IATA Training Catalog
IATA Training Catalog
IATA Training Catalog
a new
Aviation passenger
numbers are set
to double by 2035!
Imagine the career
opportunities this offers you!
Message from the Director General 6 Training Center Locations 22 Pricing and Discounts 35
The Aviation Industry 8 Explore the Cities 26 Air Navigation Services 36
Airline Business Management 43
Airline Operations and Quality 48
IATA TRAINING Airport Planning, Management
IATA Training 10 and Operations 52
Message from Aviation Performance and Management 56
the Director of Training 14 Cargo 63
Subject Areas 16 Civil Aviation Authorities 69
IATA Training Experiences 18 Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) 74 CONTACTS 108
Ways to Learn 20 Environment and Fuel 78
Fares and Ticketing 80
Finance and Accounting 84
TRAINING PARTNERS Ground Operations 87
Law and Regulations 91
NETWORK Safety 94
Training Partners Network 28
Security 98
Academic Partners 30
Travel and Tourism 103
4 5
It is my pleasure to welcome you to this We have a great track record. More than
new edition of our Training catalog. one million current and future aviation
Aviation is the business of freedom. professionals have advanced their careers
This year it will connect the global by participating in IATA Training.
community by transporting 4 billion
Our syllabus is developed around IATA’s
passengers and over 50 million tons
comprehensive areas of expertise and
of cargo. Our customers rely on airlines
commitment to promoting global standards
to provide safe, reliable and affordable
to address real workplace challenges.
air transport. And the $2.7 trillion in GDP
generated by air transport is critical to We continue to develop courses using
the global economy. advanced technology, in formats and
schedules that can fit into even the busiest
All this is made possible by a dedicated
work commitments.
workforce of 9.9 million aviation
professionals. Aviation is a dynamic IATA is your training partner, developing
and growing industry. So it is important aviation professionals for today and
that today’s aviation professionals and tomorrow.
tomorrow’s industry leaders have the
training needed to keep pace with the
latest advances in global standards,
best practices, regulations and technology.
These are the focal points for IATA’s
training offering which supports the
industry in delivering ever more efficient, Alexandre de Juniac
safer and sustainable connectivity. Director General and CEO
6 7
As for making air transport affordable, ticket prices have more than halved since the
1970s in real terms. They fell about 10% in 2016 alone. Even with this, huge efficiency
gains continue to make the airline business viable and customers benefit from a safer,
cheaper and better-connected air transport system. Airlines are expected to make
a $31.4 billion profit on $743 billion in revenues in 2017. That will reward investors with
above-cost-of-capital returns of 8.8%. Yet again, though, improvements can be made.
To ensure these incredible achievements are not just maintained but surpassed in future
generations, recruitment and training must keep up with demand. Accommodating
7.2 billion passengers by 2034 won’t be easy. Aside from pilots and engineers, aviation
A THRIVING INDUSTRY THAT needs ground crew, safety auditors, security specialists, financial experts, marketing
CONNECTS THE WORLD professionals, and many, many more.
That’s where IATA Training comes in. Industry-leading expertise and modern delivery
The numbers don’t lie. More than 4 billion people will travel by air in 2017 to visit friends methods make IATA and its network of partners the ideal choice for starting or enhancing
and family, explore new cultures, and negotiate business deals. The demand for air travel your career in aviation.
is such that some 63 million jobs are supported by the industry globally. In 2016, almost 100,000 professionals and students studied over 350 finely-tuned
A safe, sustainable, and affordable aviation industry makes it all possible. courses. IATA’s unique insight as the industry’s most comprehensive training provider
ensures each student and each course benefits from high quality, innovative training
Safety is always the paramount concern. More than 100,000 flights take to the solutions that generate value for the industry and lock in the global standards that have
skies every day, carrying some 11 million people and 150,000 tons of cargo. made aviation such a success story.
In 2016, there were more than 40 million flight sectors and only 10 fatal accidents.
It is an extraordinary achievement that makes flying the safest form of long-distance Aviation is globalization at its very best. It helps people to live better lives.
travel by far. However, the goal will always be zero accidents. It is the business of freedom.
where airlines spend their money be the course for you. Or try Airport Meeting the demand for skilled
and where they might improve revenue Terminal Planning and Design. Serving professionals will be no easy task.
streams. This might make all the that 12% might depend on you. Companies can only achieve growth
difference to your employer in a fiercely with a well-trained talent pool.
competitive market. Try Airline Financial
Management or one of the many other
That’s the objective of IATA’s training
activities. IATA is your training partner
is the Aviation passenger
numbers are set
courses dealing with costs and revenues. to help you meet the challenges
of today and realize the potential worldwide to double by 2035
of tomorrow.
economic impact
There are of aviation
2.3 billion
In 2015, more
than 3.5 billion 2017
active social The average people flew
media users 1 million return fare fell
safely on 37.6
professionals $44 in 2016 million flights
If you’re one of them, then you know and graduates alone, even as new aircraft Flying is the safest mode of
transportation by far. IATA is making
how important social media channels are.
have trained airlines opened will be required,
it even safer as a leading driving
Not just for connecting with people but force in the industry. No stone
for sales, marketing, customer service,
and much more. Airline Social Media with IATA up 700 new valued at $5.9 is left unturned. IATA safety training
ranges from basic airside safety
10 11
Aviation brings economic, social, and cultural benefits to
the world. Connectivity thrives thanks to a framework created
by IATA through global standards and coordinated industry policy
on critical issues.
of training and development initiatives, Business Development, Training Partners
MOVING we believe that our firm commitment Management, Operations and Training
INNOVATION AND to quality, regardless of the format Center Tasks. This stands as a testimony
in which they are brought to the learner, of our ability to unfailingly meet business
QUALITY FORWARD is of paramount importance. and client requirements in these areas.
We are very proud of this achievement.
Courses don’t grow on the proverbial
In the aviation industry, training is Nevertheless, we’re determined to keep
tree of knowledge. They are the result of
crucial to keep up-to-date with global moving forward and improve even more.
systematic planning, design, development,
standards and regulations, particularly
and quality assurance processes. At IATA As such, this year has been marked by
those pertaining to safety and security.
Training, the carefully appointed subject two additional quality initiatives aimed at
I invite you to browse through our catalog
matter experts and talented professionals certifying that our curriculum development
and explore the breadth of courses that
who have made us the world-class learning and revision processes, our training
we have developed to empower you and
institution we are today, are the guardians material, and our instructors meet the
your organization to be even more efficient,
of this process. Whether they are delivered highest standards in the training and
effective and agile in your daily activities.
in the classroom or in-company, at a development industry. We are confident
We also recognize that the face of training distance through printed textbooks, that these initiatives will take IATA
is changing. Technology continues e-textbooks or online, our training Training to new heights in terms of quality
to penetrate the lives of people and products go through the same rigorous so that you, the learner, and ultimately, the
organizations worldwide and has changed methodology to ensure they comply with aviation industry as a whole, may benefit
our customary ways of working and instructional best practices. further.
learning. We are striving to keep ahead
And it doesn’t stop here. If you have As you can see, we are taking a solid stand
of this tide of change and are developing
already taken a course with us—and that for innovation and quality and making
innovative training solutions to meet the
would include almost 100,000 of you a commitment to continuously improve
new demands placed on training decision-
and counting—you know how much we to deliver better results.
makers today.
value your opinion of the instructional
We look forward to seeing you virtually
Since the introduction of e-learning quality of our courses. Indeed, participant
or in class in one of our network training
and blended learning into our training feedback, together with that of instructors,
centers or even closer to home in your
courses, we make them more accessible, is thoroughly analyzed so that it may inform
engaging and interactive to facilitate decisions that contribute to the continuous
the absorption of knowledge, within improvement of our curriculum. It is through
a schedule that suits the individual’s processes such as these that IATA Training
needs. In the past year we have also has been consistently able to deliver
introduced virtual reality technology into quality training to aviation professionals
the classroom. For example, RampVR™ is worldwide and remains, year after year,
IATA’s innovative virtual reality (VR) training the leading and most respected training
platform, which was developed for ground organization in the industry.
operations training, especially where
hands-on airside training is not feasible. In 2016, IATA Training was granted ISO Guy Brazeau
However, in order to safeguard the value 9001-2015 certification for Leadership, Director of Training
14 15
Ground Operations Dangerous Goods Regulations
A COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING The latest industry regulations and
Best practices for today’s complex
PORTFOLIO procedures to ensure that your
operational environment, preparing
you to increase on-time performance dangerous goods shipments comply
with industry standards
IATA is great in its ability to pool together I enjoyed the training a lot.
an eclectic bunch of people from around The instructorsare very competent, and all
the world with diverse experiences and of them arevery experienced. They have
backgrounds. The more diverse the a well-foundedknowledge of the aviation
backgrounds, the more interesting the business, as well as experience and
discussions and perspectives will be. knowledge in airportprojects all over
The quality of interaction and the learning the world.
from each other came as a good surprise!
I met lots of people in the different
HOW WILL THE TRAINING HELP YOU? courses from all over the world, in different
functions in the aviation business.
The skills learned are conceptual and
Different experiences around the world
hence will help me in driving better policy
offer you a new point of view and
decisions. I will now better understand the
differentways you can handle challenges.
opportunities and challenges of the various
ecosystem players.
I can definitely recommend IATA Training
My employer chose IATA for me and I am classes to anybody who is really interested
thankful for this! This course was chosen in gaining skills and having a better
as I have a background in finance but not understanding of the aviation business.
in aviation. This course helped me get
up-to-speed and refine my conceptual
understanding of the field.
18 19
With more than 780+ classroom training sessions each year,
no matter where and how you choose to train with IATA, our courses
are developed by subject matter experts and updated regularly
to provide you with the most valid and relevant information.
We live by our mission to provide quality training to our customers
worldwide, with the aim to help you develop your career.
Amman, Amsterdam, Beijing, Bogotá,
45 Training Centers Brussels, Buenos Aires, Dakar, Frankfurt, Abu Dhabi, Amman, Athens, Buenos Aires, asia - north and china
IATA Training Centers and Regional Geneva, Lagos, Lima, London, Madrid, Colombo, Doha, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, tel: +86.10.8571.9262
Training Partners Miami, Montreal, Panama City, Paris, Istanbul, Jeddah, Johannesburg, Lima, training.bjs@iata.org
Rome, Santiago, São Paulo, Singapore, Mexico City, Moscow, Muharraq, Nairobi,
Stockholm, Taipei, Tel Aviv Riga, Santo Domingo
asia - pacific and south asia
tel: +65.6499.2293/2536
middle east and africa
tel: +41.22.770.2820
europe , russia and cis
Stockholm, Sweden tel: +41.22.770.2820
north and south america
Brussels, Belgium
Riga, Latvia
tel: +1.305.779.9860
Amsterdam, Netherlands training.mia@iata.org
London, United Kingdom Geneva, Switzerland Moscow, Russia See our classroom schedule at:
Paris, France Frankfurt, Germany
Montreal, Canada Amman, Jordan
Rome, Italy
Madrid, Spain Beijing, China
Athens, Greece Istanbul, Turkey
Santo Domingo, Tel Aviv, Israel
Dominican Republic Muharraq, Bahrain
Hong Kong, China
Miami, USA Doha, Qatar
Abu Dhabi, UAE Taipei, Taiwan
Mexico City, Mexico Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dakar, Senegal
Panama City, Panama
Bogotá, Colombia Lagos, Nigeria
Nairobi, Kenya Singapore
“I’ve never
Lima, Peru
seen such a
São Paulo, Brazil
Santiago, Chile Buenos Aires, Argentina
South Africa
Argentina | Brazil | Canada | Chile | Belgium | France | Germany | Israel | Italy Nigeria | Senegal Jordan China | Indonesia | Singapore | Taiwan
Colombia | Panama | USA The Netherlands | Spain | Sweden |
Switzerland | United Kingdom Kenya | South Africa (ATNS) | Bahrain | Egypt | Jordan | Oman | Qatar | Hong Kong | Sri Lanka
Argentina | Dominican Republic | South Africa (SAA) Saudi Arabia | UAE
Mexico | Peru Germany | Greece | Latvia | Russian
Federation | Turkey
24 25
28 29
“What makes
this efficient
& PROGRAMS Harvard Business Publishing, USA (Cambridge)
University of Geneva, is mixing
• Aviation Leadership Development Program Switzerland (Geneva)
Our Academic Partners are internationally
renowned universities with programs
in collaboration with Harvard Business Publishing
Aviation Strategy Execution Program in collaboration
• Advanced Studies in Aviation Management the academic
• Diploma of Advanced Studies in Advocacy,
designed for the working professional.
