Board Question Paper: March 2017
Board Question Paper: March 2017
Board Question Paper: March 2017
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks for the questions.
(3) Figures to the left indicate question numbers.
(4) Answer to every question must be started on a new page.
Q.1. (A) Select the proper option from the options given below and rewrite the sentences:
(1) The _______ means mix‐up of various sources of funds in desired proportion.
(a) Capital structure (b) Term loans (c) Retained profit
(2) A person who purchases shares of a company is known as _______ of the company.
(a) Bondholder (b) Shareholder (c) Creditor
(3) If a share of ` 100 is issued at ` 100, it is said to be issued at _______.
(a) Premium (b) Discount (c) Par
(4) Depository Act was passed in _______.
(a) 1996 (b) 1986 (c) 1985
(5) Dividend warrants are issued to _______ holders for getting dividend.
(a) Coupon (b) Share warrant (c) Share certificate
(C) Write a word or a term or phrase which can substitute each of the following
statements: (5)
(1) Shares which are redeemed after a certain period of time.
(2) Dividend declared by a company between two annual general meetings.
(3) An acknowledgement of the deposit accepted by a company.
(4) A type of bill in the nature of promissory note issued by the government.
(5) The floor of the stock exchange premises where the trading or auction of shares takes
Std. XII : Commerce
Q.2. Distinguish between the following: (Any three) [15]
(1) Fixed capital and Working capital.
(2) Shareholder and Debentureholder.
(3) Transfer of shares and Transmission of shares.
(4) Share certificate and Share warrant.
(5) Primary market and Secondary market.
Q.3. Write notes on the following (Any three): [15]
(1) Acceptance of deposits.
(2) Retained profits.
(3) Employee Stock Option Scheme (E.S.O.S).
(4) Importance of Depository system.
(5) Bombay Stock Exchange.
Q.4. State with reasons, whether the following statements are True or False: (Any three)
(1) Preference shareholders do not enjoy normal voting rights.
(2) Share certificate is a bearer document.
(3) Dividend can be paid on advance amount of calls received.
(4) Share transfer in depository mode is fast and economical.
(5) There are no legal provisions regarding payment of dividend.
Q.5. Attempt the following: (Any two) [10]
(1) Write a letter regarding payment of interest on debentures.
(2) Write the external factors influencing capital structure.
(3) Draft a letter to a depositor regarding repayment of his deposit.
(4) Write a letter to a debentureholder informing him about conversion of debentures into
equity shares.
Q.6. Define Equity Shares and explain its features. . [10]
Draft a letter informing about allotment of shares.
Board Question Paper : March 2016
Q.1. (A) Select the proper option from the options given below and rewrite the sentences:
(1) Advice to Board of Directors in respect of financial matter is given by _______.
(a) an auditor (b) a secretary (c) a finance manager
(2) A person who purchases shares of a company is called a _______.
(a) shareholder (b) bond holder (c) creditor
(3) Return of allotment is to be filed with the Registrar within _______ days of the date of
(a) 60 (b) 45 (c) 30
(4) Government company may accept deposits from public up to _______ of aggregate of its paid
up capital and free reserve.
(a) 35% (b) 30% (c) 25%
(5) Refusal to allot shares is conveyed through a _______ letter.
(a) regret (b) allotment (c) call
(C) Write a word or a phrase or a term which can substitute each one of the following
statements: (5)
(1) The value of share which is determined by demand and supply forces in the share
(2) The authority which has power to accept deposits.
(3) Portion of the profits which is allocated to the shareholders.
(4) A type of bill in the nature of promissory note issued by the government.
(5) The place where buying and selling of securities takes place.
Std. XII : Commerce
Q.2. Distinguish between the following: (Any three) [15]
(1) Shares and Debentures.
(2) Transfer of shares and Transmission of shares.
(3) Interim dividend and Final dividend.
(4) Primary market and Secondary market.
(5) Letter of allotment and Letter of regret.
Q.3. Write short notes on (Any THREE): [15]
(1) Capital structure and its components.
(2) Share warrant.
(3) Functions of stock exchange.
(4) Features of shares.
(5) Procedure for redemption of debentures.
Q.4. State with reasons, whether the following statements are True or False: (Any three)
(1) It is not possible to go ahead without a financial plan.
(2) A company can accept deposits repayable on demand.
(3) Share certificate is a bearer document.
(4) Handling demat shares is very time consuming.
(5) Convertible debentures can be converted into equity shares.
Q.5. Attempt the following: (Any two) [10]
(1) Draft a letter to depositor for renewal of deposit.
(2) Draft a letter regarding payment of interest on debentures to the debenture holder.
(3) What are the points to be borne in mind by the secretary while writing letters to the
(4) What are the legal provisions regarding declaration of dividend?
Q.6. Define a preference share. Explain the different types of preference shares. [10]
Draft a letter of allotment of shares to the shareholder.
Board Question Paper : July 2016
Q.1. (A) Select the proper option from the options given below and rewrite the sentences:
(1) Wealth maximization of owner means maximization of _______ of shares.
(a) face value (b) market value (c) issue value
(2) Debenture holders get fixed rate of _______ as return on their investment.
(a) interest (b) dividend (c) discount
(3) The depository participant has _______ number for identification.
(a) Index (b) PAN (c) I.D.
(4) Refusal to allot shares is conveyed through _______ letter.
(a) regret (b) allotment (c) call
(5) An institution which regulates and controls the activities of the Stock Exchange is called
(a) N.S.E. (b) B.S.E. (c) S.E.B.I.
(C) Write a word or a phrase or a term which can substitute each one of the following
statements: (5)
(1) A bond on which no interest is paid but issued at discount.
(2) A speculator who expects the price of a particular share to rise in the future.
(3) A dividend remaining unpaid to shareholders even after the expiry of 30 days of its
(4) The highest price quoted by a buyer to buy a specified number of shares or stock at any
given time.
(5) The type of debenture which is redeemed after a fixed period of time.
Std. XII : Commerce
Q.2. Distinguish between the following: (Any three) [15]
(1) Transfer of shares and Transmission of shares.
(2) Interim dividend and Final dividend.
(3) Money market and Capital market.
(4) Share and Debenture.
(5) Fixed capital and Working capital.
Q.3. Write short notes on (Any THREE): [15]
(1) Importance of financial planning.
(2) Features of equity shares.
(3) Contents of the share certificate.
(4) Renewal of Deposits.
(5) Functions of S.E.B.I.
Q.4. State with reasons, whether the following statements are True or False: (Any three)
(1) Right shares are issued to the general public.
(2) Debentures are never redeemed by the company.
(3) The holder of share warrant may not be given full rights of membership.
(4) Shares in physical form cannot be converted into electronic form.
(5) No dividend can be declared without making provisions for reserves and depreciation.
Q.5. Attempt the following: (Any two) [10]
(1) Draft a letter to the depositor informing him/her about payment of interest.
(2) Write a letter to the debenture holder informing him/her about conversion of
debentures into equity shares.
(3) Write features of shares.
(4) Draft a letter of allotment of debentures.
Q.6. Define preference shares. Explain various types of preference shares. [10]
Write a letter of regret to a share applicant.
Board Question Paper : March 2015
Q.1. (A) Select the correct answer from the possible choices given below and rewrite the
statements: (5)[15]
(1) Big retail stores require large amount of _______ capital.
(a) fixed (b) working (c) loan
(4) The company has to obtain consent of ________ if issue of debentures exceeds ` 1 crore.
(a) SEBI (b) Registrar (c) National Stock Exchange
(5) A company must give receipt for deposit to the depositor within _______ weeks of its
(a) two (b) four (c) eight
(C) Write a word or a phrase or a term which can substitute each one of the following
statements: (5)
(1) The type of shareholders who can participate in the management of the company.
(2) A document which is an invitation to general public to subscribe for shares of company.
(3) The maximum period upto which deposits can be accepted.
(4) An organization where securities / shares are held in electronic form.
(5) Dividend declared by a company at its annual general meeting.
Std. XII : Commerce
Q.2. Distinguish between the following: (Any three) [15]
(1) Fixed Capital and Working Capital.
(2) Equity Shares and Preference Shares.
(3) Share Certificate and Share Warrant.
(4) Interim Dividend and Final Dividend.
(5) Money market and Capital market.
Q.3. Write short notes on Any THREE of the following: [15]
(1) Trade credit.
(2) Employee Stock Option Scheme.
(3) Statutory conditions of allotment of shares.
(4) Procedure for conversion of debentures.
(5) Methods of Redemption of Debentures.
Q.4. State with reasons, whether the following statements are True or False: (Any three)
(1) Financial management is essential for all types of organizations.
(2) The bond holders are owners of the company.
(3) Transfer of shares is initiated by the company.
(4) Debenture holders are creditors of the company.
(5) Depositor’s approval is must for renewal of deposit.
Q.5. Attempt the following: (Any two) [10]
(1) Write a letter regarding payment of interest on debentures.
(2) Draft a letter of thanks to the depositor of a company.
(3) What are the points to be borne in mind while writing letters to the members?
(4) State the preliminary steps in the issue of shares.
Q.6. Write a letter to a shareholder regarding issue of bonus shares. [10]
Define “debenture” and explain the types of debentures.
Board Question Paper : October 2015
Q.1. (A) Select the correct answer from the options given below and rewrite the
statements: (5)[15]
(1) Company can accept deposits from public, maximum for _______ months.
(a) 12 (b) 24 (c) 36
(2) Big retail stores require large amount of _______ capital.
(a) fixed (b) working (c) loan
(3) If a share of ` 100 is issued at ` 110, it is said to be issued at a _______.
(a) par (b) discount (c) premium
(4) Dividend should be distributed within _______days from its declaration.
(a) 30 (b) 45 (c) 21
(5) A market where existing securities are resold or traded is called ______ market.
(a) commodity (b) secondary (c) primary
(C) Write a word or a phrase or a term which can substitute each one of the following
statements: (5)
(1) The use of borrowed capital for financing a business firm. Formatted: Font: Calibri Light, Font
color: Auto
vii. Trading on equity
Formatted: Font: Calibri Light, Font
(2) Type of preference shares which can be redeemed after a certain period of time. color: Auto
(3) A certificate issued to the debenture holders after allotment of debentures. Formatted: Font: Calibri Light, 11 pt,
(4) Dividend declared by company between two annual general meetings. Font color: Auto
Std. XII : Commerce
(5) A letter informing the applicant that shares have not been allotted to him.
Q.2. Distinguish between the following: (Any three) [15]
(1) Final dividend and interim dividend.
(2) Share certificate and Share warrant.
(3) Shareholders and Debenture holders.
(4) Primary market and Secondary market.
(5) Money market and Capital market.
Q.3. Write short notes on Any THREE of the following: [15]
(1) Bonus issue.
(2) Capital structure and its components.
(3) Types of debentures.
(4) Constituents and concepts in depository system.
(5) Repayment of public deposits.
Q.4. State with reasons, whether the following statements are True or False: (Any three)
(1) The rate of interim dividend is greater than final dividend.
(2) Debenture holders are the owners of the company.
(3) A share certificate is a bearer document.
(4) Public deposit is a good source for long term financing.
(5) It is not possible to go ahead without financial plan. Formatted: Font: Calibri Light, 11 pt,
Not Bold, Do not check spelling or
Q.5. Attempt the following: (Any two) [10] grammar
(1) State the contents of a share certificate.
(2) Write a letter regarding payment of interest on debentures.
(3) Draft a letter to the depositor regarding repayment of his deposit.
(4) Under what circumstances will a secretary enter into correspondence with debenture
Q.6. What is equity share? Explain the features of equity shares. [10]
Draft a letter of regret to the share applicant.
Std. XII : Commerce
Q.1. (A) Select the correct answer from the possible choices given below and rewrite the
statements: (5)[15]
(1) ‘Trading on equity’ means use of ______ capital for financing a firm.
(a) equity shares (b) preference shares (c) borrowed
(2) A ______ is an indivisible unit of share capital.
(a) debenture (b) share (c) bond
(3) Debenture certificate must be issued within ______ months of allotment.
(a) three (b) six (c) nine
(4) The ______ recommend the final dividend.
(a) shareholders (b) board of directors (c) promoters
(5) The market where existing securities are resold or traded is called ______ market.
(a) commodity (b) secondary (c) primary
(B) Match the correct pairs: (5)
Group “A” Group “B”
i. Fixed capital a. Owned capital
ii. Overdraft facility b. Bearer document
iii. Share certificate c. Investment in fixed assets
iv. Debentures d. Current Account
v. Return on shares e. Application money
f. Dividend
g. Investment in current assets
h. Borrowed capital
i. Savings Account
j. Registered document
(C) Write a word or a phrase or a term which can substitute each one of the following
statements: (5)
(1) Depository Receipt traded in other countries other than the U.S.A.
(2) Transfer of ownership of shares as per the provisions of law.
(3) Dividend declared by company at its annual general meeting.
(4) Return on investment in debentures.
(5) The place where buying and selling of securities takes place.
Q.2. Distinguish between the following: (Any three) (15)
(1) Shares and Debentures.
(2) Transfer of Shares and Transmission of Shares.
(3) Final dividend and Interim dividend.
(4) Money market and Capital market.
(5) Primary market and Secondary market.
Board Question Paper : March 2014
Q.3. Write short notes on Any THREE of the following: (15)
(1) Importance of financial planning.
(2) Retained profits.
(3) Share certificate.
(4) Employee stock option scheme.
(5) Methods of redemption of debentures.
Q.4. State with reasons, whether the following statements are True or False: (Any three)
(1) Financial management is essential for all types of organizations.
(2) Equity shareholders are real owners and controllers of a company.
(3) Transfer of shares is initiated by the company.
(4) A private company can accept deposits from public.
(5) Handling demat shares is very time consuming.
Q.5. Attempt the following: (Any two) (10)
(1) State the legal provisions regarding declaration of dividend.
(2) Draft a letter of allotment of debentures.
(3) Draft a letter to a debenture holder informing him about redemption of debentures.
(4) Draft a letter to a depositor about renewal of deposit.
Q.6. What is a ‘debenture’? State the features of debentures. (10)
Write a letter to a shareholder regarding issue of bonus shares.
Std. XII : Commerce
Q.1. (A) Select the correct answer from the possible choices given below and rewrite the
statements: (5)[15]
(1) Normally _______ gives advice to the Board of Directors in respect of financial matters.
(a) Auditor (b) Secretary (c) Finance Manager
(2) A company must issue ______ shares.
(a) preference (b) bonus (c) equity
(3) Transfer of shares by operation of law is called ______ of shares.
(a) transfer (b) allotment (c) transmission
(4) Fully convertible debentures are converted into _______ shares on maturity.
(a) equity (b) deferred (c) bonus
(5) Dividend warrants are issued to ______ holders for getting dividend.
(a) share certificate
(b) share warrant
(c) coupon
(B) Match the correct pairs: (5)
Group “A” Group “B”
i. Debenture holders a. Approval of Secretary
ii. Renewal of deposits b. Declared between two annual general
iii. Interim dividend c. Creditors of the company
iv. Letter of regret d. Primary market
v. Stock Exchange e. Approval of depositors
f. Owners of the company
g. Declared in extraordinary general meeting
h. Share applicant becomes shareholder
i. Secondary market
j. Refund order
(C) Write a word or a phrase or a term which can substitute each one of the following
statements: (5)
(1) The basic principle of business activities that aims at profit.
(2) The value of share which is written on the share certificate and mentioned in the
memorandum of association.
(3) A document which is an invitation to the general public to subscribe for shares of
(4) An acknowledgment of the deposit accepted by a company.
(5) The institution which regulates business in stock exchange.
Board Question Paper : October 2014
Q.2. Distinguish between the following: (Any three) (15)
(1) Fixed capital and Working capital.
(2) Equity shares and Preference shares.
(3) Share certificate and Share warrant.
(4) Dematerialization and Rematerialization.
(5) Final dividend and Interim dividend.
Q.3. Write short notes on Any THREE of the following: (15)
(1) Bonus shares
(2) Conditions of valid allotment
(3) Renewal of deposits
(4) Depository
(5) Provisions regarding unclaimed/unpaid dividend
Q.4. State with reasons, whether the following statements are True or False: (Any three)
(1) Requirement of working capital does not depend upon any factor.
(2) The bond holders are owners of the company.
(3) Rights shares are issued to the general public.
(4) Preference shareholders do not enjoy normal voting rights.
(5) Stock exchanges reflect financial progress of the company.
Q.5. Attempt the following: (Any two) (10)
(1) Write a letter to a debenture holder informing him about conversion of debentures
into equity shares.
(2) Draft a letter of thanks to a depositor of a company.
(3) State the characteristics of money market.
(4) Draft a letter to a depositor informing him about payment of interest.
Q.6. Define ‘preference shares’. State various types of preference shares. (10)
Draft a letter of allotment to a share applicant.