8 Chapter SB Study Guide
8 Chapter SB Study Guide
8 Chapter SB Study Guide
Verses 44-52
After Kuntédevé ends her prayers, Kåñëa again attempts to leave Hastinäpura. Mahäräja
Yudhiñöhira, overwhelmed by the death of his kinsman, approaches Kåñëa in a dejected mood
and is filled with lamentation.
1.8.25: A man may see a tiger swallowing him in a dream, and he may cry for this
calamity. Actually there is no tiger and there is no suffering; it is simply a case of
dreams. In the same way, all calamities of life are said to be dreams
Chapter 8
Prayers by Queen Kunté and Parékñit Saved
Introduction to chapter 8
Kåñëa had saved Arjuna, His devotee & friend, from Açvattämä’s brahmästra.
Then he artfully reconciled the Päëòavas family struggle as they tried to settle Açvattämä’s
fate. After the funeral rites had been performed, Kåñëa and the grieving members of the Kuru
dynasty went to bathe, while the many sages in the entourage attempted to pacify those who
were mourning. Thus the Bhägavatam reveals Kåñëa’s sweet exchanges with His devotees.
While reciprocating with Kåñëa , the devotees reveal their minds to Him through their
prayers and we are able to witness this. Their devotional mentalities, expressed through both
their lotus-like mouths and their deeds, instruct us on our own journey back to Godhead
1) Offering to the deceased - Päëòavas deliver Ganges water to the relatives
2) Purificatory bathing in Ganges – Päëòavas bathe in sanctified Ganges which is mixed with
dust of Lord’s lotus feet
4) Pacification by awakening to the platform of knowledge – Lord& and the Muni cite the
stringent laws of the almighty and their reactions upon living beings
• Insurmountable laws –No living entity can alter the stringent laws of nature which
works under the order of the Lord
Lesson 4a – Follow Lord and His order (as given in BG) – Only way to real happiness,
materially and spiritually
• Blind material conception – Material conception of life prevents us from seeing
ourselves and the Lord clearly, thus we are overcome by material affection,
lamentation and illusion
Lesson 4b – Human life is specifically meant for qualifying ourselves for spiritual liberty
with a clear vision of ourselves and the Lord face to face
• Role of transcendental knowledge – Cultivating spiritual knowledge frees one from all
material attachments
Lesson 4c – Association of Lord and his devotee deeply inject transcendental sound into
the bewildered hearts and thus at once, make one practically liberated from all lamentation
and illusion
• Study the importance of protecting brähmaëas, women, cows, children and old men
Lesson 5 – In the age of Kali brähmaëas, women, cows, children and old men are not
properly protected, and therefore the duration of life of the present generation has
shortened considerably.
7b) Lord follows social etiquettes – Lord diligently follows all customary usages of His social
order as a kñatriya
• Accepts worship by brähmaëas being Himself the Lord and reciprocates greetings as
an obedient kñatriya to the brähmaëas
Uttarä cries out for help and Lord responds (Texts 8-11)
8) Fearful Uttarä runs to the Lord’s shelter
• Päëòavas’ family member were completely dependant on the Lord – Thus Lord
assured complete protection
Lesson 8 – The Lord protects everyone, but one who depends completely upon Him is
especially looked after by the Lord. The father is more attentive to the little son who is
exclusively dependent on the father.
9a) Addressing the Lord – Uttarä addresses the Lord as Lord of the Lords, Lord of the
universe and greatest of mystics
9b) Only Lord can be a true savior – Uttarä cries out for Lord’s protection, considering that
no one else is qualified to save in this world of duality
Lesson 9 – One cannot save himself from the cruel hands of death in the material world
without having surrendered himself at the lotus feet of the Lord.
