GIS Symbology Manual PDF
GIS Symbology Manual PDF
GIS Symbology Manual PDF
ISSN 1908-9600
Integrated Soil Resources Information Service Staff
Soil Survey Division Staff
Cartographic Operations Division Staff
Rodelio Carating
Senior Editor
Juliet Manguerra
Irvin Samalca
Noemi Pascual
Felix Albano
Assistant Editors
December 2009
It is with great pride that we come up with this cartographic symbolism
manual which in effect sums up the state of digital cartography in the Bureau
of Soils and Water Management (BSWM). This addresses Geographic
Information System (GIS) issues pertaining to the standardization of map
composition and defining the institutional style. The original manuscript was
based on the standardization workshop between the Integrated Soil
Resources Information Service (ISRIS) and the Cartographic Operations
Division (COD) in 2008. The workshop output was updated and the subjects
expanded to include topics not originally covered such as Soil Survey map
symbols and standards.
As you could see, this manual is an important first step for the
innovative use of GIS and other technology tools to support and expand the
delivery of cartographic services to our clientele. The sale of maps is second
to the laboratory analyses as major services provided by BSWM through its
Client Center. We hope to make this manual the basic document by every
map compositor in the soil and water resources management field.
Director’s Message
By the way, you would notice that although we are now using ArcGIS,
the manual is still ArcView. Not only we still use our old GIS softwares
because they are licensed and we do not dispose of them; but more so,
because it provides good foundation to new learners. Once GIS map
compositors are familiar with the various concepts in ArcView, it would be
easy to navigate in ArcGIS.
Once more, let me congratulate ISRIS and COD for making efforts to
move from analog to digital cartography and also the Soil Survey Division
(SSD) for consolidating their legend list. The SSD “trade secret” is finally
out! All these past decades, there is no published list by the BSWM of all the
soil series in the Philippines. I thank Cartographic Services Division and
ALMED also for the cooperation extended as we lay down the groundworks
to convert to digital data much of our analog map outputs.
Elements of Map 13
References 126
Manual on Map Standards & Symbols for GIS. Conceptual Framework for Spatial Data Management.
Integrated Soil Resources Information Service. Bureau of Soils and Water Management (3): 1—6, 2009
Conceptual Framework
For Spatial Data Management
Integrated Soil Resources Information Service Staff
Bureau of Soils and Water Management
Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
Under the Rationalization Plan of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management
(BSWM), the Integrated Soil Resources Information Service (ISRIS) and the
Cartographic Operations Division (COD) will be merged into Soil Information
Technology and Geomatics Division. The development of digital cartography will bring
about a total change in many ways that BSWM, as a mapping arm of the Department
of Agriculture, operates. Much of the manual mapping activities will be rendered
obsolete. Even interpretation of aerial photographs will have to be digital. This will
require adjustments in skills and operations.
BSWM uses ArcGIS 9 for its Geographic Information System (GIS) and ERDAS
Imagine for the processing of satellite imageries. Mobile GIS using iPaq is also under
development, and field data will have to be inputted digitally as actual field validation
is on‐going. As ESRI GIS products are the major softwares for the generation of maps,
the conceptual framework for the development of digital cartography in BSWM is
based on ESRI’s cartographic capabilities and trends. Figure 1 shows the ESRI
framework for cartographic data management.
Data management
Source capture and
compilation Data editing
Data maintenance Cartographic production
and quality assurance
Data cartographic dissemination
Figure 1. Spatial data management for digital cartography. Source: ESRI
The Geodatabase at the center of the figure refers to the common
geodatabase currently maintained at ISRIS which centralizes spatial data generated
from all the technical divisions of BSWM. Under a networking of digital cartography,
the technical divisions including field operations shall be able to access the spatial
inputs. Under a merger concept of ISRIS and Cartographic Operations Division, all
spatial data outputs of BSWM shall henceforth be digital. There shall be efforts to
translate all old analog maps to digital data later on. The Geodatabase is the central
repository for spatial data in BSWM.
The data stored can be versioned to allow multiple users carry out
simultaneous update with optimistic long transactions to prevent unnecessary locking
or data copies. This allows map finishing to meet deadlines while continuing with on‐
going database update. In ArcGIS 9, the geodatabase has a range of performance and
scalability improvements and enables integration of raster data.
1. Source capture and compilation
Capture of the field data provided by the technical divisions (by digitization or
scanning) and the source data are compiled in multiple formats such as vector data,
raster data, data from imageries, grid data, terrain models.
ISRIS has the capability to share, import, integrate, and synchronize digital
spatial datasets into operational databases to meet the requirements of the different
technical divisions. By merging with Cartographic Operations Division, the new
division will have a comprehensive database based on standardized, multi‐scale data
An emerging new field is Mobile GIS. Mobile GIS is the expansion of GIS
technology from office to the field and enables field‐based staff to capture, update,
manipulate, analyze, and display geographic information. Mobile GIS integrates
mobile devices, global positioning system (GPS), and wireless communication for
internet GIS access.
Traditionally, field surveyors use a reproduced copy of a topo map or a base
map called working map where they put annotations and delineations of field
observations. Upon return to the office, the delineations are digitized and the
observation sites geoprocessed; soil morphological, chemical, physical, and other site
data are also keyed in. Recent developments would enable field staff to take with
them digital maps on compact mobile computers providing field access to BSWM’s
geodatabase. This enables real‐time editing to the database and application, speeding
up analysis, display, and decision making by using up‐to‐date and more accurate
spatial data. For personal digital assistance (PDAs), BSWM has hand‐held iPaq. USDA
for example has developed field data recorder, PedonCE for describing soils to collect
detailed soil descriptions electronically in the field. The data can be directly exported
to the Soil Information System.
Soil surveyors can download the installation package of PedonCE from http:// or communications can be made with Alan Price, NRCS,
Colorado (E‐mail:
ArcPad with GPS will be needed for realtime location.
Figure 2. PedonCE (above) developed with ESRI’s Professional Service Division to do away
with handwritten detailed soil descriptions during field validation; data to be automatically
inputted to soil mapping unit (map below) using hand held iPaqs. The map can be
downloaded from BSWM geodatabase.
Figure 3. A sample HP iPaq (Mobile
GIS) that can be used during field
validation. There are many other
models and brands available in the
market today.
2. Data Management
With requirements to manage large volumes of data and maintain a multitude
of cartographic specifications, a database‐driven production system is needed. ISRIS
through its GIS Section provides the data management for digital files. The GIS Section
collects and shares high‐resolution, strategic geographic data layers from different
BSWM programs and projects. This provides a more consistent approach to
information management and enables the integration of individual computing nodes
into a “system of systems”.
Data development and maintenance is the most costly and labor intensive
part of GIS. Not every agency is blessed with existing GIS data for their project. As a
pioneer in GIS since its infancy way back in the 1990s, BSWM need not focus on new
data from field research but build on existing database. Data creation can be tedious
and slow process, and certainly expensive.
Beyond data creation, data management is an important key. Often, data sets
that originate from specific BSWM projects need some work to be usable for another
project. Updating an existing data set is better than creating one from scratch. Still,
sometimes the process takes more work than starting fresh.
The most important thing in data management is to be able to retrieve the
spatial data as we need them.
3. Data editing
The power of GIS is in the data analysis. Spatial overlay is most common
technique to come up with a derived map given the spatial factors or parameters.
Data‐base driven map, chart, and data production requires massaging and
editing the original source data into a database that can be leveraged to produce
various data and cartographic products. Fusing of multiple data sources requires
georectification and data generalization to strict specifications. Editing includes
changes in geometry, related attributes, and validation of edits against a specification
knowledge base. In‐process quality control is required during data entry for quality
compliance with specifications.
4. Cartographic Production
This is what this Manual is all about.
Symbolization and text placement are at the heart of cartography. There are
sophisticated cartographic rule base that are defined by the different technical
divisions that avail of geomatic services. This step provides a rich set of functions for
defining and applying symbolic styles to the point, line, or area contained in a map.
Symbolization can also be applied to cartographic elements such as graphics and
marginalia. Data‐base driven cartography eliminates the need for multiple databases
and maintains the geographic integrity of the data. GIS features and attributes can
generate many cartographic representations enabling symbolization for various data
themes and map scales.
GIS practically enables anyone who knows how to run a computer create
maps. However, it does not necessarily be a good map. Cartographers invest many
years to perfect their techniques; and such experiences over time enable them to
develop a style that communicates concepts effectively and create maps that are
interesting to look at.
Secondly, many countries have published spatial data exchange standard. In
the transfer of spatial information, the most common lost is the symbolic presentation
of spatial data, specially as we move from one GIS platform to another.
Thirdly, the advent of digital cartography will bring about many changes on
the map symbols being used by BSWM. Obviously, some of the current symbols could
not be converted digitally. It is the objective of this paper to consolidate them into an
initial Map Symbol Library or manual.
5. Data and cartographic dissemination
Map outputs are printed sold to the general public. Project‐based maps are
turned over to the project proponents.
Under the Republic Act 9485, also known as the Anti Red Tape Act of 2007,
BSWM is putting up a Client Shop where both analog and digital maps are sold. There
is a catalog that list all the maps available for sale.
BSWM maps are available either as printed copy or as digital (PDF) stored in
compact discs. Shape files are also available but at higher price.
6. Data maintenance and quality assurance
This is inherent in any mapping production process. Maintaining the data
makes the production and dissemination of information easier and more efficient.
Maintaining the quality of data throughout the production process is paramount to
avoid degrading existing information as new features are added, edited, or deleted.
The philosophy of in‐process quality control is regimented throughout the
production and maintenance workflows. Quality assurance is necessary as it is the
final verification and recording of data integrity before a data or map product is
published or disseminated.
Manual on Map Standards & Symbols for GIS. Standard Mapping Procedures. Integrated Soil Resources
Information Service. Bureau of Soils and Water Management (3): 7—9, 2009
Step 1. Preparation of base map for field survey
Step 2. Preparation of Initial Map/Map Manuscript/Working Map for use by field
All maps are to be prepared in the field by Field surveyors bring hand‐held personal
surveyors conducting surveys using digital assistance (e.g. iPaq) loaded with
conventional mapping symbols. necessary spatial data (satellite images,
aerial photos, soils, land use, etc.) during
field work.
Step 3. Initial editing
A. All field plans, maps, and data must be Using PDAs or Mobile GIS instrument
edited, reviewed and complied by the during field activities, all entries (new
Survey Team exercising technical data, corrections, delineations, updates,
supervision prior to map production etc.) will have to be entered digitally.
B. Photo‐interpretation verified through
field survey operations must likewise be
edited, reviewed, and compiled by the
Survey Team prior to production of the
final map.
C. Computation of areas for each
corresponding mapping units must be
finalized at this stage.
Step 4. Final map preparation
4. Preparation of stick‐up type posi‐
5. Preparation of stick‐up type nega‐
6. Perfection and register of half‐tone
negative and type negative.
7. Preparation of positive reproducible
from mosaic original.
Step 5. Final editing
All map sheets must be edited for cartographic aspects and mapping information
by designated technical and map specialists prior to printing and mass production .
Step 6. Printing or Reproduction
Analog Cartography Digital Cartography
1. Base map preparation 1. Digitize/scan/retrieve base map elements
2. Data generation/Field survey (satellite images, boundaries, etc.) ; overlay
3. Field map manuscript 2. Export base map to Mobile GIS (iPaq)
4. Map design 2. Input directly the annotations/observations
5. Final map manuscript (reproducible) at hand‐held iPaq during field validations
6. Printing 3. Transfer field data to BSWM Geodata base
Color Separation Process Map Composition
7. Scribe negatives 5. Retrieve spatial data using ArcView
8. Type overlay 6. Do map composition using ArcView
9. Printing proof 7. Save map outputs as PDF and JPEG
10. Printing plates 8. Reproduce in compact discs and/or contract
11. Printing printing agency to mass reproduce (print
camera‐ready map)
Manual on Map Standards & Symbols for GIS. Map Design using ArcView. Integrated Soil Resources
Information Service. Bureau of Soils and Water Management (3): 10—12, 2009
As project staff are expected to dispense with paper‐based base map to input
their field observations during field validation but use hand‐held personal digital assis‐
tant (PDA) such as iPaq pre‐loaded with satellite imagery, base map elements like po‐
litical boundaries and locations of institutional markers, and initial delineations (soils,
land use, land management units, etc.) — project staff are likewise expected to learn
ArcView to transfer their observations to the BSWM Geodatabase, and retrieve them
for map composition.
Map composition can also be delegated to project cartographers and drafts‐
men who are expected to be familiar with the basics of ArcView. It is not the purpose
of this manual to republish the step‐by‐step procedures to compose a map in Arc‐
View. Please refer to ArcView manual or ESRI website publications. What we want to
do is to standardize the symbols used for soil and land resources mapping using GIS.
1.0 Fundamentals of map design
1.1 Begin by defining the map purpose and audience
As in other fields of endeavour, preparing a map has a purpose and a
target audience. Who will use the map? What do you want the user to re‐
member most? BSWM clients are mostly other government agencies who
need baseline soil resources data for policy and rural development planning.
There are also academicians, consultants, environmentalists, architects and
civil engineers, farmers, entrepreneurs, researchers, and natural resource
1.2 Make your map tell a story
Design a map that takes your reader on a journey. You don’t have to
unfold your messages all at the same time, but do it in layers. As viewers look
more closely at the map, additional information beyond the primary message
will emerge. This can be done by using different font sizes in labelling.
1.3 Keep your map simple
A map should have a clear primary message. Do not clutter the map
with information that are not essential. Scale bar and north arrow should not
draw attention from the main body. The map title should not be hiding in
small font.
1.4 Direct the viewers’ eyes
Various map elements should be integrated and draw the viewers’
interest to map messages in their order of importance. Use strongest colors
for most important features. Avoid using dark royal blue for lakes and other
background water features so that they do not dominate the viewers’ percep‐
1.5 Design for viewing distance
Every map has an optimal viewing distance. Page size maps (A4, let‐
ter size) are normally prepared for a comfortable reading by an individual.
For public viewing in an occasion or special event, a poster‐size map such as
A1 or A0 could be seen at 10 feet or more.
2.0 Map Layout in ArcView
This procedure assumes that the map layout artist is familiar with basic con‐
cepts of ArcView. We only highlight major steps to layouting maps in ArcView. Please
refer to ArcView manual for details on how to create maps, add tabular data, use of
the Legend Editor to symbolize the data, choosing map projections, creating and edit‐
ing spatial data, working with images and CAD drawings.
2.1 Make the Project window active. From the View menu, choose Layout.
In the Template Manager, choose either a landscape or a portrait.
2.2 Set‐up the layout page. At the Layout menu, choose Page Setup. The
dialog box allows you to specify margins. Take note that as you change to
a larger paper size, the whole layout will appear larger. You may need to
readjust margins. By default, grids appear and map components would
automatically snap for perfect alignment. Grid spacing can be changed.
Go to Properties from the Layout menu. The grids do not appear in the
2.3 A view on a layout is displayed in a view frame that holds a representa‐
tion of a specific view of your project. You can place several view frames
into your layout and you can resize them as well to create the design you
want. Click the Pointer tool to access View Frame Properties dialog box.
There is a live link between the view frame and the view. Changes on the
view are automatically reflected on the layout. Map scale is automatic.
As the size of the view frame in the layout is changed, the contents of the
view frame will be scaled to fit inside the resized frame. Choose Preserve
Scale from the Scale dropdown to keep the scale constant . Or choose
User Specified Scale so that the content will be drawn according to your
2.4 Add components to your layout. To add a view, click on the View Frame
tool. To add a scale, click the Scale Bar Frame tool. To add a legend, click
on the Legend Frame tool. To add a north arrow, click on the North Ar‐
row Frame tool. To add a chart, click on the Chart Frame tool. To add a
table, click on the Table Frame tool. To add a picture, click on the Picture
Frame tool. To add text, click on the Text tool. For graphics such as neat‐
lines, boxes, circles, and arrows, there is the drawing tool in a dropdown
palette that can be accessed by clicking on the Point tool.
2.5 Editing and rearranging what’s on the layout. To change the properties of
a frame, click the Pointer tool and double click inside the frame on the
layout. You can resize any frame, text, or graphic on a layout by selecting
it with the Pointer tool. The Simplify option converts the contents of a
frame into a constituent parts so that you can edit these graphics indi‐
vidually. The command Simplify can be accessed from the Graphics
menu. When you simplify the contents of a view or chart frame, the con‐
nection between the frame and view, table, or chat is broken and cannot
be re‐established.
2.5 To print the layout, access the File menu and select Print. The layout can
be exported to a graphics file so that you can manipulate it in another
graphics program, incorporate it into a report or powerpoint presentation
in a different application. From the File menu, choose Export. In the dia‐
log that appears, choose the File format you wish to export to and specify
the name and location of the file that will be created. Note that for
BSWM outputs, the layouts should be exported in PDF and JPEG formats.
Manual on Map Standards & Symbols for GIS. Elements of Map. Integrated Soil Resources Information
Service and Cartogrpahic Operations Divsion. Bureau of Soils and Water Management (3): 13—15, 2009
Elements of Map
Integrated Soil Resources Information Service/
Cartographic Operations Staff
Bureau of Soils and Water Management
Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
1.0 Elements on all maps
1.1 Distance or Scale
Scale is the ratio of reduction from the earth to the map. Distance and scale
can be indicated in a variety of ways—verbal, numeric, or graphic form.
1 inch equals 1 mile
1.2 Direction or Orientation
True north is the direction along the earth’s surface towards the geographic
North Pole. It differs from the magnetic north (the direction of the magnetic north
pole) and the grid north (the direction northwards along the grid lines of a map).
Without a north arrow, it is difficult to orient a map. Topographic maps will point to
the true north and to magnetic north.
1.3 Legend
The legend is the lists of symbols used on a map and what they depict. These
symbols should appear in the legend exactly as they are found in the body of the map.
1.4 Coordinates
These are represented by two sets of lines that are perpendicular to one
another. Distance is expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds of an arc.
Latitude 14o 30’ 15”N
Longitude 121o 25’ 45” E
2.0 Essential elements that are sensitive to context
2.1 Map title
Map title is its most essential feature. The title provides a clue to the goal or
purpose of the map. It should match the needs of the theme and the audience. It
stands out among all annotations in terms of form and size of letter. Subtitle should
be positioned right below the map title.
2.2 Projection
A map of the earth is a representation of a curved surface on a plane.
Therefore a map projection have been used to create the map, and, conversely, maps
could not exist without map projections. There are many types of projections and
they can be classified based on aspect (cylindrical, conic, or azimuthal) or based on
properties (conformal or neither). Every distinct map projection distorts in a distinct
way. Because of this, projection influences the representation of the area, distance,
direction, or shape. It is therefore important to specify the projection used in the
2.3 Date of production
It is also important for the map user to know when the map was produced.
The date detail depends on the nature of the theme and the audience. For BSWM
purposes, the month and year of production would suffice.
2.4 Sources of information and credit notes
The map should reflect all reference materials that were used in the
preparation. Entities and individuals who helped contribute in the preparation of
maps are given credit.
2.5 Producer’s note
This is a note encouraging users who discover any errors or omissions to
report them to proper mapping authorities to facilitate rectification and/or updating
of the specific map.
3.0 Elements that are used selectively to assist effective communication
3.1 Neatlines
Neatlines or clipping lines are used to frame a map and to indicate exactly
where the area of a map begins and ends. The outer neatline of a map‐‐its border‐‐
helps to frame the entire map composition to draw the reader's attention to the
various elements of information. Neatlines are also used to "clip" the area of the
body of the map and of locator, inset, and index maps.
3.2 Locator maps
Many maps portray areas whose locations may be unfamiliar to readers. In
such cases, the cartographer adds a "helper" or locator map that places the body of
the map within a larger geographical context with which the reader can be expected
to be familiar.
3.3 Index maps
A specific map may be component of an atlas, or body of maps. For instance,
the province of Laguna may consist of ten or more 1:50,000 soil maps. An index map
is a finding aid that allows users search in a set of maps their area of interest in
relation to the other relevant map sheets.
Manual on Map Standards & Symbols for GIS. Mapping Symbology & Conventional Signs in ArcView.
Integrated Soil Resources Information Service. Bureau of Soils and Water Management (3): 16—21, 2009
Mapping symbol standards will change as BSWM shifts to digital cartogra‐
phy. Because we no longer manually design the symbols, it is important for the map‐
pers to know the available choices in the GIS software. Since map design is a creative
process; as much as possible , we do not want to prescribe formats so as not to stifle
the staff creativity and the sense of fulfilment of the map compositor.
However, we should also recognize that as a government institution, we
need also to imprint the BSWM trademark on our map outputs. It means not only
imprinting the BSWM logo but also stamping the BSWM style. Consistency of style is
important as many technical as well as cartographic support staff are expected to
produce and design maps. Constantly changing style sends a confusing message to
our map users and decreases the authority of our maps as official outputs of BSWM.
This manual was therefore conceived as the BSWM style book for maps.
ArcGIS 9.2 has a Style Manager. It contains default set of map elements,
symbols, and properties of symbols. These can be edited to add personal style, and
the BSWM style. As a general rule, map designers are free to express their creativity
for map elements that are drawn. The software offers several styles to choose from.
However, text and legend styles are prescribed to imprint on the map the BSWM
1.0 Map Scale
The ArcGIS 9.2 Desktop Help for setting map scale can be accessed at:
On the standard toolbar, click the Map Scale box to customize and select the
scale format appropriate for the project. We do not prescribe specific format.
2.0 Direction or Orientation (North arrow)
To insert North Arrow element: Click the Insert menu, then click PLTS.
Choose TLM, then North Arrow. The north arrow displays in the map layout. Double
click on the North Arrow to display the Properties dialog box. You can choose the
area, size and position, and whether you want a true north, a grid north or a magnetic
north. There are several choices of north arrow symbols from the north arrow pal‐
ette library. We do not prescribe specific north arrow element drawing. Please refer
to north.avp of the ArcView Symbol Palettes for the several choices of north symbol
available. We leave it to the map compositor’s personal choice.
