Battle of Gorlice
5 February 1915
4th Guard Field Artillery Regiment (2-77mm bns)
1st Guard Engineer Battalion
2nd Company, Guard Pioneer Battalion
3rd Company, Guard Pioneer Battalion
2nd Guard Divisional Bridging Train
2nd Guard Telephone Detachment
1/1st Guard Foot Artillery Regiment (3-150mm howitzer btrys)
Attached Austrian Troops:
2nd 150mm Howitzer Battery (8 150mm howitzers)
8th 305mm Mortar Battery (2 205mm mortars)
15th 305mm Mortar Battery (2 205mm mortars)
225th Trench Mortar Detachment (6 mortars)
226th Trench Mortar Detachment (6 mortars)
119th Medium Trench Mortar Detachment (4 mortars)
Guard Heavy Trench Mortar Detachment (2 mortars)
XXXXI Reserve Corps: General der Infanterie von Francois
81st Reserve Division: Generalmajor von Stocken
(263 officers/11,133 men)
81st Reserve Brigade: Oberstleutnant von Lorne von St. Ange
267th Reserve Regiment
268th Reserve Regiment
269th Reserve Regiment
81st Reserve Cavalry Detachment
4/7th Dragoon Regiment
81st Artillery Brigade: Oberst Hellwig
67th Reserve Field Artillery Regiment
(3 77mm gun btrys & 3 105mm howitzer btrys)
68th Reserve Field Artillery Regiment
(3 77mm gun btrys & 3 105mm howitzer btrys)
84th Reserve Pioneer Company
85th Reserve Pioneer Company
82nd Reserve Division: Generalmajor Fabarius
(298 officers/11,338 men)
82nd Reserve Brigade: Oberst Kaupert
270th Reserve Regiment
271st Reserve Regiment
272nd Reserve Regiment
82nd Reserve Cavalry Detachment
4/7th Uhlan Regiment
82nd Artillery Brigade: Oberst Lepper
69th Reserve Field Artillery Regiment
(3 77mm gun btrys & 3 105mm howitzer btrys)
70th Reserve Field Artillery Regiment
(3 77mm gun btrys & 3 105mm howitzer btrys)
86th Reserve
1st Company, 18th Pioneer Battalion
Support Troops
2/3rd Foot Artillery Regiment (3-150mm btrys)
Austrian Troops
1 150mm Howitzer Battery (4 150mm howitzers)
1 120mm Gun Battery (4-120mm guns)
Attached German Troops
7th Btry, 1st Bavarian Reserve Foot Artillery
(4-100mm guns)
3/1st Foot Artillery Regiment (2 btrys, 4-210mm mortars ea)
229th Light Trench Mortar Detachment (6 mortars)
230th Light Trench Mortar Detachment (6 mortars)
120th Medium Trench Mortar Detachment (4 mortars)
35th Heavy Trench Mortar Detachment (2 mortars)
Kneussl Combined Corps: Generalmajor Ritter von Kneussl
11th Bavarian Division: Generalmajor Ritter von Kneussel
(348 officers/12,634 men)
21st Bavarian Brigade: Generalmajor Ritter von Schoch
3rd Bavarian Regiment
22nd Bavarian Regiment
13th Bavarian Reserve Regiment
1/2nd Bavarian Chevauleger Regiment
4/7th Bavarian Chevauleger Regiment
3/7th Bavarian Dragoon Regiment
21st Bavarian Field Artillery Regiment (6-77mm gun btrys)
19th Bavarian Pioneer Company
21st Bavarian Pioneer Company
Suppport Troops:
5th Btry, 2nd Reserve Foot Artillery Regiment
119th Division: Generalmajor von Behr
(276 officers/10,352 men)
237th Brigade: Generalmajor von Stuer
46th Infantry Regiment
58th Infantry Regiment
46th Reserve Regiment
3/7th Uhlan Regiment
3/1st Uhlan Regiment
4/Königsjäger zu Pferd Regiment
Artillery Brigade:
237th Field Artillery Regiment (6 77mm gun btrys)
237th Pioneer Company
4th Company, 21st Pioneer Battalion
Support Troops:
3rd Btry, 2nd Reserve Foot Battalion
Austrian Troops
2 Mountain Batteries (8 guns)
1 Mountain Howitzer Battery (4 howitzers)
1 120mm Battery (4-120mm guns)
2 150mm Howitzer Batteries (8 150mm howitzers)
Attached German Troops:
1/4th Foot Artillery Regiment
(3 btrys, 4-150mm howitzers ea)
