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PC-BOX L=19m (Double Track)

W = 10.60m, R= 000m
Superstructure Report : Ver-0

August, 2021

NKDM Association

1 Design Brief Description ………………………………………………………………………………… 1

1.1 Design Condition …………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
1.2 Design Standards …………………………………………………………………………………........... 1
1.3 General Drawing …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2

2. Loads ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
2.1 Dead Load ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
2.2 Live Load ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
2.3 Other Load …………………………………………………………………………………………………4

3. Material Characteristics ………………………………………………………………………………….7

3.1 Concrete …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 7
3.2 Deformed Steel Bars ………………………………………………………………………………......... 7
3.3 Pre Stressing Strands……………………………………………………………………………………..7
3.4 Exposure Condition ……………………………………………………………………………………….7
3.5 Clear Cover to Reinforcement Bar ………………………………………………………………………7

4. Main Girder Design ………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

4.1 Structure Model ………………………………………………………………………………................. 8
4.2 Plan & Sections Detail….................................................................................................................10
4.3 Midas Input .................................................................................................................................... 14
4.4 Arrangement of Pre Stressing Strands ………………………………………………………………… 20
4.5 Longitudinal Analysis Results……………………………………………………………………………. 23
4.6 Pre Stress Losses ………………………………………………………………………………….......... 32
4.7 Study of Stress in Concrete……………………………………………………………………………… 37
4.8 Ultimate Flexural Strength of PC members with Internal Tendons………………..………………….44
4.9 Study of Shear and Torsion……………………………………………………………………………… 51
4.10 Study of Shear Key……………….……………………………………………………………………...66
4.11 Reference .........................................................……………………………………………………… 71

5. Tabulation of Reaction Force and Displacement …………………………………………………… 83

5.1 Tabulation of Bearing Reactions ……………………..…………………………………………………. 83
5.2 Deflection Check ............................................…………………………………………………........... 85
6. Transverse Analysis and Design of Box Girder …………………………………………………….. 86
6.1 Design Condition ……………………………………………………………………………….………… 86
6.2 Design Philosophy …………………………………………………………………………….………… 98
6.3 Transverse Design of Segment …………………………………………………………….……......... 102
6.4 Design of End Diaphragm under Ultimate Limit State Condition.……………………….…........... 107

7. Other Design …………………………………………………………………………………………….… 112

7.1 Elastomeric Bearing ……………………………………………………………………………………… 112
7.2 Seismic Buffer ………………………………………………………………………………………………117

8. Annexure …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 118

Annexure-A Transverse Analysis Results……………………………………………………………......... 118
Annexure-B Ultimate Limit State Forces- One Track Loaded…………………………………………… 119
Annexure-C Ultimate Limit State Forces- Two Track Loaded…………………………………………… 120
Annexure-D Transverse Analysis Forces……………………..…………………………………………… 121
Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6

1 Design Brief Description

1.1 Design Condition

PC-BOX L=19m (Double Track, 10.6m wide) R = 000m

This report is prepared for the detail design of superstructure of viaduct(Simply supported girder ).
This viaduct is Pre stressed Segmmental 1-cell Box girder,and span is 19m with radius of curve
: R= 000m.

1.2 Design Standards

1. Design Standards for Railways Structures and Commentary "Concrete Structures",

published in 1999.

2. Standard Specifications for Concrete Structures-2002,"Structural Performance Verificatin"

published by Japan Society of Civil Engineers(JSCE)

3. Bangladesh National Building Code,published in 2013

4. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, published in 2007.

5. ASTM A615/A416M-14:Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carborn Steel Bar
for Concrete Reinforcement

6. ASTM A416/A416M-12:Standard Specification for Steel Strand, Uncoated Seven-Wire

for Prestressed Concrete

7. CEB-FIP MODEL CODE 1990, published by International Federation for Structural Concrete

8. Bangladesh Standard Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete-Part2: Ribbed bars,

pubulished in 2009.

9. Eurocode 1 : Action on Structure - Part2: Traffic Load on Bridges,

pubulished in 2003.

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1.3 General Drawing



S No. Particulars Drg. No.

1 General Notes TD-ALL-VPS-ACA-00001
2 General Arrangement Drawing and Numeration Detai TD-ALL-VPS-ACA-00002 to 4
3 Reinforcement details of PC Box Girder (Including BBTD-ALL-VPS-ACA-00005 to 18
4 Prestressing Details of PC Box Girder TD-ALL-VPS-ACA-00019 & 20
5 Shear Key Details of PC Box Girder TD-ALL-VPS-ACA-00021 to 26
6 Details of Drainage Spout TD-ALL-VPS-ACA-00027
7 Layout and Details of Bearings TD-ALL-VPS-ACA-00028

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Super Structure
Single Cell precast segmental PC BOX Girder
Length of the Girder (C/C of pier) = 19 m
Span CL of bearing to CL of bearing = 17.30 m
Radius of Curvature = - m

2.1 Dead Loads

2.1.1 Dead Load (D1)
Dead weight of super structure is taken from MIDAS model

2.1.2 Added Dead Loads / Superimposed Dead Loads ( D2 )

Parapet + Noise Barrier Load 2 x 11.60 kN/m = 23.20 kN/m
Additional Load for longitudinal analysis 1 x 5 kN/m = 5.00 kN/m
Plinth 2 x 19.5 kN/m = 39.00 kN/m
Rail + Pad 4 x (0.6 + 0.6) kN/m = 4.80 kN/m
Cable duct wall 2 x (1.15 + 2.6) kN/m = 7.50 kN/m
Cable duct cover slab 2 x (1.30) kN/m = 2.60 kN/m
Cable 2 x (1.0 + 1.5) kN/m = 5.00 kN/m
Total Added Dead Loads 87.10 kN/m

2.1.3 Electric Pole Load ( D2 )

Intersectional force to act on the base concrete ( per one side )

Direction of Axis Direction of Lateral

Bending Horizonta Vertical Bending Horizont Vertical
Moment l Force Force Moment al Force Force
(kNm) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
120.00 20.00 40.00 10.00 15.00 40.00

2.2 Live Load

Vertical Train Live Load ( L )
Train load is applied as per Japaneese Standard Train Load "M-16"
Max load per axle = 160 kN
No of axle per car = 4 Nos
Total length of one car (L) = 20000 mm


2050 2100 11700 2100 2050

160 160 160 160

Fig2.2-1 -Train Configuration

Impact factor (i)

Coefficient relative to type of train Ka 1
Span of the member L 17.30 m
Maximum Speed of Train or Rolling Stock V 110 km/h
Fundamental Natural frequency, n = 55 * L-0.8 5.622
Speed Parameter, α = V/(7.2*n*L) 0.157
Ultimate Limit State
Design Impact coefficient for Single Track, i = Ka.α + 10/(65+L)<=0.6
i 0.279
Reduction factor for double track, β = 1-(L/200) 0.914
Design Impact coefficient for Double Track i 0.254

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Serviceability & Fatigue Limit State
Design Impact coefficient for Single Track i 0.209
Design Impact coefficient for Double Track i 0.191

2.3 Other Loads

2.3.1 Centrifugal Force (C)
The horizontal load due to centrifugal force is assumed to act at a height of 1700mm above rail lev
(As per Bribge rules)

Centrifugal force = W V2
127 R
Radius of Curvature ( R ) = - m
Speed of Vehicle (V) = 110 kmph
Max no of Axle for CF = 8 Nos
Equivalent uniformly distributed Live Load (for one
track Loaded) = 8 x 160 / 19 = = 67.368 kN/m
Equivalent uniformly distributed Live Load (for
Two track Loaded) = 134.737 kN/m
Centrifugal force for One Track Loaded = ####### kN/m
Centrifugal force for Two Track Loaded = ####### kN/m
Height of PLinth & Rail = 0.600 m = 0.600 m
(Acting @ 2.30m Above Deck )

2.3.2 Derailment Load (L d )

Railway structures shall be designed in such a way that, in the event of a derailment, the resulting
damage to the bridge (in particular overturning or the collapse of the structure as a whole) is limite
to a minimum. Derailment of rail traffic on a railway bridge shall be considered as an
Accidental Design Situation.
Two design situations shall be considered:
Design Situation I: Derailment of railway vehicles, with the derailed vehicles remaining in the trac
area on the bridge deck with vehicles retained by the adjacent rail or an upstand wall. collapse of a
major part of the structure shall be avoided. Local damage, however, may be tolerated.
The parts of the structure concerned shall be designed for the following design loads in the
Accidental Design Situation: 1.4 x L (Train Load) parallel to the track in the most unfavorable
position inside an area of width 1.5 times the track gauge on either side of the centre-line of the
track as shown in fig given below: ( This is considered in Transverse analysis)

(1)   1.5 times the track gauge or less if against wall or plinth
(2)   Track gauge.
(3)   For ballasted decks the point forces may be assumed to be distributed on a
square of side 450mm at the top of the deck.
Fig2.3-1 - Design Situation I for Derailment Load
Note: For viaduct, the point forces shall be applied directly on the deck

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Design Situation II: Derailment of railway vehicles, with the derailed vehicles balanced on the
edge of the bridge and loading the edge of the superstructure (excluding nonstructural elements
such as walkways).

For this design situation, the bridge should not overturn or collapse. For the determination of
overall stability, a maximum total length of 20 m of 1.4 x L (Train Load) shall be taken as a
uniformly distributed vertical line load acting on the edge of the structure under consideration,
as shown in Fig below: ( This is considered in Stability of Superstructure)

1.     Load acting on edge of structure.

2.      Track gauge
Fig2.3-2 - Design Situation II for Derailment

2.3.3 Rolling Stock Lateral Load (L F )

Rolling stock lateral load shall be 20% of axle load on each side of the coupler of the rolling stock
Rolling Stock Lateral Load (LF) 20% of 160 = 32 kN

Fig2.3-3 - Design for Rolling Stock Lateral Load

Total Lateral Force 4 x 32 = 128 kN

Note : This force acts at 1.70m above rail level
Height of Plinth = Rail = 0.60m
CG of Lateral Force above Deck Level = 0.60 + 1.70 = 2.30 m

2.3.4 Differential temperature:
Differential temperature of +5 is considered on upper deck slab in calculations.

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2.3.5 Overall Temperature ( OT )

The effects of changes I Temperature shall be considered to members which are exposed on
the ground, the temperature range shall be :
Highest Maxm. Bridge Temperature + 40 C
Lowest Minm. Bridge Temperature + 10 C
Total Variation of Temperature 30 C
Mean Variation of Temperature 15 C
Temperature variation for design (+/-) 15 C
Bridge temperature to be assumed when the structure is effectively restrained

2.4 Wind Loads

2.4.1 Wind without Train Load ( Strong Wind)
Design Wind Speed ( as per Design Man ρw = 6.00 kN/m2
Height of parapet including Noise barrier = 2m
Point of application of wind load on parapet is 1.00m above Deck slab with intensity = 12.0 kN/m

Depth of Box girder = 2.215 m

Point of application of wind load on Box girder is 1.10m below Deck slab with intensity = 13.29 kN/

2.4.2 Wind with Train Load

Design Wind Speed ( as per Design Man ρw = 1.50 kN/m2

Height of Rolling Stock above Deck Slab= 0.60+4.1 = 4.70 m

Point of application of wind load on Rolling stock is 2.35m above Deck slab with intensity = 7.05 k

Depth of Box girder = 2.215 m

Point of application of wind load on Box girder is 1.10m below Deck slab with intensity = 3.32 kN/m

Note : Since the values of wind with train load induce more torsion in the structure,
conservatively only wind with train is considered in longitudinal analysis.

2.5 Load Combinations

Type of Structure Limt State Load Combinations

• 1.1D1+1.2D2+PS+1.1L+1.1I+1.1C+LF+W
• 1.1D1+1.2D2+PS+L+I+C+1.1LF+W
• 1.1D1+1.2D2+PS+1.2W
Ref: Table 3.7 ,
• 1.1D1+1.2D2+PS+LD+W
Design Manual
PC Girder • D1+D2+PS+SH+CR+T+L+I+C …..................Crack
Serviceabil for Concrete
• D1+D2+PS+L+I+C ..............Deflection by train loa Structure
• D1+D2+PS+SH+CR ..............Permanent deformati

Fatigue Fatigue • D1+D2+PS+L+I+C…… Fatigue by train lo

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3.0 Material Charecteristics

3.1 Concrete
Grade of Concrete = M 45
Density of concrete = 25 kN/m3
Design Compressive strength = 45 MPa
Youngs Modulus of Concrete, Ec = 32000 MPa
Poissons ratio = 0.2
Coefficient of thermal Expansion = 10 x 10-6 / oC

3.2 Deformed Steel Bars

Grade of Steel = Grade 500
Density of Steel = 78.50 kN/m
Yield Strength of Steel - Bending = 500 MPa
Yield Strength of Steel - Shear = 400 MPa
Youngs Modulus of Steel, Es = 200000 MPa
Poissons ratio = 0.3
Coefficient of thermal Expansion = 10 x 10-6 / oC

3.3 Prestressing Strands

Grade of Prestressing Strands (Low Relaxa = Grade 270
Density of Steel = 78.50 kN/m
Tensile Strength of Prestressing Strands = 1860 MPa
Yield Strength of Prestressing Strands = 1670 MPa
Youngs Modulus of Steel, Es = 200000 MPa
Poissons ratio = 0.3
Coefficient of thermal Expansion = 10 x 10-6 / oC

3.4 Exposure Condition = Normal Environment

3.5 Clear Cover to Reinforcement Bar

For Superstructure
Precast Segmental Superstructure = 35 mm
Cast-in-Situ Superstructure = 40 mm

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4. Main Girder Design

4.1 Structural Model Simulation and Analysis

Fig-4.1.1 Line model with node number

Fig-4.1.2 Line Model with element number

Fig-4.1.3 Plan View

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Fig-4.1.4 3D View

Fig-4.1.5 Elevation

Fig-4.1.6 Typical Cross Section

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4.2 Span and Sections details

Fig-4.2.1 Plan showing Box section & Segment numbers

Fig-4.2.2 Elevation showing Box section & Segment numbers

Fig-4.2.3 Segment Cross sections

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Fig-4.2.4 Segment cross section -2

Fig-4.2.5 Segment cross section -3

Fig-4.2.6 Segment cross section -4

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4.2.2 Node Numbers

Node X (mm) y (mm) Z (mm)

1 50 0 0
2 300 0 0
3 850 0 0
4 1400 0 0
5 2000 0 0
6 5000 0 0
7 8000 0 0
8 9500 0 0
9 11000 0 0
10 14000 0 0
11 17000 0 0
12 17600 0 0
13 18150 0 0
14 18700 0 0
15 18950 0 0
101 850 -1500 -2100
102 850 -1500 -2400
103 850 1500 -2100
104 850 1500 -2400
105 18150 -1500 -2100
106 18150 -1500 -2400
107 18150 1500 -2100
108 18150 1500 -2400

4.2.3 Member Numbers

Element Type Sub Type Material Property Node 1 Node 2
1 BEAM 1 8 0 1 2
2 BEAM 1 1 0 2 3
3 BEAM 1 1 0 3 4
4 BEAM 1 9 0 4 5
5 BEAM 1 3 0 5 6
6 BEAM 1 4 0 6 7
7 BEAM 1 5 0 7 8
8 BEAM 1 5 0 8 9
9 BEAM 1 6 0 9 10
10 BEAM 1 7 0 10 11
11 BEAM 1 10 0 11 12
12 BEAM 1 1 0 12 13
13 BEAM 1 1 0 13 14
14 BEAM 1 8 0 14 15

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4.2.4 Box Section Properties at different section

Section 0.3 1.40 2.00 4.50 7.50 8.50
Node No 2 4 5 6 7 8
Diaphragm S1 S1 S2 S3 S3
A (m2) 10.671 6.598 6.598 5.146 5.146 5.146
Yt (m) 0.978 0.942 0.942 0.845 0.845 0.845
Yb (m) 1.245 1.281 1.281 1.378 1.378 1.378
Zt (m ) 4.842 4.146 4.146 3.873 3.873 3.873
Zb (m ) 3.803 3.049 3.049 2.375 2.375 2.375
Ix (m ) 4.735 3.906 3.906 3.273 3.273 3.273
H (m) 2.223 2.223 2.223 2.223 2.223 2.223

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4.3 Midas Input

In this section, screen shots of Midas input are presented.

4.3.1 Material Properties

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Time dependent material (Creep & Shrinkage)

Time dependent material (Compressive strength)

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4.3.2 Boundary Conditions

A) Support Node details
Node Dx Dy Dz Rx Ry Rz Group
102 1 1 1 0 0 0 Support
104 1 0 1 0 0 0 Support
106 0 1 1 0 0 0 Support
108 0 0 1 0 0 0 Support

B) Rigid Link Node details

M-Node Type Node Group
3 111111 101 103
17 111111 105 107

4.3.3 Prestressing Tendon Details

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4.3.4 Tendon Prestress Loads

Stress Stress
Load Begin End Force Load
Tendon Type Jacking Begin Grouting
Case (N/mm^2 (N/mm^2 End (N) Group
) )
T1-L PS Stress End 0 1395 0 0 5 G1
T1-R PS Stress End 0 1395 0 0 5 G1
T2-L PS Stress End 0 1395 0 0 5 G2
T2-R PS Stress End 0 1395 0 0 5 G2
T3-L PS Stress End 0 1395 0 0 5 G3
T3-R PS Stress End 0 1395 0 0 5 G3

4.3.5 Train Load (L)

Moving Load Analysis Control Data

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Moving Load Case

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4.4 Arrangement of Pre Stressing Strands

Ultimate Tensile Strength of strand (Grade 270 = 1860 Mpa

Wobble Factor = 0.004 Per m
slip = 6 mm
Coefficent of Friction = 0.15 Per rad
Youngs modulus = 200000 Mpa
Jacking Stress = 75.00% UTS/Strand
Jacking Stress = 1395 Mpa
Area of Strand = 140 mm2
Jacking Force per Strand = 195.3 kn/Strand
Minimum cover to duct = 75 mm
Strand diameter = 15.2 mm
Area of Strand = 140 mm2

Tendon Type- T1 = 12T15

Duct diameter = 90 mm
No of Strand = 10 Nos
Total area of Tendon = 1400 mm

Tendon Type- T2 = 19T15

Duct diameter 110 mm
No of Strand 19 Nos
Total area of Tendon 2660 mm

Tendon Type- T3 = 12T15

Duct diameter 90 mm
No of Strand 5 Nos
Total area of Tendon 700 mm

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Cable Details

No of Jackin Percen
Cable No Tendon Type Strand g tage of
s Force Jackin
(KN) g force
1&4 T1 12 T 15 10 1395 1953 75.00%
2&5 T2 19 T 15 19 1395 3711 75.00%
3&6 T3 12 T 15 5 1395 977 75.00%
Total no of Strands per web 34
Total no of Strands in 2 webs 68

Vertical profile (From bottom of soffit slab to CG of Cable)

Node Nos 2 4 5 6 7 8
Cable No of Dimension from Web end Face (mm)
No Strands 0 1100 1700 4700 7700 9200
Eccentricity from Bottom
Cable 1 10 1700 1527 1418 873 600 600
Cable 2 19 1300 118 1002 426 138 138
Cable 3 5 900 780 705 327 138 138
Cg of the cable
1359 630 1081 543 274 274
from Bottom

Plan profile (from CL of Box to Cg of cable)

Node Nos 2 4 5 6 7 8
Cable No of Dimension from Web end Face (mm)
No Strands 0 1100 1700 4200 7200 8200

Eccentricity from Centre Line

Cable 1 10 2167 2165 2158 2050 1987 1987
Cable 2 19 2045 2043 2035 1916 1846 1846
Cable 3 5 1922 1918 1906 1717 1606 1606

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Arrangement of Prestressing Strands

Vertical Profile

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4.5 Longitudinal Analysis Results

4.5.1 Longitudinal Analysis Results (Individuality)

Based on the cross section properties and the loading discussed above, MIDAS analysis outputs are
Presented below for one super structure span. These are unfactored values.

