Combahee River Collective Statement
Combahee River Collective Statement
Combahee River Collective Statement
I Mary Church Terrell, and thousands upon thousands unknown -
lro had a shared awareness of how their sexual identity combined
Combahee River Collective * lvith their racial identity to make their whole life situation and the
lot'rrs of their political struggles ur.rique. Contemporary Black femi-
We are a collective of Black feminists who have been meeting rrisrn is the outgrowth of countless generations of personal sacrifice,
together since 1974. lDuring that
time we have been involved in thc, rrrilitancy, and work by our mothers and sisters.
process of defining and crarifying
our politics, whire at the same timc A Black feminist presence has evolved most obviously in connection
doing political work within
o"*r. gffi r"a in coalition with with the second wave of the American women's movement beginning
progressive organizations and other
movelenis. The in the late 1960s. Biack, other Third World, and working women have
ment of our poritics at the present -"rt ;;;;.;i state
time wouid be that *-" ur" u"trrr"ty bcen involved in the feminist movement from its start, but both out-
committed to struggling agiinst racial,
sexual, heterosexual, ancl class side reactionary forces and racism and elitism within the movement
oppression and see as our particular
task the development of integrated itself have served to obscure our participation. In 1973 Black feminists,
analvsis and practice based upon
th" f;"ithr;H;j;:;r't'.8-, or primarily located in New York, felt the necessity of forming a separate
oppression are interlocking. The
synthesis of these opp."r,riorr, .r" Black feminist group. This became the National Black Ferninist
ates the conditions of our ives.
As Bla"k *o_"r, we see Biack femi_ Organization (NBFO). the iogical poritical
simultaneous oppressions that -orr"^"r*-io combat the maniford and Black feminist politics also have an obvious connection to move-
all *o_"r, of color face. rnents for Black liberation, particularly those of the 1960s and 1970s.
We will discuss four major topics
in the paper that follows: (1) the Many of us were active in thosc movernents (civil rights, Black nation-
genesis of contemporary black
feminism; p) what we believe, i.e., alism, the Black Panthers), and all of our lives were greatly affected
specific province of our politics; the
(3) the pJoUf"-, i" and changed by their ideology, their goals, and the tactics used to
feminists, including a bit"r h".ri";;J;;r uiu.f.
coilective; and (4) Black achieve their goals. lt was our experience and disillusionntcnt within
feminist issues and practice.
these liberation movements, as well as experience on the periphery of
1. The Genesis of Contemporary Black ihe #hite male left, that led to the need to develop a politics that was
antiracisi, unlike those of white women, and antisexist, unlike those
B"i?l: looking at the recent development
would like to affirm that we find our
of Black feminism we of Black and white men.
Afro-American women's continuous "ri;i"r
in the histori.ur .""iiiy or Thi:ie is iiso undeniably a personal genesis for Black feminism, that
lifE-and-death struggre for sur- is, the political realization that comes from the seemingly personal
vival and liberation. Black wome.,,"
to the American politicat system
ot.Jr"ty negative ?Ei",i""rfrip experiences of individual Black women's lives. Black feminists and
always been determined byour {"
,y;i;; oi wh"ite ;rl;;;i"il", many more Black women who do not define themselves as feminists
_;_6*;ip rn two oppressed racial have all experienced sexual oppression as a constant factor in our day-
and sexual castes. as AlSe! nu"i,
poi"i, out in ,,Reflections on the to-day existence. As children we realized that we were differeni from
Black Woman,s Role inth! Comm;"i!;i;ir"es,,,
Btack wome' have boys and that we were treated differently. For example, we were told
always embodied, if only in tf-,U.pfrfri'.Jianifestatio",
u" in the same breath to be quiet both for the sake of being "ladylikel-and
stance to white male rul.e.and ";;;;;;.y
have actively resisted its inroads to rnahe us less objectionable in the eyes of white people. As we grew
them and their communities in upon
both d;;;iic and subtle ways. There older we became aware of the threat of physical and sexual abuse by
have always been Black wo-",, u"tirrir;_';;^" known, like Sojourner men. However, we had no way of conceptualizing what was so appar-
*The cornbahee ent to us, what we /tnew was realiy happening.
River collective is a Black ferninist
comes from the guerr'la u.tiutr .un""piuu'tiJ"a'r,.i group in Boston lvhose narne -'Black feminists often talk about their feelings of craziness before
r"a r' Harriet Tubman on
1863 irrtheporr Rovar revi,,11
s1 5"rrh'i;i;,';.iii,)l,,r"rrcejp16r.rharrT5uslares June 2, becorning conscious of the concepts of sexual politics, patriarchal ru1e,
and is thc onJy miliiary rlmpaig,r
t,'atr-i."" rririJ.]1r""""u and led bv a \ rorran. and most importantly, feminism, the political analysis and practice
that we women use to struggle against our oppression. The fact that
racial politics and indeed racism are pervasive factors in our lives did
Combahee River Cottective
represent some stability in theirlives. were first conceptualized as a Lesbian-straight split but which were
MAly Black women ha._s agood
understanding of both sexism and ru"ir-, also the result of class and political differences. During the summer
6", il;;;;ii1r" #rro*
constrictions of their rives cannot risk those of us who were still meeting had determined the need to do polit-
struggri.,g uguirr;t ih;iotir.
