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Final Syllabus-RS&GIS

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Remote Sensing & Geographic Information

System (RS&GIS)

Post Graduate Course


September 2018

Centre for Space Science & Technology

Education in Asia and the Pacific (CSSTEAP)
(Affiliated to the United Nations)
IIRS, Campus
Dehradun, India


Page No.
1. Background 05
Vision 05
Centre & Campuses 06
Role of the Centre 06
Goals of the Centre 07
Organizational Structure 07
Administrative Body 07
Governing Board 07
Advisory Committee 07
Rationale of Educational Programmes 08
Educational Programmes 08
Award of Diploma/Degree 09
Admission Process 11
Course Announcement 12
Admission Requirements 12
Required Qualifications for Admission 12
Criteria for Selection of candidates for courses 13
Rules of Examination 14
Regulations for Post Graduate Course 15
- Requirement of attendance 15
- Examination Patterns 15
- Internal assessment & semester exam 15
- Calculation of SGPA 16
- Re-examination Rules 17
- Course Structure & Credits distribution 17
Course Syllabus 18
2. Syllabus for Semester-I (Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing) 20
Remote Sensing 22
Image Interpretation & Analysis 25
Photogrammetry 28
Geoinformatics 30
Recent trends in RS&GIS and Environmental assessment & monitoring 32
3. Syllabus for Semester-II (Agriculture & Soils) (Optional) 34
Land use & Soil resource management 36
Agri-informatics 40
Environmental Soil Science 43
Satellite agrometeorology 47
4. Syllabus for Semester-II (Forest ecosystem assessment & management) 51
Forest mapping & monitoring 52
Forest inventory 55
Forest informatics 57
Forest ecosystem analysis 59
5. Syllabus for Semester-II (Geosciences & Geo-hazards) (Optional) 61
Remote sensing for earth & planetary sciences 62
Data processing & analysis for Geosciences 66
Applied & tectonic geomorphology 69
Engineering Geology & groundwater 72
6. Syllabus for Semester-II (Urban & Regional Studies) (Optional) 76
Fundamentals of Urban & Regional Planning 77
Geospatial Technologies in Urban Area Analysis 79
Urban resources, services & facilities analysis 83
Advanced Urban and Regional Studies 86
7. Syllabus for Semester-II (Marine & Atmospheric Science) (Optional) 89
Remote Sensing Applications in the Coastal Processes and Marine Ecology 91
Atmosphere & Ocean Dynamics 93
Satellite Oceanography 94
Satellite Meteorology 95
8. Syllabus for Semester-II (Water Resources) (Optional) 96
Water resources assessment 98
Watershed analysis & planning 102
Water resources development 105
Water resources management 108
9. Syllabus for Semester-II (Satellite Image Analysis & Photogrammetry) 111
Remote Sensing – II 113
Image Processing-II 115
Digital Photogrammetry & Mapping 117
Surface generation techniques 120
10. Syllabus for Semester-II (Geoinformatics) (Optional) 122
Spatial database architectures & modeling 125
Programming in geodata modeling 126
Web GIS & geovisualization 128
Spatial data quality & geostatistics 130

Background and Objectives


The benefits of space technology have introduced new dimensions in the study and understanding of
earth’s processes and in improving the quality of life of people. All countries should have access to space
technology and must share the benefits as well. An essential pre-requisite to fruitfully use these
opportunities is to develop human skills to adopt and adapt the space technology for the societal benefits.
In recognition of this, a consensus has emerged in the international community that if effective
assimilation and appropriate application of space technology are to succeed in the developing countries,
devoted efforts must be made at local level, for the development of necessary high level knowledge and
expertise in space technology fields.

Recognizing this, the United Nations General Assembly resolution (45/72 of 11th December, 1990 and
50/27 of 6th December, 1995) endorsed the recommendation of Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space (COPUS) that regional centres for space science and technology education should be established on
the basis of affiliation to United Nations in developing countries. Under the auspices of the United
Nations through Office for Outer Space Affairs (UN-OOSA) prepared a project document (A/AC.
105/534) envisaging the establishment of Centres for Space Science &Technology Education in the
developing countries. The objective of the centres is to enhance the capabilities of the member states in
different areas of space science & technology that can advance their social and economic development.
The first of such centres, named as Centre for Space Science & Technology Education in Asia and the
Pacific (CSSTEAP) was established in India in November 1, 1995. Department of Space, Government of
India has made available appropriate facility and expertise to the Centre through the Indian Institute of
Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun, Space Applications Centre (SAC), Physical Research Laboratory
(PRL), Ahmedabad and ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bengaluru.

The centre is an educational and research institution that is capable of high attainments in the
development and transmission of knowledge in the fields of space science & technology. The initial
emphasis of the Centre has been in-depth educational programmes and application programmes, linkage
with the global programmes/databases, execution of pilot project, continuing education, awareness and
appraisal programmes. The Centre offers Post Graduate level courses in the fields of (a) Remote Sensing
and Geographic Information System (RS & GIS), (b) Satellite Communications (SATCOM), (c) Satellite
Meteorology and Global Climate (SATMET), (d) Space & Atmospheric Science.


Human resource development in the Asia-Pacific region may be achieved through academic excellence
which enables all learners to reach their individual potential. Strategies for developing of human
resources should be based on broad and long-term perspectives of the regional needs and resources
through capacity building. Space science and technology offers a wide range of innovative and cost
effective solutions for sustainable development of resources in the region. All levels of training are to be
considered for different sections such as technical specialists, data interpreters, professionals, researchers,

decision makers, project managers, etc. An essential pre-requisite to partaking in these opportunities is to
build various indigenous capacities for development and growth of technically and managerially
competent human network who can use various aspects of space science, technology and applications for
social and economic development of country.

The Centre is deemed to emerge as a nodal institution in the region which will focus, in addition to
education, on specific regional issues of development through close cooperation between the countries,
leading to integrated programme of space applications for regional development. It is hoped that in years
to come, no country in the region will have to look abroad for expertise in space science & technology
application, but will find them ready at home.

The Centre, as envisioned, is growing into an internationally acclaimed and reputed institution directly
addressing the advancement of knowledge in the ever-expanding field of space technology and
applications. The Centre is emerging as a nodal institution in the region which focuses on specific
regional issues of development through its multi-faceted programmes of education, research projects and
short-term training programmes. The Centre endeavors to adopt modern education concepts with the best
faculty drawn from the experts in the region, state-of-art facilities for hands-on applications training
advanced teaching tools and balanced theoretical and practical learning.

It is combined support and co-operation of the host country, the United Nations and the Governing Board
members that sets the Centre through into the 2000’s and makes it an international INSTITUTION OF

Centre and Campuses

The Centre’s headquarters is located at Dehradun, India and is situated in the campus of Indian Institute
of Remote Sensing, Indian Space Research Organisation, Department of Space, Government of India.
IIRS provides infrastructural support to the CSSTEAP headquarter office. The centre also has operational
offices of ISRO/DOS Centres at Ahmedabad in the campuses of Space Applications Centre (SAC),
Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) and ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bengaluru, Government of India.

To carry out all the educational programmes, CSSTEAP has arrangements with Indian Institute of
Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun for RS & GIS course; with Space Applications Centre (SAC),
Ahmedabad for SATCOM and SATMET courses; and Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad
for Space & Atmospheric science course. The RS & GIS PG course is conducted every year since 1996.
While SATCOM course is conducted every odd alternate year since 1997, SATMET & Space Science PG
courses are conducted every even alternate year since 1998. The centre also organizes theme-specific
short courses on Disaster Risk Reduction, Coastal Hazards, Microwave remote sensing, Hyperspectral
remote sensing, etc., at IIRS Dehradun; Navigation and Satellite Positioning at SAC Ahmedabad and on
Small Satellite Missions at IIRS, Dehradun and ISAC Bengaluru.

Role of the Centre

The Centre aspires to grow into a nodal organization in the region responsible for comprehensive capacity
building. The guiding principles of the Centre are as follows:

1. Developing indigenous capacity building at local level

2. Provision of technical advisory services in the region
3. Provision of information in space science & technology
4. Providing long-term fellowship programmes
5. Organisation of technology transfer programmes and
6. Promotion of greater cooperation in space science & technology between developed countries
and developing countries of Asia Pacific region, as well as amongst developing countries

Towards this, the Centre would engage itself in educational and training programmes, application
activities, research and pilot projects, data management, extension activities and awareness programmes.

Goals of the Centre

The issues in the Asia-Pacific region make it imperative to generate self-sustained and qualified human
resources. The goals of the centre are:

1. Increasing knowledge and understanding in Space science, technology and applications.

2. Building/Enhancing national and regional capacity.
3. Education, research and applications.
4. Socio-Economic development, regional co-operation, support to international programmes, etc.

Organizational Structure of CSSTEAP

Ten countries signed the agreement for the establishment of CSSTEAP during a meeting held on
November 1, 1995 at New Delhi. As of today, 15 countries have signed the agreement. In addition to
providing a formal UN affiliation to the Centre, UN-OOSA extends support in terms of expert advise,
technical assistance and relevant documentation.

The Government of India has concluded a host country agreement with the centre (March 1998) by which
it has accorded specific privileges and international status to the centre, similar to the privileges enjoyed
by UN specialized agencies. Under the host country agreement the centre also has access to facilities,
infrastructure and expertise of DOS institutions, including IIRS, SAC, PRL and ISAC. The Government
of India has brought out an official gazette notification in pursuance of the host country agreement.

Administrative Body of CSSTEAP

Governing Board

CSSTEAP is administered by an international Governing Board (GB) consisting of one representative

from each contracting party. The Governing Board is the principal policy making organ of the Centre.
The Governing Board elects one of the members as Chairman of the GB. Any other country, international
organization or funding agency which has concluded a cooperation agreement with the Centre shall be

invited to the meetings of the Governing Board in the capacity of observers. Currently representatives of
UN-OOSA Vienna (Austria) and the International Institute for Geoinformation Science and Earth
Observation (ITC), in Enschede, Twente University, Twente, The Netherlands are observers. Director of
the Centre acts as secretary to GB. The Governing Board decides the policy of the Centre, approves its
long range plans and annual programmes and the budget. GB determines the functions and composition of
the Advisory Committee.

Advisory Committee

The technical activities of the centre are guided by an Advisory Committee (AC) consisting of
international subject experts. Members of the Advisory Committee are nominated by the Governing
Board and serve for such a period as may be determined by the Governing Board. AC is chaired by the
representative of UN-OOSA and reviews all technical aspects such as curriculum, technical facilities,
future directions, etc.

Rationale of Educational Programmes

The major objective of the Centre is to create awareness regarding the potential of space science,
technology and applications for the solution of the environmental and natural resources related problems,
and to establish and strengthen national capabilities in space science technology and applications through
education, training, application programmes and regional cooperation.

Educational Programmes

The educational programme of the centre is oriented towards the dissemination of knowledge in relevant
aspects of space science and technology. The centre offers post graduate level courses in the areas of
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, Satellite Communications, Satellite Meteorology
and Global Climate, Space and Atmospheric Science. These courses are carried out at various centres of
ISRO/DOS. A set of standard curricula developed by the United Nations is adapted for the educational
programmes. The centre also organizes short-term workshops and awareness programmes in the above
mentioned disciplines. The centre is affiliated to the United Nations and its educational programmes are
recognized by Andhra University, India. A board of studies has been set up for each course that reviews
the performance and suggests modifications if found necessary for the future courses taking into account
of the faculty and students feedback and the advancement in the subject.

A set of standard curricula and course syllabus developed by the United Nations is adopted for the
educational programmes and revised time to time. The Centre is affiliated to the United Nations and its
educational programmes are recognized by Andhra University, India.

The post graduate courses are organized in two phases. The Phase-I is conducted in India for 9 months. It
consists of core modules where the emphasis is on the development and enhancement of knowledge and
skills through classroom lectures, tutorials, seminars and hands on experiments/practicals. The
performance of the candidates is periodically assessed through oral, written and practical examinations.
This is followed by pilot projects, giving practical training towards how the skills gained can be used for

solving problems by applying input from space as one of the information content. At the end of this Phase
successful candidates are awarded post graduate diploma by the centre.

During Phase-II, each eligible student as per the criteria of Andhra University on return is expected to
carry out an approved project in his or her home country for a period of one year. The project is
formulated jointly by the scholar, his/her advisor of the sponsoring organization and an advisor from
CSSTEAP in an area relevant to the development of their country. This gives an opportunity to the
scholar to apply their knowledge and training received to tackle a ‘real life’ problem, where space science
input can be used. These scholars, whose academic qualifications satisfy Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam, India norms can submit a thesis based on their research work for the award of Master of
Technology (M.Tech.) degree.

Award of Diploma/Degree

The structure of the programme is given in Fig. 1. In all the above mentioned programmes after the
completion of the Phase-I study i.e. nine-month course, the participants will be awarded Post Graduate
Diploma. If the eligible participant is able to complete Phase-II project work satisfactorily i.e., research
project in home country within four years, the work can be submitted to the Andhra University (India) for
the award of M. Tech. degree.

P.G. Diploma & M. Tech. Degree in

Remote Sensing & Geographic Information System

Semester-I Semester-II Semester-III & IV

Module-IA Module-II Module-III Project Work

& IB
(2 Months) (3 Months) (12 months)
(4 Months)
Pilot Project [in home
500 hrs. 300 hrs.
400hrs. country]

P. G. Diploma

M. Tech. Degree

Fig. 1 Structure of Educational Programme of CSSTEAP

Since 2004, a few meritorious post graduate students are awarded fellowship to complete their one year
research work at CSSTEAP, India. Those who fail to clear the examinations will be given Certificate
of Attendance. Module-wise number of examination conducted is given below:

Module-I: (Compulsory) con sists of 5 Theory papers + 5 Practical papers

Module-II: (Optional streams) consists of 4 Theory papers + 4 Practical papers

Module-III: (Compulsory) consists of Pilot Project

Besides the post graduate level courses, the centre also conducts short courses (4 to 6 weeks) on specific
themes in the four areas, highlighting how space inputs can be used for national development. Centre has
also plans to support research programme leading to Ph.D. degree. Currently CSSTEAP is extending
facility for carrying out Ph.D. degree research work to its alumnus in the centre for short duration.

Admission Process

Course Announcement

RS&GIS course begins every year on 1st of July. The announcement through course brochures or website
(www.cssteap.org) is made during October-November every year. However, in view of the delays in
clearances at different levels, candidates may apply anytime during the year, same will be considered for
upcoming academic course.

Admission Requirements

The Candidates from Asia and the Pacific region only need to apply. All the candidates need to be
sponsored (i.e. endorsed) by recognized institutions (e.g. ministries or universities in their respective
countries). Sponsoring institution/ authority should ensure that on return, the scholar will be allowed to
apply newly acquired knowledge and skills in the respective countries. Sponsoring organizations cannot
withdraw nomination without valid reason or after having joined the course. Figure-2 shows the
pProcedure for submission and forwarding the application

The duly filled application form need to be submitted through the CSSTEAP Governing Board member to
the Indian Embassy/ Indian High Commission in their country. However, the applicants from non-
Governing Board Member countries need to submit complete application forms to the centre through the
Embassy/ High Commission of the respective country in New Delhi, India. The application should be
completed in all respects and accompanied by attested and/or certified copies of all the certificates
(School, Bachelor and Master, TOEFL, English Proficiency, etc.). Wherever these certificates are issued
in a language other than English, the same may be translated in English and certified by the Head of the
organization or provide English transcription of all such documents. However, an advance copy may be
forwarded at CSSTEAP Hqrs. for advance action and follow-up.

Candidate Application

Sponsorer (Government, Universities,

recognized Institutes)/ Governing Board

Indian High Commission/ High Commission/ Embassy of

Embassy in Respective Country Respective Country in India


Fig. 2 Procedure for submission and forwarding the application

Required Qualifications for Admission

Master’s degree in science or Bachelor’s degree in engineering, Information Technology; Geoinformatics,

Geoinformation Engineering or equivalent qualification relevant in the field of study with at least 5 years
of experience in teaching/research or professional experience in the field of RS&GIS technology, natural
resources or environment, e.g. agriculture, soils, forestry, ecology, geosciences, water resources, human
settlement, land use planning, oceanography, environmental analysis, etc.

Criteria for selection of Candidates for RS&GIS Post Graduate Course

The centre selects the candidates through a well laid procedure, which includes satisfying academic
eligibility, proficiency in English language, funding/forwarding by sponsoring authority/ organization,
country representation etc. Preference in selection is given to female and those candidates whose
expenses are borne by the candidate/ sponsoring agency.

Criteria for selection of Candidates for M. Tech. (Phase II)

As per Andhra University norms, a total of 16 years of education is compulsory to be eligible for M.
Tech. admission. The execution of a one year project work in their respective countries is the beginning
of this process and it is assumed that sponsoring authority will facilitate one year project work in the
home country. However, the centre provides long distance technical guidance. A limited number of short-
term and long-term fellowships may be made available to meritorious participants to complete Phase II
research work in India.

Rules of Examination

Regulations for Post Graduate Course
Requirement of Attendance

A regular course of study during the course duration means a minimum attendance of 90% of all the
subjects computed by totaling the number of periods conducted over the semester. However, in special
cases and if sufficient causes are shown, Director, CSSTEAP may condone the deficiency in the
average attendance to an extent of 10% for reasons such as ill-health or any other eventualities, and the
application for condonation is submitted at the time of actual illness and is supported by certificate of
Authorized Medical Officer (AMO).

The criteria for promotion from semester-I to semester-II and to the subsequent semesters is based on
the requisite attendance put up by the candidate. A candidate, who fails to satisfy the required
attendance, shall not be allowed for the Semester End Examination and shall not be allowed for
promotion to the next semester of study.

Examination Pattern

Written examinations will be held during the framework of first two semesters. There will be two
examinations: internal assessment and semester end examination (external).

Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinations

Assessment of each paper and related practical is of 100 marks. Out of which 30 marks are for
internal assessment and 70 marks are for external assessment. The internal assessment will have 30
marks each for theory and 30 marks for practical. The marks for the internal evaluation shall be
awarded based on the internal assessment through assignments (written and/or computer based),
tutorial, seminars, quiz, etc. At the end of each semester there will be external examination of three
hours duration each for theory and practical of 70 marks each.
Detail break-up for marks in each Semester

1. Theory maximum marks = 100 marks

Internal Assessment = 30 marks
Semester End examination = 70 marks

2. Practical maximum marks = 100 marks

Internal Assessment = 30 marks
Semester End examination = 70 marks

As per Andhra University rules minimum pass mark for each theory and practical paper is 40% and
50 % respectively in each practical subject. E.g. Candidates shall be required to obtain a minimum of
28 (40%) marks out of 70 in the semester-end examination. However, to pass the exam the candidate
must have overall marks of >= 50% (Theory & Practical put together).

The marks obtained in each paper will be converted to grades on a 10 point scale and a Semester
Grade Point Average (SGPA) is calculated and subsequently to cumulative grade point average
(CGPA). The Grade Card with grades in individual subjects, SGPA and CGPA is awarded at the
end of the course. At the end of each semester, SGPA with grades in individual subjects will be
notified for all the students together as and when two-tier evaluation by the internal and external
examiners are ready. Table-1 provides the grades and grade point details.

Table-1: Grades and Grade Point Details

Calculation of SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) & CGPA ()

Calculation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)

SGPA = Σ(Grade Points X Subject Credit Points) / Total Available Subject Credits in

Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

CGPA = Σ (SGPA Sem-I X Total Available Subject Credits Sem-I) + (SGPA Sem-II X Total
Available Subject Credits Sem-II)/ Total Available Subject Credits Sem-I+ Sem-II

A candidate shall be declared to have passed in a subject / Paper, if the candidate secures a minimum of
‘C’ Grade in theory examination and a minimum of ‘C’ Grade in practical examination / Project / viva-
voce. This includes tutorial / assignments wherever applicable. Further, a student has to secure a
minimum of 5.0 SGPA for a pass in each semester in case of P.G. Diploma. Further, a student will be
permitted to choose any paper(s) to appear for improvement in case the student fails to secure the
minimum prescribed SGPA/CGPA to enable the student to pass at the end of any semester examination.

Pass/fail shall not be indicated in the marks statement against each individual paper. A student will
be declared to have passed in a course if he/she secures 5.0 CGPA. CGPA will be calculated from
Semester -I onwards up to the final semester. Further, classification of successful students is based
on CGPA is as follows:

1. First Class with Distinction (CGPA 7.0 or more and cleared all exam. in first attempt).
2. First Class (CGPA 6.0 to 6.9 or more than 7.0 and failed in any subject)
3. Pass (CGPA 5.0 to 5.9)

CGPA multiplied by “10” gives aggregate percentage of marks obtained by a candidate.

Re-examination Rules

In case a student fails in first attempt he/she can re-sit only once. Any change in the norms of
evaluation will be jointly modified by the authorities of CSSTEAP & AU. Summary of maximum
marks and credits in different semester is given in Figure 3.

Examination Pattern of M. Tech. Degree

Semester-I Semester-II Semester-III & IV

(Project Work)

Module-I Module-II Module-III 1 year

(1000) (800) (200) project
Marks Marks Marks

Credit 30 Credit 24 Credit 22 Recommended/ not


Post Graduate Diploma M. Tech.

Fig. 3: Examination Pattern Semester-I, II, III & IV

Total credits for theory and practical in Module I, II & II are 76 (Table-2). Since Semester III and
Semester IV is purely project work oriented and has no written examination (internal and /or external),
therefore, instead of credits, recommended/ not recommended is given.
Course Structure and Credit Distribution
Number of papers per module and credits for each paper (theory as well as practical) for Post Graduate
course are shown in Table-2.

Table-2: Course Structure and Credit Distribution
Semester/ Duration Paper Max. Marks M. Tech.
Module Credits
Semester –I
Module 1 4 months Paper 1 100(Th.)+100(P) 4+ 2
Paper 2 100(Th.)+100(P) 4+ 2
Paper 3 100(Th.)+100(P) 4+ 2
Paper 4 100(Th.)+100(P) 4+ 2
Paper 5 100(Th.)+100(P) 4+ 2
Post Graduate Diploma

Total 1000 30
Semester –II
Module 2 2 months Paper 1 100(Th.)+100(P) 4+2
Paper 2 100(Th.)+100(P) 4+2
Paper 3 100(Th.)+100(P) 4+2
Paper 4 100(Th.)+100(P) 4+2
Total 800 24
Module 3 3 months Pilot Project 22
Total 200 22
Semester-III 1 year Project Work Recommended/
M. Tech.

& not Recommended

Total 2000 76

Course Syllabus
The syllabus is based on IIRS Post-Graduate Diploma course. The brief course syllabus has been
presented in the following tables. The contents of the Semester-I have been covered in Module-1 viz.
basics of remote sensing, photogrammetry, image interpretation, advanced topics on remote sensing
and geographical information system and GPS etc. Duration of Semester-I is four months. The
Semester-II covers the different specialized themes that are being taught in IIRS. The Semester-II

consists of two modules: Module-2 and Module-3. The duration of Module-2 is two months and it
covers the theory and practical aspects of each specialized discipline. The specialized themes are:

1. Agriculture & Solis

2. Forest Ecosystem Assessment and Management
3. Geosciences & Geo-hazards
4. Urban and Regional Analysis
5. Marine and Atmospheric Science
6. Water Resources
7. Satellite Image Analysis & Photogrammetry
8. Geo-informatics

Module-3 of Semester II is of 3 months duration which covers the pilot project work and is taken up by
individual candidate under the supervision of a guide from IIRS.

Syllabus for Semester-I
Photogrammetry & Remote

Module - I

1.0 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing & GIS

Code Subjects Code Lectures* Practical Total
(L) Lab + Field
Assign. Work

1.1 Remote Sensing RS 25 40 10 75

1.2 Image Interpretation & IA 25 40 10 75


1.3 Photogrammetry PG 25 40 10 75

1.4 Geoinformatics GE 25 40 10 75


1.5 Recent Trends in RS and RE 40 60 - 100

GIS & Environmental
Assessment and
Total 140 220 40 400

*Includes guest lectures & tutorials

Module – 1A
1.1 Remote Sensing
(Lecture – 25; Practical + Tutorial – 40; Field Work – 10; Total –75 hrs.)


Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Physics of Remote  Definition and Overview of Remote Sensing and Remote Sensing
Sensing Systems
 Electromagnetic Radiation, Terms and Definitions, Laws of Radiation,
EM Spectrum, Sources of EMR
 Interaction between EM Radiation and matter, Reflection, Absorption
and Transmission
 Interactions between EM Radiation and Atmosphere, Atmospheric
2 Spectral Signature,  Spectral Signatures for common LULC features, e.g., Water, Soil,
In-situ measurements Vegetation and Snow
and Visual image  Instruments for ground truth data collection (e.g., instatherm,
interpretation spectroradiometers, etc.)
 Principles of visual Interpretation of aerial photos and satellite imagery
 Recognition Elements and Interpretation keys for Visual Interpretation
 Interpretation of Multispectral Imagery and High resolution data
3 Platforms & Sensors  Remote Sensing Systems - Active and Passive Systems, Imaging and Non
Imaging Systems, Concept of Resolutions in RS - Spatial, Spectral,
Radiometric and Temporal
 Orbits and Platforms for Earth Observation
 Earth Observation Satellites for land, ocean & atmosphere (global and
Indian) (e.g., Resourcesat, Oceansat, INSAT, Sentinel, MODIS etc.), high
resolution sensors and sensors for Stereo Data (Worldview, CARTOSAT,
etc.) and their characteristics
 Satellite Imaging modes
4 Remote Sensing Data  Radiometric, geometric and atmospheric errors; Image Quality
Errors, Data Products  Data Reception, Types of Data Products (e.g., Spectral Indices,
and their sources Orthoproducts, Pan Sharpened Products, etc.)
 Sources of RS data- Global and Indian
5 Principles of Thermal &  Principles of Thermal Remote Sensing & its applications
Microwave Remote  Interpretation of Thermal Imagery
Sensing  Principles of Microwave Remote Sensing & its applications
 Interpretation of SAR Imagery

Practical (Lab + Field)

Practical No. Description

EX. RS 1 Study of spectral and image characteristics of optical data for identification /characterization
of major landcover features

EX. RS 2 Spectra collection using ground based spectro-radiometer

EX. RS 3 Identification of Features on single vertical aerial photograph

EX. RS 4 Study of given area in B/W, B/W IR, Colour IR Imagery

EX. RS 5 Study of Satellite imagery (B/W) in different bands and visual interpretation

EX. RS 6 Interpretation of cultural details from High resolution Satellite image data (IKONOS)

EX. RS 7 Referencing Scheme and Browsing of Satellite data

EX. RS 8 Interpretation of land cover detail from satellite imagery

EX. RS 9 Interpretation of Thermal Image for land cover identification

EX. RS 10 Interpretation of SAR image for land cover identification

Suggested Readings

1. Lillesand Thomas M. & Kiefer Ralph: Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation Third Edition
John Wiley
2. Campbell John B.: Introduction to Remote Sensing Taylor & Francis
3. Floyd F. Sabins : Remote Sensing and Principles and Image Interpretation
4. Manual of Remote Sensing: American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
5. George Joseph: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing; Universities Press India Pvt Ltd,
6. Editors:John D. Bossler; John R. Jensen; Robert B. McMaster; Chris Rizos, 2001. Manual of
Geospatial Science and Technology, November 2001, Vol 1 Part 1and II.
7. Paul M. Mather, 1999. Computer Processing of Remotely sensed Images: An Introduction. John

Journal Articles

1. Dozier J 1984 Snow reflectance from Landsat-4 Thematic Mapper; IEEE Transactions on
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, GE-22 (3) 323{328

2. Dozier J 1985 Spectral signature of snow in visible and near- infrared wavelengths; In:
Proceedings of the Third Inter-national Colloquium on Spectral Signatures of Objects in Remote
Sensing, ESA SP-247, pp. 437{442, Les Arcs, France, Dec 16{20)
3. George Joseph, 1996: Imaging Sensors for Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing Reviews, vol 13
4. Gyanesh Chander, Member, IEEE, Michael J. Coan, and Pasquale L. Scaramuzza, 2008.
Evaluation and Comparison of the IRS P6 with Landsat sensor. IEEE Transactions on
Geosciences and Remote Sensing, Vol. 46, No. 1, January 2008.
5. John D. Bossler; John R. Jensen; Robert B. McMaster; Chris Rizos, (Editors), 2001.
Photogrammetric and remote sensing considerations; Chapter 16, Manual of Geospatial Science
and Technology, Vol 1 Part 4 Pages 233 – 252
6. John D. Bossler; John R. Jensen; Robert B. McMaster; Chris Rizos (Editors), 2001.The remote
sensing process: how do we collect the required in situ and remotely sensed data? Chapter 17,
Manual of Geospatial Science and Technology, November 2001, Vol 1 Part 4 Pages 253 – 275K.
7. Kasturirangan, 1985. The evolution of satellite-based remote-sensing capabilities in India,
International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 6, Issue 3, 1985, Pages 387 – 400
8. T. W. Foresman; T. B. Serpi, 1999. Mandate for Remote Sensing Education and the Remote
Sensing Core Curriculum Geocarto International, Volume 14, Issue 2, 1999, Pages 81 – 85
9. T Toutin,. Review article: Geometric processing of remote sensing images: models, algorithms
and methods International. Journal of Remote Sensing, 20 May, 2004, Vol. 25, No. 10, 1893–
10. U.R. Rao; S. Chandrashekar, 1986. An international regime for remote sensing-problems and
prospects. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 7, Issue 1, 1986, Pages 3 – 18


1. http://www.itc.nl/~bakker/rs.html
2. www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/resource/tutor/fundam/index_e.php
3. rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/
4. http://www.r-s-c-c.org/rscc/v1m1.html
5. www.isprs.org
6. www.spaceimaging.com
7. www.landsat.usgs.gov
8. www.spotimage.fr
9. www.nrsc.gov.in
10. IRS 1C handbook: http://www.euromap.de/docs/doc_013.html
11. IRS P6 Users handbook.
12. asterweb.jpl.nasa.gov

1.2 Image Interpretation and Analysis
(Lecture – 25; Practical + Tutorial – 40; Field Work – 10; Total –75 hrs.)


Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Statistics for Image  Introductory Statistics: Histogram, Measures of Central tendency,
Processing Correlation, Regression, Variance-Covariance
2 Image Pre-  Image Processing Systems- Open Source & Commercial Tools
processing  Fundamentals of Image Display & Data Formats
 Fundamentals of Pre-processing- Radiometric correction: DN to TOA,
Image Rectification and Registration
3 Image  Image Enhancement Techniques- Linear & Non Linear Contrast
Enhancement Enhancement
 Filtering - Low Pass, High Pass and Edge Enhancement, Non Linear
4 Image Transforms  Spectral Indices (e.g., for vegetation, water, soil, snow, etc.)
& Fusion  Image Transformations: IHS, PCA
 Image Fusion Techniques
5 Image  Principles of Image Classification
Classification  Land cover classification schemes
 Feature Selection & Separability Analysis
 Unsupervised & Supervised classification
 Classification Accuracy

Practical (Lab + Field)

Practical No. Description

EX. IA 1 Familiarization with image Processing system, Importing data into software’s format,
Creating subset image, Loading image data and display, Display of Histograms

EX. IA 2 Radiometric correction

EX. IA 3 Image Registration - Image to Map, Image to Image, Image to user coordinates
EX. IA 4 Image enhancement techniques: Contrast Enhancement, Density Slicing and Transfer
EX. IA 5 Filtering: High Pass, Low Pass, Edge Enhancement
EX. IA 6 Principal Component Analysis, Spectral Indices
EX. IA 7 Image Fusion
EX. IA 8A &8B Image classification techniques - unsupervised and supervised
EX. IA 9 Ground data collection for training sets in Image processing system for
classification of image (FIELD EXERCISE)
EX. IA 10 Accuracy Assessment

Suggested Readings


1. Jensen John R. Introduction to Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective Prentice
hall, New Jersey
2. Richards John A& Xiuping Xia, 2006. Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis: An Introduction.
3. Lillesand Thomas M. & Kiefer Ralph: Remote Sensing Image Interpretation John Wiley and Sons,
New York
4. Campbell John B. Introduction to Remote Sensing, Taylor & Francis, London
5. Sabins Floyd. F: Remote Sensing and Principles of Image Interpretation, W H Freeman, New York
6. Manual of Remote Sensing: American Society of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry, Virginia,
7. Gonzalez Rafael C and Woods Richard E.: Digital Image Processing Addison Wesley, New York
8. Pratt William K.: Digital Image Processing, John Wiley and Sons, New York
9. Jain Anil K. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey:
10. Pohl Christine: 1996 Geometric Aspects of Multisensor Image Fusion for Topographical Map
updating in humid Tropics: ITC Publication, Enschede

Journal Articles:

1. Govil S.K, Kumar Minakshi. 2005. Accuracy evaluation of Different rectification methods for aerial
photographs, Map India
2. Huete, A. R. (1988)'A soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI)', Remote Sensing of Environment, 25,
3. Kaufman, Y. J. and D. Tanre (1992) 'Atmospherically resistant vegetation index (ARVI) for EOS-
MODIS', in 'Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. and Remote Sensing Symp. '92, IEEE, New York, 261-270.
4. Mondal, S., Kumar, Minakshi,et. al, (2004). Land use / Land cover assessment and its spatio-
temporal dynamics using multi-temporal satellite images in the southern parts of lower Garhwal
Himalayas, Proc. National Seminar on ‘Role of Geoinformatics in decentralized planning for better
governance’, Dept. Of Remote Sensing, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, October 7-8,
5. Myneni, R. B., F. G. Hall, P.J. Sellers, and A.L. Marshak (1995) 'The interpretation of spectral
vegetation indexes', IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 33, 481-486.
6. Prince, S. 1991, Satellite Remote Sensing of Primary Production: Comparison of Results for Sahelian
Grassland 1981-1988-Special Issue - Coarse Resolution Remote Sensing of Sahelian Environment.
International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol. 12, pp. 1301-1311.
7. Richardson, A. J. and C. L. Wiegand (1977) 'Distinguishing vegetation from soil background
information', Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 43, 1541-1552.
8. Sellers, P. J. (1985) 'Canopy reflectance, photosynthesis, and transpiration', International Journal of
Remote Sensing, 6, 1335-1372.
9. Tucker, C.J. (1979) 'Red and Photographic Infrared Linear Combinations for Monitoring Vegetation',
Remote Sensing of Environment, 8(2), 127-150.
10. Holben, B. N. (1986)'Characteristics of Maximum-Value Composite Images from Temporal AVHRR
Data', International Journal of Remote Sensing, 7(11), 1417-1434.
11. Tucker, C.J., Townshend, J.R.G., and Goff, T.E. (1985) African Landcover Classification using
Satellite Data. Science. Vol. 227, pp. 369-375.
12. Unganai, L. S., and Kogan, F. N. (1998) Drought Monitoring and Corn Yield Estimation in Southern
Africa from AVHRR data. Remote Sensing of Environment. Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 219-232.


1. www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/resource/tutor/fundam/index_e.php
2. http://www.r-s-c-c.org/rscc/v1m1.html
3. A comparative assessment of classification methods http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=873866
4. Classification Techniques in Pattern Recognition
5. http://wscg.zcu.cz/wscg2005/Papers_2005/Poster/K43-full.pdf
6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NDVI
7. Manipulation of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for Delineating Drought
Vulnerable Areas http://www.gisdevelopment.net/application/natural_hazards/drought/nhdr0005.htm
8. http://www.csc.noaa.gov/crs/definitions/NDVI.html
9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_components_analysis
10. http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/cosc453/student_tutorials/principal_components.pdf
11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-pass_filter
12. http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/analysis/techrep/tr01mw1/tr01mw1/node15.html
13. http://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-editing/sharpen-high-pass/
14. http://www.cas.sc.edu/geog/rslab/Rscc/mod6/6-3/linear.html
15. http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/hipr/html/stretch.html
16. http://www.fas.org/irp/imint/docs/rst/Sect1/Sect1_12a.html
17. http://www.castle.geographie.uni-kiel.de/r-kiel4/s3l4p080.htm
18. http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/hipr/html/histeq.html
19. http://www.ph.tn.tudelft.nl/Courses/FIP/noframes/fip-istogram.html
20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histogram_equalization

1.3 Photogrammetry
(Lecture – 25; Practical + Tutorial – 40; Field Work – 10; Total –75 hrs.)


Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Aerial  Basics of aerial Photography
Photography  Basic Geometry of Aerial Photograph, Central and orthographic
projection, Difference between map and aerial photograph, Types of
Aerial photographs- wide angle, narrow angle, Horizontal, Vertical,
 Scale and Ground coverage of aerial photographs
2 Stereo  Relief Displacement in aerial photographs and its characteristics
Photographs &  Geometry of tilted/oblique photograph, Isocentre, Nadir point,
its Geometry Principle point and Principle plane, Tilt Displacement
 Stereoscopy and binocular vision, Concept of Depth perception in
Monocular and Binocular vision, Base-height ratio, stereoscopic
 Stereoscopes, Stereoscopic parallax, Parallax bar, Floating mark
 Use of Parallax bar in height measurement, Parallax formula
3 Stereo  Stereophotogrammetry
Photogrammetry  Orientation of aerial photographs – Inner, Relative and Absolute
 Basics of Analytical Photogrammetry- Collinearity and Coplanarity
conditions, Concept of Rotation Matrix
4 Digital  Introductory concepts in Digital Photogrammetry (Digital data input
Photogrammetry (photogrammetric scanners, Digital Photogrammetric camera), H/W
and S/W requirements, Photogrammetric triangulation in Digital
Photogrammetric Workstation (DPWS), Stereo view in DPWS,
feature extraction on DPWS)
 Concept of DEM, DSM and DTM, DEM extraction and Orthoimage
generation- Concept of Image Matching, Automatic DEM generation,
Digital maps and their characteristics
5 Satellite  Satellite based Digital Photogrammetry (Orbital Parameters, Orbital
Photogrammetry modeling, Data Processing for stereo generation)
 Stereo Sensors in Space- Tilt across the track, Tilt along the track,
Single push broom scanners (CARTOSAT, SPOT, IKONOS, etc.),
Three camera system (KOMSAT-3)

Practical (Lab + Field)

Practical No. Description

EX. PG 1 Stereo Test and Determination of photo scale
EX. PG 2 Preparation of Base map from topo sheet including legend, scale and annotation
EX. PG 3 Locating nadir point and principal point on aerial photo and determination of height
from single vertical aerial photograph
EX. PG 4 Orientation of Stereo model under mirror stereoscope
EX. PG 5 Tracing of details from Stereo pair
EX. PG 6 Use of parallax bar and determination of heights
EX. PG 7 Familiarization with DPWS, Project creation, data input, orientation, generation of
DEM and orthoimage
EX. PG 8 Feature extraction of topographic details using DPWS
EX. PG 9A and GCPs collection using GNSS and Satellite Stereo Data Processing

Suggested Readings
1. Toni Schenk: Digital Photogrammetry, Volume I., TerraScience.
2. Paul Wolf, Elements of Photogrammetry, McGraw Hill.
3. Cliff Greve and ASPRS Digital Photogrammetry: An Addendum to Manual of Photogrammetry
4. Mikhail Edward, bethel James and Mcglone J Chris Introduction to Modern Photogrammetry, John
Wiley & sons Inc.
5. Kasser Michel and Egles Yves Digital Photogrammetry. Taylor & Francis. London & New York.
6. Sanjib K. Ghosh, 1979: Analytical Photogrammetry, New York: Pergamon Press
7. Sanjib K. Ghosh. 2005. Fundamentals of computation Photogrammetry. Concept publishing, New
8. Schmidt Milton O and Rayner William Horace Fundamentals of Surveying, Van Nostrand Reinhold
9. Leick Alfred, 1995: GPS Satellite Surveying, Wiley Interscience.
10. Robinson, A.; Morrison, J.; Muehrke, P.; Kimmerling, A.; & Guptill, S. Elements of Cartography
New York: Wiley
Journal Articles
1. Ackermann F (1996) Techniques and strategies for DEM generation. In: Greve C (ed) Digital
Photogrammetry: An Addendum to the Manual of Photogrammetry. American Society of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Falls Church, VA, pp 135-141.

2. Chen, L. C., and Liang-Hwei Lee. 1993. Rigorous Generation of Digital Orthophotos from SPOT
Images. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. Volume 59. Number 5. Pages 655 - 661.
Web sites
1. www.univie.ac.at/Luftbildarchiv/wgv/intro.htm
2. http://www.geodetic.com/Whatis.htm
3. http://www.kth.se/student/studiehandbok/index.asp?lang=1
4. http://web.pdx.edu/~emch/maps/maps.html#A
5. http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/resource/tutor/fundam/index_e.php
6. http://www.r-s-c-c.org/rscc/v1m1.html
7. ISPRS website: Links to several related sites
8. www.asprs.org/

1.4 Geoinformatics
(Lecture – 25; Practical + Tutorial – 40; Field Work – 10; Total –75 hrs.)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1  Overview of Geographical Information System (GIS) and its

Overview of
 Geodesy: An Overview;
GIS, Geodesy
 Map Projections and datums in GIS,
and DEM  Data Quality and Sources of Errors in GIS;
 Digital Elevation Models and its Derivatives (first order and second
2 Data models,  Data Models: An Overview;
 Conceptual Model of Spatial Information;
and Data  Concept of databases and Conceptual Models of Non-Spatial Information;
Quality  GIS Data Creation and Organization;

3 Spatial Data  Spatial data Analysis (Vector-based);

Analysis  Spatial data Analysis (Raster-based); Network Analysis in GIS

4  Fundamental concepts of satellite based radio navigation;

 Global Operational GNSSs; GNSS Satellites, Constellation of GNSS
GNSS and Its
Satellites; Measurement techniques, Sources of errors, Positioning
Applications Techniques, Survey Styles;
 Regional Navigation System & SBAS;
 Applications of GNSS in Resource Surveys, Mapping and Navigation.
5 SDI and  Overview of FOSS4G and COT’S; Basics of Spatial Data Infrastructure
Recent trends (SDI); Recent Trends in Geoinformatics
in GIS

Practical (Lab + Field)

Practical No. Description

EX. GE 1 Familiarization with GIS Software

EX. GE 2 Georeferencing and Projection

EX. GE 3 GIS Data Creation - Digitization and Topology editing

EX. GE 4 GIS Data Creation - Domain Values, Data Types & Attribution

EX. GE 5 Spatial and Non-Spatial Queries

EX. GE 6 Vector-based Spatial Analysis

EX. GE 7 Raster-based Spatial Analysis

EX. GE 8 Network Analysis

EX. GE 9 Generation of DEM
EX. GE 10 Map Composition

EX. GE 11 Demonstration on different Types of GNSS receivers; Checking of existing map

coordinates using IRNSS Receiver
EX. GE 12 Survey of small area using IRNSS receiver
EX. GE 13 Data Collection and Updation using Mobile GIS (Qrealtime)

Suggested Readings

1. Burrough, P. P. & McDonnel, R. A. (1998). Principles of GIS. Oxford University Press.
2. Chang, K. T. (2006). Introduction to Geographic Information Systems. The McGraw-Hill.
3. DeMers, and Michael, N. (2005). Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems. John Wiley and
4. Hoffmann-Wellenhof, B. (1994). GPS Theory and Practice. Springer-Verlag, New York (2nd
5. Maguire, D. J., Goodchild, M. F., and Rhind, D. W. (eds.) (1991). Geographical Information
Systems: Principles and Applications. Avon, Longman Scientific and Technical.
6. Parkinson,B. W., Spilker, J. J. (Jr.) (1996). Global Positioning System: Theory & Applications
(Volume-I). AIAA, USA

Online resources:
1. http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/notes/sources/sources_f.html
2. http://www.ncgia.ucsb.edu/giscc/units/u055/u055.html.
3. http://www.trimble.com/
4. http://www.pasda.psu.edu/tutorials/gisbasics.asp
5. http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/video.php?subjectId=105107121

Module – 1B

1.5 Recent Trends in RS and GIS and Environmental Assessment and

(Lecture – 40; Practical + Assignments – 60; Total –100 hrs.)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Advances in Remote  Principles and applications of hyperspectral Remote Sensing;
Sensing  Principles and applications of Laser Remote Sensing

2 Advances in GIS  Concept and approaches of multi-criteria decision making;

 Fundamentals & applications of participatory GIS
3 Frameworks for sustainable  Overview of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
development & disaster risk  Overview of Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction
reduction (SFDRRR)
4 Application of Earth  Role of EO data in promoting sustainable agriculture (SDG-2 “Zero
Observation (EO) data for Hunger”) and addressing desertification and land degradation (SDG-
land resources 15 “Life on Land”);
 Role of EO data in sustainable forest management resources (SDG-
15 “Life on Land”);
 Role of EO data in urban and regional studies (SDG-11 “Sustainable
Cities and Communities”)
5 Application of EO data  Role of EO data in climatic studies (SDG-13 “Climate Action”);
for climate, water &  Role of EO data in integrated water resources management (SDG-6
ocean resources “Clean Water and Sanitation”);
 Role of EO data in mapping, monitoring & management of ocean &
marine resources (SDG-14 “ Life Below Water”)

Practicals (Lab+Assignment+Demonstration)

Practical Description
EX. 1 Exposure to Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
EX. 2 Exposure to Multi-criteria decision making
EX. 3 Exposure to open source disaster monitoring and mitigation portals
EX. 4 Exposure to agriculture related portals
Exposure to forest resources related portals
Exposure to urban growth studies related portals
EX. 5 Exposure to climate studies related portals
Exposure to water related portals
Exposure to ocean and marine resources related portals

Suggested Readings
1. Borengasser, M., Hungate, W. S., & Watkins, R. (2007). Hyperspectral remote sensing: principles and
applications. CRC press.
2. Collis, R. T. H., & Russell, P. B. (1976). Laser applications in remote sensing. In Remote sensing for
environmental sciences (pp. 110-146). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
3. Tannenbaum, H. (1974, March). Laser Applications In Remote Sensing. In Impact of lasers in
spectroscopy (Vol. 49, pp. 81-86). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
4. John Randolph, Environmental Land Use Planning and Management, Island Press 576 pages, 2004.
5. J. R. Jensen, Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective (2nd Edition)
(Prentice Hall Series in Geographic Information Science)
6. Engman, E. T., and R. j. Gurney. Remote Sensing in hydrology. London, Chapman and Hall, 1991.
7. Ustin Susan, Remote Sensing for Natural Resource Management and Environmental Monitoring.
Wiley; 3 edition (April 19 2004)
8. Peter M. Atkinson, Nicholas J. Tate, Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis.
9. Chein-I Chang, Hyperspectral Imaging: Techniques for Spectral Detection and Classification,
Springer; 1 edition (July 31, 2003).
10. Andrew Skidmore, Environmental Modelling with GIS and Remote Sensing, Published 2002
CRC Press.
11. Gert A. Schultz, Edwin T. Engman, Remote Sensing in Hydrology and Water Management,
Springer; 1 edition (June 8, 2000).
12. Jonathan Li, Sisi Zlatanova, Andrea Fabbri, Geomatics Solutions for Disaster Management,
Springer; 1 edition (Jun 12 2007)
13. Kenneth N. Brooks, Hydrology and the management of Watersheds, Blackwell Publishing
14. Wood, J. E., Gillis, M. D., Goodenough, D. G., Hall, R. J., Leckie, D. G., Luther, J. E., & Wulder,
M. A. (2002, June). Earth observation for sustainable development of forests (EOSD): project
overview. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2002. IGARSS'02. 2002 IEEE
International (Vol. 3, pp. 1299-1302). IEEE.
15. Malczewski, J. (1996). A GIS-based approach to multiple criteria group decision-making.
International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, 10(8), 955-971.
16. Malczewski, J. (2006). GIS‐based multicriteria decision analysis: a survey of the
literature. International journal of geographical information science, 20(7), 703-726.
17. Abbot, J., Chambers, R., Dunn, C., Harris, T., Merode, E. D., Porter, G., & Weiner, D. (1998).
Participatory GIS: opportunity or oxymoron. PLA notes, 33, 27-33.
18. Voss, A., Denisovich, I., Gatalsky, P., Gavouchidis, K., Klotz, A., Roeder, S., & Voss, H. (2004).
Evolution of a participatory GIS. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 28(6), 635-651.
19. Aitsi-Selmi, A., Egawa, S., Sasaki, H., Wannous, C., & Murray, V. (2015). The Sendai
framework for disaster risk reduction: Renewing the global commitment to people’s resilience, health,
and well-being. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 6(2), 164-176.
20. Jha, M. K., Chowdhury, A., Chowdary, V. M., & Peiffer, S. (2007). Groundwater management
and development by integrated remote sensing and geographic information systems: prospects and
constraints. Water Resources Management, 21(2), 427-467.
21. Green, E. P., Mumby, P. J., Edwards, A. J., & Clark, C. D. (1996). A review of remote sensing
for the assessment and management of tropical coastal resources. Coastal management, 24(1), 1-40.
22. http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-development-goals.html
23. http://eohandbook.com/sdg/part2_2.html
24. http://eohandbook.com/sdg/files/CEOS_EOHB_2018_SDG.pdf
25. http://peoplebuildingbettercities.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/MDGs-to-SDGs-Lancet.pdf

Syllabus for Semester-II
Agriculture & Soils

2.1 Agriculture & Soils
Code Papers Lecture* Practical Total
Hrs. Lab Field Hrs.
Hrs. Hrs.
2.1.1 Land Use & Soil Resources Management 25 42 8 75

2.1.2 Agri-Informatics (AI) 25 42 8 75

2.1.3 Environmental Soil Science (ES) 25 42 8 75

2.1.4 Satellite Agrometeorology (SA) 25 42 8 75

Total 100 164 36 300

*Include guest lectures & tutorials

2.1.1 Land Use & Soil Resource Assessment (Theory)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Land use / Land cover  Land Use / Land Cover Classification
(LULC) Analysis System : India and Global
 Visual Analysis for LULC Mapping
 Digital Methods for LULC Mapping
 LULC Change Detection
2 Soil characteristics &  Basics of soil and physico-chemical
Pedogenesis Characteristics of soils
 Pedogenic (Soil forming) factors
 Pedogenic (Soil Forming) processes
 Spectral characteristics of soils
3 Soil Resource Mapping  Need and scope of soil survey, scale of soil
survey, remote sensing data requirements
 Physiographic-soil analysis for delineation
of soilscape units
 Soil Resource Mapping using RS data
 Landforms and soils : Structural,
Denudational, Fluvial and Aeolian
4 Soil Classification  Soil morphological characteristics
 Characteristics of surface, sub-surface
diagnostic horizons
 Soil Taxonomy: Salient characteristics of
soil orders
 Soil Taxonomy : Soil classification at
family level ( particle size classification, soil
temperature and moisture regimes)
5 Land Evaluation  Concept and approaches of land evaluation
for Land Use Planning
 Land capability classification
 Soil and land irrigability Classification
 FAO Framework of land evaluation
 Soil and Land productivity indices

2.1.1 Land Use & Soil Resource Assessment (Practical)
Practical No. Topics Sub Topics

1 Land use / Land  Agricultural Land Use /Land Cover mapping –

cover (LULC) Visual analysis of satellite data
 Agricultural Land Use /Land Cover mapping –
Digital analysis of satellite data & Mapping
accuracy assessment
 Field work for LULC ground truth data
collection, soil spectral reflectance & soil profile
2 Soil  Soil texture, pH & Electrical Conductivity (EC)
Characteristics analysis of soil sample in laboratory

3 Soil  Soil profile description: Horizon designation

Classification (Field Visit)
 Soil morphological characteristics
 Characterization of surface and sub-surface
diagnostic horizons
 Soil Classification following soil Taxonomy
4 Soil resource  Physiographic analysis using Satellite data
mapping (Hilly landforms)

 Physiographic analysis using Satellite data

(Fluvial Landforms)

 Digital image processing in soil mapping

5 Land Evaluation  Land Evaluation : Land capability classification
 Land Evaluation : Land irrigability classification
 Land Evaluation : FAO method of Land
Evaluation and Land Productivity Index

Suggested Readings


Soil Properties & Pedogenesis

1. The Nature and Properties of Soils. Twelfth ed. (1999), Prentice Hall, Inc. by Brady, N.C., and Weil,
2. Huete Alfredo (2004). Remote Sensing of Soils and Soil Processes. In: Susan Ustin (ed.) Remote
Sensing for Natural Resource Management and Environmental Monitoring: Manual of Remote
Senasing, Vol. 4, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Remote sensing applications (2009), Published by NRSC, ISRO, Hyderabad, Chapters – 2 & 4
4. Encyclopedia of soils in the environment (2007) Editor-in-chief, Daniel Hillel, 4 volumes, Academic

Soil Resource Mapping

5. Encyclopedia of Soil Science - Second edition (2010) Edited by Rattan Lal, Publisher – Taulor &
6. Tropical Soils and Soil Survey. Cambridge (1976), Univ. Press, Cambridge, 468 pp. by Young, A.,
7. FAO, 1977. Guidelines for Soil Profile Description. FAO, Rome, 66 pp.
8. McKenzie, N.J., Gessler, P.E., Ryan, P.J., O'Connell, D.A., 2000. The role of terrain analysis in soil
mapping. In:Wilson, J.P., Gallant, J.C. (Eds.), Terrain Analysis: Principles and Applications (Chapter
10). John Wiley and Sons Ltd., New York.

