2018 BB Pro Catalog
2018 BB Pro Catalog
2018 BB Pro Catalog
Features 50 Wall Tower 88 Inflatable Exercise Balls
4 Balanced Body Education
51 Guillotine Tower 90 Pads, Poles, Barre and more
7 Shanghai Pilates
52 Ped-o-Pull / Tower on the Go
9 Fighting Scoliosis with Pilates
53 Pilates Springboard 92 General Pilates and Mat
11 Catching the CoreAlign Wave
54 Finishing Touch: 95 Mat with Props
12 Noras Corner: Movement Science Wood and Upholstery Choices
97 Reformer
Moves Forward
56 Balanced Body Clean / Tool Kit /
99 Tower
14 What is a Reformer? Equipment Maintenance Log
100 Cadillac / Multi-Apparatus / Orbit
28 Working Green at Balanced Body
Balanced Body Fit Equipment
101 Chair / Barrel
74 Pilates and Placekickers 58 CoreAlign
102 CoreAlign
61 Orbit
Pilates Equipment
103 MOTR
16 Allegro 2 Reformer System 62 MOTR and MOTR Home
104 Barre / Bodhi Suspension System
20 Allegro Reformer System 64 Bodhi Suspension System
105 Health Topics
24 Studio Reformer
Accessories & Props
29 Konnector Reformer 68 Equipment Accessories Books
107 General
30 Clinical Reformer 69 Balanced Body Signature Springs
109 Anatomy and Movement
32 Ron Fletcher Reformer 70 Sitting Boxes
110 Health Topics
33 CenterLine Reformer 71 Foot Straps / Sitting Box Riser
111 Manuals
34 Reformer with Tower 72 Reformer Accessories
Balanced Body Education
Make Your Passion Your Career
Balanced Body believes movement changes peoples lives. For anyone passionate about
the art and science of movement, we provide workshops, instructor training and continuing
education to begin or expand your fitness career.
Our courses are organized around the Balanced Body Movement Principles and our unique
track system, allowing instructors to understand how the body works and how to make it
work better. The Balanced Body track system creates dynamic, balanced programming
with ease. Join the worlds largest network of extraordinary movement teachers.
Take a course with Balanced Body today, at one of almost 250 authorized training centers
around the world.
Pilates Instructor Training Bodhi Suspension System
Balanced Body offers outstanding Pilates instructor training. The Bodhi Suspension System brings mindful movement
Choose from Mat, Reformer or full comprehensive training principles to suspension training, creating an innovative and
with detailed manuals, video support and the Balanced Body inspiring workout experience. Bodhi features two dynamic ropes
Movement Principles to make you a better teacher, faster. and four possible suspension points providing an environment
to challenge clients at any level. Bodhi instructor training
Our highly-regarded Pilates instructor training program delivers
includes the Balanced Body Movement Principles to help you
education to fit your goals, your budget and your schedule. Your
become an amazing, inspirational instructor.
future as a Pilates professional may be just around the corner.
Anatomy in Three Dimensions
CoreAlign is a revolutionary fitness method combining
This is the best way to understand the musculoskeletal system
integrated, full-body exercises and a mind-body approacha
and integrate anatomical knowledge into your teaching. In
unique way to experience fitness, function and fun. The
these courses you build the muscles out of clay on a specially
CoreAlign method is the perfect complement to a Pilates,
designed skeleton helping you imprint the bodys design deeply
personal training or rehabilitation practice providing balance,
into your mind and body. Understanding how the body works
gait, core, posture and strength training. Courses are offered
provides an invaluable foundation for any fitness professional.
for both fitness and rehabilitation professionals.
Balanced Body Barre
Barre is a fast growing, music-driven format designed to create
MOTR combines the balance and release exercises of a foam
strength, flexibility and a strong, beautiful body. Balanced Body
roller, a variable resistance pulley system and a challenging
Barre provides a fantastic introduction to teaching a Barre class
cardio platform for the ultimate portable workout program.
appropriate for clients of any shape, size or fitness level. It uses
The course will teach you key positions and exercises as well as
the Balanced Body Track system to help you teach a variety of
sequences and programming for one-on-one, small group and
classes that will keep your clients coming back for more.
group exercise classes.
4 pilates.com
Continuing Education .
Pilates Bridge Program
Already a trained Pilates professional? With our Bridge Program
you can earn a Balanced Body certificate built on your past
Whether you are starting your teaching journey or looking for
inspiration along the path, Balanced Bodys goal is to help you
become a confident, creative and inspiring teacher.
See all our education listings in the US and around the world,
on our Education Finder at pilates.com/education-finder.
Balanced Body & Studio Professionals
Come from a contemporary Pilates background? Fantastic! Classical background?
Thats great! Somewhere in between? Very cool.
No matter what your Pilates background, we all share the goal of creating positive change in the lives of our clients. And so
Balanced Body has spent the better part of five decades building equipment and programs that are designed to give you and your
clients the best possible experience.
Our flexible, modular program allows you to begin teaching quickly, then proceed with continuing your education at your own pace.
Learn more about Balanced Body educational programs at pilates.com/education.
Online Tools
Check out pilates.com, where you will find great online tools to help you make the best choice for your business, including a Space
Planner and an ROI Calculator.
Equipment Suggestions
We encourage you to look through the entire catalog. Its packed with all kinds of great Pilates and mind-body equipment, big and
small, that would make an excellent addition to any Pilates studio. Here are a few suggestions you might find interesting.
Shanghai Pilates
Body Concept - Shanghai, China
Pilates in China has come a long way in a short time. CK Chen knows that first-hand. He
began his career as a fitness trainer in 2001 when Pilates was pretty scarce. Group classes
were rarely found in the gyms, and there were basically no professional Pilates studios.
But CK fell in love The studio flourished and CK opened his introduce great movement masters from
with the exercise, second studio in 2013. Then two more in all over the world to China, so that they
took many Pilates 2016 and 2017. He plans to open a fifth can share their most updated research
certification Body Concept studio sometime in 2018. and teaching methods with us.
courses, including He now services over 500 clients each
CKs big dream is to establish a Body
the PMA certifica- week and gets, on average, 10 new clients
Concept teacher training system and
tion, and started a week.
studios not only in China, but also in
teaching group
other parts of the world. One thing is for
classes in 2003. The surge begins
sure: hes excited to get everyone on the
As in the US and And hes not alone. There has been a
CK Chen, owner Body Pilates bandwagon:
Concept Studios.
Europe, the benefits massive upsurge of Pilates studios in the
of Pilates started to last year. They are now found everywhere I dont know if I chose Pilates or vice
catch on with the public and the industry in the first to third-tier cities in China, versa. Looking back at my Pilates journey
began to grow organically. In 2005, my says CK. I believe it will continue to over the years I can say that I dont regret
clients began asking for private sessions. grow and maybe in the next couple for a moment any step I have taken. I am
I think I am one of the first Pilates of years it could be very similar to the proud of what I am doing. I hope that our
instructors to start teaching private amount of studios in most of the cities students will eventually share the same
sessions in China, says CK. in the States. feeling I have now.
CK believes the success of his studios is
Growth starts slowly Learn more about Body Concept at
based on learning from great teachers
The number of instructors began to grow www.bodyconceptpilates.com.
in order to provide his clients with an
in the years that followed, and instructor
incredible experience. In turn, he uses
education courses started appearing in
Body Concept as a bridge between
the area. This was an important shift in
China and the international Pilates
the industry; previously, teachers had
communities: We will continue to
to travel out of the country for training.
Pilates studios began to dot the horizon.
In 2011, Pilates teacher training courses
in China really started to boom. You
could find many workshops, and also
training courses at fitness conferences,
says CK. Once everyone truly understood
what Pilates could do, more people asked
for classes and more fitness instructors
asked for Pilates education.
That same year CK opened his first
studio, Body Concept, in Shanghai. It
was great timing. Both the public and
the medias cry for a higher quality of life
directly led to an increase in fitness and
rehabilitation classes. And Pilates fit the
bill perfectly. Body Concept Studio in Shanghai, China.
Balanced Body and Physical Therapy
Optimize biomechanics and function. Effectively assess and isolate the source of an injury.
Give patients a new way to learn or re-learn movement in a safe, pain-free way.
It is truly astonishing to see how Balanced Body Pilates and Balanced Body Fit have grown in the field of physical therapy and
rehabilitation. In the last five or six years weve seen them used to treat those with cancer, spinal cord injuries, neuromuscular
disorders and more. And treat them effectively. Exercises like Pilates and CoreAlign can also be profitable post-rehab programs for
your practice. So, how does a safe, effective and profitable practice sound? We thought so. Need help getting started or expanding
your practice? We can do thatweve been working with rehabilitation professionals for 40 years.
Balanced Bodys flexible education modules allow clinicians to add Pilates and other mind-body programs to your practice
quickly and easily. See more about our education at pilates.com/education.
Online Tools
Great online tools at pilates.com help you make the best choices for your business, including a Space Planner and
ROI Calculator.
Equipment Suggestions
We have lots of equipment big and small that would make an excellent addition to your clinic. We break out a few suggestions
here that have a proven track record of success.
8 pilates.com
Fighting Scoliosis with Pilates
Dayton Children's Hospital - Dayton, Ohio
Balanced Body and Fitness Facilities
Members are the lifeblood of your business. Your ultimate goal is to retain members
through healthy exercise and attract new ones with unique value-added services.
Balanced Bodys goal is to help you do just that.
Balanced Body Fit and Balanced Body Pilates programs are proven revenue streams for fitness facilities all over the world. Correct
implementation is key. Thats where we come in. Balanced Body has the equipment, training and know-how to get your program off the
ground and flourishing.
Instructor Training
Balanced Bodys flexible, modular program allows instructors to begin teaching quickly, then proceed with additional training at
their own speed. And we help keep them at the top of their game with world-renowned continuing education opportunities.
Learn more about our education programs at pilates.com/education.
Online Tools
Check out pilates.com! We have great online tools to help club managers and instructors make the best choices for your facility,
including a Space Planner and ROI Calculator.
Equipment Suggestions
This annual catalog is packed with all kinds of great Pilates and mindful movement equipment big and small that make
excellent additions to your fitness facility. We break out a few suggestions here that have a proven track record of success.
Catching the CoreAlign Wave
How two facilities are using CoreAlign successfully and profitably.
Noras Corner
Movement Science Moves Forward
The science of In my limited understanding of things, be found at
fascia and the these models provide only the most www.tensegrityinbiology.co.uk.
emerging concept of biotensegrity as abstract concepts for understanding how
As the science of fascia develops, our
it applies to human movement have tensegrity works in biological systems.
understanding of biomechanics and
been undergoing a revolution in the last Translating these ideas into biotensegrity
the amazing interconnectedness of the
several years. This summer I attended models of joint movement is the new
human body reinforces and reflects
a BioTensegrity Focused Dissection frontier and several people are starting to
our experience as Pilates teachers.
Seminar at the University of Dundee in put these pieces together.
Movement any movement is not
Artist and inventor Tom Flemons has an isolated event but reverberates to a
The seminar was led by John Sharkey, developed several tensegrity models of greater or lesser extent throughout the
MSc, with lectures from Jaap Van the pelvis, legs and spine which can body's structure. We are connected from
der Waal, MD, PhD, Joanne Avison, be found at www.intensiondesigns. the inside out and our work connects us
Jean-Claude Guimberteau, MD, and com. He is currently working with to our clients from the outside in. It is
Graham Scarr, C. Biol, FRSB, FLS, DO. scientists and researchers in robotics very exciting to see science reflecting our
The dissection was very interesting but and prosthetics to put his insights into experience as movement educators and I
the most valuable piece to me was the practical inventions. look forward to the future.
conversations that arose between the
Osteopath Graham Scarr, DO has
teachers, which was quite animated Nora St. John is Education Program
published several papers modeling
and occasionally confrontational. It was Director for Balanced Body.
the jaw and the elbow joint from a
the experience of being in a group of
biotensegrity perspective. His work can
remarkable people all working toward
clarifying a complex concept through
These illustrations are a possible model of the tensegrity structure supporting the scapulae. The scapula is the
different lenses. compression member and the muscles are the tension members allowing the scapula to float within the tensional
integrity or tensegrity of the muscular support. This allows the scapula to transfer force from the arm through the
The concept of biotensegrity is a scapula to the axial skeleton through the fluid and adaptable muscular structure.
very interesting one with profound
implications for us as movement
educators. Biotensegrity looks at the
mechanics of joints and other physical Red = Levator Scapulae
structures from a different point of view Green = Trapezius
Orange = Rhomboid Minor
than classical biomechanics. The key and Major
concept behind biotensegrity is the idea Blue = Serratus Anterior
of tensegrity, originally called tensional Purple = Pectoralis Minor
integrity, a type of architecture first
articulated by Buckminster Fuller and
illustrated by artist Kenneth Snelson.
A tensegrity structure consists of tension
members (bands) and compression
members (sticks). Taking this model
into the human body, the compression
members become bones that float
in a continuous matrix of tension
members represented by the myofascial
system. This structure allows joints to
maintain their integrity over a lifetime
as the myofascial structure absorbs and
transmits the forces through the body
rather than the joints.
12 pilates.com
Pilates Equipment
16 Allegro 2 Reformer System
24 Studio Reformer
29 Konnector Reformer
30 Clinical Reformer
38 Pilates IQ Reformer
39 Combo Chair
40 EXO Chair
43 Ladder Barrel
50 Wall Tower
51 Guillotine Tower
53 Pilates Springboard
The details are not the details. They make the design."
Charles Eames
What is a Reformer?
And what makes Balanced Body Reformers different?
The most popular and versatile piece of Pilates equipment, the Reformer opens the door
to hundreds of strengthening and stretching exercises. Add in variations on Joseph Pilates
original exercises, and the Reformer is limitless in its possibilities.
Mat vs. Reformer work Footbar
In mat work, your body provides both resistance and assistance Pushing off the footbar initiates spring
for Pilates exercises, affected only by gravity and your body resistance at the start of an exercise.
weight. Reformers extend the exercise options much further,
Buying Tip: The more vertical or
offering both extra challenge and support along with resistance,
horizontal adjustability your footbar has,
to improve overall strength.
the more accurately the Reformer adjusts
to different body sizes and range of
How does a Reformer work?
motion needs. Footbars that lock provide
Springs attached to the Reformer carriage provide resistance or
added safety and security, and offer
assistance as you push on the footbar or pull on the ropes.
additional exercise options.
How do Reformers differ?
Ropes and Risers
All Reformers share a same basic functionality. Balanced Body
(or Leather Straps and Casters)
makes several styles of Reformers to meet differing needs.
Ropes connect the carriage to your hands or feet via pulleys
Balanced Bodys classic wood Reformers are the recognized at the head-end of the Reformer. Loops or handles attach
world standard for function, adjustability and beauty. While the ropes to your hands or feet. Risers at the head-end of the
some prefer the easy storage capability of our portable Reformer change the angle of resistance and allow ropes to
Reformers, others need Reformers that adjust to a wide pass smoothly above the shoulder rests. Alternatively, more
variety of body sizes, or can accommodate add-on towers for traditional Reformers use leather straps and casters.
additional versatility.
Buying Tip: Look for a rope or strap system that allows quick,
secure and easy adjustments between exercises.
See our Reformer Comparison Chart at pilates.com. Springbar
The springbar is built into the footbar end
of the Reformer. Attaching or detaching
springs to this bar changes how much
resistance is created when you move
the carriage.
Buying Tip: A springbar that adjust
easily and effectively allows greater
accommodation of a users size, range of
motion and ability.
14 pilates.com
Springs Frame
Springs provide resistance for each exercise, The key to your Reformers lifespan will
and are color-coded to indicate resistance be the strength and durability of the
level. Safety is critical; always use high frame. The frame houses the other
quality springs, and follow care and Reformer components; some frames
replacement guidelines. are wood, others are metal.
Buying Tip: Choose springs that have been Buying Tip: Wood or metal, choose
thoroughly tested for precision, consistency and durability. frames of the highest quality and
Nickel-plating prevents corrosion and extends spring durability. construction methods, the most durable materials, and with
an appropriate height for your needs. Wood frames should be
Head and Shoulder Rests smooth and finished.
The headrest supports head and cervical
spine. Shoulder rests provide stability and Sitting Box
comfort. Placed on the carriage, a Sitting Box
increases the exercise options, including
Buying Tip: For effective positioning and
seated and prone positions, side
maximum comfort, head and shoulder
stretching and more.
rests should be adjustable and padded. It
is also convenient if shoulder rests can be Buying Tip: Boxes should be extremely
Allegro 2 Reformer
The Allegro 2 Reformer is all about creating the best Pilates experience. Smooth
transitions and seamless flow. Easy adjustments and maximized comfort. The result is an
enhanced, effective session for clients, club members, rehabilitation patients and for you,
the Pilates professional.
How does the Allegro 2 do this? First, the EasySet Footbar and SoftTouch rope system will change the way you teach Pilates. The
new universe of exercise possibilities will inspire you, along with smooth-as-silk transitions even while lying on the carriage. Smaller
delights await, too, like Spring Collars for a better grip, pop-out shoulder rests, and a seamless carriage and headrest for nothing-
gets-caught comfort.
The Allegro 2 also grows with your Pilates program. Start beautifully basic, then add legs, a tower and accessories, all without
requiring additional space. If space is limited, your Allegro 2 rolls, stacks and stores on end.
Quite simply, the Allegro 2 is the most intuitive, adjustable, easy-to-use Reformer on the market. Perfect for professional and home
use. And did we mention its incredibly beautiful?
Allegro 2 Reformer shown at right and next page with optional legs and wheels. Specifications: Height, 9 (22.5cm) or 15 (37.5cm) with legs; Length, 94 (238cm); width,
25.5 (65cm). Footbar width, 31 (79cm); Weight, 140 lbs (64kg) or 146 lbs (66kg) with legs.
Easy to use. Easier to teach. Easiest to love.
More to love Pricing
Strikingly beautiful design, with the durability you expect Allegro 2 12505 $2995 US
from Balanced Body. Allegro 2 with Legs 12499 $3290 US
Complete Allegro 2 System;
Frame is powder-coated aluminum with maple accents. Allegro 2 Reformer, Tower, Mat & Legs
(see p. 18) save $200 12501 $4710 US
Choose standard/low height for easy stacking, or add legs
for personal training and easy on-and-off. 10 Year Limited Warranty / 30-day money back guarantee.
Integrated, seamless carriage and 3-position headrest no
Training & equipment packages
seams or crevices where hair can catch. Maximum comfort
Reformer training and equipment packages are an economical
with custom stability padding.
and efficient way to launch a profitable Pilates program. For
Allegro 2 Tower System
When youre ready, expand the Allegro 2 systemno additional space needed.
Why add a tower? Pricing
Gain 95% of the full Trapeze Table exercise repertoire, with no Complete Allegro 2 System with Tower includes: Allegro 2
additional space required. Reformer with legs, plus Tower and Mat Conversion. Purchase
together and save $200, or buy components separately.
Program mat workouts on either side of the Tower.
Complete Allegro 2 System 12501 $4710 US
Add integrated exercises using the Tower with the moving Tower and Mat Conversion 12495 $1620 US
Reformer carriage. Tower only 11927 $1395 US
Mat Conversion only 12313 $225 US
Remove Tower easily for storage if needed.
Add a Tower to any Allegro 2 Reformer. Upholstery
Nine colors (Stock: Storm). Included
Your tower includes Custom upholstery in 42 colors. Add $85
Complete stability and security.
