Annexure V CRB SPEC
Annexure V CRB SPEC
Annexure V CRB SPEC
The scope include the design, engineering and construction including anti-
termite treatment, plinth protection DPC of Building including sanitary,
water supply, electrification false ceiling etc. of control room building. The
building shall be of RCC framed structure of concrete of M20 grade (Min.)
Above area are indicative and minor modifications can be done at the time
of detailed engineering. No cable vault shall be provided. Suitable RCC
cable trench with covers made of chequered steel plate shall be provided.
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Any future possibility of annexe building shall be taken care
of while finalising the layout of the control room building.
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f) The building auxiliary services like air conditioning and ventilation
systems, fire protection and detection systems and all other
miscellaneous services shall be designed in accordance with the
requirements specified in relevant section or elsewhere in this
Dead loads shall include the weight of structures complete with finishes,
fixtures and partitions and should be taken as per IS: 1911.
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component weight and
layout plans.
c. Stairs & balconies 5 KN/M2
e. Chequered 4 KN/M2
plate floor
f. Walkways 3 KN/M2
The following information shall be submitted for review and approval to the
7. A door & window schedule showing door types and locations, door
lock sets and latch sets and other door hardware.
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Approval of the above information shall be obtained before ordering
materials or starting fabrication or construction as applicable.
Sl.No. Location Flooring & Wall Internal Ceiling Doors, Windows, Ventilators
150mm high
1. Control Room Vitrified tiles Oil bound False ceiling Anodised aluminium indal or
8mm thick size washable & under deck equivalent extruded sections as
600x600m distemper on insulation per IS 733 & 1285. Flat drawn
smooth surface sheet glass (min. 5.5mm thick
applied with 2mm double glazing with 12 mm gap
thick Plaster of hemeti cally sealed shall be
Paris putty. provided for windows and
ventilators. For doors single
glazing (5.5mm thick) shall be
2. Sub-station Incharge, Vitrified tiles Oil bound False ceiling Doors, Windows, Ventilators
Offices, Conference 8mm thick size washable & under deck aluminium as above
library/record, 600x600m distemper on insulation
corridor, staff, smooth surface
electronic lab rooms applied with POP
3. Reception/Lobby Vitrified tiles Oil bound False ceiling Doors, Windows, Ventilators
8mm thick size washable & under deck aluminium as above
600x600m distemper on insulation
smooth surface
applied with POP
4. Battery room IPS flooring Oil bound False ceiling Steel door 45mm thk. double
washable & under deck sheet 18G steel suitably
distemper on insulation reinforced and filled with mineral
smooth surface wool. Windows and Ventilators
applied with POP as at Sr.No.-1.
5. ACDB and DCDB, Ironite flooring Oil bound False ceiling Steel door 45mm thk. double
room washable & under deck sheet 18G steel suitably
distemper on insulation reinforced and filled with mineral
smooth surface wool. Windows and Ventilators
applied with POP as at Sr.No.-1.
7. Toilet, Pantry, Glazed tiles DADO glazed False ceiling Shutters: 25mm thick
Janitor room tile 2.1M high & under deck Prelaminated particle board
for toilet for insulation flat pressed door shutter
pantry above aluminium U beading (DSR
working 2007,9.131.1). with
platform up to aluminium frame. Windows
750 mm and Ventilators as at Sr.No.-1.
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8. Stair Kota stone - Oil bound
(DSR-97 11.49) washable
1.8 Walls
Control room buildings shall be of framed structure. All walls shall be non-
load bearing walls. Thickness of external walls shall be minimum 480mm,
excluding plaster, which will include 380mm of coursed rubble masonry on
outside and 100mm of half brick masonry on inside. Thickness of internal
wall shall be 225mm excluding plaster.
1.9 Plastering
All internal walls shall have minimum 15mm thick 1:6 cement sand plaster.
The ceiling shall have 6mm thick 1:4 cement sand plaster.
1.11 Roof
The control room and all other areas specified in internal finish schedule
elsewhere shall have closed aluminium ceiling system comprising 84mm
wide, 12.5mm deep panels of approved colour with a recessed flange of
23.9mm roll formed out of 0.5mm thick aluminium alloy AA 5050
/5052/3003 chromatised and stove enamelled on both sides, panels to be
fixed on roll formed carriers 32mm wide 39mm deep out of minimum
0.9mm thick aluminium alloy strip with cut outs to hold panels in a module
of 100mm minimum at maximum 1.6 m c/c carrier suspended from roof by
4mm diameter galvanised steel wire rod hangers with special height
adjustment springs/clips made out of spring steel at maximum spacing of
1.5m c/c hangers fixed 25mm thick resin bonded mineral wool of approved
quality encased in 100 micron black polythene and laid over top of placed,
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panels, all complete. The system is to be got approved by purchaser
before installation.
The details of doors and windows of the control room building shall be as
per finish schedule Table-1 and tender drawing with the relevant IS code.
Rolling steel shutters and rolling steel grills shall be provided as per layout
and requirement of buildings. Paints used in the work shall be of best
quality specified in CPWD specification.
(i) All plumbing and sanitation shall be executed to comply with the
requirements of the appropriate bye-laws, rules and regulations of
the Local Authority having jurisdiction over such matters. The
Contractor shall arrange for all necessary formalities to be met in
regard to inspection, testing, obtaining approval and giving notices
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(iv) Sand CI pipes with lead joints conforming to IS:1729 shall be used
for sanitary works above ground level.
(a) WC (Western type) 390 mm high with toilet paper roll holder
and all fittings
(e) CP brass towel rail (600 x 20 mm) with C.P. brass brackets
(vi) Water cooler for drinking water with adequate water storage facility
shall be provided and located near control room instead of near
toilet block.
(vii) An Eye & face fountain conforming to IS:1052 shall be provided for
battery room.
(viii) 1 no. stainless steel kitchen sink with Drain board (510 x 1040 x
178 mm bowl depth) for pantry shall be provided.
(x) All sanitary fixtures and fittings shall be of approved quality and
type manufactured by well known manufacturers. All items brought
to site must bear identification marks of the type of the
(xi) Soil, waste and drain pipes, for underground works shall be stone
ware for areas not subject to traffic load. Heavy duty cast iron pipes
shall be used otherwise.
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