Piezoelectric and Upconversion Emission Properties of Er - Doped 0.5ba (ZR Ti) O - 0.5 (Ba Ca) Tio Ceramic

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JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 33, No. 4, Apr. 2015, P.


Piezoelectric and upconversion emission properties of Er3+-doped

0.5Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-0.5(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 ceramic
DAI Junli (᠈৯Б), DU Peng (ᴰ吣), XU Jiadan (ᕤՇЍ), XU Chaoxiang (ᕤ䍙⼹), LUO Laihui (㔫ᴹ᜻)*
(Department of Microelectronic Science and Engineering, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China)

Received 2 July 2014; revised 17 December 2014

Abstract: In this investigation, the ferroelectric, piezoelectric properties, and upconversion (UC) emissions of Er3+-doped
0.5Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-0.5(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 (BZT-BCT) were investigated. The results showed that the ferroelectric and piezoelectric per-
formances of BZT-BCT ceramics decreased with the increment of Er doping content. Under the excitation of 980 nm light, all sam-
ples exhibited strong green UC emissions. A maximum green UC emission was observed in BZT-BCT:0.015Er. The variation of the
UC emission with Er doping content did not coincide with that of electrical properties of the ceramics. The relation between the UC
emission and piezoelectric properties was discussed.

Keywords: multifunction; upconversion; ferroelectric; ceramic; rare earths

In recent years, UC emission properties of rare-earth age upon Yb/Er co-doped BaTiO3 thin films in an in-situ
(RE)-doped materials have attracted considerable atten- and real-time manner[12]. Furthermore, we also demon-
tion due to their wide applications in UC laser, bio- im- strated that the red emissions of the Pr-doped ferroelec-
aging in vivo, temperature sensor and so on[1–3]. Ferro- tric NBT-based ceramics were enhanced by a simple
electrics are electrical multifunctional materials, they treatment electric field poling[13].
show excellent piezoelectric, ferroelectric, and pyroelec- So far, the lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ferroelectric
tric performances. In modern industry, multifunction is ceramics are widely used due to their excellent piezo-
an essential characteristic of smart materials. It is well electric and ferroelectric properties. However, due to the
accepted that more multifunctional properties, such as pollution of lead, it is necessary to search new lead-free
mechanoluminescence and electroluminescence, can be ferroelectric ceramics to replace the lead-based ceramics.
realized by RE doping in ferroelectrics[4,5]. Wang et al.[5] 0.5Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-0.5(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 (BZT-BCT) ce-
reported that electro-mechano, mechano-optic and elec- ramic was reported to have the largest piezoelectric re-
tro-optic coupling could be realized in the Pr doped Ba- sponse in the lead-free ceramics[14], showing a d33 of 620
TiO3-based ceramics. In addition, it seems that there is pC/N. This value is even higher than that of soft lead-
inner relation between the photoluminescence and di- containing PZT ceramics. RE Er acting as an important
electric properties in the RE doped ceramics[4,6–8]. For inorganic luminescence activator has been extensively
example, Zhou et al.[9] have revealed that the strongest investigated due to its unique energy level characteristic
red emission in the Pr3+-doped Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 (NBT)- in UC emissions[15,16]. Therefore, in the present work,
based ceramic was observed at the composition where BZT-BCT ceramics doped with different Er ion concen-
the ceramics had the largest piezoelectric response and trations were prepared to investigate on the effect of Er
the strongest ferroelectric properties. Furthermore, the doping content on the dielectric properties and UC emis-
dielectric properties of the ferroelectrics were enhanced sion intensities.
by RE-doping[10,11]. Wu et al.[10] reported that the dielec-
tric, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric properties of NBT
1 Experimental
ceramics were improved by doping Er2O3. It was also
reported that the photoluminescence of the RE-doped According to our previous results, the UC emissions in
ceramics could be tuned by the physical treatment, such ABO3 perovskite with A-site substitution by Er3+ were
as application of electric field, and poling. Hao et al. re- stronger than that in the counterpart with B-site substitu-
ported that the enhancement and modulation of UC tion[11]. Thus, the Er3+ ions were designed to occupy the
emission was realized by applying a relatively low volt- A sites by substituting Ba2+ and Ca2+ ions in proportion

