FS2-LearningEpisode-8 FINAL
FS2-LearningEpisode-8 FINAL
FS2-LearningEpisode-8 FINAL
with all these information, you are set in writing your own lesson plan. Based
on the instructions given by your FS Teacher, prepare your lesson plan based
on the learning competencies of the lesson. Consider the age appropriateness
and level of communication of your students.
You may ask copies from a resource teacher. If not available, you can make
use of the basic components of a lesson plan.
1. What are the things you consider in writing your lesson/ learning plan?
-I considered objectives and goals should be explicit, the material should be relevant to
the students, and exercises that will test or improve the learners' cognitive, affective,
and psychomotor skills should be anticipated. Other important factors to consider
include time, resources, and subject matter expertise.
Also, the ages of my students when creating my lesson plan and lesson because I
wanted to make sure the language and activities, I used to be suitable for them. Then I
want my students to be able to express what they have learned in class, so I'm
considering adding various activities into performance tasks. I want to make my
lessons more engaging and exciting so that my students are motivated to learn.
3. Look for a resource teacher you might want to ask for your lesson plan to be critiqued,
what was her/his feedback on the draft you made?
- My resource instructor which is a grade 6 adviser had a busy schedule and didn't
have time to go over my draft lesson plan. She is, however, overjoyed that I completed
the quite in-depth course. Furthermore, I have faith in my ability to enhance my
learning approach. She simply gave me some advice on how to improve my lesson
plan so that it would be clear to students and that they could use what I was teaching
to their future endeavors.
4. What were the best features and areas of improvement of the lesson plan you made?
- The best part of my lesson, in my opinion, is when I let the children use different
strategies to solve issues, such drawing or utilizing a place value chart. Due to the fact
that kids will work together to investigate and make independent discoveries, I think it
has the potential to enhance learning. In the interim, I can work on improving one part
of my lesson: the way I'll deliver the material. To keep students from getting bored, I
must enhance my teaching methods.
Analyze the various components of your lesson plan by answering the given matrix. Take note
that you must have provision to do this lesson on your face to face, modular or through online
1. How did you arouse students’ interest? What motivational techniques did you indicate
of the plan?
- I stimulate my students' curiosity by presenting a challenge and a video. I utilized
video presentations because, when displayed to students, they can hold their interest
and aid in their complete understanding of the material. In addition, putting challenges
in the classroom helps improve student learning and provide them the chance to solve
problems in an authentic environment. Students can express themselves freely and
gain a better understanding of mathematics through problem-solving activities. This
educational experience results in an improvement in the motivation, participation, and
engagement of the students.
3. What instructional strategies will you employ in F2F or remote learning for this lesson?
- Quizizz is a popular platform for learners due to its interactive lectures and free
gamified quizzes that may capture all skill levels.
-Video presentations: these aid in the learning of many subjects, but particularly those
that are difficult and/or highly visual, such math formulas, problem-solving techniques,
and step-by-step instructions.
-Group activities can serve as a powerful tool for inspiring students, promoting
engaged learning, and fostering the development of critical thinking, communication,
and decision-making skills.
-Written assessments are beneficial as they allow students to exhibit their skills and
knowledge and track their advancement towards achieving standards and goals in
4. Was the language used appropriate to the level of the students? Explain.
- Indeed, I took the initiative to evaluate the first-graders' comprehension by utilizing
terminology from the English language that they would understand. In addition, I
promise to speak in a way that does not disparage any of the students.
5. What types and questions did you formulate? Are they of the higher order thinking
skills(HOTS)? Write 2 examples.
- I create two different kinds of questions: ones that test lower- and higher-order
cognitive skills. Here are some examples of questions requiring higher order thinking
skills from my lesson:
1. What does the number sentence mean in terms of the solution?
2. How did you use the Hundred Chart to arrive at your solution?
6. What instructional resources will you use? Why? Cite the possible online resources
that you can utilize whether done in the classroom or in remote learning?
- Quizizz and YouTube videos will be my teaching tools. I believe that YouTube
videos can accommodate learners that are both visual and auditory. Students can
also be engaged and motivated using Quizizz, a platform that combines games and
7. Are your modes of assessment aligned with your learning outcomes and activities?
Cite a specific example.
- Since my learning objective is to subtract one-digit numbers with minuends up to 18
and one-to-two-digit numbers with minuends up to 99 without regrouping, I do believe
that my modalities of evaluation are in line with my learning outcomes and activities.
For instance, in one of my tests, students are required to find the difference by
subtracting the minuends from the subtrahend.
8. Will your performance tasks ensure mastery of the learning competencies? Explain.
- In my opinion, my performance tasks guarantee that I have acquired the necessary
learning competencies. Since the learning competency calls for subtracting one-to-
two-digit numbers with minuends up to 99 and one-digit numbers with minuends up to
18 without regrouping, I made sure that my performance task would enable students to
use the place value chart to draw solutions to the problems.
9. In a scale of 1-10. How will you rate you learning plan? Justify your answer.
- It's probably between six and eight. I think I still have a lot to learn, especially about
how to better deliver my lessons and design activities that are tailored to each
student's unique learning needs. I also think my learning plan has to be enhanced.
10. If this lesson is not implemented to face to face, how are you going to do it remotely?
Vice versa.
- This lesson was made by me and can be utilized in both in-person and virtual
learning environments. I'll create a breakout space in an online class where each
group can work together to come up with plans for finishing the problem-solving
Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?
Because it allows teachers to pre-plan what they want their students to learn, the
teaching and learning activities they will use, and the assessment of understanding, lesson
planning is an essential component of the instructional cycle. It also gives teachers the
freedom to concentrate on what they want to teach and what they need for their session, and it
sets deadlines for tasks.
The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my lesson/learning plans emerged as I
thought about the lesson I would teach and the resources I would use to make the lesson.
Because the program will be delivered online, I was having problems coming up with teaching
tactics and resources that would keep the students engaged and interested. Including relevant
learning materials that would satisfy each student's unique demands was challenging.
I hope to achieve and to address these problems and challenges by asking several educators
questions regarding the teaching techniques and educational materials they employed in their
online courses. I also intend to attend webinars regarding different teaching methods and
educational materials that I might utilize in my classroom. I will get knowledge about new
tactics or approaches from this, which will enhance my class's educational process.
Some strategies of way which I can employ to improve these situations/problems is that I want
to discuss my lesson using the tactics I've mentioned in my lesson plan, especially the usage of
video presentations. Before putting this strategy into practice, I'll first conduct a pretest utilizing
the discussion method to teach the lesson about subtracting one-digit numbers with minuends
up to 18 and one- to two-digit numbers with minuends up to 99 without regrouping. I'll then
administer a post-test to the pupils to see if their performance has improved.
Based on my answers, the possible title for my action research on this episode is "A study of
the effects of video presentations on student engagement and performance in a first-grade
mathematics class."