Doh Healthcare System
Doh Healthcare System
Doh Healthcare System
General Functions
Develops, disseminates, and monitors
Acts as the DOH Coordinating unit and the implementation of policies for health
Operation Center for all health emergency preparedness.
emergencies and disasters, as well as Develops standardized training modules
incidents with the potential of becoming for various stakeholders on health
an emergency, and coordinate the emergency
mobilization and sharing of resources. Develops, disseminates and updates
Provides the communication linkage emergency preparedness programs
among DOH Central Office and other Develops policy-related and operational
concerned agencies, including the researches and documentation relevant
hospitals and the regions, during to health emergency preparedness that
emergencies and disasters. will serve as inputs for policy
Maintains updated information of all development and program/systems
health emergencies and disasters improvement.
(except epidemiological investigation Develops well-performing managerial
reports) and provide such information to human resources for health emergency
other offices and agencies in management
accordance with existing protocols. Provides technical assistance to ensure
Maintains a database of all health the availability of functional health
emergency personnel, technical experts, emergency preparedness systems
and resource speakers. Together with (including policies, planning and
the National Center for Health Facilities capability building activities) at all levels
Development (NCHFD), HEMB of the health sector.
maintains a database of capabilities of Provides technical assistance to ensure
health facilities. delivery of appropriate services in time
Leads in the development of Disaster of emergencies and disasters.
Risk Reduction & Management in Health Develops and implements an overall
(DRRMH) Plan and the development of Monitoring and Evaluation System and
protocols, guidelines and standards for Plan for health emergency management
health emergency management. Leads in public information and
Provides technical assistance in the awareness-raising activities
development of programs and planning
activities for HEM for other government Response, Recovery & Rehabilitation Division