Fig-4.5.1 Bending Moment Diagram (kNm) - Dead Load of Super Structure (D1)

Fig-4.5.2 Shear Force Diagram (kN) - Dead Load of Super Structure (D1)

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Fig-4.5.3 Bending Moment Diagram (kNm) - Additional Loads on Super Structure (D2)

Fig-4.5.4 Shear Force Diagram (kN) - Additional Loads on Super Structure (D2)

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Fig-4.5.5 Bending Moment Diagram (kNm) - Train Load – Max. One track loaded (L)

Fig-4.5.6 Bending Moment Diagram (kNm) - Train Load – Min. One track loaded (L)

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Fig-4.5.7 Shear Force Diagram (kN) - Train Load – Max. One track loaded (L)

Fig-4.5.8 Torsion Force Diagram (kNm) - Train Load – Max. One track loaded (L)

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Fig-4.5.9 Bending Moment Diagram (kNm) - Train Load – Max. Two track loaded (L)

Fig-4.5.10 Bending Moment Diagram (kNm) - Train Load – Min. Two track loaded (L)

Fig-4.5.11 Shear Force Diagram (kN) - Train Load – Max. Two track loaded (L)

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Fig-4.5.12 Torsion Force Diagram (kNm) - Train Load – Max. Two track loaded (L)

Fig-4.5.13 Torsion Moment Diagram (kNm) – Lateral Force near Support (LF)

Fig-4.5.14 Torsion Moment Diagram (kNm) – Lateral Force at Mid Span (LF)
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Fig-4.5.15 Axial Force Diagram (kN) – Pre stress (Ps)

Fig-4.5.16 Bending Moment Diagram (kNm) – Pre stress (Ps)

Fig-4.5.17 Shear Force Diagram (kN) – Pre stress (Ps)

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4.5.2 Ultimate Limit States Results

Fig-4.5.19 Bending moment Diagram (kNm) – Ultimate Limit State (One Track Loaded)

Fig-4.5.20 Shear Force Diagram (kNm) – Ultimate Limit State (One Track Loaded)

Fig-4.5.21 Torsion Moment Diagram (kNm) – Ultimate Limit State (One Track Loaded)

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Fig-4.5.22 Bending moment Diagram (kNm) – Ultimate Limit State (Two Track Loaded)

Fig-4.5.23 Shear Force Diagram (kNm) – Ultimate Limit State (Two Track Loaded)

Fig-4.5.24 Torsion Moment Diagram (kNm) – Ultimate Limit State (Two Track Loaded)

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4.6 Prestress Losses

Prestressing force shall be calculated from the following equation

P(x) = Pi - [ ΔPi(x) + ΔPl(x) ]

P(x) Net Prestressing force of acting on the cross section

Pi Prestressing force at the jacking end of the cable

ΔPi(x) Loss of prestressing force immediately after prestressing to be

calculated taking into account the influence of the following:
I) elastic deformation of concrete
II) friction between tendon and sheath
III) Set during anchoring of tendon

ΔPl(x) Time dependent variation of prestressing force :

to be determined taking into account the influence of the following:
IV) Relaxation of prestressing tendon
V) Creep of concrete
VI) Shrinkage of concrete

I) Elastic deformation of concrete

Δσp Prestress loss in prestressing tendon

np Young's modulus ratio of prestressing tendon to concrete
np = Ep / Ec
σ’cpg Concrete compressive stress due to prestressing at the centroid
of prestressing tendons
N Number of tensioning times (number of groups of the tendon)

II) friction between tendon and sheath

Px Tension force in tendon in design cross section

Pi Tension force in tendon at jack location
μ Friction coefficient per radian of angle change ( = 0.15 considered in calculation
α angular change (radian)
λ Friction coefficient of unit length ( = 0.004/m considered in calculations )
x Length of tendon from tensioning end to design cross section

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III) Set during anchoring of tendon

ΔP Loss of tension force due to set of tendon ( Set = 6mm assumed in calculations
Δl Setting length
l Length of tendon
Ep Young's modulus of tendon
Ap Cross section area of prestressing tendon

IV) Relaxation of prestressing tendon

Δσpr = γ σpt

Δσpr Prestress loss in prestressing tendon due to relaxation of prestressing steel

γ apparent relaxation ratio of prestressing steel
σpt Tensile stress of prestressing steel just after prestressing

V) Creep of concrete and VI) Shrinkage of concrete

Pe Prestressing force in external tendon determined taking into account the

influence of creep and shrinkage
Pt Prestressing force immediately after introducing into external tendon
np Young's modulus ratio of prestressing tendon to concrete
ρp Cross-sectional area ratio of tendon

Φ Creep coefficient of concrete

χ aging factor; usually, χ = 0.8
ε'cs shrinkage strain of concrete
Ep Young's modulus of external tendon
Ec Young's modulus of concrete
Ap Cross-sectional area of external tendon
Ac Total cross-section area of concrete

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4.6.1 Tabulation of Prestressing force , Tendon losses & Verification at Transfer

Total UTS = 1860 Mpa

Yield Strength = 1670 Mpa
Stress at Transfer <= Min ( 0.7*1860, 0.85*1670) = 1302 Mpa

Stress (After Elastic Stress(Elastic
Creep/Shrinka Relaxation All Loss)/ Effecti Stress at
Immediate Deform. Loss)/
Elem Part ge Loss Loss Stress(After ve Transfer
Loss) : A Loss : B Stress(Immedi
(N/mm^2) (N/mm^2) Immediate Num. <1302 Mpa
(N/mm^2) (N/mm^2) ate Loss)
The Loss of tendon group [T1-L] at the stage of [Final Prestressing G3]
2I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Safe
2J 1133.507 -3.680 0.997 -1.309 -3.113 0.993 1 Safe
3I 1133.507 -3.680 0.997 -1.309 -3.113 0.993 1 Safe
3J 1137.237 -3.524 0.997 -1.226 -3.124 0.993 1 Safe
4I 1137.237 -5.885 0.995 -1.897 -3.124 0.990 1 Safe
4J 1142.052 -6.029 0.995 -1.884 -3.137 0.990 1 Safe
5I 1142.052 -6.012 0.995 -1.879 -3.137 0.990 1 Safe
5J 1189.959 -13.094 0.989 -3.574 -3.268 0.983 1 Safe
6I 1189.959 -13.081 0.989 -3.571 -3.268 0.983 1 Safe
6J 1245.037 -22.968 0.982 -6.143 -3.420 0.974 1 Safe
7I 1245.037 -22.978 0.982 -6.146 -3.420 0.974 1 Safe
7J 1256.403 -22.891 0.982 -6.143 -3.451 0.974 1 Safe
8I 1256.403 -22.891 0.982 -6.143 -3.451 0.974 1 Safe
8J 1253.628 -22.679 0.982 -6.101 -3.443 0.974 1 Safe
9I 1253.628 -22.671 0.982 -6.099 -3.443 0.974 1 Safe
9J 1199.101 -13.147 0.989 -3.614 -3.294 0.983 1 Safe
10 I 1199.101 -13.159 0.989 -3.617 -3.294 0.983 1 Safe
10 J 1139.175 -5.932 0.995 -1.857 -3.129 0.990 1 Safe
11 I 1139.175 -5.948 0.995 -1.862 -3.129 0.990 1 Safe
11 J 1133.144 -5.760 0.995 -1.861 -3.112 0.991 1 Safe
12 I 1133.144 -3.438 0.997 -1.199 -3.112 0.993 1 Safe
12 J 1128.311 -3.556 0.997 -1.271 -3.099 0.993 1 Safe
13 I 1128.311 -3.556 0.997 -1.271 -3.099 0.993 1 Safe
13 J 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 Safe

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Stress (After Elastic Stress(Elastic
Creep/Shrinka Relaxation All Loss)/ Effecti Stress at
Immediate Deform. Loss)/
Elem Part ge Loss Loss Stress(After ve Transfer
Loss) : A Loss : B Stress(Immedi
(N/mm^2) (N/mm^2) Immediate Num. <1302 Mpa
(N/mm^2) (N/mm^2) ate Loss)
The Loss of tendon group [T2-L] at the stage of [Final Prestressing G3]
2I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Safe
2J 1197.118 -0.842 0.999 -1.246 -3.288 0.996 1 Safe
3I 1197.118 -0.842 0.999 -1.246 -3.288 0.996 1 Safe
3J 1201.135 -0.941 0.999 -1.264 -3.299 0.995 1 Safe
4I 1201.135 -1.524 0.999 -1.989 -3.299 0.994 1 Safe
4J 1205.995 -1.712 0.999 -2.114 -3.312 0.994 1 Safe
5I 1205.995 -1.708 0.999 -2.109 -3.312 0.994 1 Safe
5J 1229.970 -3.738 0.997 -4.628 -3.378 0.991 1 Safe
6I 1229.970 -3.736 0.997 -4.623 -3.378 0.991 1 Safe
6J 1277.436 -6.110 0.995 -8.181 -3.509 0.986 1 Safe
7I 1277.436 -6.112 0.995 -8.184 -3.509 0.986 1 Safe
7J 1273.862 -6.053 0.995 -8.179 -3.499 0.986 1 Safe
8I 1273.862 -6.053 0.995 -8.179 -3.499 0.986 1 Safe
8J 1260.801 -6.002 0.995 -8.123 -3.463 0.986 1 Safe
9I 1260.801 -6.000 0.995 -8.121 -3.463 0.986 1 Safe
9J 1210.401 -3.715 0.997 -4.681 -3.325 0.990 1 Safe
10 I 1210.401 -3.718 0.997 -4.685 -3.325 0.990 1 Safe
10 J 1183.084 -1.695 0.999 -2.104 -3.250 0.994 1 Safe
11 I 1183.084 -1.698 0.999 -2.110 -3.250 0.994 1 Safe
11 J 1177.279 -1.508 0.999 -1.972 -3.234 0.994 1 Safe
12 I 1177.279 -0.934 0.999 -1.253 -3.234 0.995 1 Safe
12 J 1172.367 -0.832 0.999 -1.225 -3.220 0.996 1 Safe
13 I 1172.367 -0.832 0.999 -1.225 -3.220 0.996 1 Safe
13 J 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 Safe

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Stress (After Elastic Stress(Elastic
Creep/Shrinka Relaxation All Loss)/ Effecti Stress at
Immediate Deform. Loss)/
Elem Part ge Loss Loss Stress(After ve Transfer
Loss) : A Loss : B Stress(Immedi
(N/mm^2) (N/mm^2) Immediate Num. <1302 Mpa
(N/mm^2) (N/mm^2) ate Loss)
The Loss of tendon group [T3-L] at the stage of [Final Prestressing G3]
2I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Safe
2J 1205.082 0.008 1.000 -0.503 -2.304 0.998 1 Safe
3I 1205.082 0.008 1.000 -0.503 -2.304 0.998 1 Safe
3J 1209.599 0.009 1.000 -0.547 -2.313 0.998 1 Safe
4I 1209.599 0.017 1.000 -0.854 -2.313 0.997 1 Safe
4J 1215.714 0.019 1.000 -0.939 -2.325 0.997 1 Safe
5I 1215.714 0.019 1.000 -0.936 -2.325 0.997 1 Safe
5J 1243.223 0.060 1.000 -1.930 -2.377 0.997 1 Safe
6I 1243.223 0.059 1.000 -1.928 -2.377 0.997 1 Safe
6J 1279.722 0.138 1.000 -3.157 -2.447 0.996 1 Safe
7I 1279.722 0.138 1.000 -3.158 -2.447 0.996 1 Safe
7J 1267.539 0.137 1.000 -3.150 -2.424 0.996 1 Safe
8I 1267.539 0.137 1.000 -3.150 -2.424 0.996 1 Safe
8J 1255.840 0.137 1.000 -3.128 -2.401 0.996 1 Safe
9I 1255.840 0.136 1.000 -3.127 -2.401 0.996 1 Safe
9J 1213.879 0.061 1.000 -1.938 -2.321 0.997 1 Safe
10 I 1213.879 0.061 1.000 -1.940 -2.321 0.997 1 Safe
10 J 1183.293 0.019 1.000 -0.935 -2.263 0.997 1 Safe
11 I 1183.293 0.019 1.000 -0.937 -2.263 0.997 1 Safe
11 J 1175.855 0.017 1.000 -0.850 -2.248 0.997 1 Safe
12 I 1175.855 0.009 1.000 -0.546 -2.248 0.998 1 Safe
12 J 1170.326 0.008 1.000 -0.501 -2.238 0.998 1 Safe
13 I 1170.326 0.008 1.000 -0.501 -2.238 0.998 1 Safe
13 J 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 Safe

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4.7 Study of Stress in Concrete

4.7.1 Stress Check in Concrete Superstructure under service condition

Analysis of the bending-stress calculation in this design is used as the PC structure.

Therefore, flexural crack calculation is no need.

In the following diagrams MIDAS output for top & bottom fibre stresses for different load combinations
are shown from next page.

Table-4.7.1 Critical-value of the edge tensile stress intensity of concrete to PC structure

Source-Table10.4.1 of DSRSC-CS

Maximum Allowable Compressive Stress = 0.40 Fck = 0.40 * 45 = -18.00 MPa

Maximum Allowable Tensile Stress = 1.40 MPa

Note : Compression is –ve, Tension is +ve

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Fig-4.7.1 Stress at Top( Mpa ) - D1 + PS

Stress Check
Maximum Stress -1.6 Mpa < -18.00 Mpa Hence Safe
Minimum Stress -0.3 Mpa < 1.40 Mpa Hence Safe

Fig-4.7.2 Stress at Bottom( Mpa ) - D1 + PS

Stress Check
Maximum Stress -6.8 Mpa < -18.00 Mpa Hence Safe
Minimum Stress -1.0 Mpa No Tension Hence Safe

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Fig-4.7.3 Stress at Top( Mpa ) - D1 + PS + LOSS

Stress Check
Maximum Stress -1.5 Mpa < -18.00 Mpa Hence Safe
Minimum Stress -0.3 Mpa No Tension Hence Safe

Fig-4.7.4 Stress at Bottom( Mpa ) - D1 + PS + LOSS

Stress Check
Maximum Stress -5.2 Mpa < -18.00 Mpa Hence Safe
Minimum Stress -0.9 Mpa No Tension Hence Safe

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Fig-4.7.5 Stress at Top( Mpa ) - D1 + D2 + PS + LOSS

Stress Check
Maximum Stress -1.6 Mpa < -18.00 Mpa Hence Safe
Minimum Stress -1.0 Mpa No Tension Hence Safe

Fig-4.7.6 Stress at Bottom( Mpa ) - D1 + D2 + PS + LOSS

Stress Check
Maximum Stress -3.8 Mpa < -18.00 Mpa Hence Safe
Minimum Stress -0.9 Mpa No Tension Hence Safe

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Fig-4.7.7 Stress at Top( Mpa ) - D1 + D2 + PS + LOSS + T

Stress Check
Maximum Stress -2.1 Mpa < -18.00 Mpa Hence Safe
Minimum Stress -1.0 Mpa No Tension Hence Safe

Fig-4.7.8 Stress at Bottom( Mpa ) - D1 + D2 + PS + LOSS + T

Stress Check
Maximum Stress -4.1 Mpa < -18.00 Mpa Hence Safe
Minimum Stress -1.4 Mpa No Tension Hence Safe

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Fig-4.7.9 Stress at Top( Mpa ) - D1 + D2 + PS + LOSS + T + L + I

Stress Check
Maximum Stress -2.8 Mpa < -18.00 Mpa Hence Safe
Minimum Stress -0.7 Mpa No Tension Hence Safe

Fig-4.710 Stress at Bottom( Mpa ) - D1 + D2 + PS + LOSS + T + L + I

Stress Check
Maximum Stress -4.2 Mpa < -18.00 Mpa Hence Safe
Minimum Stress -0.3 Mpa No Tension Hence Safe

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4.7.2 Verification of stress in Prestressing Steel at Service

Verification is made for bottom most cable Ratio of elasticity of prestressing steel and concrete = 6.25
Modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel = 200000 f'vuk = 1860 N/mm
Modulus of elasticity of concrete = 32000 Permissible stress in prestressing steel = 0.7 * f"vuk = 1302 N/mm

BM due (D2+T+L+I+C)
Elastic Deform. Loss

Stress in concrete at

prestressing steel @
from Centroidal axis

service : (13) < 0.7 *

i.e. After grouting of

Moment of inertia of
Stress in cable after

Prestressing cable

prestressing steel

prestressing steel
Creep/ Shrinkage
Immediate Loss)

due to BM of (8)
Relaxation Loss

due to BM of (8)

Final Stress in

Verification @
Stress (After

section (m4)

Distance of

the level of
all losses

Stress in









The Loss of tendon group [T3-L] at the stage of [Final Stage]
3 J 1209.599 0.6903 -64.547 -30.497 1115.25 1105.06 3.906 0.745 0.211 1.317 1116.56 safe
4 I 1209.599 1.0917 -68.756 -30.497 1111.44 727.22 3.906 0.745 0.139 0.867 1112.31 safe
4 J 1215.714 1.5567 -68.932 -30.654 1117.69 1346.86 3.906 0.841 0.290 1.812 1119.50 safe
5 I 1215.714 1.5459 -68.921 -30.654 1117.69 1352.26 3.906 0.841 0.291 1.820 1119.50 safe
5 J 1243.223 5.6952 -75.38 -31.346 1142.19 1380.73 3.906 0.874 0.309 1.931 1144.12 safe
6 I 1243.223 5.6912 -75.358 -31.346 1142.21 1388.66 3.906 0.874 0.311 1.942 1144.15 safe
6 J 1279.722 10.439 -85.152 -31.649 1173.36 522.18 3.273 1.052 0.168 1.049 1174.41 safe
7 I 1279.722 10.444 -85.162 -31.649 1173.35 517.19 3.273 1.052 0.166 1.039 1174.39 safe
7 J 1267.539 10.694 -84.507 -31.489 1162.24 726.58 3.273 1.240 0.275 1.720 1163.96 safe
8 I 1267.539 11.194 -83.862 -31.489 1163.38 984.18 3.273 1.240 0.373 2.330 1165.71 safe
8 J 1255.84 10.819 -84.263 -31.328 1151.07 832.4 3.273 1.052 0.268 1.672 1152.74 safe
9 I 1255.84 10.813 -84.257 -31.328 1151.07 836.5 3.273 1.052 0.269 1.680 1152.75 safe
9 J 1213.879 5.8813 -75.292 -30.267 1114.20 1418.23 3.906 0.874 0.317 1.983 1116.18 safe
10 I 1213.879 5.8855 -75.313 -30.267 1114.19 1410.54 3.906 0.874 0.316 1.973 1116.16 safe
10 J 1183.293 1.5275 -68.938 -29.505 1086.38 1213.86 3.906 0.841 0.261 1.633 1088.01 safe
11 I 1183.293 1.5389 -68.948 -29.505 1086.38 1208.08 3.906 0.841 0.260 1.626 1088.00 safe
11 J 1175.855 1.0483 -68.776 -29.326 1078.80 551.71 3.906 0.745 0.105 0.658 1079.46 safe
12 I 1175.855 0.6633 -64.579 -29.326 1082.61 924.08 3.906 0.745 0.176 1.102 1083.71 safe

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4.8 Ultimate Flexural Strength of PC members with Internal Tendons

4.8.1 Design Philosophy

The design flexural strength of a PC member with internal tendons subjected to flexural moments &
axial force may be calculated on the basis of the following assumptions:

a) Strain is proportional to the distance from the neutral axis of the cross section.
b) Tensile stress of concrete may be ignored.

Stress-Strain Curve for concrete

An idealized stress-strain curve is given in fig 3.2.1 of “Standard Specification for Concrete Structu
2002 JSCE is used for examination of the ultimate limit state of failure of members subjected
to flexural moments or flexure & axial forces.

Stress-Strain Curve for steel

An idealized stress-strain curve as per “Standard Specification for Concrete Structure”-2002 JSCE
cl 3.3.1 is presented.

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Ultimate flexural strength Mu of PC member with is calculated by equating Total compressive force
total tensile force about neutral axis. The neutral axis depth is calculated by iteration to meet the
following equation.

Total Tensile force (T) = Total Compressive Force (C)

Fig.4.8.1 Stress-Strain diagram

Safety check of Bending Failure

Safety check for ultimate limit state bending failure of cross section shall be carried out by the
following equation :

γi * Md / Mud ≤ 1.0

γi : Structure factor, γi = 1.2
Md : Design bending moment
Mud : Design bending capacity, Mud = Mu / γb
Mu : Bending capacity in the member section
γb : Member factor γb = 1.15

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4.8.2 Ultimate Limit State Bending Moment values

Axial Shear-y Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part Shear-z (kN)
(kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[4] 55.71 -263.82 -3489.13 1870.53 1959.69 145.44
4 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[5] 55.43 -245.61 -3253.39 1800.01 3927.79 298.25
5 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[5] 22.20 -245.61 -3253.85 1802.68 3927.79 295.52
5 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[6] 36.01 -154.57 -2082.09 1472.21 11114.57 896.72
6 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[6] 29.49 -154.57 -2082.16 1475.48 11114.57 896.02
6 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[7] 47.45 -63.53 -1007.75 1112.14 14610.74 1224.37
7 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[7] 48.00 -63.53 -1007.04 1098.13 14610.74 1225.26
7 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[8] 48.00 -19.49 -484.18 1039.43 14843.57 1286.41
8 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[8] 0.00 18.00 529.97 -1039.50 15166.43 1286.41
8 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[9] 0.00 67.27 1052.82 -1193.51 14864.93 1225.28
9 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[9] -19.01 67.27 1052.65 -1206.45 14864.93 1224.30
9 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[10] -39.35 154.56 2127.06 -1475.21 11234.03 896.08
10 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[10] -26.77 154.56 2127.25 -1471.93 11234.03 896.78
10 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[11] -42.89 245.60 3299.01 -1749.94 3911.74 295.66
11 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[11] 7.54 245.60 3299.28 -1747.28 3911.74 298.32
11 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[12] 7.82 263.81 3535.02 -1817.81 1916.11 145.51
12 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[12] 0.00 263.81 3535.03 -1824.18 1916.11 145.10
12 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[13] 0.00 280.50 3811.58 -1886.55 -444.24 -4.59

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4.8.3 Ultimate Bending Moment Capacity of Box Girder at Sec 1.10m from face of Diaphragm
(Node ④)
Concrete Parameters :
Characteristic Stress, fc = 45 N/mm2 k1 0.85 ≦1-0.003*45=0.865
Material Factor, γm = 1.3 ece = Strain ( x 10-3) in concrete
Max strain in concrete= 0.0035 fc = Stress in concrete, (N/mm²)
Maximum stress in concrete f'cd 34.615 Fc = Force in concrete, (KN)
The Section is made into number of slices of thicknesses, T M = Moment about Neutral Axis, (KNm

Section Geometry
T Area Cum T Strain ece fc Fc M
Slice no -03
mm mm² mm X10 - N/mm² kN kN-m
1 0 0.00 0.00 3.500 3.500 29.423 0.0 0.0
2 35 48982.00 35.00 2.602 2.602 29.423 1441.2 171.3
3 35 146948.00 70.00 1.703 1.703 28.776 4276.1 358.7
4 35 244912.00 105.00 0.805 0.805 18.923 5841.0 285.5
5 35 341168.00 140.00 -0.093 0.000 0.000 3227.9 44.8
6 35 364000.00 175.00 -0.991 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
7 35 362444.00 210.00 -1.890 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
8 35 333746.00 245.00 -2.788 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
9 35 295152.00 280.00 -3.686 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
10 35 261198.00 315.00 -4.584 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
11 35 167492.00 350.00 -5.483 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
12 35 135358.00 385.00 -6.381 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
13 35 103226.00 420.00 -7.279 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
14 35 73986.00 455.00 -8.177 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
15 352 436776.00 807.00 -17.211 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
16 352 386486.00 1159.00 -26.245 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
17 352 386488.00 1511.00 -35.279 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
18 352 496310.00 1863.00 -44.313 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
19 360 1299988.00 2223.00 -53.552 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
2223 5884660.0 14786 860.25

Prestress Steel Parameters :

Young's Modulus of strand(Eps) 2.00E+05 cp = Strain in Tendon,
Characteristic Stress, fpu = 1860 fp = Stress in Tendon,(Mpa)
Yield Stress, fyd 1670 Fp = Force in Tendon, (KN)
For 0.93fyd 1553.1 Mpa Strain = 0.015000 M = Moment about Neutral Axis, (KNm
For 0.84fyd 1402.8 Mpa Strain = 0.007014

Prestress Arrangement
Area np Ecc- top Strain cp fp Fp M
Slice no
mm² nos mm MPa kN kN-m
1 1400 2 744 0.01559 0.02024 1553.10 4348.68 2642.4
2 2660 2 1249 0.02855 0.03320 1553.10 8262.49 9193.1
3 700 2 1660 0.03910 0.04375 1553.10 2174.34 3312.9