2/14th Reserve Foot Artillery Regiment (2 heavy btrys,
4 150mm howtizers ea)
3/4th Reserve Foot Artillery Regiment (4 btrys,
4-210mm mortars ea)
3/14th Reserve Foot Artillery Regiment (4 btrys,
4-210mm mortars ea)
215th Light Trench Mortar Companies (6 mortars)
216th Light Trench Mortar Companies (6 mortars)
101st Bavarian Medium Trench Mortar Company (4 mortars)
1st Bavarian Heavy Trench Mortar Company (2 mortars)
X Army Corps: General der Infanterie von Emmich
Corps Troops:
21st Field Aviation Detachment
2/20th Foot Artillery Regiment
(3-btrys, 4-150mm howitzers ea)
19th Division: Generalleutnant Hofmann
(195 officers/8,786 men)
37th Brigade
78th Infantry Regiment
91st Infantry Regiment
38th Brigade
73rd Fusilier Regiment
74th Infantry Regiment
17th Hussar Regiment (3 sqns)
19th Artillery Brigade
26th Field Artillery Regiment
62nd Field Artillery Regiment
1st Pioneer Battalion, No. 10
Field Company, 10th Pioneer Battalion
19th Pontoon Engineers
19th Telephone Detachment
20th Division: Generalleutnant Ritter und Edler von Delinger
(258 officers/0,782 men)
39th Brigade
79th Infantry Regiment
164th Infantry Regiment
40th Brigade
77th Infantry Regiment
92nd Infantry Regiment
17th Hussar Regiment (3 sqns)
20th Artillery Brigade
10th Field Artillery Regiment
46th Field Artillery Regiment
1st Pioneer Battalion No. 10
Field Company, 10th Pioneer Battalion
20th Pontoon Engineers
20th Telephone Detachment
VI Corps: Feldmarschalleutnant von Arz
12th Infantry Division: Feldmarschalleutnant Kestranek
(623 officers/15,701 men)
23rd Brigade: Generalmajor von Metz
1/,2/,3/,4/56th Infantry Regiment
1/,2/,3/,4/100th Infantry Regiment
24th Brigade: Generalmajor von Puchalski
2/,3/3rd Infantry Regiment
1/,2/,3/20th Infantry Regiment
1/,2/,3/,4/57th Infantry Regiment
Division Cavalry:
2/,4/4th Mounted Schützen Regiment
12th Field Artillery Brigade: Oberst von Dobner
1st-6th Btrys, 1st Field Artillery Regiment (36 guns)
2nd Div/1st Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys, 12 guns)
6th Heavy Field Howitzer Division (4 guns)
12th 120mm Fortress Battery (4 guns)
39th Honved Infantry Division: Feldmarschalleutnant Hadfy
(602 officers/15,033 men)
77th Honved Brigade: Generalmajor von Molnar
1/,2/,3/9th Honved Infantry Regiment
1/,2/,3/11th Honved Infantry Regiment
78th Honved Brigade: Oberst Daubner
1/,2/,3/10th Honved Infantry Regiment
1/,2/,3/16th Honved Infantry Regiment
Division Cavalry:
1/,2/15th Hussar Regiment
39th Field Artillery Brigade: Oberst von Novolny
18th Field Artillery Regiment (4 btrys, 6 guns ea)
3rd Honved Field Artillery Regiment
(4 btrys, 6 guns ea)
3rd Company, 5th Sapper Battalion
1st Company, 3rd Pioneer Battalion
Assigned German Troops
2/8th Reserve Foot Artillery Regiment (3 btrys,
4-150mm howitzers each)
3/20th Reserve Foot Artillery Regiment (2 btrys,
4-100mm guns ea)
2nd Btry, 14th Reserve Foot Artillery Regiment
(4-100mm guns)
221st Light Trench Mortar Company (6 mortars)
222nd Light Trench Mortar Company (6 mortars)
112th Medium Trench Mortar Company (4 mortars)
Assigned Austrian Troops:
11th Mortar Battery (2 guns)
13th Mortar Battery (2 guns)
11th Austro-Hungarian Honved Cavarly Division: Feldmarschal-
Leutnant Graf Bissingen
22nd Honved Brigade: Generalmajor Czito
2nd Honved Hussar Regiment
3rd Honved Hussar Regiment
24th Honved Brigade: Oberst Flohr
5th Honved Hussar Regiment
9th Honved Hussar Regiment
1st Honved Horse Artillery division
