Pre Qualifiers PG
Pre Qualifiers PG
Pre Qualifiers PG
Website: - E-mail:-
Name: - Designation:-
Status of Appointment:-
Website: - E-mail:-
*Provide Details:
*Provide Details:
Table: A7
Table: A8
PART B- Program information
(To be filled separately for all the programs applied for)
in intake,
if any
Name of the Initial Year of AICTE
Year of (Mention Accreditation
Sr. No. program to be increase/d Approval
Start Intake the no. of Status*
considered ecrease Letter No.
Table: B1
Note: Please mention all increase/decrease intake starting from the first increase for all programs
* Write applicable one:
Applying first time
Granted provisional accreditation for two/ three years for the period(specify period)
Granted accreditation for 5/6 years for the period (specify period)
Not accredited (specify visit dates, year)
Withdrawn (specify visit dates, year)
Not eligible for accreditation
Eligible but not applied
% of Students Admitted through GATE over last three assessment years (N1/N).
Kindly note that the year mentioned here is exemplary, institute has to consider the academic years as per the definition given in the
document and according to the prevailing year.
Table: B3
CAY: Current Academic Year
CAYm1: Current Academic Year minus 1
CAYm2: Current Academic Year minus 2
Note: If specialization not covered under GATE then those cases will be considered on case to case basis.
Please provide the list of faculty (mentioning the expertise in the domain of the Post Graduate
program) in the department as per the below format for all the years under consideration
Date on Date
which of
Designate Leav
Area d as Nature of ing
Date Currently
Quali of Desi Professor Association (In
S. PAN of Associate
Name ficati Speci gnati / (Regular/Con case
No. No. Joini d
on alizati on Associate tract/Adjunct Curren
ng (Y/N)
on Professor ) tly
ated is
Table B4
Note: Program shall have at least one professor with Ph.D. qualification or one associate professor with Ph.D.
qualification having expertise in the domain of the Program under consideration.
(The above data to be provided considering all the UG and PG programs of the department)
S = Number of Students in the Department = UG1 + UG2 +.. +UGn + PG1 + …PGn
F = Total Number of Faculty Members in the Department (excluding first year faculty)
Note: Minimum 75% should be Regular/Full Time faculty and the remaining shall be Contractual
Faculty/Adjunct Faculty/Resource Person from industry as per AICTE norms and
The contractual faculty will be considered for assessment only if a faculty is drawing a
salary as prescribed by the concerned State Government for the contractual faculty in the
respective cadre and who have taught over consecutive 4 semesters.
Compliance Status to Pre-Visit Qualifiers
Pre Visit Qualifiers Status
Sr. No. Current Status
Whether corresponding UG Program is
accredited by NBA.
In case of Tier I, whether the
corresponding UG Engineering program
has been granted at least 5 Compliances
2 or
In case of Tier II, whether the
corresponding UG Engineering program
has been granted at least 700 marks out
of 1000.
Whether the admission of GATE qualified
students in the program has been more
than or equal to 40% excluding
3 sponsored category of students.*
(Averaged over previous three academic
years including the current academic
Whether at least one professor with
Ph.D. qualification having expertise in
the domain of the Program under
consideration during previous two
Academic Years including the Current
Academic Year).
Whether the department have at least
two faculty having Ph.D. qualification
during the previous two academic year
including the current academic year.
Whether faculty student ratio in the
department under consideration is
6 better than or equal to 1:20 averaged
over the previous three academic years
including the current academic year.
Note: Point No. 1 & 2 above will not be applicable to the Post Graduate Program, that do not have
corresponding Under Graduate Program.
* If specialization not covered under GATE then those cases will be considered on case to case basis.