedly exist among them have a circumscribed
impact. One should not therefore be unduly awe-struck by the views and postures adopted by
this intellectual social class or impute excessively durable significance to its cogitation.
In this context, the production of intellectual output is much like any other modern economic
activity. The isolated lone entrepreneur engaged in a small-scale cottage industry, operating
at some remove from formal institutions and somewhat alienated from the prevailing order,
owing to intermittent direct interaction with society, is now exceptional. The comprehensive
institutionalisation of paid intellectual labour and the system of regulation, vetting by the peer
review system of journal editorial boards and the editors of major publishing houses (and
increasingly television) have seen off and/or constrained the upstart autodidact. These
channels are the unavoidable conduits through which quality control is exercised (as the
famous intellectual Theodor W. Adorno himself discovered). The scale of the complicity of
intellectual entrepreneurs in the sordid purposes of the State is a little hard to believe because
intellectual life is wrongly associated with probity and openness. There is also a tendency to
accept the conventional account of past events offered in standard textbooks and journals.
The best test for evaluating the extent of deception and lies is to judge the veracity of
accounts about contemporary issues, since one is more likely to be aware of the truth. Such
an exercise makes clear that dishonesty is the name of the game and the scale of the lies, by
acts of commission and omission, are simply huge. How many people, for example, realise
that the British and French governments were assiduous supporters of the Milosevic regime
in Yugoslavia while it was engaged in genocide? Such historical facts simply disappear from
view because intellectual entrepreneurs comply with the injunctions of State policy.
The specific forces that govern the individual intellectual entrepreneurs output of analyses
and ideas are a combination of the subjective (i.e. personal) and the dominant objective
forces in society, beyond his control. The subjective motive is a curious amalgam of
socialisation, transparently evident in the conformist similarities of common genres, and
shared ideas, underpinned by an inter-subjective language. But any subjective freedom that
apparently exists is embedded within the imperatives of the political power and purposes of
society. The subjectivity of the intellectual entrepreneur is subordinated and unceremoniously
impaled on the logic of societys power political structures, by the mundane imperatives of
access to funding and rules for achieving status. It scripts creativity and imposes conformity.
Such subjective and objective stimuli also create strong competitive pressures to succeed
that intensify conformist behaviour.
Private, sentimental attachments have but a precarious place in such endeavours. It often
entails the sacrifice of family life and friendships, which highlight some advantages for the
unencumbered single entrepreneur, with a tenuous stake in the future. He may therefore turn
out to be the most reliable archetype for achieving institutional political objectives. As a result,
such intellectual endeavours exhibit, in sublimated form, the profile of successful criminality:
keen awareness of and responsiveness to external stimuli and the capacity for instrumental
ruthlessness because the type of work involved nurtures foresight and manipulative skills.
This is the key to understanding the relationship between the individual intellectual
entrepreneur and their object of investigation. Any display of sentimental attachment to the
object of enquiry is highly conditional, though some mutability in loyalties presumably exists,
qualified by the imperatives of political necessity that cannot be disregarded by the
entrepreneur. The study of language, literature and the humanities enjoys a measure of
immunity from explicit political sanction that subjects like international relations and
anthropology are unable to escape. The origin of international relations as a subject was
functional to great power politics after WWII and anthropology began as a colonial and
imperial venture to investigate and thereby control subject peoples.
India as an object of entrepreneurial enquiry
It may be innocently imagined that an intellectual entrepreneur engaged in sustained study of
a particular society or country must have empathy for it. On the contrary, such enquiry can
take the shape of reconnoitring an enemy and indeed compound the distaste for the culture in
question, which I imagine is the case with a majority of Western scholars of India. Critiques of
the foundational ideas of a society and culture indicate, ipso facto, distaste for it. A society will
always be vulnerable to the scurrilous deconstruction of its primordial beliefs because they
are historical in character. Arbitrary first principles, usually mythical, are the basis for all
human existence. Thus, pitiless scrutiny, without respect or empathy, of the deeply held
sacred beliefs of others, which defines their very humanity, is a sure sign of utter disregard.
Scorched earth techniques of academic investigation are typified by the disgraceful and (as
it also happens) dubious scholarly methods employed by an American academic, who
engaged in gross abuse of the Indian saint Ramakrishna. This arrogance originates in the
mindset of a slave-owning culture, which devoted its ingenuity to digging holes in the ground
to bury an unborn child in her pregnant black mothers swelling stomach, before whipping her
bare buttocks. Some morally bankrupt Hindu psychoanalyst (the closest modern social
science gets to witchcraft) supported this author deviously, though without the courage to do
so explicitly. He took out political insurance for himself by confessing that he had portrayed a
fictional character inspired by Ramakrishna sympathetically, in a novel. Such scholarly
discourse is equivalent to stripping someones mother naked in public because it merely
violates the taboo of shame and causes no actual bodily injury.
