02.design Criteria LRFD
02.design Criteria LRFD
02.design Criteria LRFD
1.1.1 LOADS
The Dead Load shall consist of the weight of the entire structure, including the
roadway, sidewalks and other public utility service. The table below gives the
unit weight of material used in the design
The live load shall consist of the weight of applied moving load of truck or
lane load as provided by the DGCS / AASHTO, Standard Specification for
Highway Bridges.
The carriage live load shall be the HL-93 Standard truck or tandem / alternate
military loading and Lane Loading as shown. Permit Design Load (Type 7: 7-
Axial) is also applied.
145 kN 145 kN 35 kN
C. Impact Loading
I = 1 + ---------
The Static effects of the design truck or tandem, other than centrifugal and
braking forces, shall be increased by the percentage specified for dynamic
load allowance in follows,
Component IM
Deck Joint-All Limit State 75%
All Other Components
Fatigue and Fracture 15%
Limit State
All Other Limit States 33%
The minimum yield strength, fy used for reinforcing steel bars are as follows:
Miscellaneous Structures
(10mm to 16mm dia.) 276.00 MPa (40000 psi)