Kerr Orbit Project

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nb 1

Kerr Orbit GR Project

Erik Tollerud
June 14, 2007
Introduction Technique
The Kerr geometry is described by a far more complicated metric than the Schwarzschild geometry or other relatively
simple solutions to the Einstein equation. Hence, it seems reasonable that calculation of orbits in that geometry would
require either exceedingly clever analytic techniques (which invariably will be somewhat limited), or numerical evaluation.
The aim of this project is to test the feasibility of the latter to compute free-fall orbits in the Kerr geometry.
The overall technique here is to compute the geodesic equation from the Christoffel symbols (with Mathematica doing all
the algebraic leg work). From this, differential equations will be fained that can be solved with the appropriate initial
conditions. Results will be compared where possible to analytic examples, and the scalar product uu will be monitored to
see if it remains invarient under the numerical evaluation and integration. A final useful check is to examine the results in
the case of the perihelion shift of Mercury. It is expected that rotation on the scale of the sun will not noticeably perturb
this precession, and we want to try to recover this result.
(Note that the commands below load Mathematica packages necessary for the rest of this notebook.)

In[1]:= << Graphics`

<< Graphics`Legend`
<< Graphics`ParametricPlot3D`

Flat Spacetime Solution

As an initial "proof-of-concept", we'll try this method for the flat minkowski spacetime (hab ). First we define the metric
and compute its inverse (although trivial in this case, it illustrates the technique).
KerrOrbitProject.nb 2

In[4]:= coords = 8t, x, y, z<

n = Length@coordsD;
metric = 881, 0, 0, 0<, 80, 1, 0, 0<, 80, 0, 1, 0<, 80, 0, 0, 1<<;
metric MatrixForm
inversemetric = Simplify@Inverse@metricDD;
inversemetric MatrixForm

Out[4]= 8t, x, y, z<

j y

j z
j z
1 0 0 0
j z
j z
j z
0 1 0 0

k 0 {
0 0 1 0
0 0 1

i 1
j y

j z
j z
0 0 0
j z
j z
j z
0 1 0 0

k 0 {
0 0 1 0
0 0 1

Next, we solve for the Christoffel symbols following the technique in the "Christoffel Symbols and Geodesic Equation"
Mathematica notebook from the textbook web site, by using the definitions of the symbols and Mathematica's algebraic

christoffel := christoffel = Simplify@Table@H1 2L Sum@Hinversemetric@@i, sDDL

HD@metric@@s, jDD, coords@@kDD D +

D@metric@@s, kDD, coords@@jDD D D@metric@@j, kDD, coords@@sDD DL, 8s, 1, n<D,

8i, 1, n<, 8j, 1, n<, 8k, 1, n<D D

8ToString@@i, j, kDD, christoffel@@i, j, kDD<D , 8i, 1, n<, 8j, 1, n<, 8k, 1, j<D
listchristoffel := Table@If@UnsameQ@christoffel@@i, j, kDD, 0D,

TableSpacing 82, 2<D

TableForm@Partition@DeleteCases@Flatten@listchristoffelD, NullD, 2D,


While the Christoffel symbols vanish for the Minkowski metric, in general this is not true, so we compute the Geodesic
equation as though they were present.
KerrOrbitProject.nb 3

geodesic := geodesic = Simplify@Table@Sum@christoffel@@i, j, kDD u@jD u@kD, 8j, 1, n<,

8k, 1, n<D, 8i, 1, n<DD

listgeodesic := Table@8"dd" ToString@u@iDD, "=", geodesic@@iDD<, 8i, 1, n<D

TableForm@listgeodesic, TableSpacing 82<D

dd u@1D = 0
dd u@2D = 0
dd u@3D = 0
dd u@4D = 0

And indeed, unsurprisingly, the result is the equation of motion for a particle subject to no forces at all. We now use the
mathematica differential equation solver to compute the spacetime coordinates as a function of proper time t given a
particular set of initial spatial velocities, assuming we start at the origin. As we are interested in a particle orbit rather
than a light ray, the final necessary equation is uu=-1, which can be used to solve for the initial dt/dt,giving
t '2 =1+x '2 +y'2 +z'2 (where priming is differentiation with respect to t)
KerrOrbitProject.nb 4

ivs = 81.1, 0, 0<;

ics = 80, 0, 0, 0<;

ivs = Join@8Sqrt@1 + ivs.ivsD<, ivsD;

deqs = Join@Table@coords@@iDD ''@D == geodesic@@iDD, 8i, 1, n<D,
Table@coords@@iDD '@0D ivs@@iDD, 8i, 1, n<D,
Table@coords@@iDD@0D ics@@iDD, 8i, 1, n<DD;
soln = DSolve@deqs, coords, D Flatten;
vx = D@x@D . soln, D D@t@D . soln, D;
t Ht@D . solnL
x Hx@D . solnL
y Hy@D . solnL
z Hz@D . solnL
dx dt vx
H1 vx ^ 2L ^ H1 2L

Out[22]= t 0. + 1.48661

Out[23]= x 0. + 1.1

Out[24]= y 0. + 0.