Add a F.I.T. Kit to your tower (shown next page)
Three-sided push through bar is extra wide (2.5 wider than Offer clients enhanced functional training with Balanced Bodys
the original Allegro) to accommodate larger or less flexible Functional Integrated Trainer (F.I.T.), an economical upgrade.
clients. Safety strap and carabiner included.
Adjust the angle of resistance for Tower exercises. Pulleys
Maple roll-down bar. quickly adjust the full height of the Tower, allowing effective
workouts that target specific movement patterns, such as a
Easy mat conversion just move carriage to the head-end
baseball pitch, or a golf or tennis swing.
and drop in the one-piece mat.
No other adjustable pulley allows you to work from both sides
Eight Balanced Body Signature Springs (p. 69): regular
of the Tower, integrated with the carriage for a stabilization
length (2 blue, 2 yellow) and long (2 purple, 2 yellow).
challenge, or on the floor for a stable surface. Increase your
27 attachment points for springs, for maximum versatility. ability to train effective, functional movement patterns for all
body positions, including standing.
Simple, ingenious storage area for springs not in use. Keeps
F.I.T. Kit for Allegro 2 Tower 12616 $149 US
them quickly at hand yet out of the way.
Pair of single, cotton SoftTouch loops.
Tower shown next page includes optional F.I.T. Kit. Specifications: Tower height, 61 (155cm) from top of Reformer frame. Weight of tower with springs, 38.5 lbs (17.5kg).
Weight of complete Allegro 2 system (Reformer and Tower), 184.5 lbs (84kg).
Allegro 2 Reformer Accessories, Options & Upgrades
Sitting Box Leg and Post Kit Wheel Kit
Extend your Reformers versatility with Raise your Allegro 2 to a personal training Wheel kits add convenient portability if
abdominal exercises, side stretches and height of 15 (37.5cm). Kit includes legs you often move your Reformers, and you
more, plus added comfort for seated plus posts for convenient loop storage on also need them if you want to store your
exercises. Get a free padded foot strap a higher Reformer. Elevates the frame an Reformers vertically. Kit includes a cotton
Allegro Reformer
The Allegro is the most widely used and recognized Reformer, with 43,000 in service
around the world. And it keeps getting better.
SoftTouch ropes and loops are standard, and youll love the TwistLock shoulder rests and Tower features.
Choosing equipment to build or expand a Pilates program can be challenging. The Allegro helps you build
your program at your speed. Start with the standard Allegro, then expand your programming by adding legs, a
tower and accessories. And do it all without giving up additional space. No Reformer is more versatileuse it for
profitable group exercise, personal training and rehabilitation sessions, or for workouts at home.
Shown here in Greystone. Shown next page with optional legs and Sitting Box Lite. Standard Allegro: Height, 6.75 (17cm); Length, 93 (236cm); Carriage width, 22.5 (57cm);
Footbar width, 36 (91cm); Weight, 110 lbs (48kg). Stretch Allegro, shown next page at top right: designed for users taller than 64 (195cm), with wider and longer carriage:
20 Height, 6.75 (17cm); Length, 111 (282cm); Carriage width, 24.5 (62cm); Footbar width, 36 (91cm); Weight: 123 lbs (56kg).
Build your program at your own speed.
Allegro, Standard 12315 $2395 US
Allegro, with Legs 12511 $2690 US
Allegro, Stretch 12302 $2895 US
Allegro, Stretch with Legs 12489 $3190 US
Allegro Tower of Power
Expand when ready add a Tower to any Allegro Pricing
95% of the full Trapeze Table functionality. Complete Allegro Tower of Power package includes an Allegro
Reformer with legs, plus Tower and drop-in Mat Conversion.
Mat workouts on either side of the Tower, and Integrated
Purchase together and save $200.
Tower exercises with the Reformers carriage.
10 Year Limited Warranty
Convenient knobs allow easy lift-off removal of Tower if you Complete Allegro with Tower of Power 12509 $4080 US
want to stand your Allegro vertically for storage. (It no longer Tower & Mat Conversion 12507 $1590 US
folds down onto the carriage.) Tower only 11929 $1395 US
Mat Conversion only 12304 $195 US
Eight Balanced Body Signature Springs (p. 69): regular
length (2 blue, 2 yellow) and long (2 purple, 2 yellow).
Add a F.I.T. Kit
Multiple resistance angles, with 22 spring attachment points Get enhanced functional training
on the Tower. with Balanced Bodys Functional
Integrated Trainer, an economical
You receive upgrade to your Allegro Tower.
The most stable and secure tower on the market, for the
Adjust the angle of resistance for
safest workouts.
Tower exercises. Patented pulleys quickly adjust the full height
Three-sided push-through bar made of anodized aluminum. of the Tower, for effective workouts that target specific move-
Adjusts quickly to three heights. Includes safety strap and ment patterns, such as a baseball pitch, or a golf or
carabiner. tennis swing.
Easy mat conversions just move carriage to the head of No other adjustable riser allows you to work from both sides
the frame, and drop in the one-piece mat. of the Tower, integrated with the carriage for a stabilization
challenge, or on the floor for a stable surface. Improve your
Free DVD workout and introduction to the Allegro.
ability to train effective, functional movement patterns for all
Custom stability padding. Choose upholstery color, p. 55. body positions, including standing.
Stock: Black. F.I.T. Kit for Allegro & Studio Towers 12615 $219 US
Studio Reformer
Pilates changes lives. As an instructor you are deservedly proud of that, and should be
equally proud of the equipment you own. The Balanced Body Studio Reformer is elegant
and beautiful, handcrafted from Rock Maple, and a gorgeous workhorse, too. No other
Reformer performs better or lasts longer. Adjustable, comfortable, so natural it feels like an
extension of your body.
See how a Balanced Body Reformer is made at pilates.com/handmade.
Create a beautiful space with a Balanced Body Reformer built like fine furniture. Surfaces are
hand-sculpted and smooth, with sleek, clean linesappealing to the eye and inviting to the
touch. Coordinate custom upholstery colors with your studio furnishings for a perfect fit.
Comfortable, customizable & ergonomic Customize your reformer
Choose a frame height to best meet your ergonomic needs:
Enjoy the quietest, safest, longest carriage ride in the industry.
a. 14 (36cm)Standard height, great for all exercises
Work in comfort with a frame height thats best for you.
including standing work, and for facilities with low ceilings.
Choose a footbar/springbar system to match how you teach.
b. 18 (46cm)Less bending for instructors when working
Adapt quickly to accommodate users of any size or ability. with clients, and good accessibility for wheelchair transfers.
c. 24 (61cm)Easiest working height for clinicians and
Included at no extra chargea $299 value: manual therapy. Good for clients challenged by getting on/
off a lower Reformer. More challenging for standing work.
Choice of frame height
Choose from fine-furniture-quality woods: Strata Rock
Choice of sitting boxes:
Shown: Strata Rock Maple 14 with Revo Footbar and Springbar System, in Cadet. Shown next page in Greystone with 18" frame. Specifications: Height: 14 (36cm), 18
(46cm) or 24 (61cm); Length: 93 (236cm); Width: 27 (69cm); Width with Infinity Footbar: 39.25 (100cm). Weight: 152 lbs (69kg).
Your investment will last a lifetime.
You also receive Pricing
Reformer Footbars & Springbars
A system to
match your
teaching style.
A. B.
Adjust for different client sizes while keeping the footbar at the correct height.
Options that allow one-step horizontal adjustments with no change in footbar height
are a Balanced Body exclusive.
Revo Adjustment System Classic Footbar/ Infinity Footbar and
Easiest and quickest adjustment on the No-Roll Springbar Choice of Springbars
market. Works like a car seatjust lift If you have a classical Pilates background, Great for working with clients of all
the springbar lever and slide the carriage this feels like the footbar you trained on. heights (including children), because it
until it clicks into the next position. No adjusts the entire length of the frame (E).
The Classic Footbar (C) has 2 supports
need to get off the carriage.
and adjusts The unmatched adjustability and extra-
Fits any users size or range of motion. to 3 heights wide surface also support a wider range
(including down), of Reformer exercises, including upper
Locking Revo Footbar (A) offers 4
with comfortable body work. Infinity Footbar lockout knobs
positions, comfortable padding and
padding and make horizontal adjustments easy with
non-slip surface.
non-slip surface. C. one hand.
Moving the Revo Springbar (B) moves Does not lock.
Combine the multiple-position Infinity
the carriage to/away from the footbar,
Balanced Bodys Footbar (F) with a Revo Springbar for
while maintaining neutral spring
No-Roll Springbar the most precise system available, or
tension. Five positions allow 12 (31cm)
(D) adjusts choose the more traditional No-Roll
of adjustability. Create an ergonomi-
resistance in 2 Springbar.
cally correct position for every user.
gear positions.
Your purchase of a Reformer with
Two spring positions: no-load (neutral) A patented safety
our Infinity Footbar includes a video
and pre-loaded. feature, the oval
D. that highlights the creative exercise
shape will not rotate
Available on most Balanced Body wood possibilities of this innovative footbar.
downward when
Reformers and the Reformer Trapeze
spring tension See details/demos of our footbars and
Combination (RTC).
is released. springbars at pilates.com.
E. F.
Options & Upgrades for Your Studio Reformer
Keeping it Green at Balanced Body
At Balanced Body, we want to leave this planet in better shape than we found it.
All Balanced Body woods come from FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) suppliers who purchase wood
from well-managed North American forests. In these forests, tree growth exceeds removals by a nearly
2-to-1 margin.
Visit pilates.com and see how much energy we save each day and month!
Konnector Reformer
Developed by and created in collaboration with Viktor Uygan of Konnect Pilates, the
patented Konnector is a single-rope system that makes Pilates more versatile (and fun)
without changing it. Purchase a Konnector Reformer or add Konnector to your existing
Balanced Body reformer.
Konnector is a brilliant creation to cross-train the body as a whole. Its a true Pilates in 3D system for athletes,
dancers and clients with asymmetries. Marie-Jos Blom
Clinical Reformer
For over 25 years, Balanced Body has worked with rehabilitation professionals
to refine our Clinical Reformer into a versatile and practical rehabilitation tool
used today by clinicians worldwide.
Accommodates patients of all sizes Customize your reformer
The Infinity Footbar allows you to work with patients of varying Choose a frame height to best meet your ergonomic needs:
heights (children to adults), by positioning and locking the
a. 14 (36cm)Standard height, great for all exercises
footbar over the entire length of the frame.
including standing work, and for facilities with low ceilings.
Coupled with the Revo Springbar, you can create an ergo-
b. 18 (46cm)Less bending for clinicians when working with
nomically correct position for any users size and range of
patients, and good accessibility for wheelchair transfers.
motion, while the patient stays on the carriage. Lockout knobs
make horizontal adjustments easy with just one hand. More c. 24 (61cm)Easiest working height for clinicians and
details, p. 26. manual therapy. Good for patients challenged by getting
on and off a lower Reformer. More challenging for standing
Safe and comfortable for you and your patients exercises.
Provide comfortable, cervical support with a padded,
Choose from fine-furniture-quality woods: Strata Rock
three-position headrest.
Maple (standard), Strata Artisan Maple or other Select
Protect against slipping with a built-in, non-slip Strata woods (p. 54).
standing platform.
Choose your upholstery color (p. 55). Stock: Black.
Enjoy the quietest, safest, longest carriage ride available.
You also receive
Accurate and easy adjustability Longest carriage ride in the industry, at 41 (104cm). Control
The Clinical Reformer features Balanced Body TwistLock carriage extension with 5 range-limiting carriage stops.
shoulder rests. Adjust or remove your shoulder rests quickly Smooth, quiet ride provided by precision carriage system.
with no need for tethered pins. Secure and quiet!
Precise, non-slip adjustments via easy-to-use ropes/cleats.
Make quick mat conversions and accurate calibrations with
Maximized comfort with Custom Stability Padding on
locking, retractable metal risers.
Adjust ergonomic positions easily with the Revo Springbar.
CE approved medical device (Class 1).
Get safe, consistent resistance with 6 long-lasting Balanced
Body Signature Springs: 1 green, 3 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow.
Customized package available.
Shown: Strata Rock Maple 24" with Greystone. Specifications: Height, 14 (36cm), 18 (46cm) or 24 (61cm); Length, 93 (236cm); Frame width, 27 (69cm); Footbar Width,
39.25 (100cm). Weight, 185 lbs (84kg).
Versatile. Safe. Effective.
Pricing Wood Frame
Used worldwide by clinicians in private practice, rehabilitation Strata Rock Maple Included
facilities and hospitals, the Clinical Reformer from Balanced Strata Artisan Maple (no additional cost) Optional
Body provides superior performance under the rigors of daily Select Strata Woods Add $595
clinical use. More about Balanced Body wood choices on p. 54.
Clinical Reformer 12244 $4845 US
Limited Lifetime Warranty Nine colors (Stock: Black) Included
Custom upholstery in 42 additional colors Add $85
Included at no extra chargea $915 value: Sitting Boxes and Foot Straps
Standard Sitting Box with padded foot strap Included
Ron Fletcher Reformer
Great for Fletcher Pilates at studios and teaching centers, and for instructors with a
classical Pilates influence.
The Ron Fletcher Reformer is based on plans given to Pilates Elder Ron Fletcher by Clara Pilates. Ron studied with Joseph and
Clara Pilates beginning in 1946. Balanced Body has built custom Reformers for Fletcher Pilates for more than 30 years.
Classic in design, size and function, the Fletcher Reformer is slightly narrower than our Studio Reformer.
Classic configuration with leather straps and casters.
Also from Fletcher Pilates
Braided Towel and Video for Fletcher Towelwork
Footbar is 2 (5cm) diameter, with 3 unlocked positions
Fletcher Towelwork enhances shoulder girdle
for smooth transitions. No-Roll Springbar has two gear
stabilization and arm movement, opens
positions for resistance changes.
anterior chest and shoulder muscles, corrects
Package of 4 red Balanced Body Signature Springs (p. 69). forward head posture and more. Safe and
effective for beginners, Towelwork can be done
Built-in standing platform with non-slip surface for safety.
standing, seated or supine.
Choose your upholstery color; see p. 55.
The streaming video (sorry, no DVD format
available) provides an 11-minute introduction
Included at no additional chargea $290 value: to Fletcher Towelwork technique as well as an
18-minute intermediate Fletcher Towelwork
Ron Fletcher Reformer 12260 $3895 US
Shown here in Greystone. Specifications: Height: 14 (36cm), 18 (46cm) or 24 (61cm); Length: 93 (236cm); Width: 27 (69cm); Weight: 152 lbs (69kg).
CenterLine Reformer
Our original CenterLine Reformers were built in collaboration with Amy Taylor Alpers and
Rachel Taylor Segel of The Pilates Center in Boulder, Colorado. They have since encouraged
us to expand our collaboration with more of the brightest minds in the classical world.
The resulta thoroughly redesigned Reformer that provides the original Pilates experience
that classical teachers demand, combined with the delivery and service you deserve.
The details make the difference. Every Unplated springs More CenterLine products
touch point on the Reformer is optimized We put our 40 years of experience to Chair (p. 42), Cadillac & Pole System
to give you exactly what you need and work in developing new springs for this (p.49) and Foot Corrector (p. 76).
nothing else. machine. The CenterLine now comes
with four, unplated semi-heavy springs. CenterLine Reformer Tower
Carriage ride and shoulder blocks Guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Ready to add a Tower to your CenterLine
Using innovative engineering and Reformer? Tower components are
feedback from discerning customers, the Unparalleled delivery and service identical to those that come with the Pole
CenterLine carriage provides: Need your Reformer quickly? How about System Tower (p. 49). Details online at
next day shipping for stock orders?* pilates.com/centerline.
The deliberate resistance, feedback
Thats not a misprint; its what we do for Tower and Mat Conversion
and end feel so critical in the
all of our customers wherever possible. for CenterLine 15271 $2115 US
*Subject to production capacity. Shown here in Greystone. Specifications: Frame height, 14 (36cm); Width, 25.5 (65cm); Length, 91 (228cm). Weight, 145 lbs (66kg).
Gondola pole, 60 (152cm). Short box dowel 36 (92cm). CenerLine Sitting Box: handles and extra padding on all 4 sides, 26 x 14 x 9.5 (65cm x 35cm x 24cm).
Reformer with Tower
A Reformer, Mat Station and Tower, all in the space of a Balanced Body Reformer. Work
in multiple planes of resistance, on a mat or moving platform, and from both sides of the
Tower. Purchase your Reformer and Tower together, or add the Tower Retrofit Kit later.
Tower Mat Conversion
Our innovative Slide System makes repositioning the Transform your Reformer into a raised mat quickly and easily.
push-through bar a fast, one-person job that will not interrupt No need to lift, flip or turn the carriage. Two lightweight mats
the flow of a session. Bonus: it is quieter to use and mainte- fit over the carriage and on top of the frame.
nance-free. Push-through bar is made of anodized aluminum
Add floor exercises by using the mats on the floor.
and adjusts to 3 heights.
Choose your upholstery color; see p. 55. Stock: Black.
Stainless steel frame is smooth and easy to maintain, resis-
tant to chipping, pitting, corrosion and discoloration, and its
Tower Retrofit Kit
fabrication is more environmentally responsible than chrome.
Add a Tower to your existing Balanced Body Reformer. Install
Perform exercises from both sides of the Tower. on any Balanced Body wood Reformer fitted with ropes and
risers. Includes mounting bracket and all hardware. Special
Exercise safely with the most stable and secure frame on the
Introductory Price for the updated Tower:
market, engineered for maximum stability.
Tower & Twin Mat Conversion
Tower includes maple roll-down bar and has 39 spring for Studio/Clinical Reformers 15269 $2170 US
attachment points. Tower only 15268 $1495 US
Shown: Studio Reformer 14 with Tower, Strata Rock Maple, Greystone. Snown next page with 18" high frame. Specifications: Tower height, up to 83.5 (212cm) depending
on frame height. Weight of Studio Reformer with Tower, 188 lbs (85kg). Weight of Clinical Reformer with Tower, 227 lbs (103kg).
Pricing: Studio Reformer with Tower Pricing: Clinical Reformer with Tower
Includes Studio Reformer with Revo Footbar/Springbar Includes Clinical Reformer with Infinity Footbar/Revo
(p. 26), Tower and Twin Mat Conversion. Special Introductory Springbar (p. 26), plus Tower and Twin Mat Conversion. Special
Price for the updated Tower: Save $200 when you purchase Introductory Price for the updated Tower: Save $300 when you
Reformer and Tower together. purchase Reformer and Tower together.
Included at no extra chargea $287 value: Included at no extra chargea $933 value:
Complete Studio Reformer Bonus Package: choice Complete Clinical Reformer Bonus Package: choice
of frame height, Standard or New York sitting box, of frame height, Standard or New York sitting box,
cotton foot strap and Neoprene handles. padded foot plate, oversized standing platform,
Additional pair of cotton loops. padded double loops and foot strap, Neoprene
handles, factory pre-drilled for Tower and
Proprioception T-Bar, Infinity Footbar video.
Additional pair of cotton loops.
See close-out deals on discontinued items at
pilates.com/deals. Going, going, then gone forever.
Options & upgrades
F.I.T. Kit for your Tower, see at pilates.com.
Reformer instructor manuals, p. 111.
Reformer and Tower videos, pp. 97-99.
Reformer Trapeze Combination (RTC)
Ideal when both Reformer and Trapeze functionality are needed in a limited space. Our
Studio Reformer is combined with a complete Trapeze Table (Cadillac). Converts easily
with two removable mats, while the carriage stays in placeno need to lift, flip or turn it.
