Banana Ripening: Principles and Practice

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Dr. Scot Nelson

Plant Pathologist
University of Hawaii
Presentation Outline:

1. Bunch management and field practices

2. Banana nutrition
3. Harvesting and handling
4. Fruit diseases and disorders
5. Forced ripening

Three Phases:


Best bunch management practices:

“quality control from the field to the shelf”

Field practices:
y Leaf removal (diseased leaves, sanitation)
y Deflowering (of individual fingers)
y Bunch spray (to reduce insect and mold)
y Bagging and Tagging
y On-time harvest
y Careful handling & transport to packing house

Packing house practices:

y Good packing house hygiene
y Hang bunches in shade over night to cool
y Careful de-handing (clean cuts)
y Washing
y Drying
y Packing
y Storage (refrigerated), shipping (prompt) Bunch of bananas
Banana Bunch management in the FIELD:

; Leaf removal: minimizes fruit injury

Remove leaves that rub against bunches
Remove severely diseased leaves (de-trashing)

; Deflowering: reduces incidence of fungus and insect attack; reduces

abrasion injury on fruit skin.

; Bunch spray (diazinon, insecticidal soap, BT, copper hydroxide):

reduces pest and disease damage (moth, thrips, sooty mold, etc.)

; Field sanitation: reduces insect and pathogen populations

; Bagging and Tagging: protects bunch; ensures on-time harvest of


; Good cultural practices (weed, pest, disease management, drainage,

fertility, pruning, plant spacing, etc): ensures healthy, consistent fruit

; Careful harvesting, handling & transport to packing house: minimizes

fruit injury and bruising.

Female flowers are plucked twice per week

Each bunch is plucked 1-2 times

Flowers are plucked soon after they open up,

while they are still fresh.

Tools: ladder, gloves

After plucking is complete, male flower is cut

off & bunch is sprayed and bagged & tagged
with colored ribbons.
Bagging and Tagging

Bagging is done once per week

Perforated polyethylene sleeves

Tied at top and bottom

Tagged with bi-colored ribbon

Bagging minimizes sooty mold,

insect damage and abrasion injury
to fruits.
Banana bunch sleeve manufacturer information
Identify plants at critical stage of development
and mark the pseudostem with the date

A simple alternative to Bagging and Tagging

Good cultural practices

Pruning on a regular basis removes

unwanted or suckers, keeps
production mats in optimum
condition, saves fertilizer, reduces
pest and disease

Pruned fielde
Banana nutrition in Hawaii
Nutrient Cycle for Bananas

From: Laha, E., and Turner, D.W. 1989. Banana Nutrition.

International Potash Institute Worblaufen-Bern, Switzerland.
Nutrient partitioning in Bananas

From: Laha, E., and Turner, D.W. 1989. Banana Nutrition.

International Potash Institute Worblaufen-Bern, Switzerland.
Element requirements for high-production banana farming in Hawaii

Element Pounds per acre per year

Nitrogen 300 - 650
Phosphorous 60 - 120
Potassium 600 - 700

Primary fertilizer sources:

“Banana special” 13-3-37 (general N-P-K fertilizer) – about 200 lbs/acre/month
Urea (sulfur-coated or poly-coated) (N)
Potash, KSO or KCl (K)
Lime, dolomite (Ca) – fields limed to pH 5.5 – 6.5 up to twice per year
Borax (B)
Zinc sulfate (Zn)
Sulfur (S)

“Banana special” 13-3-37

Crop logging program for banana (Hawaii)

Crop logging is the monitoring of soil and banana tissue data over a period of time to help the
grower make better decisions on the type, rate, and interval of fertilizer applications.

Recommended levels of elements in banana leaf tissue in Hawaii.