4760 14786 15148

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Depth of Neutral Axis calculated, Xu 136.375 mm

Total Concrete Force (Fc) = Total steel force (Fp)
14786 = 14786
Hence compatibility condition satisfied

Verification of Ultimate Limit State for Bending moment ( As per Design Manual 4.1.1)

Total Depth of Section = 2223 mm

Area of Concrete = 5884660 mm2
Area Prestress Tendon = 4760 mm2
Neutral Axis depth. Xu = 136.375 mm
Moment of Resistance of section due to concrete = 860.3 kNm
Moment of Resistance of section due to PC Steel = 15148.3 kNm
Moment of Resistance of section (Concrete+PC Steel) = 16009 kNm
Bending Capacity of Section , Mu = 16009 kNm
Member factor γb = = 1.15

Design Bending Capacity of Section , Mud = 13920 kNm

Design Moment, Md (Ref sec 4.8.2 ) = 1960 kNm

γi * Md / Mud ≤ 1.0
Structure factor γi = 1.20

( 1.20 x 1960 ) / 13920 <= 1.0

0.17 ≤ 1.0

Therefore , only PC Strand is sufficient and additional Reinforcement not required

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4.8.4 Ultimate Bending Moment Capacity of Box Girder at Sec 9.20m from face of Diaphragm
(Node ⑧)
Concrete Parameters :
Characteristic Stress, fc = 45 N/mm2 k1 0.85
Material Factor, γm = 1.3 ece = Strain ( x 10-3) in concrete
Max strain in concrete= 0.0035 fc = Stress in concrete, (N/mm²)
Maximum stress in concrete f'c 34.615 Fc = Force in concrete, (KN)
The Section is made into number of slices of thicknesses, T M = Moment about Neutral Axis, (KNm)

Section Geometry
T Area Cum T Strain ece fc Fc M
Slice no -03
mm mm² mm X10 N/mm² kN kN-m
1 0 0.00 0.00 3.500 3.500 29.423 0.0 0.0
2 35 48984.00 35.00 2.602 2.602 29.423 1441.3 171.3
3 35 146948.00 70.00 1.703 1.703 28.776 4276.1 358.7
4 35 244912.00 105.00 0.805 0.805 18.923 5841.0 285.5
5 35 341168.00 140.00 -0.093 0.000 0.000 3227.9 44.8
6 35 364000.00 175.00 -0.991 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
7 35 362444.00 210.00 -1.890 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
8 35 333746.00 245.00 -2.788 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
9 35 295152.00 280.00 -3.686 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
10 35 257050.00 315.00 -4.584 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
11 35 154846.00 350.00 -5.483 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
12 35 122714.00 385.00 -6.381 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
13 35 90580.00 420.00 -7.279 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
14 35 61424.00 455.00 -8.177 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
15 352 325146.00 807.00 -17.211 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
16 352 276062.00 1159.00 -26.245 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
17 352 276062.00 1511.00 -35.279 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
18 352 334786.00 1863.00 -44.313 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
19 360 1144470.00 2223.00 -53.552 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0
2223 5180494.0 14786 860.26

Prestress Steel Parameters :

Young's Modulus of strand(Eps 2.00E+05 cp = Strain in Tendon,
Characteristic Stress, fpu = 1860 fp = Stress in Tendon,(Mpa)
Yield Stress, fyd 1670 Fp = Force in Tendon, (KN)
For 0.93fyd 1553.1 Mpa Strain = 0.015000 M = Moment about Neutral Axis, (KNm)
For 0.84fyd 1402.8 Mpa Strain = 0.007014

Prestress Arrangement
Area np Ecc- top Strain cp fp Fp M
Slice no
mm² nos mm MPa kN kN-m
1 1400 2 1500 0.03500 0.03965 1553.10 4348.68 5929.97
2 2660 2 1962 0.04685 0.05150 1553.10 8262.49 15084.21
3 700 2 1962 0.04685 0.05150 1553.10 2174.34 3969.53

4760 14786 24983.71

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Depth of Neutral Axis calculated, Xu 136.375 mm

Total Concrete Force (Fc) = Total steel force (Fp)
14786 = 14786
Hence compatibility condition satisfied

Verification of Ultimate Limit State for Bending moment ( As per Design Manual 4.1.1)

Total Depth of Section = 2223 mm

Area of Concrete = 5180494 mm2
Area Prestress Tendon = 4760 mm2
Neutral Axis depth. Xu = 136.375 mm
Moment of Resistance of section due to concrete = 860.3 kNm
Moment of Resistance of section due to PC Steel = 24983.7 kNm
Moment of Resistance of section (Concrete+PC Steel) 25844.0 kNm
Bending Capacity of Section , Mu = 25844 kNm
Member factor γb = = 1.15

Design Bending Capacity of Section , Mud = 22473 kNm

Design Moment, Md (Ref sec 4.8.2 ) = 15166 kNm

γi * Md / Mud ≤ 1.0
Structure factor γi = 1.20

( 1.20 x 15166 ) / 22473 <= 1.0

0.81 ≤ 1.0

Therefore , only PC Strand is sufficient and additional Reinforcement not required

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4.9 Study of Shear and Torsion

The design shear capacity of a member Vyd is given by the following equation :

4.9.1 Design Shearing Capacity Vyd = Vcd +Vsd+Vped

( as per section 6.3.3 of "Standard Specification for Concrete Structure-2002 :JSCE )
Vcd = Design shear capacity of linear member without shear reinforcement
Vsd = Design shear capacity of shear reinforcement
Vpd = Component of effective tensile force in longitudinal tendon parallel to shear force

Vcd = βd * βp * βn * fvcd * bw * d / γb
βd = (1000/d)1/4 < 1.50
βp = (100 * pc)1/3 < 1.50
βn = 1+ (Mo/Md) < 2.00
bw = web width (mm)
d = effective depth (mm)
γb = Member factor = 1.30
pc = As / (bw * d)
As = Area of tension reinforcement (mm2) = A's+ Ap
A's = Area of untensioned reinforcement (mm2)
Ap = Area of PC Steel (mm2)
fvcd = 0.2 * (f'cd)1/3 (N/mm2)

Vsd = ( Aw * fwyd * (Sin θs + Cos θs) * z) / ( SS * γb )

Aw = Area shear reinforcement placed in Ss
fwyd = Design yeild strength of shear reinforcement and shall not exceed 400 N/mm2
θs = Angle between shear reinforcement and member Axis
z = Distance between compressive stress resultant to the centroid of tension steel ;
generally be taken as d/1.15
Ss = Spacing of shear Reinforcement
γb = Member factor = 1.15

Vped = Ped * sinθp / γb

Ped = effective tensile force in longitudinal prestressing steel
θp = angle between longitudinal prestressing steel and member axis
γb = Member factor = 1.15

Safety check for Shear Force is given by the following equation :

γi * Vd / Vyd ≤ 1.0

Vd = Design Shear Force

Vyd = Design Shear Capacity
γi = Structure factor = 1.20

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Design Diagonal Compressive Capacity

The design diagonal compressive capacity : Vwcd of web concrete in resisting applied shear forces
may be calculated by

Vwcd = fwcd * bw * d / γb

where, fwcd = 1.25 * ( f'cd )1/2 < 7.8 N/mm2

bw = web width
d= effective depth
γb = Member factor = 1.30
f'cd = Design Compressive strength of concrete

Safety check for diagonal compressive capacity is by the following equation.

γi * Vd / Vwcd ≤ 1.0

where, γi = Structure factor = 1.20

Vd = Design shear force

Design Torsion capacity

The design torsional capacity without torsion reinforcemnt, M tcd is given by :

M tcd = βni * K t * f td / γb

Kt = Coefficient = 2 * Am * ti
Am = Area enclosed by the centre line of wall thickness
ti = web thickness
βni = sqrt ( 1 + σnd /1.5 ftd )
σnd = average working compressive stress due to axial forces <7 * f td
γb = Member factor = 1.30
ftd = Design Tensile Strength of concrete
Reinforcement check
if (γi * M td / M tcd ) ≤ 0.2 No Torsion reinforceement
if (γi * M td / M tcd ) ≤ 0.5 Minimum Torsion reinforcemmnt

Safety Check for combined Shear & Torsion is given by :

γi ( M td / M tcd + 0.8Vd / Vyd) ≤ 1.0

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Arrangement of torsion reinforcement

The minimum torsion reinforcement for a linear member is given by :

ΣAtl = Mtud * u / ( 3Am * fld ) : longitudinal reinforcement
ΣAtw = Mtud * s / ( 3Am * fwd ) : transverse reinforcement

Mtud = design torsional capacity
Am = effective torsional area ( rectangular section: b0d0 )
ftd,fwd = design yield stresses of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, respectively
s = longitudinal spacing of transverse reinforcement that works effectively
as torsion reinforcement
u = length of the centerline of transverse reinforcement
(rectangular section: 2(b0+d0)

Transverse reinforcement Longitudinal reinforcement

Fig. 4.9.1 Arrangement of torsion reinforcement

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4.9.2 Flow diagram for Shear and Torsion verfication


Calculation of design shear and

Torsion : Vd and Mtd

Calculate shear capacity of the member

Vyd = V cd + Vped+ Vsd

Calculate Shear capacity of member without shear

compression capacity

Calculate Torsion Capacity

Calculate design

reinforcement; Considering untensioned

without Torsion
reinforcement and prestressing steel As = As’ +Ap

reinforcement, Mtd

Criteria for Torsion reinforcement

Calculate component of effective tensile check
force in longitudinal tendon parallel to ϒi * Mtd/Mtcd ≤ 0.2 ; No Torsion check
/or section properties
Revise Concrete and

shear force Vped ϒi * Mtd/Mtcd ≤ 0.5 ; Min reinforcement

Assume area of web

Combined Check for
Torsion and Shear
Aw= 0.15%* bw *d (minimum)

No Calculate shear capacity due to

ϒi * Vd/Vwcd ≤ shear reinforcement Vsd

Yes Calculate design shear capacity of member

Vyd = Vcd+ Vped+Vsd

Increase the shear No

ϒi * Vd/Vyd ≤ 1


If ϒi (Mtd/Mtcd +



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4.9.3 Abstract of Ultimate Limit State Forces

Node 4 5 6 7 8
Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50

Shear 2852.94 2648.79 1629.14 706.45 258.64

ULS Forces -
1.1D1+1.2D2+Lf+W+1.1*L - Torsion 1147.86 1087.25 839.33 638.78 535.51
One Tack Loaded
BM 1609.78 3232.50 9227.06 12144.46 12417.20

Node 4 5 6 7 8
Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50

ULS Forces - Shear 3489.13 3253.39 2082.09 1007.04 484.18

1.1D1+1.2D2+Lf+W+1.1*L+ - Torsion 1870.53 1800.01 1472.21 1098.13 1039.43
Two Track Loaded
BM 1959.69 3927.79 11114.57 14610.74 14843.57

Node 4 5 6 7 8
Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50
Axial 10149.02 10189.34 10393.71 10924.83 10942.91
Prestressing Forces After Shear 1789.87 1815.72 1927.39 341.01 341.01
all losses
Moment 980.31 2078.29 8314.30 12218.10 12228.90
Cable CG 629.76 1080.68 542.91 273.88 273.88

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4.9.4 Max Shear and associated Torsion ( Ultimate Shear Check for Box Girder)
Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50
S.No. Unit
Node No 4 5 6 7 8
1 Area Girder m² 6.598 6.598 5.146 5.146 5.146
Center of Gravity of Section (y: from top) m 0.942 0.942 0.845 0.845 0.845
Center of Gravity of Section (Y:from bottom) m 1.281 1.281 1.378 1.378 1.378
Modulus of section :Z(top) m³ 4.146 4.146 3.873 3.873 3.873
Modulus of section :Z(bottom) m³ 3.049 3.049 2.375 2.375 2.375
Moment of inertia of Girder m4 3.906 3.906 3.273 3.273 3.273
Height of Girder, h m 2.223 2.223 2.223 2.223 2.223
Web Thickness mm 675 675 375 375 375
2 C.G of Cables from bottom m 0.630 1.081 0.543 0.274 0.274
3 M from Preload Analysis (Moment) kN-m 980.31 2078.29 8314.30 12218.10 12228.90
F from Preload Analysis (Axial) kN 10149.02 10189.34 10393.71 10924.83 10942.91
4 Stress due to Prestress
Top N/mm 1.302 1.043 -0.127 -1.031 -1.031
Bottom N/mm2 1.860 2.226 5.520 7.267 7.275
5 Total prestressing effects
Top N/mm2 1.302 1.043 -0.127 -1.031 -1.031
Bottom N/mm2 1.860 2.226 5.520 7.267 7.275
Stress at C.G N/mm2 1.702 1.651 4.141 6.245 6.252
6 Effective Depth to tension Reinf., dt m 2.030 2.030 2.030 2.030 2.030
7 Total Web Thickness ( straight) m 1.350 1.350 0.750 0.750 0.750
8 Depth of beam to C.G of Cables, d m 1.593 1.142 1.680 1.949 1.949
9 Shear Force (V or Vu)max kN 3489.13 3253.39 2082.09 1007.04 484.18
Corresponding Ultimate Moment kN-m 1959.69 3927.79 11114.57 14610.74 14843.57

10 Shear capacity without shear reinforcement, Vcd

Vcd = βd * βp * βn * fvcd * bw * d / γb kN 841.63 841.63 516.33 516.33 516.33

Grade of Concrete, fck N/mm 45 45 45 45 45

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Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50

S.No. Unit
Node No 4 5 6 7 8
d mm 2030.00 2030.00 2030.00 2030.00 2030.00
βd = (1000/d)1/4 0.838 0.838 0.838 0.838 0.838

Area of prestress Steel, Ap mm2 10080.00 10080.00 10080.00 10080.00 10080.00

Area of Reinforcement, As'
As' = 2 * ( 4000/150 +1) *π/4 *10^2 mm conservative 4345.87 4345.87 4345.87 4345.87 4345.87
A s = As ' + Ap mm 14425.87 14425.87 14425.87 14425.87 14425.87
bw Gross mm 1255.00 1255.00 650.00 650.00 650.00
Prestressing Dia of Duct (grouted) mm 90 90 90 90 90
bw ( Net ) = Gross bw - 0.50 x dia of duct mm 1165.00 1165.00 560.00 560.00 560.00
pc = As / (bw * d) 0.006 0.006 0.013 0.013 0.013
βp = (100 * pc) , <1.5 0.848 0.848 1.083 1.083 1.083

βn ( Assumed conservatively ) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

γm for concrete ultimate (safety failure) 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300
γb member factor for concrete for shear 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300
f'cd - fck/ γm N/mm 34.615 34.615 34.615 34.615 34.615
fvcd = 0.2 * (f'cd)1/3 N/mm2 0.651 0.651 0.651 0.651 0.651

11 Shear capacity component of longitudianl tendon parallel to shear force, Vped

Vped = Ped * sinθp / γb 1556.41 1578.89 1675.99 296.53 296.53
Vertical Comp. of Prestress force (Ped * sinθp kN 1789.87 1815.72 1927.39 341.01 341.01
γb member factor for steel for shear 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15

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Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50

S.No. Unit
Node No 4 5 6 7 8
12 Shear capcity of shear reinforcement, Vsd
Vsd = Aw*fwyd *(Sin θs + Cos θs) * z/ (Ss * γb) kN 2902.35 2176.76 1046.34 1046.34 348.78
Percentage of Web Reinforcement
( Assumed) 0.040% 0.030% 0.030% 0.030% 0.010%
Area of reinforment, Aw (Assumed) mm 946 709 341 341 114
fwyd N/mm2 400 400 400 400 400
Angle between shear reinforcement and
member axis (θs =90 )
0 rad 1.571 1.571 1.571 1.571 1.571
distance from location of compressive stress
resultant to CG tension steel,
z = d/1.15 m 1765.22 1765.22 1765.22 1765.22 1765.22
Ss spacing of shear stirrups mm 200 200 200 200 200
γb member factor for steel -shear 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
Shear capacity of the member kN 5300.39 4597.28 3238.66 1859.20 1161.64
Structure factor, γi 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
Safety check for shear, γi * Vd / Vyd < 1 0.790 0.849 0.771 0.650 0.500
Check safe safe safe safe safe

13 Design diagonal compression capacity

Vwcd =fwcd*bw*d / γb kN 13379 13379 6431 6431 6431
1/2 2
fwcd = 1.25 * ( f'cd ) < 7.8 N/mm N/mm2 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35
Member factor, γb 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
Structure factor, γi 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
Safety check, γi * Vd / Vyd < 1 0.31 0.29 0.39 0.19 0.09
Check safe safe safe safe safe

14 Torsional moment kNm 1870.53 1800.01 1472.21 1098.13 1039.43

Design torsional capcity
M tcd =βnt * Kt * f td / γb kNm 23752.83 23882.06 13611.22 14077.45 14082.24
βnt = sqrt ( 1 + σ'nd /1.5ftd) < 7* ftd 1.213 1.220 1.344 1.390 1.390

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Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50

S.No. Unit
Node No 4 5 6 7 8
σ'nd= Average compressive stress due to
axial forces including prestressing force N/mm2 1.58 1.63 2.70 3.12 3.12
Stress at top due to prestress N/mm 1.302 1.043 -0.127 -1.031 -1.031
Stress at bottom due to prestress N/mm2 1.860 2.226 5.520 7.267 7.275
Design tensile stress, ftd N/mm2 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23
Charecteristic tensile stress, ftk
( From design manual) N/mm 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90
γb ;Material factor 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
Kt= 2* Am*ti m3 11.4 11.4 5.9 5.9 5.9
Am = Area enclosed by centreline of wall
thickness of box m 8.450 8.450 7.870 7.870 7.870
ti Web thickness m 0.675 0.675 0.375 0.375 0.375
γb; member factor 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
Structure factor, γi 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Check for torsion reinforcement criteria,
γi * Mtd / Mtcd 0.094 0.090 0.130 0.094 0.089
If γi * Mtd / Mtcd < 0.2
No Torsion Reinforcement & NO Torsion No Torsion No Torsion No Torsion No Torsion No Torsion
check Check req Check req Check req Check req Check req
No Torsion No Torsion No Torsion No Torsion No Torsion
If γi * Mtd / Mtcd < 0.5 Reinforcemen Reinforcemen Reinforcemen Reinforcemen Reinforcemen
Minimum Torsion Reinforcement t req. t req. t req. t req. t req.
Structure factor = γi 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Safety of the Ultimate Limit State for combined shear and torsion is calculated by the following equation.
γi ( M td / M tcd + 0.8Vd / Vyd) ≤ 1.0 0.73 0.77 0.75 0.61 0.49
Check safe safe safe safe safe

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Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50

S.No. Unit
Node No 4 5 6 7 8
15 Total Area of Shear Reinforcement to be
provided mm²/m 946 709 341 341 114
No. of Webs 2 2 2 2 2
No. of faces / No. of legs per web 2 2 2 2 2
Asv/Sv per face or per leg mm²/m/face 236 177 85 85 28

16 Summary of Web reinforcement

From Transverse Analysis ( Sec 6.3) mm²/m/face 1539 1539 1539 1539 1539
From shear check mm²/m/face 236 177 85 85 28
From torsion check mm²/m/face 0 0 0 0 0
Total Web reinforcement mm²/m/face 1775 1716 1624 1624 1567

Dia of stirrup mm 16 16 16 16 16
Spacing of stirrup required mm 113 117 124 124 128
Spacing of stirrups provided mm 100 100 100 100 100

Actual Reinforcement Provided 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011

Minimum reinforcement req = 0.15% 1013 1013 563 563 563
Check Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe

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4.9.5 Max Torsion and associated Shear (ULTIMATE SHEAR CHECK FOR BOX GIRDER)
Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50
S.No. Unit
Node No 4 5 6 7 8
1 Area Girder m² 6.598 6.598 5.146 5.146 5.146
C.G of Sec (ytop) m 0.942 0.942 0.845 0.845 0.845
C.G of Sec (Ybot) m 1.281 1.281 1.378 1.378 1.378
Z(top) m³ 4.146 4.146 3.873 3.873 3.873
Z(bot) m³ 3.049 3.049 2.375 2.375 2.375
M.I.Of Girder m4 3.906 3.906 3.273 3.273 3.273
Height of Girder, h m 2.223 2.223 2.223 2.223 2.223
Web Thickness mm 675 675 375 375 375
2 C.G of Cables from bottom m 0.630 1.081 0.543 0.274 0.274
3 M from Preload Analysis (Moment) kN-m 980.31 2078.29 8314.30 12218.10 12228.90
F from Preload Analysis (Axial) MN 10149.02 10189.34 10393.71 10924.83 10942.91
4 Stress due to Prestress
Top N/mm 1.302 1.043 -0.127 -1.031 -1.031
Bot N/mm 0.323 0.683 3.503 5.146 5.151
5 Total prestressing effects
Top N/mm 1.302 1.043 -0.127 -1.031 -1.031
Bot N/mm 0.323 0.683 3.503 5.146 5.151
Stress at CG N/mm2 0.600 0.858 2.616 4.385 4.389
6 Effective Depth to tension Reinf., dt m 2.030 2.030 2.030 2.030 2.030
7 Total Web Thickness ( straight) m 1.350 1.350 0.750 0.750 0.750
8 Depth of beam to C.G of Cables, d m 1.593 1.142 1.680 1.949 1.949
9 Shear Force (V or Vu)max kN 2852.94 2648.79 1629.14 706.45 258.64
Corresponding Ultimate Moment kN-m 1609.78 3232.50 9227.06 12144.46 12417.20

10 Shear capacity without shear reinforcement, Vcd

Vcd = βd * βp * βn * fvcd * bw * d / γb kN 841.63 841.633 516.327 516.327 516.327

Grade of Concrete, fck N/mm 45 45 45 45 45

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Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50

S.No. Unit
Node No 4 5 6 7 8
d mm 2030.00 2030.00 2030.00 2030.00 2030.00
βd = (1000/d) 0.838 0.838 0.838 0.838 0.838