Choose frame height to best meet your ergonomic needs: Retractable metal risers adjust easily, up to 9 (23cm) above
the frame, and allow for quick mat conversions. Risers lock
a. 14/36cmStandard height, great for all exercises including
into 4 positions for accurate adjustment.
standing work and lunges, and for facilities with low ceilings.
Balanced Body Signature Springs: 1 green, 3 red, 1 blue.
b. 18/46cmEasy reach and less bending for instructors,
and good height for older clients and wheelchair transfers. Choose your upholstery color (p. 55). Stock: Black.
c. 24/61cmExcellent working height for clinicians and
Trapeze Table
therapists. Good for clients challenged by getting on or off
The RTC is a complete Trapeze Table (pp. 46-47) and
a lower Reformer. More challenging for standing exercises.
includes recent upgrades: push-through bar with Slide
Choose a footbar/springbar configuration: Classic Footbar System, and stainless steel frame.
with No-Roll Springbar, or the Revo Footbar/Revo Springbar
Smooth-sliding horizontal and vertical crossbars with
System (p. 26).
self-lubricating, greaseless bushings. Plastic-tipped butterfly
Choose from fine-furniture-quality woods: Strata Rock locking knobs prevent burrs.
Maple (standard), Strata Artisan Maple or one of our Select
Maple roll-down bar (23/58cm) with inside hooks.
Strata woods, (p. 54).
Shown: RTC 18 (46cm) in Strata Rock Maple with Revo Footbar/Revo Springbar, in Greystone. Specifications: Width of working mat surface, 26.5 (67cm). Width including
brackets, 30.5 (78cm); Length, 93 (236cm). Weight including canopy and all Reformer and mat conversion parts, 249 lbs (113kg). Height of canopy above table pad, 61.5
36 (156cm). Table height including pad, from 15.5 (39cm) to 25.5 (65cm), depending on frame height.
Two incredible machines in one.
Specifications: Length: Extended, 98 (249cm); Closed, 62 (158cm). Width, 24. (61cm) Footbar height, 18(46cm). Weight, 70 lbs (31.8kg).
Combo Chair
The split-pedal Combo Chair from Balanced Body delivers a functional workout that
combines strength, coordination and balance with rotation and reciprocal exercises.
The strongest and most stable chair on the market, the Combo Chairs padded split pedal adds rotational and reciprocal
movements to traditional exercises. Conceived by Brent Anderson, PhD, PT, OCS, its height is ideal for use with a Trapeze Table.
Shown here in Greystone. Combo Chair Specifications: Height, 25.5 (65cm); Length, 28.5 (72cm); Width including handles/knobs, 27.5 (70cm). Seat, 21.5 x 13 (55cm x
32cm). Weight 91 lbs (41 kg).
EXO Chair
The EXO Chair delivers great programming for any fitness level. Keep your clients coming
back with challenging, strength-building classes and private sessions. Great for home use,
too. Did we mention it is economical and beautiful?
Originally designed by Joseph Pilates as a compact workout system for New York City apartments, Chair workouts enhance stability,
balance and body control. The focus on upper and lower body strength and conditioning makes the Chair a superb tool for athletes.
The right fit and resistance for just about anyone You also receive
Wide range of resistance choices with 2 springs and Built from premium stratified maple with hardwood core, the
8 positions. beautiful and sturdy EXO Chair complements other wood
studio equipment.
Heavier resistance than competitive products.
Chair comes with pre-installed eyebolt attachment points (6)
Deep, wide and comfortable sitting area.
for easy upgrade to Functional Resistance Kit.
When we say easy, we mean it Video included, which guides you through a Beginning/
Ready right out of the boxno assembly or hardware needed. Intermediate workout.
Easy spring adjustments from front or back of chair. The optional split pedal allows adding reciprocal and
rotational movements for more exercise options. Converts to
Easy to store, with a 40% smaller footprint than competitive
single pedal with included dowel.
products when storing six chairs.
Choose upholstery color; see p.55. Stock: Black.
Easily carried and stacked by one person.
Training & equipment packages
EXO Chair training and equipment packages are an economical,
efficient way to launch a profitable Pilates program. For details,
email info@pilates.com or call 1-800-PILATES.
@balanced_body Ask about volume and quantity discounts.
#workoutwednesday inspira- EXO Chair with split pedal 12458 $945 US
tion on the #EXOChair EXO Chair with single pedal 12456 $795 US
image via @corethepilatesstudio
Five year limited warranty
Shown here in Greystone. Shown next page with optional Functional Resistance Kit. Specifications: Weight, 36lbs (16.3kg); Height, 24.5 (62cm); Length, 29 (74cm);
Width, 24.5 (62cm). Seat 23.5 x 16 (60cm x 41cm).
Durable. Versatile. Compact.
Optional accessories
Wunda Chair CenterLine Chair
Steeped in tradition, our Wunda Chair Comfortable, durable and easy to use,
System is easy to use, comfortable, sturdy the CenterLine Chair offers practitioners
and expandable, with optional handles a great classical experience with a small,
and a High Back. single-pedal footprint.
Created in collaboration with Amy Taylor Alpers and Rachel
Wunda Chair includes
Taylor Segel of The Pilates Center in Boulder, Colorado, the
Classical design and size.
CenterLine Chair is part of a suite from Balanced Body that
Widest range of resistance for any single-pedal chair, up replicates the smaller measurements Joe used on some of his
to 83 lbs. Two springs (black/heavy) are adjustable to 8 original equipment. Also available: the CenterLine Reformer (p.
resistances and provide 28% more usable resistance than 33), CenterLine Cadillac and CenterLine Pole System (p. 49).
other chairs.
CenterLine Chair includes
Simple, fast and safe spring changes with Balanced Bodys
Two black (heavy) springs, adjustable to 8 resistance settings
exclusive Cactus Springtree System and easy-grip spring tabs.
on safe, secure and easy-to-reach cactus.
Comfort-padded, non-slip step.
Center-positioned cactus centers strength into the body.
Secure handholds with cut-out handles.
Seat is 21.5 (55cm) wide. Its narrower width facilitates
Choose upholstery color; see p.55. Stock: Black. exercises like Horseback and Spine Stretch.
Lightweight for studio mobility, stable and secure for all
Optional Wunda Chair accessories
Chair exercises.
Removable handles: padded, with three locking positions.
Removable High Back System: includes upholstered cushion Pricing
and foot alignment platform. CenterLine Chair 12460 $795 US
5 Year Limited Warranty
Removable, padded pedal stopper to limit the steps range
of motion.
Cushions (seat and back, not shown) to convert from Pilates Chair videos on p. 101
Instructor manuals on p. 111.
apparatus to chair.
Wunda Chair 11996 $1045 US
3-Position Handles 12428 $255 US
High Back System 12403 $725 US
Wunda Chair cushions 11998 $225 US
Padded pedal stopper 12763 $79 US
10 Year Limited Warranty
Specifications: Height, 23.5 (60cm); Length, 29 (74cm); Width, 21.5 (55cm). Seat, Shown here in Greystone. Specifications: Height, 24.5 (62cm); Length, 30 (76cm);
21 x 16 (53cm x 41cm). Weight, 58 lbs (27 kg). Width, 21.5 (55cm). Seat, 21.5 x 16 (55cm x 41cm). Weight, 36 lbs (16.3kg)
Ladder Barrel
Our updated Ladder Barrel features an innovative, easy-to-use system for adjusting
distance between ladder rungs and barrel. Press the foot pedal, slide to desired position,
then release the pedal to lock it securely in place. Fast and easy!
You also receive
Ten preset positions on the sliding base provide settings you
can repeat precisely.
Engraved indicators identify what position you are using. Up
Step Barrels & Baby Arcs
Step Barrels and Arcs increase spinal strength and flexibility. A great addition to mat
classes for new challenges and variety.
Balanced Bodys wood Step Barrels (Spine Correctors) and Baby Arcs are the strongest in the industry, with wood three times the
thickness of other manufacturers. The result is a super-strong barrel that maintains its shape, even for standing exercises. Or try
our Pilates Arc or Arc Lite for lightweight, economical options. All our wood Barrels have a 10 Year Limited Warranty.
Stock upholstery on Barrels and Arcs: Black. Specifications: Contour Step Barrel: Weight, 28 lbs (13kg). 16w x 37l x 13.25h (41cm x 94cm x 34cm). Clara Step Barrel:
Weight, 23.5 lbs (11kg). 17.5w x 29l x 13.5h (45cm x 74cm x 34cm). East Coast Step Barrel: Weight, 18 lbs (8kg). 16w x 31l x 13.25h (41cm x 79cm x 34cm). Baby Arc, West
44 Coast: 20.5w x 23l x 7.5h (52cm x 58cm x 19cm). Baby Arc, East Coast: 20.5 w x 23l x 7.5h (52cm x 58cm x 19cm). Arc Lite: 20.5w x 23l x 7.5h (52cm x 58cm x 19cm).
Pilates Arc
Looking for a space-saving, economical yet challenging Pilates workout? Youve found it!
Never has anything so light packed such a punch.
Even though it weighs less than 4 pounds (0.7kg), the versatility Pricing
of the Pilates Arc makes it a heavy hitter. Pilates Arc 10298 $159 US
One year warranty
Use as a spine corrector or exercise arcgreat tools for
mobilizing the spine, shoulders and hipsand for core,
You also receive
abdominal, lateral rotation and back extension work. Or, as a
Beginning/Intermediate workout DVD
Reformer wedge to provide trunk stability and back support for
Instructional booklet with convenient flip-up stand
a variety of strength and mobility challenges. Especially useful
during pregnancy. Mini-Mat
For a bit of extra comfort
Great for group classes, personal training or home and a non-slip surface, try
An ideal add-on for mat classes in fitness facilities that dont our Mini-Mat (p. 44) sized to
Specifications: Made of high-density, recyclable foamjust 3.7 lbs (1.7kg). Black. 15.5w x 38l x 10.5h (39cm x 97cm x 27cm)
Trapeze Table (Cadillac)
Also called a Cadillac, the Trapeze Table supports fitness and rehabilitation for all ages and
abilities. An extraordinary variety of exercises are possible, from gentle, spring-assisted sit-
ups to advanced acrobatics. Balanced Body Trapeze Tables are engineered for maximum
stability, efficient adjustment, and safe use for both instructor and client.
Exercise safely with the most stable Easy, secure, unlimited adjustments of Package of 12 Balanced Body
and secure frame available. horizontal and vertical slider bars, for Signature Springs with snap hooks.
efficient exercise transitions. Regular: 2 each yellow, blue, red and
Our innovative Slide System makes
black (for Trapeze Bar). Long: 2 yellow
repositioning the push-through bar a CE approved medical device (Class 1)
and 2 purple.
fast, one-person job that will not inter-
rupt the flow of a session. Bonus: it is You also receive Trapeze Bar, padded with padded
quieter to use and maintenance-free. Smooth-sliding horizontal and vertical spring sleeves (see on p. 48), plus
Push-through bar is made of anodized crossbars with self-lubricating, grease- cotton canopy loops (long web, black)
aluminum and adjusts to 3 heights. less bushings. Plastic-tipped butterfly and a pair of soft lambswool fuzzies.
locking knobs prevent burrs.
Stainless steel frame is smooth and One pair each: cotton loops, adjustable
easy to maintain, resistant to chipping, Anodized aluminum push-through thigh cuffs and adjustable ankle cuffs.
pitting, corrosion and discoloration, bar adjusts quickly to 3 heights; can
Belly Strap (cotton, black).
and its fabrication is more environ- be used as a 3- or 4-sided bar. Safely
mentally responsible than chrome. secure the push-through bar with Choice of upholstery color; see p. 55.
safety strap and carabiner (included). Stock: Black.
Wider and longer than a traditional
Maple push-through bar available on
Trapeze Table, to accommodate a
request at time of purchase. Pricing
broader range of body types. Trapeze Table 15278 $3895 US
Maple roll-down bar (23/58cm) with
Constructed of hardwood core, joints Limited Lifetime Warranty
inside hooks.
lapped and fitted for maximum stability.
Shown here in Greystone. Specifications: Table surface height, 25.5 (65cm); Table width, 29 (74cm); Table length 81 (206cm) plus 4.5 (11cm) for canopy brackets; Trapeze
frame height (top to floor): 86.5 (220cm). Weight, 190 lbs (86kg).
1-800-PILATES / (916) 388-2838 / pilates.com / EQUIPMENT
Trapeze Table Options
Optional accessories
A. Roll-Down Bar. Outside hooks, 23 (58cm)
$34 US
CenterLine Cadillac CenterLine Pole System
The CenterLine Cadillac and Pole System were created in collaboration with Amy Taylor
Alpers and Rachel Taylor Segel of The Pilates Center in Boulder, Colorado.
Enjoy the same sliding push-through bar and stainless steel frame upgrades now
available on our Trapeze Table (p. 46) and Wall Tower (p. 50).
CenterLine Cadillac CenterLine Pole System
Sized to offer users and teachers easier reach, the upper canopy A Wall Tower variation that allows much of the Cadillac
tubes are 5.5 (14cm) closer to the base table than on the repertoire. Purchase the Pole System separately, or save if
Balanced Body Trapeze Table. The CenterLine Cadillac matches purchased with a Mat & Moon Box package. The Pole System
our Trapeze Tables standard for maximum stability, efficient must be mounted to both wall and floor for proper installation.
adjustment and safe use.
You also receive
You also receive Push-through bar: maple, 4-sided, with safety strap and
Roll-down bar, maple, non-swiveling with outside hooks. carabiner.
Shown in Cadet. Specifications for Cadillac: Table surface height, 25.5 (65cm); Table width, 29 (74cm); Table length 81 (206cm) plus 4.5 (11cm) for canopy brackets;
Trapeze frame height (top to floor): 81.5 (207cm). Weight, 190 lbs (86kg). Specifications for Pole System: Tower; Height 89 (226cm), Width 27 (69cm), Depth: 20 (51cm).
Mat; Height 6 (15cm), Width 22.5 (57cm), Length 84 (213cm). Moon Boxes; Height 6 (15cm), Width 9 (30cm), Length 14 (36cm). 49
Wall Tower
Wall Tower shown here with optional Mat and Moon Boxes (shown in Cadet).
Specifications: Wall Tower; Height 89 (226cm), Width 27 (69cm), Depth 20 (51cm). Wall Tower Mat; Height 6 (15cm), Width 22.5 (57cm), Length 84 (213cm).
Guillotine Tower
The definitive apparatus for hip and spine articulation. -Ron Fletcher
Guillotine Tower Available in two versions:
A fundamental piece of equipment in the original New
With a freestanding base (stratified wood), requiring minimal
York Pilates Studio, Ron Fletcher embraced the value of the
installation (shown above).
Guillotine Tower during his years of study with Joe and Clara
because it: With no base, which requires bolting only into your floor (not
the ceiling). Bolts for floor mounting not included.
Creates a remarkable environment for developing mobility
Shown above with freestanding base. Specifications: Tower; Height 80.25 (203.9cm), Width 40.25 (102.2cm), Length 42 (106.7cm), (80.5, 204.5cm with mats installed),
Mats (2); Length 46 (116.8cm), Width 31.25 (79.4cm) Length 36 (91.4cm), Width 31.25 (79.4cm), Base; Length 92 (230cm)), Width 42 (106.7cm), Height 1.5 (3.8.cm).
*The weight limit for standing on the slider bar is 200 pounds. 51
Tower on the Go Ped-o-Pull
Fast, easy set-up for a challenging Tower Complete your equipment suite with this
workout using your door! classic, space-saving apparatus.
Wrap two adjustable anchor straps around a standard door, and The Ped-o-Pull challenges core stability in functional standing
clip on resistance bands or springs. Youre ready for a full range position. Choose a kidney-shaped base to help properly align
of Pilates exercises. the feet (developed for Ron Fletcher), or the original square
shape as designed by Joseph Pilates.
Sturdy slider clamps allow easy adjustment of the angle of
resistance, and will not scratch your door.
Ped-o-Pull includes
Includes 2 springs (yellow, long), 2 cotton loops, Trapeze springs with snaps: 2 regular, yellow.
and 2 door straps with sturdy, non-abrasive Pair of Neoprene handles.
attachment points.
Wall brackets (2) stabilize the unit 6 (15cm) from wall.
Comes with 60-minute DVD workout.
Safe for all levels. Maple-faced hardwood laminate base is 1.5 (4cm) thick, with
Includes beginning/intermediate modifications. updated rounded edges for improved comfort.
Pricing Pricing
Tower on the Go with Springs 12614 $145 US Square base (not shown) 12347 $495 US
Kidney-shaped base 12348 $495 US
10 Year Limited Warranty
Shown in Greystone. Specifications: Height, 39 (99cm), Length, 39 (99cm); Width Ped-o-Pull: Height 84 (213cm), Kidney-Shaped Base 22.5 x 16 (57cm x 41cm),
of Base, 14 (36cm); Width of Rod, 30 (72cm). Weight, 54 lbs (24.5 kg). Square Base 17.5 x 17.5 (45cm x 45cm).
Pilates Springboard
The Finishing Touch:
Wood Choices
Wood choices
Strong, beautiful, environmentally sensitive. No compromises.
Balanced Body wood is beautiful, inviting to the touch, absorbs
noise and is built to last a lifetime. Our woods and construction
methods are time-tested for 40 years, giving us the seasoned
confidence to offerand stand behindour Lifetime Warranty.
We offer two standard wood choices, Strata Rock Maple and
Strata Artisan Maple. Stratas superb strength and durability
come from its solid, multi-grained core, laminated in alternating
grain directions. This creates an exceptionally strong, straight
board, neutralizing the forces that could otherwise cause
twisting. The result is an unusually strong, sturdy woodideal
for Reformer frameswith a distinctive butcher block look.
The Strata engineering process also uses more of the tree with
very little waste, making it not only stronger than single-plank
wood, but more environmentally sensitive.
All Balanced Body woods come from FSC (Forest Stewardship
Council) suppliers who purchase wood from well-managed North
American forests. In these forests, tree growth exceeds removals
by a nearly 2-to-1 margin.
Balanced Body Clean New! Equipment
100% Organic, safe and odor-free Maintenance Log Book
industrial strength cleaner and disinfectant. Your equipment is a valuable asset, and this log book makes it
easier than ever to stay on top of important maintenance tasks.
See clear photo descriptions of safety hazards to watch for in
springs, clips, straps, and more. Use the easy-to-follow quarterly
and weekly checklists to record your maintenance tasks, and
keep track of parts ordered with shopping lists. Brought to you
by Pilates instructor, mechanical engineer, and owner of The Fit
Reformer, Kaleen Canevari. Spiral bound paperback, color photos,
134 pages.
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Balanced Body Fit Equipment
58 CoreAlign
61 Orbit
A unique standing movement system that optimizes fitness and function. The CoreAlign
from Balanced Body delivers results, whether your clients want an increased level of fitness
or an improved way of moving through everyday life. Combine cardiovascular work and
integrated, full-body exercises with a mind-body approach.
How does it work? Powerful retention and recruitment for studios and
Developed by physical therapist Jonathan Hoffman in fitness professionals
collaboration with Balanced Body, the CoreAligns sliding carts Unique and effective exerciseclients at all fitness levels
move independently, with both resistance and assistance feel the difference after one workout.
possible in two directions.
Great for small group programs and sports-specific classes.
Change resistance easily to create nearly 200 exercises that A fun, cardio workout popular with men as well as women.
address every part of the body.
Amazing versatilityintegrated core training, upper/lower
Most exercises are done standing, leading to rapid improve- body strengthening, warm-up, cool-down and stretching.
ments in posture, balance and functional movement.
