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The document discusses Radheshyam Prabhu's participation in the Vidyapitha program as a student despite his seniority and responsibilities, highlighting his humility, dedication to studying Srila Prabhupada's teachings, and setting an inspiring example for others.

It was initially very surprising that Radheshyam Prabhu wanted to participate as a student rather than a teacher, given his experience and responsibilities, but he demonstrated great sincerity and commitment to studying the program. He received 100% on all his tests, showing his absorption in studying Srila Prabhupada's books.

Radheshyam Prabhu's humility, sincerity, dedication to studying Srila Prabhupada's teachings, impeccable sadhana, high standards of dealings, regular participation in classes and sloka recitation, flexibility, and friendly treatment of all students are highlighted.

A loving offering from 2014-2016

Thank you Dear Radheshyam Prabhu

Tossed and turned,
Our emotions swirled,
As waves cry out,
Our hearts distraught

We scramble to try,
Like children of five,
To express our love,
And yet to say Goodbye

What unspoken words can say?
How unexpressed actions will portray?
The feelings of gratitude, admiration and praise,
Chiselled in our hearts by Your Grace

Your Servants at
Great legendary, historical trademark of the Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha

Its quite extraordinary because he is senior to practically every

teacher. He probably educated the people to become devotees, who
educated the people who made the teachers. He is like a param-siksa
guru to almost everybody in the Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha. He is
teaching so many, more than anybody, in the history of India, or
ISKCON. He has been systematically training people, who are
systematically training people, who are systematically training
people and yet, what is it? A two-year course? And yet, hes just
come as a student. Just a humble student. Hes taking notes and he
deeply appreciates all of his teachers, many are so junior to him in
every single way, but still, hes really just learning from them, its
not just formality. You can go to one or two classes, sometimes but
two years! Every day! Hes really learning and appreciating because
he doesnt really see junior or senior. He is just seeing that these
people are repeating Srila Prabhupada, so they are repeating our
guru-parampara, so they are supremely exalted.
And his being a student, in my own estimation, is one of the great
lessons of the Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha. As you are studying, you
are seeing somebody, who knows more than the teachers, humbly
learning from them. That is Rupanuga. That is following the
footsteps of Rupa Goswami.Thank you Radheshyam prabhu! But I
almost dont want to give you your certificate because, after you
leave, the college will not be the same But it will be better
actually, it will be one of the great legendary, historical trademarks
of the Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha, that he was a student here.
HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj
I really feel sad that this two year programme is coming to an end
We suddenly got shock of our life when
Radheshyam Prabhu called me up and said he wants
to participate in Vidyapitha program. I initially
thought he wants to teach but then upon
clarification I found out that he wants to participate
as a student, that was extremely surprising for me
and shocking. I again and again asked him, Are you
sure, you want to be student or you want to be a
teacher. And I just felt it is going to be extremely
challenging because he has major responsibility as
temple president of ISKCON, Pune. How will he
be able to do justice to his program but he really
pulled it up to such a degree of sincerity that it has
been extremely enlivening for the participants of
Vidyapitha programme and for all the residents at
GEV because they got an opportunity to see his
impeccable sadhana, his standards of Vaisnava
dealings and his total commitments and dedication
to study Srila Prabhupada purports. And Gauranga
Darshan may probably confirm, in last two years
practically every test which has been conducted, he
got hundred percentage which shows that he is so
absorbed in the study of these books and he actually
has shown fantastic example that there is no point in
life we can say that we can stop learning. We are
always learning, we are always growing and his
humility and his dedication to study of Srila
Prabhupada books has been, on personal level
extremely inspiring and I really feel sad that this two
year program is coming to an end. And sometimes I
wish we could have had few other programs by
which we could continue his enrolment, so that we
could continue to get his association.
- Gauranga Das
I would like to thank all the devotees in the third
batch for their sincere and consistent efforts to
study srimad bhagavatam and for giving me an
opportunity to serve. Espically I would like to
express gratitude to HG Radheshyam p. His
presence lifted the whole consciousness of the
class. We were greatly benefited by his
thoughtful questions and realizations and his
insights helped us to learn the application of
different principles from bhagavatam. He taught
us by his ideal example of being a student. I pray
that Sri Sri Radha Vrindavan Vihari empower all
of us to practice and spread the teachings of