Below is sample north arrow symbol selections from another GIS software
(not ArcView) to show the symbol choices available. We leave it to the map composi‐
tor to select the specific symbol on the basis of artistic and personal preference.
3. Markers
Markers refer to geocoded point data, usually pit diggings and auger borings.
As a matter of convention, the following are used:
Point data Symbol Source (ArcView)
Pit digging
Palette, no. 27,
no. 55, no. 91, no. 92,
usgs.avp no. 5
Auger boring, with sample ~ mineral.avp, no. 19
raster.avp no. 76, no. 77
water.avp no. 26
Auger boring, without sample { mineral.avp, no.0
raster.avp, no. 5, no. 74
no. 75
water.avp, no. 24
Fertility sample mineral.avp, no. 36,
raster.avp, no. 93, no. 94,
water.avp, no. 29
For the other markers like schools, cemetery, airport, gasoline station, bus
station, church, hospitals, NAPOCOR tower, market, mine, gym, restaurant, wildlife
park, and a host of other institutional markers, the map compositors are free to se‐
lect from among the myriad of choices available from the symbol palettes.
4.0 Line Specifications (please refer to ArcView pen palette library)
Line features like roads, coastline, rivers/creeks and political boundaries in
addition to the frame border which is comprised of the borderline and neatline should
be assigned or given a specific width and line style.
Analog cartography assigns a specific pen point size for borderline and neat‐
line, political boundaries, road networks, railroad, and hydrography according to map
During map digitization at ArcInfo, each of these lines are assigned specific ID
numbers. When retrieving them in ArcView, there is a library of pen palette for spe‐
cific line assignment to be given to each line feature.
Railroad line is no. 21 (simple railroad line, wide spacing of cross lines) or no.
22 (narrow spacing of cross lines) at the Pen Palette. The geology.avp no. 152 is also
sign for railroad but colored red. Railroad can also be represented as alternating
black and white bar (no. 10, no. 11, no. 12) or black and green bar (no. 26, no. 27) at
the Pen Palette.
The traditional analog line for provincial boundary is equivalent to no. 5 at the
Pen Palette. The municipal boundary is equivalent to no. 2. City boundary is no. 6.
ArcView, however, offers several line palette choices; we are in a position to leave it
to the map compositor to make judgment on what is logical to assign to the special
line feature in terms of line symbol and line thickness; as long as these line assign‐
ments are properly put in the legend.
Likewise, there are several choices to choose from, for bridges. Line assign‐
ment for roads and trails can be selected at the Pen Palette for transportation. Map
compositors have several choices for main roads and secondary roads, duplicating
symbology used in road maps. There is no need to assign specific pen palette as long
as the symbols are properly put in the legend.
We will also leave it to the map compositor to decide line assignment for hy‐
drology features (rivers and creeks). Symbology for coral reefs (closest to existing
analog symbol is no. 16, no. 17, or no. 18 at the carto.avp—Pen Palette with either
no. 41, no. 42, or no. 43, as fill in from carto.avp = Fill Palette) and for mapping
boundary would depend on the judgment of the map compositor.
Map composition is a creative process and with several available choices for
the map compositor in the GIS software, he becomes not only a resource scientist or a
technical staff but also an artist.
5.0 Annotations
Current BSWM manual (analog) cartography defines specific pen point size
and thickness for specific text annotations, in decreasing order of importance from
map title, to sub‐title, to names of barangays and conventional signs. Font size or pen
class/thickness is standard (cannot be changed) and depends on map scale. The font
type choices are limited to Roman (with serif) or Gothic (san serif).
In digital cartography, font choices are not limited to these two (there are
several choices) and the font size can be defined according to the nature of the anno‐
tation. It is not the map scale that dictates the biggest and the smallest font size but
the overall proportion as could be seen from the monitor, and as per artistic judg‐
ment of the map compositor. The frame, the text, or the graphic on a layout can be
resized. ArcView automatically retains the aspect ratio of the frame when resized.
Thus, it is irrelevant if the final output will be printed in A4, A3, A2, A1, or A0 paper
size. Map element sizes will automatically adjust as the paper size is changed.
For purpose of defining BSWM style and uniformity in terms of letter type for
the annotations, the following is the standard:
Map Feature Form Font Size Ratio Sample
to other map Font Size
Map Title All caps, Bold 1.0 (biggest 32
font size)
Sub Title Upper and lower case 0.82 28
Province/Region under considera‐ All caps 0.28 16
Municipality Upper and lower case 0.24 12
Conventional Signs
1. Title All caps 0.28 16
2. Explanation of symbols Upper and lower case 0.24 12
3. Bar Scale All caps 0.24 12
4. Coordinates– Latitude 10o 15’N 0.18 10
Longitude 117o 45’ E 0.18 10
5. Open water (ocean, sea, gulf) All caps, Italic 0.14 6
6. Running water (river, creek) Upper and lower case, Italic 0.14 6
1. Legend Title All caps 0.33 24
2. Content of legend Upper and lower case 0.24 16
*Based on pen class standard for analog maps. The figures are based on the
proportion of other annotation (font) sizes with the biggest font size (i.e., the map title)
given a score of 1. This is not a hard rule, but a guide that for instance, font size for
the name of municipality, explanation of symbols, the bar scale, and the content of
map legend are the same. Map compositors should consider the overall effect when
deciding the biggest font size.
Theme’s features in ArcView can be labelled from any of the fields in the
theme’s attribute table. Additional information can be added by typing text directly
into the map. Use ArcView’s drawing tools to add graphics. Text and graphics can
also be attached to a theme and they will appear on the map when the theme is on.
Another way to provide information is to add “hot links” on features so that when an
specific feature is clicked, ArcView will automatically display images, photographs,
documents, drawings, video clips, or any other information stored in separate files.
To add text on the map, click the Text tool and click where you want to place
the text. A dialogue box appears , type in the text you want to add, choose the de‐
sired alignment, line spacing, and rotation. Click OK and the text appears on the map.
Use ArcView’s drawing tools to add graphics such as lines, boxes, circles and
arrows to the map. The drawing tools are in drop‐down pallete that can be accessed
by clicking on the Point tool. To change the appearance of the graphic, choose Show
Symbol Window, and click the button for the property you wish to change.
To edit the text, click on the text with the Text tool or double click with the
pointer tool. To change the font, size, and style of text—choose Show Symbol Win‐
dow from the Window menu. Choose Font Style, or Color Pallet button, or both.
5.1 Order of Preference in name positioning for labelling of individual
features (BSWM style)
6 5
2 1
4 3
There is auto‐label option in the Theme menu to label all the features in a
theme. Select the features with the mouse, use the Select Features tool. To select the
features according to their attributes, use the Query Builder. If you allow overlapping,
check the Allow Overlapping Labels option. ArcView keeps track of overlapping la‐
bels and displays them in green color to find them easily. Such labels can be moved
or rotated to better location.
Manual on Map Standards & Symbols for GIS. Standard Codes for Thematic Mapping. Cartographic
Operations and Soil Survey Divisions. Bureau of Soils and Water Management (3): 22—72, 2009
151 B x 117
Most extensive Most extensive
dominant land use associated land use
Percent Percent
dominant land use associated land use
A…………………………….. 90—100 x …………………………………….. Below 5%
B …………………………….. 80—90 y …………………………………….. 5—10
C …………………………….. 70—80 z ……………………………………… 10—20
D …………………………….. 60—70 p ……………………………………… 20—30
E ……………………………… 50—60 q ………………………………… above 30%
1.0 Land Use Standard Mapping Codes
Code Crops
Grain crops (1‐10)
1 Paddy rice (irrigated)
2 Paddy rice (non‐irrigated)
3 Upland rice
4 Corn
5 Sorghum
6 Rye
7 Wheat
Pod legumes (11‐20)
11 Mungo
12 Peanut
13 Soybeans
14 Lima beans
15 Cowpea
16 Peas
17 Patani
18 Tapilan
Vegetables, fruit type (21‐35)
21 Eggplant
22 Tomato
23 Sitao (string beans)
24 Ampalaya
25 Patola
26 Squash
27 Upo
28 Okra
29 Winged beans
30 Kundol
31 Chayote
32 Sweet pepper
33 Batao
Vegetables, leafy (36‐50)
36 Cabbage
37 Pechay
38 Cauliflower
39 Mustard
40 Lettuce
41 Celery
42 Spinach
43 Talinum
44 Jute
45 Malunggay
46 Kangkong
Root crops (51‐65)
51 Cassava
52 Sweet potato
53 Irish potato
54 Ube
55 Tugi
56 Yam
57 Arrowroot
58 Turnips (singkamas)
59 Ginger
Bulbs (66‐70)
66 Onion
67 Garlic
Vines, fruit type (71‐80)
71 Cucumber
72 Watermelon
73 Melon
74 Grapes
74 Strawberry
Tree crops, fruits (81‐105)
81 Coffee
82 Cacao
83 Citrus
84 Pineapple
85 Mango
86 Cashew
87 Jackfruit
88 Lanzones
89 Durian
90 Pomelo
91 Banana
92 Santol
93 Mangosteen
94 Chico
95 Chesa
96 Papaya
97 Guava
98 Rambutan
99 Caimito (star‐apple)
100 Avocado
101 Mabolo
102 Marang
103 Atis
104 Bread fruit
105 Mixed fruit trees
Fiber crops (106‐110)
106 Maguey
107 Abaca
108 Cotton
109 Sisal
110 Ramie
Industrial crops (111‐115)
111 Tobacco
112 Sugarcane
Oil crops (116‐125)
116 Coconut (B)
117 Coconut (NB)
118 Sunflower
119 Oil palm
120 Castor bean
121 Jatropha
Grassland (126‐130)
126 Grassland
127 Pasture
128 Pasture/livestock
129 Yemani
Shrub (131‐135)
131 Ipil‐ipil
132 Madre de cacao
133 Bamboo
134 Shrubs
135 Agro‐forestry
Woodland, forest type (136‐140)
136 Forest
137 Rubber tree (T)
138 Rubber tree (NT)
139 Falcata
140 Pine tree
Wetland (141‐150)
141 Mangrove, palm tree
142 Mangrove, tree type
143 Inland marsh, tree type
144 Inland marsh, grass type
145 Fresh water swamp
146 Salt bed
147 Fishpond
Special Land Use (151‐162)
151 Built areas
152 Beach sand
153 Sand dune
154 Mine pit
155 Quarry
156 Kaingin
157 Airport
158 River wash
159 Rock land
160 River and lake
161 Volcano
162 Reservoir
2.0 Land Use Distribution Class
Code Percentage Distribution
(Dominant Land Use)
A 90‐100
B 80‐90
C 70‐80
D 60‐70
E 50‐60
F 40‐50
(Associated Land Use)
x <5
y 5‐10
z 10‐20
p 20‐30
q >30
3.0 Geomorphic Mapping Units (GMU)
Code/Symbol GMU
CP Coastal Plain
BAP Broad Alluvial Plains
MAP Minor Alluvial Plains
FP Footslope (Piedmont)
PLP Plateau Limestone Plain
LH Limestone Hills
SSH Sand Stone and Shale HIlls
CH Conglomerate Hills
PH Pyroclastic Hills
BH Basaltic Hills
AH Andesitic Hills
VCH Volcanic Complex Hills
UH Ultra Basic Hills
VAH Volcanic Agglomerate Hills
4.0 Land Management Units (LMUs)
09J Broad alluvial plain, slightly flooded
Color code LMU definition
for the mapping unit LMU phase
Number code for the LMU
Lowland LMUs
Slope: 0‐8%
Elevation: <100 masl
Temperature: >25oC
Code Description
01 Active tidal flats (developed fishpond/salt bed)
02 Active tidal flats (natural mangrove/nipa)
03 Swamps (tree type)
04 Marshes (grassy type)
05 Inland water lakes
08 Beach ridges and swales
09 Broad alluvial plain
10 Former/old tidal flats
11 River levees
12 Lower river terraces
13 Upper river terraces
14 Mini plain
15 Lacustrine plain
16 Infilled/localized valley
17 Inland/enclosed valleys
18 Collo‐alluvial plain
19 Narrow alluvial plain (width <500 meters)
21 Karst/sinkholes
22 Limestone karst plain, lower terraces
23 Limestone karst plain, upper terraces
24 Tuffaceous plain
25 Volcanic plain/residual terraces
26 Lower footslopes (shale, sandstone hills)
27 Lower piedmont plains/footslopes (volcanic hills)
28 Lower footslopes (limestone hills)
29 Lower footslopes (volcanic hills)
Upland LMUs:
Slope: <18%
Elevation: 100‐150 masl
Temperature: 22.5oC—25oC
Code Description
40 Lower river terraces
41 Upper river terraces
42 Mini plain
43 Broad alluvial valleys
44 Infilled localized valleys
45 Inland stream/enclosed valleys
46 Collo‐alluvial plain
47 Narrow alluvial plain
48 Residual terraces, level to gently sloping
49 Residual terraces, sloping to undulating
50 Residual terraces, undulating to rolling
51 Lower footslopes (volcanic)
52 Lower footslopes (shale/sandstone)
53 Upper footslopes (volcanic hills)
54 Upper footslopes (shale/sandstone hills)
55 Lower footslope—volcanic cones
56 Foothills/intervalleys
57 Intermountain valleys
58 Tuffaceous plain
61 Solutional depression (Karst valley, sink hole)
62 Limestone/Karst, lower terrace
63 Limestone/Karst, upper terrace
64 Limestone hills, lower coral terrace
65 Limestone hills, upper coal terrace
66 Low limestone hills
67 Karst plateau
68 Shale sandstone plateau
72 Pluralistic plateau
74 Volcanic complex plateau
75 Shale/sandstone plateau
76 Low shale/sandstone hills
77 Low conglomeratic hills
78 Low pyroclastic hills
79 Low basaltic hills
80 Low volcanic complex hills
81 Low volcanic agglomerate hills
82 Low andesitic hills
83 Low dioritic hills
85 Low granitic hills
86 Low meta‐sedimentary hills
87 Low meta‐volcanic hills
88 Low metamorphic hills
89 Low ultra‐basic hills
90 Low meta‐rock complex hills
91 Low sedimentary unconsolidated conglomerate shale
92 Low tilted interbedded hills
93 Low complex sedimentary hills
Hilly land LMUs
Slope: >18%
Temperature: 22.5—25.0oC
Elevation: 100 – 500 masl
110 Association of volcanic hills with slope ridges
and scattered limestone hills with solutional depression
111 High limestone hills
112 High shale‐sandstone hills
113 High conglomeratic hills
114 High pyroclastic hills
115 High basaltic hills
116 High andesitic hills
117 High volcanic complex hills
118 High ultra basic hills
119 High volcanic agglomerate hills
120 High dioritic hills
123 High meta‐sedimentary hills
124 High meta‐volcanic hills
125 High metamorphic hills
126 High meta‐rock complex hills
128 High sedimentary unconsolidated conglomeratic
shale and corraline limestone including foothills and ridges
of intermediary alluvial valleys
129 High volcanic cone
Highland LMUs
Regardless of slope
Elevation: >500 masl
Temperature: <22.0oC
140 Inter‐montane valleys
141 Piedmont plains/footslope (volcanic mountain)
142 Lower footslope (volcanic mountain)
143 Upper footslope (volcanic mountain)
144 Limestone plateau
145 Shale stone plateau
146 Shale/sandstone plateau
147 Basaltic plateau
148 Pyroclastic plateau
149 Ultrabasic plateau
150 Tuffaceous
Miscellaneous Units
180 Built‐up areas / urban land
181 Braided river bed
182 Sand dunes
183 Sand bars / beach sand
184 Rockland
187 Tailing pond
189 Canyon and gorges
190 Quarry
191 Creek/ terrace escarpment
193 Major river
LMU Phases
Code Description
Soil depth
A Shallow soil depth, <50 cm
B Moderately deep, 50‐100 cm
C Deep to very deep, > 100 cm
Soil textural group
D Coarse textured soils (sands, loamy sands, gravel)
E Medium textured soils (sandy loam, silt loam, loam,
silty clay loam, sandy clay loam, organic mud)
F Heavy textured soils (clay to heavy clay, silty clay to silty
heavy clay, sandy clay to sandy heavy clay
G Excessive drainage
H Well drained
I Poorly drained
J None to slight flooding—flood water at depth of <0.5 m
for a duration of 1‐2 days or less with receding period
of not later than 6 hours
K Moderate flooding—flood water at depth of 0.5—1.0 m
for a duration of 1‐2 days or less with receding period
of not later than 6—24 hours
L Severe flooding—flood water at depth of 1.0—1.5 m
with duration lasting for 3 days or more and recedes in
> 24 hours
M 0‐3% slope—level to gently sloping
N 3‐8% — gently sloping to undulating
O 8‐18% — undulating to hilly
P 18‐30% — rolling to hilly
Q 30‐50% — steep hills to mountainous
R > 50% — cliff‐like streams/mountainous
S Slight dissection—average distance between 2 adjacent
drainage lines (gullies, streams) is 50 m
T Moderate dissection—average distance between 2 adjacent
drainage lines (gullies, streams) is 25‐50 m
U Severe dissection—average distance between 2 adjacent
drainage lines (gullies, streams) is <25 m
Relief classification (for hilly landforms)
V Low relief—10‐100 m.a.s.l.
W High relief—100‐500 m.a.s.l.
