Huawei Parameters Dictionary - Rev2
Huawei Parameters Dictionary - Rev2
Huawei Parameters Dictionary - Rev2
1 Cell Config. Data CS
HSN Plan
2 FP Audit CS MAL Plan
3 NBR Audit CS Neighbors
CS TsTurningOffEnable
4 Timeslot Audit
6 HO Algorithm CS RXLEVOff
7 Advance HO parameter CS
8 HO Basic parameter CS
9 HO control parameter CS PENALTYEN
10 ADJC Level Parameter CS BQSTATTIME
10 ADJC Level Parameter CS
12 PS - PC Algorithm PS
13 Concentric Cells Settings CS
20 CCCH Block CS
20 CCCH Block CS
21 Interference Band Meas. CS
26 Basic parameter of cell CS GMSKDELAY
27 Call Control basic parameter CS SPECACC
28 GPRS Parameter PS
29 Fast HO parameter CS IGNOREMRNUM
Parameter Name Recommended Values Meaning
Urban Rural
Location area code (LAC). MSs can freely move in the local locati
Cell LAC _ _ Can be input in hexadecimal format. The hexadecimal format is
BCCH FD _ _ BCCH frequency of the cell
Network color code that is provided by the telecom operator. T
NCC _ _ The
A setBCC and the
of NCCs NCCcells
of the formtothe BSIC.
be measured by the MS. This param
NCC Permitted _ _ If a bit of the value of this parameter is set to 1, the MS reports
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
orresponding NCC bit is set to
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _
icro cells are performed, thus affecting the voice quality. If None
this parameter is set to a smaller 3 value, congestion may occur3in macro cells.
s. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers None between micro cells are 2 performed, thus affecting the 2 voice quality.
None s 15 15
ality may be decreased due to delayed handover; if this parameter None is set to a greater value,3unnecessary handover may be3 performed.
None s 20 20
med frequently;
value, the handover if this
to parameter
micro cells is set to a difficult,
becomes greater value, handovers
and congestion mayoccur
may not be inperformed 6 in time and call drops may occur.
macro cells. 6
smaller value, more handovers may be performed, thus thedB voice quality is decreased. 30 30
None dB 0 0
None None 3 3
None % 80 80
None None 30 30
None ms 7 7
None None NO NO
may be prolonged, but the performance of the algorithms None in which the SDCCH MRs are used OFFare enhanced. OFF
duration is, the MRs are filtered more completely. Generally, s you are advised to set this parameter
10 to a value smaller than10 20.
by both the setting of "Maximum Assigning Duration" and None
the duration for waiting MRs OFF on the SDCCH. The maximum delay OFF is the value of "Maximum Assigning Duration
etting of this parameter affects the access delay of parts of MSs. s 40 40
ue of this parameter is, the more MSs select a neighboringNone cell in directed retry. 50 50
ue of this parameter is, the more MSs select a neighboringNone cell in directed retry. 50 50
None None YES YES
the hot-spot areas, densely populated
None urban areas, urban areas,NO suburbs, and rural areas, the recommended value is YES; in the high-speed c
None None NO NO
None s 10 10
None s 8 8
None dB 25 25
None dB 2 2
dle while non-BCCHs are congested, None thus affecting the traffics volume during busy times and 6 the access success rate. 6
aller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed, thus sthe voice quality is decreased.4 4
None None NO NO
s short after the handover None is triggered. Thus, few MSs canNone be handed over from TCHF to TCHH, YES and the congestion relieving YES capability is decreased.
he after the zone
handover is triggered.
is enlarged Thus,
in a short even
time, thethus
and MSsmany
on the
the cellover
are from
handed 5over
TCHF to from
TCHH.TCHF to TCHH, and the 5 voice quality deteriorates.
rgin slowly and it in
is increased takes a long
a short timeand
period to initiate
many MSs a TCHF-TCHH
are handedhandover.
s over from Thus,
TCHFandto the
thus1 affecting
thecapability is decreased.
voice quality. 1
nlarged slowly and
rgin is increased in ita takes
short aperiod
long time to initiate
and many MSs aare
handed handover.
from TCHFThus,tonetwork congestion
TCHH, thus 1 affectingcannot be relieved
the voice quality. in1time.
, MSs atslowly andof
the edge it the
takes a long
cell timemeet
can also to initiate a TCHF-TCHH
the handover dB handover.
condition, Thus, network
thus affecting congestion
the voice2 quality. cannot be relieved in2time.
the center of the cell can meet the handover condition. Thus, dB the network congestion cannot 100 be relieved in time. 100
r value, network congestion may occur because the handover may not be performed timely.
the centeris set to acell
of the smaller value,the
can meet thehandover
voice quality may beThus,
condition. decreased.
dB the network congestion cannot 10 be relieved in time. 10
MSs atisthe edge of the cell can also meet the handover
set to a greater value, the voice quality may be decreased. condition,
dB thus affecting the voice
20 quality. 20
sue,setMSsto awith
smaller value, the congestion relieving capability may
dB be decreased.
poor quality can also meet the handover condition, thus affecting the voice quality. 20 20
ittle MSs can meet the handover condition. Thus,
eter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. the network
None congestion cannot be relieved0 in time. 0
er value, network congestion may occur because the handover
ater value, the handover cannot be performed in time and network congestion may occur. s may not be performed 6
timely. 6
eter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may bes performed. 4 4
None s 5 5
ngestion cannot be relieved in time. If this parameter is set dB
to a
lue, only an MS close to the overlaid subcell can be assigned TCHHs. Thus, timeslots are wasted. smaller value, MSs at the edge
4 of the cell and with poor quality
4 also cannot be handed over to the TCHF, th
n the edge of the overlaid subcell cannot be handed over from dB TCHH to TCHF. Thus, the voice 20 quality of the call is decreased. 20
of the theoverlaid
voice quality.
subcellIfcan thisbeparameter
assigned set toThus,
a smaller value,
dB are
timeslots only MSs inand
wasted thethecenter of
congestion the cell use the
relieving TCHH, thus
capability leading
108 to timeslot waste and the network congestio
is decreased.
Ss on the edge of the overlaid subcell also use the TCHH. Thus, dB the voice quality of the call10 is decreased. 10
ting the voice quality; if this parameter is set to
eter is set to a greater value, unnecessary handovers may be performed. a smaller value,
None handover is triggered even 3
when the quality is good, thus 3the network congestion cannot be relieved in tim
er value, the handover cannot be performed in time, and thus s
ue, the TCHH-to-TCHF handover cannot be performed in time, thus the voice quality is decreased.the voice quality is decreased. 6 6
eter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may bes performed. 4 4
d greatly. Thus, the network congestion cannot be relieved %
in time. If this parameter
rgin is increased in a short period and many MSs are handed over from TCHF to TCHH, thus affecting the voice quality. is set85to a smaller value, calls are handed
85 over to TCHH unnecessarily, thus causing M
nlarged slowly and it takes a long time to initiate a TCHF-TCHH dB handover. Thus,
rgin is increased in a short period and many MSs are handed over from TCHF to TCHH, thus affecting the voice 1
congestion cannot be relieved in 1time.
, MSsslowly
at the andedgeitof takes
the acell
long cantime
TCHF-TCHH dBhandover.
condition, Thus,
thus the network
affecting the voice congestion
2 quality. cannot be relieved 2 in time.
the center of the cell can meet the handover condition. Thus,
dB the network
the center of the cell can meet the handover condition. Thus, the network congestion cannot be relieved in time. congestion cannot
95 be relieved in time. 95
, MSs
ue, MSs at with
the edge
poorof the cell
quality cancan alsoalso
meetmeet thethe handover
handover condition,
condition, thusthus affecting
affecting thethe
30 quality.
quality. 30
ittle MSs can meet the handover condition. Thus, the network None congestion cannot be relieved 0 in time. 0
of the customer; if this parameter is set to a greater value, % TCHF-TCHH handover is performed 25 only when the traffic volume 25 is high, thus network congestion may occur.
None None NO NO
ngestion cannot be relieved in time. If this parameter is set dB to a smaller value, MSs at the edge 14 of the cell and with poor 14 quality also cannot be handed over to the TCHF, th
cting the voice quality. If this parameter is set to a smaller value, dB only MSs in the center of 103the cell use the TCHH, thus leading103 to timeslot waste and the network congestio
ting the voice quality; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, None handover is triggered even2when the quality is good, thus2the network congestion cannot be relieved in tim
None None NO NO
None None NO NO
None None NO NO
None None NO NO
None None NO NO
this parameter is set to a smaller value, unexpected handovers s may be performed due to incorrect 2 MR when the call is initially
2 set up, thus affecting handover success rat
this parameter is set to a smaller value, unexpected handovers s may be performed due to incorrect 2 MR when the call is initially
2 set up, thus affecting handover success rat
med frequently; if this parameter is set to a greater value, handovers s may not be performed 4 in time and call drops may occur. 4
med frequently; if this parameter is set to a greater value, handovers s cannot be performed 4timely, thus leading to call drops. 4
None None YES YES
n the Abis interface and BSC load are decreased, thus enhancing None the response speed BTS_Preprocessing
and the network performance. BTS_Preprocessing
None None NO NO
None None YES YES
the BSC and the BSC does not perform the handover control. NoneAs a result, handovers cannot Once_ps be performed in time forOnce_psthe conversation and the call drop rate rises.
