J. Chem. Thermodynamics
J. Chem. Thermodynamics
J. Chem. Thermodynamics
J. Chem. Thermodynamics
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Article history: The thermodynamic and kinetic effects of two amino acids (valine and arginine) on methane hydrate for-
Received 25 April 2017 mation was evaluated by measuring the dissociation temperature of methane hydrate in the range of 4.5–
Received in revised form 31 August 2017 10 MPa using the T-cycle method. The kinetics of methane hydrate formation was evaluated at 7.1 MPa
Accepted 1 September 2017
and 274.15 K. The experiments were conducted at concentrations of 0.01 and 0.05 mass fraction. Both
Available online 9 September 2017
amino acids showed a slight inhibition effect on the phase boundary of methane hydrate. The predicted
methane hydrate phase boundary data in the presence of amino acids was strongly correlated with the
experimental data with R = 0.9996 and an AAE less than 0.15 K. However, these amino acids also showed
Gas hydrate
Amino acids
hydrate formation rate enhancement compared to pure water. In addition, the total methane uptake at
Equilibrium phase boundary the end of the experiments was increased in the presence of these amino acids.
Kinetics Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
1. Introduction peratures. However, THIs are volatile in nature and are applied in
huge quantities (up to over 0.4 mass fraction) [2,7,8], which makes
Gas hydrate are formed by the physical trapping of appropriate them expensive and environmentally unfriendly. LDHIs are mostly
gas molecules (such as methane, carbon dioxide etc.) in hydrogen polymers (PVP and PVCap) and are used in lower concentrations
bonded water cages at lower temperatures and higher pressures (<0.02 mass fraction). They typically delay hydrate nucleation pro-
conditions. The gas molecules are held in the water molecules by cess and/or total gas consumed in hydrate formation [1,9]. How-
Van der Waal forces [1,2]. In oil and gas flow assurance, the forma- ever, there is ongoing research for new and effective gas hydrate
tion of gas hydrate is unwanted, because it can lead to plugged chemical inhibitors to replace existing ones. Such research out-
pipelines which consequently provoke high removal expense, stop- comes would aid in an efficient application of gas hydrate based
page in production and in severe scenarios, the possible loss of technologies.
human life [3]. Generally, gas hydrates inhibitors and promoters Recently, natural amino acids have been introduced as gas
are the two main kinds of gas hydrate chemical additives [4–6] that hydrate inhibitors due to their zwitterionic behavior in water
are usually applied to affects gas hydrate formation either thermo- and hydrogen bonding affinity for water molecules. Sa et al.
dynamically (by shifting the hydrate phase boundary conditions) [10,11] reported that, in the concentration range of 0.001–
and/or kinetically (by delaying/enhancing the hydrate nucleation 0.09 mol fraction, amino acids such as glycine, alanine, proline,
and growth process) based on the required area of application. valine, and serine could thermodynamically inhibit methane and
Gas hydrate inhibitors are employed to mitigate gas hydrate carbon dioxide hydrate formation. Proline and valine were found
formation in pipelines. There are two main classes of gas hydrate to show the highest inhibition impact for methane and carbon
inhibitors: thermodynamic hydrate inhibitors (THIs) and low dioxide hydrate, respectively. On the other hand, on the bases of
dosage hydrate inhibitors (LDHIs). THIs are usually alcohol-based mass fraction, glycine has been reported to thermodynamically
(methanol and glycols) that inhibit hydrate formation by increas- inhibit methane hydrates better than alanine, proline, serine, and
ing the hydrate free regions through the shifting of the hydrate arginine at 0.1 mass fraction [12]. Further study by Sa & co-
phase boundary conditions to higher pressures and/or lower tem- workers [13,14], showed that amino acids kinetically reduce car-
bon dioxide consumption compared to pure water via local water
perturbation. Since then, several studies [15–17] have also shown
⇑ Corresponding author at: Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Tekno-
logi PETRONAS, 32610 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia.
that amino acids kinetically inhibits ethane and THF hydrates.
