HEMS Coordinator's Final Report
HEMS Coordinator's Final Report
HEMS Coordinator's Final Report
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Ground Floor, Bldg. 12, San Lazaro Compound
Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Manila
Telefax: (63-2)711-1001/ 740-5030/ 743-0568 Tel: (63-2)711-1002/ 743-0538
Trunk line Nos. 743-8301 loc 2200 to 2207
Email: doh_hems@yahoo.com; doh_hemsopcen@yahoo.com
(The final report comes in three parts: Part 1 consists of a one-page Executive Summary, Part 2 consists of the
Detailed Report, and Part 3 contains the annexes such as tables of raw data, maps, pictures, etc. The purpose of
dividing the final report into these three parts is to make it more reader friendly. Readers who only want to get an
overview of the event can just read Part 1. Those who need more detailed information can proceed to read Part 2
without being overwhelmed with raw data. Those who need the raw data can see them in Part 3.)
B. Consequences of the Emergency/Disaster (Sources of all the data, especially figures of mortality,
morbidity, cost estimates should be properly cited and acknowledged)
Health consequences
-Deaths, injuries, illnesses (This should contain references to list of names and other details
in the annexes)
-Health infrastructures damaged, description of damage (This may contain
references to detailed lists, maps or pictures in the annexes)
Other consequences
-Number of displaced families and individuals, if applicable (This should contain
references to list of names and other details in the annexes)
-Other infrastructures damaged, description of damage (power, water,
communication, transportation, major buildings)
-Cost of damage (if available)
E. Problems Encountered
A. Tables
B. Graphs
C. Maps
D. Pictures