10) Uttarä Begs for the protection of child – Addresses the Lord as ‘all powerful’
11) Lord is bhakta-vatsala – He patiently hears and understands the cause, that is,
Açvattämä’s Brahmästra
• Impartial Lord is specially inclined to his devotees – Because there is great necessity of
such a rule, for every one’s wellbeing
Protection of the Päëòavas (Texts 12-14)
12) Targeted Päëòavas took up their weapons
13) Lord decided to help – Lord took up Sudarçana to offer protection to the Päëòavas
• Power of Brahmästra v/s modern nuclear weapon – Former has more radiation and
heat, works on sound(mantras), and is very target specific, it can penetrate even the
most hidden areas
• Importance of ‘ananya-viñayätmanäm– Päëòavas were fully surrendered souls and fully
dependent on Lord’s protection
o Lord broke His vow to protect them, and thus prefer to be renowned as
bhakta-vatsala than be a worldly moralist
Lesson 13 – Lord behaves according to the quality or degree of the devotional service
rendered by the devotees.
14) Lord covers the embryo by His personal energies
Lesson 15 – Lord does not wait for any one's help because He is absolute
Link 15 to 16
Q. How to understand this apparently impossible task
Ans. Lord is most inconceivable and wonderful, for our mundane brain to understand
Link 16a to 16b – Example of Lord’s Inconceivable energy is given below in 16b
16b) Managing cosmic manifestation – Lord is the maintainer and annihilator by His own
transcendental energy although He himself is unborn
• Lord is the all-perfect, all-powerful Personality of Godhead
Lesson 16 – The Lord is cent percent perfect, whereas others, namely Näräyaëa, Brahmä,
Çiva, the demigods and all other living beings, possess only different percentages of such
perfection. No one is equal to or greater than Him. He is unrivaled
Kuntédevé begins to offer prayers to the departing Lord (Texts 17-36)
17) Kuntédevé’s chaste devotion glorified – Kuntédevé, being a chaste devotee approaches the
departing Kåñëa after all the crisis is over
Lesson 17 - One should not, therefore, look for help from imperfect living beings or
demigods, but one should look for all help from Lord Kåñëa, who is competent to save His
devotees. Such a chaste devotee also never asks the Lord for help, but the Lord, out of His
own accord, is always anxious to render it.
Link 17 to 18 – Kuntédevé had observed how Kåñëa had simultaneously protected the
Päëòavas from the outside and King Parékñit from the inside. Kuntédevé was astonished by
Kåñëa’s power, and she understood that He was the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Aside
from that His imminent departure caused her overwhelming pain. She who is described as
supremely chaste in her devotion to Kåñëa began to express her devotion in heartfelt prayers
Link 18a to 18b&18c – Offering obeisances to her nephew was not a mistake on her part,
she clarifies her understanding about Kåñëa being the Supreme Lord and different from
ordinary living entities
• Living entities are also transcendental but Lord is the original person(puruñaà ädyam)
• Lord is the chief of all living entities (Ref. Kaöha Upaniñad 2.2.13 nityo nityänäà ….)
• Living entity are also transcendental to material nature but tends to fall down, Lord is
18c) The Supreme controller – “You are the Éçvara/controller” (Lord is the param éçvara)
18d) You are existing both within and without everything (antar bahir avasthitam) – Same
personality, being all-pervasive and also localized, is a bewildering concept and confusing
• Supporting reference for Lord being the Super soul (Ref.Bg.15.15 sarvasya cähaà….)
Link 18e to 19
Q) What makes the Lord invisible to all – This is explained in text 19
Lesson 18 – Lord reserves the right of not being exposed to persons who are not
surrendered souls. This checking curtain is called the mäyä energy of the Supreme Lord,
and it controls the limited vision of the rebellious soul
• Foolish or less intelligent persons deride Him who is proved to be Supreme as follows:
o By His superhuman activities – killing Pütanä, lifting Govardhan
o By His wonderful instructions as BG
o By His marvelous capacities as hero, householder, teacher and renounces
o On the basis of past authorities like Vyäsa, Närada etc.
o On the basis of His personal declarations
• Various factors cover the intelligence of demoniac and less intelligent people
o Poor fund of knowledge
o Stubborn obstinacy resulting from past and present misdeeds
o Dependence on one’s imperfect senses e.g. Modern scientists
Refutation of Modern science – Lord is told here as Adhokñaja, beyond
experimental knowledge
Lesson 19 – For less intelligent men there must be such things as temples, mosques or
churches so that they may begin to recognize the authority of the Lord and hear about
Him from authorities in such holy places
20) Mood of humility exhibited – Kuntédevé’s expresses the need of Lord’s special mercy for
any revelation. Lord descends to further the advancement of enlightened soul, so what is the
hope for innocent women
Lesson 20 – This simplicity of acceptance of the Lord's authority is more effective than
showy insincere religious fervor.