Foundation item: Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61378068)
* Corresponding author: LUO Laihui (E-mail: llhsic@126.com; Tel.: +86-574-87600953)
DOI: 10.1016/S1002-0721(14)60431-2
392 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 33, No. 4, Apr. 2015

according to chemical formula 0.5(Ba(1–3x/2)Erx)(Zr0.2Ti0.8) (Ocean Optics USB4000) under the excitation of a 980
O3-0.5(Ba(0.7–3x/2)Ca(0.3–3x/2)Erx)TiO3 (0”x”0.03). The ce- nm diode laser.
ramics were prepared by a conventional solid-state reac-
tion method. High-purity powders of CaCO3, BaCO3,
2 Results and discussion
TiO2, ZrO2, and Er2O3 were used as raw materials. To
prepare the BZT-BCT:xEr, the raw powders in the The XRD patterns of BZT-BCT:xEr ceramics with 0”
stoichiometric ratio were mixed in alcohol by agate balls x”0.03 are shown in Fig. 1(a). It can be clearly seen that
for 10 h, and then dried and calcined at 1200 ºC for 4 h. all samples possess pure perovskite structure and no
After remilling, mixing thoroughly with a PVA binder secondary impure phase is observed within the XRD de-
solution, the powders were pressed into pellets, and the tection resolution. This result suggests that the Er3+ ions
pellets were finally sintered at 1450 ºC for 4 h in air. For have diffused into the BZT-BCT host. The zoomed XRD
carrying out the dielectric measurement, all the sintered patterns of BZT-BCT:xEr located at 2ș~45º and ~66º are
pellets were ground to ~1 mm in thickness and silver shown in Figs. 1(b) and (c), respectively. As can be seen,
electrode was coated on both sides. peaks at 2ș~45º and ~66º respectively split into (002)/
The crystal structure of the ceramics was checked by (200) and (220)/(202) double peaks. It is believed that
using an X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyzer (Bruker D8 the split (002)/(200) and (220)/(202) peaks are assigned
Advance) with Cu KĮ radiation. The morphology of sin- to the coexistence of tetragonal and rhombohedral
tered powders was investigated by a scanning electron phases[17]. Furthermore, both Figs. 1(b) and (c) show that
microscope (SEM) (Hitachi SU-700). The polarization vs. the diffraction peaks slightly shift to larger angle, which
electric field (P-E) hysteresis loops were obtained at 1 indicates that the lattice of the BZT-BCT:xEr ceramics
Hz by the RT Premier II ferroelectric workstation. The shrinks. The smaller Er3+ (0.122 nm, 12 Coordinate) oc-
strain vs. electric field (S-E) hysteresis loops were inves- cupies the larger Ba2+ (0.161 nm, 12 Coordinate) and
tigated by an MTI-2100 optical sensor. The UC emis- Ca2+ (0.134 nm, 12 Coordinate) ions. As a result, the lat-
sions were recorded by using a spectrofluorometer tice shrinks.
(Ocean Optics USB4000) under the excitation of a 980 The representative surface morphology of BZT-BCT:
nm diode laser. xEr ceramics with x=0, 0.006, 0.015 and 0.03 is pre-
According to our previous results, the UC emissions in sented in Fig. 2. From Fig. 2(a), one can know that the
ABO3 perovskite with A-site substitution by Er3+ were
stronger than that in the counterpart with B-site substitu-
tion[11]. Thus, the Er3+ ions were designed to occupy the
A sites by substituting Ba2+ and Ca2+ ions in proportion
according to chemical formula 0.5(Ba(1–3x/2)Erx)(Zr0.2Ti0.8)
O3-0.5(Ba(0.7–3x/2)Ca(0.3–3x/2)Erx)TiO3 (0”x”0.03). The ce-
ramics were prepared by a conventional solid-state reac-
tion method. High-purity powders of CaCO3, BaCO3,
TiO2, ZrO2, and Er2O3 were used as raw materials. To
prepare the BZT-BCT:xEr, the raw powders in the
stoichiometric ratio were mixed in alcohol by agate balls
for 10 h, and then dried and calcined at 1200 ºC for 4 h.
After remilling, mixing thoroughly with a PVA binder
solution, the powders were pressed into pellets, and the
pellets were finally sintered at 1450 ºC for 4 h in air. For
carrying out the dielectric measurement, all the sintered
pellets were ground to ~1 mm in thickness and silver
electrode was coated on both sides.
The crystal structure of the ceramics was checked by
using an X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyzer (Bruker D8
Advance) with Cu KĮ radiation. The morphology of sin-
tered powders was investigated by a scanning electron
microscope (SEM) (Hitachi SU-700). The polarization vs.
electric field (P-E) hysteresis loops were obtained at 1
Hz by the RT Premier II ferroelectric workstation. The
strain vs. electric field (S-E) hysteresis loops were inves- Fig. 1 XRD patterns of BZT-BCT:xEr ceramics (a), the zoomed
tigated by an MTI-2100 optical sensor. The UC emis- XRD patterns from 44º to 48º (b) and the zoomed XRD
sions were recorded by using a spectrofluorometer patterns from 64º to 68º (c)
DAI Junli et al., Piezoelectric and upconversion emission properties of Er3+-doped … 393