These programs are a combination of
with Harvard Business Publishing
Foundations in Leadership Program in collaboration
Communication, and External Relations experience of
industry and academic training, available with Harvard Business School Publishing
as eLearning, virtual classroom and
classroom training.
Harvard ManageMentor Leadership and Management
Training Program
university style
lectures with
the experience
of IATA experts,
McGill School of Continuing
on top of the
Studies, Canada (Montreal)
• Project Management: Practice
knowledge of
and Certification
30 31
Authorized Training
Centers (ATC)
32 33
IATA courses combine industry-leading
expertise with the most up-to-date
materials and resources for a valuable
learning experience. Even so, to
encourage participation in this growing,
dynamic industry, courses are priced
competitively, with discounted prices for
INTRODUCTION IATA Members and Developing Nations.
52 AIRPORT PLANNING, MANAGEMENT 84 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING • Register three weeks before the course
AND OPERATIONS start date to save $100
87 GROUND OPERATIONS • Register three months before
56 AVIATION PERFORMANCE the course start date to receive
AND MANAGEMENT a 20% discount
94 SAFETY • Payment must be made by credit card
98 SECURITY or clearing house
103 TRAVEL AND TOURISM Please visit our website for course
prices and more information:
34 35
Air Navigation Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) are
responsible for providing safe, efficient and cost
effective air navigation services to airspace users
in compliance with state regulations. They also COURSES Airspace Strategy [ASM-STRAT] - with the
manage unique high performance businesses.
Training with IATA will help you respond to these Eurocontrol Institute of ANS
Aeronautical Information
demands in a globally focused, harmonized manner. Management (AIM) New
Online Code*: TCVT-43
Our courses focus on business management,
Online Code*: TCVT-10
as well as air traffic management, AIS, safety,
technology and change management to help Be able to actively participate in the various fora dealing with airspace
| Length: 5d
regulation, strategy, development and harmonization within ECAC.
you respond to all of these demands.
Benefit from the latest in Aeronautical Information Management
(AIM), reviewing SWIM, eTOD, AICM/ AIXM, aerodrome mapping,
aeronautical information briefing, e-AIP, AIS/MET datalink. Area Navigation in European Terminal
Also available in Spanish
Control Areas (TMAs) [NAV-PRNAV-RNAV1] -
with the Eurocontrol Institute of ANS
Online Code*: TCVT-47
Aeronautical Information
Services (AIS)
Online Code*: TCVT-01 This e-learning course describes the use of Performance Based
Navigation (PBN) in the TMA, specifically RNAV1, termed Precision
| Length: 3d RNAV (P-RNAV) in Europe. Examine aircraft functionality, the
benefits of RNAV SIDs/STARs, different types of waypoint and how
During this foundation course, gain a comprehensive overview turn performance is affected. Learn relevant ATC best practices,
of the ICAO Annexes, documentation and activities relating including RTF phraseology, specifically related to RNAV operations.
to Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) and an understanding
of the Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) concept.
Assessor - with Entry Point North
Also available in French
Online Code*: TCVT-52
(AMO) - with Entry Point North (AIS) Designed for qualified ATM personnel, gain the knowledge
Online Code*: TCVT-57 and skills to conduct assessment of colleagues and/or students
in the operational environment, to define roles and handle
| Length: 5d conflicts in a professional way.
Aviation English Language Business Transformation for ANS Providers Cost Reduction Strategies for Air Navigation Legal and Financial Issues for Air Navigation
Solution - Training Online Code*: TCVG-62 Service Providers (ANSPs) Service Providers
Online Code*: TAPH-19 | Length: 5d
Online Code*: TCVG-57 Online Code*: TCVG-25
Managing the Implementation of Aviation Operational Airspace Management (ASM-OPS) Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Remote Tower Operation - with Entry Point North
System Block Upgrades (ASBUs) in the - with the EUROCONTROL Institute of ANS Implementation Workshop Online Code*: TCVT-54
African Context Online Code*: TCVT-42 Online Code*: TCVT-25 | Length: 5d
Online Code*: TCVG-46 | Length: 3d | Length: 5d
The course is designed for operational or student controllers
| Length: 2d
who have completed their Aerodrome Control Instrument (ADI)
Gain an improved understanding of civil-military ATM/CNS This accelerated course guides you from the theory of
requirements and of the need for greater military involvement Performance-based Navigation (PBN) to the activities required training and will operate at a remote tower. The aim of the course
Be brought up to date on the Aviation System Block Upgrade
in national and international ATM processes. to start using PBN procedures. is to provide a theoretical base to enable controllers to understand
work coordinated by ICAO in the African region.
the unique aspects of working at a remote tower facility,
and prepare them for unit training.
Network Capacity Planning [ASM-CAP] Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Personal Conflict Handling - with Entry Point North
- with the EUROCONTROL Institute of ANS Awareness Package (NAV-PBN-AWR) Online Code*: TCVT-60 Root Cause Analysis for Civil Aviation
- with the EUROCONTROL Institute of ANS
Online Code*: TCVT-45 | Length: 1-3d Authorities and Air Navigation Service
| Length: 4d
Online Code*: TCVT-48 Providers
This course focuses on bringing about an end to conflict situations
quickly, cost-effectively and with as little discomfort as possible. Online Code*: TALP-37
Gain an overview of the regulatory background and explore the
Learn how to reach a win/win situation and collaborate to a | Length: 5d
various steps of the capacity planning process. Gain in-depth This PBN web-based training (WBT) package has been successful conclusion for all involved.
knowledge about NEST, one of the main tools provided by significantly revised to ensure the EUROCONTROL PBN training
EUROCONTROL to support network operations planning. Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate an effective
addresses the changes introduced by the updates to the PBN
problem analysis. Investigate errors, accidents and incidents
Manual (ICAO Doc 9613 Edition 4) and the European Airspace
Concept Handbook (Edition 3).
Phraseology and Safety Training and comply with your internal quality processes and international
for Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots regulations, such as ICAO and EASA using the root cause
OJTI Refresher - with Entry Point North analysis tools.
Online Code*: TCVT-50 Online Code*: TCVT-11
Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) I
| Length: 5d
| Length: 2d
Online Code*: TCVT-20 Rough Guide to Air Traffic Control
Refresher training in ICAO standard phraseology to help maintain - with Entry Point North
Refresh and update your knowledge and the techniques learned | Length: 5d your standard of Aviation English is ICAO Level 4 or above.
on the On-the-Job Training Instructor (OJTI) course. Renew Online Code*: TCVT-61
the validity of the OJTI rating and be motivated and inspired to Be brought up to date on the PBN concept, GNSS theory, RNAV,
continue to work as On-the-Job Training Instructors. RNP and airspace planning and design with this foundation course. | Length: 2d
Pilot’s Guide to Air Traffic Control
Also available in Spanish - with Entry Point North Receive a complete introduction to Air Traffic Control. This course
is designed for people who work within the aviation industry,
On-the-job Training Instructor (OJTI) Online Code*: TCVT-62 either in a peripheral/supporting role or in an administrative/
- with Entry Point North Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) II | Length :1d
managerial position, but it is also addressed to people working
within complementary industries that have contact with the
Online Code*: TCVT-49 Online Code*: TCVT-21
Designed for pilots as a hands-on introduction to air traffic ATC environment.
| Length: 5d control and air traffic controllers (ATCOs) role, this course gives
| Length: 5d
participants the opportunity to gain practical experience of
This course provides qualified Air Traffic Control (ATC) and working as an operational controller.
Safety, Legal and Regulatory issues
Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS) Officers or others PBN Implementation for ANSPs. Take your first steps in of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
with the basic knowledge of teaching, and practical methods, implementing instrument procedures based on PBN navigation
specifications and project managing the related airspace changes.
(UAS/drones) New
principles and tools to manage the interaction with trainees during Refresher Training - with Entry Point North
On-the-Job Training. This course concentrates on basic Terminal Manoeuvring Area Online Code*: TCVl-06
(TMA) airspace design. Online Code*: TCVT-56
| Length: 5d
| Length: Customized
Learn the latest on the legal, regulatory and safety implications
efresher training for Air Traffic Controllers to review, reinforce
R of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS/ drones) on civil aviation
and upgrade your existing knowledge and skills. and how UAS are being integrated into the Air Traffic
Management system.
40 41
Airline Maximize your potential as an airline manager
and improve your management skills with the help
of industry case studies, challenging simulation
programs and hands-on, practical training.
Synthetic Training Device Instructor Train the Trainer - with Entry Point North We provide basic to advanced level aviation business
- with Entry Point North
Online Code*: TCVT-51
Online Code*: TCVT-59
| Length: 5d
Management knowledge in the areas of marketing channels,
sales management, advertising, research, consumer
| Length: 5d
behavior and communications. Our courses
Gain the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver effective and diplomas address current industry challenges
The course addresses qualified Air Traffic Control, AFIS Officers classroom training. Participants will become more confident in and will equip you with the knowledge and tools
delivering presentations to an audience. Designed for instructors,
and others, interacting with students in a simulator environment, you need to overcome them.
who wish to become competent and licensed Synthetic Training training specialists or other staff delivering classroom-based
Device Instructors (STDIs). lessons/presentations in a training environment.