(3 btrys - 12 guns)
2nd Honved Bicycle Company
3rd Austro-Hungarian Army: General der Infantrie von Boroevic
III Corps: General der Infanterie von Colerus
28th Infantry Division: Generalmajor von Hinke
55th Brigade: Oberst Gheri
87th Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
97th Infantry Regiment (4 bns)
20th Feldjäger Battalion
56th Brigade: Generalmajor von Haustein
27th Infantry Regiment (4 bns)
47th Infantry Regiment (4 bns)
7th Feldjäger Battalion
Division Cavalry:
1/,3/5th Dragoon Regiment (252 men)
28th Field Artillery Brigade: (44 guns)
8th Field Artillery Regiment (5 btrys)
2nd Div/3rd Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys)
8,259 rifles
22nd Schützen Division: Generalmajor Schmidt von Fussina
43rd Schützen Brigade: Generalmajor Nemeczek
3rd Schützen Regiment (3 bns)
26th Schützen Regiment (3 bns)
(some unknown battalions were probably gone)
44th Schützen Brigade: Oberst Zahradniczek
1st Mountain Schützen Regiment (5 bns, with 3
Machinegun detachments)
2nd Mountain Schützen Regiment (4 bns, with 2
Machinegun detachments)
(some unknown battalions were probably gone)
Division Cavalry:
2/,4/5th Dragoon Regiment (258)
22nd Field Artillery Brigade: (54 guns)
7th Field Artillery Regiment (4 btrys)
22nd Field Artillery Regiment (2 btrys)
22nd Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys)
3rd Heavy Field Howitzer Division (2 btrys)
12 bns, 8,775 rifles
Corps Support:
1 sqn (126 men) & 1 btry (4 guns)
4th Cavalry Division: Generalmajor Berndt
18th Brigade: Oberst Kopecek
9th Dragoon Regiment (6 sqns)
13th Uhlan Regiment (6 sqns)
21st Brigade: Generalmajor Graf Marenzi
15th Dragoon Regiment (6 sqns)
1st Uhlan Regiment (6 sqns)
11th Horse Artillery division (3 btrys- 12 guns)
1/2 unidentified battery (2 guns)
1 unidentified battalion (410 rifles)
16 sqns (1,592 cavalry)
VII Corps: General der Kavallerie Erzherzog Joseph
17th Infantry Division: Generalmajor von le Beau
34th Brigade: Oberst von Henneberg
33rd Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
46th Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
4 1/2 unidentified battalions
Division Cavalry:
1/,2/7th Hussar Regiment (187 men)
17th Field Artillery Brigade: (52 guns)
19th Field Artillery Regiment (4 btrys)
1st Div/7th Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys)
4 unidentified batteries
20th Honved Infantry Division: Generalmajor Nagy
81st Brigade: Generalmajor Perneczky
1st Honved Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
17th Honved Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
4 unidentified battalions
Division Cavalry:
4th Honved Hussar Regiment (1 sqn-133 men)
20th Field Artillery Brigade: (40 guns)
1st Div/20th Field Artillery Regiment (2 btrys)
8th Honved Field Artillery Regiment (5 btrys)
1st Cavalry Division: Feldmarschalleutnant Peteani von
7th Brigade: Generalmajor de Ruiz
4th Hussar Regiment
12th Hussar Regiment
additional unknown cavalry units
total 16 sqns, 1,320 men
1 unknown foot bn (357 rifles)
7th Horse Artillery Division (3 btrys - 12 guns)
1 unidentified battery (4 guns)
X Corps: Feldmarschalleutnant von Krautwald
2nd Infantry Division: Generalmajor von Langer
(5,869 men)
3rd Brigade: Oberst Klein
40th Infantry Regiment
4th Bosnisch-Herzgowinisdh Infantry Regiment
4th Feldjäger Battalion
4th Brigade: Oberst Prusenowsky
89th Infantry Regiment
90th Infantry Regiment
Division Cavalry:(330 men)
5/,6/3rd Mounted Schützen Regiment
