Mettavalokanaya Buddhist Magazine August 30 2017
Mettavalokanaya Buddhist Magazine August 30 2017
Mettavalokanaya Buddhist Magazine August 30 2017
Importance of Human Behavior their students in order that they are able to live easily side by
side with others that may not share their own views, values
and outlook on life.
and Making Choices…. The student must understand that nobody in this world
is perfect and that it is not better to be richer or poorer, an
agnostic or a believer and so on, but that what is important
Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanajahn (Luang Por Dattajeevo Bhikkhu) and makes a good human being is measured by the thoughts,
Vice Abbot of Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Vice President of the Dhammakaya Foundation, words and actions of that individual. Not all human beings
Most Popular and Respected Dhamma Teacher & Author in Thailand. will be good, nor will they all be bad; the student must be
encouraged to understand and practise reasoned tolerance to
integrate successfully within society.
It is also important that the student recognizes and
activities. Such is the power of kilesa without the counter overcomes discrimination towards others, be it due to age,
power of an educated mind to recognize the devastating gender, handicap, race, religion, status or appearance. No
effects that kilesa has upon not only this lifetime, but also one can live alone in this world; each individual is directly
those in the future. or indirectly linked to others through environmental, social,
A life without education renders one at a great economic and political factors from which we cannot escape.
disadvantage to resist kilesa and the hidden sufferings that As human beings we all share these influences that affect our
it brings. We must be educated to recognize and know that lives. Only by people working together under the common
kilesa is the master of disguise, offering only suffering hidden definition of ‘human beings’ are we able to overcome or
beneath a false cloak of fleeting pleasure, fulfillment and manage the problems that these influences have; this may
satisfaction. Important causes of suffering from living together only be achieved by overcoming discrimination and bias.
include selfishness and bias as follows: Good Behavior
Selfishness - leads to suffering when each person Correctly and morally taught from an early age to pay
thinks mainly about his or her own benefit rather than giving respect to and understand the true nature of what it is to be a
support, encouragement and material things to others. When human being, especially with regard to the cause and effects
problems occur in the family, group or community, if there is of thoughts, words and deeds in daily life and the human
lack of cooperation and people behave selfishly then suffering suffering encountered, will undoubtedly create the most
and conflict will transpire. favorable conditions for the pupil to achieve full potential in
Bias - manifests itself in four categories: love, anger, this lifetime.
wrong view and fear. Families, groups and communities that The good habits and conduct that the pupil acquires will
Definition of Behavior suffer from selfishness and bias cannot be peaceful as each alleviate or eliminate the three sufferings of living one’s life,
Our behaviour is the result of our thoughts and actions; individual acts only in self-interest to the detriment of others, living together and repelling kilesa. This is the ultimate goal of
it is the way we respond to external situations and conditions causing conflict and disharmony. Without education this lack education in the realm of Buddhism, to educate the individual
as a result of our inherent nature and kammic influences. of consideration for others will be impossible to overcome as well as society at large. Immediately, after the birth of a
Our thoughts and responses may be developed and swayed as personal selfishness and bias are very powerful causes of new human being, the parents must have sufficient education
by both positive and negative, direct and indirect educational suffering, both to the individual and to the others around and knowledge to sustain the refueling of the baby’s four
factors and social interactions. them. elements and provide protection, education and guidance.
For the educator good behaviour should be second To solve the problems and sufferings that arise due If the parents do not have sufficient knowledge to do
nature if adhering to right thought and practice. We judge to selfishness and bias, structured education that develops this, the baby will not thrive but become physically weak, be
others and others judge us by behaviour; as educators we must virtue and morality will lead each individual to recognize of poor health, and fail to grow and develop good habits. As a
learn to judge and monitor our own behaviour to ensure that the sufferings caused by their own selfishness and bias. child, teenager and adult he or she will not have the acquired
kilesa does not create delusions inappropriate to successful With educated guidance individuals will be encouraged to knowledge and understanding to be able to accumulate good
self-assessment. By seeking constantly to invoke boon in our understand the benefits of making boon in their own lives for kamma by reasoned thought and actions. Inevitably, kilesa
daily lives, delusions are evaporated by truth. the good of others. There are three ways an individual may will generate bad kamma and resultant sufferings will follow.
