NFPA 5000 Vs QCVN 06 English Version

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Table of contents

1. Scope...................................................................................................................................2

2. Bibliography.......................................................................................................................2

3. Terms and definitions........................................................................................................3

4. The role and structure of QCVN 06 and NFPA 5000.....................................................3

5. Language explanation in QCVN 06 and NFPA 5000.....................................................4

6. Comparison of QCVN 06 and NFPA 5000......................................................................5

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1. Scope

This document is proposed to reference the provisions between NFPA 5000 version 2021 of the American
Fire Protection Association and national technical regulation QCVN 06:2021/BXD on Fire Safety for houses
and buildings.

This document can be used by organizations and individuals responsible for complying with fire safety and
rescue regulations for homes and structures.

When applying foreign standards in construction activities in Vietnam, the national technical regulation
system must be ensured. Accordingly, for the contents of NFPA 5000 standard version 2021 of the American
Fire Protection Association with higher regulations than the national technical regulation QCVN
06:2021/BXD on Fire Safety for houses and buildings, they are eligible to apply in Vietnam; with the
contents of NFPA 5000 standard version 2021 not satisfying (lower regulations) the requirements of national
technical regulations in Vietnam, the Investor and related parties applying the provisions of QCVN
06:2021/BXD are in accordance with the law of Vietnam.

(Amended Construction Law 2020 No. 62/2020/QH14, 2020)

Investors and stakeholders note that when selecting foreign standards to apply, there must be an assessment
of compatibility, synchronization and compliance with national technical regulations in the process of
making explanations for construction designs.

(Decree 15/2021/ND-CP, 2021)

2. Bibliography

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes
the terms of this document. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any modifications) applies.

- Amended Construction Law 2020 No. 62/2020/QH14

- National technical regulation QCVN 06:2021/BXD on fire safety for houses and buildings
- Decree 15/2021/ND-CP dated 03/03/2021.
- NFPA 5000 Building Safety and Construction Rules, 2021 edition.

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3. Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this published document, the terms and definitions given in NFPA 5000 and in QCVN
06:2021/BXD shall apply.

4. The role and structure of QCVN 06 and NFPA 5000

4. 1. Role and structure of QCVN 06

QCVN 06:2021/BXD replaces QCVN 06:2020/BXD issued together with Circular No. 01/2020/TT-BXD,
dated April 06, 2020 of the Minister of Construction.

QCVN 06:2021/BXD stipulates general fire safety requirements for rooms, houses and construction works
(hereinafter collectively referred to as houses) and is mandatory to apply in all stages of new construction,
renovation, repair or change of function, and prescribes technical classification of fire for houses, parts and
parts of the house, for rooms, building components and building materials.

4.2. The role and structure of NFPA 5000

NFPA is an abbreviation for the National Fire Protection Association, the National Fire Protection
Association of the United States.

NFPA 5000 Building Safety and Construction Rules, version 2021, sets out provisions to regulate and
control the licensing, design, construction, quality of materials and the use, occupancy, and placement of
specific buildings, structures, and equipment.

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5. Language explanation in QCVN 06 and NFPA 5000

QCVN 06 NFPA 5000 Explain

1.4.4. Refractory step
The refractory characteristics of houses divided into steps
from I to V are determined by the fire resistance limits of
the main building structures

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6. Comparison of QCVN 06 and NFPA 5000

The approach in comparing QCVN 06 and NFPA 5000 will start with high-rise buildings, specifically in chapter 33, High-rise Buildings in NFPA 5000
Building Construction and Safety Code (2021).

Document mapping table between NFPA 5000 and QCVN 06

Clause Topic Clause

(Using the term
QCVN 06 QCVN 06) NFPA 5000 - 2021
1.1 Scope of
1.GENER regulation
1.1.1 This Regulation 1.1* Scope.
AL stipulates
PROVISI 1.1.1 General. The Code addresses those construction, protection, and
ONS occupancy
a/ General fire safety requirements for rooms, fire compartments, houses and features necessary to minimize danger
to life and property.
construction works (fire compartments, houses and constructions hereinafter collectively
1.2* Purpose. The purpose of the Code is to provide mini mum
design regulations to
referred to as houses):
safeguard life, health, property, and public welfare and to
minimize injuries by
b/ Technical classification of fires for construction materials, building components, parts regulating and controlling the permitting, design, construction, quality of materials, use
and parts of houses, and houses. and occupancy, location, and maintenance of all buildings and
structures within the
1.1.2 This Regulation applies to the following houses and
structures: jurisdiction and certain equipment specifically regulated herein.
a) Housing: apartments and collective houses with fire protection height up to 150 m and
not exceeding 3 basements; individual houses with a height of 7 floors or more or more
than 1 basement to 3 basements, individual houses combining production and business Construction Documents.
with floor area for production and business purposes accounting for more than 30% of Requirements for Construction Documents.
the total floor area;
NOTE: In case of converting individual houses to other purposes, they must comply with Each application for a permit shall be accompa nied by a minimum of two
the provisions of this Regulation and relevant current legal provisions sets of construction documents and calculations when required by the
authority having
b) Public houses with fire protection height up to 150 m and not exceeding 3 basements
(except places of worship and belief; relic works); types of When compliance with this Code can be deter mined without the submittal
outdoor sports fields with stands (stadiums, training grounds, sports competitions and
for or review of plans, specifications, and calculations, the authority having jurisdiction
the like);
works shall be permitted to issue a permit without construction documents
directly and calculations being submitted for review.
used as
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c) Manufacturers and warehouses with fire protection height up to 50 m and not The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design
exceeding 1 basement; professional where required by statutes of the jurisdiction in which the
construction site
d) Suppliers of technical infrastructure facilities and utilities with a fire protection height is located.
of up to 50 m and not exceeding 1 basement; Unless otherwise provided in, plans shall be
drawn to scale,
e) Transport service houses with fire protection height up to 50 m and not exceeding 3 shall be identified by name of designer and owner on
every sheet, and shall be
basements; mechanically repro duced prints on substantial paper or cloth. A plot
plan shall show
f) Agricultural and rural development service houses (except nurseries, greenhouses for all occupied and unoccupied parts of the lot or lots and shall delineate the accessible
route(s) between structures and features that are required to be accessible in
planting crops and the like).
accordance with Chapter 12 of this Code. The use, name, and occupancy of all parts
NOTE: Classification of works according to relevant laws. The specific works referred to of the building shall be shown, including all foundations, wall sections, floor plans,
in 1.1.2 see Table 6.
elevations, and structural details. Mechanical, plumbing, electrical, fire sprinkler, and
3 For houses belonging to fire hazard class according to function F1.2. F1.3, F4.2, fire alarm details shall be shown on the plans and represent the designs for those
3 and mixed houses with fire protection height greater than 150 m or with 4 disciplines, along with such other information to show clearly the nature, character, and
basements or more houses with specific characteristics of fire protection different from location of the proposed work.
those in Table 6, in addition to complying with this regulation, must also add technical
requirements and organizational solutions, on the technical works in accordance with For tenant improvements or building repairs, reno vations, modifications, the
specific characteristics of fire prevention and control of such buildings, on the basis or reconstruction in accordance with Chapter 15, plans shall be drawn to scale, shall be
identified by name of designer and owner on every sheet, and shall be mechanically
of applicable standard documents.
reproduced prints on substantial paper or cloth. The use, name, and
occupancy of the
NOTE: For houses with basements of 4 and 5 parking layouts, in addition to applying
work area shall be shown. Construction documents shall indicate the location, nature,
this regulation, additional regulations related to underground garages must be applied. and extent of the proposed work and shall show in detail that the proposed work will
1.1.4 This Regulation applies when constructing new houses and structures mentioned conform to the provisions of this Code.
in 1.1.2, or within the scope of the following changes: Construction documents for all buildings shall indicate
required smoke-
a) Renovate or repair that changes the function of the room, fire compartment or house; resistant-rated and fire resistance–rated construction
and how the required structural
b) Renovate or repair changes the escape solutions of the room, fire compartment or integrity, fire resistance ratings, and smoke resistance will be maintained where a joint
or penetration of a required fire- or smoke-resistant wall, floor, or
partition will be made
for electrical, gas, or mechanical work; plumbing and communications conduits; pipes;
c/ Renovation and repair that increase the fire danger of construction materials, or reduce and systems. Construction documents shall also indicate in
sufficient detail how the fire
the fire resistance limit of structures and components; integrity will be maintained where required fire-resistant floors
intersect the exterior walls.

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d/ To renovate and repair and change the fire and explosion danger class of rooms, fire The classification of fire resistance–rated floor and roof construction shall
compartments and houses in the direction of increasing fire
danger; be identified on the plans as restrained or unrestrained. Only where a
registered design
e) Renovation and repair that raise fire safety requirements for rooms, fire compartments professional (RDP) has furnished documentation satisfactory to the author ity having
jurisdiction verifying that the construction is restrained as specified
and houses; in shall the
construction be considered restrained.
f) Renovate and repair the fire protection system of the fire chamber room and house;
g) Other cases of renovation and repair under the guidance of competent Fire Protection The construction documents and shop drawings submitted to the

having jurisdiction shall contain sufficient detail for evaluation of the

and Rescue Police agencies (Fire Protection Police and protected hazards
CNCH). and the effectiveness of the system. The shop drawings for the
installa tion of fire
1.1.5 Sections 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 do not apply to houses with special functions (houses
protection systems shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the installation and
structures belonging to technological lines of energy facilities: hydroelectric plants, of a fire protection system.
thermal power, nuclear power; wind power, solar power, geothermal power, tidal power,
electricity, biomass electricity; cogeneration For high-rise buildings, mall structures, and build ings
etcgarbage electrification blogas; containing atriums,
electricity, traffic control towers, manufacturers or
of explosive
air preservation the construction documents shall include a description of the fire protection systems in
substances and materials; storage facilities for petroleum and petroleum products,
the building. This description shall include the basic concepts used for suppression, natural
gas, combustible gases, as well as self-combustible substances; shops dealing alarm, notification, egress, compartmentation, smoke control, and other related in petrol,
flammable liquids, gas; manufacturers or warehouses of hazardous chemicals; systems, as well as the coordination of these systems. Upon completion of the project, defense
and security projects; underground part of metro construction; mining works, a copy of the approved documentation shall be maintained at the site. and houses of
similar character).
1.1.6 Section 5 also does not apply to the following:
a) Establishments, houses and works for preservation and processing 33.1 General Requirements.
of food grains;
b) Heat supply boiler establishments; grid power 33.1.1 Application. The provisions of chapters 16 to 30 shall apply,
facilities; except as modified
c) Fire extinguishing systems for fires caused by metals, substances by this chapter.
and materials with
strong chemical activity reacting with water will cause explosions, produce combustible 33.1.2 Mixed-use houses. See Section 6.2.
gases, causing strong heat generation, such as: aluminum
compounds - organic
substances, alkali metals, lithium compounds - organic
substances, Lead azua, 33.1.3 Construction Requirements.
aluminum hydrides, zinc, magnesium, sulfuric acid, titanium chloride,
aluminum heat. The allowable reductions of and for the
minimum building
1.1.7 Requirements on fire prevention and fighting of documents in type specified in Table shall be permitted for covered high-
standard rise buildings whose
construction must be based on the requirements of this exits are structurally constructed as smoke enclosures and sprinkler
Regulation. control valves

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Along with the application of this regulation, it is also necessary to comply with fire equipped with monitoring activation devices and water supply activation devices for
protection requirements specified in other standard documents applicable to each house each floor.
and building object. In the absence of standard documents specifying the requirements For buildings, other than commercial or industrial and storage work with of
until such
this Regulation, the use of specific provisions
standards are reviewed, as well as permitting the use of existing foreign
in existing standards shall be permitted ordinary and high hazardous content exceeding the maximum allowable number
(MAQ) per control area as specified in 34.1.3, Class I (442) buildings shall be permitted
standards in accordance with the requirements of this International Regulation and the to be reduced to Class I (332) and Class I (332) buildings shall be permitted to be
regulations Vietnam's laws on fire prevention and fighting and regulations on the reduced to Class II (222). application of foreign standards in
construction activities in Vietnam. For buildings with a height of 120 ft (36.6 m) or less that are
not commercial
In relevant current standard documents on fire prevention and fighting for houses and premises or structures intended for manufacturing purposes or for warehouses of
works that contain specific regulations and technical requirements that are less safe than moderate and high hazardous content, Class II (222) shall be permitted to be reduced
those prescribed by this Regulation, this Regulation shall apply.
to Class II (111), except that columns supporting more than one story
are not allowed
1.1.8 Design documents on fire safety and technical documents on fire safety of to be built with a refractory grade rating of less than 2
houses, structural structures and building materials must clearly state their fire technical
characteristics in accordance with this Regulation.

1.1.9 When designing for the construction of houses and works, in addition to complying
with this Regulation, it must also comply with regulations and ensure other mandatory
technical requirements as prescribed by current laws, such as: planning, architecture,
structure, water supply and drainage system, electrical system, electrical equipment,
lightning protection,fuel supply system, energy saving, ventilation system, air
conditioning, mechanical, glass safety, avoid falls, impacts.

1.1.10 In some separate cases, it may be considered to replace some requirements of

this Regulation for specific works when technical evidence is submitted to the Ministry of
Construction clearly stating additional and alternative solutions and the basis of these
solutions to ensure fire safety for the work This evidence must be commented by the
Ministry of Construction agree and construction design dossiers must be approved by
competent fire protection police agencies and CNCH in accordance with the law on fire

1.2 Subjects of application 1.3*

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This Regulation applies to organizations and individuals involved in construction 1.3.1 Buildings and Structures. The provisions of the Code shall apply to the
investment activities in the territory of Vietnam. construction, alteration, repair, equipment, use and occupancy,
relocation, and demolition of every building or structure, or
any appurtenances
connected or attached to such buildings or structures within the
1.3.2 References to Requirements of Other Codes or Stand
ards. Where the
requirements of a referenced code or stand ard differ from the
requirements of this
Code, the requirements of this Code shall govern.
1.3.3 Moved Buildings and Structures. The provisions of the Code
shall apply to
buildings and structures moved into or within the jurisdiction.
1.3.4 Existing Buildings and Structures. The provisions of this
Code shall apply to
existing buildings where any one of the following conditions

(1) A change of use or occupancy classification occurs.

(2) A repair, renovation, modification, reconstruction, or an addition
is made.

(3) The building or structure is relocated.

(4) The building is considered damaged, unsafe, or a fire hazard.

(5) A property line that affects compliance with any provision of this
Code is created or

1.5 General provisions

Chapter 4 General
1.5.1 In houses, when designing, there must be structural solutions,
site layout - space 4.1* Goals and Objectives.
and construction techniques to ensure that when a fire occurs:
- The house retains overall stability and invariability for a certain period of time, as 4.1.1* Goals. The primary goals of this Code are safety, health, building usability, and
public welfare, including property protection as it relates to the
primary goals.
specified by the refractory tier of the house;
4.1.2* Objectives. To achieve the goals stated in 4.1.1, the goals and
objectives of
4.1.3 through 4.1.6 shall be satisfied.

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- Everyone in the house (regardless of age and health status) may evacuate
outside to 4.1.3 Safety. a safe area (hereinafter referred to as outside) before the threat
to life or health due to
the impact of hazardous factors of the fire occurs; 4.1.4 Health.
Potentially life-saving; 4.1.5 Usability Goal.
Firefighting forces and vehicles can approach the fire and take firefighting measures, 4.1.6* Public Welfare.
saving lives and property;
Do not allow the fire to spread to neighboring houses, even in the
event that the burning
house collapses; 4.5 General Requirements.
Limit direct and indirect material damages, including the home itself and its internal 4.5.1 Authority Having Jurisdiction.
assets, taking into account the economic correlation between the value
of the damage The authority having jurisdiction shall determine whether the
and the cost of fire protection solutions and technical equipment. provisions of this
Code are met.
1.5.2 During the construction process, it must ensure:
- Implement fire prevention solutions according to design in accordance with current Where it is evident that a reasonable degree of safety is provided, any
requirement shall be permitted to be modified if its application
regulations and standards and approved according to regulations; would be hazardous
under normal occupancy conditions in the judgment of the authority
- To comply with fire protection requirements for works under having jurisdiction.
construction, auxiliary
works and fire protection regulations in construction and installation in accordance with 4.5.2 Historic Buildings. See Chapter 15.
the current law on fire protection; 4.5.3 Provisions in Excess of Code Requirements. Nothing in this
Equip fire extinguishing means as prescribed and in a state of Code shall be
operational readiness; construed to prohibit a superior type of building construction, an
additional means of
The ability to safely escape and save lives, as well as protect property when fires occur egress, or an otherwise safer condition than that
specified by the minimum
requirements of this Code.
during construction and on construction sites.
1.5.3 In the process of exploitation and use, it must: 4.5.4 Conditions for Occupancy.
Ensure that parts of the house and the workability of fire protection systems conform to No new construction or existing building shall be occupied in whole or in part in
their design requirements and technical documentation; violation of the provisions of this Code, unless the following
conditions exist:
Comply with regulations on fire prevention and fighting in accordance with current laws; (1) A plan of correction has been approved.
No structural changes or site-spatial layout and engineering
solutions are allowed
(2) The occupancy classification remains the same.
without the approved design as prescribed;
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When carrying out repairs, do not allow the use of components and materials that do not
(3) No serious life safety hazard exists, as judged by the authority having jurisdiction.
meet the requirements of current regulations and standards Where compliance with this Code is effected by means of a
When a licensed home is subject to restrictions on fire load, in the number of people in

design, the owner shall annually certify compliance with the conditions
and limitations

the house in conspicuous places, and the house management

department jurisdiction. The warrant of fitness shall attest that the building features, systems, and
establish its own organizational measures for fire protection and evacuation of persons use have been inspected and confirmed as still consistent with design specifications
when a fire occurs. outlined in the documentation required by Section 5.8 and that they
continue to satisfy
1.5.4 When analyzing the fire danger of a house, calculated situations can be used the goals and objectives specified in Section 4.1. (See
Chapter 5.)
based on the correlation between parameters; the development and spread of fire
hazard factors, the evacuation of people and the organization of 4.5.5 Construction, Repair, and Improvement Operations.
fire extinguishing. Buildings or portions of buildings shall be permitted to be
occupied during
construction, repair, or alteration, or during construction of
additions, where required
means of egress, required fire protection features, and other health and
safety features
necessary for the protection of occupants and the general public are
in place and
continuously maintained for the portion occupied, or where alternative
life safety meas
ures and building protection measures acceptable to the authority
having jurisdiction
are in place. In buildings under construction, adequate escape facilities
shall be maintained
at all times for the use of construc tion workers. Escape facilities shall
consist of doors,
walkways, stairs, ramps, fire escapes, ladders, or other approved
means or devices
arranged in accordance with the general principles of the Code,
insofar as they can
reasonably be applied to buildings under construction. Flammable or explosive substances or equipment for repairs or
alterations shall
be permitted in a building while the building is occupied, if the
condition of use and
safeguards provided do not create any additional danger or
impediment to egress
beyond the conditions normally permitted in the building. Where required by Chapters 15 through 31 and 33,
construction, alteration, and
demolition operations shall comply with NFPA 241.

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4.5.6* Changes of Use. Changes of use, including change of
occupancy, shall be in
accordance with Chapter 15.

4.5.7 Wildland/Urban Interface or Wildland/Urban Intermix.

Buildings or structures located in a wildland/urban interface or
wildland/urban intermix
shall comply with this Code and NFPA 1144.

4.5.8 Maintenance and Testing. Whenever or wherever any device, equipment, system,
condition, arrangement,
or level of protection, or any other feature, is required for compliance
with the provisions
of this Code, such device, equipment, system, condition,
arrangement, level of
protection, or other feature shall thereafter be continuously
maintained in accordance
with applicable NFPA requirements or requirements developed
as part of a
performance-based design, or as directed by the authority having
jurisdiction. Equipment requiring periodic testing or operation to ensure
its maintenance
shall be tested or operated as specified elsewhere in this Code or as
directed by the
authority having jurisdiction. Maintenance and testing shall be under the supervision of a
responsible person
who shall ensure that testing and maintenance are made at specified
intervals in
accordance with applicable NFPA standards or as directed by the
authority having
4.5.9 Buildings and Structures in Flood Hazard Areas. The
provisions of Chapter
39 shall apply to new and existing buildings and structures located
wholly or partly
within flood hazard areas.
L 2.1 Grouping of construction materials by fire hazard
CLASSIFICA Unsafe Buildings and Fire Hazards.
TION 2.1.1 Grouping purposes
OF FIRE Descriptions. The classification of building substances and materials
according to fire hazard
shall be carried out for the purpose of establishing fire safety
requirements for the

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presence of substances and materials, use for storage and transportation, processing
and disposal. Description of Unsafe Building. All buildings that are,
or that hereafter become, characterized by the following shall be
considered unsafe buildings: To establish fire safety requirements for building structures,
buildings and fire
protection systems of building materials are grouped according to fire (1
hazard. ) Existence of unsanitary conditions
2.1.2 Grouping criteria ) Deficiency in means of egress
The fire hazard of building materials is determined according to (3
the technical ) Hazard from fire or natural or man-made threats
characteristics of fire:
(4 Dangers to human life or public welfare by reason of illegal or
) improper use,
- Flammability;
occupancy, or maintenance
- Flammability; (5 Noncompliance with the provisions of codes applicable at time of
) construction
- Fire propagation on surfaces;
(6 Significant damage by fire or explosion or other natural or man-
) made cause
- Ability to produce smoke;
(7 Incomplete buildings for which building permits have expired or
) been revoked,
excluding partially completed buildings with valid certificates of
2.1.3 Grouping by flammability According to flammability, building materials are classified into non-combustible (8) Falling away, hanging loose, or loosening of any siding, block, or other building
material, appurtenance, or part thereof of a building
materials and combustible materials. Non-combustible building material means a material with flammability criteria (9) Existence of unsanitary conditions by reason of inadequate or malfunctioning
(temperature increase, loss of test specimen mass, duration of flame stability) when sanitary facilities or waste disposal systems
tested as shown in B.1.1, Annex B. Combustible building materials are classified
into 4 groups:
Non-combustible building materials do not provide for fire hazard
- Ch1 (weak burning);
and other criteria are not defined (see B.1.1, Annex B)
(10)* Existence of structurally unsafe conditions (1) When vacant and unguarded and open to unauthorized entry at door
or window Description of Building as a Fire Hazard. A building shall be deemed
to be a fire hazard and unsafe under the following conditions:
-Ch2 (moderate burning); (2)When there is an accumulation of combustible dust, debris, or
materials therein deemed to be a hazard by the authority having
-Ch3 (medium strong fire);
-Ch4 (strong fire).
(3) When the building does not provide the exits or fire
protection required herein for the most recent occupancy
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Flammability and groups of building materials according to flammability are determined (4) When electrical or mechanical installations or systems create a hazardous
condition according to B.1.2, Appendix B

Chapter 6 Classification of Occupancy, Classification of Hazard of

Contents, and
2.1.4 Grouping by flammability
Special Operations
According to flammability, combustible building materials are classified into 3 groups:
6.1 Classification of Occupancy.
- BC1 (difficult to ignite);
6.1.1 General.
BC2 (moderately ignited); Occupancy
BC3 (flammable).
2.1.5 Grouping by fire
spread The group of building materials according to flammability is determined according to The occupancy of a building or
structure, or portion of a building or structure,
B.1.3. Appendix B shall be classified in accordance with 6.1.2 through 6.1.13. Special Structures. Occupancies in special structures shall
conform to the requirements of the specific occupancy chapter,
Chapters 15 through 31 and 33 through 34, except as modified by
Chapter 31. Structures in Flood Hazard Areas. For buildings and
structures located wholly or partly within the flood hazard area
established in 39.4.2, the additional requirements of shall
be met. Occupancy classification shall be subject to the ruling of the
authority having
According to the propagation of fire on the surface, combustible building materials are jurisdiction where there is a question of proper classification in any individual case.
classified into 4 groups
LT1 (Non-spread);

LT2 (weak spread);

LT3 (moderately spread);

LT4 (highly viral).