Area of prestress Steel, Ap mm2 10080.00 10080.00 10080.00 10080.00 10080.00

Area of Reinforcement, As'
As' = 2 * ( 4000/150 +1) *π/4 *10^2 mm 4345.87 4345.87 4345.87 4345.87 4345.87
A s = As ' + Ap mm2 14425.87 14425.87 14425.87 14425.87 14425.87
bw Gross mm 1255.00 1255.00 650.00 650.00 650.00
Prestressing Dia of Duct (grouted) mm 90 90 90 90 90
bw ( Net ) = Gross bw - 0.50 x dia of duct mm 1165.00 1165.00 560.00 560.00 560.00
pc = As / (bw * d) 0.006 0.006 0.013 0.013 0.013
βp = (100 * pc) , <1.5 0.848 0.848 1.083 1.083 1.083

βn ( Assumed conservatively ) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

γm for concrete ultimate (safety failure) 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300
γb member factor for concrete for shear 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300
f'cd - fck/ γm N/mm 34.615 34.615 34.615 34.615 34.615
fvcd = 0.2 * (f'cd)1/3 N/mm2 0.651 0.651 0.651 0.651 0.651

11 Shear capacity component of longitudianl tendon parallel to shear force

Vped= Ped * sinθp / γb 1556.41 1578.89 1675.99 296.53 296.53
Vertical Comp. of Prestress force (Ped * kN 1789.87 1815.72 1927.39 341.01 341.01
γb member factor for steel for shear 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15

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Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50

S.No. Unit
Node No 4 5 6 7 8
12 Shear capcity
y of shear reinforcement, Vsd
* γb) kN 2902.35 2176.76 1046.34 1046.34 348.78
Percentage of Web Reinforcement
( Assumed) 0.040% 0.030% 0.030% 0.030% 0.010%
Area of reinforment, Aw (Assumed) mm2 946 709 341 341 114
fwyd N/mm 400 400 400 400 400
Aangle between shear reinforcement
and member axis (θs =900) rad 1.571 1.571 1.571 1.571 1.571
distance from location of compressive
stress resultant to CG tension steel,
z = d/1.15 mm 1765.22 1765.22 1765.22 1765.22 1765.22
Ss spacing of shear stirrups mm 200 200 200 200 200
γb member factor for steel -shear 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
Shear capacity of the member kN 5300.39 4597.28 3238.66 1859.20 1161.64
Structure factor, γi 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
Safety check for shear, γi * Vd / Vyd < 1 0.646 0.691 0.604 0.456 0.267
Check safe safe safe safe safe

13 Design diagonal compression

Vwcd =fwcd*bw*d / γb kN 13379 13379 6431 6431 6431
1/2 2
fwcd = 1.25 * ( f'cd ) < 7.8 N/mm2 N/mm 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35
Member factor, γb 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
Structure factor, γi 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
Safety check, γi * Vd / Vyd < 1 0.26 0.24 0.30 0.13 0.05
Check safe safe safe safe safe

14 Torsional moment kNm 1147.86 1087.25 839.33 638.78 535.51

Design torsional capcity
M tcd =βnt * Kt * f td / γb kNm 21822.29 21954.93 12423.16 12871.04 12874.19
βnt = sqrt ( 1 + σ'nd /1.5ftd) < 7* ftd 1.115 1.122 1.227 1.271 1.271

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Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50

S.No. Unit
Node No 4 5 6 7 8
σ'nd= Average compressive stress due
to axial forces including prestressing N/mm2 0.81 0.86 1.69 2.06 2.06
Stress at top due to prestress N/mm 1.302 1.043 -0.127 -1.031 -1.031
Stress at bottom due to prestress N/mm 0.323 0.683 3.503 5.146 5.151
Design tensile stress, ftd N/mm2 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23
Charecteristic tensile stress, ftk
( From design manual) N/mm 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90
γb ;Material factor 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
Kt= 2* Am*ti m3 11.4 11.4 5.9 5.9 5.9
Am = Area enclosed by centreline of
wall thickness of box m2 8.450 8.450 7.870 7.870 7.870
ti Web thickness m 0.675 0.675 0.375 0.375 0.375
γb; member factor 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
Structure factor, γi 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2

Check for torsion reinforcement

criteria, 0.063 0.059 0.081 0.060 0.050
If γi * Mtd / Mtcd < 0.2
No Torsion Reinforcement & NO No Torsion No Torsion No Torsion No Torsion No Torsion
Torsion check Check req Check req Check req Check req Check req
No Torsion No Torsion No Torsion No Torsion No Torsion
If γi * Mtd / Mtcd < 0.5 Reinforcemen Reinforcemen Reinforcemen Reinforcemen Reinforcemen
Minimum Torsion Reinforcement t req. t req. t req. t req. t req.
Structure factor = γi 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Safety of the Ultimate Limit State for combined shear and torsion is calculated by the following equation.
γi ( M td / M tcd + 0.8Vd / Vyd) ≤ 1.0 0.58 0.61 0.56 0.42 0.26
Check safe safe safe safe safe

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Distance 1.40 2.00 5.00 8.00 9.50

S.No. Unit
Node No 4 5 6 7 8
15 Total Area of Shear Reinforcement to
be provided mm²/m 946 709 341 341 114
No. of Webs 2 2 2 2 2
No. of faces / No. of legs per web 2 2 2 2 2
Asv/Sv per face or per leg mm²/m/face 236 177 85 85 28

16 Summary of Web reinforcement

From Transverse Analysis ( Sec 6.3) mm²/m/face 1539 1539 1539 1539 1539
From shear check mm²/m/face 236 177 85 85 28
From torsion check mm²/m/face 0 0 0 0 0
Total Web reinforcement mm²/m/face 1775 1716 1624 1624 1567

Dia of stirrup mm 16 16 16 16 16
Spacing of stirrup required mm 113 117 124 124 128
Spacing of stirrups provided mm 100 100 100 100 100

Actual Reinforcement Provided 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011

Minimum reinforcement req = 0.15% 1013 1013 563 563 563
Check Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe

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4.10 Study of Shear key

4.10.1 Design Philosophy

1) In case of the precast chain segment, a reinforcing steel isn't arranged on the shear
surface. Therefore, a shear bearing-force is shown as the sum with the bearing-force of the friction and
the shear key by the axial tension.

The design shear bearing-force on the shear surface becomes a following equation.
Vcwd = (τc * Ac + Vk ) / γb
b 1-b
τc = -μ * f'cd * ( σnd )
σnd = vertically to the shear surface acting average intensity-of-stress
= In case of the compression, σnd = - σ'nd / 2 =
σ'nd = vertically to the shear surface acting average compression intensity-of-stress
μ = average coefficient of friction about the solid contact = 0.45
f'cd = design compressive strength of concrete ( N/mm )
f'ck = characteristic compressive strength of concrete = 45 N/mm
γm = Material factor = 1.30
b = When using an adhesive for the joint in the precast chain segment at the
coefficient, which shows a surface configuration, it makes 1/2 = 0.50

Vk = Shear Capacity by Shear key, Vk = 0.1 * Ak * f'cd

Ak = sectional area of the shear surface of the shear key
B = Width of shear key
h = Length of shear key
γb = Member factor = 1.30
Ac = compaction side area of the shear surface

Shear force is transmitted only in the compaction web

at the ultimate-load state, compaction side area of the
shear surface is shown in Fig-4.10.1.

Fig-4.10.1- In case of the whole

section under compaction state

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2) When torsion-moment acts, it calculates a shear per shear key of the identically-shaped of
the ultimate limit state

Sk = Ssj + Sst
Ssj = Su / N
Sst = Mtu * dj / Σdj
Sk = shear per shear key
Ssj = shear per shear key by the shear
Sst = shear per shear key by torsion-moment
Su = shear of the joint part of ultimate limit state
Mtu = torsion moment of the joint part of ultimate limit state
N = total number of the shear key (keys in compressive zone of web only)
dj =distance from the center of shear to each shear key (m)
(keys on the area encompassed in the box section only to be considered)
3) Study of the bearing-pressure stress


S= shearing force
C= bearing force
Resistant area A = ( b1 * b2 ) / 2 * h * 2
Fig-4.10.2- Configuration for
Bearing-pressure stress

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4.10.2 Shear key Design

Section is checked for loaction of Max shear near support i.e 1.10m from face of

Section @ from face Diaphragm (m) Units 1.10

Area Girder m² 6.598

Center of Gravity of Section (y: from top) m 0.942
Center of Gravity of Section (Y:from bottom) m 1.281
Modulus of section :Z(top) m³ 4.146
Modulus of section :Z(bottom) m³ 3.049
Moment of inertia of Girder m 3.906
Height of Girder, h m 2.223
Web Thickness mm 675
Number of shear keys in area encompassed by box nos 20
shear key distance di from CG 1 m 0.734
shear key distance di from CG 2 m 1.332
shear key distance di from CG 3 m 2.334
shear key distance di from CG 4 m 2.438
shear key distance di from CG 5 m 2.361
shear key distance di from CG 6 m 2.296
shear key distance di from CG 7 m 2.242
shear key distance di from CG 8 m 2.201
shear key distance di from CG 9 m 2.160
shear key distance di from CG 10 m 1.569
shear key distance di from CG 11 m 1.166
shear key distance di from CG 12 m 0.000
shear key distance di from CG 13 m 0.000
shear key distance di from CG 14 m 0.000
shear key distance di from CG 15 m 0.000
Σdj2 m 85.816
dj maximum distance of shear key from CG m 2.438

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Section @ from face Diaphragm (m) Units 1.10

Vcwd = (τc * Ac + Vk ) / γb kN 7947.08

b 1-b
τc = '-μ * f'cd * ( σnd ) kN 3.44
σnd = σnd = - σ'nd / 2 N/mm 1.69
σ'nd N/mm2 3.38
N; pre stressing force from Preload Analysis kN 10149.02
μ 0.45
f'cd N/mm2 34.615
f'ck N/mm2 45
γm 1.30
factor b; When using an adhesive for the joint 0.50
Ac area of web in compression B*D + area hauncha top
mm2 3000000
haunch and bottom
Total Web Thickness ( straight)' 'B m 1.250
Depth of compressive zone in web 'D' m 2.100
Traingular area at top of web 2*1/2*Ht2 m2 0.250
Traingular area at bottom of web 1/2*Hb2 m 0.125
Thickness of Haunch at top of web Ht m 0.500
Thickness of Haunch at bottom of web Hb m 0.500
Vk = 0.1 * Ak * f'cd kN 1102.500
Ak =N*B*h mm 318500
N number of shear keys in compressive zone of web nos 5
per web
B mm 490
h mm 65

Shear Force (V or Vu) kN 3489.13

γi 1.200
Verification for safety, γi * V / Vcwd 0.527
Check Safe

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Section @ from face Diaphragm (m) Units 1.10

Torsional moment from MIDAS; Mtu kNm 1870.530
Shear force on shear key Sk = Ssj + Sst N 402053.80
Ssj shear force per key due to shear force N 348913.00
Number of shear keys in shear (web only) nos 10
Sst shear force on the far shear key due to torsion Sst =
N 53140.80
Mtu * dj / Σdj
dj m 2.438
Σdj2 m2 85.816
Verification of Bearing stress of shear key
σa =Sk* Sin ϴ/(B*t) N/mm2 12.62
B 490.00
t 65
ϴ rad 1.571
Permissible bearing stress f' ak = f'ck * sqrt(A1/A2) < 2 *
N/mm2 45
A1/A2 =1 conservatively 1
Design permissible bearing stress f"ad N/mm2 34.62
Verification of safety, ( γi* σa ) / ( f'ad / γb ) < 0.1 0.57
Check Safe

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4.11 Reference
(Study of Anchorage Performance)

4.11.1 Design of End Block Reinforcement

A) Calculation of Bursting Tensile Force : Fbst
This is calculated using Table 30 of BS-5400 part 4
where values of Fbst / Pk are given for different values of Ypo / Yo
Pk = Load in the tendon = 0.75 UTS = . 3711 kN
2Ypo = Length of side of loaded area = 305 mm
2Yo = Length of side of end block = 675 mm

Hence, Ypo / Yo = 0.4519

From Table 30 of BS-5400 part 4, Fbst / Pk = 0.184

Hence, Fbst = 684 kN




2 Yo

Yo Yo

B) Reinforcement for Bursting Tension

This is entirely taken by steel, with allowable maximum stress
of 0.87 fy as per Cl. 6.7.5 of BS-5400 part 4

684 kN x 1000
Hence, Ast =
0.87 x 500

= 1573.50 mm
This reinforcement is to be distributed in the range from 0.2Yo to 2 Yo
i.e., from 135mm from anchorage face to 1350mm from anchorage face
i.e., in a width of 1215 mm
Provided reinfrocement : 2 legs of D 16 @ 150c/c

Ast provided = 2x 1215 x 201.1

= 3619 mm2
> 1573.5 mm
Hence OK

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C) Reinfocement to Resist Spalling

Reinforcement to resist the spalling is required near end surface to carry a force of 0.04Pk
each of the two directions at right angles to the applied force Pk.
(CIRIA ( construction industry research and information association) guide 1, clause 8.6)

0.04 X 3711 kN x 1000

Hence, Ast =
0.87 x 500

= 341.24 mm2

Steel provided Hirozontal 4 D 12 452 mm OK
Vertical 4 D 12 452 mm OK

D 12 Links 2 rows
immediately behind
the face of

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4.11.2 Design of Future Prestressing Block/ Blister

(As Per American Concrete Institute: ACI)

a Anchor bar same


stirrups in
d h
this zone


Framing bars for caging

µ= 1.4
b= 0.70 m
a= 0.40 m a/d' = 0.31 =< 1
S= 0.80 m hence designed as Corbel
d' = 1.30 m
h= 1.50 m
d= 1.04 m
Jacking force = 2344.00 KN force per side= 1172.0 KN
Ultimate shear Value Vu = 1347.80 KN
Ultimate Load factor = 1.15

Cube Strength of Concrete Fck = 45.0 N/mm2

Cylinder Strength of Concrete f'c= 36.0 N/mm2
Grade of steel ( Bending ) fsy= 500 N/mm2 Fh = 0
Grade of steel ( Shear ) fsy= 400 N/mm2
Hu = 0.0 KN Max of these two
Hu = 269.560 magnitudes
Therefore Hu= 269.6 KN

Step 1 Shear Stress = Vu/bd = 1.85

Permissible Shear Stress = min (0.20 f'c & 5.5 ) = 5.50 SAFE

Shear Reinforcement
Shear Strength of concrete = 728.0 KN
spacing = 750 mm
Asv = 0.5*(Vu-Vc)*SP/(fsy*d)
Asv = 447 mm2
PROVIDE 4L - D 16 stirrups - 7 Nos

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Step 2 Calculate shear reinforcement Avf

Avf = Vu/0.75*fsy*µ
2567 mm2

Step 3 Calculate direct tension reinforcement At

At = Hu/0.75*fsy
719 mm2

Step 4 Calculate the flexural tension reinforcement Af

Af = (Vu*a+Hu(h-d'))/(0.75*fsy*d)
1216 mm2

Step 5 Total primary tensile reinforcement As

As > (Af+At) = 1935 mm2 Provide largest of
> (2/3*Avf+At) = 2430 mm2 these three
> (0.04fck/f'sy)bd' = 2621 mm2 magnitudes as As

Dia of Bars= 36 mm
No.of bars= 4 4072 mm2

Step 6 Calculate total section area Ah stirrups

Ah > 0.5Af = 608 mm2 Provide largest of
> 0.333 Avf = 855 mm2 these two magintudes
> 0.5 ( As - At ) = 951 mm2 as Ah
These stirrups shall be provided below As and with in a depth of 2/3 867 mm
d' below As

PROVIDE 4L - D 16 stirrups - 2 Nos

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5. Tabulation of Reaction Force and Displacement

5.1.1 Tabulation of Bearing Reactions

Left Bearing Right Bearing

Load case Unit
Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
Dead Load of Superstructure, D1 kN 755 755 755 755 755 755 755 755
Additional Dead Loads, D2 kN 433 411 433 411 452 430 452 430
Train Load double track without impact, L kN 638 -124 638 -124 638 -124 638 -124
Train Load single track without impact, L kN 638 -126 638 -126 638 -126 638 -126
Wind Load without Train, W kN 167 -167 167 -167 167 -167 167 -167
Lateral Force, Lf kN 147 -147 147 -147 147 -147 147 -147
Wind Load with Train, W kN 114 -114 114 -114 114 -114 114 -114
Derailment Load - Ultimate, Ld kN 976 -288 976 -288 976 -288 976 -288
Load due to Temperature changes, T kN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Prestress force, Ps kN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Concrete Creep, CR kN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shrinkage of Concrete, SH kN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1.1D1+1.2D2+1 Ps kN 1350.21 1323.20 1350.21 1323.20 1373.10 1346.10 1373.10 1346.10

1.1D1+1.2D2+1 Ps+1.1L+1.1 I+LF+W kN 2489.04 891.42 2489.04 891.42 2511.93 914.31 2511.93 914.31
1.1D1+1.2D2+1 Ps+L+ I+1.1LF+W kN 2424.01 892.17 2424.01 892.17 2446.90 915.07 2446.90 915.07
1.1D1+1.2D2+Ps+1.2W kN 1550.10 1123.31 1550.10 1123.31 1572.99 1146.21 1572.99 1146.21
1.1D1+1.2D2+Ps+Ld+W kN 2440.94 920.91 2440.94 920.91 2463.83 943.80 2463.83 943.80
ULS Design Force kN 2489.04 1123.31 2489.04 1123.31 2511.93 1146.21 2511.93 1146.21

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5.1.2 Tabulation of Support Rotations

Load case Unit
RY (Rad)
Dead Load + Prestress Rad 0.000190
Additional Dead Loads, D2 Rad 0.000125
Train Load (Max), L Rad 0.000136
Train Load (Min), L Rad 0.000012

Service Condition (Max) Rad 0.000503

Service Condition (Min) Rad 0.000050

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5.2 Deflection Check

5.2.1 Vertical Deflection at Mid Span

Vertical deflection is checked under service condition

Permissible Limit = L / 800 :Source:Table7.4.1 of DSRSC-CS

δ = 15300 / 800 = 19.125 mm

From deflection diagrams, maximum deflection under service condition is 2.7 mm. Hence Safe

Fig-4.5.1 Deflection Diagram (Max) – D1+D2+Ps+Losses+L+I (Service Condition)

Fig-4.5.2 Deflection Diagram (Min) – D1+D2+Ps+Losses+L+I (Service Condition)

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6. Transverse Analysis and Design of Box Girdert

6.1 Design Condition

6.1.1 Transverse Analysis Methlogy

Design of box section in the transverse direction is carried out as reinforced concrete
elements. The load effects obtained from the local analysis are considered for design.

6.1.2 Local Load Effects

In MIDAS, 2D analysis is carried out using the line model Analysis. Box superstructure
segment of 1m width is modeled and local load effects are obtained from the analysis.
Spring supports are considered representing elastomeric bearings.
The idealised model of the box superstructure is shown in below.

6.1.3 3D-Model in MIDAS

Fig-6.1.1 Line Model

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6.1.4 Loads consider in Transverse Analysis Dead Load of Box (D1)

Self weight of girder is calculated automatically by the MIDAS itself by multiplying area with density. Added Dead Loads on Box (D2)

Following additional loads are added on the superstructure.

SI.No Particulars Load Total Unit

1 Parapet + Noise Barrier Load per side 1 x 11.60 kN/m = 11.60 kN/m
2 Plinth per side 1 x 19.5 kN/m = 19.50 kN/m
3 (Rail + Pad) per side 2 x (0.6 + 0.6) kN/m = 2.40 kN/m
4 Cable duct wall per side 1 x (1.15 + 2.6) kN/m = 3.75 kN/m
5 Cable duct cover slab per side 1 x 1.30 kN/m = 1.30 kN/m
6 Cable per side 1 x (1.0 + 1.5) kN/m = 2.50 kN/m
Total Load per side 41.05 kN/m

Parapet & Noise Barrier Load

Parapet & Noise Barrier Load per meter each side = 11.60 kN/m

Fig-6.1.2 Parapet & Noise Barrier Load

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Cable & Cable Duct Load

Width of cable duct (considered)= 1.0 m

Load (wall + cover slab + cable) = 3.75 + 1.30 + 2.5 = 7.55 kN/m
This load is applied as UDL over a width of 1.00m = ( 7.55 / 1.00 ) = 7.55 KN/m

Fig-6.1.3 Cable & Cable Duct Load

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Rail, Rail Pad & Plinth Beam Load

Width of plinth (considered)= 2.2m

Plinth load (Plinth + Rail + Pad) = 19.5 + 2.40 = 21.90 kN/m
This load is applied as UDL over a width of 2.20m = ( 21.90 / 2.2 ) = 9.95 KN/m

Fig-6.1.4 Rail, Rail Pad & Plinth Beam Load

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Electric Pole Load

Intersectional force acting on the base concrete ( per one side)

Direction of Axis Direction of Lateral

Bending Horizontal Vertical Bending Horizontal Vertical
Moment Force Force Moment Force Force
(kNm) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kN) (kN)
120.0 20.0 40.0 10.0 15.0 40.0

Point Load = 40 kN
Bending moment = 10 kN-m


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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6 Train Loads (L)

Train load is applied as per DSRSC-CS: Train Load "M-1 6" shown in Figure

Width of dispersion of axle load in transverse direction = width of plinth = 2.20m

Width of dispersion of axle load in longitudinal direction = 2.10m
Height of Plinth + Rail = 0.60m
Axle load is applied as area load = 160 / ( 2.2 x 2.1 ) = 34.63 KN/m2



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Fig-6.1.9 TRAIN LOAD ON RIGHT SIDE TRACK Impact factor (i)

Coefficient relative to type of train : Ka = 1

Span of the member : L = 28.3 m
Maximum Speed of Train or Rolling Stock : V = 110 kmph
Fundamental Natural frequency, n = 55 * L = 3.793
Speed Parameter, α = V / (7.2*n*L) = 0.142

Ultimate Limit State

Design Impact coefficient for Single Track, i = Ka.α + 10/(65+L)<: i = 0.250
Reduction factor for double track, β = 1-(L/200) = 0.859
Design Impact coefficient for Double Track i = 0.214

Serviceability & Fatigue Limit State

Design Impact coefficient for Single Track i = 0.187
Design Impact coefficient for Double Track i = 0.161 Centrifugal Force ( C )

There will be no Centrifugal Force for Straight Span viaduct. Rolling Stock Lateral Load ( LF )

Rolling stock lateral load and wheel lateral pressure load shall be subjected to the surface
of the track and applied laterally perpendicular to the track.