System Wide Information Management Train the Trainer for CNS, AIS and MET
(SWIM) New Online Code*: TCVT-32
Online Code*: TCVT-71 | Length: 5d
| Length: 2d
Improve your instructional skills to conduct effective CNS, AIS
and MET training through these demonstrations and practical
Benefit from the latest on SWIM by reviewing the standards,
activities. This course goes beyond traditional instructional
infrastructure, governance and implementation that enable
concepts, showing you training techniques specific to this
the management and exchange of ATM-related information.
specialized subject matter and audience.
| Length: 5d
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
42 43
Airline Marketing - Introduction Airline Social Media Strategy
Online Code*: TALM-01 Online Code*: TALM-46
Airline Business Foundations Airline Distribution Strategies
Online Code*: TALG-01 and e-Commerce | Length: 3d | Length: 3d
| Length: 5d
Online Code*: TALM-32 Learn the fundamentals of airline marketing and stay ahead Thrive in today’s marketing environment with this crash course
| Length: 5d
of the competition! Learn how to segment targeted markets in social media. Explore how this user-driven technology can
If you are a new airline recruit, this course will bring you up to effectively, create cost-effective marketing strategies, and increase your profitability and learn successful communication
speed on key airline business practices to help you succeed in Take an insider look at today’s leading distribution models customize products and services to satisfy the needs of your strategies to apply in your airline. Recommended for senior
the industry. Learn about the internal organization of airlines, the and strategies, while gaining tools to optimize your company’s target audience. This course is recommended for newcomers managers and suppliers working for the aviation industry.
airport environment, and the external bodies that regulate them to distribution processes. Through a series of business cases and to airline marketing.
understand what shapes airline strategies. exercises, learn how to implement an efficient distribution
strategy that leverages both traditional marketing and Airlines Understanding and Adopting NDC
e-commerce resources. Airline Revenue Management Online Code*: TALF-79
Airline Business Models and Competitive Online Code*: TALF-51
Strategies | Length: 3.5d
Airline Leading Practices and Cost | Length: 45h
Online Code*: TALG-02 For airline passenger sales and revenue managers responsible
Reduction Strategies
| Length: 5d
Evaluate the techniques applied by airlines to derive revenue from for business development planning, this training provides access
Online Code*: TALG-36 seat sales, in order to maximize profitability. to the NDC financial simulator and help build a business case for
Understand what it takes to lead an airline to success in design and deployment of the distribution strategy.
| Length: 5d
this dynamic learning environment! Use the latest simulation
technology to manage a virtual airline through real-life business Review the leading practices of successful airlines from both Airline Sales and Key Account Management
scenarios and work in teams to explore the interrelated factors the low cost and network carrier sectors. Learn to incorporate Ancillary Revenue Strategies
affecting airline profitability. necessary procedures to maintain a viable cost reduction program
Online Code*: TALM-04 Online Code*: TALG-82
within your organization.
| Length: 4d | Length: 4d
Airline Customer Service
Study different techniques to generate passenger traffic Learn how ancillary sales work, the impact on airline and
Online Code*: TALM-51 Airline Marketing distribution systems, and how to develop ancillary revenue.
amidst increasing competition. Learn how to manage an
| Length: 45h
Online Code*: TALM-53 existing customer base, generate and follow up with new leads,
| Length: 45h
and incorporate quality measurement results. This course uses
Drive outstanding customer service with the winning combination a competency-based approach to develop your skills as a strategic Aviation Policy and Advocacy
of knowledge, skills, and attitude. Learn how to interpret and understand your customers’ needs, airline sales professional.
Online Code*: TALG-23
Also available in Mandarin segment your target markets, and develop creative and cost-
effective marketing strategies. | Length: 3d
Airline Sales Strategies - Advanced
This course shows you how to use advocacy to shape current
Airline Customer Service: Strategy Design Online Code*: TALM-39 aviation policy and positively influence your organization’s business
Airline Marketing - Advanced
and Implementation | Length: 4d
objectives. Through case studies, classroom discussions and role
Online Code*: TALM-35 playing, you will have opportunities to practice basic advocacy skills
Online Code*: TALM-08
Learn new techniques to manage and negotiate complex sales and develop campaign plans around the issues that matter to you.
| Length: 4d
| Length: 3d transactions, plan strategic sales targets, and successfully handle
This course looks at the latest airline marketing and commercial customer interactions. This course is recommended for sales
Learn to design a customer service strategy and implementation representatives and managers with account oversight. Cargo Airline Customer Service
trends to help you revamp your marketing practices.
plan aimed at delivering superior service across different
As the customer becomes the central focus of airline marketing
customer touch points. Online Code*: TCGP-70
strategy, this course also provides insight into tools for assessing
your target markets and developing a long-term relationship with | Length: 3d
your customer.
An introduction to the fundamental elements of customer service
and how they can be applied in any organization, for all employees,
ensuring they are equipped to meet and exceed the customer’s
44 45
Deregulation and Open Skies, Alliances, IATA Trained NDC Consultant Network, Fleet and Schedule Planning Route Forecasting and Development
Equity Partnerships and Strategic Online Code*: TALF-11 Online Code*: TALM-26 Online Code*: TALG-18
| Length: 4d | Length: 5d | Length: 4d
Online Code*: TALG-05
This course is designed to provide aviation industry consultants Contribute to your company’s success by developing a profitable Gain an overview of the regulatory background and explore
| Length: 5d
with in-depth expertise on the NDC standard. network fleet plan and an effective flight schedule. Improve your the This course shares common industry practices for route
planning and management skills and understand scheduling forecasting to help you assess the performance of your airline’s
Contribute to your company’s success by learning how to build,
process and tactics. This course is recommended for network network and analyze the revenue potential of new routes. Learn
analyze and implement effective alliances, strategic partnerships,
Introduction to Airline Distribution and planning personnel and airline marketing professionals. methods for calculating the financial performance of different
and equity partnerships within the industry.
routes, forecasting cost and revenue drivers, and planning for the
e-Commerce future development of your network.
Online Code*: TAPH-85 New Distribution Capability Readiness
Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management Also available in Spanish
| Length: 3d Online Code*: TALG-22
Online Code*: TALM-33
earn the fundamentals of airline distribution and e-commerce
L | Length: 3d
Understanding NDC Architecture
| Length: 4d
and how this plays a role in distribution management for an airline.
Gain a basic understanding of ATM security (the regulatory Online Code*: TALF-80
Gain competitive advantage with this expert insight into airline
framework, security aspects in certain ATM domains) and the
revenue management. Learn how to maximize your revenue by
EUROCONTROL Security Management Handbook, related | Length: 2d
achieving a balance between demand, reservation scheduling and Introduction to the Airline Industry guidance material and the recommended risk assessment method.
variable pricing. Learn how to valuate and apply airline passenger This introductory New Distribution Capability (NDC) training
Online Code*: TALG-50
demand, seat inventory control, and more! course is designed for Information Technology (IT) specialists to
| Length: 45h gain an understanding about the NDC schemas for shopping and
Revenue Management - Introductory order management, and about the airline reference architecture
Executive Aviation Policy Start with the essentials to launch a career in the airline industry. Online Code*: TALM-05 required to support NDC.
Learn about the history of airline organizations, and the various
Online Code*: TALG-48 operational and business functions that make up an airline. | Length: 3d
| Length: 3d
Study the key factors affecting airline performance and the
revenue management methods used to measure and control
This course will provide you with a high level overview of the NDC Awareness for Airline Sales Account them. Through a series of practical exercises, this course prepares
aviation industry and how to influence a national or organizational Managers you to make accurate forecasts and implement the right approach
aviation agenda.
Online Code*: TALF-81 in your organization.
| Length: 1d
Frequent Flyer Programs (FFPs), Customer
Loyalty Management with Fraud Prevention Understand the scope of NDC, how it fits in the distribution
ecosystem, and the current level of adoption in the industry.
| Length: 3d
NDC Extensive Training for Airlines
Online Code*: TALF-35
This course offers an advanced, in-depth knowledge of Frequent
Flyer Programs (FFPs), Customer Experience and Loyalty | Length: 10d
Management strategies, skills, development tools and latest trends.
It will prepare you with the critical capabilities to succeed in an Implement an effective NDC project for your airline, align your
ever-changing global Aviation business and consumer environment. strategy and determine potential revenues and costs associated
with NDC.
46 47
Airline Our operations, quality and audit training delivers
the skills and information you need to stay on top
of international regulatory requirements covering
and Quality
New IATA - ENAC Advanced Master in Aircraft Life Management and Maintenance
quality standards to help you ensure consistent and IATA and the Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) have partnered to offer a Master Degree program for airline,
efficient operations. Using an engaging, interactive OEM and MRO maintenance professionals. This Master is a part-time program with 11 intensive modules of five days each
approach to learning, these courses combine every month. The theoretical part will be followed by a practical phase in the industry.
lectures, technology, and hands-on exercises to The Master aims to improve not only the technical and regulatory knowledge of engineers and managers but also an understanding
quickly transfer tools you can immediately apply in of the business models and the commercial fundamentals of the maintenance market.
the workplace.
The Master leads participants in a rigorous academic manner through the theories behind the practices in order to strengthen
the application of practical operational expertise. Case studies and real-life examples are explored in all modules. DIPL-91
IATA - ENAC Advanced Master in Airline Operations
IATA and the Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) have partnered to offer a degree program for airline operations professionals.
The Advanced Master in Airline Operations combines operational expertise and comprehensive academic rigor. DIPL-86
| Length: 5d
The skills you learn in this course will help you to control flight
operations costs, enhance training, retention, and recruitment
Leads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning
practices, and improve overall quality management.
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
48 49
IOSA Airline Auditor - Flight Operations ISAGO Auditor CBT - AGM New ISAGO for Auditors
(FLT) Discipline Online Code*: TALS-63 Online Code*: TALS-08
Online Code*: TALS-55 | Length: 3h | Length: 4d
| Length: 3d
Learn how to implement best practices in auditing ground A requirement for all ISAGO Pool member auditors, this course
Learn how to use the IOSA auditor actions and interpret IOSA operations within the scope of ISAGO. covers the audit process specific to ISAGO as well as its
Standards and Recommended Practices (ISARPs) and get to standards and recommended practices.
know challenges you may encounter when conducting internal
assessments against Flight Operations ISARPs. ISAGO Auditor CBT - CGM New
ISAGO for Ground Service Providers
Online Code*: TALS-64
Online Code*: TALS-09
IOSA Airline Auditor - Operational Control | Length: 3h
and Flight Dispatch (DSP) Discipline | Length: 3d
Learn how to implement best practices in cargo and mail handling
Online Code*: TALS-56 within the scope of ISAGO. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the ISAGO Program
to prepare your operations for a successful audit. Review
| Length: 2d
the ISAGO Standards and Recommended Practices as per the
ISAGO Auditor CBT - HDL New Ground Operations Standards manual. Leave this workshop with
Designed for qualified ATM personnel, gain the knowledge
operational tools and skills to use in your organization.
Focusing on the IOSA discipline - Operational Control and Flight Online Code*: TALS-62
Dispatch (DSP), you will be equipped with the knowledge and
skills to perform internal audits using the IOSA DSP checklist. | Length: 3h
Medical Issues in Aviation
Learn how to implement best practices in auditing aircraft
Online Code*: TCVG-19
handling and loading within the scope of ISAGO.
IOSA Airline Auditor Training
| Length: 3d
Online Code*: TALS-52
ISAGO Auditor CBT - LOD New Be updated on passenger and crew health and safety, aircraft
| Length: 5d
disinfection and airline preparedness to prevent the spread
Online Code*: TALS-60 of communicable diseases based on International Health
Meet the requirements of the IOSA Standard and Recommended
| Length: 3h
Regulations (IHR) and World Health Organization (WHO)
Practice (ISARP) ORG 3.4.13 and ensure the fundamentals of the
curriculum for the training of auditors assigned to conduct internal
auditing against the ISARPs are learnt through a comprehensive Learn how to implement best practices in auditing load control
approach. within the scope of ISAGO.
| Length: 2d | Length: 3d
Learn how to incorporate the IOSA process into your internal Learn how to use the IOSA auditor actions and interpret IOSA
Quality Assurance program and how to ensure: continued Learn how to implement best practices in organization and
conformity with IOSA, implementation of IOSA standards, management within the scope of ISAGO.
increased reliability of quality assurance functions, and
standardization of the auditing process.
ISAGO Auditor CBT - PAB New
| Length: 3h
50 51
Airport airport professionals in the areas of management,
marketing, operations and security including the
Airport Strategic Management course with Business
With passenger traffic expected to increase privatization, to optimizing the passenger experience
steadily for the next 20 years, airports of all sizes and ensuring efficient airside operations. COURSES
will be challenged to keep up with demand for Courses are available for all areas of airport activity,
greater capacity, level of service, and continued targeting the skills unique to your role in the
safety. We have training for senior and junior-level complex airport work environment. A-CDM in Airport and Ground Operations Airport Development and Infrastructure
Online Code*: TAPG-61 Design
| Length: 3d
Online Code*: TAPP-33
| Length: 5d
Learn how shared, timely information will lead to better decision
making and how the implementation of A-CDM at your airport can Airports have to be prepared to accommodate increasing capacity
improve punctuality and the use of resources. demand while sustaining safe, secure and efficient operations.