The group of building materials according to surface fire propagation is specified for the 6.1.2 Assembly. For requirements, see Chapter 16.
surface material layer of roofs and floors, including floor mats, according to B.1.4, Annex
B 6.1.3Educational. For requirements, see Chapter 17.
For other building materials are not defined and do not provide for grouping on the 6.1.4 Day Care. For requirements, see Chapter 18.
propagation of fire on the surface.
6.1.5Health Care. For requirements, see Chapter 19.
2.1.6 Grouping by smoke capacity

According to smoke generation, combustible building materials are classified into 3 6.1.6 Ambulatory Health Care. For requirements, see Chapter 20.
groups: Detention and Correctional. For requirements, see
6.1.7 Chapter 21.
- SK1 (low smoke capacity);
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-SK2 (moderate smoke production); 6.1.8 Residential. For requirements, see Chapter 22 to 25.
-SK3 (high smoke capacity).
6.1.9 Residential Board and Care. For requirements, see Chapter 26.
The group of building materials according to smoke generation
6.1.10 Mercantile. For requirements, see Chapter 27.
capacity is defined according to B.1.5, Appendix B.
6.1.11 Business. For requirements, see Chapter 28.
2.1.7 Grouping by toxicity
According to the toxicity of combustion products, combustible building materials are 6.1.12 Industrial. For requirements, see Chapter 29.
classified into 4 groups:
6.1.13 Storage. For requirements, see Chapter 30.
- DT1 (low toxicity);
- DT2 (moderate toxicity);
6.3 Hazard of Contents.
- DT3 (high toxicity);
- DT4 (particularly high toxicity). 6.3.1 General.
Group of building materials according to the toxicity of For the purpose of this Code, the hazard of contents shall be the
combustion products is relative danger
of the start and spread of fire, the danger of smoke or gases
determined in accordance with B.1.6, Appendix B generated, and the
potential of an explosion or other occurrence to endanger the lives
and safety of the
2.1.8 Hierarchy by fire hazard occupants of the building or structure or to cause damage to the According to fire hazard, construction materials are classified building or its contents.
into increasing fire Hazard of contents shall be classified by the registered
hazard classes from CV0, CV1, CV2, CV3, CV4 to CV5. design professional
NOTE: Fire hazard class of construction materials is the aggregate indicator of fire (RDP) or owner and submitted to the authority having jurisdiction for review and
approval on the basis of the character of the contents and the
processes or operations
hazard classes of materials mentioned in 2.1.2.
conducted in the building or structure. The fire hazard class of construction materials is determined
in accordance with B.1.7, Annex B.

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Website: For the purpose of this Code, where different degrees of
hazard of contents exist in different parts of a building or structure,
the most hazardous shall govern the classification, unless hazardous
areas are separated or protected as specified in the applicable
sections of Chapters 15 through 31 and 33 through 34.

6.3.2* Classification of Hazard of Contents.

Page 15/114* General. The hazard of contents of any building or structure
shall be classified
as low, ordinary, or high in accordance with through* Low Hazard. Low hazard contents shall be classified as those

of such low
combustibility that no self-propagating fire therein can occur.* Ordinary Hazard. Ordinary hazard contents shall be

classified as those that
are likely to burn with moderate rapidity or to give off a considerable
volume of smoke. High Hazard. General. High hazard contents shall include materials defined as

material” in Chapter 3, whether stored, used, or handled. High hazard contents shall be classified in accordance

through, whether stored, used, or handled.* Occupancies in which high hazard contents are stored,

used, or handled
shall also comply with Chapter 34. High Hazard Level 1 Contents. High hazard Level 1

contents shall include
materials that present a detonation hazard including, but not limited to,
the following:

(1) Explosives

(2) Unclassified detonable organic peroxides

(3) Class 4 oxidizers

(4) Detonable pyrophoric materials

(5) Class 3 detonable and Class 4 unstable (reactive) materials

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Website: High Hazard Level 2 Contents. High hazard Level 2
contents shall include
materials that present a deflagration hazard or a hazard from
accelerated burning
including, but not limited to, the following:

(1) Class I, Class II, or Class III-A flammable or combustible liquids

that are used or
stored in normally open contain ers or systems, or in closed containers
or systems at
gauge pressures of more than 15 psi (103 kPa)

(2) Combustible dusts stored, used, or generated in a manner creating a

severe fire or
explosion hazard

(3) Flammable gases and flammable cryogenic liquids

(4) Class I organic peroxides

(5) Class 3 solid or liquid oxidizers that are used or stored in normally
open containers
or systems, or in closed containers or systems at gauge pressures of
more than 15 psi
(103 kPa)

(6) Nondetonable pyrophoric materials

(7) Class 3 nondetonable unstable (reactive) materials

(8) Class 3 water-reactive materials High Hazard Level 3 Contents. High hazard Level 3

contents shall include
materials that readily support combus tion or present a physical hazard
including, but
not limited to, the following:
(1) Level 2 and Level 3 aerosols

(2) Class I, Class II, or Class III-A flammable or combustible liquids

that are used or
stored in normally closed contain ers or systems at gauge pressures of
less than 15
psi (103 kPa)

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(3) Flammable solids, other than dusts classified as high hazard Level
2, stored, used,
or generated in a manner creating a high fire hazard

) Class II and Class III organic peroxides
) Class 2 solid or liquid oxidizers
(6) Class 3 solid or liquid oxidizers that are used or stored in normally
closed containers
or systems at gauge pressures of less than 15 psi (103 kPa)
) Oxidizing gases and oxidizing cryogenic liquids
) Class 2 unstable (reactive) materials
) Class 2 water-reactive materials High Hazard Level 4 Contents. High hazard Level 4
contents shall include
materials that are acute health hazards including, but not limited to,
the following:
) Corrosives
) Highly toxic materials
) Toxic materials High Hazard Level 5 Contents. High hazard Level 5
contents shall include
hazardous production materials (HPM) used in the fabrication of
semiconductors or
semiconductor research and development.

2.2 Construction components Chapter 7 Construction Types and Height and Area
2.2.1 Purpose of classification
7.1 General. Building components classified according to fire resistance 7.1.1 Buildings.
and fire hazard

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Website: Building components are classified according to their refractory properties* Buildings or parts of buildings classified in a specified occupancy group to
determine their usability in houses, buildings and fire chambers of a certain
because of their use shall be limited to the types of construction specified in Section
refractory grade or to determine the refractory grade of houses, structures, and fire 7.2 and shall comply with the height and area requirements specified in Sections 7.4
through 7.6.
2.2.13 Building components are classified according to fire hazard to determine the Annex D shall be considered an alternate method for determining allowable
degree of their participation in fire development and the likelihood of the formation of fire types of construction.
hazard factors.
2.2.2 Classification of building components by refractory
2 2.2.1 The building components of houses and structures, depending on their ability 7.1.4 Terminology.
to resist the effects of fire and the spread of fire hazardous elements under standard test
conditions, are classified into building components with the following fire resistance* Noncombustible Material. A material that complies with any one of the following
limits: shall be considered a
noncombustible material:
- No regulation;
(1)* The material, in the form in which it is used, and under the
- Not less than 15 min; conditions anticipated,
will not ignite, burn, support combustion, or release flammable
vapors when subjected
- Not less than 30 min;
to fire or heat.
- Not less than 45 min; (2) The material is reported as passing ASTM E136, Standard
Test Method for
- Not less than 60 min;
Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750 Degrees C.
- Not less than 90 min; (3) The material is reported as complying with the pass/fail criteria of
ASTM E136 when
tested in accordance with the test method and procedure in ASTM
- Not less than 120 min; E2652, Standard
Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Tube Furnace with a
Cone-shaped Airflow
- Not less than 150 min;
Stabilizer, at 750 Degrees C.
- Not less than 180 min;
- Not less than 240 min. Where the term limited-combustible is used in this Code, it
shall also include
the term noncombustible. fire resistance limit of building components shall be determined under
standard test conditions. The moment of reaching the fire resistance limit of load-bearing* Limited-Combustible Material. A material shall be considered a limited-
and covering components under standard test conditions or according to the results of combustible material where both of the following conditions of and,

and the conditions of either or, are met:

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calculations determined by the time of reaching one or several
(1) The material does not comply with the requirements for a
successive signs of limit states:
noncombustible material in accordance with
-Loss of bearing capacity (denoted by the letter R);
(2)The material, in the form in which it is used, exhibits a potential
-Loss of integrity (denoted by the letter E);
heat value not exceeding 3500 Btu/lb (8141 kJ/ kg), when tested in
accordance with NFPA 259.
- Loss of thermal insulation (denoted by the letter I) due to an increase in temperature at
the non-heating surface to a limit value; The material shall have a structural base of noncom bustible
material with a
surfacing not exceeding a thickness of 1∕8 in. (3.2 mm) where the
surfacing exhibits
Loss of ability to limit heat radiation (denoted by the letter W) due to heat flux at the a flame spread index not greater than 50 when tested in accordance with ASTM E84,
specified distance from the non-heated surface of the component/structure reaching the
Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteris tics of Building
Materials, or
limit value.
UL 723, Standard for Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of
Building Materials.
Note 1 to entry: The fire resistance limit of building components shall be determined by
fire resistance tests according to TCVN 9311-1 to TCVN 9311-8 or equivalent standards The material shall be composed of materials that in the form and thickness
or by calculation according to applicable refractory design standards. used, neither exhibit a flame spread index greater than 25 nor evidence
of continued
progressive combustion when tested in accordance with ASTM E84 or
UL 723 and are
The fire resistance limit of smoke and air pipes is determined according to ISO 6944 or of such composition that all surfaces that would be exposed by cutting through the
equivalent standards.
material on any plane would neither exhibit a flame spread index
greater than 25 nor
Note 2 to entry: The required fire resistance limits of specific building components are exhibit evidence of continued progressive combustion
when tested in accordance with
specified in this regulation and in technical regulations for each type of building. The ASTM E84 or UL 723.
required fire resistance limit of a building component is denoted by REI, REW, EI, EW,
EIW, RE or R accompanied by corresponding indicators of the duration of fire action in Materials shall be considered limited-combustible materials where tested in

minutes. For example, a component with a fire resistance limit of REI 120 means that accordance with ASTM E2965, Stand ard Test for Determination of Low Levels of Heat
the component must maintain all three capabilities simultaneously: bearing, integrity and Release Rate for Materials and Products Using an Oxygen Combustion Calorimeter,
insulation for a period of 120 minutes under the influence of fire. If the component has at an incident heat flux of 75 kW/m2 for a 20-minute exposure, and both the following
the required fire resistance limit of R 60, the component must only maintain its bearing conditions are met:
capacity for a period of 60 minutes, with no insulation and integrity (1) The peak heat release rate shall not exceed 150 kW/m2 for
requirements. longer than 10 seconds.
Note 3 to entry: A building component is said to meet the fire
(2) The total heat released shall not exceed 8 MJ/m2.
resistance limit requirement if one of the following conditions is
satisfied: Where the term limited-combustible is used in this Code, it shall also include
a) The component has the same specification as the refractory test specimen and this
sample when tested has a fire resistance limit not less than the required fire resistance the term noncombustible.
limit of such component.

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b) The fire resistance limit of a component determined by calculation according to A grade plane shall be a reference plane representing the average of the
applicable refractory design standards is not less than the required fire resistance limit finished ground level adjoining the building at all exterior walls measured as follows: of
that component.
(1) When the finished ground level slopes down from the exterior walls,
the grade plane
c) Components structured with specifications consistent with the components mentioned shall be established by the lowest points within the area between the
building and the in Annex F for which the corresponding nominal fire resistance limit given in this Annex lot line.
is not less than the required fire resistance limit of that component.

2.2.3 Hierarchy of construction components according to fire (2) When the lot line is more than 6 ft (1830 mm) from the
building, the grade plane shall be established between the building According to fire hazard, construction components are and a point 6 ft (1830 mm) from the building.
classified into 4 levels:

K0 (not fire hazardous);

K1 (less fire hazard); 7.2.1 General.

K2 (moderate fire hazard),* Buildings and structures shall be classified according to

K3 (fire hazard). their type of construction, which shall be based upon one of five
basic types of construction designated as Type I, Type II, Type III,
Type IV, and Type V, with fire resistance ratings The values of the criteria for classifying construction components into a given not less than those specified in Table and
7.2.3 through 7.2.6, and with fire fire hazard class shall be determined in accordance with the methods set out in national resistance ratings
meeting the requirements of 7.2.7. standards (or equivalent) for fire safety testing. Where two or more types of construction are used in the same building, the
Note 1 to entry: It is permissible to classify construction components into fire hazard class entire building shall be classified as the least type of construction in the building and
without testing as follows: shall be subject to the requirements for that type, except as
permitted by other
a) Grade K0 - if the component is made only from non- provisions of this Code.
combustible materials;
b) Class K1 - if the outer surface of the component is composed of materials with Requirements for specific materials, types of
construction, and fire protection
concurrent fire specifications that are not more dangerous than Ch1, BC1, SK1; shall be minimum requirements, and any material, type
of construction, or fire
c) Grade K2 - if the outer surface of the component is composed of materials with the protection affording safety or a fire resistance rating equal to or greater than that
provided in this Code shall be permitted.
same technical criteria on fire that are not more dangerous than Ch2, BC2, SK2; Materials shall be in accordance with all of the following, except as modified by
d) Grade K3 - if the outer surface of the component is composed only of materials with
any special requirements in 7.2.3:
one of the fire specifications Ch3, BC3, SK3
Note 2 to entry: A facad glass wall component is considered a component with fire hazard (1) Chapter 41,
class K0, if its parts (including those associated with the house) are
made from non-

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combustible materials. Allow without consideration of seal insertion
(2) Chapter 42, Aluminum
circuits and outer surface coatings with a thickness of less than 0.3
(3) Chapter 43, Masonry
mm (if applicable)
(4) Chapter 44, Steel

(5) Chapter 45, Wood

(6) Chapter 46, Glass and Glazing

(7) Chapter 47, Gypsum Board, Lath, and Plaster

(8) Chapter 48, Plastics

7.2.7 Fire Resistance Rating Requirements for Structural

Elements. Fire resistance protection shall be provided for structural

elements as set forth in this chapter and other chapters of this Code. Structural elements shall meet the requirements of

through Structural elements, floors, and bearing walls shall have a

fire resistance rating not less than the fire resistance rating required
for the structural element, bearing or nonbearing wall, floor, or roof
they support. Structural elements, floors, and bearing walls shall be

required to have only the fire resistance rating required for the
construction classification of the building, provided that both of the
following criteria are met:
(1) The structural elements support nonbearing wall or partition assemblies (2)The structural elements do not serve as exit enclosures,
having a required fire resistance rating of 1 hour or less. protection for vertical openings, or occupancy separations.

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Website: Structural elements, such as girders, beams, trusses, and
spandrels, that
have direct connections to columns carrying gravity loads, and that are
essential to the
stability of the building as a whole, shall have a fire resistance rating
not less than that
of the columns to which they are connected. Structural elements required to have a fire resistance rating and

that support
more than two floors, one floor and roof, a bearing wall, or a
nonbearing wall more than
two stories high shall be individually protected on all sides for their full
length with
materials providing the required fire resistance rating. Structural elements, other than those specified in,

required to have a
fire resistance rating shall be protected by individual encasement, or by
membrane or
ceiling protection in accordance with Section 8.6, or by a combination
of both. In addition to the requirements of and, columns

shall meet the
following requirements:

(1) Where columns require a fire resistance rating, the entire column,
including its
connections to beams or girders, shall be individually protected.

(2) Where the column extends through a ceiling, the fire- resistive
protection provided
for the column shall be continuous from the top of the floor through the
ceiling space to
the top of the column. Structural elements complying with 7.2.5 or shall not

be required to
comply with The required thickness and construction of

fire-resistive materials or
assemblies enclosing trusses shall be based on one of the following:

(1) Results of full-scale tests or combinations of tests on truss


(2) Approved calculations based on such tests to verify that the

assembly is provided
with the required fire resistance rating in accordance with 8.2.3

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Website: The fire resistance rating required for external structural
elements located beyond the perimeter of the building floor area
shall be permitted to be calculated by using analytical methods in
accordance with the provisions set forth in 8.2.3. Structural elements within exterior walls or located along the

exterior perimeter of a building or structure shall have a fire
resistance rating as required by Table for exterior bearing
walls based on the type of construction. Structural elements within an exterior wall located where

openings are not permitted, or where protection of openings is
required in accordance with 7.3.5, shall have a fire resistance rating
based on protection against exterior fire exposure as required for
exterior bearing walls or the structural element, whichever requires
the greater fire resistance rating. The edges of lugs, brackets, rivets, and bolt heads attached
to structural elements shall be permitted to extend to within 1 in. (25
mm) of the surface of the fire-resistive protection. Conduits, pipes, or ducts shall not be embedded within the

required fire-resistive protection of any structural elements requiring
2.3 Fire suppression unit individual encasement to achieve the required fire resistance rating.

2.3.1 Classification purposes Fire-resistive materials covering columns required to have a
fire resistance rating, where exposed to impact damage by moving
Northbrook, IL 6006 USA vehicles, by handling of merchandise, or by other means, shall be
Website: protected from damage. In load bearing, light frame walls requiring a fire resistance rating,
membrane protection shall not be required to extend beyond the edge or
flange of the construction in openings that are framed or where doors or
windows are installed.

33.3.2* Extinguishment Requirements.

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The fire prevention unit is classified according to the measure of preventing the spread High-rise buildings shall be protected throughout by an approved, supervised of fire hazard factors, as well as according to the
refractory for the selection of building automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13, and 55.3.2.

structures and the opening sealing insert of the fire suppression unit with the required

fire resistance limit and fire hazard class. A sprinkler control valve and a waterflow device shall be provided for each

2.3.2 Classification of fire prevention parts Standpipes. High-rise buildings shall be equipped with a Class I standpipe Fire suppression components include fire walls, fire partitions and fire floors,

system installed in accordance with Section 55.4.

classified into categories as Table 1.

NOTE: In addition to those fire prevention elements, to prevent the spread of fire, there

are also measures to use: fire curtains, fire water curtains, fire protection distances, spaces without fire load.
55.3 Automatic
55.3.1 General. The fire suppression opening inserts (fire suppression doors, lid doors, fire

suppression valves, windows, fire curtains) depending on the fire resistance limit of their * Each automatic sprinkler system required by separators are classified into categories as
another section of this
Table 2. Code
shall be in accordance with one of the following:

NOTE: The fire resistance limit of the fire suppression valves of

systems is distribution
determined according to ISO 10294 or equivalent standards. The
fire ( 1 ) NFPA 1 3 resistance limits of doors, windows and barriers shall be
determined according to TCVN (2) NFPA 13R 9383 or equivalent standards.
(3) NFPA The fire buffer compartments arranged in the opening of the 13D
depend on the type of component parts of the fire buffer compartment classified into Sprinkler piping serving not more than six sprinklers for any
type 1 and area
hazardous type 2 fire buffer compartments shall be permitted to be connected directly to a domestic water supply system having

a capacity sufficient to provide 0 . 1 5 gpm/ft2 (6.1 mm/min) throughout the entire enclosed area.
2.3.3 Requirements for fire suppression units A fire suppressant is used to prevent a fire and combustion products from

spreading from a compartment or from a room in which a fire is located to other rooms. Sprinkler piping serving isolated hazardous areas as described in

shall be provided with an indicating shut- off valve supervised in accordance with 55.3.2 Fire suppression units are characterized by fire resistance and fire hazard.
or 55.3.3 and installed in an accessible, visible location between the sprin klers and the

The fire resistance of a fire suppression element is determined by the refractory connection to the domestic water supply. properties of its constituent parts, including.* In areas protected by automatic sprinklers, auto- matic

- Separators (wall panels, wall panels, floor panels
and similar parts); heat-detection devices required by other sections of this Code shall
not be required.
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- Stable components for separators (frames, bracing and similar Automatic sprinkler systems installed to make use of an alternative
- Components supporting the separator (support beams, support ribs, support walls and by this Code shall be considered required systems and shall meet the provisions of this
Code that apply to required
- Link buttons between
them. systems.
similar parts); In buildings five or more sto1-ies in height, a sprinkler control
valve and a
The fire resistance limit according to the state of loss of bearing capacity (R) of the waterflow device shall be provided for each floor.
component that holds the separator stable, of the separator supporting component and Basements exceeding 2500 ft2 (232 m2) in new buildings shall be protected of
the connecting nodes between them must not be lower than the fire resistance limit throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system. (1 : 1 required for
the separator.
The fire hazard of the fire barrier is determined by the fire hazard of 55.3.2 Electrical Supervision.
the separator along
with the bonding details and of the components that keep the
separator stable. Supervisory Signals. Fire resistance limits and types of building components Where electrically supervised automatic sprinkler systems
performing fire are required by
suppression unit functions, types of sealing inserts corresponding to them and fire buffer another section of this Code, supervisory attachments shall be installed and monitored
compartments are specified in Table 1. for integrity in accordance with NFPA 72, and a distinctive
supervisory signal shall be Class 1 fire prevention units shall have fire hazard class K0. In individual cases, provided to indicate a condition that would impair the satisfactory operation of the it
is permissible to use fire hazard class K1 in class 2 to class 4 fire suppression elements. sprinkler system. The fire resistance limits for the corresponding types of open-hole sealing inserts Supervisory signals shall sound and shall be displayed either at a location
of fire suppression units are specified in Table 2. within the protected building that is constantly attended by qualified
personnel or at an approved, remotely located receiving facility. Alarm Signal Transmission. Where electrical supervision of automatic sprinkler

systems is required by another section of this Code, waterflow
alarms shall be transmitted to an approved, proprietary alarm-
receiving facility; a remote station; a central station; or the fire
deparunent. The connection described in shall be in
accordance with

55.3.3 Other Supervision. Where electrical supervision is not

required by another section of this Code, supervision shall be
permitted in accordance with NFPA 13.

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55.4 Standpipe Systems.

55.4.1 New buildings shall be equipped with a Class I stand-pipe

system installed in
accordance with the provisions of NFPA 14 where any of the following
conditions exist:

(1) The building is protected by an approved automatic sprinkler

system and is four or
more stories in height above grade plane.

(2) The building is not protected by an approved automatic sprinkler

system and is
three or more stories in height above grade plane.

(3)* The building is more than 50 ft (15 m) above grade plane

and containing
intermediate stories or balconies.

(4) The building is more than one story below grade plane.
2.4 Stairs and staircase (5) The building is more than 20 ft (6.1 m) below grade plane.
2.4.1 Classification
purposes 55.4.2 Where required by another section of this Code, Class II and
Class III standpipe Stair enclosures 75 ft (23 m) or more in height shall include
fire doors tested under positive pressure, with the neutral plane at 40
in. (1015 mm) in accordance with NFPA 252.
systems shall be in accordance with NFPA 14.

55.4.3 Where standpipe and hose systems are installed in combination

with automatic
sprinkler systems, installation shall be in accordance with NFPA 13 and
NFPA 14.

33.3.3 Exit Stair Enclosures. All vertical exit stair enclosures serving the high-rise portion
of the building
Stairs and staircase chambers are classified for the purpose of determining the shall be smokeproof enclosures in accordance with
requirements for them for the solution of premises - space and
structural solutions, as well as to establish requirements for their use
on the escape route for people.

2.4.2 Staircase classification Stairs and staircase chambers used to escape people from houses and
structures during fire shall be classified into the following types:
Type 1 - stairs inside the house, which are located in the staircase 11.2.3 Smokeproof Enclosures.
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Type 2 - stairs inside the house, General. Where smokeproof enclosures are required in
left open; Type 3 - stairs outside other sections of this Code, they shall comply with 11.2.3.
Notehouse, left open.
1 to entry: "Open" means not to be placed in a
staircase chamber. Performance Design. An appropriate design method shall
Note 2 to entry: Some illustrations of staircase types are
shown in Appendix I. be used to provide a system that meets the definition of smokeproof
enclosure (see, Smokeproof Enclosure). The smokeproof
- P1 -
vertical; enclosure shall be permitted to be created
P2 - ladder with anfor
Fire ladders inclination not exceeding
fire fighting and rescue6:1
classified into the following 2 types: by using natural ventilation, by using mechanical ventilation incorporating a vestibule,
exceeding 80°)
2.4.3 Staircase or by pressurizing the enclosure.
classification Enclosure. Vestibule. staircase chambers shall be classified into the following categories Discharge.
depending on how well they are protected against smoke contamination during fire: Access.
- Ordinary staircase chambers;
- Smoke-free staircase Natural Ventilation.