E-mail address: bhajan.lal@utp.edu.my (B. Lal). Most recently, Liu et al. [18] studied the effect of natural amino
0021-9614/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
C.B. Bavoh et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 117 (2018) 48–53 49
Table 1 Due to the requirement for new effective gas hydrate additives,
Chemical structures and details of studied amino acids. more understanding of the effect of amino acids on gas hydrate for-
mation is need. There are some amino acids whose thermodynamic
Amino Chemical structure Purity Supplier
acid and kinetic effect on gas hydrate formation have not been widely
studied. In addition, there is limited study on the prediction of gas
Arginine P 99% Sisco Research
Laboratories Pvt. Ltd
hydrate equilibrium phase boundary conditions in the presence of
amino acids. Thus, it is motivating to study the effect of such amino
acids on methane hydrate formation. Herein, the thermodynamic
Valine P 98% Sigma-Aldrich effect of arginine and valine on the methane hydrate equilibrium
phase boundary is predicted by adapting an existing model.
2. Experimental
acids as CH4 hydrate promoters at concentrations less than 0.01 2.1. Materials
mass fraction. They found that, leucine exhibited the highest pro-
motion effect. Their findings motivated Veluswamy et al. [19] to The chemical structures and details of the amino acids used in
further study the morphological changes mediated by leucine dur- this study are shown in Table 1. All chemicals were used without
ing methane hydrate formation nucleation, growth and dissocia- further purification. Methane gas with purity of 99.995% was sup-
tion. They suggested that, no hydrate promotion was observed plied by Gas Walker Sdn Bhd, Malaysia. All samples were prepared
below 0.003 mass fractions. In addition, Bhattacharjee et al. [20] using deionized water.
reported that, histidine (a polar amino acid) promotes methane
hydrate growth in the same range as SDS at 0.01 mass fraction. 2.2. Apparatus and procedures
However, histidine has also been reported as a kinetic inhibitor
for carbon dioxide hydrates [14,21], indicating that, the kinetic A hydrate sapphire cell rector as illustrated in Fig. 1 was used
inhibition and promotion effects of amino acids are dependent for both hydrate equilibrium point and kinetic measurements. In
on the type of guest molecules present. order to measure the hydrate equilibrium points, the isochoric
T-cycle method [4] was employed. 18 ml of 0.05 mass fraction point temperatures of water (273.15 K) and water + aqueous amino
desired aqueous amino acid solution was pumped into the cell acid solution. Tf is calculated as suggested by Dickens and Quinby-
via a manual hand pump. A gas booster was then used to supply Hunt [28] using cryoscopic constant for water as 1.853 Kkg/mol.
the cell with methane at the desired pressure. When the system Hence, combining Eqs. (1) and (2), relates the temperature offset
stabilized, the magnetic torque stirrer was switched on, and the of methane hydrate phase condition and the temperature of the
system temperature reduced to 274.15 K (at 4 K/hr) to allow ice-water equilibrium condition in any amino acid solution at con-
hydrate formation. The hydrate formation is detected both visually stant pressure as follows;
and via observation by a rapid pressure drop in the system. When
hydrates were formed, the system temperature was first heated 1 1 nDHFUSðiÞ 1 1
¼ ð3Þ
fast (at 4 K/hr) to about 5 K close to the desired dissociation tem- T w T aa DHd T f ðiÞ T f
perature and then heated stepwise for 3 h at intervals of 0.5 K/step Therefore, Eq. (3) can be used to calculate Taa, the hydrate for-
[22–24]. The details of the experimental apparatus and procedures mation temperature in the presence of amino acids. The model’s
employed are previously reported elsewhere [12,25,26]. average absolute error (AAE) is calculated using Eq. (4).