Bad Behaviour do this, which are by giving, by keeping the precepts and by As previously explained, kilesa is transferred through our
Without education, it is easy to fall into bad practices, meditation. kamma from lifetime to lifetime; even a baby will be subject
behaviour and habits. We may fail to notice the With these three practices individuals will develop to these sufferings. For example, when hungry, and if not
harmful and detrimental effects of our empathy with others and the ability to create fed at the appropriate times, a baby will suffer the emotion
thoughts, speech and actions. Lack of harmony and happiness between themselves of anger, clutching and kicking out aggressively towards its
education may allow us to fall prey and others. Their sufferings from mother because of the defilements already implanted in
to addictions such as alcohol, selfishness and bias will be eliminated the mind. Moreover, a good education system is essential in
drugs, gambling, physical and conflict will turn to consideration, assisting the parent to continue to build the knowledge of the
gratification and socially cooperation and support. To cultivate individual along the right path to further strengthen the fabric
degrading behaviour, even the nature of living together in of human society in a way that is of benefit and diminishes
to criminal and inhumane society and creating human sufferings.
Good community education leads to vibrant mental
and physical health, good personal and social habits plus an
enhanced ability to source and absorb knowledge. With the
right education the pupil will develop the ability to create
boon and resist kilesa from an early age.
Americans Find Guidance However stress is caused, it has been proven that
meditation helps to reduce it. The Stress Reduction Clinic at
we must develop it. If it is harmful to others, or ourselves we
must eliminate the thought. An example of this can be shown
“Air India”, the national career of India, launched their Buddhika Sanjeewa
latest flight operation Varanasi/Colombo/Varanasi effective After visit in India
from August 04, 2017, with twice weekly flights on every Sponsored by Air India
Friday and Sunday.
The inaugural flight landed at Bandaranaike International
Airport, Colombo, Sri Lanka on August 04, 2017 and was
welcomed with a ceremonial water salute. The occasion was
attended by many dignitaries from Indian High Commission,
Air India, Airport Authority Sri Lanka, Civil Aviation Sri Lanka,
General Sales Agent of Air India in Sri Lanka and Sri Lankan
On the occasion of 14th UN Vesak day festival held in Sri
Lanka, the Indian Prime Minister Honorable Narendra Modi
informed those gathered that soon Air India will operate a
direct flight Varanasi/Colombo/Varanasi for the Buddhist and
Hindu Pilgrims to travel to Varanasi for worshiping holy places
for Buddhists and Hindus in India. The occasion was ample
testimony to the strong diplomatic relations and the cordial
relations between the people of the two countries.
Andrew. J. Williams
Senior Dharma Teacher in Melbourne, Australia.
and share one aspect for each of the two parts of your
question. I hope and wish that the young people of the world
realise that we are all inter-related, all part of one big family.
No matter where or how we live, no matter the language we
speak or our age. Therefore, we should be kind to each other
and encourage others to do likewise.
Furthermore, I hope and wish that the young people
of the world realise that we all have the potential and
opportunity to be wise and compassionate, and realise our
true enlightened nature. In addition, you should know that
there is no such thing as a so-called 'generation gap'. This is
just one of the many man-made concepts that are not helpful
and serve only to divide people.
The similarities far outweigh the differences between
different generations. Primarily, we all need air to breath,
water to drink, food to eat, and clothes and shelter to protect
us from the elements. Everything else is secondary. Also it is
important to note that we wouldn't have the conveniences
and luxuries that we have today if it wasn't for the foresight
and efforts of the previous generations. So let us all help,
appreciate and respect one another.
Question No - 02 - What is the Buddhist attitude towards
astrology i.e. horoscopes and star signs? Is it something that
we should take with a grain of salt, or can we take it somewhat
Answer - I would lean towards, as you say, taking it with
a grain of salt, rather than too seriously. I think if you pay too
much attention to things like horoscopes, you would never be
sure if it's true or not, which may result in you developing a
mind of more and more uncertainty, more and more doubt.
But I'm no expert in this area.
I think it's more helpful to pay attention to our lives in
the present, rather than dwelling on the past and the future.
The past has gone and the future has not yet arrived. So let us
maintain a realistic and positive outlook and attitude, as well
as, only engaging in helpful and beneficial actions.