NOTE: Some illustrations of the types of staircase chambers are shown in Appendix I. Mechanical Ventilation. Common types of staircase chambers are classified into

types: Enclosure
- L1 - naturally illuminated through door openings (open or glazed) in the outer wall on Activation of Mechanical Ventilation and Pressurized Enclosure each
floor or not naturally lit in cases if they are intended for escape only from rooms of Systems.
the semi-basement; Door Leaf Closers.
- L2 - naturally illuminated through holes (open or glazed) in the roof. Smoke-free staircase chambers shall be classified into the following categories, Emergency Power Supply System (EPSS).
depending on the protection against smoke contamination in the event
of a fire;
- N1 - staircase chamber with access to the staircase chamber from
each floor through
a smoke-free air buffer following open forward paths (see section 3
on some cases of
type N1 staircase chambers);
NOTE: It is permissible to replace the N1 staircase chamber with an
entrance to the
staircase chamber from each floor through the buffer compartment.
Both the buffer

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compartment and the staircase chamber must have pressure. Positive air when there is
a fire. The supply of air into the buffer compartment and into the staircase chamber is
independent of each other

-N2 - staircase chamber with positive air pressure (air pressure in the

staircase chamber is higher than outside the staircase) in the staircase

chamber when there is a fire;

-N3 - staircase chamber with entrance to the staircase chamber from

each floor through the fire buffer compartment always has positive air
pressure (positive air pressure in the fire buffer compartment is
regular or when there is a fire).

2.5 Houses, buildings, fire compartments

Chapter 4 General
2.5.1 Purpose of classification 4.1* Goals and
The classification of fire drawing techniques for houses, buildings and
fire compartments
aims to establish fire safety requirements for fire protection systems for houses and 4.1.1* Goals. The primary goals of this Code are safety, health, building usability, and
public welfare, including property protection as it relates to
buildings depending on their performance (intended use) and the primary goals.
fire danger.
2.5.2 Classification criteria 4.1.2* Objectives. To achieve the goals stated in
objectives of Section 4.1.1, the goals and objectives of
The technical classification of fire for houses, buildings and fire
4.1.3 through 4.1.6 shall be satisfied.
compartments is available including the following criteria:
Chapter 5 Performance-Based Option
-Refractory step;
5.1* General Requirements.
-Structural fire hazard class;
5.1.1 Application. The requirements of this chapter shall apply to
-Fire hazard class by function.
buildings or structures, portions of buildings or struc tures, or
2.5.3 Refractory hierarchy of houses, buildings, fire
building systems designed to the performance-based option permitted by Section 4.3. Houses, buildings and fire compartments are classified into 5 refractory grades 5.1.2 Goals and Objectives. The performance-based design shall meet the goals and I,
II, III, IV, V. Setting up the refractory step of houses, buildings, fire compartments

The refractory step of the house, building and fire compartment is set depending on the Compartmentation. The building shall be compartmented, as appropriate, by
number of floors (or fire protection height of the house), the fire danger group according
walls and floors, including their associated openings with proper closures, to limit the

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to the function, the area of the fire compartment (see Appendix H) and the fire danger of spread of fire, hot gases, and smoke to an acceptable
area beyond the immediate area
the technological processes taking place in the house, building, fire cavity. of fire origin. The required fire resistance limit of the building structure shall be selected in Chapter 8 Features of Fire
Protection accordance with the selected refractory step of the house, structure and fire
compartment. Except for the cases specified separately in this Regulation, the conformity 8.1 General.
between the refractory grade of houses, buildings and fire 8.1.1 This chapter shall apply
compartments with the fire resistance limits of their building to fire protection features intended to restrict or resist the spread of
fire and smoke beyond the compartment of fire origin.
structures is specified in Table 4.

Load-bearing walls, load-bearing columns, bracing systems, rigid walls, trusses, parts of
floors between floors and of roofs without attics (beams, trusses, beams, floor slabs, 8.1.2 Where required by other chapters of this Code, every building shall be divided
roofing) are considered load-bearing parts of the house if they ensure the overall into compartments to limit the spread of fire and restrict or resist the movement of
durability and spatial stability of the house in the event of a e.
Information about the above-mentioned load-bearing parts of the house must be* Fire compartments shall be formed with fire
barrier walls that comply with
specified by the design unit in the technical documentation of the house. Section 8.4 or horizontal assemblies that comply with Section 8.6,
or a combination of No fire resistance limit and fire danger class of 8.4.1 Scope. Fire
attic roof structure components shall be both. barrier walls shall meet the requirements of Section 8.4.
prescribed in houses with all refractory steps There is no provision for the fire resistance Smoke compartments shall be formed with smoke barriers that comply with
limit of the attic gable structure, in this case, the attic gable must have a fire hazard class Section 8.11.
equivalent to the fire danger class of the house enclosure wall. Components and
structures belonging to parts of the roof with attic must be instructed by the design unit 8.4 Fire Barrier Walls.
in the technical documentation of the house.
No fire resistance limits are specified for open-hole sealing inserts (doors, windows, lid
doors), roof doors, roof light- Where the wall is subject to impact damage from moving
grabbing doors, and light-
grabbing roofing panels, vehicles or the handling of merchandise or other activity, protection against impact damage shall be
except 8.4.2* Design Loads. All walls and
determined according to ISO 834-10 or equivalent provided for an appropriate height but not less than 60 in.
their supports shall be designed for loads in
for loor. (1525 mm) from the finished
open-hole sealing inserts on [221:4.6.1]
accordance with Chapter 35 of this
fire suppression elements and cases referred to Page
Code and to withstand a minimum uniform load of
separately. 5 lbf/ft2 (0.24 kPa) from either direction applied
perpendicular to the face of the wall. [221:4.2]
When the minimum fire resistance limit of the required components is R 15 (RE 15, REI
15), it is permissible to use unprotected steel structures if their fire resistance limit 8.4.3*
Impact Damage. [221:4.6] according to test results or calculations is R 8 or higher, or the cross
section coefficient
A m/V is less than or equal to 250 m-1.
NOTE: Am/V cross section factor

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In smoke-free staircase chambers of class N1, ladders and ladder mats with fire Where the fire-protective covering of a structural element required to have a
resistance limit R 15 and fire hazard class K0 are allowed. fire resistance rating by Section is subject to impact damage
from moving
Fire compartments are divided by Class 1 fire walls and (or) Class 1 fire suppression vehicles, the handling of merchandise, or other activity, protection against impact floors.
It is permissible to divide the fire compartment vertically by a technical floor damage shall be provided for an appropriate height but not less than 60 in. (1525 mm) separated
from adjacent floors by class 2 fire prevention floors, if the class 1 fire from the finished floor. [221:4.6.2]
prevention walls do not deviate from the main axis. It is permissible to divide fire Where impact protection is added to a fire-protected covering, the impact
compartments in houses with refractory steps IV and V by type 2 fire walls.
protection shall not reduce the fire resistance rating.
2.5.4 Structural fire hazard hierarchy of houses, structures and
fire compartments 8.4.4 Continuity. [221:7.2] Buildings and fire compartments are classified into 4 Fire barrier walls shall be continuous from one of the

structural fire hazard classes S0, S1, S2 and S3 according to the fire following or a combination thereof:

hazard of construction components. (1) An exterior wall to an exterior wall Setting the structural fire hazard level of houses, structures,
and fire compartments
The structural fire hazard class of buildings and fire compartments is
set depending on (2) A floor below to a floor or roof above
the number of floors, fire danger groups according to performance,
fire cavity area and
fire danger of technological processes taking place in such houses, (3) One fire barrier wall to another fire barrier wall, fire wall, or HC
buildings and fire fire wall having a fire
resistance rating of not less than that required for the fire barrier wall
compartments. [221:7.2.1] The conformity between the structural fire hazard class of the Fire barrier walls shall be continuous through all concealed
building and the spaces, such as
fire hazard class of the building structure those found above a ceiling, including interstitial spaces. [221:7.2.2]
The fire hazard class of construction components must be consistent with the structural A fire barrier wall required for an occupied space below an interstitial space
fire hazard class of houses, structures and fire compartments. The conformity between shall not be required to extend through the interstitial space, provided that the
the structural fire hazard class of houses, structures and fire compartments with the
construction assembly forming the bottom of the interstitial space has a fire resistance
selected fire hazard class of their building structures is specified
in Table 5.
rating not less than that of the fire barrier wall. [221:7.2.3] No fire hazard class shall be provided for inserts that seal holes in the covering* The fire barrier wall shall be permitted to terminate at an individually protected
structure of the house (doors, windows, doors, lids), skylights on the roof, except for
structural member in the same plane provided that the structural
member has a fire
inserts that seal openings in the fire prevention unit.
resistance rating of not less than that required for the fire barrier wall.
NOTE: When applying in the practical construction of structures or structural systems
where their fire resistance limit or fire hazard class cannot be determined on the basis of Structural elements supporting fire barrier walls shall have a fire resistance
rating of not less than required for the wall except as modified by [221:7.2.5]

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standard or calculated fire resistance tests, refractory tests should be carried out on parts
8.4.5 Opening Protectives. [221:7.3]
of such structure or structures according to the selected standard document. employ.
2.5.5 Classification of
fire danger by function for houses, buildings, fire Openings permitted in fire barrier walls shall comply with the requirements of
compartments and
rooms 8.4.5 and Section 8.7. [221:7.3.1] Houses and parts of houses (fire compartments, rooms or groups of rooms with The total glazing area in fire door
assemblies and fire window assemblies shall related functions) shall be classified into fire hazard classes according to their not exceed 25
percent of the wall common to any room. [221:7.3.2] performance depending on the characteristics of their use, the level of threat to the
of persons in the event of a fire taking into account age, physical state, likelihood of 8.4.6 Penetrations.
people sleeping, group of users according to primary function and number of people of Penetrations in fire walls shall comply with Section 8.8.
that group Fire hazard classification by function is set out in Table 6. Production rooms and warehouses, including laboratories and workshops with Fire dampers for ducts or air-transfer openings used as opening protectives
shall comply with 8.8.8.
an area of more than 50 m2, food preparation rooms with cooking equipment with a
capacity of more than 10 kW in houses of groups F1, F2, F3 and F4, shall be classified 8.4.7 Joints. Joints in fire walls shall comply with
Section 8.9.
as F5. In houses with fire hazard groups according to certain functions, in cases
where groups of rooms and rooms with fire danger groups according to other
functions are permitted, in addition to complying with the general requirements of this
Regulation, additional conditions must be ensured according to the design standards of
specific types of houses and those corresponding technical devices.

2.5.6Classification of houses, buildings and rooms with production and

warehouse functions according to fire and explosion hazard Classification purposes

The classification of houses, buildings and rooms with production and warehouse
functions according to fire and explosion hazard is carried out for the purpose of
establishing fire safety requirements affecting the prevention of the possibility of fire
occurrence and ensuring fire protection for persons and property in the event of a fire in
the house, buildings and rooms. Room classification

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Website: According to the hazard of fire and explosion, rooms with 2

production and warehouse functions shall be divided into the .

following classes:
-High fire hazard (A);
-Fire hazard (B);
-Fire hazard (C1, C2, C3 and C4) 3
-Moderate fire hazard (D); .

-Low fire hazard (E). 2

The classes of rooms with production and warehouse capacity are

specified in Appendix C.
h Houses, buildings and rooms with other functions not
classified according to fire and explosion hazard. The class of rooms according to fire and explosion danger c

shall be determined based on the type of combustible substances and l
materials present in the room, their quantity and nature of fire danger, a
as well as on the basis of the premises-space solutions of the room s
and the characteristics of the technological processes taking place in
the room. The determination of room class shall be made by o

inspecting rooms of more dangerous (A) to less dangerous (E) classes f
according to Table C.1. Appendix C. Classification of houses and works h

o According to fire and explosion hazard, houses and
buildings are classified into classes A, B, C, D and E.
ses and buildings according to fire and explosion hazard shall be
determined based on the proportion and total area of rooms of one
class or another in such houses and structures. The rating of houses and structures is set out in Appendix C.

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3. ENSURE 3.1 General provisions 4.1.3 Safety. The intent of the safety goal of this Code is to reduce the
probability of
SAFETY injury or death from fire, structural failure, and building use.
3.1.1 The requirements in this section are intended to ensure:
-Escape people promptly and unhindered; Safety from Fire.
-Saving people affected by dangerous elements of fire;* Safety from Fire Goal. The fire safety goal of this Code is
as follows:
-Protect people on the escape route from the effects of dangerous elements of the fire. (1) To provide an environment for the occupants inside or near a building that is 3.1.2
Escape is the organized process of self-movement of people outside from rooms reasonably safe from fire and simi lar emergencies
where dangerous elements of a fire can act on them. Escape is also the involuntary
movement of a group of people with little mobility, carried out by service personnel. (2) To provide reasonable safety for fire fighters and emer gency responders during
Escapes are carried out along escape routes through emergency exits. search and rescue operations
3.1.3 Rescue means the forced movement of persons outside when they are affected Safety from Fire Objectives.
by hazardous elements of a fire or when there is a
3.1.4 The protection of persons on escape routes must be ensured by a
direct danger of such impacts. Rescue
combination of solutions for site layout - space, comfort, technical
is carried out autonomously with the help of
structure and organization. firefighters or professionally trained Buildings shall
be designed and constructed to protect occupants not

personnel, including the use of rescue vehicles, through emergency exits and exits. intimate with the initial fire develop ment for the time needed to
evacuate, relocate, or
defend in place.* Buildings shall be designed and constructed to provide

reasonable safety
Escape routes within the room must ensure safe escape through emergency exits from for fire fighters and emergency responders during search and rescue operations.
that room, without taking into account the smoke protection and firefighting facilities Buildings shall be designed and constructed to reasonably protect adjacent
present in this room. persons and buildings from injury, death, or substantial damage as a
result of a fire.
The protection of escape routes outside the scope of the room must be taken into
account according to the conditions of ensuring safe escape for people, taking into Buildings shall be designed and constructed to provide reasonable access

account the fire danger according to the function of the rooms on the escape route. The to the building for emergency responders.
number of escapees, the refractory step and structural fire hazard class of the house, Safety from Structural Failure.
the number of emergency exits from one floor and from the entire house.* Safety from Structural Failure Goals. The safety from
structural failure goals
In rooms and on escape routes outside the scope of the room, the fire danger of building

of this Code are to provide a high confidence of a low probability of

structural failure
materials belonging to the structural surface layers (finishes and cladding) must be

resulting in local or global collapse, or the creation of falling debris

hazards that could
limited depending on the fire danger according to the function of the room and house,

threaten life under any load or combination of loads that the structure
could reasonably
taking into account other solutions to protect the escape route.
be anticipated to experience, and to provide a high confidence that the
struc ture will

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3.1.5 When arranging escapes from rooms and houses, measures and means used for be capable of resisting regularly occurring loads and combinations of loads without
rescue shall not be taken into account, as well as exits that do not meet the exit significant damage or degrada tion.
requirements specified in 3.2.1. Safety from Structural Failure Objectives.
3.1.6 Class A or Class B F5 rooms are not allowed under rooms used for more than 50
people present at the same time; these F5 group rooms are not allowed in basements* Buildings shall be designed and constructed to withstand the loads
specified in Chapter 35 or, for existing buildings, Chapter 15, without damage or
and semi-basements.
excessive deforma tion or deflection.
F1.1, F1.2 and F1.3 group rooms are not allowed in basements and semi-basements.* Buildings and their components shall be designed and
constructed such
3.1.7 In houses with 2 to 3 basements, smoking rooms, supermarkets and commercial

that there is a low likelihood of failure under the extreme levels of live,
earthquake, rain,
centers, eateries, refreshment bars and other public rooms deeper than basement 1 are flood, ice, impact, soil and hydrostatic pressure, snow, and wind loads that are

documents applied and authorized by state management agencies Consent as

stipulated in 1.1.10. Buildings and building components shall be designed and
constructed to
For hospitals and high schools, only the layout of main functions from semi-basement or reasonably protect pedestrians and persons in adjacent buildings or structures from
basement 1 (in the absence of semi-basement) or higher is allowed. Basement 1 is the injury or death as a result of a structural failure.
top basement or immediately adjacent to the semi-
basement. Safety During Building Use.
On all basement floors, there must be at least 1 entrance to the escape staircase
chamber through a smoke barrier separated from surrounding spaces by a Class 2 fire* Safety During Building Use Goal. The safety during building use goal of this

Code is to provide an environment for the occupants of the building

that is reasonably
wall. The doors must be of a self-closing type.
safe during the normal use of the building.
3.1.8 To ensure safe escape, fire detection and fire alarm must be
carried out in a timely
manner. Safety During Building Use Objectives.
3.1.9 In order to protect escapees, smoke must be protected against entering the escape Buildings shall be designed and
constructed to reduce the probability of
routes of houses and parts of houses. death or injury to occupants from falls during normal use.

The basic requirements for smoke alarms for houses are set out in Buildings shall be designed and constructed to provide for
Appendix D.
reasonably safe
3.1.10 The electrical equipment of the home's fire protection system shall be given crowd movement during emer gency and nonemergency conditions.
priority power from two independent sources (one mains power
source to the other Buildings shall be designed and constructed to provide
reasonable safety
backup generator source).
for occupants and workers during construction and demolition.

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NOTE: For electrical equipment with its own backup power (e.g. diesel pump, fire cabinet Buildings shall be designed and constructed to provide reasonable
with backup battery), only one mains power source is required, but this separate backup notification to occupants of emergency situations. source must ensure
normal operation when there is a fire. Buildings shall be designed and constructed to provide
reasonable signage
3.1.11 The effectiveness of solutions to ensure the safety of people in the event of fire to identify hazards, means of egress, and other building safety features.
can be evaluated by calculation. Buildings shall be designed and constructed to provide
reasonable safety
from occupants coming into contact with glazing or similar frangible
materials during normal use of the building. Safety from Hazardous Materials. Facilities containing high

hazard contents
shall have the goal of protecting people and property from the
consequences of
unauthorized discharges, fires, and explosions involving hazardous
materials. Designs
shall minimize the risk of such events and shall mini mize the
consequences of such
events if they occur. In buildings under construction, adequate escape facilities shall

be maintained
at all times for the use of construction workers. Escape facilities shall
consist of doors,
walkways, stairs, ramps, fire escapes, ladders, or other approved means
or devices
arranged in accordance with the general principles of the Code, insofar
as they can
reasonably be applied to buildings under construction.

11.2.8* Fire Escape Stairs. Fire escape stairs shall not consti tute any
of the required
means of egress.
11.2.9 Fire Escape Ladders. General. Fire escape ladders complying with and shall be
permitted in the means of egress only where providing one of the

(1) Second means of egress from storage elevators as permit ted in


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3.2 Emergency exits and exits

3.2.1 Exits are considered emergency exits if they

a)Lead from rooms on the 1st floor to the outside in one of the

following ways: - Go out in person;

- Through the corridor;

- Through the foyer (or lounge);

Northbrook, IL 6006 USA Lock elevator lobby doors. In addition to newly
(2) Means of egress from towers and elevated platforms around
constructed high-rise buildings, locks conforming to must
machinery or similar spaces subject to occupancy not to exceed three
be allowed.
persons who are all capable of using the ladder

(3) Secondary means of egress from boiler rooms or similar spaces subject
to occupancy not to exceed three persons who are all capable of using the 4.4.3 Means of Egress.

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11.2.10* Slide Escapes. General. A slide escape shall be permitted as a component in a means of

egress where permitted in Chapters 15 through 31 and 33 through 34. Each slide escape shall be of an approved type. Capacity. Slide escapes, where permitted as required means of egress,

shall be rated at a capacity of 60 persons. Slide escapes shall not constitute more than 25 percent of the
required egress capacity from any building or structure or any individual
story thereof, unless otherwise provided for industrial occupancies in

33.2 Means of Egress Requirements.

33.2.2 Doors.
- Through the staircase Number of Means of Egress. Two means of egress, as a
- Through corridors and foyer (or minimum, shall be provided in every building or structure, section,
lounge); - Through corridors and and area where size, occupancy, and arrangement endanger
b) Lead from rooms of any floor, except the 1st floor, to one of the occupants attempting to use a single means of egress that is blocked
following places:
- Directly to the staircase or to the category 3 by fire or smoke. The two means of egress shall be arranged to
minimize the possibility that both might be rendered impassable by
the same emergency condition. Unobstructed Egress. In every occupied building or structure, means of

- Access the corridor leading directly to the staircase chamber or to the category 3 egress from all parts of the building shall be maintained free and unobstructed. Means

staircase; of egress shall be accessible to the extent necessary to ensure

reasonable safety for occupants with impaired mobility.
- Access to a shared room (or lounge) with direct access to the staircase or to a category
3 staircase; Awareness of Egress System. Every exit shall be clearly
visible, or the route
to reach every exit shall be conspicuously indicated. Each means of
egress, in its
- Enter the side corridor of the house with a fire protection height of less than 28 m

entirety, shall be arranged or marked so that the way to a place of safety

is indicated
in a clear manner.
- Go to the roof with exploitation, or to a separate area of the roof Lighting. Where artificial illumination is needed in a
leading to the type 3 staircase. building or structure, egress facilities shall be included in the
lighting design.
c) Leading into an adjacent room (except F5 class A or B) on the same floor from which
there are exits as mentioned in 3.2.1 a, b). An exit leading to a class A or B room is 4.4.4* Occupant Notification. In every building or
structure of such size, arrangement, allowed to be considered an emergency exit if it leads from an unoccupied technical or occupancy that
a fire itself might not provide adequate occupant warning, fire alarm
systems shall be provided where necessary to warn occupants of the
room that is used to serve the above-mentioned Class A or B rooms. existence of fire.
d) Exits meeting the provisions of 3.2.2 and other emergency exits 4.4.5* Situation Awareness. Systems used to achieve the goals of
specified in this Section 4.1 shall
be effective in facilitating and enhancing situation awareness, as
Regulation. appropriate, by
building management, other occupants, and emergency responders of the functional
NOTE: In the case of using a type 3 staircase for escape, an escape calculation is
ity or state of critical building systems, the conditions that might
required in accordance with Appendix G. warrant emergency
3.2.2 Exits from basements and semi-basements are, in principle, response, and the appropriate nature and timing of such responses.
emergency exits
when they exit directly and are separated from the common staircase chambers of the 4.4.6 Vertical Openings. Every vertical opening
between the floors of a building shall
be suitably enclosed or protected, as necessary, to provide the
house (see Figure I.1, Appendix I). following:
The following exits are also considered emergency exits:

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(a)Exits from basements passing through common staircase chambers with separate (1) Reasonable safety to occupants while using the means of egress by preventing
entrances to the outside shall be separated from the rest of the staircase chambers by a spread of fire, smoke, or fumes through vertical openings from floor to floor to allow
class 1 fire barrier (see Figure I.2, Appendix I); occupants to complete their use of the means
of egress
b) Exits from basements and semi-basements with rooms C1 to C4, D and E, access to (2) Limitation of damage to the building and its contents 4.4.7 System rooms C1
to C4, D and E and foyer located on the first floor of F5 group house;
Design/Installation. Any fire protection system, building service
equipment, feature of
c) Exits from waiting rooms, locker rooms, smoking rooms and restrooms in basements fire protection, or safe guard provided to achieve the
goals of this Code shall be
or semi-basements of group houses F2, F3 and F4 enter the foyer of the first floor by designed, installed, and approved in accordance with
appropriate codes and
private staircases of type 2. In this case, the following requirements must be met: standards.
- The foyer shall be separated from adjacent corridors and rooms by fire partitions not 4.4.8
Limiting Fire Spread. less than class 1;
- Rooms on the 1st floor and upper floors must have escape routes that do not pass Interior Finishes. The interior surfaces of the building shall not contribute to
an unacceptable rate and magnitude of fire spread and generation of
heat and smoke.
through this foyer (except for rooms located in the foyer);
-Finishing materials for waiting rooms, locker rooms, smoking rooms and restrooms on Concealed Spaces. The construction of concealed spaces shall not contribute
basements or semi-basements must meet the requirements for common rooms as per to an unacceptable rate of the spread of fire, hot gases, and smoke to areas of the

building remote from the fire source and shall limit their spread
d) Hinged revolving doors on doors for rail or beyond the immediate
road B;
area of the origin of the fire.
The locker room must have an emergency exit number that satisfies the requirements of
this Regulation, excluding the emergency exit according to the class 2 staircase Compartmentation. The building shall be
compart mented, as appropriate, by
mentioned above.
walls and floors, including their associated openings with proper
closures, to limit the
spread of fire, hot gases, and smoke to an acceptable area beyond
the immediate area of fire origin.
It is permissible to arrange buffer compartments at the exit directly
from the house, from
4.4.9 Structural Integrity. The building's structural members and
the basement and semi-basement. assemblies shall be
provided with the appropriate degree of fire resistance to limit
structural damage to an
3.2.3 Exits that are not considered emergency exits mentioned above this exit have
acceptable level and to limit damage to the building and its contents and to adjacent
doors with sliding or folding openings, rolling doors,
buildings and property.
Doors with open wings (hinged doors) located in the doors
aforementioned are 4.4.10 Maintenance. Whenever or wherever any device, equip
considered emergency exits if designed in accordance with regulatory ment, system,
condition, arrangement, or level of protection, or any other feature,
is required for
3.2.4 The number and width of exits from rooms, floors and houses shall be determinedcompliance with the provi sions of this Code, such device, equipment, system,

according to the maximum number of escapees that can pass through them and the

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distance allowed from the furthest possible occupancy (living, working) to the nearest condition, arrangement, level of protection, or other
feature shall there after be emergency exit.
maintained, unless the Code exempts such
Note 1 to entry: The greatest number of survivors from different
spaces of houses or
sections of houses is determined according to G.3, Appendix G
Note 2 to entry: In addition to the general requirements set out in this Regulation, specific
Chapter 11 Means of Egress
requirements for the number and width of emergency exits are outlined in
standard 11.1 General. 11.1.1* Application. Means of egress for buildings shall comply
documents for each type of building. Appendix G sets out some with this chapter.
specific provisions for common house groups.