In the mood of servant of guru and Vaishnavas

Radhika vallabh Das

I am highly grateful to you. In the year nineteen ninety nine in Chowpatty beach in
front of the temple, from Radheshyam Prabhu dehino 'smin yath dehe kaumra
yauvana jar tath dehntara-prptir dhras tatra na muhyati. I have learnt from
H.G. Radheshyam Prabhu that I am not this body but the spirit soul. When I came to
know that Radhesyam Prabhu is coming here, I could not believe and it was scary also,
for teachers as Radheshyam Prabhu is coming as a student. I could not believe at all, it
must be a good thought only and it will not manifest actually. But when Prabhu came
here then I thought probably it will be just for a month and so and Prabhu will just
take principles of Vidyapitha from here and implement in Pune. Actually, it is so
unbelievable that Prabhu has ended this Vidyapitha as a student but actually he is the
best teacher for he is teaching us this humility. Actually it requires great account of
humility as we are discussing increasing humility and this is oceanic example that
Prabhu show. Just like we say one action speaks more than thousand words, this is
action for two years, now if we will add up, how many .words cannot describe
actually what Prabhu has taught us. So, Prabhu your example actually we will
continue to shine brilliantly like the Sun and we will take inspiration from you
throughout our lives and I am sure many leaders in ISKCON will also derive
inspiration from your example for millenniums to come. Thank you.
Damodar Das
vidya lagane ji mane baa kheda
vidya lagane ji mane baa kheda, ro eka gua uni adbhuta tomra,
vicchedera tika k citte kare cheda tma prati kahora ra anyate udra
1) Today in this moment of farewell I am feeling 7) We hear about one more amazing quality of yours.
very much grief in mind. The sharp thorn of You are very much strict with your own-self but lenient
separation is piercing my heart. with others.

caitanya lilya uni bhaktera cra, para-doa-dari bali aiche doa-rja,

apurva caritra sabra apurva sadcra astitva nhika tomr abda-koa mjha
2) We hear about the wonderful behavior of the 8) The king of all faults namely Fault-Finding doesnt
devotees of Lord Caitanya in His pastimes. All of exist in your dictionary.
them had wonderful character and exhibited
wonderful etiquette.
saralatra sarala gua ro sarala kari,
ikhile m sab pani cari
tdera ravaa mtra n dekhi kte, 9) The simple quality of Simplicity has been simplified
tom dekhi anubhava igite thate more by your grace. You have applied this quality in your
3) But it is our misfortune that we just hear about own life and taught us how to be a simple renunciant.
them but cannot see or feel much directly. It is only
by seeing you, whose character is wonderful, that amnin mnadena tattve sunipua,
we get an indication of them.
ga bhakti tattva sarala kariy vkhna
10) You are very much expert in the principle of
gaudiya siddhnta ra vaiava sadcra,
amnin mnadena. Your way of explaining the deep
tomra caritre dohra apurva samhra philosophy of Bhakti in a very simple way with
4) Your magnificent character has shown us the wonderful examples and realizations is really heart
amazing combination of our wonderful philosophy transforming.
of Gaudiya sampradya and the Vaisnava etiquette.
ayogya adhama mui atyanta durbhgya,
mahprabhu balecilena n kaile cra, kp bale saga diy arpile saubhgya
ikhna n yya anye n haya pracra 11) I am unqualified, lowly and very much unfortunate.
5) Mahaprabhu said that unless one first practices By your mercy you have bestowed me good fortune with
himself he cannot preach or teach others. your divine association.

