Ocio Strategy 2016
Ocio Strategy 2016
Ocio Strategy 2016
BC Services Cards
prevented 1+ million
We are transmitted 150+ security intrusions per day
blurring and, by being open, we clear the path for businesses and
entrepreneurs to innovate and build government services that we never
contemplated. It means that technologies, like mobile devices, cloud computing
and data analytics are creating new opportunities that allow us to make
· DataBC
It also means that the distinctions between IT and the business it supports
dissolves. IT is no longer separate from the organization’s business, rather it’s DIGITAL
integrated into how government delivers programs and services. This presents
unique challenges and opportunities for the OCIO. Our existing roles,
relationships with IT partners and suppliers, culture, skills, approaches and
tools are changing.
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ces Capital
• As “IT innovator and thought leader” we support the Centred in IT, removed from client Culture Centred in Business, close to client
transition to a digital government, create working
environments and leverage technology tools that catalyse Long (months) Time Horizon Short (days, weeks)
GOAL Enabling the public service to deliver digital services that are convenient and easy to use is going to take an all-of-government
approach. The OCIO will play a key enabling role in setting the B.C. government’s foundation for digital service delivery.
GOAL An engaged and supported workforce is needed to deliver quality services. Flexible work arrangements suit collaboration,
experiential learning and innovation. Staff with the right tools and training are more effective at delivering value. As more
of our workforce approaches retirement, succession planning will become increasingly important.
GOAL Striving for operational excellence is about sound management, governance and operations of IT so government services are
reliable, secure and accessible. Integrating and making it easy to access the many technology choices and platforms available
today, both in-house and in the cloud, ensures that government services remain sustainable and interoperable.
GOAL Maximizing value from IT investments is about ensuring the OCIO remains focused on delivering our commitments and maintaining
cost-effectiveness. In today’s context of ongoing change, our investments, assets and approaches should continuously adapt to
maximize business value.
We Will
1. Attract, retain and develop skilled IT and business 3.1 Allocating resources and funding for innovative 4.2 Exploring cloud-based productivity software for
OCIO projects all government staff
leadership talent
3.2 Creating more opportunities for OCIO staff to 4.3 Making more collaboration tools such as video
2. Identify and empower our leaders of tomorrow
network with industry peers, increase exposure to conferencing, voice-over IP, and team project
technology trends, and acquire new skills management available to government staff
3. Foster a culture of innovation
4.1 Offering government staff a better choice of the 4.4 Engaging OCIO staff to develop a training plan
4. Provide the tools and promote collaboration for a devices they need to do their job, while protecting to support the implementation of this strategy
modern workforce sensitive information
2. Modernize IT investment planning and IT 1.2 Establishing processes to ensure Strategic 3.1 Providing guidance to standardize common
sustainability for assets managed by the OCIO Investment Fund (SIF) projects align with business capabilities (e.g. booking an appointment,
government priorities making a payment, notifying customers of status)
3. Support government to build and share common that can be used by multiple ministries ("build
service components – "government-as-a-platform" 2.1 Implementing corporate IT asset and investment once, use many times")
management software with supporting processes
4. Leverage analytics capabilities to inform decision 4.1 Modernizing and automating OCIO business
making 2.2 Reviewing corporate software agreements to processes and systems to gather data for analytics
reduce costs, improve services and optimize value
OUTCOME Citizens can access government information and services at the click of a button - anytime, anywhere,
and from any device.
OUTCOME An engaged, high-performing, collaborative workforce with the skills and tools needed to deliver on
government's priorities.
OUTCOME Ministries can focus on delivering quality services, because the underlying technology and operations they
rely on are secure, stable and adaptable to change.
OUTCOME Government meets citizens' diverse and ever-changing digital needs by optimizing investments in technology.
»» Training plan to deliver on OCIO Strategy »» Identify opportunities through WES results »» Workstation Services 2.0
ENGAGED WORKFORCE »» OCIO budget allocation for innovation »» Increase budget allocated for innovation »» Increase budget allocated for innovation
»» Telepresence 2.0 »» Wi-Fi expansion »» Guest Wi-Fi Expansion
55 Talent »» Voice modernization expansion »» Voice modernization expansion »» Voice modernization complete
55 Succession »» OCIO Connect 2016 »» OCIO Connect 2017 »» OCIO Connect 2018
55 Culture »» Privacy and Security Conference 2016 »» Privacy and Security Conference 2017 »» Privacy and Security Conference 2018
»» Developing our leaders »» Simplified policy playbooks »» Increase staff on cross-government projects
55 Training and Tools
»» Innovation and trends awareness for staff »» Innovation and trends training opportunities
»» Cloud office productivity suite analysis »» Cloud office productivity suite pilot
»» IT/HR talent management strategy »» Succession Management Program
»» Coaching and Mentoring strategy
»» Mobile Device Management (MDM) »» MDM enrollment complete »» MDM expansion to BPS
OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE »» Converged Edge (CE) network 70% »» CE network 85% »» CE network 100% complete
»» ITSM problem management »» ITSM change management »» ITSM configuration management
55 Infrastructure Stability
»» ITSM knowledge management »» ITSM order management »» ITSM additional modules
55 Information Security »» Secure Internet Service »» Vulnerability Management Program »» Information Security Classification complete
55 IT Service Delivery »» Security Operations Centre phase 1 launch »» Security Operations Centre phase 2 expansion
»» Digital Certificate Service »» Critical Systems Standard 2.0
»» Business Relationship Management (BRM) »» IT Strategy Program with Portfolio Management
MAXIMIZE VALUE »» My Service Centre dashboard »» My Service Centre analytics capability »» My Service Centre advanced reporting
»» IM/IT Capital ministry consultations »» IM/IT Capital investment value framework »» IM/IT Capital automated intake of business cases
55 Funding »» IT investment registry developed »» IT investment registry rollout »» IT investment health review and rationalization
55 IT Assets »» Enterprise Business Architecture (EBA) 2.0 »» EBA 2.0 service registry
»» Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) projects »» SIF Fund fully allocated
55 Common Platforms idenfied
Over the past year, in the process of co-creating this workshops based on these inputs to paint the OCIO’s
strategy, we connected with groups from across story of “Where we are today”, “Where we want to go”
government to share stories, strategies and priorities and “How we’re going to get there”. Open houses were
to inform the future vision of service delivery in the held for all OCIO staff, the Ministry CIOs and
BC Public Service. We collaborated with our ministry representatives from each Ministry to provide feedback
colleagues through transformation planning and the on an early draft.