Parts of houses with different functions and divided by fire prevention units must have 11.2 Means of Egress Component
independent emergency exits, except for the cases specified in this
Regulation. 11.
The parts of the house have different functions and are divided by fire 3Capacity of Means of Egress
components into fire compartments in the house with many functions,
there must be 11.4 Number of Means of Egress
separate emergency exits from each floor. No more than 50% of the
emergency exits
leading into the adjacent fire compartment (except for the emergency exit Arrangement of Means of
leading into 11.5 Egress
the group F5 fire compartment). Particularly, the F5 group house must Measurement of Travel
have its own 11.6 Distance to Exit
emergency exit. 11.11 Special Provisions for Occupancies with High
11. Contents
3.2.5 The following rooms shall have no less than two emergency 7Discharge from Exits
11. Illumination of Means of
8 Egress
a) F1.1 group rooms with more than 15 people present;
b) Rooms in basements and semi-basements with more than 15 people present; Rooms 11.9 Emergency Lightin
in basements and semi-basements where 6 to 15 persons are present simultaneously
shall allow either exit as an emergency exit in accordance with the requirements of 11.10 Marking of Means of Egress
paragraph d) of 3.2.13;

c) Rooms with the simultaneous presence of 50 or more people;

d) Rooms (except F5 rooms) with less than 50 people simultaneously present (including
the upper audience floor or auditorium balcony) with the distance along the passage from
the farthest occupied place to the emergency exit exceeding 25 m. When there are
escape routes through the room under consideration from adjacent rooms with more
than 5 people present in each adjacent room, the above distance must include the length
of the escape route for people from adjacent rooms;

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(e) Rooms with a total number of persons present in them and in
adjacent rooms with emergency exits only enter the room under
consideration of 50 or more persons;
f)Class A or B F5 rooms where the number of people working in the
largest shift is greater than 5 people, Grade C - when the number of
people working in the largest shift is greater than 25 people or the t

area is greater than 1,000 m2;

g) Open working floors and floors for operators and g

maintenance of equipment in rooms of group F5 with an area greater r

than 100 m 2 - for rooms of grades A and B or greater than 400 m 2 - e
for rooms of other grades. a
If a room must have 2 or more emergency exits, no more than 50% of t
the number of emergency exits of that room is allowed to pass e
through an adjacent room, provided that such adjacent room must
also have an emergency exit in compliance with the provisions of this
Regulation and corresponding standard documents for that room.
3.2.6 Number of emergency exits of the floor
h The following floors shall have no less than two emergency exits: a
a) The floors of houses belonging to groups F1.1; F1.2; F2.1; F2.2; F3; F4; n
b)Floors with the number of people at least 50;

c)Floors of group houses F1.3 when the total area of apartments on one floor is greater 1
than 500 m (for monolithic houses, the area per floor of the unit is 5
calculated). Where the total area of apartments on one floor is less
than or equal to 500 m 2 and when
there is only one emergency exit from one floor, from each apartment at a
in addition to the emergency exit, there must be an emergency exit as
prescribed in 3.2.13;

d) Floors of F5, Grade A or B houses when the number of

people working in the largest shift is greater than 5 people, Grade C
when the number of people working in the largest shift is greater than
25 people;

e)Basements and semi-basements with an area greater than 300 m 2 or

used for more than 15 people present at the same time.

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w An emergency exit exit shall be permitted in the following
cases (except for houses with refractory step V):

a)From each floor (or from a part of the floor separated from other
parts of the floor by fire suppression elements) there is a fire hazard
group according to functions F1.2, F1.4, F2 (except nightclubs,
discos, bars, theaters, karaoke businesses; and similar service
providers), F3, F4.2, F4.3 and F4.4, when the following conditions
are simultaneously satisfied:

- For houses with a fire protection height of not more than 15 m, the
area of each floor under consideration must not be greater than 300 m
2. For houses with fire protection
height from over 15 m to 21 m, the area of each floor under
consideration must not be greater than 200 m2;
-The whole house is protected by sprinkler automatic fire extinguishing system;

-The largest number of people on each floor does not exceed 20 people;

-For houses with more than 3 floors or fire protection height greater
than 9 m: equipped with type 2 fire doors on the emergency exit from
each floor to the escape staircase chamber.

- For houses with 3 floors or less or fire protection height of 9 m or

less: class 2 stairs may be used to replace the above-mentioned stairs
when ensuring conditions that people in the house can escape to open
balconies or open terraces when there is a fire (except for villas,
villas, resort establishments according to separate regulations below).

NOTE: An open balcony or open terrace means open to the outdoors

and the covering unit (if any) must ensure easy escape and rescue
hen approaching firefighters.

For villas, villas and resort establishments not exceeding 3 floors of

group F1.2, it is permissible to replace the above-mentioned types of
stairs with class 2 stairs, when the following conditions are
simultaneously met:

- The area of each floor must not exceed 200 m2, the fire protection
height must not exceed 9 m and the total number of users must not
exceed 15 people;

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The home has at least one direct exit exit to or to the category 3 staircase;
To exit by type 2 stairs, just go up or down up to 1 floor. In case you
have to go down to 2 floors to get out, each room that can be used for
sleeping must have no less than one window located at a height of not
more than 1 m above the floor and have a direct exit to the corridor or
common room with balcony door. The elevation for placing the
above-mentioned windows and balconies should not be more than 7 h
m from the ground. Where these windows and balconies are placed at e
a height exceeding 7 m to a maximum of 9 m, each window and
balcony must be equipped with additional emergency escape f
equipment to ensure safe escape of people from above (e.g. metal l
ladders, rope ladder); o

b) From technical floors or areas to technical equipment with an o

area not exceeding 300 m2. In case the floor has the above technical r
area, for every remaining 2,000 m s
2 area, no less than one emergency exit must be arranged (in case the
remaining area is less than 2,000 m 2, no less than one emergency o
exit must be arranged). If the technical floor or technical area is f
located in the basement, then the emergency exit must be separate
from the other exits of the house and exit directly out. If the technical g
floor or technical area is located on the above-ground floors, it is r

permissible to arrange exits through common staircase chambers, and o

for houses with N1 staircase chambers - passing through the buffer u

space of the NT staircase chamber; p

F1.3 houses with the total area of apartments on that floor (for houses
with monoliths, the floor area in the unit) from over 500 m 2 to 550
m2 and:
When the elevation of the top floor does not exceed 28 m - the
emergency exit from the floor under consideration enters the ordinary
staircase chamber, provided that each apartment is equipped with an
addressable fire detector;

When the elevation of the top floor is greater than 28 m - the

emergency exit from the floor under consideration enters a staircase
chamber free of N1 smoke provided that all rooms in the apartment
(except toilets, bathrooms and annexes) are equipped with
addressable fire detectors or automatic fire extinguishing devices.

For F1.3 group houses with fire protection height from over 28 m to
50 m and total area of apartments on each floor up to 500 m 2, it is
permissible to replace the N1 staircase

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with a N2 staircase chamber, when the following conditions are 3
simultaneously met: 1) Entrance to the staircase chamber from all .
floors, including the passage between the staircase and the foyer, 2
there must be a fire buffer compartment with positive pressure when .
there is a fire; 2) have one of the elevators of the house that is 8
intended for transporting firefighters; 3) All rooms in the apartment
(except toilets, bathrooms and annexes) are equipped with W
addressable fire alarms or automatic fire extinguishing systems; 4) h
The house is equipped with a fire alarm sound system (allowing e
arrangement in common corridors between apartments). n
NOTE: The apartment area includes both balcony and (or) loggia.

d) From floors (or parts of floors separated from other parts of t

floors by fire suppression elements) belonging to fire danger class h

according to function F4.1, when the following conditions are e

simultaneously satisfied: r
- The building has a fire protection height of not more than 9 m, the
floor area under consideration does not exceed 300 m2;
-The floor under consideration has a side corridor leading to a type 2
open staircase or staircase chamber, group rooms F4.1 have doors to
this side corridor.

3.2.7 The number of emergency exits from one floor shall not be t
less than two if this floor contains at least one room requiring the w
number of emergency exits not less than two. o
The number of emergency exits from a house must not be less than
the number of emergency exits from any floor of that house. o
r more exits, they shall be dispersed, and when calculating the escape
capacity of the exits, it should be assumed that the fire has prevented
the user from escaping through one of them. The remaining exits
shall ensure the possibility of safe escape for all persons in that room,
floor, or house (see Figure I.3).

When a room, part of a house or a floor of a house requires 2 or more

emergency exits, at least two of those exits must be arranged
dispersed, spaced at a distance equal to or greater than half the length
of the largest diagonal of the room plan, that part of the

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house or floor. The distance between the two exits is measured in t
straight lines connecting their two nearest edges (see Figure I.4 a), b), a

c)). k
If the house is fully protected by the Sprinkler automatic fire
extinguishing system, this distance can be reduced to 1/3 of the
maximum diagonal length of the premises of the above rooms (see
Figure I.4 d)).
When there are two escape ladder chambers connected by an inner
corridor, the distance between the two exits (the entrance to the
escape staircase) is measured along the path of movement along that
corridor (see Figure I.5). This corridor shall be protected in
accordance with 3.3.5.
3.2.9 The clearance height of the emergency exit must not be less
than 1.9 m, the width of the exit must not be less than:
- 1.2 m - from rooms of group F1.1 when the number of escapees is u
greater than 15 people, from rooms and houses belonging to other fire n
danger groups where the number of escapees is greater than 50 t
people, except for group F1.3;

-0.8 m - in all remaining cases. s

The width of the doors to the outside of the staircase chamber as well o

as of the doors going from the staircase to the hall shall not be less
than the calculated value or width of the ladder plate specified in a

3.4.1. s

In all cases, when determining the width of an emergency exit, the

geometry of the escape route through the door hole or door must be
ot to impede the transportation of ambulance stretchers on which
occupants are located.

If a double-wing door is used on the emergency exit, the width of the

exit exit shall only be taken as the width of the passage through the
open wing, not allowed to be calculated on the closed wing or fixed
wing. Two-wing doors must be fitted with a self-closing mechanism
so that the wings are closed one after another.

In houses with a fire protection height greater than 28 m (except F1.3

and F1.4 group houses), emergency exits from common corridors on
each floor, from common halls, waiting rooms, foyers, staircase
chambers (except for direct outdoor exit doors), must be fire doors
with a fire resistance limit not lower than El 30.

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3.2.10 The doors of the emergency exit and other doors on the
escape route shall be opened in the direction of the exit from the
house to the outside.
The opening direction of the doors is not specified for: i
-Group rooms F1.3 and F1.4; f
- Rooms with a simultaneous presence of no more than 15 people, i

except for Grade A or B rooms; e

-Warehouse rooms with an area not larger than 200 m2 and without regular workers;
-Toilet stalls;
-Exits leading into the stairs of category 3 staircases. e
3.2.11 The doors of emergency exits from floor corridors, common p
spaces, lounges, lobbies and staircase chambers shall open freely a
from the inside without keys. In houses with a fire protection height r
greater than 15 m, the aforementioned doors, except for the doors of a
apartments, must be solid doors or doors with tempered glass. t

The doors of emergency exits from areas (rooms or corridors) e

protected from forced smoke must be solid doors equipped with self- l

closing mechanisms and door slots must be sealed. If these doors y

need to be left open when in use, they must be equipped with a ,

mechanism that automatically closes when there is a fire.

For staircase chambers, the doors must have a self-closing
mechanism and the door slot must be inserted. The doors in the
staircase chamber open directly outward, allowing no self-closing
mechanism and no need to seal the door slot. Except for the cases
oor of the staircase must be a class 1 fire door for houses with
refractory steps I and II; type 2 for houses with refractory steps III
and IV; and category 3 for homes with refractory step V.

In addition to the provisions mentioned separately, the doors of

emergency exits from floor corridors to stairs serving 4 floors or more
(except in houses for the purpose of detention and rehabilitation)
must ensure:

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a) All electric locks installed on doors must open automatically when N

the building's automatic fire alarm system is activated. As soon as the O

power goes out, those electric locks must also open automatically; T
b) The user of the staircase can always return to the inside of the
house through the door itself or through the points where the door is

arranged to return to the inside of the house; F

c) Pre-arrangement of return points inside the house according o
to the principle that doors are only allowed to prevent the return to the r
interior if all of the following requirements are met:

- There are no less than two floors where it is possible to exit the d
staircase to another emergency exit;
-There are no more than 4 floors between floors that can be walked
out of the stairs to another emergency exit;
-Return to the interior of the house must be possible on the top or
lower floors adjacent to the top floor served by the escape staircase if t
this floor allows access to another emergency exit; h
- Doors allowing return to the interior of the house must be marked on a
the door inside the staircase with the words "DOORS ACCESSIBLE t
INDOORS" with a height of at least 50 mm, a layout height not lower
than 1.2 m and not higher than 1.8 m; d

-Doors that do not allow return to the inside of the house must have a o

notice on the door inside the staircase to identify the position of the
door back inside the house or the nearest emergency exit in each
direction of travel.
t allow return to the inside of the house, there should be a sign on the
side of the door on the indoor hallway (outside the staircase) warning
the user that the user cannot return to the inside of the house when
they pass through that door.

3.2.12 Exits that do not meet the requirements for emergency exits
may be considered emergency exits to increase the level of safety for
persons in the event of a fire. All

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emergency exits, including the emergency exits at 3.2.13, are not d
included in the fire escape calculation. o
3.2.13 In addition to the case mentioned in 3.2.12, emergency exits include:
a)Exit to a balcony or loggia, in which there is a solid wall with a
width of not less than 1.2 m from the edge of the balcony (loggia) to
the window pane (or glazed door) or not less than 1.6 m between the
glass windows opening to the balcony (loggia). The balcony or loggia
must have a width of not less than 0.6 m, ensure natural ventilation
and be separated from the room by partitions (with door openings)
from floor to ceiling. It is permissible to replace the above-mentioned
solid wall with glass walls with a fire resistance limit not lower than
El 30 or El 15 depending on the fire resistance limit of the outdoor e

wall; s
b)The exit leads into an open relay passage (bridge) outside, whose
width is not less than 0.6 m, leading to an adjacent fire compartment
or to an adjacent fire compartment. Do not allow the placement of
covering structures/components that interfere with the movement of
c) The exit to a balcony or loggia with a width of not less than
0.6 m, in which an external ladder connecting balconies or loggias is
equipped with floors, or with a lid door on the floor of the balcony or
loggia, with dimensions of at least 0.6 x 0.8 m, which can be opened
to the balcony or loggia downstairs;

d) Direct external entrance from rooms with a finished floor m

height not lower than minus 4.5 m and not higher than 5.0 m through
windows or doors not less than 0.75 m x 1.5 m, as well as through lid
x 0.8 m; then at these exits must be equipped with climbing ladders;
the slope of these climbing ladders is not regulated;

(e) The roof exit of houses with refractory steps I, II and III of
grades S0 and S1 through windows, doors or lid doors with
dimensions and climbing ladders specified in paragraph d) of this

3.2.14 In the technical floors, it is permissible to arrange emergency

exits with a height of not less than 1.8 m.

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From technical floors used only for laying works technical networks
(pipelines, lines and similar objects) it is permissible to arrange
emergency exits through doors with dimensions not less than 0.75 m
x 1.5 m or through lid doors with dimensions not less than 0.6 m x
0.8 m without arranging emergency exits.

In technical basement floors, these exits must be separated from other

exits of the house and lead directly to the outside.

3.3 Escape route

3.3.1 Escape routes shall be illuminated and indicated in accordance

with the requirements of TCVN 3890.

3.3.2 The permissible distance limit from the furthest location of the
room, or from the furthest workplace to the nearest emergency exit,
measured along the axis of the escape route, shall be limited
depending on:

- Fire hazard class by function and fire hazard class (see Appendix C)
of rooms and houses;

-Number of survivors;

-The geometric parameters of the room and the escape route;

-Structural fire hazard class and refractory step of the house.

The length of the escape route along the class 2 staircase is equal to
three times the height of that ladder.

NOTE: Specific requirements for the distance limit allowed from the
farthest location to the nearest emergency exit are stated in the
regulations for each type of building. Some specific provisions for
ommon house groups are in Appendix G.

3.3.3 When arranging and designing escape routes, they must be

based on the requirements in 3.2.1. Escape routes do not include
elevators, escalators and road sections mentioned below:

- Roads passing through inner corridors with exit from elevator wells,

through elevator halls and buffer compartments in front of elevators,

if the structures covering the elevator

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well, including elevator well doors, do not meet the requirements as r
for fire prevention units; o
-The path through the staircase chambers when there is a passage
through the staircase that is part of the inner corridor, as well as the
path through the room where the class 2 staircase is located, which is
not a staircase for escape;
-Roof paths, except for the roof being used or part of the roof fitted f
specifically for escape purposes;

-The road follows the stairs of type 2, connecting from 3 floors a

(floors) or more, as well as leading from basements and semi-
basements, except for specific cases of escape by stairs type 2 h

mentioned in 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.6. o

3.3.4 Finishing materials, wall and ceiling decoration (including
suspended ceiling panels if any), tiling materials, floor covering
materials on the escape route comply with the requirements in Degree
B.8, Appendix B.
3.3.5 In the corridors on the emergency exits mentioned in 3.2.1, i
except for cases in particular in the regulations, the arrangement is t
not allowed: equipment protruding from the plane of the wall at a h
height of less than 2 m; pipes when burning and pipes for
combustible liquids, as well as wall cabinets, except for r
communication cabinets and fire hydrant cabinets. e

Corridors, halls and common rooms on the escape route must be f

covered with fire prevention elements in accordance with regulations r

for each type of building The fire prevention unit covering the escape a
ctory step I must be made of non-combustible materials with a fire
resistance limit of at least El 30, and of houses with refractory steps
II, III, IV must be made of non-combustible or weakly burning
material (Ch1) with a fire resistance limit of at least El 15.
Particularly houses with refractory steps II of fire and explosion
hazard classes D and E (see Appendix C) can cover the corridor with
glass walls. The doors opening into the corridor must be fire doors
with a fire resistance limit not lower than the fire resistance limit of
the fire prevention element.

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Corridors longer than 60 m shall be divided by class 2 fire partitions
into sections whose length is determined according to the smoke
protection requirements set out in Annex D, but shall not exceed 60
m. The doors in these fire bulkheads shall conform to the a

requirements in 3.2.11. n
When the doors of the open room protrude into the corridor, the width
of the escape route along the corridor is taken as the width of the
passage minus the passage:
- Half the width of the small exit of the door (calculated for the most s
small door) - when the door is arranged on one side of the corridor; e
Both the width of the protrusion of the door (calculated for the most ,
protruding doors) - when the doors are arranged on both sides of the
corridor. This requirement does not apply to the floor corridor t
(common hall) located between the exit from the apartment and the h
exit to the staircase chamber in F1.3 group house units. e

3.3.6 The clearance height of horizontal sections of the escape

route must not be less than 2 m, the width of the horizontal sections e

of the escape route and ramps must not be less than: s

- 1.2 m - for common corridors used to escape more than 15 people
from F1 group rooms, more than 50 people - from rooms belonging to
other fire danger groups.
-0.7 m - for paths to single workplaces.

-1.0 m - in all remaining cases. r

utes must be wide enough, taking into account their geometry, so as
not to interfere with the transportation of ambulance stretchers with
people lying on them.

3.3.7 There shall be no level jerks with a height difference of less

than 45 cm or raised ledges on the floor, except for thresholds in
doorways. At places where there is a level jerk, a ladder with the
number of steps not less than 3 or a ramp with a slope not greater than
1:6 (the height difference must not exceed 10 cm on a length of 60
cm or the angle created by the ramp with the ground not greater than

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When making steps in places with a height difference of more than 45 cm, handrails
must be arranged.

Except for the cases specified separately in 3.4.4, the arrangement of spiral stairs, fully
or partially curved staircases according to the plan and within one staircase and one
staircase chamber is not allowed to arrange steps of different heights and widths of
different steps. On the way out, mirrors are not arranged, causing confusion about the
escape route.

3.4 Stairs and staircase chambers on the escape route 33.3.3 Exit Stair
3.4.1 The width of the staircase used for escaping persons, including the staircase All vertical exit stair enclosures serving the high-rise portion of the building
- 1.35 m - for group houses located in the staircase chamber, shall not be less than the calculated width or width of shall be
F1.1; smokeproof enclosures in accordance with 11.2.3. any emergency exit (door) on it, and shall not be less than: Stair enclosures 75 ft (23 m) or more in height shall include

fire doors tested under positive pressure, with the neutral plane at 40
in. (1015 mm) in accordance with
- 1.2 m - for houses where the number of people on any floor, except the first
floor, is NFPA 252. greater than 200 people;
-0.7 m - for stairs leading to single workplaces;
- 0.9slope (inclined
m - for root) ofcases.
all remaining the open stairs to single workplaces allows
an increase of up to 2:1 (63.5°). 3.4.2 The slope (angle of inclination) of the stairs
on the escape routes shall not be General. Stairs used as a component in the means of egress, other than aisle greater than 1:1 (45°); the width of the step must not be
less than 25 cm except for stairs stairs in assembly occupancies as otherwise provided in Chapter 16, shall conform to outside the house, while the height of the steps must not be greater than 22 cm and not the
general requirements of Section 11.1 and to the special requirements of 11.2.2. less than 5 cm. Dimensional Criteria. Standard Stairs. Dimensional criteria for stairs, other than stairs for
industrial equipment access as otherwise provided in, shall be
in accordance
It is permissible to reduce the width of the terrace of the welcoming curved staircase with Table
(usually located in the lobby of the 1st floor) in the narrow part up to 22 cm; It is
permissible to reduce the width of the terrace by up to 12 cm for stairs leading to technical* Minimum Stair Width. (See also
floors, attic floors, roofs not in use, as well as only for rooms with a total number of
workspaces not exceeding 5 people (except for F5 class A or B group rooms).