aiche guera praka dekhi caritre tomra, hena saga bhaga habe cinti be duka
pani cari ikho vaiava sadcra kp-di lgi knde dsa padmamukha
6) That quality is truly manifested in your 12) Now this association is going to get over, this very
character. You are very much expert in following thought is responsible for my increasing pain. Your
the vaisnava etiquette in your own life and servant Padmamukha Nimai Das is crying for your
teaching it to others. merciful glance.
Hare Krishna, Please accept my humble obeisance
Dear Prabhuji, These two years of Vidyapitha especially in your presence were most beautiful years of my life. I
am always deeply inspired by your simplicity and especially when once you told that after completing your
vidyapeeth you are planning to start doing book distribution at railway stations, markets etc. to develop
humility. Although you are with such a busy & hectic schedule, still after class you always give us extra time,
discussing on various topics. I will be always grateful for all your guidance & love for us.
Your servant
Srisacidulal Das

Sitting in same class and studying with Hg Radheshyam Prabhu is itself a great privilege. It
is like a pauper studying with a millionaire in a same class. Seeing his eagerness, enthusiasm
and humility in completely engaging in each and every aspects of the Vidyapitha
curriculum along with managing multifarious engagements in Pune and around the world,
I see myself as a toddler learning to walk. With his example I see a long term life goal to be
staunch like him. Each and every minute in his association is lifetime learning for me. I pay
my prostrated humble obeisance to all my siksa gurus. Jai Srila Prabhupada
Your Servant,
Pran Gopinath Das

Being in your presence is like holding on to a 440V supply. Everyone is constantly charged with
enthusiasm and pure devotional thoughts. Im very grateful to have been able to bask in your glowing
aura. Unlike others, I dont have very skillful vaishnava dealings and thus I deprived myself of your full
mercy. Im reminded of Devahuti, lamenting for not being able to take full opportunity of powerful pure
association. However, the little we shared through emails, exchanges, etc. is very valuable to me. Im still
amazed at how simple and down to earth you present yourself, although you are very very exalted in
character and devotion. I thank you so much prabhuji, for being so nice to all of us, especially my
humble self. Sharing a classroom with you is the second biggest impression youve made in my life. The
first was back in 2009, when I attended the 2nd YPTC program in Pune. I seek your blessings and
forgiveness for mistakes.
- Hemarupa Caitanya Dasa
Your association in the Vidyapitha days is
really a boon upon us; I personally did
learn so many things from you and
everything about you is really amazing.
You always give time to everybody no
matter how much you may be busy. Your
sadhana inspired me a lot you never miss
any single mangal arati, and for japa you
seat in one place only while japa your
focus never becomes divert etc. Your
extensive travelling and your simplicity all
are just astonishing. You are president of
NVCC, such big person but on the
spiritual platform so humble; for example
so many time you came with me on cycle
double seat. You are a great optimistic
you never speak negative word, always see
good in others, always glorifies others.
Your comments in the classes are very
practical and visionary. You are so
disciplined in all activities. Both your
morning Bhagvatam classes and singing of
mangal arati are very nourishing.

