Eccovoid TDS

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Eccovoid Sheet

Collapsible void former Exploration of the soil profiles for any structure should be
undertaken by experienced and properly qualified soil testing
Uses engineers.

To separate concrete slabs, ground beams and pile caps Approximated void former depths for known heave values:
etc from unstable expansive soils that can exert significant
swelling pressures on structural foundations. Eccovoid Potential Heave Void Former Depth
provide a temporary support for the concrete during curing
but collapse over time as the cardboard product bio- 60 mm 100 mm
degrades naturally. 100 mm 150 mm
150 mm 200 mm
Working loadings
Environmentally friendly
The following working loading is suggested using fully dry
High load capacity when dry materials; any moisture contaminating the material will
Light weight and easy to install reduce this working load.
Fully glued units are easy to cut into odd shapes Standard Eccovoid 3.0 tonne/m
Can be stacked to achieve greater void depths For working loads above 3.0 tonne/m, contact Parchem for
No assembly required further advice.

Description Installation Instructions

Eccovoid is a honeycomb bonded partition panel selected
for its uniformity of manufacture and exhibiting excellent Transport and Site Storage
dry strength properties. Eccovoid void formers are made from 400 micron
cardboard and throughout their use this must be taken into
It will support the weight of construction traffic,
consideration. Moisture either induced or natural, is the key
reinforcement and wet concrete until the cured concrete
to degradation and hence they MUST only be used in dry
gains sufficient strength to be self-supporting.
conditions with the utmost care being taken to keep moisture
Be aware that the ground and atmospheric ambient away from the product until the concrete has achieved its self
moisture conditions are critical to the successful utilisation supporting strength otherwise premature collapse will occur.
of this product and hence it must be used only in dry
Delivery of void formers to site MUST be organised so that
they can be used immediately to minimise exposure to the
Eccovoids are used to separate slabs and ground beams elements.
from unstable expansive soils.
Transport, store and handle the product in such a manner as
Eccovoids will break down by the absorption of moisture to keep it off the ground and undercover in order to keep it
and / or from soil bacterial attack to create a void beneath dry and allow the air to circulate and prevent condensation at
the slab or beam. all times.
Eccovoid is made from 400 micron cardboard with a
Bar chair positioning
honeycomb cellular core between face sheets. Because
they are of glued construction they can be easily cut on The concentrated loading from bar chairs must be spread to
site to fit most situations. avoid puncturing the face sheet.
Flat based chairs can generally be used straight on the
Design Criteria surface.
Geological data indicates that unstable expansive soils Wire leg type bar chairs will require bar chair plates under
occur in all states of Australia but in particularly in the them to prevent puncturing the surface sheets.
eastern states.
Generally more bar chairs are required to reduce the
Building foundations and ground slabs interrupt the natural puncture loadings on the Eccovoid void formers.
evaporation of soil moisture and cause a build up of its
moisture in the ground beneath the structure which leads Installation
to the swelling of the sub-foundation clays.
Use minimum 0.2 mm thick polythene sheeting on the
Tests by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) topside of the boxes to help protect the void former from
show that the time required for swelling pressures to cause the elements and the wet concrete. This also helps protect
damage is generally a min of 14 days or longer. the underside of the slab from moisture. The boxes shall
be placed together so that the concrete cannot fall down
Upward movements of the soil vary with the depth and between the boxes. The polythene sheet is to be lapped
type of clay deposits. 150mm at joins and taped. Take the polythene sheeting down

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the sides and across the bottom of beam trenches. The Estimating
poly-wrap around the boxes is to be slashed prior to placing
polythene overlay. Supply
Minimise the traffic over the boxes where possible and use Eccovoid standard sheet size is 2.40 m x 800 mm (1.92m
planks over them for heavy traffic areas to reduce chance of per sheet)
surface puncture. Use bar chair plates (min 200 mm di- Eccovoid is available in thickness; 50, 75, 100, 125, 150,
ameter) under bar chairs to distribute the load of the rein- 175 200 and 300 mm
forcement prior to placement of the concrete. Care should Eccovoids can be supplied (at additional cost) wrapped in
be taken when pouring concrete so that concrete is placed 100 micron heavy duty plastic bag if required
evenly over boxes and not dropped or heaped in one spot to
minimise excess loads. Concrete should not be poured from
heights greater than 400-450 mm. If any doubt on the bar
chair loading, increase the number of bar chairs.
Take care when applying construction loads so damage to
the boxes, by dislodging and distortion of the internal parti-
tions and external covers, is avoided.
Note: boxes MUST be installed and concrete poured as soon
as possible, preferably the same day. Any time delays could
jeopardise the satisfactory use of the material.
Any boxes that are damaged or become wet during and after
installation must be replaced. It is important to remember
that concrete should not be poured over void formers if they
are not dry or in good condition.

Eccovoid void formers are designed for a particular purpose
and sometimes delays to construction may be necessary to
accommodate the nature of the product. When contractors
are using void formers, they should remember the product
limitations and take great care and consideration during con-
struction to avoid problems.
Customers should satisfy themselves as to the suitability of
the product for its intended use.

Important notice
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Technical Data Sheet (TDS) are available from the Parchem website or upon request from the nearest Parchem sales office. Read the SDS and TDS carefully
prior to use as application or performance data may change from time to time. In emergency, contact any Poisons Information Centre (phone 13 11 26 within Australia) or a doctor for advice.

Product disclaimer
This Technical Data Sheet (TDS) summarises our best knowledge of the product, including how to use and apply the product based on the information available at the time. You should read
this TDS carefully and consider the information in the context of how the product will be used, including in conjunction with any other product and the type of surfaces to, and the manner in
which, the product will be applied. Our responsibility for products sold is subject to our standard terms and conditions of sale. Parchem does not accept any liability either directly or indirectly for
any losses suffered in connection with the use or application of the product whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.

Parchem Construction Supplies Pty Ltd

7 Lucca Road, Wyong NSW 2259
Phone: 1300 737 787
ABN 80 069 961 968
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Distributed in New Zealand by: Concrete Plus Ltd 23
Watts Rd, Sockburn 8042 Ph: 03 343 0090

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