The late nineteenth century British critique of Indians and their struggle for emancipation was
to become fatefully embroiled in the anti-Communist politics of the Cold War, led by the US.
As an outstanding study by C. Dasgupta (Sage, New Delhi 2002) has demonstrated,
Pakistans importance to the Cold War effort against the Soviets was recognised in the late
1940s by the British. This conviction was subsequently accepted by the US and successive
administrations have subscribed to this belief ever since. So sacrosanct is the relationship
with Pakistan that the crime considered to be the most heinous in modern international
relations, the proliferation of nuclear weapons to unstable regimes, is being accepted by
resort to the most blatant lies, which will, no doubt, eventually become archived evidence
transmuted into historical fact. Significantly, Dasguptas unpolemical and measured, scholarly
book has been sunk, almost without trace by the academic establishment, despite its
impeccable professional pedigree, i.e. written by a Cambridge-educated diplomat.
The sustained and multifarious assault on independent India, Hinduism and all its works by
the Anglo-Saxon Indian studies academic establishment must be viewed in the context of the
profound US contest against Soviet communism. As a corollary, the end of this struggle may
also presage a change in the largely unsympathetic representation of India. When the life-
and-death struggle against communism was going on, and it was exactly that, with the
palpable fear of nuclear annihilation and the possibility of total defeat in the process, issues of
truth and fairness became secondary. The world of Islam and Pakistan were political and
military allies, possessing oil resources and run by anti-Communist Islamic dictatorships,
installed in power by US intervention. By contrast, India was considered the enemy, described
by the US State Department in the late 1940s as a potential imperialist threat to its interests,
akin to Japan during the 1930s (a canard repeated as late as 1992). It was also viewed as an
unscrupulous Soviet camp follower.
This urgent power political calculus and the attendant purposes of the US State imbued
Indian studies in the US. Its purpose was to undermine India politically by de-legitimzing its
cultural and religious values. The neutering of Indian culture and its civilisation became an
unthinking adjunct to the vindication of the Cold War imperative of projecting Pakistani
verisimilitude. It fitted seamlessly into a deep-rooted and uncomprehending Semitic political
and religious aversion towards the pagan and polytheistic. By portraying India as a vicious
civilisation, riven by the racism of caste, which routinely burnt widows (Sati, described
recently as if it was widespread) and brides in the bargain is a victory by default for Pakistani
claims to a place in the world. Interestingly, a search of all the journals listed below* turned up
one solitary scholarly article on Islam in India and over two hundred directly or indirectly
related to the term Hindu, overwhelmingly critical of either the politics of India or vehemently
imputing a sectarian character to all Hindu socio-political activity. There was virtually not a
single discussion of slavery in a global search of journals, presumably because it might reveal
unpleasant truths about the fate of Hindus under Muslim rule. Mass enslavement has of
course been the norm for Islamic conquests everywhere.
Professional scholarship in the humanities is like a chameleon that can change colour
radically (i.e. depiction, interpretations and associated political implications) and still remains
a chameleon, i.e. legitimate scholarship in the view of peers. The same Ramakrishna
portrayed by suspect scholarship and sleight-of-hand as a pederast could be recast, if the
scholar chooses, as a sensual individual who sublimated desire in the way recommended by
the Vedanta. The linguist and interpreter of myths have wide latitude and may display
immense skill in imaginative reconstruction, but reconstructed myths do not become historical
facts or provide a basis for reliable scientific inferences about contemporary societal mores
and processes. Myths, ultimately, remain myths. But they can be made to appear distasteful
and the civilisation that produced them odd at best. Serious comment on the subject matter of
comparative mythology requires scholarship and is outside the scope of the present analysis,
but it may be argued that the faithful themselves are unduly sensitive to the suggestion that
religious mythology is not equivalent to historical fact. The fusing of truth with fantasy or myth
is an entirely legitimate universal basis of socio-cultural identity and self-perception that
should not distress the faithful.
But when a supreme interpreter (Wendy Doniger) of myth, with vast evident knowledge of
Hinduism and Hindu society, casually espouses the oxymoron of Hindu fundamentalism as a
conceptual category ones confidence in her wider scholarly competence begins to waver.
Hindus may be bad people, their politics may be reprehensible, they may be extremists,
violent, but the notion of religious fundamentalism, which has a very specific meaning about
the relationship between literal textual interpretation and behavioural norms, does not
advance the understanding of Indian society and politics.
