Howard Berg Reading 1 & 2 Reference Material

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The document discusses various reading techniques and provides examples of tables of contents and indexes to use as references.

The main topic discussed is speed reading techniques and how to increase reading speed.

Some examples provided in the document include tables of contents from American History and Biology textbooks, as well as indexes from Psychology and Biology textbooks.



The Gateway Reading Advantage
With Howard Berg

Speed Increasing Drill 3
Lack of Schema 8
Rich Schema 9
Backwards Reading Exercise 10
Small Backwards Reading Lines 11
Bolded Schematic Clues 12
Marking Off Important Text 13
American History Table of Contents 14
Biology Table of Contents 15
Using an Index – Psychology 16
Using an Index – Biology 17
Atomic Weights of Elements 18
Embedded Stories 19

These are the examples shown in the program for your reference

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 2

Speed Increasing Drill

1 Reality--What a Concept!

2 Even as you read, a revolution is occurring in the

3 minds of scientists. A revolution that will affect

4 everything that touches your life. Yet this is a strange revolution.

5 No explosions, no guns, not even a glimmer of activity

6 that might reveal its presence. This is not a violent

7 revolution with maiming and death; instead, it is about how

8 science views reality. The consequences of this incredible

9 revolution are only beginning to affect your life.

10 Quantum physics has opened a crack into the mystery of

11 the creation of the universe itself. A crack that sharp minded

12 scientists are trying to widen each day. For the

13 layman, their discoveries are almost unknown. Some cryptic

14 puzzle of math and physics that many erroneously believe is not

15 meant for the minds of ordinary men. Yet the effects of

16 these discoveries threaten to dwarf even the significance of

17 nuclear energy. Discoveries that will not only change the

18 way you live, but alter the way you think about reality. As

19 the world’s fastest reader, I used my reading skill to investigate

20 the wonderful discoveries these brilliant men have made. As Continued on the
Next Page
21 you sharpen your reading speed using this writing sample, I

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 3

22 will provide you with information that reveals some of these

23 incredible discoveries. You will find this information

24 given in a down-to-earth fashion that will not cloud the

25 importance of their work with technical formula and equations

26 that often do more to confuse than to inform.

27 The Philosophical Roots

28 Till the start of the 20th century. Western civilization

29 has been founded upon a very simple form of logic. A

30 system of logic begun by the Greek philosopher Aristotle.

31 Under this logic system something either exists or it

32 doesn’t. This may seem simple in concept, but the new

33 physics requires a completely different form of logic. For

34 example, everyone knows that something is either alive or

35 dead. Since these terms contradict each other, both statements

36 cannot be true at the same time--can they? Biologists

37 have discovered that a virus exists as a nonliving crystal

38 while outside a host’s body, but immediately exhibits all the

39 characteristics of a living organism once inside a host.

40 Remove it from the host’s body, and once again it appears to

41 be nonliving. Is it living or nonliving? The answer to

42 this question is no. The answer is also yes!

Continued on the
Next Page
43 The 20th century ushered in a new type of logic. A

44 logic that permits things to exist in complete contradiction.

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 4

45 The logic of relativity in which truth is

46 based on how you perceive an event. For example, imagine I am

47 in a room with a woman. I can see that she is an individual,

48 and I am an individual. Yet I also can see us as a

49 couple. Both statements are true, and also both statements

50 are false. The truthfulness and falseness of these statements

51 depends upon how I look at the relationship between

52 myself and this woman. This ability for something to contradict

53 itself, and yet for both parts of the contradiction

54 to be simultaneously true, lies at the center of the new

55 quantum physics. A physics that routinely views contradictions

56 in nature as being both logical and true.

57 The Mystery of Light

58 Possibly nothing in physics has stirred more controversy

59 than the structure of light. Study light using one set

60 of conditions and it appears to be a wave. Study it using a

61 different set of conditions and it seems to be a solid

62 particle. So is light a wave or a particle? Both answers

63 appear to be correct. At first, this answer may not appear

64 extraordinary, but upon closer examination this response

65 becomes astonishing.
Continued on the
Next Page
66 Waves and particles are in complete conflict with teach

67 other. Until quantum theory, it was considered impossible

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 5

68 for anything to possess the attributes of both the wave and

69 particle at the same time. Particles have a definite location

70 in time and space. Importantly, particles have mass or

71 weight. A particle is like a marble, but much smaller. If

72 someone hits you with a marble traveling at very high speed it would

73 hurt. Waves are completely different from particles. Waves

74 lack a specific location, and they do not have any mass. Yet

75 light appears to have the properties of both waves and

76 particles when viewed under different conditions. Let’s

77 examine an experiment that demonstrates this unusual nature

78 of light.