An essential tool for your rehab practice
A ladder (included with the complete package) is required for
Effective for gait and core training.
most exercises. See our options on page 60. Rotator discs for
advanced work are also available. Exercises are easy for your patients to perform.
Great for balance and neuromuscular retraining.
CoreAlign shown on these pages with optional Freestanding Ladder. Specifications for CoreAlign: Length 66.4 (154cm), Width 23.5 (60cm), Height 5.5 (14cm). Weight
94 lbs (43kg).
Redefining functional movement.
Durable, quiet and safe CoreAlign training
Solid wood standing platform, ladder and base (now For CoreAlign training, see our online Education Finder.
66.4"/169cm long).
Streaming video
Updated longer frame provides up to 41" (104cm) of quiet
Accessories for CoreAlign
Most CoreAlign exercises require a ladder. Our custom-built options fit many space and installation needs. All ladders are of the
same maple as CoreAlign, with 10 hand-finished dowels. They provide a coordinated look for your space as well as hardworking
performance for years to come.
Non-Slip Bar Cover If you are unsure what to order, please contact us for more
This soft, rubberized accessory for your CoreAlign ladder rungs information.
creates a comfortable, secure, non-slip surface for feet and
hands. 20.5 (52cm). Not shown.
Non-Slip Bar Cover 12226 $24 US
Freestanding Ladder Specifications: 91 x 41.5 x 72.25 (231cm x 105cm x 184cm). Weight: 89 lb (40kg). Standard Wall-Mount Ladder (Mounted): 91 x 41.5 x 7.5 (231cm
x 105cm x 19cm). Weight: 29 lb (13kg).
Roll fun and challenging new moves into classes or personal training sessions. The Orbit
provides an exciting, full-body workout that enhances flexibility, stability, strength, balance
and coordination! Great for home, too.
An amazing core workout Pricing
Includes both circular and linear movements, from Orbit 12479
$229 US
mild to complex. 5 Year Limited Warranty / 30-day money back guarantee.
Your abdominal muscles are always engaged. Ask about volume discounts.
MOTR is way MOre Than a Roller! Create full-body workouts with three resistance levels.
Build strength, challenge balance, train on multiple planes and improve cardio conditioning
and agility. Ready to start your MOTR?
Developed by Pilates instructor and fitness enthusiast Darya
Bronston, MOTR was designed for use in commercial fitness
facilities and studios. It is also perfect for rehabilitation
professionals and home workouts.
Exercise tracks include balance, core, agility, upper body, lower
body, standing, plank and more. And use the MOTR tube for
release work just like any foam roller.
All MOTR components conveniently store inside the roller tube
when not in use.
MOTR Specifications: Accommodates users up to 350 lbs (158kg) and 64 (193cm), Total weight: 20 lbs (9 kg), Height: 43 (109.2 cm) *Bundles available only in the
continental US and Canada. Minimum of two training seats required for on-site training. Bundles include an initial order of marketing materials and 90-day access to
62 programming videos. Additional materials and programming available on a subscription plan.
Unlimited programming, limitless results.
Optional accessories Streaming video
Streaming videos for MOTR offer great ideas for programming
and also for working with different client populations. Full
For extra comfort while lying on or next
details, p. 103.
to your MOTR, our Mini-Mat is a great
companion. Deep Gray, 1/4 x 34.5 x 12 (1cm x 88cm x 31cm).
Active Aging on the MOTR
Mini-Mat 10332
$8.95 US
Discover simple, effective ways to engage your active aging
participants and keep them moving.
Round Pad, 9
This pad is perfect for stabilizing the MOTR
MOTR for Dancers
when using it in an upright position on
Take a dance around the MOTR for a challenging, fast-paced
smooth floors. Black, 5/8 (1.6cm) thick.
Cardio MOTR
Explore new ways to get your heart rate pumping in this cardio-
Safe and secure storage for up to six MOTRs. The MOTR
packed MOTR workout.
Homes heavy-duty casters make it easy to park your MOTRs
when class is over.
MOTR Balance, Strength, and Core
MOTR Home 12469 $429 US
Discover clever ways to use the MOTR to challenge your agility
and core.
Bodhi Suspension System
Accessories for Bodhi Suspension System
For information on how to safely install your Bodhi Suspension
System on wall, ceiling or door, visit balancedbody.com/bodhi.
Wall Anchor
Our wall-mounted brackets suspend your
ropes 16 (40cm) from the wall. Start with a
minimum of two, and install additional brackets
to accommodate the number of rope systems.
Use with 1.25 (32mm) steel pipe (not included).
Wall Anchor 12872 $84.95 ea US
Ceiling Anchor
Use to mount your Bodhi Suspension
System on the ceiling. Start with a
minimum of two, and install additional
anchors to accommodate the number of
rope systems. Use with 1.25 (32mm) steel pipe (not included).
Ceiling Anchor 12873 $59.95 ea US
Rope Extenders
You will need Rope Extenders if your anchor point
for installing the ropes is more than 8.5 feet
(2.6m) above the ground. Available in green or
Green rope extender 12875 $49.95 pair, US
Grey rope extender 12876 $49.95 pair, US
Athletic Bodhi
A stimulating, athletic-inspired workout pushes you to find your
Catching the CoreAlign Wave, continued from p. 11
Cascadia Pilates and CoreAlign | Portland, Oregon
You can tell by the company name that the CoreAlign is obviously an essential part of the
business model at the Cascadia Pilates and CoreAlign* studio.
Owner Krista Loveless said most of the instructors fell in love with it instantly because it
provides so much transference to our everyday upright bodies that is difficult to access
on the Reformer.
I found it a necessary piece to keep for conditions say they feel a huge Cascadias future looks bright. Plans call
the postural movement and balance improvement in balance after using for launching a comprehensive teacher
of our clients. We have had amazing CoreAlign. I have my masters in Motor training program that includes CoreAlign,
outcomes, Krista says. Some of our Learning and I havent found a piece increasing CoreAlign class sizes to eight,
clients struggle with disabilities such as of equipment that truly helps people and expanding into a second location.
MS and Parkinsons and their medical transfer their new movement patterns
This is a very exciting time for us, says
scans have come back improved for into activities of daily life the way
balance. We cannot emphasize the CoreAlign does, says Krista.
importance of this piece of equipment
Like Multnomah, part of Cascadias Learn more about the Multnomah
success is due to programming that Athletic Club at www.themac.com
Cascadia currently has six CoreAlign is specific to their clients needs. This
Learn more about Cascadia Pilates and
units alongside their Pilates equipment. includes specialty CoreAlign classes
CoreAlign at www.cascadiapilates.com.
Krista says the studios clients love aimed at yoga practitioners, runners and
the versatility it brings to their Pilates prenatal women, with more in the works.
practice. Cascadia currently has 15 CoreAlign
group classes per week and over 40
Many of Cascadias clients sit at
private sessions per week, with many
computers all day so standing work feels
doing a combination of all the apparatus. *CoreAlign is a registered trademark of
great. And many like the challenge of
The studio started with five instructors, Balanced Body Inc., and is used in this
standing work versus the supine work
but business has been so good theyve business name with permission pursuant
they get in a Reformer class. Our older
expanded to nine. to a license with Balanced Body Inc.
clients and those with neurological
Accessories & Props
68 Equipment Accessories
70 Sitting Boxes
72 Reformer Accessories
76 Foot Products
78 Resistance Tools
Equipment Accessories
More equipment accessories and details at pilates.com. Multifunctional Straps
Developed in collaboration with Gordon Hart, PMA-CPT and
SoftTouch Loops
Christopher White, DPT, use these unique straps as classic foot
SoftTouch loops and ropes (p. 72) deliver quiet, fluid
straps and handles, or add multi-planar resistance to arm and
movement with sturdy rope (non-metal)
leg exercises to help develop the deepest level of joint stability
attachments. Standard on Allegro 2 and
and control. These straps quickly and easily add more than just
Allegro Reformers, and available for other
resisted abduction, flexion and extension. They also provide
Balanced Body Reformers.
resisted internal and external rotation for optimal hip and
SoftTouch Double Loops, Padded 10046 $49 pair, US
shoulder vitality and function.
SoftTouch Double Loops, Cotton 10530 $38 pair, US
SoftTouch Single Loop, Padded 10045 $38 pair, US Includes 2 cotton loops, 2 polypro handles with Neoprene and
2 resistance cords (one each heavy and light) with ball anchors.
Tri Loops Multifunctional Straps 12647 $99.95 US
Our newest loops have a hidden third strap that
opens to provide additional support and security
for feet or hands, and tucks out of the way
invisibly if not needed.
Padded 10527
$49 pair, US
Double Loops
A Balanced Body innovation with two loops: short loop for
hands and longer loop for legs or feet.
Cotton, D-Ring 10025 $28 pair, US Spring Tab Kit for Chairs
Padded, D-Ring 10026 $44 pair, US Need replacements for the cloth spring
tabs that came with your chair? Easy-grip
Single D-Ring Loops tabs make spring changes easy.
Cotton, D-Ring 10022 $18 pair, US Included with all new EXO, Combo
Cotton, CenterLine, D-Ring 11490 $23 pair, US and Wunda Chairs.
Padded, D-Ring 10020 $38 pair, US
Spring Tab Kit, set of 4 12787 $15 US
Double D-Ring Loops
Adjustable Velcro Cuffs
Folds in half to make a 5.5 loop.
Our adjustable thigh or ankle cuffs
Cotton 10023
$28 pair, US
are a secure alternative to loops.
For apparatus work when feet dont feel secure in Ankle Cuff 10018 $28 pair, US
standard loops. Outer loop secures strap to ankle or Thigh Cuff 10034 $32 pair, US
wrist; inner loop works with the resistance. Soft fleece.
Y-Loops 10511
$65 pair, US Extension Straps
25.5/65cm (30/76cm with ring & snap)
Extension Straps 10027 $25 pair, US
Leather with wood grips, or polypro with Neoprene.
Polypro handles 10032 $28 pair, US
Fuzzies (Lambswool or Synthetic)
SoftTouch handles 10047 $28 pair, US
Fuzzies fit over Single D-Ring Cotton
Leather handles 12429 $65 pair, US
Loops, Foot Straps and cotton webbing.
CenterLine leather handles (not shown) 12832 $65 pair, US
Velcro closure. Loops and straps sold
separately. Machine washable, no dryer.
Synthetic fuzzies are hypo-allergenic,
machine washable, natural color.
Lambswool, Pair 10036 $64 US
Cotton Webs
Lambswool, Each 10035 $32 US
For use with Fuzzies on Trapeze Tables
Synthetic, Pair 10039 $48 US
and RTCs.
Synthetic, Each 10040 $24 US
Long Webs, black, 29.5/75cm 10038 $30 pair, US
CenterLine (lambswool), Pair 11500 $58 US
CenterLine Short Webs, black, 20.5/51cm 11477 $30 pair, US
Balanced Body Signature Springs
Time-tested for superior performance under strenuous use, patented springs from
Balanced Body are the best available for strength, resilience and durability. Of nickel-plated
carbon steel, designed exclusively for Pilates.
Reformer Springs Trapeze Table / Tower / Wall Tower Springs
Length 18.5/47cm. Length: Regular, 25.5"/65cm.
Yellow (very light) 14295 $25 US Yellow (very light) 14272 $30 US
Blue (light) 14286 $25 US Gray (light) 14299 $30 US
Red (medium) 14285 $25 US Blue (light) 14275 $30 US
Sitting Boxes
A Sitting Box adds so much versatility to your Reformer: prone and abdominal work, side
stretching and more, plus a comfortable option for seated exercises. We have upholstered
boxes (custom colors, p. 55), and also a new budget-friendly version, the Sitting Box Lite!
NEW! Sitting Box Lite More Sitting Boxes
Time for us to think outside the Box again literally! Customers Standard upholstered Sitting
love our lightweight, economical versions of Pilates products like Boxes are included with
the Pilates Arc, so this year we bring you the Sitting Box Lite. all wood Reformers. Our
Now it is more economical than ever to add the versatility of a 3-handle design lets you carry
Sitting Box to your Reformer. Shown at top. them like a suitcase.
Textured top surface provides stable, non-slip body position- The CenterLine Sitting Box features extra padding on top and
ing and improves comfort. sides. (See on p. 33.)
Convenient cut-outs for handling, and for sliding over the Stock colors: Allegro 2 Sitting Box: Storm. All others: Black.
shoulder rests of any Balanced Body Reformer. Standard / Allegro 12431 $225 US
Allegro 2 12431S $225 US
User-friendly rounded edges like our Contour Sitting box.
New York / Sport 12434 $225 US
Weighs just 4.5 lbs. (2 kg) so easy to stack and store. IQ 12434S $225 US
CenterLine 15332 $250 US
Made of high-density, durable yet recyclable foam. Black.
Sitting Box Lite 15844 $149 US
Sitting Box Specifications
Contour Sitting Box
Sitting Box Inches Centimeters
We removed the edges, creating
a box that fits the body better Standard 16.75"w x 29.5"l x 11.5"h 42cm x 74cm x 29cm
and encourages a larger range of Allegro 2 16.75"w x 29.5"l x 11.5"h 42cm x 74cm x 29cm
motion. You will love how much Contour 16.75"w x 31"l x 11.5"h 42cm x 78cm x 29cm
better the exercises flow. New York 15"w x 27"l x 10"h 38cm x 68cm x 25cm
The Contour Sitting Box is more comfortable for prone Large 16"w x 29" l x 13.5"h 40cm x 73cm x 34cm
exercises (Swan) and supine long box exercises (Back Stroke); CenterLine 16.5"w x 28"l x 10"h 41cm x 70cm x 25cm
no hard edges interfere with the placement of the body. Stock Sitting Box Lite 17"w x 31"l x 10.75"h 43cm x 78cm x 27cm
upholstery color is Black. Shown here in Cadet. Large with Lip Top, 18"w x 34"l Top, 45cm x 85cm
Contour Sitting Box 12451 $325 US (see online) Base, 16"w x 29"l x 13.5"h Base, 40cm x 78cm x
Foot Straps and Sitting Box Riser
Reformer Accessories
Our most frequently-purchased Reformer accessories. More available at pilates.com.
SoftTouch Rope and Padded Loop Kit Reformer Rocker
Upgrade your current rope system with our SoftTouch ropes Developed by Pilates instructor Barbara Mayr, the Reformer
and loops. Our innovative attachment points are always quiet Rocker is a valuable (and fun!) feedback tool that increases a
and enhance flowing movement quality. See on p. 16. clients awareness of imbalances and asymmetries.
SoftTouch Rope and Padded Loop Kit 12916 $73 US
Non-Skid Strips
Steady your equipment on hard floors and
low-pile carpet. Remove backing and apply
to bottom of each Reformer leg (2 strips
per leg). Great for infrequently-moved
Improves focus. Creates an unstable environment to
equipment. 5.5 x 1 (14cm x 2.5cm).
challenge balance and stimulate the muscles and
Non-Skid Strips, set of 8 12825 $14.95 US
nervous system.
Oversized Standing Platform Provides an effective training environment for kayakers,
Fits most Balanced Body wood Reformers skiers and other athletes who require excellent balance.
that have a jumpboard bracket. Clear,
Calms the mind, relaxes muscles and deepens breathing.
non-skid finish. 20 x 11 (51cm x 28cm).
Oversized Standing Platform 12439 $95 US Carpet slows Rocker reactivity and decreases the rocking
sensation. Firm floors increase responsiveness and rocking.
Reformer Ropes Specially designed mats (optional, below) may be desirable.
Adjustable with snaps (except SoftTouch
Support blocks (included) fully stabilize the Reformer for
ropes which have non-metal components).
standard use.
For Allegro 2 Reformers (not shown) 10520 $35 pair, US Note: Use only with 14 Balanced Body wood Reformers without
For Standard-length Reformers 10501 $35 pair, US a Tower. Rockers are screwed into Reformer legs, adding 5.75
For Stretch (extended length) Reformers 10500 $40 pair, US (15cm) to your Reformers height.
SoftTouch, for Allegro Reformers 10536 $35 pair, US Reformer Rocker 12481 $495 US
SoftTouch, for Stretch Allegro 10529 $40 pair, US
Reformer Rocker Mats
Leather Straps
Specially designed mats for the Reformer Rocker. Mats prevent
Traditional leather straps as used by Joseph
slippage and traveling on hard surfaces, especially during
Pilates. CenterLine Reformer uses customized
jumpboard exercises, and increase the responsiveness of
straps. Latigo straps may be used on any
Rockers on carpeted surfaces. 10 x 40 x 1/8 (3cm x 102cm x
Balanced Body Reformer with casters.
0.3cm). Sold as a pair.
Latigo Straps 12430 $150 pair, US
Reformer Rocker Mats 12484 $40 US
CenterLine Straps, Oak 12842 $150 pair, US
Upholstery Kit
Ropes and Risers Retrofit Kit
Give your Studio or Clinical Reformer a makeover or just a fresh,
Straps are traditional, but ropes move more freely through
updated color. Includes carriage pad, shoulders with brackets
pulleys. Our swivel pulleys allow rope movement in any angle of
and a complete headrest. (Upholstery Kits are also available for
direction. Quickly adjust length with cam cleats. Risers elevate
other Reformers. Please call for details.)
pulleys 2-12 (5cm-30cm) above frame. Ropes pass above
Upholstery Kit 12704 $260 US
shoulder rests with no scuffing. Sold as a set, retrofit for straps.
Ropes/Risers Retrofit Kit 12380 $250 US
Looking for loops and handles? see p. 68.
Padded Foot Plates (jumpboards) and related accessories expand the versatility of your
Balanced Body Reformer. They allow jumping and other cardio exercises, and re-create a
biomechanically accurate standing position while lying on the Reformer.
Studio & Clinical Padded Foot Plate NEW! Precision Rotator Discs for your Foot Plate
Fits Balanced Body Studio Reformer or Now with your choice of progressive
Clinical Reformer. spring resistance or no resistance.
21 x 20.5 (53cm x 52cm ) Position them virtually anywhere on the
Call for Info $195 US jumpboard with adjustable attachments
(included). You can also remove and
Jumpus Maximus use discs separately. (Attachment
Padded Foot Plate strap stays affixed to disc, but does
Our largest foot plate for Studio Reformer not impair standalone use.) Fits any
or Clinical Reformer. 29 x 20.5 (74cm x Balanced Body foot plate. Originally
52cm) built by Balanced Body for Marika Molnar, PT.
Call for info $250 US
The Balanced Body difference
Allegro 2 Padded Foot Plate Three choices of spring resistance*: light, heavy or none.
Fits Allegro 2 Reformers. Handles included
Built-in markers to easily measure range of motion.
for easy moving/installing. A generous
31.5 x 20. Longer lasting, top-quality ABS construction. Maximum
(79cm x 50cm) weight, 500 lbs. (277 kg).
12415 $250 US
Choose no resistance for traditional rotator disc exercises and to
measure range of motion.
Allegro Padded Foot Plate
Fits Allegros purchased after June 21, 2007. Choose resistance to strengthen end-range of motion, to
Handles make it easier to move and install. A improve joint support and stability, and to identify strength
generous 30 x 23.5 (76cm x 60cm) imbalances between limbs. Consider light resistance for upper
12409 $195 US body and heavy resistance for lower body.
*Discs are not adjustable. Each provides one resistance option.
Allegro Foot Plate Retrofit Kit
Sold as pair with everything needed to attach to jumpboard.
Upgrade earlier Allegros so that you can use the newer foot
9"/23cm, no resistance (pair) 15850 $125 US
plate. (Not shown.)
