This document contains the curriculum requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Computer Studies majoring in Computer Science at the University of the City of Manila. Over the course of 4 years, students are required to complete a total of 162-165 units, including general education and computer science courses. The curriculum is broken down semester by semester, listing the required courses, course codes, units, prerequisites, and space to record grades for each semester.
This document contains the curriculum requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Computer Studies majoring in Computer Science at the University of the City of Manila. Over the course of 4 years, students are required to complete a total of 162-165 units, including general education and computer science courses. The curriculum is broken down semester by semester, listing the required courses, course codes, units, prerequisites, and space to record grades for each semester.
This document contains the curriculum requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Computer Studies majoring in Computer Science at the University of the City of Manila. Over the course of 4 years, students are required to complete a total of 162-165 units, including general education and computer science courses. The curriculum is broken down semester by semester, listing the required courses, course codes, units, prerequisites, and space to record grades for each semester.
This document contains the curriculum requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Computer Studies majoring in Computer Science at the University of the City of Manila. Over the course of 4 years, students are required to complete a total of 162-165 units, including general education and computer science courses. The curriculum is broken down semester by semester, listing the required courses, course codes, units, prerequisites, and space to record grades for each semester.
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(University of the City of Manila)
Intramuros, Manila
Bachelor of Science in Computer Studies Major in Computer Science (BSCS-CS)
S.Y. 2014-2015
First Year, First Semester
COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE UNITS PRE(CO)-REQUISITES GRADE CHEM 11 General Chemistry (lec) 3 CHEM 11.1 General Chemistry (lab) 1 CSC 111 Introduction to Information Technology 3 ENG 102 English Proficiency Instruction I 4 ESC 112 College Algebra 3 ESC 113 Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 3 FIL 101 KomunikasyonsaAkademikong Filipino 3 SOCSCI 101 General Psychology 3 PED 11 Foundations of Physical Activities (2) NSTP 11 ROTC/CWTS (3) TOTAL 23 GWA * With computer hands-on
First Year, Second Semester
COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE UNITS PRE(CO)-REQUISITES GRADE CSC 121 Fund. of Problem Solving and Prog. I (lec) 2 CSC 111 CSC 121.1 Fund. of Problem Solving and Prog. I (lab) 1 (CSC 121) CSC 122 Presentation Skills in Information Technology 3 CSC 111 CSC 123 Values and Professional Ethics 3 CSC 111 ENG 102 English Proficiency Instruction II 4 ENG 102 ESC 122 Advanced Algebra 2 ESC 112 ESC 123 Solid Mensuration 2 ESC 112, ESC 113 ESC 124 Analytic Geometry 3 ESC 112, ESC 113 FIL 102 Pagbasa at PagsulatTungosaPananaliksik 3 FIL 101 PED 11 Foundations of Physical Activities (2) PED 11 NSTP 11 ROTC/CWTS (3) TOTAL 23 GWA Second Year, First Semester COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE UNITS PRE(CO)-REQUISITES GRADE CSC 211 Fund. of Problem Solving and Prog. II (lec) 2 CSC 121 CSC 211.1 Fund. of Problem Solving and Prog. II (lab) 1 (CSC 221) CSC 212 Principles of File Organization (lec) 2 CSC 121 CSC 212.1 Principles of File Organization (lab) 1 (CSC 212) ENG 203 Technical Communication 3 ENG 102 ESC 211 Probability and Statistics 3 ESC 112 ESC 212 Differentical Calculus 4 ESC 122, ESC 123, ESC 124 PHY 121 Physics I (lec) 3 (PHY 211) PHY 121.1 Physics I (lab) 1 ESC 112 SOCSCI 102 Politics and Governance with Philippine Constitution 3 PED PE Elective (12, 13, 14) (2) TOTAL 23 GWA
Second Year, Second Semester
COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE UNITS PRE(CO)-REQUISITES GRADE CSC 221 Data Structures (lec) 2 CSC 211 CSC 221.1 Data Structures (lab) 1 (CSC 221) CSC 222 Discrete Mathematics 3 ESC 211 ENG 201 Rhetoric 5 ENG 102 ESC 222 Integral Calculus 4 ESC 212 HUM 21 Art, Man and Society 3 PHY 211 Physics II (lec) 3 PHY 121 PHY 211.1 Physics II (lab) 1 (PHY 211) SOCSCI 201 Introduction to Economics with Taxation and Agrarian 3 ESC 112 PED PE Elective (12, 13, 14) (2) PED 11 TOTAL 23 GWA
Third Year, First Semester
COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE UNITS PRE(CO)-REQUISITES GRADE CSC 311 Quality and Standards Management 3 3rd Year Standing CSC 312 System Analysis Design 3 3rd Year Standing CSC 313 Principles of Programming Languages (lec) 3 CSC 212 CSC 313.1 Principles of Programming Languages (lab) 1 (CSC 313) CSC 314 Logic Design and Digital Computer Circuits 3 CSC 222 FIL 22 AngBuhay at mgaSinulatniDr. Jose Rizal 3 FIL 102 HUM 22 History of Philippine Arts 3 SOCSCI 202 Society and Culture with Family Planning 3 TOTAL 22 GWA Third Year, Second Semester COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE UNITS PRE(CO)-REQUISITES GRADE CSC 321 Special Topic 3 3rd Year Standing CSC 322 Principles of Operating System 3 3rd Year Standing CSC 323 Introduction to Accounting for CS 3 3rd Year Standing CSC 324 Database Management System 3 CSC 312` CSC 325 Computer Organization and Assembly Language (lec) 3 CSC 314 CSC 325.1 Computer Organization and Assembly Language (lab) 1 (CSC 325) CSC 326 Design Analysis of Algorithms 3 CSC 221 HIST 11 Philippine History 3 PHILO 11 Introduction to Philosophy 3 TOTAL 25 GWA
Third Year, Summer
Fourth Year, First Semester
COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE UNITS PRE(CO)-REQUISITES GRADE CSC 401 CS Elective I 3 4th Year Standing CSC 402 CS Elective II 3 4th Year Standing CSC 411 Data Communication and Networking 3 CSC 322 CSC 412 Software Engineering 3 CSC 313 CSC 413 Research Writing I 3 4th Year Standing CSC 414 Automata and Language Theory 3 CSC 222 CSC 501 Free Elective I 3 4th Year Standing TOTAL 21 GWA
Fourth Year, Second Semester
COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE UNITS PRE(CO)-REQUISITES GRADE CSC 403 CS Elective III 3 4th Year Standing CSC 404 CS Elective IV 3 4th Year Standing CSC 421 Networking Administration 3 CSC 411 CSC 422 Research Writing II 3 CSC 413 CSC 423 Compiler Design (lec) 2 CSC 414 CSC 423.1 Compiler Design (lab) 1 (CSC 423) CSC 502 Free Elective II 3 4th Year Standing CSC 503 Free Elective III 3 4th Year Standing TOTAL 21 GWA