Note: Landforms with relief more than 500 meters is considered
Map code: 257 Soil Taxonomic Symbol
New Number/Color code Severely flooded (Flooding or Erosion Code)
for the mapping unit 0‐3% slope (Slope Code)
San Manuel Series (Soil Series Code)
Soil Series Name Soil Series Code Old No. Code New No. Code* Origin
Beneng Be 288 53 Benguet
Bigaa Big 3 54 Bulacan
Binangonan Bng 13 55 Rizal
Binidayan Bdy 270 56 Lanao
Bituin Bu 218 57 Abra
Boac Boa 178 58 Marinduque
Bobok Bk 302 59 Benguet
Bodies of water WB ‐ 675 ‐
Bog, deep BOG 593 646 Cagayan
Bolaoen Bln 276 60 Zamboanga S
Bolinao Bo 40 61 Pangasinan
Bolog Bog 304 62 Ifugao
Boulevard Bou ‐ 63 Rizal
Brooke’s Brk 71 64 Palawan
Buayan Buy 138 65 Cotabato
Buenavista Bvt 6 66 Bulacan
Bugarin Bgr ‐ 67 Rizal
Bugko Bko 169 68 Samar
Bugnan Bgn 973 69 Lanao
Buguey Bug 195 70 Cagayan
Bulaoen Be 67 71 Zambales
Buldon Bld 161 72 Cotabato
Bulubog Bbg 73 Laguna
Bulusan Bsn 118 74 Sorsogon
Burgos Brg 59 75 La Union
Busuanga Bsg 196 76 Palawan
Butuan Btn 222 77 Agusan
Buyagan Byg 287 78 Benguet
Buyogan Bon 283 79 Zamboanga S
Cabahuan Ch 179 80 Marinduque
Cabanbanan Cbb ‐ 81 Laguna
Soil Series Name Soil Series Code Old No. Code New No. Code* Origin
Cabangan Cb 65 82 Zambales
Cabantian Ct 93 83 Davao
Cadiz Cz 126 84 Negros Occ
Calantas Cl ‐ 85 Rizal
Calape Ce 73 86 Bohol
Calatagan Cg 231 87 Catanduanes
Calauaig Clg 141 88 Bukidnon
Calawit Cw 252 89 Zamboanga S
Calumpang Cn 21 90 Batangas
Camachile Cm 234 91 Pampanga
Camansa Cs 95 92 Davao
Camarin Cmr ‐ 93 Rizal
Camiguin Cmg 136 94 Misamis Or
Candaba Cd 27 95 Pampanga
Candijay Cj 15 96 Bohol
Canlalay Cly ‐ 97 Laguna
Capipisa Cp 323 98 Cavite
Carig Cr 197 99 Cagayan
Carmona Ca 18 100 Cavite
Caromatan Crt 227 101 Lanao
Casiguran Csg 116 102 Sorsogon
Castilla Cta 114 103 Sorsogon
Cataingan Ctg 142 104 Masbate
Catanauan Ctu 240 105 Quezon
Catbalogan Cbg 192 106 Samar
Catubig Ctb 193 107 Samar
Catuno Cno 235 108 Pampanga
Cauyan Cyn 198 109 Isabela
Cervantez Cv 99 110 Ilocos Sur
Coralan Crl ‐ 111 Laguna
Corgante Crg ‐ 112 Bulacan
Soil Series Name Soil Series Code Old No. Code New No. Code* Origin
Coron Co 42 113 Palawan
Culis Cu 53 114 Bataan
Cupang Cpg ‐ 115 Rizal
Daclan Dl 293 116 Benguet
Dadiangas Dd 148 117 Cotabato
Dagami Dg 89 118 Leyte
Dahinub Db 727 119 Zamboanga N
Dalican Dc 149 120 Cotabato
Dauin Da 145 121 Negros Or
Dinagat Dtg 281 122 Surigao del N
Dita Dta ‐ 123 Laguna
Dohinob Dh 219 124 Zamboanga N
Dolongan Do 206 125 Samar
Dolores Dr 202 126 Marinduque
Donsol Ds 115 127 Sorsogon
Dumbal Dm 284 128 Zamboanga Z
Dune Land DNL 594 610 Ilocos Norte
España Ep 251 129 Romblon
Faraon Fa 49 130 Negros Occ
Filled‐up soils FIL 29 631 Rizal
Gapan Gpn ‐ 131 Bulacan
Gasan Ga 153 132 Marinduque
Glan Gl 150 133 Cotabato
Gravel deposits GRV 149 605 La Union
Guadalupe Gd 10 134 Rizal
Guimaras Gs 51 135 Iloilo
Guimbalaon Gb 90 136 Negros Occ
Guinaoang Gu 301 137 Benguet
Guinobatan Gn 113 138 Albay
Guintabuan Gt 132 139 Negros Occ
Gullied Land GDL 611 611 ‐
Soil Series Name Soil Series Code Old No. Code New No. Code* Origin
Halsema Ha 292 140 Benguet
Halayhayin Hyh ‐ 141 Laguna
Hernani Hi 190 142 Samar
Himayangan Hy 88 143 Leyte
Hydrosols HYD 1 632 ‐
Ibaan Ib 23 144 Batangas
Ilagan In 191 145 Isabela
Inabanga Ig 76 146 Bohol
Inarawan Inr ‐ 147 Rizal
Indan Id 81 148 Camarines N
Irosin Ir 120 149 Sorsogon
Isabela Is 123 150 Negros Occ
Jalajala Jl ‐ 151 Rizal
Jamoyaon Jm 275 152 Surigao del N
Jasaan Js 135 153 Misamis Or
Kabacan Kb 151 154 Cotabato
Kabatohan Kh 268 155 Surigao del N
Kalayakan Kyk ‐ 156 Bulacan
Kamandag Km 212 157 Negros Occ
Kapalangan Kp ‐ 158 Bulacan
Kapatagan Kg 258 159 Lanao del N
Kay Bamban Kb ‐ 160 Bulacan
Kay Barbon Kbo ‐ 161 Rizal
Katubleng Kt 294 162 Benguet
Kaunayan Ky 181 163 Marinduque
Kidapawan Kd 9 164 Cotabato
Kitcharo Kr 144 165 Agusan
Kudarangan Kd 162 166 Cotabato
Labason Ls 220 167 Zamboanga N
La Castellana Lc 127 168 Negros Occ
Lagawe Lw 306 169 Ifugao
Soil Series Name Soil Series Code Old No. Code New No. Code* Origin
Lala La 257 170 Lanao del N
Lamut Lm 310 171 Ifugao
Landslides LSL 613 613 ‐
Langa Lng 1050 172 Ifugao
Langkong Lk 163 173 Cotabato
Lapaz Lp 29 174 Pampanga
La Trinidad Ld 299 175 Benguet
Lava Flows LVF 614 614 ‐
Lawigan Lwg 278 176 Zamboanga N
Laylay Ly 172 177 Marinduque
Legaspi Le 106 178 Albay
Legua Leg 213 179 Negros Occ
Libertad Lb 183 180 Samar
Libi Lib 152 181 Cotabato
Libon Lbo 108 182 Albay
Ligao Lig 109 183 Albay
Limestone RockLand LMR 581 627 Zambonaga N
Lipa Li 24 184 Batangas
Longa Ln 305 185 Ifugao
Lonos Lo 249 186 Romblon
Looc Loc ‐ 187 Laguna
Lourdes Lr 134 188 Misamis Or
Lubigan Lub 1022 189 Zamboanga S
Lugo Lg 61 190 Cebu
Luisiana Lu 47 191 Laguna
Luisita Lt 32 192 Tarlac
Lumbangan Lum ‐ 193 Rizal
Lupa Lup ‐ 194 Laguna
Lutayan Lty 173 195 Cotabato
Maahas Mh 226 196 Laguna
Maapag Mp 139 197 Bukidnon
Soil Series Name Soil Series Code Old No. Code New No. Code* Origin
Maasin Ms 87 198 Leyte
Mabini Mb 223 199 Misamis Occ
Macabare Mc 117 200 Sorsogon
Macolod Md 55 201 Batangas
Madunga Mdg 97 202 Davao
Magallanes Mg 16 203 Cavite
Magcalon Mgc 100 204 Antique
Magsaysay My 232 205 Mindoro Occ
Mahipon Mhp ‐ 206 Bulacan
Mailag Mi 140 207 Bukidnon
Makar Mkr 155 208 Cotabato
Makato Mo 102 209 Capiz
Malabang Mlb 269 210 Surigao del S
Malalag Ml 98 211 Davao
Malandag Mlg 442 212 Cotabato
Maligaya Ma 41 213 Nueva Ecija
Malimono Mn 273 214 Surigao del N
Malinao Mlo 107 215 Albay
Malitbog Mlt 86 216 Leyte
Mambajao Mj 133 217 Misamis Or
Mambutay Mbt 185 218 Agusan
Manapla Mpl 128 219 Negros Occ
Managok Mgk ‐ 220 Bukidnon
Mandawe Mw 62 221 Cebu
Maningkulat Peat Mkt 559 222 Sulu
Mantalongon Mto 64 223 Cebu
Maranlig Mrg 174 224 Marinduque
Marikina Mk 11 225 Rizal
Masantol Mst ‐ 226 Bulacan
Matho Mth 267 227 Surigao del S
Matina Mna 91 228 Davao
Soil Series Name Soil Series Code Old No. Code New No. Code* Origin
Soil Series Name Soil Series Code Old No. Code New No. Code* Origin
Riverwash, gravelly RWG 60 601 ‐
Riverwash, sandy RWS 602 602 ‐
Rizal Rz 256 289 Quezon
Rock Lands RKL 599 622 Cagayan
Rock Outcrop RKO 623 623 ‐
Romblon Rb 246 290 Romblon
Rough broken land RBK 326 624 Bukidnon
Rough mt’n land RMT 202 625 Palawan
Rough stony land RSL 171 629 Abra
Rubble land RBL 366 626 Agusan
Rugao Ru 189 291 Isabela
Rugnan Rg 260 292 Lanao del S
Sabangan Sbg 316 293 Bontoc
Sabtang Sbt 690 294 Batanes
Sagada Sg 315 295 Bontoc
Sala Sl ‐ 296 Laguna
Salaman San 259 297 Lanao del S
Sampaloc Smp ‐ 298 Rizal
Sand and coral bed SCB 595 633 Ilocos Norte
Sand dunes DNL 594 610 Cagayan
San Fabian Sfb 37 299 Pangasinan
San Fernando Sf 26 300 Pampanga
San Francisco Sfc ‐ 301 Laguna
San Juan Sj 204 302 Isabela
San Luis Sls ‐ 303 Rizal
San Manuel Sm 31 304 Tarlac
San Rafael Sr 50 305 Iloilo
Sapa Sp 277 306 Surigao del N
Sapian Sn 105 307 Capiz
Sara Sar 45 308 Iloilo
Sariaya Sry 243 309 Quezon
Soil Series Name Soil Series Code Old No. Code New No. Code* Origin
Sevilla Sv 72 310 Bohol
Siari Sri 205 311 Zamboanga N
Siain Sin 244 312 Quezon
Siaton Si 146 313 Negros Or
Sibul Sb 8 314 Bulacan
Sigcay Sgk 103 315 Capiz
Silay Sly 121 316 Negros Occ
Sinapangan Spg 58 317 La Union
Sinolon Snl 207 318 Cotabato
Sison Sis 272 319 Surigao del N
Soils undifferentiated SLU ‐ 647 ‐
Songsong Son 313 320 Bontoc
Sorsogon Sor 119 321 Sorsogon
Sta. Fe Se 250 322 Romblon
Sta. Filomena Sa 580 323 Sulu
Sta. Maria Sma 311 324 Ifugao
Sta. Rita St 43 325 Iloilo
Stony Land STL 629 628 ‐
Surigao Su 274 326 Surigao del N
Swamps SWP 630 630 ‐
Taal Ta 22 327 Batangas
Tacdian Tcd 290 328 Benguet
Tacloban Tb 84 329 Leyte
Tadao Td 215 330 Ilocos Norte
Tagaytay Tg 17 331 Cavite
Tagburos Tgb 57 332 Palawan
Tagkawayan Tky 245 333 Quezon
Tagulod Tgd ‐ 334 Bulacan
Tagum Tgm 208 335 Marinduque
Tamontaka Tmk 157 336 Cotabato
Tapul Tpl 20 337 Palawan
Soil Series Name Soil Series Code Old No. Code New No. Code* Origin
Tarlac Tr 25 338 Tarlac
Tarug Trg 159 339 Marinduque
Taway Tw 1026 340 Zambaonga S
Teresa Ts ‐ 341 Rizal
Tigaon Ti 80 342 Camarines Sur
Tilik Tk 229 343 Mindoro Occ
Timaga Tm 158 344 Cotabato
Timbo To 180 345 Marinduque
Tingib Tn 200 346 Samar
Tiptipon Tpo 228 347 Sulu
Titay Tay 214 348 Zamboanga S
Toran Tor 203 349 Cagayan
Tugbok Tuk 92 350 Davao
Tuguis Tu 248 351 Romblon
Tulay Tly ‐ 352 Rizal
Tupi Tp 129 353 Cotabato
Tutulo Tlo ‐ 354 Rizal
Ubay Ub 104 355 Bohol
Umingan Um 36 356 Pangasinan
Uyugan Uy ‐ 357 Batanes
Unclassified islands UCI ‐ 680 ‐
Unsurveyed areas USV ‐ 681 ‐
Uyugan Uy 209 358 Batanes
Victorias Vt 125 359 Negros Occ
Villar Vi 68 360 Zambales
Virac Vr 230 361 Catanduanes
Zamboanguita Zb 147 362 Negros Or
Zaragosa Zr 33 363 Nueva Ecija
Soil Complexes
Note: Additional, proposed, as well as new soil series/soil complexes should be coordinated with
Soil Survey Division for assignment of new number code. A soil complex is a soil association com‐
posed of two or more soil series, types, or phases which occur intricately and could not be mapped
separately at the given map scale. The soil complex bears the name of the dominant soil series.
Soil Complex Name Old No. Code New No. Code* Origin
San Manuel‐Taal 414 1026 Negros Oriental
Tarug‐Burgos ‐ 1027 Nueva Vizcaya
Tarug‐Faraon 515 1028 Marinduque
Tarug‐Guimbalaon ‐ 1029 Nueva Vizcaya
Tingib‐Catbalogan 493 1030 W. Samar; E. Samar
Miscellaneous Land Types
Miscellaneous Land Letter Code Old No. Code New No. Code* Origin
Stony Land STL 629 628 ‐
Rough Stony Land RSL 171 629 Abra
Swamps SWP 630 630 ‐
Tidal swamps, clayey SWP1 ‐ 630a Bulacan
Tidal swamps, loamy SWP2 630b Bulacan
Tidal swamps, mucky SWP3 630c Bulacan
Marshes MRS ‐ 630 ‐
Wet spots, ponds WSP ‐ 630 Laguna
Filled‐up soils FIL 29 631 Rizal
Hydrosols HYD 1 632 ‐
Sand and coral bed SCB 595 633 Ilocos Norte
Mt. Soils Undiff. MTS 45 645 ‐
Mountainous Land MTL ‐ 646 ‐
Bog, deep BOG 593 647 Cagayan; Lanao
Soils, undifferentiated Specify series ‐ 648 ‐
Bodies of water WB ‐ 675 ‐
Rivers, streams WB ‐ 675 ‐
Water reservoir/Dam WR ‐ 676 ‐
Unclassified Islands UCI ‐ 680 ‐
Unsurveyed Areas USV ‐ 681 ‐
Built‐up /Urban Areas BA ‐ 690 ‐
Note: Miscellaneous land types are used in soil classification and mapping for areas of
land that have little or no natural soil or that are too nearly inaccessible for orderly exami‐
nation, or where, for other reasons, it is not feasible to classify the soil. A miscellaneous
land type may be part of a complex that includes one or more other miscellaneous land
types or part of a complex that has one or more soil types in it.
Soil types refer to different sizes of mineral particles in a particular soil series. In
old provincial soil maps, map legends are based on soil series types, e.g. Alaminos loam—
103; Alaminos loam, degraded phase—104; Alaminos sandy loam—105; Alaminos soils,
undiffentiated—106; Alaminos clay loam—407; Alaminos silty clay loam— 699; Alaminos
clay—166. Since we are fixing soil series code to a singular number, soil types are given
separate codes. In digitizing the old soil maps, Alaminos is given 06 as new number code
(page 31) ; hence, Alaminos loam is 06L; Alaminos sandy loam is 06SL; Alaminos soils, un‐
differentiated is 06SLU (page 42). If Alaminos is the only soil series undifferentiated in
the soil map, use the legend for [Alaminos] Soils Undifferentiated—647; if there are other
soil series undifferentiated in the soil map, it is not advisable to use number code 647 to
avoid confusion. Alaminos clay loam is 06CL; Alaminos silty clay loam is 06SiCL; and Ala‐
minos clay is 06C. Please refer to Soil Phases Legend for Alaminos loam, degraded phase.
A soil phase is a subdivision of soil series. In the soil map, it is a distinct soil map‐
ping unit for which the soil series could be further delineated to improve the soil map
utility for agricultural planning. Slope and erosion are most common soil phases used;
but these are not the only criteria used by soil surveyors in soil mapping.
The slope classes used by Soil Survey Division for soil maps are already harmo‐
nized with ALMED as early as 1990s when the Soil Information System and the Land Re‐
sources Information System were developed under a BSWM‐JICA Technical Cooperation.
The Soil Survey Division, however retained the slope symbols, A‐B‐C‐D‐E‐F. The Soil Sur‐
vey slope symbols are patterned after international practices, specifically that of the
USDA Soil Survey Staff, and these symbols are internationally recognized. They cannot
just be changed because it is the ALMED practice; or else, the Philippine soil map be‐
comes unreadable to international audience. They are used not just as mapping symbol
at soil series level but also at higher levels of soil classification, specifically at the family
level. As in the USDA Soil Survey Staff traditional practice, slope symbol follows the soil
series name: BaA for Philippines is Barang Soil Series, 0‐3% slopes while for USA is Bach
silt loam, 0‐2% slopes; CbB for the Philippines is Cabangan Series, 3‐8% slopes while for
USA is Casco sandy loam, 2‐6% slopes. The meaning of soil series legend would change
for every country but the slope symbol is fixed to a corresponding slope class. These are
international symbols that cannot be changed that easily at BSWM level. Note that soil
maps prepared before 1990 have slope classes similar to those of USDA‐Soil Survey Staff
and digitizers should be aware to make the necessary legend meaning accordingly.
Legend Description New Reports Old Reports
A Level to nearly level 0‐3% 0‐2%
B Nearly level to gently sloping 2‐5%
B Gently sloping to undulating 3‐8%
C Gently sloping to undulating 5‐8%
C Strongly sloping to rolling 8‐18%
D Undulating to slightly rolling 8‐18%
D Moderately steep to hilly 18‐30%
E Slightly rolling to strongly rolling 18‐25%
E Steep 30‐50%
F Very steep to mountainous >50%
F Strongly rolling to steep 25‐40%
G Steep to very steep hills and mountains >40%
Either an erosion or a flooding phase
e0 Non‐eroded phase
e1 Slightly eroded phase
e2 Moderately eroded phase
e3 Severely eroded phase
f0 Non‐flooded phase
f1 Slightly flooded phase
f2 Moderately flooded phase
f3 Severely flooded phase
The term designating the eroded soil phase is the last term in the soil name:
Sampaloc loam, 8‐15% slopes, slightly eroded.
Deposits on the surface
DS1 Overblown phase (deposits of wind‐eroded materials on the sur‐
face are great enough to influence soil management but not
great enough to make significant impact on the characteristics of
the soil series).
DS2 Overwash phase (deposits of water‐eroded materials on the soil
surface are thick enough to influence management but not deep
enough to destroy the essential characteristics of the soil series).
DS3 Wind hummocky phase (recent wind‐laid deposits form fine pat‐
tern of hummocks that markedly alter management require‐
ments of the soil; original soil is still identifiable).
Rock fragments
G0 Non‐gravelly phase
G1 Slightly gravelly phase
G2 Gravelly phase
G3 Very gravelly phase
G4 Extremely gravelly phase
Cb Cobbly phase
St0 Non‐stony phase
St1 Stony phase
St2 Very stony phase
St3 Extremely stony phase
Rb Rubbly phase
R0 Non‐rocky phase
R1 Slightly rocky phase
R2 Rocky phase
R3 Very rocky phase
Soil Depth
Soil depth phases are used where variations in depth to a contrasting layer are
significant to soil use, management, or behaviour. Normally this depends on the objec‐
tive of the survey.
D1 Shallow phase
D2 Deep phase
D3 Moderately deep phase
D4 Very deep phase
Where the underlying materials contrast with the material above and interpreta‐
tions are affected, substratum phases are used. The kind of contrasting material is indi‐
cated in the name of the map unit.
Ca Calcareous substratum phase
Ch Chalk substratum phase
Cl Clay substratum phase
Gy Gypsiferous substratum phase
Lc Lacustrine substratum phase
Ma Marly substratum phase
Sn Sandy substratum phase
Si Silty substratum phase
Sh Shale substratum phase
Ti Till substratum phase
The terms are descriptive and not mutually exclusive, other terms can be used as
appropriate. Coordinate with Soil Survey Division for additional legend not listed here.
The identifying term follows the name of the taxon and any designation for surface tex‐
ture and precedes any term for slope or erosion in the phrase name: Sampaloc silt loam,
gravelly substratum, 5 to 8% slopes. Where there is a choice between using a depth
phase or a substratum phase to identify a map unit, a depth phase is generally used if the
contrasting layer is bedrock.
Phases are used to distinguish differences in soil‐water state, water table level,
drainage, and the like where the series range in one of these properties need to be di‐
vided for the purpose of the survey.
Wt1 High water table phase
Wt2 Moderately deep water table phase
Wt3 Low water table phase
h1 Well drained phase
h2 Moderately drained phase
h3 Poorly drained phase
h4 Very poorly drained phase
Dr Drained* phase
Du Undrained* phase
We0 Dry phase
We1 Slightly wet phase
We2 Moderately wet phase
We3 Wet phase
Po Ponded phase
*Some soils have properties that reflect former wetness but have been drained
artificially; hence “drained” could be separated from “undrained”.
Sa0 Non‐saline phase
Sa1 Slightly saline phase
Sa2 Moderately saline phase
Sa3 Strongly saline phase
So Sodic phase
Terms for saline phases follow terms for surface texture: Sampaloc silt loam,
strongly saline phase. For some soils, recognizing a sodic phase is useful; no degrees of
sodicity is required: Sampaloc silt loam, sodic, 0‐3% slopes.
Landforms or physiographic position maybe used as a phase criterion to distin‐
guish phases of a single soil mapping unit. A soil that developed from deposits of Taal
Volcano ashes 3 meters thick on a terrace maybe so much like a soil in a similar deposit
on a tillplain that the two are members of the same soil series. These may have to be
distinguished on the soil map, depending on the purpose of the soil survey.
Be Bench
Dep Depressional
Fa Fan
Ka Karst
Ri Ridge
Te Terrace
The physiographic phase designation follows the term for surface texture and
precedes any term for slopes and erosion: Sampaloc gravelly loam, fan, 0 to 8 percent
Thickness phases are used to divide the range of thickness of solum or of the up‐
per of the upper horizons if mappable areas of one such phase differ consistently from
areas of the other phase and require different interpretations for the purpose of the sur‐
vey. Note that phases are not used to differentiate thickness of the subsoil or the sub‐
Su1 Thick surface
Su2 Thin surface
So1 Thick solum
So2 Thin solum
The thickness term follows any terms for surface texture and precedes any terms
for slope or erosion: Sampaloc fine sand, thick surface, 0‐3% slopes.
In some places, especially in mountains or hilly areas, precipitation or air tem‐
perature can differ greatly within short distances, yet these differences may not be re‐
flected in the internal properties of the soil. Where differences of this kind are significant
for purposes of the survey and can be identified and mapped consistently, climatic phases
are used. Only two climatic conditions are recognized for a soil mapping unit: (1) the
common climate that influences the greatest extent of the soil mapping unit, from which
the climate designation is omitted; (2) a departure from the common climate for which a
climatic designation is used. The departure maybe either of two directions from the
Wa Warm
Co Cool
Hp High precipitation
Lp Low precipitation
The appropriate term follows texture: Sampaloc sandy loam, cool.
A great variety of phase distinctions could be made depending on the purpose
of the survey. The phases designated by such special terms are defined to fit special
kind of soils. Such phases are defined in reference to the common properties of the
soil mapping unit. It would not be surprising that some terms would have specific
meanings when used for different soil mapping units and in different survey areas.
Cal Calcareous phase
Le Leached surface phase
Drk Dark surface phase
Dg Degraded phase
Lw Lowland phase
Up Upland phase
St Steep phase
Adb Adobe phase
E Eroded phase
F Flooded phase
Gu Gullied phase
Bur Burned phase (for organic soils)
For some purposes, attributes of areas need to be shown in names of map
units even though these are attributes of land areas rather than attributes of the refer‐
ence taxa used in naming kinds of soil. Phases are not appropriate for such uses, as
they are subdivisions of soil taxa, variants, or kinds of miscellaneous area.
Terms that are not attributes of reference taxa are used to qualify map unit
names in terms of limiting features of entire areas. These qualifying terms are perhaps
most useful for characterizing features of the areas of soil associations of small scale
maps, but they are also used for some units of detailed maps.
Rock outcrop in areas of soil is an example of an attribute of areas. A map unit
that is a geographic mixture of soil and rock outcrop is named and defined as a complex
if the rock outcrop is more than 10 percent of the area. To distinguish, the qualified
unit from phases, the word “area” is used: “Typic Ustropepts, very rocky areas”.
Gullied lands can be recognized as “gullied areas”. They are used for areas hav‐
ing gullies so deep that intensive measures including reshaping, are required to reclaim
the soil.
Climate may also be used to qualify areas. Climatic qualified areas are based
on air temperature and precipitation: warm areas, cool areas, high precipitation areas,
low precipitation areas. Each of the terms is connotative only in reference to the com‐
mon atmospheric climate for the soil series and must be described specifically for each
map unit to which itare used where temperature or precipitation are markedly differ‐
ent within parts of a single soil resource inventory area.
A great variety of other area distinctions can be made. In addition, we can use
frequently flooded area, occasionally flooded area, burned area. The “burned area”
can be used for organic soils that have lost enough of their organic materials by fire
that their potential for use or their management requirements have been altered.
is applied. They are used where temperature or precipitation are markedly different
within parts of a single soil resource inventory area.