Link 20 to 21 – Kuntédevé expertly evokes compassion by adoring the Lord’s descent as Çré
Kåñëa and His relationships with unalloyed devotees in Vraja, thus invoking His mood of
bhakta-vatsala, and thus softening His heart to attract some mercy
21) Kåñëa as lover of devotees – Kuntédevé calls out Kåñëa by His names in relation to his
most intimate devotee - Väsudeva, Devaké-nandana,Nanda-gopa-kumär, Govinda
Lesson 21 – Lord Kåñëa as Govinda is more inclined to the brähmaëas and the cows,
indicating thereby that human prosperity depends more on these two items, namely
brähmaëical culture and cow protection. Lord Kåñëa is never satisfied where these are
22) Further glorification of Lord’s bodily feature – lotus navel, lotus garland, cooling glance
like lotus, feet engraved with lotus
• Lord’s specific symbols distinguish him from other living entities
• Inaccessible Lord can become accessible in the form of Archa Vigraha(Deity form)
o Archa Vigraha can be in different elements – form within mind, form of wood,
form of earth, form of metal, jewel, paint, sand etc.
o Archa Vigraha worshipers are not idolaters
o Establishing temple Deity worship is a great favor of Acharyas to less intelligent
o Taking Darshanof the Lord in the correct order – lotus feet to His face
Kuntédevé completes the cycle , but starts from navel, to avoid
embarrassment to the Lord who is in the role of nephew
23a) Addressing the Lord – Lord is addressed as master of senses & the Lord of Lords
23b) Lord showered more mercy on Kuntédevé - Lord released Devaké & Vasudeva from
imprisonment, but saved all children of Kuntédevé from constant danger
Lesson 23 – The conclusion is that Kåñëa endows more favor to a devotee who is in
greater dangers. Sometimes He puts His pure devotees in such dangers because in that
condition of helplessness the devotee becomes more attached to the Lord. The more the
attachment is there for the Lord, the more success is there for the devotee.
24) Recalls the Lord’s protection at various times – 7 incidents mentioned
25) Prays for repeated calamities – This gives a chance to experience the presence of most
intimate shelter, Çré Kåñëa
• Lotus feet of the Lord are the only shelter for a pious soul
• Constant remembrance of the Lord prepares one for liberation
o Analogy – Lotus feet compared to a most suitable boat, ocean of nescience is
reduced to calf’s hoof print (Ref.SB 10.14.58 “samäçritä ye pada…….”)
• Anyway worldly calamities are unavoidable, spirit soul is transcendental to them
Focus of human mission – spiritual realization
o Analogy : Material miseries are as illusory as tiger swallowing in dream
Lesson 25 – Therefore, even though there are so-called calamities, they are welcome
because they give us an opportunity to remember the Lord, which means liberation.