None s 6 6
None s 4 4
ssary handovers may be performed, thus the voice quality iss decreased and ping-pong handover may occur.
6 6
eter is is set
set toto aa smaller value, congestion
greater value, congestion may may occur
occur in in the
the macro
macro subcell;
s 4 4
y handovers may be performed, thus the voice quality is decreased and ping-pong handovers may be performed.
ay be performed; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, shandovers may not be performed 6 in time and call drops may 6occur.
a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time sand call drops may occur. 4 4
eter is is set
set to
to aa smaller value, unnecessary
greater value, unnecessary handovers
handovers may may bebe performed.
s 6 6
e handovercannot cannotbebeperformed
performedinintime. time,Thusthusthe
quality isisdecreased
decreasedand andcall
drops may occur.
s 4 may occur. 4
eter is is set
set to
to aa smaller value, unnecessary
greater value, unnecessary handovers
handovers may may bebe performed.
s 4 4
greater value,
drops may occur
handover cannot because the handover
be performed in timemay not be performed timely.
sand call drops may occur. 3 3
eter is is
meter setset
totoa smaller
a greater value,
value, unnecessary
congestion handovers
may occur may in thebemacro
s 3 3
he handover
ditions cannot bethe
for triggering performed
handoverinand time.theThus, call drops
handover cannot may beoccur or more
performed handovers
in time. Thus,are call triggered.
drops may occur or more handovers are triggered.
s 2 2
eter is set to a greater If thisvalue,
parameter is set t handovers may be performed.
unnecessary s 1 may occur. 1
ee handover
handover cannotcannot be be performed
performed in in time.
time. Thus,
Thus, the
the voice
voice quality
quality is decreased
is decreased and and call
call drops
drops may occur.
s 1 1
eter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
None s 1 1
a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time sand call drops may occur. 1 1
eter is is set
set to
to aa smaller value, unnecessary
greater value, unnecessary handovers
handovers may may bebe performed.
s 1 1
a smaller value, the handover cannot be performed in time and call drops may occur.
a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time and call drops may occur.
eter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may bes performed. 1 1
None dB In densely populated urban 68 areas, the recommended value is 68; in the suburbs, the recommended valu
None dB 0 0
None dB In densely populated urban 68 areas, the recommended value is 68; in the suburbs, the recommended valu
None dB 69 69
None dB 67 67
None dB 72 72
me desired cells may be excluded from the candidate cells dB and call drops may occur. If this10parameter is set to a smaller 10 value, an unwanted cell may becom
None None YES YES
None None YES YES
None None PWR3 PWR3
None None NO NO
e voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste andNone increasing the interference. If this0 parameter is set to a greater0value, downlink power control may
voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality. If thisNone
parameter is set to a smaller value,
2 uplink power control may be 2 performed when the voice quali
wnlink level is high, thus causing the power waste and increasing
dB the interference. If this parameter
28 is set to a smaller value,
28 increase power control may not
e downlink level is high, thus causing the power waste and increasing
dB the interference. If this
45 parameter is set to a smaller 45value, decrease power control may
e voice quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing
dB the interference. If this
30 parameter is set to a smaller30value, downward power control may
e quality is good, thus causing the power waste and increasing dB the interference. If this parameter
18 is set to a smaller value,18upward power control may not be p
nal quality is good, thus causing power waste and increasing None
the interference. If this parameter
0 is set to a greater value, downward
0 power control is performe
voice quality is bad, thus affecting the voice quality. If thisNone
parameter is set to a smaller value,
3 upward power control may3be performed when the voice quali
None None NO NO
None ms 5 5
None ms 5 5
None ms 5 5
None ms 5 5
None None 12 12
None None 2 2
None dB DB2 DB2
None None 10 10
None None 10 10
None None NO NO
None dB 20 20
None dB 35 35
None None YES YES
None None YES YES
occur in the underlaid subcell; if this parameter is set to a smaller
dB value, assignment success
35 rate may be decreased. 35
hen the channel seizure ratio of overlaid subcell is very high. % Insufficient half-rate channels70can be assigned to the MS. Thus,
70 the capacity of the BSC is re
None None NO NO
a transmitter to stop power transmission in the case of noNone voice transfer. This function hasYES
the following benefits: YES
transmitter the
topower consumption
stop power of theinMS
transmission theand
casereducing system
of noNone
voice interfThis function has the following benefits:
transfer. Shall_Use Shall_Use
decreasing the power consumption of the MS and reducing system interf
gestion, but the voice quality is decreased; if this parameter Noneis set to NO, FR calls cannot NO
be switched into HR calls, that NOis, network congestion cannot be
None None YES YES
l; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, TCHHs are allocated % even when the traffic volume 60 on the cell is light, this affects
60 the voice quality.
set to a greater value, the traffic volume during busy timeNone may be decreased. 12 12
set to aisgreater
set to avalue,
trafficthe voiceduring
volume qualitybusy
be decreased.
may be decreased.
None 25 25
ameter is set to a smaller value, the voice quality may be decreased.
ase, thus decreasing the handover success rate. If this parameter None is set to a greater value, handovers
55 due to bad downlink55quality are less possible to occur,
e, thus decreasing the handover success rate. If this parameter Noneis set to a greater value, handovers
55 due to bad uplink quality
55 are less possible to occur, thus
et to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus mscausing congestion. 26000 26000
k congestion, but the voice quality is decreased; if this switch Noneis turned off, AMR FR calls cannot
NO be switched into AMR HR NOcalls, that is, network congestion
eriod when the traffic volume is increased greatly. Thus, the%network congestion cannot be 75relieved in time. If this parameter
75 is set to a smaller value, call
ffecting the traffic volume during busy times and the accessssuccess rate. If this parameter10is set to a smaller value, handover 10 success rate may be decrea
None None 40 40
None None YES YES
set to a greater value, the traffic volume during busy timeNone may be decreased. 12 12
set to aisgreater
set to avalue,
trafficthe voiceduring
volume qualitybusy
be decreased.
may be decreased.
None 25 25
ameter is set to a smaller value, the voice quality may be decreased.
ng MOS loss of the customer; if this parameter is set to a greater% value, TCHF-TCHH handover 15 is performed only when the 15traffic volume is high, and thus ne
ulty and the data transmission fails before the transmit endms receives a response from the 60 peer end. If timer N200 is set to60a smaller value, the number of d
o a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing ms congestion. 3000 3000
to a smaller value, the success rate of immediate assignment may decrease.
_ #N/A #N/A #N/A
o a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing congestion.
ms 10000 10000
set to avalue,
smaller value,resources
channel the handover success
may be ratethus
wasted, maycausing
er is set to a smaller value, the handover success rate may ms 10000 10000
None ms 10000 10000
ay be wasted and congestion occurs; if this parameter is setms to a lower value, the assignment 10000success rate may decrease. 10000
ay be wasted, thus causing congestion. If this parameter is set ms to a smaller value, the handover10000 success rate may decrease. 10000
None ms 10000 10000
et to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus mscausing congestion. 27000 27000
o a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus causing ms congestion. 1000 1000
the radio resources are occupied for a too long time, thus affecting
ms the channel resource15000 usage. 15000
s set to a smaller value, the call reestablishment success rate decreases.
maller value, the channel load may increase and the accessssuccess rate may decrease. 10 10
et to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus mscausing congestion. 34000 34000
et to a greater value, channel resources may be wasted, thus mscausing congestion. 26000 26000
None s 8 8
None s 8 8
None s 15 15
_ #N/A #N/A #N/A
congestion may occur in macro cells. If this parameter is sets to a smaller value, unnecessary 40 handovers are performed, thus 40 affecting the voice quality.
er is set to a greater value, congestion may occur in the underlaid subcell.
s 5 5
arameter is set to a smaller value, ping-pong handovers may occur.
original cell, thus leading to call drop when there is no suitable s neighboring cell. If this parameter
10 is set to a smaller value,
10the MS is likely to be hande
original cell, thus leading to call drop when there is no suitable s neighboring cell. If this parameter
30 is set to a smaller value,
30the MS is likely to be hande
ffecting the traffic volume during busy times and the accessssuccess rate. If this parameter10is set to a smaller value, handover 10 success rate may be decrea
r the MS to be handed over to the serving cell, thus leadingsto call drop when there is no 10 suitable neighboring cell. 10
parameter is set to a smaller value, the MS is likely to be handed
ffecting the traffic volume during busy times and the accessssuccess rate. If this parameter10is set to a smaller value, handover 10 success rate may be decrea
this parameter is set to a greater value, call drops may occur.s 15 15
is sethandover may
to a greater be performed
value, congestionfrequently
may occurand the underlaid
in the signaling load in the cell is increased.
s 10 10
arameter is set to a smaller value, ping-pong handovers may occur.
y occur in the underlaid subcell; if this parameter is set to a smaller
s value, handover success 40 rate may be decreased. 40
and congestion may occur in the overlaid subcell; if this parameter s is set to a smaller value, 10handover success rate may be 10decreased.