A great variety of other area distinctions can be made. In addition, we can
use frequently flooded area, occasionally flooded area, burned area. The “burned
area” can be used for organic soils that have lost enough of their organic materials by
fire that their potential for use or their management requirements have been altered.
Generally, phase symbols can also be used for area distinctions. A letter “A”
can be added to the symbol to redirect attention that it is an area distinction, not a
soil phase.
The Philippines adopt the USDA Soil Taxonomy as a system of soil classifica‐
tion. It is a six‐hierarchical level of classification: order (dominant processes that de‐
veloped soil); suborder (control of current soil forming processes); great group
(degree of expressions of horizons); subgroup (blending of soil forming processes,
intergrades and extragrades; where none, we have the typic concept); family (internal
features influencing soil‐water relations); and series (homogeneity of composition
and morphology).
At soil family level, the practice in the Philippines is to name soils based on
the following sequence: Broad textural class averaged over control section—
Mineralogy class—Soil temperature class—Soil Subgroup—Soil Great Group—Slope—
Erosion or Flooding Class. Example: Very fine, mixed, isohyperthermic, Typic Pellus‐
terts, 3.0—8.0% slope, no apparent erosion.
Soil mapping unit code: For analog mapping, we leave it to the soil survey
staff to assign an Arabic numeral for every mapping project. For digital mapping, the
numerical code assignment for the Great Group begins on page 55, to be in harmony
with the Soil Information System which is the basis for digital filing of maps. In GIS,
there is inter‐phase between spatial data and attribute data.
Soil taxonomic symbol: In Soil Taxonomic mapping, symbols are normally pre‐
sented as a fraction—with the numerator composed of taxonomic class and the de‐
nominator the slope and flooding/erosion class. The same principle would hold true
for soil mapping at soil classification levels higher than soil family.
Soil Textural Sub‐ Great
Order Class Group Group
Map code: 087 Soil Taxonomic Symbol
I j Aer Qt
Number/Color code A f0 Flooding/Erosion Class
for the mapping unit Slope Class
The soil family legend example on the previous page is for Inceptisols, fine
clay, mixed, isohyperthermic, Aeric Tropaquepts, 0‐2 percent slopes, no apparent
flooding. Note that under current practice, the mineralogy and the soil temperature
regime are not included as part of symbol simplification. These two parameters,
however, can be included, depending on discussions with soil survey proponents.
Soil Great
Order Group
Map code: 095 Soil Taxonomic Symbol
I Teu
Number/Color code E e1 Flooding/Erosion Class
for the mapping unit Slope Class
The example for legend for Soil Great Group is for Inceptisols, Eutropepts, 18
‐25 percent slopes, slightly eroded.
Soil Great
Order Group
Map code: 174--095
174 095--216
ADt— I Teu—UTd Soil Taxonomic Symbol
Number/Color code G
for the mapping unit Slope Class
The example for legend for Soil Great Group Associations is for Alfisols, Tro‐
pudalfs—Inceptisols, Eutropepts, Ultisols, Tropodults Association, greater than 45
percent slopes.
Entisols E
Inceptisols I
Andisols D
Vertisols V
Mollisols M
Alfisols A
Ultisols U
Oxisols O
Histosols H
There are no assigned legend for Aridisols, Gelisols, and Spodosols as these
are not found in the Philippines.
Soil Taxonomy symbol: Note that in the Soil Great Groups for Soil Taxonomy
mapping prepared by Soil Survey Division, the Great Group letter legend is not exclu‐
sive for the Soil Order. As we move to another soil order, the letter legend is re‐
peated and the proper reading depends on the Soil Order. It is therefore incumbent
to precede any Great Group legend with Order legend to properly read the legend.
Map number code: While the original mainframe Soil Information System
(SIS) assigns specific number code per great groups based on 1990 Key to Soil Taxon‐
omy (which was not revised under ARIS, circa 2005), actual soil map code such as the
publication of the Soil Taxonomy Map of the Philippines (1994) follows what is stated
on page 53—We leave it to the soil survey staff to assign an Arabic numeral for every
mapping project. We clarify that this is for analog mapping. The number code (SIS
code) presented here is compulsory for DIGITAL mapping purposes to be in harmony
with the Soil Information System. Please note that there are subsequent editions of
Soil Taxonomy and the SIS number code presented here are based on the 2003 and
2006 editions. However, there are Soil Great Groups based on the 1990 Key to Soil
Taxonomy no longer existing in 2003/2006 editions and their corresponding number
codes are not deleted and merely marked with brackets [ ] because these soil maps
are not updated to the current edition of Soil Taxonomy; we only specify the edition
year of the Key to Soil Taxonomy when the map was produced. Any changes for SIS
codes should be coordinated with Soil Survey Division and with ISRIS.
Alfisols (A) Udalfs (UD) Fraglodussalfs UDfl 012
Glossudalfs UDs 013
Hapludalfs UDh 014
Kandiudalfs UDk 015
Kanhapludalfs UDkh 016
Natrudalfs UDn 017
Rhodudalfs UDr 018
Paleudalfs UDpe 019
[Tropudalfs] UDt 174
Ustalfs (US) Durustalfs USd 020
Haplustalfs USh 021
Kandiustalfs USk 022
Kanhaplustalfs USu 023
Natrustalfs USn 024
Paleustalfs USpe 025
Plinthustalfs USp 026
Rhodustalfs USr 027
Andisols (D) Aquands (Q) Duraquands Qd 028
Haplaquands Qh 029
Melanaquands Qm 030
Placaquands Qc 031
Vitraquands Qvi 032
Epiaquands Qi 175
Endoaquands Qe 176
Udands (UD) Durudands UDd 033
Fulvudands UDfv 034
Hapludands UDh 035
Hydrudands UDy 036
Melanudands UDm 037
Placudands UDc 038
Ustands (US) Durustands USd 039
Haplustands USh 040
Vitrands (VI) Udivitrands VIud 041
Andisols (A) Vitrands (VI) Ustivitrands VIus 042
Entisols (E) Aquents (Q) Fluvaquents Qfv 043
Haplaquents Qh 044
Hydraquents Qy 045
Psammaquents Qx 046
Sulfaquents Qb 047
[Tropaquents] Qt 048
Epiaquents Qi 177
Endoqaquents Qe 178
Arents (K) Udarents Kud 049
Ustarents Kus 050
Torriarents Ktr 179
Fluvents (R) [Tropofluvents] Rt 051
Udifluvents Rud 052
Ustifluvents Rus 053
Torrifluvents Rtr 180
Orthents (W) [Troporthents} Wt 054
Udorthents Wud 055
Ustorthents Wus 056
Torriorthents Wtr 181
Psamments (X) Quartzipsamments Xz 057
[Tropopsamments] Xt 058
Udipsamments Xud 059
Ustipsamments Xus 060
Torripsamments Xtr 182
Histosols (H) Fibrists (F) [Luvifibrists] F1 061
[Medifibrists] F2 062
Sphagnofibrists F3 063
[Tropofibrists] Ft 064
Haplofibrists Fh 183
Folists (G) [Tropopolists] Gt 065
Torrifolists Gtr 184
Ustifolists Gus 185
Histosols (H) Folists (G) Udifolists Gud 186
Hemists (HE) Luvihemists HE1 66
[Medihemists] HE2 67
Sulfihemists HEb1 68
Sulfohemists HEb2 69
[Tropohemists] HEt 70
Haplohemists HEh 187
Saprists (I) [Medisaprists] I2 071
[Troposaprists] It 072
Sulfisaprists Ib2 188
Sulfosaprists Ib3 189
Haplosaprists Ih 190
Inceptisols (I) [Andepts (A)] [Durandepts] Ad 073
[Strandepts] Ast 074
[Eutrandepts] Aeu 075
[Hydrandepts] Ay 076
[Placandepts] Ac 077
[Vitrandepts] Avi 078
Aquepts (Q) [Andaquepts] Qan 079
Fragiaquepts Qf 080
Halaquepts Qn3 081
[Haplaquepts] Qh 082
Humaquepts Qm2 083
[Placaquepts] Qc 084
[Plintaquepts] Qp 085
Sulfaquepts Qb 086
[Tropaquepts] Qt 087
Petraquepts Qpt 191
Vermaquepts Qv 192
Epiaquepts Qi 193
Endoaquepts Qe 194
[Ochrepts (O)] [Durochrepts] Od 088
[Dystrochrepts] Ody 089
Inceptisols (I) [Ochrepts (O)] [Eutrochrepts] Oeu 090
[Fragiochrepts] Of 091
[Ustochrepts] Ous 092
[Plaggepts (G)] ‐ Gg 093
[Tropepts (T)] [Dystropepts[ Tdy 094
[Eutropepts[ Teu 095
[Humitropepts[ Thm2 096
[Sombitropepts[ Tsm 097
[Ustropepts] Tus 098
[Fragiumbrepts] Tf 099
[Haplumbrepts] Th 100
Anthrepts (AN) Plaggenthrepts ANg 195
Haplanthrepts ANh 196
Ustepts (US) Durustepts USd 197
Calciustepts USca 198
Dystrustepts USdy 199
Haplustepts USh 200
Udepts (UD) Sulfudepts UDb 201
Durudepts UDd 202
Fragiudepts UDf 203
Eutrudepts UDeu 204
Dystrudepts UDdy 205
Mollisols (M) Aquolls (Q) Argiaquolls Qrg 101
Calciaquolls Qca 102
Duraquolls Qd 103
Haplaquolls Qh 104
Natraquolls Qn 105
Epiaquolls Qi 206
Endoaquolls Qe 207
Rendolls (RE) Haprendolls REh 106
Udolls (UD) Argiudolls UDrg 107
Hapludolls UDh 108
Paleudolls UDpe 109
Mollisols (M) Udolls (UD) Vermudolls UDv 110
Natrudolls UDn 208
Calciudolls UDca 209
Ustolls (US) Argiustolls USrg 111
Calciustolls USca 112
Durustolls USd 113
Haplustolls USh 114
Natrustolls USn 115
Paleustolls USpe 116
Vermustolls USv 117
Oxisols (O) Aquox (Q) Acraquox Qcr 118
Eutraquox Qeu 119
Haplaquox Qh 120
Plinthaquox Qp 121
Ultisols (U) Aquults (Q) Fragiaquults Qf 137
Kandiaquults Qk 138
Kanhaplaquults Qkh 139
Ochraquults Qo 140
Paleaquults Qpe 141
Plinthaquults Qp 142
Umbraquults Qum 143
Epiaquults Qi 213
Endoaqults Qe 214
Humults (HU) Haplohumults HUh 144
Kandihumults HUk 145
Kanhaplohumults HUkh 146
Palehumults HUpe 147
Plinthohumults HUp 148
Sombrihumults HUsm 149
[Tropohumults] HUt 215
Udults (UD) Fragiudults UDf 150
Hapludults UDh 151
Kandiudults UDk 152
Kanhapludults UDkh 153
Paleudults UDpe 154
Plinthudults UDp 155
Rhodudults UDr 156
[Tropudults] UDt 216
Ustults (US) Haplustults USh 157
Kandiustults USk 158
Kanhaplustults USu 159
Paleustults USpe 160
Plinthustults USp 161
Rhodustults USr 162
Vertisols (V) Aquerts (Q) Sulfaquerts Qb 163
Salaquerts Qn2 166
Duraquerts Qd 217
Vertisols (V) Aquerts (Q) Natraquerts Qn 218
Calciaquerts Qca 219
Dystraquerts Qdy 220
Epiaquerts Qi 221
Endoaquerts Qe 222
Torrerts (TR) Salitorrerts TRn2 223
Gypsitorrerts TRgy 224
Calcitorrerts TRca 225
Haplotorrerts TRh 226
Usterts (US) Dystrusterts USdy 227
Salusterts USn2 228
Gypsiusterts USgy 229
Calciusterts USca 230
Haplusterts USh 231
[Chromusterts] USch 167
[Pellusterts] USpl 168
Uderts (UD) Dystruderts UDdy 232
Hapluderts UDh 233
[Chromuderts] UDch 164
[Pelluderts] UDpl 165
Note on Soil Great Group taxonomic legend notation: The soil taxonomic legend for Soil
Great Group should always be preceded by Soil Order for proper reading and interpretation:
A Qd— Duraqualfs A Qi— Epiaqualfs A USd— Durustalfs
D Qd— Duraquands D Qi— Epiaquands I USd— Durustepts
M Qd—Duraquolls I Qi— Epiaquepts MUSd— Durustolls
U Qi—Epiaquults
V Qi—Epiaquerts
STANDARD LEGEND FOR SOIL SUB‐GROUP (2006 edition, Soil Taxonomy)
Abruptic Abr
Abruptic Argiduritic AbA
Acraquoxic Acr
Acrudoxic Acu
Acrudoxic Thaptic AcT
Acrustoxic Acx
Aeric Aer
Aeric Chromic Vertic ACV
Aeric Fragic AeF
Aeric Humic AeH
Aeric Umbric AeU
Aeric Vertic AeV
Albaquic Alq
Alfic Alf
Alfic Humic AfH
Alfic Lithic AfL
Alfic Vertic AfV
Alic Alc
Andic And
Andic Ombroaquic AdO
Andic Oxyaquic AOx
Anionic Ani
Anionic Aquic AnA
Anthraquic Atq
Aquandic Aqd
Aquertic Aqr
Aquertic Chromic AqC
Aquic Aqi
Aquic Arenic AqA
Aquic Cumulic AqC
Aquic Duric ADu
Aquic Dystric ADy
Aquic Humic AHu
Aquic Lithic ALi
Aquic Pachic APa
Aquic Petroferric APe
Aquultic Aqt
Arenic Are
Arenic Oxyaquic ArO
Arenic Plinthaquic ArP
Arenic Plinthic APh
Arenic Umbric AUm
Argic Arg
Argiaquic Agc
Argidic Agd
Argiduritic Ard
Calciargidic Crg
Calcic Ccc
Calcic Pachic CPh
Calcic Udic CUd
Calcidic Cld
Chromic Chr
Chromic Udic CUd
Chromic Vertic CVe
Cumulic Cum
Cumulic Vertic CmV
Duric Dur
Duric Histic DuH
Dystric Dys
Dystric Fluventic DFl
Dystric Vitric DVi
Entic Ent
Entic Ultic EUt
Eutric Euc
Eutric Oxyaquic EOx
Eutric Pachic EPa
Fibric Fib
Fluvaquentic Flq
Fluvaquentic Vertic FVe
Fluventic Fve
Fluventic Humic FHu
Fragiaquic Fgq
Fragic Frg
Fragic Oxyaquic FOx
Glossaquic Glq
Grossarenic Gro
Grossarenic Plinthic GPh
Glossic Glo
Glossic Vertic GVe
Gypsic Gyp
Halic Hal
Halic Terric HTe
Haplargidic Hlg
Haplic Hpl
Haplocalcidic Hcd
Haploduridic Hdr
Hemic Hem
Histic His
Humaqueptic Hmq
Humic Hum
Humic Inceptic HIn
Humic Lithic HuL
Humic Pachic HPa
Humic Psammentic HPs
Humic Rhodic HRh
Humic Xanthic HXa
Hydraquentic Hyq
Hydric Hyd
Hydric Pachic HPa
Inceptic Icp
Kandic Kan
Kandiudalfic Kdf
Kanhaplic Khc
Lamellic Lam
Lamellic Ustic LUs
Leptic Lep
Leptic Torrertic LTo
Leptic Vertic LVe
Limnic Lim
Lithic Lit
Lithic Petrocalcic LPe
Lithic Ultic LUl
Lithic Ustic LUs
Mollic Mol
Natric Nat
Ombroaquic Obq
Oxic Oxc
Oxyaquic Oxq
Oxyaquic Vertic OVe
Pachic Pac
Pachic Udertic PUd
Pachic Ultic PUl
Pachic Vertic PVe
Pachic Vitric PVi
Placic Plc
Petrocalcic Pec
Petrofferic Pef
Plinthaquic Plq
Plinthic Plc
Psammentic Psm
Rendollic Ren
Rhodic Rho
Ruptic‐Lithic RLi
Ruptic Ultic RUl
Salidic Sal
Sphagnic Sph
Sulfaqueptic Sfq
Sulfic Sfc
Sodic Sod
Terric Ter
Thaptic Tha
Thapto‐Histic THis
Torrertic Torr
Torrifluventic Trf
Torriorthentic Tro
Torripsammentic Trp
Torroxic Tor
Typic Typ
Udandic Uda
Udertic Ude
Udic Udi
Udifluventic Udf
Udollic Udo
Udorthentic Udr
Ultic Ult
Ustic Ust
Ustertic Utt
Ustollic Usl
Umbric Umb
Vermic Vem
Vertic Vet
Vitrandic Vdc
Vitric Vtc
Vitritorrandic Vtr
Xanthic Xan
Note: Soil maps based on older versions of Key to Soil Taxonomy and without corresponding
subgroup code should be referred to the Soil Survey Division for code assignment.
For Soil Taxonomy Maps produced 2003 and earlier based on 1990 Key to Soil Taxon‐
Fragmental a
Sandy skeletal b
Loamy skeletal c
Clayey skeletal d
Sandy e
Coarse loamy f
Fine loamy g
Coarse silty h
Fine silty i
Fine clay j
Very fine clay k
Contrasting particle‐size classes
Fine loamy over sandy r
Fine loamy over coarse loamy l
Coarse loamy over sandy m
Clayey over fragmental n
Fine silty over sandy o
Clayey over sandy p
Coarse loamy over sandy s
Sandy over clayey t
For digitization of currently produced Soil Taxonomy Maps based on 2003/2006 edi‐
tions of Key to Soil Taxonomy
Pumiceous pp
Cindery cc
Fragmental a
Ashy‐pumiceous ap
Ashy‐skeletal ak
Ashy aa
Medial‐pumiceous mp
Medial‐skeletal mk
Medial mm
Hydrous‐pumiceous hp
Hydrous‐skeletal hk
Hydrous hy
Sandy‐skeletal b
Loamy‐skeletal c
Clayey‐skeletal d
Sandy e
Loamy lo
Coarse‐loamy f
Fine‐loamy g
Coarse‐silty h
Fine‐silty i
Clayey cl
Fine j
Very fine k
Contrasting particle sizes:
Ashy over clayey aacl
Ashy over clayey‐skeletal aad
Ashy over loamy‐skeletal aac
Ashy over loamy aalo
Ashy over medial‐skeletal aamk
Ashy over medial aamm
Ashy over pumiceous or cindery aapp or aacc
Ashy over sandy or sandy‐skeletal aae or aab
Ashy skeletal over fragmental or cindery aka or akcc
Ashy skeletal over loamy‐skeletal akc
Cindery over loamy cclo
Cindery over medial‐skeletal ccmk
Cindery over medial ccmm
Clayey over fragmental n
Clayey over loamy cllo
Clayey over loamy‐skeletal clc
Clayey over sandy or sandy‐skeletal p
Clayey skeletal over sandy or sandy skeletal de or db
Coarse loamy over clayey fcl
Coarse loamy over fragmental fn
Coarse loamy over sandy or sandy‐skeletal m
Coarse silty over clayey hcl
Coarse silty over sandy or sandy‐skeletal s
Fine loamy over clayey gcl
Fine loamy over fragmental ga
Fine loamy over sandy or sandy‐skeletal r
Fine silty over clayey icl
Fine silty over fragmental ia
Hydrous over clayey skeletal hyd
Hydrous over clayey hycl
Hydrous over fragmental hya
Hydrous over loamy‐skeletal hyc
Hydrous over loamy hylo
Hydrous over sandy or sandy‐skeletal hye or hyb
Loamy over ashy or ashy pumiceous loaa or loap
Loamy over sandy or sandy‐skeletal loe or lob
Loamy over pumiceous or cindery lopp or locc
Loamy‐skeletal over cindery ccc
Loamy‐skeletal over clayey ccl
Loamy‐skeletal over fragmental ca
Loamy‐skeletal over sandy or sandy‐skeletal ce or cb
Medial over ashy mmaa
Medial over ashy‐pumiceous or ashy‐skeletal mmap or mmak
Medial over clayey‐skeletal mmd
Medial over clayey mmcl
Medial over fragmental mma
Medial over hydrous mmhy
Medial over loamy‐skeletal mmc
Medial over loamy mmlo
Medial over pumiceous or cindery mmpp or mmcc
Medial over sandy or sandy‐skeletal mme or mmb
Medial‐skeletal over fragmental or cindery mka or mkcc
Medial skeletal over loamy‐skeletal mkd
Pumiceous or ashy‐pumiceous over loamy pplo or aplo
Pumiceous or ashy‐pumiceous over medial‐skeletal ppmk or apmk
Pumiceous or ashy‐pumiceous over medial ppm or appm
Pumiceous or ashy‐pumiceous over sandy or sandy skeletal ppe or appb
Sandy over clayey ecl
Sandy over loamy elo
Sandy skeletal over loamy blo
Ferritic Fe
Gibbsitic Gi
Sesquic Se
Ferruginous Fu
Allitic Al
Kaolinitic Ka
Halloysitic Ha
Mixed Mx
Amorphic Am
Ferrihydritic Fy
Glassy Gl
Gypsic Gy
Carbonatic Ca
Magnesic Mg
Parasesquic Ps
Glauconitic Gc
Smectitic Sm
Illitic Il
Vermiculitic Ve
Isotic Is
Micaceous Mi
Paramicaceous Pm
Siliceous Si
(Note: Not currently used for soil family classification in the Philippines. Please refer
to the 2003/2006 edition of the Key to Soil Taxonomy when CEC classes must be in‐
cluded in the soil family mapping.)
Superactive CEC1
Active CEC2
Semiactive CEC3
Subactive CEC4
Allic r4
Calcareous r3
Acid r1
Non‐acid r2
Thermic T
Hyperthermic H
Isothermic IT
Isophyperthermic IH
For soil depth classes. For soil families in Lithic subgroups and those with fragipan:
Shallow d2
For sand coatings. For soil families in Quartzipsamments:
Coated ct1
Uncoated ct0
For permanent cracks. For Hydraquents that consolidate or shrink after drainage and
become Fluvaquents or Humaquepts.
