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Serbian 101 - Free Language Course For Beginners

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Serbian 101 Weekly Lessons

by Marina Petrovi
THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT VIA https://www.patreon.com/Educo11

Daily Tasks
How to learn Serbian on a daily basis?

Check different websites each day:

Listening and watching the video lessons linked in this document, divided into four
Listening to songs in Serbian via my Playlist
Playing with Quizlet games and tests and doing my exercises on

1 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Week 1

Srpska abeceda = Serbian Alphabet

Srpska Abeceda = Serbian Latin Alphabet - Link

Hajde da vebamo vokale=samoglasnike = Lets practice the vowels!

AAA - jA sAm mArinA // Ja sam Marija

EEE - on jE srEan // Ja sam srena
I I I - ti si Ivica // Ti nisi Marina
OOO - Mi smO kOd kue // Ja sam kod kue
UUU - Vi ste U BeogradU // Ja sam u

2 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Serbian Cyrillic Script
Srpska azbuka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zheklVG4hJ0

Hajde da vebamo prepoznavanje irilinih slova = Lets practise recognizing the Serbian

Video veba 1: Cyrillic letters - link to the video lesson

Veba 2: Match the cyrillic letter to the latin alphabet one by dragging them one
over the other https://quizlet.com/77024914/scatter
Veba 3: Recognize the letter by typing it https://quizlet.com/77024914/gravity
Veba 4: Test

3 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Glagol BITI = Verb TO BE
Video lesson with a password - the Serbian word for is:

1. Ja sam srena / tuna / iz Srbije / iz Izraela / iz Amerike /

2. Iz = from
3. Ti si + your name.
4. Ti si srena / tuna / gladna / edna.
5. Gladan (masc) / gladna (fem) = hungry
6. edan (masc) / edna (fem) = thirsty
7. Srean (masc) / srena (fem) = happy
8. Lep (masc) / lepa (fem) = beautiful
9. Kod kue = at home
10. Na poslu = at work
11. Porodica = family
12. Familija = ira porodica
13. Igra = player
14. Igrai = players
15. ena - woman
16. ene - women

4 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Link ka video vebi, sa ifrom! = The link to the video exercise with a password - the Serbian word for

Teorija o glagolu biti = Theory about the verb to be

Video lesson with a password - the Serbian word for success:

Oblici glagola biti u sadanjem vremenu u srpskom = Present tense verb forms of to be in Serbian
Ja sam = I am
Ti si = You are
On je = he is
Ona je = she is
Ono je = it is
Mi smo = we are
Vi ste = you are
Oni su = they (masc.) are
One su = they (fem.) are
Ona su = they (neut.) are
The verb to be in Serbian is used to express:
Who we are (with a noun): Ja sam Marina. Ja sam profesor srpskog. ( I am Marina.
I am a teacher of Serbian.)
Where we are (with a preposition and place): Ja sam kod kue. Ti si na poslu ( I am
at home. You are at work)

5 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

How we feel (with an adjective): Ti si srean. Ja sam srena (You are happy. I am

Vebe = Practice
Veba 1
Govorna veba = Speaking exercise: for each video you can record your own
answers. The easiest and most convenient service is www.Vocaroo.com which
allows you to record anything without registering. Simply record your answers,
click save and then copy paste the link under the share button. Send me the link
and I will be able to hear you. Because this Vocaroo service is free, all the
recordings are deleted after some time (a month or two), but it is the perfect tool
to use while you are learning. My students who take private lessons with me have
their own document where I immediately post my feedback to their written and
speaking exercises.

6 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Week 2

Upoznavanje - Introductions
Dijalog = Dialogue
Ovde moete videti dijalog koji treba poreati po redu. Here is the dialogue which you
should put in the correct order: Link ka video lekciji = Link to the video lesson

Reenje = Key/Solution
a. Zdravo! Ja sam Keiti. Zdravo! Ja sam Marina. Drago mi je. Drago mi je.
b. Zdravo! Zdravo! Ja sam Keiti. Ja sam Marina. Drago mi je. Drago mi je.
c. Zdravo! Zdravo! Ja sam Keiti. Drago mi je. Ja sam Marina. Drago mi je.

