Teaching Physics Using Robotics Synopsis
Teaching Physics Using Robotics Synopsis
Teaching Physics Using Robotics Synopsis
Strategies and methodologies of teaching topics in high school physics through a
show of Educational Robotics. The contemporary process of teaching and learning
of physics that brings about elements based on modeling concrete objects, with an
emphasis on empirical methods, dates back to ancient Greece. These methods of
scientific investigation, which still today serve as guidelines in the scientific
community, were popularized in the sixteenth century by names like Francis Bacon,
William Gilbert and Galileo Galilei [1]. From this point of view, the importance of
rescuing these aspects of physics teaching, often designated by many authors as the
triad research action- reflection, is vital [2]. In Brazil, particularly, there are few
public schools that have laboratories with appropriate equipment to practical classes.
Therefore, students say that discipline becomes far in their reality, where
predominates a traditional conception of teaching using an archaic and tedious
methodology. Mostly there is an excessive routine of lectures and list of exercises
that generally prioritize the memorization of mathematical formulas. Because of this
misguided way of teaching, many students are driven to mechanically repeat the
solutions of similar questions previously solved by the teachers and that ends up in
general not promoting the development of practical and cognitive skills of the
students. In this paper we reinforce the positive aspect of experimental activities in
the process of teaching and learning physics in high school. This is the story of an
exhibition of educational robotics carried out in the public schools.
The robotics branch of science involves the study and development of educational
and technological architectures which can be simple or complex systems based on
logic programming that dynamically articulate through a mechanical automaton
structure operated by means of integrated circuits and electro hydraulic controls and
tires, resulting in what is popularly known as Robot. Although it is a relatively new
science, officially emerged in the twentieth century, the history of robotics has its
origens, just like physics, in ancient Greece. The seek for productive efficiency and
improved quality of manufactured products have always been one of the main
reasons for the mens interest in developing the robotics research field. For instance,
the Pneumatic Automata is a remarkable piece of work of a Greek engineer from
Alexandria and is considered one of the first texts on the subject. The term Robot
was first mentioned in 1920 by the Czech Karel Kapec in a play entitled Rossums
Universal Robots and was used again later, in 1950, by Isaac Asimov in his famous
science fiction book: I, Robot.
Over the past years there have been great advances in the Robotics field led by the
necessity of creation of a spatial program and the growth of the entertainment of
Lego toys, and also by the Artificial Intelligence program and the development of
bipedal robots and exoskeletons with medical and military purposes. A first attempt
to classify the Robots can be carried out for instance according to their application,
kinematic chain and anatomy. In fact, the motion dynamics of a robot is described
by means of more complex calculations [6] and a more specific approach would flee
the scope of this work. However, physical concepts such as torque, linear and
angular momentum, acceleration, force and speed can be investigated during the
construction of prototypes. From this point of view and with this motivation we
showed the possibility of using robotics as a physics teaching tool, leaving to the
educator the task of making the simplest description and accessible to students
whenever possible.
From the educational point of view, the practical use of robotics is encouraging and
some of the main reasons for its use as a teaching tool are:
1. It is an interdisciplinary science
2. Develops logical thinking, entrepreneurship, leadership, creativity and
psychomotor ability
3. Provides teaching technologies related to sustainability, which is part of the
new worldwide trends and Science Teaching
4. Allows students to apply the theory learned in classrooms to prove the
importance of science in modern society and in the manufacture of products
that makes life as we know it.
Literature Review
Papert et al (1986) extend the idea of manipulative materials to the idea that
learning is most effective when part of an activity the learner experiences as
constructing a meaningful product. Specifically a set of new materials will be
developed for learning science in elementary schools. The materials use a new cut
across science, organizing many traditional concepts under the heading of motion
science, information science and color science. The materials will be designed to
make better use of the level of computers presence that is now becoming common
in schools. The design of the new materials pays special attention to the role of
affective, cultural and gender-related facets of learning science. The materials will
be developed in an inner city public school in Boston and evaluated in a number of
test sites at associated schools in several states for dissemination to schools covering
the full range of socio- cultural variation in American education.
Denis et al (2001) approach, the goal is not only that the learners acquire specific
skills (e.g. knowledge on electricity, electronics, robotics), but also and mainly
demultiplicative, strategic and dynamic skills. The methodology focuses on
collaboration to design and develop common projects and on problem solving skills
development. The pupils work in small groups (24). In the reported research, some
learners' interactions have been observed during the activity in a primary school with
an observation grid. The analysis of the verbalisations between the learners and their
actions on the computers, and the robotics materials coming from those observations
offer the opportunity to study the way the learners are collaborating.
Noteworthy Contribution
Eguchi et al (2010) Studies in the field of robotics have reported that robotics have
a potential impact on students' learning in different subject areas (Physics,
Mathematics, Engineering, Informatics and more) and on personal development
including cognitive, meta-cognitive and social skills, such as: research skills,
creative thinking, decision making, problem solving, communication and team
working skills, all of them being essential skills necessary in the workplace of the
21st century.
Han et al (2008) referred to as 'r-Learning'. Robot technology is expected to become
more interactive and user-friendly than computers. Also, robots can exhibit various
forms of communication such as gestures, motions and facial expressions. This study
compared the effects of non-computer based (NCB) media (using a book with
audiotape) and Web-Based Instruction (WBI), with the effects of Home Robot-
Assisted Learning (HRL) for children. The robot gestured and spoke in English, and
children could touch its monitor if it did not recognize their voice command.
Compared to other learning programs, the HRL was superior in promoting and
improving children's concentration, interest, and academic achievement. In addition,
the children felt that a home robot was friendlier than other types of instructional
media. The HRL group had longer concentration spans than the other groups, and
the p-value demonstrated a significant difference in concentration among the groups.
Research Methodology
Because a Educational Robotics Kit may have a high acquisition price, many schools
in Brazil do not have the means to provide the necessary resources for students of
the elementary and the high schools to acquire the materials to develop the activities
we mentioned above. However, the use of electronic scraps [10, 11] offer a good
alternative to build some prototypes. Students who developed the prototypes had the
opportunity to work on topics of physics such as electricity and electronics, with
emphasis on building electrical circuits. The concepts of kinematics and dynamics
were studied through the movement and interaction of the robot with the
environment. The modern physics, for instance, could be worked out from the
photoelectric effect that governs the operation of the light sensors (phototransistors),
which also provide a way for describing the propagation of electromagnetic waves.
The ultrasonic sensors of the robots, on the other hand, allowed the students to learn
about the dispersion of sound waves.
Biped Robot
It was built using two servo motors as driving source, controlled by a satellite dish
receiver and mounted on a wooden frame. The legs are made of aluminum bars fixed
by screws to the feet which are also made of wood. Using Newtons laws and
frictional force concepts, PIBID fellows might explain the robot motion that could
walk by various surfaces and could make reclining lateral movements simulating a
List of prototypes and Robotics projects associated with the respective subjects
of Physics worked.
In the above table we can find a list of the prototypes and Robotics projects
developed by undergraduates students and that were exposed and used to teach
topics of physics to the high school students. Some of the projects were taken and
adapted from internet websites and articles while others from manuals. The
Educational Robotics exhibition lasted one day in each school chosen to host the
Expected outcome of the study
Our hope is that the great results presented here encourage other groups, supervised
by university teachers, to establish similar activities in order for science to be
disseminated among the young students. By doing this, we are able to introduce the
technological reality of the current society to those students, making them feel
included and stimulated to become future teachers and scientists.