You are an exemplary leader I always felt

spiritual shelter in your association, I
observed one thing that you always tried to
inspire me even though Im such a fool.
And personally, I did learn so many things
in your association, I will never forget these
days in my whole life time. Thank you for
such rare opportunity.
Your Servant,
Anadiram Das
My perennial source of inspiration
Hare Krishna Hg Radheshyam Pabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisance
Today, to glorify and thank you this is a very rare chance.
From a neophyte, you may not like your own glorification
But this will certainly accomplish my heart purification
Way long seeing your publications in Sri Radhagopinath gift shop,
Meeting with you once, a sincere desire I did develop.
Out of your causeless mercy and by the will of providence,
You joined Vidyapitha for giving us heart-transforming experience.
Bless me if I can oer you some of my broken words,
Hence, I was in your association for last two years.
But a beggar of words and also without any good qualification
How can I sing your glories in a great jubilation?
Marvelous! The way you give solution to all material problem,
And for Vaisnav etiquette and humility you are like an emblem.
Your clarity of thoughts and transparency in dealing,
Knowledge of scriptures and seminars all are just healing.
If the ghost of anartha haunts me or get covered by the cloud of confusion,
Always I will seek you as my perennial source of inspiration. I am very grateful for the wisdom HG Radhesyam Prabhuji shared with us which is unfathomable,
Forgive me for being with you I might have committed any oences, which I saw during this tenure of two years very closely as a student, teacher, as class mate etc. from
As sometimes the moon is considered to be an aquatic by the fishes. dierent angles.
Wish you continue connecting more lives in to Krishna Consciousness The realizations on the topics he shared had made a deep impact within me,
And your glories as a True Vaisnava may spread through universes. I would say these two years of Vidyapitha with HG Radhesyam Prabhu was a causeless mercy of lord
If Lord Ananta fails to sing the glories of Krishna and His companion, on me before expose to outside world in full form, which I felt prepared me.
What to say of my oerings which are like showing lamp to the Sun. I saw how a devotees dealing should be with others in dierent circumstances and to oneself too was
great learning for me, which I can try to practice throughout my life.
Prabhu, please bless me to be loyal to guru and gauranga always,
Now as this period is ending I will miss your shelter (who is capable to convince anyone with his
And to serve as an eternal servant, this condition soul ever prays.
deep understandings)?

Your Aspiring Servant

Aspiring to serve you
Acyuta Nityananda Das
Bindumadhav Das
The day I came to know that HG
Radheshyam Pr is going to join
Vidyapitha, I was deeply amazed by his
desire to study sastras even after being in
ISKCON for such a long period of time.
For me his participation at Vidyapitha
was greatly enthusing to the heart,
surcharging to the mind and enlivening
to the consciousness. I cannot fathom my
Feel grateful to witness sublime great fortune by which I got opportunity
character of your grace. Aspire for to associate with him so closely and
your Devotion to Lord, Simplicity as spiritually luxuriantly. I am deeply
person and Dedication to guru. I Lack touched and inspired by his simplicity,
all three. Thank you for your example. humility and highly approachability.
Jagdish Hari Das - Anand Nimai Das


Respected prabhu, Please accept my most humble

As the glories of Lord are unlimited so are the glories of his
pure devotees..
How can a fool like me describe your glories nevertheless I
accept this opportunity for my own purification..
When I came in contact with devotees I heard about you
from them.
A desire to see you, to hear from you sprung in my heart
Although I was brand new devotee, I dared to write you an
You replied me with such incredible care and concern that
deeply touched my heart..
I never imagined that my fortune bestowed upon me by
the causeless mercy of Lord and His devotees............
Will make me sit beside you in the Vidyapitha class for 2
years every single day.!
I learned many valuable lessons from grantha bhagavata
sitting beside person bhagavata..
Your purity, innocence, simplicity, humility, sincerity, deep
understanding of scriptures
Unlimited Vaisnava qualities with exemplary Vaisnava
behaviour strengthened my faith in genuine Vaisnava
I got an opportunity to witness the ideal Vaisnava character
which I read in the Srimad Bhagvatam and Chaitanya
These invaluable pearls of moments in your association will
help me to sustain in bhakti and serve Guru and Gauranga
faithfully throughout my life
Thank you very much prabhu for your most wonderful
association which I hope and pray to get again and again
..words fall short to describe my gratitude
Please forgive me for any shortcomings in my behaviour and
please bless me to become servant of servant of servant.of
all the vaisnavas.