Rei = Vocabulary

1. Zdravo = (informal) hello

2. Drago mi je = pleased to meet you // pleased to meet you too.
3. Ja sam = I am
Govorne vebe - Speaking practice

7 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Snimite svoje odgovore preko www.Vocaroo.com i poaljite mi link da ujem = Record
your answers via www.Vocaroo.com and send me the link to hear it.

Negativan oblik glagola biti - Negative form of the

verb to be
Link ka video lekciji sa ifrom! = Link to the video lesson with the password which is the
Serbian word for we.

Negative form of the verb TO BE

Ja nisam
Ti nisi
On nije
Ona nije
Ono nije
------------------------- Pl.
Mi nismo
Vi niste

8 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Oni nisu
One nisu
Ona nisu

Lets use the form nisam to say something about what you are not :)

Primer = Example:

Nisam Tanja, ja sam Marina.

Nisam na poslu, ja sam kod kue.
Nisam tuna, ja sam srena.

Moete sinimiti svoje odgovore preko www.vocaroo.com = You can record your answers
via www.vocaroo.com

Meunarodne rei u srpskom = International

words in Serbian
Ovo je... / Ovo nije = This is / This isnt

Hajde da vebamo meunarodne rei uz frazu ovo je/nije = Lets practice some
international words in Serbian with the phrase this is / isnt

9 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Link ka video lekciji sa objanjenjem i izgovorom = The link to the video lesson
with the pronunciation. The password is Serbian word for I.

Pesma: Eci Peci Pec

Deija brojalica = Childrens chant

Link ka pesmi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksiN1QHreQ0

Korak 1: Sluati pesmu i napisati ta nedostaje = To listen to the song and fill in the
missing gaps:

Eci peci pec

Ja _____ mali zec

Ti _____mala prepelica

Eci peci pec

Korak 2: Hajde da proverimo = Lets check!

Eci peci pec (doesnt mean anything really)

10 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Ja sam mali zec ( I am a little rabbit)

Ti si mala prepelica (You area little quail)

Eci peci pec

Domai = Homework
Proitati azbuku i abecedu zajedno sa mnom = To read Serbian alphabets
together with me several times and then record it via www.vocaroo.com
Napisati bar 5 reenica o sebi koje smo uili na asu i poslati ih meni = To write at
least 5 sentences about yourself which we learned in our class and send them to
Snimiti 5 reenica o sebi koje sam pregledala = To record five sentences about
yourself which I have checked.

Revision Pages
Hajde da vebamo: - ! Ja u da kaem re, a ti zaokrui slovo koje uje: ili . Vai?
= I will say the word and you encircle what you hear, either or . ok?

11 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Hajde da ponovimo pesmicu i vebamo C = Lets revise the chant and
practice the sound C

Vebamo glas C / = We are practising C / (in the Cyrillic script)

E_i pe_i pe_

Ti _____ mali ze_

Ja _____mala prepeli_a

E_i pe_i pe_


Napravi to vie reenica na srpskom = Make as many sentences in Serbian

12 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Ja sam ena
Ti si kod kue
On je na poslu.
Ona je ena.
Ono je kue.
Mi smo kod kue.
Vi ste igrai / porodica.
Oni su igrai / mladi.
One su lepe // kod kue // ptice.
Ona su deca.

Zdravo, ... sam

, sam ...

. mi je .

. . Je.


Ovo nije / Ovo je ...

13 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

1. hamburger = hamburger
2. restoran = restaurant
3. muzika =muzika
4. mleko = milk
5. vino = wine
6. jogurt = yoghurt
7. burek = burek ( a kind of a cheese pie)
8. pita = pie
9. voda = water


1. Ovo nije vino, ovo je hamburger.

2. Ovo ...

14 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Expanding vocabulary

ta je ovo? = What is it?

