Community Medicine MCQs
Community Medicine MCQs
Community Medicine MCQs
Section I: MCQs
a. Severe Sickness.
b. Death.
c. Positive Health.
d. Freedom from Sickness.
a. Disease control.
b. Disease elimination.
c. Disease eradication.
d. Disease notification.
4-Action which stops the progress of a disease is best described as:
a. Primordial prevention.
b. Primary prevention.
c. Secondary prevention.
d. Tertiary prevention.
5-In the Iceberg of Disease, The floating tip of the iceberg represents:
a. Pre-symptomatic cases.
b. Clinical cases.
c. Undiagnosed cases.
d. Carriers.
9-The Biomedical concept of health visualized health as:
a. A mortality indicator.
b. An environmental indicator.
c. A morbidity indicator.
d. A health care delivery system indicator.
3- What is the epidemiological triad?
prevention? .....................................................................................................
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Section III: Fill-in the Spaces
Good luck