The setting of this parameter affects the GSM Phase II MS. None None None
None s 10sec 10sec
None None YES YES
The coding rate and MOS are affected. dB 15 15
The coding rate and MOS are affected. dB 19 19
The coding rate and MOS are affected. dB 28 28
None None 2 2
None None 3 3
None None 3 3
The coding rate and MOS are affected. dB 12 12
The coding rate and MOS are affected. dB 17 17
The coding rate and MOS are affected. dB 25 25
None None 2 2
None None 3 3
None None 3 3
None None YES YES
None dB 23 23
None dB 31 31
None dB 63 63
None None 3 3
None None 4 4
None None 15 15
None dB 23 23
None dB 31 31
None dB 63 63
None None 3 3
None None 4 4
None None 15 15
None None ALG1 ALG1
The ACS may affect the MOS. 4_75KBIT/S-1&5_15KBIT/S-0&5_90KBIT/S-1&6_70KBIT/S-0&7_40KBIT/S-1&7_95KBIT/S-0
None 4_75KBIT/S-1&5_15KBIT/S-0&5_90KBIT/S-1&6_70KBIT/S-0&7_40KBIT/S-1&7_95KBIT/S-0
satisfactory, the coding scheme of higher rate is recommended;
None otherwise, the coding scheme
1 of lower rate is recommended.
The ACS may affect
the MOS. None
satisfactory, the coding scheme of higher rate is recommended;
None otherwise, the coding scheme
0 of lower rate is recommended.
old is not reasonable, the algorithm can be used to dynamically
None adjust the AMR uplink rate
NOto increase the uplink speechNOMOS.
None None 60 60
None None 2 2
None None 8 8
None None 2 2
ld is not reasonable, the algorithm can be used to dynamically
Noneadjust the AMR downlink rate
NO to increase the downlink speech
None None 60 60
None None 2 The recommended value 2is 8 when DTX is disabled.
None None 8 The recommended value is 14 when DTX is enabled.
None None 2 2
The ACS may affect the MOS. None 6_60KBIT/S-1&8_85KBIT/S-1&12_65KBIT/S-1
None dB 21 21
None dB 25 25
None None 2 2
None None 2 2
None dB 12 12
None dB 18 18
None None 2 2
None None 2 2
satisfactory, the coding scheme of higher rate is recommended;
None otherwise, the coding scheme
2 of lower rate is recommended.
er is set to on, the MOS of a MS-initiated and MS-terminated
Nonecall is improved. DISABLE DISABLE
None None CS1 CS1
None % 5 5
None % 2 2
None % 2 2
None % 10 10
None % 5 5
None % 5 5
None None CS2 CS2
None % 5 5
None % 2 2
None % 2 2
None % 10 10
None % 5 5
None % 5 5
None None MCS2 MCS2
None None MCS6 MCS6
None None MCS6 MCS6
None None DAS6 DAS6
None None 2 2
hus burdening the BSC6900. If this parameter is set to a greater
s value, the status of RF resources
15 cannot be updated in time;
15 therefore, the BSC6900 canno
burdening the BSC6900. If this parameter is set to a greater%value, the BSC6900 cannot handle 80 the exceptions on the BTS 80in time, thus causing network con
performance of the system. A greater value may decreaseNone the number of paging blocks, paging
1 capacity, and paging success 1 rate.
the number of MSs on each paging subchannel decreases.
msThis can prolong the average
value, the radio resource status is reported too frequently, thus increasing the load of the BSC. life of MS batteries
but increase the delay of paging message
esource status is not immediately reported and thus the BSCs cannot handle the interference 10 to the BTS in time. 10
parameter is set totoathe
messages greater
BSC.value, the system
Thus, the BTS sends overload
s usage
resource indication messages
decreases and MSsto15
are BSC onlytowhen a large
access number
15 of MSs access the network and when the sys
the network.
e, the BTS sends an overload message to the BSC at a longNone 5000occur.
interval. Thus, system faults may 5000
None None YES YES
None None YES YES
None None 5 5
None None 110 110
None None 105 105
None None 98 98
None None 92 92
None None 87 87
None None 85 85
None ms 20 20
None s 6 6
None s 4 4
ssary handovers may be performed, thus the voice quality iss decreased and ping-pong handover 6 may occur. 6
eter isis set
set to
to aa smaller value, congestion
greater value, congestion may may occur
occur in
in the
the macro
macro subcell;
s 4 4
y handovers may be performed, thus the voice quality is decreased and ping-pong handovers may be performed.
ay be performed; if this parameter is set to a smaller value, shandovers may not be performed 6 in time and call drops may 6occur.
a greater value, the handover cannot be performed in time sand call drops may occur. 4 4
eter isis set
set to
to aa smaller value, unnecessary
greater value, unnecessary handovers
handovers maymay bebe performed.
s 6 6
e handovercannot
drops may
s 4 4
eter isis set
set to
to aa smaller value, unnecessary
greater value, unnecessary handovers
handovers maymay bebe performed.
s 4 4
greater value,
drops may occur
handover because
cannot the handover
be performed may
in time andnot
performed timely.
may occur.
s 3 3
eter is is
meter setset
a smaller
a greater value, unnecessary
value, congestion handovers
may occur mayin thebemacro
s 3 3
he handover
ditions cannot bethe
for triggering performed
handoverinand time.
theThus, call drops
handover cannotmay occur or more handovers are triggered.
s be performed in time. Thus, call 2 drops may occur or more handovers
2 are triggered.
eter is set to a greater If thisvalue,
parameter is set t handovers may be performed.
unnecessary s 1 1
ee handover
handover cannot
cannot be be performed
performed inin time.
time. Thus,
Thus, the
the voice
voice quality
quality isis decreased
decreased and
and call
call drops
drops may
may occur.
s 1 1
eter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
None s 1 1
er of RACH conflicts in a cell is large, T should be set to a small
Nonevalue. The increase in T and
S prolongs the access time TX_32
of an MS, thus affecting the acces
value, the call drop rate decreases but the traffic volume anddBmpaging success rate are affected.
-109 -109
er is set to a smaller value, the random access success ratedB may decrease. 16 16
meter can be set to 4 or 7 to improve the success rate of MS None
access. In the areas where4_Times
congestion occurs or in the micro
cells where the traffic volume is hi
None None 2 2
None None Permit Permit
value, the call drop rate decreases but the traffic volume and dB paging success rate are affected.
8 8
MS re-calculates C1 and C2 of all non-serving cells (neighboring
None cells). The MS constantlyYES checks whether a cell reselection
YES is required by checking following
None dB 0 0
None None
paging during the location update, thus decreasing the call completion rate in the system. 0 0
value, pingpong location update may occur, thus increasing dBthe signaling load on the SDCCH.
6dB 6dB
The setting of this parameter If th
affects the GSM Phase II MS.
None None None
None None NO NO
None 1 1
None 1 1
None 1 1
None 1 1
None 1 1
None 1 1
If any of these parameters is None 1 1
disabled, i.e. set to "0", the
call drop due to that None 1 1
particular cause will not be None 1 1
pegged in respective None 1 1
performance counter and
hence will not be visible in
overall DCR%
If any of these parameters is
disabled, i.e. set to "0", the
call drop due to that
particular cause will not be
pegged in respective
performance counter and
hence will not be visible in None 1 1
overall DCR% None 1 1
None 1 1
None 1 1
None 1 1
None 1 1
a transmitter to stop power transmission in the case of no voice transfer. This1 function has the following benefits:
None 1
reasing the power consumption of the MS and reducing system interference1
None 1
nsumption of the BTS, reducing system interference, and reducing intermodulation inside the BTS
tive, the inter-frequency interference is reduced and the network None quality is improved. YES YES
None A5/0-1&A5/1-0&A5/2-0&A5/3-0&A5/4-0&A5/5-0&A5/6-0&A5/7-0
nsumption of the BTS, reducing system interference, and reducing intermodulation inside the BTS A5/0-1&A5/1-0&A5/2-0&A5/3-0&A5/4-0&A5/5-0&A5/6-0&A5/7-0
tive, the inter-frequency interference is reduced and the network None quality is improved.Shall_Use Shall_Use
rage call drop
can decrease
rate decreases.
the callThis
rate but
is applicable
waste channel
in suburbs
or urban areas with poor YEScoverage. Call reestablishment, however, may take a long time. Therefore, the s
None None NO NO
None None YES YES
The default value for the BTS30, BTS312, BTS3012A, or BTS3006A is YES, which can be modified.
