Community Medicine MCQs

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Al Neelain University

Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences

Introduction To Community Medicine


Student Name: ……………………………………..... Index No: …………

Please Answer All Questions

Time allowed: 2 Hours

Section I: MCQs

Select The Correct Answer

1-The lowest point on the health-disease spectrum is:

a. Severe Sickness.
b. Death.
c. Positive Health.
d. Freedom from Sickness.

2-Which one of the following is an example of health promotion:

a. Early diagnosis of diseases.

b. Disease treatment.
c. Life style changes.
d. Immunization.

3-Interruption of transmission of disease from large geographical regions is best

described as:

a. Disease control.
b. Disease elimination.
c. Disease eradication.
d. Disease notification.

4-Action which stops the progress of a disease is best described as:

a. Primordial prevention.
b. Primary prevention.
c. Secondary prevention.
d. Tertiary prevention.

5-In the Iceberg of Disease, The floating tip of the iceberg represents:

a. Pre-symptomatic cases.
b. Clinical cases.
c. Undiagnosed cases.
d. Carriers.

6-The aim of disease control is to:

a. Terminate the disease transmission.

b. Reduce the occurrence of disease.
c. Eliminate the disease.
d. Stop the infection.

7-Which one of the following is an example of Indirect transmission:

a. Contact with the soil.

b. Vector-borne.
c. Inoculation into skin.
d. Droplet infection.

8-Which one of the following is a principle of primary health care:

a. Prevention of endemic diseases.

b. Community participation.
c. Promotion of food supply.
d. Provision of essential drugs.

9-The Biomedical concept of health visualized health as:

a. A dynamic equilibrium between man and his environment.

b. An interaction between social, psychological, and political factors of
c. An absence of disease.
d. All of the above.

10-Duration of stay in a hospital is:

a. A mortality indicator.
b. An environmental indicator.
c. A morbidity indicator.
d. A health care delivery system indicator.

Section II: Short Answer Questions

1- What is Health? ( According to the WHO definition)




2- What are the 3 links in the chain of infection?





3- What is the epidemiological triad?




4- Mention 5 risk factors for heart disease?






5- What are the levels of disease

prevention? .....................................................................................................



...................... ....................................................................................................


6- Give 3 reasons for using health indicators?



Section III: Fill-in the Spaces

1. …………………….is the level of resistance of a community or a group

of people to a particular disease.

2. ……………………. is the host in which the parasite passes its sexual


3. ……………………. refers to constant presence of a disease or infectious

agent within a given geographic area or population without importation
from outside.
4. ……………………. is separation, for the period of communicability of
infected persons or animals from others.

5. …………………….refers to termination of all transmission of infection

by extermination of the infectious agent.

Good luck

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