Jurnal Otomikosiss
Jurnal Otomikosiss
Jurnal Otomikosiss
Background/aim: Otomycosis, or fungal otitis externa, has typically been described as fungal infection of the external auditory canal,
with infrequent complications involving the middle ear. This study assessed a mycological analysis of fungal debris from external
auditory canals of patients at Tanta University Hospital, Gharbia Governorate, Egypt.
Materials and methods: The samples were collected over a year from the 110 patients that were clinically diagnosed to have otomycosis.
The samples were then inoculated and culture plates were examined for the presence of fungal growth.
Results: The results showed that Aspergillus niger was the most common fungus causing otomycosis. It was more common among males
aged 21–40 years. The incidence was higher in the summer and spring seasons. Manual workers and students had the highest frequency
based on occupational incidence. The most common presenting complaint was itching. Trauma to the external auditory canal was the
most common predisposing factor.
Conclusion: The epidemiological profile of otomycosis infection varied according to different factors in the study population.
Data collected and analyzed included duration of A. niger and A. flavus, respectively. Table 2 shows the
follow-up, presenting symptoms, disease complications, distribution of otomycosis among different age groups,
fungal species identified, history of patients, and prior as 10 cases of otomycosis were detected in the age group
treatments. Statistical analysis was carried out using a of <10 years old, while 40 cases were detected in the age
Pearson chi-square test to evaluate the significance of all group of 11–20 years, 50 cases were detected in the age
the studied factors and the spread of otomycosis. group of 21–40 years, and 10 cases were detected in the
2.2. Collection of samples age group of >40 years. Figure 2 shows that otomycosis
The samples were collected from patients that were was more common in males (63.5%) compared to females
clinically diagnosed to have otomycosis under aseptic (36.5%).
conditions with the help of a sterile cotton swab from the Statistical analysis revealed that the differences
external auditory canal or a sterile scalpel blade (6). between the patient’s age and sex were highly significant
2.3 Culture at P <0.001. The data represented in Table 3 shows that
Samples were inoculated on Sabouraud dextrose agar otomycosis was more common among manual workers
medium; the plates were incubated at 25 °C. The culture (50 cases), followed by students (40 cases) and housewives
plates were examined for the presence of growth after 3–4 (15), but less common among farmers (5 cases). The
days (7). highest incidence of otomycosis was observed in summer
2.4 Identification (60 cases), followed by spring (28 cases). Autumn (15 cases)
All cultured plates were examined under microscope and winter (7 cases) showed a low incidence of otomycosis
(400× and 1000×), photographed, and identified according (Figure 3). Figure 4 shows that the predominant complaint
to methods previously described (8–12). of the patients was itching (100%), followed by pain (41%)
and hearing loss (31.8%), and the least common complaint
3. Results was ear discharge (18.2%). Nine percent of patients had all
Otomycosis was clinically diagnosed in 110 patients and complaints.
confirmed by positive culture results for fungal growth. The most common predisposing factor was traumatic
Table 1 shows that the most common fungi isolated injury to the ear canal (59%), followed by water entry
from otomycosis cases during the present survey was A. during swimming (45%) (Table 4). Table 4 also shows the
niger (it was positively isolated from 100 cases), followed by high percentage of antibiotic ear drop treatment (59%)
A. flavus, which was isolated from 10 cases of otomycosis affecting the incidence of otomycotic infection and that it
and showed a low incidence in the present study. was more common in patients with systemic diseases (e.g.,
Figures 1A and 1B show the otoscopic direct hypertension, diabetes, or an immune disease) .
examinations of external ear canals of different otomycosis Finally, wax was absent in 91% of cases and present in
patients. Subfigure 1 of Figure 1A shows one of the severe 9% of cases. This means that wax plays an important role
cases of otomycosis with tympanic membrane perforation in protecting patients against otomycosis (Figure 5).
due to A. niger infection. Subfigure 1 of Figure 1B presents All these studied factors were found to be highly
otomycosis due to A. flavus infection. In addition, significant at P < 0.001 in distinguishing the variation
subfigures 2 and 3 of Figures 1A and 1B represent the among otomycosis cases, which was confirmed by a chi-
pure culture and the microscopic examination of isolated square test as shown.
Table 1. Distribution of fungal isolates among otomycotic cases during the year of the
survey (2011).
ABDELAZEEM et al. / Turk J Med Sci
Figure 1. Otoscopic, culture, and microscopic appearance of A. niger (A-1, -2, and -3) and A. flavus (B-1, -2, and -3).
Table 2. Distribution of otomycosis among different sex and age groups during the year of the survey (2011).
No. of cases
Percentage of total
Age group Sex
Total cases
Male Female
≤10 5 5 10 9.0
11–20 15 25 40 36.5
21–40 40 10 50 45.5
41–60 10 0 10 9.0
Total 70 40 110 100
Percentage of total cases 63.5 36.5 100 100
χ2 24.112
P-value <0.001
*P-value is statistically highly significant at the 0.001 level.
ABDELAZEEM et al. / Turk J Med Sci
Female = 36.5%
Male = 63.5%
Figure 2. Percentage of otomycosis among different sexes during the year of the survey (2011).
=15 cases=
=7 cases=6.4%
All= 10 cases =
Spring 9%
=28 cases=
25.5% Ear discharge=
20 cases = 18.2%
= 45 cases =41%
ABDELAZEEM et al. / Turk J Med Sci
Table 4. Effect of different predisposing factors on the incidence of otomycotic infections during the year of the
survey (2011).
*P-value is statistically significant at the 0.005 level and highly significant at the 0.001 level.
New York by Jackman et al. (15) in about 12 months. This was the most common isolated species in otomycosis,
may be due to the high humidity in the eastern region followed by A. fumigatus. These differences could be due
throughout the year. The epidemiology of otomycosis to the geographic patterns of fungi in different places, but
varies geographically, but it commonly occurs in warm limited epidemiological data are available for comparison.
and tropical climates. Regarding the age and sex distribution, the present
The most common fungal species isolated from survey revealed that otomycosis was more common
otomycosis cases in the present survey was A. niger (91%), among patients between 21 and 40 years of age (45.4%)
followed by A. flavus (9%). This was similar to many and higher in males (63.6%) than females (36.4%). That
screening reports for otomycosis in many regions of the could be explained by the increased outdoor activities of
world. Hoshino and Matsumoto (16) isolated A. niger males compared to females in Egypt; thus, males are more
as an abundant causative organism of otomycosis from exposed to the risks of diseases. This result could also be
all their cases. This was contrary to the observations of attributed to the difference in surface lipids between males
Jackman et al. (15), as they revealed that Candida albicans and females, as surface lipids are under the control of sex
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