Simulation of An Order Picking System in A Pharmaceutical Warehouse
Simulation of An Order Picking System in A Pharmaceutical Warehouse
Simulation of An Order Picking System in A Pharmaceutical Warehouse
Joo Pedro Jorge1,5, Zafeiris Kokkinogenis2,4,5, Rosaldo J. F. Rossetti2,3,5, Manuel A. P. Marques1,5
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Department of Informatics Engineering
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory (LIACC)
Institute of Mechanical Engineering (IDMEC)
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP)
Porto, Portugal
{deg11008, pro08017, rossetti, pmarques}
Abstract - The paper presents an agent-based simulation model need to meet the tight shipment time fence. Hence the time
of an order picking system. A pharmaceutical warehouse is available for picking orders at warehouses becomes shorter,
used as case study with the purpose of improving the which imposes higher requirements on order processing time
implemented picking processes. Warehousing activities affect at warehouses [2].
the total logistics costs of a company or supply chain; the Order picking operations often consume a large part of
optimization of the required picking operations is one of the the total labor activities in the warehouse ([3], even claims
most important objectives when attempting to reduce the up to 60%), and for a typical warehouse, order picking may
operative costs. This study intends to provide a proof-of- account for 55% of all operating costs [4]. Most of the
concept agent-based model for scheduling the number of
warehouses employ humans for order picking.
human resources required for picking activities. The
improvement in the service and the planning of the manpower
According to the movement of human and products,
used in the warehouse, thus achieved, leads to operation-cost
order picking is organized into picker-to-parts systems and
reductions. The goal is accomplished by using the NetLogo parts-to-picker. In a picker-to-parts system the picker (the
agent-based simulation framework. The simulation outcomes person that performs the order picking operation) walks
suggest that dimensioning human resources is a means to along the aisles to pick items. In this system is used the pick
satisfy the desirable level of customers service providing. by order. During a pick cycle, pick information is
communicated by a handheld terminal or a voice picking
Keywords-component; Warehouse Simulation; Order Picking system. No paper pick lists are needed. The parts-to-picker
system; Agent-Based model; NetLogo systems are usually implemented by the usage of
Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS).
I. INTRODUCTION In the present case study we use a pharmaceutical
Recent trends in the warehouse planning have resulted in warehouse that has four different storage areas depending on
order picking design and management being more important the type of product stored: products with low rotation rate,
and complex. Order picking operation is one of the logistic products with high rotation rate, big and fragile products and
warehouses processes. It comports the retrieval and special products (inflammable) and a maximum number of
collection of articles from a storage location in a specified 15 pickers.
quantity into a box to satisfy a customers order. To simulate the order picking operations an agent-based
Customers tend to order more frequently, in smaller model of the warehouse is used. The agent-based model
quantities, and they require customized service. On the other represents the real order picking entities and simulates the
hand, companies tend to accept late-arrival orders while they customer service indicators. For this work we used NetLogo
need to provide rapid and timely delivery within tight time [5] to rapidly prototype simple, yet realistic, what-if order
windows [1]. In general, lead times are under pressure. This picking scenarios and analyze the system performance under
is particularly true for pharmaceutical distribution centers. different real scenarios set-ups. NetLogo is a free open-
In this business, pharmacies can order at the click of a source programmable modelling and simulation platform,
button, expect inexpensive, rapid and accurate delivery. appropriate for modelling complex systems. One of its main
Obviously, managing order picking operations effectively advantages is the ease of programming. The language is very
and efficiently is a challenging process for the warehouse intuitive and specifically designed for agent-based
function. A key objective is to shorten throughput times for modelling, thus the user needs only to program agent
order picking, and to guarantee the meeting of due times for behaviour, not the agents themselves. Moreover it is
shipment departures. In order to offer high customer service extensively supported by the community and it implements a
level and to achieve economies of scale in transportation to number of tools useful to the modeller.
support the related costs, these small size, late-arrival orders
This paper has the following research objectives: (i) to III. REAL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
assign the correct number of pickers for a certain average of
Figure 1 shows the layout of the order picking
served orders; (ii) to provide a tool based on a simulation
workstation under study. This system can be classified as a
model to analyze the performance of the order picking
process; (iii) to calculate the demand of each type of product picker-to-product system. Pickers work to fulfill orders. The
based on real data; (iv) to calculate the orders rate that enter number of order lines in an order is referred to as order size.