None None The default
YES value for other types of BTS is NONE, which cannot be modified.
None None YES YES
None None YES YES
None bit 20 20
None bit 4 4
None None NO NO
None dB 0 0
None dB 0 0
None % 0 0
None None NO NO
ameter is set to ENABLE, the MOS can be increased in a call None
er is set to on, the MOS of a MS-initiated and MS-terminated Nonecall is improved. DISABLE DISABLE
None ms 32 32
ss rate. If this parameter is set to a greater value, paging None overload may occur and the paging 4 success rate may decrease.4
nnel resources may be wasted; if this parameter is set to lower ms value, the call drop rate may 48 increase. 48
nnel resources may be wasted; if this parameter is set to lower ms value, the call drop rate may 32 increase. 32
nnel resources may be wasted; if this parameter is set to lower ms value, the call drop rate 64_Times
may increase. 64_Times
nnel resources may be wasted; if this parameter is set to lower ms value, the call drop rate 52_Times
may increase. 52_Times
e network load; however,
some users may be adversely
None Therefore, it is recommended that this parameter be disabled.
MS access classes, thus preventing some MSs from accessing L11_FORBID-0&L12_FORBID-0&L13_FORBID-0&L14_FORBID-0&L15_FORBID-0
Nonethe network. It is recommended
that this parameter be not used.
smaller value, the radio linkNone
is vulnerable to failure, thus Nonecall drops are likely to occur. NO NO
t release the connection for a long time, thus decreasing the msresource usage. The parameter 52_Timesis valid in the downlink. 52_Times
theis measurement
that this
the neighborbecell
For None
other cells
serving the in the dual-band
current cell in thenetwork,
YES it isposition.
redundant recommended that this parameter
If the redundant position isbe
stillset to No. the MS reports the
available, 3. Wm
frequency band,
the neighboring value
cell at
is 0;
theif band
the current
on eachcell
in the 0redundant
band is significantly
position. If uneven
the redundant
and a frequency
position isband
still available,
is preferred
MS, thethr
This helps increase the call completion rate and improve the NoneQoS of the network. The successfulYES reassignment, however,YES results in an increase in the access delay of MSs a
None None NO NO
None None NO NO
None None 5 5
None None NO NO
None None IR IR
e BEP history information sent by the MS is; otherwise, the None
smaller the proportion of the BEP
5 history information sent by5the MS is.
k EGPRS rate may be increased. If this parameter is not setNone to "UNFIXED", the coding scheme
cannot be selected dynamically
UNFIXEDaccording to the radio environment, and thus
g the PS service rate is lower. If this parameter is set to a lower
None value and the quality onMCS2
the Um interface is good, the speed
MCS2 of increasing the PS service rate is lower.
k EGPRS rate may be increased. If this parameter is not setNone to "UNFIXED", the coding scheme
cannot be selected dynamically
UNFIXEDaccording to the radio environment, and thus
g the PS service rate is lower. If this parameter is set to a lower
None value and the quality onMCS6
the Um interface is good, the speed
MCS6 of increasing the PS service rate is lower.
PRS2-A rate may be increased. If this parameter is not setNone to "UNFIXED", the coding scheme
cannot be selected dynamically
UNFIXEDaccording to the radio environment, and thus
g the PS service rate is lower. If this parameter is set to a lower
None value and the quality onMCS6
the Um interface is good, the speed
MCS6 of increasing the PS service rate is lower.
PRS2-A rate may be increased. If this parameter is not setNone to "UNFIXED", the coding scheme
cannot be selected dynamically
UNFIXEDaccording to the radio environment, and thus
g the PS service rate is lower. If this parameter is set to a lower
None value and the quality on DAS6
the Um interface is good, the speed
DAS6 of increasing the PS service rate is lower.
nded that this parameter be set to 2, so that the uplink rate None
is increased. 2 2
perform CS and PS services simultaneously. However, when None
CS services are released, UNSUPPORT
the TBFs are disrupted temporarily.None
uplinkCS PSand PS services
channel can besimultaneously. In addition,
used; thus, the uplink None
when CS is
PS bandwidth services
limited.are released,
the TBFs are not disrupted. None
. It also supports the maximum timeslot configuration of one None CS channel, two uplink UNSUPPORT
PS channels, and one downlink PSNonechannel. This better meets the requirements of app
None None UNSUPPORT None
UPPORT", the downlink rate can be increased. This function None
requires the support of the UNSUPPORT
MS. None
this parameter is set to "SUPPORT", the delay is shortened. None UNSUPPORT None
", the outgoing inter-RAT PS handover is allowed. This function None requires the support UNSUPPORT
of the MS. None
T, the coming inter-RAT PS handover is allowed. This function None requires the support ofUNSUPPORT
the MS. None
eter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be performed.
eter value,
is set to acall dropsvalue,
smaller may occur becausehandovers
unnecessary the handover may may
be not be performed timely. 50 50
reater value, call drops may occur because the handover may dB not be performed timely. 50 50
None m/s 35 35
None ms 4 4
None ms 4 4
None None 1 1
op when there is no suitable neighboring cell. If this parameter
s is set to a smaller value, the
10 MS is likely
r the MS to be handed over to the original cell, thus leading to call drop when there is no suitable neighboring cell. to be handed over
10 to the original cell again, thus leading to ping-po
the MS is likely to be handed over to the original cell dB
again, thus leading
value, call drops may occur because the handover may not be performed timely. to ping-pong 63
handovers. 63
eter is set to a smaller value, unnecessary handovers may be dBperformed. 68 68
MS handover to the cell in the direction opposite to the moving None direction during fast handover NO is reduced. NO
great value, there are strict restrictions on the judgementNone of the MS moving direction. 3 3
great value, there are strict restrictions on the judgementNone of the MS moving direction. 3 3
Location area code (LAC). MSs can freely move in the local locatio _
Check In/Out of band ARFCNs etc _
Network color code that is provided by the telecom operator. The _
This parameter is an information element (IE) in the system informa _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
Assignment priority level of the channel. If this parameter is less, t _
board can exceed the maximum output power within a short time _
will periodically report the number of times for timeslot shutdown _
_ _
FOR EDGE/GPRS traffic _
For EDGE/GPRS traffic whenever needed _
For EDGE/GPRS traffic whenever needed _
this channel at the same priority. If this parameter is set to EGPRSPRICH, the EDGE MSs have the priority to use this channel.
None If this parameter is set to EGPRSSPECH, only
Supporting full rate TCH _
Supporting full rate TCH _
the TRX power. During fine static adjustment of the TRX power, the BSC adjusts the TRX power at a step of 0.2 dB. Default
Power Level 0
Power Type None
TRX Priority L0
o shut down the power amplifier of the TRX automatically to save power when the BTS switches from the mains to batteries
TCH Rate Adjust Allow NO
TRX 8PSK Level 0
Receive Mode NONE
RF transmission mode of the TRX NONE
power amplifier of the TRX dynamically according to the traffic.This parameter cannot be set to YES for the TRX that carries
NOthe main BCCH
which the output power of the multi-density TRX board can exceed the maximum output power within a short time None
the TRX. To enable a loose frequency multiplexing mode such as 4x3 multiplexing, set this parameter to LOOSE otherwise LOOSE
Priority of Shut Down TRX L0
Power Overload Threshold In Ho. Out 15
Power Overload Threshold In Ho. In 8
16QAM Transmitter Power Reduce Level 0
32QAM Transmitter Power Reduce Level 0
neighbor cell is greater than Min DL Level on Candidate Cell, the neighbor cell can be listed in the candidate cell queue for
If the uplink received signal level of a neighbor cell is greater tha 10
over to a new cell. This parameter is used for the MS Power Prediction after HO. This parameter should be consistent with 30the UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold in Huawei II p
al strength at the BTS expected in power forecast, which helps to compute the initial transmit power of an MS 30
al strength at an MS expected in power forecast, which helps to compute the initial transmit power of the BTS 30
eceive level is higher than the receive threshold while the transmit quality is lower than the interference handover qualityYES threshold,
a that is, when the MSs are subject to a
or the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. 60
or the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. 50
or the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. 49
or the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. 48
or the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. 47
or the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. 46
or the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. 45
or the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. 44
or the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. 43
or the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. 42
or the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. 41
or the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice services. AMRFR refers to Adaptive Multi-Rate Full Rate. 40
t of offset is added to the corresponding grade of the received signal quality for the interference handover of non-AMR FR voice 5 services.
P out of N measurement reports meet the condition for interference handovers, a concentric circle handover is triggered. This 2 parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N
P out of N measurement reports meet the condition for interference handovers, a concentric circle handover is triggered. This 3 parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N
the interference of the strongest N existing calls on the newly-established call being evaluated. This parameter corresponds 20 to the above-mentioned N.
