Tuberculous Spondylitis: Risk Factors and Clinical/paraclinical Aspects in The South West of Iran
Tuberculous Spondylitis: Risk Factors and Clinical/paraclinical Aspects in The South West of Iran
Tuberculous Spondylitis: Risk Factors and Clinical/paraclinical Aspects in The South West of Iran
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Journal of Infection and Public Health (2010) 3, 196—200
a Infectious Disease Ward, Jundishapur Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Center, Razi Hospital of
Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, No. 52, West 11 Avenue, Kianabad, Ahvaz, Iran
b Ahvaz Health Center, Iran
Received 16 April 2010 ; received in revised form 7 September 2010; accepted 10 September 2010
Tuberculosis spondilitis; Background and objectives: Tuberculous spondylitis (TS) is both the most common
Risk factors; and the most dangerous form of TB infection. Delay in diagnosis and management
Clinical aspects; causes spinal cord compression and spinal deformity. The aim of this study was to
identify the clinical and paraclinical aspects and also to describe its risk factors in
Khuzestan, a province located in the south west of Iran.
Method: In this medical record-based retrospective study 69 cases of TS registered
in Khuzestan Health Center from 1999 to 2008, were reviewed. For each TS case two
extra pulmonary TB cases (without spinal involvement) were randomly selected as
control. Related data in patients were analyzed in SPSS software (version 16, USA)
using chi square and Fishers exact test. Differences with P < 0.05 were considered
Results: The mean age of patients was 43.7 ± 18.3 years, and 60.8% were males. The
mean time of delay: for patients’ delay, doctors’ delays and from diagnosis to initi-
ation of treatment was 1.8 ± 1.1, 6.8 ± 4.3 and 1.3 ± 1.2 months, respectively. In 56
cases (81.1%), TS was diagnosed on lumbosacral radiograph, in remaining cases by
lumbosacral MRI. Twenty patients (30.4%) had a previous TB history, 30.4% had under-
lying medical disorders such as diabetes mellitus (30%), steroid use (45%), chronic
renal failure (50%). The most common clinical findings were: backache 98.5%, fever
26.1%, spinal tenderness 84.1%, paraparesis 26.1%, and kyphosis 28.9%. Labora-
tory results were: elevated sedimentation rate (ESR) 92.8% and positive CRP 86.9%.
There were statistically significant differences in age, gender, CRF, imprisonment
and previous TB infection between the two groups.
1876-0341/$ — see front matter © 2010 King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tuberculous spondylitis risk factors and its clinical/paraclinical aspects in the south west of Iran 197
Differences with P < 0.05 were considered signifi- Table 1 Frequency of clinical, laboratory and imag-
cant. ing findings among studied patients with spinal
Variables Number Percentage
Results Clinical
Fever 18 26.1
During the period of study, a total of 15,678 cases of Night sweating 12 17.4
Weight loss 10 14.5
pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB were registered
Back pain 68 98.5
in KHC, 213 patients were diagnosed as TS. We only Local tenderness 58 84.1
could find 69 medical records (having needed data Paraparesis 18 26.1
for study) of TS in our studied hospitals. Kyphosis 20 28.9
The mean age ± SD of patients was 43.7 ± 18.3 Laboratory
years, and 42 (60.8%) of the patients were male. Leukocytosis 10 14.5
The mean intervals from onset of symptoms to ESR >20 64 92.8
attend the health center or private physician Positive CRP 60 86.9
(patients’ delay), from doctor’s visit to diagnosis Imaging
(doctors’ delay) and from diagnosis to the initi- Chest X-ray 18 26.1
ation of treatment were 1.8 ± 1.1, 6.8 ± 4.3 and Spinal X-ray 56 81.1
Spinal MRI 13 18.8
1.3 ± 1.2 months, respectively. In 56 cases (81.1%),
Bone scanning 10 14.5
TS was suspected to exist after observing wedge
pattern on spinal radiograph, in remaining cases ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP: C-reactive
protein, MRI: magnetic resonance imaging.
spinal MRI was the initial diagnostic tool in diag-
nosis. Twenty patients (30.4%) had a previous TB
history. Cavitary lesion was observed in 12 patients
(17.4%) and the upper lobes were predominantly cases (68.1%), whereas 22 patients (31.9%) required
involved on chest radiograph. Twenty-one patients additional surgical intervention, mainly those with
(30.4%) had underlying medical disorders such as spinal cord compression, spinal deformity, or risk
diabetes mellitus in 6 (30%), steroid use in 9 (45%), of spinal instability. There was definite improve-
chronic renal failure (CRF) in 10 (50%) and liver dis- ment in 53 cases (76.8%). There was no serious
eases in 3 (15%). About 80% of these CRF patients drug side effect requiring drug discontinuation. The
were undergoing peritoneal dialysis and were reg- best outcome was in those patients diagnosed in
istered as intestinal TB. More than one underlying early phase before the occurrence of spinal defor-
diseases were detected in 7 of the patients. Fif- mity or neurological symptoms. By comparing data
teen patients (21.7%) had history of stay in prison, between patients with spinal tuberculosis (TS) and
among them 12 (80%) were intravenous drug users. patients without spinal involvement (NTS), statis-
Twelve patients (17.4%) had concurrent HIV infec- tically significant differences in age, gender, CRF,
tion. TS concurrent with TB of other sites was imprisonment and previous TB between two groups
as follows: cervical lymph node 3 (4.3%), intesti- (Table 2) were noted.
nal TB 11 (15.9%) and genitourinary TB 5 (7.2%).