Maybe it will be helpful to reflect on the Buddha's words
recorded in the Kalama Sutra, after he was asked what his
doctrine was by the people of the Kalama kingdom. "Do not
Question No - 01 -.... What is one hope or aspiration you believe in anything (simply) because you have heard it. Do not
have for the young people of the world?.... What is one piece believe in traditions because they have been handed down for
of knowledge or wisdom you would like to impart to the world many generations.
before you depart from this life?.... Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and
Answer - Answer: Firstly, I rejoice in your very important rumored by many. Do not believe in anything (simply) because
question. Although I should mention that I have many wishes it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe
and aspirations for the younger people of the world. As well in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and
as many aspects of knowledge and wisdom that I would like elders. But after observation and analysis, when you find that
to share. anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and
But for the sake of easy reading, I will do as you request benefit of one and all then accept it and live up to it."
Wijaya Wagaarachchi
After visit in India
Sponsored by Air India
uyd hq. mq/IhdfKda'''' hgf;a /lshdjla lrkakg wlue;s jQ fâúâ th w;ayer oud
uõmshkg o okajd ish ku —O¾umd,˜ hkqfjka fjkia lr
ùh' yqiau hk f;la rg cd;sh wd.u fjkqfjka fufyjr
lsÍu t;=uka f.a wruqK úh' t;=ukaf.a igka jHdmdr w;r
.;af;ah' wuoHm jHdmdrh m%Odk ;ekla .kS' —isxy,hkag úi u;ameka
t;=uka fouõmshkag hjk ,shqu ;=< iï uia kyr fndkakg § isxy,hka ke;s l< iqoaod wfma mrïmrd y;=rl=
j,g neÿKq isxy, fn!oaOlu b;d fyd¢ka fmfka' —tfyhska f,i uu i,lñ'˜
f,dalfha ljru rgl jqjo m%Odk NdIdjla ;sìh hq;=h' f,daldNsjDoaêhg ys;e;sj jev lsÍug fuu ne£ u;ameka fndkakjqka fukau yrla uia lk who t;=uka
m%Odk ixialD;shla ;sìh hq;=h' tu rgg we;=¿ jk tys mÈxÑ jev lsÍug wjirh fok f,i uu b;d hgy;aj whEÈñ' ie,l=fõ ji,hka f,ih' t;=uka ish r:fha f,dl= wl=ßka
jk ljfrl=g jqjo ;ukaf.a wkkH;djh mj;ajd .; yelsh' f.!;u nqÿmshdKka jykafia nqoaO {kfhka fmkajd § i|yka lf<a" —.j uia fkd lkq˜ hkakhs' isxy, ck;djg
tfy;a" m%Odk ixialD;shg ydkshla fkd jk mßÈh' Tyq fyda ;sfnk W;=ï ud¾.fha hñka nqoaO m%;sm;a;s mQrKh lsÍug isÿjQ widOdrKhka wlghq;=lï yd mSvdjka ms<sn|j l;d
weh tu m%Odk ixialD;shg .re l< hq;=u h' tfia fkd .sys Ôú;h wjysrhlaneúka" uu n%yaupdÍj Ôj;aùug ys;g lrkakg 1886 § —i|/i˜ kï mqj;a m;la o" 1906 § fn!oaO
jqkfyd;a isÿjkafka úYd, .egquls' ;udf.a foh /l.ksñka .;sñ' ta wkqj n%yaupdÍj Ôj;afjñka ;;a iñ;sfha ÈhqKqjg uyck u;h m%p,s; lsÍug O¾umd,;=ud —isxy, fn!oaOhd˜
wfkldf.a bvug mekSu wo f,dalfha l,djla ù ;sfí' jev lsÍug bv fok fuka fodfyd;auqÿka § uu whEo isáñ˜' m;%h wdrïN l< w;r" t;eka mgka 1931 olajdu t;=ud