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Class 3 staircases shall be made of non-combustible materials (except for houses with (A) Where the total occupant load of all stories served by the stair is fewer than 50, the

refractory step V) and placed close to solid sections (without window panes or light holes) minimum width clear of all obstruc tions, except projections not more than 41∕2 in.
of walls with fire hazard class not lower than K1 and a fire resistance limit not lower than (114 mm) at or below handrail height on each side, shall be 36 in. (915
mm). REI 30 or El 30 (no fire resistance limit of solid sections is specified this of the wall for

houses with refractory steps V). These stairs must have a staircase located at the same (B)* Where a stair serves an occupant load
exceeding that permitted by height as the emergency exit, have a railing 1.2 m high and be located not less than 1.0, the
minimum width clear of all obstructions, except projections not m from the window hole. It is permissible to replace solid parts of walls
with glass walls more than 41∕2 in. (114 mm) at or below handrail height on each side, shall be in with a fire resistance limit not lower than
El 30. There is no fire resistance limit for the accordance with Table and the requirements of, (D), holes leading from the corridor to the
projection of the ladder, as well as leading from the and (E). rooms, but this type 3 staircase is only used to escape those rooms.
(C) The total cumulative occupant load assigned to a particu lar stair
shall be that
Category 2 stairs must meet the regulatory requirements for stairs and projections in the stair’s prorated share of the total occupant load, as stipulated in and
staircase chamber., calcu lated in proportion to the stair width.
3.4.3 The width of the staircase projection shall not be less than the width of the ladder.
The width of the ladder projection in front of the elevator entrance (projecting the elevator (D) For downward egress travel, stair width shall be based on the total number of
at the same time as the lobby of the elevator) for an elevator with a hinged door opening, occupants from stories above the level where the width is measured.
must not be less than the total width of the elevator and half the width of the elevator (E) For upward egress travel, stair width shall be based on the total number of door,
but not less than 1.6 m.
occupants from stories below the level where the width is measured.
Intermediate projections in a straight staircase must be not less than 1.0 m in length.
(F) The clear width of door openings discharging from stair ways
required to be a
Doors with doors that open into the staircase chamber shall, when opened, must not minimum of 56 in. (1420 mm) wide in accordance with shall be in reduce
the calculated width of the ladder mats and ladder plates.
accordance with
3.4.4 In houses belonging to fire danger class according to function
F4, it is permissible to arrange curved stairs on the escape route when
11.2.3 Smokeproof Enclosures.
all the following conditions are met: General. Where smokeproof enclosures are required in
-The height of the ladder must not exceed 9.0 m;
other sections of this Code, they shall comply with 11.2.3.
-The width of the ladder conforms to the provisions of this

-The smallest radius of curvature is not less than 2 times the width of
the ladder; Performance Design. An appropriate design method shall be
- The height of the neck is between 150 mm and 190 mm; used to provide
a system that meets the definition of smokeproof enclosure
- The inner width of the step (measured 270 mm from the smallest end of the step) is not Smokeproof Enclosure). The smokeproof enclosure shall be permitted to be created
less than 220 mm;

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- The width measured in the middle of the length of the step face is not less than 250 by using natural ventilation, by using mechanical ventilation incorporating a vestibule,
or by pressurizing the
- The outer width of the step (measured 270 mm from the largest end of the step) is not

more than 450 mm; Vestibule.
- The sum of 2 times the height of the step neck with the inner width of
the step face not
less than 480 mm and with the outer width of the step face not greater Discharge.
than 800 mm.
3.4.5 Stairs and buffer compartments (if any) are not allowed: Access. Natural
- Combustible gas pipes and combustible liquids; Ventilation.
- Wall cabinets, except for communication cabinets and cabinets containing fire hydrants; Mechanical Ventilation.
- Open cables and wires (except wires for low-current electrical equipment and wires for Enclosure Pressurization.
lighting corridors and staircase chambers); Emergency Power Supply
System Activation of Mechanical Ventilation and
Pressurized Enclosure
- Exits from loading lifts and lifting equipment;
-Exits to warehouse rooms or technical rooms;
-Devices protruding from the wall surface at a height of less than 2.2 m from the surface Door Leaf Closers.
of the steps and ladder projections.

In the space of the escape staircase chambers and fire buffer compartments there is a
positive air pressure in the presence of fire, not allowing the placement of any functional

3.4.6 In the space of staircase chambers, except smoke-free elevators, no more than
two elevators waiting for people to descend are allowed only to the 1st floor with
structures covering ladder wells made from non-combustible materials.

Elevator wells are located outside the house, if it is necessary to cover, structures made
from non-combustible materials must be used.
3.4.7 Staircase chambers, except as specifically provided in this Regulation, shall have
direct access to the property adjacent to the house or through the foyer separated from

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corridors and rooms contiguous by Class 1 fire partitions with doors W
with self-closing mechanisms and door slots must be inserted. i

When arranging emergency exits from two or more staircase t

chambers through the common foyer, the staircase chambers (except h

for one of them) must have doors to the outside directly except for the
exit leading to the lobby. In cases where there is only one staircase t
leading into the foyer, this staircase chamber must have direct exit. h

It is permissible to arrange emergency exits from two staircase e

chambers through the common foyer for houses with a fire protection
height of less than 28 m, an area of each floor not exceeding 300 m 2, e
with the largest number of users on each floor according to the x
approved design, when the design does not specify this value, the c
maximum number of people is calculated as the ratio between the
floor area of the room, floor or house divided by the floor space
coefficient (m2/person) specified in Table G.9 not exceeding 50
people and the whole house is protected with automatic fire
extinguishing system in accordance with current regulations.
For passenger terminals and large halls with similar usage
characteristics, emergency exits can be considered for exits from 50%
of the staircase chambers (or from the corridors) into the common
passenger hall with direct exits, to the open overpass outside, or to the
platform. f

Class N1 staircase chambers must have direct exit.

3.4.8 Staircase chambers shall be illuminated naturally or artificially.
a/ In case of natural lighting:
L2 type staircase, the assurance of illumination can be carried out by
means of light intake holes with an area of not less than 1.2 m 2 on the
external walls on each floor.

Staircase chambers of type L2 must have light intake holes on the

roof with an area of not less than 4 m 2 with clearances between the
sides of the stairs with a width of not less than 0.7 m or wells that
take light throughout the height of the staircase chamber with a cross-
sectional area not less than 2 m 2.

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It is permissible to arrange no more than 50% of the internal staircase 3

without light intakes, used for escape, in the following cases: .

- Houses of groups F2, F3 and F4: for ladder chambers of type N2 or
N3 with positive air pressure when burning;
-Houses of class F5 class C have a fire protection height of up to 28
m, while grades D and E do not depend on the fire protection height
of the house: for class N3 ladder chambers with positive air pressure T
when burning. h
b/ In case of artificial lighting: e

In case the door openings as specified in paragraph a) of 3.4.8 cannot

be arranged, the escape staircase chambers must be smoke-free s

staircase chambers and equipped with artificial lighting, powered as m

noted in 3.4.13 to ensure the principle of maintaining continuous o
power supply for the lighting system to operate stably when a fire k
occurs, And the light should be sufficient so that the escapees along e
these stairs can clearly see the escape route and not be dazzled. -

3.4.9 The smoke protection of class N2 and N3 staircase chambers f

shall comply with Annex D. Where necessary, class N2 staircase r

chambers shall be divided into compartments by height by solid class e

1 fire partitions with passages between compartments located outside e

the staircase space.

Windows in staircase chambers of type N2 must be non-openable windows.
The buffer compartment of staircase chambers of type N3 must have
an area of not less than 3.0 m 2 and not less than 6.0 m 2 if the buffer
compartment is simultaneously the hall of the fire elevator.
re of smoke-free buffers leading to smoke-free staircase chambers of
type N1 must be ensured by natural ventilation with appropriate
structural solutions and layout-space. Some of the circumstances
deemed appropriate are as follows:

NOTE: Some options for arranging smoke-free buffers leading into

the N1 staircase are illustrated in I.3.2 (Annex I).

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a)Smoke-free buffer spaces must be open and connected to the
outside, usually located in the inner corners of the house, and must
meet the following requirements (see Figure I.7):
- When one part of the outer wall of the house is connected to another
wall at an angle of less than 135°, the horizontal distance from the
nearest entrance hole at this buffer to the top of the contiguous angle
must not be less than 4 m; This distance can be reduced to the
fraction value of the outer wall. This requirement does not apply to
aisles, located at contiguous angles greater than or equal to 135°, as
well as to protrusions of external walls whose value is not greater
than 1.2 m;

The width of the wall between the openings of the smoke-free buffer
and the nearest window of the room must not be less than 2 m;
The aisles must have a width of not less than 1.2 m with a railing n
height of 1.2 m, the width of the wall between the openings in the t
smoke-free buffer must be not less than 1.2 m. i

NOTE: Some similar cases of this type are illustrated in Appendix I, l

Figure I.8 a), b) and c) a

b) The smoke-free buffer space following the side corridor (see
Figure I.8 h), i) and k)) is naturally illuminated and ventilated by
vents that open to the side and come into contact with one of the
following spaces:

-Outer space;
-A street or public road or other public space is completely open at the top; e
ll with a width of not less than 6 m and an open surface area of not
less than 93 m2;
c) A smoke-free buffer passing through a smoke prevention hall
with an area of not less than 6 m 2 with the smallest dimensions in
each direction not less than 2 m shall be separated from adjacent
areas of the building by a class 2 fire prevention wall. The doors must
have a self-closing mechanism, and the door slot must be sealed. The
design of the smoke hall must ensure that it does not obstruct the
movement of users on the

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escape route. The smoke-free nature of the smoke hall must be S
ensured by one of the following solutions: 0
-There are ventilation holes with an area not less than 15% of the
floor area of the smoke hall and located no more than 9 m from any
part of the hall. These ventilation holes must be connected to a
vertical well or ventilated cavity throughout the height of the house.
The dimensions of a vertical well or a concave cavity must ensure a
width of not less
than 6 m and an open surface area of not less than 93 m . The wall
enclosure of the vertical well shall be of fire resistance of at least 1
hour and in the well shall have no ventilation holes other than the
ventilation holes of the smoke hall, escape chamber and sanitary
zones (see Figure I.8 d), e), f));
-A horizontally ventilated corridor, with fixed ventilation holes
located on the two exterior walls. The vents on each outer wall should
not be less than 50 % of the open surface area of the opposite outer
wall. The distance from every point of the corridor floor to any
opening should not be greater than 13 m (see Figure I.8 g)).
3.4.11 Class L1 staircase chambers and Class 3 staircases are a
permitted to be located in houses of all fire hazard classes according r
to their functions with a fire protection height of up to 28 m; then, in d
F5 class A or B houses, the exit to the floor corridor from class A or
B rooms must pass through a buffer compartment that always has g
positive air pressure. r

3.4.12 Staircase chambers of type L2 are allowed to be located in o

houses with refractory steps I, II, III of structural fire hazard classes u
ps according to functions F1, F2, F3 and F4, with a fire protection
height not exceeding 9 m. It is permissible to increase this height to
12 m (except for inpatient medical facilities) provided that the
opening takes Overhead lighting is opened automatically when there
is a fire, the number of such staircase chambers (except for F1.3 and
F1.4 group houses) allows up to 50%, the remaining staircase
chambers must have light holes in the outer wall at each floor.

When arranging L2-type staircase chambers, the following

requirements must also be ensured: For single-unit F1.3 group
houses, in each apartment arranged at a height of more than 4 m,
there must be an emergency exit as prescribed in 3.2.13.

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3.4.13 In houses with fire protection height greater than 28 m (except
for F5 class C and E houses without regular workers), as well as in F5
class A or B houses, smoke-free staircase must be arranged, in which
class N1 staircase must be arranged.
In multi-purpose houses, staircase chambers connecting parts of
houses with fire hazard groups according to different functions must
be smoke-free staircase chambers in accordance with the h
requirements of this Article, except for cases specified separately. e

NOTE: The N1 staircase chamber may be replaced as stated in

2.5.1c) of the staircase provided that the outside air supply system to h

the buffer compartment and to the staircase chamber is provided with o

priority power supply from two independent sources (1 mains power u
source and 1 backup generator source) ensuring the principle of s
maintaining continuous power supply for the system to operate e
properly determine when a fire occurs.

Permit: h
a)In F1, F2, F3 and F4 group houses, no more than 50% of the
staircase chamber of type N3 or type N2 has an entrance to the
staircase chamber passing through the buffer compartment with the
same covering solution as the type 1 fire buffer compartment (i.e. no
positive air pressure is required in this buffer compartment, but the
covering elements must have the same fire resistance limit as the
class 1 fire buffer compartment); o
more basements, the escape from these basements may follow
staircase chambers of type N3, or type N2 with entrance to the
staircase chamber passing through the buffer compartment with the
same covering solution as the class 1 fire prevention buffer

c)In F5 group houses, smoke-free staircase chambers shall be arranged instead of type
N1 as follows:

-In class A or B houses - staircase chambers N2 or N3 with regular positive air pressure;

- In Class C buildings - N2 or N3 staircase chambers with positive air

pressure in the presence of fire;

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- In class D and E buildings - staircase chambers N2 or N3 with
positive air pressure when there is a fire, or staircase chambers L1
provided that the staircase chamber must be compartmentalized by a
solid fire partition every 20 m in height and the passage from one
compartment to another of the elevator chamber must be located
outside the space of the elevator chamber.

3.4.14 In houses with smoke-free staircase chambers, smoke UL LLC

protection shall be provided for common corridors, halls, common Northbrook, IL
6006 USA
spaces and lounges.
3.4.15 In houses with refractory steps I and II; and structural fire

hazard class S0, it is permissible to arrange class 2 staircases going

from the vestibule to the second floor taking into account the
requirements in 4.26.

In group houses F3.1 and F3.2 it is permissible to use the

aforementioned staircase even if there is no foyer.

3.4.16 In houses with a fire protection height not exceeding 28 m

belonging to fire hazard classes according to functions F1.2, F2, F3,
F4, with refractory steps I, II and structural fire hazard class S0, the
use of class 2 stairs connecting two floors or more, when the escape
staircase chambers meet the requirements of standard documents and
regulations in 4.27. Class 2 stairs connecting from 3 floors (floors) or
more shall not be calculated or used as escape routes in case of fire,
except for the cases specified in 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.6.

3.4.17 The escalators shall be arranged in accordance with the

requirements specified for class 2 stairs.
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3.5 Fire safety requirements for building materials for houses 3
3.5.1 Building materials used for homes depend on their use and fire hazard.
3.5.2 The fire safety requirements for the application of indoor
building materials are stipulated in accordance with the criteria for
fire hazard of materials specified in Table B.7 (Appendix B).

3.5.3 The use of finishing materials - decoration, tiling materials and

floor covering materials on escape routes must comply with
requirements in 3.3.4, while for shared use rooms (except floor
covering materials of sports arena floors and dance hall floors) -
comply with Table B.9 (Annex B).
3.5.4 In rooms of houses of groups F5, A, B and C1 where m
flammable liquids are used or stored, the floor covering material must m
contain a fire-hazardous cable that is not more dangerous than CV1. e
3.5.5 In storage booths of F2.1 group houses, the use of: wall, ceiling r
and suspended ceiling finishing materials, tiling materials with fire c
hazard class more hazardous materials CV1; floor covering materials i
with fire hazard class more hazardous materials CV2. a
3.5.6 In rooms where books, files, documents and similar items are l
stored, only finishing, decoration, tiling materials and floor covering
materials with fire hazard class CV0 or CV1 may be used. r
3.5.7 In museum pavilions, exhibitions and rooms of similar nature of
heading F2.2, the use of wall, ceiling and suspended ceiling finishing o

materials with a fire hazard class higher than CV2, floor covering m

materials with a fire hazard class of hazardous materials higher than s

CV3 is not allowed.

of F3.1 group houses, the use of wall, ceiling and suspended ceiling
finishing materials with fire hazard class CV2 is not allowed, floor
covering materials with fire hazard class more dangerous materials
than CV3.

3.5.9 In the waiting rooms of F3.3 group houses, wall finishes,

ceilings, suspended ceilings and floor covering materials must have
CV0 fire hazard class.

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3.5.10 Permit the application of fire safety requirements to decorative finishing materials,
tiling materials, floor covering materials and corresponding test criteria in accordance
with permitted standard documents as an alternative to requirements 3.5.1 to 3.5.9 and
Annex B, except as required in A.4.
4. PREVENT FIRE4.1 The prevention of the spread of fire shall be carried out by measures to limit the fire Refer to this report of page 24 & 29 for NFPA 5000 requirements
FROM area, fire intensity and duration of fire. Namely:
- Use structural solutions and layout-space to prevent the spread of dangerous elements
of fire in one room, between rooms, between groups of rooms with fire danger according
to different functions, between floors and units, between fire compartments, as well as
between buildings.
- Limiting fire danger and technological fire danger in rooms and houses;
- Limiting the fire hazard of building materials used in the surface layers of the building
structure, including: roofing layer; finishes of exterior walls, ejection booths and escape
- Have original fire extinguishing devices, which include automatic and portable devices;
- Have fire detection devices and fire alarms.
NOTE: Regulations on fire protection distances between houses, public buildings and
manufacturers are specified in Appendix E The distance between combustible liquid
warehouses, above-ground open warehouses containing combustibles, LPG tanks (LPG
is an acronym for Liquified Petrolium Gas), Combustible gas to other works must comply
with specialized standards and standards.

4.2 Condominiums, dormitories, public buildings, manufacturers and warehouses must

meet the fire protection requirements of this Regulation and the provisions of the design
standards for such types of buildings. Particularly, the number of floors (permissible fire
protection height of the house), the area of fire compartments and floors limited to the
layout of halls, lecture halls, conferences, seminars, meeting rooms, sports booths and
similar rooms must comply with the provisions in Appendix H.

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4.3 Parts of the house (rooms, shelters, technical floors, basements,
semi-basements and other parts of the house) where firefighting is
difficult should be equipped with additional means to limit the area,
intensity and duration of fire.

4.4 The effectiveness of solutions aimed at preventing the spread of

fire is allowed to be assessed by technical and economic calculations
based on the requirements in 1.5.1 on limiting direct and indirect
damage caused by fire.

4.5 Parts of houses and rooms belonging to different fire hazard

classes according to different functions shall be separated from each
other by dividers with prescribed fire resistance limits and structural
fire hazard classes or separated by class 1 fire partitions and (or) class
3 fire suppression floors, unless otherwise provided for in this
regulation or specialized regulations and standards. At that time, the
requirements for these separation structures and fire prevention
elements are considered, taking into account the fire danger according
to the performance of the rooms, fire load value, refractory step and
structural fire hazard class of the house.

For a building with two or more different functions, in which one

main function occupies at least 90% of the floor area and the other
functions are auxiliary to the main function, it is permissible not to
divide areas belonging to fire hazard groups according to different
functions by fire prevention units, At that time, this entire floor must
comply with fire safety requirements corresponding to the fire hazard
class according to the main function. This provision does not apply to
rooms with auxiliary functions that have a higher fire and explosion
azard class than rooms with main functions.

NOTE: Some specific requirements for F1.3 group houses are as follows:

a)Walls and partitions between units; walls and partitions between the
common corridor (outside the apartment) and other rooms, which
must have a fire resistance limit not less than El 30;

b) Non-load-bearing walls and partitions between apartments, must

have a fire resistance limit not less than El 30 and fire hazard class

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c) Rooms with public functions must be separated from living rooms
by class 1 fire partitions and class 3 fire prevention floors, while in
houses with class I fire resistance, they must be separated by class 2
fire prevention floors.

4.6 In a house, when different functional fire hazardous parts have

been divided by fire prevention elements, each of these parts must
meet the fire safety requirements set forth as for houses with fire
hazard classes according to their respective functions.

The selection of a building's fire protection system must be based on

the following factors: when parts of the house have different fire
hazards according to their functions, the fire danger according to the
performance of the whole building may be greater than the fire
danger according to the function of any part of that house.

4.7 In F5 houses, if technology requirements allow, Grade A and B

rooms should be arranged near the outer walls, while in multi-storey
buildings, these rooms should be arranged on the upper floors.

4.8 In basements and semi-basements, rooms with grades A and B are

not allowed, except in cases specified separately.

4.9 Building components shall not facilitate the spread of underground fire.

NOTE: For F1.3 group houses or sections, the railings of loggias and
balconies from the 3rd floor and above must be made from non-
combustible materials

4.10 The refractory nature of the bonding part of the building

components shall not be lower than the required fire resistance of the
uilding components themselves.

4.11 Floor sloping structures in audience rooms shall meet the

requirements for fire resistance limits and fire hazard classes
according to Table 4 and Table 5 as for floors between floors.

4.12 When arranging technical pipelines and cables passing through

walls, floors and walls, the junction between pipes and cables with
these structures must be inserted or treated appropriately so as not to
reduce the technical criteria on fire as required by the structure.

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4.13 Fireproof coatings and impregnation layers that are treated on
open surfaces of components must meet the requirements set forth for
the finishing of such components.
In the technical documentation for flame retardant coatings or
impregnations must specify the cycle of replacing or restoring them c
depending on the conditions of exploitation used. o
To increase the fire resistance limit or reduce the fire hazard level of n
the component, it is not permissible to use fire protection layers at f
locations where they cannot be restored or periodically replaced. o
4.14 The effectiveness of fire-retardant treatment substances
(materials) used to reduce the fire hazard of materials shall be
evaluated by tests to determine the fire hazard class of construction
materials set forth in Part 2.
The effectiveness of flame retardant treatment substances (materials)
used to improve the fire resistance of components shall be evaluated
by testing to determine the fire resistance limit of the building
components mentioned in Part 2.
4.15 Fire partitions in rooms with suspended ceilings shall divide the
space above the suspended ceiling, and in this space channels and f
pipelines shall not be permitted for the transportation of gaseous i
combustibles, dust-gas mixtures, liquids and combustible materials. r
Suspended ceilings are not allowed in Class A or B rooms. e

If suspended ceilings are used to increase the fire resistance limit of

the floor between floors and roof decks, these suspended ceilings
hazard requirements for the floor between these floors and roof

4.16 At the intersection of fire prevention elements with the

covering structures of the house, including at locations where the
shape of the house changes, measures must be taken to ensure that
fire does not spread through these fire prevention components.

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4.17 The fire walls dividing the house into fire compartments shall be
constructed over the entire height of the house or to the Class 1 fire
prevention floor and shall ensure that the fire shall not spread from
the fire source into the adjacent fire compartment when the structures
on the fire side collapse.
4.18 Openings in fire suppression elements shall be sealed in the event of a fire. h
Windows in fire suppression units must be windows that cannot be e
opened, while doors, flaps and valves must have self-closing n
mechanisms and door slots must be inserted. If doors, flap doors and
valves need to be opened for exploitation and use, they must be fitted i
with devices that automatically close when there is a fire. t

4.19 The total area of door openings in fire prevention elements, other
than the covering structure of elevator wells, shall not exceed 25% of
the area of such fire suppression element. There is no limit to the
opening area in fire suppression units if the nominal fire resistance
limit of the opening sealing insert is not less than the corresponding
fire resistance limit of the fire suppression unit (except class 1 fire
wall). Open-hole sealing inserts in fire suppression components shall
meet the requirements in 2.3.3 and the requirements of Part 4.
At the doors in the fire prevention units used to separate class A or B
rooms from other spaces such as: rooms of class different from class
A or B, corridors, staircase chambers and elevator halls, buffer
compartments must always be arranged with positive air pressure as
required in Annex D. It is not allowed to arrange common buffer
compartments for two or more rooms with the same grade A or B.
e to arrange fire buffer compartments in fire suppression
elements used to separate Class A or B rooms from other rooms
or when doors, flaps and valves cannot be arranged in fire
suppression elements used to separate Class C rooms from other
rooms, It is necessary to establish a combination of solutions aimed at
preventing the spread of fire and the penetration into adjacent rooms
and floors of flammable gases, vapors, vapors of flammable liquids,
dust and fibres which are capable of forming explosive
concentrations. The effectiveness of such solutions must be proven.

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In the door openings of fire prevention units between adjacent rooms
class C, D and E, when it cannot be closed by fire doors, it is
permissible to arrange open buffer compartments equipped with
automatic fire extinguishing devices. The covering structures of these
buffer compartments must be suitable fire prevention structures.
4.21 Fire suppression doors and valves in fire suppression
components shall be made from non-combustible materials.
It is permissible to use materials of the combustibility group not c
lower than Ch3 protected by non-combustible materials with a
thickness of not less than 4 mm for the use of fire doors, flaps and d
valves. e

Doors of fire buffer compartments, doors, fire cover doors in fire v

suppression units on the side of the rooms in which no combustible i

gases, combustible liquids and combustible materials are stored and c
used, as well as there are no technological processes involved in the e
formation of combustible dust, allowed to be made from materials of s
the flammability group Ch3 with a thickness of not less than 40 mm
and without hollow recesses. t
4.22 The arrangement of channels, wells and pipelines for the
transport of combustible gases, dust mixtures - when burning,
combustible liquids, combustible substances and materials penetrate
class 1 fire walls and floors.
For channels, wells and pipelines for the transportation of substances
and materials other than those mentioned above, at the locations of
intersections with these fire prevention elements, there must be
vent the spread of combustion products along channels, wells and

Note 1 to entry: Ventilation ducts and chimneys in fire walls of

houses, public buildings and ancillaries are permitted when the
minimum thickness of the fire wall (except for pipe cross-section) in
that place must not be less than 25 cm, and the thickness of the
compartment between the chimney and the vent pipe should be at
least 12 cm.