Out[25]= z 0. + 0.

Out[26]= 0.73994

Out[27]= 1.48661

While it may seem incorrect to use an initial velocity of 1.1, the initial velocities are expressed as dxi /dt,which are not
dx dt
limited to speeds of 1 (e.g. c in units of c=1). Computing
/ gives the observed coordinate speed dx/dt, and indeed,
dt dt
this is less than 1. Furthermore, computing the special relativistic gamma using this velocity gives back the result same
number as appears in the t(t) equation, confirming that this technique is consistant with special relativity.

Kerr Geometry
Now we repeat the same steps, but this time with the Kerr Geometry using Boyer-Lindquist coordinates. We begin by
defining the metric in terms of the parameters M, a,r and D, then find the inverse.
KerrOrbitProject.nb 5

In[4]:= coords = 8t, r, , <

n = Length@coordsD;
tt = 2 M r 1;
rr = ;
= ;
= H + H2 M r Hr ^ 2 + a ^ 2LL L Sin@D ^ 2;
t = 4 a M r Sin@D ^ 2 ;
metric = 88tt, 0, 0, t<, 80, rr, 0, 0<, 80, 0, , 0<, 8t, 0, 0, <<;
metric MatrixForm
inversemetric = Simplify@Inverse@metricDD;
inversemetric MatrixForm

Out[4]= 8t, r, , <

j y

j z
j z
4 a M r Sin@D2

j z
1 + 2 M r
j z
0 0

j z

j z
j z

j z
0 0 0
j z

j 4 a M r Sin@D2 2 z
M Sin@D z

0 I +
0 0 0
2 M r Ha2 +r2 L
0 {

H2 a M r+2 M r + L

2 a2 M r H2 M r+LH2 M rL H2 M r3 + L8 a2 M2 r2 Cos@2 D 2 a2 M r H2 M r+L+H2 M rL H2 M r3 + L+8 a2 M2 r2 Cos@2 D
2 3 4aMr

0 0


0 0 0

0 0
H2 M r+L Csc@D2
k 2 a2 M r H2 M r+L+H2 M rL H2 M r3 + L+8 a2 M2 r2 Cos@2 D 2 a2 M r H2 M r+LH2 M rL H2 M r3 + L8 a2 M2 r2 Cos@2 D
0 0

This inverse is already a mess, so we will first investigate the degenerate case of a0 .

In[15]:= a = 0;
= r ^ 2 + a ^ 2 Cos@D ^ 2;
= r ^ 2 2 M r + a ^ 2;
metric MatrixForm

j y

j z
j z
1 + 2M

j z
0 0 0
j z

j z
j z

j z
0 0 0
j z
2 M r+r2

j 2 z
k r Sin@D {
0 0 r2 0
0 0 0 2

This is clearly the form of the Schwarzschild metric, so we will briefly examine the dynamics here to provide results for
comparison in the full-fledged Kerr geometry with non-zero a.

Schwarzschild Solutions

With the metric and its inverse in hand, we can compute the Christoffel symbols and geodesic equations in the same
fashion as for Minkowski spacetime.
KerrOrbitProject.nb 6

christoffel := christoffel = Simplify@Table@H1 2L Sum@Hinversemetric@@i, sDDL

HD@metric@@s, jDD, coords@@kDD D +

D@metric@@s, kDD, coords@@jDD D D@metric@@j, kDD, coords@@sDD DL, 8s, 1, n<D,

8i, 1, n<, 8j, 1, n<, 8k, 1, n<D D

8ToString@@i, j, kDD, christoffel@@i, j, kDD<D , 8i, 1, n<, 8j, 1, n<, 8k, 1, j<D
listchristoffel := Table@If@UnsameQ@christoffel@@i, j, kDD, 0D,

TableSpacing 82, 2<D

TableForm@Partition@DeleteCases@Flatten@listchristoffelD, NullD, 2D,

geodesic := geodesic =
Simplify@Table@Sum@christoffel@@i, j, kDD coords@@jDD ' coords@@kDD ', 8j, 1, n<,
8k, 1, n<D, 8i, 1, n<DD
listgeodesic := Table@8"dd" ToString@coords@@iDD 'D, "=", geodesic@@iDD<, 8i, 1, n<D
TableForm@listgeodesic, TableSpacing 82<D