S sends a radio resource indication message to the BSC. The averaging result is used for classifying the interference levels on 20idle channels into five interference bands. For
Specifies an interval between two consecutive interference handovers 15
erf.of DL Level Threshold" and the downlink quality level is equal to or greater than "Interf.of DL Qual.Threshold", downlink35 interference exists. The value range 0 to 63 is m
evel is equal to or greater than "Interf.of DL Level Threshold" and the downlink quality level is equal to or greater than "Interf.of
40 DL Qual.Threshold", downlink interference
uplink level is not smaller than "Interf.of UL Level Threshold" and the uplink quality of the channel is not less than "Interf.of
40 UL Qual. Threshold", the uplink interference e
uplink level is not smaller than "Interf.of UL Level Threshold" and the uplink quality of the channel is not less than "Interf.of
30 UL Qual. Threshold", the uplink interference e
Period during which interference levels are averaged 20
TA HO Allowed YES
Penalty Level after TA HO 63
TA HO Watch Time 1
of this parameter and the timing advance (TA) is smaller than the value of "Cell Weak Coverage TA Threshold" in more than
None30% measurement reports, the cell is defined a
of this parameter and the timing advance (TA) is greater than the value of "Cell Over Coverage TA Threshold" in more than
None20% measurement reports, the cell is defined a
termines whether the channel assignment or handover is performed in the cell by comparing the TA and the value of thisNone
parameter. The value of this parameter is determ
Penalty Time after TA HO 30
e directed retry. The directed retry is to hand over an MS to a neighboring cell in the same procedure as the handover YES
Directed Retry Load Access Threshold 85
Cell Directed Retry Forbidden Threshold 90
er than CPU flow control threshold 80% corresponds to level 2. An increase of 5% means an increase of902 levels. Level 10 is the highest. The level value can be 0, 2, 4, 6, 8,
load handover is triggered when the traffic load in a cell is greater than the value of this parameter. 80
rformed "SETparameter,
only when the thereceive
to of
the current
the users handed
serving recommended
cell is other
in the value
range with
of this
"Edge higher
HO parameter
load. Otherwise,
DL RX_LEV isThreshold"
25. If "Current
"Edge Control
HO DL Algorithm"
+ "Load HO Bandwidth"
nly in
"SET the
level differenceis between
the neighboring the
and the serving
cell of
is between
this parameter
is 10.HO
If "Current
HO -
64) - "Load
HO Bandwidth"
in "SET
ddenly increase the load of the processor. Under some circumstances, congestion occurs in the cell, which will result in call drop. To solve this problem, the BSC uses GCELLHOBASIC"
and ("Inter-cellisHO
the to
This parameter is set to HOALGORITHM1,
indicates theeach
the duration of recommended value of this parameter is 5. If "Current HO Control Algorithm" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to
handover level.
after every "Load HO Step Period". In this way, all the calls in the current serving cell whose receive level 3 is in the range "Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold" to "Edge HO DL R
passes through N out of P micro-cells lately, the BSC enables the fast moving micro-cell handover algorithm. 2 This parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N criteria.
passes through N out of P micro-cells lately, the BSC enables the fast moving micro-cell handover algorithm. 15 This parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N criteria.
he MS crosses the cell in a time period shorter than this threshold, the BSC concludes that the MS quickly 3 passes through the cell. Otherwise, it concludes that the MS slo
ertain time threshold, these two intra-cell handovers are considered consecutive. When a certain number 20 of intra-cell handovers occur consecutively, intra-cell handovers
after the number of consecutive intra-cell handovers reaches the maximum. Intra-cell handover can be 6 conducted again only after this duration.
e twice intra-cell handover events during this interval are considered consecutive handover events. 30
ng cells of the cell where a fast-moving MS is located. The neighboring cells must be located at the Macro, 0 Micro, or Pico layer other than the Umbrella layer.
sorting based on the downlink receive level of the candidate cells. But before doing that, the system subtracts 3 "K Bias" from the actual downlink receive level of the cand
ualityto level
be performed (handover
after filtering is lowerfrom
thanthe non-BCCH
"Quality to BCCH),
Thresh. the downlink
for Assigning Main BCCHreceive quality
Carrier must be
Channel smaller
Under80TIGHT than the value of this parameter.
3. The
ge, thusnon-BCCH load is higher
ensuring correct than "Intracell
traffic transmission forNon
MS. IfBCCH Load timeouts
the timer Thresholdbefore
a SAMB frame is 30
received from the MS, the BTS retransmits the Physical Information m
For details, see protocols 08.58 and 04.08. 7
AMB frame from MS, the BTS resends physical information to the MS and restarts the timer T3105. The NOmaximum times for resending physical information is "Max Resen
Whether to use external 2G neighboring cells as the target cells of load handovers OFF
her a call must camp on the SDCCH for a specific duration before being assigned with a traffic channel.10
Duration for a call camping on the SDCCH before being assigned with a traffic channel. OFF
Switch for assigning the channel of a better cell to the MS during MS access. 40
Rs in the MS assigning procedure. The BSC assigns the channel of the serving cell to the MS if the best 50 cell is not selected within the duration specified by this parameter.
Uplink quality level threshold for the MS to be assigned with a channel of the better cell. 50
cell during assignment. If the downlink quality of an MS is higher than this threshold, the MS preferentially YES selects the neighboring cell of higher quality during assignmen
In thetohot-spot
adjust the
queue tourban
give priority
areas, urban
to intra-BSC/MSC
areas, suburbs, handover
and rural areas, the recommended value is YES; in the high-speed circumstances, the
ifies whether the intra-cell handover is enabled. Note: A forced intra-cell handover is not subject to this NOparameter.
, thus improving the network performance. The load handover is used as an emergency measure instead 10 of a primary measure to adjust abnormal traffic burst in partial ar
n the condition for intra-cell F-H handovers is met for P seconds during N seconds, an intra-cell F-H handover 8 is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the N in the P/N c
for intra-cell F-Hserving
of the handovers
cell is met for P seconds
= "Inter-layer during N- seconds,
HO threshold" an HO
"Inter-layer intra-cell F-H handover
Hysteresis"; 25 is triggered. This parameter corresponds to the P in the P/N c
ayer threshold
handover of a neighboring
threshold of the cell = "Inter-layer
serving HO Threshold"
cell = "Inter-layer + "Adjacent
HO threshold" Cell Inter-layer
- "Inter-layer HO Hysteresis"
HO Hysteresis"; 2 - 64.
over threshold of a neighboring cell = "Inter-layer HO threshold" + "Adjacent Cell Inter-layer HO Hysteresis" 6 - 64.
t is, the TIGHTBCCH handover can be triggered only if P seconds among N seconds meet the triggering4conditions. This parameter corresponds to N in the P/N criterion.
t is, the TIGHT BCCH handover can be triggered only if P seconds among N seconds meet the triggering NOconditions. This parameter corresponds to P in the P/N criterion.
overlaid subcell and balances the load between the overlaid subcell, underlaid subcell, and neighbor cell. YES Therefore, the algorithm helps to decrease the interference, to im
Whether to enable the algorithm for the handover to a better cell 5
ater than the preset threshold, the calls that meet the conditions for the handover from full rate to half 1 rate are handed over from full rate to half rate in this duration.
he callsfull
from that meet
rate therate,
to half conditions for the handover
this parameter determines from fullcurrent
the rate topath
half loss
are handed overtoinchoose
by which "H-F Ho1 Duration".
the This parameter
MSs to undergo handoverspecifies
from fullthe bandwidth
rate to be handed o
to half rate.
er from forfulltriggering handover
rate to half rate, thisfrom full ratedetermines
parameter to half rate/"F-H Ho Period"
the current + 1) x "AMR
ATCB offset by whichF-Hto
MSs toStep"
undergo handover from full rate to half rate.
uration for triggering handover from full rate to half rate/"F-H Ho Period" + 1) x "AMR F-H Ho ATCB Adjust 100 Step"
rate to half rate. If the path loss of an AMR full rate call is equal to or less than this threshold, the AMR10 call is handed over from full rate to half rate.
Path loss difference between the overlaid and underlaid subcells 20
te to half rate. If the ATCB of an AMR full rate call is equal to or greater than this threshold, the AMR call 20 is handed over from full rate to half rate.
ATCB difference between the overlaid and underlaid subcells 0
the uplink and downlink receive quality levels of an AMR full rate call are equal to or less than
the conditions for the handover from full rate to half rate are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover this threshold,
6 theisAMR call is handed over from full rate to half rate.
This parameter specifies the number N. 4
the conditions for the handover from full rate to half rate are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover is triggered.
This parameter specifies the number P. 5
ess than the preset threshold, the calls that meet the conditions for the handover from half rate to full 4rate are handed over from half rate to full rate in this duration.
m half rate to full rate. If the ATCB of an AMR half rate call is less than this threshold, the AMR call is handed 20 over from half rate to full rate.
ATCB difference between the overlaid and underlaid subcells 108
half rate to full rate. If the path loss of an AMR half rate call is greater than this threshold, the AMR call10is handed over from half rate to full rate.