The reaction of Black men to feminism ical work and to move beyond consciousness-raising and serving
r.r"u", uJ"n"no,"ii"rrry
tive' They are, of course, even more threatened ""g, exclusiveiy as an emotional support group. At the beginning of 1976,
than Black wo-"', by
the possibility that Black. feminitrr when some of the women who had not wanted to do political work
needs. They realize that they might -iilt
organize around our own
noionly lose vaiuable and hard_ and who also had voiced disagreements stopped attending of their
working allies in their struggles 6ut that own accord, we again looked for a focus. We decided at that time, with
they might ulso be-folcea to
change their habitually sexisl ways the addition of new members, to become a study group. We had always
of inieracting with and oppressing
Black shared our reading with each other, and some of us had written papers
,women. Agg_xsatiqns. thai Biack feminism divides the Black
struggle are powerfur deterrenrs
to the growth on Black feminism for group discussion a few months before this deci-
women's movement. "rl" ^i.""n-,l}, ;Hi sion was made. We began functioning as a study group and also began
Stiil'" hundreds of women have discussing the possibility of starting a Black feminist publication. We
been active at different times during
the three-year existence oj oyr group. had a retreat in the late spring which provided a time for both political
arra Black woman who
came/ came out of a strongly-felt t-t""d
for ro-e",r".y
lever.rporriiirity *nut discussion and working out interpersonal issues. Currently we are
did not previously exist in ier life. planning to gather together a collection of Black feminist writing. We
when we first started meeting early in rg74 feel that it is absolutely essential to demonstrate the reality of our poli'
after the NBFO first
eastern regionar conference, *" Jid tics to other Black women and believe that we can do this through
noi hru" a strategy for organizing,
or even a focus. We just wanted to see writing and distributing our work. The fact that individual Black fem-
what we had.'Afte, u i".ioa of
months of not meeting, we b"g"" i;
;;;t ugutn tate in the year and inists are living in isolation all over the country, that our own numbers
started doing an intense variety of are smail, and that we have some skills in writing, printing, and pub-
consciousness-raising. The
yhll-i"g feeling that we had ls that after years and years weover- had
lishing makes us want to carry out these kinds of projects as a means of
finally found each other. Althorgl', organizing Black feminists as we continue to do political work in coali-
as a group/ ir"rdividuals continued -" *"." .rot doing political work
their involvement iJi"rrri""'p.u tion with other groups.
tics, sterilization abuse and abortion
rights work, Third world women,s 4. Black Feminist Issues and Projects
International Women,s Day activitie"s,
orra ,,rppor, fo. tfr.
trials of Dr. Kenneth Edelin, "",i"iiy During our time together we have identified and worked on many
Joan Little, f"ei Curliu. ;;.;;
first summer, when membership had ""a off considerably, or.
dffied issues of particular relevance to Black women. The inciusiveness of
of us remaining devoted se.ious discurri-Ji those
our politics makes us concerned with any situation that impinges
ing a refuge for battered women in gh;k
,o the possibilii; ;;"" upon the lives of women, Third World and working people. We are of
u .ommunity. (There",fwas no
refuge in Boston at that time.)".we course particularly committed to working on those struggles in which
also clecrded around that time to
b1c.o19an independent collective race, sex and class are simultaneous factors in oppression. We might,
since we had serious disagreements
s bourgeois-feminist stance anJtheir
;;liJjJ" lr"k.i;;;;;. i"',i for example, become involved in workplace organizing at a factory
that employs Third World women or picket a hospital that is cutting
We also were contacted at that time back on already inadequate health care to a Third World community,
by socialist feminists, with
whom we had worked on abortion rights or set up a rape crisis center in a Black neighborhood. Organizing
activities, who wanted to
encourage us to attend the National around welfare and daycare concerns might also be a focus. The work
sociarist Feminist conference in
Yellow Springs. one of our members to be done and the countless issues that this work represents merely
aiJ utterra and despite the nar_
rowness of the ideology that was promoted reflect the pervasiveness of our oppression.
at that particular
ence, we became more aware of the "orJ"r_ Issues and projects that collective members have actually worked
need for us to .r.ra".riur.rJ-or.
own economic situation and to make on are sterilization abuse, abortion rights, battered women, rape and
our own economic analysis.
In the fall, when some members returned, health care. We have also done many workshops and educationals on
we experienced several
months of comparative inactivity and
internal disagreements which
Combahe e Ri rt,, r, ( i r//rrr.ln
I This
statement is dated
2 ,nE#totet
Michele Wallace, ,A Black Femi
rnist's Search for Sisterhood,,
28 July 1925, pp. 6_2. The Village Voice,
3 Mumininas
of Commi'ee for unified
Nationalist Woman), Newark, Newark, Mwanamke Mwananchi
nl.,; irri ir. l . rThe
From capitarist patriarchv
and the cose t'or sociarist
n"ui"*Fr"r.: "r";;;:;",,
stein, New york, Monthly Lbminism, ed. by Zilla_h