9"/23cm, light resistance (pair) 15851 $145 US
12776 $40 US
9"/23cm, heavy resistance (pair) 15852 $145 US
IQ/Pilates Sport Padded Foot Plates
Pilates and Placekickers
Kicking in the NFL is a stressful job and takes a tough mentality. While the action rages
on the field during a normal football game, you can usually find the kicker standing on the
sideline or simulating field goals by kicking into a net at the end of the bench.
When a kicker finally sees action, many times its with the game on the line. Often its a
single kick that wins or loses the game. Youre either the hero or the goatthere is seldom
an in-between.
Thats a lot of mental pressure. And although they dont get tackled as much as positional
players, the complex act of kicking requires the perfect combination of strength, power,
and flexibility. Overuse injuries are common amongst kickers and without proper training
an injury can shorten the career of a professional athlete.
A balanced musculature is key is not transferred to the right leg. The
Caleb Sturgis is heading into his fifth majority of the power comes from the
season as an NFL kicker, his third for the left hamstring pulling me through the
Philadelphia Eagles. Kicking a football ball. The upper body and core are critical
for me is a total body exercise. For the since they serve as stabilization so that I
most part, my right quad, groin, and hip can attack the ball with my lower body,
flexor are the sorest after kicking, says he says.
Fortunately for him, during the off season
For Caleb, kicking for all these years has he trains at his alma mater, the University
led to a lot of imbalances in his body. of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. Down the
These imbalances can cause nagging road from the university is the Gainesville
injuries during the season that can Health and Fitness Club and Robin
negatively affect his performance. Caleb Zukowskis Pilates program.
points out that these imbalances can
Two years ago Caleb started working with
come from a lack of strength in his upper
Robin and made an important discovery:
body. My left glute needs to be stable
throughout the kick so all the pressure
Caleb and Cairo on the Combo Chair.
74 pilates.com
and core strength to help prevent injuries
both on and off of the playing field.
Now that Robin has worked with the
entire crew for the past off-season she
has been able to build a solid foundation
of Pilates principles and can expand on
that knowledge next year. She spends
a lot of time working with their feet
and ankles. And she includes various
movements on different apparatus
(primarily the Reformer, Chair and
Pilates allowed me to correct imbalances Robin, and he, too, experienced first-
Cadillac) that closely mimic the way
without taking a toll on my body like hand how Pilates could help him increase
their bodies move during a kick as well
certain strength training can. And it is performance while reducing the chance
as exercises that specifically target the
a great tool for the core, which may be of injury.
muscles that are often neglected.
the most important body component of
And it grew from there as they told
kicking. I love teaching clients how to take
more of their kicker compatriots. This
control of their own bodies. It is no
I really noticed how good and aligned my last off-season Caleb, Cairo and 5 other
different with a professional athlete. I
body felt whenever I left after training. I NFL kickers all met in Gainesville for a
want them to be able to carry what they
My goal with each athlete is to teach them the importance of developing muscular
balance during their off-season training as well as maintaining flexibility and core
strength to help prevent injuries both on and off of the playing field.
felt a lot looser and felt that my range of
motion was better when kicking.
SmartBell and Hand Weights
SmartBell SmartBell Streaming Videos
Uniquely shaped to carve through space in flowing, rotational
Workout for Travel or Home
movements, we love the SmartBells sculptural and ergonomic
Pack your SmartBell for a great travel workout.
design. Two-handed grip gives a high level of control while
This challenging, full-body workout is short
conforming to your body, and supports physical challenges in
enough to fit into a busy travel schedule.
rehab settings. Enjoy extended flowing movements that stretch
Includes variations for Beg and Int/Adv levels.
and tone your whole body or targeted muscle groups.
(Total run time: 25 min)
Travels beautifully, too!
SmartBell: Workout for Travel or Home SDVD8449 $29.95 US
Resistance Tools
Handmaster Plus Resistance Bands
We are delighted to share this Top-quality Thera-Band exercise bands,
hand exerciser with you. We versatile and economical for fitness and
love this product because it rehabilitation. Color-coding makes it easy
both strengthens the hand and to chart progress. Enhanced grip reduces
forearm muscles that close the slippage. Five levels of resistance, available
hand for gripping, as well as those in two lengths. US sales only on this product.
that open and spread the hand.
It facilitates full range of motion Eight-Foot (2.4M) Band Lengths
through both flexion and extension. Easy to use and comes in 3 Yellow/Light 10086 $6 US
strengths: Soft, for entry-level and rehab; Medium for activities Red/Medium 10087 $6 US
Green/Heavy 10089 $6 US
like sports, music and hobbies that require gripping; and Firm Blue/Extra Heavy 10088 $8 US
for advanced hand strengthening and balancing. Available Black./Special Hvy. 10090 $8.50 US
individually or in an economical set of 3 that includes one of
each. Colors vary according to resistance. Printed instructions. Six-Yard (5.5M) Band Rolls
Soft, each 15099 $16.95 US Yellow 10081
$14 US
Medium, each 15100 $16.95 US Red 10082 $15 US
Firm, each 15101 $16.95 US Green 10083 $17 US
Set of 3 (one of each resistance) 15102 $24.95 US Blue 10084 $18 US
Black 10085 $20 US
New! Precision Rotator Discs
Another useful innovation from Balanced Body. Our new generation of rotator discs offers
progress spring resistance! Or, choose traditional functionality with no resistance. Your
practice, your choice. Available in 9 (23cm) and 12 (30cm) diameter.
Precision Rotator Discs Pricing
Rotator discs are great tools for improving balance, alignment, Sold individually. Shown above with optional pads.
core strength, joint stability and more. Now you also have the Rotator Disc 9, no resistance, each 15741 $29 US
choice of staying traditional (no resistance), or working with Rotator Disc 9, light resistance, each 15742 $41 US
spring resistance.* Rotator Disc 9, heavy resistance, each 15743 $41 US
Rotator Disc 12, no resistance, each 15744 $34 US
Rotator Disc 12, light resistance, each 15745 $46 US
Why choose Rotator Discs with resistance? Rotator Disc 12, heavy resistance, each 15746 $46 US
Strengthen end-range of motion to improve joint
support and stability
Identify strength imbalances between limbs
Consider light resistance for upper body and heavy
resistance for lower body
Or, choose discs without resistance for traditional rotator disc
Mats and Mat Accessories
Call for volume pricing on ten or more mats! And check out our environmentally-friendly
choices. No latex, PVC or chloride.
Airex Pilates Mat Mini-Mat
You get maximum non-slip protec- For extra comfort and stabilization, our
tion, superb cushioning and a soft, Mini-Mat is a great companion for your
warm touch with this mat. Hygienic Step Barrel, Pilates Arc, Sitting Box Lite or
Sanitized treatment. Easy to clean, MOTR. You'll find lots of uses for it!
long lasting, impervious to water, 1/4 x 34.5 x 12 (1cm x 88cm x 31cm).
lightweight and easy to roll. Storm Gray 10332 $8.95 US
74.8 x 23.6 x 5/16
Charcoal 10003
$74 US Ecowise Pilates Mat
Purple 10004 $74 US High quality mats in the same three colors as our grommeted
mats below, including exclusive Amethyst only from Balanced
Balanced Body Aeromat Body! No latex, PVC, phthalates or chloride. 72 x 23 x 3/8
Extra thick to cushion spine during Amethyst 10343
$44 US
rolling exercises, for superior comfort Onyx 10344 $44 US
and safety. Top of the line in exercise Blue 10345 $44 US
mats. 72 x 23 x 5/8
Hanging Ecowise Pilates Mat
Our mats with sturdy grommets hang on
Blue Aeromat 10000 $52 US
a rack for space-saving storage. No latex,
Black Aeromat 10001 $52 US
Carrying Harness 10002 $12 US PVC, phthalates or chloride. Get a free
Hanging Rack when you buy 5 or more
mats. 72 x 23 x 3/8
Balanced Body Mat Manuals, see all five on p. 111.
Amethyst 10346
$47 US
Blue 10303 $47 US
Onyx 10322 $47 US
Hanging Rack for Mats Upholstered Mat
Wall-mounted rack stores To give your clients a truly exceptional experience, consider
mats flat and off the floor. custom-upholstered, raised mats for your studio.
Holds up to 10 hanging mats. (Hanging hardware not included.)
Pictured here in Cadet upholstery with optional Moon Boxes,
Hanging Rack 10304 $24.95 US
our standard Upholstered Mat includes:
Balanced Body Clean Padded, upholstered raised mat with dowel handles,
Our new concentrate formula saves you up to 6h x 22.5w x 84l (15cm x 57cm x 213cm).
33% over pre-mixed bottles, plus savings on
Foot strap, 24 (61cm).
#TeaserTuesday is always
more fun with a friend!
image via @highgatepilates
Positioning and Balance
Oov Sissel Step-Fit Mat
The Oov activates core A pebble beach for home or work.
stabilizing muscles while also This durable floor mat simulates
gently extending the spine to cobblestones to provide proprioceptive
stimulate healthy intervertebral feedback, promote blood circulation
disc lubrication. From stretching to core strengthening to and stimulate the metabolism.
rehabilitation, or for relaxation, the Oov offers significant It is ideal for balance training, sensory motor training and
benefits for spinal health. Its highly durable foam complements reflexology. Flexible and washable, made of thermoplastic
the spines natural curves. Select size by weight and height; elastomer with no phthalates. 20 (49cm) square
more information at pilates.com. Call for volume pricing. Step-Fit Mat 15106 $117 US
Small for users up to 120 lb. (55kg) 12947 $179 US
Medium for users 120-165 lb. (55-75kg) 12948 $179 US
Large for users over 165 lb. (75kg+) 12949 $179 US
Set of 3 (one each size) 12946 $510 US Balanced Body vinyl-upholstered cushions below are stocked
in Black, and are also available in all our upholstery colors (p.
Moon Box Lite
55) to complement your dcor.
Our ultra-lightweight Moon Box Lite
(0.95 lbs/0.5kg) is the perfect The Wedge
accessory to add height to the Chair, A perfect fit between the shoulder rests
or for standing next to the Reformer. of Balanced Body Reformers. Supports
Useful for adding height, creating your client on a gentle, 12-degree incline
support and balancing the legs. Recyclable, high-density foam. with cervical support. For clients with shoulder, neck or facial
6"h x 9.5w x 15.5l (24cm x 39cm) injuries, or who cant lie supine. Stock: Black 31 x 23 x 7
Moon Box Lite, single 10360 $35 US (34cm x 34cm x 8cm)
Moon Box Lite, pair (save 15%) 12654 $59.50 US The Wedge 12482 $169 US
Foam Wedge
Moon Box
Ease wrist discomfort or create a
A very strong, small box, in two heights.
balance challenge. Also great for seated
Use with Wall Towers, Reformers or Chairs.
clients with tight hamstrings. Soft,
Adds height for sitting on equipment, or
smooth EVA foam, but rigid enough for
use as a step stool for taller Reformers.
support. 20 x 6.5 x 2 (51cm x 17cm x 5cm)
Stock: Black.
Foam Wedge, Blue 10306 $12 US
6 x 9 x 14 (15cm x 23cm x 36cm) 12337 $125 US
NEW! Activ-Wedge Soft Spike Balance Pod
Developed by Pilates Therapeutics, these For balance training and motor skill
small foam wedges address asymmetries development, as you step from one to
caused by scoliosis or other imbalances. Use another. Use flat side down for moderate
in a seated position to even out the hips, or during standing balance training, pebble side down for more
work. Also great to prop up the hips during exercises like challenge. Purple, 6 (15cm) diameter. Sold individually.
Mermaid. Sold in a package of two. Pamphlet with suggested Balance Pod 10281 $7.50 US
uses included. See companion video on page 96.
2" x 4" x 6" (5cm x 10cm x 15cm) Balance Board
Activ-Wedge 15887 $40 US. This 16 (40cm) diameter balance board
from Sissel is budget-friendly and brightly
Large Foam Wedge colored to bring pep to your balance and
Made of firm, closed-cell EVA foam, this coordination training. Fixed height is 3
is the perfect-sized wedge for those with (7.5cm). Washable plastic with a ribbed surface.
tight hamstrings to get into a proper seated Balance Board, 16 Red 15103 $34 US
position or to elevate the head in supine. No
chlorides, pthalates or PVC. Balance Boards
15.75 x 16 x 3.75 (40cm x 40.6cm x 9.5cm) Excellent for challenging proprioception,
Foam Wedge 10336 $22 US rehabilitating the lower extremity and
advanced balance training. The base has 3
Foam Block heights to increase or decrease the difficulty level. Maple-faced
Elevate seated clients who have short ham- plywood has a non-skid surface embedded in the finish.
strings, or stand on. Assists with stretches, Small, 16 (41cm) 11225 $75 US
and as an alignment aid. Soft, smooth EVA Large, 20 (51cm) 11226 $85 US
foam, yet rigid enough for support. 3 x 6 x
9 (8cm x 15cm x 23cm) BOSU Pro
Foam Block 10276 $9 US Add fun and challenge
to floor workouts
Balance Pad with BOSUs highest
Adds low-level instability to standing, sitting, grade Pro version.
all fours and bridging. Or, use to improve Suitable for all types
core strength, balance and motor control. of workouts; largest
Durable foam has a smooth, easy to clean surface area available.
finish. Blue, 16 x 19 x 2.5 (41cm x 48cm x Comes with hand
Circles, Rings
Ultra-Fit Circle Mini Flex Ring Toner
Lightweight with comfortable inner/outer Soft and comfortable to use, this updated version of Joseph
handles, our wildly popular Ultra-Fit Circle is Pilates Magic Circle is of tempered steel and equivalent to a
also available in this smaller size now. Weve 3-band Spring Circle. Encased in a non-slip, rubberized coating
trimmed it by 3 (7.5cm) in diameter and the that is corrosion-proof and comfortable to handle anywhere on
resistance is lighter. The result? A ring that is its surface. Slender handles make overall width slightly narrower
perfect for smaller body types, beginners, and than other Circles, so it fits more body types while maintaining
when its important to achieve better leg alignment. similar deflection and resistance. 3.2 lbs (1.5 kg), outside
Free online videos at pilates.com/ultra-fit-mini. diameter 15 (38cm). Color: Storm.
Outside diameter, 12 (30cm). Flex Ring Toner 10103 $45 US
Ultra-Fit Circle Mini 15083 $27 US Flex Ring Toner, DVD and Handle Pads (save $15)
12524 $66.95 US
Ultra-Fit Circle Flex Ring Handle Pads
Lightweight and offering superior comfort, the Soft, non-skid Neoprene covers slip over the
Ultra-Fit Circle is sturdy, flexible plastic with a handles and are secured with Velcro. Pads are
soft, rubberized shell. Handles are padded on recommended for those who prefer softer
both inside and outside. Resistance is approx- handles for the Flex Ring.
imately equivalent to a 3-band Spring Circle. Flex Ring Handle Pads, pair 10097 $12 US
Free 15-minute DVD training guide included.
Design by Risa Sheppard. Outside diameter, 15 (38cm). Spring Circles
Ultra-Fit Circle 10156 $34 US Faithful reproductions of Joseph
Pilates Magic Circles. Tempered spring
Two versions of the Ultra-Fit Circle steel with padded wooden handles.
which is right for you? Outside diameter, 16.5 (42cm).
4-band resistance 12384 $87 US
Ultra-Fit Circle Mini
3-band resistance 12385 $77 US
Perfect for smaller body types and narrow shoulders.
2-band resistance 12386 $70 US
Easier lower body work due to smaller size.
Achieve better leg alignment with feet directly under hips.
Call for volume pricing. Attractive retail packaging is
available for Ultra-Fit Circle products and Flex Ring Toner.
Lighter resistance is great for beginners. See Circle workout videos on p. 96-97.
Ultra-Fit Circle Regular Save $10
Good for larger body types and broad shoulders. Spring Circle and Flex Ring video $101.95 US
More resistance provides more challenge. Flex Ring Toner and Flex Ring video $59.95 US
How about a little #pilates
on #WorkoutWednesday
image via @sheofdc
Anatomy + Movement Skeleton
Calling all students and anatomy nerds...
Born of many years teaching our Anatomy in Three Dimensions courses, Balanced Body
has explored compelling ways to teach musculoskeletal anatomy. Building muscles in clay
on a specially-designed skeleton is effective, engaging and fun.
For those who prefer personal exploration, or who teach anatomy in other settings, we are excited to introduce
our Anatomy + Movement products for your own use.
No contract or licensing is required, and photography of the Anatomy + Movement Skeleton is freely allowed.
The Anatomy + Movement Skeleton includes a Skeleton of
durable polyurethane mounted on a sturdy base, introductory
Optional accessories
Modeling Clay
Tool Kit
Our high-quality modeling clay is oil-based, reusable, and
Basic tool kit has everything you need
available in two colors to help clearly define individual muscles
to get started building muscles out of
as they are added to the skeleton.
clay and applying them to the skeleton:
Terra Cotta, 4.5 lb (2 kg) 15257 $17 US
double-sided wire tool, wood carving
White, 1 lb (0.5 kg) 15508 $5 US
knife, plastic putty knife, 12/cm wood
dowel for rolling clay, carrying case for
your tools, and heavy-duty non-skid
mat to protect table surface.
Interested in Anatomy in Three Dimensions courses? Our
multiple courses pair muscle function with exercises that
Tool Kit 15259 $24 US apply the anatomical information to movement. See the
current schedule at pilates.com/education-finder.
Rollers and Releasing
Foam rollers are humble in appearance, yet extraordinarily effective. Activate deep core
muscles, improve balance and posture, and strengthen extremities. They also bring magic
to myofascial release and self-massage. Call for volume pricing on five or more rollers.
Magic Roller 40 Foam Roller a Balanced
Our premium Magic Roller comes in Body exclusive!
harmonious gray neutrals. A long-time Have a long torso? Youll love the extra
customer favorite, this high-performance, length and support of our 40 (102cm)
professional roller is made of top-quality, roller, in White (softer) or Black (hard).
closed-cell foam. This Balanced Body Full-round. Only from Balanced Body.
innovation is long-lasting and holds its White, 6 x 40 10355 $25 US
round shape. Optional free poster of roller Black, 6 x 40 10349 $25 US
exercises. 6 x 36 (15cm x 90cm)
Rain Cloud Gray 10104 $39 US Magic Roller Softie
Swirlie Gray 10105 $39 US The newest in our premium Magic Roller
Rain Cloud & Poster 12641 $39 US line-up is the oh-so-very-soft Softie,
Swirlie Gray & Poster 12642 $39 US because sometimes its just what you
need. Lighter gray than Rain Cloud, so
Standard Foam Roller, 36"/90cm you can find it fast in the flock.
Our most economical rollers are 6 x 36 (15cm x 90cm)
improved in density for longer-lasting Softie Roller 10102 $39 US
wear. Available in full- or half-round, Softie & Poster 12643 $39 US
choose White for softer density, and
Black for hard/intense release work. The Mat and Roller Manual
4-diameter roller is our original, softest Take your teaching
material (available in full-round only). to a new level with
White, Full, 6 dia. 10354 $23 US our Balanced Body
Black, Full, 6 dia. 10310 $23 US instructor manual. More
White, Half, 6 dia. 10106 $18 US details and additional
Black, Half, 6 dia. 10107 $18 US manuals on p. 111.
White, Full, 4 dia. 10101 $15 US Roller Manual 13020 $39.95 US
Roller Storage Center Pinky Ball
Need a space-saving solution for storing For foot massage and proprioception to
up to 5 rollers? This simple, convenient improve standing posture and gait. Or,
design from Sissel does the trick. It holds an intense massage ball for stubborn
6" (15cm) diameter rollers and is made of spots. Hard natural rubber. Sold
durable, closed-cell PE foam. Blue. individually. Volume pricing five or more.