Element Symbol Range (suggested)

NITROGEN N 2.8 – 3.1%
PHOSPHOROUS P 0.18 – 0.20%
POTASSIUM K 3.2 – 3.5%
CALCIUM Ca 0.6 – 1.0%
MAGNESIUM Mg 0.3 – 0.6%
SULFUR S 0.22 – 0.25%
IRON Fe 50 – 100 ppm
MANGANESE Mn 30 – 100 ppm
COPPER Cu 10 – 15 ppm
ZINC Zn 25 – 40 ppm
BORON B 15 – 25 ppm
Banana leaf tissue sampling in Hawaii for
nutrient analysis

From: Laha, E., and Turner, D.W. 1989. Banana Nutrition.

International Potash Institute Worblaufen-Bern, Switzerland.
From: Laha, E., and Turner, D.W. 1989. Banana Nutrition.
International Potash Institute Worblaufen-Bern, Switzerland.
Advantages of crop logging:

-Quantitative basis for decision making

-Early detection of problems
-Verification of suspected problems and interactions
-Improved yield and quality
-Optimum fertilizer use patterns
Nutrient imbalance symptoms for banana
Deficient Symptoms Notes
Nitrogen Generalized chlorosis (more yellowing on older Banana is more sensitive to a
leaves); rose-colored tints on petioles and leaf lack of nitrogen than any
sheaths; stunting; rosetting; slender other element; problem is
pseudostem; small petioles and leaves; compounded by dense
reduced life span of leaves; notable reduction stands of weeds or grass.
in yield.
Potassium Rapid yellowing of oldest leaves which then Responds well to potash
turn orange and dry up; leaves become applications
tattered and fold downward; crumpled leaves;
poorly filled bunch
Magnesium Marginal chlorosis of lowest leaves; violet- Magnesium sulphate can
colored marbling of petioles; fruit may have alleviate the symptoms.
defective flavor and not ship well.
Calcium General dwarfing; reduced leaf length; reduced Fields should be limes
rate of leaf emission; leaves are undulated; periodically; calcium nitrate
tissue near midrib thickens, may turn reddish- can help to correct this
brown deficiency.
Iron General interveinal chlorosis of young leaves; Apply iron compounds to soil;
retarded plant growth; small bunches foliar sprays of iron
compounds can relieve
symptoms temporarily.
Zinc Rosetting and stunting; chlorotic, strap-shaped Problem may be more severe
leaves; leaf chlorosis ion stripes or patches; in sandier areas.
abnormal bunch and hand characteristics
Sulphur Leaves are chlorotic and reduced in size with a Sulphate fertilizers can
thickening of secondary veins; undulating leaf correct this problem (e.g.,
edges; necrosis along edge of lower leaves ammonium sulphate,
potassium sulphate and
magnesium sulphate)
Boron Chlorotic streaking oriented perpendicular to Deficiency can develop over
and crossing the primary veins; leaf time in mature banana fields
malformation; interveinal chlorosis in Hawaii

Reference: Stover, R.H. 1972. Banana, plantain and abaca diseases. Commonwealth
Mycological Institute, Kew, Surrey, England. 316
Potassium (K) deficiency

Nitrogen (N) deficiency

-Pale green leaves,
pink-reddish petioles

Potassium (K) deficiency

-Orange necrotic lamina of older
Nitrogen (N) deficiency Potassium (K) deficiency leaves
-Leaf curling and dsiccation
-“Choke-throat” sucker

Potassium (K) deficiency

Calcium (Ca) deficiency
-”Spike leaf”

Calcium (Ca) deficiency

Laha, E., and Turner, D.W. 1989. Banana
Nutrition. International Potash Institute
Worblaufen-Bern, Switzerland.
Calcium (Ca) deficiency
-”Spike leaf”

Calcium (Ca) deficiency

-collapsed cigar leaf,
lack of green
pigmentation, burned
(necrotic) tip of cigar
leaf Calcium (Ca) deficiency
-Unthrifty plant growth
-Faint chlorotic yellow
stripes parallel to leaf
Manganese (Mn) toxicity
Potassium (K)
Manganese (Mn) toxicity
Potassium (K) deficiency
-Marginal nerosis from fungicide
-Bunch failure to fill spray (above) or soil (below)

Zinc (Zn) deficiency

-Anthocyanin pigmentation on
underside of lamina of fully
mature leaves (left)
-Alternating chlorotic stripes
Zinc (Zn) deficiency Zinc (Zn) deficiency

From: Laha, E., and Turner, D.W. 1989. Banana Nutrition.