@1, 2, 1D M
2 M r+r2
M H2 M+rL
@2, 1, 1D r3

@2, 2, 2D M
2 M rr2

@2, 3, 3D 2Mr
@2, 4, 4D H2 M rL Sin@D2
@3, 3, 2D 1

@3, 4, 4D Cos@D Sin@D

@4, 4, 2D 1

@4, 4, 3D Cot@D

dd t' = 2Mr t
2 M r+r2

M r2 Hr L2 +H2 M+rL2 HM Ht L2 r3 HH L2 +Sin@D2 H L2 LL

H2 MrL r3
dd r' =

dd ' = 2r
+ Cos@D Sin@D H L2
2 Hr +r Cot@D L
dd ' = r

Now we supply initial conditions and solve for the coordinates parameterized in t. Note that Mathematica cannot
generate a general analytic solution using DSolve, so we resort to numerical the NDSolve by taking M=1. Furthermore,
to compute the initial dt/dt, the nn=-1 equation is much more complicated, as the scalar product must be computed in
the general tensor form g u u = -1. Mathematica can do this and solve for the resulting initial condition for dt/dt.
For simplicity's sake, this will be written as a function that can later be called for a set of initial conditions, implicitly
using the variables defined as "coords","metric", and "geodesic".
KerrOrbitProject.nb 7

In[30]:= computeSoln@maxi_, ivsi_, icsi_D := Block@8ivs, ics, i, , tmp, soln<,

ics = icsi;
ivs = Join@8<, ivsiD;
tmp = metric;
tmp = tmp . Table@coords@@iDD ics@@iDD, 8i, 0, n<D;
tmp = ivs.Htmp.ivsL;
slv = Solve@tmp uinvar, D;
ivs@@1DD = Last@ . slvD;
deq = Table@coords@@iDD ''@D
Hgeodesic@@iDD . Join@Table@coords@@iDD ' coords@@iDD '@D, 8i, 1, n<D,
Table@coords@@iDD coords@@iDD@D, 8i, 1, n<DDL, 8i, 1, n<D;
deq = Join@deq, Table@coords@@iDD '@0D ivs@@iDD, 8i, 1, n<D,
Table@coords@@iDD@0D ics@@iDD, 8i, 1, n<DD;
soln = NDSolve@deq, coords, 8, 0, maxi<D;
uinvar = 1;
sphslnToCartsln@soln_D := Block@8xs, ys, zs<, xs = r@D Sin@@DD Cos@@DD . soln ;
ys = r@D Sin@@DD Sin@@DD . soln; zs = r@D Cos@@DD . soln; 8xs, ys, zs<D
udotu@solni_, val_D := Block@8x, u<,
x = Table@coords@@iDD@D . solni, 8i, 1, n<D Flatten; u = D@x, D;
x = x . val; u = u . val;
u.HHmetric . Table@coords@@iDD x@@iDD, 8i, 1, n<DL.uLD
coordlist@in_D := Table@ToString@coords@@iDDD <> " = " <>
8ToString@coords@@iDD@inD . soln FirstD<, 8i, 1, n<D

max = 750;
ivs = 80, 0, .088<;

ics = 80, 6.5, 2, 0<;

M = 1;
soln = computeSoln@max, ivs, icsD;
Plot@Evaluate@Table@coords@@iDD@D . soln, 8i, 1, n<DD, 8, 0, max<,
PlotStyle Table@Hue@Hi 1L nD, 8i, 1, n<D, PlotLegend coords,
LegendPosition 81, .35<, AxesLabel 8"", "Coordinate"<D;
xyzsoln = sphslnToCartsln@solnD;
horizpl = PolarPlot@2, 8, 0, 2 Pi<, PlotStyle Hue@0D, DisplayFunction IdentityD;
ParametricPlot@Evaluate@8xyzsoln@@1DD, xyzsoln@@2DD< FlattenD,
8, 0, max<, AspectRatio 1, DisplayFunction IdentityD;
Show@%, horizpl, DisplayFunction $DisplayFunctionD;
Join@8"Final Coordinates:"<, coordlist@maxDD TableForm

Table@8"=", ToString@iD, "", udotu@soln, iD<, 8i, 0, max, max 5<DD TableForm
Join@88"", "", "", "uu values"<<,

20 r


100 200 300 400 500 600 700
KerrOrbitProject.nb 8


-10 -5 5 10



Final Coordinates:
t = 895.184
r = 14.0802
= 1.5708
= 28.1106

uu values
= 0 1.
= 150 1.
= 300 1.
= 450 1.
= 600 1.
= 750 1.

(the red circle is the horizon at r=2M) Here we see clear evidence of precession, as expected in the Schwarzschild metric
close to the horizon. Also of note is the modest time dilation for this orbit - while the proper time t goes from 0 to 750, the
coordinate time t extends up to ~870. Also of note is the fact that uu =-1 for the whole orbit. This is a sign that the
equations are properly solved and numerical errors are not significantly disrupting the orbit.