The serial load composed of 20% of the axle load at the acting plane, which serves as the
characteristic value of train load with the wheels of the bogies on each side of the coupler
of rolling stocks, shall serve as the characteristic value of rolling stock lateral load.

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LF = 20% of 160kN = 32 kN

Fig.6.1.10 Acting form of Rolling Stock

Design Lateral Load = 32.00 kN

Lateral force acting at 2.30m above Deck = 2.30 m
Moment = 32.00 x 2.30 = 73.6 kN
Dispersion in longitudinal direction = 2.10 m
Moment per meter run = 73.60 / 2.10 = 35.05 kN
Vertical reaction (Push–Pull) on deck due to above mome = 35.05 / 1.505 = 23.28 kN
Concentratded Force at Center of Track = 32.00 / 2.10 = = 15.24 kN

Fig.6.1.11 Rolling Stock Load

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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6 Wind Load (W)

A) Wind without Train Load

Design Wind Speed ( as per Design Manual) , ρw = 6.00 kN/m
Height of parapet including Noise barrier = 2.00 m
Depth of Box girder = 2.215 m
Wind load applied on Box + Parapet = 6.00 kN/m2

Point load at deck top due to wind on parapet = ( 6.00 X 2.00 ) = 12 kN/m
Point moment at deck top due to wind on parapet = ( 12 X 2 / 2 ) = 12 kN-m/m

Fig.6.1.12 Wind Load with out Train

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B) Wind with Train Load

Design Wind Speed ( as per Design Manual) , ρw = 1.50 kN/m
Height of parapet including Train = 4.70 m
Bending moment due to wind on train = (1.50 x 4.70 x 4.70 / 2= 16.57 kNm/m run
Distance between centre to centre of Rails = 1.505 m
Vertical Reaction on Deck Slab (push-Pull) = (16.57 /1.505) = 11.00 kN/m run
Depth of Box girde = 2.215 m
Wind load applied on Box = 1.50 kN/m2

Fig.6.1.13 Wind Load with Train

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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6 Derailment Loads (LD)

Railway structures shall be designed in such a way that, in the event of a derailment, the resulting
damage to the bridge (in particular overturning or the collapse of the structure as a whole) is limited to
a minimum. Derailment of rail traffic on a railway bridge shall be considered as an Accidental Design

Two design situations shall be considered:

Design Situation I: Derailment of railway vehicles, with the derailed vehicles remaining in the
track area on the bridge deck with vehicles retained by the adjacent trail or an upstand wall.
Collapse of major part of structure shall be avoided. Local damage, however, may be tolerated.

The parts of the structure concerned shall be designed for the following design loads in Accidental
Design Situation: 1.4 x L (Train Load) parallel to the track in the most unfavorable position inside
an area of width 1.5 times the track gauge on either side of the centre-line of the track as shown
in fig given below: ( This is considered in Transverse Analysis)

(1) 1.5 times the track gauge or less if against wall or plinth
(2) Track gauge
(3) For ballasted decks the point forces may be assumed to be distributed on a square of
side 450mm at the top of the deck.

Fig.6.1.14 Derailment Sitaution I–Cantilever Side Fig.6.1.15 Derailment Sitaution I–Between Webs Derailment Loads Case - 1 (LD - 1)

The value of wheel load for Derailment case = 0.70 x 160 = 112 kN. The respective wheel load
dispersions are tabulated below:

Dispersion in longitudinal direction = 2.10m

Dispersed load = 112 / 2.1 = 53.33 kN

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Fig.6.1.16 Derailment Load Case - 01 Derailment Loads Case - 2 (LD - 2)

UDL Load = ( 1.40 X 160 X 4 ) / 20.0 = 44.8 kN/m

So, Load for Ld - 2 = 44.8 kN/m

Fig.6.1.17 Derailment Load Case - 02 Load Combanation:

SL Type Name Description

1 ULS - 1 1.1 D1 + 1.2 D2 + 1.1 L + 1.1 I + 1.1 C + Lf + W
2 ULS - 2 1.1 D1 + 1.2 D2 + 1.0 L + 1.0 I + 1.0 C + 1.1 Lf + W
3 ULS - 3 1.1 D1 + 1.2 D2 + 1.2 W
4 ULS - 4 1.1 D1 + 1.2 D2 + 1.0 Ld + W
5 SLS SLS - 1 D1 + D2 + L + I + C

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6.2 Design Philosophy

6.2.1 Ultimate Limit State - Bending failure check

Ultimate limit state for Bending failure of cross section is carried out by the
following equation :

γi * Md / Mud ≤ 1.0

γi : Structure factor, γi = 1.20
Md : Design bending moment
Mud : Design bending capacity
Mu : Bending capacity in the member section
γb : Member factor, γb = 1.15

Bending capacity of section Mu, is calculated by the following equation.

Mu = Ast * fsyd * d * ( 1 - (pt / 1.7 )* (fsyd / f'cd ) )

Mu : Bending capacity
Ast : Total area reinforcement
fsyd : Design Tensile yield strength of reinforcement bar
d : effective depth of the cross section
pt : Percentage of Tension reinforcement, pt = As/(B*d)
B : Width of Section
f'cd : Design Compressive intensity-of-stress of concrete

Fig-6.2.1 - Equivalent Stress Block diagram of Concrete

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6.2.2 Design Shearing Capacity

(1) Shear capacity force is calculated when not using reinforcement for shearing bar.

Vcd = βd * βp * βn * fvcd * bw * d / γb

Vcd : Design shear capacity of Section without shear reinforcing steel

βd : (100/d)1/4 < 1.50
βp : (100 * pv)1/3 < 1.50
βn : 1+ (Mo/Md) < 2.00
fvcd : 0.2 * (f'cd)1/3 f'cd = f'ck / γc
bw : web width
d : effective depth
γb : Member factor, γb = 1.3

pv = As / (bw * d)
As : area of tension reinforcement (mm2)

Vd : Design Shearing Force

Check of Safety

γi * ( Vd / Vcd ) < 1.0

(2) Design shear capacity of shear reinforcement

Aw * fwyd * (Sin θs + Cos θs) * z

Vsd =
Ss * γb

Vsd : Design Shear capacity of shear reinforcement

Aw : Total area of shear reinforcement placed in Ss
fwyd : Design yield strength of shear reinforcement, and should not exceed 400 N/mm².
θs : Angle between shear reinforcement and member axis
z : distance from location of compressive stress resultant to centroid of tension steel
: may generally be taken as d/1.15.
γb : member factor. May generally be taken as 1.15
Ss : spacing of shear reinforcement

Vyd = Vcd + Vsd

Check of Safety

γi * ( Vd / Vyd ) < 1.0

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6.2.3 Design diagonal compressive capacity

The design diagonal compressive capacity : Vwcd of web concrete in resisting

applied shear forces may be calculated by the following equation

Vwcd = fwcd * bw * d / γb

fwcd = 1.25 * ( f'cd )1/2

bw : web width
d : effective depth Fig-6.2.2 Configration for Box
γb : Member factor, γb = 1.3
f'cd : design compressive strength of concrete

Safety of Diagonal Compressive capacity is calculated by the following equation.

γi * Vd / Vwcd < 1.0

γi : Structure factor, γi = 1.2

Vd : Design Shear force

6.2.4 Serviceability Limit State - Stress Check

Stress in concrete is given by :

σcd = (2 * Md) / ( k * j * b * d2 )

Stress in Steel is given by :

σsd = Md / ( As * j * d )

2 1/2
k = (2 * n * pt + (n * pt) ) - n * pt
j = 1 - k/3
n = Es/Ec

σcd : Stress in Concrete

σsd : Stress in Steel
Md : Design bending moment
pt : Percentage of Tension reinforcement, pt = As/(B*d)
Es : Youngs modulus of steel
Ec : Youngs modulus of concrete

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6.2.5 Flexural Crackwidth

Crack width relative to durability, w1 = ks {4c + 0.7 (cs-Φ)}.{(σse/ Es) + Ԑ'r }

ks : Constant representing the influence of adhesion properties of tension steel

c : Cover to tension steel ( 35mm considered in calculation)
cs : spacing of tension steel
Φ : Diameter of tension steel
σse : Increased amount of reinforcement stress
σpe : Increased amount of PC steel stress
Es : Youngs modulus of reinforcement
Ep : Youngs modulus of PC steel
Ԑ'r : Strain amount in order to take into account the increase of bending crack width
due to drying shrinkage & creep of concrete, may be generally 150 x10-6

Crackwidth relative to durability Varification

w1 < wa1

wa1 Permissible crack width, wa1 = 0.005 x c = 0.005 x 35 = 0.175 mm

6.2.6 Analysis part in the cross section

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6.3 Transverse Design of Segment

Summary of Bending Moments

Section M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9

ULS Design BM kNm 60.40 134.23 107.45 12.73 6.13 79.55 51.62 27.51 10.18
ULS Design Shear kN 94.27 141.04 22.13 2.02 5.55 58.13 9.99 4.21 22.34
Serviceability Load Combinations
Permanent Load kNm 57.28 76.75 33.97 3.85 1.14 50.33 12.30 3.04 4.41
LL - for Crackwidth kNm 0.00 0.00 4.74 3.41 2.16 -10.07 20.51 13.06 2.98

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Section M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9
Design Input
Fck N/mm2 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
Fy N/mm2 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Clear Cover mm 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Dia of Bar mm 16 dia 16 dia 16 dia 16 dia 12 dia 12 dia 12 dia 12 dia 12 dia
Effective Cover mm 43 43 43 43 41 41 41 41 41
Width of Element, B mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Overall Depth of Element, D mm 305 400 400 200 200 375 500 200 200
Effective depth of the Element, d mm 262 357 357 157 159 334 459 159 159
Tension Reinforcement
Dia-1 16 dia @ 16 dia @ 16 dia @ 16 dia @ 12 dia @ 12 dia @ 12 dia @ 12 dia @ 12 dia @
Sp-1 100c/c 100c/c 100c/c 100c/c 100c/c 100c/c 100c/c 100c/c 100c/c
Ast provided = mm2 2011 2011 2011 2011 1131 1131 1131 1131 1131
Min Ast = 0.2% of cross section mm2 524 714 714 314 318 668 918 318 318
Ast Check Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe
Design of Section for Bending
Ultimate BM, Md kNm 60.40 134.23 107.45 12.73 6.13 79.55 51.62 27.51 10.18
Concrete - Member factor , γc = 1.3
f'cd = f'ck / γc 34.62 34.62 34.62 34.62 34.62 34.62 34.62 34.62 34.62
pt = As / ( B * d ) 0.008 0.006 0.006 0.013 0.007 0.003 0.002 0.007 0.007
Mud = Ast *fsyd *d *(1-(pt/1.7)*(fsyd / f'cd )) 246 342 342 141 84 183 254 84 84
Verification of Limit State - Bending Moment
Structure factor, γi = 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
Member factor, γb = 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
Verification Check (γi * Md) / ( Mud / γb ) < 1.0 0.339 0.542 0.434 0.125 0.100 0.598 0.280 0.449 0.166
Design Check Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe

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Section M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9
Design Shear Capacity of Section
Design Shear Force, Vd kN 94.27 141.04 22.13 2.02 5.55 58.13 9.99 4.21 22.34
Design Shear Capacity of Section
without shear Reinforcement, Vcd
Vcd = βd * βp * βn * fvcd * bw * d / γb 168.10 191.23 191.23 128.23 106.75 153.54 175.29 106.75 106.75
βd = (1000/d)1/4 < 1.50 1.398 1.294 1.294 1.500 1.500 1.315 1.215 1.500 1.500
pv = As / (bw * d) 0.008 0.006 0.006 0.013 0.007 0.003 0.002 0.007 0.007
βp = (100 * pv)1/3 < 1.50 0.916 0.826 0.826 1.086 0.893 0.697 0.627 0.893 0.893
βn = 1+ (Mo/Md) < 2.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
f'cd = f'ck / γc 34.62 34.62 34.62 34.62 34.62 34.62 34.62 34.62 34.62
fvcd = 0.2 * (f'cd)1/3 0.652 0.652 0.652 0.652 0.652 0.652 0.652 0.652 0.652
bw 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
d 262.00 357.00 357.00 157.00 159.00 334.00 459.00 159.00 159.00
Material factor, γc = 1.3 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
Verification of Limit State - Shear
Structure factor, γi = 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20
Member factor, γb = 1.3 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
Verification Check (γi * Vd) / ( Vcd ) <1.0 0.67 0.89 0.14 0.02 0.06 0.45 0.07 0.05 0.25
Design Check Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe

Diagonal compression capacity, Vwcd

Vwcd = fwcd * bw * d / γb 1725.44 2262.88 2262.88 1131.44 1131.44 2121.45 2828.60 1131.44 1131.44
fwcd = 1.25 * ( f'cd )1/2 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35

Verification Check , γi * Vd / Vwcd < 1.0 0.07 0.07 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.02
Design Check Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe

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Section M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9
Serviceability Limit State - Stress Check
Service BM kNm 57.28 76.75 38.71 7.26 3.30 40.26 32.81 16.10 7.39
DL BM, Mg kNm 57.28 76.75 33.97 3.85 1.14 50.33 12.30 3.04 4.41
LL BM, Mq kNm 0.00 0.00 4.74 3.41 2.16 -10.07 20.51 13.06 2.98
Es N/mm2 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000
Ec N/mm2 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000
n 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25
Pt = As / (B x d) 0.008 0.006 0.006 0.013 0.007 0.003 0.002 0.007 0.007
k = (2 * n * pt + (n * pt) 2)1/2 - n * pt 0.265 0.232 0.232 0.328 0.257 0.186 0.161 0.257 0.257
j = 1 - k/3 0.912 0.923 0.923 0.891 0.914 0.938 0.946 0.914 0.914

Stress in Concrete
σcd = (2 * Md) / ( k * j * b * d2 ) N/mm2 6.90 5.62 2.83 2.02 1.11 4.14 2.05 5.42 2.49
Permissible stress in concrete = 0.4 N/mm 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00
Stress Check in Concrete Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe

stress in steel
σsd = Md / ( As * j * d ) N/mm2 119.29 115.91 58.46 25.82 20.07 113.61 66.78 97.92 44.95
Permissible stress in Steel = fsyd N/mm2 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00
Stress Check in Steel Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe

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Section M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9
Crack width to durability
Constant representing the influence
of adhesion properties of tension ks 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Cover to tension steel c 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00
Spacing of tension steel cs 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Diameter of tension steel Φ 16.00 16.00 16.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
Increased amount of reinforcement s σse 119.29 115.91 58.46 25.82 20.07 113.61 66.78 97.92 44.95
Increased amount of PC steel stress σpe 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Youngs modulus of reinforcement Es 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05
Youngs modulus of PC steel Ep 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05 2.00E+05
Strain amount in order to take into
account the increase of bending
crack width due to drying shrinkage
& creep of concrete 1.50E-04 1.50E-04 1.50E-04 1.50E-04 1.50E-04 1.50E-04 1.50E-04 1.50E-04 1.50E-04
Crack width relative to durability,
w1 = ks {4c + 0.7 (cs-Φ)}.{(σse/ Es) +
Ԑ'r } w1 0.148 0.145 0.088 0.056 0.050 0.143 0.098 0.129 0.076
Permissible crack width, wa1 mm 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175
Verification of Crack width, w1 < wa1 Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe

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6.4 Design of End Diapharm Under Ultimate Limit state Condition

(As per "Concrete Structure Standard": JSCE 2002 -P231)
Material properties
Grade of Concrete (fck) = M 45
fcd .eff =ν1*ν2 *fck = 38 MPa
ν1 = 0.85
ν2 = 1
frcd= fcd.eff/yb = 29 MPa
Material factor 'yb' = 1.3
Grade of Steel = Fe 500
Span length = 15 mm
Youngs Modulus of Steel, Es = 200000 MPa
Clear cover = 35 mm
Bearing Center to Center = 3.00m

Bearing Bearing
Type of Load Reaction C Reaction D
Dead Load of Superstructure, D1 754.82 754.82
Additional Dead Loads, D2 452.33 429.83
Train Load double track without impact, L -123.78 638.00
Train Load single track without impact, L -125.81 638.00
Wind Load without Train -166.57 166.57
Lateral Force, Lf -147.20 147.20
Wind Load with Train, W -114.39 114.39
Derailment Load - Ultimate, Ld -287.90 976.35
Derailment Load - Service, Ld 0.00 0.00
Load due to Temperature changes, T 0.00 0.00
Prestress force, Ps 0.00 0.00
Concrete Creep, CR 0.00 0.00
Shrinkage of Concrete, SH 0.00 0.00

1.1D1+1.2D2+1 Ps 1373.10 1346.10

1.1D1+1.2D2+1 Ps+1.1L+1.1 I+LF+W 941.32 2484.93
1.1D1+1.2D2+1 Ps+L+ I+1.1LF+W 942.07 2419.90
1.1D1+1,2D2+Ps+1.2W 1173.21 1545.99
1.1D1+1.2D2+Ps+Ld+W 918.62 2489.02
ULS Design Force 918.62 2489.02

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Centre of web Centre of web

Web force 'A 918.62 Web force 'B 2489.02

Centre to centre web = 4.83m
64 deg= TAN(h/o)
T - Tension
height 'h' = C C
C - Compression
1,900 Offcet '0' = (4.83-3)/2=
C Centre to centre bearin 3.00m D
Rc = (web force Rd=(web force
'A'*(3+0.915)-(wb 'B'*(3+0.915)-(web force
force 'B"*0.915))/3 'A'*0.915))/3
Centre of bearing Centre of bearing

Determination of truss forces - At Joint C

Σ V=0
PAC = Rc/sin(64) = 488 kN (Comp)
PBD = Rd/sin(64) = 3294 kN (Comp)
Σ H =0
PCD = PBD *COS(64) = 1429 kN (Comp)
PAB = PCD = 1429 kN (Tension)

Design of Ties - Member AB

Thickness of diaphragm = 1100 mm
The factored resistance Pr of tie shall be taken as that of axially loaded component
as per AASTHO LRFD-2007

Pr = Φ Pn (or) Φ fy As per Cl

Pr = Factored resistance
Φ= Resistance factor = 0.7
Pn = Norminal Reistance of Struct & Tie
Tensile reinforcement for tension controlled section calculated as per AASTHO

Resistance Factor Φ = 0.7

Factored resistance Pr = 450 MPa
Tensile reinforcement for member AB (PAB/0.7fy) = 4538 mm2
Dia of Main Reinforcement = 25
No of bars to be provided = 9
No of Layers provided = 2
Spacing Required = 122
Area of steel provided = 8839 mm2

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Check for width of Strut

The limiting compressive stress fcu in struct shall be taken As Per AASTHO Cl

fcu = fc'/( 0.8+170 Ɛ1) ≤ 0.85 fc'

Ɛ1 = Ɛs+(Ɛs+0.002)cot² ἀs
fcu = Limiting compressive stress
fc' = Cylinderical Compressive strength in concrete
ἀS = The smallest angle between the compressive strut and adjoining tension ties
fc' =frd for Concrete = 29 MPa

Ɛs = the tension strain in the concrete in the direction of tension tie

Ɛs = Pu/(Ast*Es) = = 0.000809
Where Pu= PAB
ἀs = 64.29 deg
Cot² ἀs = 0.231918
Ɛ1 = 0.001460
fcu = 27.7 MPa
0.85* frd < 24.7 MPa
fcu = 24.7 MPa

Required width of strut

Strength of unreinforced struct as per AASTHO LRFD-2010 -

Pn = fcu * Acr as per Cl

Pn = Factored resistance
fcu = Limiting compressive stress as per Cl-
Acs = Effective cross-sectional area as per Cl-
Φ = Resistance factor for compression in strut and tie models
As per AASTHO LRFD -cl.

fcu = 24.7 MPa

Pn = PAC = PAC / fcu b
Required Width AC =PCD*/(width of diaphram*fcu )= 18.00 mm
Required Width of CD = PAC*/(width of diaphram*fcu) = 52.71 mm
Required Width of BD =PBD*/(width of diaphram*fcu) = 121.49 mm

Calculation of actual width of strut

when a strut is anchored by reinforcement, the effective concrete area may be considere
to extend a distance of up to six bar diameter from anchored bar as per cl
Conservatiely lb is taken as bearing width

At joint B,
lb = bearing width conservatively taken as450mm
ha = min of (clear cover+transverse reinf+dia.bar+tensile reinf =35+16+25+25/2 = 88.5
six bar diameter from anchored bar = 6*25 = 150)

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lb = 450 mm

ha = 88.5 mm

Angle of inclination = 64.29 deg

Width of Strut (for AC & BD) = lbsin θ + haCosθ = 444 mm
444 mm > 18.00 mm

At Joint D

ha = 88.5mm

lb = 450mm
Angle of Inclination (90-64 deg) = 25.71 deg
Width of Strut (for CD) = lbsin θ + haCosθ = 275 mm
275 mm > 121 mm

Check for Nodal Zones

As per AASHTO LRFD cl the concrete compressive stress in the node regions of
of struct shall not exceed
For node region anchoring in one direction tension tie = 0.75*frd
For node region bounded by compressive structs and bearing area = 0.85*frd'

Joint B,
CCT Node = 0.75*frd = 22 MPa
Actual Nodal Stress in Joint B = PBD / Area in Face of B joint
= 3294000 / ( 444 X 1100 )
= 6.75 < 22 MPa

Joint D,
CCC Node = 0.85*frd = 25 mPa
Actual Nodal Stress in Joint D = PCD /Area in Face of D joint
= 1429000 / ( 275 X 1100 )
= 4.72 < 25 MPa

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Crack Control Reinforcement

As Per AASHTO crack control reinforcement check
(Av / bwSv) ≥ 0.003 (AASHTO
(Av / bwSh) ≥ 0.003 (AASHTO
Av = Area of Vertical Reinforcement = 4 nos 16 dia = 804 mm2
Ah = Area of horizontal reinforcement = 4 nos 16 dia = 804 mm2
bw = Effective width = 1100 mm
Sh = Spacing of Horizontal reinforment (Side Face ) 150 mm
Check for safety
(Av / bwSh) = 0.0049 > 0.003 safe

(Ah / bwSh) = 0.0049 > 0.003 safe

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7. Other Design

7.1 Elastomeric Bearing

7.1.1 Load Combinations

According to DSRSC-CS

(1) Ultimate Limit state (ULS)

ULS Combination of Loads

1 1.0D1 + 1.0D2 + 1.1 B + L + LR
2 1.0D1 + 1.0D2 + 1.1LR + L + I + B shear deformation
3 1.0D1 + 1.0D2 + 1.0EQ + L