Soil Classification

9. Soil Survey Staff, 2010. Soil Taxonomy. US Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, 754 pp.

Land Evaluation for Land use planning

10. The Evaluation of Land Resources. Longman, Harlow, (1992) by Davidson, D.A.
11. FAO (1976) A framework for land evaluation. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the
United Nation
12. FAO (1979) Land Evaluation Criteria for Irrigation. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organisation.
13. FAO (1983) Guidelines: land evaluation for rainfed agriculture. Rome: Food and Agriculture
Organisation of the United Nation.
14. Soil Survey and Land Evaluation. London: George (1980), by Dent, D. & Young, A. Allen & Unwin

Journal Papers

1. Anderson, J.R. et al. (1976), A land use/land cover classification system for use with remote sensing
data. Professional Paper 964, USGS Publication 1976.
2. Baumgardner. M. F., L. F. Silva, L. L. Biehl. and E. R. Stoner (1985). Reflectance properties of soils.
Adv. Agron. 38: 1-44.
3. Dwivedi, R.S. (2001). Soil resource mapping: A remote sensing perspective. Remote Sensing
Reviews, Vol. 20, 89-122.
4. Zhu, A. X., Hudson, B., Burt, J. Lubich, K. and Simonson D. (2001). Soil Mapping Using GIS,
Expert Knowledge, and Fuzzy Logic, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65:1463–1472
5. Cihlar J (2000) Land cover mapping of large area from satellites:status and research priorities,
International Journal of Remote Sensing,21(6-7): 1093-1114.
6. Agarwal c, Green g m, Grover, J M, Evans T and Schweik C (2000) A review and assessment of land
use change models: Dynamics of space, time, and human choice, Proc. 4th International conference on
integrated GIS and environmental modeling(GIS/EM4), Sept. 2-8, Banff, Canada.
7. Rossiter, D.G. (1996) A theoretical framework for land evaluation. Elsevier, Geoderma 72(1996)165-
190, 35.
8. McBratney, A.B., Mendonça Santos, M.L., Minasnya, B.(2003). On digital soil mapping. Geoderma
117, 3–52.
Copping, p r and Marvin E V (1996) Digital change detection in forest ecosystems, Remote Sensing
Reviews, 13207 -13234.

2.1.2 Agri-informatics (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Crop Inventory :  Overview and need for Agri-informatics

Optical Remote  Spectral characteristics of crops and EMR interaction
Sensing  Spectral Vegetation Indices for crop studies
 Crop identification, mapping and acreage estimation

2 Crop inventory :  Microwave sensors parameters and signatures of

Microwave Remote vegetation in reference to Polarization, incidence angle,
Sensing frequency
 Crop discrimination and crop growth monitoring from
microwave RS
 Synergy of optical and microwave satellite data for crop
 Microwave RS for retrieval of crop parameters

3 Crop condition and  Crop Biophysical parameters

cropping system  Crop condition and stress assessment (Biotic and abiotic)
analysis  Cropping Pattern and Cropping System analysis
 Crop biophysical parameter retrieval : Empirical,
semi-empirical models
 Crop biophysical parameter retrieval using canopy
reflectance models
4 Crop Management :  Hyperspectral RS in Agriculture : Scope and current
Hyperspectral status
Remote Sensing  Hyperspectral indices in crop condition assessment
 Crop Identification and Mapping using Hyperspectral RS
 Precision agriculture: Scope and Limitations
5 Crop Informatics  Agriculture Information system: Crop Yield Forecasting
System; Yield Gap Analysis; Pest Information System
 Wireless Sensor networking for crop and soil health
 Decision support systems: Spatial decision support
systems (SDSS) and crop input optimization for Crop
 ICT applications in agriculture including crowdsourcing

2.1.2 Agri-informatics (Practical)

Practical No. Topics Sub Topics

1 Crop Inventory :  Crop discrimination using visual and digital

Optical Remote classification of satellite data
Sensing (Field Visit)
 Crop area estimation using digital analysis of
satellite data
2 Crop inventory :
 SAR data analysis using different SAR satellite
Microwave Remote
 SAR data analysis for crop discrimination and area
 Synergistic use of SAR & Optical satellite data for
crop inventory
3 Crop condition and
 Cropping pattern & cropping indices analysis
cropping system
analysis  Atmospheric and radiometric correction of satellite
 Crop biophysical parameter retrieval using satellite
4 Crop Management :
 Crop classification using hyperspectral satellite
Hyperspectral Remote
 Crop stress assessment using hyperspectral
satellite data
5 Crop Informatics  ICT application in agriculture at village/ block

 Demonstration on DSS in agriculture

Suggested Readings


1. Remote sensing applications (2009), Published by NRSC, ISRO, Hyderabad, Chapters – 1 &13
2. Manfred Owe; Guido D'Urso (2005). Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and
Hydrology VII : Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 5976
3. Quantitative Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces (2005) By Shunlin Liang ), Willey Publishers
4. Applications of remote sensing in agriculture (1990) edited by M.D. Steven, J.A. Clark,
Publisher – Butterworth, London
5. Ustin, S. (2001). Manual of Remote Sensing, Volume 4, Remote Sensing for Natural Resource
Management and Environmental Monitoring, 3rd Edition, Willey Publishing
6. Precision Agriculture in the 21st Century - Geospatial and Information Technologies in Crop
Management (1997) National Academy Press, Washington D. C.
7. Holmes M.G., 1990, Application radar in Agriculture, Remote sensing applications to agriculture,
ed. M.D. Steven and J.A. Clark, Butterworhs, p. 307.

Journal Papers

1. Moriondo, M., Maseli, F. and Bindi, M. (2007). A simple model of regional wheat yield based on
NDVI data. Europ. J. Agronomy, 26:266-274
2. Michel Deshayes et al. (2006). The contribution of remote sensing to the assessment of crop
yield. Ann. For. Sci. 63 (2006) 579–595.
3. Kanchdeva R. et al. (2006).Plant Spectral Signatures as Growth Stress Indicators. Information
and Communication Technologies, 2006. ICTTA '06. 2nd
4. Navalgund, R.R., Parihar, J.S.; Ajai and Rao, P.P.N. (1991). Crop inventory using remote sensed
data. Current Science, 61: 162-171.
5. Dadhwal, V.K. (1999). Remote Sensing Applications for Agriculture- Retrospective and
Perspective. Proc. ISRS National Symposium on RS applications for Natural Resources-
Retrospective and Perspective, Bangalore, 11-22pp.
6. Badhwar, G.D.(1982) Profile modeling for crop discrimination, Machine Processing of Remotely
Sensed data, 454-459pp.
7. Baier, W (1973) Crop –weather analysis models and their use yield in yield assessment, WMO,
TN, NO. 151, Geneva.
8. Saha, S.K. and Jonna, S.(1994) Paddy acreage and yield estimation and irrigated crop land
inventory in Nellore district (Andhra Pradesh, India) using satellite and agro-meteorological data.
Asian Pacific Journal, 6(2): 79-88.
9. Singh, R.; Goyal, R.C.; Saha, S.K.; and Chhikara, R.S. (1992) Use of satellite spectral data in
crop yield estimation surveys, 13(14): 2583-2592.
10. Kogan, F. (1997) Global drought watch from space. Bulletin of the Americal Meteorological
Society, 78: 626-636pp.
11. Singh, R.P. and Kogan, F. (2003) Monitoring vegetation condition from NOAA operational
polar-orbiting satellite over Indian region, J. Indian Soc. Rem. Sens.; 30(3),117-118.

2.1.3 Environmental Soil Science (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Land degradation and  Land degradation and desertification –

Desertification Definition, factors and processes, and their
current status in India and Asia – Pacific.
 Characteristics of various types of degraded
 Land degradation mapping - visual & digital
 Monitoring land degradation.
2 Watershed Management  Watershed: Concept, principles and need of
watershed management, characterization,
delineation & codification.
 Digital terrain analysis: Morphometric analysis,
terrain indices, soil-hydrological analysis.
 Soil Erosion assessment and watershed
prioritization for conservation planning:
Empirical, semi empirical and process based
erosion models.
 Soil conservation measures: Agronomic, soil and
 Monitoring & Impact assessment of watershed
development program.
3 Digital soil mapping  Digital soil mapping – need, concept and scope
 Terrain analysis for soil mapping.
 Geostatistical methods for soil mapping.
 Hyperspectral RS in soil salinity/soil
characteristics studies.
4 Soil carbon and soil quality  Soil carbon assessment: SOC stock, dynamics
and modelling.
 Soil carbon sequestration and Impact of
climate change on soil carbon
 Soil Quality: Scope, need and Indicators.
 Soil quality: measurement and assessment.
5 Optimal Land use Planning  Optimum land use planning – concept, issues
and approaches.
 Agro-ecological characterization using RS and
 FAO method of Agro-climatic Suitability
Analysis for Land Use Planning.
 Advances in Land Evaluation Methods: Multi-
criteria evaluation approach and fuzzy set method

2.1.3 Environmental Soil Science (Practical)
Practical No. Topics Sub Topics
1 Land  Visual analysis of satellite data in degraded land
degradation and mapping
Desertification  Digital analysis : Image enhancement and spectral
indices for mapping degraded lands
 Digital Analysis: Digital classification for mapping
degraded lands

2 Watershed  Watershed analysis : Watershed and sub watershed

Management delineation and codification based on digitization
and Automatic Drainage pattern analysis and sub-
watershed delineation
 Digital Terrain analysis: generation of terrain
 Digital Terrain analysis : Terrain indices
 Soil Erosion modelling : RUSLE in Soil Erosion Risk
Mapping (Field Visit)
 Soil Erosion modelling: Silt Yield Index model
3 Digital soil  Hyperspectral data analysis for soil studies
mapping  Digital Soil mapping
4 Soil carbon  Soil quality indicators and assessment
and soil quality  Soil Carbon Stock Assessment
5 Optimal Land  FAO method for Agro-climatic Suitability Analysis
use Planning

Suggested Readings


Land degradation (Unit -1)

1. FAO/UNEP, 1977. Assessing Soil Degradation. FAO Soils Bulletin 34, FAO, Rome.
2. Remote sensing applications (2009), Published by NRSC, ISRO, Hyderabad, Chapter – 4.
3. Remote Sensing of soil salinization: impact on land management, edited by Graciela Metternicht,
J. and Alfred Zinck, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009.
4. Oldeman, R.T.A. Hakkeling, W.G. Sombroek (1991). Global Assessment of Soil Degradation
GLASOD, Publ. in cooperation with Winand Staring Centre, International Society of Soil
Science, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, International Institute for
Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences.
5. Soil and Water Conservation Research in India (2000) by V V Dhruva Narayana Indian Council
of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi-110 114. India.

6. Huete Alfredo (2004). Remote Sensing of Soils and Soil Processes. In: Susan Ustin (ed.) Remote
Sensing for Natural Resource Management and Environmental Monitoring: Manual of Remote
Senasing, Vol. 4, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Watershed Management (Unit-2)

7. Soil Erosion and Conservation by R. P. C. Morgan (2005), Longman Publishing Group.
8. Environmental Soil Physics - Fundamentals, Applications and Environmental Considerations
(2008) by Daniel Hillel.
9. Soil Erosion - Processes, Prediction, Measurement, and Control, Edited by Toy, Terrence J.;
Foster, George R.; Renard, Kenneth G.
10. Foster, G.R. (1988) Modelling soil erosion and sediment yield. In: Lal, R.,Soil erosion research
methods . Ankeny, Iowa: Soil and Water Conservation Society, 97-] 111.

Optimal Land use Planning (Unit-3)

11. Applications of remote sensing in agriculture (1990) edited by M.D. Steven, J.A. Clark, Publisher
– Butterworth, London.
12. Fischer, G., Granat, G., and Makowski, M. (1998). AEZWIN. An interactive multiple-criteria
analysis tool for land resources appraisal. Report IR-98-051. International Institute for Applied
Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.
13. Sehgal, J. L., Mandal, D. K., Mandal, C. & Vadivelu, S. (1990). Agro-Ecological Regions of
India. NBSS Publ., 24, (NBSS & LUP: Nagpur).
14. FAO/IIASA, (2000). Global Ago-Ecological Zones (Global-AEZ).
15. Ustin, S. (2001). Manual of Remote Sensing, Volume 4, Remote Sensing for Natural Resource
Management and Environmental Monitoring, 3rd Edition, Willey Publishing

Soils & the Environment (Unit-4)

16. Environmental Soil Science (2009) by Kim H Tan, CRE Press
17. Cycles of Soils - Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Micronutrients (2006) by Stevenson, F.
J.; Cole, M. A.
18. Mulla, D.J. and Mc Bratney, A.B. (2002). Soil Spatial variability, In Book “Soil Physics
Companion”, Pub. By CRC Press, LIC, pp 343-373.
19. Soil Pollution - Origin, Monitoring and Remediation, Edited by Mirsal, Ibrahim
20. Soils and Environmental Quality (2008), Third Edition, Edited by Gary M Pierzynski, J. Thomas
Sims, George F Vance.
21. Quantitative Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces (2005) By Shunlin Liang, Willey Publishers.
22. Alcamo j (1994) Integrated modeling of global climatic change, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, Germany

Journal Papers

1. Arshad, M.A. and Martin, S. (2002). Identifying critical limits for soil quality indicators in agro-
ecosystems, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 88: 153–160.
2. Mougenout, B., Pouget, M., Epema, G., 1993. Remote sensing of salt-affected soils. Remote
Sensing Rev. 7, 241–259.
3. Metternicht, G., Zinck, A., 2003. Remote sensing of soil salinity: potentials and constraints.
Remote Sensing of Environment.

4. Lal, R. (2003). Soil erosion and the global carbon budget, Environment International 1036: 1 –
5. Lal, R. (2001). Soil Degradation by Water, Land Degradation & development, 12: 519-539.
6. Kumar, S.; Sharma, S. Soil erosion risk assessment based on MMF model using remote sensing
and GIS. Hydrology J. 2005, 28, 47-58.
7. Moore, I.D., Gessler, P.E., Nielson, G.A., 1993. Soil attributes prediction using terrain analysis.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 57, 443–452.
8. Singh, V. P. (1996). Agro-ecological analysis for sustainable development of rainfed
environments in India. Indian Society of Soil Science, 44(4), 601.
9. Vrieling A. (2006). Satellite Remote Sensing for water erosion assessment: A review, Catena 65:
10. Ziadat, F.M., 2005. Analyzing digital terrain attributes to predict soil attributes for a relatively
large area. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69, 1590–1599.

2.1.4 Satellite Agro-meteorology (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Agromet variables  Agro-meteorology: Importance, factors of weather and

climate and instrumentations
 Meteorological parameters : observations and analysis
 Agro-meteorological consideration for sustainable
 World Summit action plans for agricultural monitoring
and Global networking : GEOGLAM
2 Agromet parameters  Satellite sensors and their characteristics for Agro-
retrieval from satellites met studies
 Agro-met parameter retrieval: algorithm and
modelling techniques (viz, Shortwave radiation,
rainfall, surface temperature, air temperature).
 Crop parameter retrieval: albedo, leaf area index,
fAPAR and evapotranspiration.
 Soil moisture estimation: active & passive
microwave and thermal remote sensing techniques.
3 Crop yield modelling and  RS based crop yield modelling: Principles and
production forecasting approaches.
 Integrating RS and crop growth models for crop yield
 Satellite derived phenological metrices and indicators
 Regional crop production assessment: production
efficiency models and early warning system.
4 Agricultural water and  Principles, instrumentation and approaches of
drought management estimating crop water requirement/ crop ET.
 Remote sensing of water stress (thermal/optical
 Irrigation scheduling for crops.
 Agricultural drought management: assessment,
monitoring, prediction and vulnerability.
5 Land surface processes and  Introduction to mass exchanges (energy and water
climate change vapour and CO2) and measurement techniques.
 Bowen ratio, Eddy covariance, LAS for Land surface
 Land surface climatology: land surface processes,
driving forces and land surface parameterization from
RS and weather prediction.
 Climate change and climate variability: climate change
impact on agriculture, earth observation signal for
climate change.

2.1.4 Satellite Agro-meteorology (Practical)
Practical No. Topics Sub Topics

1 Agromet  Various weather parameters observations and their

variables analysis
 Weather parameters : diurnal & seasonal trends and
2 Agromet  Agrometeorological parameters retrieval: Surface
parameters temperature & albedo
 Estimation of biophysical parameters (Empirical &
semi-empirical models)
 Estimation of Soil Moisture using Satellite Data

3 Crop yield  Single date spectral vegetation index based yield

modelling model
and  Regional yield estimation from satellite data using
production production efficiency model
 Demonstration on crop simulation model

4 Agricultural  Regional Crop Water requirement and Irrigation

water and Water Requirement Estimation using RS data & GIS
management  Computation of meteorological drought indices
 Remote sensing based drought indices
5 Land surface  Eddy-covariance measurements & simulation of
processes and energy, water, CO2 exchange (Field Visit)
climate  Large aperture scintillometer: Diurnal and seasonal
change pattern of energy fluxes

Suggested Readings


1. Patel NR and Saha, SK (2004).Satellite remote sensing and GIS applications in Sustainable
Agriculture In: Geoinformatics in Tropical Ecosystems (PS Roy Ed).
2. Sivakumar et al. 2005. Remote sensing and GIS applications in Agriculrural Meteorology, Proce.
International workshop, WMO
3. M.V.K. Sivakumar;_, R. Gommes, W. Baier Agrometeorology and sustainable agriculture.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 103 (2000) 11–26
4. Deering, D. W. (1989). Field measurements of bidirectional reflectance: In Theory and
Application of Optical Remote Sensing (Ed, Asrar, G.) John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 14-
5. Remote Sensing and Large-Scale Global Processes (ed. by A. Rango) (Proc. Baltimore Symp.),
67–74. IAHS Publ. 186. IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK.
6. Quantitative Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces (2005) By Shunlin Liang ), Willey Publishers
7. Allen G. (2000).Crop evapotranspiration(guidelines for computing crop water requirements) FAO
Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56
8. Scaling up in Hydrology using Remote Sensing (1996). John Wiley Publication. Edited by J.B.
Stewert, E.T. Engman, R.A. Feddes and Y. Ken.
9. Introduction to Agrometeorology (1994), Second edition by H.S. Mavi, Oxford & IBH
Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
10. Mutreja, K.N. (1986). Applied Hydrology. Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. New Delhi, pp: 314-171.
Applications of Remote Sensing to agrometeorology (Ed. F Toselli), Kluwer Academic

Journal Papers

1. Petropoulos et al 2010. Review of Ts/VI remote sensing based methods for the retrieval of land
surface energy fluxes and soil surface moisture. Progress in physical geography, Progress in
Physical Geography April 2009 vol. 33 no. 2 224-250
2. Bhattacharya et al., 2010. Regional clear sky evapotranspiration over agricultural land using
remote sensing data from Indian geostationary meteorological satellite. Journal of Hydrology
3. Baret, F. and Guyot, G. (1991). Potentials and Limits of Vegetation Indexes for LAI and APAR
assessment. Remote Sens.Environ., 35: 161-173
4. Moulin, S., Bondeau, A. and Delecolle, R. (1998). Combining agricultural crop models and
satellite observations from field to regional scale. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19:
1021 – 1036
5. Moran, M. S., Mass, S. J. and Pinter, P. J. (1995). Combining remote sensing and modeling for
estimating surface evaporation and biomass production. Remote Sensing of Environment, 12:335-
6. W.A. Dorigo , R. Zurita-Milla , A.J.W. de Wit , J. Brazile ,R. Singh , M.E. Schaepman A (2006).
A review on reflective remote sensing and data assimilation techniques for enhanced
agroecosystem modeling. International Journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation
7. Desai, P. and Joseph, G. (2003). Satellite observations for the geosphere–biosphere programme.
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 85, NO. 6, pp. 737-754.
8. Jackson, R. D., Pinter, P. J., Reginato, R. J. and Idso, S. B. (1986). Detection and Evaluation of
Plant Stresses for Crop Management Decisions. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote
Sensing, 24: 99-106

9. Qiaozhen et al., 2007. Development of a global evapotranspiration algorithm based on MODIS
and global meteorology data. Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 111, pp. 519-536
10. Jackson et al., (1996). Remote sensing applications to hydrology: soil moisture. Hydrological
Sciences Journal, 41(4):517-530.
11. Kustas, WP and Norman, JM (1996). Use of remote sensing for evapotranspiration monitoring
over land surfaces. Hydrological sciences Journal, 41(4):495-515.

Syllabus for Semester-II
Forest Ecosystem Assessment and Management

2.2 Forest Ecosystem Assessment and Management

Code Paper Lectures* Practical Total

Hrs. Hrs.
Lab Field
Hrs. Hrs.
2.2.1 Forest Mapping and Monitoring 25 34 16 75
2.2.2 Forest Inventory 25 26 24 75

2.2.3 Forest Informatics 25 38 12 75

2.2.4 Forest Ecosystem Analysis 25 38 12 75

Total 100 136 64 300

*Include guest lectures & tutorials

2.2.1 Forest Mapping and Monitoring (Theory)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Natural Geographical distribution, types, extent and status of
Vegetation & vegetation (Global and Asia-Pacific region), Global forest
Classification resources assessment (FRA), Hierarchical forest cover
Schemes classification scheme (FAO-LCCS, IGBP-Biome and country
2 Vegetation Phenology for vegetation differentiation, Spectral properties of
Phenology and vegetation and factors affecting spectral properties of
Spectral vegetation, Spectral vegetation indices
3 Forest Cover Forest information extraction from aerial and satellite images,
and Type Visual image interpretation and digital image classification
Mapping methods for forest cover and type mapping, Accuracy
assessment, Forest canopy density mapping
4 Forest Plant Utility of VHR multi-spectral remote sensing (including object
Community/ based classification), Hyperspectral remote sensing for forest,
Species mangrove and grassland community/species mapping
5 Forest Change Forest cover change detection, Forest degradation (human
Monitoring disturbance, insect pest/disease, invasive plants, etc.) mapping
and monitoring

2.2.1 Forest Mapping and Monitoring (Practical)

Practical No. Topics
EX 1 Familiarization with RS data types and sources
EX2 Spectral profiling of vegetation and other associated features
EX3 Spectral vegetation indices generation and interpretation
EX4 Visual image interprétation for Forest type and density mapping
EX5 Digital image classification for forest cover type mapping
EX6 Forest classification accuracy assessment
EX7 Forest canopy density mapping using biophysical spectral modelling
EX8 In-situ hyperspectral spectra collection and image analysis
EX9 Forest cover change detection analysis
EX10 Forest condition (encroachment, logging etc.) monitoring using VHR data

Suggested Readings

Books and Reports

1. Champion H.G. and Seth S.K. (1968). A revised survey of the forest types of India. Manager of
Publications, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
2. Collinson A.S. (1988) Introduction to world vegetation (2nd Edition). Academic Division of
Unwin Hyman Ltd., London.
3. FCD Mapper-Semi-expert remote sensing system for forest density mapping, User’s Guide,
4. India State of Forest Report (2017) Forest Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India.
5. Jensen J. R. (2007) Remote sensing of environment: An earth resources perspective, 2nd Ed., NJ:
Prentice Hall.
6. Joseph G. (2005) Fundamentals of remote Sensing, Universities Press, Hyderabad

Journal Articles

1. Congalton R.G. (1991) A review of assessing the accuracy of classifications of remotely sensed
data. Remote Sensing of the Environment, 37: 35-46
2. Coppin P., Leuven B., Jonckheere I., Nackaerts K., Muys B. and Lambin E. (2004) Digital
change detection methods in ecosystem monitoring: a review, International Journal of Remote
Sensing, 25 (9): 1565–1596
3. Glenn E., Huete A., Nagler P., Nelson S. (2008) Relationship between remotely-sensed
vegetation indices, canopy attributes and plant physiological processes: What vegetation indices
can and cannot tell us about the landscape,Sensors, 8 (4): 2136-2160
4. Xie Y., Sha Z., Yu M. (2008) Remote sensing imagery in vegetation mapping: a review, Journal
of Plant Ecology, 1 (1): 9-23


1. http://www.fao.org/
2. www.cbd.int/
3. www.wri.org/
4. www.itto.int/

2.2.2 Forest Inventory (Theory)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Forest Inventory Concept and Scope, Terminology, Elements, Planning

Planning Guidelines, Periodicity

2 Sampling Design Sampling design survey, Sampling concepts and methods,

Sample size determination

3 Statistical analysis Statistical and geostatistical treatment of forest inventory data,

and Forest Preparation of volume table, Growth and yield prediction
dynamics models models

4 Growing Stock Growing stock and biomass estimation (including Trees Outside
Forests (TOFs)) using optical remote sensing, Forest height,
and Biomass structure, volume & biomass estimation using SAR and LiDAR
Assessment remote sensing

5 Carbon Forestry Kyoto protocol, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM),

NATCOM, REDD, REDD+ and EO inputs

2.2.2 Forest Inventory (Practical)

Practical No. Topic

EX1 Demonstration of forest inventory instruments
EX2 Forest cover stratification for field sampling
EX3 Pilot study for sample size determination
EX4 Field inventory in different strata
EX5 Statistical analysis of field inventory data using R
EX6 Above-ground biomass/carbon estimation using optical data
EX7 Above-ground biomass/carbon estimation using SAR data
EX8 Geostatistical analysis for above-ground biomass estimation
EX9 Forest structure analysis using LiDAR

Suggested Readings

Books and reports

1. Chaturvedi A.N., Khanna L.S. (2011) Forest mensuration, International Book

Distributors, Dehradun
2. Dalgaard P.(2008) Introductory statistics with R, Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-79054-1
3. Forest Survey of India (1996) Volume equations for forests of India, Nepal, and Bhutan,
Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, Dehradun
4. National Working Plan Code -2014, MoEFCC, Government of India, New Delhi
Journal Articles

1. Addo-Danso S. D., Prescott C. E. and Smith A. R. (2016) Methods for estimating root biomass
and production in forest and woodland ecosystem carbon studies: a review. Forest Ecology and
Management, 359 : 332-351
2. Ligot G., Balandier P., Courbaud B. and Claessens H. (2014) Forest radiative transfer
models: which approach for which application? Canadian journal of forest research,
44(5): 391-403
3. Matieu H., Réjou-Méchain M., Cifuentes-Jara M., Wayson C. et al., (2015) An overview
of existing and promising technologies for national forest monitoring, Annals of Forest
Science, 72(6): 779–788
4. Rodríguez-Veiga P., Wheeler J., Louis V., Tansey K., and Balzter H. (2017) Quantifying
forest biomass carbon stocks from space. Current Forestry Reports, 3(1):1-18
5. Santilli M., Moutinho P., Schwartzman S., Nepstad D., Curran L. and Nobre C. (2005)
Tropical Deforestation and the Kyoto Protocol, Climatic Change, 71(3): 267-276
6. Tang L., Shao G. (2015) Drone remote sensing for forestry research and practices,
Journal of Forestry Research, 26(4): 791-797
7. Wulder M. A., White J. C., Nelson R. F., Naesset E. et al., (2012) Lidar sampling for
large-area forest characterization: A review. Remote Sensing of Environment, 121:196-


1. http://www.r-project.org/
2. http://www.un-redd.org/

2.2.3 Forest Informatics (Theory)
Topics Sub Topics

1 Geospatial Modelling Geospatial modelling concepts, Types of modelling approaches, Multi-

in Forestry and criteria decision making for forestry & ecological applications

2 Species distribution Ecological niche concept, Species distribution modelling (SDM)

Prediction approaches, Species response curves, calibration and validation of
SDM models
3 Wildlife habitat Wildlife conservation, Concept of protected areas and biosphere
Assessment and reserve, Wildlife habitat suitability analysis, Wildlife corridor analysis,
Protected Areas Satellite telemetry for wildlife dispersal studies

4 Fire ecology, Issues in Global and Asia-Pacific region, EO-based

Forest fire active fire detection and monitoring, Burnt area mapping, recovery
Monitoring and assessment, forest fire risk zonation and danger rating
5 Biodiversity Information Systems, Global Biodiversity Information
Forest Information Facility (GBIF), Plantation Monitoring System, Forest Fire Alert
and Decision Systems
Support Systems

2.2.3 Forest Informatics (Practical)

Practical No. Topics
EX 1 Spatial database generation for elevation, slope, aspect, road, rail and settlements, water
body etc.
EX2 Spatial analysis (overlay, proximity and zonal statistics) for forestry and ecological
EX3 Species niche modelling using MaxENT

EX4 Wildlife habitat survey (Field)

EX5 Wildlife habitat modeling using AHP

EX6 Active fire detection using satellite data
EX 7 Forest burnt area assessment using pre- and post-fire data
EX 8 Forest fire hazard and risk zonation
EX 9 Utilisation of Geoportals for informed decision making

Suggested Readings

Books and Reports

1. Johnson E.A. and Miyanishi K. (2001) Forest fires: Behavior and ecological Effects. Academic
Press, U.S.A.
2. Morrison M.L., Marcot B.G. and Mannan R.W. (2006) Wildlife-habitat relationships:Concepts
and applications. 3rd Ed. Island Press, Washington D. C.