Contact with the Lord by any one of the nine devotional processes is always a forward step
on the path going back to Godhead
Link 25 to 26 – Text 25 shows the value of Kåñëa’s association, that one is ready to accept
any calamity to get that association. Text 26 elaborates on the price one has to pay, to
approach the supreme Lord
Lesson 26 – Grossly illusioned persons are quite unfit for entrance into the kingdom of
27a) Lord is the property of materially impoverished
• In real sense of term, one cannot be a complete renouncer – One can only give up
something lower to gain more valuable
o Devotee renounces material world for spiritual assets e.g. Rupa Goswami,
Sanatana Goswam & Raghunath das Goswami
• Material advancement is a stumbling block on spiritual path
• It is called Anartha (unwanted) Lipstick and moon travels, etc
o It entangles one in material body followed by miseries
o Material assets are products of the three modes, and they foil spiritual energy
Link 27a to 27b – To satisfy or approach Lord, one does not need the material assets
which are a product of 3 modes, because Lord has nothing to do with the material modes as
explained in 27b
27 b) Lord is beyond modes – Lord has nothing to do with actions and reactions of the
material modes (nivåtta-guëa-våtti)
• Lord’s birth and deeds are transcendental(ref BG 4.9)
• Lord’s and his unalloyed devotees are nivåtta-guëa-våtti, which implies free from 3
o Interaction of material modes produce material hankering
27c) Lord is self-satisfied (ätmäräma) & thus the most gentle (çäntäya)
• Lord & His unalloyed devotees are transcendentally attached to one another
• Lord has nothing to reciprocate for others & therefore He is called ätmäräma, self-
27d) He is the master of the monists (kaivalya-pataye) who aspire for brahmajyoti (Kåñëa is
cause of brahmajyoti as per Bg.14.27)
• This shows that Lord’s activities are absolutely transcendental and free from all
material conceptions
Link 27 to 28 – Kuntédevé knew that Kåñëa was neither her nephew nor an ordinary family
member of her parental house, but He is the primeval Lord. Following words confirm this
28a) Recognizing Him as the Super soul of everyone’s heart – “You are the eternal time, the
supreme controller without and end, the all- pervasive one”
• Do not blame the Lord – Living entity cause their own suffering, by misuse of their
freedom. one’s destiny is decided by one’s own action and reaction
Link 28 to 29 – Although text 28 makes it very clear that Lord is equal to everyone and is
no one’s friend or, one may doubt that Lord’s pastimes and descent as a human appears to be
full of partiality. Text 29 makes it very clear that although apparently human and partial, but
He is completely transcendental and free from all material conception
29) Lord’s pastimes are fully transcendental, though appear to be human & misleading
Lesson 29 – Somehow or other if someone puts himself open in the sun rays, he is sure to
get the requisite benefit both by heat and by ultraviolet rays. Therefore, the conclusion is
that the Lord is never partial. It is wrong for the people in general to think of Him as
• Inconceivable – Lord’s activities form and deed are inconceivable to the limited
thinking power of human being
• Lord cannot even be known by Vedic knowledge, but by pure devotees only
Link 30 to 31 – Text 31 raises a fact which is even more inconceivable than the concept
of unborn taking birth. Text 31 shows the power of pure devotion that the omnipresent,
omniscient and omnipotent Supreme Absolute Truth becomes a plaything in the hands of a
pure devotee
31) More bewildering nature of Lord’s pastimes – Lord, being fearful of mother Yaçodä,
although fear personified is fearful of the Lord
• Spirit of pastimes in Goloka Vrindavan– Devotee considers the Lord less important
than himself, no reverential attitude, only spontaneous love – study examples in
• Yaçodä was more unalloyed than Kuntédevé, because Yaçodä was not conscious of
Kåñëa supremacy
Link 31 to 32 – Kuntédevé further describes Kåñëa’s mysteries birth and activities by citing
other thoughts. Because the Lord’s appearance in this material world is bewildering, there are
different opinions about the birth of the unborn
Q) But how can unborn take birth
Ans) There cannot be any doubt that ‘unborn’ takes birth in material world because Lord
Himself established that truth in BG 4.6
• This is in agreement with the mission of the unborn mentioned in Bg.4.7- 4.8 “yadä
yadä hi dharmasya…..”
