Physics Class 12 Full Wave Rectifier Project File
Physics Class 12 Full Wave Rectifier Project File
Physics Class 12 Full Wave Rectifier Project File
C power
into D.C power. The study of the junction diode
charecteristics reveals that the junction diode offer a low
resistance path, when forward biased, and a high
resistance path, when reverse biased. This feature of the
junction diode enables it to be used as a rectifier. The
alternatimg signals provide opposite kind of biased
voltage at the junction after each half cycle. If the
junction is forward biased in the first half-cycle, it gets
reversed in the next half cycle. It results in the flow of
forward current in one direction only and thus signal gets
rectified. In other words, we can say when an alternating
e.m.f is applied across a junction diode, it will conduct
only during those alternate half –cycles, which bias it in
forward direction.
There are two types of rectifier :
Half wave rectifier
Full wave rectifier
1 Introduction 1
2 Aim 2
3 Apparatus Required 3
4 Theory 4-6
5 Construction 7
6 Observation 8
7 Result 9
8 Conclusion 10
9 Bibliography 11
The A.C supply is applied across the primary coil of a
centre tap step down transformer. The two wires of
the secondary coil of the transformer are connected
to the p-sections of the two junction diodes, D1 and
D2, respectively. A capacitor C, is connected across
the n-sections of the two diodes and centre of the
secondary coil. A load resistance, RL is connected
parallel to the capacitor C. A LED is also connected
in series with RL .
On supplying A.C input to the full wave rectifier circuit,
the LED starts glowing. Thus the output is D.C.
The A.C input is rectified into D.C output.
Most electronic devices cannot withstand very high
voltage or alternating current due to its intense high
power. The use of batteries in all devices is not
practical as their replacement and durability is the
huge problem as the device has to be dismantled each
time for such repacement. So these rectifiers is used in
most of the electronic devices like TVs, radio, chargers
lightings etc. The common use rectifiers are to supply
polarized voltage for welding and detection of amplitude
modulated radio signals.
I am grateful to the various source of information
which I got from a number of books and websites.
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