Fig. 2 Typical SEM micrograph of BZT-BCT:xEr ceramics

(a) x=0; (b) x=0.006; (c) x=0.015; (d) x=0.03

grain size of pure BZT-BCT is very inhomogeneous. The on the ceramics. When the Ca2+ and Ba2+ are substituted
largest grain reaches as high as ~30 ȝm, meanwhile the by Er3+, charge defects are created. The charge defects
smallest one is only 3~4 ȝm. It can be seen that no obvi- will pin the domain switching. As a result, polarization of
ous pores were observed, which indicates that all sam- the ceramics is decreased, and Ec is increased by Er3+
ples were densely sintered. With the increment of Er doping. However, Pr and Ec change little when Er content
doping x from 0 to 0.03, the morphology of the grain x>0.015. This result might be caused by that excessive Er
changes little. doping addition does not diffuse to the lattice of BZT-
Fig. 3(a) displays several typical P-E hysteresis loops BCT due to the difference of the ion radius and valence
of BZT-BCT:xEr ceramics at room temperature under between Er3+ and A-site ions (Ca2+, and Ba2+). As a result,
the maximal electric field of 50 kV/cm. It is obvious that the excessive Er3+ may accumulate at the grain bounda-
well saturated and square-like loops are obtained for all ries in the ceramics, which will degenerate the photolu-
the studied compositions. The remanent polarization Pr minescence properties.
and the coercive field Ec as a function of Er content x are To investigate the piezoelectric properties of the BZT-
shown in Fig. 3(b). It is found that pure BZT-BCT ceram- BCT:xEr ceramics, the strain behavior of BZT-BCT:xEr
ics possess the largest Pr (~15.1 ȝC/cm2) and the smallest ceramics was measured. Bipolar electric field vs. strain
Ec (~3 kV/cm). Pr of BZT-BCT:xEr ceramics decreases curves of BZT-BCT:xEr ceramics at room temperature
gradually, whereas Ec increases until x=0.015. Similar with the largest electric field of 20 kV/cm are shown in
result is also observed by Li et al.[18] in (Ba0.99Ca0.01) Fig. 4(a). From Fig. 4(a), it can be seen that all samples
(Ti0.98Zr0.02)O3 ceramics. The decreased Pr and increased show a butterfly-shaped curve. The maximum strain of
Ec indicate that moderate Er doping plays a hard effect BZT-BCT:xEr ceramics is around 0.11%, which is ob-

Fig. 3 Typical P-E hysteresis loops of BZT-BCT:xEr ceramics

at room temperature (a) and variations of Pr and Ec with Fig. 4 Bipolar (a) and unipolar (b) strain loops of the BZT-
the Er content x for the BZT-BCT:xEr ceramics (b) BCT:xEr ceramics at room temperature
394 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 33, No. 4, Apr. 2015