Journal Articles

1. Alex H., Dave R. and The Biodiversity Informatics Community, (2013) A decadal view of
biodiversity informatics: challenges and priorities, BMC Ecology, 13:16
2. Allison R. S., Johnston J. M., Craig G., and Jennings S. (2016) Airborne optical and thermal
remote sensing for wildfire detection and monitoring, Sensors, 16(8):1310
3. Ananda J., and Herath G. (2009) A critical review of multi-criteria decision making methods with
special reference to forest management and planning, Ecological economics, 68(10): 2535-2548
4. Groot D. W. J., Wotton B. M. and Flannigan M. D. (2015) Wildland fire danger rating and early
warning systems, Wildfire Hazards, Risks and Disasters, 207-228
5. Sinclair S. J., White M. D., and Newell G. R. (2010) How useful are species distribution models
for managing biodiversity under future climates?, Ecology and Society 15(1): 8


1. http://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/home
2. www.ibin.gov.in/

2.2.4 Forest Ecosystem Analysis (Theory)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Forest Ecology Definitions, principles and scope, Forest ecosystem structural
and Ecosystem and functional analysis, nutrient cycling, forest productivity
Analysis estimation including eddy flux studies
2 Landscape Definitions, Patch-matrix, Spatial metrics, Biodiversity
Ecology characterization and conservation prioritization
3 Ecosystem Assessment and valuation of ecosystem services, Wetland
Goods, habitats monitoring and conservation planning, Global
Services and conventions (UN Agenda-21, Aichi Targets) and SDGs 13 &
Conservation 15 for biodiversity conservation
4 Environmental Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Strategic
planning and Environmental Assessment (SEA), Environmental monitoring
management (mining, biomass burning, etc.)
5 Forest and Broad concepts on forest ecosystem and climate linkages,
Climate Climate change impacts on forest ecosystems, IPCC climate
Change change scenarios and DGVMs

2.2.4 Forest Ecosystem Analysis (Practical)

Practical No. Topics

EX1 Field sampling for phytosociological analysis

EX2 Phytosociological analysis

EX3 Landscape analysis using FRAGSTATS

EX4 Ecosystem services assessment using InVEST model

EX5 EIA field tour to mining/hydroelectric power sites

EX6 EIA using RS and GIS

Suggested Readings

Books and Reports

1. Forman R.T.T. and Godron M. (1986) Landscape Ecology. John Wiley and Sons, New York
2. Heywood V.H. and Watson R.T. (1995) Global Biodiversity Assessment, Cambridge University
Press, U.K.
3. IPCC (2014) Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report Fifth Assessment Report, Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
4. Magurran A.E. (2004) Measuring Biological Diversity. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK
5. Mueller-Dombois D. and Ellenberg H. (1974) Aims and Methods of Vegetation Ecology. Wiley,
New York
6. Odum E.P. (1975) Funamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia
7. Singh J.S., Singh S.P. and Gupta S.R. (2006) Ecology, Environment and Resource Conservation,
Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi

Journal Articles

1. Baldocchi D. (2014) Measuring fluxes of trace gases and energy between ecosystems and the
atmosphere–state and future of EC method, Global change biology, 20(12): 3600-3609
2. Barbosa d. A. C. C., Atkinson P. M., and Dearing J. A. (2015) Remote sensing of ecosystem
services: a systematic review, Ecological Indicators, 52:430-443
3. McDowell N. G., Coops N. C., Beck P. S., Chambers J. Q., et al., (2015) Global satellite
monitoring of climate-induced vegetation disturbances, Trends in plant science, 20(2):114-123
4. Roy P. S. and Tomar S.( 2000) Biodiversity characterization at landscape level using geospatial
modeling techniques, Biological Conservation, 95(1): 95-109


1. http://www.ipcc.ch/
2. http://www.biodiversityhotspots.org/Pages/default.aspx
3. http://www.igbp.kva.se/
4. http://cdm.unfccc.int/index.html
5. http://unfccc.int/kyoto_protocol/items/2830.php

Syllabus for Semester-II

2.3 Geosciences

Code Papers Lecture Tutorials & Total

Hrs. Practicals Hrs.

2.3 1. Remote Sensing for Earth & 25 50 75

Planetary Science (G-EPS)

2.3.2 Data Processing and Analysis 25 50 75

for Geosciences (G-DPAG)

2.3.3 Applied and Tectonic 25 50 75

Geomorphology (G-ATG)

2.3.4 Engineering Geology and 25 50 75

Ground Water (G-EGGW)

Total 100 200 300

2.3.1 Remote Sensing for Earth & Planetary Science (Theory)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Geological Image elements for geological interpretation; Remote sensing image interpretation for
Interpretation-I identification of different geological provinces; Identification of rock types from
remote sensing images; Mapping and analysis of geological structures from remote
sensing images.

2 Geological Principles of Thermal Remote Sensing; Thermal properties of geological materials

Interpretation- and thermal inertia based interpretation; Microwave Remote Sensing: Radar wave
II properties and interaction with terrain & geology; Geological interpretation of radar
imagery; Radar remote sensing for geological applications.

3 Mineral Types of Mineral Deposits and Surface indicators of Mineral Deposits; Spectroscopy
Exploration of Rocks and Minerals; Multi-spectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Mineral
Exploration; Geophysical and Geochemical methods of mineral exploration.
Integration of Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical methods for Mineral

4 Hydrocarbon Types of Hydrocarbon Resources, Mode of occurrences and surface indicators;

Exploration Remote Sensing for mapping geomorphologic anomalies related to petroleum
occurrences; Hyperspectral and Microwave Remote Sensing for Hydrocarbon
Exploration; Exploration of non-conventional Hydrocarbon resources.

5 Planetary Overview of Planetary Geology; Global and Indian Planetary Missions; Remote
Geology sensing of planetary surfaces with special emphasis on Moon and Mars; Missions to
Moon and Mars and case studies.

2.3.1 Remote Sensing for Earth & Planetary Science (Practical)

Practical No. Topics

1 Identification and interpretation of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock

types from EO data. Detection, identification and analysis of structural elements:
bedding, folds, joints, faults, unconformities etc.
2 Interpretation of thermal imagery for lithological and geoenvironmental
applications; Interpretation of microwave data and its comparison with optical RS
3 Spectroscopic analysis of important rocks and minerals; Mineral mapping using
hyperspectral RS and GIS techniques.

4 GIS and RS based case examples for oil exploration.

5 Analysis of Lunar and Martian planetary data sets for geological interpretation.

Suggested Readings


1. Miller, V.C. and Miller C.F., 1961. Photogeology.

2. Sabins, F.F., 2007. Remote Sensing, Principles and Interpretation, W.H. Freeman & Co., San
Francisco, USA (3rd Ed.).
3. Gupta, R.P., 2003. Remote Sensing Geology, Springer Verlag, Berling.
4. Ryerson, R.A., Rencz. A. N., 1999. Manual of Remote Sensing: Remote sensing for the earth
sciences, Volume 3, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
5. Carranza, E.J.M., 2009. Geochemical Anomaly and mineral prospective mapping in GIS
6. Pater D. I, and Lissauer, J.J., 2001. Planetary Sciences, Cambridge University Press.

Journal Articles

1. Ernst, G. G. J., Kervyn, M., Teeuw, R. M., 2008. Advances in the remote sensing of volcanic
activity and hazards, with special consideration to applications in developing countries, International
Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 29, Issue 22, pp 6687-6723.
2. Francis, P. W. and Rothery, D., 2000. Remote sensing of active volcanoes. Annual Review of Earth
and Planetary Science, 28, pp. 81-106.
3. Sabins, F. F., 1999. Remote sensing for mineral exploration, Ore Geology Reviews, Volume 14,
Issues 3-4, September 1999, Pages 157-183.
4. Goetz, A.F.H., Rock, B.N., Rowan, L.C., 1983. Remote sensing for exploration – an overview.
Economic Geology and the Bull. of Soc. of Economic Geologists. 78(4), 573-590.
5. Goetz, A. F. H., Vane, G., Solomon, J. E., and Rock, B. N., 1985, Imaging spectrometry for earth
remote sensing: Science, 228, 1147-1153.
6. Green, R.O., Eastwood, M.L., Sarture, C.M., Chrien, T.G., Aronsson, M., Chippendale, B.J., Faust,
J.A., Pavri, B.E., Chovit, C. J., Solis, M., Olah, M. R. and Williams, O., 1998. Imaging Spectroscopy
and the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS), Remote Sensing of
Environment, 65(3), 227-248.
7. Cloutis, E.A., 1989. Spectral Reflectance Properties of Hydrocarbons: Remote-Sensing Implications,
Science, 245(4914), 165 – 168.
8. Kruse, F.A., and Lefkoff, A.B., 1993. Knowledge-based geologic mapping with imaging
spectrometers, Remote Sensing Reviews, 8, 3-28.
9. Halbouty, M.T., 1980. Geologic significance of Landsat data for 15 Giant oil and gas fields, Bull.
Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol., 64, 8-36.
10. Current Science, 2009. Special Section: Chandrayaan-1 (First Results from Chandrayaan-1), 96(4),
11. Pieters, C.M., Goswami J. N., Clark R. N., Annadurai M., Boardman J., Buratti B., Combe J.-P.,
Dyar M., Green D., R., Head J. W., Hibbitts C., Hicks M., Isaacson P., Klima R., G. Kramer, Kumar
S., Livo E., Lundeen S., Malaret E., McCord T., Mustard J., Nettles J., Petro N., Runyon C., Staid M.,
Sunshine J., Taylor L. A., Tompkins S., Varanasi P., 2009, Character and Spatial Distribution of
OH/H2O on the Surface of the Moon Seen by M3 on Chandrayaan-1, Science, 23, Vol. 326. no.
5952, pp. 568-572, DOI: 10.1126/science.1178658

USGS: http://www.usgs.gov/
ISPRS proceedings: www.isprs.org
Mineral/oil exploration: http://geosun.sjsu.edu/paula/285/keil/index.htm
Geological Survey of Japan: http://www.gsj.jp/
Geological Survey of India: http://www.portal.gsi.gov.in/
Geological Society of India: http://www.geosocindia.org/
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing: http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/resource/
Cornell University: http://marswatch.astro.cornell.edu/rsm.html
Information Technology for Field Science Education and Research: http://geopad.org/
Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing:
Planetary geology papers: http://www.planetary.brown.edu/html_pages/pieters_pubs.htm
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): http://www.agu.org/journals/jgr/

2.3.2 Data Processing and Analysis for Geoscience (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Digital Image Digital enhancement and visualization, Image transformation (band arithmetic,
Analysis for Indices, Principal Component Analysis, Decorrelation stretching) and Spatial
Geological Filtering for geological applications; Data Fusion and Change Detection:
Applications Methods and applications of data fusion and change detection for geological

2 Hyperspectral Hyperspectral image processing: Data compression & Atmospheric Correction;

Data PPI, n-Dimensional visualization and classification; Mineral abundance and
Processing in alteration zone mapping; Spectrometric analysis of spaceborne, airborne and
Geology ground-based spectral data; Advanced classification techniques and band depth

3 Thermal and Thermal Infra-red data processing: Retrieval of land surface temperature (LST),
Microwave emissivity and thermal inertia mapping; Microwave data processing: SAR data
Data processing and geological feature extraction; InSAR data processing for terrain
Processing in mapping; DInSAR data processing for land surface deformation studies.

4 Geospatial DEM generation from satellite data; Derivation of terrain elements, terrain
Modelling mapping and analysis for geological applications.
and Terrain

5 Geostatistics Population and sample, Sampling pattern and analysis; Statistical Hypotheses
and Statistical Tests; ANOVA, Regression Analysis (Multiple and logistic
regression). Regionalized variables: Properties, Semivariogram and
Correlogram Analysis; Point Data Interpolation Techniques including Kriging
methods for geological applications.

2.3.2 Data Processing and Analysis for Geoscience (Practical)
Practical No. Topics

1 Data processing for geological and geomorphological applications; Data fusion and
change detection for geological hazards (earthquake/ landslide).

2 Hyperspectral image analysis for mineral abundance and alteration zone mapping.

3 Single channel and Multi-channel TIR data processing for LST retrieval; Thermal inertia
and thermal anomaly mapping; Microwave image analysis for InSAR-based DEM
generation, crustal deformation and land subsidence studies.

4 Geological database organisation, data conversion, spatial analysis, modelling and layout
for professional map making (geological symbols, colour coding etc.).

Terrain parameter extraction and analysis.

5 Geological data analysis using multivariate statistics and geostatistics.

Suggested Readings


1. Mather, P.M., 2004. Computer processing of remotely sensed images: an introduction

2. Jensen, J.R., 1996. Introductory Digital Image Processing.
3. Bonham-Carter, G.F., 1994. Geographic Information Systems for Geoscientists. Love Printing
Service Ltd., Ontario, Canada.
4. Burrough, P.A. and McDonnell, R., 1998. Principles of GIS for land resources assessment. Oxford Scientific
Publ., Claredin Press, Oxford, U.K. (Monograph on Soil and Resources Survey No. 12).
5. Meer F. V. and Jong, S.M.D. 2001. Imaging spectrometry: basic principles and prospective
applications, Vol 1
6. Ketelaar, V. B. H. 2009. Satellite Radar Interferometry Subsidence Monitoring Techniques, Remote
Sensing and Digital Image Processing, Vol. 14, Springer.
7. Davis, J.C., 2002. Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology, 3rd Edition.

Journal Articles

1. Massonnet, D., and Feigl, K.L., 1998, Radar interferometry and its application to changes in the
earth's surface: Reviews of Geophysics, 36, 441-500.
2. Ferretti, A., Prati, C. and Rocca, F., 2001. Permanent scatterers in SAR interferometry. IEEE
Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 39, pp. 8-20.
3. Carrara A., Cardinali M., Detti R., Guzzetti F., Pasqui V., and Reichenbach P., 1991. GIS techniques
and statistical models in evaluating landslide hazard, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms v. 2,

4. Chung C. F., Fabbri A.G., and Westen C.J. van, 1995. Multivariate regression analysis for landslide
hazard zonation. Carrara A., and Guzzety F., (Editors), Geographical Information Systems in
Assessing Natural Hazards, Kluwer Pub., Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 107-133.
5. Kruse, F. A., Boardman, J. W., and Huntington, J. F., 2002, Comparison of Airborne and Satellite
Hyperspectral Data for Geologic Mapping: in Proceedings, SPIE International Symposium on
AeroSense, 1-5 April 2002, Orlando, FL, v. 4725, p. 128-139.
6. Bonham-Carter, G. F., Agterberg, F. P. and Wright, D. F., 1988. Integration of geological datasets for
gold exploration in Nova Scotia. Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sens., 54, 1585–1592.


NASA Remote Sensing Tutorial: rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Front/tofc.html

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing: http://www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/resource/
ESA: http://earth.esa.int/
JAXA: http://www.jaxa.jp/index_e.html
Hyperspectral imaging applications: www.asdi.com
Image processing place for Matlab routines etc.: http://www.imageprocessingplace.com/
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing Journal: http://www.asprs.org/publications/pers/
International Journal of Remote Sensing Journal: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/tres
Geoscience Australia: http://www.ga.gov.au/
Statistics and data analysis in geology: http://geomechanics.geol.pdx.edu/Courses/G423/syllabus.xml
The R Project for Statistical Computing: http://www.r-project.org/
Geostatistics portal: http://www.itc.nl/library/portals/geostatistics/software.aspx
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing:
Computers & Geosciences Journal:
Mathematical Geology (now known as Mathematical Geosciences) Journal:
Computational Geosciences Journal: http://www.springerlink.com/content/1420-0597

2.3.3 Applied and Tectonic Geomorphology (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Geomorphic Geomorphic processes and landform evolution; Landforms formed due to

Processes & weathering/ denudation, mass wasting, fluvial action, aeolian, coastal, karst,
Landform and volcanic eruptions; Fluvial systems: models, landforms and modeling of
Analysis catchment process.

2 Glacial Glacial processes and landforms, glacier geometry and size; Linkage between
Landforms, cryosphere and climate variability, glacier facies mapping, monitoring of
Dynamics and glacier health & glacial lakes.
Response to
Climate Change

3 Tectonic Introduction to Active Tectonics and Neotectonics; Tectonic geomorphology:

Geomorphology Landforms due to folding and faulting; Geomorphic Indices for active
tectonics; Active fault mapping using remote sensing and geophysical

4 Earthquake Earthquake geology; Seismotectonics, seismic hazard zonation and

Geology and microzonation; Coseismic and interseismic deformation using DInSAR and
Geodynamics GNSS; Space based earthquake precursor studies.

5 Applied Applied Geomorphologic mapping: Geomorphic classification systems, Role

Geomorphologic of geomorphic maps in different geological applications.

2.3.3 Applied and Tectonic Geomorphology (Practical)

Practical No. Topics

1 Geomorphic process identification and genetic landform mapping (denudational, aeolian,

coastal, volcanic and karst); Fluvial landform mapping and analysis; Mass wasting features
(including landslides) mapping and analysis using aerial and satellite images.

2 Glacier and snow cover mapping; Snout position identification; Glacier landform/feature
mapping; Glacier facies mapping

3&4 Tectonic landforms/active tectonics related mapping and analysis using remote sensing and
digital terrain models; Geophysical techniques for fault detection/confirmation (field and lab);
GNSS/DInSAR for crustal deformation analysis; Space based earthquake precursor studies.

5 Applied geomorphological mapping using satellite data.

Suggested Readings


1. Bloom, A. L., 2004. Geomorphology: a systematic analysis of late Cenozoic landforms.

2. Anderson R.S., Anderson S. P. 2010. Geomorphology: The Mechanics and Chemistry of
3. Cooke, R.U., Doornkamp, J.C., 1990 – Geomorphology in environmental management – a new
introduction. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
4. Townshend, J.R.G., 1981 – Terrain analysis and remote sensing (Edited), George Alter and
Unwin, London.
5. Keller, E.A., and Pinter, N., 2002. Active Tectonics - Earthquakes, Uplift, and Landscapes
6. Burbank D.W., and Anderson, R.S. 2001. Tectonic Geomorphology
7. McKlay, K.R. 2004. Thrust Tectonics & Hydrocarbon Systems
8. Yeats, R.S., Sieh, K.E., and Allen, C. R., 1997. The Geology of Earthquakes
9. Scholz, C.H., 2002. The Mechanics of Earthquakes and Faulting
10. NRSC, 2009. Manual for National Geomorphological and Lineament Mapping on 1:50,000 scale.
11. Bull W.B., 1991. Geomorphic Responses to Climatic Change, The Blackburn Press.
12. Elorza M. G., Benito G., 2005. Climatic Geomorphology, Elsevier.

Journal Articles

13. Bannerjee, P., Burgmann, R., 2002. Convergence across the northwest Himalaya from GPS
measurements. Geophysical Research Letters 29(13), 30-1-30-4.
14. Bilham, R., Larson, K., Freymueller, J., Project Idylhim members, 1997. GPS measurements of
present-day convergence across the Nepal Himalaya. Nature 386, 61-64.
15. Bilham R., Gaur, V.K., Molnar, P., 2001. Himalayan seismic risk. Science 293, 1442-1444.
16. Kumar, S., Wesnousky, S.G., Rockwell, T.K., Ragona, D., Thakur, V.C., Seitz, G.G., 2001.
Earthquake recurrence and rupture dynamics of Himalayan Frontal Thrust, India. Science 294,
17. Nakata, T., 1972. Geomorphic History and Crustal Movements of Foot-hills of the Himalaya,
Institute of Geography, Tohuku University, Japan.
18. Nossin, J.J., 1971. Outline of the geomorphology of the Doon valley, Northern UP, India, Z.
Geomorphology N.F. 12, 18-50.
19. Phillip, G. 1996. Landsat Thematic Mapper data analysis for quarternary tectonics in parts of
Doon valley, NW Himalaya, India. Int. Journal of Remote Sensing 17 (1), 143-153.
20. Thakur, V.C., Pandey, A.K., 2004. Late quarternary tectonic evolution of Dun in fault bend/
propagated fold system, Garhwal Sub-Himalaya, Current Science 87(11), 1567-1576.
21. Burbank, D.W., Blythe, A.E., Putkonen, J., Pratt-Sitaula, B., Gabet, E., Oskin, M., Barros, A.,
Ojha, T.P., 2003. Decoupling of erosion and precipitation in the Himalayas. Nature 426, 652-655.
22. Allison, R. J., 2002. Geomorphology, Human Activity and Global Environmental Change.
Geographical Journal, http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_go2454/is_1_168/ai_n6805991/


Geomorphology from Space: http://daac.gsfc.nasa.gov/DAAC_DOCS/geomorphology/

Arizona State University geomorphology group: http://geomorphology.sese.asu.edu/
University of California, Burbank group: http://www.geol.ucsb.edu/faculty/burbank/

Earthquakes and Plate Boundary Processes: cires.colorado.edu/~bilham/
University of Nevada, Reno: http://www.unr.edu/cos/geology/programs/grad/programs.html
USGS: earthquake.usgs.gov
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Journal:
Geomorphology Journal:

2.3.4 Engineering Geology and Ground Water (Theory)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Engineering Engineering properties of rocks and soil; Strength and failure behavior of
Geology and Site rocks and soil; Rock mass strength classification; R.S. application in
Investigations engineering geology mapping; Construction material survey;
dam/reservoir site selection and route alignment; Environmental impact
assessment of dam and reservoir.
2 Mass Movement, Mass movement types and classifications of landslides; Causes of
Mapping, landslide; R.S. applications for mapping and monitoring of landslides;
Monitoring and Overview of ground based technique for landslide studies; Ground based
Modelling geophysical techniques for slip surface mapping; Landslide hazard
zonation; Landslide early warning

3 Principles of Hydrogeological properties of different rocks, structures and landforms;

Ground Water Ground water flow, surface and ground water interaction; Controls of
Geology ground water occurrence and movement.

4 Ground Water Concept of hydrogeomorphic unit and hydrogeomorphological mapping

Targeting with case examples; Ground water targeting in different geologic terrains
using EO data and GIS techniques; Satellite gravity observations vis-a-vis
ground water development and geophysical techniques.

5 Ground Water Ground water quality and pollution assessment; Rain water harvesting;
Quality Artificial ground water recharge using RS and GIS; GW resource
Assessment and assessment and sustainable development of groundwater.
Ground Water

2.3.4 Engineering Geology and Ground Water (Practical)
Practical No. Topics

1 Demonstration of rock/ soil strength and failure; Rock mass strength and 3-D logging of
engineering structures; Engineering geological mapping using different types of R.S.
data; Route alignment between two points; Suitable site selection for dam/reservoir.
2 Landslide mapping and monitoring; Landslide hazard analysis: vulnerability,
susceptibility and risk mapping, debris flow modelling.
3 Satellite image interpretation and analysis for ground water prospects; Ground water
prospect zonation using satellite images in different geological terrains: alluvial terrain,
hard rock terrain, hilly terrain.
4 Integration of RS and geophysical techniques for GW recharge/spring rejuvenation.
5 Hydrochemical data processing and analysis for quality assessment.