(2) Serviceability Limit state (SLS)

SLS Combination of Loads

compaction stress
1 D1 + D2 + L+ I
compaction deformation
amount of displacement
2 D1 + D2 + Ps + SH + CR + T + L + I +

7.1.2 Loads Braking Load and Traction Load (B)

According to Design Manual for Concrete Structures(Ver.1.6)

Braking Load B = ( 0.27 + 1.00 / M * L ) * T : Table 3-3

Use Braking Load : Braking Load > Traction Load

M : Rolling stock length ( 1 car ) M= 20.0 m
L : Train load loading length with greatest effect on the members
L= 19.0 m
T : Axle load that work as the characteristic value of train load
T= 160.0 kN

B = ( 0.27 + 1.00 / M * L ) * T
= 195.2 kN Long rail longitudinal load (LR)

According to Design Manual for Concrete Structures(Ver.1.6)

Long rail longitudinal load LR = L * 10 ≦ 2,000 kN

L : Length of span (m) L = 19.0 m

LR = L * 10
= 190.0 kN ≦ 2,000 kN

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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6 Earthquike Load (Eq)

According to Design Manual for Concrete Structures(Ver.1.6)

The characteristic value of seismic lateral force shall be calculation below Eq.
Hs = Csm / R * W

Hs : Seismic lateral force (kN)
Csm : Elastic seismic response coefficient
R : Response modification factors
: R= 2.0 (Single columns) : Table 3-5
W : Total seismic weight of structure (kN)

Csm = 1.2 * A * S / Tm2/3 ≦ 2.5 * A

Tm : Priod of vibration of the mth mode (sec)
A : Acceleration coefficient (=0.20:Dhaka )
S : Site coefficient (=1.5 : Table 3-6)

Calculation of seismic lateral force (Hs)

According to AASHTO 2007

(1) Design condition

Span Length L = 19.00 m

Load per Pier DL = 2276.6 kN
LL = 638 kN
Load for Seismic Cal. W = 2276.6 kN
Young's Modulas E = 3E+07 kN/m2 : Design Manual:table 2-1

Length of Pier l = 2.00 m

w = 2.00 m
Moment of Inertia I = 1.33 m2
Height of Structure h = 13.00 m
Lateral Stffness of Pier K = 58116 kN/m : K= 3EI / h3
Acceleration due to Gravity g = 9.8067 m/s2

(2) Calculation of Priod for the structure (Tm)

Uniform load Po = 1.00 N/mm

Diformation due to Po vsMAX = Po * L / K : Eq C4.
= 0.33 mm = vs
Factors α = vs * L : Eq C4.
= 6270 mm²
β = W * vs : Eq C4.
= 751280 N-mm
γ = W * vs² : Eq C4.
= 247922 N-mm 2

Period of Structure
Tm = 2 * π / 31.623 * { γ / (Po * g * a )}1/2 : Eq C4.
= 0.399 s

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(3) Calculation of Elastic seismic response coefficient (Csm)

Csm = 1.2 * A * S / Tm2/3 ≦ 2.5 * A

= 0.664 ≦ 0.50

(4) Calculation of Seismic lateral force (Hs)

Hs = Csm / R * W
= 0.30 * 2276.6
= 683 kN

7.1.3 Design condition Calculation method

Designed by using Method B as described in AASHTO LRFD-2007:sec.14.7.5 Structure Dimension

Span = 19.00 m Radius = - m Lodings

Design Rotation about Transverse Axis θS = 0.005 rad.
Total Load acting on a single Bearing WS = 1207 kN
Live Load acting on a single Bearing WL = 638 kN
Lateral Load on a bearing Hu = 300 kN Thickness of Elastomer

Thickness of Inner Elastomer Layers hi = 16.000 mm

Number of Inner Layers n= 4.000
Thickness of Outer Elastomer Layers ho = 8 mm
(Not more than 70% of Inner Layer Thickness) C14.7.5.1
Thickness of Steel Layers hS = 2 mm
Total Thicknees of Elastomer hrt = 80 mm Size of Rectangular Elastomer

Length (parallel to longitudinal bridge axis) L= 450 mm

Width (in transverse direction) W= 550 mm Material Properties

Shear Modulus @ 23pC G= 1.00 N/mm Table
Creep Deflection @ 25 Years acr = 0.35 Table
(divided by Initial Deflection)
Bulk Modulus / Elastic Modulus of Elastomer k = 2000 N/mm
Minimum Yield Strength of Steel ReinforcementFy = 500 N/mm Design Manual Table-2-6
Constant Amplitude Fatigue Threshold ΔFTH = 165 N/mm Table

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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6 Temperature

Initial Tempetarure 25 oC
Maximum Temperature 40 oC
Minimum Temperature 10 oC
Coefficient for Thermal Expansion for Concrete α = 1E-05 Design Manual sec2.1.6

7.1.4 Check for Share Deformation

Share Deformation ∆S = ∆ST + ∆Scr/sh

Deformation due to Thermal (+) ∆ST = 1.43 mm
Deformation due to Thermal (-) ∆ST = -1.43 mm
Deformation due to Creep & Shrinkage ∆Scr/sh= -4.04 mm
Maximum total shear deformation of the ∆S = 2.61 mm
elastomer at the service limit state or ∆S = 5.47 mm

hrt ≥ 2 ∆S Eq
80 ≥ 10.94 ok (If "no" then increase No. of Internal Layers)

7.1.5 Shape Factor

L*W-∑(π/4*d2) Eq 14.7.5..1-1
S = S = 7.734
hi (2L+2W+∑πd)
d = the diameter of the hole or holes in the bearing (mm)

7.1.6 Check for Compressive Stress

σs = WS / (L* W) σs = 4.877 N/mm
σs = service average compressive stress due to the total load

For bearing subject to shear deformation

σs < 1.66*G*S and < 11.0 N/mm2

4.877 ≤ 12.838 and < 11.0 N/mm2 ok Eq 14.7.5..3.2-1
(If "no" then increase the size of Elastomer)

σL = WL / (L*W) σL = 2.578 N/mm
σL = service average compressive stress due to live load

σL < 0.66 G * S Eq 14.7.5..3.2-2

2.578 < 5.104 N/mm2 ok
(If "no" then increase the size of Elastomer)

7.1.7 Check for Combined Compression and Rotation

1.0 G * S* θS *B2
σs > = 7.647
n * hi2 Eq 14.7.5..3.5-1
next = 0
(exterior layer allowance)
n = 4
(number of interior layers of elastomer)
B = 450 mm
(length of pad if rotation is about its transverse axis
or width of pad if rotation is about its longitudinal axis (mm) )
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σs =
4.877 N/mm2 > 7.647 N/mm2 no
(If "no" then increase No. of Internal Layers)

0.2 * θs * B2
σs < 1.875 G * S (1 - ) = 11.634
n * hi2 Eq 14.7.5..3.5-2
2 2
σs = 4.877 N/mm < 11.634 N/mm ok
(If "no" then increase No. of Internal Layers)

7.1.8 Check for Stability

2A < B 2* 0.21 = 0.42 < 0.228 Eq 14.7.5..3.6-1


= 0.21

= 0.228

If the above check is "no" then check below

σs < G* S / (2 A - B) = 40.281 Eq 14.7.5..3.6-4

σs = 4.877 < 40.281 ok

7.1.9 Check for Thickness of Steel Reinforcement

for Servce Limit State

hS > 3 hmax σS / Fy = 0.468 mm
hS = 2 mm > 0.468 mm ok
(If "no" then increase Thickness of Steel)

for Fatigue Limit State

hS > 2 hmax σL / ∆FTH = 0.500 mm
hS = 2 mm > 0.500 mm ok
(If "no" then increase Thickness of Steel)

7.1.10 Determination of the configuration of Elastomeric Bearing

Item symbol value unit

Size of Elastomer
Length L 450 mm
Width W 550 mm
Inner Layer Thickness hi 16 mm
Outer Layer Thickness ho 8 mm
Steel Thickness hS 2 mm
Number of Innner Layers n 4 mm
Total Thickness of Elastomer hrt 80 mm
Overall Thickness 90 mm
Allowable Displacement 40 mm

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7.2 Seismic Buffer

7.2.1 Seismic lateral force (Hs)

Hs = 683 kN from

7.2.2 Calculation of Anchor bar Materia (ASTM)

High Strength Steel Bar : A572 - Tensile Strength : 510-550 N/mm2 Allowable strength (Ta)

Φ50 - 2 nos
Ta = 510 * 50^2 * π/4 * 2 * 0.9 = 1801575 N = 1800 kN Check for Tensile Strength

Hs = 683 < Ta = 1800 kN ok

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Annexure A - Ultimate Limit State Forces - One Track Loaded

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4 ULS-1TEnv(all) I[4] 54.34 -263.82 -2852.94 -1147.86 1609.78 145.44
4 ULS-1TEnv(all) J[5] 54.06 -245.61 -2648.79 -1087.25 3232.50 298.25
5 ULS-1TEnv(all) I[5] 22.03 -245.61 -2649.30 -1084.35 3232.50 295.52
5 ULS-1TEnv(all) J[6] 34.81 -154.57 -1629.14 -839.33 9227.06 896.72
6 ULS-1TEnv(all) I[6] 28.08 -154.57 -1629.26 -836.27 9227.06 896.02
6 ULS-1TEnv(all) J[7] 44.29 -63.53 -706.45 -638.78 12144.46 1224.37
7 ULS-1TEnv(all) I[7] 48.00 -63.53 -705.69 -654.14 12144.46 1225.26
7 ULS-1TEnv(all) J[8] 48.00 -19.48 -258.64 535.51 12417.20 1286.41
8 ULS-1TEnv(all) I[8] 0.00 18.00 304.42 -535.58 12740.06 1286.41
8 ULS-1TEnv(all) J[9] 0.00 67.27 751.47 652.66 12398.64 1225.28
9 ULS-1TEnv(all) I[9] -13.51 67.27 751.35 636.93 12398.64 1224.30
9 ULS-1TEnv(all) J[10] -30.93 154.56 1674.16 841.86 9346.53 896.08
10 ULS-1TEnv(all) I[10] -21.00 154.56 1674.31 844.59 9346.53 896.78
10 ULS-1TEnv(all) J[11] -34.95 245.60 2694.46 1139.50 3216.45 295.66
11 ULS-1TEnv(all) I[11] 6.17 245.60 2694.68 1141.83 3216.45 298.32
11 ULS-1TEnv(all) J[12] 6.45 263.81 2898.83 1202.44 1566.20 145.51
12 ULS-1TEnv(all) I[12] 0.00 263.81 2898.83 1197.36 1566.20 145.10
12 ULS-1TEnv(all) J[13] 0.00 280.50 3146.96 1247.58 -269.37 -4.59

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Annexure B - Ultimate Limit State Forces - Two Track Loaded

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[4] 55.71 -263.82 -3489.13 1870.53 1959.69 145.44
4 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[5] 55.43 -245.61 -3253.39 1800.01 3927.79 298.25
5 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[5] 22.20 -245.61 -3253.85 1802.68 3927.79 295.52
5 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[6] 36.01 -154.57 -2082.09 1472.21 11114.57 896.72
6 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[6] 29.49 -154.57 -2082.16 1475.48 11114.57 896.02
6 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[7] 47.45 -63.53 -1007.75 1112.14 14610.74 1224.37
7 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[7] 48.00 -63.53 -1007.04 1098.13 14610.74 1225.26
7 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[8] 48.00 -19.49 -484.18 1039.43 14843.57 1286.41
8 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[8] 0.00 18.00 529.97 -1039.50 15166.43 1286.41
8 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[9] 0.00 67.27 1052.82 -1193.51 14864.93 1225.28
9 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[9] -19.01 67.27 1052.65 -1206.45 14864.93 1224.30
9 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[10] -39.35 154.56 2127.06 -1475.21 11234.03 896.08
10 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[10] -26.77 154.56 2127.25 -1471.93 11234.03 896.78
10 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[11] -42.89 245.60 3299.01 -1749.94 3911.74 295.66
11 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[11] 7.54 245.60 3299.28 -1747.28 3911.74 298.32
11 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[12] 7.82 263.81 3535.02 -1817.81 1916.11 145.51
12 ULS-2TEnv(all) I[12] 0.00 263.81 3535.03 -1824.18 1916.11 145.10
12 ULS-2TEnv(all) J[13] 0.00 280.50 3811.58 -1886.55 -444.24 -4.59

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Annexure C Member Forces for Prestressing Load Case

Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment-y Moment-z

Elem Load Part Axial (kN)
(kN) (kN) (kN*m) (kN*m) (kN*m)
4 Ps after loss I[4] -10149.02 0.00 1789.87 -0.03 -980.31 -0.13
4 Ps after loss J[5] -10189.34 0.00 1815.72 -0.05 -2078.29 -0.25
5 Ps after loss I[5] -10160.09 0.00 1970.00 -0.04 -2072.90 -0.25
5 Ps after loss J[6] -10393.71 -0.02 1927.39 -0.16 -8314.30 -0.77
6 Ps after loss I[6] -10381.90 -0.02 1981.69 -0.18 -8306.37 -0.76
6 Ps after loss J[7] -10924.83 0.00 341.01 -0.06 -12218.10 -1.28
7 Ps after loss I[7] -10928.20 0.00 135.67 -0.17 -12223.09 -1.28
7 Ps after loss J[8] -10933.32 0.00 1.38 -0.15 -12217.45 -1.54
8 Ps after loss I[8] -10942.91 0.00 1.39 0.15 -12228.90 -1.54
8 Ps after loss J[9] -10845.73 0.00 -92.68 0.16 -12119.70 -1.27
9 Ps after loss I[9] -10843.14 0.00 -296.52 0.06 -12115.60 -1.28
9 Ps after loss J[10] -10287.81 0.02 -1866.78 0.17 -8376.34 -0.75
10 Ps after loss I[10] -10299.09 0.02 -1812.99 0.15 -8384.04 -0.76
10 Ps after loss J[11] -9992.33 0.00 -1939.93 0.05 -2197.92 -0.24
11 Ps after loss I[11] -10021.14 0.00 -1788.18 0.05 -2203.70 -0.24
11 Ps after loss J[12] -9971.79 0.00 -1760.17 0.03 -1119.50 -0.12
12 Ps after loss I[12] -10012.39 0.00 -1784.48 0.03 -747.13 -0.10
12 Ps after loss J[13] -9965.35 0.00 -1787.28 0.01 241.50 0.00

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Annexure - C

Transverse Analysis Results

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment- Moment-
Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) y (kN*m) z (kN*m)
1 ENV_ULS(max) I[2] -7.47 0 -16.48 0 8.34 0
1 ENV_ULS(max) J[1] -7.4 0 -13.56 0 15.84 0
2 ENV_ULS(max) I[3] -7.63 0 -22.82 0 -1.22 0
2 ENV_ULS(max) J[2] -7.47 0 -16.48 0 8.34 0
3 ENV_ULS(max) I[4] -8.68 0 -30.64 0 -14.34 0
3 ENV_ULS(max) J[3] -8.25 0 -22.41 0 -1.22 0
4 ENV_ULS(max) I[5] -9.2 0 -40.63 0 -31.9 0
4 ENV_ULS(max) J[4] -8.68 0 -30.64 0 -14.34 0
5 ENV_ULS(max) I[6] -9.15 0 -40.05 0 -52.45 0
5 ENV_ULS(max) J[5] -8.62 0 -30.03 0 -31.9 0
6 ENV_ULS(max) I[7] -7.05 0 -64.11 0 -72.33 0
6 ENV_ULS(max) J[6] -7.05 0 -56.43 0 -48.45 0
7 ENV_ULS(max) I[8] 131.89 0 94.46 0 -17.29 0
7 ENV_ULS(max) J[7] 131.89 0 118.09 0 -26.02 0
8 ENV_ULS(max) I[9] 126.93 0 95.68 0 -8.72 0
8 ENV_ULS(max) J[8] 124.59 0 103.23 0 -17.29 0
9 ENV_ULS(max) I[10] 129.21 0 54.02 0 -2.66 0
9 ENV_ULS(max) J[9] 126.93 0 95.68 0 -8.72 0
10 ENV_ULS(max) I[11] 129.97 0 27.1 0 0.84 0
10 ENV_ULS(max) J[10] 127.98 0 47.05 0 -2.66 0
11 ENV_ULS(max) I[12] 131.89 0 9.95 0 2.46 0
11 ENV_ULS(max) J[11] 131.89 0 16.02 0 0.84 0
12 ENV_ULS(max) I[13] 131.89 0 7.75 0 4.61 0
12 ENV_ULS(max) J[12] 131.89 0 9.95 0 2.46 0
13 ENV_ULS(max) I[14] 131.89 0 5.55 0 6.13 0
13 ENV_ULS(max) J[13] 131.89 0 7.75 0 4.61 0
14 ENV_ULS(max) I[15] 131.89 0 1.28 0 8.44 0
14 ENV_ULS(max) J[14] 131.89 0 5.55 0 6.13 0
15 ENV_ULS(max) I[16] 128.83 0 -11.15 0 5.86 0
15 ENV_ULS(max) J[15] 130.82 0 -5.51 0 8.44 0
16 ENV_ULS(max) I[17] 126.55 0 -22.43 0 -6.3 0
16 ENV_ULS(max) J[16] 128.83 0 -15.53 0 5.86 0
17 ENV_ULS(max) I[18] 124.21 0 -29.98 0 -15.37 0
17 ENV_ULS(max) J[17] 126.55 0 -22.43 0 -6.3 0
18 ENV_ULS(max) I[19] 131.89 0 -26.6 0 -22.99 0
18 ENV_ULS(max) J[18] 131.89 0 -18.91 0 -15.37 0
19 ENV_ULS(max) I[20] 0 0 105.12 0 -53.39 0
19 ENV_ULS(max) J[19] 0 0 128.76 0 -68.69 0
20 ENV_ULS(max) I[21] -0.82 0 57.62 0 -48.03 0
20 ENV_ULS(max) J[20] -1.35 0 89.04 0 -57.39 0
21 ENV_ULS(max) I[22] -1.59 0 30.57 0 -30.27 0
21 ENV_ULS(max) J[21] -2.16 0 57.62 0 -48.03 0
22 ENV_ULS(max) I[23] -1.16 0 22.34 0 -17.18 0
22 ENV_ULS(max) J[22] -1.59 0 30.57 0 -30.27 0
23 ENV_ULS(max) I[24] -0.42 0 16.84 0 -7.68 0
23 ENV_ULS(max) J[23] -0.56 0 22.37 0 -17.18 0
24 ENV_ULS(max) I[25] -0.35 0 13.92 0 0 0
24 ENV_ULS(max) J[24] -0.42 0 16.84 0 -7.68 0
25 ENV_ULS(max) I[27] -64.69 0 35.4 0 4.72 0
25 ENV_ULS(max) J[26] -64.69 0 39.52 0 3.98 0
26 ENV_ULS(max) I[28] -64.79 0 45.85 0 8.22 0
26 ENV_ULS(max) J[27] -63.92 0 51.62 0 4.72 0

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Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment- Moment-

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) y (kN*m) z (kN*m)
27 ENV_ULS(max) I[29] -65.35 0 42.11 0 9.5 0
27 ENV_ULS(max) J[28] -64.79 0 45.85 0 8.22 0
28 ENV_ULS(max) I[30] -64.69 0 24.63 0 7.53 0
28 ENV_ULS(max) J[29] -64.69 0 25.77 0 9.5 0
29 ENV_ULS(max) I[31] -64.69 0 23.48 0 5.87 0
29 ENV_ULS(max) J[30] -64.69 0 24.63 0 7.53 0
30 ENV_ULS(max) I[32] -64.69 0 22.34 0 10.18 0
30 ENV_ULS(max) J[31] -64.69 0 23.48 0 5.87 0
31 ENV_ULS(max) I[33] -64.69 0 21.19 0 14.65 0
31 ENV_ULS(max) J[32] -64.69 0 22.34 0 10.18 0
32 ENV_ULS(max) I[34] -61.37 0 4.31 0 15.95 0
32 ENV_ULS(max) J[33] -61.93 0 8.05 0 14.65 0
33 ENV_ULS(max) I[35] -60.5 0 -1.47 0 16.3 0
33 ENV_ULS(max) J[34] -61.37 0 4.31 0 15.95 0
34 ENV_ULS(max) I[36] -64.69 0 7.44 0 19.15 0
34 ENV_ULS(max) J[35] -64.69 0 11.57 0 16.3 0
35 ENV_ULS(max) I[41] -148.29 0 12.41 0 13.78 0
35 ENV_ULS(max) J[26] -150.73 0 12.85 0 24.65 0
36 ENV_ULS(max) I[40] -143.34 0 11.51 0 0.71 0
36 ENV_ULS(max) J[41] -148.3 0 12.41 0 13.78 0
37 ENV_ULS(max) I[39] -138.38 0 10.62 0 -12.59 0
37 ENV_ULS(max) J[40] -143.34 0 11.51 0 0.71 0
38 ENV_ULS(max) I[38] -133.43 0 9.72 0 -21.81 0
38 ENV_ULS(max) J[39] -138.38 0 10.62 0 -12.59 0
39 ENV_ULS(max) I[37] -128.47 0 8.83 0 -19.57 0
39 ENV_ULS(max) J[38] -133.43 0 9.72 0 -21.81 0
40 ENV_ULS(max) I[7] -126.03 0 8.39 0 -17.85 0
40 ENV_ULS(max) J[37] -128.47 0 8.83 0 -19.57 0
41 ENV_ULS(max) I[46] -142.65 0 4.3 0 33.29 0
41 ENV_ULS(max) J[36] -144.58 0 5.02 0 45.74 0
42 ENV_ULS(max) I[45] -138.71 0 2.83 0 17.18 0
42 ENV_ULS(max) J[46] -142.65 0 4.3 0 33.29 0
43 ENV_ULS(max) I[44] -134.78 0 1.37 0 1.05 0
43 ENV_ULS(max) J[45] -138.71 0 2.83 0 17.18 0
44 ENV_ULS(max) I[43] -130.85 0 -0.1 0 -11.74 0
44 ENV_ULS(max) J[44] -134.78 0 1.37 0 1.05 0
45 ENV_ULS(max) I[42] -126.92 0 -1.57 0 -14.41 0
45 ENV_ULS(max) J[43] -130.85 0 -0.1 0 -11.74 0
46 ENV_ULS(max) I[19] -124.98 0 -2.29 0 -15.19 0
46 ENV_ULS(max) J[42] -126.92 0 -1.57 0 -14.41 0
1 D1 + D2 I[2] -0.36 0 -14.25 0 -6.45 0
1 D1 + D2 J[1] -0.29 0 -11.6 0 0 0
2 D1 + D2 I[3] -0.49 0 -19.79 0 -14.74 0
2 D1 + D2 J[2] -0.36 0 -14.25 0 -6.45 0
3 D1 + D2 I[4] -1.4 0 -26.91 0 -26.29 0
3 D1 + D2 J[3] -1.03 0 -19.77 0 -14.74 0
4 D1 + D2 I[5] -1.85 0 -35.57 0 -41.69 0
4 D1 + D2 J[4] -1.4 0 -26.91 0 -26.29 0
5 D1 + D2 I[6] -2.31 0 -44.27 0 -59.66 0
5 D1 + D2 J[5] -1.85 0 -35.57 0 -41.69 0
6 D1 + D2 I[7] 0 0 -64.32 0 -76.75 0
6 D1 + D2 J[6] 0 0 -57.63 0 -56.33 0
7 D1 + D2 I[8] 69.18 0 23.38 0 -25.01 0
7 D1 + D2 J[7] 69.18 0 30.07 0 -33.97 0