To perform the kinetic measurements, the cell was cleaned, vac-
uumed and loaded with 18 ml of the desired aqueous amino acids. 1X m
The cell was then pressurized with methane to 7.1 MPa, and the AAE ¼ jT Exp: T Cal: ji ð4Þ
m i¼1
stirrer is turned on. The system temperature was reduced to the
experimental temperature (4 K/hr) for hydrate to form simultane-
ously with the data acquisition system recoding the changes in
pressure and temperature of the system (every 10 s). The experi- 4. Results and discussion
mental temperature for all kinetic experiments were fixed at
274.15 K. The experiments were considered completed by observ- 4.1. Thermodynamic effect
ing a constant pressure and temperature in the cell for 2–3 h. The
induction time was determined as described in literature [26]. To The measured methane hydrate equilibrium boundary points in
calculate the moles of methane consumed, the real gas equation the presence of the amino acids are tabulated in Table 2 and graph-
was used with the compressibility factor, z, calculated from ically presented in Fig. 2. The presence of arginine and valine shifts
Peng–Robinson equation of state. The initial apparent rate constant the methane hydrate equilibrium phase boundary to higher
was determined by finding the gradient of the plot of calculated
methane mole consumed verses time [27]. Table 2
The experimental and predicted methane dissociation temperature (Ta) and pressure
(Pa) of amino acids at 0.05 mass fraction.
3. Model theory
Amino acid TExp/K TCal/K P/MPa
To predict the methane hydrate equilibrium phase points in the Arginine 278.80 278.61 4.55
presence of arginine and valine, the model by Dickens and Quinby- 281.30 281.19 6.15
Hunt [28] for electrolytes was adopted since most aqueous amino 283.30 283.22 7.50
285.90 285.89 9.84
acids show zwitterionic behavior. This zwitterionic behavior
makes them exhibit electrostatic behavior similar to normal elec- Valine 278.60 278.52 4.60
281.40 281.31 6.20
trolytes (salts) [29]. The model is a modification of the Pieroen 283.00 282.80 7.58
[30] model and has been previously adapted for modelling the 285.80 285.69 9.65
effect of electrolytes and ionic liquid solutions on the methane a
Standard uncertainties (U) are U(T) = ±0.15 K, U(P) = ±0.01 MPa, U(mass frac-
hydrate phase boundary by Javanmardi et al. [31,32] and Partoon
tion) = ±0.0003
et al. [4], and was developed from classical thermodynamic theory.
It assumes that, the amount of methane in the water phase is neg-
ligible, and vice versa. Also, the effect of arginine and valine on 11
methane hydrate formation solely decreases water activity (aw)
and at small temperature ranges, the hydrate enthalpy of dissocia-
tion (DHd) is constant. The derivation details are provided by Dick-
ens and Quinby-Hunt [28] and Pieroen [30].
Based on this model, the effect of amino acid on the methane 9
hydrate formation temperature can be represented as;
Pressure / Mpa
DHd 1 1
In aw ¼ ð1Þ
nR T w T aa
DHFUSðiÞ 1 1
In aw ¼ ð2Þ
R T f ðiÞ T f
where aw represents water activity, DHd denotes the dissociation
enthalpy of methane (58.88 kJ/mol [22]), n is methane hydrate 4
hydration number (6.0 [33]), R is the universal gas constant, and 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287
Tw and Taa are the hydrate formation temperatures in pure water
Temperature / K
and water + amino acid solution. The pure water methane hydrate
dissociation temperature can be calculated by any hydrate predic- Fig. 2. Methane hydrate equilibrium phase boundary in the presences of amino
tion model as described in literature [9] or CSMGem. DHFUS(i) is acids: (d) Pure water this wok, (s) Pure water Sabil et al. [2], ( ) Arginine, ( )
the heat of fusion of ice (6008 J/mol), Tf(i) and Tf are the freezing Valine.
C.B. Bavoh et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 117 (2018) 48–53 51
11 60
6 20
278 280 282 284 286 288
Temperature / K Arginine Valine SDS
Fig. 3. Experimental and predicted methane hydrate equilibrium phase boundary Fig. 4. The induction time of methane hydrates in the presence of arginine, valine
in the presences of amino acids: (d) Pure water this wok, (s) Pure water Sabil et al. and SDS; the solid line represents pure water sample.