f,dalfha úúO rgj, m%Odk nyq;rhg wu;rj ta yd 1880 § ,xldjg meñ‚ fykaß iaà,a ´,alÜ ;=udf.a cd;sl wd.ñl lghq;=j,g lem ù jev lf<ah'
iudku jQ ck;djla Ôj;a jk wjia:d we;' tfy;a nqoaêu;a weiqr O¾umd, ;=ukag fyd¢ka ,eì‚' t;=uka ,xldj mqrd 1890 § bkaÈhdjg md ;enQ t;=uka nqoaO.hdj we;=¿
jQ lsisu rgla rdcH NdId folla fyda cd;sl .S folla fyda l< .ufkys t;=uka f.a bx.%Sis l;d isxy, mßj¾;kh lf<a fn!oaO isoaOia:dk j,g w;aj ;snq brKu oel uy;a
cd;sl fldä folla jYfhka wkqu; lrkafka ke;' m%Odk O¾umd, ;=uka h' 1894 § bkaÈhdfõ meje;s mru ú{d¾: fõokdjg m;a úh' —isxy,hsks ke.sáõ æ nqoaO.hdj fírd
ixialD;sh fyda wd.u oyu hgf;a wka cd;s wd.ï j,g iud.fï ixj;aißl W;aijhg o fyajdú;drK iyNd.s .ksõ˜ hkak t;=uka f.a m%isoaO m%ldYhls' 1891 § t;=uka
This year on September complete India’s Mahabodhi lghq;= l< yelsh' tfy;a Tjqka tfia isÿ lrk .uka ,xldfõ úh' wdmiq meñ‚ Tyq fâúâ’ hk ;u bx.%SiS ku w;yer ta uydfndaê iud.u mgka .kafka bkamiqjh' tfiau bkaÈhdfõ
temple organization founder’s Srimath Anagarika meje;aug w; fmdj;s' Tjqkaf.a úi÷ï kï cd;sl .S folla fjkqjg —O¾umd,˜ hk ku Ndú;hg .;a miqj wk.dßl l,algd uydfndaê iud.u yd f,dalfha ;j;a rgj,a j,;a
Dharmapala’s 150th birth anniversary. m%Odk wd.fï fyda ixialD;sfha m%Odk;ajh wfydais lsÍu jeks O¾umd, f,iska t;=uka ye¢kajq‚' újdy fkdù wk.dßlj uydfndaê iud.ï msysgqjkakg lghq;= lf<ah' nqoaO.hdj
The Maha Bodhi Society of India was founded by l%shd ud¾.j,g ,xldfõ rch fmd,Uj;s' fuh j¾;udkfha Ôj;aùu ksid O¾umd, ;=ukaf.a úfYaI jQfha —wk.dßl fírd .ekSu t;=ukaf.a m%Odk wruqKla úh' fn!oaO b;sydih
Srimath Anagarika Dharmapala in 1891, for the resuscitation muKla fkdj w;S;fha o meje;s fmdÿ wñysß i;Hhls' Tjqka O¾umd,˜ hk kñks' yd whs;sh ms<sn|j f,dalhd oekqj;a lsÍu i|yd —nqäiaܘ kï
of Buddhism in India. olaI lÓlfhl= jQ O¾umd, ;=uka rfÜ úúO ia:dkj, iÕrdj o wdrïN lf<ah'
hï;dla ÿrg fyda ch.%yKh l<d kï ta isxy, ck;djf.a
Srimath Anagarika Dharmapala was one of the isxy,hdf.a wjfndaOh yd ke.S isàu fjkqfjka foaYk bkaÈhdfõ isá ld,h ;=< t;=uka úydrdrdu bÈ
w,i nj fukau w¥ro¾YS nj ksid u h'
founding contributors of non-violent Sinhalese Buddhist meje;aùh' —uycd;sh msßfykafka ta cd;sfha u ;shk lrkakg lghq;= l< w;r idrdkd;a fn!oaO úydrh ta w;r
nationalism and Buddhism. He was also a pioneer in the revival wk.dßl O¾umd, ;=uka tod igka lf<a fuu
whqla;shg tfrysjh' mD;=.Sis" ,kafoais yd bx.%Sis cd;ska úúO ÿ¾j,lu ksid' cd;shla fNao Nskak jqfkd;a taflka m%fhdack m%Odk ;ekla .kS' 1931 § O¾umd, ;=uka bkaÈhdj n,d .uka
of Buddhism in India after it had been virtually extinct there
wjia:dj, rg hg;a lr .;ay' ish iïm%odhka isxy, ck;dj .kafka wfkla iq¿ cd;Ska' t;fldg iq¿ cd;Ska ;j;a Yla;su;a lrkafka kej; ,xldjg fkd tkakg nj i|yka fõ' ;uka
for several centuries, and he was the first Buddhist in modern