Referencing IATA best practice and the Airport Development
Reference Manual (ADRM), this course helps you review your
Airport Certification and Infrastructure airport’s passenger traffic, constraints, and other key factors
Standards affecting future expansion.
Airport Operations Foundation Diploma This Diploma is designed to address the audience of prospective Airport and Ground Learn the principles of customer service from the perspective | Length: 5d
Operations professionals. The variety of available courses gives the opportunity to identify the key areas required to be able to perform of those who matter the most: your passengers, airlines
tasks safely and efficiently. DIPL-98 and airport businesses. This course helps you understand Financing development to meet growing capacity demand
the needs of different customer categories and how to meet is a challenge for most airports. This course sheds light on
Requirements: 4 Elective courses airport privatization trends, cost-control processes, pricing
them. All participants receive a complimentary copy of the
IATA Facilitation Guide. strategy and other commercial practices to help your airport gain
a competitive edge.
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
52 53
Airport Marketing & Corporate Airport Privatization and Transfer Airport Terminal Planning and Design Management of Aviation Facilitation
Communications Strategies of Ownership Online Code*: TAPG-39 Online Code*: TSCS-21
Online Code*: TAPG-24 Online Code*: TAPG-63 | Length: 5d | Length: 5d
| Length: 5d | Length: 3d
An effective terminal design is the result of clearly defined In alignment with IATA’s Passenger Facilitation Program, this
Using trusted marketing methods, learn how to increase your Improve your overall understanding of the required actions functional requirements for current and future activity. This course course focuses on the crucial areas of airport access control,
aeronautical and non-aeronautical revenues. This in-depth and complexities involved in the transfer of airport operations guides you through the issues to consider when undertaking the security regulations, and terminal and perimeter security with
course will teach you how to design and implement corporate or ownership from government entities to private sector investors planning and design of terminal facilities, including: forecasting, the aim to provide a secure, seamless and efficient “end-to-end”
communications strategies, successful PR initiatives, and handle and operators. terminal flows and alternative terminal design concepts. passenger experience.
communications during crises.
Airport Route Development and Commercial Baggage Handling Services and Systems Safety Management Systems (SMS)
Airport Master Planning Management Online Code*: TAPG-09 for Airports
Online Code*: TAPP-08 Online Code*: TAPG-47 | Length: 3d
Online Code*: TAPP-10
54 55
Aviation in different areas of management. Strengthen your
leadership skills and improve your organizational
performance with our extensive range of courses
planning and project management to effective program is designed to balance theory and practical application, being aware of the need for today’s managers and business leaders
communication and people management, our to develop and implement efficient operational solutions, while simultaneously ensuring the strategic renewal of their organizations.
The diploma gives you the possibility to map your competency development from over 30 IATA general management courses in human
courses can help you acquire the skills and best capital, strategy, project management, and other important areas. DIPL-56
As our industry expands, it is necessary for leaders practices you need to solidify your career and
promote the success of your company. Requirements: 4 Elective courses
to have the versatility to perform multiple duties and
IATA - University of Geneva Diploma of Advanced Studies in Advocacy, Communication, and External Relations
The diploma program offers 10 three-day courses under the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
These 10 courses have been paired to better accommodate working professionals travelling to Geneva. DILP-82
Advanced Management Program in Aviation offered by IATA and Nanyang Business School
This program reviews management practices employed by airlines, airports and regulators to help you navigate the aviation industry’s Leadership & Management Diploma Program
complex business environment. You will have the chance to study alongside peers from across the aviation value chain and work on A distance learning option for world-class leadership and management training Enhance your critical business knowledge and skills
case studies that highlight the needs and challenges of the industry’s many businesses and organizations. DIPL-77 through this highly-acclaimed training program that combines one IATA distance learning course (please choose one of the Elective
courses under the “Requirements and Registration” tab) with 10 Harvard ManageMentor (HMM) modules of your choice. DIPL-40
Requirements: www.caas.gov.sg
Requirements: One IATA distance learning course
Executive MBA (EMBA) in Air Transport offered by IATA and Nanyang Business School
Our EMBA gives you all the benefits of the Nanyang Business School’s world-ranked MBA program with a special focus on the global Professional Training Diploma
aviation context. Training is condensed into five modules and can be completed over a 15-month period, giving you the flexibility to earn Learn everything you need to know to become an effective instructor and develop your career in training. The IATA Diploma in
your EMBA alongside your busy career. DIPL-73 Professional Training uses one of the most effective combinations of presentations and practical activities available to provide a broad
understanding of training, from inception to delivery and management, for measurable human performance improvement in the work-
place. The program includes a comprehensive list of topics covering key knowledge skills that can be transferred and applied to any
new projects, job or assignment involving training. As a result, the program represents a sure way to launch and/or advance a career
in this field. DIPL-30
Leads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning Requirements: 4 Elective courses
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
56 57
58 59
IATA - Embry-Riddle Aviation Management Leadership Development and Succession Management of Training Monitoring and Controlling Multiple Projects
Certificate New Planning Online Code*: TAPH-04 (30 PDUs)
Online Code*: TAPH-95 Online Code*: TAPH-23 | Length: 5d
Online Code*: TAPH-16
60 61
Cargo Air cargo operations can be very complex.
Precision delivery and safety rely on how well air
cargo professionals are trained. Taught by industry
IATA Cargo training has an unparalleled track-record experts, our courses focus on industry best practices
Project Management: Practice and Train the Trainer - Advanced in helping thousands of air cargo professionals stay and change management to help you adapt to the
Certification Online Code*: TAPH-30 at the top of their game. We offer the industry’s most increasingly complex air transport environment.
Online Code*: TAPH-83 dynamic and innovative training solutions for every We offer quality training solutions to respond
| Length: 3h
aspect of air cargo operations, including on-time to the diverse learning needs of the industry.
| Length: 35h
Build on your existing instructional skills, giving you multiple performance, business management and strategic
Be eligible for the Project Management Professional (PMP)© or opportunities to evaluate and improve the way you design, planning.
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)© exams. conduct, and evaluate a training event. Gain valuable feedback
from experienced facilitators in this practical and constructive
learning environment. Recommended for experienced instructors
and trainers.
Public Speaking and Personal Impact
Also available in Spanish and French
Online Code*: TAPH-97
| Length: 3d
Training Needs Assessment
This course will give you the total skill-set to be a compelling
communicator and help you find your most effective natural Online Code*: TAPH-01
style, and rediscover your innate ability to be relaxed, persuasive | Length: 3h
Learn how to execute an effective training needs assessment
so that you can respond more effectively to performance
improvement interventions. You will be armed with the tools and
knowledge that will ensure that you can ask the right questions,
find the answers to performance problems, evaluate barriers
and the return on investment. Recommended for training or HR
managers and experienced instructors.
Also available in Spanish
Air Cargo Management Diploma
Understand the complex and changing issues required to maximize all aspects of the cargo business. DIPL-41
Requirements: 4 Required courses and 1 Elective course
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
62 63
| Length: 5d This entry-level course will help you understand basic cargo
terminology and principles. Study different modes of transport,
The program provides a series of exercises to help airline commonly shipped cargo, types of packaging, cargo storage,
management teams to simulate executive level decision making and what to do in case of loss or damage. Designed for non-native
Air Cargo Law and Convention Audit, Quality and Risk Management for by assuming roles of the management team of a cargo airline. English speakers.
Online Code*: TALL-11 Temperature Controlled Cargo The course participants will be able to experience, first hand, the
complex decision making processes required in the day to day
| Length: 2d
Online Code*: TCGT-03
operation. Cargo Introductory Course
| Length: 5d
Improve your knowledge of international air cargo law conventions Online Code*: TCGP-11
and recommended practices to better serve your organization and This course provides a standard internal audit process you can
clients. Analyze successful air cargo performance and learn how
Cargo Business Intelligence (BI) and | Length: 1d
immediately apply within your business to ensure compliance with
to apply recommended cargo practices for conditions of carriage. common regulations and quality standards. Through daily course
Competition Analysis New
This course is designed for newcomers to the cargo industry and
exercises, you will have the opportunity to use the IATA Time and Online Code*: TCGG-28 helps you understand basic cargo terminology and principles,
Temperature Sensitive Audit Checklist and develop corrective as well as aircraft routings and commonly used industry manuals
Air Cargo Management actions based on your findings. | Length: 3d
such as TACT and OAG World Airways Guides. Learn how to
Online Code*: TCGG-01 Learn about the factors that impact performance in the industry, follow IATA standards to accept cargo and correctly handle
how to make effective decision through the interpretation of documentation.
| Length: 5d
market research and analysis, and how to help your company Also available in Spanish
improve its market share.
Study basic air cargo regulations, operations, and business
practices to improve your management skills and business
performance. Learn how to identify the needs of your clients and
maintain excellent customer service. This course is recommended
for graduates and professionals new to the cargo industry.
Cargo Marketing and Advertising Cargo Route Development Optimization Cargo Warehouse Operations Live Animals Regulations (LAR) -
Online Code*: TCGM-02 New Acceptance Staff
Online Code*: TCGP-64
| Length: 4d
Online Code*: TCGG-07
Online Code*: TCGG-27 | Length: 4d
| Length: 3d
Gain the skills to accurately forecast cargo demand in your region | Length: 3d
Gain the skills and knowledge you need to work in air cargo
and to prepare creative and cost-effective marketing solutions for Accepting live animals at the check-in desk requires proper
A high-level view of methods used to determine the benefits warehouse operations. Study best practices in cargo operations,
your target market. This course requires basic air cargo knowledge awareness of the IATA Live Animals Regulations. This course
of actions in a given time period. Be empowered to make rapid procedures, documentation and cargo handling. Learn about ULD
and is recommended for marketing and sales managers. provides you with the global standard for transporting live animals
decisions to change routes on your network or schedule. handling and loading techniques, and how to work safely in a
warehouse environment. by air. You will learn everything you need to know to ensure that
live animals are checked-in properly to help avoid issues on board.
Cargo Operations Oversight for Airports Cargo Sales and Key Account Management
Online Code*: TCGP-84 New
Cargo XML Messaging and Standards
Live Animals Transportation
| Length: 4d
Online Code*: TCGG-06
Online Code*: TCGP-09
Online Code*: TCGP-06
| Length: 3d
Study the latest regulatory changes in the air cargo industry and | Length: 4d
| Length: 4d
learn how to provide operational air cargo oversight at your airport. Analyze how Cargo-XML standards improve information exchange
Gain the tools and techniques to develop a strategic sales plan
both within a company and between different stakeholders, Learn how to use and comply with the IATA Live Animals
in a competitive air cargo industry. Following an in-class case
such as shippers, freight forwarders, ground handlers, airlines, Regulations (LAR), to ensure that live animals are transported
study, you will learn how to benchmark a company’s sales plan
Cargo Proration to determine areas for improvement.
regulators, and customs and security agencies. humanely and according to airline regulations and animal welfare
standards. Understand the different container needs for live
Online Code*: TALF-13
animals and what to do in case of an emergency.
| Length: 5d
Also available in Spanish and Mandarin
Cargo Security Awareness e-Cargo Business Process and Standards
Learn how to apply the rules of the Multilateral Prorate Online Code*: TCGP-79 Online Code*: TCGT-07
Agreements - Cargo (MPA-C) to ensure your airline receives the
correct cargo revenue entitlement. Understand the advantages of | Length: 200h | Length: 4d Managing Air Cargo Operations
proration agreements, the various methods of prorating, and the Online Code*: TCGP-69
application of relevant provisos and requirements. Build your awareness in air cargo security regulations and the This course will teach you how to apply the business processes,
basic principles of security enforcement in the cargo environment. functional specifications, and standards related to the e-Cargo | Length: 8h
Improve your understanding of operational management tools and
Cargo Revenue Accounting Procedures techniques to gain the skills to develop and implement cost-
Cargo Skills and Procedures
Online Code*: TCGP-83 IATA - Embry-Riddle Supply Chain effective air cargo operations for your organization. This course
Online Code*: TCGP-01 is recommended for cargo professionals with extensive
| Length: 5d Management Certificate management experience.
| Length: 5d
Online Code*: TCGG-25
Gain the practical means and knowledge to monitor your cargo
sales and revenue processing. This interactive entry-level course will provide you with the basic | Length: 440h
skills you need to follow air cargo procedures. Learn how to use Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR)
IATA’s TACT manual, accept cargo consignments, complete an air Designed for newcomers to the cargo business as well as Online Code*: TCGP-50
Cargo Revenue Management with waybill, and deliver excellent customer service. individuals currently working in the industry, this joint-certificate
addresses topics such as basic cargo procedures, loading, | Length: 2d
Optimization Simulations New Also available in Spanish
sourcing, procurement, packaging, and distribution.