Cracked V
Particle Size Classes. These are used only for the family names of Terric subgroups of
Histosols and Histels. The classes are determined from the properties of the mineral
soil materials in the control section through the use of key to particle size classes. The
classes are more generalized than those for soils in other orders.
Fragmental a
Sandy or sandy skeletal b
Loamy skeletal c
Clayey skeletal d
Clayey cl
Loamy lo
Mineralogy classes. There are different kinds of mineralogy classes recognized for
families in certain great groups and subgroups of Histosols. The first is the ferrihumic
materials, and the second is three types of limnic materials—coprogenous earth, dia‐
tomaceous earth, and marl. The third is of Terric subgroups. Refer to the 2006 Key to
Soil Taxonomy for definitions and criteria.
Ferrihumic Feh
Coprogenous Cog
Diatomaceous Dia
Marly Mar
Other Histels and Histosols in Terric subgroups ‐ please use mineralogy
classes for mineral soils (page 70).
Reaction classes. Reaction classes are used in all families of Histosols and Histels.
Two classes are recognized; please refer to the Key to Soil Taxonomy for definitions:
Eulic Eu
Dysic Dy
Soil Temperature classes. The same as for mineral soils (page 71).
Soil Depth classes. Soil depth classes refer to the depth to a root‐limiting layer, a frag‐
mental particle‐size class, or a cindery or pumiceous substitute class. The root‐
limiting layers are duripans, petrocalcic, petrogypsic, and placic horizons; continuous
ortstein, and densic, lithic, paralithic, and petroferric contacts. Please refer to the Key
to Soil Taxonomy for the key to soil depth classes. The shallow class is not used in the
suborder Folists.
Micro Mic
Shallow Sha
Manual on Map Standards & Symbols for GIS. Addendum: Standard Codes for Soil Taxonomy Maps
Based on 2010 Edition of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy. Soil Survey Division. Bureau of Soils and Water
Management (3): 73—100, 2009
Standard Codes for Soil Taxonomy Maps
Based on Eleventh (2010) Edition of Keys to Soil Taxonomy
The Philippines adopts the USDA Soil Taxonomy system of classification.
While generally many nations have their distinct soil classification system, soil scien‐
tists from many countries around the world have contributed significantly to the de‐
velopment of Soil Taxonomy ever since the publication some 35 years ago of Soil Tax‐
onomy: A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys.
The Philippine adoption is significant because of the collaborative link with the inter‐
national soil science community. This means not only savings in terms of basic soil
survey researches for which we do not have the funds, but enables our soil survey
outputs to adhere to international standards and to be linked with the global soil
map. Despite many efforts to downgrade the role of Soil Survey Division these past
many years, soil resources inventory remains a critical first step for any development
planning. Soil map is an important output of BSWM.
The release of the Eleventh (2010) Edition of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy even
before this manual goes to press puts the final manuscript behind the fast paced in‐
ternational developments in soil survey. The editors decided to come up with an ad‐
dendum as it would take time for an updated edition of this manual to be released. It
might be another four years, in time for the 2014 Seoul World Soil Congress, when
the twelfth edition of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy is expected to be published.
As this is only an addendum, please refer to the previous chapter for digitiza‐
tion of soil taxonomy maps based on earlier editions of the Keys to Soil Taxonomy.
We are, however, consolidating the standard legend; and therefore, will include in
this addendum still active soil taxonomy nomenclature for which a legend is hereby
reiterated, and for the new soil taxa, a new legend is assigned.
Entisols E
Inceptisols I
Andisols D
Vertisols V
Mollisols M
Alfisols A
Ultisols U
Oxisols O
Histosols H
There are no assigned legend for Aridisols, Gelisols, and Spodosols as these
are not found in the Philippines.
Soil Taxonomy symbol: Note that in the Soil Great Groups for Soil Taxonomy
mapping prepared by Soil Survey Division, the Great Group letter legend is not exclu‐
sive for the Soil Order. As we move to another soil order, the letter legend is re‐
peated and the proper reading depends on the Soil Order. It is therefore incumbent
to precede any Great Group legend with Order legend to properly read the legend.
Map number code: Only soil taxa actively used in the 2010 edition of Soil
Taxonomy are included in this addendum. Please refer to the previous chapter for
legend of soil taxonomy mapping units used in earlier editions. Any changes for SIS
codes should be coordinated with Soil Survey Division and with ISRIS.
Alfisols (A) Udalfs (UD) Paleudalfs UDpe 019
Rhodudalfs UDr 018
Glossudalfs UDs 013
Hapludalfs UDh 014
Ustalfs (US) Durustalfs USd 020
Plinthustalfs USp 026
Natrustalfs USn 024
Kandiustalfs USk 022
Kanhaplustalfs USkh 023
Paleustalfs USpe 025
Rhodustalfs USr 027
Haplustalfs USh 021
Andisols (D) Aquands (Q) Placaquands Qc 031
Duraquands Qd 028
Vitraquands Qvi 032
Melanaquands Qm 030
Haplaquands Qh 029
Epiaquands Qi 175
Endoaquands Qe 176
Torrands (TR) Duritorrands TRd 234
Vitritorrands TRvi 235
Haplotorrands TRh 236
Udands (UD) Placudands UDc 038
Durudands UDd 033
Melanudands UDm 037
Hydrudands UDy 036
Fulvudands UDfv 034
Hapludands UDh 035
Ustands (US) Durustands USd 039
Haplustands USh 040
Vitrands (VI) Udivitrands VIud 041
Ustivitrands VIus 042
Entisols (E) Wassents (J) Frasiwassents Jfr 237
Psammowassents Jx 238
Sulfiwassents Jb1 239
Fluviwassents Jfv 240
Haplowassents Jh 241
Aquents (Q) Sulfaquents Qb 047
Hydraquents Qy 045
Psammaquents Qx 046
Fluvaquents Qfv 043
Epiaquents Qi 177
Endoqaquents Qe 178
Arents (K) Udarents Kud 049
Ustarents Kus 050
Torriarents Ktr 179
Fluvents (FV) Udifluvents FVud 052
Ustifluvents FVus 053
Torrifluvents FVtr 180
Orthents (W) Udorthents Wud 055
Ustorthents Wus 056
Torriorthents Wtr 181
Psamments (X) Quartzipsamments Xz 057
Udipsamments Xud 059
Ustipsamments Xus 060
Torripsamments Xtr 182
Histosols (H) Fibrists (F) Sphagnofibrists F3 063
Haplofibrists Fh 183
Folists (G) Torrifolists Gtr 184
Ustifolists Gus 185
Udifolists Gud 186
Hemists (HE) Sulfohemists HEb2 69
Sulfihemists HEb1 68
Luvihemists HE1 66
Haplohemists HEh 187
Histosols (H) Saprists (I) Sulfosaprists Ib3 189
Sulfisaprists Ib2 188
Haplosaprists Ih 190
Wassists (J) Frasiwassists Jfr 242
Sulfiwassists Jb1 243
Haplowassists Jh 244
Inceptisols (I) Aquepts (Q) Sulfaquepts Qb 086
Petraquepts Qpt 191
Halaquepts Qn3 081
Fragiaquepts Qf 080
Vermaquepts Qv 192
Humaquepts Qm2 083
Epiaquepts Qi 193
Endoaquepts Qe 194
Anthrepts (AN) Plaggenthrepts ANg 195
Haplanthrepts ANh 196
Udepts (UD) Sulfudepts UDb 201
Durudepts UDd 202
Fragiudepts UDf 203
Humudepts UDhu 245
Eutrudepts UDeu 204
Dystrudepts UDdy 205
Ustepts (US) Durustepts USd 197
Calciustepts USca 198
Humustepts UShu 246
Dystrustepts USdy 199
Haplustepts USh 200
Mollisols (M) Aquolls (Q) Duraquolls Qd 103
Natraquolls Qn 105
Calciaquolls Qca 102
Argiaquolls Qrg 101
Epiaquolls Qi 206
Endoaquolls Qe 207
Mollisols (M) Rendolls (RE) Haprendolls REh 106
Udolls (UD) Natrudolls UDn 208
Calciudolls UDca 209
Paleudolls UDpe 109
Argiudolls UDrg 107
Vermudolls UDv 110
Hapludolls UDh 108
Ustolls (US) Durustolls USd 113
Natrustolls USn 115
Calciustolls USca 112
Paleustolls USpe 116
Argiustolls USrg 111
Vermustolls USv 117
Haplustolls USh 114
Oxisols (O) Aquox (Q) Acraquox Qcr 118
Plinthaquox Qp 121
Eutraquox Qeu 119
Haplaquox Qh 120
Torrox (TR) Acrotorrox TRcr 210
Eutrotorrox TReu 211
Haplotorrox TRh 212
Ustox (US) Sombriustox USsm 136
Acrustox UScr 132
Eutrustox USeu 133
Kandiustox Uk 135
Haplustox USh 134
Perox (PX) Sombriperox PXsm 126
Acroperox PXcr 122
Eutroperox PXeu 123
Kandiperox PXk 125
Haploperox PXh 124
Oxisols (O) Udox (UD) Sombriudox UDsm 131
Acrudox UDcr 127
Eutrodox UDeu 128
Kandiudox UDk 130
Hapludox UDh 129
Ultisols (U) Aquults (Q) Plinthaquults Qp 142
Fragiaquults Qf 137
Kandiaquults Qk 138
Kanhaplaquults Qkh 139
Paleaquults Qpe 141
Umbraquults Qum 143
Epiaquults Qi 213
Endoaqults Qe 214
Humults (HU) Sombrihumults HUsm 149
Plinthohumults HUp 148
Kandihumults HUk 145
Kanhaplohumults HUkh 146
Palehumults HUpe 147
Haplohumults HUh 144
Udults (UD) Plinthudults UDp 155
Fragiudults UDf 150
Kandiudults UDk 152
Kanhapludults UDkh 153
Paleudults UDpe 154
Rhodudults UDr 156
Hapludults UDh 151
Ustults (US) Plinthustults USp 161
Kandiustults USk 158
Kanhaplustults USu 159
Paleustults USpe 160
Rhodustults USr 162
Haplustults USh 157
Vertisols (V) Aquerts (Q) Sulfaquerts Qb 163
Salaquerts Qn2 166
Duraquerts Qd 217
Natraquerts Qn 218
Calciaquerts Qca 219
Dystraquerts Qdy 220
Epiaquerts Qi 221
Endoaquerts Qe 222
Torrerts (TR) Salitorrerts TRn2 223
Gypsitorrerts TRgy 224
Calcitorrerts TRca 225
Haplotorrerts TRh 226
Usterts (US) Dystrusterts USdy 227
Salusterts USn2 228
Gypsiusterts USgy 229
Calciusterts USca 230
Haplusterts USh 231
Uderts (UD) Dystruderts UDdy 232
Hapluderts UDh 233
Note on Soil Great Group taxonomic legend notation: The soil taxonomic legend for Soil
Great Group should always be preceded by Soil Order for proper reading and interpretation:
A Qd— Duraqualfs A Qi— Epiaqualfs A USd— Durustalfs
D Qd— Duraquands D Qi— Epiaquands I USd— Durustepts
M Qd—Duraquolls I Qi— Epiaquepts MUSd— Durustolls
U Qi—Epiaquults
V Qi—Epiaquerts
STANDARD LEGEND FOR SOIL SUB‐GROUP (2010 Edition, Keys to Soil Taxonomy)
Acrudoxic Hydric AcH Hapludands, Melanudands
Acrudoxic Plinthic AcP Kandiudults
Acrodoxic Thaptic AcT Hapludands, Hydrudands
Acrudoxic Ultic AcU Hapludands
Acrudoxic Vitric AcU Melanudands
Acrustoxic Acx Kandiustults, Kanhaplustults
Aeric Aer Endoaqualfs, Epiaqualfs, Fragiaqualfs,
Glossaqualfs, Kandiaqualfs
Endoaquents, Epiaquents, Fluvaquents
Haplowassents, Psammowassents,
Endoaquepts, Epiaquepts, Fragiaquepts,
Halaquepts, Humaquepts
Acraquox, Eutraquox, Haplaquox,
Endoaquults, Epiaquults, Fragiaquults,
Kandiaquults, Paleaquults
Calciaquerts, Duraquerts, Dystraquerts,
Endoaquerts, Epiaquerts
Aeric Chromic Vertic ACV Epiaqualfs
Aeric Fragic AeF Endoaqualfs, Epiaqualfs,
Aeric Vertic AeV Epiaqualfs
Aeric Umbric AeU Kanhaplaquults
Alfic Alf Hapludands, Haplustands, Udivitrands
Argiudolls, Argiustolls
Alfic Lithic AfL Argiustolls
Alfic Vertic AfV Argiudolls
Alic Alc Endoaquands, Epiaquands, Hapludands
Andic And Fragiudalfs, Fraglossudalfs, Glossudalfs,
Hapludalfs, Paleudalfs
Andic And Duridepts, Dystrudepts, Eutrudepts,
Humudepts, Dystrustepts, Haplustepts,
Argiudolls, Hapludolls, Argiustolls,
Haploperox, Kandiperox, Hapludox,
Haplohumults, Kandihumults,
Kanhaplohumults, Palehumults,
Kandiudults, Kandiustults, Kanhaplustults
Andic Ombroaquic AdO Kandihumults
Andic Oxyaquic AOx Dystrudepts, Humudepts
Anionic Ani Acrudox, Acrustox
Anionic Aquic AnA Acrudox, Acrustox
Anthraquic Atq Hapludalfs, Paleudalfs
Hapludands, Melanudands
Ustifluvents, Ustorthents
Eutrudepts, Haplustepts
Anthropic Atp Kandihumults, Kanhaplohumults
Aquandic Aqd Endoaqualfs, Epiaqualfs, Glossudalfs
Endoaquepts, Epiaquepts, Halaquepts,
Humaquepts, Durudepts, Dystrudepts,
Endoaquolls, Epiaquolls
Kanhaplaquults, Haplohumults,
Palehumults, Kandiudults
Aqueptic Aqp Haplustox
Aquertic Aqr Glossudalfs, Hapludalfs, Haplustalfs,
Natrustalfs, Paleustalfs
Udifluvents, Ustifluvents
Argiudolls, Hapludolls, Argiustolls, Haplustolls
Aquertic Chromic AqC Hapludalfs
Aquollic Aql Hapludalfs
Aquodic Aqo Quartzpsamments
Aquic Aqi Fragiudalfs, Fraglossudalfs, Glossudalfs,
Hapludalfs, Kandiudalfs, Kanpaludalfs,
Natrudalfs, Paleudalfs, Haplustalfs,
Kandiustalfs, Kanhaplustalfs, Natrustalfs,
Paleustalfs, Haplustands, Udivitrands,
Vitritorrands, Durudands, Fulvudands,
Hapludands, Hydrudands, Melanudands,
Placudands, Durustands
Torrifluvents, Udifluvents, Ustifluvents,
Torriorthents, Udorthents, Ustorthents,
Quartzipssaments, Udipsamments,
Durudepts, Dystrudepts, Fragiudepts,
Humudepts, Calciustepts, Dystrustepts,
Argiudolls, Calciudolls. Argiustolls,
Calciustolls, Haplustolls, Natrustolls,
Paleustolls, Vermustolls
Acroperox, Eutroperox, Haploperox,
Kandiperox, Acrudox, Eutrudox, Hapludox,
Kandiudox, Acrustox, Eutrustox, Haplustox,
Haplohumults, Kandihumults,
Kanhaplohumults, Palehumults, Fragiudults
Hapludults, Kandiudults, Paleudults,
Haplustults, Kandiustults, Kanhaplustults
Salitorrerts, Dystruderts, Hapluderts,
Dystrusterts, Salusterts
Aquic Arenic AqA Glossudalfs, Hapludalfs, Haplustalfs,
Kandiustalfs, Natrustalfs, Paleustalfs
Hapludults, Paleudults
Aquic Cumulic AqC Hapludolls, Haplustolls
Aquic Duric AqD Hapludands
Aquic Humic AqH Dystrudepts
Aquic Lithic AqL Acroperox, Eutroperox, Haploperox,
Acrudox, Eutrudox, Hapludox, Kandiudox,
Acrustox, Eutrustox, Haplustox, Kandiustox
Aquic Pachic APa Argiudolls, Hapludolls, Paleudolls
Aquic Petrofferic APe Acroperox, Haploperox, Kandiperox,
Acrudox, Eutrudox, Hapludox, Kandiudox,
Acrustox, Eutrustox, Haplustox, Kandiustox
Aquic Arenic AqA Kandiudults, Paleudults
Aquultic Aqt Hapludalfs, Haplustalfs
Arenic Are Endoaqualfs, Epiqualfs, Glossaqualfs, Kan‐
diaqualfs, Glossudalfs, Kandiudalfs,
Paleudalfs, Haplustalfs, Kandiustalfs,
Natrustalfs, Paleustalfs
Argiaquolls, Argiudolls
Endoaquults, Epiaquults, Kandiaquults,
Paleaquults, Fragiudults, Hapludults,
Kanhapludults, Paleudults, Haplustults,
Kandiustults, Kanhaplustults
Arenic Oxyaquic ArO Glossudalfs, Hapludalfs
Arenic Plinthic ArPh Kandiudalfs, Paleudalfs
Kandiaquults, Paleaquults, Kandiudults,
Kanhapludults, Paleudults, Kandiustults
Arenic Plinthaquic ArP Kandiudults, Paleudults
Arenic Rhodic ArR Kandiudults, Paleudults
Arenic Umbric Aum Endoaqualfs, Epiaqualfs
Kandiaquults, Paleaquults
Argic Arg Duraquolls
Argiduridic Ard Durustolls
Calcic Ccc Haplustalfs
Haplottorrands, Vitritorrands, Haplustands,
Argiudolls, Hapludolls, Natrudolls,
Paleudolls, Paleustolls
Calcic Udic CUd Haplustalfs
Calcidic Cld Haplustalfs, Paleustalfs
Argiustolls, Paelustolls
Chromic Chr Duraquerts, Dystraquerts, Endoaquerts,
Epiaquerts, Salaquerts, Calcitorrerts,
Gypsitorrerts, Haplotorrerts, Salitorrerts,
Dystruderts, Hapluderts, Calciusterts,
Dystrusterts,Gypsiusterts, Haplusterts,
Chromic Udic CUd Haplusterts
Chromic Vertic CVe Endoaqualfs, Epiaqualfs, Hapludalfs
Cumulic Cum Humaquepts, Humudepts
Endoaquolls, Epiaquolls, Hapludolls,
Cumulic Vertic CmV Endoaquolls, Epiaquolls
Duric Dur Endoaquands, Epiaquands, Vitraquands,
Haplotorrands, Vitritorrands, Hapludands
Torrifluvents, Torriorthents
Endoaquolls, Epiaquolls, Argiustolls,
Haplustolls, Natrustolls
Duric Histic DuH Placaquands
Durinodic Dun Ustorthents
Dystric Dys Haplustands
Eutrudepts, Haplustepts
Dystric Vitric DVi Haplustands
Entic Ent Humudepts
Durudands, Fulvudands, Hapludands,
Hydrudands, Melanudands
Haprendolls, Hapludolls, Durustolls,
Haplustolls, Paleustolls, Vermustolls
Dystraquerts, Endoaquerts, Epiaquerts,
Salaquerts, Calcitorrerts, Haplotorrerts,
Salitorrerts, Dystruderts, Hapluderts,
Calciusterts, Dystrusterts, Gypsiusterts,
Haplusterts, Salusterts
Entic Udic EUd Haplusterts
Eutric Euc Humudepts
Acrudox, Acrustox
Eutric Lithic EuL Fulvudands
Eutric Pachic EPa Fulvudands
Eutric Thaptic EuT Hapludands
Fibric Fib Haplohemists, Frasiwassists, Haplowassists,
Fluvaquentic Flq Haplofibrists, Sphagnofibrists, Haplohemists
Endoaquepts, Epiaquepts, Humaquepts,
Dystrudepts, Eutrudepts, Humudepts
Endoaquolls, Epiaquolls, Hapludolls,
Fluvaquentic Vertic FVe Endoaquolls, Epiaquolls
Fluventic Fve Frassiwassents, Psammowassents,
Sulfiwassents, Haplosaprists
Endoaquepts, Dystrudepts, Humudepts,
Dystrustepts, Haplustepts
Calciudolls, Hapludolls, Haplustolls
Fluventic Humic FHu Dystrudepts
Fraqiaquic Fgq Glossudalfs, Hapludalfs, Paleudalfs
Dystrudepts, Eutrudepts
Hapludults, Paleudults
Fragic Frg Endoaqualfs, Epiaqualfs, Glossaqualfs,
Glossudalfs, Hapludalfs, Paleudalfs
Endoaquepts, Epiaquepts, Dystrudepts,
Epiaquults, Hapludults, Kanhapludults, Paledudults
Fragic Oxyaquic FOx Hapludalfs
Glossaquic Glq Hapludalfs, Natrudalfs, Paleudalfs
Glossic Glo Natraqualfs, Paleudalfs
Natraquolls, Natrudolls, Natrustolls
Glossic Vertic GVe Natrudolls, Natrustolls
Grossarenic Gro Endoaqualfs, Epiaqualfs, Kandiaqualfs,
Kandiudalfs, Paleustalfs
Endoaquults, Epiaquults, Kandiaquults, Paleaquults
Hapludults, Kandiudults, Paleudults
Grossarenjc Plinthic GPh Kandiudalfs, Paleudalfs, Kandiustalfs
Kandiudults, Paleudults
Grossic Grs Hydrowassents
Gypsic Gyp Calciustepts, Haplustepts
Halic Hal Haplosaprists
Endoaquerts, Epiaquerts, Haplotorrerts,
Calciusterts, Gypsiusterts, Haplusterts
Halic Terric HTe Haplosaprists
Haplargidic Hlg Natrustalfs
Haplic Hpl Glossudalfs
Sulfaquents, Udarents, Ustarents,
Vermudolls, Durustolls
Haplocalcidic Hcd Haplustepts
Haploduridic Hdr Torripsamments
Hemic Hem Haplofibrists, Sphagnofibrists, Haplosaprists
Histic His Glossaqualfs