in the warehouse; (v) to create a framework with the capacity Order sizes may vary significantly.
of generating orders randomly. The pharmaceutical distribution center has four different
This paper is organized as follows. In Section II the storage areas depending on the type of product stored:
existing literature is reviewed, the real system is presented in products with low rotation rate, products with high rotation
Section III. A modeling framework, the NetLogo rate, big and fragile products and special products
implementation and the validation experiments are shown in (inflammable) and a maximum number of 15 pickers.
Sections IV, V and VI. Conclusion and future work follow in The storage areas are arranged in a pre-defined layout
Section VII. and there is a common conveyor to transports the order
boxes between them. Customer orders can have one or more
II. RELATED WORK product lines from one or more storage areas and the time to
The two major types of order picking systems can be collect the products is different for each case.
distinguished into parts-to-picker and picker-to-parts At the order-picking workstation, orders arriving in a
systems. De Koster et al. [1] have provided an extensive sequential order using boxes on the conveyors. Once the
literature review of the order picking operations and their picker and the required order product box are available, the
implementations. One of their conclusions was the lack of picker moves to the product rack, then picks a number of
attention from the researcher community for the pickers-to- required items and place it on the conveyor to be transported
parts order-picking systems despite them being the dominant to the position where the order product box waits. The
implemented approach. Figure 1 shows a scheme of this process. The picker works
Picker-to-parts systems occur in two types: pick by order on one order at a time until all lines of the order have been
and pick by article (batch picking). It is also possible to picked and the order is said to be finished. When an order is
distinguish picker-to-parts systems by the order arrival and finished, the system moves the finished order box to the
release. This can be either deterministic or planned [6] or dispatch area.
stochastic [7].
A polling model can describe the order arrivals and
processing; a system of multiple queues accessed in a
specied sequence by a multiple servers [8]. Hwang et al. [9]
use clustering-based heuristic algorithms for the batching of
orders for order picking in a single-aisle automated storage
and retrieval system. Daniels et al. [10] consider the
warehouse in which goods are stored at multiple locations
and the pick location of a product can be selected
There are also relevant applications in operation
management. For instance Koenigsberg and Mamer [11]
consider an operator who serves a number of storage
locations on a rotating carousel conveyor. Bozer and Park
[12] presented a single-device polling-based material
handling systems. Although these systems have been widely
researched they have not yet received systematic treatment
and application in the picking process organized in a picker-
to-parts system. The same situation occurs with the agent-
based models. The literature mainly presents agent-based
approaches to solve order picking problem where goods are Figure 1. A scheme of order-picking process
stored at multiple locations or warehouse control solutions
[13], [14]. The study described in this paper is applied to a In this type of system, the picker can only pick items
real situation, which the picking is organized in a picker-to-
from the product racks that belong to the order currently
product system.
This work contributes to the literature by exploring the being processed.
agent-based metaphor to simulate an order picking system in If for any reason the product is not available, the picking
a realistic scenario using real data of a pharmaceutical time is above a limit or some error occurs the order get
warehouse. deviated and need a special treatment to be finish.
IV. SIMULATION MODEL DESCRIPTION The demand and the average preparation time per type of
the final product are calculated using the real data for entire
In the following section we discuss the concepts of a
days. And the result is depicted in Table I.
pharmaceutical order picking system focusing on the picker-
to-parts system. We describe the processes taking place
during the operation of the warehouse as well as the data Table I. Demand production and time preparation
used to model the system.