A different set of initial conditions helps understand what is occuring at the horizon. In Schwarzschild coordinates
results there is a singularity at the horizon, and hence, numerical equation solving cannot cross the horizon. We can,
however, see how the coordinate time t (which becomes the familiar time in the asymptotically flat spacetime at large r)
changes. As the particle falls radially in towards the horizon, its coordinate time is asymptotically increasing, so observ-
ers from the outside will never actually see it strike the horizon. At the point here, time dilation has already more
doubled t with respect to t (versus the last case, where even after a much longer t, time dilation was only a factor of
KerrOrbitProject.nb 9




2 4 6 8 10

-2 -1 1 2 3 4 5



One other important effect to be noted that became apparent from drawing these graphs for a variety of initial conditions
is a transition at r0= 6 M. within that radius, it was impossible to establish a stable circular orbit. Some elliptical orbits
showed relatively long terms stability, but if the orbit began inside a radius of 6M, even tuning the initial df/dt to 8
decimal places resulted in an eventual plunge to the horizon (as shown below). Outside this radius, a circular orbit was
relatively easy to attain with only a few decimal place's tuning (see second figure for an example). This further shows
that this technique is reproducing the analytically describable Schwarzschild geometry. (Note that the green circle here
is rISCO = 6 M )




20 40 60 80 100
KerrOrbitProject.nb 10

-6 -4 -2 2 4 6




12.5 r


500 1000 1500 2000
KerrOrbitProject.nb 11



-7.5 -5 -2.5 2.5 5 7.5




One final point to note about the Schwarzschild geometry is the inherent spherical symmetry. These two plots were
made with initial velocities in all three spatial coordinates, yet it is clear that the orbit is still in a plane (although it is
now tipped with respect to the z-axis). This is not expected in the general Kerr geometry that has a preferred rotational

max = 2000;
ivs = 8.08, .035, .0359<;

ics = 80, 10, 4, .2<;

xyzsoln = sphslnToCartsln@computeSoln@max, ivs, icsDD;
sphhoriz = SphericalPlot3D@82, EdgeForm@D<,
8, 0, Pi<, 8, 0, 2 Pi<, DisplayFunction IdentityD;
angle = ParametricPlot3D@Evaluate@Re@xyzsolnD FlattenD,
8, 0, max<, AxesLabel 8x, y, z<, DisplayFunction IdentityD;
edge = ParametricPlot3D@Evaluate@Re@xyzsolnD FlattenD, 8, 0, max<,
AxesLabel 8x, y, z<, ViewPoint 82, 1.6, 0<, DisplayFunction IdentityD;
Show@angle, sphhoriz, DisplayFunction $DisplayFunction,
PlotRange 8830, 30<, 830, 30<, 830, 30<<D;
Show@edge, sphhoriz, DisplayFunction $DisplayFunction,
PlotRange 8830, 30<, 830, 30<, 830, 30<<D;
KerrOrbitProject.nb 12

y 20






20 x


z 0



General Kerr Solutions

Now we attempt to solve for the more general case of a0. First we compute the geodesic in terms of the parameters M,a,r,
and D.
KerrOrbitProject.nb 13

In[35]:= a =.; M =.;

= r ^ 2 + a ^ 2 Cos@D ^ 2;
= r ^ 2 2 M r + a ^ 2;
christoffel := christoffel = Simplify@Table@H1 2L Sum@Hinversemetric@@i, sDDL
HD@metric@@s, jDD, coords@@kDD D +
D@metric@@s, kDD, coords@@jDD D D@metric@@j, kDD, coords@@sDD DL, 8s, 1, n<D,
8i, 1, n<, 8j, 1, n<, 8k, 1, n<D D

TableSpacing 82, 2<D

TableForm@Partition@DeleteCases@Flatten@listchristoffelD, NullD, 2D,

geodesic := geodesic =
Simplify@Table@Sum@christoffel@@i, j, kDD coords@@jDD ' coords@@kDD ', 8j, 1, n<,
8k, 1, n<D, 8i, 1, n<DD

TableSpacing 82, 2<D

TableForm@Partition@DeleteCases@Flatten@listgeodesicD, NullD, 2D,

M Ha2 2 r2 +a2 Cos@2 DL Ha4 +2 r4 +3 a2 r H2 M+rL+a2 Ha2 +r H6 M+rLL Cos@2 DL


4 Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L H2 a2 r2 Ha2 +2 M2 2 M r+r2 L Cos@D2 +a4 Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Cos@D4 +r2 Hr3 H2 M+rL+a2 H4 M2 +r2 L8 a2
@1, 2, 1D

a2 M r Ha4 +2 r3 H8 M+rL+a2 r H14 M+3 rL+a2 Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Cos@2 DL Sin@2 D

2 Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L H2 a2 r2 Ha2 +2 M2 2 M r+r2 L Cos@D2 +a4 Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Cos@D4 +r2 Hr3 H2 M+rL+a2 H4 M2 +r2 L8 a2
@1, 3, 1D