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Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment- Moment-

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) y (kN*m) z (kN*m)
8 D1 + D2 I[9] 67.16 0 23.6 0 -15.71 0
8 D1 + D2 J[8] 66.51 0 30.15 0 -25.01 0
9 D1 + D2 I[10] 67.76 0 17.64 0 -8.58 0
9 D1 + D2 J[9] 67.16 0 23.6 0 -15.71 0
10 D1 + D2 I[11] 68.24 0 12.79 0 -3.85 0
10 D1 + D2 J[10] 67.76 0 17.64 0 -8.58 0
11 D1 + D2 I[12] 69.18 0 2.09 0 -1.21 0
11 D1 + D2 J[11] 69.18 0 5.93 0 -3.85 0
12 D1 + D2 I[13] 69.18 0 0.09 0 -0.78 0
12 D1 + D2 J[12] 69.18 0 2.09 0 -1.21 0
13 D1 + D2 I[14] 69.18 0 -1.91 0 -1.14 0
13 D1 + D2 J[13] 69.18 0 0.09 0 -0.78 0
14 D1 + D2 I[15] 69.18 0 -5.76 0 -3.66 0
14 D1 + D2 J[14] 69.18 0 -1.91 0 -1.14 0
15 D1 + D2 I[16] 67.77 0 -17.47 0 -8.34 0
15 D1 + D2 J[15] 68.26 0 -12.62 0 -3.66 0
16 D1 + D2 I[17] 67.18 0 -23.43 0 -15.41 0
16 D1 + D2 J[16] 67.77 0 -17.47 0 -8.34 0
17 D1 + D2 I[18] 66.52 0 -29.98 0 -24.65 0
17 D1 + D2 J[17] 67.18 0 -23.43 0 -15.41 0
18 D1 + D2 I[19] 69.18 0 -29.89 0 -33.54 0
18 D1 + D2 J[18] 69.18 0 -23.21 0 -24.65 0
19 D1 + D2 I[20] 0 0 57.63 0 -55.65 0
19 D1 + D2 J[19] 0 0 64.32 0 -76.07 0
20 D1 + D2 I[21] -1.85 0 35.57 0 -41.01 0
20 D1 + D2 J[20] -2.31 0 44.27 0 -58.98 0
21 D1 + D2 I[22] -1.37 0 26.23 0 -25.75 0
21 D1 + D2 J[21] -1.85 0 35.57 0 -41.01 0
22 D1 + D2 I[23] -0.99 0 19.09 0 -14.54 0
22 D1 + D2 J[22] -1.37 0 26.23 0 -25.75 0
23 D1 + D2 I[24] -0.36 0 14.25 0 -6.45 0
23 D1 + D2 J[23] -0.48 0 19.11 0 -14.54 0
24 D1 + D2 I[25] -0.29 0 11.6 0 0 0
24 D1 + D2 J[24] -0.36 0 14.25 0 -6.45 0
25 D1 + D2 I[27] -69.18 0 10.94 0 -12.3 0
25 D1 + D2 J[26] -69.18 0 14.69 0 -16.14 0
26 D1 + D2 I[28] -67.58 0 15.83 0 -3.04 0
26 D1 + D2 J[27] -66.79 0 21.08 0 -12.3 0
27 D1 + D2 I[29] -68.09 0 12.43 0 4.02 0
27 D1 + D2 J[28] -67.58 0 15.83 0 -3.04 0
28 D1 + D2 I[30] -69.18 0 1.15 0 4.37 0
28 D1 + D2 J[29] -69.18 0 2.19 0 4.02 0
29 D1 + D2 I[31] -69.18 0 0.11 0 4.5 0
29 D1 + D2 J[30] -69.18 0 1.15 0 4.37 0
30 D1 + D2 I[32] -69.18 0 -0.93 0 4.41 0
30 D1 + D2 J[31] -69.18 0 0.11 0 4.5 0
31 D1 + D2 I[33] -69.18 0 -1.97 0 4.11 0
31 D1 + D2 J[32] -69.18 0 -0.93 0 4.41 0
32 D1 + D2 I[34] -67.61 0 -15.61 0 -2.84 0
32 D1 + D2 J[33] -68.12 0 -12.21 0 4.11 0
33 D1 + D2 I[35] -66.82 0 -20.86 0 -11.98 0
33 D1 + D2 J[34] -67.61 0 -15.61 0 -2.84 0
34 D1 + D2 I[36] -69.18 0 -14.47 0 -15.76 0
34 D1 + D2 J[35] -69.18 0 -10.72 0 -11.98 0

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Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment- Moment-

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) y (kN*m) z (kN*m)
35 D1 + D2 I[41] -128.67 0 -25.82 0 -3.95 0
35 D1 + D2 J[26] -130.43 0 -25.17 0 1.15 0
36 D1 + D2 I[40] -125.1 0 -27.16 0 -14.73 0
36 D1 + D2 J[41] -128.67 0 -25.82 0 -3.95 0
37 D1 + D2 I[39] -121.52 0 -28.49 0 -26.05 0
37 D1 + D2 J[40] -125.1 0 -27.16 0 -14.73 0
38 D1 + D2 I[38] -117.95 0 -29.82 0 -37.92 0
38 D1 + D2 J[39] -121.52 0 -28.49 0 -26.05 0
39 D1 + D2 I[37] -114.37 0 -31.16 0 -50.33 0
39 D1 + D2 J[38] -117.95 0 -29.82 0 -37.92 0
40 D1 + D2 I[7] -112.61 0 -31.81 0 -56.62 0
40 D1 + D2 J[37] -114.37 0 -31.16 0 -50.33 0
41 D1 + D2 I[46] -128.51 0 -25.88 0 -3.58 0
41 D1 + D2 J[36] -130.26 0 -25.23 0 1.53 0
42 D1 + D2 I[45] -124.93 0 -27.22 0 -14.38 0
42 D1 + D2 J[46] -128.51 0 -25.88 0 -3.58 0
43 D1 + D2 I[44] -121.36 0 -28.55 0 -25.73 0
43 D1 + D2 J[45] -124.93 0 -27.22 0 -14.38 0
44 D1 + D2 I[43] -117.78 0 -29.88 0 -37.62 0
44 D1 + D2 J[44] -121.36 0 -28.55 0 -25.73 0
45 D1 + D2 I[42] -114.21 0 -31.22 0 -50.06 0
45 D1 + D2 J[43] -117.78 0 -29.88 0 -37.62 0
46 D1 + D2 I[19] -112.45 0 -31.87 0 -56.37 0
46 D1 + D2 J[42] -114.21 0 -31.22 0 -50.06 0
1 LL_Env(max) I[2] 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 LL_Env(max) J[1] 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 LL_Env(max) I[3] 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 LL_Env(max) J[2] 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 LL_Env(max) I[4] 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 LL_Env(max) J[3] 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 LL_Env(max) I[5] 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 LL_Env(max) J[4] 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 LL_Env(max) I[6] 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 LL_Env(max) J[5] 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 LL_Env(max) I[7] 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 LL_Env(max) J[6] 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 LL_Env(max) I[8] 30.63 0 38.21 0 4.02 0
7 LL_Env(max) J[7] 30.63 0 49.81 0 4.74 0
8 LL_Env(max) I[9] 28.07 0 27.65 0 3.81 0
8 LL_Env(max) J[8] 26.89 0 39.54 0 4.02 0
9 LL_Env(max) I[10] 29.26 0 15.76 0 3.6 0
9 LL_Env(max) J[9] 28.07 0 27.65 0 3.81 0
10 LL_Env(max) I[11] 30.33 0 5.08 0 3.41 0
10 LL_Env(max) J[10] 29.26 0 15.76 0 3.6 0
11 LL_Env(max) I[12] 30.63 0 2.14 0 2.16 0
11 LL_Env(max) J[11] 30.63 0 3.58 0 3.41 0
12 LL_Env(max) I[13] 30.63 0 2.14 0 2.16 0
12 LL_Env(max) J[12] 30.63 0 2.14 0 2.16 0
13 LL_Env(max) I[14] 30.63 0 2.14 0 2.16 0
13 LL_Env(max) J[13] 30.63 0 2.14 0 2.16 0
14 LL_Env(max) I[15] 30.63 0 2.14 0 3.41 0
14 LL_Env(max) J[14] 30.63 0 2.14 0 2.16 0
15 LL_Env(max) I[16] 29.26 0 0.61 0 3.6 0
15 LL_Env(max) J[15] 30.33 0 0.61 0 3.41 0

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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment- Moment-

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) y (kN*m) z (kN*m)
16 LL_Env(max) I[17] 28.07 0 0.61 0 3.81 0
16 LL_Env(max) J[16] 29.26 0 0.61 0 3.6 0
17 LL_Env(max) I[18] 26.89 0 0.61 0 4.02 0
17 LL_Env(max) J[17] 28.07 0 0.61 0 3.81 0
18 LL_Env(max) I[19] 30.63 0 2.14 0 4.74 0
18 LL_Env(max) J[18] 30.63 0 2.14 0 4.02 0
19 LL_Env(max) I[20] 0 0 27.41 0 0 0
19 LL_Env(max) J[19] 0 0 39.01 0 0 0
20 LL_Env(max) I[21] 0 0 11.81 0 0 0
20 LL_Env(max) J[20] 0 0 27.37 0 0 0
21 LL_Env(max) I[22] 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 LL_Env(max) J[21] 0 0 11.81 0 0 0
22 LL_Env(max) I[23] 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 LL_Env(max) J[22] 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 LL_Env(max) I[24] 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 LL_Env(max) J[23] 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 LL_Env(max) I[25] 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 LL_Env(max) J[24] 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 LL_Env(max) I[27] -15.31 0 12.61 0 15.2 0
25 LL_Env(max) J[26] -15.31 0 12.61 0 18.98 0
26 LL_Env(max) I[28] -13.27 0 14.74 0 10.04 0
26 LL_Env(max) J[27] -13.27 0 14.74 0 15.2 0
27 LL_Env(max) I[29] -13.27 0 14.74 0 4.89 0
27 LL_Env(max) J[28] -13.27 0 14.74 0 10.04 0
28 LL_Env(max) I[30] -15.31 0 12.61 0 2.26 0
28 LL_Env(max) J[29] -15.31 0 12.61 0 4.89 0
29 LL_Env(max) I[31] -15.31 0 12.61 0 -0.36 0
29 LL_Env(max) J[30] -15.31 0 12.61 0 2.26 0
30 LL_Env(max) I[32] -15.31 0 12.61 0 2.26 0
30 LL_Env(max) J[31] -15.31 0 12.61 0 -0.36 0
31 LL_Env(max) I[33] -15.31 0 12.61 0 4.89 0
31 LL_Env(max) J[32] -15.31 0 12.61 0 2.26 0
32 LL_Env(max) I[34] -13.27 0 10.2 0 10.04 0
32 LL_Env(max) J[33] -13.27 0 10.2 0 4.89 0
33 LL_Env(max) I[35] -13.27 0 10.2 0 15.2 0
33 LL_Env(max) J[34] -13.27 0 10.2 0 10.04 0
34 LL_Env(max) I[36] -15.31 0 12.61 0 18.98 0
34 LL_Env(max) J[35] -15.31 0 12.61 0 15.2 0
35 LL_Env(max) I[41] -3.35 0 16.7 0 19.79 0
35 LL_Env(max) J[26] -3.35 0 16.7 0 22.81 0
36 LL_Env(max) I[40] -3.35 0 16.71 0 13.65 0
36 LL_Env(max) J[41] -3.35 0 16.71 0 19.79 0
37 LL_Env(max) I[39] -3.35 0 16.71 0 7.5 0
37 LL_Env(max) J[40] -3.35 0 16.71 0 13.65 0
38 LL_Env(max) I[38] -3.35 0 16.71 0 4.63 0
38 LL_Env(max) J[39] -3.35 0 16.71 0 7.5 0
39 LL_Env(max) I[37] -3.35 0 16.71 0 10.07 0
39 LL_Env(max) J[38] -3.35 0 16.71 0 4.63 0
40 LL_Env(max) I[7] -3.35 0 16.7 0 13.41 0
40 LL_Env(max) J[37] -3.35 0 16.7 0 10.07 0
41 LL_Env(max) I[46] -3.35 0 16.7 0 19.79 0
41 LL_Env(max) J[36] -3.35 0 16.7 0 22.81 0
42 LL_Env(max) I[45] -3.35 0 16.71 0 13.65 0
42 LL_Env(max) J[46] -3.35 0 16.71 0 19.79 0

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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment- Moment-

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) y (kN*m) z (kN*m)
43 LL_Env(max) I[44] -3.35 0 16.71 0 7.5 0
43 LL_Env(max) J[45] -3.35 0 16.71 0 13.65 0
44 LL_Env(max) I[43] -3.35 0 16.71 0 4.63 0
44 LL_Env(max) J[44] -3.35 0 16.71 0 7.5 0
45 LL_Env(max) I[42] -3.35 0 16.71 0 10.07 0
45 LL_Env(max) J[43] -3.35 0 16.71 0 4.63 0
46 LL_Env(max) I[19] -3.35 0 16.7 0 13.41 0
46 LL_Env(max) J[42] -3.35 0 16.7 0 10.07 0
1 DL FOR M1 I[2] -0.36 0 -14.25 0 -6.45 0
1 DL FOR M1 J[1] -0.29 0 -11.6 0 0 0
2 DL FOR M1 I[3] -0.49 0 -19.79 0 -14.74 0
2 DL FOR M1 J[2] -0.36 0 -14.25 0 -6.45 0
3 DL FOR M1 I[4] -2.5 0 -47.98 0 -31.43 0
3 DL FOR M1 J[3] -2.13 0 -40.84 0 -9.44 0
4 DL FOR M1 I[5] -2.95 0 -56.64 0 -57.28 0
4 DL FOR M1 J[4] -2.5 0 -47.98 0 -31.43 0
5 DL FOR M1 I[6] -3.4 0 -65.35 0 -84.74 0
5 DL FOR M1 J[5] -2.95 0 -56.64 0 -57.28 0
6 DL FOR M1 I[7] 0 0 -72.12 0 -107.78 0
6 DL FOR M1 J[6] 0 0 -65.43 0 -84.74 0
7 DL FOR M1 I[8] 90.46 0 23.38 0 -29.16 0
7 DL FOR M1 J[7] 90.46 0 30.07 0 -38.12 0
8 DL FOR M1 I[9] 88.34 0 25.72 0 -19.13 0
8 DL FOR M1 J[8] 87.69 0 32.27 0 -29.16 0
9 DL FOR M1 I[10] 88.94 0 19.76 0 -11.26 0
9 DL FOR M1 J[9] 88.34 0 25.72 0 -19.13 0
10 DL FOR M1 I[11] 89.42 0 14.91 0 -5.87 0
10 DL FOR M1 J[10] 88.94 0 19.76 0 -11.26 0
11 DL FOR M1 I[12] 90.46 0 2.09 0 -3.23 0
11 DL FOR M1 J[11] 90.46 0 5.93 0 -5.87 0
12 DL FOR M1 I[13] 90.46 0 0.09 0 -2.8 0
12 DL FOR M1 J[12] 90.46 0 2.09 0 -3.23 0
13 DL FOR M1 I[14] 90.46 0 -1.91 0 -3.17 0
13 DL FOR M1 J[13] 90.46 0 0.09 0 -2.8 0
14 DL FOR M1 I[15] 90.46 0 -5.76 0 -5.68 0
14 DL FOR M1 J[14] 90.46 0 -1.91 0 -3.17 0
15 DL FOR M1 I[16] 88.95 0 -19.58 0 -11.02 0
15 DL FOR M1 J[15] 89.44 0 -14.73 0 -5.68 0
16 DL FOR M1 I[17] 88.36 0 -25.54 0 -18.82 0
16 DL FOR M1 J[16] 88.95 0 -19.58 0 -11.02 0
17 DL FOR M1 I[18] 87.7 0 -32.1 0 -28.8 0
17 DL FOR M1 J[17] 88.36 0 -25.54 0 -18.82 0
18 DL FOR M1 I[19] 90.46 0 -29.89 0 -37.69 0
18 DL FOR M1 J[18] 90.46 0 -23.21 0 -28.8 0
19 DL FOR M1 I[20] 0 0 65.43 0 -84.06 0
19 DL FOR M1 J[19] 0 0 72.12 0 -107.1 0
20 DL FOR M1 I[21] -2.95 0 56.64 0 -56.6 0
20 DL FOR M1 J[20] -3.4 0 65.35 0 -84.06 0
21 DL FOR M1 I[22] -2.46 0 47.3 0 -30.89 0
21 DL FOR M1 J[21] -2.95 0 56.64 0 -56.6 0
22 DL FOR M1 I[23] -2.09 0 40.16 0 -9.24 0
22 DL FOR M1 J[22] -2.46 0 47.3 0 -30.89 0
23 DL FOR M1 I[24] -0.36 0 14.25 0 -6.45 0
23 DL FOR M1 J[23] -0.48 0 19.11 0 -14.54 0

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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment- Moment-

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) y (kN*m) z (kN*m)
24 DL FOR M1 I[25] -0.29 0 11.6 0 0 0
24 DL FOR M1 J[24] -0.36 0 14.25 0 -6.45 0
25 DL FOR M1 I[27] -90.46 0 10.94 0 -13.84 0
25 DL FOR M1 J[26] -90.46 0 14.69 0 -17.68 0
26 DL FOR M1 I[28] -88.63 0 18.98 0 -2.99 0
26 DL FOR M1 J[27] -87.84 0 24.24 0 -13.84 0
27 DL FOR M1 I[29] -89.14 0 15.59 0 5.67 0
27 DL FOR M1 J[28] -88.63 0 18.98 0 -2.99 0
28 DL FOR M1 I[30] -90.46 0 1.15 0 6.02 0
28 DL FOR M1 J[29] -90.46 0 2.19 0 5.67 0
29 DL FOR M1 I[31] -90.46 0 0.11 0 6.15 0
29 DL FOR M1 J[30] -90.46 0 1.15 0 6.02 0
30 DL FOR M1 I[32] -90.46 0 -0.93 0 6.06 0
30 DL FOR M1 J[31] -90.46 0 0.11 0 6.15 0
31 DL FOR M1 I[33] -90.46 0 -1.97 0 5.76 0
31 DL FOR M1 J[32] -90.46 0 -0.93 0 6.06 0
32 DL FOR M1 I[34] -88.66 0 -18.77 0 -2.79 0
32 DL FOR M1 J[33] -89.17 0 -15.37 0 5.76 0
33 DL FOR M1 I[35] -87.87 0 -24.02 0 -13.53 0
33 DL FOR M1 J[34] -88.66 0 -18.77 0 -2.79 0
34 DL FOR M1 I[36] -90.46 0 -14.47 0 -17.31 0
34 DL FOR M1 J[35] -90.46 0 -10.72 0 -13.53 0
35 DL FOR M1 I[41] -143.42 0 -43.04 0 -3.61 0
35 DL FOR M1 J[26] -145.18 0 -42.38 0 4.93 0
36 DL FOR M1 I[40] -139.84 0 -44.37 0 -21.4 0
36 DL FOR M1 J[41] -143.42 0 -43.04 0 -3.61 0
37 DL FOR M1 I[39] -136.27 0 -45.7 0 -39.73 0
37 DL FOR M1 J[40] -139.84 0 -44.37 0 -21.4 0
38 DL FOR M1 I[38] -132.7 0 -47.04 0 -58.6 0
38 DL FOR M1 J[39] -136.27 0 -45.7 0 -39.73 0
39 DL FOR M1 I[37] -129.12 0 -48.37 0 -78.02 0
39 DL FOR M1 J[38] -132.7 0 -47.04 0 -58.6 0
40 DL FOR M1 I[7] -127.36 0 -49.03 0 -87.76 0
40 DL FOR M1 J[37] -129.12 0 -48.37 0 -78.02 0
41 DL FOR M1 I[46] -143.26 0 -43.1 0 -3.24 0
41 DL FOR M1 J[36] -145.01 0 -42.44 0 5.31 0
42 DL FOR M1 I[45] -139.68 0 -44.43 0 -21.06 0
42 DL FOR M1 J[46] -143.26 0 -43.1 0 -3.24 0
43 DL FOR M1 I[44] -136.11 0 -45.76 0 -39.41 0
43 DL FOR M1 J[45] -139.68 0 -44.43 0 -21.06 0
44 DL FOR M1 I[43] -132.53 0 -47.1 0 -58.31 0
44 DL FOR M1 J[44] -136.11 0 -45.76 0 -39.41 0
45 DL FOR M1 I[42] -128.96 0 -48.43 0 -77.75 0
45 DL FOR M1 J[43] -132.53 0 -47.1 0 -58.31 0
46 DL FOR M1 I[19] -127.2 0 -49.09 0 -87.5 0
46 DL FOR M1 J[42] -128.96 0 -48.43 0 -77.75 0
1 DL FOR M2 I[2] -0.36 0 -14.25 0 -6.45 0
1 DL FOR M2 J[1] -0.29 0 -11.6 0 0 0
2 DL FOR M2 I[3] -0.49 0 -19.79 0 -14.74 0
2 DL FOR M2 J[2] -0.36 0 -14.25 0 -6.45 0
3 DL FOR M2 I[4] -1.4 0 -26.91 0 -26.29 0
3 DL FOR M2 J[3] -1.03 0 -19.77 0 -14.74 0
4 DL FOR M2 I[5] -1.85 0 -35.57 0 -41.69 0
4 DL FOR M2 J[4] -1.4 0 -26.91 0 -26.29 0

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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment- Moment-

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) y (kN*m) z (kN*m)
5 DL FOR M2 I[6] -2.31 0 -44.27 0 -59.66 0
5 DL FOR M2 J[5] -1.85 0 -35.57 0 -41.69 0
6 DL FOR M2 I[7] 0 0 -64.32 0 -76.75 0
6 DL FOR M2 J[6] 0 0 -57.63 0 -56.33 0
7 DL FOR M2 I[8] 69.18 0 23.38 0 -25.01 0
7 DL FOR M2 J[7] 69.18 0 30.07 0 -33.97 0
8 DL FOR M2 I[9] 67.16 0 23.6 0 -15.71 0
8 DL FOR M2 J[8] 66.51 0 30.15 0 -25.01 0
9 DL FOR M2 I[10] 67.76 0 17.64 0 -8.58 0
9 DL FOR M2 J[9] 67.16 0 23.6 0 -15.71 0
10 DL FOR M2 I[11] 68.24 0 12.79 0 -3.85 0
10 DL FOR M2 J[10] 67.76 0 17.64 0 -8.58 0
11 DL FOR M2 I[12] 69.18 0 2.09 0 -1.21 0
11 DL FOR M2 J[11] 69.18 0 5.93 0 -3.85 0
12 DL FOR M2 I[13] 69.18 0 0.09 0 -0.78 0
12 DL FOR M2 J[12] 69.18 0 2.09 0 -1.21 0
13 DL FOR M2 I[14] 69.18 0 -1.91 0 -1.14 0
13 DL FOR M2 J[13] 69.18 0 0.09 0 -0.78 0
14 DL FOR M2 I[15] 69.18 0 -5.76 0 -3.66 0
14 DL FOR M2 J[14] 69.18 0 -1.91 0 -1.14 0
15 DL FOR M2 I[16] 67.77 0 -17.47 0 -8.34 0
15 DL FOR M2 J[15] 68.26 0 -12.62 0 -3.66 0
16 DL FOR M2 I[17] 67.18 0 -23.43 0 -15.41 0
16 DL FOR M2 J[16] 67.77 0 -17.47 0 -8.34 0
17 DL FOR M2 I[18] 66.52 0 -29.98 0 -24.65 0
17 DL FOR M2 J[17] 67.18 0 -23.43 0 -15.41 0
18 DL FOR M2 I[19] 69.18 0 -29.89 0 -33.54 0
18 DL FOR M2 J[18] 69.18 0 -23.21 0 -24.65 0
19 DL FOR M2 I[20] 0 0 57.63 0 -55.65 0
19 DL FOR M2 J[19] 0 0 64.32 0 -76.07 0
20 DL FOR M2 I[21] -1.85 0 35.57 0 -41.01 0
20 DL FOR M2 J[20] -2.31 0 44.27 0 -58.98 0
21 DL FOR M2 I[22] -1.37 0 26.23 0 -25.75 0
21 DL FOR M2 J[21] -1.85 0 35.57 0 -41.01 0
22 DL FOR M2 I[23] -0.99 0 19.09 0 -14.54 0
22 DL FOR M2 J[22] -1.37 0 26.23 0 -25.75 0
23 DL FOR M2 I[24] -0.36 0 14.25 0 -6.45 0
23 DL FOR M2 J[23] -0.48 0 19.11 0 -14.54 0
24 DL FOR M2 I[25] -0.29 0 11.6 0 0 0
24 DL FOR M2 J[24] -0.36 0 14.25 0 -6.45 0
25 DL FOR M2 I[27] -69.18 0 10.94 0 -12.3 0
25 DL FOR M2 J[26] -69.18 0 14.69 0 -16.14 0
26 DL FOR M2 I[28] -67.58 0 15.83 0 -3.04 0
26 DL FOR M2 J[27] -66.79 0 21.08 0 -12.3 0
27 DL FOR M2 I[29] -68.09 0 12.43 0 4.02 0
27 DL FOR M2 J[28] -67.58 0 15.83 0 -3.04 0
28 DL FOR M2 I[30] -69.18 0 1.15 0 4.37 0
28 DL FOR M2 J[29] -69.18 0 2.19 0 4.02 0
29 DL FOR M2 I[31] -69.18 0 0.11 0 4.5 0
29 DL FOR M2 J[30] -69.18 0 1.15 0 4.37 0
30 DL FOR M2 I[32] -69.18 0 -0.93 0 4.41 0
30 DL FOR M2 J[31] -69.18 0 0.11 0 4.5 0
31 DL FOR M2 I[33] -69.18 0 -1.97 0 4.11 0
31 DL FOR M2 J[32] -69.18 0 -0.93 0 4.41 0

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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment- Moment-

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) y (kN*m) z (kN*m)
32 DL FOR M2 I[34] -67.61 0 -15.61 0 -2.84 0
32 DL FOR M2 J[33] -68.12 0 -12.21 0 4.11 0
33 DL FOR M2 I[35] -66.82 0 -20.86 0 -11.98 0
33 DL FOR M2 J[34] -67.61 0 -15.61 0 -2.84 0
34 DL FOR M2 I[36] -69.18 0 -14.47 0 -15.76 0
34 DL FOR M2 J[35] -69.18 0 -10.72 0 -11.98 0
35 DL FOR M2 I[41] -128.67 0 -25.82 0 -3.95 0
35 DL FOR M2 J[26] -130.43 0 -25.17 0 1.15 0
36 DL FOR M2 I[40] -125.1 0 -27.16 0 -14.73 0
36 DL FOR M2 J[41] -128.67 0 -25.82 0 -3.95 0
37 DL FOR M2 I[39] -121.52 0 -28.49 0 -26.05 0
37 DL FOR M2 J[40] -125.1 0 -27.16 0 -14.73 0
38 DL FOR M2 I[38] -117.95 0 -29.82 0 -37.92 0
38 DL FOR M2 J[39] -121.52 0 -28.49 0 -26.05 0
39 DL FOR M2 I[37] -114.37 0 -31.16 0 -50.33 0
39 DL FOR M2 J[38] -117.95 0 -29.82 0 -37.92 0
40 DL FOR M2 I[7] -112.61 0 -31.81 0 -56.62 0
40 DL FOR M2 J[37] -114.37 0 -31.16 0 -50.33 0
41 DL FOR M2 I[46] -128.51 0 -25.88 0 -3.58 0
41 DL FOR M2 J[36] -130.26 0 -25.23 0 1.53 0
42 DL FOR M2 I[45] -124.93 0 -27.22 0 -14.38 0
42 DL FOR M2 J[46] -128.51 0 -25.88 0 -3.58 0
43 DL FOR M2 I[44] -121.36 0 -28.55 0 -25.73 0
43 DL FOR M2 J[45] -124.93 0 -27.22 0 -14.38 0
44 DL FOR M2 I[43] -117.78 0 -29.88 0 -37.62 0
44 DL FOR M2 J[44] -121.36 0 -28.55 0 -25.73 0
45 DL FOR M2 I[42] -114.21 0 -31.22 0 -50.06 0
45 DL FOR M2 J[43] -117.78 0 -29.88 0 -37.62 0
46 DL FOR M2 I[19] -112.45 0 -31.87 0 -56.37 0
46 DL FOR M2 J[42] -114.21 0 -31.22 0 -50.06 0
1 ENV_ULS(min) I[2] -14.82 0 -16.66 0 -6.88 0
1 ENV_ULS(min) J[1] -14.74 0 -13.74 0 0.7 0
2 ENV_ULS(min) I[3] -14.98 0 -23 0 -16.54 0
2 ENV_ULS(min) J[2] -14.82 0 -16.66 0 -6.88 0
3 ENV_ULS(min) I[4] -16.02 0 -31.02 0 -29.85 0
3 ENV_ULS(min) J[3] -15.59 0 -22.79 0 -16.54 0
4 ENV_ULS(min) I[5] -16.54 0 -94.27 0 -60.4 0
4 ENV_ULS(min) J[4] -16.02 0 -31.02 0 -29.85 0
5 ENV_ULS(min) I[6] -17.06 0 -100.94 0 -100.17 0
5 ENV_ULS(min) J[5] -16.54 0 -83.29 0 -60.4 0
6 ENV_ULS(min) I[7] -14.4 0 -141.04 0 -134.23 0
6 ENV_ULS(min) J[6] -14.4 0 -117.4 0 -96.17 0
7 ENV_ULS(min) I[8] 64.69 0 14.45 0 -71.85 0
7 ENV_ULS(min) J[7] 64.69 0 22.13 0 -107.45 0
8 ENV_ULS(min) I[9] 61.06 0 17.99 0 -40.94 0
8 ENV_ULS(min) J[8] 58.82 0 25.54 0 -71.85 0
9 ENV_ULS(min) I[10] 63.24 0 11.09 0 -24.12 0
9 ENV_ULS(min) J[9] 61.06 0 17.99 0 -40.94 0
10 ENV_ULS(min) I[11] 64.17 0 8.45 0 -12.73 0
10 ENV_ULS(min) J[10] 63.61 0 14.09 0 -24.12 0
11 ENV_ULS(min) I[12] 64.69 0 -2.25 0 -4.51 0
11 ENV_ULS(min) J[11] 64.69 0 2.02 0 -12.73 0
12 ENV_ULS(min) I[13] 64.69 0 -4.45 0 -1.7 0
12 ENV_ULS(min) J[12] 64.69 0 -2.25 0 -4.51 0

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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment- Moment-

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) y (kN*m) z (kN*m)
13 ENV_ULS(min) I[14] 64.69 0 -6.65 0 -2.96 0
13 ENV_ULS(min) J[13] 64.69 0 -4.45 0 -1.7 0
14 ENV_ULS(min) I[15] 64.69 0 -10.93 0 -8.87 0
14 ENV_ULS(min) J[14] 64.69 0 -6.65 0 -2.96 0
15 ENV_ULS(min) I[16] 62.72 0 -38.57 0 -15.13 0
15 ENV_ULS(min) J[15] 63.29 0 -18.24 0 -8.87 0
16 ENV_ULS(min) I[17] 60.62 0 -81 0 -30.31 0
16 ENV_ULS(min) J[16] 62.72 0 -57.76 0 -15.13 0
17 ENV_ULS(min) I[18] 58.38 0 -104.9 0 -62.52 0
17 ENV_ULS(min) J[17] 60.62 0 -81 0 -30.31 0
18 ENV_ULS(min) I[19] 64.69 0 -121.85 0 -99.38 0
18 ENV_ULS(min) J[18] 64.69 0 -98.22 0 -62.52 0
19 ENV_ULS(min) I[20] 0 0 41.82 0 -79.84 0
19 ENV_ULS(min) J[19] 0 0 49.51 0 -119.01 0
20 ENV_ULS(min) I[21] -3 0 15.81 0 -50.81 0
20 ENV_ULS(min) J[20] -4.64 0 25.83 0 -83.83 0
21 ENV_ULS(min) I[22] -1.59 0 30.57 0 -30.27 0
21 ENV_ULS(min) J[21] -3 0 41.38 0 -50.81 0
22 ENV_ULS(min) I[23] -1.16 0 22.34 0 -17.18 0
22 ENV_ULS(min) J[22] -1.59 0 30.57 0 -30.27 0
23 ENV_ULS(min) I[24] -0.42 0 16.84 0 -7.68 0
23 ENV_ULS(min) J[23] -0.56 0 22.37 0 -17.18 0
24 ENV_ULS(min) I[25] -0.35 0 13.92 0 0 0
24 ENV_ULS(min) J[24] -0.42 0 16.84 0 -7.68 0
25 ENV_ULS(min) I[27] -131.89 0 0.39 0 -51.62 0
25 ENV_ULS(min) J[26] -131.89 0 4.52 0 -62.86 0
26 ENV_ULS(min) I[28] -128.62 0 4.21 0 -27.51 0
26 ENV_ULS(min) J[27] -127.75 0 9.99 0 -51.62 0
27 ENV_ULS(min) I[29] -129.18 0 0.47 0 -7.22 0
27 ENV_ULS(min) J[28] -128.62 0 4.21 0 -27.51 0
28 ENV_ULS(min) I[30] -131.89 0 -10.37 0 -1.98 0
28 ENV_ULS(min) J[29] -131.89 0 -9.23 0 -7.22 0
29 ENV_ULS(min) I[31] -131.89 0 -11.52 0 2.54 0
29 ENV_ULS(min) J[30] -131.89 0 -10.37 0 -1.98 0
30 ENV_ULS(min) I[32] -131.89 0 -12.66 0 0.58 0
30 ENV_ULS(min) J[31] -131.89 0 -11.52 0 2.54 0
31 ENV_ULS(min) I[33] -131.89 0 -13.81 0 -2.1 0
31 ENV_ULS(min) J[32] -131.89 0 -12.66 0 0.58 0
32 ENV_ULS(min) I[34] -130.44 0 -33.69 0 -16.25 0
32 ENV_ULS(min) J[33] -131 0 -29.95 0 -2.1 0
33 ENV_ULS(min) I[35] -129.57 0 -39.47 0 -34.22 0
33 ENV_ULS(min) J[34] -130.44 0 -33.69 0 -16.25 0
34 ENV_ULS(min) I[36] -131.89 0 -27.56 0 -41.77 0
34 ENV_ULS(min) J[35] -131.89 0 -23.43 0 -34.22 0
35 ENV_ULS(min) I[41] -276.85 0 -54.55 0 -37.1 0
35 ENV_ULS(min) J[26] -278.89 0 -54.11 0 -39.62 0
36 ENV_ULS(min) I[40] -272.71 0 -55.45 0 -42.23 0
36 ENV_ULS(min) J[41] -276.85 0 -54.55 0 -37.1 0
37 ENV_ULS(min) I[39] -268.56 0 -56.34 0 -48.12 0
37 ENV_ULS(min) J[40] -272.71 0 -55.45 0 -42.23 0
38 ENV_ULS(min) I[38] -264.42 0 -57.24 0 -60.32 0
38 ENV_ULS(min) J[39] -268.56 0 -56.34 0 -48.12 0
39 ENV_ULS(min) I[37] -260.27 0 -58.13 0 -79.55 0
39 ENV_ULS(min) J[38] -264.42 0 -57.24 0 -60.32 0

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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment- Moment-

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) y (kN*m) z (kN*m)
40 ENV_ULS(min) I[7] -258.23 0 -58.57 0 -90.89 0
40 ENV_ULS(min) J[37] -260.27 0 -58.13 0 -79.55 0
41 ENV_ULS(min) I[46] -270.78 0 -62.95 0 -22.14 0
41 ENV_ULS(min) J[36] -272.71 0 -62.23 0 -19.38 0
42 ENV_ULS(min) I[45] -266.85 0 -64.41 0 -28.22 0
42 ENV_ULS(min) J[46] -270.78 0 -62.95 0 -22.14 0
43 ENV_ULS(min) I[44] -262.91 0 -65.88 0 -34.89 0
43 ENV_ULS(min) J[45] -266.85 0 -64.41 0 -28.22 0
44 ENV_ULS(min) I[43] -258.98 0 -67.35 0 -47.14 0
44 ENV_ULS(min) J[44] -262.91 0 -65.88 0 -34.89 0
45 ENV_ULS(min) I[42] -255.05 0 -68.82 0 -74.4 0
45 ENV_ULS(min) J[43] -258.98 0 -67.35 0 -47.14 0
46 ENV_ULS(min) I[19] -253.12 0 -69.54 0 -88.24 0
46 ENV_ULS(min) J[42] -255.05 0 -68.82 0 -74.4 0
1 LL_Env(min) I[2] 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 LL_Env(min) J[1] 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 LL_Env(min) I[3] 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 LL_Env(min) J[2] 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 LL_Env(min) I[4] 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 LL_Env(min) J[3] 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 LL_Env(min) I[5] -0.62 0 -11.81 0 -2.02 0
4 LL_Env(min) J[4] 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 LL_Env(min) I[6] -1.43 0 -27.37 0 -10.85 0
5 LL_Env(min) J[5] -0.62 0 -11.81 0 -2.02 0
6 LL_Env(min) I[7] 0 0 -39.01 0 -21.97 0
6 LL_Env(min) J[6] 0 0 -27.41 0 -10.85 0
7 LL_Env(min) I[8] 15.31 0 -2.14 0 -23.71 0
7 LL_Env(min) J[7] 15.31 0 -2.14 0 -38.45 0
8 LL_Env(min) I[9] 12.62 0 -0.61 0 -12.06 0
8 LL_Env(min) J[8] 11.44 0 -0.61 0 -23.71 0
9 LL_Env(min) I[10] 13.81 0 -0.61 0 -4.53 0
9 LL_Env(min) J[9] 12.62 0 -0.61 0 -12.06 0
10 LL_Env(min) I[11] 14.88 0 -0.61 0 -1.29 0
10 LL_Env(min) J[10] 13.81 0 -0.61 0 -4.53 0
11 LL_Env(min) I[12] 15.31 0 -2.14 0 0.22 0
11 LL_Env(min) J[11] 15.31 0 -2.14 0 -1.29 0
12 LL_Env(min) I[13] 15.31 0 -2.14 0 1.08 0
12 LL_Env(min) J[12] 15.31 0 -2.14 0 0.22 0
13 LL_Env(min) I[14] 15.31 0 -2.14 0 0.22 0
13 LL_Env(min) J[13] 15.31 0 -2.14 0 1.08 0
14 LL_Env(min) I[15] 15.31 0 -3.58 0 -1.29 0
14 LL_Env(min) J[14] 15.31 0 -2.14 0 0.22 0
15 LL_Env(min) I[16] 13.81 0 -15.76 0 -4.53 0
15 LL_Env(min) J[15] 14.88 0 -5.08 0 -1.29 0
16 LL_Env(min) I[17] 12.62 0 -27.65 0 -12.06 0
16 LL_Env(min) J[16] 13.81 0 -15.76 0 -4.53 0
17 LL_Env(min) I[18] 11.44 0 -39.54 0 -23.71 0
17 LL_Env(min) J[17] 12.62 0 -27.65 0 -12.06 0
18 LL_Env(min) I[19] 15.31 0 -49.81 0 -38.45 0
18 LL_Env(min) J[18] 15.31 0 -38.21 0 -23.71 0
19 LL_Env(min) I[20] 0 0 0 0 -10.85 0
19 LL_Env(min) J[19] 0 0 0 0 -21.97 0
20 LL_Env(min) I[21] -0.62 0 0 0 -2.02 0
20 LL_Env(min) J[20] -1.43 0 0 0 -10.85 0

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Design of Super Structure_19m Span 10.6m width Double Track R 0m Dhaka MRT Line - 6

Axial Shear-y Shear-z Torsion Moment- Moment-

Elem Load Part
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN*m) y (kN*m) z (kN*m)
21 LL_Env(min) I[22] 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 LL_Env(min) J[21] -0.62 0 0 0 -2.02 0
22 LL_Env(min) I[23] 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 LL_Env(min) J[22] 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 LL_Env(min) I[24] 0 0 0 0 0 0
23 LL_Env(min) J[23] 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 LL_Env(min) I[25] 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 LL_Env(min) J[24] 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 LL_Env(min) I[27] -30.63 0 -12.61 0 -20.51 0
25 LL_Env(min) J[26] -30.63 0 -12.61 0 -24.29 0
26 LL_Env(min) I[28] -30.29 0 -10.2 0 -13.06 0
26 LL_Env(min) J[27] -30.29 0 -10.2 0 -20.51 0
27 LL_Env(min) I[29] -30.29 0 -10.2 0 -5.6 0
27 LL_Env(min) J[28] -30.29 0 -10.2 0 -13.06 0
28 LL_Env(min) I[30] -30.63 0 -12.61 0 -2.98 0
28 LL_Env(min) J[29] -30.63 0 -12.61 0 -5.6 0
29 LL_Env(min) I[31] -30.63 0 -12.61 0 -0.72 0
29 LL_Env(min) J[30] -30.63 0 -12.61 0 -2.98 0
30 LL_Env(min) I[32] -30.63 0 -12.61 0 -2.98 0
30 LL_Env(min) J[31] -30.63 0 -12.61 0 -0.72 0
31 LL_Env(min) I[33] -30.63 0 -12.61 0 -5.6 0
31 LL_Env(min) J[32] -30.63 0 -12.61 0 -2.98 0
32 LL_Env(min) I[34] -30.29 0 -14.74 0 -13.06 0
32 LL_Env(min) J[33] -30.29 0 -14.74 0 -5.6 0
33 LL_Env(min) I[35] -30.29 0 -14.74 0 -20.51 0
33 LL_Env(min) J[34] -30.29 0 -14.74 0 -13.06 0
34 LL_Env(min) I[36] -30.63 0 -12.61 0 -24.29 0
34 LL_Env(min) J[35] -30.63 0 -12.61 0 -20.51 0
35 LL_Env(min) I[41] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -17.12 0
35 LL_Env(min) J[26] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -20.46 0
36 LL_Env(min) I[40] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -10.32 0
36 LL_Env(min) J[41] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -17.12 0
37 LL_Env(min) I[39] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -3.52 0
37 LL_Env(min) J[40] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -10.32 0
38 LL_Env(min) I[38] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 1.36 0
38 LL_Env(min) J[39] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -3.52 0
39 LL_Env(min) I[37] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -4.79 0
39 LL_Env(min) J[38] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 1.36 0
40 LL_Env(min) I[7] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -7.81 0
40 LL_Env(min) J[37] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -4.79 0
41 LL_Env(min) I[46] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -17.12 0
41 LL_Env(min) J[36] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -20.46 0
42 LL_Env(min) I[45] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -10.32 0
42 LL_Env(min) J[46] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -17.12 0
43 LL_Env(min) I[44] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -3.52 0
43 LL_Env(min) J[45] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -10.32 0
44 LL_Env(min) I[43] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 1.36 0
44 LL_Env(min) J[44] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -3.52 0
45 LL_Env(min) I[42] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -4.79 0
45 LL_Env(min) J[43] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 1.36 0
46 LL_Env(min) I[19] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -7.81 0
46 LL_Env(min) J[42] -91.91 0 -15.1 0 -4.79 0

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