Suggested Readings


1. Price, D.G. and Freitas, M. H. D.2009. Engineering Geology: Principles and Practice.
2. Blyth, F.G.H. and Freitas, M.H.D., 1984. A Geology for Engineers.
3. Bell, F.G. 2004. Fundamentals of Engineering Geology
4. Krynine, D.P. and Judd, W.R., 1957. Principples of Engineering Geology and Techniques
5. Cornforth, D. 2005. Landslides in Practice: Investigations, analysis, and Remedial / Prevention
Options in Soils.
6. Hoek, E. and Bray, J.W. 1997. Rock Slope Engineering.
7. Rahn, P.H. 1996. Engineering Geology-An Environmental approach.
8. Townshend, J.R.G., 1981 – Terrain evaluation and remote sensing – George Allen and Unwin,
9. Fetter, C.W., 1988. Applied Hydrogeology. Merrill Publishing Company, Ohio, USA.
10. Karanth, K.R., 1987. Groundwater Assessment, Development and Management. Tata McGraw Hill Pub.,
11. Schwartz, F.W. and Zhang, H., 2003. Fundamentals of Ground Water. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. USA.
12. Todd, D.K. and Mays, L.W. 2005. Ground Water Hydrology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. USA.
13. Westen C. J. van, 1993. GISSIZ Training Package for Geographic Information Systems in Slope
Instability Zonation, UNESCO-ITC Project. ITC Publication No. 15, Enschede.
14. NRSC, Ground water prospect Atlas produced under Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission
15. NRSC, Manual for Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission (RGNDWM).

Journal Articles

1. Soeters, R.; Van Westen, C.J. Slope instability recognition, analysis, and zonation. In Landslides,
Investigation and Mitigation; Turner, A.K., Schuster, R.L., Eds.; Transportation Research Board
Special Report 247; National Research Council: Washington, DC, USA, 1996; pp. 129-177.
2. Carrara A., Cardinali M., Guzzetti F., and Reichenbach P., 1995. GIS technology in mapping
landslide hazard. Carrara A., and Guzzetti F., (Editors), Geographical Information Systems in
Assessing Natural Hazards, Kluwer Pub., Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 135-175.
3. Varnes, D.J., 1984. Landslide Hazard Zonation: A Review of Principles and Practice, Natural
Hazards (UNESCO), v. 3.
4. Guzzetti, F. Carrara, A., Cardinali, M., and Reichenbach, P., 1999. Landslide hazard evaluation: a
review of current techniques and their application in a multi-scale study, Central Italy,
Geomorphology, Vol. 31, pp. 181–216.
5. van Westen, C.J., Castellanos Abella, E.A. and Sekhar, L.K. (2008) Spatial data for landslide
susceptibility, hazards and vulnerability assessment : an overview. In: Engineering geology, 102
(2008)3-4, pp. 112-131.
6. Waters, P., Greenbaum, D., Smart, P.L. and Osmaston, H. (1990). Applications of remote
7. Sensing to groundwater hydrology. Remote Sensing Rev., 4(2): 223–264.
8. Meijerink, A.M.J. (1996). Remote sensing applications to hydrology: groundwater. Hydrol. Sci.,
41(4): 549–561.
9. Meijerink, A.M.J., Bannert, D., Batelaan, O., Lubczynski, M.W. and Pointet, T. (2007). Remote
sensing applications to groundwater. IHP-VI Series on Groundwater, No. 16, UNESCO, Paris,
10. Scanlon, B.R., Healy, R.W. and Cook, P.G. (2002). Choosing appropriate techniques for quantifying
groundwater recharge. Hydrogeol. Jour., 10: 18–39.
11. Healy, W. and Cook, P.G. (2002). Using groundwater levels to estimate recharge. Hydrogeol. Jour.,
10: 91–109.
12. De Vries, J.J. and Simmers, I. (2002). Groundwater recharge: an overview of processes and
challenges. Hydrogeol. Jour., 10: 5–17.
13. Becker, M.W. (2006). Potential for satellite remote sensing of ground water. Ground Water, 44(2):
14. Chatterjee, R. and Purohit, R. R., 2009. Estimation of replenishable groundwater resources of India
and their status of utilization, Current Science, vol. 96, no. 12, pp. 1581-1591.


Japanese Landslide Society: http://www.tuat.ac.jp/~sabo/lj/

International Landslide Research Group: http://ilrg.gndci.pg.cnr.it/
NASA landslide site: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study /Landslide/
USGS landslide program: http://landslides.usgs.gov/index.html
FEMA Landslide fact sheet: http://www.fema.gov/hazards/landslides/landslif.shtm
Selection of the Dam Site of the Three Gorges Project:
USGS Engineering Geology: http://www.usgs.gov/science/science.php?type=theme&term=337
Rock mechanics: http://www.xs4all.nl/~hack/WORKHack/index.html
GRACE satellite data: http://grace.jpl.nasa.gov/data/mass/
Central Ground Water Board: cgwb.gov.in
Ground water Pollution using DRASTIC: http://csat.er.usgs.gov/statewide/layers/drastic.html
Remote Sensing Applications to Groundwater:
Ground water exploration: http://geosun.sjsu.edu/paula/285/keil/index.htm

Dutch portal to international hydrology and water resources: http://www.hydrology.nl/
Journal of Engineering Geology:
Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides, Landslides:
Journal of Hydrology:
Hydrogeology Journal:

Syllabus for Semester-II
Urban & Regional Studies

2.4 Urban & Regional Studies
Code Papers Lectures* Practical Total
Lab Field
Hrs. Hrs.
2.4.1 Fundamentals of Urban and Regional 25 40 10 75

2.4.2 Urban and Regional Area Analysis 25 40 10 75

2.4.3 Urban Resources, Services and Facilities 25 40 10 75


2.4.4 Advanced Urban and Regional Studies 25 40 10 75

Total 100 160 40 300

*Includes guest lectures & tutorials

2.4.1 Fundamentals of Urban and Regional Planning (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics
1 Concepts of Terminology in Urban planning; Town planning Practices in
Settlement Developing Countries; Urban & Regional Planning Models; Urban
Planning Area delineation Rules; New Towns: planning and Development;
Process of Preparation of Development/Master/Zonal plans; Norms
in Urban planning and Building bye-laws; urban Housing, Demand
& supply; Types of Housing.
2 Image Basic Principles; basic reason for applications; factors governing
Interpretation interpretability; Elements of Image interpretation; Techniques of
of Urban Interpretation; Sequence of activities; Convergence of evidence for
Areas urban areas analysis.
3 Urban Land Issues in urban land use mapping; Urban land use classification
Use Planning system; Rules of classifications; Various Scales; Accuracy
4 Base Maps Characteristics of Base maps; Scale of base maps; base maps for
and Cadastral regional/district planning; Photo-maps; Ortho-photo maps; cadastral
Maps for mapping; Preparation of foot-print map; RS and GIS for Property tax
Urban Areas assessment.

2.4.1 Fundamentals of Urban and Regional Planning (Practical)

Practical No. Topics

Ex.1 Identification of Defined Urban objects
Ex.2 Interpretation of Urban objects
Ex.3 Interpretation of urban areas on different Scales
Ex.4 Development of working definition & delineation of urban areas
Ex.5 Interpretation and delineation of residential areas; Field verification
Ex.6 Development of Urban land use/ land cover classification system
Ex.7 Interpretation and mapping of urban land use/land cover; field verification
Ex.8 Visit to Survey of India

Suggested Readings

Books and Reports

1. American Society of Photogrammetry (1980): Manual of Photogrammetry.
2. Bracken, Ian (1981). Urban Planning Methods, Research and Policy Analysis. Mathew and Co., USA.
3. Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.W. (2009). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley and
Sons, New York.
4. Manual of Remote Sensing, Vol.5:”Remote Sensing of Human Settlements”, 2006.
5. Rashed Tarek, & Jurgens, Carsten (Eds.) (2010). Remote Sensing of Urban and Sub-urban Areas.
6. Rhind, David and Hudson, Ray (1980). Land Use, Methuen Publishers New Delhi.
7. Subudhi, A.P., Sokhi, B. S. and Roy, P. S. (2001). Remote Sensing and GIS Applications In Urban
and Regional Studies, Human Settlement Analysis Division, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing,

8. Thakur, B. et. al. (Ed.) (2007). City, Society and Planning. Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi.
9. Wend, Qihao and Quattrochi, D. A. (ed.) (2007). Urban Remote Sensing. CRC Press, Taylor and
Francis Group, London.
10. Worboys, M. (1995). GIS: A computing perspective, London. Taylor and Francis.
11. Manual on GIS for planners and decision makers (1996). United Nations. Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
12. Merrill R. Ridd, James D. Hipple and Andrew N. Rencz (2006). Manual of Remote Sensing, Third
Edition, Volume 5: Remote Sensing of Human Settlements American Society of Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing: Bethesda, Maryland.
13. NRSC (2006). Manual- National Land Use Land Cover Mapping Using Multi-temporal Satellite
Data. National Remote Sensing Agency, Department of Space, Government of India, Hyderabad,
India, May, 2006.
14. Rashed Tarek and Jurgens, Carsten (Eds.) (2010). Remote Sensing of Urban and Sub-urban Areas.
15. Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and Implementation Guidelines. India (2014).
Ministry of Urban development, Government of India, New Delhi.
16. Xiaojun Yang (Ed.) (2011). Urban Remote Sensing: Monitoring, Synthesis and Modeling in the
Urban Environment, John Wiley & Sons

Journals Articles
1. Congalton, R.G. (19910: A review of assessing the accuracy of classifications of remotely sensed
data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 37, 35-46.
2. C. V. Rao, J. Malleswara Rao, A. Senthil Kumar, D.S.Jain, V. K. Dadhwal, 2016. High Spatial
and Spectral Details Retention Fusion and Evaluation”, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote
Sensing, Vol.44, No.2, p p: 167-175.
3. J. Malleswara Rao, C. V. Rao, A. Senthil Kumar, B. Lakshmi,V. K. Dadhwal “Spatio-temporal
Data Fusion using Temporal High Pass Modulation and Edge Primitives,” IEEE Transactions on
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53, No. 11, pp: 5853-5860, Nov 2015
4. C. V. Rao, J. Malleswara Rao, A. Senthil Kumar, V. K. Dadhwal. “Fast Spatio-temporal Data
Fusion: Merging LISS III with AWiFS Sensor Data”, International Journal of Remote Sensing,
Vol. 35, No. 24, pp: 8323–8344, Dec 2014.
5. Gupta Kshama and Sadhana Jain, 2005, Enhanced capabilities of IRS P6 LISS IV sensor for urban
mapping, Current Science, 89(11), 1805-1812.(IF: 0.843)

1. www.earthtrends.wri.org
2. www.globalchange.umich.edu
3. www.interenvironment.org/cipa/urbaniztion
4. http:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/photogrammetry
5. www.gim-international.com
6. www.itc.nl/library/
7. www.tuwien.ac.at

2.4.2 Geospatial Technologies in Urban Area Analysis (Theory)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Urban Area Analysis Urban Sprawl: Definition, Types, Mapping and Consequences;
Change Detection Techniques for Urban Growth Monitoring;
Indices for Built-Up Area Extraction; Slums Identification and
Quantitative Statistical Techniques and Data Interpretation, Types of Data,
2 Techniques for Urban Graphs and Charts; Spatial Metrics; Urban Development
and Regional Analysis Indicators.
3 Census Operation Census Operations, Basic Principles; Population Estimation
and Population through Remote Sensing, Updating of Population Data, Case
Studies Studies; Population Projection Techniques.
4 Urban Growth Urban Growth Models, Basic Concepts and Prediction of Future
Modelling Growth Pattern using CA-ANN, MCE-CA Models; Use of
Night-Time Light Data in Urban Studies.

5 3D Modeling and its 3D Modeling Techniques for Urban Surface Profiling: Digital
Applications and Satellite Photogrammetry, LiDAR (Airborne and
Terrestrial), Close Range Photogrammetry; DEM/DSM
Generation for Urban Areas, Modeling and Visualization,
Concepts and Techniques of Space Use Mapping.

2.4.2 Geospatial Technologies in Urban Area Analysis (Practical)

Practical No. Units Topics Covered

1 URA- P1  Indices for Built-Up Area Extraction

 Urban Growth Monitoring
 Field Verification
2 URA- P2  Various Statistical Techniques of Data Analysis
 Population Projections
3 URA- P3  Population Estimation using Geospatial Techniques
 Urban Growth Modelling
4 URA- P4  Generation of DEM
 Demonstration of DGPS/GNSS for Field Data Collection
 Demonstration on 3D Modeling of Urban Areas
 Space Use Mapping

Suggested Readings:

Books and Reports

1. Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.W. (2009): Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley and
Sons, New York.
2. UNCHS (1982). Survey of Slums and Squatter Settlements. Development Studies Series, Vol.1,
Tycooly International, Dublin.
3. Rangwala (2010). Town Planning, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Anand, India.
4. Rashed Tarek, and Jurgens, Carsten (Eds.) (2010): Remote Sensing of Urban and Sub-urban Areas.
5. Roy, P.S., Dewivedi, R.S, and Vijayan, D. (2010) (ed.). Remote Sensing Applications. National
Remote Sensing Centre, Department of Space, Government of India, Hyderabad, India, 2010.
6. Subudhi, A.P., Sokhi, B. S. and Roy, P. S. (2001). Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Urban
and Regional Studies, Human Settlement Analysis Division, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing,
Dehra Dun.
7. Sliuzas, R.V.(2004). Managing Informal Settlements: A Study using Geo-information, ITC
Publications Series No. 112,The Netherlands.
8. Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and Implementation Guidelines. India (2014).
Ministry of Urban development, Government of India, New Delhi.
9. Wend, Qihao and Quattrochi, D. A. (ed.) (2007). Urban Remote Sensing. CRC Press, Taylor and
Francis Group, London.
10. Xiaojun Yang (Ed.) (2011). Urban Remote Sensing: Monitoring, Synthesis and Modeling in the
Urban Environment, John Wiley & Sons

Journals Articles

1. Eyre, L.H., Adolphus, B. and Amiel, M. (1983). Census Analysis and Population Studies.
Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XXXXVI, May 1970.
2. Harvey, J.T., 2002. Estimating census district populations from satellite imagery: Some
approaches and limitations, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23:2071–2095.
3. Kshama Gupta, (2013). Unprecedented Growth of Dehradun Urban Area: A Spatio- temporal
analysis, International Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, GIS and Geography, Vol.1, No.2, 6-
4. Kshama Gupta, S.K. Pathan, G. Anil Kumar, (2005). Need of population estimation for micro
level infrastructure planning: A Remote Sensing Approach, ITPI Journal, Vol.2 no.2, April- June
5. Lo, C.P., 1995. Automated population and dwelling unit estimation from high-resolution satellite
images: A GIS approach, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 16:17–34.
6. Sandeep Maithani, Arifa Begum, Pramod Kumar & A. Senthil Kumar (2017), Simulation of peri-
urban growth dynamics using weights of evidence approach, Geocarto International, DOI:
.1080/10106049.2017.1319425, (IF: 0.897)
7. Maithani, S. (2017), Calibration of a Multi-criteria Evaluation Based Cellular Automata Model
Indian Cities having Varied Growth Patterns, Journal of Indian society of Remote Sensing
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-017-0681-y. (IF: 0.725)
8. Jeganathan, C., Pramod Kumar, Kshama Gupta, Rahul D. Garg, Anand Kr. Sinha, Kirti Avisek,
and Ramesh Hebbale, 2017, Remote Sensing and GIS for Civil Engineering Applications and
Human Development, International Journal of Advancement in Remote Sensing, GIS and
Geography, 5(1), 1-18.
9. Maithani, Sandeep (2015), Neural Networks based simulation of land cover scenarios in Doon
valley, India , Geocarto International, 30(2), pp. 163-185
10. Gupta K., Bhardwaj A., Kumar P., Pushpalata, 2015, Procedural rule based 3D city modeling and
visualization using high resolution satellite data, International Journal of Advancement in Remote
Sensing, GIS and Geography, 3(2):16-25. (IF- 0.994)
11. Maithani, Sandeep (2014), Neural Networks Based Simulation of Land Cover Scenarios in Doon
valley, India”, Geocarto International,. DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2014.927535, Impact factor:
12. Chawdhury, P.K.R. and Maithani, Sandeep (2014), Modelling Urban Growth in the Indo-
Gangetic Plane Using Night-time OLS Data and Cellular Automata, in International Journal of
Applied Earth observation and Geoinformation, 33, pp. 155-165. Impact factor: 2.539.
13. Giribabu, D., Pramod Kumar (corresponding author), John Mathew, K.P. Sharma and Y.V.N.
Krishna Murthy, 2013. DEM generation using Cartosat-1 stereo data: issues and complexities in
Himalayan terrain. European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 46 pp. 431 – 443. doi:
10.5721/EuJRS20134625. Cited by 3, Impact factor: 0.33
14. Gupta, Kshama (2013). Unprecedented Growth of Dehradun Urban Area: A Spatio- temporal
analysis. International Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, GIS and Geography (Impact factor:
15. Jain, Sadhana, Laphwan, S., Singh, P.K. (2013). Tracing the changes in the pattern of urban
landscape of Dehradun over last two decades using RS and GIS. International Journal of
Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS (IJARSG), 2(1):351-362.
16. Chawdhury, P.K.R., Maithani, Sandeep and Dadhwal,V.K (2012) Estimation of urban population
in Indo GangeticPlains using nighttime OLS data ,International Journal of Remote Sensing
(IJRS), 33(8), pp. 2498-2515. Impact factor: 1.724
17. Maithani, Sandeep, Arora, M. K. and Jain, R. K. (2010). An artificial neural network based
approach for urban growth zonation in Dehradun city, India, Geocarto International, 25(8), pp.
18. Chawdhury, P.K.R. and Maithani, Sandeep (2010), Monitoring growth of built-up areas in Indo-
Gangetic plainusing multisensor remote sensing data. Journal of Indian society of Remote
Sensing (JISRS), 38(2), pp. 291-300.
19. Maithani, Sandeep (2010), Cellular Automata based model of urban spatial growth. Journal of
Indian Society of Remote Sensing,38(4), pp.604-610
20. Maithani, Sandeep (2009), A Neural Network based Urban Growth Model of an Indian city.
Journal of Indian society of Remote Sensing (JISRS), 37(3), pp. 363-376.
21. Maithani, Sandeep, and Sokhi, B.S. (2002), Modelling Land Transformation using Remote
Sensing and GIS- Case study Haridwar and surrounding Areas. Journal of Institute of Town
Planners (ITPI), Vol. 20 No.2 (181), pp. 25-34.
22. Kumar, P., Kumar, S. and Manchanda, M.L., 2004. Satellite stereo data for DEM surfaces and
derivatives. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 32(1), pp.81-90.

1. www.itpi.org
2. www.casa.ncl.ac.uk
3. www.GISdevelopment.net
4. www.gim-international.com
5. www.unhabitat.org
6. www.unep.org
7. www.itc.nl/library/

2.4.3 Urban Resources, Services & Facilities Analysis (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics
1 Urban Infrastructure and Geospatial Technologies for Urban Utility Mapping, Mobile
Services Mapping and Mobile Apps for Facilities Mapping; Urban Water
2 Network Analysis for Urban Service Area Analysis, Optimum Path Finding, OD Matrix,
Infrastructure and Services Location-Allocation of Urban Services, AM/FM, LBS.

3 Urban Resources Definitions and Concept of Urban Resources, Classification and

Studies Spatial Distribution of Resources; Geospatial Technologies for
Urban Heritage and Conservation.
4 Energy resources Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Resources, Use of
Geospatial Data for Solar and Hydro (In Hills) Energy Potential,
Power GIS.
5 Urban Hazard & Basic Concepts, Urban Geomorphology for Hazard
Risk Assessment Identification, Multi-Hazards, Risk and Vulnerability
Assessment, Urban Hydrology and Flood Modeling.

2.4.3 Urban Resources, Services & Facilities Analysis (Practical)

Practical No. Units Topics Covered

1 URS-P1  Facility Mapping and Buffer Analysis

 Mobile App for Asset Mapping and GIS Analysis
 Demonstration on Ground Penetrating Radar
 Field Visit

2 URS-P2  Network Analysis

 Solar Energy Potential Assessment

3 URS-P3  Urban Runoff

 Seismic Hazard Mapping
 Analysis and Risk Assessment
 Field Verification

Suggested Readings:

Books and Reports

1. Jackson, C. I. (1977). Human Settlement and Energy. Pergamon.
2. Huang, Zhengdong (2003). Data Integration for Urban Transport Planning, Ph. D. Thesis, Utrecht
3. University, The Netherlands.
4. Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.W. (2009). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley
and Sons, New York.
5. Rashed Tarek, and Jurgens, Carsten (Eds.) (2010). Remote Sensing of Urban and Sub-urban
Areas. Springer.
6. Roy, P.S., Dewivedi, R.S, and Vijayan, D. (2010) (ed.). Remote Sensing Applications. National
7. Remote Sensing Centre, Department of Space, Government of India, Hyderabad, India, 2010.
8. Subudhi, A.P., Sokhi, B. S. and Roy, P. S. (2001). Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Urban
and Regional Studies, Human Settlement Analysis Division, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing,
9. Urban Development Plans Formulation & Implementation (UDPFI) Guidelines, Vol.1,
10. Ministry of Urban Affairs & Employment, Government of India, New Delhi, August, 1996.
11. Sedogo, L.G. (2002). Integration of Local Participatory and Regional Planning for Resources
Management using Remote Sensing and GIS. ITC Dessertation No.92, ITC, The Netherlands.
12. USGS (2004).USGS Earthquake Hazardous Program: Earthquake Facts and Statistics.
13. Weston C.J.V. (1999): Application of RADIUS method for Earthquake Loss Estimation: Kathmandu,
Nepal, ITC, The Netherlands.
14. Weston, C. J.V. Montoya, L. et.al. (2001): Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment using GIS in Urban Areas:
A Case study for the city of Turrialba, Costa Rica, ITC, Netherlands

Journal Articles
1. Gupta K., Sharma S., Singh A., Aryan I., Kuliyal S., Deshmukh A., Gani U., Raghvendra S.,
Kumar P., Agarwal S., 2017, Geospatial Techniques for Urban Regeneration, Heritage
Conservation and Planning, Spandrel, International Journal of SPA, Bhopal. 1(12):102-113.
2. Kumar P., Mathew J., Kumar S., Kudrat M., (2006) -Cartosat data utility for hydro power sites
investigation and potential assessment. National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS),
3. Kumar, Minakshi and Sokhi, B. S. (2004). Geo-informatics and High Resolution Satellite Data for
Micro- level Solid Waste Management: Case Study of Dehradun. ITPI Journal, Vol.1, No.4,
October-December, 2004.
4. Kumar, P., Kunwar, S. and Garg, V., 2017. Hydropower Sites Investigation and Sensitivity Analysis
of Assessed Potential Using Geospatial Inputs. In Development of Water Resources in India (pp. 499-
522). Springer, Cham.
5. Kumar, P., Tiwari, K.N. and Pal, D.K., 1991. Establishing SCS runoff curve number from IRS digital
data base. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 19(4), pp.245-252.
6. Maithani, Sandeep, and Sokhi, B.S. (1999), Planning a New Life-Line as a Mitigation measure for
Seismic Prone Area using Geographical Information System. Spatio-Economic Development
Record (SDR), Vol. 6, No.2., pp. 28-31
7. Maithani, Sandeep, and Sokhi, B.S. (2001), Developing Social Infrastructure Indicators for
Dehradun Municipal area. GIS Development, Vol. 5, Issue12, pp. 23-25.
8. Maithani, Sandeep, and Sokhi, B.S. (2004), RADIUS: A methodology for Earthquake Hazard
Assessment in Urban Areas in a GIS Environment, Case Study Dehradun Municipal Area. Journal
of Institute of Town Planners (ITPI), Vol. 1, No.3, pp. 55-64.

9. Sardar A Patil, Sonal Khobrgade, Shweta Khandelwal, Harpreet Singh, Asfa Siddiqui (2015), “An
estimation of solar energy potential using point solar radiation tool in Arc GIS: A case study of
College of Engineering Pune”, International Journal of Applied Research, Vol 1(9), pg. 890-897
10. Tiwari, K.N., Kumar, P., Sebastian, M. and Pal, D.K., 1991. Hydrologic modelling for runoff
determination: Remote sensing techniques. International Journal of Water Resources Development,
7(3), pp.178-184.
11. Utrick, Joseph B. (Ed.): Energy and buildings, Efficiency, Air Quality and Conservation. New
Science, New York.


1. www.itpi.org
2. www.itc.nl/library/
3. www.gim-international.com
4. www.unep.org

2.4.4 AUR: Advanced Urban and Regional Studies (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics
1 Advanced Techniques Applications of Hyperspectral and Microwave Remote Sensing
for Urban Area Data for Built-Up Area, Urban Features and Material
Characterization Characterization, Etc.
2 Urban Environment Urban Open Spaces and Green Spaces; Solid Waste Management at
Macro and Micro Level; Urban Pollution Studies.
3 Urban Climate Urban Climate: Factors Affecting Urban Climate, Impact of Urban
Surfaces, Diseases and Human Health; Thermal Images for
Assessment of Urban Heat Island and other microclimatic
4 Urban Governance e-Tools and Services for Urban Governance, Municipal GIS, RS
and GIS for Property Tax Assessment; Tourism Resources

5 Emerging Concepts and Urban and Regional Information Systems, Open Source Data
Trends in Urban and Servers & Web Portals, Concepts and Components of Smart Cities,
Regional Planning Role of Geospatial Technologies in Smart Cities Planning,
Challenges and Potential.

