Draft Select Beam

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Engineering document:

Revision : A
LILAMA 18 JSC Date : 19-Dec-17
Total Page:
Job number:

Size I-Beam:
Web height, H = 270 mm
Web thickness, tw = 10 mm
Flange width, Bf = 300 mm
Flange thickness, tf = 15 mm
Area = 11700 mm2
Center of Gravity Xc = 150 mm
Center of Gravity Yc = 0 mm
Moment of inertial, Ix = 199.327.500,0 mm4
Moment of inertial, Iy = 67.522.500,0 mm4
Sx = 1.328.850,0 mm3
Sy = 450.150,0 mm3
Select: Beam 270x10-300x15

Design Parameters: P=50000 N

Yield strength, Fy = 235 N/mm2
Beam Simple-Span, L = 8.800 mm x=4400
Concentrate Load at point A, PA = 25.000 N
Concentrate Load at point A, PB = 25.000 N A Beam 270x10-300x15 B
Concentrate Load, P = 50.000 N
Distributed Load, w = 6 N/mm PA=25000 N L=8800 PB=25000 N
Dist. from Left to load, x = 4.400 mm
Elastic Modulus, E = 210.000 N/mm2

Beam 270x10-300x15 Member Properties:

A= 11700,00 mm2
d= 270,00 mm Ix = 1,993E+08 mm
tw = 10,00 mm Sx = 1,329E+06 mm
bf = 300,00 mm Iy = 6,752E+07 mm
tf = 15,00 mm Sy = 4,502E+05 mm


Max Bending Moments for Simple-Span: Mmax = 110.000.000 N.mm

Max Shear: Fmax = 25.000 N

Max. Bending stress at midle of Span: b = 82,78 N/mm2 OK

Max. Shear stress at Support: s = 2,14 N/mm2 OK
Maximum Deflection: max = 16,96 mm OK

Allowable Bending stress: ab = 140,72 N/mm2

Allowable Shear stress: as = 94,00 N/mm2
Allowable Deflection: a = 44,00 mm

Section is OK

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