2 unidentified squadrons
2nd Field Artillery Brigade: (42 guns)
29th Field Artillery Regiment (5 btrys)
1st Div/10th Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys)
11 1/2 bns, 8,150 rifles
21st Infantry Division: Feldmarschalleutnant von Manns-Au
(7,171 men)
47th Brigade: Generalmajor Unschuld von Melasfeld
9th Infantry Regiment
45th Infantry Regiment
48th Brigade: Oberst von Vidulovic
10th Infantry Regiment
77th Infantry Regiment
Division Cavalry: (163 men)
3/,4/3rd Mounted Schützen Regiment
1 unidentified squadron
21st Field Artillery Brigade: (46 guns)
30th Field Artillery Regiment (5 btrys)
2nd Div/10th Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys)
1 unidentified battery
34th Infantry Division: Generalmajor von Birkenhain
67th Brigade: Generalmajor von Lauingen
61st Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
93rd Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
4 unidentified battalions
Division Cavalry: (274 men)
4/,5/12th Hussar Regiment
1 unidentified squadron
34th Field Artillery Brigade: (8 guns)
2nd Div/7th Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys)
43rd Schützen Infantry Division: Feldmarschalleutnant
Schmidt von Georgenegg (6,131 men)
59th Brigade: Generalmajor Kroupa
24th Infantry Regiment
41st Infantry Regiment
86th Schützen Brigade: Generalmajor Jesser
20th Schützen Regiment
22nd Schützen Regiment
36th Schützen Regiment
Division Cavalry: (240 men)
4/,5/1st Mounted Schützen Regiment
43rd Field Artillery Brigade: (50 guns)
31st Field Artillery Regiment (5 btrys)
43rd Field Artillery Division (2 btrys)
43rd Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys)
6/1th Sapper Battalion
13 bns, 10,650 rifles
Corps Support:
4 btrys (14 guns)
XVII Corps: General der Infanterie Kritek
121st Brigade: Oberst von Löftner
1st Kaiser Jäger Regiment (3 bns)
27th Feldjäger Battalion
1 1/2 unidentified battalions
1 unidentified squadron (100)
5 unidentified batteries (28 guns)
2,600 rifles
41st Honved Infantry Division: Feldmarschalleutnant Schay
40th Honved Brigade: Generalmajor Foglar
12th Honved Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
32nd Honved Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
82nd Honved Brigade: Generalmajor Schamschula
20th Honved Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
31st Honved Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
Division Cavalry:
5/,6/4th Honved Hussar Regiment (195 men)
41st Field Artillery Brigade: (27 guns)
2nd Div/12th Field Artillery Regiment (3 btrys)
7th Field Artillery Regiment (4 btrys)
one unidentified battery was detached
9,300 rifles
2nd Div/14th Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys
with mountian howitzers)
5 1/2 unidentified batteries
8th Infantry Division: Feldmarschalleutnant Fabini
(8,580 men)
96th Brigade: Generalmajor Rziha (4,827 rifles)
3rd Kaiser Jäger Regiment (3 bns)
4th Kaiser Jäger Regiment (3 bns)
2 unidentified battalions
Division Cavalry:
3/,4/6th Mounted Schützen Regiment (224 men)
8th Field Artillery Brigade: (64 guns)
41st Field Artillery Regiment (5 btrys)
1st Div/14th Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys)
5 unidentified batteries
Morgenstern Group:
8 Landsturm Battalions
Stöger-Steiner Group:
31 Landsturm Battalions
7 Squadrons
10 Light Batteries
3 heavy Batteries
German 47th Reserve Division: Generalleutnant von Besser
13 bns, 11,197 rifles, 1 sqn, 93 cavalry, 13 btrys
52 guns.