International Potash Institute Worblaufen-Bern, Switzerland.
Magnesium (Mg) deficiency
Boron (B) deficiency
Magnesium (Mg) deficiency
Boron (B) deficiency
-Chlorosis of lamina while margins
remain green -Stripes perpendicular to veins

Iron (Fe) deficiency on calcareous

Iron (Fe) deficiency Boron (B) toxicity Boron (B) toxicity
-Yellow-white complete chlorosis
-Marginal paling with necrosis

Iron (Fe) toxicity

Iron (Fe) toxicity
-Black margins of lamina

Sodium (Na) toxicity Sodium (Na) toxicity

-Marginal chlorosis and necrosis

From: Laha, E., and Turner, D.W. 1989. Banana Nutrition.

International Potash Institute Worblaufen-Bern, Switzerland.




Careful harvesting procedure

Notch the pseudostem Sever the bunch as it

with a machete while rests on your shoulder
holding the stem of the and carry to a nearby
bunch. padded transport
Careful handling and transport of bananas from field to packing house
Reduces the injury to fruits.
Bunch management in the PACKING HOUSE:

; House hygiene: minimizes pest and disease; keep packing area clean and
free of trash and banana debris

; Hang bunches overnight: allows fruit to cool, reach uniform temperature

before dehanding, grading, washing & packing.

; Careful de-handing: minimizes rot of cut ends; use sharp, clean knife and
make even (not ragged) cuts.

; Washing: removes sap stains and superficial insects and fungi (water, soap,
0.5 to 1% bleach).

; Drying: air-drying after wash allows dry fruits to be packed (less chance of
fungal rots or diseases).

; Packing: sturdy, well-ventilated boxes; careful placement of bunches; use of

plastic liner.

; Storage, shipping: depends on market and ripening process.

Hanging on hooks on
rollers and runners

Hanging on pieces of PVC pipe

on greased steel pipe

Hang bunches overnight under cover in a packing house to cool down the
banana pulp temperature. Wash and pack them the following day.
Galvanized steel, PVC or ABS
pipe, hooks, bolts, washers.
This hook has been in use for
15 years.
De-handing with a very sharp, clean
blade. Cut surfaces are smooth and
even (without ragged edges). A smooth,
clean cut reduces the chance of fungal
infection. Off-grade fruits are identified
at this step.

De-handing knife
Washing in soap and water plus 0.5 – 1% bleach removes latex
from hands and helps to remove sooty mold and superficial insects.
After washing, hands are placed on a cushioned,
rotating drying table for air-drying. Larger-scale
operations use conveyor belts between the wash tank
and the boxing area.
Many bananas grown on the island
of Hawaii are packed into boxes
green and then shipped in
refrigerated containers by barge for
ripening and distribution in
Honolulu (island of Oahu).
Larger banana producers use refrigerated trucks to
store and transport harvested or ripened bananas.