4.23 The covering structures of elevator wells (except those

mentioned in 3.4.6) and elevator engine rooms (except roof rooms),
as well as channels, wells and technical boxes shall meet the
requirements set forth as for Class 1 fire partitions and Class 3 fire

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suppression floors. The fire resistance limit of the covering structures -
between the elevator well and the elevator engine room is not C

specified. h
When it is not possible to install fire doors in the structures covering
the above-mentioned elevator wells, buffer compartments or halls
with class 1 fire partitions and class 3 fire floors or automatic screens b

must be arranged to close the entrance holes of the elevator wells e

during fire. These screens must be made of non-combustible r

materials, and their fire resistance limit is not less than E 30. s

In houses with smoke-free staircase chambers, automatic smoke

protection must be arranged for elevator wells at their exits where
there are no fire buffer compartments with positive air pressure when
4.24 Garbage storage chambers, garbage disposal pipes and garbage
collection doors shall be designed and installed in accordance with i
standards and technical requirements specified specifically for this n
department and specific requirements as follows: i

-Garbage pipes and garbage chambers must be isolated from other n

parts of the house by fire suppressants; garbage collection doors on g

floors must have automatic fire doors that close;

-Garbage pipes must be made of non-combustible materials;
- Garbage disposal pipes and garbage storage chambers must not be
placed inside staircase chambers, lobbies or fire-covered buffer
compartments used for escape;
ge disposal pipes or garbage storage must ensure direct access
through a ventilated space outside the house or through a regularly
ventilated fire buffer compartment;

-Doors to garbage chambers must not be located adjacent to

emergency exits or doors to the outside of the dwelling or attached to
the windows of the dwelling.

4.25 Under the conditions of technology, it is permissible to arrange

separate stairs for circulation between basements or semi-basements
with the first floor.

These stairs must be covered with Class 1 fire partitions with fire
buffer compartments with positive air pressure when burning.

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It is permissible not to arrange fire buffer compartments as stated for these stairs in F5
group houses provided that they lead from the basement or semi-basement with rooms
of class C4, D and E into rooms of the same class on the first floor.

These stairs are not included in the escape calculation, except in the cases specified in

4.26 When class 2 staircases are arranged from the 1st floor hall to the 2nd floor, this
hall shall be separated from the corridors and adjacent rooms by class 1 fire partitions.

4.27 A room, in which a class 2 staircase is located as defined in 3.4.16, shall be

separated from corridors connecting to it and other rooms by class 1 fire partitions. It is
permissible not to separate the launcher with a class 2 staircase by fire partitions when:

-Have automatic fire extinguishing equipment throughout the house;

-In houses with fire protection height not greater than 9 m with an
area of one floor not exceeding 300 m2.

4.28 In basements or semi-basements, before the entrance to elevators, class 1 fire

buffer compartments with positive air pressure upon fire must be arranged.

4.29 The selection of the size of the house and of the fire compartments, as well as
the distance between the houses shall be based on the refractory step, structural fire
hazard class, fire hazard class according to performance and fire load value, taking into
account the effectiveness of the means of fire protection used, the presence, location
and level of equipment of firefighting units, the possible economic and ecological
consequences of fire.

4.30 During operation, all technical equipment for fire protection must ensure the ability
to work in accordance with the set requirements.
4.31 The equipment of automatic fire alarm and extinguishing systems must comply with 33.3.1 Detection, Alarm and Communication Systems.
TCVN 3890. *A fire alarm system using an approved
emergency alarm/voice
communication system shall be installed in accordance with Section

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Website: Two-way telephone communication services shall comply
with the following:

(1) Two-way telephone communication service shall be provided to the

Fire and
Rescue Police as follows:

(a) The system must conform to NFPA 72.

(b) The system shall operate between the emergency command center
and each
elevator compartment, each elevator hall and each floor of the
emergency elevator.

(2) * The requirement of (1) shall not apply when the radio
system of the fire
police is approved as an equivalent. Risk analysis for bulk notification systems. For high-rise

buildings with a
total occupancy of 5000 or more, or where the floor of an inhabited
floor is 420 ft (128
m) above the lowest level of access of a fire vehicle, a risk analysis
pursuant to Section
55.13 must be performed to determine whether a mass notification
system is needed.

55.2 Fire detection, alarm and communication systems.

55.2.1 * General. The provisions of Section 55.2 shall apply only when

specifically required by
another part of this Code. Fire detection, alarm and communication systems installed to
use alternative
means specified in this Regulation shall be deemed to be mandatory
systems and shall
meet the provisions of this Code applicable to the required systems. Fire alarm systems required by this Regulation shall be

installed in accordance
with the applicable requirements of Chapter 55 and NFPA 72.

55.2.2 Signal Initialization.

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Website: When required by other parts of these Rules, the activation of
a fire alarm
system shall be performed by any or all of the following starting means
but not limited
to such means:

(1) Start the fire alarm manually

(2) Auto-detect

(3) Operation of fire extinguishing system Manual fire alarm boxes shall be used for fire alarm purposes
only. It is
permissible to combine fire alarms and monitoring stations of
protection. The manual fire alarm box shall be located within 60 in. (1525
mm) of
emergency exits unless modified by another part of these Rules. Manual fire alarm boxes shall be mounted on both sides of

groups of openings
over 40 ft (12.2 m) wide and within 60 inches (1525 mm) of each side
of the opening. *Additional manual fire alarm boxes shall be positioned so

that on any floor
in any part of the building, no horizontal distance on that floor
exceeding 200 ft (61 m)
is required to reach the manual fire alarm box. *For fire alarm system using automatic fire detection device
or water flow
detection to start the fire alarm system in accordance with Chapter 16
to Chapter 30,
not less than one manual fire alarm box, placed at the request of
competent authority,
must be provided to start the fire alarm signal. *Manual fire alarm boxes shall be accessible, unobstructed,

and visible. Where a sprinkler system provides automatic detection and

alarm system
starting, it shall be provided with an approved alarm starter device that
operates when
the water flow is equal to or greater than the flow from an automatic

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Website: Where a full-coverage smoke detection system is required by
another part of
these Rules, smoke detection shall be provided in all areas habitable in
an environment
suitable for the operation of the appropriate smoke detector. Smoke alarm. Where required by another part of these Rules, single-

station and multi-
station smoke alarm devices shall conform to NFPA 72. Where automatic smoke detection is required under

Chapters 16 to 30,
smoke alarms shall not be used as a replacement. In new construction, if required by Chapters 15 to 31 and

33 to 34, the
alarm notification signal in sleeping cubicles resulting from smoke
alarm activation shall
be a 520 Hz low-frequency signal in compliance with NFPA 72. Except as otherwise provided in, smoke alarms

and smoke
detectors shall not be installed in exclusion areas defined by a radial
distance of 10 ft
(3.0 m) along horizontal lines from stationary or stationary cooking
equipment, unless
listed for installation near cooking appliances. Smoke alarms and
smoke detectors
installed between 10 ft (3.0 m) and 20 ft (6.1 m) along horizontal lines
from stationary
or stationary cooking equipment shall be equipped with silent warning
facilities or use
photoelectric detection. [72: (4)] A smoke alarm or smoke detector using photoelectric
detection shall be
permitted to be installed at a radial distance greater than 6 ft (1.8 m)
from any stationary
or stationary cooking appliance when the following conditions are met:

(1) The kitchen or cooking area and adjacent spaces do not have clear
partitions or
interior headers.

(2) A 10 ft (3.0 m) exclusion zone shall prohibit the placement of

smoke alarms or
smoke detectors as required by other parts of NFPA 72. (72:

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Northbrook, IL 6006 USA
Website: A smoke detector system that conforms to NFPA 72 and is
positioned to
operate in a manner similar to a single-station or multi-station smoke
alarm will be
allowed in place of a smoke alarm. Smoke alarm devices, other than battery-operated smoke

alarms permitted
by other parts of this Regulation, shall be powered in accordance with
the requirements
of NFPA 72. *Where two or more smoke alarm devices are required in a

residential unit,
suite or similar area, they shall be arranged so that the operation of any
smoke alarm
device will cause an alarm in all smoke alarms in the living quarters,
suites or similar
areas with sound, unless permitted by one of the following:

(1) The requirement of shall not apply where permitted by

another part of
these Rules.

(2) The requirement of shall not apply to configurations

that provide an
equivalent distribution of warning signals. The alarms described in shall be issued only in

an individual
dwelling unit, suite or similar area and shall not activate a building's
fire alarm system,
unless authorized by the competent authority. Smoke alarms shall be permitted to be connected to a
building's fire alarm
system for the purpose of remote notification in accordance with NFPA

55.2.3 Notice to residents Notices to residents shall be provided to alert residents to a fire

or other
emergency when required by other parts of this Code. Notice to residents is subject to to ,

unless otherwise
specified in to

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Website: In the new structure, if required by Chapters 15 to 31 and 33
to 34, the alarm
notification signal in bedrooms resulting from smoke alarm activation
shall be a 520 Hz
low-frequency signal" in accordance with NFPA 72. Smoke detectors in elevator lobbies, hoists and related

engine rooms shall
only be used to summon elevators and heat detectors used only to
disconnect elevator
power, shall not be required to trigger building evacuation alarms if the
power supply
and wiring installed to such detectors are monitored by the system fire
alarm of the
building, and if the activation of such detection devices will generate a
monitoring signal
at the Fire Control Duty Room. Smoke detectors used only to close the damper or turn

off heating,
ventilation and air conditioning systems shall not be required to trigger
a building
evacuation alarm, provided that the power supply and wiring installed
for the detectors
are monitored by the building's fire alarm system, and the activation of
the detectors
generates a monitoring signal at the Fire Control Duty Room. Smoke detectors located at doors for the purpose of

operating automatic
door openings shall not be required to activate a building evacuation
alarm, provided
that the building's fire alarm system and the installed power supply for
the detectors
are monitored by the building's fire alarm system and the activation of
the detectors
initiates a signal supervised at the Fire Control Room. Detection devices conforming to shall not be

required to trigger
a building evacuation alert. Where permitted by Chapters 15 to 31 and 33 to 34, a built-in

system shall be
permitted to automatically transmit the initial fire alarm signal without
delay to the
municipal fire marshal, fire brigade (if provided), and on-site personnel
trained to
respond to fire emergencies. Where permitted by Chapters 16 to 31 and 33 to 34, a positive

sequence of
warnings must be allowed, provided it complies with NFPA 72.

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Website: Except as otherwise provided in through, signals
notifying residents to evacuate shall be by means of audible and visible
consistent with NFPA 72 and ICCA 117.1, Accessible and usable
buildings and
facilities or other means of notification acceptable to the competent
authority. Areas without hearing impairments shall not be required to

comply with
visible signal regulations. Visible signals shall be provided when specifically permitted

in health care
jobs consistent with Chapter 19. Visible signals shall not be required in inns or motel rooms

in accordance
with Chapter 23. Unsolicited visible signals in escape staircase chambers *Visible signals are not required in elevator cabins. *Public display visual notification devices conforming to

NFPA 72 will not
be required in designated areas as permitted by Chapters 16 to 30,
provided they are
replaced by approved alternative display facilities. The general evacuation alarm signal shall operate according to

one of the
methods specified in to The general evacuation alarm signal shall operate throughout
the building
other than the locations described in and *In the event that the full evacuation of occupants is not
possible due to the
peculiarities of the building, only those residing in the affected areas
will be initially
notified and provisions shall be made to selectively notify those
residents in other areas
to afford an orderly evacuation set of buildings when approved by the

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Website: In the event that a resident is unable to self-evacuate because
of age,
physical or mental disability, or physical limitation, the following shall

(1) Private mode of operation, as described in NFPA 72, shall be


(2) Only attendants and other personnel who are required to evacuate
residents from
an area, area, floor, or building are required to be notified.

(3) Notification to personnel as specified in shall include

means to easily
identify the zone, area, floor, or building to be evacuated. General evacuation signals are not required in Escape

Staircase Chambers. General evacuation signals are not required in elevator

cabins. An audible warning notification device shall have such a

property and be
distributed so that it can be heard above the average ambient sound
level that exists
under normal resident conditions. Audible warning notification devices shall produce signals

distinct from those
used for other purposes in a given building. Automatic or in-person voice evacuation or relocation

instructions must be
authorized to notify residents who must comply with or Automatic or direct voice evacuation or relocation
instructions shall conform
to NFPA 72. *To the extent permitted by Chapters 16 to 30, automatic or

direct voice
communications shall be permitted via voice communications or
public address
systems in compliance with all of the following:

(1) Notification to residents, in person or recorded, shall be made at a

receiving station led by personnel trained to respond to emergency

(2) The approved secondary power supply shall be supplied.

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(3) The system must be audible above the expected ambient noise level.

(4) Emergency notification shall take precedence over any other use. Except as otherwise permitted by this Regulation, audible and

visible fire
alarm devices shall comply with or Audible and visible fire alarm devices shall be used only
for fire alarm
systems or other emergency purposes. Voice communication/emergency alert systems must be

authorized for
other purposes pursuant to NFPA 72.

55.2.4 Notify Emergency Forces. When required by another part of these Rules, notice to

emergency forces
shall be provided to alert the municipal fire police and fire brigade (if
provided) of a fire
or other emergency. emergency force notification is required under another

part of this Code,
a fire alarm system shall be in place to transmit an automatic alarm
through any of the
following means acceptable to the competent authority and shall
conform to NFPA 72:

(1) Auxiliary fire alarm system

(2) Central station fire alarm system

(3) Proprietary monitoring station fire alarm system

(4) Remote monitoring station fire alarm system *When a fire alarm system is

required to provide emergency force
notifications, monitoring signals and incident signals shall sound and
display clearly
either at an approved receiving facility, located remotely, or at a
location in a building
guarded by regularly trained personnel on duty.

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55.2.5 * Self-monitoring system (MIY). The use of a self-monitoring
(MN) system
transmitted directly to an emergency call center will not be permitted
unless approved
by the competent authority.

55.2.6 Fire Safety Function. Fire safety functions shall be installed in accordance with the

requirements of
NFPA 72. When required by another part of these Rules, the following

functions shall be

(1) Release open retaining devices for doors or other open protective

(2) Pressurize stairs or elevator shafts

(3) Smoke management or smoke control system

(4) Unlock the door

(5) Summon and turn off the elevator

(6) Turn off HVAC equipment

55.2.7 Location of Control Devices. Operating controllers, warning

indicators and
manual communication devices must be installed in a convenient
location acceptable
to the competent authority.

55.2.8 Annunciation. Where another part of these Rules requires alarm notification,
this Rule shall
comply with to Alarm notifications at the control center shall be equal to

audible and visible

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Website: For the purpose of alarm notification, each floor of a building
shall be deemed
to be not less than one area, except as permitted by to or another
part of these Rules. When the floor area exceeds 22,500 ft2 (2090 m2), additional
fire alarm
partitions shall be provided, and the length of any single fire alarm zone
shall not
exceed 300 ft (91 m) in any direction, except as provided in 1
or as otherwise modified by another part of these Rules. Where permitted by another part of these Rules, alarm zones

shall be
allowed to exceed 22,500 ft2 (2090 m2) and the length of the zone
permitted to exceed
300 ft (91 m) in any direction. Where the building is protected by an automatic

sprinkler system in
accordance with, the area of the fire alarm zone shall be
allowed to coincide
with the area permitted by the sprinkler system. Unless prohibited by another part of these Rules, where a

building not
exceeding four storeys in height is protected by an automatic sprinkler
system in
accordance with, then the sprinkler system shall be
permitted to appear on
the fire alarm system as a single area. Unless prohibited by another part of these Rules, where a
building not
exceeding four storeys in height is protected by a water misting system
in accordance
with 55.5.1 and Table 55.5.1, a water misting system shall be permitted
for use on a
fire alarm system as a single zone. In case the building is protected by an automatic

sprinkler system in
accordance with 2) or, the sprinkler system shall
be permitted to
announce on the fire alarm system as a single zone. System failure signals shall be emitted using audible and

visible indicators.
System malfunction signals are allowed to be emitted as a single zone.

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Website: System monitoring signals shall be emitted using audible
and visible
indicators. The system monitoring signal is allowed to be emitted as a
single zone When the system serves more than one building, each building
will be notified
separately. hi as permitted by another part of this Regulation, the

permitted alarm zone
coincides with the permitted zone for smoke compartments.

4.32 Prevent fire from spreading horizontally to the exterior of the house

4.32.1 Class 1 fire prevention walls shall separate external walls with fire hazard classes
K1, K2, K3 and reach at least 30 cm out of the outer wall plane.

It is permissible not to divide external walls if the outer wall has fire hazard class K0, or
class 1 fire prevention wall adjacent to the vertical outer wall strip (vertical fire prevention
strip) has a width of at least 1.2 m, has a fire resistance limit not lower than E 60 and has
a fire hazard class K0.

Class 2 fire prevention walls and class 1 fire partitions, if intersecting with external walls,
must be adjacent to vertical fire prevention walls, with a width of not less than 1 m, with
fire resistance limits prescribed for external walls according to Table 4 or Table A.1
depending on the height of the house. Class 2 fire partitions must be in contact with
vertical strips of solid outer walls, with a width of not less than 1 m, with fire resistance
limits specified for external walls according to Table 4 or Table A.1 depending on the
height of the house.

4.32.2 The provisions of 4.32.1 shall not apply if the conditions set forth in FOOTNOTE
6 (Table 4) or NOTE 2 (Table A.1) depending on the height of the house are satisfied.

4.33 Prevent fire from spreading vertically to the exterior of the house
4.33.1 External walls with openings without fire doors or with sections with fire resistance
limits that do not meet regulations shall, in the position of the outer wall adjacent to the
floor between floors (fire barriers between floors) be properly constructed to prevent

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vertical spread of fire. Allow fire belts between floors to be N
constructed in accordance with one of the following regulations: o
a)The outer wall adjacent to the floor between floors (the part of the
wall between the windows of the lower and upper floors or between e

the unprotected refractory walls of the lower and upper floors) must
be solid walls, made of non-combustible materials and have a height 2

of at least 1.0 m;
b) The door splash cell is made of non-combustible materials,
whose width (reaching out from the outer wall) is not less than 0.6 m,
the fire resistance limit of the splash cell is not less than the fire
resistance limit prescribed for the outer wall;
c) The outer wall adjacent to the floor between the floors is
made of tempered glass, with a thickness of not less than 6 mm,
equipped with sprinkler nozzles of automatic fire extinguishing
equipment, ensuring that the nozzles are located no more than 2 m
apart from the side of rooms (corridors) adjacent to the outer wall and
not more than 0.5 m from the inner side of the outer wall.
Note 1 to entry: Requirements for fire resistance limits (if any) of the
components forming the fire belt shall be obtained in accordance with
Table 4 or Table A.1 depending on the size of the dwelling. For
vertical separation components, integrity criteria must be ensured (E),
for joint details or gap seals, integrity criteria (E) and insulation (I)
must be ensured, for fixed link parts, bearing criteria must be ensured
requirements do not apply to the location of loggia doors and
balconies, whose balcony floor plates are larger than 0.6 m as well as
to emergency exits.

4.33.2 The fire resistance limit of external walls fitted with glazed for

light must also meet the same requirements as for non-load-bearing

external walls and specified in 4.32, 4.33.

4.33.3 When one part of the outer wall of the house is connected to
another part of the wall, forming an angle of less than 135°, and the
horizontal distance between the nearest edges of the openings in the
outer wall in different directions of the angle, is less than 4 m, then on
the corresponding part of the wall, openings must have fire doors
with a fire resistance limit not less than E 30 or with a sprinkler

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4.33.4 The provisions of 4.33.1 to 4.33.3 shall not apply to houses
with three floors or less or a fire protection height of less than 15 m,
an open-form floating garage, or a house that simultaneously satisfies
the conditions mentioned in NOTE 6 (Table 4) or NOTE 2 (Table
A.1) depending on the house height.
4.34 Prevent fire from spreading between houses h
The fire protection distance between houses (specified in E.1 and E.2 a
in Annex E) and the fire protection distance according to the n
boundary line (specified in E.3 in Annex E) must be ensured
corresponding to the area of the non-fire-protected opening of the 6
exterior wall and the fire resistance limit of the part of the wall
subject to fire protection. m
4.35 Prevent fire spread to the atrium hall
The design of houses, house complexes, one or several atrium halls,
including equipping in its volume open stairs, escalators, horizontal
escalators, panoramic elevators and the like, as well as rooms with
openings in the side corridors, should ensure the fulfillment of the
following requirements:
(a) The atrium shall be located in the volume of a compartment,
in the openings of the floors between its floors allowing the a
placement of rolling elevators, open stairs and elevators (including
panoramic elevators); f

b)Structures surrounding rooms and corridors at locations adjacent to i

the atrium hall, which must have a fire resistance limit not less than r

El (EIW) 60 or be made of tempered glass, with a thickness of not e

resistance limit not specified but equipped with sprinklers of
automatic fire extinguishing equipment, ensure that the nozzles are
located from the side of adjacent rooms (corridors), no more than 2 m
apart and not more than 0.5 m from the partition;

(c) in openings leading into the atrium halls, including openings

of escalators and rooms in side corridors equipped with smoke
curtains and curtains, whose fire resistance limit is not less than E 45,
which is lowered in the event of a fire, they must have automatic and
remotely controlled drive mechanisms, or equipped with fixed smoke
screens. The working height of the blinds and smoke curtains, when
lowered, should not be less than

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the thickness of the smoke layer created when there is a fire. The smoke layer thickness
is determined by the calculation table when designing. At that time, the lower border of
the smoke layer is determined at a height not less than 2.5 m from the floor level;

d) The floor area within the fire compartment with the atrium
hall shall be determined by the total area of the bottom floor of the
atrium hall and the area of the side corridors, of the aisles and of all
rooms located above, located within the volume of the atrium hall,
limited by Class 1 fire partitions. When there are no class 1 fire
partitions, separating the space of the hall from the adjacent rooms,
the area of the fire compartment is equal to the total area of the
corresponding floors;

e) Allow the use of smoke exhaust systems according to the natural

mechanism from the atrium hall if there are appropriate calculation

f)The light shield on the roof of the atrium hall must be made from
non-combustible materials, then, the structure of this roof panel must
be made from glass with reinforced reinforcement and safety 33.3.2* Extinguishment Requirements.

5.1.1 Fire safety requirements for outdoor fire water supply High-rise buildings shall be protected throughout by an
approved, supervised with automatic sprinkler system in accordance The equipment of fire water supply outside the house must comply regulations in TCVN 3890 and

other replacement standard documents. with NFPA 13, and 55.3.2. A sprinkler control valve and a waterflow device shall be The water quality of the fire extinguishing water supply shall provided for each
be consistent floor. with the operating conditions of the fire extinguishing
facilities and fire extinguishing
methods (without causing injury). It is permissible to Standpipes. High-rise buildings shall be equipped with a Class I standpipe system installed in accordance
. with Section 55.4.
use light-taking plate materials with a fire
hazard class that is not more dangerous than Ch1 and does not form Page
melt droplets;
g) To fight fires in the atrium space, it is permissible to install
sprinkler nozzles below the protruding structure of the floor between
floors, of balconies (including under escalators, etc.) without having
to install them on the roof of the atrium hall. The sprinklers are
spaced between 1.5 m and 2.0 m apart and no more than 0.5 m from
the edge/edge of the floor opening.

5. FIREWATER5.1 Exterior fire water supply


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Website: The fire water pipe system usually has low pressure, when
maintaining high pressure, the working pressure of the pipeline system
pressure pipelines, fire pumps must be equipped with means to ensure operation no Water supply of sprinkler and standpipe system requirements shall comply with NFPA
must be calculated. For high-
later than 5 minutes after the fire alarm signal. 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems and NFPA 14, Standard for the

Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems The minimum free pressure in a low-pressure fire water pipe (located on the ground) when fighting a fire must

be not less than 10 m. The minimum free pressure in the network of high-pressure fire extinguishing pipelines shall ensure

that the height of solid water jets is not less than 10 m when the maximum required flow and fire extinguishing

mausoleum are at the highest point of the Building. The free pressure in the network of domestic or production combined

pipelines is not less than 10 m and not more than 60 m.