38l x 8w x 2.5 h, (95cm x 19.5cm x 6cm) Pinky Ball, 2.5 (6cm) 10294 $4.25 US
Roller Center 15105 $26.95 US
The Stick
Sissel Roller Head Align Use before and after exercise to prevent
For clients who need assistance maintaining soreness and increase flexibility. Provides
optimal alignment without cervical myofascial release and trigger point therapy.
hyperextension. Use this crescent-shaped Its unique design simultaneously releases
prop on a roller as shown, or upside down multiple points in minimal time, with
to cradle the head on a mat or flat surface. virtually no physical effort.
Comes in Swirlie Blue. Made of soft EVA with no The Stick 10051 $30 US
phthalates. Instructional poster included.
Roller Head Align 15104 $29.50 US Portable Hand Roller
Have roller, will travel! Featuring
Short Roller retractable handles, this roller is
Soft EVA foam, yet rigid enough for support. designed perfectly for travel. It
Blue, full-round. A great travel buddy! easily fits into your suitcase or gym
Short Roller, 6 x 12 (15cm x 30cm) 10302 $20 US bag for myofascial release on the go! The ribbed surface offers
a unique release experience. Rolling surface: 8 (20cm). Fully
KnotOut extended: 19 (48cm)
The unique shape of KnotOuts helps Portable Roller 10091 $21 US
you get to places that traditional rollers
cant reach. Made of natural rubber in Myotool
a polyolefin sleeve, they are durable, Developed by physical therapists,
portable, and easy to clean. Large is the MyoTool is an innovative self-
perfect for glutes, hamstrings, and other large muscle groups. massage tool. Its unique shape
Medium is great for shoulders and lower legs. Small is ideal in and carefully placed knobs help
size and density for soles of the feet and palms of the hands. you bring extra attention to hard-
Small, 1.6 x 5 (4cm x 13cm) 10068 $18.95 US to-reach spots. Use to stimulate
Medium, 2.75 x 5.5 (7cm x 14cm) 10067 $29.95 US or gently massage any area, from
Large, 4 x 8 (10cm x 20cm) 10066 $42.95 US bottoms of feet to neck. Includes
booklet with exercise suggestions.
Posture/Massage Balls
Use on a mat or standing against
a wall to release muscle tension,
improve alignment, and apply
pressure to trigger points. Closed-
cell EVA foam material holds it shape. Sold individually. Volume
pricing on five or more balls of same kind.
Swirlie Blue, 6 (15cm) 10278 $19.95 US
Swirlie Blue, 8 (20cm) 10279 $27.95 US
Inflatable Exercise Balls Inflatable Ball, 8-10 Ball
Increase challenge during ab exercises, or as
Call for volume pricing on five or more balls of the same kind. a proprioception tool when placed between
(Yamuna excluded.) For balls used for release work, see p. 87. the knees or ankles. Soft, textured surface for
easy gripping. Inflates by mouth or household
Inflatable Ball, 4 straw. Storm Gray. Sold individually.
An excellent surface to stand or lie on. Use Inflatable Ball, 8-10 (20-25cm) 10250 $8.95 US
for balance work, self-massage, or to improve
alignment by holding between knees or ankles
during footwork. Inflate with needle pump. Eric Franklin Products
Sold individually. The products below were created for Franklin Method classes
Inflatable Ball, 4 (10cm) 10295 $4.95 US by Eric Franklin. The Air Ball inflates with household drinking
straw; others inflate with needle pump (sold separately).
Playground Ball, 5
A Pilates favorite for years, the 5 inflatable Franklin Textured Ball Set
playground ball is a great massage tool, Used in Franklin Method classes, and
alignment tool, or pelvic floor initiator. Inflate specifically designed for self massage, bal-
with needle pump. Sold individually. ance and gait exercises. A unique, uneven,
Playground Ball, 5 (13cm) 10297 $8.95 US honeycomb-textured surface provides more
intense stimulation than smoother balls. Sold as a pair.
Two-Way Pump with Needle (not shown) Textured Franklin Ball, 4 (10cm) 10317 $24.95 US
Needle pump for our 4, 5 and 8-10 inflatable balls.
Two-Way Pump 15914 $2.50 US Franklin Mini-Roll
The unique shape of this double-ended
TOGU Ball, up to 12 ball makes it ideal for supporting and
The perfect size and texture, the TOGU releasing muscles around the spine, legs
ball is soft and flexible, and conforms to and shoulders, as well as for activating
the body. It provides excellent feedback or the pelvic floor. Sold individually.
core work including abdominals, oblique Franklin Mini-Roll, 4x6.5 (10cm x 16cm)
abdominals, back extension and lateral 10318 $24.95 US
flexion. Strong enough to kneel on, it also acts as an unstable
surface under torso, foot or knee. Quickly inflates to desired Franklin Easy Grip Set
level. Inflate with household straw. Sold individually. For self massage, balance and gait
TOGU Ball, up to 12 (30cm) 10309 $23.95 US exercises when maximum sensory
stimulation is required. Soft, rounded
Ribbed Inflatable Ball, 8-10 bumps allow for a better grip and more
Get extra support or increase challenge for intense release work. Sold as a pair.
mat exercises. Try it behind your rib cage for Franklin Easy Grip Set, 5 (12cm) 10319 $16.95 US
abdominal curls, between ankles for teaser, or
under ribs for side stretch. Inflates with needle Franklin Air Ball
pump (included) or household drinking straw. A great balance and proprioceptive tool
Optional free poster of ball exercises. Gray. Sold individually. used in Franklin Method classes, as well as
Ribbed Inflatable Ball, 8-10 (20-25cm) 10296 $15.95 US a helpful addition to a Pilates mat class to
Ribbed Inflatable Ball with poster 12644 $15.95 US support the upper body and challenge the
core. Inflates with straw.
Yamuna Body Rolling, Sold individually.
Beginner Kit Franklin Air Ball, 6-7 (15-18cm) 10320 $9.70 US
Discover what Yamuna Body
Rolling can do for you. This Franklin Smooth Ball Set
method of exercise will relax and Used in Franklin Method classes,
invigorate you, while building core specifically designed for self massage,
strength and balance. Introductory balance and gait exercises. The smooth
kit includes Yamunas specially-designed ball, pump, and surface is excellent for more sensitive
57-minute workout DVD. students. Sold as a pair.
Yamuna Beginner Kit 10311 $60.95 US Smooth Ball Set, 4 (10cm) 10321 $23.95 US
Burst-Resistant Begin Chair
Fitness Balls Exclusively from Balanced Body
and developed in collaboration
with Pilates instructor Maria
Fitness balls are great for both conditioning and rehabilitation,
Mankin, our patented Begin
adding balance challenges, support and playfulness to your
Chair is an attractive, functional
workout or therapy session. All Balanced Body fitness balls
addition to your office or
are the best burst-resistant balls available. However, for
studio. The only ball chair with
safety reasons do not use in combination with other exercise
comfortable lumbar support that
equipment. Inflates with pump (included).
adjusts to your spines natural
Your height Ball size (max. height/diameter) curves, it also provides a safer,
48 to 53 55cm (21) more stable alternative.
53 to 60 65cm (25)
The small ball in the chair back
60 to 67 75cm (29)
adjusts up and down, or in and out, to fit every spine. The large
fitness ball provides instability to activate core muscles while
Balanced Body offers two top choices:
seated. Adjust your seated height by slightly deflating the ball if
Fitness Balls needed. Back away from your desk and take a seated exercise
The finest burst-resistant quality available. break on it, too!
You will appreciate the soft, supple feel,
Included: beautiful and solidly built chair frame, 8-10 ball,
and these will appeal if you prefer subdued
55cm fitness ball and chart with sample seated exercises.
colors. Colors correspond to size. Use sizing
Balls are Storm gray and must be inflated (pump included).
chart above to help you choose.
Wheel kit and fabric ball cover available separately below.
Grey, 55cm 10249 $30.95 US
More details, p. 115.
Red, 55cm 10290 $28.95 US
Begin Chair 12485 $499 US
Deep Purple, 65cm 10291 $34.95 US
Blue, 75cm 10292 $38.95 US 5 Year Warranty
Begin Chair Specifications: Weight: 17 lbs. (7.7kg), Width: 33.8 (85.8cm), Depth: 26 (66cm), Maximum Weight: 300lbs. (136.1kg), Approximate starting seat height: 24
Pads, Poles and more
Standing Platform Pad Balanced Body Barre
This handy pad is perfect for A portable, easily
standing platforms on Reformers. It cushions hands and assembled Balanced
forearms for many exercises, and is much more comfortable Body Barre for
than a folded towel. Your clients will love it! Approximately your workouts. Our
22 x 4 x 0.5 (56cm x 10cm x 1cm). custom-designed
Standing Platform Pad 14695 $10.95 US aluminum barre has
an anti-microbial,
Non-Skid Kneeling Pads powder-coated satin
Extra cushioning can be so helpful! We love finish, and is a great,
these for kneeling exercises. Black: 7 x 14 x lightweight addition
0.25. Others: 7.5 x 14 x 0.5 (19cm x 36cm x to your studio or home.
Barres are 1.5 (4cm) in diameter and come in two sizes: 72
Light Gray 10098 $10 US
long (183cm) or 48 long (120cm). Vertical height adjusts
Blue 10099 $10 US
from 6 (15cm) above the floor to 46 (117cm). Horizontal floor
Aqua Green 10100 $10 US
supports are 28 (71cm) long.
Black (not shown) 10248 $8 US
Non-slip rubber feet grip well without damaging your floors.
Cotear Non-Slip Tape Balanced Body Barre, 72 (183cm) 10064 $145 US
For a better grip on your push-through bar or Balanced Body Barre, 48 (120cm) 10063 $135 US
other equipment. Medical-grade adhesive tape
is easy to remove and leaves no sticky residue. SmartSpine and Sacral Wedge
Each roll is 2 (5cm) wide and 15 (4.6m) long. SmartSpine eases spinal biomechanical
We use about 3/4 of a roll to cover one bar. challenges during core exercises, or try
Red 10005 $2.95 US wrapping it around the shoulders for
Black 10006 $2.95 US relaxation. Delivers immediate sensory
Purple 10007 $2.95 US and proprioceptive awareness, simplifying
Green 10015 $2.95 US cueing and increasing mind/body focus.
Created by Marie-Jos Blom. Use alone or
Yoga Strap with any piece of Pilates equipment.
Lightweight, with buckle for quick adjustment.
Warm in the microwave for relaxing muscle
Support the body while stretching. This
release, or cool for a post-workout cold wrap. Products are
lightweight version is a travel-friendly.
100% natural, unbleached cotton, infused with organic lavender.
Blue, 8 (2.5m) long 10277 $8 US
SmartSpine 10043 $125 US
Sacral Wedge (shown below) 10044 $25 US
Gondola Pole
Helps you balance when performing standing work on the
Reformer. Rubber ends improve traction against the floor. Solid
Professional Kit
maple. 60 (152cm) length x 1.25 (3cm) diam.
The Professional Kit
Gondola Pole 12369 $45 US
includes SmartSpine
plus two sacral wedges,
Weighted Metal Poles
a cervical disc, two
Chrome-plated with rubber ends.
Arch Tubbies, a Globe
Length for all is 31 (79cm).
(to increase difficulty
2 lb (0.9kg) 12400 $52 US
in various movements),
3 lb (1.4kg) 12401 $55 US
plus a microwave sleeve,
3.8 lb (1.7kg) 12147 $58 US
and carrying strap.
Companion DVD and
Maple Dowel
booklet demonstrate
A great tool for alignment,
product use (not a workout video).
armwork and more. Nicely finished, in three lengths.
Professional Kit 10041 $475 US
27 (68cm) 11489 $26 US
32 (81cm) 12374 $27 US
36 (91cm) 12375 $28 US
Videos, Books & Manuals
92 General Pilates and Mat
97 Reformer
99 Tower
102 CoreAlign
103 MOTR
Videos: General Pilates and Mat
We offer many of our videos in both streaming and DVD
formats, to make it as convenient as possible for you to get
what you need, when you need it.
Our symbols indicate the format(s) currently available for
each title: for DVD and for streaming. We constantly
add to our library, so check online regularly, at pilates.com
or on our streaming site, video.pilates.com.
See why people love the Balanced Body "Pilates Pro at Home" series. Master instructor
Elizabeth Larkam guides you with calm, detailed and carefully-paced instruction. These
intermediate/advanced Pilates Mat workouts are suitable for healthy individuals, and
previous Pilates experience is not required. Effective, yet short enough to fit into a busy day.
Mix and match to create your customized program.
Pilates Pro at Home: Core Control Pilates Pro at Home: Create Flexibility
Build core control with stronger abs, protect
Pilates Pro at Home: Pilates Pro at Home
Enjoy the benefits of improved flexibility, relief
Pilates Pro at Home: Pilates Pro at Home
Pilates Pro at Home: core control
against back pain, improve posture, and help from stiffness, increased joint mobility, and
into a busy day. Or combine them if you have into a busy day. Or combine them if you have
detailed and carefully-paced instruction to Larkams expertise shines, with calm, detailed
more time. more time.
help you: and carefully-paced instruction to help you:
Build core control with stronger abs, pelvic Rotate through the entire series to improve Relieve stiffness Rotate through the entire series to improve
floor and spine muscles your overall fitness and balance, or target your overall fitness and balance, or target
Improve mobility of the hip joints and spine
specific areas for improvement. Each title specific areas for improvement. Each title
Protect against back pain Counter the effects of sitting at a desk, in
includes an introduction to Pilates principles, includes an introduction to Pilates principles,
Improve seated and standing posture a tutorial and two focused workouts. your car, and more a tutorial and two focused workouts.
prevent injuries and falls. Includes an 18-minute counter the effects of long periods of sitting.
Prevent injury and falls Enjoy the ease of moving freely
Other Pilates Pro at Home titles: Other Pilates Pro at Home titles:
Challenging workout (26 min) and bonus Challenging workout (32 min) and bonus
workout (14 min) help you build integrated core create Flexibility workout (17 min) help you regain flexibility core control
strength and correct muscle imbalances that and restore balanced musculature after a long
Relieve stiffness and improve joint and spine The place to start if you are new to Pilates.
can cause injury and falls. mobility. A powerful antidote for too much workday, a long plane flight, a long bike ride. Build integrated core strength and correct
Also included: an introduction to Pilates sitting at your desk, in your car, in airplanes. Also included: an introduction to Pilates muscle imbalances that can cause injury and
falls. Safe for osteoporosis/osteopenia.
principles (18 min) plus a tutorial (11 min) with principles (18 min) plus a tutorial (17 min) with
tutorial with tips and modifications, plus a principles, a 17-minute tutorial with tips and
many daily activities. Safe for osteoporosis/ Elizabeth Larkam is a head and rounded shoulders caused by
Elizabeth Larkam is a Pilates Method Alliance
osteopenia. many daily activities. Safe for osteoporosis/
Pilates Method Alliance Gold-Certified instructor osteopenia.
Gold-Certified instructor with 25 years experience in
with 25 years experience in
Upper Body challenge
Build arm/upper back strength and improve
fitness, clinical, dance and Upper body challenge
fitness, clinical, dance and academic settings. She is
core control to protect against back pain and Build arm/upper back strength and improve
academic settings. She is also Fitness Editor for
injury. Improve your sports performance. core control, to protect against back pain and
also Fitness Editor for
Pilates Style magazine injury. Improve your sports performance.
bonus workout. Int/Adv. Safe for osteoporosis/ workout and 17-minute bonus workout. Int/Adv.
www.pilates.com www.pilates.com
US and Canada: 1-800-745-2837 US and Canada: 1-800-745-2837
UK: 00-800-7220-0008 UK: 00-800-7220-0008
Other locations: +1 916-388-2838 Other locations: +1 916-388-2838
Pilates Pro at Home: All About Abs Pilates Pro at Home: Perfect Posture
Sculpt your waistline, decrease risk of low back
Pilates Pro at Home: Pilates Pro at Home
Sit, stand, and walk tall, with improved comfort perfect posture
pilates pro at Home: pilates pro at Home
Pilates Pro at Home: all about abs
pain, improve posture and balance, and boost and ease. Learn how to strengthen back
into a busy day. Or combine them if you have into a busy day. Or combine them if you have
core control. Elizabeth Larkams expertise Larkams expertise shines, with calm, detailed
more time. more time.
shines, with calm, detailed and carefully-paced and carefully-paced instruction to help you:
instruction to help you: Rotate through the entire series to improve Sit, stand and walk tall, with improved Rotate through the entire series to improve
Sculpt your waistline your overall fitness and balance, or target comfort and ease your overall fitness and balance, or target
specific areas for improvement. Each title specific areas for improvement. Each title
Decrease risk of low back pain and injury Strengthen your back muscles to counter
includes an introduction to Pilates principles, includes an introduction to Pilates principles,
Improve posture and balance the rounded shoulders and forward head
a tutorial and two focused workouts. a tutorial and two focused workouts.
posture caused by computer work and other
your performance in sports and daily activities. muscles and counter rounded shoulders and
Boost power and endurance for daily sports
Other Pilates Pro at Home titles: daily activities Other Pilates Pro at Home titles:
and activities
Challenging workout (14 min) and bonus
Challenging workout (19 min) and bonus Core Control core control
workout (8 min) provide plenty of variety to
workout (18 min) provide plenty of variety to
The place to start if you are new to Pilates. keep you motivated, eager for more and pleased The place to start if you are new to Pilates.
keep you motivated, eager for more and pleased Build integrated core strength and correct with your progress. Build integrated core strength and correct
with your progress. muscle imbalances that can cause injury and muscle imbalances that can cause injury and
falls. Safe for osteoporosis/osteopenia. Also included: an introduction to Pilates falls. Safe for osteoporosis/osteopenia.
Also included: an introduction to Pilates
principles, a 19-minute tutorial with tips and Includes an 18-minute introduction to Pilates
head and rounded shoulders caused by back pain, boost power and endurance. Lots
Elizabeth Larkam is a Elizabeth Larkam is a
many daily activities. Safe for osteoporosis/ of variation to keep you motivated!
