Final Professional Goals

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Goal #1

My goal/objective: to integrate technology into lessons once a week in order to create a

more engaged and 21st century learning environment
Timeline: November 14th to December 15th
1. Create extensive lesson plans where technology usage is described and carefully
planned to match learning objectives
2. Seek advice from TA on what my resources are, and how best to implement this
3. Learn new ways to use technology in the classroom and introduce these
techniques to the students
Support: I will ask my TA and university consultant for advice and guidance in order to
accomplish this goal. I will also seek online resources and explore the curriculum lab in
order to use technology effectively within my lessons.
Indicators: I will know my goal is accomplished when I have successfully planned and
carried out using technology once a week in my lessons. I will also know I am successful
by observing student participation and engagement when the students are working on the
activity planned.
Results: students will actively engage with technology once a week during a lesson. I can
count how many times I have the students use the technology, and measure engagement
by how well students stay on task during the lesson
1. My personal journal keeping of successful technology implementation (will be
2. Create a checklist- sign and date when I have integrated technology into one of
my lessons per week.
1. All students can learn albeit at different rates in different ways
2. There are many approaches to teaching and learning
3. The functions of traditional and electronic learning technologies
4. The importance of career long learning
5. You are expected to achieve the Teaching Quality Standard
Goal #2
Goal/objective: to improve my skills related to questioning students in order to lead them
to more critical and higher order thinking.
Timeline: November 14th to December 15th
1. Create lesson plans with well thought out questions as well as seek answers where
critical thinking is necessary
2. Seek advice from TA and university consultant on how to phrase questions to
probe critical thinking from students.
3. Use open ended questions on assignments or worksheets in order to have students
explain their critical/high order thinking processes
4. Refer to blooms taxonomy to have students build their critical thinking skills
throughout my time in their classroom.
Support: I will look to my TA and university consultant for guidance on my questions
because this is a weakness that I want to improve on. I will also look through the
curriculum lab and online resources for ideas on how to create better questions.
Indicators: I know my goal will be accomplished when my questions probe well thought
answers from students. These answers will need higher order/ critical thinking in order to
answer well. Students active participation and engagement with the questions will
indicate whether or not it was a good question.
Results: Students work will show clear and well thought answers to my questions that
have activated critical and higher order thinking necessary to answer the questions.
Students will be able to use these skills in other subject areas.
1. My personal journal reflecting on students answers to my questions. Did students
discuss and have answers that required critical thinking skills? Did questions
require some debate between students? Did the question engage all students and
did all students participate in answering the questions?
2. Students written reflection/answer to my questions. Were their answers well
though out? Did students think critically?
3. Observation. Are students actively engaged in conversation from question? Is the
question challenging enough or too challenging?
1. The purposes of students assessment
2. The importance of career long learning
3. You are expect to achieve the Teaching Quality Standard
Goal #3
Goal/Objective: to cope with stress and anxiety to a manageable level throughout PS1 in
order to be focused on my students and be the best teacher possible
Timeline: currently until the end of PS1
1. Continue attending personal counseling at the university
2. Exercise and eat well
3. Talk to peers and use their support to manage stress and anxiety
4. Keep to a routine
5. Continue planning in day planner, continue to work hard to finish tasks before/on
6. Create a stress meter and indicate where I am at different points in the day so I
can reflect why I was stressed at that point (analyze trends)
Support: I will look to my family, friends, peers, TA, university consultant and my
counselor for support in managing my stress levels and providing feedback on my
progress and success throughout PS1.
Indicators: I will know my goal has been met when I continue succeeding throughout
my practicum and maintain the strategies listed. My journal reflections will indicate
stress levels and if the stress and anxiety are being reasonably managed.
Results: to feel secure and confident in my teaching abilities, to manage time efficiently,
and stay organized in order to reduce stress and anxiety.
1. Journal keeping and indicating stress levels throughout PS1. How I feel about my
health and wellness throughout experience.
2. Feedback from peers, teachers etc.; how they see my progress and success
throughout PS1
1. Importance of respecting students human dignity
2. The importance of contributing, independently and collegially to quality of your
3. The importance of career-long learning
4. The importance of guiding your actions with a personal, overall vision of the
purpose of teaching
5. You are expected to achieve the Teaching Quality Standard

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