Dye Class General Description Main Application

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Dye Class General description Main application

Direct Simple application; cheap; complete colour range; Mainly used for cellulosic fibres;
moderate colour fastness but can be improved by can also be applied on rayon, silk
after-treatment with copper salts & cationic fixing & wool

Azoic Complicated application; limited colour range Mainly applied on cellulosic

(Naphthol) (red, orange, navy among the best); bright shade fibres, especially on brilliant red
at moderate cost; generally good wet fastness but shade
moderate to poor dry cleaning & rubbing fastness;
also called naphthol dye due to the use of
naphthol, or ice colour because of the usage of ice
during application.
Vat Difficult to apply (requires reduction treatment to Commonly used for high quality
make soluble in water & oxidation to resume cotton goods, e.g. towel; specially
insoluble state after dyeing); most expensive; used in the dyeing of denim fabric
incomplete colour range (strong in blue & green
but weak in brilliant red); good all round fastness
except indigo & sulphurised vat species; tending
to decrease in popularity due to increasing use of
reactive dye
Sulphur Difficult to apply (application similar to vat dyes); Mostly used for heavy cellulosic
cheap particularly for dark shade; incomplete goods in dark shades.
black, navy, khaki & colour range (strong in
brown but no bright shade); poor washing &
rubbing fastness & sensitive to chlorine; may
cause fabric rendering of cellulose upon storage

Reactive Easy application; moderate price; complete colour Commonly used for all cellulosic
range; good fastness due to direct reaction with goods especially in knitted fabric
fibres. batch wise dyeing; selective dyes
can also be applied on wool, silk
& rayon; increasingly used in
printing due to good fastness
Acid Easy application; complete colour range with very Commonly used for wool, silk &
good bright shades; fastness properties may vary nylon
among individual dyes.
Disperse Require skill in application (either by carrier or Mostly used for polyester &
under high temperature); moderate price; acetate; can also be applied on
complete colour range; limited solubility in water nylon & Acrylic.
(normally dispersed in water for application);
good fastness after reduction clearing treatment;
sublimation property.

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