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HEMS Coordinator's Final Report

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Form 1 Rev.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
Ground Floor, Bldg. 12, San Lazaro Compound
Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Manila
Telefax: (63-2)711-1001/ 740-5030/ 743-0568 Tel: (63-2)711-1002/ 743-0538
Trunk line Nos. 743-8301 loc 2200 to 2207
Email: doh_hems@yahoo.com; doh_hemsopcen@yahoo.com


<Title of Event/Emergency/Disaster>
(This report shall be submitted by the HEMS Coordinator within one week after termination of response activities or after an event is
considered closed.)

(The final report comes in three parts: Part 1 consists of a one-page Executive Summary, Part 2 consists of the
Detailed Report, and Part 3 contains the annexes such as tables of raw data, maps, pictures, etc. The purpose of
dividing the final report into these three parts is to make it more reader friendly. Readers who only want to get an
overview of the event can just read Part 1. Those who need more detailed information can proceed to read Part 2
without being overwhelmed with raw data. Those who need the raw data can see them in Part 3.)

Part 1 - Executive Summary

A. Description of the Emergency/Disaster

(This briefly answers the questions: What, When, Where of the emergency/disaster)
-Title of event
-Site (Region, Province, City/Municipality, Barangay, Institution if applicable)
-Date and time of occurrence, Duration of event, Duration of response
-Population affected

B. Health Impact of the Emergency/Disaster

(This contains the number of casualties resulting from the emergency/disaster. Only figures should be included
and the names should be found in the annexes)
-Number of dead
-Number of injured/ill (Provide morbidity rate if possible)
-Number of missing

C. Summary of Response and Coordination Activities

(This contains a summary of actions taken by the different levels of responding agencies)

D. Cost of Assistance Rendered

(This contains a summary of the financial value of assistance provided to the local agencies and victims from
various sources that were monitored or brought to the attention of the DOH-HEMS)
-Logistics support
-Support from other agencies, if available

Final Report: <Title of Event/Emergency/Disaster> Page 1 of 4

Part 2 – Detailed Report

A. Background of the Emergency/Disaster

General information about the event
-Name of event
-Date and time of occurrence, Duration of event, Duration of response
-Site (Region, Province, City/Municipality, Barangay, Institution if applicable)
-Population affected
-Nature of emergency/disaster
Detailed description of the event
-Chronology of events, if applicable
Background literature on the event
-Causative agent
-Expected effects (human, infrastructure, environment)

B. Consequences of the Emergency/Disaster (Sources of all the data, especially figures of mortality,
morbidity, cost estimates should be properly cited and acknowledged)
Health consequences
-Deaths, injuries, illnesses (This should contain references to list of names and other details
in the annexes)
-Health infrastructures damaged, description of damage (This may contain
references to detailed lists, maps or pictures in the annexes)
Other consequences
-Number of displaced families and individuals, if applicable (This should contain
references to list of names and other details in the annexes)
-Other infrastructures damaged, description of damage (power, water,
communication, transportation, major buildings)
-Cost of damage (if available)

C. Response and Coordination Activities Undertaken by HEMS

Chronology of activities undertaken (This should contain detailed information of all activities
undertaken in responding to the event, including coordination
and monitoring of dispatch of teams at the local, regional,
national and international levels)
-Table: Date, Description of Activity, Responding Agency, Remarks (The first
entry on the table should contain a narration of the alert process, i.e. the series of activities leading
to the OpCen staffs' initial awareness about the existence of the emergency/disaster and the last entry
should describe the events leading to the decision to close the case and write the final report.)
Mobilization of Teams (Refers to teams mobilized by HEMS only. Those mobilized by region and LGU
would be reflected in the chronology of activities above and actions taken by
other agencies below.)
-No. of teams mobilized
-Purpose of mobilization
-Results of mobilization (Should contain reference to mission report which should be found in
the annexes)
Logistics Support
-Cost of medicines and supplies
-Source of medicines and supplies

Final Report: <Title of Event/Emergency/Disaster> Page 2 of 4

D. Actions Taken by Other Agencies
Response Activities by CHD, LGU, Other Agencies (Should contain brief description of the
activities and the results of the activities. May include references to reports submitted by the
agencies e.g. RESU Report, etc. which should be included in the annexes)
Evacuation Center Activities, if applicable
Rehabilitation Phase Activities (psychosocial services, etc.)

E. Problems Encountered

F. Lessons Learned (Should include post-mortem evaluation)

G. Recommendations (Group recommendations by agencies that must take action)

Final Report: <Title of Event/Emergency/Disaster> Page 3 of 4

Part 3 - Annexes

A. Tables

B. Graphs

C. Maps

D. Pictures

E. Reports from the Field

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