5.1.2 Fire safety requirements for water flow for outdoor fire fighting The fire department connection requirements shall comply with NFPA 14, Standard for Water flow for outdoor firefighting (calculated for 1 fire) and number of the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems simultaneous fires in a residential area calculated for the
ringed main pipeline network

taken according to Table 7. Water flow for outdoor fire fighting (for 1 fire) for houses belonging to fire danger classes according to

functions F1, F2, F3, F4 calculated for combined and distribution pipelines of pipeline networks, as well as pipeline

networks in 1 small cluster (1 hamlet, 1 block of houses and the like) taken according to the maximum value of Table 8. Water flow for outdoor fire fighting for houses with fire danger class according to function F5, calculated for 1

fire, taken according to the house with the maximum value requirements as in Table 9 and Table 10. The water flow for outdoor fire fighting for houses divided by fire walls shall be taken according to the part of the

house where the greatest flow is required. The water flow for outdoor fire fighting for houses separated by fire partitions shall be determined according to the

general volume of the house and according to the highest class of fire and explosion hazard class.

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5 The flow of fire extinguishing water shall be ensured even if
the flow for other needs is greatest, in particular taking into account:
-Running water;
-Individual business households;
- Industrial and agricultural production facilities, where drinking
water quality requirements or economic purposes are not suitable for
making their own pipelines;

-Water treatment stations, networks of pipelines and channels and the like;
-In case technological conditions allow, a part of the produced water h
can be used for fire fighting, then it is necessary to connect the water
cylinder on the production pipeline network with the water cylinder
on the fire pipe network to ensure the necessary fire fighting water
u Fire water supply systems outside the establishment's homes
(water pipelines, pumping stations, tanks, fire water storage tanks)
must ensure reliability so as not to stop the water supply for more
than 10 minutes and not to reduce the water flow by more than 30%
of the calculated water flow in 3 days. In case the project is located in an area where there is no fire

water supply infrastructure outside the house, or there is but is not
guaranteed as prescribed in Tables 8, 9 and 10, the instructions of the f

competent Fire and Rescue Police and CNCH shall be followed.

5.1.3 Number of simultaneously calculated fires
multaneously calculated fires for an industrial or agricultural facility
shall be taken according to the area of that facility, as follows:

-If the area reaches 150 hectares, it is 1 fire;

-If the area is over 150 hectares, take 2 fires.

The number of fires calculated simultaneously in an open or closed

warehouse area containing wood materials, taken as follows: the
warehouse area up to 50 hectares taken is 1 fire; The area of over 50
hectares taken is 2 fires.

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NOTE: The area of the facility for calculation for the out-of-house
fire water supply system is the area of the facility's land (excluding
forest land, green park land, agricultural plowed land or similar land d

on which there is no construction).

E When combining fire pipes of residential areas and industrial
establishments located outside residential areas, the number of fires
calculated simultaneously is calculated as follows: s
-When the area of the industrial facility reaches 150 hectares and the
population of the residential area reaches 10 000 people, take as 1 fire
(take the larger lateral water flow); Similarly with a population of 10 l

000 to 25 000 people take 2 fires (1 fire for industrial premises and 1 l

fire for residential areas);

-When the area of the industrial establishment is over 150 hectares
and the population reaches 25 000 people, take 2 fires (2 fires for the
industrial establishment area or 2 fires for residential areas, taken
according to the water flow required by the larger party);

- When the number of inhabitants in a residential area is greater than

25 000 people, take 2 fires, where the water flow of 1 fire is
determined by the sum of the larger required flow (calculated for
industrial or residential premises) and 50% of the smaller required
flow (calculated for industrial or residential premises).
s The fire extinguishing time shall be 3 hours, except as specifically stated below:
- For refractory tier houses I and II with structures and insulation
made of non-combustible materials, the areas of fire hazard class D
- For kindergartens, kindergartens, kindergartens and houses
belonging to fire danger groups according to functions F4.1 and F4.3
in rural areas, with refractory steps I and II with structures and
insulation made of non-combustible materials not exceeding 3 floors
high, the construction area up to 500 m2 is 1 hour;
- For kindergartens, kindergartens, kindergartens and houses
belonging to fire danger groups according to functions F4.1 and F4.3
in rural areas, with refractory steps I and II with structures and
insulation made of non-combustible materials not exceeding 3 floors

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high, construction area up to 500 m2, the internal fire hydrant system 5
is allowed to be used instead for outdoor fire water supply systems; .

- For open-form warehouses containing materials from wood - not less than 5 hours. 1
. The greatest time for restoration of fire reserve water shall not be greater than:
-For residential areas and industrial establishments with fire hazard
zones A, B and C, it is 24 hours;
-For industrial establishments with fire hazard zones D and E, it is 36 hours;

-For residential areas and agricultural facilities take 72 hours. T

NOTE: For industrial facilities with water flow requirements for outdoor fire fighting to 20 h
L/s, it is permissible to increase the fire water recovery time as follows: e

a) For areas classified in fire danger classes D and E, up to 48 hours are allowed;
b)For areas classified in fire danger class C, up to 36 hours are allowed.
When it is not possible to ensure the restoration of fire fighting water
within the prescribed time, n times the amount of fire fighting water
should be provided. The value of n (n = 1.5; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0 ...) depends
on the actual recovery time, ttt, and calculated according to the
following formula:
n = ttt / tqd
where: TTT is the actual fire storage water recovery time; e
TQD is the time of restoration of fire storage water (according to r

5.1.4 Fire safety requirements for pipeline networks and structures built on them
p When installing 2 or more supply pipelines, a switching valve
must be installed between them, then in case of disconnection of 1
supply line or 1 part of it, the fire fighting is still 100% guaranteed.
eline network shall be circular. It is permissible to make dead-end
pipes when: water supply for fire fighting or domestic - fire fighting
when the pipe length is not greater than 200 m without depending on
the required fire water flow.

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It is not allowed to connect the pipe network outside the house by the
pipe network inside the house and structure.
In residential areas with up to 5 000 people and the requirement for
water flow for outdoor fire fighting up to 10 L/s or the number of
indoor fire hydrants up to 12, it is permissible to use a dead-end
network with a length of more than 200 m if there is a construction of i

tanks, low pressure water or regulating tanks for dead-end networks, a

which contains the entire amount of water for firefighting. m The pipeline shall be divided into sections by security lock e

valves so that when repaired, no more than 05 fire hydrants will faint t
e The valves on pipes of any diameter when remotely or
automatically controlled shall be electrically controlled valves.

Pneumatic, hydraulic or solenoid valves are allowed.

When not remote or automatic, the lock valve with a diameter of up
to 400 mm can be a manual lock, with a diameter greater than 400
mm is an electric or hydraulic lock; In separate cases, it is permissible
to mount valves with a diameter of more than 400 mm of manual
lock. u
In all cases, manual opening and closing must be allowed.
d The diameter of the supply pipeline and the network after the
supply pipeline shall be calculated on the following basis:
-According to technical and economic factors;
-Working conditions when interrupting individual paragraphs.

ire water pipes for residential premises and production facilities
should not be less than 100 mm, for rural areas - not less than 75 mm. Fire hydrants shall be located at a distance not greater than

2.5 m to the edge of the road, but not closer than 1 m to the wall of
the house; allowing the placement of water hydrants (underground
posts) located in roads.

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Page 88/114 Fire hydrants must be arranged on the pipeline network so that
at least 02 pillars when the required flow is 15 L/s or more, at least 01
pillar when the required flow is less than 15 L/s serving all points of
the house horizontally and the service radius of each water cylinder is
not large 200 m according to the path of movement of the fire hydrant The volume of fire extinguishing water in tanks
NOTE: On the network the pipeline for residential points up to 500
going outside the house. and tanks must be calculated to
people allows the replacement of 3-door fire hydrants with 80 mm
vertical pipeline sections with water throats. ensure: Works equipped with fire hydrant systems as well as automatic
sprinkler fire extinguishing systems must have pipes connected from
the fire water supply pump station of the project to at least 01 fire
hydrant type 03 door or type 02 door DN65 located on the outside of
5.1.5 Requirements for water tanks and tanks for outdoor firefighting. The requirements for water tanks shall comply with NFPA 22, Standard for Water
the building wall towards the road. Water supply tanks and tanks according to their functions must include for Tanks for Private Fire Protection. regulating, firefighting, incidents and priming water.

- Carry out the supply of fire fighting water from foreign cylinders If the collection of fire fighting water directly from water supply sources is not suitable for economic and

technical conditions, in all cases, water storage tanks and tanks must ensure that there is a sufficient amount of fire fighting

water as calculated.

and other fire extinguishing systems;

- Provide for specialized fire extinguishing devices (sprinkler,

drencher and the like) without their own tank;

- The maximum amount of water for domestic and production during

the firefighting process.

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5 Ponds and ponds for which fire engines absorb water shall
have access and parking lots not less than 12 m x 12 m in size with .

surfaces to ensure the load intended for fire engines. 1

When determining the volume of fire fighting water in tanks and
tanks, it is permissible to include recharging into tanks and tanks
during the fire fighting period if it has a guaranteed water supply
system specified in 7 When supplying water under a supply pipe, additional water

must be provided for fire fighting, specified in
It is permissible not to take into account the amount of additional
water for fire fighting when the length of a supply pipe is not more
than 500 m for residential premises with a population of up to 5 000
people, as well as for objects with water flow requirements for
outdoor fire fighting not greater than 40 L/s.
o The total number of tanks and tanks for fire fighting in a
pipe network must not be less than 2 (not applicable to tanks and
tanks for water supply outside houses of individual works).
Between the tanks, tanks in the pipe network, the lowest and highest
water levels of the fire extinguishing water must be respectively the
When disconnecting a tank or tank, the amount of water stored for
fire fighting in the remaining tanks and tanks must not be less than
50% of the amount of water required for fire fighting.
refighting water in specialized tanks, tanks or open water pools is
permitted for:

-Residential areas up to 5 000 people;

-Buildings, regardless of function, standing separately outside

residential areas without domestic or productive plumbing systems, to
provide the amount of water required for the water supply system
outside the home;

- Different functional houses have the required water flow for outdoor
fire water supply not exceeding 10 L/s;

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- Houses with from 1 to 2 floors, regardless of function, have a
construction area not larger than the permissible fire compartment
area for that type of house.
n The5.1.2.2,,,, and
amount of fire fighting water of artificial tanks, tanks and lakes
shall be determined on the basis of calculation of water consumption
and fire extinguishing time
as prescribed in
Note 1 to entry: Calculation of the volume of fire extinguishing water h
of an open artificial lake shall take into account the evaporation and o
freezing capacity of the water. The minimum water level should not u
be less than 0.5 m. s

Note 2 to entry: Entrances for fire engines to access tanks, lakes and e

similar water intake points shall be secured.

c Outdoor fire hydrants and tanks, tanks and lakes must be
located at locations that ensure the service radius:
-When there is a pump truck, it is 200 m;
- When there is a mobile pump of 100 m to 150 m within the technical a
operating range of the pump; i

-In order to increase the service radius, it is permissible to install n

dead-end pipes with a length not exceeding 200 m from tanks, tanks i

and artificial lakes in accordance with the provisions of; n

- The distance from the point of water intake from an artificial tank,
tank or lake to a house with refractory steps III, IV and V or to an
combustible materials must not be less than 30 m, to a refractory step
house I and II must not be less than 10 m. When it is not possible to draw fire extinguishing water

directly from tanks, tanks or lakes using pumps or mobile pumps,
collection pits with volumes from 3 m 3 to 5 m 3 must be provided.
The diameter of pipes
connecting tanks, tanks or lakes to collection pits according to the
conditions of calculating water flow for outdoor firefighting, but not
less than 200 mm. On the

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connecting pipe section, there must be a valve box to lock the
circulation of water, the opening and closing of the valve must be
possible from outside the box. The end of the connecting pipe section Pressure
on the artificial tanks
lake side and
havefor fire fighting shall be equipped
a screen.
with water level gauges, water level signal indicators for pumping
stations or water
The pressure tankdistribution stations.
and pressure tank of the high-pressure fire water
pipe must be equipped with a device to ensure automatic shutoff of
water to the tank and low when the fire pump is operating. Pressure tanks and tanks used when pressing, in addition to
the operating press, there must be a backup press.
5.2 Indoor fire hydrant system 55.8 Fire Hydrants. Where required by another section of this Code and NFPA 1, fire

5.2.1 Houses, public houses, administrative-auxiliary houses of industrial works must hydrants shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of install indoor fire hydrants with a minimum water flow for fire
fighting determined Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances

according to Table 11, for manufacturers and warehouses, determined according to Table 12.

When determining the required fire extinguishing water flow, it must be based on the density water jet height and fire

extinguishing fountain head diameter determined according to Table 13. Then calculate the simultaneous operation of the

water hydrant and other fire extinguishing systems.

Based on the water supply flow, fire hydrants are classified into;

- Low flow rate (from 0.2 L/s to 1.5 L/s). Equipment for low-flow fire hydrants with diameters of DN 5, DN 10, DN 15,

DN 20, DN 25, DN 40;

- Medium flow rate (greater than 1.5 L/s).

In case of use of low-flow hydrants, the total water supply flow and density water jet height must be ensured according to

tables 11, 12 and 13.

5.2.2 In order to calculate the pump capacity and water storage for fire fighting, the number of sprinklers and water flow

for fire fighting in public houses for houses located at a fire protection height of more than 50 m must be taken UL LLC
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beam 2.5 L/s, for group F5 houses of fire hazard class A, B, C have a -
fire protection height of over 50 m taken respectively 4 rays, each F
beam 5 L / s. o

5.2.3 For manufacturers and warehouses using structures that are r

prone to damage under the influence of fire, in accordance with Table

12, the minimum water flow for calculating pump capacity and fire h
storage as determined in Table 12 shall be increased on a case-by- o
case basis as follows: u
- When using steel structures without fire protection in refractory tier s
buildings III, IV (groups S2, S3), as well as natural wood or plywood e
structures (in this case, fire-protected treated wood), an increase of 5 s
L/s must be increased;

- When using combustible materials surrounding the structure of n

refractory building IV (groups S2, S3), it must be increased by 5 L/s o
for houses with a volume of up to 10 000 m . When the house has a t
volume greater than 10 000 m 3 , it must be increased by 5 L/s for
every additional 100 000 m 3 or an odd part of 100 000 m3 increased. d
5.2.4 The number of fire extinguishing sprays for each fire point i
shall be 2 rays for buildings requiring the number of spray rays equal v
to or greater than 2. i
5.2.5 For parts of houses with different functional areas, the water d
flow for fire fighting must be calculated separately for each section as e
prescribed in 5.2.1 and 5.2.2. At that time, the fire water flow in the d
house is calculated according to the following regulations:
by fire walls, they must be calculated according to the general

- For houses divided by type 1 or 2 fire walls, it must be calculated

according to the volume of the part of the house with higher water
flow requirements.

When connecting houses with refractory steps I and II by aisles made

of non-combustible materials and installed fire doors, the volume of
the house serving to determine the fire water flow shall be counted as
the individual volume of each house; When there is no fire door, it is
calculated by total volume and by higher fire danger class.

5.2.6 The hydrostatic pressure in the domestic-firefighting water

system measured at sanitary-technical equipment set to the lowest
water level shall not exceed 0.45 MPa.

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The hydrostatic pressure of the fire extinguishing system separately
set at the lowest water level should not exceed 0.90 MPa.
When calculating, if the pressure in the fire extinguishing system
exceeds 0.45 MPa, a separate fire extinguishing system network must
be installed. 2
When the pressure between the valve and the connector of the fire
hydrant is greater than 0.4 MPa, a diaphragm and pressure regulating t
device must be installed to reduce the residual pressure. o

5.2.7 The free pressure of the fire hydrant shall ensure the height of
the jet of solid water required for firefighting at all times of the day in e

the highest and furthest areas. The minimum height and operating n

radius of a fire solid water jet shall be equal to the height of the area, t

calculated from the floor to the highest point of the beam (ceiling), r
but not less than the following values: y
-For houses, public houses, manufacturers and auxiliary houses of
industrial works with a fire protection height of up to 50 m, not less
than 6 m;
-For houses with a fire protection height of more than 50 m, not less than 8 m;

- For public houses, manufacturers and auxiliary houses of industrial r

works with a fire protection height of more than 50 m, not less than e
16 m. c

Note 1 to entry: The pressure of the fire hydrant shall be calculated e

for the loss of the fire hydrant coil 10, 15 and 20 m long. i
e a density water jet with a flow of up to 4 L/s, DN 50 fire hydrant
must be used, DN 50 fire hydrant must be used, DN 65 throat must be
used When economic and technical evidence allows, DN 50 fire
hydrant must be used for a flow above 4 L/s

5.2.8 The design of the pressure tank for the house must ensure
that at all times a solid water jet above 4 m high is provided at the top
floor or the floor immediately below the place where the tank is
located, and not less than 6 m for the remaining floors; then the
number of water jets is guaranteed: 2 rays of 2.5 L/s each for 10
minutes when the calculated number of rays is 2 or more, 1 ray in the
remaining cases.

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When installing a fire hydrant used as an automatic control sensor of
a fire pump, there is no need to consider the pressure water tank.
5.2.9 In the case of installing a separate fire hydrant system from
automatic fire extinguishing systems, the volume of the storage water
tank shall ensure the volume of water used for 1 hour, for one fire
hydrant and other water needs.

When installing fire hydrant systems on automatic fire extinguishing

systems, the working time of the hydrant is equal to the working time
of the automatic fire extinguishing system.
5.2.10 For buildings with 6 floors or more, when linking domestic
water and fire fighting systems, vertical pipes must be connected
above. At that time, to ensure the water change in the house, the
vertical ring must be connected to one or several vertical exhaust c

pipes with a lock valve. a

In dry pipe fire extinguishing systems installed in unheated houses, l

lock valves must be installed in areas where there is no possibility of

freezing. p
5.2.11 The determination of the location and number of vertical pipes
and fire hydrants in the house must ensure the following provisions:
-It is permissible to install double throats on vertical pipes in
manufactured houses and public houses when the calculated number
of water jets is not less than 3, and in housing not less than 2; -
-In houses with a corridor length of up to 10 m, when the number of
water jets is equal to 2 for each point, it is permissible to spray 2 rays
houses with corridor lengths greater than 10 m, as well as
manufacturers and public houses with 2 or more calculated water jets
per point, 2 sprays from 2 fire extinguishing cabinets must be
arranged next to each other (2 different hydrants).

Note 1 to entry: Fire hydrants shall be installed in technical floors,

attics and technical basements if there are materials and structures
made from combustible materials.

Note 2 to entry: The number of water jets from each cabinet shall not be greater than 2.

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5.2.12 The fire hydrants shall be installed so that the mouth is located
at a height of 1.20 m ± 0.15 m from the floor level and placed in fire
cabinets with ventilation holes, sealed. For dual fire hydrants, it is 2

permissible to install 1 throat located on 1 throat located below, At .

that time, the lower throat must be installed with a height of not less 1

than 1.0 m from the floor level. 7

5.2.13 Indoor and building fire hydrant systems shall have a waiting
throat for installation outside the house and a connector of
appropriate size for connection to mobile fire extinguishing vehicles.
For buildings with 17 storeys or more, the throat waiting for water
supply for the indoor fire hydrant system must be divided into zones v

according to the height of each zone not exceeding 50 m. These e

throats must be installed with a check valve and open sealing. s

5.2.14 Indoor fire hydrants shall be installed at entrances inside

corridors (where there is no risk of water freezing) of staircase
chambers (except smoke-free staircases), in halls, corridors,
walkways and other accessible places, so that the arrangement shall
not interfere with escape activities.
5.2.15 In areas protected by automatic fire extinguishing systems,
indoor fire hydrants should be installed on DN 65 pipes or larger,
after the control valve assembly of the water sprinkler system.
5.2.16 In enclosed areas that are likely to be closed, the pipes of the
indoor fire hydrant system following the permissible pumping station
are dry pipes. g
water from dead-end branch pipes as well as large lock valves from
closed steel pipelines shall be arranged to ensure that each pipe
section locks at least five fire hydrants on the same floor.

5.2.18 Based on the performance of the protected object, the

following options for equipping the fire hydrant system may be

-Option 1: use medium-flow fire hydrants. This option is allowed to

apply to all types of works;

- Option 2: use small flow fire hydrants combined with dry throat
piping. This option is allowed to apply to houses and public works;

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- Option 3: use small flow fire hydrants. This option is allowed to
apply to buildings equipped with automatic fire extinguishing
systems for the entire building;

- Option 4: use small flow fire hydrants in combination with medium

flow fire hydrants. This option is allowed to apply to houses and
public works.

NOTE: In one building, it is allowed to combine many different options for equipping fire

5.3 Fire water supply pumping station 33.3.4 Emergency and backup power
5.3.1 Whether designed separately or combined with domestic and production water Emergency power requirements for electric fire pumps are subject to NFPA
systems, fire-fighting water pumps must have backup pumps, with the same capacity as 20.
the main pumps, the number of backup pumps is prescribed as 4. follows:
- When calculating the need for one to three main fire pumps, there must be at least one Emergency power requirements for detection, alarm, and communications
systems shall be consistent with
NFPA 72.
backup pump;

- When calculating the need for four or more main fire pumps, there must be at least two *The requirements for backup power must be stated in to
backup pumps;

The fire pumps must be connected to two separate power sources from the mains, power Class 60, Class 1, Level 2, backup power source conforming to NFPA 110,
from the generator or using internal combustion engine pumps. It is (1) Lever
permissible not to shall be provided. equip backup pumps or backup pump
power sources when supplying water to manufacturers,
warehouses with refractory grades I and II with fire and explosion hazard classes D and The backup power system shall have a capacity and rating sufficient to
supply all necessary
E and the required outdoor fire water supply flow is less than equipment.
5.3.2 The fire water supply pump can be controlled on site by manual or automatic Selective loading and unloading must be
permitted in accordance with remote control and must ensure that the pump is activated and operated for no later than Chapter 52.
3 minutes from the time of the fire alarm signal. When the water flow for outdoor fire
fighting requires 25 L/s or more, there must be a mechanism to control the automatic fire The backup power system shall be connected as follows:
pump remotely.
5.3.3 When designers of internal fire hydrant systems where the regular water (2) Air compressor for dry tube system and quick response system
pressure is not sufficient to supply the fire hydrants, there must be a remote pump control
unit located right at the fire hydrant. (3) Emergency command center lighting and equipment

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(4) Not less than one elevator serving all floors, with backup power that
can be switched
to any elevator

(5) Mechanical equipment for smokeproof compartment

(6) The necessary mechanical equipment shall conform to the

requirements of Chapter

(7) Stair video surveillance equipment as required by 33.3.8 The fuel line supplied to the generator set inside a high-rise
building shall be
separated from building areas other than the generator room by one of
the following

(1) The fire protection system meets all of the following:

(a) Tested in accordance with UL 1489, Fire Resistance Test of

Refractory Pipeline
Protection Systems carrying flammable liquids

(b) Installed as tested and in accordance with the

manufacturer's installation

(c) Have a rating of not less than 2 hours or not less than 1 hour when
the building is
protected by an electrically monitored automatic
sprinkler system, approved in
accordance with Section 55.3

(2) The complex has a refractory index of not less than 2 hours or not
less than 1 hour
in which the building is protected by an approved electrically
monitored automatic
sprinkler system in accordance with Section 55.3

6. FIRE FIGHTING6.1 Houses and buildings must ensure fire fighting and rescue by solutions: structure,
AND RESCUElayout of premises - space, techniques - works and organizational solutions.

These solutions include:

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- Arrangement of roads for fire engines, fire engine parking lots and
access paths for fire fighting forces and vehicles, combined with
roads and walkways according to the function of the house or
separately arranged;

- Arrange fire ladders outside the house and ensure other necessary
means to bring firefighting personnel and firefighting technical
equipment to the floors and roofs of houses, including the
arrangement of elevators with the mode of "transporting firefighters"
(hereinafter collectively referred to as fire elevators);

-Arranging fire water supply pipes, combined with domestic or

separate water supply pipes, and when necessary, arranging water
hydrants, indoor water supply pipes for firefighters, water hydrants,
fire water tanks or other fire water supply sources;

-Smoke protection for firefighting passages inside the house;

-Equipping homes with life-saving means for individuals and groups in case of need;

- Arranging and constructing fire prevention and fighting works and

stations (teams) suitable to the number of employees and necessary
firefighting technical equipment, meeting fire fighting conditions on
works or areas within the scope of operation of these stations (teams)
in accordance with current regulations.

The selection of the above-mentioned solutions depends on the refractory level,

structural fire hazard class and fire hazard class according to the performance of the
house or building.