Online Code*: TCGP-47 Learn how to use IATA’s Shipping Perishable Cargo Manual, and
how to correctly pack, document and mark perishable cargo.
| Length: 4d Cargo Supply Chain and Transport Modes Review special perishable shipping procedures and learn how to
Live Animals Regulations (LAR) manage time and temperature sensitive cargo, such as cut flowers.
This course will provide you with the knowledge of the current Online Code*: TCGP-80
Online Code*: TCGP-51
crucial legal aspects of carriage of cargo by air for all industry | Length: 100h
stakeholders who are concerned with effective cargo claims | Length: 6h
handling and loss prevention. Improve your knowledge of supply chain management, logistics
Learn how to use IATA’s LAR Manual and how to comply with
and transport modes. Study different modes of transport, such
industry standards. Understand container requirements for live
as road and maritime, the freight forwarding business and supply
animals, how to protect their safety and welfare, and what to do
chain management.
in an emergency situation.
66 67
Civil Aviation oversight and regulation of civil aviation with a focus
on air safety, security, airspace policy, economic
regulation, efficiency, sustainability, consumer
Perishable Cargo Transportation Temperature Controlled Container Authority protection and respect for the environment.
This comprehensive training portfolio extends
Online Code*: TCGP-21 Operations from introductory to specialized courses for senior
A healthy, well-managed civil aviation sector is civil aviation management, and will assist states
| Online Code*: TCGP-88
Length: 5d vital to the economy of every state. Strong aviation in the transformation of civil aviation in line with
| Length: 2d policymaking and regulation support this. Civil ICAO provisions.
During this entry-level course you will learn how to safely ship time
and temperature-sensitive cargo while complying with industry
Aviation Authorities (CAAs) are responsible for the
In just two days, this course will bring you up-to-speed on
standards, and how to correctly reference IATA’s Perishable Cargo container types and their special operating procedures so you can
Regulations manual. ensure your equipment and services meet industry requirements.
Also available in Spanish and Mandarin
Temperature Controlled Cargo Operations ULD Train the Trainer New Civil Aviation Management Diploma
Strengthen your Civil Aviation management skills using strategies based on the latest trends and market needs. DIPL-25
Online Code*: TCGP-63 Online Code*: TCGP-44
Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective courses
| Length: 3d | Length: 5d
Study industry best practices for packaging, storing and accepting Enhance your skills as a Unit Load Device (ULD) instructor with
Quality Management for Civil Aviation Authorities and Air Navigation Service Providers Diploma
temperature-sensitive shipments through practical exercises. the latest teaching methods.
Gain the necessary knowledge and skills needed to implement a quality management system in your organization.
Learn how to create your own Standard Operating Procedures Use quality assurance and control processes to achieve consistent quality and improve customer service. DIPL-87
and Service Level Agreements to ensure consistent level of
service to your customers. Requirements: 4 Required courses
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
68 69
| Length: 4d
Civil Aviation Management Online Code*: TCVG-15
Online Code*: TCVG-45 EASA – NAA Flight Crew Licensing
Statistical data are compiled by airlines, airports and civil aviation | Length: 5d
authorities applying international standards. Understand the | Length: 5d
Inspector New
differences between the data gathered by ICAO, IATA, ACI and Online Code*: TCVT-67 Manage aviation quality and service with a systemic,
others, and be able to leverage this global knowledge to give your The essentials you need to know about CAA functions and process-driven approach according to ISO 9001:2015 Quality
organization a competitive edge. responsibilities. This introductory course outlines regulatory | Length: 5d Management Systems requirements. Learn how to recognize
frameworks, ICAO Annexes, SARPs, business management, and implement the key processes associated with a quality
finance, and the principal safety regulation and oversight This course on the EU Aircrew regulation is intended for management system, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce
responsibilities. training of NAA inspectors in order to fulfil their obligations in costs.
relation to the holders of aeronautical licenses and certificates
Also available in Spanish and organizations involved in training, evaluation or medical Also available in Spanish
certification of aircraft crew members.
70 71
Managing Aviation Policy and Regulation Performance-based Navigation (PBN) Safety Management Systems (SMS) for Civil State Safety Program (SSP)
Online Code*: TCVG-26 Operational Approvals for CAAs and Airlines Aviation Online Code*: TCVG-90
| Length: 5d
Online Code*: TALS-03 | Length: 5d
Online Code*: TCVT-38 | Length: 5d
Key concepts are presented as to how to manage economic Learn how to develop, implement and maintain a State
regulation and develop successful aviation policies. The course | Length: 5d
Safety Program (SSP) in compliance with the relevant ICAO
As specified by ICAO in Annex 19 and Doc 9859 Safety
provides an opportunity to develop skills, strategies and Management Manual, this course provides the necessary Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), namely ICAO
This course addresses the Performance-based Navigation PBN
techniques to influence aviation policy. information and guidance to apply in your organization an Annex 19 and Doc 9859 Safety Management Manual (SMM).
approval process from the perspective of the state regulator as
Also available in French well as the air operator. effective Safety Management System that meets State safety Also available in Spanish and French
oversight requirements. The course explains safety policy and
objectives, safety risk management, safety assurance and safety
promotion and gives many practical examples.
Managing the Creation of Autonomous Civil Planning and Strategic Direction in Civil Strategic Management for Civil Aviation
Aviation Authorities Aviation Also available in Spanish and French Authorities
Online Code*: TCVG-55 Online Code*: TCVG-44
Online Code*: TCVG-14
| Length: 5d Senior Civil Aviation Management | Length: 5d
| Length: 5d
Exploring case studies and best practices, learn how to develop Online Code*: TCVG-06 Comprehensive case studies and classroom exercises will help
Apply the latest strategic management theories to civil aviation
an institutional reform project management plan, including | Length: 10d
you understand the latest in civil aviation strategic planning.
planning and management, to create effective, long-term plans
mission, strategy and structure, to create an autonomous Civil You will learn how to improve business planning processes so
such as Civil Aviation Master Plans.
Aviation Authority, which divides aviation regulatory responsibilities Exploring case studies and best practices, learn how to develop that you are prepared to respond to critical events, manage your
from those of service delivery. an This comprehensive, practical course for senior managers stakeholders, and develop policy.
covers all the main areas of responsibility for Civil Aviation
Quality Management Systems (QMS) for Authorities (CAAs). Learn how to plan and deliver efficient
Managing the Safety Oversight Function Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA) and Air and effective civil aviation regulatory and operational services
Navigation Service (ANS) Providers to meet national and international air transportation policies and
Online Code*: TCVG-13
objectives. Participants will work in teams to apply the concepts
| Length: 5d Online Code*: TCVG-22 and principles learned in the course.
| Length: 5d
Also available in Spanish
Understand the practical application of the ICAO Universal Safety
Oversight Audit Program (USOAP) within a civil aviation authority,
including the demands it places on CAAs and their stakeholders. Learn how to apply the latest quality requirements in accordance
Discover management concepts and programs that will assist you with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
in ensuring safety in day-to-day operations. International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) and European
Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
Also available in Spanish
| Length: 5d | Length: 5d
Apply the latest in risk management to everyday aviation Learn how to build a management system that integrates safety,
operations across the organization at every level of the decision- quality and risk processes across your operations. This course
making process. focuses on the importance of change management, structural
changes to your organization, and the streamlining of processes.
Also available in Spanish
Also available in Spanish
72 73
Dangerous forbidden or restricted. We work closely with local
governments and ICAO to develop regulations that
are effective and efficient, and that ensure the safe
Our DGR courses and diplomas help you to stay
| Length: 2d | Length: 3d
Maintain your IATA qualification and learn how to identify and
As a manager involved in the transportation of dangerous goods
classify dangerous goods items, verify that goods are properly
by air, this course will give you a high level overview of the
packed, marked and labeled, and fill in the Shipper’s Declaration
management of dangerous goods (DG) for cargo and passengers.
for Dangerous Goods.
Also available in Espaňol, Français, Mandarin
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) -
Initial - Category 6
Online Code*: TCGP-03 Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) -
Shippers and Packers - Category 1, 2 New
| Length: 5d
Online Code*: TCGP-92
Gain the skills to accept, handle and process shipments
containing dangerous goods according to the mandatory IATA | Length: 3d
Dangerous Goods Regulations manual.
Also available in Espaňol, Français, Mandarin Study the operational restrictions, packaging instructions and
other regulatory aspects related to the safe transport of dangerous
goods by air. Gain the skills to accept, handle and process
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) - shipments containing dangerous goods according to the regulatory
DIPLOMAS requirements of ICAO Technical Instruction and IATA DGR.
Instructor Refresher
Dangerous Goods Operations Diploma Online Code*: TCGP-05
Develop a solid foundation for your cargo career by learning the regulatory requirements to handle the transport of dangerous goods by air.
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR)
| Length: 3d
The regulatory requirements for transporting dangerous goods by air are complex, detailed and change frequently. The IATA Dangerous for Auditors and Inspectors
Goods Regulations Operations Diploma helps you understand the intricacies of the regulations, allowing you to safely and efficiently Update your understanding of the latest dangerous goods
regulatory initiatives. You must hold a valid DGR certificate and Online Code*: TCGP-66
handle this special cargo. DIPL-16
have a minimum of two years’ teaching experience.
Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective course | Length: 5d
Also available in Mandarin
Learn how to perform a dangerous goods audit by breaking down
and analyzing each audit stage. Practice techniques to deliver
measurable results, and learn how to collect evidence in order
Leads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning to measure compliance with corporate policies, standards and
regulatory requirements, and other aviation regulatory agencies.
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
74 75
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Instructional Techniques for DGR - Shipping Lithium Batteries by Air
for Cabin Crew, Passenger Handling Recurrent Category 3 Categories 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Online Code*: TCGP-52
and Security Personnel Online Code*: TCGP-14 Online Code*: TCGH-02 | Length: 2d
Online Code*: TCGP-42 | Length: 40h | Length: 5d
The IATA DGR and the U.S. 49 Code of Federal Regulations
| Length: 6h Completing this course fulfills ICAO and IATA training Learn how to incorporate active learning into your dangerous (CFR) are responsible for ensuring the safe transport of lithium
requirements and extends your qualification to handle and goods awareness training by practicing a variety of adult learning, batteries. This course is designed to support you with meeting
If you are involved in the security screening of passengers and
process dangerous goods for an additional 24 months. instructional design and facilitation techniques in the classroom. these regulatory requirements and covers all aspects of the
crew members, know how to treat the items that can pose a threat
Maintain your IATA qualification and receive the current edition You need to have a valid DGR certificate for categories 4, 5, 7, 8, identification, packing, marking, labeling and documentation.
to a flight.
of IATA DGR Manual and Training Program Book 1. 9, 10, 11, 12. Also available in Spanish and Mandarin
Also available in Mandarin
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for
Infectious Substances Shipping Guidelines Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea
Flight Crew and Load Planners
Online Code*: TCGP-43 Professional Skills for DGR Instructors - Online Code*: TCGP-81
Online Code*: TCGP-39
| Categories 1,2,3,6
Length: 10h | Length: 3d
| Length: 6h Online Code*: TCGH-01
Examine the technical aspects of how to ship infectious Gain a detailed understanding of International Maritime
Learn how to comply with requirements to train flight crew and | Length: 5d
substances by air (Division 6.2 Category B), and how to promote Dangerous Good (IMDG) Code regulations and requirements
load planners in accordance with IATA DGR.
safe and efficient handling practices in the workplace. in relation to classification, packaging, vehicle packing and vessel
Gain the skills to plan a Dangerous Goods training program, open
stowage. This entry-level course is designed for professionals
a training session, use active learning, sequence learning activities
new to the transport of dangerous goods.