2 a M Hr2 Ha2 +3 r2 L+a2 Ha2 r2 L Cos@D2 L Sin@D2

2 a2 r2 Ha2 +2 M2 2 M r+r2 L Cos@D2 +a4 Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Cos@D4 +r2 Hr3 H2 M+rL+a2 H4 M2 +r2 L8 a2 M2 Cos@2 DL
@1, 4, 2D

4 a3 M r Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Cos@D Sin@D3

2 a2 r2 Ha2 +2 M2 2 M r+r2 L Cos@D2 +a4 Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Cos@D4 +r2 Hr3 H2 M+rL+a2 H4 M2 +r2 L8 a2 M2 Cos@2 DL
@1, 4, 3D

Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL HM r2 +a2 M Cos@D2 L

Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L3
@2, 1, 1D

r Ha2 M rL+a2 HMrL Cos@D2

Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L
@2, 2, 2D

a2 Cos@D Sin@D
@2, 3, 2D r2 +a2 Cos@D2

r Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL
@2, 3, 3D r2 +a2 Cos@D2

a M Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Ha2 2 r2 +a2 Cos@2 DL Sin@D2

Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L3
@2, 4, 1D

Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Ha2 M r2 r5 a2 Ha2 M+r2 HM+2 rLL Cos@D2 +a4 HMrL Cos@D4 L Sin@D2
Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L3
@2, 4, 4D

Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L3

2 a2 M r Cos@D Sin@D
@3, 1, 1D

Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L

a2 Cos@D Sin@D
@3, 2, 2D

@3, 3, 2D r
r2 +a2 Cos@D2

a2 Cos@D Sin@D
@3, 3, 3D r2 +a2 Cos@D2

2 a M r Ha2 +r2 L Sin@2 D

Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L3
@3, 4, 1D

2 M r Ia2 +r2 M 2 a2 M r Ia2 +r2 M Sin@D2

Cos@D Sin@D Ja2 2 M r+r2 + N
Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L2
r2 +a2 Cos@D2
@3, 4, 4D r2 +a2 Cos@D2

2 a M Hr2 a2 Cos@D2 L
2 a2 r2 Ha2 +2 M2 2 M r+r2 L Cos@D2 +a4 Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Cos@D4 +r2 Hr3 H2 M+rL+a2 H4 M2 +r2 L8 a2 M2 Cos@2 DL
@4, 2, 1D

4 a M r Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Cot@D

2 a2 r2 Ha2 +2 M2 2 M r+r2 L Cos@D2 +a4 Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Cos@D4 +r2 Hr3 H2 M+rL+a2 H4 M2 +r2 L8 a2 M2 Cos@2 DL
@4, 3, 1D

a4 Ha2 M+r H2 M2 2 M r+3 r2 LL Cos@D4 a6 HMrL Cos@D6 +r3 Hr3 H2 M+rLa2 M H2 M+rL+4 a2 M2 Cos@2 DLa2 r Cos@D2 H
Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L H2 a2 r2 Ha2 +2 M2 2 M r+r2 L Cos@D2 +a4 Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Cos@D4 +r2 Hr3 H2 M+rL+a2
@4, 4, 2D

Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L HH2 MrL r2 Hr3 +a2 H2 M+rLL+2 a2 r2 Ha2 +2 M2 2 M r+r2 L Cos@D2 +a4 Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Cos@D4 L Cot@D
Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L H2 a2 r2 Ha2 +2 M2 2 M r+r2 L Cos@D2 +a4 Ha2 +r H2 M+rLL Cos@D4 +r2 Hr3 H2 M+r
@4, 4, 3D
KerrOrbitProject.nb 14

dd t'
M Hr HHa2 2 r2 +a2 Cos@2 DL Ha4 +2 r4 +3 a2 r H2 M+rL+a2 Ha2 +r H6 M+rLL Cos@2 DL t +8 a Hr4 Ha2 +3 r2 L+4 a2 r4 Cos@D2 +Ha6 +a4 r2 L Cos@D4 L
2 Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L H2 a2 r2 Ha2 +2 M2 2 M r+r2 L Cos@D2 +

dd '
a2 Cos@D Ir2 +a2 Cos@D2 M Sin@D Hr L2
+a2 M r Sin@2 D Ht L2 2 r Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L r +a2 Cos@D Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L Sin@D H L2 4 a M r Ha2 +r2
a2 +r H2 M+rL
2 2

Hr2 +a2 Cos@D2 L3

These equations are best described as an algebraic mostrosity-and-a-half, and explain why analytic solutions of these
systems rely heavily on symmetry considerations or special cases where most of these terms can vanish. Fortunately, our
integration technique can handle it, given numerical values for M and a. A good first check is for the asymptotic behav-
ior at large r. Here, the system should reduce to the newtonian case of a simple ellptical orbit for bound initial condi-
tions. Such a set of initial conditions do indeed give an elliptical orbit, even for an almost-extreme Kerr geometry with