[2], ( ) Arginine, ( ) Valine, ( ) Arginine predicted, ( ) Valine predicted.
pressures and lower temperatures regions. An average methane the induction time of arginine and water were found to be in the
hydrate equilibrium temperature shift of about 0.5 K is observed, same range as shown in Fig. 4. The effect of arginine and valine
suggesting a thermodynamic methane hydrate inhibition effect. on the initial rate of hydrate is estimated and illustrated in Fig. 5.
There was a minor inhibition impact (Fig. 2) likely because the Interestingly, both arginine and valine delayed the rate of hydrate
amino acids are tested at low concentration (0.05 mass fraction) formation compared to pure water. Valine showed the highest
compared to concentrations of known THIs (>0.15 mass fraction) methane hydrate formation rate reduction, as it could delay the
used in academic laboratories and industrial applications. The inhi- hydrate formation rate about 3 times more than arginine and 6
bition mediated by both arginine and valine was found to be in the times more than pure water.
same range, with valine slightly higher than arginine. It is possible Due to the stochastic nature of hydrate induction time mea-
that the thermodynamic inhibition impact of arginine and valine is surements, the use of induction time alone can sometimes be mis-
due to their ability to form hydrogen bonding with water mole- leading. Therefore, the total methane moles consumed was used to
cules [11], and therefore influences the activity of water to com- further investigate the effects of arginine and valine on methane
pete in hydrate formation. This findings further extends and hydrate formation. The total methane consumed is taken as the
supports the study of Sa et al. [11] and Bavoh et al. [12] on amino point where the system pressure became stable after hydrate for-
acids as THIs for methane hydrate formation. Furthermore, the mation. However, in most cases, the stability of the system pres-
slight inhibition impact of valine over arginine could be due to sure in hydrate formation is either due to kinetic or
their side chain alkyl length and properties [12]. This resulted in thermodynamic constrains. The hydrate formation stability or con-
a slight improvement of the miscibility of valine with water. stant pressures of all experiments were found to be above the
The proposed model was then used to predict the impact of hydrate equilibrium pressure of the experimental temperature
arginine and valine on the methane hydrate and for comparison (274.15 K) as shown in Fig. 6. This suggests that, the hydrate for-
with the equilibrium phase condition point. The predicted and mation stability or completion is not due to thermodynamic con-
experimental methane hydrate equilibrium points are presented straints but rather, on kinetics. The influence of 0.01 mass
in Fig. 3. As shown in Fig. 3, the model predictions are in good fraction of arginine and valine on the total moles of methane con-
agreement with the experimental data with an AAE of 0.09 K and sumed is presented in Fig. 7. Contrary to the thermodynamic inhi-
0.12 K for arginine and valine, respectively. In addition, a very bition effect (shown in Fig. 2), it is observed in Fig. 7 that, the
strong correlation (R = 0.9996 at 95% confidence level) was
observed between the experimental and predicted hydrate dissoci-
ation temperatures. This further validates the accuracy of the
model and thus, supports the used of the model in predicting the Pure water
Pressure / Mpa
Fig. 8. Pictures of produced methane hydrate from pure water, arginine, valine, and
SDS during hydrate growth.
272 274 276 278 280 282 284
Temperature / K which according to Sa et al. [13], a hydrate kinetic promotion
impact is sometimes exhibited as amino acids side chain alkyl
Fig. 6. The hydrate formation stability pressures of all experiments in this work
against methane hydrate equilibrium condition: (d) Pure water run 1, (s) Pure
length increases. Also, the longer alkyl side chains of amino acids
water run 2, ( ) Arginine run 2, ( ) Arginine run 2, ( ) Valine run 2, ( ) Valine make them good candidates to develop bio-surfactants. Thus, just
run 2, ( ) SDS run 1, ( ) SDS run 2. like surfactants (e.g. SDS) effect on hydrate formation, arginine
and valine may restrict the aggregation of hydrate at the liquid –
vapor interface during hydrate formation. This facilitates the
0.025 movement of more methane into the liquid phase, therefore,
increasing the moles of methane in hydrate formation [27]. This
mechanism is supported by the visual observation made during
hydrate formation until completion (see Fig. 8). In all experiments
containing arginine, valine, and SDS it was visual observed that, the
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Methane consumed / mole
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