Managing Otitis Externa
Managing Otitis Externa
Managing Otitis Externa
Otitis externa is a common ear inflammatory condition, usually caused by infection, and affecting up to 10% of the population. It is
especially common in children, and is more likely to occur in those who are frequently exposed to water. Cleaning the affected area,
the application of topical agents and prevention are the cornerstones of treatment. This article will review the different types of otitis
externa and treatment options.
© Medpharm S Afr Pharm J 2012;79(8):17-22
The ear canal is designed to combat foreign particles and infection. Other organisms which can cause infection include anaerobic
The outer cartilaginous portion is lined with hair follicles and pathogens (4-25%), such as Bacteroides and peptostreptococci,
cerumen glands. The lining of the ear canal undergoes continual and fungal infection (2-10%).4-6,9-12
sloughing of cells, the migration of which allows removal of keratin
debris and cerumen. Cerumen maintains an acidic environment Signs and symptoms
in the external ear canal, and its sticky nature traps particles, Pruritis, ear pain, discharge, and hearing loss are the most
preventing penetration deeper into the ear. common symptoms of otitis externa.2 The ear may be tender
A breakdown of the skin-cerumen barrier is the first step in the on examination and on otoscopy, usually the external ear canal
appears to be oedematous and erythematous. If present, the ear
pathogenesis of external otitis. This can be caused by:4-6
discharge may be white, yellow, brown, or grey. Severe disease may
• Water exposure from swimming. Excess moisture leads to result in intense pain, periauricular erythema, lymphadenopathy,
skin maceration and breakdown of the skin-cerumen barrier, and fever.6
changing the microflora of the ear canal to predominantly Generally, fungal infections cause ear itching, discomfort,
Gram-negative bacteria. discharge, and a feeling that something is in the ear canal, whereas
pain is more intense in patients with bacterial infections.13
Contact dermatitis also frequently causes pruritis. This is the penetration of ear drops into the site of inflammation.15 Ear-canal
dominant symptom. A lack of response to external otitis treatment cleaning should be performed through an otoscope that allows
over a one-week period can indicate contact dermatitis.14 direct visualisation and use of a cotton swab to gently remove
debris and cerumen. The ear canal may be irrigated with a 1:1
Complications dilution of 3% hydrogen peroxide at body temperature.16
Systemic antibiotics are indicated in patients with deep tissue Antiseptics function as bacteriostatic agents, not as bacteriocidal
infection (outside the external canal) and immunocompromised agents, like antibiotics. They are also effective against fungal
hosts. infections. Their precise mechanism of action is not fully
understood, but they make the ear canal less habitable for bacteria
Cleaning the external canal (aural toilet) and fungi, and may loosen debris in the ear canal. Systemic reviews
and meta-analyses suggest that these agents are as effective as
Cleaning out the external canal is the first step in treatment. The
other topical agents.15,17 Available antiseptics are listed in Table I.
removal of cerumen, desquamated skin, and purulent material
from the ear canal greatly facilitates healing, and enhances
Phenazone Aurone®
Acidifying agents Acetic acid After Swim Ear Drops®, Dischem Swimmer’s Ear Cleanser®
Dexamethasone Maxidex®
Acidifying solutions
concern.23 Allergic contact dermatitis is commonly associated
with neomycin when used for prolonged courses.24 Antibiotic
resistance, particularly against P. aeruginosa with chronic use
of ototopical fluoroquinolones, is also of concern.25 Topical
antibiotics are only available in combination with glucorticoids
in South Africa (see Table I). Murine® Clear Eyes eye drops Murine® Moisture Eyes eye drops
For the removal of redness Relieves dry, scratchy eyes
Antifungal agents caused by minor irritations such as by moisturising and soothing
adverse conditions and eye-strain. irritated eyes.
Glucocorticoids Applicant: Pharmacare Ltd. Co. Reg. No.: 1898/000252/06, Building 12,
Healthcare Park, Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, 2191. A15025 08/12
randomised trials, which included three studies comparing an are made of compressed cotton. They expand as the ototopical
antimicrobial plus glucocorticoid vs. an antimicrobial alone, found medicine is applied. The wick allows topical medications to reach
comparable clinical and bacteriological cure rates at seven days the medial aspect of the ear canal. They also facilitate longer
for regimens with and without glucocorticoids. The use of topical retention of topical solutions in the affected areas. Wicks should
glucocorticoids decreased time to symptom resolution by one be replaced every one to three days if significant swelling persists.
day.16 Glucocorticoids are the agents of choice when otitis externa Wicks can be removed once ear canal swelling subsides. Wick
is caused by contact dermatitis, but doesn’t respond to acidifying placement usually requires referral to an otorhinolaryngologist.16
treatment.16 Available glucocorticoids are listed in Table I.
Several combinations of topical agents are available in clinical The addition of an oral antibiotic to topical antibiotic therapy does
practice. The efficacy of several different combination preparations not appear to enhance treatment in uncomplicated external otitis.
has been examined in meta-analyses of randomised trials, with no Systemic antibiotics, in addition to topical antibiotics, are indicated
specific combination therapy appearing as superior over other with deeper tissue infection, due to lack of adequate penetration
therapy.15 Available combination therapies are listed in Table I. with topical therapy. Combined systemic and topical antibiotics
are also indicated in patients who are immunosuppressed, i.e.
Choice of topical agent post-transplant, and those receiving chemotherapy or radiation
Choosing the correct ototopical agent, or combination of agents, therapy, or where there is a high risk of malignant external otitis.16
is difficult. The choice of agent depends on the type and severity Antibiotics need to be effective against the most common
of otitis externa.15 pathogens, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. Quinolones (ciprofloxacin
• Mild external otitis (bacterial, fungal and contact dermatitis): A or ofloxacin) usually provide necessary coverage.28 Ciprofloxacin
topical preparation containing an antiseptic and analgesic, or can be given at a dose of 500 mg twice daily, for seven to 10 days.16
antiseptic and glucocorticoid (see Table I), is recommended.
Antibiotics and antifungal agents may cause potential side- Pain control
effects, and do not warrant use in mild cases.16
Pain from otitis externa can be mild to severe. Mild-to-moderate
• Moderate and severe disease (bacterial and fungal): A topical pain will respond to topical therapy. Many antiseptic plus analgesic
preparation that contains an antibiotic, an antiseptic and a combinations are available in South Africa (see Table I). Patients
glucocorticoid is recommended. Where a fungal infection is
with severe pain may require paracetamol, an oral nonsteroidal
suspected, topical antifungal creams and ointments would need
anti-inflammatory agent (NSAID) or, in particularly severe cases,
to be used. The antibiotic should have good coverage against
opioid analgesics. Care should be exercised to ensure that pain
S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. The antifungal agents, clotrimazole
medications do not mask an inadequately treated case.16
and miconazole, are recommended to treat fungal infections.16
• Prophylaxis: Prevention should be considered in patients 1993;107(10):898-891. c2012. Cambridge Journals [homepage on the Internet]. c2012. Avail-
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immunocompromised hosts, and in those with a systemic
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after treatment is initiated, and full symptom resolution by six 8. Sood S, Strachan DR, Tsikoudas A, Stables GI. Allergic otitis externa. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci.
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