Banana fruit diseases and disorders
SYMPTOMS: Blackening and rotting
Crown rot of the cut ends of hands. As the fruit
ripens, the rot advances rapidly
down the fruit stalks. A white or gray
fungal growth may be present on the
surface of affected crowns.
CAUSE: Numerous fungi including
Fusarium spp., Verticillium spp.,
Colletotrichum musae, and
Acremonium sp.
CONTROL: Good packing house
hygiene (e.g., clean water in the
wash tank); approved fungicides;
rapid cooling of fruit after de-
handing; refrigerate fruit at not less
than 13 degrees C during storage
and sale.
SYMPTOMS: Finger rot or blemish
Anthracnose of ripening bananas. Initial lesions
are lens-shaped to circular, slightly
sunken and brown. With time, the
spots turn black, enlarge and merge.
The original sunken spots become
deep depressions covered in pink
fungal spore masses.
CAUSE: The fungus Colletotrichum
CONTROL: Regular de-trashing;
careful fruit handling to minimize
abrasions and wounds; keep fruit as
cool as possible to slow down the
disease; prompt ripening; on-time
harvest; good packinghouse hygiene
(e.g., clean water and equipment);
Black end SYMPTOMS: Black decay of the
finger stalk and adjacent part of the
finger, usually confined to the peel.
CAUSE: The fungus Colletotrichum
musae; also can be caused by the
fungi Nigrospora sphaerica and
Fusarium spp.
CONTROL:Good plantation and
packinghouse hygiene; mulch dead
leaves; keep packinghouse free of
bunch trash and reject fuit; dehand
bunches in clean water; keep fruit as
cool as possible after harvest (both
before and after ripening).
SYMPTOMS: Crown rot, stem end
rot and tip rot of green or ripe fruit.
Ceratocystis fruit rot Crowns are soft, black and water-
soaked. A mass of dark fungal
growth may develop. The stem end
turns black and so does the skin.
The skin is very moist and becomes
covered with tufts of white fungal
growth that turns greenish-black.
The rot extends to the pulp; finger
drop and premature ripening.
CAUSE: The fungus Ceratocystis
CONTROL:Good packinghouse
hygiene (Clean and disinfect the
packinghouse regularly; do not allow
rotting fruit to accumulate).
SYMPTOMS: A reddish-brown to
Maturity bronzing brown discoloration of mature green
bananas, which develops into
scabbiness and cracking.
CAUSE: unclear; appears to be a
physiological disorder that is the
result of stress in the outer layers of
the peel followed by rapid growth of
the fruit.
CONTROL: Irrigate to avoid
moisture stress when bunches are
young. Do not allow bunches to
‘over-fill’ before harvest.
Scab moth
SYMPTOMS: Scars that turn
brownish-black on fruit skin.
CAUSE: Banana scab moth
(Nacoleia octasema).
CONTROL: Bunch injection with
registered insecticides where
available; fruit bagging.

Bud Moth
Sap damage
SYMPTOMS: Stains on skin.
CAUSE: sap contamination of fruit
CONTROL: Soak hands in clean
water in a washing/de-sapping tank
for enough time to allow fresh
wounds to stop flowing sap.
Splitting, finger separation SYMPTOMS: Longitudinal splits
appear in the fruit; ripe fruit separate
from hand.
CAUSE: humidity too high (greater
than 95%) during the later stages of
fruit ripening.
CONTROL: Lower the R.H. to 70-
75% during fourth and fifth day of
ripening; ensure good aeration in
ripening room; restack cartons so
that ventilation slots are aligned with
each other.
Ammonia injury