tained at x=0. The largest strain of BZT-BCT:xEr ce- content x are shown in Fig. 5(b), where the emission in-
ramics under 20 kV/cm decreases with the Er content in- tensities were determined by integrating the area below
crement until x=0.015, and then changes little. The strain the UC emission curve. From Fig. 5(b) one knows that
behavior as a function of Er content is consistent with the green emission intensity linearly increases when Er
that of ferroelectric properties, as mentioned in Fig. 3(b). content x”0.006. With further increasing of the Er doping
Fig. 4(b) shows the unipolar strain of the ceramics. All content (x”0.015), the green light intensity increases con-
the ceramics illustrate a low hysteresis behavior. The low tinuously. However, the increasing rate decreases. It is
hysteresis of the ceramic is favorable to its application in also found that the variation of red emission intensity
piezoelectric actuator. The effective piezoelectric coeffi- with Er content x”0.015 is similar with that of green
cient d33 can be calculated by the following equation: emission. The variation of increasing rate with the Er
d33=Smax/Emax, where Smax is the maximum strain under content may be caused by the change of UC mechanism
the maximal applied electric field Emax. The calculated due to the variation of Er content. As we know, the UC
d33 of pure BZT-BCT reaches ~540 pm/V. emission of Er is a two-photon process. Excited state
In order to study the UC emission properties of the absorption (ESA) and energy transition (ET) may take
BZT-BCT:xEr ceramics, the UC emission spectra under place during UC process[11]. The intensities of the green
the excitation of 980 nm were measured, as shown in Fig. emission show a decreased trend as x further increases to
5(a). Under the excitation of 980 nm light, a strong UC >0.015, while the red one increases continuously until
emission is observed, as shown in the inset of Fig. 5(a). x=0.025. The interaction of cross relaxation (CR) and ET
The UC emission spectra include two parts, that is, the process should be responsible for the inconsistence of
strong green emission located at around 530 and 550 nm variation of the green and red emission intensity with the
from the mixed levels (2H11/2, 4S3/2)ĺ4I15/2, and the rela- Er content when Er doping content in the range of
tively weak red emission located at ~660 nm from 0.015”x”0.025. The reason will be discussed later. As Er
F9/2ĺ4I15/2. All UC emission bands coincide well with content increases to x>0.025, both the green and red light
the earlier reports[11,19]. As can be seen, there is no obvi- intensities reduce dramatically, which is caused by the
ous shift for the emission peaks, and UC emission inten- concentration quenching.
sities of BZT-BCT:xEr ceramics have a significant change The mechanism of UC emission of Er3+-doped materi-
with the increment of Er content. The green (550 nm) als has been extensively studied[11,20,21]. The simplified
and red (660 nm) emission intensities as a function of Er energy level diagrams of Er3+-doped BZT-BCT are shown
in Figs. 6(a) and (b). Under the excitation of 980 nm light,
electrons populating at ground state are excited to 4I11/2
level through the ground state absorption (GSA) process,
as shown in Fig. 6(a). After that the multiphonon relaxa-
tion (MPR) process happens and electrons are partly de-
cayed to 4I13/2 level. Then the same laser pumps the elec-
trons from 4I13/2 and 4I11/2 to 4F9/2 and 4F7/2 respectively.
Subsequently, the electrons located at 4F7/2 level nonra-
diatively relax to the mixed 2H11/2, 4S3/2 and 4F9/2 levels
by MPR process. Finally, the electrons relax to the
ground state. As a result, the green and red emissions are
observed. It should be noted that levels 2H11/2, 4S3/2 are

Fig. 5 Upconversion emission spectra of BZT-BCT:xEr ceram-

ics under the excitation of 980 nm (a) and the green and
red emission intensities as a function of Er doping con-
centration (b) (The inset is the photograph of BZT-BCT: Fig. 6 Energy level diagrams for the proposed UC mechanism
0.002Er excited under 980 nm laser) (a) ESA UC process; (b) ET process
DAI Junli et al., Piezoelectric and upconversion emission properties of Er3+-doped … 395

two thermally coupled levels, and at low temperature the strated that the relationship between the piezoelectric and
530 nm emission light was not observed[22]. It is well photoluminescence properties in RE doped ferroelectric
known that the CR process: (2H11/2, 4S3/2ĺ4I9/2)+(4I15/2ĺ ceramics might depend on the host materials.
I13/2) would take place when the Er3+ ion concentration
Acknowledgements: The work was also supported by the K.C.
reaches a certain degree as shown in Fig. 6(b)[11,16]. The
4 Wong Magna Foundation in Ningbo University and Natural Sci-
I9/2 and 4I13/2 levels are populated due to the CR process.
ence Foundation of Ningbo (2012A610178).
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