In[50]:= M = 1; a = 0.99 M;
max = 10000000;
soln = computeSoln@max, 80, 0, 0.0000006<, 80, 10000, 2, Pi 4<D;
xyzsoln = sphslnToCartsln@solnD;
Plot@Evaluate@Table@coords@@iDD@D . soln, 8i, 1, n<DD, 8, 0, max<,
PlotStyle Table@Hue@Hi 1L nD, 8i, 1, n<D, PlotLegend coords,
LegendPosition 81, .35<, AxesLabel 8"", "Coordinate"<D;
ParametricPlot@Evaluate@8xyzsoln@@1DD, xyzsoln@@2DD< FlattenD,
8, 0, max<, AxesLabel 8x, y<D;
tfinal First@Ht@D . solnL . maxD

Table@8"=", ToString@iD, "", udotu@soln, iD<, 8i, 0, max, max 5<DD TableForm
Join@88"", "", "", "uu values"<<,




6 6 6 6 7
2 10 4 10 6 10 8 10 1 10
KerrOrbitProject.nb 15





-2000 2000 4000 6000 8000


Out[56]= tfinal 1.00024 107

uu values
= 0 1.
= 2000000 1.
= 4000000 1.
= 6000000 1.
= 8000000 1.
= 10000000 1.

The time dilation for this orbit is much smaller than the other cases(in the fourth decimal place), confirming that this is
indeed asymptotically heading towards like flat spacetime with Newtonian gravity.

Building on this, we now check orbits and compare the Schwarzschild and for Mercury-like parameters. The M=1.5 km
for the sun in geometrized units, and the semi-major axis of Mercury is~57 Million km. We input these values and tune
the initial angular velocity to achieve a reasonably elliptical orbit.

max = 50000000000000000; M = 1500;

ivs = 80, 0, 2.2 10 ^ 15<;

ics = 80, 57000000000, 2, Pi 4<;

a = 0;

ParametricPlot@Evaluate@8%@@1DD, %@@2DD< FlattenD,

sphslnToCartsln@computeSoln@max, ivs, icsDD;

8, 0, max<, AxesLabel 8x, y<, PlotLabel H"a=" <> ToString@aDLD;

a = 10000 M;

ParametricPlot@Evaluate@8%@@1DD, %@@2DD< FlattenD,

sphslnToCartsln@computeSoln@max, ivs, icsDD;

8, 0, max<, AxesLabel 8x, y<, PlotLabel H"a=" <> ToString@aDLD;

KerrOrbitProject.nb 16

y a=0

4 10

2 10

10 10 10
-2 10 2 10 4 10

-2 10

y a=15000000

4 10

2 10

10 10 10
-2 10 2 10 4 10

-2 10

This shows the existence of a perihelion advance through the broad orbital lines that indicate the orbit is slightly shifting
each time(although somewhat exaggerated because Mercury is not quite this eccentric). However, there is no visible
difference between the orbits for the case of a/M = 0 and a/M= 10,000. Clearly, effects from the Sun's rotation are minis-
cule compared to the Schwarzschild precession for solar system bodies, as we already knew from analytic examination of
the corrections.

Next we examine orbits radial plunge orbits for a variety of values of a.

KerrOrbitProject.nb 17

M = 1; ivs = 80, 0, 0<; ics = 80, 12, 2, Pi 4<;

horizpl = PolarPlot@2, 8, 0, 2 Pi<, DisplayFunction IdentityD;

a =.;
genPlot@m_, ain_, hue_D := Block@8a, xyz<, a = ain;
xyz = sphslnToCartsln@computeSoln@m, ivs, icsDD;
ParametricPlot@Evaluate@8xyz@@1DD, xyz@@2DD< FlattenD,
8, 0, m<, DisplayFunction Identity, PlotStyle Hue@hueDDD
Table@genPlot@44.7, i M, 1 i H5 6LD, 8i, 0, 1, .2<D;
Show@horizpl, %, DisplayFunction $DisplayFunction, AxesLabel 8x, y<D;

-2 2 4 6 8


Here the colors from red up to yellow are a/M=0,.2,.4,.6,.8, and 1, and the black circle is the Schwarzschild radius r= 2 M.
we see the behavior of an increasing value of a for a Kerr black hole: it causes increasing deflection of the particles in the
same direction as the black hole rotates.