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) and conclude a training session, ensuring that your participants
Infectious Substances Transport will be able to apply the learning back on the job.
for General Cargo Acceptance Personnel
Online Code*: TCGP-22
Online Code*: TCGP-40 Also available in Spanish, French and Mandari
| Length: 3d
| Length: 6h
Study the technical aspects of shipping infectious substances by
Learn how to comply with training requirements in processing air (Division 6.2 Category A and B). Learn how to reference the
cargo, mail or stores other than dangerous goods. current Infectious Substances Shipping Guidelines in order to
promote safe and efficient handling practices at your workplace.
Also available in Spanish
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for
Ramp and Warehouse Personnel
Online Code*: TCGP-41 Infectious Substances Transport - Train
| Length: 6h
the Trainer
Online Code*: TCGG-10
Fulfill your dangerous goods training requirements as a freight
forwarder, operator, or ground handler. | Length: 5d
This course will show you how to train personnel at all levels about
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Initial the intricacies of shipping infectious substances by air.
Category 3
Online Code*: TCGP-13
| Length: 40h
76 77
Environment are designed to help you responsibly address
environmental challenges such as noise, emissions
and Fuel
and waste management, as well as understand the
economics of the emissions cap-and-trade policies COURSES
and carbon offset programs affecting aviation.
Fuel conservation courses give you insight into Aviation and the Environment Carbon Markets and Sustainable Alternative
Reconcile the demand for air transport and the need practices for planning, utilizing and conserving fuel
to mitigate its environmental impact. These courses Online Code*: TCVG-05 Fuels New
while maintaining quality and certainty of supply.
| Length: 5d
Online Code*: TALG-17
| Length: 4d
Get up to date on environmental issues in aviation and how to
address them through new technology, improved operations, This course will allow you to analyze carbon market dynamics,
modernized methods of airspace, and airport management. Learn strategies and pricing, and understand the environmental impacts
how to identify key factors for a sustainable industry and develop of SAF. Using cost-benefit analysis, you will also learn about the
your own environmental assessment methods. financial implications of SAF to airline operations, supply chain
logistics, and emissions trading schemes.
| Length: 5d | Length: 3d
Make your airport ‘greener’ with sustainable aviation! Understand This course will provide you with the foundation on climate change
how to manage noise, local air quality, land use planning, water and international climate policies.
and waste management, biodiversity preservation, community
relationship management, major risk prevention and Environment
Management System (EMS) implementation. Fuel Efficiency and Conservation
Online Code*: TALF-42
Aviation and the Environment with ATAG | Length: 3d
Global Sustainable Aviation Summit
Learn how to create and implement a successful customer
Online Code*: TCVG-89 service Want to save 3% to 5% on your fuel bill? Perform a
| Length: 5d
fuel efficiency audit of your own organization and undertake a
structured implementation and cultural change program. See how
Be up-to-date on aviation environmental issues and their to develop a fuel cost calculator and track the performance of
management, with a special emphasis on new technology, your conservation initiatives.
improved operations and modernized methods of airspace and Also available in French
airport management.
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
78 79
Fares and
to your customers. These courses will help you stay TRAINING CATALOG | FARES AND TICKETING COURSES
on top of changing resolutions so you will accurately
price journeys and avoid costly errors or rules that
Ticketing result in customer disappointment and costly debit
memos for your travel agency. Simulations, along
Learn to speak accounting language, grasp accounting principles Designed for IATA Accredited Travel Agents, learn more about
and interpret financial statements to assess and steer your local IATA Billing and Settlement Procedures (BSP) and
business. Governance.
Advanced Skills in Journey Pricing and BSP and BSPLink Workshop for Airlines
Ticketing in Europe
Online Code*: TTTG-15 Online Code*: TALF-82
Gain confidence in pricing more complex journeys that apply A fully customizable workshop is designed for airlines to learn
exceptions to standard pricing principles. more about local IATA Billing and Settlement Procedures (BSP)
and Governance.
| Length: 2h
Leads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning
Examine the Agent Remittance process of the Billing
and Settlement Plan (BSP), including the reporting calendar
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org and debt identification.
BSP Essentials for Travel Agents: Fundamental Skills in Journey Pricing Passenger Fares and Ticketing - Advanced Special Fares and Ticketing - Intermediate
Final Examination and Ticketing Online Code*: TALF-24 Online Code*: TALF-40
Online Code*: TTTG-50 Online Code*: TTTG-14 | Length: 10d | Length: 5d
| Length: 70h
For experienced ticket and rate agents. This course will help In this course, you will learn to effectively quote special fares from
Demonstrate your knowledge of the Billing and Settlement Plan Learn the language of fare construction and fare rules so you you master normal fare construction and currency conversion pricing units, apply the most restrictive conditions and the new
(BSP) for travel agents and earn an internationally recognized provide your customers with the best advice and the lowest fare procedures. Learn how to calculate fares for journeys with surface formula for fare construction.
certificate. for their air itinerary. sectors and how to assess the impact of indirect travel limitations
on fare construction and embedded surface sector.
Also available in Spanish Also available in French
Ticket Repricing, Exchange and Reissue
Online Code*: TTTG-91
Passenger Fares and Ticketing - Basic
BSP Standard Documents and Procedures Global Distribution Systems Fares and | Length: 30h
Online Code*: TALF-28
Ticketing Course - AMADEUS
Online Code*: TTTG-45 | Length: 5d Master the principles behind ticket alterations, including ticket
Online Code*: TTTG-26
| Length: 2h
exchanges, reissues, and revalidations. Study ticketing procedures
| Length: 1d With the abundance and complexity of today’s fare options, as well as refund processing and the collection of rebooking fees.
Minimize costs through a better understanding of ticketing your clients expect you to provide a service that is accurate, fast,
authority and the traffic documents used in BSP. Learn to use Amadeus to price journeys using the mileage system. and more affordable than the competition. This course teaches
the language of fare construction and fare rules so you can Travel Agency Fees: A Professional
Also available in Spanish provide your customers with the best advice and the lowest fare
for their itinerary.
Global Distribution Systems Fares and
Online Code*: TTTG-13
Ticketing Course - GALILEO Also available in Spanish
CASS and CASSlink Workshop for Airlines
Online Code*: TTTG-28 | Length: 2.5h
in Europe
| Length: 1d Repricing Exchanges and Reissues Learn best practices in implementing or setting of agency
Online Code*: TALF-34 fees, the types of fees collected by travel agencies, and best
Learn how to use Galileo to price journeys using the Online Code*: TALF-54 to communicate them.
| Length: 1.5d
mileage system. | Length: 4d
This fully customizable workshop is designed for airlines to learn
more about local IATA Cargo Account Settlement System (CASS) This course prepares you to apply the latest exchange/reissue Travel and Tourism Workshop
and Governance. Global Distribution Systems Fares and netting procedures, manage Electronic Miscellaneous
Online Code*: TALF-74
and Ticketing Course - SABRE Documents (EMD), handle refund requests, and re-price tickets
using either historical or current fares and exchange. | Length: 5d
Online Code*: TTTG-29
CASS and CASSlink Workshop for Cargo Also available in Spanish
| The Travel and Tourism Workshop provides you with a broad
Agents in Europe Length: 1d
understanding of the global Tourism sector, and equips you with
Online Code*: TALF-33 Learn to use Sabre to price journeys using the mileage system. the knowledge and skills to maximize the business potential
Revenue Management - Introductory of this industry for your market.
| Length: 1.5d
Online Code*: TALM-05
A fully customizable workshop is designed for IATA Accredited Introduction to BSPlink | Length: 3d
and Associate Cargo Agents to learn more about local IATA
Online Code*: TTTG-44
Cargo Account Settlement System (CASS) and Governance. Study the key factors affecting airline performance and the
| Length: 2h revenue management methods used to measure and control
them. Through a series of practical exercises, this course prepares
Explore Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) reporting and you to make accurate forecasts and implement the right approach
remittance processes and BSPLink user functionality. in your organization.
Also available in Spanish
82 83
Finance and airline’s bottom line. With this practical approach
to training, you will gain a clear understanding of the
intricacies and complexities of revenue accounting.
This course introduces you to balance sheets, cash flow A fully customizable workshop is designed for airlines to learn
statements, financial ratios, income statements, budgeting, and more about local IATA Billing and Settlement Procedures (BSP)
forecasting concepts. Learn the language and techniques of and Governance.
accounting to be comfortable looking through an annual report.
Develop the ability to use financial statements to assess a
company’s performance. BSP and BSPlink Workshop for Travel
Agents in Europe
Airline Finance and Accounting Online Code*: TALF-36
Management | Length: 1.5d
Online Code*: TALF-50
A fully customizable workshop is designed for IATA Accredited
| Length: 45h Travel Agents to learn more about local IATA Billing and
Settlement Procedures (BSP) and Governance.
Analyze and control your airline’s financial performance with this
introduction to airline capital structure and cost classification,
cash management and financial planning. Apply your knowledge Card Payment Policies and Fraud Prevention
thanks to hands-on experience with airline case studies.
Online Code*: TALF-44
| Length: 3d
Airline Financial Management
Get to know the developments in the payment card industry that
Online Code*: TALF-01
will impact your business. This course will help you to understand
| Length: 5d PCI DSS card security standards so you can determine what to
include in your fraud prevention strategy and ultimately reduce
Learn key tools for analyzing the financial performance of your costs when accepting card payments.
airline. This course will show you how to read airline financial
statements, identify key indicators of financial health, and
benchmark your airline’s performance against its competitors. Integrated Approach to Passenger Revenue
Accounting and Control
BSP and BSPLink Training for Travel Agents Online Code*: TALF-19
DIPLOMAS in Africa | Length: 5d
Revenue Accounting and Control Diploma - Passenger Stream Online Code*: TTTG-02
Increase productivity with a complete review of your passenger
In a climate of uncertainty and economic downturns, getting the vital tools and techniques to protect and maximize your hard-earned
revenue emerges as a crucial element to improving your bottom-line. DIPL-19 | Length: 1d revenue accounting and control activities. This course will review
ways to improve your sales audit and interline billing processes,
Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective course Designed for IATA Accredited Travel Agents, learn more about providing practical examples of interline activities and their
local IATA Billing and Settlement Procedures (BSP) and financial impact.
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
84 85
TRAINING CATALOG | FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING COURSES will equip you with leading practices for balancing
performance with safety, and cost effectiveness
with customer satisfaction, so you can provide the
International Financial Reporting Standards Passenger Proration - Advanced Operations level of service your clients expect. Standards are
essential to keep our industry safe and efficient.