SYMPTOMS: Blackening of the fruit

CAUSE: exposure to ammonia gas
leaking from refrigeration systems
using R717 (ammonia).
CONTROL: R717 refrigeration
plants must be properly maintained
and tested regularly for leaks.
Senescent spots SYMPTOMS: Numerous superficial
brown spots (less than 1 mm deep)
or flecks on the peel. The spots do
not enlarge, coalesce or blacken.
CAUSE: senescence of small
groups of cells in the outer peel after
treatment in a ripening room.
CONTROL: There are no practical
means of controlling this disorder,
but it appears to be more common
when over-mature fruit are sent to a
ripening facility.
SYMPTOMS: Ripening (sprung) and
colored bananas are found mixed
with hard green fruit in the same
Mixed ripe package or consignment at the
markets before commercial ripening.
CAUSE: over-mature bananas;
excessive post-harvest temperature;
inadvertent exposure to ethylene in
exhaust gases; anthracnose wound
CONTROL: Harvest uniform, but
less mature, fruit. Improve
temperature management after
harvest; fungicide dips for
anthracnose control; ensure that
stacks of fruit are well-ventilated.
SYMPTOMS: Dark brown to black
tip rot; pulp characteristically dry and
Cigar-end rot fibrous; gray and powdery spore
masses occur on lesions.
CAUSE: The fungus Verticillium
CONTROL: Frequent removal of
dead flowers followed by bagging of
bunches with perforated
polyethylene sleeves; remove bracts
and dead flower parts that
accumulate in bags a few weeks
after bagging; field sanitation for fruit
spot control; packinghouse
sanitation; cull infected fruits before
placing them in the washing tank;
fungicide sprays may be necessary
during severe epidemics.
SYMPTOMS: Raised black pinoint
spots occurring in groups on the
upper surface of leaves and also on
the fruit.
CAUSE: The fungus Guignardia
musae (=Phyllosticta musarum).
CONTROL: Remove and destroy
infected leaves; use resistant
varieties (Cavendish); bag fruit after
deflowering; use registered
fungicides where available (black
leaf streak fungicides are effective)
Corky scab
SYMPTOMS: Superficial scarring;
corky scab (slightly raised,
discolored, corky skin covering,
patchy in occurrence.
CAUSE: banana flower thrips
(Thrips hawaiiensis).
CONTROL: Monitor crop for flower
thrips populations; bunch injections
of registered insecticides in some
locations; keep plants moist with
overhead irrigation during dry
Rust thrips damage
SYMPTOMS: Reddish-brown ‘rust’
areas develop on fruit where two
adjacent fingers touch; skin cracking
can occur with severe damage
CAUSE: banana rust thrips
(Chaetanaphothrips signipennis)
CONTROL: Monitor crop rust trhips
activity; apply insecticides to soil,
plant and fruit; use thrips-free
planting material; destroy neglected
plantations; cover the developing
bunches with sleeves.
Coconut scale
SYMPTOMS: Superficial infestation
of banana peel; chlorotic spots
associated with feeding; quarantine
CAUSE: Green scale, Aspidiotus
CONTROL: oil sprays
Chilling injury

SYMPTOMS: ‘Salt and pepper’

flecking just below the surface of the
green skin and the pulp.
CAUSE: exposure of fruit to
temperatures below 13 degrees C
before or after harvest.
CONTROL: Bananas in transit and
in retail stores should not be stored
at temperatures below 13 degrees
C. Consumers should not store
bananas in the refrigerator for more
than a day.
Others fruit pests of banana in Hawaii:

Greenhouse thrips
Rind thrips
Green scale




Commercial Ripening

; Assures good shelf life

; Provides excellent fruit appearance

; Provides optimum eating quality

; Fruit is available when and where required

Commercial Ripening: four major factors

; Ethylene gas

; Temperature control

; Relative humidity control

; Adequate air circulation

Because each batch of fruit varies, it is necessary to

Continuously monitor ripening.
Ethylene Gas

 Naturally occurring plant hormone

 Produced in all plant tissues

 Governs many physiological functions, including senescence and ripening

 Produced in greater amounts as plant organs (fruits) mature.

 Also ethylene is produced in response to plant stress:

à wounding, sunburn
à infection and disease
à drought

Factors which can contribute to uneven

ripening in banana fields.

 Ethylene gas is produced by decaying plant material

Commercial Ripening: four major factors

; 1. Ethylene gas

Colorless gas, slightly sweet odor, soluble in water.

Normally produced during banana fruit ripening
If applied to bananas, it initiates ripening and assures even ripening

Only 1 ppm is required to initiate ripening,

but up to 1000 ppm are frequently used.

Banana fruits are exposed to the gas for about 24 hours.

Note: a concentration of ethylene gas higher than 2.7% (27,000 ppm)

can be explosive

 Green bananas in cartons are loaded into the ripening room.

 The room is closed and refrigerated for 12 to 16 hours until the pulp temperature
reaches 15 to 17°C. Relative humidity is 90%

 Ethylene is discharged into the room at a concentration of around 0.1%. The room
is then kept closed for 24 hours. The ethylene acts as a catalyst initiating the
hormonal process of ripening. Relative humidity is 90%

 At the end of this time the room is ventilated to clear the ethylene.