o To protect the pious and annihilate the miscreants
• Pious king is very important for the happiness of the masses
32b) To glorify and please king Yadu, in whose family Lord appeared
Link 32b to 32c – Although Lord may appear to please these kings; He is always
independent of such obligations. This is explained by an example in 32c
Lesson 32 – The conclusion is that the Lord is ever unborn like the sun, and yet He
appears as the sun rises on the eastern horizon. As the sun is never the sun of the eastern
horizon, so the Lord is no one's son, but He is the father of everything that be
33a) To answer the prayers of Väsudeva and Devaké – They prayed in their previous birth as
Påçni and Sutapä
• Brahmä prays to Kñérodakaçäyé Viñëu in Çvetadvépa, during any problem, e.g. Problem
caused by Kaàsa
35) To rejuvenate the devotional service of hearing etc. so that conditioned souls can take
advantage & gain liberation
36) Process of devotional service qualifies one to see the Lord – Continuously hear, chant
& repeat the Lord’s transcendental activities
• Lord cannot be seen by our present condition vision, based on material assests
o Many failed to recognize the Lord’s personal presence e.g. Kaàsa, ravana etc
• Process of devotion service makes one qualified to see the Lord
• Hearing or ‘Çravaëaà’ from a bonafide competent speaker is of foremost importance,
of all the processes
• Any of the transcendental pastime of the Lord, either with Päëòavas in canto 1 or with
gopés in canto 10 are competent to give the desired result – Do not jump to tenth
Lesson 36 – When the hearing process is perfect and complete, the other processes
become automatically perfect in their own way. There are different transcendental
activities of the Lord, and each and every one of them is competent to bestow the desired
result, provided the hearing process is perfect.
Link 36 to 37 – After glorifying Lord Kåñëa for being unperceivable to anyone other than
His devotees, for adventing Himself in this world, and for enacting wonderful humanlike
pastimes, Kuntédevé now expresses her deepest fear: the Lord, after guiding the Päëòavas
through innumerable difficulties will soon depart
Desperately persuading the Lord for more association and staying longer
(Texts 37-40)
37a) Kuntédevé expresses her complete dependence and deepest fear of being separated
from the Lord – Kuntédevé expresses complete dependence of Päëòavas on the Lord & no one
else to protect them with all kings at enmity with them (Päëòavas)
Underlined points below focus on the “Concept of complete dependence on the Lord”
• Päëòavas were fortunate – Because they were entirely dependent on Lord’s mercy
o Materially, dependence on someone is considered misfortune
• Material disease – False attempt of becoming independent of stringent laws of material
nature ,e.g.
o Rävaëa trying to build staircase to heaven
o To approach distant planets by electronic mechanical arrangement
• Highest goal of humans – Work hard under Lord’s guidance and become completely
dependant on Him
o Work with valor, at the same time, completely dependant on Lord’s mercy
o Ideas executors of this standard – Päëòavas
o Such fully dependent beings are called ‘Sanätha’ (cf. Those who claim false
independence are called anätha)
• Such dependence does not mean idle parasites – Päëòavas were highly qualified by
personal character & physical activities
• Rarity of such surrender – Mahatmas come to this realization after many many births
(Ref BG 7.19).Päëòavas were such mahatmas
• Separation from Lord was intolerable
o Analogies of fish separating from water & thunderbolt falling on Kuntédevé
• Purpose of Kuntédevé’s prayers – To try to persuade the Lord to stay with them
• Reason given by Kuntédevé – Sons and grandsons are still there, with all their enmity,
to deal with Päëòavas
Lesson 37 – It is not only the Päëòavas who were put into the condition of enmity, but all
of us are always in such a condition, and the best way of living is to become completely
dependent on the will of the Lord and thereby overcome all difficulties of material
Link 37 to 38 – From the affection in Kuntédevé’s heart come further words of attachment
and dependence (Text38-40)
38) Existence of Päëòavas is due to Kåñëa only – No existence of the fame and activities of
Päëòavas and Yadus without Kåñëa , just like there is no value of a body without the living
Lesson 38 – No one should be proud of his prestige, power and fame without being
guided by the favor of the Supreme Lord. The living beings are always dependent, and the
ultimate dependable object is the Lord Himself
39) Absence of Lord will bring ill-luck – Whole kingdom was marked by beautiful
impressions of Lord’s feet in His prescence
40) All prosperity depends on Lord’s mercy – Kingdom is prosperous because of the
impressions the Lord’s lotus feet
Link 40 to 41
a) By asking favor for Päëòavas, Kuntédevé was keeping Våñëis the member of her paternal
family, bereft of Kåñëa association, Therefore she was in an emotional conflict and makes the
following prayer
b) Also, a pure devotee of the Lord is ashamed to ask anything in self-interest from the Lord.