Duraquands, Endoaquands, Epiaquands,
Endoaquolls, Eipaquolls
Eutraquox, Haplaquox
Histic Placic HPl Petraquepts
Humaqueptic Hmq Endoaquents, Epiaquents, Fluvaquents,
Humic Hum Fragiaqualfs
Durustands, Haplustands, Udivitrands,
Endoaquepts, Epiaquepts, Fragiaquepts,
Dystrudepts, Eutrudepts, Fragiudepts,
Eutraquox, Haplaquox, Acroperox, Eutroperox,
Kandiperox, Acrudox, Eutrudox, Hapludox,
Kandiudox, Acrustox, Eutrustox, Haplustox,
Fragiudults, Hapludults
Humic Inceptic HIn Eutroperox, Eutrudox, Eutrustox
Humic Lithic HuL Dystrudepts, Eutrudepts
Humic Psammentic Dystrudepts
Humic Rhodic HPs Acroperox, Eutroperox, Kandiperox, Acrudox,
Eutrudox, Hapludox, Kandiudox, Acrustox,
Eutrustox, Haplustox, Kandiustox
Hydraquentic Hyq Humaquepts, Sulfaquepts
Hydric Hyd Endoaquands, Epiaquands, Melanaquands,
Durudands, Fulvudands, Hapludands,
Melanudands, Placudands
Haplofibrists, Sphagnofibrists, Haplohemists
Hydric Thaptic HyT Hapludands
Hydric Pachic HPa Melanaquands
Inceptic Icp Hapaludalfs, Haplustalfs
Eutroperox, Eutrudox, Hapludox, Eutrustox,
Kandic Kan Paleustalfs
Kandiudalfic Kdf Eutroperox, Eutrudox
Kandiustalfic Kuf Eutrustox
Kanhaplic Khc Haplustalfs, Rhodustalfs
Lamellic Lam Hapludalfs, Paleudalfs, Haplustalfs,
Quartzipssaments, Udipsamments,
Dystrudepts, Haplustepts
Hapludults, Paleudults
Lamellic Ustic LuS Quartzipssaments
Leptic Lep Natrustalfs
Natrudolls, Natrustolls
Dystraquerts, Endoaquerts, Epiaquerts, Salaquerts,
Calcitorrerts, Haplotorrerts, Salitorrerts,
Dystruderts, Hapluderts, Calciusterts, Dystrusterts,
Gysiusterts, Salusterts
Leptic‐Torrertic LTo Natrustalfs
Leptic Udic LUd Haplusterts
Leptic Vertic LVe Natrudolls, Natrustolls
Limnic Lim Haplofibrists, Sphagnofibrists, Haplohemists
Lithic Lit Hapludalfs, Kanhapludalfs, Haplustalfs,
Kanhaplustalfs, Rhodustalfs
Endoaquands, Melanaquands, Placaquands
Vitraquands, Haplotorrands, Vitritorrands,
Fulvudands, Hapludands, Hydrudands,
Melanudands, Placudands, Haplustands,
Udivitrands, Ustivitrands
Endoaquents, Psammaquents, Torriorthents,
Udorthents, Ustorthents, Quartzipssaments
Torripsamments, Udipsamments, Ustipsamments,
Frasiwassents, Haplowassents, Hydrowassents,
Psammowassents, Sulfiwassents
Haplofibrists, Sphagnofibrists, Torrifolists,
Udifolists, Ustifolists, Haplohemists, Haplosaprists
Endoaquepts, Dystrudepts, Eutrudepts, Humudepts
Calciustepts, Dystrustepts, Haplustepts,
Endoaquolls, Haprendolls, Argiudolls, Calciudolls,
Hapludolls, Vermudolls, Argiustolls, Calciustolls,
Haplustolls, Vermustolls
Lithic Lit Acroperox, Eutroperox, Haploperox, Acrotorrox,
Eutrotorrox, Haplotorrox, Acrudox, Eutrudox,
Hapludox, Kandiudox, Acrustox, Eutrustox,
Haplustox, Kandiustox
Haplohumults, Kanhaplohumults, Hapludults,
Rhodudults, Haplustults, Kanhaplustults,
Hapluderts, Calciusterts, Dystrusterts, Gypsiusterts
Haplusterts, Salusterts
Lithic Petrocalcic LPe Calciustepts
Lithic—Ruptic—Entic LRE Hapludults
Lithic Ustic LUs Torriorthents
Mollic Mol Endoaqualfs, Epiaqualfs, Glossaqualfs,
Natraqualfs, Hapludalfs, Kandiudalfs,
Paleudalfs, Natrustalfs
Endoaquents, Epiaquents, Fluvaquents,
Psammaquents, Udarents, Udifluvents,
Endoaquepts, Epiaquepts
Mollic Oxyaquic MOq Hapludalfs
Natric Nat Vermaqualfs
Duraquolls, Durustolls
Ombroaquic Obq Kandihumults, Kanhaplohumults, Kandiudults,
Haplustults, Kanhaplustults
Oxic Oxc Hapludands, Haplustands
Dystrudepts, Humudepts, Dystrustepts,
Haplustepts, Humustepts
Argiudolls, Haplustolls
Oxyaquic Oxq Fragiudalfs, Fraglossudalfs, Glossudalfs,
Hapludalfs, Kandiudalfs, Kanhapludalfs,
Paleudalfs, Haplustalfs, Paleustalfs
Fulvudands, Hapludands, Udivitrands
Torrifluvents, Udifluvents, Ustifluvents,
Torriorthents, Udorthents, Ustorthents,
Quartzipssaments, Torripsamments,
Udipsamments, Ustipssaments
Dystrudepts, Humudepts, Haplustepts,
Oxyaquic Oxq Argiudolls, Hapludolls, Paleudolls,
Argiustolls, Calciustolls, Haplustolls
Haplohumults, Palehumults, Hapludults,
Dystruderts, Hapluderts
Oxyaquic Vertic OVe Glossudalfs, Hapludalfs, Haplustalfs,
Pachic Pac Melanaquands, Durudands, Fulvudands,
Argiudolls, Paleudolls, Argiustolls,
Calciustolls, Haplustolls, Paleustolls,
Pachic Udertic PUd Argiustolls, Haplustolls
Pachic Vertic PVe Argiudolls, Hapludolls, Argiustolls,
Pachic Vitric PVi Melanudands
Petrocalcic Pec Natrustalfs, Paleustalfs
Calciaquolls, Natrudolls, Paleudolls,
Calciustolls, Paleustolls
Calcitorrerts, Calciusterts, Haplusterts
Petroferric Pef Acroperox, Eutroperox, Haploperox,
Kandiperox, Acrotorrox, Eutrotorrox,
Haplotorrox, Acrudox, Eutrudox, Hapludox
Kandiudox, Acrustox, Eutrustox, Haplustox,
Plagganthreptic Pgt Udipssaments
Plinthaquic Plq Kandiudalfs, Paleudalfs
Eutroperox, Haploperox, Eutrudox,
Hapludox, Kandiudox, Eutrustox,
Haplustox, Kandiustox
Fragiudults, Kandiudults, Kanhapludults,
Plinthic Plc Fragiaqualfs, Kandiaqualfs, Kandiudalfs,
Paleudalfs, Kandiustalfs, Paleustalfs
Acraquox, Eutraquox, Haplaquox,
Acroperox, Eutroperox, Haploperox
Acrudox, Eutrudox, Hapludox, Kandiudox,
Acrustox, Eutrustox, Haplustox, Kandiustox
Fragiaquults, Kandiaquults, Kanhaplaquults
Paleaquults, Umbraquults, Haplohumults,
Kandihumults, Palehumults, Fragiudults,
Kandiudults, Kanhapludults, Paleudults,
Haplustults, Kandiustults, Kanhaplustults
Psammentic Pss Hapludalfs, Paleudalfs, Haplustalfs,
Hapludults, Paleudults, Rhodudults,
Rendollic Ren Eutrudepts
Rhodic Rho Kandiudalfs, Kanhapludalfs, Paleudalfs,
Kandiustalfs, Kanhaplustalfs, Paleustalfs
Torripsamments, Ustipsamments
Aroperox, Haploperox, Kandiperox,
Acrudox, Eutrudox, Hapludox, Kandiudox,
Acrustox, Eutrustox, Haplustox, Kandiustox
Kanhapludults, Paleudults, Kandiustults,
Ruptic‐Alfic RAf Dystrudepts, Eutrudepts
Ruptic‐Lithic RuL Haplustolls
Ruptic‐Utlic RUl Dystrudepts
Salic Sac Sulfaquerts
Salidic Sal Natrustalfs
Calciustolls, Haplustolls
Sapric Sap Haplohemists, Frasiwassists, Haplowassists,
Sodic Sod Endoaquents, Hydraquents, Psammaquents
Endoaquerts, Epiaquerts, Haplotorrerts,
Calciusterts, Gypsiusterts, Haplusterts,
Sulfaqueptic Sfq Dystraquerts
Sulfic Sfc Endoaquents, Fluvaquents, Hydraquents,
Fluviwassents, Haplowassents,
Hydrowassents, Psammowassents,
Terric Ter Haplofibrists, Sphagnofibrists,
Haplohemists, Sulfihemists, Haplosaprists,
Thaptic Tha Duraquands, Endoaquands, Epiaquands,
Melanaquands, Placaquands, Vitraquands,
Fulvudands, Hapludands, Melanudands,
Durustands, Haplustands, Udivitrands,
Thapto—Histic THis Fluvaquents, Hydraquents, Sulfaquents,
Frasiwassents, Hydrowassents, Sulfiwas‐
Endoaquolls, Epiaquolls
Torrertic Torr Haplustalfs, Natrusalfs
Ustifluvents, Ustorthents
Calciustepts, Dystrustepts, Haplustepts
Argiustolls, Calciustolls, Haplustolls,
Natrustolls, Paleustolls
Torrifluventic Trf Haplustepts
Torriorthentic Tro Haplustolls
Torroxic Tor Haplustolls
Typic Typ (all Great Groups)
Udandic Uda Kandiustults, Kanhaplustults
Udertic Ude Haplustalfs, Paleustalfs
Udertic Ude Argiustolls, Calciustolls, Haplustolls,
Udic Udi Haplustalfs, Kandiustalfs, Kanhaplustalfs,
Paleustalfs, Rhodustalfs
Calciustepts, Haplustepts
Argiustolls, Calciustolls, Haplustolls,
Kandiustults, Kanhaplustults
Calciusterts, Dystrusterts, Gypsiusterts
Udifluventic Udf Haplustepts
Udollic Udo Endoaqualfs, Epiaqualfs
Udorthentic Udr Haplustolls
Udoxic Udx Quartzipssaments
Ultic Ult Hapludalfs, Haplustalfs, Paleustalfs
Fulvudands, Hapludands, Hydrudands,
Melanudands, Haplustands, Udivitrands
Umbric Umb Endoaqualfs, Epiaqualfs, Kandiaqualfs
Fragiaquults, Kandiaquults, Paleaquults
Ustandic Usd Kandihumults, Kanhaplohumults
Ustertic Utt Torrifluvents, Torriorthents
Ustic Ust Torrifluvents, Torriorthents, Ustothents,
Quartzipssaments, Torripsamments
Haplohumults, Kandihumults,
Kanhaplohumults, Palehumults
Duraquerts, Dystraquerts, Endoaquerts,
Epiaquerts, Salaquerts
Ustoxic Usx Quartzipssaments
Vermic Vem Fragiaqualfs, Natraqualfs
Udorthents, Ustorthents
Vertic Vet Endoaqualfs, Epiaqualfs, Natraqualfs
Glossudalfs, Hapludalfs, Natrudalfs,
Paleudalfs, Haplustalfs, Natrustalfs,
Vertic Vet Fluvaquents, Torrifluvents, Udifluvents,
Ustifluvents, Torriorthents, Ustorthents
Endoaquepts, Epiaquepts, Halaquepts,
Dystrudepts, Eutrudepts, Humudepts,
Calciustepts, Dystrustepts, Haplustepts
Duraquolls, Endoaquolls, Epiaquolls,
Natraquolls, Haprendolls, Argiudolls,
Calciudolls, Hapludolls, Natrudolls,
Paleudolls. Argiustolls, Calciustolls,
Haplustolls, Natrustolls, Paleustolls
Epiaquults, Paleuaquults, Hapludults,
Vitrandic Vdc Fragiudalfs, Fraglossudalfs, Glossudalfs,
Halpludalfs, Paleudalfs, Haplustalfs
Torrifluvents, Udifluvents, Torriorthents,
Udorthents, Ustorthents, Toripsamments
Durudepts, Dystrudepts, Eutrudepts,
Fragiudepts, Humudepts, Dystrustepts,
Haplustepts, Humustepts
Argiaquolls, Argiudolls, Hapludolls,
Argiustolls, Haplustolls
Vitric Vtc Duritorrands, Hapludands, Melanudands,
Additional particle size classes for family differentiae in 2010 Keys to Soil Taxonomy
are in italics. Particle size classes no longer listed are enclosed by brackets.
Pumiceous pp
Cindery cc
Fragmental a
Ashy‐pumiceous ap
Ashy‐skeletal ak
Ashy aa
Medial‐pumiceous mp
Medial‐skeletal mk
Medial mm
Hydrous‐pumiceous hp
Hydrous‐skeletal hk
Hydrous hy
Gypseous—skeletal gs
Coarse‐gypseous cg
Fine‐gypseous fg
Sandy‐skeletal b
Loamy‐skeletal c
Clayey‐skeletal d
Sandy e
Loamy lo
Coarse‐loamy f
Fine‐loamy g
Coarse‐silty h
Fine‐silty i
Clayey cl
Fine j
Very fine k
Contrasting particle sizes:
Ashy over clayey aacl
Ashy over clayey‐skeletal aad
Ashy over loamy‐skeletal aac
Ashy over loamy aalo
Ashy over loamy‐skeletal aaloc
Ashy over medial aamm
Ashy over medial‐skeletal aamk
Ashy over pumiceous or cindery aapp or aacc
Ashy over sandy or sandy‐skeletal aae or aab
Ashy skeletal over clayey akcl
Ashy skeletal over fragmental or cindery aka or akcc
Ashy skeletal over loamy‐skeletal akc
Ashy skeletal over sandy or sandy skeletal ake or akb
Cindery over loamy cclo
Cindery over medial‐skeletal ccmk
Cindery over medial ccmm
Cindery over medial‐skeletal ccmmk
Clayey over coarse‐gypseous clcg
Clayey over fine‐gypseous clfg
Clayey over fragmental n
Clayey over gypseous‐skeletal clgk
Clayey over loamy cllo
Clayey over loamy‐skeletal clc
Clayey over sandy or sandy‐skeletal p
Clayey skeletal over sandy or sandy skeletal de or db
Coarse loamy over clayey fcl
Coarse loamy over fragmental fn
Coarse loamy over sandy or sandy‐skeletal m
Coarse silty over clayey hcl
Coarse silty over sandy or sandy‐skeletal s
Fine loamy over clayey gcl
Fine loamy over fragmental ga
Fine loamy over sandy or sandy‐skeletal r
Fine silty over clayey icl
Fine silty over fragmental ia
Fine silty over sandy or sandy skeletal ie or ib
Hydrous over clayey skeletal hyd
Hydrous over clayey hycl
Hydrous over fragmental hya
Hydrous over loamy‐skeletal hyc
Hydrous over loamy hylo
Hydrous over sandy or sandy‐skeletal hye or hyb
Loamy over ashy or ashy pumiceous loaa or loap
Loamy over coarse‐gypseous locg
Loamy over fine‐gypseous lofg
Loamy over pumiceous or cindery lopp or locc
Loamy over sandy or sandy‐skeletal loe or lob
Loamy‐skeletal over cindery ccc
Loamy‐skeletal over clayey ccl
Loamy‐skeletal over fragmental ca
Loamy‐skeletal over sandy or sandy‐skeletal ce or cb
Loamy‐skeletal over gypseous‐skeletal lokgk
Medial over ashy mmaa
Medial over ashy‐pumiceous or ashy‐skeletal mmap or mmak
Medial over clayey‐skeletal mmd
Medial over clayey mmcl
Medial over fragmental mma
Medial over hydrous mmhy
Medial over loamy‐skeletal mmc
Medial over loamy mmlo
Medial over pumiceous or cindery mmpp or mmcc
Medial over sandy or sandy‐skeletal mme or mmb
Medial‐skeletal over fragmental or cindery mka or mkcc
Medial skeletal over loamy‐skeletal mkd
Medial‐skeletal over sandy or sandy‐skeletal mke or mkb
Pumiceous or ashy‐pumiceous over loamy pplo or aplo
Pumiceous or ashy pumiceous over loamy skeletal pplok or aplok
Pumiceous or ashy‐pumiceous over medial ppm or apm
Pumiceous or ashy‐pumiceous over medial‐skeletal ppmk or apmk
Pumiceous or ashy‐pumiceous over sandy or sandy skeletal ppe or appb
Sandy over clayey ecl
Sandy over loamy elo
Sandy skeletal over loamy blo
Ferritic Fe
Gibbsitic Gi
Sesquic Se
Ferruginous Fu
Allitic Al
Kaolinitic Ka
Halloysitic Ha
Mixed Mx
Hypergypsic Hg
Amorphic Am
Ferrihydritic Fy
Glassy Gl
Gypsic Gy
Carbonatic Ca
Magnesic Mg
Parasesquic Ps
Glauconitic Gc
Smectitic Sm
Illitic Il
Vermiculitic Ve
Isotic Is
Micaceous Mi
[Paramicaceous Pm]
(Note: Not currently used for soil family classification in the Philippines. Please refer
to the 2010 edition of the Key to Soil Taxonomy when CEC classes must be included in
the soil family mapping.)
Superactive CEC1
Active CEC2
Semiactive CEC3
Subactive CEC4
Allic r4
Calcareous r3
Acid r1
Non‐acid r2
Thermic T
Hyperthermic H
Isothermic IT
Isophyperthermic IH
For soil depth classes. For soil families in Lithic subgroups and those with fragipan:
Shallow d2
For sand coatings. For soil families in Quartzipsamments:
Coated ct1
Uncoated ct0
For permanent cracks. For Hydraquents that consolidate or shrink after drainage and
become Fluvaquents or Humaquepts.
Cracked V
Particle Size Classes. These are used only for the family names of Terric subgroups of
Histosols and Histels. The classes are determined from the properties of the mineral
soil materials in the control section through the use of key to particle size classes. The
classes are more generalized than those for soils in other orders.
Fragmental a
Sandy or sandy skeletal b
Loamy skeletal c
Clayey skeletal d
Clayey cl
Loamy lo
Mineralogy classes. There are different kinds of mineralogy classes recognized for
families in certain great groups and subgroups of Histosols. The first is the ferrihumic
materials, and the second is three types of limnic materials—coprogenous earth, dia‐
tomaceous earth, and marl. The third is of Terric subgroups. Refer to the 2006 Key to
Soil Taxonomy for definitions and criteria.
Ferrihumic Feh
Coprogenous Cog
Diatomaceous Dia
Marly Mar
Other Histels and Histosols in Terric subgroups ‐ please use mineralogy
classes for mineral soils (page 95).
Reaction classes. Reaction classes are used in all families of Histosols and Histels.
Two classes are recognized; please refer to the Key to Soil Taxonomy for definitions:
Eulic Eu
Dysic Dy
Soil Temperature classes. The same as for mineral soils (page 99).
Soil Depth classes. Soil depth classes refer to the depth to a root‐limiting layer, a frag‐
mental particle‐size class, or a cindery or pumiceous substitute class. The root‐
limiting layers are duripans, petrocalcic, petrogypsic, and placic horizons; continuous
ortstein, and densic, lithic, paralithic, and petroferric contacts. Please refer to the Key
to Soil Taxonomy for the key to soil depth classes. The shallow class is not used in the
suborder Folists.
Micro Mic
Shallow Sha
Manual on Map Standards & Symbols for GIS. Colors for Thematic Mapping. Integrated Soil Resources
Information System. Bureau of Soils and Water Management (3): 101—104, 2009
In analog cartography, standard color is set for various mapping units—
geomorphological, land management, land use/ vegetation, slope, elevation, erosion,
crop zones, land limitations, NPAAD, SAFDZ, etc. Maps use colors to represent data
values. The Cartographic Operations Division has a manual that assign color codes to
the various mapping units.
Moving into digital cartography, assigning color to mapping units is automati‐
cally done by GIS software. The map compositor has to access the Legend Editor to
assign a color symbol to each of the features in the theme by pointing to the symbol
and double clicking. ArcView or ArcGIS will display a palette from which the map
compositor can choose colors, styles, border widths, and other display parameters.
Assigning colors to map units of discrete data
While we do not prescribe specific color assignment for the various mapping
units BSWM produced, there are universally understood standard colors for physical
maps. Physical maps commonly use color most dramatically to show changes in ele‐
vation. A palette of greens is often used to display common elevations. Dark green
usually represents low‐lying land with lighter shades of green used for higher eleva‐
tions. In the higher elevations, physical maps will often use a palette of light brown to
dark brown to show higher elevations. Such maps will commonly use reds or white or
purples to represent the highest elevations on the map.
With such a map that uses shades of greens, browns, and the like, it is very
important to remember that the color does not represent the ground cover. For ex‐
ample, just because a desert is shown in green due to the low elevation, it doesn't
mean that the desert is lush with green crops. Likewise, the peaks of mountains
shown in white does not indicate that the mountains are capped in ice and snow all
year long.
On physical maps, blues are used for water, with darker blues used for the
deepest water and lighter blues used for more shallow water. For elevations below
sea level, a green‐grey or red or blue‐grey or some other color is used.
Road maps and other general use maps are often a jumble of color. They use
map colors in a variety of ways:
• Blue ‐ lakes, rivers, streams, oceans, reservoirs, highways, local borders
• Red ‐ major highways, roads, urban areas, airports, special interest sites, military
sites, place names, buildings, borders
• Yellow ‐ built‐up or urban areas
• Green ‐ parks, golf courses, reservations, forest, orchards, highways
• Brown ‐ deserts, historical sites, national parks, military reservations or bases, con‐
tour (elevation) lines
• Black ‐ roads, railroads, highways, bridges, place names, buildings, borders
• Purple ‐ highways, (also used on U.S.G.S. topographic maps to represent features
added to the map since the original survey)
As you can see, different maps can use colors in a variety of ways. It is impor‐
tant to look at the map key or map legend for the map you are using to become famil‐
iar with the color scheme.
The purpose of map coloring is to color a map so that regions sharing a com‐
mon border have different colors. The chromatic number is the minimum number of
colors necessary to color a map so that regions that have a common border have dif‐
ferent colors. Over time, many algorithms have been created for the purpose of map
coloring. Some were created upon mathematical proofs; some heuristic in nature,
others make use of random assignment. A planar graph is traditionally used where
none of the links between nodes intersect one another.
Some of the basic principles used in determining chromatic number are as fol‐
(1) Brook’s Theorem states that if v is the largest degree (or valence) of any
vertex in a connected graph, G, and G is not a complete graph nor a circuit of odd
length, then the chromatic number of G is less than or equal to v.
(2) In 5‐color algorithm, any node with less than 5 neighbours can be easily
colored due to the fact that its at most 4 neighbours could not possibly be using all the
colors available. Therefore, there is at least one unused color that node N could be
filled with. There is unfortunately, no one algorithm in map coloring that can deter‐
mine, given a planar graph, the maximum colors needed to optimally color it. How‐
ever, there are algorithms that can get closer.
Assigning map colors to map units of continuous data
Special maps called choropleth maps use map color to represent statistical
data or continuous data. The color schemes used by choropleth maps is different from
general maps in that the color represents data for a given area. Typically, a choropleth
map will color each mapping unit based on the data for that area.
Choropleth maps can also be used to show population, educational attain‐
ment, ethnicity, density, life expectancy, prevalence of a certain disease, and so much
more. When mapping certain percentages, cartographers who design choropleth map
will often use different shades of the same color, which produces a very nice visual
effect. For example, a map of county‐by‐county per capita income could use a range
of green from light green for lowest per‐capita income to dark green for highest per‐
capita income.
In GIS, one can play with the data values (called fields) in the attribute table
from which a corresponding color coded spatial data (choropleth map) is produced.
Playing with the attribute table data is not done in analog cartography because of the
time consumed in calculations. It is just a breeze in GIS. Normally, the first field is the
default and this prompts ArcView to automatically produce a colourful thematic map
in which each color indicates a
difference in value. The legend
editor has a selection box
“Normalize by:” which allows the
map compositor to divide the
values in the selected classifica‐
tion field by the values in the
field specified by “Normalize
by:”. By default, ArcView breaks
the features into five groups
based on the natural breaks by
statistical method. The map
compositor can change the num‐
ber of categories and the type
of statistical classification by
clicking on the “Classify . . . “
button. The map compositor
can choose “Equal Area”, “Equal
Interval”, “Natural Breaks”,
“Quantile”, and “Standard Devia‐
Opening the “Color Ramps:” menu bar, lets the map compositor to choose a
different set of colors than the default “Red monochromatic” ramp colors. If none of
the color ramps are suitable, the map compositor can change each color individually
by double‐clicking on the corresponding symbol. This will bring up a color and style
Of particular significance in some situations is the button marked with a
This button allows the map compositor to specify how to display null or dummy val‐
ues as well as avoid using these values in statistical calculations. In many instances,
cells for which data are not available are marked with a specific dummy value.
The map compositor can also round off numbers and change the way each
grouping is labelled in the map legend (into something like Low, Medium, High).
To be able to color maps in ArcView or ArcGIS, it is evident that the map
compositor needs to work with the attribute table. Since the map outputs could be
as many as there are fields in the attribute table, ISRIS staff have decided to dispense
with assigning color codes and leaves it to the map compositor or to the project
team members to decide on color assignments of mapping units.
Manual on Map Standards & Symbols for GIS. Colors for Thematic Mapping. Integrated Soil Resources
Information System. Bureau of Soils and Water Management (3): 105—110, 2009
The geodatabase (GDB) is the common data storage and management frame‐
work for ArcGIS. This is a container for spatial and attribute data. BSWM GIS data is
stored in a central location and in a uniform format for easy access and management.
ArcGIS has a comprehensive suite of data conversion tools to easily migrate existing
data into the geodatabase. The GDB is more extendable data model compared to
shapefiles and coverages. While these shapefiles and coverages are outstanding GIS
data storage formats and the most familiar to BSWM staff working on GIS data, they
do not take advantage of the latest data storage technologies. The geodatabase is
not just another spatial data format that can be used by ArcGIS users, it is considered
an integral part of the whole spatial data infrastructure system.
The figure below is extracted from the ESRI website (
news/arcnews/winter0809articles/the‐geodatabase.html) showing how GDB stores in
a central location and in a uniform format BSWM GIS data for easy access and man‐
The vector data is stored as thematic layers called feature classes. A feature
class is a collection of geographic features with the same geometry type such as point,
line, or polygon; the same attributes; and the same coordinate system. Feature
classes are grouped together within a feature dataset.
Raster data is stored as raster datasets; each raster image is stored as its own
thematic layer. Multiple rasters are grouped into a raster catalog, or if the rasters are
adjacent to each other, they are mosaicked into a single raster data set.
The table below shows the various kinds of spatial datasets that can be stored
in the geodatabase.
Guidelines for File and Folder Management
The BSWM GIS Data Folder Structure (Spatial Data Set E) is organized in such
a way that all those working on GIS data can retrieve and store datasets as needed. It
is accessible at Server 2 of the BSWM Local Area Network. (\\server02\\GIS Data‐
base). However, the final datasets cannot be edited and staff that would like to add
to the database can deposit their final data output at the UnSorted folder.
The file system of working (editable) spatial data can be accessed and stored,
which for purpose of data security and integrity cannot be divulged in this manual.
GIS staff will have to arrange with the Systems and Programming Section to access
these working spatial data files from their desktop.
The folder and sub‐folder structure of GIS Database is as follows:
Main Folder: GIS Database
Archives (back‐up of spatial data of completed projects)
Agricultural Profile
Geo Databases (current projects, updated spatial database)
Currently, this folder contains:
Currently, this folder contains:
CandonIlocos Sur
Valencia City
Currently this folder contains:
Currently, this folder contains:
Layer Files (this serves as back‐up of various project files arranged
according to thematic layer, not according to project):
Map Documents
Excel Files
This currently contains:
El Nino Vulnerability
Philippine super regions
Provincial codes
Valencia suitability
This currently contains:
PDF Maps (completed maps for public consumption)
Agriculture Atlas
Published Maps (thematic maps, not in PDF format)
Styles (commonly used set of symbols and map elements
used in map composting)
Templates (sample data and style files for use by map compositors
as example of professional‐grade maps)
UnSorted (incoming spatial data/completed projects yet to be archived)
The folder contents are dynamic and what is presented here are what could
be found at the time of the writing of this manual. The sub‐folder file names (in italic
bold), however, are permanent.
Guidelines for Naming of Files
Area or project name are most commonly used file names. Since an area has
several thematic layers, the name of the location is usually added with the map
(thematic layer) name to easily identify what the spatial data is all about. Map
(thematic layer) name alone (e.g.: soils) is acceptable provided all the spatial data are
in a singular folder that is named after the place or the project.
Project files should be organized in sub‐folders according to project site, espe‐
cially when there are several sites.
Year the spatial data was captured/edited is not required. However, SAFDZ
spatial data would need the year, the administrative feature code (e.g.: b is for baran‐
gay), the polyline version, and the feature geometry (e.g.: shp for shapefile) or the
project file in ArcView3, or the map document in ArcGIS when submitting the spatial
data to the Local Government Unit (LGU) co‐sponsoring the SAFDZ‐CLUP project.
Please refer to HLURB GIS Cookbook for the guideline.
All spatial datasets submitted should include data dictionary and metadata.
Please refer to the GIS Standards chapter for the parameters.
Data Sharing
Only processed thematic layers are shared with other government agencies,
and made available to private users at cost. Normally, a discount of 50 percent is
given to other government agencies and students as a matter of policy. A formal re‐
quest is needed. Please refer to the Catalogue of BSWM Products and Services for
data availability and the data costs.
Data Security
Irrespective of the value of the data set, but properly maintained spatial data
increases through the years. The archived data could be considered as part of the
daily operations and the value of these data could go beyond monetary considera‐
tions with time. It is therefore important to protect the GIS data from possible dam‐
ages. Back‐up is very important. Given a specific spatial data set, the following are
the redundant files:
1. The original spatial data set, to be submitted to ISRIS by every GIS staff
upon project completion for permanent archiving. Access is very limited. (Called Spa‐
tial Data Set A)
2. The original spatial data set back‐up. Access is very limited. (Called Spatial
Data Set B).
3. The original spatial data set, as produced by the GIS staff, normally resi‐
dent in the staff’s assigned desktop computer. Access is normally limited to the GIS
staff handling the project. (Called Spatial Data Set C). Normally, the staff backs‐it up
either in the main server, in a compact disk, in a laptop, or in another file. This is
called Spatial Data Set C1.
4. The working spatial dataset (Spatial Data Set C1 resident in the main
server, Server 2). Access is limited to GIS staff only. Please arrange with the Systems
and Programming Section to be able to access the main folder and store the spatial
data. This is called Spatial Data Set D.
5. The spatial dataset available to the BSWM staff with its sub‐folders pre‐
sented in this manual, resident in server 2 under the main folder “GIS Data‐
base” (\\server02\\GIS Database). This is called Spatial Data Set E. This is a very dy‐
namic folder and normally contains current working or just completed GIS files. Ar‐
chived files that BSWM staff want to be made available for their further processing or
reproduction can be requested to be made available here. Once the files are inactive,
the Systems and Programming staff would normally remove the file.
Manual on Map Standards & Symbols for GIS. GIS Mapping Standards. Juliet Manguerra and Rodelio
Carating. Bureau of Soils and Water Management (3): 111—125, 2009
The Inter‐Agency Task Force on Geographic Information (IATFGI) was created
on April 15, 1993 by virtue of NSCB Memorandum Order No. 01‐93 to promote and
coordinate the efficient development, management, and utilization of geographic
information in the country. The National Mapping and Resource Information Au‐
thority (NAMRIA) is the IATFGI Chair and NSCB is the Co‐chair. It has 36 active mem‐
ber agencies.
There is a Technical Working Group (TWG) on agriculture, environment, and
natural resources composed of the Department of Environment and Natural Re‐
sources (chair), Forest Management Bureau, Bureau of Soils and Water Manage‐
ment, Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau, Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
Seismology, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophytsical, and Astronomical Services Ad‐
ministration, Mines and Geo‐Sciences Bureau, and the National Statistical Coordina‐
tion Board. There is a separate TWG for land and surveys, for infrastructure and
utilities, for socio‐economics, and for research, training, and technology
The IATFGI functions are— (1) Review policies, directions, thrusts, programs
and projects related to the management of the Geographic Information System
(GIS); (2) Determine issues and problems affecting the development of GIS in the
country and recommend measures to enhance its development; (3) Recommend ap‐
propriate mechanism for coordinating various agencies involved in geographic infor‐
mation and their institutionalization; (4) Conduct inventory of geographic informa‐
tion holdings and projects; (5) Develop and recommend minimum standards for GIS
exchange and standard methodologies, concepts, definitions, for universal adoption
by all government agencies in the generation of geographic information; and (6) Cre‐
ate technical working groups as maybe needed for specific purposes.
A major and important activity is the formulation and standardization, as
well as recommendation and endorsement of guidelines, resolutions, and policies to
facilitate data exchange, processing, and integration; conduct of periodic inventory
on data holdings, development of GIS technology, and GIS projects.
Since this is only a task force, there are moves to replace and empower IAT‐
FGI as NAMRIA does not have the appropriate mandate and mechanisms for coordi‐
nation to geographic information sharing by various agencies. Two aspects being
looked into is empowering NAMRIA to be able to accommodate the IATFGI structure,
and amend the Executive Order which created the National Information Technology
Council to expand functions and membership.
At any rate, IATFGI has come up with guidelines on data sharing (1994), on
data classification (1995), and on map scales and map projections (1994).
Framework Data Sets for the Philippine National Geographic Information
Infrastructure (NGII) for Natural Environment
The framework data sets include for primary reference, administration, natu‐
ral environment, socio‐economic, and built environment. However, for purpose of
this article, we will detail only the data sets for the natural environment:
Theme Description F National Custodian
Earth’s land surface Vertical distance from the earth’s surface to a * NAMRIA
base defined by Philippine Height Datum
Technical Standards
A National Geographic Information Structure requires standards in the follow‐
ing areas: reference systems, data models, data dictionaries, data quality, data trans‐
fer, and metadata.
The International Standards Organization (ISO) established a committee struc‐
ture (ISO TC/211) for geographic information standardization as a new field of techni‐
cal activity. This ISO provides the framework for both international and national geo‐
graphic information standardization. Some of the works has been done by the IATFGI
and other countries in the development of standards.
Reference Systems
The geographic reference system, or geodetic datum, is a fundamental stan‐
dard to enable integration of geographic information. The availability of Global Posi‐
tioning System (GPS) technology has greatly improved geodetic knowledge at the na‐
tional, regional, and global levels, enabling computation of a precise geocentric datum.
Within a national geographic information infrastructure, the two key requirements are
for the fundamental datasets to be stored on a single accurate national reference sys‐
tem, and for the relationship between the national and geocentric reference systems
to be well defined.
The development and maintenance of a national geographic reference system,
in the era of satellite positioning system, requires a technological infrastructure of its
own. The core of this geodetic infrastructure is a “fiducial network” of GPS stations,
linked to the national and preferably also the regional and global geodetic systems. In
addition to the fundamental datasets, this geodetic infrastructure also supports the
geoscientific and navigational users of satellite positioning technology.
The NGII shall use the new Philippine Reference System (PRS) as its geographic
reference system making it compatible with modern satellite‐based positioning sys‐
tems. The Philippine Reference Systemn of 1992 is a is a homogeneous national net‐
work of geodetic control points (GCPs), marked by survey monuments or mojons (a
mark on land made by concrete wherein the latitude and longitude coordinates are
written for land survey use), that has been established using Global Positioning System
(GPS) technology. GPS is an all‐weather, high precision, global satellite positioning sys‐
tem that revolutionized navigation and surveying operations.
By virtue of EO 45 under the Ramos Administration, PRS92 became the stan‐
dard reference system for all surveying and mapping activities in the Philippines. The
order also mandated that all new surveys and maps shall be referred to the new net‐
work and all old surveys shall be integrated into it. Subsequently, it was amended by
EO 280 extending its full implementation by 2005. In order to complete the adoption
and integration of old surveys into the new system until year 2010, EO 321 was issued
by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. The NAMRIA, Lands Management Bureau,
and the DENR‐Regional Operations Committees are the primary agencies responsible
in executing the Order. DENR Administrative Order No. 2005‐13 provides the overall
guidelines in the implementation of the PRS92 program.
Data Models
A data model in geographic information systems is a mathematical construct
for representing geographic objects or surface as data. For example, the vector data
model represents geography as collection of points, lines, and polygons; the raster
data model represent geography as cell matrixes that store numeric values; and the
TIN data model represents geography as sets of contiguous, non‐overlapping trian‐
There are two levels to a data model standard—the conceptual data model
and the logical data model (or data structure). A third level, the physical data model
or file structure is implemented in the data transfer standard. The conceptual model
provides a schema for the representation of the real world in the form of geographic
information. The schema provides a semantic structure for the relationships be‐
tween the various datasets. The conceptual level is then mapped into one or more
logical datasets, which specify how the relationships are to be defined. This is the
level at which, for example, a topological or raster data structure would be specified.
For the purpose of this manual, we would like to share the ISO/ TC211 por‐
tion on Data Models (Reference: to enable BSWM GIS out‐
puts to be ISO‐compliant. The ISO /TC 211 Data Model Standards builds on the do‐
main reference model of ISO 19101. It provides a family of abstract conceptual sche‐
mas for describing the fundamental components of features as elements of geo‐
graphic information. ISO 19109 specifies a general feature model for integrating
these components into features and provides rules for doing so in an application
schema. ISO 19107 specifies UML classes for representing the spatial characteristics
of features as composites of geometric and/or topographical primitives. ISO 19108
does the same for the temporal characteristics of features and also specifies classes
for describing relevant temporal reference systems. ISO 19123 provides a schema for
an alternative representation of spatial information as coverage, in which non‐spatial
attributes are assigned directly to geometric objects rather than to features com‐
posed of such objects. ISO 19141 extends ISO 19107 to support the description of
moving geometric objects, but will not be discussed in this manual because we have
no moving geometric objects. This, however, should not prevent BSWM from con‐
ducting time series GIS type studies. ISO 19137 provides a profile of ISO 19197 that is
limited to describing features as simple geometric primitives of 0, 1, or 2 dimensions.
ISO 19109:2005 Geographic Information—Rules for Application Schema. An
application schema defines content and structure of data; and operations for ma‐
nipulating and processing data by an application. The purpose is to provide a computer
–readable data description defining the data structure, which makes it possible to apply
automated mechanisms for data management; and to achieve a common and correct
understanding of the data, by documenting the data content of the particular applica‐
tion field, thereby making it possible for unambiguously retrieve information from the
data. The International Standard does not standardize application schemas; it only de‐
fines rules for creating application schemas in a consistent manner (including consis‐
tent definition of features) to facilitate the acquiring, processing, analyzing, accessing,
presenting, and transferring of geographic data between different users, systems, and
An application schema is expressed in a conceptual schema language (CSL).
Clause 7 includes a General Feature Model (GFM) expressed in the Unified Modeling
Language (UML) that defines the concepts required to describe types of features. A
feature type definition maybe documented in feature catalogues. The GFM is a model
of the concepts required to classify a geographic view of the real world. UML has its
own model of concepts (metamodel). As both the GFM and the UML metamodel deal
with classification, the concepts are very similar; with one big difference. The concepts
in GFM establish a basis for the classification of features; whereas the UML metamodel
provides a basis for classification of any kind. Besides a name and a description, a fea‐
ture type is defined by its properties such as feature attributes, feature association
roles characterizing the feature type; and defined behaviour of the feature type. All
these are expressed as UML metaclasses in the GFM. Additional concepts are feature
associations between the feature type and itself or other feature types; generalization
and specialization relationships to other feature types; and constraints on the feature
ISO 19107:2003 Geographic Information—Spatial Schema. Vector data consists
of geometric and topological primitives used, separately or in combination, to con‐
struct objects that express the spatial characteristics of geographic features. The Inter‐
national Standard deals only with vector data.
In the model defined, spatial characteristics are described by one or more spa‐
tial attributes whose value is given by a geometric object (GM_Object) or a topological
object (TP_Object).
Geometry provides the means for the quantitative description, by means of
coordinates and mathematical functions, of the spatial characteristics of features, in‐
cluding dimension, position, size, shape, and orientation. Geometry is the only aspect
of the geographic information that changes when the information is transformed from
one geodetic reference system or coordinate system to another.
Topology deals with the characteristics of geometric figures that remain invari‐
ant if the space is deformed elastically and continuously. Topology is commonly used
to describe the connectivity of an n‐dimension graph, a property that is invariantly un‐
der continuous transformation of the graph. Computational topology provides infor‐
mation about the connectivity of geometric primitives that can be derived from the
underlying geometry.
Spatial operators are functions and procedures that use, query, create, mod‐
ify, or delete spatial objects. The International Standard defines the taxonomy of
these operators in order to create a standard for their definition and implementation.
The goals are to define operators unambiguously, so that diverse implementations can
be assured to yield comparable results within known limitations of accuracy and reso‐
lution; use these definitions to define a set of standard operations that will form the
basis of compliant systems and thus act as benchmark set for validation of compliance;
and define an operator algebra that will allow combinations of the base operators to
be used predictably in the query and manipulation of geographic data.
ISO 19123:2005 Geographic Information—Schema for Coverage Geometry and
Functions. The International Standard defines a conceptual schema for the spatial
characteristics of coverages. Coverages support mapping from a spatial, temporal, or
spatio‐temporal domain to feature attribute values where feature attribute types are
common to all geographic positions within the domain. A coverage domain consists of
a collection of direct positions in a coordinate space that may be defined in terms of
up to three spatial dimensions as well as temporal dimension. Coverages are the pre‐
vailing data structures in a number of application areas such as remote sensing, mete‐
orology, and mapping of bathymetry, elevation, soil, and vegetation.
Historically, geographic information has been treated in terms of two funda‐
mental types called vector data and raster data. Vector data deals with discrete phe‐
nomena, each of which is conceived of as a feature and represented by a set of one or
more geometric primitives (points, curves, surfaces or solids). Normally, a single fea‐
ture is associated with a single set of attribute values. Raster data, on the other hand,
deals with real‐world phenomena that vary continuously over space. It contains a set
of values, each associated with one of the elements in a regular array of points or cells.
It is associated with a method for interpolating values at spatial positions between the
points or within the cells.
A coverage is a feature that has multiple values for each attribute type, where
each direct position within the geometric representation of the feature has a single
value for each attribute type. A coverage is both a feature and a function. A coverage
may represent a single feature or a set of features.
A coverage domain is a set of geometric objects described in terms of direct
positions. It may be extended to all of the direct positions within the convex hull of
that set of geometric objects. The direct positions are associated with a spatial or
temporal coordinate reference system. The geometric objects may exhaustively parti‐
tion the domain, and thereby form a tessellation such as a grid or a TIN. Point sets and
other sets of non‐conterminous geometric objects do not form tessellations. Coverage
subtypes may be defined in terms of their domains.
The range of a coverage is a set of feature attribute values. It may be either a
finite or a transfinite set. Coverages often model many associated functions sharing
the same domain. Therefore, the value set is represented as a collection of records
with a common schema.
A discrete coverage has a domain that consists of a finite collection of geomet‐
ric objects and the direct positions contained in those geometric objects. A discrete
coverage maps each geometric object to a single record of feature attribute values.
The geometric object and its associated record form a geometry value pair. A discrete
object is thus a discrete or step function as opposed to a continuous coverage. A dis‐
crete coverage maybe represented as a collection of ordered pairs of independent and
dependent variables. Each independent variable is a geometric object and each de‐
pendent variable is a record of feature attribute values. A soil map is an example and
each soil mapping unit (the polygon) is a discrete coverage.
A continuous coverage has a domain that consists of a set of direct positions in
a coordinate space. A continuous coverage maps direct positions to value records. An
example is a coverage that maps direct positions in a watershed to their temperature
at noon today. Both the domain and the range may take an infinite number of differ‐
ent values. This continuous coverage would be associated with a discrete coverage
that holds the temperature values observed at a set of agromet stations.
A feature attribute value maybe of any data type. However, evaluation of a
continuous coverage is usually implemented by interpolation methods that can be ap‐
plied to numbers or vectors. Other data types are almost always associated with dis‐
crete coverages.
The coverage schema is organized into seven packages with inter‐package de‐
pendencies ‐ Coverage core, Discrete coverages, Thiessen polygon, Quadrilateral grid,
Hexagonal grid, TIN, Segmented curve. These are described in clauses 5 to 11.
ISO 19198:2002 Geographic Information—Temporal Schema. This Interna‐
tional Standard defines the standard concepts needed to describe the temporal charac‐
teristics of geographic information as they are abstracted from the real world. Tempo‐
ral characteristics of geographic information include feature attributes, feature opera‐
tions, feature associations, and metadata elements that take a value in the temporal
Temporal geometric and topological objects are used as values for the tempo‐
ral characteristics of features and data sets. TM‐Object is an abstract class that has two
sub‐classes. TM‐Primitive is an abstract class that represents a non‐decomposed ele‐
ment of geometry or topology of time. There are two sub‐classes of TM‐Primitive— a
TM_Geometric Primitive that provides information about temporal position and a
TM_Topological Primitive that provides information about connectivity in time. A TM‐
Complex is an aggregation of TM_Primitives.
The two geometric primitives in the temporal dimensions are the instant and
the period. These primitives are defined analytically in the case of time measured an
interval scale, and analogically in the case of time measured on an ordinal scale.
A topological primitive represents a single on‐decomposable element of topol‐
ogy and its relationships to other topological primitives within a topological complex.
The two topological primitives relevant for temporal information are the node which is
a 0‐dimensional, and the edge which is one‐dimensional. In the temporal schema,
these are represented by two sub‐classes of TM_Topological Primitive—the TM_Node
and the TM_Edge. When an application includes information about temporal position
as well as connectivity, a TM_Topological Primitive maybe associated with a
TM_Geometric Primitive of the same dimension.
A value in the time domain is a temporal position measured relative to a tem‐
poral reference system. ISO 8601 specifies the use of the Gregorian Calendar and 24‐
hour local or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for information interchange. This is
the primary temporal reference system for use with geographic information. A differ‐
ent temporal reference system may be appropriate for some applications of geo‐
graphic information.
ISO 19137:2007 Geographic Information—Core Profile of the Spatial Data.
This international standard defines a core profile of the spatial schema specified in ISO
19107 that specifies minimal set of geometric elements necessary for the efficient
creation of application schemata. The International Standard supports data types for
geometric primitives of 0, 1, and 2 dimensions. The International Standard is limited
to applications in which there is a 1:1 mapping between features and geometric primi‐
tives, all geometric primitives are referenced to a single coordinate reference system,
all curves are composed of line segments, and all surfaces are composed of planer fac‐
Data Dictionaries
Data Dictionary refers to a document containing information about series of
datasets. A Data Dictionary is a form of metadata or “data about the data”. Informa‐
tion found in a data dictionary typically are names of the data, information about the
attributes, and information about any relational tables to the spatial datasets.
The data dictionary is built on the conceptual data model. It provides stan‐
dard definitions for the spatial and attribute components of the fundamental data
sets. For example, the feature “road” may have a range of attributes such as class,
surface, and with; and the attribute “class” may have a range of values such as princi‐
pal, secondary, and minor. All these terms must be unambiguously defined in a data
dictionary to enable accurate interpretation and efficient integration of data in GIS
applications. Data dictionaries must be developed for each fundamental dataset and
cross‐referenced to ensure consistency.
As more and more data is produced, and the application and communication
technologies become more efficient, the lack of semantic standards such as data dic‐
tionaries has become a larger impediment to GIS success than the lack of tehnology‐
related standards such as data transfer.
The IATFGI is coordinating the development of data dictionaries. There are
groups currently working on data dictionaries for topography, cadastre, utilities,
streets, addresses, geosciences, etc. These groups are the IATFGI technical working
groups on land and surveys, socio‐economic, infrastructure and utilities, agriculture
and environment.
Sample BSWM data dictionary in table format:
Spatial Data Type: SOILS
Data Layer: Soil Map of Bulacan
Layer Name: SoilBUL1984
Description: Soil map at soil series level, 1:50,000
Source/Conversion Method Soil Map of Bulacan Province
14 map sheets including legend, 1984
Bureau of Soils, Ministry of Agriculture
Digitized on MO‐YR using ARCInfo
Data Generator: Soil Survey Division
Positional Accuracy
SMU_ID 30 C - Soil Series Name
D 5 N 2 Soil Depth
OM 5 N 2 Organic Matter
CEC 5 N 2 Cation Exch Cap
TX 30 C - Soil Texture
EC/FC 5 N - Erosion/Flooding Class
Maintenance/Data Update Data layer requires no maintenance (soils follow geologic
time). More detailed soil surveys in certain areas conducted
later on are not inputted but available as separate layers.
Other information No layer for soil sampling points (point data). Please refer to
soil survey reports for locations of typifying pedons.
Detailed soil info at farm level for JICA techno‐demo farm in
San Indefonso Bulacan, 1:20,000 (2004) available
Detailed soil map of San Ildefonso research station, 1:25,000
(1996) available
Detailed soil map of San Jose del Monte City 1:50,000 (2007)
ISO 19110:2005 Geographic Information—Methodology for Feature Catalogu‐
ing. This International Standard defines the methodology for developing catalogues
containing definitions of feature types and their property types including feature at‐
tributes, feature associations, and feature operations.
A feature catalogue presents the abstraction of reality represented in one or
more sets of geographic data as a defined classification of phenomena. The basic
level of classification in a feature catalogue is the feature type. A feature catalogue is
to be available in an electronic form for any set of geographic data that contains fea‐
tures. A feature catalogue may also comply with the specifications of this Interna‐
tional Standard independent of any existing set of geographic data. The feature cata‐
logue includes definitions and descriptions of all feature types contained in the data,
including any feature attributes and feature associations contained in the data, and
optionally including feature operations that are supported by the data. These should
be identified by a name that is unique within that feature catalogue. Definitions are
given in a natural language. Each feature type is identified by a name and may also
be identified by an alphanumeric code that is unique within that catalogue and it may
have a set of aliases.
Data Quality
Geographic data quality may be descriptive, prescriptive, or both. A descrip‐
tive standard is based on the concept of “truth in labelling”, requiring data producers
to report what is known about the quality of the data. This enables data users to
make an informed judgment about “fitness for purpose” of the data. A descriptive
data quality standard mahy require producers to provide information on the follow‐
ing five key characteristics: lineage, positional accuracy, attribute accuracy, logical
consistency, and completeness. A prescriptive standard would define quality pa‐
rameters for each characteristics, for a particular application.
Descriptive quality standards are being developed. A quality statement is a
key element in the metadata standard, because it enables potential users of data to
assess whether the data held is fit for the purpose to which they intend to use it.
However, for fundamental datasets, prescriptive standards maybe required and that
wide community consultation is required to determine those standards. Quality stan‐
dards shall be addressed in the community consultation on fundamental datasets.
ISO 19113:2002 Geographic Information—Quality Principles. The objective of
this International Standard is to provide principles for describing the quality for geo‐
graphic data and concepts for handling quality information for geographic data.
The purpose of describing data quality is to facilitate the quality of geo‐
graphic dataset best suited to application needs or requirements. Complete descrip‐
tion will encourage the sharing, interchange and use of appropriate geographic data‐
sets which can be viewed as a commodity or product.
The data of quality is described using two components—(1) data quality ele‐
ments and sub‐elements that describe how well a dataset meets the criteria in its
product specifications and provide quantitative quality information; and (2) data qual‐
ity overview elements providing general quality information.
The following are the data quality elements used to describe how well a data‐
set meets the criteria set forth in its product specifications: (1) completeness—
presence and absence of features, their attributes and relationships; (2) logical consis‐
tency—degree of adherence to logical rules of data structure, attribution, and rela‐
tionships; (3) positional accuracy; (4) temporal accuracy; and (5) thematic accuracy.
Additional data quality elements may be created to describe a component of the
quantitative quality of a dataset not addressed in the International Standards.
ISO 191114:2003 Geographic Information—Quality Evaluation Procedures.
This International Standard provides a framework of procedures for determining and
evaluating quality that is applicable to digital geographic datasets. Data producers
and data users may view data quality from different perspectives. Conformance qual‐
ity levels can be set using the data producer’s product specifications or a data user’s
quality requirements. The process of evaluating data quality is a sequence of steps to
produce and report a data quality result.
A data quality evaluation procedure is accomplished through the application
of one or more data quality evaluation methods which are divided into two main
classes—direct and indirect. Direct methods determine data quality through the com‐
parison of the data with internal or external reference information. Indirect methods
infer or estimate data quality using information on the data such as lineage.
Qualitative data results are reported as metadata in compliance with ISO
19115 which contains the related model and data dictionary.
ISO/TS 19138:2006 Geographic Information ‐ Data Quality Measures. This
technical specification defines a set of data quality measures for the data quality sub‐
elements identified in ISO 19113. Multiple measures are defined for each data quality
sub‐element, and the choice of which to use will depend on the type of data and its
intended purpose. The data quality measures are structured so that they can be main‐
tained in a register established in conformance with ISO 19135.
Data Transfer
Transfer standards provide an intermediate format for the transfer of data
between different computing environments. They comprise a set of rules for encod‐
ing data into fields, records, and files for transfer via a specified media. A data model
is a prerequisite to developing of the encoding rules. The intermediate nature of
transfer standards is an important characteristics—they are not intended to be prod‐
uct or database structures. Transfer standards are optimized to achieve effective
communication of all data and metadata, whereas product and database structures
maybe optimized for efficiency of storage, application, or maintenance.
The transfer standard provides a GIS vendor‐independent target for encoding
data for output, and for decoding data for input. Vendor independence enables pro‐
duction and application agencies to utilize whichever hardware and software systems
are the most cost effective for their needs, without compromising corporate govern‐
ment principles.
It is hoped that the ISO activity will result in an international geographic infor‐
mation transfer standard, which with government agencies and GIS vendor support,
will facilitate effective data communications within and between nations. The Philip‐
pines actively participate in the work of ISO TC/211 to ensure that any international
standard adopted is compatible with the Philippines.
The Philippines supports the adoption of the US Geographic Information
Transfer Standard (SDTS). From web site, STDS is a
robust way of transferring earth‐referenced data between dissimilar computer sys‐
tems with the potential for no information loss. It is a transfer standard that em‐
braces the philosophy of self‐contained transfers, i.e. spatial data, attribute, georefer‐
encing, data quality report, data dictionary, and other supporting metadata all in‐
cluded in the transfer.
The purpose of SDTS is to promote and facilitate the transfer of digital spatial
data between dissimilar computer systems while preserving information. Implemen‐
tation of SDTS is of significant interest to users and producers of digital spatial data
because of the potential for increased access to and sharing of spatial data, the re‐
duction of information loss in data exchange, the elimination of the duplication of
data acquisition, and the increase in the quality and integrity of spatial data. SDTS is
neutral, modular, growth‐oriented, extensible, and flexible‐‐all characteristics of an
"open systems" standard.
It has six components—logical specifications, spatial features, ISO 8211 en‐
coding, topological vector profile, raster profile, and point profile. To view each of
these standards, one can access
A metadata standard will specify how data is described in the national direc‐
tory and in data transfers. Characteristics to be described may include the data set
name, content, coverage, quality and structure, and information on access proce‐
dures and restrictions. The metadata standard can be viewed as a microcosm of the
other data standards, requiring (meta) data model, dictionary, quality and transfer
specifications of its own.
The BSWM supports the concept of a national directory of geographic infor‐
mation and it is incumbent to develop metadata in conformity with national and inter‐
national standards.
ISO 19115:2003 Geographic Information—Metadata. The objective of this
international standard is to provide a structure for describing digital geographic data.
The International Standard defines metadata elements, provides a schema, and estab‐
lishes a common set of metadata terminology, definitions, and extension procedures.
Metadata is applicable to independent datasets, aggregations of datasets, individual
geographic features, and the various classes of objects that compose a feature. Meta‐
data is composed of one or more Metadata Sections (UML Packages) containing one
or more Metadata Entities (UML classes). The International Standard defines an ex‐
tensive set of metadata elements; but typically only a subset of the full number of ele‐
ments is used. There is a list of core metadata elements required to identify a dataset,
for catalogue purposes; the list answers the following questions: “Does a dataset on a
Core metadata for geographic datasets:
Dataset title (M) Spatial representation type (O)
(MD_Metadata>MD_DataIdentification.citation> (MD_Metadata>
Cl_Citation.title) MD_DataIdentification.spatialRepresentationType)
Dataset reference date (M) Reference System (O)
(MD_Metadata>MD_DataIdentification.citation> (MD_Metadata > MD_ReferenceSystem)
Dataset responsible party (O) Lineage (O)
(MD_Metadata>MD_DataIdentification.pointOfContact> (MD_Metadata > DQ_DataQuality.lineage>Ll_Lineage)
Geographic location of the dataset (by four coordinates or On‐line resource (O)
by geographic identifier) ( C) (MD_Metadata > MD_Distribution >
(MD_Metadata>MD_DataIdentification.extent> EX_extent MD_DigitalTransferOption.onLine > Cl_OnlineResource)
> EX_GeographicExtent > EX_GeographicBoundingBox or
EX_Geographic Description)
Dataset language (M) Metadta file identifier (O)
(MD_Metadata > MD_DataIdentification.language) (MD_Metadata.fileIdentifier)
Dataset character set ( C) Metadata standard name (O)
(MD_Metadata > MD_DataIdentification.characterSet) (MD_Metadata.metadata.StandardName)
Dataset topic category (M) Metadata standard version (O)
(MD_Metadata >MD_DataIdentification.topic.Category) (MD_Metadata.metadata.StandardVersion)
Spatial resolution of the dataset (O) Metadata language ( C)
(MD_Metadata > MD_DataIdentification.spatialResolution> (MD_Metadata.language)
MD_Resolution.equivalentScale or MD_Resolution.distance
Abstract describing the dataset (M) Metadata character set (C )
(MD_Metadata > MD_DataIdentification.abstract) (MD_Metadata.characterSet)
Distribution format (O) Metadata point of contact (M)
(MD_Metadata > MD_Distribution > and ( > Cl_ResponsibleParty)
Additional extent information for the dataset Metadata date stamp (M)
(vertical and temporal) (O) (MD_Metadata.dateStamp)
(MD_Metadata > MD_DataIdentification.extent > EX_Extent
> EX_TemporalExtent or EX_VerticalExtent)
specific topic exist (what)?”; “for a specific place (where)?”; and “a point of contact to
learn more about or order the dataset (who)?”. Using the recommended optional
elements in addition to the mandatory elements will increase interoperability, allow‐
ing users to understand without ambiguity the geographic data and the related meta‐
data provided by either the producer or the distributor.
CLUP GIS Guidebook
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) GIS Guidebook was prepared by
the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) to assist the local government
units (LGUs) on the preparation of their development plans. Since BSWM is involved
in the updating of Strategic Agriculture and Fisheries Development Zones (SAFDZs)
under the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) for integration in the
CLUP, it is important for SAFDZ‐CLUP integration project staff to be aware of the
CLUP GIS Guidebook which is commonly referred to as the GIS Cookbook.
The GIS Cookbook is Volume 3 in the revised HLURB CLUP Guidelines portfo‐
lio and accordingly synchronized with Volumes 1 and 2. This is the product of the
various series of consultations and workshops held nationwide involving a multidisci‐
plinary cross‐section of potential users of the book, ranging from LGUs, the national
government agencies involved in planning, the academe, private individuals and insti‐
tutions involved in the planning profession. The various drafts have gone through
participative sessions after which comments and recommendations have been incor‐
porated whenever applicable and feasible.
The GIS Cookbook is available at the internet and the URL address is—http:// While this BSWM GIS map symbology manual focuses
on GIS application in soils, it is important for this manual users to browse through the
GIS Cookbook for comprehensive and state‐of‐the art GIS mapping standards as cur‐
rently practiced in the Philippines, especially by those in the development planning
sector. The soils section is Chapter 4.08.02 and basically discusses the procedures for
soil suitability assessment for urban land use based on slope, erosion, and stoniness
for which criteria have been set. The Cookbook pinpoints BSWM as the spatial data
custodian for the soils; but take note that this is for urban use and BSWM is under the
Department of Agriculture. Much of our available spatial database and evaluation
criteria employed are for agricultural use. Arrangements for in‐situ field survey may
have to be arranged with the LGU planners for more accurate data generation for
soils in the urban areas. The data analysis step assumes users are familiar with the‐
matic layering in GIS. A chapter disclaimer clarifies that this is first attempt and in‐
tended to be used hand‐in‐hand with Volumes 1 and 2. More updated versions are
expected to be released in the future. Nevertheless, SAFDZ‐CLUP integration project
staff should not miss this chapter when assessing urban expansion areas to be calcu‐
lated from allowable conversion percentages for areas under SAFDZs based on sur‐
veyed data.
Chapter 4.09.04 is the chapter on Land Management: Strategic Agriculture
and Fisheries Development Zones (SAFDZ). As in the soils chapter, this is also the first
version and subject to further refinements. The SAFDZ thematic layer is to be ac‐
quired from BSWM. SAFDZ is a subset of the Network of Protected Areas for Agricul‐
ture and Agro‐Industrial Development (NPAAAD) and the SAFDZ component of inter‐
est within the context of NPAAAD is a second thematic layer expected to be available
to GIS users at the LGU level. ALMED and ISRIS of BSWM were identified in the GIS
Cookbook as data custodians. NPAAAD are still considered prime agricultural lands
and this second layer can be used later in the risk and in the suitability analysis, where
any area declared as NPAAAD will be a constraint and hence should be excluded for
urban use. Since this GIS Cookbook is hinged on overall CLUP that includes Volumes 1
and 2, only areas delineated outside of NPAAAD would be available for urban develop‐
ment. Inside the NPAAAD, the data does not need thorough analyses. Section 10 of
RA 8435 requires LGU to integrate SAFDZ into their CLUP. To facilitate such undertak‐
ing, the GIS Cookbook identifies BSWM to provide the LGUs with the necessary techni‐
cal assistance. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is normally executed between
the municipality/city concerned and BSWM for technical assistance on SAFDZ integra‐
tion into the CLUP. Much of the spatial data requirement for SAFDZ is within the
BSWM mandate and covered by this BSWM manual on GIS symbology. The GIS Cook‐
book identifies only the spatial datasets required. Take note that the SAFDZ symbols
and map unit color codes are fixed in the GIS Cookbook and BSWM staff conducting
SAFDZ‐CLUP integration should adhere to the standards:
Spatial Data Symbols
1– Strategic Crop Sub‐Development Zone 165‐254‐164
2– Strategic Livestock Sub‐Development Zone 151‐71‐73
3—Strategic Fishery Sub‐Development Zone 0‐0‐255
4—Strategic Integrated Crop/Livestock Sub Development Zone 2‐219‐0
5—Strategic Integrated Cop/Fishery Sub‐Development Zone 1‐129‐0
6—Strategic Integrated Crop/Livestock/Fishery Sub‐Development Zone 254‐194‐194
7—Strategic Integrated Fishery and Livestock Sub‐Development Zone 186‐165‐0
8—Remaining NPAAAD 254‐248‐164
9—Agro‐Forestry Zone 254‐172‐0
10—Watershed/Forestry Zone 255‐0255
11—Built‐up Areas 165‐165‐165
R/L—River wash 164‐249‐254
EZ– Economic Zone
MR—Military Reservation 255‐0‐0
SD– Sand dunes/beach area
Manual on Map Standards & Symbols for GIS. References used in this manual. Bureau of Soils and Wa-
ter Management (3): 126, 2009
Ashley Galvin. 2008. Coloring In Between the Lines: Map coloring Algorithms.
Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. 2007. CLUP GIS Guidebook, Version 1.
Environmental Systems Research Institute. 1996. ArcView GIS.
Interagency Task Force on Geographic Information. October 2000. Philippines’
National Geographic Information Infrastructure Framework Plan, 2001‐
Land Trust GIS. Joint project of GreenInfo Network, San Francisco California and
Land Trust Alliance, Washington D.C., USA. 2008. Design a great map
Rosenberg, Matt. 2007.—Map colors.
Rosenberg, Matt. 2007.— Map reading basics. http://
United States Department of Agriculture—Natural Resource Conservation Service.
2003. Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Ninth Edition. Washington D.C. http://
United States Department of Agriculture—Natural Resource Conservation Service.
2006. Keys to Soil Taxonomy, Tenth Edition. Washington D.C. http://‐to‐Soil‐Taxonomy‐Tenth‐Edition‐2006
University of Texas at Austin, College of Liberal Arts, Department of Geography and
the Environment. 1999. Basic elements of map composition. http://