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Approved: September 2014

MECH 322 / Mechanical Vibrations

Fall 2016

Instructor Information
Name: Dr. Sadok Sassi
Academic title: Associate Professor
Office: H-217
Phone: 4403-4339
E-mail :
Office Hours: Every day: 12:30 – 13:30; or by prior email appointment

TA Information
Name: Eng. Ahmed Saeed Abdelfatt Mohamed,
Office: Lab G113
Phone: 4403-6390

Class/Laboratory Schedule

Section L01 L02

Lecture Room Location: G209 C213

08:00 - 09:20 am 11:00 - 12:20 am

Lecture Hours:
Monday and Wednesday Monday and Wednesday

Course Information
Catalog Description:
Introduction: elements of vibrating systems, examples of vibratory motions, simple harmonic
motion, vector representation. Systems with single and multiple degrees of freedom: linear and
torsional vibrations, damped and undamped free vibrations, forced vibrations, vibration isolation.
Vibration absorbers. Vibration measurement instruments. Properties of vibrating systems:
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, modal matrix and normal mode summation. Field and computer
based applications. Carrying out laboratory experiments.


Contact Hours:

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Approved: September 2014

GENG 222 / Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)
MATH 217 / Mathematics-Engineering

 Rao, S. S., Mechanical Vibrations, Fifth edition, Pearson

 Kelly, S. G., Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations, McGraw Hill, 1993.
 Thomson, W. T., Theory of Vibration with Applications, Prentice Hall, 1993.
 Lecture notes, if any (Handouts) provided by the Instructor.

Course Objectives:

The first objectives of this course are that students will be able to understand the vibration
response of single and multi-degree of freedom systems under free and forced excitation for
damped and undamped systems.
The second objective of this course is to provide students with the ability to model systems using
lumped parameter mechanical elements for undamped/damped free vibration and forced
vibrations with harmonic excitations. By the end of this course they will be able to design a
vibration isolation system and a basic vibration absorber to reduce vibration as well as use
vibration measurement instrumentation. Students will apply their knowledge of natural
frequencies and mode shapes to determine the modal response of SDOF and MDOF of free and
forced vibrations.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):

CLO 1. Recognize the fundamentals of vibrations (modeling and characterization)

CLO 2. Generate the equation of motion of SDOF and MDOF by using different approaches
(Force/Newton Method and Rayleigh/Energy method).
CLO 3. Solve the equation of motion of SDOF and MDOF and obtain the system natural
frequencies and the system response (free and harmonically forced)
CLO 4. Model and interpret the effects of damping in vibrating systems.
CLO 5. Determine modal characteristics (natural frequencies and mode shapes).
CLO 6. Design and carry out experiments in a safe environment and analyze and interpret the

Relationship of Course Outcomes to Student Outcomes (SO):

Course Learning Outcomes Related Student Outcomes

a b e k
1 x x
2 x x
3 x x
4 x x
5 x x
6 x x x x

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Approved: September 2014

Student Outcomes (SO)

(a) ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

(b) ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
(e) ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(k) ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering

Topics Covered:

Topics Book PPT Slides Weeks

1 Introduction: Oscillatory Motion Ch1 Ch0, Ch1 2
2 Single degree of freedom Free Vibration Ch2 Ch2 4
3 Single degree of freedom Forced Vibration Ch3 Ch3 4
4 Multi degree of freedom systems Ch5-Ch6 Ch4 3
5 Approximate Numerical Methods Ch7 Ch5 1
Part of other chapters covered Ch4, Ch9, Ch10
Total 14

Method of Instruction
Student outcomes will be covered through Lectures, Laboratories, In-class demonstrations, Case
Studies, Multimedia presentations, Project-based Learning.

Assessment Methods and Grading Policy

Quizzes 25 %

Lab work 15 %

Project & Assignments 10 %

Mid Term Exam 20 %

Final Exam 30 %

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Approved: September 2014

Grade from total mark will be obtained as follows:

90 - 100: A (4.0)
85 - 89: B+ (3.5)
80 - 84: B (3.0)
75 - 79: C+ (2.5)
70 - 74: C (2.0)
65 - 69: D+ (1.5)
60 - 64: D (1.0)
0 - 59: F (0.0)

Mapping of Assessment to Student Outcomes:

Student Outcome Quiz

Group MT Final
Statement Labs
Project Exam Exam
ID 1 2 3 4 5
an ability to apply
knowledge of
a mathematics, x x x x x x x x x
science, and
an ability to design
and conduct
b experiments, as well x x
as to analyze and
interpret data
an ability to identify,
formulate, and solve
e x x x x x x x x X
an ability to use the
techniques, skills,
and modern
k engineering tools x x
necessary for
engineering practice.

ABET Contribution of Course to Professional Component

Math & Basic Science : 20 %

Engineering : 70 %
Engineering Design : 10 %
General Education : 0%

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Approved: September 2014

Computer/Software Usage
Matlab – SolidWorks - DASYLab

Laboratory Projects
Laboratory experiments on free and forced vibration of a simple mechanical system to show the
effects of various parameters of the system. Modelling, analysis and interpretation of the results
to demonstrate achievement of relevant student learning outcomes.

Course Ground Rules

 Examinations:
o All tests are closed book and no notes or written material allowed.
o A formula sheet will be provided in final exam if required.
o No makeup/supplementary exams will be available.
o No smart/mobile phones allowed in exams.

 Communication:
o Email is the official way of communications.
o Students must use the assigned university e-mail address rather than a personal e-
mail address.
o English is the official language of communication.

 General rules:
o Cheating & plagiarism: University rules will be enforced in case of cheating and
o Courtesy: switch off mobile phones during lecture time. No texting, gaming on
phones allowed during class.
o Attendance: University attendance policies will be enforced. Make sure you sign
attendance sheet in class.

Support for Students with Special Needs

It is Qatar University policy to provide educational opportunities that ensure fair, appropriate and
reasonable accommodation to students who have disabilities that may affect their ability to
participate in course activities or meet course requirements. Students with disabilities are
encouraged to contact their Instructor to ensure that their individual needs are met. The
University through its Special Needs Section will exert all efforts to accommodate for
individuals’ needs.

Contact Information for Special Needs Section:

Tel-Female: (00974) 4403 3843
Tel-Male: (00974) 4403 3854
Location: Student Activities Building

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Approved: September 2014

Academic Support and Learning Resources

The University Student Learning Support Center (SLSC) provides academic support
services to male and female students at QU. The SLSC is a supportive environment where
students can seek assistance with academic coursework, writing assignments, transitioning
to college academic life, and other academic issues. SLSC programs include: Peer Tutoring,
the Writing Lab, Writing Workshops, and Academic Success Workshops. Students may also
seek confidential academic counseling from the professional staff at the Center.

Contact Information for Students Support and Learning Resources:

Tel: (00974) 4403 3876
Fax: (00974) 4403 3871
Location: Female Student Activities Building

Student Complaints Policy

Students at Qatar University have the right to pursue complaints related to faculty, staff, and
other students. The nature of the complaints may be either academic or non-academic. For more
information about the policy and processes related to this policy, you may refer to the student

This syllabus and contents are subject to changes in the event of extenuating circumstances. The
instructor (with approval of the Head of Department) reserves the right to make changes as
necessary. If changes are necessitated during the term of the course, the students will be notified
by email communication and posting the notification on the online teaching tool Blackboard. It is
the student’s responsibility to check on announcements made while they were absent.

Faculty Name: Dr. Sadok Sassi

Last Modified: 12/09/2017

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