 The room is then closed again and the atmosphere controlled at a temperature of
15 to 17°C for three to four days. The fruit pulp may reach a temperature of 32°C
during this process and gases, including carbon dioxide, are evolved in substantial
quantities. Relative humidity is about 75%.

 The room is finally ventilated and the ripe fruit removed. A common way of
ventilating involves opening the doors for at least 5, usually 15 minutes before entry is
made. Extractor fans may also be used.

 The amount of ethylene gas required for a ripening room is normally calculated on
the free air space after the bananas have been loaded (i.e., if bananas take up to 35%
of the room size, calculate the amount of ethylene required for remaining 65% free air
Commercial Ripening: four major factors

; Temperature control (pulp temperature)

Without adequate temperature control, bananas can have very short shelf life
(as short as 4 days at >73 F)

Fruits ripened at high temperature have poor appearance (dull grey-green)

And poor flavor.

Low temperature (less than 55 F) delays banana ripening.

Optimum ripening temperatures are 58 F – 64 F.

Actual temperature used depends on when you want the fruit ready,
with higher temperature (64 F) producing ripe fruits most rapidly.
Commercial Ripening: four major factors

; Relative Humidity (RH) control

Without adequate relative humidity control, bananas can affect skin color,
freshness and may cause splitting, weak necks, breaking, weight loss
and may cause existing blemishes to become enhanced.

Ripening RH levels:

Begin ripening: 90% RH (use automatic humidifiers with humistat control)

Color break: reduce RH to 75%
Commercial Ripening: four major factors

; Air circulation

Assures uniformity of ripening and prevents buildup of CO2

Air circulations fans operate continuously while ripening fruit

Fruit boxes are stacked to allow air circulation. Many stacking patterns
are available, but a 4-inch air channel is ideal.

Rule of thumb: the discharge from the centrifugal blower in cubic feet
per minute should equal the cubic capacity of the ripening room.

 Ripening time is from hard green to Color Stage 4 ( green-yellow with dark green tips)

Fruit Temperature (pulp) in °F

Number Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
of Days
to Ripen
4 64 64 62 60 - - -
5 62 62 62 62 60 - -
6 62 62 60 60 60 58 -
7 60 60 60 60 60 58 58

 Air temperatures in ripening room will usually be lower than banana pulp temperatures.
 Do not start ripening with ethylene until pulp temperatures stable at desired temperature.
 Seal ripening room and gas with 1000 ppm ethylene for 12 to 24 hours.
 After initial gassing thoroughly ventilate ripening room with fresh air for 20 to 30 minutes every 12 hours.
 Inspect fruit regularly and adjust air temperatures to control pulp temperature in desired range.
 Always use a proper pulp thermometer.
Color index = 7+

pulp thermometer
Commercial, large-scale
ripening rooms require
forklifts and computerized
automation and control.
Banana ripening rooms

a. The room must be air tight to prevent too much of the ethylene from leaking out.

b. The room must have adequate refrigeration. Bananas produce large quantities of heat when
they are ripening. The refrigeration equipment must have the capacity to accurately control
the pulp temperature.

c. The room must have adequate air circulation. Uniform pulp temperatures depend on
circulating air. The room should be constructed so that the air flow path from the cooler,
through the load and back to the cooler is unobstructed.

d. The boxes of bananas should be "air stacked". That is, the boxes should be offset to allow
the air to circulate among all the boxes. If the room is designed for "solid stack" palletized
ripening, there is no need to air stack.

e. Maintain proper humidity levels. For best ripening results, humidity should be 85 to 95
percent. If the humidity is too low, wetting the floor of the room with water is often helpful.

f. When bananas are ripening, they give off carbon dioxide; concentration above 1 percent will
retard ripening. Therefore, vent the rooms by opening the doors for 20 minutes every 12
hours, after the first 24 hours of ripening.
Banana ripening room construction follows the principles of ordinary cold room