- Introduction Online Code*: TALF-57 We develop all ground operations training using
Online Code*: TALF-47
Safety and on-time performance are—and will industry reference material, including the Airport
| Length: 5d continue to be—top priorities for service providers Handling Manual (AHM), the IATA Ground
| Length: 3d and their airline clients. The ability to deliver on both Operations Manual (IGOM), and ISAGO Standards
Improve your skills for calculating the prorate value of passenger
Study key International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) used flight and excess baggage. Assess your entitlement in accordance is a must. This selection of courses and diplomas and Recommended Practices.
for preparing financial statements in the airline industry. with the Multilateral Proration Agreements- Passenger (MPA-P).
Also available in Spanish
Learn how the IATA Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) works This course shows you how to apply the rules of the Prorate
and how it benefits a travel agency. Be able to interpret and use Manual Passenger (PMP) and the Multilateral Proration
BSP terminology. Agreement-Passenger (MPA-P) within your organization.
Also available in Spanish Learn how proration can be a useful tool for maximizing an
airline’s revenue through pricing policy and fare structuring.
Also available in Spanish
New Distribution Capability Readiness
Online Code*: TALG-22
Sales Accounting and Control
| Length: 3d
Online Code*: TALF-09
Gain exclusive insight into the future of distribution from a | Length: 5d
member of IATA’s Distribution Data Exchange (DDX) Working
Group. Learn about the latest NDC developments and pilot Achieve maximum accuracy in your passenger sales accounting
programs, and understand how NDC will change the way the activities. Learn how to carry out sales accounting functions
aviation industry operates and markets its products. according to industry standards, analyze sales transactions,
implement ticket control procedures, and apply refunds.
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
86 87
Baggage Tracking - Implementation and Ground Operations Management
Compliance New Online Code*: TALP-52
Aircraft De-icing Operations Management Aircraft Weight & Balance Refresher New
Online Code*: TAPP-49 | Length: 70h
Online Code*: TAPG-02 Online Code*: TAPP-56
| Length: 3d
| Length: 3d | Length: 3d Learn how to supervise an airline station in a self-handled or
Learn how to implement Resolution 753, a new requirement out-sourced environment. Get the latest trends in passenger and
Learn the ICAO, IATA, EASA, and FAA aircraft de-icing standards, Get up to speed with new information and standards on the key for IATA members to track baggage. Coming into affect in June baggage handling. This course comes with a complimentary copy
plus your legal responsibilities when managing these operations. topics and refresh you skill set. 2018, the aim is to further reduce baggage mishandling through of the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM).
This course is open to airline, GSP, airport, and regulator staff, cross-industry tracking for every baggage journey.
with the goal of coordinating an efficient winter operation plan
between all stakeholders. Aircraft Weight and Balance Human Factors in Ground Operations
Online Code*: TALP-01 Business Aviation Handling and Fixed-Base Online Code*: TAPG-03
Operations, FBO
Aircraft Marshalling and Ramp Hand Signals | Length: 5d | Length: 3d
with RampVR Online Code*: TAPP-38
This course is designed for existing professionals with proven Human error is the leading cause of accidents in our industry.
Online Code*: TAPG-06 training and experience records. | Length: 3d
This course reviews the top human factor issues for ground
| Length: 1d
operations, providing tips for improving safety and effectiveness
The lucrative business aviation niche market requires a higher
in your operations. This course is recommended for management
level of service and customization than standard ground services.
This course covers the principles of ramp communications Airport Ramp Services and operational staff alike.
This course will show you best practice to incorporate into your
between the ground and cockpit crew, based on the IATA FBO business model that will help you meet client expectations
Online Code*: TAPP-51
standards in the Airport Handling Manual (AHM) and IATA and deliver consistent service.
Ground Handling Manual (IGOM), with practical virtual reality | Length: 40h IGOM Implementation and Standardized
training using RampVR. Procedures
Whether you are new to the industry or a recent recruit, this
course provides a solid foundation for professional development Crisis Communications and Media Response Online Code*: TAPP-41
Aircraft Turnaround Coordination and in the field of ground operations. You will learn the basics of ramp for Airport and Station Managers | Length: 3d
services, plus the ground handling and safety standards you need
Loading Supervision to know to work safely on the ramp.
Online Code*: TAPP-39
Learn the scope, applicability and benefits of the IATA Ground
Online Code*: TAPG-57 | Length: 2d Operations Manual (IGOM).
| Length: 4d
Is your local staff prepared to speak to the media in the event
Airport Services - Passenger Handling of a crisis? This course lets you practice your ability to provide
Learn the essential technical aspects of aircraft handling and Passenger Assessment and Travel
Online Code*: TALP-10 adequate, structured information to the media so you can handle
loading, so that you can lead your ramp team and optimize the use Document Checks
immediate media response, before the corporate media response
of ground service equipment and manpower. | Length: 5d
team takes over. Online Code*: TAPP-34
LeThis intensive crash course is designed to make you both | Length: 3d
customer-focused and knowledgeable in the many roles you may
Aircraft Turnaround Coordination and fill as a front-line employee. Course topics include customer service Document Control Systems Practices that can save your airline from costly delays and
Loading Supervision with RampVR New and conflict management best practices, combined with a review of Online Code*: TALS-05 penalties. Based on the latest trends and industry best practices,
Online Code*: TAPG-40 international passenger and baggage handling standards. this course provides tools to identify forged documents and
| Length: 4d
potentially disruptive passengers.
| Length: 5d
This hands-on course gives you a test environment to build your
Baggage Claims and Proration
Learn the essential technical procedures for aircraft handling own document control procedures, including process mapping,
and loading to optimize the use of ground service equipment Online Code*: TAPG-62 referencing, and amendments. Passenger Ground Services
and manpower. Online Code*: TALP-51
| Length: 3d
| Length: 45h
Learn baggage pro-rate from the moment of payment of
passenger claim until the agreement is made and the settlement Learn what it takes to work at one of the airline industry’s most
of pro-rate amounts between respective carriers takes place. visible airport positions and obtain the skills you need to provide
Looking at various case studies, this course will help you better assistance and related passenger services at the check-in, gate
understand the essentials of the baggage proration process. and concourse of your airport.
88 89
Law and International air transportation is governed by
a complex and fragmented system of regulatory
agencies, requiring regulators and legal staff to have
Passenger Ground Services with Amadeus Standard Line Maintenance Agreements New Regulations a global perspective of regulatory processes.
This selection of courses leverages IATA’s extensive
Altéa DCS Online Code*: TAPG-55 international presence to facilitate the cross-border
Online Code*: TALP-51-AMA provision of air services in a safe, secure, and
| Length: 3d
economical manner.
| Length: 45h
A dedicated course for line maintenance buyers, sellers and
Obtain the skills you need to provide assistance and related contract managers. Learn how to use the IATA Standard Ground
passenger services at the check-in, gate and concourse Handling Agreement to its fullest potential as a commercial
of your airport. agreement and services description document for line
maintenance services.
| Length: 4d
This course covers the IATA Standard Ground Handling
Agreement section by section, giving you the foundations For operations officers at GSP control centers and self-handling
to write the Annex B and Service Level Agreement accurately airlines. Learn key skills to run safe, efficient ground operations:
and effectively. Learn how to enhance cooperation, efficiency aircraft handling, resource planning, standard messaging, basic DIPLOMAS
and savings in your negotiations through technical training and slot requests and more.
exercises that replicate today’s global marketplace. Aeropolitical and Industry Affairs Diploma
The Aeropolitical and Industry Affairs Diploma is designed to offer a general overview of the regulatory and legal regimes,
as well as the international industry affairs applicable to all aspects of the aviation industry. DIPL-57
Requirements: 4 Elective courses
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
90 91
92 93
ensure a safe working environment no matter what
your role. Productivity and safety go hand in hand,
and this selection of courses including State Safety
oversight capabilities, will help you cultivate your COURSES
Safety is the industry’s top priority and everyone’s technical, operational and executive management
responsibility. Our safety training is hands-on, with skills; whether you are managing an SMS, ensuring
a focus on practical implementation to help you regulatory compliance, or preparing a response plan. Aircraft Recovery Crew Resource Management for Instructors
Online Code*: TALS-15 (CRMI)
| Length: 5d
Online Code*: TALS-43
| Length: 3d
Gain the necessary skills to effectively handle an aircraft recovery
event. Course content is based on the Aircraft Recovery Task This course lets you practice teaching techniques that will make
Force (ARTF) Part One and meets the training requirements set your CRM training effective and motivating for your students.
by ICAO for disabled aircraft operations. Throughout the course, you will be asked to present mini lessons,
receiving valuable feedback from our experienced instructor and
your classmates.
Airline Safety Investigation
Online Code*: TALP-25
Developing an Effective Safety Culture
| Length: 5d
Online Code*: TALS-28
This course enables airline staff members to participate in an | Length: 2d
aircraft accident and serious incident investigation in accordance
with ICAO Annex 13 standards. Special attention is given to A functional safety culture brings open communication,
understanding the underlying causes of accidents and incidents in continuous improvement and increased productivity, but requires
order to improve safety and prevent future occurrences. continuous effort from all levels of the organization. This course
presents a rigorous approach to aligning organizational culture
with safety culture, allowing you to reinforce safety in your
Airside Operations - Safety Compliance organization.
Online Code*: TALP-07
This course examines the complex threat and error environments This comprehensive course meets European Aviation Safety
Safety Management for Airlines Diploma
common to today’s workplace, providing best practices to increase Agency fuel system safety training requirements for all staff
Gain a complete and updated knowledge on the current safety management issues and best practices. DIPL-31
flight safety. A recognized standard throughout the industry, IATA’s involved in inspection standards and maintenance procedures.
Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective courses CRM training is used by leading airlines to improve teamwork Learn the theoretical and practical fundamentals for ensuring the
within their crews and reduce the frequency of accidents. integrity of a system’s features and preventing unsafe conditions.
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
94 95
Emergency Planning and Response Introduction to Safety Management Systems Root Cause Analysis Safety Management Systems (SMS) -
for Airlines (SMS) Online Code*: TALS-42 Train the Trainer
Online Code*: TALP-04 Online Code*: TCVG-70 | Length: 5d
Online Code*: TALS-35
| Length: 3d
Safety Performance Indicators
IOSA is a key component in the industry’s efforts to improve Safety Management System (SMS)
Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) Online Code*: TALS-50
aviation safety, with leading airlines from all regions incorporating Recurrent New
Online Code*: TCVT-33 IOSA standards into their operations. This course shows you how | Length: 3d
Online Code*: TALS-65
| Length: 3d
to comply with the latest IOSA provisions for SMS implementation.
| Length: 2d Define any required corrective actions, monitor known safety risks
Bring the benefits of a Fatigue Risk Management System to and detect emerging ones using safety performance indicators.
your team or organization. Referencing the most recent ICAO Managing Aircraft Accident and Incident Stay abreast with the latest Safety Management Systems (SMS) Provide your regulator evidence of the effectiveness of your
material, this course will show you how to implement FRMS policy, Investigation developments and practices and meet the ICAO SMS recurrent SMS and gain knowledge and skills necessary to develop safety
documentation and processes that can also be integrated with your training requirements. performance indicators in your organization.
Online Code*: TCVG-16
Safety Management System. For air crew, operations and safety
managers. | Length: 5d
Safety Management Systems (SMS) - Safety Risk Management
Learn aviation incident and accident investigation requirements, Implementation and Control New Online Code*: TALS-46
Human Factors in Aviation techniques and working practices. Acquire a structured approach
to managing safety to prevent incidents and accidents. This course Online Code*: TALS-06 | Length: 3d
Online Code*: TCVT-05 provides an overview of ICAO Annex 13. | Length: 3d
| Length: 5d
Review your safety risk management process according to the
This practical course gives you the expertise to implement ICAO safety performance requirements. Learn how to improve
Human error has become a major concern for air crews, Risk Management Implementation a successful SMS in your organization. Learn the latest tools and your operational safety by correctly identifying hazards, providing
maintenance practitioners and air traffic management. This course processes to develop a manageable workload. Understand the effective controls to mitigate safety risks, and reducing equipment
Online Code*: TALS-33 loss and damage.
provides a comprehensive overview of human factor research and importance of proactive risk management and learn how to
methodologies to help you understand how people can perform | Length: 5d promote and maintain a safety culture within your organization.
as safely and efficiently as possible on the job.