Path loss difference between the overlaid and underlaid subcells 3
te to full rate. If the receive quality level of an AMR half rate call is greater than this threshold,
the conditions for the handover from half rate to full rate are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover the AMR 6 call is handed over from half rate to full rate.
is triggered.
This parameter specifies the number N. 4
the conditions for the handover from half rate to full rate are met for P seconds within N seconds, the handover is triggered.
This parameter specifies the number P. 85
the with
load other
of a cell is no smaller than this threshold, non-AMR F-H handovers are triggered
two parameters: "F-H Ho Period" and period of triggering a F-H handover, thus selectingin the cell. 1 target users for F-H handovers.
ffset = (Period of triggering a F-H handover / "F-H Ho Period" + 1) * "Non-AMR F-H Ho Pathloss Adjust Step". 2
period of triggering a F-H handover, thus selecting target users for F-H handovers. ATCB offset = (Period95 of triggering a F-H handover / "F-H Ho Period" + 1) * "Non-AMR F-H
value of non-AMR full rate voice is no larger than this parameter, the condition for non-AMR F-H handovers 30 is met.
lue of non-AMR full rate voice is no smaller than this parameter, the condition for non-AMR F-H handovers 0 is met.
en the uplink receive quality and downlink receive quality of a user are both smaller than this parameter, 25 a F-H handover is triggered for the user.
n the load of a cell is no larger than this threshold, non-AMR H-F handovers are triggered in the cell. NO
Whether to trigger non-AMR H-F handovers according to the uplink and downlink receive quality 14
alue of non-AMR half rate voice is no larger than this threshold, the condition for non-AMR H-F handovers 103 is met.
value of non-AMR half rate voice is no smaller than this threshold, the condition for non-AMR H-F handovers 2 is met.
F handovers. When the receive quality of a user is no smaller than this parameter, the user meets the NO condition for H-F handovers.
This parameter specifies whether the handover from 2G cells to 3G cells is allowed. NO
This parameter specifies whether the handover from 3G cells to 2G cells is allowed. NO
Whether to reserve resources for the incoming BSC handover on the Iur-g interface NO
This parameter specifies whether the reselection from 2G cells to 3G cells is allowed. NO
Whether to perform path loss-based sorting in a better cell handover algorithm 2
be handed over to another channel only if the time during which the MS occupies the TCH is longer than 2 the period specified by this parameter.
be handed over to another channel only if the time during which the MS occupies
the two consecutive handover decisions of an MS. The BSC cannot make a handover decision during the the SDCCH is longer 4 than the period
minimum specified by this parameter.
ing a handover command to an MS. The BSC allows the MS to make a second handover decision only after 4 the timer expires. This parameter specifies the duration of the
on two consecutive
of the target cell,emergency
the systemhandovers performed
needs to punish by ancell
the target MS.toDuring
MS from no attempting
emergency to handover
switch to is the
target cell again.
ily occur when handovers are of more TA or bad quality. In these cases, the system needs to punish BTS_Preprocessing
the current serving cells.
able the BTS to preprocess measurement reports. This parameter determines where to conduct powerNO control.
to the BSC after pre-processing them. When this parameter is set to YES, the BTSs send the original and YESpre-processed measurement reports to the BSC.
Whether to enable the BTS to transfer BTS/MS power class to the BSC Once_ps
Frequency at which the BTSs submit pre-processed measurement reports to the BSC 6
Edge HO AdjCell Watch Time 4
Edge HO AdjCell Valid Time 6
Layer HO Watch Time 4
Layer HO Valid Time 6
PBGT Watch Time 4
PBGT Valid Time 6
Better Cell HO Watch Time 4
Better Cell HO Valid Time 4
Quick Handover Static Time 3
Quick Handover Last Time 3
HCS HO Watch Time 2
HCS HO Valid Time 1
BQ HO Watch Time 1
BQ HO Valid Time 1
TA HO Watch Time 1
TA HO Valid Time 1
UL BQ HO Static Time 1
UL BQ HO Last Time urban areas,68; suburbs,72.
Inter-cell HO Hysteresis 0
Min Access Level Offset urban areas,68; suburbs,72.
PBGT HO Threshold 69
BQ HO Margin 67
Adjacent Cell Inter-layer HO Hysteresis 72
Directed Retry Handover Level Range 10
neighbor cell is greater than Min DL Level on Candidate Cell, the neighbor cell can be listed in the candidate cell queue for
UL PC Allowed YES
DL PC Allowed PWR3
Power Control Switch NO
0.2dB Power Control Enable 0
DL Qual. Lower Threshold 2
DL Qual. Upper Threshold 28
DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold 45
DL RX_LEV higher Threshold 30
UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold 18
UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold 0
UL Qual. Upper Threshold 3
UL Qual. Lower Threshold NO
Power Forecast Allowed 5
Filter Length for DL RX_LEV 5
Filter Length for UL RX_LEV 5
Filter Length for UL Qual. 5
Filter Length for DL Qual. 12
ected signal receiving strength on the BTS side when GPRS dynamic power control is implemented. 2
strength of power control. When sampling must be performed (NAVGI) times before the MS obtains the efficient measurement DB2 signal
BTS power attenuation on the measured PBCCH PDCH
red receiving power. It is used to set the measured receiving power level of the channel and control the power of the uplink 10
Filter period of the signal strength in the packet transmission mode of the MS 10
Filter period of the signal strength in the packet idle mode of the MS NO
Concentric Circles HO Allowed 20
OtoU HO Received Level Threshold 35
UtoO HO Received Level Threshold YES
OL to UL HO Allowed YES
UL to OL HO Allowed 35
smaller than Assign-optimum-level Threshold and the TA is smaller than TA Threshold of Assignment Pref otherwise, assigns 70 channels on the underlay to ensure successfu
cell. If the channel seizure ratio of overlaid subcell is greater than the value of this parameter, half-rate channels are assigned. Otherwise, full-rate channels are assigned.
Support Half Rate YES
HR Use Downlink DTX Shall_Use
HR Uplink DTX NO
Non-AMR F-H Ho Allowed YES
Intracell F-H HO Allowed 60
TCH Traffic Busy Threshold 12
H2F HO Threshold 25
F2H HO Threshold
DL Qual. Limit for AMR HR 55
UL Qual. Limit for AMR HR _
AMR F-H Ho Allowed 75
AMR F-H Traffic Threshold 10
Penalty Time after AMR TCHF-H HO Fail 40
ReceiveQualThrshAMRHR YES
Intracell F-H HO Allowed 12
H2F HO Threshold 25
F2H HO Threshold 15
AMR H-F Traffic Threshold 60
is parameter specifies the timeout value of timer T200 used for the SDCCH over the Um interface _
fter sending an Immediate Assignment message. If T3101 expires before the BSC receives an Establish Indication message, the _ BSS releases the seized SDCCH.
Timer started after the BSC delivers a handover command in an intra-BSC inter-cell handover _
Timer started after the BSC delivers a handover command in an intra-BSC intra-cell handover. _
e when the BSC waits for an HO REQ ACK message after a Handover Request message is reported in an outgoing BSC handover _
the BSC receives an assignment complete message within the scheduled time, the T3107 timer stops. If the timer expires, the _ BSC sends an assignment failure message.
after sending a handover request acknowledgment message in 2G/3G handover or inter-BSC handover. If the timer expires, _a Clear REQ message is reported.
for a handover success message after a handover command is sent in an outgoing BSC handover. If the timer expires, the outgoing
_ BSC handover fails
of waiting for a ReleaseIndication message after a ChannelRelease message is sent. If the timer expires, the channel is deactivated
pose is to reserve some time for the disconnection that may be repeated. After receiving a REL IND message sent by the BTS, _ the BSC starts the timer. When the timer exp
Call reestablishment timer _
he Wait Indication information element when the BSC sends an immediate assignment reject message to an MS. _
f waiting for a ReleaseIndication message after a ChannelRelease message is sent. If the timer expires, the channel is deactivated.
nnel is available for assignment, the BSC starts the queuing procedure and the timer. If the channel request is successful before
_ the timer expires, the timer stops. If the ti
the timer that is started to wait for a channel requested by an incoming BSC handover request message. _
he TCHs reserved for the emergency call are assigned to the user during the service assignment. _
plink data transmission on the original channel if the TC resources are changed before and after the handover 40
Penalty Time on Fast Moving HO 5
Inter UL/OL Subcells HO Penalty Time 10
Penalty Time after BQ HO 30
Penalty Time after TA HO 10
Penalty Time after AMR TCHF-H HO Fail 10
Penalty Time on Load HO 10
Penalty Time after AMR TCHF-H HO Fail 15
Penalty Time on Interfere HO 10
Penalty Time of UtoO HO 40
Penalty Time after UtoO HO Fail 10
Penalty Time after OtoU HO Fail None
Cell Reselect Penalty Time 10sec
GPRS Penalty Time YES
Auto Adjust UL TH and Hysteresis [F] 15
AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[F] 19
AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th2[F] 28
AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th3[F] 2
AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[F] 3
AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[F] 3
AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[F] 12
AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[F] 17
AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th2[F] 25
AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th3[F] 2
AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[F] 3
AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[F] 3
AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[F] YES
Auto Adjust UL TH and Hysteresis [H] 23
AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[H] 31
AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th2[H] 63
AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th3[H] 3
AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[H] 4
AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[H] 15
AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[H] 23
AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[H] 31
AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th2[H] 63
AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th3[H] 3
AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[H] 4
AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[H] 15
AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[H] ALG1
AMR Rate Control Switch _
cating a set of half rate coding rates currently available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates. 1
R calls. The four values 0, 1, 2, and 3 of this parameter respectively represent the _95KBIT/S-0&10_2KBIT/S-0&12_2KBIT/S-1
lowest, low, high, and highest coding rates in the ACS.