But the householders are sometimes obliged to ask favors from the Lord, being bound by the
tie of family affection
• A pure devotee cuts off the limited ties of affection for his family and widens his
activities of devotional service for all forgotten souls e.g. Six goswamis , Lord
Lesson 41a – To cut off all family affection means to broaden the field of activities.
Without doing this, no one can be qualified as a brähmaëa, a king, a public leader or Page 17
devotee of the Lord
• Significance of addressing the Lord as Lord of the universe, or Lord of the universal
mind – It signifies His all-powerful ability to cut the hard knot of family affection
Lesson 41b – Therefore, it is sometimes experienced that the Lord, out of His special
affinity towards a weak devotee, breaks the family affection by force of circumstances
arranged by His all-powerful energy. By doing so He causes the devotee to become
completely dependent on Him and thus clears the path for his going back to Godhead
42) Prays for incessant attraction towards the Lord without any diversion– Like the Ganges
towards the sea
• Feelings like desire and affection cannot be negated but the object must be the to
satisfaction of Lord(Para 1)
• Prayers of Kuntédevé indicate the same categorical change in activities, as Arjuna did in
the Battlefield of Kurukñetra for Lord’s satisfaction(Para 2)
Lesson 42a – Perfection of pure devotional service is attained when all attention is
diverted towards the transcendental loving service of the Lord
Lesson 42b – Our attention is usually diverted to the service of something which is non-
godly or not in the program of the Lord. When the program is changed into the service of
the Lord, that is to say when the senses are purified in relation with the service of the
Lord, it is called pure unalloyed devotional service
43) Kuntédevé summarizes the glories of Supreme Lord
Lord’s enchanting response to the prayers (Text 44)
44) Lord smiles in response to Kuntédevé’s prayers – His smile is as enchanting as His mystic
Lesson 44 – No amount of chosen words is sufficient to enumerate the Lord's glory, and
yet He is satisfied by such prayers as the father is satisfied even by the broken linguistic
attempts of the growing child
Lord’s interactions with aggrieved YudhisthirMaharaj (Texts 45-52)
45) Nobody could stop the Lord from going except YudhisthirMaharaj
Lesson 45 – The almighty God is thus conquered only by loving service and nothing else.
He is fully independent in all His dealings, but He voluntarily accepts obligations by the
loving affection of His pure devotees
46) Aggrieved Yudhisthir could not be pacified by great sages, by historical evidence or by
Kåñëa Himself
• Cause of Yudhisthir’s grief – Mass Killing was done just to place him as the king
• Kåñëa as a supersoul of sages and of Yudhisthir Maharaj does not allow him to be
pacified by anyone other than Bhismadev – Because
o He wanted Bhismadev to see Kåñëa and all the Päëòavas during his final
o He wanted the world to see that Bhismadev excelled all in knowledge,
including the Lord Himself
47) Yudhisthir Maharaj is aggrieved like a common materialistic man, deluded by worldly
48) Body is meant for others – Yudhisthir Maharaj feels personally responsible for such a
huge massacre. This body is ultimately meant for others welfare
Lesson 48 – While there is life in the body, it is meant for the service of others, and when
it is dead it is meant to be eaten by dogs and jackals or maggots
49) Innocent beings killed – Fears the sinful reaction caused by mass killing of innocent
beings like boys, brähmaëas, women, etc
50) Only for my selfish cause – Especially feels responsible, because killing was done not in
the course of administration, but for the sake of self -aggrandizement
51) No welfare act can help to atone for this – Feels implicated in the cycle of action and
reaction to such an extent that welfare works like Ashwamedha yajïas cannot help
• Refutation : Actually action on Kåñëa’s behalf cannot incur sin (Ref. BG 9.27)
52) Uses analogies to refute the potency of any welfare work to purify the sins – Feels that
he cannot be purified of this mass killing by any amount of horse sacrifices, e.g.
Lesson 52 – In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy there is no possibility of performing the
yajïas perfectly for want of expert brähmaëas who are able to conduct such yajïas.
Mahäräja Yudhiñöhira therefore gives a hint to performing sacrifices in the age of Kali. In
the Kali-yuga the only sacrifice recommended is the performance of hari-näma-yajïa
inaugurated by Lord Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu