Jacksoncarter Reasearchproposal
Jacksoncarter Reasearchproposal
Jacksoncarter Reasearchproposal
Research Proposal
Writing 3030
Many people consider climate change to be the largest threat to the human race. An almost
existential challenge that we, as a species, must deal with at some point, and the longer we
wait the worse the problem gets. In essence this problem is cause by how we live our lives.
Virtually everything we do involves a colossal amount of energy. Energy that we get from
combustion carbon. This energy might be gasoline for our cars, oil for our heat, or coal for our
countless electronics devices. This combustion started in 1800s with the industrial revolution
and the invention of steam power. Since then our emissions have increased the amount of CO2
in the atmosphere by 50%, From 280ppm to 400ppm (Kahn). Many people consider this a
serious problem, and have proposed a number of solutions and stop gaps. The pie in the sky is
being able to harness power form our society without producing CO2. One of the most
promising technologies to this end are photovoltaic panels. These are panels that generate
electricity directly from sun light. Not to be confused with thermal solar panels or heliostats,
which are used to preheat water for personal use, or concentrate light to boil water and
generate power through a turbine. Photovoltaic panels are fairly cheap to manufacture
manufactured, being comprised mainly of SiO2(sand). One of the most notable advantages of
PV(photovoltaic) is that installations can be virtually any sizes, and this has lead to the
emergence of companies that will install PV panels for private citizens. These companies claim
that the up-front cost of installation will save you money in the long run by reducing your
monthly power consumption. Whether the system saves you money is based off a few factors.
The cost of installation and maintenance, which is dependent on how much infrastructure is
needed. Some people can install systems on there roof, while other s have to clear land and
construct frames. The cost of power is the most variable factor. The generating capacity the
system. Different grades on panels have different efficiencies, normally somewhere between
15-20%. And of course, life time of the system. The companies that sell these systems have
estimates they use to justify there worth, but considering that that these companies exist to
make money it is unlikely that they would inform their costumers if the panels werent actually
worth it.
Primary question
How much money does installing a photovoltaic array save the average Boulder home owner?
Significant amount of research has already been conduct on PV systems. Based on relatively
current prices of electricity, and assuming that the system installed has 15-year lifetime: some
sources estimate that electricity from solar is roughly 30% cheaper than electricity from coal or
natural gas power plants. This is a very general estimate that does not factor in details of the
system, such has static vs. dynamic or installation size. (Healy) Some studies that provide a
broader baseline of performance have examined the costs and benefits of massive projects.
Such as installations that cover several square miles, and are capable of producing gigawatts of
power. For example, a planned project in Africa, which has a high insolation, generates power
which is then transported hundreds of miles to consumers in Europe. In these cases, the
economics are on enormous scale. Where entire countries would potential be investing
(Ummel). Other papers which are more useful to answering our question. Investigate the the
feasibility of single building installations, with the panels being privately owned. These smaller
systems are more popular in developed countries, where land is more expensive and a support
grid already exists. The economics of smaller systems tend to be slightly better as the power
rarely needs to be transported very far (Samad). Looking specifically at Boulder there are two
companies, Custom Solar, and Namaste Solar. Costume Solar offers both Photovoltaic and
thermal systems, but dont provide specifics on price or system performance (Solar). Namaste
Solar offers only Photovoltaic for both residential and commercial buildings. The systems cost
around 15,000, have a life time of 25 years, and are expected to pay for themselves after just
15 years. There is no estimate of how much money the array will save the consumer (Solar N. ).
The most important variable that is not currently verified is the average insolation of Boulder,
which is constant. Without knowing how much available energy there is it is impossible to
calculate how much money can be saved. Other variables that may change relatively quickly are
the actually cost of a PV system, the cost of maintaining the system, and the cost of electricity.
These factors are all effected by advancements in technology and addition human factors. Such
as the economies of scale, which will drive the price of solar panels down. Or the price of coal
falling, lowering the price of municipal electricity. The conclusions we draw from the data may
change within a year.
It is economical viable to purchase photovoltaic panels
To actually conduct this study, we will have two main phases. The first phase with be
theoretical, while the second phase is practical. The theoretical phase will try to answer our
primary question using data from other resources. Many organizations have made
measurements of insolation across the U.S. to produce models of estimated solar potential.
These models factor in many other variables including time of year, angel of panels, and
average cloud cover. There is also already data about the cost of PV panels and the price of
electricity. Combining these we can generate a ballpark answer to our question (example 1).
We will do multiple iterations of the calculations, with different values for insolation. The
conclusions we draw from phase one will dictate the purpose of phase two, either supporting
or refuting phase 1. Phase two will consist of making our own measurements of insolation and
system cost. We will acquire Insolation data by two methods, the first is by setting up small sets
of solar panels modules with different angles and directly measuring how much energy the
collect each day. The second method will be by accessing data on the the daily functioning of
solar installations made public by there owners. To estimate the cost of an installation we will
contact both companies mentioned above and request a bid for a hypothetical building. We will
inform the companies that the information they provide is for an unofficial study. Using the
quotes from companies provide and the raw data we collected we will be able to accurately
calculate the economic feasibility of a PV array. Due to time constraints on the study we will
only have direct data for the fall in boulder. Insolation levels change drastically throughout the
year. We can make definitive conclusions about viability of PV systems during the fall. To draw
conclusions about other times of the year we will make educated assumptions for insolation
levels. As with phase 1 we will do multiple iterations of the calculations to predict viability.
10/23 Submit proposal
10/25 Start collection of phases 1 data
11/1 End collection of phase 1 data, and start feasibility calculations.
11/3 Finish feasibility calculations (end of phase 1)
11/10 Start collection of phase 2 data, Construct solar test modules, and identify test locations.
Start solar company inquiries.
11/13 place solar test modules
11/23 Finish Solar company inquiries, and remove solar test modules, start feasibility
11/30 Finish feasibility calculations
Example 1
Daily average insolation: 5Kwh/m^2 D
Cost of installation: 10,000$
Life time of system: 10 yr
Size of system: 5m^2
Cost of municipal electricity:.12$/Kwh
(5Kwh/m^2D) * (356 D/yr) * (10yr) * (5m^2) = 9125Kwh * .12$/Kwh= 438$ of power generated.
Insolation: The amount of useful energy that can be collected at a given location on earth,
usably measured in Kilowatt hours per meter squared per day(Kwh/m^2D)
Kilowatt hours per meter squared per day: How many 1000 watt light bulbs could be powered
for one hour if the energy came from a panel that is one meter square and collected energy for
one day.
Dynamic solar system: the panels have motors to change there tilt to maximize efficacy.
Static solar system: the panels are in a fix position.
Ethical disclaimer:
I am a proponent of renewable energy and curbing carbon emissions in every way possible.
With this in mind some people may doubt the legitimacy of this study. Claiming that the data
and conclusions were skewed to match my beliefs. Although there is no way to prove that I
have not falsified any part of this study to someone convinced of my guilty, I will mention that I
am investigating only the economics of PV systems, not whether citizens should install them.
There are many reasons to install PV systems that are not have nothing to do with money. The
most obvious one being: people want to feel like they are helping the planet. I am not trying to
persuade anyone of anything.
Healy, H. (n.d.). Taylor Francis . Retrieved from Economies of Solar:
Kahn, B. (n.d.). scientific american. Retrieved from
co2/: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/we-just-breached-the-410-ppm-threshold-
Samad, H. (n.d.). The Benefits of Solar Home Systems:An Analysis from Bangladesh. Retrieved
from SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2367084
Solar, C. (n.d.). Custom Solar. Retrieved from Custom Solar: http://customsolar.us/
Solar, N. (n.d.). Namaste Solar. Retrieved from Namaste Solar:
Ummel, K. (n.d.). Desert Power: The Economics of Solar Thermal Electricity for Europe, North
Africa, and the Middle East. Retrieved from SSRN: