5 Company Law

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*SLRC123* -3- SLR-C – 123


LL.B. – III (Semester – V) B.A. LL.B. – V (Semester – IX) (Old)

Examination, 2016
Paper – IV
Time : 2 Hours Marks : 40

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

2. Define share and write a note on general principles regarding allotment of shares
and statutory restrictions on allotment of shares. 10

3. What is the relation of a promoter with the company he form, what are the rights
and liabilities of promoters ? Discuss. 10
Write a note on Memorandum of Association. Discuss in detail the object Clause
of Memorandum of Association.

4. Solve any two : 4

A) 1) Doctrine of constructive notice
2) Statement in lieu of prospectus
3) Surrender of shares
B) Share certificate 4

5. Write short notes on any three : 12

1) Doctrine of Indoor management
2) Lien on shares
3) Appointment of Directors by the Central Government
4) Theories of Corporation.

*SLRC136* SLR-C – 136

LL.B. – III (Semester – V) and B.A.LL.B. – V (Semester – IX)

(New – CGPA) Examination, 2016
Time : 2 12 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Q. No. 1 should be solved in first 20 minutes in Answer
Book only on Page No. 3.

MCQ/Objective Type Questions

Duration : 20 Minutes Marks : 14

1. Choose the correct alternatives : 14

1) The word Company is derived from the combination of two ___________
words, namely com and panis.
a) French b) Latin c) Italian d) English
2) According to the Webster’s dictionary, the term ___________ includes a person
who alone or with others sets on foot and takes the preliminary steps in the
formation of a company.
a) Auditor b) Solicitor
c) Director d) Promoter
3) ___________ contracts are those which are purported to be made on behalf
of a company before its incorporation.
a) Pre-incorporation b) Incorporated
c) Post-incorporated d) Illegal
4) A company may change its name only by passing a ___________resolution
and with the written approval of the Central Government.
a) Ordinary b) Simple
c) Special d) Extraordinary

SLR-C – 136 -2- *SLRC136*
5) A ___________ means a prospectus in respect of which the securities or
class of securities included therein are issued for subscription in one or more
issues over a certain period without issue of a further prospectus.
a) Shelf prospectus b) Red-herring prospectus
c) Both a) and b) d) None of the above
6) Equity shares is also known as ___________shares.
a) Special b) General c) Simple d) Ordinary
7) ___________ denotes that portion of the profit earned by a company which is
distributed among its shareholders at a pre-determined rate or otherwise.
a) Bonus b) Debentures
c) Dividend d) Charge
8) A share___________ can be issued only in respect of fully paid shares.
a) Certificate b) Number c) Warrant d) All the above
9) No person shall be appointed as a director of a company unless he has been
allotted the___________ which is issued by the Central Government.
a) Divisional Identification Number b) Director International Number
c) Director Identification Number d) Double Identification Number
10) Taking a ___________ means recording the number of votes cast for or against
a resolution.
a) Proxy b) Poll c) Resolution d) Voting
11) The word___________ literally means the authority to act for another.
a) Agent b) Auditor c) Secretary d) Proxy
12) ___________ books of account which every company is supposed to maintain.
a) Ledger b) Cash c) Fee d) All the above
13) Where the company has made a default in filing with the registrar its financial
statements or annual returns for immediately preceding ___________consecutive
years, the tribunal may order winding-up the company.
a) Five b) Six c) One d) Three
14) ___________ shares are sometimes also called as founder’s shares.
a) Bonus b) Forfeiture c) Pledging d) Deferred

*SLRC136* -3- SLR-C – 136

LL.B. – III (Semester – V) and B.A.LL.B. – V (Semester – IX)

(New – CGPA) Examination, 2016
Time : 2 12 Hours Max. Marks : 56

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

2. Define promoter. Explain the legal position of a promoter and discuss his duties
and liabilities. 14
3. A) Discuss the circumstances under which a company may be wound-up by the
tribunal and state who can file petition for winding-up. 14
B) Explain the Doctrine of Indoor Management. State what are the exceptions to
the Doctrine of Indoor Management. 14
4. A) Short notes (any 2) : 8
i) Article of Association.
ii) Contents of Prospectus.
iii) Appointment of Directors.
B) Write a note on : 6
1) Doctrine of Ultra-vires.
5. Answer in short (any 7) : 14
1) Dividends.
2) Floating charges.
3) Kinds of shares.
4) Amalgamation.
5) Dormant companies.
6) Call on shares.
7) Annual General Meeting.
8) Government Company.
9) Protection of Oppression.
10) Forfeiture and surrender of shares.
*SLRC140* SLR-C – 140

LL.B. (Semester – VI) & B.A. LL.B. (Semester – X)

Examination, 2016
Time : 2 Hours Max. Marks : 50

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Q. No. 1 should be solved in first 15 minutes in Answer
Book only on Page No. 3.

MCQ/Objective Type Questions

Duration : 15 Minutes Marks : 10

1. A) Choose the correct alternatives : 5

1) Every meeting must have a ____________ before it starts its proceeding.
a) Secretary b) Chairman
c) Managing Director d) Board of Directors
2) The lender has ___________ remedies against ultra-virus borrowing by
the company.
a) Injunction b) Subrogation
c) Restitution order d) All the above
3) A __________ charge is not attached to any definite property but covers
property which is of a fluctuating nature such as stock in trade.
a) fixed b) stable
c) floating d) all the above
4) The word ________ denotes a brief summary of the proceedings of a
a) Hours b) Seconds
c) Minutes d) None of the above
5) Section 397 and 398 of the Act lays down the provisions for prevention of
oppression and
a) Amalgamation b) Reconstruction
c) Investigation d) Mismanagement
SLR-C – 140 -2- *SLRC140*
B) Fill in the blanks 5
1) The word _________ literally means the authority to act for another.
2) __________ includes debenture stock, bonds and any other securities of
a company whether constituting a charge on the company’s assists or not.
3) ___________ is a term commonly associated with the ending of a
company’s existence.
4) The appointment of auditors is made by a company in its ___________
5) The minimum number of members required to constitute a valid meeting
and to transact business there at is called ____________

*SLRC140* -3- SLR-C – 140

LL.B. (Semester – VI) & B.A, LL.B. (Semester – X)

Examination, 2016
Time : 2 Hours Marks : 40

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

2. Explain various kinds of meetings and write a note on procedure to conduct a

valid meeting. 10

3. A) Write a detail note on compulsory winding up of a company by court. 10


B) Discuss the legal position of Auditor and state the powers and duties of
Auditors. 10

4. A) Answer in short (any 2). 4

1) Amalgamation
2) Prevention of oppression
3) Government companies.

B) Fixed and floating charge. 4

5. Write short notes on (any 3). 12

1) Dividends
2) Private companies
3) Effects of unauthorized borrowing
4) Holding and subsidiary company.

SLR-G – 86
LL.B – III (Semester – V) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Friday, 21-04-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All Questions are compulsory.

2) Figure to the right indicates full marks.

Q.1 A) Multiple choice questions: 05

1) Borrowing by company may be ultra vires under _______
a) Borrowing which is ultra vires the company
b) Borrowing powers to the intra vires to the company
c) Both a and b
d) None of these

2) The first meeting of the share holder of a public company

with a share capital _____.
a) Statutory meeting b) Annual general meeting
c) Extra ordinary meeting d) None of these

3) ______ may present petition for winding up of the company

u/s 439 of the companies act.
a) Company itself b) By creditors
c) By contributors’ d) All of these

4) Debenture holders are the _____ of the company.

a) Members of the company b) Creditors of the company
c) Directors d) All of these

5) ______ is process by which the existence or life of a

company is put to an end.
a) Amalgamation b) Winding up
c) Auditing d) None of these

Q.1 B) Fill in the Blanks: 05

1) The books of account must disclose ______ view of the state
of affairs of the company.
2) All general meeting of company other than the statutory and
annual general meeting are called _______
3) The provision relating to statutory meeting is contained u/sec
____ of this act.
4) The provision relating to proxies are contained u/section ___.
5) ____ is a proportion of the distributed profits of company.
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Q.2 Discuss in detail provision relating to winding up of the company and 10
its effects.

Q.3 Discuss various kinds of the meeting and state the procedure to 10
conduct valid meeting.
Write a detail note on borrowing power of the company and its

Q.4 A) Answer in short any Two: 04

1) Debenture
2) Dividend and its kinds
3) Annual general meeting

B) Audit and account 04

Q.5 Write short note any three: 12

1) Effect of unauthorized borrowing
2) Amalgamation
3) Private companies
4) Protection of oppression and mismanagement

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LL.B. – III (Semester – V) (Old) Examination, 2017

Day & Date: Saturday, 13-05-2017 Max. Marks: 50

Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

N.B. : 1) All Questions are compulsory.

2) Figure to the right indicates full marks.

Q.1 A) Multiple choice questions: 05

1) The outstanding feature of a company is its ____ corporate
a) Individual b) Independent
c) Joint d) Combined

2) The certificate of _____ brings the company into existence as

a legal person.
a) Commencement of Business b) Incorporation
c) Establishment d) None of the above

3) As per section 254 the ____ directors of a company are to

the appointed by the subscribers of the memorandum.
a) Fifth b) Fourth c) Third d) First

4) The ____ clause of the memorandum must specify the state

in which the registered office of the company is to the
a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth

5) In the Doctrine of ultra-virus, the word ultra means beyond,

and virus means _____.
a) Rights b) Duties c) Powers d) Liabilities

Q.1 B) Fill in the Blanks: 05

1) Doctrine of _____ Management is opposed to that of the
Rule of constructive notice.
2) Any advertisement offering to the public shares or
debentures of the company for sale is a ______.
3) A ____ is a person who brings about the incorporation and
organization of a corporation.
4) An allottee of shares is entitled to have from the company a
document, called _______ certificate.
5) A company may change its name by passing a ______
resolution and with the approval of the central government
signified in writing.

Page 1 of 2
Q.2 Explain the legal position of promoters and state his duties and 10

Q.3 Write a note on Memorandum of Association with special reference 10

to object clause of the company along with relevant case laws.
Discuss various modes of appointment of Directors and state his
qualifications for Directorship.

Q.4 A) Answer in short any Two: 04

1) Certificate of commencement of business
2) Kinds of Shares
3) Calls on Shares

B) Doctrine of Constructive Notice 04

Q.5 Write short note any three: 12

1) Article of Association
2) Corporate personality
3) Prospectus
4) Transfer and Transmission of Shares

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SLR-G – 99
LL.B – III (Semester – V) (New) (CGPA), Examination 2017

Day & Date: Saturday, 22-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70

Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM

N.B. : 1) All questions are Compulsory

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Multiple choice questions. 14

1) _______of the Company are its bye –laws or rules and regulatory
which govern e on its internal affairs and the conduct of its
a) Memorandum of Association b) Article of Association
b) Prospectus d) None of theses

2) Doctrine of Indoor management for the first time enunciated in

a) Foss V Harbottle b) Royal British Bank V. Tarquand
c) Bennet Colmen case d) None of these

3) ________ determines the object , scope and extent of the

activities of the company.
a) Memorandum of Association b) Articles of Association
b) Prospectus d) None of these

4) ________ usually contains following main clauses, a) a Promise

by the company to repay Principle amount on a fixed date. b) a
promise to pay interest at a fixed rate. c) a charge on the
company’s assets.
a) share b) debenture c) both a & b d) none of these

5) The invisible and intangible nature of a company makes it

obligatory for this corporate body to appoint some living persons
or persons through whom it may act and carry on its business,
such persons usually called _______ of the company.
a) Promoters b) Directors c) Shareholder d) none of these

6) Every company, wherever Public or Private, has to hold a

periodical general meeting of its members annually for the
purpose of transacting its routine ordinary business such a
meeting is called as ________meeting.
a) Annual general meeting b) Statutory meeting
c) Extra – ordinary general meeting d) None of these

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SLR-G – 99
7) Which one of the following is a requisite of a valid meeting?
a) Properly Convened b) Properly Constituted
c) Properly Conducted d) All of these

8) The Principle that the will of the majority should prevail over the
will of the minority in matters of internal administration of the
company is known as the rule in _______.
a) Rule in tarquand’s Case
b) Rule in Rylands v. Fletcher Case
c) Rule in Foss v. Harbottle Case
d) Rule in Bourlill v. Young Case

9) _______ takes place when two or more companies are joined to

form a third entity or one is absorbed or blended with another.
a) Amalgamation b) Winding up
c) None of these d) All of these

10) ________ is a process by which the assets of the company

are collected and realized, its liabilities are discharged and the
net surplus, if any is distributed in accordance with the
company’s articles of association.
a) Amalgamation b) Reconstruction
c) Winding up c) None of these

11) _______ shall be appointed as an Inspector for investigation in

to the affairs of a company under section 210 or 213 of the
Companies Act 2013.
a) Firm b) Body Corporate
c) Only individual d) None of these

12) Proper Accounting of a company provides for ________.

a) Afford an opportunity to directors to know the real financial
position of the company.
b) If enables the share holders to known whether the affairs of
the company are being properly managed.
c) Enables the creditors to Judge whether the company will be
able to repay the debts.
d) All of these

13) _______ is a right to participate in the profits made by a

company white it is going on concern and declares dividends
and in the assets of the company in the event of its being
wound up.
a) Share b) Debenture c) Dividend d) none of these

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SLR-G – 99
14) The companies must divide their object clause in to ________
a) Main object b) Other objects
c) States to which object extends d) All of these

Q.2 Write a detail note on Memorandum of Association 14

Q.3 Define share, explain general principle of allotment of shares and

statutory restrictions on allotment & calls on share. 14
Write a brief note on winding up of the company.

Q.4 A) Solve any two 08

a) Powers and Duties of Directions
b) Difference between Share holder and Debenture holders
c) Theories of corporate personality.

B) Prevention of oppression & mismanagement & majority Rule. 06

Q.5 Write short notes on any Seven 14

1) Promoter
2) Prospectus
3) Forfeiture & Surrender of Share
4) Amalgamation of company
5) Dividends
6) Legal Liability of Company
7) Advantages of Private Company
8) Corporate Social Responsibility
9) Annual general meeting
10) Doctrine of Indore management

Page 3 of 3
LL.B – III (Semester – VI) (Old) Examination, 2017
Company Law
Day & Date: Thursday, 04-05-2017 Max Marks: 50
Time: 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM

Instructions. : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 A) Multiple Choice questions 05

1) Which one of the following requisite is necessary to conduct
valid meeting of the company.
a) Property Convened b) Property Constituted
c) Property Conducted d) All of these

2) _______ takes place when two or more companies are

joined to form a third entity or one is absorbed or blended
with another
a) Amalgamation b) Dissolution
c) Winding up d) None of these

3) The Principle that the will of the majority should prevail over
the will of the minority in matters of internal administration
of the Company is known as the Rule in _______.
a) Turquand Case b) Rylands v. Fletcher Case
b) Foss V.Harbottle Case d) None of these

4) The word debenture is derived from the _______ word

a) Latin b) French c) English d) None of these

5) _______ is a process by which the assets of the Company

are collected and realized, its liabilities are discharged and
the net surplus, if any, is distributed in accordance with the
Company’s Articles of Association.
a) Amalgamation b) Reconstruction
c) Winding up d) None of these