The workstation is modeled using an agent-based Demand per Type Average Preparation
Type of product
approach. Such a system is composed by several pickers, of product (%) Time (min)
products stored in racks, boxes with the products to complete
the orders and a server-based management information PROD1ZONE 30.46% 5'
system. PROD2ZONE 27.89% 15'
The user can adjust this model changing the number of PROD3ZONE 22.91% 25'
pickers. The orders arrive randomly at the workstation with a
PROD4ZONE 18.74% 43'
rate of 7, 8 orders per minute and they have random lines of
products based on the real data. This value is obtained by the
analysis of the data of one entire month (65 000 records). In This means that in 10 orders the amount of each type of
a Poisson distribution the result is depicted as in Figure 2. final product is:
This means that the probability of have 7, 8 orders per - PROD1ZONE: 3.1 orders
minute is 14% approximately. Orders are created based in - PROD2ZONE: 2.7 orders
this, using a value called order-chance that means the order - PROD3ZONE: 2.3 orders
probability. - PROD4ZONE: 1.9 orders
For this model it was assumed that products are always
available in the warehouse, the pickers are equally skilled
(homogeneous agents) for the order picking operations, the
workspace is considered an open space and the time to pick a
product from the shelf is standard and do not vary with the
The orders can have many different statuses: arriving,
queuing, placing, waiting, finishing and leaving as it can be
seen in Figure 3. Initially orders move towards the
Where Di denotes the time of ith departing order and Ai 3. The server:
denotes the arrival of the corresponding ith order. The bottom The server is an agent responsible for the managing and
part of Figure 3 illustrates how EPT realizations are obtained dispatching of the orders.
using Equation (1). If all positions for preparing the orders are full, the server
The picker agent has various statuses: selecting the does not allow orders to enter into the system to do the
product, getting products from the rack, going to the order-picking operation; this causes a sequential order
workspace, preparing the product and sending the
(queuing of orders).
The only interface variable that the user must set before
V. NETLOGO IMPLEMENTATION the model runs is the number of pickers. All the other
variables can be changed, allowing a dynamic observation.
In this paper we describe the use of NetLogo as a rapid
The user can change also the following variables:
prototyping tool for an agent-based simulation framework to
- The demand for each type of final product;
evaluate the setup of a pharmaceutical warehouse order
- The chance that orders are generated;
picking system.
- The speed of the conveyor.
We present how our problem was modelled and which
abstractions were used to achieve the outlined objectives.
Various monitors and plots allow the user to display the
Furthermore, complexities and constraints inherent to this
result of these dynamics:
problem were identified. From that a simplified model of an
- The total number of orders;
abstraction of the application domain was created without
- The number of free places;
losing key aspects. Our purpose is to simulate the activities
- The number of instances of each type of product;
and operation taking place in an order picking system in
- A chart plotting the number of orders served every
way (i) to assign the correct number of pickers for a certain
100 ticks (NetLogo unit of time);
average of served orders; (ii) to simulate the orders
- A chart plotting the number of diverted orders
behavior: served and diverted; (iii) to calculate the orders
every 100 ticks;
rate that enter in the warehouse.
- An average number of orders served;
- An average number of diverted orders;
There are several concepts and agents involved in this
The user can experiment to change the values and seeing
the result through the monitors and charts. Its possible to
1. The Orders:
observe the visual phenomena that are developed such as
Orders are randomly generated to arrive in the warehouse
bottlenecks, queues and the spatial distribution of diverted
following a probability distribution according to the
historical data distribution. A preparation place is assigned
There are important aspects in this model:
(placing) to each order. Here the order assumes the state
- Queuing at the warehouse entrance;
waiting until the order-picking operation are finished
- Bottlenecks at the exit;
- Congestion on the conveyor; the accuracy of the predictions of the average number of
- The stochastic aspects are inherent in the model; served orders. The real systems data are depicted in Figure
- Agents don't always move in exactly the same way; 4 (in green the average number of served orders) while the
- Demand of different final products may vary simulation obtained results are depicted in Figure 5. The
naturally. word tick in the graph of Figure 5 is a measure for the
time that is used by NetLogo.
Although NetLogo is a simple simulation framework, it
proves to be a very useful tool for creating this type of
agent-based model of real scenario. With respect to other
simulation paradigms the agent-based approach offers the
users the possibility to observe not only the dynamic of the
system but also the interaction of the situated entities in the
system. One key point is also the agent movement.
Specifically creating a realistic system where agents (e.g.,
pickers) can move having specific goals and destinations.
The limitation in allowing agents to move dynamically in
the NetLogo environment is that they are constrained
moving discretely on a grid-based space patch-by-patch
rather having smooth trajectories.