Yours aspiring servant of servant

Amritesh das

It is very humbling experience to write a word of Gratitude & appreciation for you. It is like the dwarf trying to touch the moon. But as it is said
in the Bhagavatam one has to glorify Lord & his devotees as far as ones capacity, in order to purify oneself. By giving acronyms of your name, I
would like to purify myself by citing your some qualities which are worth hearing & meditating & made great impact in my life in these two years.
R-Responsibility: Prabhuji, you took full responsibility in your life to manage both your busy schedule as a president in Pune as well as a sincere
serious student of Vidyapitha in past two years. By doing this, you set an example of an ideal students of Vidyapitha not only to me but also all the
future Vidyapitha students.
A-Approachability: Even you are so senior devotee in Krishna consciousness then also you are always approachable to all of us. So whenever I have
to ask you any questions, you will happily answer all the questions & remove my doubts from the root. This is very rare quality.
Absorption: Also your absorption in each & every activities; whatever you do, you do from your whole heart without negligence in order to please
Guru & Krishna. Whether it is chanting, singing mangala arati, giving Bhagavatam class, writing daily tests or asking questions & clearing doubts
of devotees or serving prasadam in ashram to devotees.
Aim: Without aim & purpose in the life, lives become useless. Similarly you have purpose in your mind while joining Vidhyapitha which you
express with all of us & now after completing two years course of Vidyapitha you will be going to fulfill your aim by starting Bhakti Vaibhava
course in four corner of India ie Pune, Kanpur, Bangalore & Kolkatta
D-Determination: Without determination in life one cannot achieve anything in the life. You showed by your personal example that how much
one should be determine to sacrifice ones comfort for the higher cause i.e. to please the Lord & Srila Prabhupada. You have earnest desire in your
heart to scrutinizing studying Srimad Bhagavatam & Chaintya Caritamrita & fulfill the instruction of Prabhupada .
Discipline: Your whole life is the embodiment of discipline in each & every words, actions & behavior.
Dedication: Your dedication for studying Bhagavatam & applying in the personal life before preaching is amazing. In all our presentation I was
looking for your valuable comments on how to apply the principle of Bhagavatam in the practical life.
H-Humility: Your each action is the expression of your deep humility which touches my heart. Even while correcting any devotees or giving
feedback you do with such humble mood that one will follow whatever you say from his heart.
E-Enthusiasm: Your enthusiasm to speak as well as hear Krishna Katha for hour & hour without break as you demonstrated in our Retreats &
Presentation. In spite of you were the teacher of all the teachers of Vidyapitha, you listens them so attentively & after asks many practical
application based questions, even though you know all the answers simply for ours benefits .
S-Sharing the bliss of KC to all: Just by interacting with you anybody can feel the bliss of KC which emanates from your speech, which not only
satisfy the heart but nourishes the soul.
Sincerity: You took whole Vidyapitha very sincerely that you without fail write all the exams & also when sometime you did not able to come to
Wada because of some urgent work, then also you did not fail to hear on-line classes on phone which was worth noting.
Simplicity: In-spite of being so senior from all of us, you behave as if you are a new devotee or like us.
Stick to the principle/ Vaishnava siddhanta: You never deviate from the Vaishnava siddhanta, which was shown in your each lecture, Q & A.
H- Honesty in behavior, action & intention
Y- Your Commitment: I heard from devotees that you increased your responsibility & commitment many times in Pune. In weekend you did
whole weeks programs & meeting along with your studies. This showed your commitment for the service & mission of Srila Prabhupada.