93rd Reserve Brigade
1/,2/,3/217th Reserve Regiment
1/,2/,3/218th Reserve Regiment
94th Reserve Brigade
1/,2/,3/219th Reserve Regiment
1/,2/,3/220th Reserve Regiment
19th Reserve Jäger Battalion
47th Reserve Cavalry Detachment
Artillery Brigade
47th Reserve Field Artillery Regiment (9 btrys)
47th Reserve Pioneer Company
47th Reserve Pontoon Engineers
47th Reserve Ambulance Company
Royal Austrian Landsturm Group Oberst Grzesicki
3 bns - 2,108 rifles
Corps Support:
1 sqn (80 men), 4 1/2 bns, 13 guns
IX Corps: Feldmarschalleutnant Kralicek
10th Infantry Division: Generalmajor von Mercenseffy
(11,848 men)
19th Brigade: Generalmajor Iwanski von Iwanina
36th Infantry Regiment (4 bns)
98th Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
2nd Feldjäger Battalion
(some unknown units were detached)
20th Brigade: Generalmajor Reymann
18th Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
21st Infantry Regiment (3 bns)
12th Feldjäger Battalion
(some unknown units were detached)
Division Cavalry:
5/,6/2nd Mounted Schützen Regiment (172 men)
10th Field Artillery Brigade: (32 guns)
25th Field Artillery Regiment (5 btrys)
1st Div/9th Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys)
13th Schützen Division: Feldmarschalleutnant von Kreysa
25th Brigade: Oberst Mader
1st Schützen Regiment (3 bns)
24th Schützen Regiment (3 bns)
(some unknown battalions were no longer present)
26th Brigade: Generalmajor von Szekely
14th Schützen Regiment (3 bns)
25th Schützen Regiment (3 bns)
(some unknown battalions were no longer present)
Division Cavalry:
5/,6/6th Mounted Schützen Regiment (170 men)
13th Field Artillery Brigade: (52 guns)
4th Field Artillery Regiment (4 btrys)
13th Field Artillery Regiment (2 btrys)
Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys)
one unidentified battery
8 bns, 6,132 rifles
26th Schützen Division: Feldmarschalleutnant Lischka
51st Schützen Brigade: Oberst Spielvogel
11th Schützen Regiment (3 bns)
12th Schützen Regiment (3 bns)
30th Schützen Regiment (3 bns)
(some unknown battalions were no longer present)
52nd Schützen Brigade: Oberst Meisel
9th Schützen Regiment (3 bns)
10th Schützen Regiment (3 bns)
(some unknown battalions were no longer present)
Division Cavalry: (190 men)
1/,2/,2nd Mounted Schützen Regiment
one unidentified squadron
26th Field Artillery Brigade: (52 guns)
26th Field Artillery Regiment (4 btrys)
26th Field Artillery Division (2 btrys)
26th Field Howitzer Regiment (2 btrys)
one unidentified battery
Army Support Troops:
88th Infantry Regiment (2)(1,656 rifles)
5th Field Artillery Regiment (5 btrys)
Polish Legion: Oberst Pilsudski
(6 bns, 1 sqn & 1 btry)
Army Reserve: Generalmajor von Sezende (9,614 men)
9 Battalions