development of the MTICS Strategic Plan. We
gathered insights on emerging digital trends from The OCIO Strategy 2016 is a reflection of this work: an
industry experts and through conversations with other integrated, cross-functional source, which provides a
government jurisdictions around the world. common and shared understanding of the direction for
the OCIO, its strategic goals and key initiatives.
The OCIO’s Strategic Senior Management Team aided
by a Strategy Working Group, participated in five
1.5 Modernizing and simplifying key IT policies and standards »» user satisfaction SPP, DEVEX, ISB
2.1 Raising awareness of the latest IT trends, technologies and security vulernerabilities »» program usage reports SPPB
5.3 Offering the services and expertise for ministries to more easily adopt cloud offerings »» # cloud services available to ministries ASPB. HOSTING, CSB
6.1 Working with private sector, First Nations organizations and all levels of government »» all households in B.C. are within high speed coverage TSMA AO
»» app use
7.2 Developing a mobile app that increases the convienience of the BC Services Card
»» reduced card reader issuance
8.1 Co-developing the new personalized digital services strategy »» # government services ready for MyGov DEVEX, ASPB
»» # of IT recruits
Strengthening IT workforce thoughout government, by working with the PSA to
1.1 improve recruitment, development and talent mobility
»» # of FTEs created by capital projects IM/IT CAP
»» % Increase in IT related Co-op hires
Identifying critical positions within the OCIO at all levels, and developing a plan to
2.1 ensure the continuity of skills and knowledge
»» documented plan developed SPPB
Identifying opportunities for the OCIO’s emerging leaders through the Leadership
2.2 Development Review Process
»» # placements DLT
3.1 Allocating resources and funding for innovative OCIO projects »» % of IT budget allocated BFR
Creating more opportunities for OCIO staff to network with industry peers, increase »» # staff attending key events
3.2 exposure to technology trends, and acquire new skills »» % increase in new communications
Offering government staff a better choice of the devices they need to do their job, »» employee satisfaction
4.1 while protecting sensitive information »» % increase of mobile devices enrolled
4.2 Exploring cloud-based, productivity software for all government staff »» analysis complete ASPB, DEVICE
Making more collaboration tools, like video conferencing, voice over IP, team project »» employee satisfaction
4.3 management available to government staff »» % legacy voice lines transitioned
Using modern analytics to predict which workstations and laptop devices may »» % increase in proactive problem resolution
1.2 be having performance issues and security vulnerabilities »» % of vulnerabilities remediated
Launching a Government Security Operations Centre (SOC) to pro-actively »» % availability of security infrastructure
2.1 monitor for advanced digital threats »» % success in responding to cybersecurity threats
Implementing solutions that augment protection against security threats to »» # enrolled in Digital Certificate Service
2.2 network, data, and endpoints »» % of ministries implementing data security classification
Ensuring compliance of the OCIO's mission and business critical systems with
3.1 the critical systems standard, and supporting compliance government-wide
»» compliance to standard ASPB
4.1 Implementing a portfolio management practice »» # projects with successful outcomes SPPB
1.1 Managing the processes and oversight required by the IM/IT Capital Process »» % envelope allocated IM/IT CAP
Establishing processes for better allocation of the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) on
1.2 projects that align with government priorities
»» # new services TSMA AO
Implementing corporate IT asset and investment management software with »» # assets linked to investments
2.1 supporting processes »» ratio of assets retired to new assets
2.2 Reviewing corporate software agreements to increase value for money »» # material changes driving value for money CSB
2.3 Encouraging and guiding a responsible use of cloud services »» % suitable IT services using cloud CSB, IM/IT CAP
Gather data about OCIO systems for analytics use by modernizing and automating
4.1 business processes
»» # reports used for decisions SMB
Digital Government: the use of digital technologies, as an integrated part of IM/IT Cap: IM/IT Capital Investment Branch
governments’ modernization strategies, to create public value.
IM/IT: Information Management / Information Technology
DevOps (Development and Operations): The practice of operations and
development engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle, ISB: Information Security Branch
from design through the development process to production support.
IT: Information Technology
MyGov: a project managed by GCPE to provide citizens with a personalized
service experience. NCCS: Network Communication and Collaboration Services
BFR: Budgeting and Financial Reporting Branch PSA: Public Service Agency
DevEx: Developers’ Exchange and DevOps Branch SPPB: Strategic Planning and Policy Branch
Device AO: Device Administrator’s Office STRA: Security Threat and Risk Assessment
Device: Device Services Branch TSMA AO: Telecommunications Master Services Agreement Administrator’s Office
DMCPSI: Deputy Ministers’ Committee on Public Service Innovation U2: Update 2 was a workstation refresh project
GCPE: Government Communications and Public Engagement VoIP: Voice over Internet Protocol