Brief Summary of The Original COCOMO Model
Brief Summary of The Original COCOMO Model
Brief Summary of The Original COCOMO Model
The original COCOMO Model has now been superceded by COCOMO 2. However, a brief
review of the original COCOMO model provides insight into the evolution of software
estimation approaches. This paper has been excerpted from SEPA, 4/e.
The Basic COCOMO equations take the form:
E = ab KLOC bb
D = c b E db
ab bb cb db
organic 2.4 1.05 2.5 0.38
1. Product attributes
2. Hardware attributes
b. memory constraints
a. analyst capability
c.applications experience
4. Project attributes
E = ai KLOC bi x EAF
Software project ai bi
= 95 person-months
D = 2.5 E 0.35
= 12.3 months
N = E/D
= 95/12.3
~ 8 people
In reality, the planner may decide to use only four people and extend
the project duration accordingly.