ble for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding rates.If an IP based user plane A-Interface is chosen,5.15KBIT/S0 will not be included(see 3GPP TS 28
MR calls. The four values 0, 1, 2, and 3 of this parameter respectively represent the lowest, low, high, and highest coding rates NO in the ACS.
voice quality. If the estimated result does not conform to the target voice quality, it indicates that the current AMR handover 60 threshold may not be the best for the curren
oice quality threshold associated with the automatic adjustment of the AMR handover uplink threshold 2
c adjustment of the AMR handover uplink threshold;The value of this parameter must be smaller than or equal to the value8of Uplink Long-term FER Target.
voice quality value associated with the automatic adjustment of the uplink threshold of AMR handover 2
eshold adjustment. It indicates the linear relation between the threshold adjustment value and the logarithmic FER. NO
he specified target voice quality. If the estimated result does not conform to the target voice quality, it indicates that the current
60 AMR handover threshold may not be the
ce quality threshold associated with the automatic adjustment of the AMR handover downlink threshold.
The recommended value is 8 when DTX is disabled. 2
justment of the AMR downlink handover threshold. The value of this parameterThe recommended
must be smaller
value than
is 14 or
value of Downlink Long-term FER Target.
t value of the voice quality automatically adjusted through the downlink threshold of AMR handover 2
reshold adjustment. It indicates the linear relation between the threshold adjustment 60KBIT/S-1&8_85KBIT/S-1&12_65KBIT/S-1
value and the logarithmic FER.
cates a set of wide-band coding rates currently available for calls. The AMR is a set of multiple speech coding and decoding21rates.
of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2,25the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are m
of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2,2the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are m
of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2,2the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are m
of RQI. The RQI indicates the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) of the call. If RQI equals 1, the CIR is 0.5 dB; if RQI equals 2,12the CIR is 1 dB; and so forth. Since there are m
f coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the 18 RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be d
f coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, the 2 RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can be d
ld of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, 2 the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can b
ld of coding rate is the threshold of the RQI, which is the carrier-to-interference ratio of a call. The RQI value 1 means 0.5 dB, 2 the RQI value 2 means 1 dB, and others can b
d AMR calls. The three values 0, 1 and 2 of this parameter respectively represent the lowest, low and highest codingDISABLE rates in the ACS.
ng the call establishment procedure. RATSCCH is used to dynamically reconfigure the rate set of AMR while on a call.UNFIXED This parameter maps the versions of base stations.
Uplink Fixed CS Type CS1
Uplink Default CS Type 5
Uplink TBF Threshold from CS1 to CS2 2
Uplink TBF Threshold from CS2 to CS3 2
Uplink TBF Threshold from CS3 to CS4 10
Uplink TBF Threshold from CS2 to CS1 5
Uplink TBF Threshold from CS3 to CS2 5
Uplink TBF Threshold from CS4 to CS3 UNFIXED
Downlink Fixed CS Type CS2
Downlink Default CS Type 5
Downlink TBF Threshold from CS1 to CS2 2
Downlink TBF Threshold from CS2 to CS3 2
Downlink TBF Threshold from CS3 to CS4 10
Downlink TBF Threshold from CS2 to CS1 5
Downlink TBF Threshold from CS3 to CS2 5
Downlink TBF Threshold from CS4 to CS3 UNFIXED
Uplink Fixed MCS Type MCS2
Uplink Default MCS Type UNFIXED
Downlink Fixed MCS Type MCS6
Downlink Default MCS Type UNFIXED
Uplink EGPRS2-A Fixed MCS Type MCS6
Uplink EGPRS2-A Default MCS Type UNFIXED
Downlink EGPRS2-A Fixed MCS Type DAS6
Downlink EGPRS2-A Default MCS Type 2
Support EGPRS Uplink MCS Dynamic Adjust 15
CCCH Load Indication Period 80
CCCH Load Threshold 1
CCCH Blocks Reserved for AGCH 2_M_PERIOD
ication messages. The TRX reports Multi-Frames in a Cycle on
the interference thefor
level Paging
each CH
of the channels that have been idle for the whole measurement10 period.
a BTS messages to the BSC. This parameter is used to control the reporting frequency of overload messages by the channel15
to inform the BSC of the interference levels on idle channels of a TRX. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.58 and 08.08. and TRX.
n be the TRX processor
Numberoverload, downlink
of RACH burst CCCH in
timeslots overload, or AGCH
a RACH load overload. For details, see GSM Rec. 08.58.
measurement. 5000
indicates the interval during which the BSC determines whether
Whether to permit Abis flow control. an RACH timeslot is busy. For details, see GSM Rec. YES
the system lightens its load by rejecting some services or prolonging the time for service requests. The Abis flow control is YES
used to lighten the system load caused by Abis
he cell reselection parameters in system message 3, this parameter is used to control the transmit power of MSs. For details, see GSM Rec. 05.05.
receive level value is the measured receive level value minus the receive level value obtained from the BCCH
21, 19, 17, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, and 5.Generally, the maximum transmit power supported by an MS is level 5 (corresponding to 33 TRX timeslots.
5 This parameter
dBm). is a celltransmit
The minimum option in system
power mess
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 34, and 32. Generally, the maximum transmit power supported by an MS is level110 0 (corresponding to 30 dBm). The minimum tran
Interference Band Threshold 0 105
Interference Band Threshold 1 98
Interference Band Threshold 2 92
Interference Band Threshold 3 87
Interference Band Threshold 4 85
Interference Band Threshold 5 20
Interference Calculation Period 6
Edge HO AdjCell Watch Time 4
Edge HO AdjCell Valid Time 6
Layer HO Watch Time 4
Layer HO Valid Time 6
PBGT Watch Time 4
PBGT Valid Time 6
Better Cell HO Watch Time 4
Better Cell HO Valid Time 4
Quick Handover Static Time 3
Quick Handover Last Time 3
HCS HO Watch Time 2
HCS HO Valid Time 1
BQ HO Watch Time 1
BQ HO Valid Time 1
TA HO Watch Time _
ifies the number of timeslots between two transmissions when an MS sends multiple consecutive channel requests -109
Minimum access level of the random access channel (RACH) in the CS domain 16
RACH Busy Threshold 4_Times
number of Channel Request messages that can be sent by an MS in an immediate assignment procedure 2
Minimum Receiving level for Access Permit
Cell Access Bar Switch 8
Minum Access RXLEV YES
Cell Reselect Parameters Indication 0
Cell Reselect Offset _
Cell Reselect Temporary Offset 6dB
Cell Reselect Hysteresis Parameters None
Cell Reselect Penalty Time NO
ss to decide the priority status of a cell. This parameter does not affect cell reselection but cell selection only 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from error indication ( 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from error indication ( 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from error indication ( 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from connection failure 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from connection failure 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from connection failur 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from connection failure 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from a connection failu 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from release indication 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from Abis territorial li 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from equipment fault. T 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from forced handover fa 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from no MS measurement 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from resource check. Th 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from incoming-BSC hand 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from outgoing-BSC hand 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from outgoing internal 1
Whether to optimize the call drops resulting from intra-cell handove YES
use DL DTX for full-rate (FR) calls. This parameter and "DL DTX Strategy" codetermine &A5/3-0&A5/4-0&A5/5-0&A5/6-0&A5/7-0
whether to use DL DTX for FR calls in the cell.
Encryption algorithm supported by the BSS side Shall_Use
08. Uplink DTX is not restricted by the MSC. If this parameter is set to May_Use, ed.the
MS can usethe DTX.
If this parameter
value isisYES.
set to Shall_Use or Shall_Not_Use, the MS canno
pots due to high buildings may lead to a radio link failure. If a call drop is caused by such a failure, the MS can start call re-establishment NO to resume the conversation.
ign a TCH immediately whenThe there is no available SDCCH for a channel request. If this parameter is set to
default value for the BTS30, BTS312, BTS3012A, or BTS3006A is YES, which can be modified.NO, the BSC can
YESassign only an SDCCH when processing a chann
allow SDCCH dynamic allocation, that is, whether The
allow dynamic
value forconversion
other typesbetween
of BTS isTCHs
NONE, andwhich
SDCCHs.cannot be modified.