Another topic to examine is that of orbits that are counterrotating with respect to the black hole. We will generate two
orbits for the parameter sets, one corotating (in green) and another counterrotating (blue). We will look at the a/M=0 and
a/M=0.9 cases and compare.
KerrOrbitProject.nb 18

Clear@m, iv, ain, genPlotD

Block@8hpl, p1, p2, a<, a = ain; ics = 80, rin, 2, Pi 4<;

ccrPlot@m_, rin_, iv_, ain_D :=

hpl = PolarPlot@M + Sqrt@M ^ 2 ain ^ 2D, 8, 0, 2 Pi<,

DisplayFunction Identity, PlotStyle Hue@0DD;
xyzcor = sphslnToCartsln@computeSoln@m, 80, 0, iv<, icsDD;
xyzcount = sphslnToCartsln@computeSoln@m, 80, 0, iv<, icsDD;
p1 = ParametricPlot@Evaluate@8xyzcor@@1DD, xyzcor@@2DD< FlattenD,
8, 0, m<, DisplayFunction Identity, PlotStyle Hue@0.33DD;
p2 = ParametricPlot@Evaluate@8xyzcount@@1DD, xyzcount@@2DD< FlattenD,
8, 0, m<, DisplayFunction Identity, PlotStyle Hue@0.66DD;
Show@p1, p2, hpl, DisplayFunction $DisplayFunction, PlotLabel "a=" <> ToString@aDDD
ccrPlot@1000, 10, .045, 0D;
ccrPlot@1000, 10, .045, 0.9 MD;



-40 -30 -20 -10 10 20






-30 -20 -10 10 20



These two plots show the general pattern: corotating orbits are boosted by the rotation, while the counterrotating orbits are
sapped. There is also a broken symmetry- in the Schwarzschild case, the corotating and counterrotating orbits are exact
mirrors of each other, while including a Kerr parameter quickly results in orbits that barely resemble each other. One other
interesting case below illustrates this effect further - for the right choice of parameters, the corotating particle can maintain
a stable orbit while the counterrotating one falls into the horizon.
KerrOrbitProject.nb 19

ccrPlot@60.5, 10, .034, 0.5D;




-7.5 -5 -2.5 2.5 5 7.5



Now we will look at more complicated orbits in 3 dimensions for a Kerr black hole near the a/M=1 limit. The initial

coonditions are set to provide velocities in all 3 coordinates so as to allow for a more complicated orbit. Note that the
sphere and red circles here no longer correspend to the Schwarzschild radius, but instead the r+ = M - M 2 - a2 from
Hartle (15.6) .

max = 500; M = 1; a = 0.99; rplus = M + Sqrt@M ^ 2 a ^ 2D;
soln = computeSoln@max, 80.01, 0.01, 0.017<, 80, 10, 3, Pi 4<D;
xyzsoln = sphslnToCartsln@solnD;
Plot@Evaluate@Table@coords@@iDD@D . soln, 8i, 1, n<DD, 8, 0, max<,
PlotStyle Table@Hue@Hi 1L nD, 8i, 1, n<D, PlotLegend coords,
LegendPosition 81, .35<, AxesLabel 8"", "Coordinate"<D;
SphericalPlot3D@8rplus, EdgeForm@D<, 8, 0, Pi<,
8, 0, 2 Pi<, DisplayFunction IdentityD;
ParametricPlot3D@Evaluate@Re@xyzsolnD FlattenD, 8, 0, max<,
AxesLabel 8x, y, z<, DisplayFunction Identity, PlotRange All, PlotPoints 500D
Show@%, %%, DisplayFunction $DisplayFunctionD;
horizpl = PolarPlot@rplus, 8, 0, 2 Pi<, PlotStyle Hue@0D, DisplayFunction IdentityD;
ParametricPlot@Evaluate@Re@8xyzsoln@@1DD, xyzsoln@@2DD<D FlattenD,
8, 0, max<, AspectRatio 1, AxesLabel 8x, y<, DisplayFunction IdentityD;
Show@%, horizpl, DisplayFunction $DisplayFunctionD;
ParametricPlot@Evaluate@Re@8xyzsoln@@2DD, xyzsoln@@3DD<D FlattenD,
8, 0, max<, AxesLabel 8y, z<, DisplayFunction IdentityD;
Show@%, horizpl, DisplayFunction $DisplayFunctionD;
ParametricPlot@Evaluate@Re@8xyzsoln@@1DD, xyzsoln@@3DD<D FlattenD,
8, 0, max<, AxesLabel 8x, z<, DisplayFunction IdentityD;
Show@%, horizpl, DisplayFunction $DisplayFunction, AspectRatio 1D;
Join@8"Final Coordinates:"<, coordlist@maxDD TableForm

Table@8"=", ToString@iD, "", udotu@soln, iD<, 8i, 0, max, max 5<DD TableForm
Join@88"", "", "", "uu values"<<,
KerrOrbitProject.nb 20

50 t

40 r

100 200 300 400 500



y 5






-7.5 -5 -2.5 2.5 5 7.5


KerrOrbitProject.nb 21

-10 -5 5 10


-7.5 -5 -2.5 2.5 5 7.5



Final Coordinates:
t = 651.421
r = 5.59662
= 1.16483
= 50.4904

uu values
= 0 1.
= 100 1.
= 200 1.
= 300 1.
= 400 1.
= 500 1.

Here we finally see orbits completely like anything at all familiar. By orbiting in a plane other than the equatorial plane, the
rotational effects of the black hole pull the orbit into a shape that has no obvious symmetry properties, unlike the Schwarzs-
child case, where the coordinate system could always be re-oriented to lie in a plane. Despite these oddities, the time
dilation is not too extreme (~1.3), and uu stays very close to -1, so this orbit is indeed the free-fall orbit in the Kerr geome-
try. Below are a few other interesting orbits for various other initial conditions.
KerrOrbitProject.nb 22


-10 20

0 y


x y
-1 -2
1 0



KerrOrbitProject.nb 23

x y
2.5 5
0 2.5
-2.5 0
-5 -2.5

One final situation to investigate is that of light-ray orbits in the Kerr Geometry. This can be accomplished simply by
setting uu=0 instead of -1.

uinvar = 0;
max = 200; M = 1; a = 0.9; rplus = M + Sqrt@M ^ 2 a ^ 2D;
horizpl = PolarPlot@M + Sqrt@M ^ 2 a ^ 2D,
8, 0, 2 Pi<, DisplayFunction Identity, PlotStyle Hue@0DD;
soln = computeSoln@max, 8.15, 0, .002<, 80, 10, 2, Pi 4<D;
xyzsoln = sphslnToCartsln@solnD;
Plot@Evaluate@Table@coords@@iDD@D . soln, 8i, 1, n<DD, 8, 0, max<,
PlotStyle Table@Hue@Hi 1L nD, 8i, 1, n<D, PlotLegend coords,
LegendPosition 81, .35<, AxesLabel 8"", "Coordinate"<D;
ParametricPlot@Evaluate@8xyzsoln@@1DD, xyzsoln@@2DD< FlattenD,
8, 0, max<, DisplayFunction IdentityD;
Show@%, horizpl, DisplayFunction $DisplayFunction, AspectRatio 1D;
Join@8"Final Coordinates:"<, coordlist@maxDD TableForm

Table@8"=", ToString@iD, "", udotu@soln, iD<, 8i, 0, max, max 5<DD TableForm
Join@88"", "", "", "uu values"<<,

15 r


50 100 150 200
KerrOrbitProject.nb 24

-6 -4 -2 2 4 6

Final Coordinates:
t = 34.2151
r = 10.4087
= 1.5708
= 9.32262

uu values
= 0 2.1684 1018
= 40 2.24134 108
= 80 1.06117 108
= 120 5.57605 109
= 160 1.33473 108
= 200 1.38397 108

Here we see an example light ray path that circles around the black hole, almost falling in but escapint to travel in roughly
the same path it begin. Very odd optical effects must exist near the surface of black holes... Also, note that the parameter t
is now an affine parameter instead of a proper time (meaningless for a light ray), although the coordinates still hold their
ordinary meaning. the uu values also show that the orbit remains very close to that expected for a light ray (which should
have uu=0), although not exactly so out to the 8th decimal place in the dxi /dt.
An even more interesting example is that of light rays with corotating and counterrotating orbits.
KerrOrbitProject.nb 25

ccrPlot@100, 5, .12, 0.5D;



-10 -7.5 -5 -2.5 2.5 5




The effect here is that a flashbulb going off near a Kerr black hole will result in a highly anisotropic light pattern, strength-
ened in the direction of rotation and weakened in the counterrotating direction. One final interesting result is a light ray
path falling into the black hole that gets caught by the rotatio near the pole and is forced to spiral in - it is facinating to
imagine what the radiation patterns might look like.
KerrOrbitProject.nb 26

max = 12; M = 1; a = 0.99;
xyzsoln = sphslnToCartsln@computeSoln@max, 8.5, 0, .02<, 80, 7, 3, Pi 4<DD;
SphericalPlot3D@8M + Sqrt@M ^ 2 a ^ 2D, EdgeForm@D<,
8, 0, Pi<, 8, 0, 2 Pi<, DisplayFunction IdentityD;
ParametricPlot3D@Evaluate@Re@xyzsolnD FlattenD, 8, 0, max<, AxesLabel 8x, y, z<,
DisplayFunction Identity, PlotRange All, PlotPoints 300D;
Show@%, %%, DisplayFunction $DisplayFunction, ViewPoint 81, 1, 1<D;

1 z

4 4

2 2
y x
0 0

We've examined a wide variety of orbits (both of particles and light rays) in the Kerr geometry. The initial "experimental"
goal was ahieved - early we recognized that the Kerr rotational effects are not strong enough to produce any perturbation
on Mercury that would not be swamped by the Schwarzschild rotation. Much more interesting are some of the unusual,
highly asymmetric orbits that arise from Kerr geometry, particularly for light rays, which normally have relatively simple
paths in the absence of interactions with charged materials. A fascinating (but probably much more complicated) follow-on
to this project would be that of determining optical effects from the Kerr geometry by ray-tracing or some similar such
technique. At any event however, the feasability of this method to compute orbits has been confirmed - analytic expected
results were recovered, and uu was mostly stable near its correct value.

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