B) Fill in the blanks / Answer in one Sentence 05

1) Every Company, whether public or private, has to hold a
periodical general meeting of its member annually for the
purpose of transacting its routine ordinarily business. Such a
meeting is called _______

Page 1 of 2
2) _______ is a document given by a Company as an evidence
of a debt to the holder usually arising out of a loan and most
commonly secured by a charge.
3) All general meetings of a Company other than the statutory
Meeting and the annual general meeting are called _______
4) _______ denotes that portion of a profit earned by a
company which is distributed among its Shareholders at a
pre-determined rate or otherwise.
5) _______ means the formation of a new company to take
over the assets of the old one with the idea that substantially
the same business shall be carried on by the same persons.

Q.2 What are the kinds of meeting and write a detail note on Annual 10
general meeting and procedure of valid meeting

Q.3 Write a detail note on prevention of oppression and mismanagement 10

in company. Explain majority Rule & Rights of minority Shareholders.

Write a detail note on winding up procedure, and modes of winding


Q.4 A) Short answer type questions 04

1) Debenture
2) Dividends
3) Amalgamation of Company

B) Legal position of Auditor. Power & Duties of Auditor 04

Q.5 Short notes (on any three) 12

a) Legal Liability of Companies
b) Inspection & Investigation
c) Private Companies – Nature & Advantages
d) Difference between Shareholder and Debenture holder

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Set P
B.A. LL.B. (Semester – IX) (Old) (CGPA) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: - 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Multiple choice questions: 14
1) The persons who initiate the process of formation of a company are called
a) Directors b) Promoters
c) Auditors d) Share holders
2) Where a company intends to issue a public appeal for subscription of its
shares or debentures, it is essential for it to issue a _______.
a) Prospectus b) Audit
c) Account d) None of these
3) ______is a right to participate in the profits made by a company while it is
going on concern and declares dividends and in the assets of the
company in the event of its being wound up.
a) Share b) Debenture
c) Both a and b d) None of these
4) ______denotes the portion of the profit earned by a company which is
distributed among its shareholders at a pre-determined rate or otherwise.
a) Interest b) Dividend
c) Both a and b d) None of these
5) _______is a document given by a company as an evidence of a debt to
the holder usually arising out of a loan and most commonly secured by a
a) Share b) Debenture
c) Deposit d) None of these
6) Which one of the following is a requisite of a valid meeting, it must be ___ Z
a) Properly convened b) Properly constituted
c) Properly conducted d) All of these
7) ______is a brief summary of the proceedings of a meeting.
a) Quorum b) Resolution
c) Minutes d) Any other
8) The principle that, the will of the majority should prevail over the will of the
minority in matters of internal administration of the company is known as
the rule in _______.
a) Royal British Bank V. Tarquand b) Foss V. Harbottle
c) Rylands V. Fletcher d) None of these
9) ______ is a process by which the assets of the company are collected
and realized, its liabilities are discharged and the net surplus, if any, is
distributed in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association.
a) Amalgamation b) Reconstruction
c) Winding up d) None of these

Page 1 of 2
10) _____of a company are the internal regulations which govern the
management of the internal affairs of a company.
a) Memorandum b) Article
c) Prospectus d) Any other
11) Which one of the following is the disadvantage of Incorporation?
a) Limited Liability b) Perpetual Succession
c) Separate Property d) Lifting of the Corporate Veil
12) The articles and memorandum when registered, become a public
document, therefore, any one whether a member or outsider, who has
dealing with the company, shall be deemed to have notice of the contents
of these documents, This is known as _______.
a) Doctrine of constructive notice b) Indoor Management
c) Both a and b d) Any other
13) _____is a demand for payment of the balance amount or part there of
which has remained unpaid on each share.
a) Brokerage b) Interest
c) Call d) Dividend
14) ____________ is a security given for securing loans or debentures by a
mortgage on the assets of a company.
a) Charge b) Call
c) Interest d) Any other
Q.2 Answer any four out of the following: 16
1) Define Promoter. Rights & Liabilities of promoters
2) Powers and duties of Auditor
3) Amalgamation of Companies
4) Prospectus and its contents
5) Distinction between Memorandum and Articles of Association
6) Advantages of Incorporation
Q.3 Answer any two out of the following questions: 12
1) Constructive Notice and Indoor Management
2) Meetings of a company – Procedure & kinds of meeting
3) Director of company – Powers and Duties
4) Theories of Corporation
Q.4 Answer any one of the following: 14
1) Write a detail note on winding up of the company.
2) Discuss in detail the procedure of allotment of share with the restrictions
on its allotment & methods of making call.
Q.5 Write a detail note on Memorandum of Association of a Company. 14

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Set P
LL.B. (Semester - V) (New) (CBCS) Examination March/April-2019
Day & Date: Friday, 26-04-2019 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 12:00 PM To 02:30 PM
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the sentences. 14
1) Doctrine of Indoor Management was laid in _______ case.
a) Royal British Bank vs. Turquand b) Foss vs. Harbottle
c) Ashby vs. White d) None of the above
2) The _______ was incorporated under the Charter of Queen Elizabeth on
31st December 1600.
a) East India Company
b) Reserve Bank of India
c) Industrial Finance Corporation of India
d) Air India
3) The principle of the independent corporate existence of a registered
company is well illustrated by the house of Lord’s decision in _______.
a) Gallaghar vs. Germania Brewing Co.
b) In Re. London and Globe Finance Corporation
c) R. T. Perumal vs. John Deavin
d) Saloman vs. Saloman and Co.
4) Section 2(56) of the companies Act, 2013 defines ________.
a) Debentures b) Prospectus
c) Article d) Memorandum
5) As per Schedule I of the Company Act 2013 Memorandum of association of
company limited by shares has _______ Clauses.
a) Four b) Five
c) Six d) Seven
6) _______ capital is the nominal value of shares issued for subscription and
a) Nominal b) Issued
c) Subscribed d) Working
7) Section 55 of the Companies Act, 2013 empowers a company to issue
_______ preference Shares.
a) Redeemable b) Cumulative
c) Participating d) All the above
8) The Rule in Foss vs Harbottle was evolved in _______ Year.
a) 1840 b) 1841
c) 1843 d) 1845
9) The time period required for notice of general meeting in writing or through
electronic media is not less than clear _______ days excluding the date of
service of the notice and the date of meeting.
a) 45 b) 30 2
c) 21 d) 15
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10) ________ of the Companies Act 2013, provides for calling of Extra Ordinary
General Meeting.
a) Section 96 b) Section 97
c) Section 99 d) Section 100
11) A ________ is a document issued by the company inviting the public and
investors for the subscription of its securities.
a) Prospectus b) Agreement
c) Article d) Memorandum
12) A _________ charge, is not attached to any definite property but covers
property which is of a fluctuating nature such as Stock in trade.
a) Floating b) Fixed
c) Specific d) Specific and Floating
13) The word ‘debenture’ is derived from the ________ term debere.
a) American b) Italian
c) French d) Latin
14) Section 272(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 provides that a petition for the
winding up of a company may be presented to the Tribunal by _______.
a) The company
b) The registrar of companies
c) Any contributory or contributories
d) All the above
Q.2 Answer any four of the following questions. 16
a) Kinds of Shares
b) Prospectus
c) Modes of becoming Members of the company
d) Power and Duties of Directors
e) Dividend
f) Winding up by Tribunal
Q.3 Answer any two of the following. 12
a) Doctrine of Indoor Management and its exceptions
b) Classification / types of Companies
c) Share Certificate and Share Warrant
d) Duties, Rights and Liabilities of Promoter
Q.4 Answer any one of the following: 14
a) Explain the various clauses of Memorandum of Association. Distinguish
between Memorandum of Association and Article of Association.
b) What is meant by allotment of shares? Explain statutory restrictions and
general principles of allotment of shares.
Q.5 Answer of the following question: 14
a) Discuss kinds of Meetings under the Company Law 2013 and state the
procedure for conducting the valid meetings of the company.