 Insulated

 Refrigerated – thermostatic control

-removes heat of respiration from fruit
-rapid reduction of room temperature after ripening begins
-removes heat in-flow from outside (fans)

 Heated – thermostatic control (sufficient to raise or lower pulp temperature 1.5

– 2 degrees F per hour

 Air tight

 Controllable vents for ventilation

 Humidified (mist injectors, dehumidifiers)

 Sanitary

Catalytic Generators (e.g., 'Ethy-Gen‘)

A method by which a liquid concentrate 'Ethy-Gen' is decomposed in an electrically
powered catalytic generator, to produce ethylene gas. The 'Ethy-Gen' concentrate is
supplied in containers which produce about 12 ft3 (0.33 m3 ) of ethylene gas. The
amount of liquid put in the generator depends on size of ripening room.

Ethylene Cartridges
Each ethylene cartridge contains approximately 51g of pure ethylene and the
ethylene concentration in the room may be controlled simply and accurately by
using the appropriate number of cartridges. Ethylene is released by piercing the
cartridge with a tool which is supplied.

Ethylene and Ethylene/Nitrogen Cylinders

The explosion risk from ethylene can be eliminated by the use of a mixture of gas
consisting of 5% ethylene in nitrogen. Pure ethylene and the mixture can be
obtained from British Oxygen Company Limited and Air Products Limited.

Pure Ethylene Cylinders

Pure ethylene can be obtained in cylinders.

Pour one or two quarts of

Ethy-Gen® II and ethylene
production begins.

Provides pressureless
ethylene on a continuous
basis for uniform ripening.

Ethylene output is adjustable

for multiple room sizes.

Can work with a computerized ripening room control system.

Available in a wall-mounted version.
Large 2½ quart reservoir.
1,500 cubic foot (43 cubic meters) minimum room size.

Electrical specifications:
120 VAC / 160 W / 60 Hz / 1.2 Amps
230 VAC / 160 W / 50 - 60 Hz / 0.65 Amp

Conversion Rate Settings and approximate room size*:

# 1: 1 Quart of Ethy-Gen® II every 48 hours; 1,500 to 2,499 ft3 (43 - 70 m3)
# 2: 1 Quart of Ethy-Gen® II every 36 hours; 2,499 to 4,999 ft3 (71 - 141 m3)
# 3: 1 Quart of Ethy-Gen® II every 24 hours; 5,000 to 7,499 ft3 (142 - 212 m3)
# 4: 1 Quart of Ethy-Gen® II every 12 hours; 7,500 to 12,000 ft3 (213 - 340 m3)
Fan used while ethylene
is being generated

Catalytic generator
for ethylene

Simple banana ripening in a refrigerated

Matson container in Hilo, Hawaii. Capacity:
320 boxes of bananas.
A simple banana ripening room

- Plywood walls and roof; insulated

- Compressor (air conditioner) on top
- Cement floor
- Temperature, ventilation and
humidity controls

Note: it is best to have at least three

ripening rooms, instead of just one.

It is also possible to convert existing

rooms or structures into banana
ripening rooms, depending on scale.
Ethylene gas
from compressed gas cylinders:
two methods

Single shot of gas, Continuous slow trickle of gas

given at one time. into the room for 24 hrs.

A method to monitor ethylene concentration should be available.

Alternate ripening methods

ETHEPHON (Ethrel-Union Carbide) is a compound that breaks down to

form ethylene. However, this is not currently approved for post-harvest use
on bananas. Work done at the University of Hawaii found a 0.33%
ethephon spray to be effective in ripening bananas.

CALCIUM CARBIDE breaks down to form acetylene, which at high

concentrations produces the same effect as ethylene. This method is
widely used in markets in Southeast Asia. About ½ ounces of calcium
carbide is wrapped in newspaper. These packets are placed through the
banana pile. The bananas are covered with a tarpaulin and the high
humidity generated activates the carbide.

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