Allied to the designs of US Cold War politics and its academics an overwhelming majority of
Indias English speaking scholars has been mobilised in a veritable campaign against the
alleged dangers of a Hindu awakening in India. These native scholars and their assorted
domestic allies wield influence disproportionate to their numbers, a counterpart of the
Anglicised consumer, who, despite numerical paucity, generates vast advertising revenues for
Indias English newspapers, though this too is changing as the pockets of the untutored
bulge with cash. What are their motives? The uncharitable view is that the current political
dispensation is a source of deep anxiety for the English-speaking cosmopolitans because the
untutored (and unwashed?) traditional denizens of Indias provincial towns have wrested
political control of mainstream politics from them. All sorts of political alliances are therefore
afoot, not least with sectarian Islam, the only reliable bloc vote in India unequivocally against
the growing voice of the Hindu majority in Indian politics as well. The disadvantaged marginal
Hindu groups are proving unreliable because they are insufficiently exercised by the equity of
religious stake holders in Indian politics to wish to disrupt India Inc itself; their leaders merely
want to supplant others to usurp a larger share of the spoils for themselves.
A more charitable interpretation is that if you believe in the class struggle and seek
revolutionary change to liberate the masses, horizontal societal, as opposed to vertical class,
divisions among toiling Indians of different religious communities have to be opposed, by
whatever means necessary. The Chinese Communists have been undermining this already
improbable reverie of late by unleashing the full force of the coercive apparatus of their State
on unpaid workers who dare to strike and even commit suicide, in public displays of despair.
That apparently embarrasses the workers government, which begins to look increasingly
familiar as a classic example of fascism, ruthlessly directing a corporate society and all the
apparatuses of State power through a political party, without any apology or hint of public
Be that as it may, a few lies, subterfuges and resort to the help of international sympathisers
for such a noble cause, which is permitted by revolutionary theory anyway, is hardly criminal.
The idea that some of these international academic sympathisers might enjoy cordial ties with
governmental agencies hostile to Indian national interests, as many clearly do, is deemed an
invention of the despicable Indian State, which represents the oppressor classes. Never mind
who the infinitely more powerful US State and its imperial collaborators represent. Once these
certainties are established, the burden of accepting financial rewards and prestigious
appointments from abroad is a cross that has to be borne courageously, for the sake of the
eventual liberation of the masses from fascist oppression. The struggle stretches way back,
beyond the Sangh Parivar to Indira Gandhi, nay her father. Indeed, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
faced a more hostile international press than his daughter or the redoubtable Atal Behari
Vajpayee. Indias English speaking leftist elites had a more ambiguous relationship vis-?-vis
the Indian State under Jawaharlal Nehru, since the Indian social order was more consonant
with their own conception of their place within it and dissent was choreographed accordingly.
Atal Behari Vajpayees really serious infraction in the eyes of the world community, the
highest court of appeal in the admiring perception of the Indian left, was the nuclear tests of
May 1998 that ensured India a position of virtual impregnability in a potential conventional
military engagement on two fronts.
The social and political churning that has been unfolding in contemporary India is, first and
foremost, a nationalist phenomenon. It has occurred in the backdrop of a profound awakening
in the nineteenth century that was primarily religious in character. The former exhibits many of
the defects of intolerance and exclusivism intrinsic to nationalism, but such shortcomings are
neither unique nor necessarily fatal. Indeed nationalism remains an unfortunate necessity in a
jealous world of predatory nation states, ever ready to extinguish the weak. The progressive
sapping of the earlier religious renaissance, in the last remaining repository of a uniquely
open-ended spiritual and philosophical quest, must nevertheless be a source of regret,
although that need not be permanent.
Journal of the American Oriental Society, Asian Survey,
Journal of Asian Studies, Modern Asian Studies, Monumenta Nipponica, Pacific Affairs,
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Harvard Journal
of Asiatic Studies, Journal of Japanese Studies, Modern China, Australian Journal of Chinese
Affairs, China Quarterly, Far Eastern Survey, Far Eastern Quarterly, China Journal, Bulletin of
the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, News Bulletin (Institute of Pacific
Relations), and Memorandum (Institute of Pacific Relations, American Council) .
2004Dr. Gautam Sen.
About Dr. Gautam Sen: Gautam Sen has taught international political economy to graduate
students for two decades at the London School of Economics & Political Science. He has
published widely on the political economy of development, international trade issues, defence
economics and India in scholarly journals and newspapers, including the London Times,
EPW, The Pioneer and The Indian Express. He has recently co-authored a book on trade,
money and investment and is now working on a study of how some societies come to be
dominated by more successful ones. He was born in Varanasi, grew up in Calcutta and has
live in England for the past 35 years. Dr Sen has been an adviser to the Prime Ministers of
India and Nepal and is a member of the eminent persons group of the Indo-UK Roundtable.
He was a founder member of the Overseas Friends of the BJP (UK) and their national
spokesman. His passions are India and books.