A-Appreciation of all devotees from the core of heart.
M-Mood: You showed the ideal mood of students of Srimad Bhagavatam is to serve Bhagavatam by ones words, action & behavior. By actually
applying the principle of Bhagavatam in life. By your presence in Vidyapitha, I experience both Book Bhagavatam & personal Bhagavatam in form
of your good self.
Although I am an insignificant but by the mercy of Krishna, I got your association. This was the most precious & unforgettable moments of my
Life in KC. So I pray at your lotus feet & request you to always shower your merciful glance on me & let me imbibe a drop of your qualities in my
life that will be the success of my life. At last if unknowingly by my action, behavior & deeds, I commit any oence to you then kindly forgive me.
Varad Gopal das
Hare Krishna dear Radheshyam Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to
guru and gauranga. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.I got opportunity to study in BVVP
which is like a blind man got eyes to see the path but prabhuji your presence is getting a
guide on that path who guides with unlimited love & compassion .The wealth of
experience which you shared with us gave me hope & srength for my journey on the path
of devotion. Prabhu, your each activity in bahkti which I saw in GEV like mangala arati
singing, your SB class, your seminars etc. are festival for me. The inspiration & enthusiasm
I got in your association during these two years, with that fuel the vehicle of devotion can
reach its destination. Please forgive me if anything I have done or spoke which brought
displeasure to you. I am not qualified to sit with you in this course but due to your ocean
of compassion and love you accepted me, gave your valuable time to answer my queries.
pane ayogya dekhi' mane p kobha l
tathpi tomra gue upajaya lobha ll
"I am very depressed at being unfit candidates for Your mercy. Yet since I have observed
Your transcendental qualities, I am very much attracted to You."
I express gratitude from core of my heart.
I still remember the day when I first came to know
that we were getting the great fortune to attend
Vidyapitha program along with you. I couldnt
believe it initially. Immediately my thoughts raced
back to year 2006 when I had first seen and heard
you in the 50th Prerna festival at Chowpatty
temple which happened to be the first Prerna We cannot suciently
which I attended. Now its year 2016 and our 2 express our deep heartfelt
years of Vidyapitha program in your association gratitude to you for all your
has come to an end. As HG Gauranga prabhu had most valuable kind
said in one of his classes that these 2 years were the association and merciful
best ISKCON can oer anyone. Yes it certainly is guidance in last two years of
not just because of the opportunity to study Vidyapitha course.
Bhagavatam & Caitanya Caritamrtam but to get Personally, I am very much
your close association in Vidypitha classroom as inspired in my devotional
well as in the morning programs & especially your service by your very good
Bhagavatam classes and Mangal artis. example. I felt very much
I personally learned a lot on vaisnava sadacar from happy and fortunate to get
your talks, explanations and most importantly the chance to associate with
your personal dealings with vaisnavas at various you so intimately in the
levels. Inspite of your busy schedules you were Vidyapitha class.
always approachable and took out time to answer We all wish you a very happy
our questions. Im really grateful to for having healthy life in Krishna
given so much of your valuable time to guide me Conscious forever. Please,
whenever I approached you with some doubt or forgive my any oences unto
guidance. Ill sincerely try to apply all the kind your lotus feet. Extremely
suggestions and inspiring words you have spoken grateful to you for all you
to me personally or as a batch. have given to us.
I would like to beg forgiveness from you for Jagarnath yatra Das
having oended you or caused inconvenience to
you in any way knowingly or unknowingly.

Makhanlal Caran Das

Hare Krishna Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisance
Often the most precious gift of life comes in ways we neither plan nor expect.
Your presence in our batch we never expected prabhuji.I have no words to
express my gratitude to your teachings through seminar and everyday class
essence .When we dont accept an undesirable event it become anger when we
accept, it become tolerance, When we dont accept others bad behavior
towards us it become hatred, when we accept, it become forgiveness, When
we dont accept others success it become jealousy when we accept, it become
inspiration, you all taught these prabhuji. You are so dedicated to fulfill gurus
order and very strict to your sadhana & paramapara. I will try to apply your
nectarian words in my life and never took your association cheaply. Dont
forget this servant prabhuji. Whenever you visit to Orissa please come to Nila
Madhava near Kantilo, there we have a small preaching center. Please forgive
any oences I may have committed onto your lotus feet. Hare Krishna.
Your Dasanudas.
Gadadhar Gaur Das

Hare Krishna today I'm trying to glorify such wonderful soul Radheshyam
prabhu with my very small intelligence that he spent two years with us. When
I heard from Gaurang Prabhu Radheshyam Prabhu is going to join
Vidyapitha & that is in our batch I was amazed & happy. then I thought the
person who is himself Bhagvat, he wants to do this course & spend his
valuable time for this study it means we're going to be part of great thing.
Gaurang Pr was saying prabhuji took permission from Maharaj for this
course. Even though he is so busy & doing so many programs, himself temple
president practically no time for this still he did so many adjustments because
of his deep desire for learning shastra. I have seen prabhuji is very simple &
very inspiring from his own example, like Prabhuji was going every Friday
Pune coming back on Monday by bus & train even though he can use car.
Prabhuji have lot of quality's which is dicult to enumerate like he is sincere,
determine, simple, enthusiastic, surrender, punctual.
Our batch is really fortunate that we get the association of such exalted
Vaishnava which is very rare. I will request prabhuji please bless me so that
whatever we heard from dierent teachers, from you able to follow in my life.
I would like to conclude by saying plz forgive me for of my any oenses unto
your lotus feet & i like to pray to Vrindavan Bihari & Ban Bihari you stay
healthy so that u can perch many souls make them Vaishnava.
Yours Servant
Ram Murari Das
Studying Bhagavatam in the association of Vaisnavs is so sweet when combined with
the camphor of Radheyshyam Prabhus association that makes it most enlivening
nectarine moment of a readers life.
It was my great fortune to study Srimad Bhagavatam accompanied
with a person Bhagavata; HG Radheyshyam Pr, who acts as per dea kla ptra.
Although he is the grand teacher of all teachers who are taking our classes in
Vidyapitha but still when he enters the class room he acts exactly like a student
amongst us.
I remember in Bhagavatam Canto 3rd Uddhava says to Vidura after Krishnas
departure, This universe with all its planets is most unfortunate. And even more
unfortunate are the members of the Yadu dynasty because they could not identify Lord
Hari as the Personality of Godhead, any more than the fish could identify the moon.
Similarly, GEV will feel incomplete in the absence of Radheyshyam Pr & even more
incompleteness in the life of Vidyapitha students because we also could not identify
who really Radheyshyam Pr is, being in illusion by his acting as one of our batch mate.
I think this 2 year of Vidyapitha in the association of Radheyshyam Pr is the best time,
I have ever lived. Hence I will try my best to follow the valuable rare jewel of practical
inputs what he had given in our classes, which are really most relevant for a sdhaka in
Prabhu, I will like to beg forgiveness for all my oences committed at your lotus feet
and please keep me always in your heart.
Abhimanyu Prn Das

I consider myself extremely fortunate to be a part of BVVP batch 3 in presence of

you as a student. Your exemplary behavior in all respects was deeply inspiring,
especially your exhibition of being a sincere, serious student. Although You are so
much senior with huge responsibilities (as TP) which we cannot even imagine to all
including the teachers still you were completely in mood of student eager to hear
every class (even over phone sometimes due to needs), enquiring in humble mood,
writing tests and participating in all activities sloka recitation, cleaning in vrindavan
forest etc. (HHRNSM addressed you as real RUPANUGA)
Also I especially was inspired hearing your comments at the end of class where you
explain deep insights and lessons for personal application and share your
realizations about dierent characters and situations of SB/CC. Also your enquiries
were very beneficial for all of us which you humbly asked. You have mercifully
given so much of your time to answer enquiries of devotees after the class ends and
hearing your deep wisdom gave great clarity and faith on process of devotional
Very grateful for your association pr. I beg you to please bless me so that I strive
topractice PDS with sincerity, seriousness and no ulterior motives and serve
gurumaharaj wholeheartedly for his pleasure.
Samarpana gopa dasa
Once in a lifetime opportunity
Yet you are so down to earth and humble that you sit as astudentamongst the new comers and
hear from someone whose knowledge, experience and realization are not even a drop in
comparison to yours. Further your heartfelt appreciation of all those who are way younger to
you in all respects in quite remarkable. As Guru Maharaja said you are a real Rupanuga. This
wonderful humble learning attitude of yours is undoubtedly a proof for the depth of your
devotion and exalted Vaishnava qualities. Humility, simplicity, sincerity, discipline, tolerance,
kindness, respectful attitude, eloquence, determination, knowledge, detachment have always
been the ornaments of your wonderful personality and fortunately I had the rare opportunity
to witness all these illustrious qualities and learn from you. I am eternally grateful to you for
being such a brilliant example. Though you have humbly enrolled for the BVVP training
program I can say that I had a wonderful training experience by seeing you. Two full years
passed so quickly and I regret that I have not completely utilized this opportunity to get
I am deeply grateful to you for everything you have done at Bhaktivedanta Vidyapitha. The
diligence with which you write your daily closed book exams is quite remarkable. I always
remember the beautiful drawings you made in your answer sheets. Your open book essays
reflect your deep understanding, thoroughness in the subject and high maturity. All your
Hearing and studying Srimad Bhagavatam is most purifying and enlightening, as the
Bhagavatam itself promises repeatedly. A Bhagavatam student experiences a positive classes, workshops are filled with practical lessons teaching us how to apply Bhagavatam. The
transformation in ones thoughts, aspirations and actions by his regular association with way you have evaluated the students presentations had set a new trend in BVVP and made the
Bhagavatam. Yet, the teachings of Bhagavatam penetrate more into the core of ones sessions more enlivening and valuable with such deep churning of the topics. Your regular
consciousness when one tastes their profundity through the Vaishnava dealings, character and participation in sloka recitation sessions enthused and inspired everyone. You have been so
friendly with all the students as if they were your equals or of the same age group. That also
kindness of a Bhagavata, who has imbibed the spirit of Bhagavatam and internalized its
message. Bhagavatam reveals itself to pure hearted devotees To the extent ones heart is pure made a deep impact on them. You have been very malleable and flexible with the changing
by dint of one's humility, simplicity, sincerity and other Vaishnava qualities, to that extent he venues, schedules and priorities at GEV.I can never forget the loving treatment we received
understands the Bhagavatam and to that extent he inspires, influences and instigates others you and your team when we came to NVCC. I am deeply touched and inspired by all these
into the pure process of Bhakti. Such a devotee's presence and movements in this world is a activities and qualities of yours.
great boon for the humanity. I am blessed to come in touch with such a Bhagavata in the Your participation at BVVP at GEV is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to see and
form of your good self Prabhu. interact with you, and these two years are the most memorable and undoubtedly the historical
Your example inspired hundreds and thousands of youths to take to the path of Bhakti. You period of BVVP journey and alegendary trademark of Vidyapitha, as Guru Maharaja himself
translated the teachings of Bhagavatam into a most practical format understandable by the mentioned. I gained tremendous inspiration and took my service of coordinating BVVP more
seriously. You have increased my understanding of the importance of this service. You have
modern populace. You created such wonderful training systems to educate devotees at various
stages in devotional service. Your phenomenal works as an author became the guide books for always been very encouraging, aectionate towards me and tolerant towards my shortcomings
the gradual growth of a new comer in Krishna consciousness. Your relevant and fitting in speaking, managing and dealings. Kindly forgive me if I said or did anything not according
discourses for any kind of audience students, celibates, or families are captivating and to the standards of Vaishnava etiquette. I cannot suciently thank you. Nevertheless, I thank
reflect the depth of your knowledge, maturity and dedication to the process of Bhakti. The you from the bottom of my heart and will endeavor my best to please you with the services
you wanted me to do. I pray that Krishna gives you a long life and good health for the
way you share your experiences and real life incidents make deep impact on the consciousness
of the hearers and help them absorb the profound messages of Bhagavatam. Your wonderful propagation of Krishna consciousness so that we all can benefit.
singing touches the core of everyones hearts and allows everyone to be more prayerful.I have Hoping for more of your association, service, blessings and prayers,
been fortunate to experience and relish many of these gifts from you. Gauranga Darshan Das

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