In localities that do not have sufficient conditions for public transport infrastructure and
general water supply as prescribed by this Regulation, fire fighting and rescue solutions
shall comply with separate instructions of state management agencies in charge of fire
protection in those localities.

6.2 Roads for fire engines and fire engine parking lots
7.1.5 Fire Department Access. [1:18.2]
6.2.1General requirements Fire department access and fire department access roads shall
be provided The clearance width of the road surface for fire engines shall not be less than and maintained in accordance with 7.1.5. [1:18.2.1]
m. Fire Department Access Roads. [1:18.2.3]

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Website: The fire engine parking lot must have a clear width to ensure access to deploy Required Access.
fire extinguishing vehicles suitable to the fire fighting height and fire hazard group Approved fire department access roads shall be provided
according to the function of the house as specified in Table 14. in accordance
with 7.1.5 for every facility, building, or portion of a building
hereafter constructed or
relocated. [1:] The provisions of through shall be
permitted to be
modified by the AHJ where any of the following conditions exists:
(1) One- and two-family dwellings protected by an approved automatic
sprinkler system
in accordance with Section 13.1 of NFPA 1
if all of the following requirements are met: ) Existing one- and two-family dwellings
- The clearance height for fire fighting vehicles to pass through must not
be less than 4.5 (3) Private garages having an area not exceeding 400 ft2
m; (4
- The dimensions of the upper blocking structure (measured along the ) Carports having an area not exceeding 400 ft2
length of the road
for fire engines and fire engine parking) should not be greater than 10 (5
m; ) Agricultural buildings having an area not exceeding 400 ft2
- If there are two or more upper blocking structures across the road for fire engines or (6) Sheds and other detached buildings having an area not exceeding 400 ft2 fire
engine parking lots, the clearance between these structures shall not be less than [1:]
20 m; When fire department access roads cannot be installed due
to location on
- The length of the end of the road for fire engines or fire engine parking lots not blocked
property, topography, waterways, nonnegotiable grades, or other similar conditions,
by the overhead blocking structures should not be less than 20 m;
the author ity having jurisdiction shall be authorized to require
additional fire protection
- The length of the fire engine parking lot must not take into account sections with an
features. [1:] upper blocking structure. Along the exterior wall of the Access to Building.
house, at locations opposite the fire engine
parking lot, entrances through the outer wall to the interior of the house from above A fire department access road shall extend
to within 50 ft (15 m) of at least
(entrance from above) shall be arranged in accordance with the provisions of 6.3 for the one exterior door that can be opened from the
outside and that provides access to the
deployment of fire fighting and rescue inte rior of the building. [1:]

6.2.2 The arrangement of roads for fire engines and fire engine parking lots must meet Where a one- or two-family dwelling, or townhouse, is protected with an
the following requirements: approved automatic sprinkler system that is installed in accordance
with NFPA 13D or

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personnel (of dry pipe
1 Group F1, F2, F3 and F4 houses with a fire protection height of not more than NFPA 13R, as appli cable, the distance in shall be permitted to be

15 m do not require fire engine parking, however there must be a road for fire engines increased to 150 ft (46 m). [1:]
to reach any point on the level projection of the house not greater than
60 m. Additional Requirements.
6.2.2. Group F1.3 houses with a fire protection height greater than 15
2 m must meet all Fire department access roads shall be provided such that any
portion of the
the following requirements:
facility or any portion of an exte rior wall of the first story of the building is located not
- There must be a road for fire engines within a travel range of not more than 18 m from more than 150 ft (46 m) from fire department access roads as meas ured by an
(A) Fire department access roads shall have an unobstructed width of
the end of the road to the entrance to all buffer compartments of the fire elevator or of approved route around the exterior of the building or facility.
not less than 20 ft (6100 mm). [1:]
[1:] the escape staircase with a throat for water supply DN 65 for professional firefighting When buildings are protected throughout with an approved

- There must be a fire engine parking lot to reach at least one entire exterior of each sprinkler system that is installed in accord ance with NFPA 13; NFPA 13D; or NFPA block.
The fire engine parking lot must be located at a distance closer than 2 m and not 13R, the distance shall be permitted to be increased to 450 ft (137 m). [1:]

more than 10 m from the exterior wall of the house; Multiple Access Roads. More than one fire depart ment access road shall be
- The design of the fire engine parking lot and the road for fire engines must meet the provided when it is determined by the authority having jurisdiction
that access by a
provisions set forth in Table 14. single road could be impaired by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain, climatic If a house or
part of a house of groups F1.1, F1.2, F2, F3 and F4 with a fire conditions, or other factors that could limit access. [1:]
protection height of more than 15 m is greater, a fire engine parking lot must be arranged
Specifications. [1:] at each location to directly access the door panels of the entrance from above. The
of the fire engine parking lot shall be taken according to Table 15 based on the accessible Dimensions. [1:]
floor area of the floor with the greatest permissible floor area value.
In the case of a house with a duplex, that value is calculated as

a/ For houses with atrium floors, including basements connected to above-ground floors,
the permissible floor area shall be equal to the cumulative area of the permissible floor (B) Fire department access roads shall have an unobstructed vertical clearance of not
area values of all atrium floors; less than 13 ft 6 in. (4.1 m). [1:]
b)For houses with two or more groups of floor floors, the floor area allowed for access (C) Vertical clearance shall be
permitted to be reduced, provi must take the cumulative value list of the group of floor floors with the largest area;
ded such reduction does not impair access by fire apparatus, and
approved signs are
c) For F5 group houses, there must be a fire engine parking lot for fire fighting vehicles.
installed and maintained indicating the established vertical clearance when approved.
The length of the fire engine parking lot must be taken according to Table 16, based on [1:]
the total volume size of the house (excluding the basement).

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When production conditions do not require access roads, roads for fire engines are
(D) Vertical clearances or widths shall be increased when verti cal clearances or widths

allowed to arrange a 3.5 m wide road for vehicles to run, the roadbed is reinforced with are not adequate to accommodate fire apparatus. [1:] materials to withstand the load of fire engines and ensure
surface water drainage.

The distance from the edge of the road for fire engines to the wall of the house must not Surface. Fire department access roads shall be designed and maintained be greater than 5 m for houses with a fire protection height of less
driving surface. [1:]
than 12 m, not greater to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be provided with an all-weather than 8 m for houses with a fire protection height of 12 m to 28 m and not greater than 10

m for houses with a fire protection height of more than 28 m. Turning
In case of necessity, the distance from the near edge of the carriageway to the outer wall (A) The turning radius of a fire department access road shall be as
approved by the of the house and building is increased to 60 m provided that the house and structure authority having jurisdiction. [1:]

have dead-end access roads, accompanied by a fire engine

rotary yard and the
arrangement of fire hydrants. In that case, the distance from houses and structures to (B) Turns in fire department access roads
the maintain
engine the minimum
rotary roadnot
yard must width.
be less than 5 m and not
greater than 15 m, and the Dead Ends. Dead-end fire department access roads in excess of 150 ft (46 m) in length shall be provided
distance between dead-end roads should not exceed 100 m.
with approved provisions for the fire apparatus to turn
around. [1:] Bridges.
(A) When a bridge is required to be used as part of a fire
department access road, it shall be constructed and maintained
in accordance with nationally recognized standards.
(B) The bridge shall be designed for a live load sufficient to carry
the imposed loads of fire apparatus. [1:]

(C) Vehicle load limits shall be posted at both entrances to

bridges where required by the authority having jurisdiction.
[1:] Grade.
(A) The gradient for a fire department access road shall not
exceed the maximum approved. [1:]

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(B)* The angle of approach and departure for any means of fire
department access
shall not exceed 1 ft drop in 20 ft (305 mm drop in 6100 mm) or the
design limitations
of the fire apparatus of the fire department, and shall be subject to
approval by the
authority having jurisdiction. [1:] Marking of Fire Department Access Road. Where required

by the authority
having jurisdiction, approved signs or other approved notices shall be
provided and
maintained to identify fire department access roads or to prohibit the
obstruction thereof
or both. [1:]

6.3 Aerial entrance for fire and rescue services

6.3.1The entrance from above must be well ventilated and unobstructed at all times
during the time the house is in use. Entrances from above can be openings in external
walls, windows, balcony doors, glazed wall panels and door panels that can be opened
from the inside and outside. It is forbidden to place furniture or any objects that may
obstruct within 1 m of the interior floor from the entrances from above.

6.3.2The entrance from above shall be located opposite a usable space. Do not be
located in warehouse or engine rooms, escape staircase chambers, smoke-free lobbies,
fire elevator lobbies, or spaces that lead only to a dead end.

6.3.3 The outer side of the door panels of the entrance from above shall be marked
with a red or yellow equilateral triangle with a side not less than 150 mm, the triangle
may be directed up or down. On the inner side must be the inscription "ENTRANCE
FROM ABOVE - NO OBSTRUCTION" with a letter height of not less than 25 mm.

6.3.4 Entrances from above shall be not less than 850 mm in width, not less than 1 000
mm in height, the lower edge of the entrance not greater than 1
100 mm from the inner floor, and the upper edge not less than 1 800
mm from the inner floor.

6.3.5 The number and location of the entrance from above for each fire compartment of
a house or part of a house not falling into heading F1.3 must meet the following

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For group houses F1.1, F1.2, F2, F3, F4 and F5, the number of
entrances from above must be calculated based on the length of the i

fire engine parking lot. For every section sufficient or not sufficient d

20 m of the length of the fire engine parking lot, there must be an e

entrance location from above;

- Entrances from above must be spaced far apart, along the edge of o

the house. The longest distance measured along the outer wall f
between the center of two consecutive overhead entrances served by a
fire engine parking lot should not exceed 20 m. The entrance from t
above must be distributed so that there must be at least 1 entrance h
from above per 20 m section of the length of the fire engine parking
lot, except for 1-storey buildings that do not belong to group F5;

- For houses in groups F1.1, F1.2, F2, F3 and F4 with fire protection
heights from over 15 m to 50 m, there must be entrances from above
on all floors except the first floor and must be located opposite the
fire engine parking lot;
- For F5 group houses, overhead entrances must be arranged above a
fire engine parking lot, up to a fire protection height of 50 m.

The elevated entrance requirement does not apply to F1.3 group

houses, including ancillary areas (e.g. gyms, club rooms, and
similarly functional rooms catering exclusively to the occupants of
the house) in F1.3 group houses.

6.4 The car park design must comply with one of the following regulations:

-An equilateral triangle with a side not less than 7 m, one vertex
located at a dead end, two vertices located proportionally on either
-A square with a side not less than 12 m;

-Circular shape, not less than 10 m in diameter;

-The rectangle is perpendicular to the dead end, balanced on either

side of the road, not less than 5 m x 20 m in size.

NOTE: The above regulations are the minimum threshold, the

management agency in charge of fire protection and fire protection
can make specific regulations based on the technical requirements of
fire fighting vehicles in each locality.

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6.5 For narrow roads sufficient for only 1 lane, an extension of at
least 8 m in length and at least 7 m width must be designed for at
least 100 m so that fire engines and other vehicles can avoid each
other easily.

6.6 For houses of 2 or more storeys with flat roofs or roofs with a h
slope of less than 25% with a height greater than or equal to 10 m a
taking into account the roof frieze or the upper edge of the outer wall v
(roof retaining wall), there must be direct roof exits from the staircase e
chambers or passing through the attic, Or take the Class 3 stairs, or
take the fire ladder outside the house. a
The number of roof exits and their placement must be based on fire
hazard according to the function and dimensions of the house. Group s
houses F1, F2, F3 and F4 must have at least 1 access to the roof for l
each area sufficient or not sufficient 9 300 m of roof. For F5 group o
houses, comply with the provisions of A.1.3.1. p
It is permissible not to arrange fire extinguishing ladders on the main e
side of the house if the width of the house does not exceed 150 m and
in front of the house there is a fire water supply pipeline. (
6.7 In all attics of houses, except F1.4 group houses, there must be
roof exits through fixed ladders and doors, flaps or windows not less
than 0.6m x 0.8m.
Roof exits or attic exits from staircase chambers shall be arranged in e
ladder boards with ladder projections in front of the exit, through
class 2 fire doors not less than 0.75 m x 1.5 m in size. The o
aforementioned ladders and projections may be made of steel but f
inclination) not greater than 2:1 (63.5°) and a width not less than 0.7

In group houses F1, F2, F3 and F4 with a fire protection height of up

to 15 m, it is allowed to arrange attic exits or roof exits from staircase
chambers through type 2 fire cover doors with dimensions of 0.6 m x
0.8 m according to fixed steel climbing ladders.

6.8 In technical floors, including technical basements and technical

attic floors, the clearance height of the passage must be not less than
1.8 m; in the attics along the entire house - not less than 1.6 m. The
width of these passages should be not less than 1.2 m.

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In separate segments whose length is not greater than 2 m It is permissible to reduce
the height of the aisle by 1.2 m, while the minimum width is 0.9 m.

6.9 In houses with attics, there must be lid doors in structures covering the cavities of
the attic.

6.10 At points where the height difference of the roof is greater than 1.0 m (including the
elevation point to raise the lighting and ventilation doors), a fire ladder must be provided.

In areas where the height difference of the roof is more than 10 m, if each part of the roof
with an area greater than 100 m2 has its own roof outlet satisfying the requirements at
6.6, or the height of the lower part of the roof, determined according to 6.6 does not
exceed 10 m, it is permissible not to arrange fire extinguishing ladders.

6.11 When arranging access to the roof with external fire ladders as required in 6.6,
class P1 fire ladders must be used to reach a height of up to 20 m and at roof height
differences from 1.0 m to 20 m. Class P2 fire ladders must be used to reach heights
greater than 20 m and at gaps height deviation above 20 m.

Fire ladders must be made of non-combustible materials, located in a conspicuous place

and not less than 1.0 m away from windows. Ladder width 0.7 m. For the P1 type scale,
from a height of 10 m or more, there must be a circle covering a radius of 0.35 m, the
center of the arc is 0.45 m from the ladder. The arcs must be located at a distance of 0.7
m from each other, in the place where the roof is exited, there must be a railing at least
0.6 m high. For the P2 ladder, there must be handrails and rest mats located no more
than 8 m apart.

6.12 Between the ladder plates and between the handrail railings of the ladder plate
there shall be openings with a width of clearance projected on the ground not less than
100 mm.
6.13 Each fire compartment of houses with a fire protection height greater than 28 m 33.3. 7 Fire Service Access Elevator.
(greater than 50 m for group F1.3 houses), or houses with a depth of the bottom
basement floor (taking into account the height of the exit exit) greater than 9 m must In buildings with occupied floors higher than 120 ft (36.6 m) above the lowest

have at least one fire elevator. floor of a fire vehicle, a minimum of two fire elevators, each with a
minimum capacity
of 3500 lb (1590 kg) and serving on the lowest level of the fire
vehicle's entrance and
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NOTE: Other technical requirements such as electrical cables, control systems, signal all upper floors, shall be provided for use as a fire elevator in accordance with Section
transmission, communications, equipment for fire protection and similar systems must 54.12.
comply with specific technical standards selected for fire elevators Elevators that serve only open or enclosed garages and building lobbies shall The
arrangement and installation of fire fighting elevators must ensure the following not be fire elevators as specified in 33.3.7. basic regulations:

- It is forbidden to use elevators primarily to transport goods for fire fighting elevators;
54.12 Fire Service Access Elevators.
Under normal conditions, fire elevators are still used to wait for people. Fire elevators
can be arranged with a separate elevator hall or in a common hall with elevators waiting 54.12.1 General. Where fire service access elevators are provided, and except as
for people and joined together by a group automatic control system; modified by this section, each fire serviceaccess elevator shall be installed in
accordance with Chapter 54 and ASME A17.1/CSA B44, Safety Code for Elevators
-The number is calculated to be sufficient so that the distance from the location of
such and Escalators. elevators to any point on the floor plan they serve does not exceed
60 m;
-If there is only one fire elevator, it must reach at least all floors adjacent to the burning A minimum of one fire service access elevator shallbe sized in accordance
with 54.3.2.
floor of the house;
- If there are multiple fire elevators arranged in one elevator well, the
elevators may serve
different areas of the house provided that the area to be serviced on
each elevator is
clearly indicated;
- In all cases, the form of service of fire elevators must be the same
and common, e.g.
elevators serving only odd floors or even floors or all floors;
- If there are shelter floors, each of them must be serviced by at least
one fire elevator;
- In normal operating mode, the doors of fire elevators must not be
opened to those
refuge floors and the elevator well doors on those refuge floors must
be regularly locked
and only automatically unlocked when switched to firefighting
service mode.
In the event of a fire, the fire elevators must ensure that the
- Be the only person with the right to control and operate to access the
fire easily,
familiarly, safely and quickly with their equipment;
- Be protected from the effects of fire and smoke by appropriate
solutions, especially
when exiting such elevators;
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-Have clear and safe access to those elevators as well as to the decks 6

served by those elevators; .

- Do not have to move more than two floors to reach any fire-prone
floor of the house when there are 2 or more fire elevators;

- Be protected in separate elevator wells (not shared with other types

of elevators) and in each such elevator well, no more than 3 fire
elevators are arranged. The structure covering the elevator well must
have a fire resistance limit not less than REI 120. h
A fire elevator lobby is a buffer compartment that ensures all of the following provisions: o

-Have an area not less than 4 m2; u

-When combined with the halls of smoke-free staircases, the area s

shall not be less than 6 m2;
-Covered with Class 1 fire partitions;

-There is an installation of DN 65 water supply waiting throat for professional firefighters;

-The arrangement of the fire elevator must anticipate the movement i
of the professional fire fighting team and ensure that the fire fighting t
team has access to all rooms on all floors of the house; h
- The carrying capacity of the fire elevator must not be less than 630
kg for group F1.3 condominiums and not less than 1 000 kg for a

manufacturers and other public houses;

-The speed of movement of the fire elevator must not be less than
H/60 (m/s), where H is the lifting height (m);
- The covering structure of the fire elevator cabin must be made from f
non-combustible or weakly burning materials.
slope of up to 12 %, the height to the roof frieze or the upper edge
of the outer wall (retaining wall) is greater than 10 m, as well as in
houses with a roof slope greater than 12 % and the height to the roof
frieze is greater than 7 m, there must be railings and handrails on the
roof in accordance with current standards. The railings and handrails
of this type must also be arranged for flat roofs, balconies,

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loggias, external corridors, open-type external stairs, staircase boards and staircase
projections regardless of the fire protection height of the house.

6.15 Fire water supply systems for homes shall ensure that firefighting forces and means
can be accessed and used at all times.

6.16 The supply of fire fighting water as well as the equipping and placement of other
specialized fire extinguishing devices and tools for houses and structures must comply
with the basic provisions of Part 5 of this Regulation and relevant
technical standards.

6.17 Fire Control Room 33.3.5 * Emergency Command Center. The emergency
command center must
6.17.1 Houses and public buildings over 10 storeys high; houses with 2 to 3 basements; comply with to
public buildings with large concentrations of people (theaters, cinemas, discos, karaoke The location, design, content, and entrance to the fire department of the
bars that must arrange 2 or more emergency exits according to A.4, and houses with emergency command center shall be approved by the fire authority. [1:11.9.1] similar
uses, with the number of persons per floor, in accordance with Table G.9
(Appendix G), exceeding 50); Garages (parking spaces for cars, motorcycles, bicycles), The emergency command center shall be
separated from the rest of the manufacturers, warehouses with a total floor area of more than 18 000 m 2 must have building by a fire
barrier of not less than 1 hour refractory, unless otherwise approved
a fireproof control room and have qualified personnel regularly on duty in the control by the fire authority.
room. The emergency command center room shall be at least 200
ft2 (19 m2) in size
with a minimum size of 10 ft (3050 mm). [1:11.9.3]
6.17.2 The fire control room shall:
- Having an area sufficient to arrange to the fire prevention The existing rooms of the emergency command center
equipment according shall be maintained in
the minimum area and dimensions previously approved by the
requirements of the house but not less than 6 m2; Competent Authority.
- There are two entrances: one with free space outside the house and one with the main [1:]
corridor for escape; The following shall be provided in the emergency
command center:
- Be separated from other parts of the house by type 1 fire prevention
(1) Voice communication/emergency alarm system unit
- There are installed information devices and focal points of the fire
alarm system to (2) Fire alarm and fire alarm system detector
contact all areas of the house;
- There is a monitoring and control panel of fire fighting equipment,
smoke control (3) Fire and Rescue Police Communications Unit;
equipment and a floor plan for the layout of fire protection
equipment of the house. (4 A telephone for use by fire marshals with controlled access to the
) public telephone
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(5) The building floor plan indicates the typical and detailed floor plan
of the building's
core facilities, fire protection system, fire extinguishing equipment, and
fire police

(6) Desk

(7) If applicable, hazardous materials management plan for the building

(8) Emergency lighting - backup battery-powered generator If not provided on the fire alarm control panel, the following
devices or
functions shall be provided in the emergency command center:

(1) notification devices indicating the location of elevators and their

operating status;

(2) Status and control indicators for air handling systems

(3) Control to unlock the staircase door simultaneously if provided

(4) Water sprinkler valve and water flow detector display board

(5) Emergency and standby power status indicators

(6) Fire pump status indicator light

(7) Generator monitoring equipment and manual starting and transfer


(8) Public address system, as specifically required by NFPA 1

(9) Controls needed to control smoke

(10) Stair video surveillance equipment as required by 33.3.8

(11) Fire and Rescue Police two-way telephone communication and
control panel

(12) Elevator floor position and operation notification

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(13) Elevator fire recovery switch in accordance with ASME A
17.1/CSA B44, Safety
Code for Elevators and Escalators
(14) Elevator emergency power selector switch or switch, if supplied
in accordance with
ASME Al7.l/CSA B44 Emergency Command Center Acceptance Test.

Devices, devices, components and sequences must be
individually tested in
accordance with appropriate standards and written instructions of the
manufacturer. [1:

6.18 All basements in a house with 2 to 3 basements, shall be equipped with a two-way
emergency communication system between the fire control room and the following
- Equipment rooms related to fire extinguishing systems, especially pump rooms of
sprinkler systems, pump rooms supplying water to vertical pipe systems, switching
rooms, generator rooms and elevator engine rooms;
- All rooms installed with smoke control system control equipment;
- Firefighting elevators;
- All refugees;
- Ventilation control rooms.
7. 7.1 Transitional provisions
7.1.1 Construction design dossiers that have been commented on or approved for fire
prevention and fighting by competent state management agencies before this Regulation
takes effect, shall continue to comply with the proposed or approved design dossiers.
7.1.2 Construction design dossiers that are commented on or approved for fire
prevention and fighting by competent state management agencies from the effective
date of this Regulation must comply with the provisions of this Regulation.
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7.2 The Ministry of Construction shall organize the dissemination and guidance on the
application of this Regulation to relevant entities.

7.3 State management agencies in charge of fire prevention and fighting and
construction at central and local levels shall inspect the compliance with this Regulation
in establishing, appraising, approving and managing the construction of houses and
in charge of fire prevention and works in their localities in accordance with the
provisions of law.

7.4 The competent State operating agencies

fighting and construction in localities shall coordinate in promulgating regulations
related to specifications for the design and structure of roads for fire engines and fire
engine parking lots in accordance with the characteristics of local fire fighting vehicles.

7.5 During the implementation of this Regulation, if there are any problems, all
comments shall be sent to the Department of Science, Technology and Environment -
Ministry of Construction for guidance and handling.





ANNEX D (regulation) SMOKE PROTECTION 33.3.6 Smoke Control. Smoke control systems shall be designed in
accordance with Section 55.7.

55.7 Smoke control.

55.7.1 Installation. Where required by another part of these Rules, the NFPA 92; NFPA 204; or

smoke control system shall be designed and installed in accordance with

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nationally recognized standards, technical guidelines, or
recommended practices,
when approved by the competent authority.

55.7.2 System Design. The reporting engineer must clearly define the
purpose of the
system, the design method used, the appropriateness of that
methodology, and the
facilities necessary to inspect, test, and maintain the system.

55.7.3 Acceptance Tests. The acceptance test shall be performed by a special examiner

in accordance
with Section 55.12. A smoke control system integrated with a fire protection

system or other life
safety system shall be tested in accordance with

55.7.4 Operation of the Smoke Control System. The floor- or area-dependent smoke control system shall

be activated
automatically by means of a smoke detection system or sprinkler water
stream. Facilities for manual operation of the smoke control system

shall be provided
at an approved location.





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