2.4.4AUR: Advanced Urban and Regional Studies (Practical)

Practical No. Units Topics Covered

1 AUR-P1  Built-Up and Non-Built-Up Area Extraction using Microwave Data
 Urban Material Spectra Generation Using Hyperspectral Data
2 AUR-P2  Urban Green Space Assessment
 Solid Waste Management
 Urban Pollution Survey, Mapping and Analysis
3 AUR-P3  Land Surface Temperature Map Generation and Urban Heat Island
4 AUR-P4  Property Taxation
 Data Download and Visualization using Open Source Data Servers &
Web Portals

Suggested Readings
Books and Reports
1. Amer, Sherif (2007). Towards Spatial Justice in Urban Health Services Planning: A Spatial Analytic
GIS based Approach. ITC Dessertation No. 140.
2. Galusshkin, Allexander (2007). Neural Network Theory. Springer.
3. Lillesand, T.M. and Kiefer, R.W. (2009). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley and
Sons, New York.
4. Rashed Tarek, and Jurgens, Carsten (Eds.) (2010). Remote Sensing of Urban and Sub-urban Areas.
5. Roy, P.S., Dewivedi, R.S, and Vijayan, D. (2010) (ed.). Remote Sensing Applications. National
Remote Sensing Centre, Department of Space, Government of India, Hyderabad, India, 2010.
6. Vosselman, George and Maas, Hans-Gerd(Ed.). Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning. Whittles
Publishing, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.
7. Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and Implementation Guidelines. India
(2014). Ministry of Urban development, Government of India, New Delhi.

Journal Articles

1. Aditya, Surya, Yadav Ghanshyam and Biswas, Susham (2010). Traffic Noise mapping- Modelling
2. Barrile, V., Billota, G.(2008). An Application of Remote Sensing: Object-oriented Analysis of
Satellite data. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial
Information Science. Vol.XXXVII, Part B8, Beijing, 2008.
3. Benz, U.C., Hoffmann, P., Willhauck, G., Lingenfelder, I., Heynen, M.(2004). Multi-resolution,
Object oriented Fuzzy Analysis of Remote Sensing Data for GIS-ready Information. ISPRS Journal
of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 58, 239-258.
4. Badarinath, K.V.S. et. Al (2005). Studies on Urban Heat Islands using ENVISAT AATSR Data.
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Vol.33, No.4, December, 2005.
5. Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
6. Kazami, S.J.H., and Lynn Usery, E. (2001): Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for Monitoring
7. Diseases: A Unique Research Agenda for Geographers. Remote Sensing Review, @001, Vol.20,
pp. 45-70
8. Kumar, S. (2004). Neural Networks: A Classroom Approach. Tata -McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
9. Lo, C.P. and Quattrochi, D.L. (2003): Land use and Land cover change, Urban Heat Island
10. Phenomena and Health Implications: A Remote Sensing Approach. Photogrammetric Engineering
and Remote Sensing, 69(9): 1053-1063.
11. National Urban Information System: Manual for Thematic Mapping Using High Resolution
12. Data and Geospatial Techniques, National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO, Hyderabad, India.
13. Ochi, Shiro et.al. (2008). Monitoring Urban Heat Environment in East Asia. GIS@development,
14. P. Misra (2010). Need for Comprehensive Urban Information System: A Model for Development
Authorities. Coordinates, Vol. VI, Issue 7, July, 2010.
15. Quattrochi, D.A. and Ridd, M.K. (1994). Measurement of Thermal Energy Properties of Common
Urban Surfaces using the Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner. International Journal of Remote
Sensing, 15, 199-202.
16. Sivnandam S.N., Sumathi S. and Deepa, S.N. (2006). Introduction to neural networks using Matlab
6.0, Tata McGraw – Hill, New Delhi.
17. Sukup, karel and Sukup, Jan (2010). Mobile Mapping – Accurate enough for Urban Areas. GIM
International. Issue 6, Vol.24, June 2010.
18. C.J.G. Morris (2005), Urban Heat Islands and Climate Change – Melbourne, Australia. School of
Earth Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Victoria.
19. White, R. and Engelean, G. (1997). Cellular automata and fractal urban form: a cellular modelling
approach to the evaluation of urban land use pattern. Environment and Planning, B 25: 1175 -
20. Wu, F. (2002). Calibration of Stochastic cellular automata: the application to rural-urban land
conversions. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 16(8): 795-818.
21. Jhaldiyal Alok, Gupta Kshama, Gupta Prasun Kumar, Thakur Praveen, Kumar Pramod, (2018),
Urban Morphology Extractor: A spatial tool for characterizing urban morphology, Urban Climate,
24 : 237–246.(IF- 0.35)
22. Alok Jhaldiyal, Gupta Kshama, Prasun Kumar Gupta, K. Shiva Reddy, Pramod Kumar,
Pushplata (2017). Review of methods for estimating surface roughness for understanding urban
climate, Vayumandal, Journal of Indian Meteorological Society, India, 42(2), 129-139.

23. Vaidya G., Pawar A. S., Gupta K., 2017, Mapping Urban Green Spaces for Neighbourhood
Sustainability by using Urban Neighbourhood Green Index , Spandrel, International Journal of
SPA, Bhopal. 1(12):27-39.
24. Prarthna Dhingra, Asfa Siddiqui, Vinay Kumar, Prabhashini Mohapatra, K. Venkata Reddy
(2017), “A Knowledge-based approach to urban land use classification using AVIRIS imagery and
LiDAR data”, Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology, Volume III, Issue III
25. Asfa Siddiqui, Mehak Agarwal, Vishnu. P. Vijay (2017), “Spatio-temporal Analysis of Land
Surface Temperature: A case study of Surat City”, Spandrel, Int. Journal of SPA, Bhopal, 1(12):1-
26. Gupta K., Roy A., Luthra K., Maithani S., Mahavir, 2016, GIS based analysis for assessing the
accessibility at hierarchical levels of urban green spaces, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,
18:198 –211. (IF- 2.87)
27. Duong Thi Loi, Pham Anh Tuan, Kshama Gupta (2015). Development of an index for assessment
of urban green spaces at city level. International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications, Vol. 5,
doi: 10.14355/ijrsa/2015.05.009
28. Pandey, A.K., Singh, S., Berwal S., Kumar, D., Pandey, P., Prakash, A., Lodhi, N., Maithani, S.,
Jain, V.K., Kumar, K(2014), Spatio-temporal variations of urban island over Delhi, Urban
Climate, 10, pp.119-113.
29. Gupta K., Kumar P., Pathan S. K., Sharma K.P., 2012, Urban Neighborhood Green Index- A
measure of green spaces in urban areas, Landscape & Urban Planning., 105(3):325-335 (IF-4.27)
30. Maithani, Sandeep, Herath,K.B., Sokhi, B.S. and Subudhi, A.P. (2002), Environmental Effects of
Urban Traffic-A Case of Jaipur City. GIS Development, Vol. 6, Issue12.
31. Dhillon, H.S., Sokhi, B.S.and Maithani, Sandeep (1999), Effect of Budha Nallah on environment
and health: A case study of Ludhiana city using Geographical Information system. Spatio-
Economic Development Record (SDR), Vol. 6, No.2., pp. 23-27
32. Kumar, P., Gupta, K., Karnatak, H.C., Siddiqui, A. and Kumar, A.S., 2017. Geo-enabled e-
Democracy Tools and Services for Smart Cities. In E-Democracy for Smart Cities (pp. 391-440).
Springer, Singapore.
33. Kumar, P., A. Siddiqui, K. Gupta, S. Jain, and Y. K. Krishna Murthy. 2014. “Capacity Building
through Geospatial Education in Planning and School Curricula.” ISPRS International Archives of
the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 1: 1253–1259.
34. Murthy, Y.K., Raju, P.L.N., Srivastav, S.K., Kumar, P., Mitra, D., Karnatak, H., Saran, S.,
Pandey, K., Oberai, K., Reddy, K.S. and Gupta, K., 2014. Capacity Building for collecting
primary data through Crowdsourcing-An Example of Disaster affected Uttarakhand State (India).
The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
Sciences, 40(8), p.1249.
1. www.who.int/health_mapping
2. www.microsoft.com/virtual-earth
3. www.unep.org
4. www.gim-international.com
5. www.GISdevelopment.net
6. www.unhabitat.org; www.usgs.gov.usa

Syllabus for Semester-II
Marine and Atmospheric Science

2.5 Marine and Atmospheric Science

Code Papers Lecture * Practical Total

(hrs.) Hrs.
Lab Field

Hrs. Hrs.

2.5.1 Coastal Processes and Marine Ecology 25 40 10 75

2.5.2 Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics 25 40 10 75

2.5.3 Satellite Oceanography 25 40 10 75

2.5.4 Satellite Meteorology 25 40 10 75

Total 100 160 40 300

*Lecture includes guest lectures & tutorials

2.5.1 Remote Sensing Applications in the Coastal Processes and Marine Ecology
Units Topics Sub Topics
1 Elements of Coastal Classification of coasts, primary coasts, secondary coasts,
Geomorphology and visual coasts formed by biological activity; beaches, beach scarp,
interpretation of satellite berm, sand spit, sea cave, sea cliff, delta; landforms due to
image erosional and depositional activities. Visual interpretation of
coastal landforms

2 Remote sensing application Remote sensing application for the study of shore line
for coastal land form and configuration, temporal coastal landforms analysis and
bathymetry shoreline changes: sedimentation, erosional and depositional
processes. Principle of retrieval of coastal bathymetry from
remote sensing observations: optical, and SAR data.

3 Coastal Dynamics and Coastal and estuarine dynamics, near shore circulation pattern.
processes Multi-temporal remote sensing analysis for coastal
erosion/accretion estimation. Erosion preventive structures

4 Fundamentals of Marine Elements of oceanic eco-system, Bio-pyramids pelagic, non-

Ecology pelagic, benthos, Beach and sub-tidal ecology, Coastal dune
ecosystem, coastal wetlands, salt marshes and mangroves,
coral, coastal aquaculture and fisheries, coastal eutrophication.

5 Remote sensing for coastal Coastal hazards such as storms, storm surges, tsunami, sea-
hazards level rise, salt water intrusion into coastal aquifer, Tropical

2.5.1 Remote Sensing Applications in the Coastal Processes and

Marine Ecology (Practical)

Practical No. Practical

EX. CPME 1 Visual image interpretation for identification and delineation of coastal
EX. CPME 2 Coastal landform analysis and mapping shoreline changes
EX. CPME 3 Coastal ecological component mapping and monitoring using satellite
data (Coral reef, Mangrove).
EX. CPME 4 Productivity estimation
EX. CPME 5 Coastal bathymetry from RS data

Suggested Readings

1. Principles of Geomorphology, 1969, William D. Thornbury, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1-594.

2. Physical Geology, 1985, Author Holmes, Elsevier Science Publishers. Ltd. 1-259.

3. Marine Biology, An Ecological Approach, 1982, James W. Nybakken, Harper & Row, Publishers,
New York.
4. Remote Sensing Applications in Marine Science and Technology, 1982, Edited by A.P.Cracknell,
Dorderecht: D. Reidel.

5. Duncan M. FitzGerald, 2003, Beaches and Coasts, Blackwell Publishing, 448 p.

6. Colin David Woodroffe, 2002, Coasts: Form, Process, and Evolution, Cambridge University Press,
638 p.

7. F. John. Vernberg, Winona B. Vernberg, 2001, The Coastal Zone: Past, Present, and Future, Univ of
South Carolina Press, 191 p.

2.5.2 Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics
1 Introduction to physics Atmosphere structure and composition (major
of atmosphere and and trace gases, greenhouse gases, pollutant
ocean: Part (a) gases); electromagnetic radiation; energy
2 Introduction to physics Atmospheric circulation: Hadley cell, Ferrel
of atmosphere and cell, Polar cell, Trade winds, Jet streams.
ocean: Part (b) Ocean structure and composition; radiation
and heat budget
3 Governing Equations: Equations of motion: Equation of continuity,
atmosphere and ocean momentum equation. Equations in a rotating
frame, gravity waves etc., Hydrostatic
approximation, Potential Temperature, Lapse
4 Tropical dynamics Basic concepts of tropical dynamics,
Observed Structure of Large-Scale Tropical
Circulations, Scale Analysis of Large-Scale
Tropical Motions, Rossby number, Geo-
strophic balance, cyclostrophic balance.
5 Large scale Tropical Introduction to Monsoon: Interannual,intra-
phenomenon seasonal variability, El-Nino and La-Nina

2.5.2 Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics (Practical)

Practical No. Practical

EX. AOD 1 Distribution of air pollutants based on observations
EX. AOD 2 Case study/ Practical on atmospheric Dynamics
EX. AOD 3 Case study/ Practical on Ocean Dynamics
EX. AOD 4 Analysis of inter-annual variability of monsoon based on observations

Suggested Readings
1. Atmospheric and ocean fluid dynamics, 2006, Geoffrey K. Vallis, Cambridge University Press.
2. An introduction to dynamic meteorology 2004, James R. Holton, Elesevier Academic Press.
3. Handbook of atmospheric science, 2003. C.N. Hewitt and Andrea V. Jackson, Blackwell publishing.
4. Descriptive Physical Oceanography, 1992. G. L. Pickard & W. J. Emery. Pergamon Press.
5. Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, 1982. A. Gill, Academic Press Inc.
6. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 1977. J. Pedlosky, Springer Verlag.
7. Introduction to Physical Oceanography, R. H. Stewart, http://oceanworld.tamu.edu (online book).

2.5.3 Satellite Oceanography (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics
1 Ocean Physics Fundamental radiometric quantities; interaction of
electro-magnetic radiation with ocean: absorption,
emission, reflection, scattering and transmission;
subsurface diffused reflectance and beam
attenuation coefficient
2 Introduction to infrared scanning radiometers,
Passive microwave radiometers: principle of
passive microwave radiometry; retrieval of
temperature. Applications of remotely sensed
salinity and wind speed for oceanographic studies.
3 Wave spectrum, wind speed and oil slicks study
from remote sensing data.
4 Retrieval of sea surface winds; Application of
altimeter data for oceanographic studies.
5 Ocean Biology Visible wavelength ocean-color sensors:
introduction to color sensors on past and present
satellites; principle of retrieval of phytoplankton
concentration, suspended sediment concentration,
yellow substance, diffused attenuation coefficient
of ocean water from optical sensors.

2.5.3 Satellite Oceanography (Practical)

Practical No. Practical
EX. SO 1 Computation of In-situ underwater optical data: water quality retrieval
Algorithms from In-situ optical measurements and Application of
remotely sensed Ocean Colour data.
EX. SO 2 Retrieval and analysis of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) from
thermal/microwave sensor data.
EX. SO 3 Applications of altimeter for ocean studies
EX. SO 4 Applications of scatterometer observations for ocean studies

Suggested Readings
1. An Introduction to Ocean Remote Sensing, 2004, S. Martin, Cambridge University Press.
2. Introduction to Satellite Oceanography, 1985, G.A.Maul, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht.
3. Satellite Oceanography, 1985, I.S.Robinson, Ellis Horwood, New York.
4. Remote Sensing Applications in Marine Science and Technology, 1982, Edited by A.P. Cracknell,
Dorderecht: D. Reidel.
Marine Optics, 1976, N.G. Jerlov, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Theory and Applications of Optical Remote Sensing, 1989, Edited by Ghassem Asrar, John Wiley &
Sons, New York.

2.5.4 Satellite Meteorology (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics
1 Image Introduction to meteorological satellites, meteorological
interpretation satellite image interpretation based on visible, infrared and
water vapor imageries for various meteorological
phenomena such as various type of clouds, tropical
cyclone, cold fronts, Fog etc.
2 Physical Introduction to physical meteorology, applications of
meteorology satellite data for the study of trace gases, temperature and
3 Mesoscale Introduction of mesoscale meteorology, applications of
meteorology satellite data for the mesoscale meteorological
phenomenon (extreme rainfall events), spatial temporal
characteristics of extreme rainfall events.
4 Atmospheric Atmospheric Aerosol theory, applications of satellite data
aerosols and for aerosol studies, concept of Aeronet. Solar constant and
radiation budget top of the atmosphere radiation budget estimation.
5 Numerical weather Introduction to numerical prediction models, applications
prediction of satellite data sets in NWP models for the study of
various meteorological processes.

2.5.4 Satellite Meteorology (Practical)

Practical No. Practical
EX. SM 1 Satellite image interpretation for meteorological phenomena.
EX. SM 2 Analysis of atmospheric temperature, humidity and Ozone using
satellite data
EX. SM 3 Analysis of extreme rainfall events using satellite data
EX. SM 4 Analysis of Aerosol optical depth based on satellite data
EX. SM 5 Applications of satellite data for the study of cyclone.

Suggested Readings

1. Satellite Meteorology an Introduction, 1995 Stanley Q. Kidder and Thomas H. Vonder Haar,
Academic Press.
2. An Introduction to Ocean Remote Sensing, 2004, S. Martin, Cambridge University Press.
3. Introduction to Satellite Oceanography, 1985, G.A.Maul, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht.
4. Satellite Oceanography, 1985, I.S.Robinson, Ellis Horwood, New York.

Syllabus for Semester-II
Water Resources

2.6 Water Resources
Code Papers Lecture * Practical Total
Hrs. Hrs.
Lab Field
Hrs. Hrs.
2.6.1 Water Resources 25 40 10 75
2.6.2 Watershed Analysis and 25 40 10 75

2.6.3 Water Resources 25 40 10 75


2.6.4 Water Resources 25 40 10 75


Total 100 160 40 300

*includes guest lectures & tutorials

2.6.1 Water Resources Assessment (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Basic Hydrology Introduction of hydrological cycle and its components

(Precipitation, Interception, Infiltration, ET, Runoff etc.), concept of
& Remote Sensing
the basin/watershed, overview of remote sensing and GIS
of Surface Water
applications in hydrology, water availability and use in river basins
hydrograph analysis, unit hydrograph, base flow separation, S-curve
derivation, Synthetic Unit hydrograph and IUH, Flood hydrograph
Spectral signature of water, surface water mapping, causes of water
pollution, Overview of remote sensing applications in limnology
(study of inland waters - lakes, reservoirs, rivers, streams, etc)
2 Quantification of Precipitation: statistical analysis of precipitation data, spatial
Hydrological analysis of precipitation using GIS, Precipitation (rainfall and snow)
Elements - I retrieval using satellite data.
Interception: components of interception, role of remote sensing in
estimation of interception.
Infiltration: quantification of infiltration.
3 Quantification of Soil moisture: Soil moisture at local and global scale, soil moisture
Hydrological retrieval using satellite data.
Elements - II
Evapotranspiration: factors affecting evapotranspiration (ET),
energy balance components, evapotranspiration estimation using
satellite data.

4 Snow cover area Spectral signature of snow, snow cover & Glacier mapping and
mapping and snow monitoring, snow parameter retrieval using optical and microwave
melt runoff data, snow & Glacier melt runoff modeling

5 Hydrological Hydrologic modelling - introduction and type of models: empirical,

Modelling lumped, distributed and physical based models, Water balance, river
flow measurement, flow routing; and calibration and validation of

Space Based Water Level and Discharge Estimation, Rating Curve

Water balance computation

2.6.1 Water Resources Assessment (Practical)
Practical No. Topics
1 Statistical and spatial analysis of precipitation data using RS-GIS techniques
Derivation of unit hydrograph, S-hydrograph and synthetic unit hydrograph
Surface water body mapping and water quality analysis
2&3 Rainfall retrieval using satellite data
Estimation of interception using remote sensing
Estimation of soil moisture using remote sensing
Estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) using remote sensing data
4 Snow cover area mapping and snow melt runoff modeling
5 Estimation of surface runoff using SCS method
Estimation of climatic water balance components
Field Hydrological data collection in a watershed/Demo field based instrument: water quality
kit, spectroradiometer, current meter, soil moisture (Theta Probe)

Suggested Readings

Books And Reports

1. Bala Krishnan P. "Issues in Water Resources Development and Management & the role of Remote
Sensing", Technical Report ISRO-NNRMS-TR-67-86, NNRMS, ISRS, India.
2. Beven, K.J. (2001). "Rainfall-runoff modelling: the primer". John Wiley and Sons, UK.
3. Chow V.T., Maidment D.R. and Mays L.W. (1988). "Applied Hydrology", McGraw-Hill, New York.
4. Engman E.T. and Gurney R.J (1991). "Remote sensing in Hydrology", Chapman & Hall, London.
5. Levizzani V., Bauer P. and Joseph Turk F. (eds.) (2007). "Measuring Precipitation from space
EURAINSAT and the Future", Published by Springer, P.O. Box 173300, AA Dordrecht, The
6. Maidment D.R. (ed.) (1993). "Handbook of Hydrology", McGraw-Hill.
7. Michaelides S. (ed.) (2008). "Precipitation: Advances in Measurement, Estimation and Prediction".
Published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
8. Rees W. G. (2006). "Remote Sensing of Snow and Ice." Published by CRC Press, Taylor and Francis
9. Schultz G.A. and Engman E.T. (2000). "Remote Sensing in Hydrology and Water Management"
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany
10. Singh P. and Singh V.P. (2001). "Snow and Glacier hydrology". Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
11. Subramanya, K. (2008). "Engineering Hydrology". 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi, India.
12. US Department of Agriculture (1972). "Soil Conservation Service", National Engineering Handbook,
Section 4, Hydrology, US Govt. Printing Office, Washington, DC, USA.


1. Bastiaanssen W.G.M., Menenti M., Feddes R.A. and Holtslag A.A.M. (1998). "A remote sensing surface
energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) 1. Formulation, 2. Validation". Journal of Hydrology, 212-213,
pp. 198–229.

2. Clifford, D. (2010). "Global estimates of snow water equivalent from passive microwave instruments:
history, challenges and future developments". International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(14), pp. 3707-
3. Dozier, J. (1989). "Spectral signature of Alpine snow cover from the Landsat Thematic Mapper". Remote
Sensing of Environment 28, pp. 9–22.
4. Dubois, P., van Zyl J. and Engman E. (1995). "Measuring Soil Moisture with Imaging Radars," IEEE Trans.
Geosc and Rem. Sens., 33, pp. 915-926.
5. Guha, A. and V. Lakshmi (2004). "Use of the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) to
Retrieve Soil Moisture and Surface Temperature over the Central United States." IEEE Transaction on
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 42.
6. Han, L. and Rundquist, D.C. (1996). “Spectral Characterization of Suspended Sediments Generated Form
Two Textures Classes of Clay Soil”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17, pp. 643-649.
7. Hong Y., Alder R.F., Hossain F., Curtis S. and Huffman G.J. (2007). "A first approach to global runoff
simulation using rainfall estimation". Water Resources Research, 43, W08502,
8. Kumar V., Jain S.K. and Singh Y. (2010). "Analysis of long-term rainfall trends in India." Hydrological
Sciences Journal, 55(4), 484-496.
9. Tang Q., Durand M., Lettenmaier D. and Hong Y. (2010). "Satellite-based observations of hydrological
processes." International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(14), 3661-3667.
10. Schmugge T.J., Kustas, W.P., Ritchie J.C., Jackson, T.J. and Rango Al. (2002). Remote sensing in
hydrology. Advances in Water Resources, 25, 1367-1385.
11. Yuan W., Liu S., Yu G., Bonnefond J.M., Chen J., Davis K., Desai A.R., Goldstein A.H., Gianelle D., Rossi
F., Suyker A.E. and Verma, S.B. (2010). "Global estimates of evapotranspiration and gross primary
production based on MODIS and global meteorology data." Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 1416-
12. Thakur, P.K., Nikam, B.R., Garg, V., Aggarwal, S.P., Chouksey, A., Dhote, P. and Ghosh, S. (2017).
Hydrological Parameters Estimation using Remote Sensing and GIS for Indian Region - A Review. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Physical Sciences, 87(4):641–659. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40010-017-0440-
13. Thakur, P.K., Garg, V., Nikam, B.R., Chouksey, A. and Aggarwal, S.P. (2017). Remote sensing of snow,
glaciers and ice in Indian Himalayan region and parts of Arctic and Antarctica: Current status, advances and
future prospects. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Physical Sciences, 87(4):593–616.
14. Thakur, P.K., Chouksey, A., Aggarwal, S.P. and Kumar A.S. (2017). Polar Ice Sheet and Glacier Studies –
Indian Efforts in last Five Years. Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad 83(2): 415-425, DOI:
15. Nikam, B.R., Garg, V., Gupta, P.K., Thakur, P.K., Kumar, A.S., Chouksey, A., Aggarwal, S.P., Dhote P.
and Purohit, S. (2017). Satellite-based mapping and monitoring of heavy snowfall in North Western
Himalaya and its hydrologic consequences, Current science, 113(12): 2328-2334.
16. Garg, V., Kumar, A.S., Aggarwal, S.P., Kumar, V., Dhote, P.R., Thakur, P.K., Nikam, B.R., Sambare, R.S.,
Siddiqui, A., Muduli, P.R. and Rastogi, G. (2017). Spectral similarity approach for mapping turbidity of an
inland waterbody. Journal of Hydrology, 550: 527–537.
17. Thakur, P.K., Chouksey, A., Aggarwal, S.P. and Kumar A.S. (2017). Polar Ice Sheet and Glacier Studies –
Indian Efforts in last Five Years. Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad 83(2): 415-425, DOI:
18. Danodia, A., Patel, N. R., Chol, C. W., Nikam, B. R. and Sehgal, V. K. (2017). Application of S-SEBI
model to map crop evapotranspiration using Landsat-8 OLI data over Western Uttar Pradesh region of India.
Geocarto International, doi: 10.1080/10106049.2017.1374473.
19. Thakur, P. K., Aggarwal, S.P., Arun, G., Sood, S., Kumar, A.S., Snehmani, Dobhal, D.P. (2016). Estimation
of snow cover area, snow physical properties and glacier classification in parts of Western Himalayas using
C-band SAR data. Springer’s Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (JISRS), June 2017, 45(3), pp
525–539, DOI: 10.1007/s12524-016-0609-y.