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Set P
LL.B. (SEM – V) (CBCS) Examination Nov-2019
Day & Date: Tuesday, 19-11-2019 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 11:30 AM To 02:00 PM
Instructions: - 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Fill in the blank by choosing correct alternative give below. 14
1) Doctrine of Indoor Management for First time enunciated in ___________
a) Foss N. Harbottle b) Royal British Bank V. Traquand
c) Ryland V. Fletcher d) None of the above
2) Which one of the following is an essential ingredient of a prospectus?
a) It must be an invitation offering to the public
b) The invitation must be to subscribe or purchase
c) Invitation may relate to share or debentures
d) All of the above
3) ___________ is a document given by a company as an evidence of a
debt to the holder usually arising out of a loan and most commonly
secured by a charge.
a) Share b) Brokerage
c) Debenture d) Dividend
4) Sec-165 of the Companies Act – 2013 provides that, no person shall hold
office at one and the same time as Director of more than __________
a) Ten b) Twenty
c) Five d) None of the above
5) The minimum number of members required to constitute a valid meeting
and to transact business thereat is called ___________.
a) Resolution b) Meeting
c) Quorum d) None of the above
6) _________ can be appointed as an Inspector for investigation into the Z
affairs of a company, under Companies Act 2013.
a) Firm b) Body Corporate
c) Other association d) Only Individuals
7) _____________ is a process by which the assets of the company are
collected and realized, its liabilities are discharged and the net surplus if
any is distributed in accordance with the company’s articles of association.
a) Winding up b) Incorporation
c) Investigation d) None of the above
8) The ___________ of association of a company are the internal regulations
which govern the management of the internal affairs of a company.
a) Memorandum of association b) Article of association
c) Prospectus d) None of the above

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9) The articles and memorandum of association when registered become a
public document, therefore anyone, whether a member or an outsider,
who has dealing with the company, shall be deemed to have notice of the
contents of these documents, this is known as the _____________.
a) Doctrine of Constructive Notice
b) Doctrine of Indoor Management
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
10) Which one of the following is an exception to the Doctrine of Indoor
a) Knowledge of irregularity b) Forgery and Fraud
c) Suspicion of irregularity d) All of these
11) ____________ clause of the memorandum of association of the company
is sets out the purpose for which the company is formed and the kind of
activities or business it intends to carry on.
a) Name Clause b) Object Clause
c) Liability Clause d) None of these
12) Sec _____________ of the Companies Act - 2013 defines Memorandum
of Association.
a) Sec - 2 (56) b) Sec - 2 (5)
c) Sec - 11 d) None of these
13) __________ shares are sometimes also called as Founders Shares.
a) Preference Shares b) Deferred Shares
c) Equity Shares d) None of the above
14) The word ‘debenture’ is derived from the _____________ term ‘debere’.
a) Latin b) English
c) French d) None of these
Q.2 Attempt any four of the following question. 16
1) Promoter - Liabilities and Rights
2) Difference between Share and Debenture
3) Distinction between Company and Partnership firm
4) The Rule in Foss N. Haribottle & Exceptions
5) Corporate Social Responsibility
6) Amalgamation of companies
Q.3 Attempt any two of the following question. 12
1) Meetings of Company - kinds and procedure for valid meeting
2) Doctrine of Indoor Management
3) Memorandum of Association
4) Inspection and Investigation
Q.4 Attempt any one of the following question.
Write a note on winding up of the Company. 14
Define Share, what are the kinds of Share. Discuss in detail general principles
regarding allotment of shares & calls on share.
Q.5 Define Director, Appointment, Removal, Qualification, Duties and Liabilities of 14
Directors of a Company.

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