Mock 7 Questions

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Mock Exam 7

This is 25 MCQs. Please answer them in 30 minutes

Al Ahsa’s Ultimate Review for the SLE - 1st edition – 2013
Family and Community Medicine Questions

Q1. As doctor if you see patient and you face difficulty to get accurate
information from him the best tactic to do it is:
a. Ask direct question (close-ended)
b. Ask open question
c. Control way of discussion
d. Use medical terms

Q2. Endemic means:

a. Spread of disease in incidence all the time
b. It cause by virulent pathologic organism
c. Spread of disease from country to country by carrier
d. Rapid spread of disease
e. There is very low incidence

Q3. Patient diagnosed with DM type 2 and he is in your office to discuss with him
the plane to reduce his weight, you will told him to:
a. Decrease calorie intake in daytime
b. Decrease calorie and increase fat
c. Decrease by 500 kcal/kg per week
d. Decrease 800 per day

Q4. In PHC, from 50 children 10 got the disease on the 1st week, another 30 on
the subsequent 2 weeks, what is the incidence of the disease in that PHC?
a. 20%
b. 40%
c. 60%
d. 80%

Q5. Smoking withdrawal symptoms peak at:

a. 1-2 days
b. 2-4 days
c. 5-7 days
d. 10-14 days

Q6. Drug used in smoking cessation contraindicated in pt.:


Q7. Relative Risk calculation and interpretation?


Q8. What is the attributable risk?

Q9. The most effective way in health education:
a. Mass media
b. Group discussion
c. Individual approach??

Q10. Adolescent female counseling on fast food. What you should give her:
a. Ca + folic acid
b. Vit C + folic acid
c. Zinc + folic acid
d. Zinc + Vit C

Q11. Study on population of 10000 they found 2000 have DM at end of study
increase 1000 what is incidence of DM:
a. 10%
b. 12%
c. 24%

Q12. Perinatal mortality means:

a. number of still birth <20 WEEK gestational age
b. number of stillbirth + first week after birth
c. number of deaths /1000

Q13. Best method for eradication of Entamoeba histolytica:

a. Boiling of water
b. Freezing
c. Using chloride

Q14. Best food in travelling is:

a. Boiling water
b. Water
c. Ice
d. Partial cooked fish and meat

Q15. What is the deficient vitamin in infantile beri beri:

a. B1
b. C
c. E
d. Niacin

Q16. In developing countries to prevent dental carries, it add to water

a. Fluoride
b. Zinc
c. Copper
d. Iodide

Q17. The most powerful epidemiologic study is:

a. retrospective case control study
b. cohort study
c. cross-sectional study
d. historic time data
e. secondary data analysis
Q18. Proven to prevent some cancers:
a. a-Ca
b. b-Folic Acid
c. c-Vit.D

Q19. One of the following decreases the chances of colon cancer:

a. Zinc
b. Vit. E
c. Vit C
d. Folic acid

Q20. Best sentence to describe specificity of a screening test, is the group of

people who:
a. Are negative of disease, and test is negative
b. Are positive of disease, and test is negative
c. Are positive compared to total other people
d. Negative disease, positive test
e. Positive disease, negative test

Q21. Definition of the positive predictive value (PPV):


Q22. Your advice to prevent plaque disease is

a. hand washing
b. rodent eradication
c. spray insecticide

Q23. Secondary prevention is least likely of benefit in:

a. Breast cancer
b. Leukemia
c. DM
d. Toxemia of pregnancy

Q24. Standard deviation measures:


Q25. Which of the following increases the quality of the randomized controlled
study & make it stronger:
a. Systemic Assignment predictability by participants
b. Open Allocation
c. Including only the participants who received the full intervention
d. Following at least 50 % of the participants
e. Giving similar intervention to similar groups

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