Ovo je = This is
Ovo nije = This isnt...

Week 3

Pridevi u srpskom = Adjectives in Serbian

15 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Objanjenje = Explanation with the password she in Serbian

Video lekcija 1

Veba 1 = Exercise

Video lekcija 2

Veba 2 = Exercise
Video veba 3 = Video exercise 3
Video veba 4 - Video exercise 4 with the password he, but in Serbian

Pozdravi na srpskom = Greetings in Serbian

16 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

ta znae ove rei i kada ih upotrebljavamo? What do these words mean and when do
we use them? https://www.dropbox.com/s/kldzny6ss8jgc30/SS-101-Lesson11.mp4?dl=0

Zdravo! - semi-formal
ao! - informal
Dobro jutro = (formal) good morning
Dobar dan = good day = good afternoon
Dobro vee = good evening
Dovienja! = goodbye
Zdravo!! = goodbye
ao!! = goodbye
Laku no! = good night!
Kako si? = how are you (informal)
Kako ste?= how are you (formal)
Nije loe = not bad

Veba 1: Hajde da poreamo ove reenice po redu! Lets put these sentences in order!

Hvala, dobro! Kako ste? Dovienja! Dobar dan! Zdravo!

Dobro, a ti? ao! Nije loe. Kako su tvoji? Kako si ti?

Reenje = Answer key

Formal: Dobar dan! Kako ste? Hvala, dobro! Dovienja

Informal: Zdravo ! ao! Kako su tvoji? Nije loe! Kako si ti? Hvala, dobro! ao!

Video veba 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JroZKb18AfE

Zato je dan dobAr, a vee dobrO?

17 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi
Link ka video vebi: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xfnbl9uywpp0hh3/SS-101-Lesson12.mp4?dl=0 (the
password is are in the third person plural)


Video veba 1:


18 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

1. Da li je hamburger dobar?
2. Da li je restoran dobar?
3. Da li je muzikA dobrA?
4. Da li je mlekO dobrO?
5. Da li je vinO dobrO?
6. Da li je jogurt dobar?
7. Da li je burek dobar?
8. Da li je pita dobra?
9. Da li je voda dobra?

Video veba 2:

19 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Da li si gladan? Are you hungry (to a man) ? Jesam / nisam (Yes, I am)

Da li si gladnA? Are you hungry (to a woman) ? Jesam / nisam (No, I am not)

Week 4

20 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Srpski za decu - Serbian For Kids

as 1 - Upoznavanje <<< CLICK HERE TO WATCH AND LISTEN

Cilj prvog asa = The aim of the first lesson

1. Predstavljanje = Introductions
2. Pesmica = Chant
3. Pevanje i crtanje = Singing and Drawing
4. Vebanje = Practice


21 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

Zdravo, ja ____ ...
__, _____
__, _____ _____...


22 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi



23 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

1. Vebe na Quizletu - Quizlet exercises:
a. Rei = Words https://quizlet.com/146116081/gravity
b. Reenice = Sentences https://quizlet.com/146121240/gravity
2. Vebe na Educaplay: - Educaplay exercises:
c. Rei = Words
d. Video without pronunciation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fukft61iOio

Govorne vebe = Speaking exercises: for each video you can record your own
answers. The easiest and most convenient service is www.Vocaroo.com or
https://www.speakpipe.com/ which allows you to record anything without

24 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

registering. Simply record your answers, click save and then copy paste the link
under the share button. Send me the link and I will be able to hear you. Because
this Vocaroo service is free, all the recordings are deleted after some time, but it
is the perfect tool to use while you are learning. My students who take private
lessons with me have their own document where I immediately post my feedback
to their written and speaking exercises. There is also a great option to receive a
document like this one each month by supporting my Serbian language lessons
via Patreon.


25 asovi srpskog via www.LearnSerbianBlog.com by Marina Petrovi

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