As shown in Table 1 the most frequent symptoms
were backache 68 (98.5%) and fever 18 (26.1%), Discussion
and the most frequent sign was spinal tenderness
58 (84.1%). Other clinical findings were: paraparesis This study showed that TS is more prevalent in older
18 (26.1%), kyphosis 20 (28.9%). Laboratory results population than the younger population. Previous
were: elevated sedimentation rate ESR 64 (92.8%), studies have reported that in endemic TB area,
CRP 60 (86.9%), other laboratory workup was not skeletal TB complications occurred most commonly
helpful. Although spinal X-ray in some cases was in children and young adults [1,4]. Mean age of TS
helpful in diagnosis, but MRI of the spine using patients in Fennira et al. study was 48.6 years and in
contrast medium was the best diagnostic imaging García-Lechuz study was 58 years [15,16]. Our find-
tool for detecting TS. Ten patients (14.5%) had tho- ing is consistent with the results of investigations in
racic spine involvement and 33 patients (47.8%) had developed countries where the occurrence of pedi-
paraspinal abscesses. Tissue aspirates had a yield of atric TS is extremely rare [4,5]. Iran, although is an
27 (39.1%), 15 (21.7%), and 6 (8.7%) for granulomas, endemic area for TB, but we believe that mass vac-
acid-fast bacilli on smear examination, and culture, cination of Bacille—Calmette—Guerin (BCG) started
respectively. Medical therapy alone was given in 47 in 1984 and continuing through the integrated
Tuberculous spondylitis risk factors and its clinical/paraclinical aspects in the south west of Iran 199
Table 2 Comparing the risk factors for spinal tuberculosis between patients with and without spinal involvement.
Variables TS-group (n = 69) NTS-group (n = 138) P-value OR 95% CI
>35 years 58(84.1) 73(52.9) <0.0001 4.7: 2.3—9.7a
<35 years 11(15.9) 65(47.1)
Male 42(60.9) 62(44.9) 0.03 1.9: 1.1—3.4a
Female 27(39.1) 76(55.1)
Diabetes mellitus 6(8.7) 9(6.5) 0.57 1.4: 0.5—4
Chronic renal failure 10(14.5) 8(5.8) 0.04 2.7: 1.1—7.3a
IVDU 12(17.4) 18(13) 0.41 1.4: 0.6—3.1
History of imprisonment 15(21.7) 12(8.7) 0.01 2.9: 1.3—6.6a
History of corticosteroid 9(13) 12(8.7) 0.33 1.6: 0.6—3.9
History of previous TB 20(28.9) 24(17.4) 0.04 1.9: 1.5—3.9a
HIV co-infection 12(17.4) 19(13.8) 0.53 1.3: 0.6—2.9
IVDU: intravenous drug user, TB: tuberculosis, HIV: human immunodeficiency syndrome.
a Risk factor for spinal tuberculosis, TS: patients with spinal tuberculosis, NTS: patients without spinal involvement.
Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI) since 1993 pain, tenderness and paraparesis [4,6,8]. Our find-
resulted in significant decreases in TB complications ing regardless of their frequency is in agreement
in children and young adults. with these studies.
According to the present study TS occurred In our study a history of previous TB was observed
more frequently in males than in females (60.8% in only 30.4%. This rate in published studies ranges
vs. 39.2%). Mulleman et al. in their work have from 7.2% to 100% [6,7,9,12,13]. These differences
reported female predominance [13] but in some reflect the variation of TB prevalence among differ-
other reports prevalence of TS in both males and ent communities with different socioeconomic and
females was equal [6—8,14]. These differences are public health status.
not clear for us; we think that in our study males We found elevated ESR in 92.8% and positive
due to their life style and underlying diseases may CRP in 86.9% patients. Diwakar et al., Alothman
be at a higher risk of TB skeletal complication. et al and Rodriguez-Gomez have described ele-
In the most endemic areas for TB, TB with its vated ESR in their studies in more than 90% of
complication is a neglected disease and there is their cases [6,7,12]. CRP was positive in only 26%
a considerable gap between occurrence of illness cases in Maeda et al’s report. We believe the dif-
and the time of diagnosis [7]. In our study this ference between our result and the result of Maeda
gap was far away from the previous studies (8.6 is contributed to aged patients in Maeda’s study.
months vs. 4 months). This delay is due to the negli- Overall, we think CRP and ESR are useful tests
gence of patients and lack of awareness of primary in diagnosing TS in kyphotic cases in endemic TB
physician[12]. We suppose that low level of pub- area.
lic awareness about TB and its complication in the As mentioned above, if there is any suspicion of
region is the main reason for these phenomena. spinal TB, MRI of the spine using contrast medium
We believe that the reasons for delay ±1.3 months should be implemented as diagnostic means. After
from diagnosis to the initiation of treatment may the collection of spinal and/or paraspinal speci-
be as follows: (1) Patient’s delay from the time of men, microbiological examination should comprise
referral by practitioner to health center to initi- microscopy, culture and PCR to avoid any delay to
ate anti-TB drugs. (2) Primary denial of the patient establish the correct diagnosis and specific treat-
having TB, because TB is still considered a stigma ment.
in public thought in the region. (3) Some patients’ In this study most patients were cured by anti-TB
low opinion on health care provider comparing with drugs. Neurosurgery was performed in only 31.9%
experienced aged physicians (mostly not familiar patients that is similar to the study of Rodriguez-
with the health policy of TB national program). (4) Gomez (32%). Operations for spinal tuberculosis are
Lack of some specific anti-TB drugs in rural health now indicated less for the control of disease than
centers while the patient needs in the first visit. for complications, including nonresponding neural
It is documented that vertebral involvement is a deficit (nearly 40% of neural complications), pre-
chronic process in TB and the chief complaints of vention or correction of severe kyphotic deformity,
the patients are local manifestations such as back and for tissue diagnosis [18].
200 S.M. Alavi, M. Sharifi