u; nf,ka mgjkakg W;aiy l<y' wm%udKj f,a yeÆy' fjkjd' Yla;su;a fjkj ú;rla fkfjhs" uy cd;sfha T¨jg úiska u wdrïN lrk ,o uQ,.kaOl=á úydrfha § meúÈ ìug
times to preach the Dharma in three continents: Asia, North
America, and Europe. wjidkfha Tjqka ish wNsu;d¾:hka ch.ksñka 1815 § ,xldj w;fydaokak;a tkjd' wfma isxy,hg fj,d ;sfhkafkla tal' m;a jk t;=ud 1932 § Wmiïmodj ,nd .;af;ah'
Along with Henry Steel Olcott and Helena Blavatsky, the ish hg;a úð;hla njg m;a lr .;ay' wkd.dßl O¾umd, WU,d jxfY ln,a .dm,a,d' w? f.dhs.u' w? ÿrdfõ' w? 1933 wfma%,a jeks Èk oeä f,i frda.d;=r jQ fï uyd
creators of the Theosophical Society, he was a major reformer ;=ud bmfokafka o hg;a úð;hla jQ Y%S ,xldjlh' Tjqyq lrdfõ lsh lshd y;r me;a;g fnÈ,d" Wvrg my;rg lsh,d hq. mq/IhdKka ioygu fofk;a mshd .;af;ah' f,dalhg
and revivalist of Ceylonese Buddhism and an important figure ld,dka;rhla ;siafia isxy,hdf.a fomd mK ke;s lrñka fome;a;g fnÈ,d foaYmd,hka nodf.k mlaI j,g fnÈ,d" nqÿ oyu m%pdrh lsÍu i|yd ;j 25 j;djla j;a kej;
in its western transmission. isáhy' WU,f. yduqÿref.d,af,d;a lrkafka Th ál uhs' ksldh Wm§jdhs t;=ud m%d¾:kd l< nj i|yka fõ' j¾;udkh jk
He also inspired a mass movement of South Indian —isxy,hd˜ hkq wysxil cd;shls' ksoyfia f.dú;eka j,g fnÈ,d' nK tl tldf.a N=la;shg ,shdf.k' Wv/áfhd úg ,xldfõ isxy, lu yd fn!oaO lu hï;dla ÿrg fya /
Dalits including Tamils to embrace Buddhism, half a century my;rgg §.;=,d fokafka kE Wka my;fhd lsh,d' f.dhs. lS ;sfnkafka tod O¾umd, ;=uka f.k .sh cd;sl igfka
n;la lrf.k mdvqfõ Ôj;a jkakg leu;s fidnd oyu yd
before B. R. Ambedkar. At the latter stages of his life, he ufhd ÿrdjkag §.;=,d fokafka kE jxfY wvqfjhs lsh,d m%;sM,hla jYfhks'
noaO jQ msßils' fndfyda cd;Ska lvd jeÿfKa fuu wysxil
entered the order of Buddhist monks as Venerable Sri j,õj nodf.k' tl u cd;sfh ñksiaiq w;m,af,ka jegqK mqoa.,sl hhs lsis`ÿ wruqKla fkd jqkq" rg cd;sh wd.u
Devamitta Dharmapala. ck;dj u;af;ys h' Tjqkg Èú ysñfhka rlskakg fohla
;sì‚' tkï nqÿ oyuhs' nqÿ oyug yd NslaIqka jykafia,d .dkg" b÷,a n;a weg .dKg .Kka wrf.k ysgm,a,d' WU,g fjkqfjka u Èú lem l< fujka ñksiqka ieneúka u ÿ¾,Nh'
Dharmapala is an excellent example of an Asian
g isxy, fn!oaO ñksiqka ie,l+ wkaou fuu cd;Ska g úYd, jrÈkl,a WU,u okafka kE˜' t;=ukaf.a lsishï W;=ï me;=ula ù kï th id¾:l fjñka
Buddhist modernist, and perhaps the paradigmatic example
ysirohla jQ nj ryila fkdfõ' tksid u Tjqka .yg fmd;a;;a fï m%ldYkhla lshjk úg t;=uka ;=ka l,a ÿgq ñksfila mkaoyia l,a ,la iiqk iq/flajd hkak wm iefjdu m%d¾:kd
of Protestant Buddhism. He was particularly concerned with
presenting Buddhism as consistent with science, especially fmd;a;g .y;a fia noaOj ;snqKq .sys meúÈ fNaoh ì¢kakg nj fmfkhs' ,xldfõ tod isg fï olajd u ;sfnk ;on, lruq'
the theory of evolution. W;aiy l<y' ÿn,;d yd bka isÿjk t;=uka b;d fyd¢ka meyeÈ,s lrhs'