20. Aggarwal, S.P., Thakur, P.K., Nikam, B.R. and Garg, V. (2014). Integrated approach for snowmelt run-off
estimation using temperature index model, remote sensing and GIS. Current Science, 106 (3), 397-407.
21. Nikam, B. R., Garg, V., Sachan, P. K., Thakur P. K. and Aggarwal S. P. (2014). Comparative Evaluation of
Different Potential Evapotranspiration Estimation Approaches. International Journal of Research in
Engineering and Technology, 3 (6), 544:552.
22. Thakur, P.K., Garg, P.K., Aggarwal, S.P., Garg, R.D. and Snehmani (2013). Snow Cover Area Mapping
Using Synthetic Aperture Radar in Manali watershed of Beas River in the Northwest Himalayas. Journal of
the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (JISRS), DOI: 10.1007/s12524-012-0236-1.
23. Garg, V., Nikam, B.R., Thakur, P.K. and Aggarwal, S.P. (2013). Assessment of the effect of slope on runoff
potential of a watershed using NRCS-CN Method. International Journal of Hydrology Science and
Technology, 3(2), 141–159.
24. Thakur, P.K., Aggarwal, S.P., Garg, P.K., Garg, R.D., Snehmani, Pandit, A. and Kumar, S. (2012). Snow
physical parameter estimation using space based SAR. Geocarto International, 27(3):263-288,
25. Thakur, P.K., Garg R.D. and Garg, P.K. (2012b). Snow wetness and density estimation using space based
synthetic aperture radar data. i-Manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 2(l): 10-20. December 2011 -
February 2012.
26. Chouksey, A., Lambey, V., Nikam, B.R., Aggarwal, S.P., and Dutta, S. (2017). Hydrological Modelling
Using a Rainfall Simulator over an Experimental Hillslope Plot. MPDI open access, Hydrology 4(1), 17;
doi: 10.3390/hydrology4010017.
27. Aggarwal, S.P., Garg, V., Gupta, P.K., Nikam, B.R., Thakur, P.K. and Roy P.S. (2013). Runoff potential
assessment over Indian landmass: A macro-scale hydrological modeling approach. Current Science, 104(7),


1. http://trmm.gsfc.nasa.gov/
2. http://www.chikyu.ac.jp/precip/
3. http://clic.npolar.no/
4. http://www.cwc.nic.in/
5. http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/data/
6. http://www.itc.nl/WRS
7. http://www.iirs-nrsc.gov.in/index.php
8. http://www.india-wris.nrsc.gov.in/
9. http://www.imd.gov.in/

2.6.2 Watershed Analysis and Planning (Theory)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Watershed DEM derivatives: Slope, Aspect, flow direction, flow accumulation,
Terrain Indices Drainage network extraction, watershed delineation using DEM, terrain
and its Indices, morphological analysis of watershed and Geomorphic
Hydrology Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH); watershed characteristics,
watershed hydrology and factors influencing the watershed hydrology

2 Soil Erosion Soil erosion types and its physical processes, erosion area mapping using
Processes and satellite data, soil erosion and sediment yield modeling using empirical and
Modeling process based models (USLE,RUSLE,MMF,WEPP etc.).

3 Watershed Problems in watershed, Use of high resolution data for watershed Resource
Prioritization mapping, concepts of watershed prioritization, RS and GIS approach for
and prioritization of watersheds, objectives of watershed management and
Conservation conservation planning, role of remote sensing and GIS in watershed
conservation planning,
4 Integrated Integrated watershed management and action plans, Impact of watershed
Watershed conservation plan on hydrology and soil Erosion, economic evaluation of
Management watershed conservation measures.

5 Urban Basics of urban hydrology, role of RS-GIS in urban hydrological process,

Watershed urban hydrological and water distribution system modeling.

2.6.2 Watershed Analysis and Planning (Practical)

Practical No. Topics

1 Watershed characterization and morphometric analysis
2 Soil erosion modeling using USLE & RUSLE
Soil erosion modeling using revised MMF model
3 Watershed prioritization
4 Geospatial database creation & watershed conservation planning
5 Urban hydrological modeling (TR55, SWMM, EPANET)
Field Watershed Conservation structures Demonstration

Books and Reports

1. Gregory K.J., Walling D.E. (1973). "Drainage Basin Form and Process: A Geomorphological
approach", Edward Arnold Ltd., U.K.
2. Isobel W. H. (2009). "Integrated watershed management: principles and practice" John Wiley and
Sons, U.K.
3. Maidment D.R., (2002). "Arc Hydro: GIS for Water Resources", ESRI Press, Redlands CA, USA.
4. Murty V.V.N. (1985). "Land and Water Management engineering", Kallyani Publishers, New Delhi.
5. Mutreja K.N. (1990). "Applied Hydrology", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New
6. Pimentel David (1993). "World Soil Erosion and Conservation" (Edited), Cambridge University
Press, U.K.
7. Rodda J. C. (1976). Facets of Hydrology (Edited), John Wiley & Sons, U.K.
8. Singh, G., Venkatratnam, C., Shastry, G. and Joshi, B.P. (1990). "Manual of soil and water
conservation practices". Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
9. Westervelt D. James (2001) "Simulation modeling for watershed management" Springer.
10. Wischmeier W.H. and Smith D.D. (1978). “Predicting rainfall erosion losses, a guide to conservation
planning”. USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 537.
11. Osman A, Robert J. H. (2003). "Urban hydrology, hydraulics, and storm water quality: engineering
applications and computer modeling". John Wiley and Sons, Technology & Engineering.
12. Wilson J.P and Gallant J.C. (eds.)(2000). "Terrain Analysis - Principles and applications". John Wiley
&sons, New York, USA.
13. Tomislav Hengl and Reuter H.I. (eds.) (2009). "Geomorphometry - Concepts, Software,
Applications". Elsevier, Oxford, UK.


14. Gregory E. T., Filippo Catani, Andrea Rinaldo and Rafael L. B. (2001). "Statistical analysis of
drainage density from digital terrain data". Geomorphology 36, pp. 187–202.
15. Manoj K. Jain, Mishra K. Surendra and Shah R. B. (2010). "Estimation of sediment yield and areas
vulnerable to soil erosion and deposition in a Himalayan watershed using GIS.” Special section:
Himalayan Bio-Geo databases–I. Current Science, 98(2).
16. Manoj Kumar Jain and Debjyoti Das (2010). "Estimation of sediment yield and areas of soil erosion
and deposition for watershed prioritization using GIS and remote sensing". Water Resources
Management, Volume 24 (10), pp. 2091-2112.
17. Merritt W.S., Letcher R.A. and Jakeman A.J. (2003). A review of erosion and sediment transport
models. Environmental Modelling & Software 18,pp. 761–799.
18. Morgan, R.P.C. (2001). "A simple approach to soil loss prediction: a revised Morgan-Morgan-Finney
model". Catena, 44, pp. 305-322.
19. Morgan R. P. C. and Duzant J. H. (2008). "Modified MMF (Morgan–Morgan–Finney) model for
evaluating effects of crops and vegetation cover on soil erosion". Earth Surface Processes and
Landforms Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 32, pp. 90–106.
20. Renard K.G., Foster G.R., Weesies G.A. and Porter J.P. (1991). “RUSLE - Revised Universal Soil
Loss Equation. J Soil Water Conserv 46(1), pp. 30–33.
21. Sharma K. Arun and Thakur K. Praveen (2007). “Quantitative assessment of sustainability of
proposed watershed development plans for Kharod watershed, western India”; Journal of Indian
Society of Remote Sensing (JISRS), 35(3), pp. 231-241.
22. Shrimalil S. S., Aggarwal S. P. and Samral J. S. (2001). "Prioritizing erosion-prone areas in hills
using remote sensing and GIS - a case study of the Sukhna Lake catchment, Northern India". ITC
Journal, JAG, 3(1), pp. 54-60.
23. Singh R.K., Aggarwal S.P., Ulanbek Turdukulov, Prasad V. Hari (2002). "Prioritization of Bata River
Basin using Remote Sensing and GIS Technique", Indian Journal of Soil Cons., 30(3), pp. 200-205.
24. Thakur B. R., Thakur P. K., Hari Prasad V. and Aggarwal S.P. (2008). “Integrated Use of Remote
Sensing and GIS for Morphometric Analysis of Solani Watershed”; In Punjab Geographer, A journal
of the Association of Punjab geographers, India, 4, pp-26-36.
25. Tyagi J. V. and Aggarwal S.P. (2004). "Application of ANSWERS model using RS and GIS for
simulating runoff and sediment yield. Asian journal of Geo-informatics. 5(1), pp. 13-20
26. Velmurugan A., Swarnam T.P., Thakur P. K. and Ravisankar N. (2008). "Soil erosion estimation with
Modified MMF model for watershed prioritization in Dhankari watershed of South Andaman, India."
Indian Journal of soil conservation, 36(3), pp- 179-187.
27. Rawat, S., Jain, M.K., Rawat, K.S., Nikam, B. R. and Mishra, S.K. (2017). Vulnerability Assessment
of Soil Erosion/Deposition in a Himalayan Watershed using a Remote Sensing and GIS Based
Sediment Yield Model. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6 (3),
28. Garg, V. (2014). Inductive group method of data handling neural network approach to model basin
sediment yield. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (ASCE), 20(6), C6014002-1 - C6014002-8.
29. Lilhare, R., Garg, V. and Nikam, B.R. (2014). Application of GIS Coupled Modified MMF Model to
Estimate Sediment Yield on A Sub-Watershed Scale. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (ASCE),
20(6), C5014002-1 - C6014002-16.
30. Garg, V. (2014). Modelling Catchment Sediment Yield: A Genetic Programming Approach. Natural
Hazards, 70(1), 39-50. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-011-0014-3.
31. Das P, Aggarwal S.P and Verma N. (2013). Sub-basin scale hydrological response assessment
through morphometric analysis- a case study of Sirsa basin, Western Himalaya India, i-Manager,
Journal of Civil engineering, 3(1): 10-18.
32. Garg, V., Khwanchanok, A., Gupta, P.K., Aggarwal, S.P., Kiriwongwattana, K., Thakur, P.K. and
Nikam, B.R. (2012). Urbanisation Effect on Hydrological Response: A Case Study of Asan River
Watershed, India. Journal of Environment and Earth Science (IISTE), 2(9), 39-50.
33. Garg, V. and Jothiprakash, V. (2012). Sediment yield assessment of a large basin using PSIAC
approach in GIS environment. Water Resources Management, 26(3), 799-840.


1) www.watermissionmp.com/
2) http://nrdms.gov.in/watershed_mgmt.asp
3) www.hydrocad.net/tr-55.htm
4) www.dolr.nic.in/iwmp_main.htm www.icimod.org/
5) http://www.unep.or.jp/ietc/publications/freshwater/watershed_manual/index.asp

2.6.3 Water Resources Development (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics
1 Site Suitability for Types of water resources projects, database creation and site suitability
Water Resources for
Projects a) Water Harvesting Structures (WHS), database required and decision
rules (IMSD, FAO guidelines), b) water mills and c) for hydro power
projects using RS-GIS
2 Environmental Impact Project cycle, role of remote sensing in project planning,
Assessment environmental benefits from the water resources projects,
environmental losses and remedial measures of the water resources
projects. Remote sensing and GIS in EIA of water resources projects.
Causes of water-logging, Effects of water-logging, Mapping &
Monitoring of waterlogged and saline soil, Management of
waterlogged areas, Role of remote sensing in monitoring and
management of waterlogged areas.
3 Reservoir Process of reservoir sedimentation, Suspended sediments & bed load,
Sedimentation Spectral characteristics of suspended sediments, Methods of reservoir
sedimentation rate, Conventional hydrographic survey, Reservoir
Area-Capacity curves, Remote sensing techniques for updating of
Area–Capacity curves, Sedimentation rate through remote sensing
4 Irrigation Concept of irrigation command area development, mapping of
Infrastructure irrigation command area using RS-GIS, Infrastructure mapping and
Development canal alignment using high resolution RS Data,
5 Groundwater Groundwater system, groundwater potential zoning, basics of
targeting and groundwater hydraulics, groundwater modelling in GIS environment.
modelling Integrated Surface and groundwater modelling.

2.6.3 Water Resources Development (Practical)

Practical No. Topics

1 Identification of suitable sites for WHS
Site suitability for hydro power projects using RS-GIS
2 EIA of river valley projects
Mapping and monitoring of waterlogged and saline areas using RS & GIS
3 Monitoring of reservoir sedimentation
Area capacity curve updation using RS & GIS
4 Irrigation command area (infrastructure & crop) mapping using temporal satellite data
5 Ground water targeting using RS-GIS
Ground water modeling using MODFLOW
Field Visit to Irrigation command Area/Cross drainage structures

Suggested Readings

Books and Reports

1. Bastiaanssen, W. G. M., D. J. Molden, S. Thiruvengadachari, A. A. M. F. R. Smit, L. Mutuwatte, and

G. Jayasinghe. (1999). "Remote sensing and hydrologic models for performance assessment in Sirsa
Irrigation Circle, India". Research Report 27. International Water Management Institute, Colombo,
Sri Lanka.
2. Bos G. Marinus, Kselik Rob A.L., Richard G. Allen and Molden David (2009). “Water Requirements
for Irrigation and the Environment”. Springer Science, UK.
3. Doorenbos, J. and Pruitt, W.O. (1977). “Guidelines for predicting crop water requirements”. FAO
Irrigation and Drainage paper No. 24, Rome.
4. FAO (1996). Irrigation Scheme Operation and Maintenance: Irrigation Water Management Training
Manual No. 10. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
5. Michael A.M.(2009). Irrigation: Theory And Practice- 2nd Edition, Vikas Publishing House, New
6. Ministry of Irrigation (1984). A guide for estimating Irrigation Water requirements, Govt. of India,
Ministry of Irrigation, Water management division, New Delhi, Technical Series No. 2 (Revised).
7. Ministry of Irrigation, (1997). Report of the Groundwater Estimation Committee - Groundwater
Estimation Methodology, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
8. Sakthivadivel R., Thiruvengadachari S., Upali Amerasinghe, Bastiaanssen W. G. M. and David
Molden (1999). "Performance Evaluation of the Bhakra Irrigation System, India, Using Remote
Sensing and GIS Techniques". Research Report-28. International Water Management Institute,
Colombo, Sri Lanka.
9. Rao V.V. (1995). "Development of Methodology for Assessment of Water Resources and
Conjunctive Water use Planning in Irrigation Command Areas using Satellite Remote Sensing data".
Technology Development Project Report, Water Resources Division, IIRS, Dehradun.
10. Veeranna, M. (1990). Groundwater Resources and Development Potential of Karimnagar District,
A.P., CGWB, Ministry of Water Resources, GOI.


1. Bastiaanssen W.G.M., Brito R.A.L., Bos M.G., Souza R.A., Cavalcanti E.B. and Bakker M.M.
(2001). "Low cost satellite data for monthly irrigation performance monitoring: benchmarks from
Nilo Coelho, Brazil". Irrigation and Drainage Systems 15, pp. 53–79.
2. Bowander B. and Ravi C. (1983). "Water logging in Sri Ram Sagar Irrigation Project". Journal of
Water Res. Dept., 1(3), pp. 157-171.
3. Dheeravath V., Thenkabail P.S., Chandrakantha G., Noojipady P., Reddy G.P.O., Biradar C.M.,
Gumma M.K. and Velpuri M. (2010). "Irrigated areas of India derived using MODIS 500 m time
series for the years 2001-2003". ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 65, pp. 42-
4. Raju P.V., Sesha Sai, M.V.R. and Roy P.S. (2008). "In-season time series analysis of Resourcesat-1
AWiFS data for estimating irrigation water requirement". International Journal of Applied Earth
Observation and Geo-information, 10, pp. 220–228.
5. Ritchie J.T. 1972. "A model for predicting evaporation from a row crop with incomplete cover",
Water Resources Res., 8(5), pp. 1204-1213.
6. Ray S.S., Dadhwal V.K. and Navalgund R.R. (2000b). "Performance evaluation of an irrigation
command area using remote sensing: a case study of Mahi command area, Gujarat, India".
Agricultural Water Management, 56, pp. 81–91.
7. Ray S.S., Dadhwal V.K., (2001). "Estimation of crop evapotranspiration of irrigation command area
using remote sensing and GIS". Agric. Water Manage. 49 (3), 239–249.
8. D Sethi G.K., Chaudhary B.S., Goyal S.K. and Thakur P.K. (2010). "Assessment of groundwater
quality for irrigation use in Yamuna Nagar District, India: A GIS approach," Environmental Pollution
Control Journal, 13(3), pp. 47-48, 53-56.
9. Kumar P., Thakur P.K., Bansod B.K.S. and Debnath S.K. (2017). Multi-criteria evaluation of hydro-
geological and anthropogenic parameters for the groundwater vulnerability assessment. Springer’s
Environment Monitoring and Assessment, 189:564, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-017-6267-x.
10. Kumar, P., Thakur, P.K., Bansod, B.K.S. and Debnath, S.K. (2017). Groundwater: a regional resource
and a regional Governance. Environ Dev Sustain, 18 pages, DOI 10.1007/s10668-017-9931-y.
11. Kumar, P., Bansod, B.K.S., Debnath, S.K., Thakur, P.K. and Ghanshyam, C. (2015). Index-based
Groundwater Vulnerability Mapping Models using Hydrogeological Settings: A Critical Evaluation,
Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 51, 38–49, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2015.02.001


1. www.rainwaterharvesting.org/
2. www.iwmi.cgiar.org/
3. www.icid.org/
4. http://envfor.nic.in/divisions/iass/iass.html
5. http://mowr.gov.in/
6. www.fao.org/landandwater/aglw/cropwater/training.stm
7. http://www.waterlog.info/
8. http://www.groundwater.org/
9. http://water.usgs.gov/ogw/
10. http://cgwb.gov.in/
11. http://www.pmwin.net/index.htm
12. www.waterandfood.org/gga/
13. http://www.nrsc.gov.in/
14. http://ddws.nic.in/
15. http://www.isro.org/
16. http://www.esa.int/esaLP/LPsmos.html

2.6.4 Water Resources Management (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Irrigation Water Estimation of crop water requirement, irrigation scheduling,

Management performance indicators, performance evaluation of irrigation Projects,
conjunctive use of surface and ground water.
2 Flood Hydrology, Introduction to flood hydrology, flood flow estimation and routing,
Damage Assessment introduction to hydrological models & 1D, 2D hydrodynamic models,
and Risk Zone river basin characteristics in upland, flood plain and deltaic areas,
Mapping high resolution terrain and flood plain mapping, flood inundation
mapping and modeling, dam break and GLOF modeling, flood
damage assessment and flood hazard zoning and flood risk zone
mapping using remote sensing and GIS techniques.

3 Drought Types of droughts, drought indices, assessment of meteorological,

Monitoring & hydrological and agricultural drought, role of remote sensing in
Assessment drought studies. Precipitation and NDVI relationships, Drought
assessment and monitoring programmes.
4 Climate Change Concepts of climate change. trend analysis of hydro-meteorological
and Water parameters, EO systems for climate change studies, climate change
Resources scenarios, scaling issues, dynamic and statistical downscaling, Ice-
sheet & Sea-ice dynamics, glacier retreat and glacial lake mapping,
impact of climate change on water resources.
5 Integrated Water Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), decision support
Resources system (DSS) for water resources. Role of remote sensing in IWRM
Management and developing DSS.

2.6.4 Water Resources Management (Practical)

Practical No. Topics

1 Estimation of Crop water requirement
Performance evaluation of irrigation command area using RS & GIS
2 Water level estimation using altimeters and Flood peak flow estimation
Hydrologic modeling and flood flow estimation using hydrodynamic models
Mapping of flood inundation area, damage assessment & Risk Mapping
3 Drought assessment using remote sensing approach
4 Trend analysis of hydro-meteorological parameters.
Glacier retreat mapping and hydrological modeling for climate change scenarios
5 Use of open source water resources portal for IWRM
Field Visit to Local dams and flood prone areas

Suggested Readings

Books and Reports

1. Ministry of Agriculture (1972). "Hand book of Hydrology," Govt. of India, New Delhi.
2. National Remote Sensing Agency, (1995), "Integrated Mission of Sustainable Development
technical guide lines," Department of Space, Govt. of India.
3. MacArthur R.C., Neill C.R., Hall B.R., Galay V.J. and Shvidchenko A.B. (2008). "Overview of
Sedimentation Engineering". In: Garcia, M.H. (Ed.) Sedimentation engineering: processes,
measurement, modelling, and practice, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No.
110, 1-20, ASCE, Virginia, USA.
4. Maidment D.R., and Djokic D. (2000). "Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling Support with GIS",
ESRI Press, Redlands CA, USA.
5. Meijerink A.M.J., de Brouwer J.A.M., Mannaerts C.M. and Valenzuela C.R. (1994). "Introduction
to the use of geographic information systems for practical hydrology". IHP - IV M 2.3. ITC
Publication 23, ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands.
6. Sorooshian Soroosh; Hsu Kuo-lin; Coppola Erika; Tomassetti; Verdecchia Marco and Visconti
Guido (eds) (2009). "Hydrological Modeling and the Water Cycle: Coupling the Atmospheric and
Hydrological Models". Springer Science.
7. Verma H.N., Tiwari K.N. (1995). “Current status and Prospects of Rainwater Harvesting, Indian
National Committee on Hydrology, Roorkee, India.
8. Knight P.G. (ed) (2006). "Glacier Science and environmental change". Blackwell publishing,
Oxford, UK.

1. Ghulam Abduwasit, Qiming Qin, Tashpolat Teyip and Zhao-Liang Li (2007). "Modified perpendicular
drought index (MPDI): a real -time drought monitoring method". ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry &
Remote Sensing 62, 150–164.
2. Anon (1991). “Integrated Approach to Flood Disaster Management and Rural Area Development”
Water Resources Journal, ESCAP/UN, Bangkok, Thailand, pp 106.
3. Gosain A. K., Sandhya Rao and Debajit Basuray (2006). "Climate change impact assessment on
hydrology of Indian river basins", Current Science, 90 (3), pp. 346-353.
4. Jain S.K., Singh P. and Seth S.M. (2002). "Assessment of sedimentation in Bhakra Reservoir in the
Western Himalayan region using remotely sensed data". Hydrological Sciences Journal, 47(2), pp.
5. Jothiprakash, V. and Garg, V. (2008). "Re-Look to Conventional Techniques for Trapping Efficiency
Estimation of a Reservoir". International Journal of Sediment Research, 23(1), pp. 76- 84.
6. Mall, R.K., Bhatla, R. and Pandey, S. N. (2007). "Water resources in India and impact of climate
change". Jalvigyan Sameeksha, 22, pp. 157-176.
7. Mall, R.K., Gupta, A., Singh, R., Singh, R.S. and Rathore, L.S. (2006). "Water resources and climate
change: an Indian perspective". Current Science, 90(12), pp. 1610-1626.
8. Xing Ma, Jianchu Xu, Yi Luo, Aggarwal, S.P. and Jiatong Li. (2009). "Response of hydrological
processes to land-cover and climate changes in Kejie watershed, south-west China”. Hydrological
Processes, published online in Wiley Inter Science (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI:
9. Krishan, R., Chandrakar, A., Nikam, B. R., Pingale, S. M. and Khare, D. (2017). Long Term Rainfall
Data Analysis over Eastern Ganga Canal Command Area. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation, 45 (3),
10. Padhee, S., Nikam, B. R., Dutta, S. and Aggarwal S. P. (2017) Using satellite based soil moisture to
detect and monitor spatiotemporal traces of agricultural drought over Bundelkhand region of India.
GIScience Remote Sensing, 54(2), 144-166. doi: 10.1080/15481603.2017.1286725.
11. Garg, V., Aggarwal, S.P., Nikam, B.R. and Thakur, P.K. (2013). Hypothetical Scenario Based Impact
Assessment of Climate Change on Runoff Potential of a Basin. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,
19(3), 244-249.
12. Thakur, P.K., Maiti, S., Kingma, N.C., Prasad, V.H., Aggarwal, S.P. and Bhardwaj, A. (2012).
Estimation of structural vulnerability for flooding using geospatial tools in the rural area of Orissa,
India. Natural Hazards, 61(2): 501-520, DOI 10.1007/s11069-011-9932-3.
13. Rajan, S., Nikam, B.R., Aggarwal, S. P. and Garg, V. (2014). Statistical Downscaling of GCM Output
and Generation of Future Hydrological Scenario for Ganga Basin, India. International Journal of
Scientific Engineering and Technology, (ISSN: 2277-1581), Vol. 3 (Special Issue), 121-130.
14. Thakur, P.K., Ghosh, S., Garg, V., Aggarwal, S. P., Saha, S.K., Sharma, R. and Bhattacharyya, S.
(2015). SARAL/AltiKa waveform analysis to monitor inland water levels: A case study of Maithon
Reservoir, Jharkhand, India. Marine Geodesy. (Available Online,
15. Thakur, P.K, Aggarwal, S., Aggarwal, S.P., and Jain, S.K. (2016). One dimensional hydrodynamic
modeling of GLOF and impact on hydropower projects in Dhauliganga River using remote sensing
and GIS applications, Springer’s Natural Hazards Journal, pp. 1-19, DOI 10.1007/s11069-016-2363-4.
16. Ghosh, S., Thakur, P.K., Sharma, R., Nandy, S., Garg, V., Amarnath, G., Bhattacharyya, S. (2017).
The potential applications of satellite altimetry with SARAL/AltiKa for Indian inland waters.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, 87(4), 661-677.
17. Mohan, S., Nikam, B.R., Aggarwal, S. P., Thakur, P. K., Krishna Murthy, Y. V. N. and Kingma, N.
(2017). Evaluation of Adaptive Filters for Speckle Reduction in RISAT-1 Data for Flood Mapping.
Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 17(2), 12-24.
18. Aggarwal S., Rai S.C., Thakur P.K. and Emmer A. (2017), Inventory and recently increasing GLOF
susceptibility of glacial lakes in Sikkim, Eastern Himalaya. Geomorphology, 295: 39–54.
19. Sharad Kumar Jain, Pankaj Mani, Sanjay K. Jain, Pavithra Prakash, Vijay P. Singh, Desiree Tullos,
Sanjay Kumar, S. P. Agarwal & A. P. Dimri (2018): A Brief review of flood forecasting techniques
and their applications, International Journal of River Basin Management, DOI:
20. Rahman, M. R. and Thakur P. K. (2017). Detecting, mapping and analysing of flood water propagation
using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite data and GIS: A case study from the Kendrapara District
of Orissa State of India. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences,

1) http://reservoirsedimentation.com/
2) http://www.indiawaterportal.org/node/10500
3) http://www.unesco-ihe.org/
4) http://www.flo-2d.com/
5) http://www.hec.usace.army.mil/
6) http://www.dhigroup.com/
7) http://saarc-sdmc.nic.in/drought.asp
8) http://www.nidm.gov.in/Drought.asp
9) http://www.rainwaterharvesting.org/crisis/Drought.htm
10) http://www.unep.org/climatechange/
11) http://www.ipcc.ch/
12) http://www.glc.org/wateruse/wrmdss.html
13) http://waterwiki.net/index.php/IWRM
14) http://nwda.gov.in/
15) http://nsidc.org/glaciers/
16) http://www.nasa.gov/
17) http://www.ce.utexas.edu/prof/maidment/gishydro/home.html
18) http://www.drought.unl.edu/dm/monitor.html
Syllabus for Semester-II
Satellite Image Analysis and

2.7 Satellite Image Analysis and Photogrammetry

Code Papers Lectures* Practical Total

Hrs. Hrs.
Lab Field
Hrs. Hrs.