Whether to support the reporting of the main diversity level YES
ameter specifies whether to allow the BSC6900 to enable the TRX Intelligent Shutdown feature on a cell. YES a
feature. When this parameter is set to YES, the BSC6900 supports the feature where the power amplifier can use different20working voltages in different TRX modulation m
rees, however, vary with environments. For a fixed delay, different UEs may obtain different gains. In addition, a fixed delay4may have negative impacts on some codes of t
n different gains. In addition, the EDGE service coding may be adversely affected. Therefore, the time delay of transmit diversity NO must be configurable and can be separate
meslots. If this parameter is set to YES, the power consumption of base stations is reduced. This parameter maps the versions 0 of base stations. If the parameter is set to NU
ation level ranges from 0 to 50, with the step of 0.2 dB. When the EDGE TRX sends signals in 16QAM, the transmit power must 0 be lower than the mean power in GMSK.
ation level ranges from 0 to 50, with the step of 0.2 dB. When the EDGE TRX sends signals in 32QAM, the transmitCOMMON power must be lower than the mean power in GMSK.
cell scenario. It needs to be sent to the BTS. Based on the information, the BTS optimizes the allocation of resources. 0
eshold of the load on the TCH in the current cell is smaller than the Fast Call Setup TCH Usage Threshold and the request message NO is not issued during location update or p
signment messages are sent at the same time to accelerate the signaling processing, thus increasing the response speed DISABLEof the network.
to enable the Tandem Free Operation (TFO) function. If the voice quality of an ongoing MS-to-MS call is bad, the TFO DISABLE
function can be enabled to improve end-to-end voic
o measure the delay on the link between the BTSs that serve the calling MS and the called MS respectively 32
This parameter is used by the BTS to inform the BSC of radio link connection failure.
the value of this parameter. Each time the BTS fails to decode the SACCH measurement report sent by the MS, the counter decreases by 1. If the BTS successfully decodes
SACCH multi-frames and the radio link failure counter in the system message specify the radio link failure time on the uplink 4 and that on the downlink respectively. The ju
figured in the MSC determine the number of paging retransmissions. The total number of paging times is approximately DISABLE
equal to the value of this parameter multiplied by
old" in "SET GCELLOTHEXT" during the assignment, the BSC continues with the direct retry procedure. When this parameter 48 is set to DISABLE, the current call applies for c
H multiframes during an AMR full rate call. See the description of "SACCH Multi-Frames" in "SET GCELLCCBASIC". 32
H multiframes during an AMR half rate call. See the description of "SACCH Multi-Frames" in "SET GCELLCCBASIC". 64_Times
o link failures during an AMR full rate call. See the description of "Radio Link Timeout" in "SET GCELLCCBASIC". 52_Times
o link failures during an AMR half rate call. See the description of "Radio Link Timeout" L7_FORBID-0&L8_FORBID-0&L9_FORBID-0
n access control, used for load control, allowing or forbidding the access of some _FORBID-0&L14_FORBID-0&L15_FORBID-0
users of common access levels
her the users of special access class are allowed to access the network. Value 1 indicates that access is not allowed. Value NO 0 indicates that access is allowed.
oeter is NO,
decode theemergency
SACCH. Oncecallsa are enabled.
dedicated For theisMSs
channel of access
assigned to thelevels
MS, 11thetocounter
15, emergency callsand
S is enabled are the
is setthe relevant
to this accessvalue.
parameter control bit is set to 0 and this p
r S is equal to 0, the downlink radio link is considered as failed. Therefore, when recommended
the voice or that
is degraded
be set to anYes.unacceptable situation and it cannot be improv
nformation mainly contains the CM3 (classmark 3) information. The CM3 (classmark or3)2.information
For details, see
the GSMthe frequency
Rec. 05. support capability of the MS (used for the
easurement information of neighboring cells in multiple frequency bands. This parameter is carried in the system information YES 2ter and 5ter.
2, 3, and 4. The two highest Whether to A
priorities allow
and the reassignment
B are functionfor local use only. Priorities 0 to 4 can be subscribedNO
internally reserved by MSs for global use.
of the MSC, HLR, and mobile terminal (containing a SIM card), the eMLPP function can be perfectly implemented. NO
he BTS enables the repeated transmission of FACCH frames if the measured downlink quality is higher than "Repeated Downlink 5 FACCH Threshold".
nction and the measured downlink quality is lower than the downlink quality threshold, the BTS enables the repeated transmission NO of FACCH frames.
CH, the BTS enables the repeated transmission of SACCH frames if the measured downlink quality is higher than the downlink IR quality threshold.
ent by the MS. The cell with the good transmission quality on the air interface is set to the LA mode. Increment redundancy5(IR) mode requires the network side retransm
Average period for sending the measurement report over the EGPRS channel UNFIXED
ing scheme, this parameter is set to a value ranging from MCS1 to MCS9. If the uplink uses the dynamic adjustment coding MCS2scheme, this parameter is set to UNFIXED.
coding scheme, this parameter can be used to set the coding scheme for transmission during initial access. If the uplinkUNFIXED
uses the fixed coding scheme, the TBF uses the fixe
ding scheme, this parameter is set to a value ranging from MCS1 to MCS9. If the downlink uses the dynamic adjustment MCS6
coding scheme, this parameter is set to UNFIXED.
t coding scheme, this parameter can be used to set the coding scheme for transmission during initial access. If the downlink
UNFIXEDuses the fixed coding scheme, the TBF uses th
s the fixed coding scheme, this parameter can be set to any one in MCS1-6 and UAS7-11. If the uplink uses the dynamicMCS6 coding scheme, this parameter can be set to UNFIX
ing scheme, this parameter specifies the coding scheme that is used for the transmission in initial access. If the uplink
uses the fixed coding scheme, the TBF uses the fixed
nk uses the fixed coding scheme, this parameter can be set MSC1-4, MSC7-8 or DAS5-12.. If the downlink uses the dynamic DAS6coding scheme, this parameter is set to UNFIX
oding scheme, this parameter specifies the coding scheme that is used for the transmission in initial access. If the downlink 2uses the fixed coding scheme, the TBF uses the
tes that the uplink coding scheme is adjusted according to downlink quality measurements reported by MS;
cates that
allows thetouplink
an MS coding
use the scheme
circuit is adjusted
switching service according to uplink
and the packet qualityservice
switching measurements reported
at the same by BTS.
time. This None
function must be supported by the network side.
LL" command or "MOD GCELL" command is set to Double Timeslot Extension Cell for a cell, the parameter cannot be set None
n. Comparing to the DTM, the enhanced DTM improves the CS setup and release. During the CS service setup, the PS service None is not interrupted.
Whether the cell supports the MS with the DTM multi-timeslot capability of class 11 None
Whether the cell supports the MS with the DTM multi-timeslot capability None
Whether the cell supports DLDC None
y. This parameter is used to reduce the latency during the transmission, thus improving the user experience for conversationalNone services.
AT Inter-Cell PS Handover. The MS in the BSC local cell can be handed over to the UMTS cell through PS handover algorithm. None
RAT Inter-cell PS Handover. The MS in the UMTS cell can be handed over to the BSC local cell through PS handover algorithm. 50
ndover can be triggered only when the uplink signal level of the serving cell is less than this parameter. 50
andover can be triggered only when the downlink level of the serving cell is less than this parameter. 35
dover can be initiated only if the rate of an MS is higher than this parameter during a certain period of time. 4
ent values in certain measurement reports are filtered to represent the radio operating environment. The parameter specifies 4 the number of measurement reports used f
med on the measured values in several consecutive measurement reports. This parameter indicates the number of measurement 1 reports used for the filtering of neighbor
surement reports. When the number of received measurement reports is no larger than this parameter, the BSC does not 10 perform filtering or make quick handover judgm
rformed within the "Quick handover punish time": the receive level of the original serving cell is decreased by "Quick handover 63 punish value", to prevent ping-pong hand
nal of the original serving cell is decreased by "Quick handover punish value" in "Quick handover punish time" after fast handover 68 succeeds.
when the path loss difference between the serving cell and a neighbor cell on the chain is equal to or greater than this parameter.
meter is set
YES, the BSC can forecast
indicates the
N in the handover
P/N rule for direction
MS handoverof the call in fast
direction handover so that the best target cell can be
forecast. 3 selected for handover.
r to ClassThis
B chain neighboring cell for successively P times, and then the BSC determines
parameter indicates P in the P/N rule for MS handover direction forecast. that the MS is moving to the Class 3B chain neighboring cell.
r to Class B chain neighboring cell for successively P times, and then the BSC determines that the MS is moving to the Class B chain neighboring cell.
m" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to HOALGORITHM2, the recommended value of this parameter is 8.
m" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to HOALGORITHM2, the recommended value of this parameter is 5.
" in "SET GCELLHOBASIC" is set to HOALGORITHM2, the recommended value of this parameter is 2.