79 Imagine shining a bright light onto a piece of cardboard

80 that is sitting in front of a screen. If the cardboard

81 lacks a hole in it, then only the shadow of the cardboard

82 would appear on the screen. What do you think would

83 happen if you poked a very small hole into the center of the

84 cardboard? Scientists performed this experiment, and to no

85 one’s surprise, the screen now had a patch of light upon it.

86 The light appeared to act like a particle or bullet. After

87 passing through the hole in the cardboard, it struck the

Continued on the
88 screen and spread a path of brightness as if it were a shattered Next Page

89 particle. Under these conditions, light definitely appears

90 to be a particle.

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 6

91 What do you think would happen if you poked a second

92 tiny hole into the cardboard near the first one? Logically,

93 you might expect the path of brightness behind the cardboard

94 to be twice as bright. After all, you now have two

95 holes permitting the light to shine onto the screen. This

96 is not what happens. Instead, gazing at the screen, your

97 eyes would view of series of circles identical to the ones

98 you would see in a pond after a rock was thrown into it.

99 This circular pattern is well known to physicists as the

100 fingerprint of a wave pattern. Viewed in this fashion, light

101 definitely seems to be a wave pattern. How could this

102 possibly happen? How could something as simple as punching

103 a hole in a piece of cardboard change the appearance of

104 light from that of a solid particle into a massless wave?

105 Quantum theory contains these incredible paradoxes that are

106 only now starting to be understood. We shall continue our

107 investigation of this wondrous science in the next reading

108 selection.

If you finish this in less than a minute,
Go back to Line 1 and continue from there

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 7

Lack of Schema
The procedure is actually quite simple. First you arrange things into different groups. Of course,
one pile may be sufficient depending upon how much there is to do. If you have to go some-
where else due to a lack of facilities that is the next step, otherwise you are pretty well set. It is
important not to overdo things. That is, it is better to do too few things at once than too many.
In the short run this may not seem important, but complications can easily arise. A mistake can
be expensive as well. At first the whole procedure will seem complicated. Soon, however, it
will become just another facet of life. It is difficult to foresee any end to the necessity for this
task in the immediate future, but then one can never tell. After the procedure is completed one
arranges the materials into different groups again. Then they can be put into their appropriate
places. Eventually, they will have to be used once more and the whole cycle will then have to be
repeated. However that is part of life.

SOURCE: Bransford & Johnson, Consideration of Some Problems Of Comprehension, 1973.

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 8

Rich Schema
July 28, 1903 A baby shop $ 175.00 Robert Cole
October 1, 1903 A hospital $ 125.00 Robert Cole
November 1, 1903 A physician $ 475.00 Robert Cole Sr.
December 20, 1903 A toy company $ 98.20 Robert Cole Sr.
September 6, 1909 A private boys school $2,250.00 Robert Cole Sr.
September 6, 1915 An exclusive military academy $3,150.00 Robert Cole Sr.
October 1, 1921 A Cadillac Dealer $3,700.00 Robert Cole Sr.
November 7, 1921 An auto repair shop $ 300.75 Robert Cole Sr.

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 9

Backwards Reading Exercise

Who would have thought that a dog drooling over its food would lead to one of the most impor-
tant psychological discoveries in history? In 1902, Pavlov, a Russian psychologist, began a se-
ries of experiments that revolutionized our understanding of learning. His must famous experi-
ment used a hungry dog.

Pavlov knew that a dog salivates when fed, and attempted to condition the animal to
drool upon hearing a ringing bell. Pavlov rang a best just before feeding the dog. Soon, the ani-
mal began to associate the ringing of the bell with the start of a meal. Pavlov noted that eventu-
ally the dog drooled upon hearing the bell, even if no food was presented. Apparently the dog
transferred its instinctive reaction to eating food to the ringing of the bell. Pavlov called this
form of learning Classical Conditioning.

Classical Conditioning introduced four new vocabulary words into the language of
psychology. One of this terms is Unconditioned Stimulus (US). An unconditioned stimulus is
any stimulus that can produce a response in an organism without any training. The drooling to
food exhibited by the dog was not learned. It is an instinctive reaction to food which is the UCS.

Another psychological term derived from this experiment is Unconditioned Response (UCR).
The UCR is a response consistently seen each time the unconditioned stimulus is presented. In
this experiment, the dog drools each time the food is presented. Drooling is the unconditioned
response to the food stimulus.

The Conditioned Stimulus (CS) is the new stimulus that an organism responds to following clas-
sical learning. Under normal conditions a dog does not drool when hearing a bell. After condi-
tioning, Pavlov’s dog responded to the ringing bell by drooling. The bell now acted as a stimu-
lus with the power to elicit the dog’s salivation response.

The Conditioned Response (CR) is the reaction an organism has to the conditioned stimu-
lus. In Pavlov’s experiment, the dog’s drooling became the conditioned response to hearing a
ringing bell.

Although simple in concept, Pavlov’s work was an important advancement for psycholo-
gists. There isn’t a branch in modern psychology untouched by Pavlov’s discovery of classical conditioning.

Continued on the next page

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 10

Small Backwards Reading Lines

Who would have thought that a dog drooling over its food would lead to one of the most impor-

tant psychological discoveries in history? In 1902, Pavlov, a Russian psychologist, began a se-

ries of experiments that revolutionized our understanding of learning. His must famous experi-

ment used a hungry dog.

Pavlov knew that a dog salivates when fed, and attempted to condition the animal to

drool upon hearing a ringing bell. Pavlov rang a best just before feeding the dog. Soon, the ani-

mal began to associate the ringing of the bell with the start of a meal. Pavlov noted that eventu-

ally the dog drooled upon hearing the bell, even if no food was presented. Apparently the dog

transferred its instinctive reaction to eating food to the ringing of the bell. Pavlov called this

form of learning Classical Conditioning.

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 11

Bolded Schematic Clues

The American war for independence began near Boston. The British army, under the com-

mand of General Gage was stationed in Boston. April 19, 1775 was the date that the war

broke out. Over 700 British regulars went to destroy the American military supply in Con-

cord, on a very secret mission.

The American militia were alerted by both Paul Revere, and William Dawes. Many

have read about the famous midnight right taken by Paul Revere. This ride has been immortal-

ized in poetry and literature.

Even with early warning, the American troops initially were scattered by the British

army. American troops hid behind trees, and fired upon the English troops who were better

trained. The battle quickly turned in favor of the Americans. British troops faced fierce

fire from American troops hiding in the woods. The New England forest provided first rate

cover for the troops, and stopped the English from mounting a counterattack. While 100

American soldiers died, over 250 British casualties occurred. Even more British troops

would have died, but a brigade that arrived from Boston prevented their total annihilation.

Horsemen spread the word of the English attack to all the other Colonies. During this

time period, horses were the main mode of transportation. In Massachusetts, the Massachusetts

Committee of Public Safety called up an army of 30,000 to be established to protect the peo-

ple from the British troops. After the call, militia came to Boston from everywhere in New

England. The scene was now set for one of the most famous early battles of the war, the Battle

of Bunker Hill, which actually took place on Breed’s Hill.

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 12

Marking Off Important Text

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 13

American History Table of Contents

Part One: Freedom in the New World

The People of the New Land………………………………………………………..………10

The Culture of the New World Indians
The Heritage of the Indians

The Legacy of the Colonial Period………………………………………………………….15

The Spanish Colonies
The French Colonies
The Early English Colonies
Economic Development in the English Colonies
Colonial culture

The Seeds of Revolution……………………………………………………………………..25

Conflict Between Britain and France
Taxation Without Representation in the Colonies
American Resistance Strengthens

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 14

Biology Table of Contents


Chapter 11
Fish Physiology
Fish Mating Behavior
Fish Eating Habits

Chapter 12
Amphibian Physiology
Amphibian Mating Behavior
Amphibian Eating Habits

Chapter 13
Reptile Physiology
Reptile Mating Behavior
Reptile Eating Habits

Chapter 14
Avian Physiology
Avian Mating Behavior

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 15

Using An Index - Psychology

Perception 250
Personal dispositions 560
Personality Measurement 580
Personality Theory 581
Phi phenomenon 230
Phobia 650
Phonemes 99
Physical therapies 635
Piaget’s theory of intelligence 532
Pitch, physical basis for 175
Place learning 309
Placebo effects 49
Play 534
Population 65
Prejudice 673
Pressure, sense of 189
Prenatal influences on behavior 404
Primary colors 169
Probability 56
Problem-solving 262
Psychosomatic disorders 495

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 16

Using An Index - Biology

Baker’s bodies 110

Balbiani rings 75
Barr Bodies 336
Basal bodies 282
Basal Plate 279
Basic chromosome numbers 345
Basidiomycetes 410
Beta configuration 128
Bioblast, Altmann’s theory of 210
Birefringence 45
Bivalent chromosomes 422
Bonellia, sex determination 370
Bridge-acentric anaphase 490
Brush border 129
C factor 241
Capsid of virion 92
Cardiac glycoside 55
Cathespin 258
Cedidomyiidae 260

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 17

Atomic Weights of Elements

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 18

Embedded Stories

© 2004 Dr. Kuni M. Beasley, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Ê Gateway Preparatory School, Inc. Page 19

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