2.7.1 Remote Sensing- II 25 40 10 75

2.7.2 Image Processing II 25 40 10 75

2.7.3 Digital Photogrammetry and Mapping 25 40 10 75

2.7.4 Surface Generation techniques 25 40 10 75

Total 100 160 40 300

*includes guest lectures & tutorials

2.7.1 Remote Sensing- II (Theory)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Data pre-processing  Noise characterization, noise & smile effects and illumination
effects in Hyperspectral data
 SAR data pre-processing
2 Radiometric  Basic Concepts of radiative transfer theory, Overview of
Atmospheric Correction models. Relative & absolute atmospheric
and Atmospheric
Corrections for
 Atmospheric correction process for Multispectral and Hyperspectral
hyperspectral and
Sensors and retrieval of surface reflectance
thermal data
 Thermal data pre-processing
3 Hyperspectral  Noise and data dimensionality reduction using PCA and MNF, ICA
etc., end member extraction, Spectral library creation, Hyperspectral
Remote Sensing
Feature extraction techniques – Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM),
Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF), Linear Spectral Un-mixing (LSU),
and Mixture Tuned Matched Filtering (MTMF) constrained energy
minimization, cross correlograms, Hyperspectral indices
 UAV hyperspectral remote sensing
4 Thermal  Space based thermal imaging systems (Operational and future).
Retrieval of geo-physical parameters using thermal sensors
Remote Sensing
(emissivity, surface Temperature, radiation heat budget)
 UAV thermal remote sensing
5 Polarimetric  Fundamentals of Polarimetric SAR Remote Sensing, Stokes Vector,
The Stokes criterion, Polarimetric Scattering, Scattering Matrix,
1. SAR Remote
Lexicographic Feature Vector, Pauli Spin Matrix Basis & Feature
Sensing Vector, Second order derivatives of Scattering Matrix, Covariance
Matrix, and Coherency Matrix
 Overview of PolSAR decomposition model
 UAV SAR remote sensing

2.7.1 Remote Sensing- II (Practical)

Practical No. Topics
EX RS 1 Radiative transfer modeling using atmospheric parameters
EX RS 2 Atmospheric correction of Multispectral and Hyperspectral data data
EX RS 3 Hyperspectral Data Dimensionality reduction using different algorithms, comparison and end
member selection
EX RS 4 Ground spectra collection
EX RS 5 Spectral library generation, classification of Hyper-spectral image and accuracy assessment
EX RS 6 Retrieval of geophysical parameters using thermal sensors (albedo, emissivity, surface
temperature etc.)
EX RS 7 Polarimetric SAR data processing

Suggested Readings

Books and Reports

1. Elachi, C. (1987). Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing, Wiley
2. Freek van der Meer, Steven M. de Jong, (2001). Imaging Spectrometry Basic Principles and
Prospective Applications. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
3. Pramod K. Varshney, Manoj K. Arora, (2004). Advanced Image Processing Techniques for
Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Data, Springer. ISBN: 3540216685.
4. 4. Asrar, G., (1989). Introduction in Theory and Application of Optical remote sensing. (Asrar. G.
Ed), John Wiley & Sons.
5. 5. Shunlin Liang, (2005). Quantitative Remote Sensing of Land surfaces. John Wiley & Sons.

Additional Readings

1. Tsang L., Kong J.A., Shin R.T. (1985).Theory of Remote Sensing.

2. Kalacska M., Arturo G. (2008). “Hyper-spectral remote sensing of tropical Forests”, CRC
3. Quattrochi D.A., Luvall, (2000). “Thermal Remote Sensing in Land Surface process” CRC

Journals Articles

1. Tran Thi VAN, Le Van Trung, Hoang Thai Lan, Vietnam, “Application of Thermal Remote
Sensing in Study on Surface Temperature Distribution of Ho Chi Minh City”, 7th FIG Regional
Conference Spatial Data Serving People: Land Governance and the Environment – Building the
Capacity Hanoi, Vietnam, 19-22.\,2009.

2. Bo-Cai Gao, Marcos J. Montes, Curtiss O. Davis, Alexander F.H. Goetz, 2009. Atmospheric
correction algorithms for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing data of land and ocean. Remote sensing
of environment 113 (2009) S17–S24

2.7.2 Image Processing II (Theory)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Change  Strategy for change detection, Data pre-processing for change

detection detection (Geometric and radiometric) and change detection
algorithms: Image difference, PCA, change vector analysis
and based on classification
2 ANN &  Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks, back propagation
Fuzzy training algorithms, ANN classifiers
classifiers  Advanced Classifiers - Introduction to Fuzzy Theory, Fuzzy
Classification and, membership function
3 Image  Texture Analysis for Remote Sensing Data- First Order,
Texture Second Order Texture Parameters, Gray Level co-
Occurrence Matrix
4 Image  Image Segmentation- Basic concepts; Segmentation algorithm-
Segmentation edge based, thresholding, region based
and Object  Object Oriented Classification: Object vs. pixel-based
Oriented classification, Advantage of object oriented classification,
Classification Multiresolution segmentation and classification, concept of
scale, shape, smoothness, compactness

5 Change  Automated Information Extraction- Intro (Need, Importance,

detection Challenges)
 Algorithms for point feature extraction
 Algorithms for linear feature extraction
 Algorithms for region extraction
 Morphological operators

2.7.2 Image Processing II (Practicals)

Practical No. Topics

EX. IP 1 Land use/Land Cover change detection
EX. IP 2 Image classification using Fuzzy supervised and unsupervised techniques
EX. IP 3 Image classification using Neural network

EX. IP 4 High-resolution image classification using segmentation and object oriented approach
EX. IP 5 Image Texture quantification and analysis
EX. IP 6 Automatic linear feature extraction
EX. IP 7 Automatic extraction of regions (Polygon/area features)

Suggested Readings

1. Richards John A& Xiuping Xia, 2006. Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis: An Introduction.
2. Jensen John R. Introduction to Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective Prentice
hall, New Jersey
3. Yu Hen Hu and Jenq_Neng Hwang, Handbook of Neural Network Signal Processing, CRC Press,
4. Patrick Henry Winston, Artificial Intelligence, AWL, 1999.
5. Adedeji B. Badiru and John Y. Cheung, Fuzzy Engineering Expert System with Neural Network
Applications, 2002
6. Gerald Kaiser, 1994. A friendly guide to wavelets. Springer.
7. George J. Klir and Bo Yuan, 2009. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic – Theory and Applications, 2nd Edition,
Phi Learning.
8. Riza C. Barkan and Sheldon L. Trubatch, 1997. Fuzzy Systems Design Principles- building Fuzzy If-
Then Rule Bases.IEEE Computer Society Press ISBN: 0780311515
9. Patrick Henry Winston 1992. Artificial Intelligence (Third Edition) Addison-Wesley Longman
Publishing Co., Inc
10. Simon Hyki, 1994. Neural Network – A Comprehensive foundation, MacMillan Publishing
11. Danilo P. Mandic, Jonathon A., 2002. Chambers Recurrent Neural Networks for Prediction. Online
12. Zuranda JM, 1994. Introduction to Artificial Neural Network. Jaico Publishing House
13. Blackledge Jonathan M and Turner Martin, 2001. J. Image Processing III: Mathematical Methods,
Algorithms and Applications: Horwood Publishing Limited, England 2001. Xiv.

2.7.3 Digital Photogrammetry and Mapping (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Geodesy  Overview of conventional survey techniques (horizontal and vertical

control, triangulation, traversing, leveling, GPS and Total Station
and Surveying surveying)
 Data integration from different sources (GPS, Total Station, High-
resolution satellites) for large-scale mapping
 GNSS: Observables, Differential positioning techniques (concept
and modes-post processing, real time processing), Augmentation
systems (LAAS, WAAS, GAGAN, EGNOS, MSAS), IGS ephemeris
products, static & kinematic method of surveying

2 Satellite  Mathematical Concepts for Satellite Photogrammetry

 Collinearity and Co-planarity Conditions
 Photogrammetric solution in Satellite Photogrammetry
 Orbital Parameters; Orbital Modeling, Sensor Modeling and
3 Sensor  Data Processing for stereo generation
 Alternate Sensor Models - Rational Function Model /Rational
Models and Product Function coefficient: Image Matching Techniques, DEM generation
Generation (Regular, Irregular) and Ortho-rectification, feature extraction from
photogrammetric products and mapping
4 Digital Cartography  Geospatial Database organization, Data dissemination services:
contemporary approaches, Geoportals (e.g. Google Earth and
 Digital Cartography, Web Cartography, 3D Simulation and
Visualization, Digital earth models. Virtual Reality concepts in
Digital Mapping
5 Terrain Analysis  Digital surfaces(DTM, DSM, nDSM0, sources for DEM DTM
types/forms and conversions
 DEM derivatives (slope, aspect, stream extraction), Terrain analysis:
Inter-visibility & indundation Analysis and Visualization

2.7.3 Digital Photogrammetry and Mapping (Practical)

Practical No. Topics

EX DP 1 Use of Total Station for ground survey (large-scale mapping)
EX DP2 GCP collection using Multi frequency DGNSS (Familiarization)

EX DP3 Post-processing of GNSS data for GCP’s

EX DP4 & 5 Data integration from different sources -GNSS, Total Station and high resolution satellites for
large-scale mapping and cadastral surveys
EX DP6 Stereo model generation using Satellite images (physical sensor model), DEM and ortho-image
generation and accuracy assessment
EX DP7 Stereo model generation using of Satellite images (RFM based, DEM and ortho-image generation
and accuracy assessment
EX DP8 Feature extraction from Photogrammetric product
EX DP9 Digital cartography and Demo on Digital Earth models (Google Earth and Bhuvan).

Ex DP 10 View shed and inundation analysis using DEM

Suggested Readings

1. Toni Schenk: Digital Photogrammetry, Volume I., TerraScience.

2. Sanjib K. Ghosh, 1979: Analytical Photogrammetry, New York: Pergamon Press
3. Sanjib K. Ghosh. 2005. Fundamentals of computation Photogrammetry. Concept publishing, New
4. Luhmann, Thomas, Robson, Stuart and Kyle, Stephen, 2007. Close Range Photogrammetry:
Principles, Techniques and Applications. Wiley, 2007. 528. ISBN : 978047010633
5. Kasser Michel and Egles Yves, 2002. Digital Photogrammetry. London: Taylor and Francis, 2002.
Xv,351p. ISBN: 0-748-40945-9.
6. Wolfgang Torge, W., Geodesy, 3rd edition
7. Robinson H,Arthur, Morrison Joel L and Muehrcke Phillip C “Elements of Cartography.--6th ed.--
New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 1995. 671p.
8. Slocum Terry A, 1999. Thematic Cartography and Visualization. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.,
1999. 293p.
9. Kraak Menno-Jan and Ormelling Ferjan Cartography: Visualization of geospatial data.--2nd ed. --
Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2003.ix, 205p.
10. Kraak Menno-Jan (Ed) and Brown Allan (Ed) Web Cartography: Developments and Prospects. --
New York: Taylor and Francis, 2001. ix, 213p.

Additional Reading

11. Li,Zhilin, Chen,Jun and Baltsav,Emmanual, 2008. Advances in photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
and Spatial Infomation Science: 2008 ISPRS Congress Book. / London: Taylor and Francis Group,
xviii, 527p ISBN: 978041547805.
12. Cliff Greve and ASPRS Digital Photogrammetry: An Addendum to Manual of Photogrammetry

13. Mikhail Edward, bethel James and Mcglone J Chris Introduction to Modern Photogrammetry, John
Wiley & sons Inc.
14. Kasser Michel and Egles Yves Digital Photogrammetry. Taylor & Francis. London & New York.
15. Schmidt Milton O and Rayner William Horace Fundamentals of Surveying, Van Nostrand Reinhold
16. Monimonier Mark S: Computer-assisted Cartography: Principles and Prospects.-
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1982. x, 214p.
17. Nag, Prithivish: Thematic Cartography and Remote Sensing.-- New Delhi: Concept Pub.,
18. Maceachren Alan M (Ed) and Taylor DR Fraser (Ed) Visualization in Modern Cartography.-- UK:
Pergamon Press
19. Dodge, Martin (Ed), Mcderby, Mary (Ed) and Turner, Martin (Ed), 2008. Geographic Visualization:
Concepts, Tools and Applications./ by -- England: John Wiley & Sons
20. Linder, Wilfried, 2009. Digital Photogrammetry: A Practical Course. 3rd ed.: Springer, 2009. Berlin.
ISBN: 9783540927242.
21. Mikhail Edward M, Bethel James S and McGlone J Chris, 2001. Introduction to Modern
Photogrammetry. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2001. ix, 479p. ISBN : 0471309249.

2.7.4 Surface Generation Techniques (Theory)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Introduction to  Challenges and issues in DSM generation, Limitations of
digital surface photogrammetric height extraction and alternatives.
generation Comparison of DEM extraction Techniques
2 Close Range  Principles of CRP, Data Acquisition, Camera Calibration, and
Photogrammetry Data Processing for surface Generation, case examples
3 SAR  Concept of Interference, Young's Double Slit Experiment for
Interferometry Constructive and Destructive Interference, Phase Information,
SAR Interferometry, Types of RADAR Interferometry,
Baseline, Critical Baseline, Altitude of Ambiguity, Synthetic
Phase Generation, Interferogram Generation, Interferogram
flattening, Coherence Generation, Phase Unwrapping,
Interpretation of SAR Backscatter, Coherence &
Interferogram, Height of the Effective Scattering Centre
4 Advance  Concept of Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR); Two,
techniques in SAR Three and Four pass differential interferometry; Phase
Interferometry calculation of differential interferogram; Effect of ionospheric
and tropospheric propagation of EM wave on Interferometric
phase; Overview of persistent SAR interferometry (PSInSAR)
and Applications
5 LiDAR remote  Laser Footprint, multiple return, Bathymetry LiDAR, full wave
sensing digitization; platforms of LiDAR; Components of a LiDAR
system; LiDAR foot print geo-location; terrain product (DSM,
nDSM, BEM, building ) extraction from point data & LiDAR
 Terrestrial and UAV based Laser Scanning

2.7.4 Surface Generation Techniques (Practical)

Practical No. Topics

EXSGT1 Close-range photogrammetry based 3D modelling
EXSGT2 Interferometric Processing of space borne SAR Data
EXSGT3 Field exercises for interferometric data interpretation
EXSGT4 LiDAR data Filtering: Intensity & Elevation based information (DEM, DSM)
generation from LiDAR data and classification
EXSGT5 TLS data collection and processing

Suggested Readings

1. Jie Shan, Charle k .Toth, Topographic laser ranging and scanning: Principles and processing.
2. George Vosselman, Hans Gerd Maas, Airborne and Terrestrial laser scanning
3. George L. Heritage and Andrew R.G. Large,Laser Scanning for environmental sciences
4. Laby F.T.U., moore R.K., Fung A.K.,“Microwave Remote Sensing Active and passive” Vol.I,
Addison-Wesley Pub. 1981.
5. Woodhouse I.H., “Introduction to Microwave remote Sensing”, Taylor and Francis group, 2006.
6. Skolnik M., “Radar Handbook”, Third edition, McGrawHill, 2008.
7. I.H. Woodhouse, Introduction to Microwave Remote Sensing, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton,
Florida, 2006.
8. F.M. Henderson and A.J. Lewis (Eds), Principles and Applications of Imaging Radar, Manual of
Remote Sensing, 3rd ed, Volume 2, John Wiley and Sons, N.Y., 1998.
9. J-S Lee and E. Pottier, Polarimetric Radar Imaging: From Basics to Applications, CRC Press,
Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, 2009.
10. R. Hanssen, Radar interferometry: data interpretation and error analysis. Dordrecht, Boston:
Kluwer Academic, 2001.
11. A. Ferretti, A. Monti-Guarnieri, C. Prati, and F. Rocca, InSAR Principles: Guidelines for SAR
Interferometry Processing and Interpretation, Volume 19 of ESA technical memoranda, 1-3 vols.
The Netherlands: ESA Publications, 2007.

Syllabus for Semester-II

2.8 Geoinformatics

Code Papers Lectures* Practical Total

Lab Assignment
(Hrs.) (Hrs.)
2.8.1 Spatial Database 25 35 15 75
Architectures &

2.8.2 Programming in Geodata 25 35 15 75


2.8.3 Web GIS and 25 35 15 75


2.8.4 Spatial Data Quality and 25 35 15 75


Total 100 140 60 300

*includes guest lectures & tutorials

2.8.1 Spatial Database Architectures and Modeling (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Basics of Spatial Databases overview, Attribute data models, Spatial Databases, Spatial
Databases data types and structures, Basics of relational algebra, ER Model,

2 Spatial Database Conceptual data modeling, Concepts of UML, Database design using
Design UML, Spatial data topological relationship

3 Spatial Database Concepts of spatial data storage, spatial query languages using extended
Storage & SQL, spatial query processing and optimization, Spatial Indexing

4 Advances in Introduction to spatial data mining and algorithms (case study

Spatial Databases demonstration), Web-enabled Spatial Database Systems, Overview of
NoSQL for spatial data handling, Demonstration on IBIN and BIS web
based GIS Portals

5 Geospatial Spatial data modeling and its classification, spatial decision modeling
Modeling concepts, spatial decision support systems, AHP based modeling with
applications, Concepts of Agent-based modeling and its applications

2.8.1 Spatial Database Architectures and Modeling (Practical)

Practical No. Topics Sub Topics

1 Basics of Spatial database creation (spatial database creation in GIS:

Spatial Personal Geodatabase, File Geodatabase and Enterprise
Databases Geodatabase using spatial database engine & PostgreSQL and
2 Spatial Spatial database design using UML, spatial database schema
Database creation
3 Spatial Shape file storage, spatial data types insertion and retrieval, spatial
Database queries using extended SQL, Query optimization & index creation
Storage &
Retrieval using
4 SQL Queries in SQL Queries (data insertion, selection, updation, deletion),
PostgreSQL Defining Constraint, Mathematical operators, date/time operations,
string operations, indexing, join operations and writing complex
5 Geospatial Case studies on multi-criteria decision modeling (using AHP) &
Modeling Agent-based modeling

Suggested Readings

1. Booch, G., Rumbaugh, J., and Jacobsen, I. (1999). The Unified Modeling Language User Guide.
2. Date, C. J. (2003). An introduction to database systems. Addison Wesley.
3. Shekhar, S. and Chawla, S. (2003). Spatial Databases: A Tour. Prentice Hall.
4. Zelkowitz, M. V., Shaw, A. C., and Gannon, J. D. (1979). Principles of Software Engineering and
Design. Prentice Hall.

2.8.2 Programming in Geodata Modeling (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Basics of Programming Basic programming concepts: flowchart & algorithms,

Language variables, expressions and statements, conditionals ,
iterations, functions and recursion

2 Data structure and Object Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, Files, Objects &
Oriented Programming Classes, Methods, Inheritance

3 Open Source programming Matrices and linear algebra, Scientific plotting, Database
APIs connectivity, Imaging library

4 Geo-Programming KML parsing API, Geodata abstraction library,

Customizing open source GIS softwares

2.8.2 Programming in Geodata Modeling (Practical)

Practical No. Topics Sub Topics

1 Basics of Familiarization with Python IDE, Exercise on variables

Programming and functions, conditionals and iterations , flowchart

2 Data structure and Python strings and lists, tuples, dictionaries, files,
Object Oriented object orientation

3 Open Source Exercises on Numpy, Matplotlib and Python imaging

programming APIs library , database connectivity

4 Geo-Programming KML parsing, Python library “Shape” for basic &

advanced spatial functions; plug-ins for QGIS

Suggested Readings

1. Downey, A. B. (2009). Python for Software Design: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist.
Cambridge University Press.
2. Sherman, G. (2012). The Geospatial Desktop: Open Source GIS and Mapping. Locate Press.
3. Swaroop C. H. (2008). A Byte of Python. http://www.swaroopch.org/notes/Python.

Online Resources:

1. http://www.python.org/
2. http://pypi.python.org/pypi
3. http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
4. http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/kml/
5. http://www.gdal.org/
6. NumPy User Guide Release 1.5.1 (http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.5.x/numpy-user.pdf)
7. Python Imaging Library Overview 1.1.3 (http://www.pythonware.com/media/data/pil-handbook.pdf)
8. Matplotlib Release 1.0.0 (http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/trunk-docs/Matplotlib.pdf)

2.8.3 Web GIS Technology and Geo-visualization (Theory)

Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Internet Basic Internet concepts, Networking Protocols, Client/Server Architecture,

Technology WebGIS concepts and its applications.
and Web GIS

2 Web Creation of basic web site using HTML and CSS, Client-side scripting and
Programming Server-side scripting for web mapping.

3 Distributed Concepts of distributed GIS, Service Oriented Architecture (REST & SOAP
GIS Services), Interoperability and Standards.

4 Web GI OGC Geospatial web service standards (OGC WMS, WFS and WPS), SDI
Services and Metadata standards and cataloguing, GIS Servers (COT’s and Open
Source), Location Based Services, Overview of Cloud Computing &

5 Geo- Geo-visual exploration/analytics, different methods of visualization, multi-

visualization scale problem, web cartography, 3D topology, KML, Virtual Globes

2.8.3 Web GIS Technology and Geo-visualization (Practical)

Practical Topics Sub Topics

1 Internet Internet GIS Examples

and Web GIS

2 Web Web designing using HTML and CSS, Client-side and Server-side
Programming Scripting using Javascript and PHP.

3 Distributed Open Source Geonetwork metadata cataloguing system, Demonstration

GIS and Hands-on Google Earth Engine

4 Web GI Creation and Dissemination of OGC WMS, WFS and WPS Services
Services using FOSS4G tools and web mapping using Open layer APIs,
Demonstration on SWAMIS (System for Weather and Apadaa
Management Information for SriLanka) Application

5 Geo- Visualization of 3D geospatial data using virtual globes, Creation and

visualization demonstration of 3D models using TRIVIM and SketchUp

Suggested Readings

1. Kraak, J.M., and Allan, B. (2001). Web Cartography: Developments and Prospects. Taylor &
Franscis (Edition-1), London.
2. Kraak, M.J., and Ormeling, F. (2010). Cartography: Visualization of Spatial Data. Pearson- Harlow,
England (3rd ed.).
3. Pinde Fu, and Jiulin S. (2011). Web GIS: Principles and Applications. ESRI Press, Redlands,
4. Scott, D. (2007). GIS for Web Developers: Adding Where to Your Web Applications. Pragmatic
Bookshelf, China (Edition-1).

Additional Readings:

5. Gregory, M. N., Hagan, H., and Muller, H. (1997). Scientific Visualization: Overviews,
Methodologies and Techniques, IEEE Computer Society.

Online Resources:

1. Adobe Dreamweaver tutorial

2. Server-side Scripting Primer (http://www.w3schools.com/web/web_scripting.asp)
3. GEOG 585: Open Web Mapping
4. OGC Support and Configuration (http://mapserver.org/ogc/index.html)
5. UMN Mapserver (http://mapserver.org/)
6. Introduction to GeoServer (http://workshops.opengeo.org/geoserver-intro/)
7. ArcIMS (http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/arcims/index.html)
8. GeoNetwork opensource (http://geonetwork-opensource.org/).
9. http://personal.cscs.ch/~mvalle/visualization/tools.html
10. http://www.bu.edu/tech/resersch/training/tutorials/introduction-to-scientific-Visualization-tutorial/
11. www.mgnet.org/~douglas/classes/cs521/scivis/SciVis2004.ppt

2.8.4 Spatial Data Quality and Geostatistics (Theory)
Units Topics Sub Topics

1 Basic Concepts of SDQ, Concepts of probability and statistics, Exploratory data

concepts of analysis, Principles of regression and least squares,

2 Uncertainty Scales of measurements, Sources of uncertainty and types, Effects of

Analysis rounding, Modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP), Scale and Zonation

3 Error and Taylor series approximations, The uncertainty cascade, Error models, Error
Uncertainty propagation, Taylor series and model uncertainty

4 Spatial Spatial Sampling Techniques, Spatio-temporal characteristics, Spatial pattern

Sampling and search, Isotropy, Anisotropy, Homogeneity, Spatial dependence function,
Variogram Spatial correlation function, Semi-variogram (SV), Theoretical SV and
Modeling Experimental SV construction,

5 Geostatistical
Optimal Interpolation Techniques (Geostatistical and Kriging Methodologies:
Simple Kriging, Ordinary Kriging, Universal Kriging, Block Kriging)

2.8.4 Spatial Data Quality and Geostatistics (Practical)

Practical No. Topics

1 Introduction to R software, Exploratory data analysis, Probability and
Statistics operations, Regression and least squares using R
2 Image generation at varied spatial resolutions, Spatial resolution vs. attribute
uncertainty, Studying/ understanding Modifiable Areal Unit Problem

3 Exercise on Taylor series expansion, Error and uncertainty modeling and

4 Spatial Samplings, Optimal Sampling Design, Auto-correlation, Variogram
Modeling and Semi-variogram analysis
5 Spatial Sampling Modeling spatial structure from point samples, Predicting
point samples, Assessing the quality of spatial predictions, Optimal
Interpolation techniques (Geostatistical, Kriging Methodologies: Simple
Kriging, Ordinary Kriging, Universal Kriging, Block Kriging)

Suggested Readings

1. Devillers, R. and Jeansoulin (2006). Fundamentals of Spatial Data Quality. ISTE Ltd, United States.
2. Draper, N. and Smith, H. (1981). Applied Regression Analysis. Wiley, New York.
3. Hengl, H. (2007). A Practical Guide to Geostatistical Mapping of Environmental Variables. European
Commission, Italy.
4. Sen, Z. (2009). Spatial Modeling Principles in Earth Sciences. Springer.


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