Pilates Method Alliance Pilates Method Alliance
Gold-Certified instructor Gold-Certified instructor
with 25 years experience in with 25 years experience in
upper Body challenge
upper body Challenge fitness, clinical, dance and Build arm/upper back strength and improve
fitness, clinical, dance and
academic settings. She is Build arm/upper back strength and improve academic settings. She is core control, to protect against back pain and
core control, to protect against back pain and injury and improve your sports performance.
also Fitness Editor for also Fitness Editor for
injury. Improve your sports performance.
modifications, plus a challenging 19-minute principles, a 13-minute tutorial with tips and
Pilates Style magazine Pilates Style magazine
and mind-body spokesperson for the American and mind-body spokesperson for the American
Council on Exercise. 2010 Balanced Body Inc. All rights reserved. Council on Exercise. 2010 Balanced Body Inc. All rights reserved.
workout and 18-minute bonus workout. Int/Adv. modifications, plus a challenging 14-minute
www.pilates.com www.pilates.com
US and Canada: 1-800-745-2837 US and Canada: 1-800-745-2837
UK: 00-800-7220-0008 UK: 00-800-7220-0008
Other locations: +1 916-388-2838 Other locations: +1 916-388-2838
(Total run time: 74 min) workout and 8-minute bonus workout. Int/Adv. Safe for
Pilates Pro at Home: All About Abs 13421 $19.95 US osteoporosis/osteopenia. (Total run time: 53 min)
Pilates Pro at Home: Perfect Posture 13424 $19.95 US
Pilates Pro at Home: Upper Body Challenge
Gain comfort and ease in your daily life. Protect Pilates Pro at Home: The Complete Series
against back pain, improve sports performance, Cant decide which one you want?
and prevent injury. Includes an 18-minute Buy the complete series of five titles, so you
introduction to Pilates principles, a 22-minute can mix and match each week to create your
tutorial with tips and modifications, plus a own customized program! Purchase all five titles
challenging 30-minute workout and 9-minute and save 10%.
bonus workout. Int/Adv. (Total run time: 79 min) Pilates Pro at Home: The Complete Series 12640 $89.75 US
Pilates Pro at Home: Upper Body 13425 $19.95 US
92 For accessories used in DVD workouts, see pp. 76-90 | =DVD =Online Streaming
Videos: General Pilates and Mat
30-Minute Mat Class A Movement of Movement
This fast-paced advanced mat class from The A fascinating documentary by Mark Pedri that
Pilates Center of Boulder is designed by Rachel captures the philosophy and lifestyle of Pilates
Taylor Segel and is great either as a workout, through the eyes of world-renowned instructors
or to give you ideas for quick transitions to and participants in the industry, including
incorporate into your classes. Recommended everyday people who have been transformed by
for experienced Pilates practitioners or the method, as well as athletes. Traveling around
professionals. Props used: Mat. (Total run time: the world to meet with instructors from all
24 min) backgrounds, Pedri gives an all-access look into the method,
30-Minute Mat Class 13472 $14.95 US from the beginnings of Pilates through the evolution of Pilates
as it is today. A must-have for your documentary or Pilates
Pilates on the Go for Mat library. (Total run time: 72 mins.)
Enjoy Balanced Bodys re-release of this A Movement of Movement 13468 $29 US
excellent Pilates mat workout, filmed in an
inspiring outdoor setting. Celebrity trainer Maria PSC Pilates High Intensity Interval Training
Leone is certified by PhysicalMind Institute What do you get when you mix Pilates with
and is an IDEA Master Trainer. Beginning with a stopwatch? This innovative, cutting edge
a warm up and review of Pilates principles, this workout! Using just eight Pilates exercises,
workout is a full body challenge. Some exercises Joshua Smith of PSC has created a challenging,
use resistance bands and tubing. Improve posture and core fun, high intensity workout! Exercises in each
strength! (Total run time: 54 min) interval are demonstrated before the invterval
Pilates on the Go 13398 $17.95 US starts, so theres no stopping in between. Side
by side variations are demonstrated. Previous Pilates experience
Pilates on the Go for Golf is recommended. (Total run time: 55 min)
Strengthen the back, increase your range of PSC PHIIT 13450 $19.95 US
motion and play better. Maria Leone and PGA
golfer Steve Pate demonstrate exercises to Learning from Two Masters
increase core strength, flexibility, balance, and Recorded during a workshop in 2000, this
range of motion. Take strokes off your score and remastered video features nearly 4 hours of
hit the ball longer and more consistently. Props footage. Filtered through Jillian Hessels 30
used: mat and golf club. (Total run time: 54 min) years of teaching, she conveys the indivdual
teaching methods of Kathy Grant and Carola
Pilates on the Go for Golf 13400 $17.95 US Trier. A wonderful addition to your Pilates
educational library. Includes a companion
Balanced Body Pilates Mat Program 53-page spiral-bound booklet. (Total run time: 4 hr)
Increase the strength of your abdominal and Learning from Two Masters 13389 $49.95 US
94 For accessories used in DVD workouts, see pp. 76-90 | =DVD =Online Streaming
Videos: Mat with Props
Workout for Golf: SmartBell and Pilates Mat Pilates for Low Back Pain
Improve your clients golf game or use as a full- Strengthen the core, keep your back healthy. A
body workout. Addresses typical golf challenges. safe routine from the Australian Physiotherapy
coordinating complex movements with precision, & Pilates Institute for beginners and those
plus flow, rotation and flexibility. From Vicki experiencing low back pain. Modifications
Sullivan, and PGA Tour Gary Player. Props: two included. Props used: mat, cushions, chair or
SmartBells, mat. (Total run time: 40 min) exercise ball. (Total run time: 1 hr, 30 min)
Workout for Golf: SmartBell and Mat SDVD8448 $29.95 US Pilates for Low Back Pain 13419 $24.95 US
96 For accessories used in DVD workouts, see pp. 76-90 | =DVD =Online Streaming
Videos: Reformer
A Session with Alan Herdman Return to Health with Alan Herdman
Pilates pioneer Alan Herdman offers fresh Pilates pioneer Alan Herdman takes you through
material for your Reformer workout. Fun, a Reformer workout that demonstrates why
effective and insightful. Learn from the master Pilates works for every body. Good for those
who first introduced Pilates to the United who have never done Pilates, those looking to
Kingdom! (Total runtime: 87 min.) re-engage with Pilates and those recovering
A Session with Alan Herdman SDVD8429 $29.95 US from surgery. (Total run ime: 53 min)
Return to Health with Alan Herdman SDVD8424 $29.95 US
Reformer Workouts on the Allegro
Two beginning, yet challenging workouts led Reformer Workout with the Infinity Footbar
by Viktor Uygan. Introductory workout (30 min) Set your ropes aside for a full-body, 60-minute
introduces basic exercises. Level 1 workout (54 intermediate workout with master instructor Tom
min) builds on that foundation. Includes setup McCook. See the creative exercise possibilities
and safety for the Allegro and an overview of when you position the Infinity Footbar along
movement principles. Excellent for workouts on the full length of the Reformer. Workout is also
other Reformers, too. (Total run time: 99 min) suistable for the Allegro 2 Reformer. Included
Reformer Workouts on the Allegro 13469 $29.95 US with the purchase of Reformers with Infinity
Footbar as of 2017. (Total run time: 76 min)
Allegro Introductory and Level 1 Infinity Footbar Workout 15263 $29.95 US
An outstanding introduction to Reformer
work. The Introductory Workout (30 min) Twisted Reformer
demonstrates basic movements and principles. Balanced Body Education Director Nora St. John
Level 1 (50 min) integrates core control, presents exercises from her Twisted Reformer
correct breathing, and proper alignment with workshop, adding lateral flexion and rotation to
continuous movements. Tutorial provides many well-known Pilates exercises. (Total run
detailed instruction and cueing. time: 56 min)
Allegro Introductory and Level 1 13299 $29.95 US Twisted Reformer SDVD8427 $29.95 US
98 For accessories used in DVD workouts, see pp. 76-90 | =DVD =Online Streaming
Videos: Tower
Pilates Springboard Workouts The Guillotine Tower with Ron Fletcher
Two great Springboard workouts from Margot Pilates elder Ron Fletcher takes you through a
McKinnon, who leads a Beg/Int workout (45 workout on a fundamental piece of equipment
min) and an Int/Adv workout. Excellent cues found in the original New York Pilates studio.
accompany workouts that deliver an integrated, The Guillotine Tower creates a remarkable
full-body experience. Also includes bonus environment for developing mobility and strength of the hips
material (37 min) for the optional Push-Through and spine. (Total run time: 43 min)
Bar. Great for Towers, too! Included with Guillotine Tower 14911 $29.95 US
Springboard purchase as of 2017. (Total run time: 2 hours, 9
min) Allegro Tower: Integrated Workout
Pilates Springboard Workouts 15262 $29.95 US This unique workout brings a fresh perspective
to Pilates. Combine the tower and springs to
Tower Workouts on the Allegro: Integrated work major muscle groups, while controlling
and Tower Workout the moving carriage. Learn 22 exercises,
Disc 1 includes a full set up and safety tour, plus variations. Use with any Reformer Tower
plus a 69-minute integrated workout using the Combination. (Total run time: 51 min)
Tower and moving Reformer carriage. Disc 2 is Tower: Integrated Workout 13308 $29.95 US
a 58-minute more traditional Tower workout,
including exercises off the back of the Tower. Tower/Pole System Class
Also features a 7-minute bonus section (some Make the most of this versatile piece of
exercises include an optional sitting box). (Total equipment. Brought to you by The Pilates Center
run time: 2 hr, 41 min) of Boulder, this class using the Pole System
Allegro Tower: Integrated Workout 13470 $29.95 US (Wall Tower) includes exercise title and clear
cueing for a full intermediate class, or ideas to
Allegro 2 Tower and Integrated Workout integrate into your own classes. (Total run time:
A challenging, 45-minute workout on the 57 min)
Allegro 2 System with Tower, including Tower/Pole System Class 13473 $19.95 US
traditional Tower exercises as well as exercise
options that integrate the Tower with the moving Tower on the Go Workout
Reformer carriage. Designed by Nora St. John, Challenge yourself with this full body workout on
with Caleb Rhodes, Lizbeth Garcia, and Portia the Tower on the Go (see p. 56). Three workouts
Page. Exercises range from beginning to focus on the core, lower body, or upper body.
advanced levels. (Total run time: 58 min) Clear explanations and demonstration of each
Allegro 2 Tower: Integrated Workout 13438 $29.95 US exercise, including set up and adjustment. (Total
run time: 60 min)
Allegro Tower: Intro Workout Tower on the Go 13379 $29.95 US
100 For accessories used in DVD workouts, see pp. 76-90 | =DVD =Online Streaming
Videos: Chair, Barrel
Workout for Golf: Pilates Chair, Step Barrel/Spine Corrector:
SmartBell and Rotator Disc Classic & Signature Exercises
Improve anyones golf game with this workout This remastered DVD from Jillian Hessel covers
from master instructor Vicki Sullivan, also variations on many classic mat exercises, and
Wellness Director for the PGA Tour Gary Player introduces exercises unique to the Step Barrel.
Employee Fitness Center. It addresses typical golf challenges: For teachers and Int/Adv students. Some
complex/coordinated movements, precision, flow, rotation and exercises use wood dowel or weighted pole.
flexibility. Uses two SmartBells, rotator disc and a split-pedal (Total run time: 25 min)
Pilates Chair. (Total runtime: 48 min) Step Barrel/Spine Corrector 13349 $24.95 US
Workout for Golf SDVD8447 $29.95 US
Pilates Arc Workout
Advanced Chair Workout Use the Pilates Arc in unique ways to make the
Pilates pros from The Pilates Center of Boulder most of it! Demonstrated at Beg/Int/Adv levels,
lead this workout on a single-pedal chair like the its perfect for any fitness level or Pilates
EXO or CenterLine, moving quickly through experience. Use as a traditional Step Barrel (Spine
each exercise with smooth transitions and clear Corrector), and then flip it for innovative balance
cueing. Target every inch of the body with this challenges. Props used: mat.
advanced class! (Total run time: 52 min) (Total run time: 29 min)
Advanced Chair Workout 13475 $29.95 US Pilates Arc Workout 13359 $29.95 US
102 For accessories used in DVD workouts, see pp. 76-90 | =DVD =Online Streaming
Videos: MOTR
Active Aging on the MOTR MOTR Balance, Strength, and Core
Join Erika Quest as she defines and highlights Take a class with Valentin and discover clever
the active ager and provides a multitude of ways to use the MOTR to challenge your agility
ways to work out this growing population on the and core. Workout can be done as is from start to
versatile MOTR. Discover simple, effective ways to finish or broken up into Tracks to incorporate into
engage your participants and keep them moving. other workouts. (Total run time: 31 min)
(Total run time: 60 min) MOTR Balance, Strength, and Core SDVD8439 $29.95 US
Active Aging on the MOTR SDVD8446 $29.95 US
MOTR Arm Only
MOTR for Dancers Join Valentin of Pilates by Valentin as she leads
Former professional dancer Viktor Uygan this challenging and full body workout using only
takes you on a dance around the MOTR for a the extension arm of the MOTR. Learn a variety
challenging, fast paced workout. Includes all of interesting ways to use the extension arm as a
8 tracks from the Balanced Body MOTR Track strengthening and balance tool. (Total run time:
System which can be used as is or broken out 26 min)
and used in other workouts or with other props or MOTR Arm Only SDVD8438 $29.95 US
equipment. (Total run time: 68 min)
MOTR for Dancers SDVD8441 $29.95 US Pilates on the MOTR
Focusing on Pilates-inspired moves, this workout
Cardio MOTR from Erika Quest will tone and strengthen your
Join Viktor Uygan of Konnect Pilates as he whole body while showing you ways to use the
explores new ways to get your heart rate MOTR. Use as a complete workout or combine
pumping and your muscles quivering in this with other workouts. Intermediate. (Total run
cardio packed workout on the MOTR. (Total run time: 64 min)
time: 27 min) Pilates on the MOTR SDVD8433 $29.95 US
MOTR for Dancers SDVD8440 $29.95 US
104 For accessories used in DVD workouts, see pp. 76-90 | =DVD =Online Streaming
Videos: Health Topics
NEW! Abdominal and Pelvic Cancer Restoration NEW! Breast Cancer Restoration on the MOTR
on the MOTR Dr. Suzanne Martin of Pilates Therapeutics
This unique MOTR workout from Dr. Suzanne designed this special workout with the MOTR.
Martin of Pilates Therapeutics helps aid in Start with a warm-up and progress to more
recovery from cancers of the abdomen or pelvis. challenging work. Dr. Martin calls out levels of
Includes difficulty level with each exercise so you difficulty throughout the exercises so you can
can work at an appropriate level or modify the quickly identify how to start at a low level or
exercises. Sections include seated arm and trunk modify the exercises, depending on where you
rotations, pelvic bridging, supine overhead arm are in your recovery. Features over 30 exercises
reaches for more core stability and torso opening. Exercises use using the entire MOTR, the arm alone, or as a roller. Includes a
the entire MOTR, the arm alone, or as a roller. Includes a tutorial tutorial on set up and use of your MOTR. Props used: shelf liner
on set up and use of your MOTR. Props used: Mat. Arch Tubbie or other grippy material. (Total runtime: 90 min)
(SmartSpine). (Total runtime: 75 min) Breast Cancer Restoration on the MOTR 15816 $21.95 US
Abdominal and Pelvic Cancer Restoration 15815 $21.95 US
Breast Cancer Survivors Guide to
Jennifer Giannis Fusion Pilates Birth Ball Physical Restoration
for Pregnancy Set Designed for the breast cancer survivor, and
Discover how the exercise ball can enhance post-op patient, Pilates Therapeutics presents
your pregnancy, prepare you for labor, and help suggestions for a complete physical program.
you heal post-natally. Jennifer Giannis routines Includes nutritional guidelines, a 30-minute daily
follows all guidelines from the American College Pilates workout, and more. Props used: Thera-
of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Modifications Bands, towel/cushions. (Total run time: 108 min)
appropriate for each trimester are noted for each Breast Cancer Survivors Guide 13343 $19.95 US
exercise when needed. Birth Ball for Pregnancy,
Birth Ball for Post-Pregnancy, and Birth Ball: Exercise with Baby Leah Stewarts Live Life Pilates for New Mothers
For more information on each included title, please visit video. This progressive series of 4 workouts helps
pilates.com. you through the entire process of healing from
Fusion Pilates Birth Ball Pregnancy Set 13445 $39.95 US pregnancy and reconnecting with your post-
pregnant body. The first routine is for the first
Fusion Pre & Post-Natal Protocol few days after giving birth (15 min). The next
for Apparatus workout is designed for 4-6 weeks post-birth
Learn to assess and reverse postural issues (45 min), followed by one designed for 2-4
caused by pregnancy. Jennifer Gianni presents months after giving birth (23 min) - do this
a Reformer DVD with 50 exercises (60 min), and one with your baby! The final workout is designed to renew and
a Chair and Trapeze Table DVD with 50 exercises regain strength and stability for your non-pregnant body 4-6
for Wunda Chair, Combo Chair and Trapeze months after birth (45 min). Props used: mat, small towel.
Table (72 min). Multiple props used. Live Life Pilates for New Mothers 13441 $24.95 US
For Reformer 13356 $34.95 US
For Chairs & Trapeze Table 13357 $34.95 US Pilates for Pregnancy and Beyond
Physical therapist Dr. Christine Romani-Ruby
Fusion Pilates Pregnancy Set discusses postural and physiological changes
Brought to you by Fusion Pilates Jennifer Gianni, during pregnancy. Learn modifications, cueing,
this boxed set includes Pilates for Pregnancy, and precautions on the Reformer, Trapeze Table,
safe for any trimester; Post-Pregnancy and and Combo Chair. Includes a 45-minute mat
C-Section Recovery, designed for immediately workout. Props used: sitting Box, gondola pole and
after giving birth and the weeks following; C-Shaper. (Total run time: 115 min)
Exercise with Baby, a safe routine you can do Pilates for Pregnancy and Beyond 13298 39.95 US
with your baby; and Triple Threat, a great workout with an 8-10
ball to help regain your pre-pregnancy body.
Fusion Pilates Pregnancy Boxed Set 13368 $59.95 US
Looking for workout DVDs suitable for those with low back
pain? See pp. 95 and 98.
106 For accessories used in DVD workouts, see pp. 76-90 | =DVD =Online Streaming
Books: General
NEW! Pilates Basics Return to Life Through Contrology
by Joseph Pilates
by Jillian Hessel
Developed by Jillian Hessel, this book includes Published in 1945, this original work by Joseph
all you need to know to build a solid Pilates Pilates includes advice regarding posture,
foundation in preparation for matwork. Jillians body mechanics, breathing, spinal flexibility,
B.E.A.M. fundamentals focus on breath, energy, and physical education. Includes his original
alignment, and movement. Clear cueing and 34 mat exercises, with cues and illustrations.
color photography make following along easy Paperback, black and white, 105 pages.
for safe execution, including photos of what not to do during 13093
$16.95 US
each movement. Excellent for the novice Pilates practitioner, or to
continue to build on previous Pilates experience. Paperback, color Pilates Evolution: The 21st Century
by Joseph Pilates, Judd Robbins, and Lin Van Heuit-Robbins
photos, 158 pages.
15903 $34.95 US Includes Joseph Pilates Your Health (1934)
and Return to Life (1945) in their original form,
Pilates for Children and Adolescents plus an additional chapter on how Pilates
by Celeste Corey-Zopich, Brett Howard, and Dawn-Marie Ickes
of recent years has built on the foundation
Teach Pilates to young people. Learn how to established many years ago. Paperback, black
structure class, the anatomical differences and white, 256 pages.
between teaching an adolescent versus 13090
$15.95 US
adult body, and cueing suggestions. Exercise
chapters are separated by age group. Lesson The Pilates Path to Health
by Gary Calderone
plans included. Paperback, color illustrations,
214 pages. Gary Calderone brings to life Joseph Pilates
13105 $49.95 US legacy with this guide intended to offer readers
a new appreciation and deeper understanding
Moving Beyond Technique of the work. Covers the principles of Pilates and
by Chantill Lopez
its modern applicability. Paperback, 153 pages.