This course is an intensive, hands-on workshop that will enable
Also available in Spanish and Italian
you to confidently identify and manage risks in your department
or station.
96 97
in the air, on the ground or in management, this TRAINING CATALOG | SECURITY COURSES
selection of diplomas and courses will help you do
your part in keeping our industry safe. Many of our
existing courses have been updated to include SECURITY DIPLOMAS CONTINUED
Threats to our industry continue to evolve in scope the latest screening techniques and inspection
and complexity. And in an industry as interconnected procedures used to expedite the movement of Aviation Security Screening Diploma
as ours, effective security can only be achieved people and goods across international borders. Designed to give newly recruited security staff a clear career path in aviation security, this diploma prepares trainees to work in access
through a coordinated effort. Whether you work control, x-ray screening and checkpoint supervisory roles. An introductory course taken via distance learning teaches the current
security issues and practices in aviation. Three classroom courses build screening skills according to EU regulations using simulation
programs, real x-ray images and equipment. Trainees are also given further options to focus their skills in passenger screening,
air cargo screening or aviation security training. DIPL-64
Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective course
| Length: 5d | Length: 5d
By 2019 there will be thousands of air carrier stations, As an airline security manager, you have to react to airline and
regulated agents and known consignors requiring validation and airport regulations as quickly as they develop. This course gives
re-validation. This course will help you become an Independent you access to the most current industry developments and
Validator who provides the ACC3 designation to businesses provides planning exercises to integrate into your operations
wishing to ship into the European Union. so you can be sure you are always up-to-date.
Also available in Spanish
| Length: 40h
Aviation Security Operations Diploma Airline Security Operations Optimization
If you manage an airline, airport or cargo security operations, you have to work closely with numerous stakeholders on the job. Online Code*: TSAL-02 Whether you work with passengers, cargo or at a security
This Diploma validates your understanding of the key players in aviation security: their organizational structure, operating procedures, checkpoint, you play a role in keeping the industry safe. This course
and regulatory requirements. You will gain and expand your knowledge of security in a selection of operational areas. DIPL-27 | Length: 5d introduces you to the security measures and regulations you need
to know to work responsibly, outlining practices you can use on the
Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective course As an airline security manager, you have to react to airline and job to identify potential security threats.
airport regulations as quickly as they develop. This course gives
you access to the most current industry developments and
provides planning exercises to integrate into your operations so
Leads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning
you can be sure you are always up-to-date.
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
98 99
Aviation Security Crisis Management AVSEC Background Vetting and Insider In-flight Security Security Checkpoint Management
Simulation New Threat Mitigation Online Code*: TSCS-17 Online Code*: TSCS-38
Online Code*: TSCS-14 Online Code*: TSCS-60 | Length: 5d | Length: 5d
| Length: 3d | Length: 3d
From minor incidents to bomb threats and hijacking situations, Evaluate the capabilities and limitations of your technology and
A unique opportunity through gaming simulation to examine Based on recommendations from the ICAO Universal Security this course takes a practical approach to in-flight security training. team against the IATA-ACI Security and Egress Project criteria
security dilemmas using the IATA computerized platform - Audit Program and the IATA Security Manual, this course helps Learn the standards and techniques used throughout the industry to increase efficiency in your screening operations.
SCENARIO. you develop an employee background vetting program that fits to handle passenger disturbances; then put them into practice
the context of your company. during simulation exercises in the safety of the classroom.
An ideal course for teams.
Security Financial Planning and
Aviation Security Management Optimization New
Online Code*: TSCV-02 Behavioral Analysis and Predictive
Passenger Data Program Online Code*: TSCS-12
Screening Strategies
| Length: 5d
Online Code*: TSCS-58 | Length: 3d
Online Code*: TSCS-37
Security threats are unpredictable, constantly taking new forms. | Length: 3d Plan your organization’s finances to maintain compliance and high
Through daily simulation exercises, this course lets you test your | Length: 5d
standards to address new security regulations and effectively
ability to work under pressure in a range of day-to-day operational This course will answer your questions about API, Interactive API optimize your security and protection costs.
Designed for experienced screening staff working in airports,
and crisis situations. This course is recommended for irline and (IAPI) and PNR data, as well as the many standards currently used
airlines and for law enforcement units, this course shows you
airport managers, law enforcement staff, and government officials. to transmit them. Working from the API-PNR Toolkit, the practical
how to detect suspicious signs and behavior before even making
exercises in this course will also help you understand the steps to
Also available in Spanish contact with a passenger. An important new development in Security Management Systems - SeMS
build a data program in alignment with international standards.
security screening, these techniques can help increase efficiency
and reduce queuing times. Online Code*: TSCS-18
Aviation Security Management - Advanced | Length: 5d
Recurrent Aviation Security Training
Online Code*: TSCV-01
Online Code*: TSCS-05 Learn the essentials of IATA’s SeMS initiative and how it can
Consignment Security Declaration (e-CSD)
| Length: 5d make your organization IOSA compliant. Leave the course with
Standards and Implementation | Length: 3d
tools to build a SeMS that produces measurable and auditable
This course helps you see the big picture when it comes to Online Code*: TSCS-48 results. This course is recommended for anyone with AVSEC
Authorities around the world require recurrent training for airport,
managing the internal and external factors that affect your AVSEC responsibilities.
| Length: 3d
airline and warehouse security staff. This course covers the training
operations. Learn how to select contractors, facilitate customer
requirements recommended by ICAO, EU, TSA, and other major Also available in Spanish
service, and evaluate the effectiveness of your procedures and
Endorsed by ICAO and adopted by a growing number of countries security programs to help keep your organization compliant. Course
screening points.
around the world, the CSD is recognized as the industry standard contents are updated at the beginning of each calendar year.
for documenting secure cargo throughout its journey. If your Also available in Italian Security Risk and Crisis Management
business is planning to go paperless, this course will explain the
Aviation Security Train the Trainer messaging standards and technical requirements you must meet
Online Code*: TSCS-28
Online Code*: TSCS-06 to implement the e-CSD. | Length: 5d
Security Audit and Quality Control
| Length: 5d
Is your team prepared to react in the event of a crisis? This course
Online Code*: TSCS-10
Customs Security and Facilitation will show you how to address security vulnerabilities in your
You have to be more than a security expert to deliver effective | Length: 5d organization and equip your facility to handle the aftermath of a
training. This course gives you opportunities to practice your Online Code*: TSCS-04 crisis. Learn how to assess risks, develop a crisis plan and set up
teaching skills, from lesson planning to in-class delivery to student Ensure your compliance with ICAO Annex 17 audit requirements,
| Length: 3d
a crisis center. For managers and above.
assessment, so you can ensure clear, engaging instruction. plus international and national security programs. Beneficial for
Covering training skills plus a mini AVSEC refresher, this course both entry-level auditors and quality managers preparing for an
is ideal for new trainers. Tightened security on goods crossing international borders can
audit, this course explains the audit and quality control procedures
mean new, labor-intensive processes for your business. Learn how
Also available in Italian required in multiple security segments.
to apply WCO SAFE framework, EU Authorized Economic
Operator and US Air Cargo Advanced Screening Program
requirements without complicating your business processes.
100 101
Travel and today’s traveler. Whether you are looking to become
an agent, move up the ranks, or start your own
business, this collection of courses will ensure you
have the knowledge and skills to work in a dynamic
Security X-ray Screening Operations X-Ray Screening Refresher – Baggage
industry with success. Learn about new products,
Online Code*: TSCS-03 Screening New
Increased competition and technology are pushing trends and marketing approaches to support the
| Length: 4d
Online Code*: TSCS-19
travel professionals to innovate products, services, growth of your travel business and career.
| Length: 6h and sales practices to meet the expectations of
Certify your staff for airport baggage, cargo, and mail facility
screening according to European Commission regulations. Maintain and improve the baggage screening skills of your
employees using IATA’s online x-ray simulator platform powered by
Unruly Passenger Prevention and Responses
Online Code*: TSCS-16
X-Ray Screening Refresher – Cargo
| Length: 3d
Screening New
An unruly passenger can pose a real threat to safety and, in Online Code*: TSCS-20
extreme cases, cause costly delays. Whether you work in the
air or on the ground, the practical training methods in this course | Length: 6h
will help you handle incidents objectively and with confidence,
Maintain and improve the cargo screening skills of your employees
with tactics for calming unruly behavior at its earliest stages.
using IATA’s online x-ray simulator platform powered by Simfox.
Foundation in Travel and Tourism Diploma
Study the basics of the travel and tourism industry and understand what it takes to become a successful travel agent. Improve your
customer service and sales skills in order to better advise clients about when and where to travel based on their needs. Learn how
to provide the best flight, accommodation and tour options, and how to ensure clients fulfill all necessary travel requirements. DIPL-22
Requirements: 1 Elective course
* Visit www.iata.org/training-search and enter the 6-character code for more information.
Contact: training.performance@iata.org
102 103
Fundamental Skills in Journey Pricing Global Distribution Fares and Ticketing - Selling and Managing Airline Reservations Social Media for Travel Industry
and Ticketing Sabre and Travel in Galileo (SMART Galileo) Online Code*: TTTG-69
Online Code*: TTTG-14 Online Code*: TTTG-29 Online Code*: TTTG-30 | Length: 10h
| Length: 20h | Length: 50h | Length: 65h
This course explains the steps for marketing activities through
This course teaches essential terms and procedures in fare IATA’s Global Distribution Systems (GDS) Fares & Ticketing Learn how to make and manage bookings for flights, hotels and four major social networking platforms: Facebook, Twitter,
construction so you provide your customers with accurate course helps you develop comprehensive fare construction skills car rentals in the Galileo system using our unique simulation YouTube and LinkedIn. Learn about the role social media plays in
information and advice as well as the best value in air fare. through interactive simulations of Sabre, Galileo, or Amadeus. program. This eLearning course is recommended for travel agents the travel industry and, most importantly, how to implement social
You will develop the knowledge and skills to become the travel and airline ticket agents. media strategies that can increase business opportunities.
Also available in French
professional your customers trust.
Selling and Managing Airline Reservations Ticket Repricing, Exchange and Reissue
Geography in Travel Planning Managing a Corporate Travel Program
and Travel in Sabre (SMART Sabre) Online Code*: TTTG-91
Online Code*: TTTG-53 Online Code*: TALF-76
Online Code*: TTTG-31 | Length: 30h
| Length: 70h | Length: 3d
| Length: 65h
Customer needs frequently change. Travelers will modify their
In order to successfully sell travel products, you need to This course will demonstrate how to deal with balancing costs travel dates and destinations after purchasing their air tickets,
with traveler expectations, whilst gaining control of travel and Learn how to make and manage bookings for flights, hotels
understand what drives travel choices. Study world geography or request a flight or routing change after travel has begun.
expenses through strategic management of a corporate travel and car rentals in the Sabre system using our unique simulation
and time zones to better advise clients on travel destinations and This course enables you to manage revalidations, exchanges,
program. program. This eLearning course is recommended for travel agents
tours, and explore different regional modes of transport to offer or reissuances with confidence.
and airline ticket agents.
customized travel itineraries.
106 107
Contact the training team in your
region for more information.
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