A great book for both new and seasoned Pilates 13088
$19.95 US
pros. Go through thought-provoking exercises
to help you evolve your teaching and reinvigo- Pelvic Power
by Eric Franklin
rate your practice. Includes real life strategies to
boost your business and rekindle your love for For men and women: mind/body exercises
Books: General
Pilates Practice Companion Get on it! BOSU Balance Trainer
by Alycea Ungaro by Jane Aronovitch, Miriane Taylor, Colleen Craig
Pilates pro Alycea Ungaro presents this Strengthen your core and stabilizing muscles,
informative, comprehensive book filled with and reshape your body with the power of the
color photos demonstrating proper exercsie BOSU! Learn how to adapt familiar exercises
execution, reps and speed, photos of common into challenging and highly effective work on
faults to avoid, and more! Paperback, color BOSU. Paperback, black and white, 144 pages.
photographs and illustrations, 256 pages. 13069 $14.95 US
13101 $19.95 US
The Golfers Guide to Pilates: Step-by-Step
Centered: Organizing the Body through Kinesiology, Exercises to Strengthen Your Game
by Monica Clyde
Movement Theory and Pilates Techniques
by Madeline Black
Includes beginner, intermediate, and advanced
This book provides a complete picture demon- workouts. Gain greater flexibility, increase core
strating the interconnectedness of the muscu- strength, and a better golf swing! Includes
lature, fascia, joints Grasp the biomechanics of easy-to-learn Pilates exercises with step-by-
underlying posture and dysfunction, enabling step photos. Paperback with black and white
change and improvement. Paperback, color photos, 144 pages.
photos and illustrations, 320 pages.
$14.95 US
$49.95 US
Pilates Chair: Challenging The Core
by Christine Romani-Ruby, PT, MPT, ATC
The New Rules of Posture: How to Sit, Stand and
Move in the Modern World Arranged in chapters based on what PILATES
the spine PILATES
is doing (neutral, flexion, extension,CHAIR CHAIR
A resource for Pilates instructors and health Features set up, movement, and cueing
Core are presented with precise directions, clear pictures, and
easy-to-follow cues. This manual is a useful and much needed aid
Nancy Dennison
PMA Certified Pilates Instructor
Washington, PA
relieving chronic pain via postural changes. guidelines for teaching group classes, a history
Lauren Nahas, MPT
Ben Reuter, PhD, CSCS*D, ATC PHI Pilates Master Teacher
Associate Professor Pilates Director, Orthopedic and Sports Physical
Department of Exercise Science and Sport Studies Therapy Associates
California University of Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, PA
The exercises in Pilates Chair: Challenging the Core are We have been teaching Pilates for 10 years and have
presented in a very organized and logical order. used many of Christine Romani-Rubys resources.
Learn key anatomical features that affect of Pilates and the chair. Over 30 exercises.
As a new teacher, I found this grouping helpful in Pilates Chair: Challenging the Core is excellent, very
determining programs for all clients with specific detailed, and easy to follow. We look forward to using
needs. The variations included with each exercise these chair exercises with all our clients.
provide safe and effective options for everyone.
Michael and Dawn Keating
Healthy Learning
Mary Ann Martin PHI and PMA Certified Pilates Instructors
PHI Pilates Trained Pilates Instructor Owners of Healthy Life Unlimited Pilates Studio
Pittsburgh, PA The Woodlands, TX
posture, and exercises to change it. Paperback, Paperback, black and white photos, 100 pages. Props used:
ISBN 978-1-60679-131-8 51995
Great for the novice or seasoned Pilates enthu- Includes Pilates principles, a movement
siast. Includes 16 goal-specific programs, such vocabulary, plus programs for beginners
as posture or total-body. See each exercise through advanced, and designed to strengthen
in start, middle, and end positions, with clear the low back, shoulder, foot and ankle, and
cues and variations. Some exercises use a neck and upper back. 100 exercsies. Props
magic circle, resistance band or exercise ball. used: roller, ring, pinky ball and resistance
Paperback, color photos, 300 pages. band. Paperback, black and white, 144 pages.
$14.95 US 13040
$14.95 US
Make Pilates mistake-free and enjoy all the A comprehensive guide to Pilates exercise
benefits it has to offer. Great for the instructor on the ball, with workout DVD. Included are
to explain how to identify common errors, or breathing, postural, and abdominal exercises,
for the student, to help become more aware restoration and rebuilding, stretching,
of proper alignment and where/how problems cardiovascular exercise and more! Over 50
might arise during exercise execution. Covers 8 fundamental exercises. Props used: hand weights (optional).
Pilates exercises on the Reformer. Paperback, color, 118 pages. Paperback, black and white, 179 pages.
$19.95 US Book with DVD 13033 $24.95 US
Books: Anatomy and Movement
NEW! Fascia in Motion Stretching Anatomy, 2nd Ed.
by Elizabeth Larkam by Arnold G. Nelson & Jouko Kokkonen
From Elizabeth Larkam and excellent for Detailed information for each stretch. Color
Pilates instructors, other movement profes- illustrations show the muscles in action. Each
sionals and therapists, this is a comprehensive exercise includes variations, instructions,
guide to fascia-oriented training in original primary muscles affected/activated for
and contemporary Pilates, for mat, Reformer support, and detailed stretch notes, plus safety
and other apparatus. Specialized applications tips. Paperback, color illustrations, 222 pages.
for aging well, bone health, knee/hip issues 13286
$15.95 US
and gait are also included. Paperback, color
Dance Imagery for Technique & Performance,
illustrations, 352 pages. Available November 2017.
$49.95 US 2nd Ed.
by Eric Franklin
Books: Health Topics
NEW! Pilates and Parkinson's The Pilates Way to Birth
by Sarah Sessa, BSc, MCSP and Karen Pearce by Carolyne Anthony
Physical therapist and Pilates instructor Sarah Safely exercise and move through pregnancy.
Sessa and Pilates instructor Karen Pearce Learn the changes in the body during preg-
combine knowledge and expertise in this nancy, then exercises on the mat, Reformer,
invaluable tool for those with Parkinson's. and Trapeze Table. Color photographs
Exercises have step-by-step instructions, demonstrate each motion with detailed
photos, and tips for execution and cueing. explanations and benefits. Safe for any
Props: Thera-Band, small inflatable ball, roller, trimester. Props used: mat, exercise ball, hand
cushion, chair, fitness ball. Equipment: mat, Reformer, Trapeze weights, resistance tubing, small ball, foam roller. Sitting box
Table, and CoreAlign. Paperback, black and white, 142 pages. needed for Reformer exercises. Spiral bound, color, 174 pages.
$34.95 US 13068
$34.95 US
A wonderful resource to help breast cancer From Carolyne Anthony and The Center for
survivors safely use Pilates to regain flexibility, Womens Fitness, each manual covers safe
endurance, and relieve the side effects of and beneficial exercises for any stage of
treament such as fatigue, lymphedema and pregnancy. Each movement is clearly shown
upper body impairment. OTs and Pilates and explained with full-color photographs. Use
instructors Naomi Aaronson and Ann Marie with the full Pilates Way to Birth manual or
Turo created this program for any stage of independently. Mat manual includes work with
breast cancer treatment and recovery. Props: chair, mat, Thera- a resistance band, ball, hand weights and the Pilates Arc.
Band, dowel, 8-10 ball, small weighted ball or handweights, Mat 59 exercises 108 pp 13026 $29.95 US
folded towel, magic circle. Paperback, black and white photo Reformer 53 exercises 72 pp 13027 $26.95 US
illustrations, 229 pages.
Cadillac 28 exercises 38 pp 13079 $22.95 US
$21.95 US
Books: Manuals
Balanced Body Manuals: Reforming Human Movement
by Christine Romani-Ruby, PT, MPT, ATC
Detailed Guides for Practicing Pilates
These comprehensive Balanced Body A comprehensivetextbook that addresses
manuals include detailed exercise the use of the Pilates reformer as aCHAIR
tool for
Pilates is exercise with very specific cues. These With her background as a physical therapist and
were the first words I heard when learning how to athletic trainer, Chrissys understanding of the
teach Pilates from Christine. As with all of her work, human body is vast and always growing. Combine
this new chair book follows those words. Unlike that knowledge with her passion for Pilates, and
many Pilates manuals, Pilates Chair: Challenging the you can begin to appreciate Chrissys unique
for common physical limitations, and the fundamental knowledge to develop skills to
Core provides not only the exercises, but also a clear rehabilitation style that sets her apart from other
rationale of why each exercise is done. This manual health care professionals. Her talent is backed by
will be useful for Pilates instructors and for rehab years of experience, which allows her to stand out as
professionals interested in using Pilates exercise as an amazing teacher, professional, and mentor.
part of a treatment program for their patients.
Lauren Nahas, MPT
Ben Reuter, PhD, CSCS*D, ATC PHI Pilates Master Teacher
Associate Professor Pilates Director, Orthopedic and Sports Physical
Department of Exercise Science and Sport Studies Therapy Associates
cueing for optimum form. Instructions safely train clients on the Reformer. Paperback,
California University of Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, PA
The exercises in Pilates Chair: Challenging the Core are We have been teaching Pilates for 10 years and have
presented in a very organized and logical order. used many of Christine Romani-Rubys resources.
As a new teacher, I found this grouping helpful in Pilates Chair: Challenging the Core is excellent, very
determining programs for all clients with specific detailed, and easy to follow. We look forward to using
needs. The variations included with each exercise these chair exercises with all our clients.
provide safe and effective options for everyone.
on using the equipment, programs of black and white illustrations, 232 pages.
Michael and Dawn Keating
Healthy Learning
Mary Ann Martin PHI and PMA Certified Pilates Instructors
PHI Pilates Trained Pilates Instructor Owners of Healthy Life Unlimited Pilates Studio
Pittsburgh, PA The Woodlands, TX
15191 $59.95 US
9 781606 791318 $19.95
EXO Chair 46 exercises 76 pp 13017 $44.95 US Learn to make the most of the roller!
Pilates Arc 41 exercises 88 pp 13018 $44.95 US Jennifer Stacey gives detailed, step-by-step
instructions to 41 exercises on this versatile
Set of 5 manuals - save $45
prop. Photographs make understanding
the correct movement even easier. Includes
Pilates on Trying to lighten
your mailbox load?
Tour 2018 If you received a print version
of this catalog, and would
CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR rather we email you a link to
PILATES PROFESSIONALS a digital catalog next year,
Join us in 2018 for a weekend of please let us know.
learning, networking and fun. Send your request to info@pilates.com.
Furnishings & Apparel
Historical Posters and Photos
Rare photographs of Joseph Pilates in his 8th Avenue studio in New York City.
Original Pilates Studio IC Rapoport Photographs
This beautifully detailed photo Balanced Body is pleased to present an outstanding series of
was given to Ron Fletcher photographs with Joseph Pilates. Taken October 3, 1961, by
by Clara Pilates, and shows photojournalist I.C. Rapoport, these are the finest photographs
the Pilates Studio circa 1940. we have ever seen of Joseph Pilates at work. Rapoport was
Generously sized, at 30 x 24, on assignment for Sports Illustrated magazine when he
this poster will become a focal encountered the creator of Contrology. Available as archival
point in your studio. Reproduced pigment prints, with a few as posters.
on heavyweight paper.
All below are 11 x 16.5 (28cm x 42cm)
Poster, 30 x 24 (76cm x 61cm) 10110 $39.95 US
A. Working Muscle Photo 10171 $150 US
B. Joseph Pilates 10117 $150 US
Joe PilatesCadillac
Taken by photojournalist, I.C. C. Client/Reformer Photo 10111 $150 US
Rapoport in 1961, The Cadillac D. Trap Table Photo 10118 $150 US
shows Joe teaching proper E. Client/Mat Photo 10113 $150 US
position to an unidentified
F. Short Box Photo 10114 $150 US
student. Photo on heavyweight
Begin Chair
Begin your day with a healthy outlook! Transform sitting at your desk into an active
experience that promotes healthy posture. Original concept by Pilates instructor
Maria Mankin, developed in collaboration with Balanced Body.
Finally, a beautiful and more stable ball chair for home or Pricing
office. Exclusively from Balanced Body, the Begin Chair is Begin Chair 12485 $499 US
an attractive, intelligent ball chair with a unique advantage: it Begin Chair with Wheel Kit 12941 $598 US
delivers comfortable lumbar support that adjusts to your own 5 Year Limited Warranty
Specifications for Begin Chair Weight: 17 lbs. (7.7kg) Width: 33.8 (85.8cm) Depth: 26 (66cm) Maximum Weight: 300lbs. (136.1kg) Approximate starting seat height: 24
Posters and Notecards
Pilates Reflections Posters Prop Posters Get on the Ball ten Great exercises!
Decorate your wall with this series of four artful posters in jewel Great for your Hug tHe air
Everyone needs a hug now and then. Open the chest and shoulders.
Open arms one at a
Bike your way to longer-feeling legs.
Get RollinG ten awesome exeRcises!
abDoMinal curl ShoulDer gliDeS
tones. Do you see your favorite Pilates exercise in one of them? studio or home
Muffin tops, be gone! (Works on love handles, too.) Diamonds make better earrings than shoulders. Try this to release tension.
Lie with the ball supporting the back of the head, neck and Place ball under the sacrum so the low back feels supported in
shoulders, and with arms reaching towards the ceiling. Inhale, neutral, with arms resting alongside the body. Begin with legs
opening arms to the side. Exhale to bring the arms back to starting straight and pointing towards the ceiling. Inhale and exhale, moving
position. Repeat 4-8 times. the legs in a bicycling motion. Reverse the direction so you bicycle
both ways. Repeat 4 to 8 times in each direction.
aBdoMinal Curl
or as a reference
Place the ball behind the mid-back, head loosely cradled in hands Lie on your side with ball under the ribcage, legs straight, hips
Start with both knees bent and shins parallel to the floor. Straighten Exhale to engage abdominals. Inhale and slide shoulder blades down
CriSS CroSS SwiMMing one leg away from the torso as you pull the other leg in. Switch toward the hips, lifting upper body into extension as you roll the roller
Get your obliques going! No pool, no problem! Swim to lengthen and strengthen from top to toe!
wherever you
legs. Inhale for one set, exhale for the next. Keep abdominals towards you. Do not come up too far. You do not want to feel this in
engaged and do not allow lower back to lift off the roller. Repeat
Variation: your lower back. Keep abdominals engaged as though trying to pull
With the ball between your shoulder blades, place the hands Lie prone with ball under the pelvis. Straighten legs and tuck toes Variation: Roll
Bridging Banana
Build a bridge to a better bum. Your sides will go bananas for this exercise. Work your entire side!
Start with both knees bent and shins parallel to the floor. Inhale as Keep torso in one line and roll side of thigh over roller by pulling elbow
Variation: Variation:
you extend both legs away from the torso without allowing lower toward hip. To target side edges of the ITB, roll towards front or back
Place the ball back toRest theroller.
lift off top armExhale to draw the legs back in to the starting of thigh. Spend extra time on spots that feel particularly tight. Avoid
Lie with feet flat on the floor, heels in line with sitbones. Place ball Lie on your side with head resting on the bottom arm, palm facing Variations: Marching
between the knees. Inhale. Exhale, engaging the abs. Tuck the up. Squeeze the ball in between your ankles. For support, place at the highest point
tailbone under and roll the spine up one bone at a time until you upper arm in front of you. Inhale and lift the lower arm, torso, and of the bridge, lift
reach the bottom of the shoulder blades. Inhale at the top and the legs off the mat. Exhale and slowly return to starting position. one foot off roller.
favorite exercises,
exhale as you roll back down bone by bone. Do not roll onto the Repeat 6 to 10 times each side. Replace and lift
neck. Repeat 5-10 times. other. Moving Roller-
at the highest point
Plank MerMaid of the bridge, slide
Your entire body will be happy to walk this plank! Ariels favorite exercise to relax and invigorate.
Inhale to prepare. Exhale and slowly roll off the mat, one vertebra the roller towards Inhale as you slide shoulder blades down and press hands into roller. Exhale and roll the spine down
at a time, starting with the tailbone. Inhale at the top of the bridge, your body and away. one vertebra at a time, rounding the back. The roller will slide forward as you go. Inhale and continue
Variations: and exhale as you roll back down. Keep roller stable throughout,
Variation: Keep hipbones even. to roll the roller away until the spine extends fully with arms overhead. Exhale to engage abdominals
Place the ball and roll Roll
up only to shoulder
the ball away blades, not onto neck. and curl tailbone under, pulling roller back and rolling up to your starting position. Repeat 4-6 times.
under the hips Repeat on4-8a times.
or thighs. Bend
plus variations.
the elbows
for a series of Plank neck MaSSage
pushups. Look better in Spandex! Get great overall body conditioning in one exercise. Way cheaper than a massage therapist! Release neck tension with this simple move.
Place hands on the mat with shoulders directly above the wrists. Sit with hand resting on the ball, one leg bent and resting on the floor, Variation:
Place the ball under the ankles. Hold for 3 to 6 deep breaths. the other to the side. Inhale and roll the ball away as you lean the torso Pushups or hands
to one side. Reach the other arm up over the torso. Exhale back to on the roller (see
2013 Balanced Body Inc. All rights reserved.
starting position. Repeat 4-6 times on each side. second photo).
18 x 24
For more information on ways to use the ball, visit pilates.com.
Place hands on mat with shoulders directly above the wrists. Place Inhale and Exhale Move the head up and down, side to side and in circles, to massage the base of
Please consult your physician before beginning this or any otherroller
exercise program.
under front of the ankles. Hold torso in one long line from the skull. Use a 4 diameter roller if the 6 is uncomfortable. Roll slowly, side to side, for 30 seconds to
head to toe, keeping shoulders wide. Hold for 3 to 6 deep breaths. 2 minutes.
(46cm x 61cm)
Please consult your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program.
Trail Guide to the Body Anatomy Posters Joe Cards
Excellent companions for the Trail Guide to the Body manual Traditional repertoire by the master. Check out Joes Pilates
and flashcards (p. 109). These quick reference posters are form and position in these sequential photographs from circa
written in the same quirky humor, making anatomy fun and 1940s and 60s. Folding notecards (4-1/2 x 6-1/4) are blank on
quick to learn. 24 x 30 (61cm x 76cm) the inside. Set of 12 cards with envelopes.
A. Front View 15098 $24.95 US Joe Cards 10093 $17.95 US
B. Rear View 15097 $24.95 US
C. Side View 15096 $24.95 US
I call this exercise "Allegro
Words from Joe Notecards Lounging Labradoodle" with
Share four of Joes one blue sping. Paw dangle
memorable quotes optional. Smile Required!
on these colorful
image via @kellyybarba
folding notecards.
Give a box to
your students
or teachers, or
treat yourself. 12
notecards with
white envelopes.
Blank inside.
4.1 x 5.5 (10.4cm x 14cm).
Words from Joe Notecards 10151 $17.95 US
To see our full line of apparel, visit pilates.com.
NEW styles! ToeSox NEW! Tavi Noir "Savvy" Sock
ToeSox fit like a second skin, with a non-slip sole If toe separation isn't your thing, but you still
providing superior grip. Five-toe construction want a grippy sock, these low-rise socks just
allows for proper toe alignment, increasing might be perfect for you! Includes an arch
flexibility, balance and control. Cotton. band for arch support and heel tabs to protect
Available in Small (men's shoe size 4-7 or women's shoe your achilles tendon. Patterned starburst
size 5-8), and medium (men's shoe size 7.5-9.5 ebony rhinestone. Made of organic cotton. Available in Small
or women's shoe size 8.5-10). (womens 5.5 to 7.5 shoe size) and Medium (womens 8-10 shoe size).
New! Exclusive Balanced Body Gear
Weve designed beautiful new shirts with you in mind! Layer or wear alone for a versatile,
wear-anywhere addition to your Pilates wardrobe.
A. B. C. D. E.
Shipping / Returns / Warranties
Equipment stocked for immediate delivery Custom orders are our specialty
We keep our most popular equipment in stock, ready for Cant find something? Please check online at pilates.com, or
fast shipment. Dont you just love immediate gratification? call us with your custom request. We love a challenge!
Visit Balanced Body online.
24-hour ordering for US48 and Canada. Education Finder for instructor training Looking for work? See our Job Board.
and continuing education.
Online store specials. Streaming video at video.pilates.com.
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