10.1016 J.fuel.2019.116219
10.1016 J.fuel.2019.116219
10.1016 J.fuel.2019.116219
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/fuel
Keywords: The thermodynamic hydrate inhibition (THI) effect induced by three different quaternary ammonium salts
Hydrate liquid vapor equilibrium (HLVE) (QASs) namely tetraethylammonium iodide (TEAI), tetramethylammonium bromide (TMAB) and tetra-
Methane hydrates ethylammoniun (TEAB) on the formation of methane gas hydrates has been investigated. The THI impact is also
Quaternary ammonium salts (QASs) determined in the presence of monethylene glycol (MEG) for TMAB and TEAB. The inhibition capacity is ex-
Thermodynamic hydrate inhibition (THI)
amined by finding the average suppression temperature. Experiments are performed in the pressure range of
Thermodynamic modeling
3.45–8.3 MPa at the concentration values of 1, 5 and 10 wt%. Hydrate liquid vapor equilibrium (HLVE) points
are calculated by using isochoric thermodynamic cycle (T-cycle) method. COSMO-RS study is also performed to
understand the THI behavior of the compounds by analyzing sigma profile. Along with it hydrate dissociation
enthalpies (ΔHdiss) are considered. The results revealed that inhibition effect increased with increase in con-
centration. TMAB showed better impact on hydrate suppression as compared to TEAB and TEAI in pure as well
as in mixture with MEG. Moreover, in thermodynamic modeling section, Dickens and Quinby-Hunt model is
employed to predict HLVE data. The equilibrium temperatures predicted by model are compared with the ex-
perimental results and found to be in good agreement. Hence these compounds can be employed in THI ap-
plications and flow assurance schemes.
Corresponding author at: Chemical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia.
E-mail address: bhajan.lal@utp.edu.my (B. Lal).
Received 6 July 2019; Received in revised form 20 August 2019; Accepted 16 September 2019
0016-2361/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Qasim, et al. Fuel 259 (2020) 116219
A. Qasim, et al. Fuel 259 (2020) 116219
Table 1
List of chemicals.
Name of chemical Symbol Mol. Wt. (g/mol) Purity
37.3 cm3, a height of 7.6 cm, wall thickness of 2 cm, and internal dia- quantity of CH4. The cells were purged three times. The cells were
meter of 2.5 cm. A built-in PLC regulator controls and adjusts all the vacuumed after purging so that any amount of air remaining inside
functions. It also records all the measurements performed during ex- them could be removed. Afterwards, the cells were filled with CH4 to
periment. The PLC controller is linked with the software for data pro- prescribed value. The pressure was selected in the range of
cessing. The data is recorded with an interval of 10 s. All the cells 3.4–8.30 MPa since these pressure conditions are frequently en-
contain glass balls within. It is useful to have glass balls inside the cells countered in the natural gas transmission line. Fast cooling technique
as these balls facilitate during shaking. The rotating angle of the cell is augments hydrate formation process as the temperature is reduced
30°. This angle (30°) is sufficient to move the glass ball from one end to swiftly. The temperature of system was maintained for 4 h after cooling
the other in order to enable proper mixing of gas and liquid phase. The in order to ensure the sufficient materialization of gas hydrates. The
diameter of each glass ball is about 1.8 cm. hydrate formation was indicated by a sudden pressure drop detected in
the recorded data. The system was heated stepwise after complete
2.3. Experimental procedure formation of gas hydrates as no more pressure drop occurred.
Fig. 2 shows the Pressure-Temperature diagram for hydrate forma-
The HLVE of CH4 hydrates is determined through an isochoric tion and dissociation which involves the cooling curve, pressure drop
Thermodynamic cycle or shortened as T-cycle method. This method due to hydrate formation, complete hydrate formation, fast heating and
involves the hydrate formation and dissociation process. In hydrate step heating processes for pure water at 4.55 MPa. The point where the
formation process, system temperature is decreased gradually allowing heating curve meets the cooling curve is hydrate liquid vapor equili-
the hydrates to form. Hydrate formation is marked by a sudden drop in brium (HLVE) point. The P-T figures for TMAB, TEAB, TEAI,
pressure. Hydrate dissociation is a slower gradual process. For hydrate TMAB + MEG, TEAB + MEG at 4.6 MPa for 10 wt% solution mixtures
dissociation step heating method is employed where the temperature is has been provided as Supplementary information.
increased stepwise with an increment of 0.5 K at each step with ade-
quate holding time. The holding is set to attain steady state equilibrium.
After experimentation a Pressure-Temperature phase diagram is ob- 2.4. Average suppression temperature (Ŧ) and hydrate dissociation enthalpy
tained. The point where heating and cooling curves meet is the equi- (ΔHdiss)
librium point. In presence of THIs, equilibrium point is shifted to the
left side of hydrate phase boundary which is a region of relatively In order to analyze the degree of thermodynamic inhibition ob-
higher pressure and lower temperature. Before starting the experi- tainable by using QASs, inhibition capacities of TEAI, TEAB and TMAB
ments, rocking cells were washed with distilled water and then dried. as pure compounds and as well as in mixture with MEG on CH4 hy-
All the cells were filled with 15 ml solutions of selected concentrations. drates are determined. The average suppression temperature (Ŧ) for
The solutions were prepared for pure compounds and in mixture with these chemicals is also examined at different concentrations of 1, 5 and
MEG also. After that, cooling of the system was performed to reach up 10 wt%. Eq. (1) is used to calculate the suppression temperature (ΔT).
to operational temperature. The cells were then filled with some
A. Qasim, et al. Fuel 259 (2020) 116219
ΔT ∑ (T0, pi − T1, pi ) ∑i xip xi (σ )
T= = i=1 ps (σ ) =
n n (1) ∑i xi (3)
where T0, pi is the temperature at equilibrium conditions for gas in a The distribution of the division given on the sigma (σ) is called σ-
blank sample which does not contain any compound. The equilibrium profile (ps(σ)). The σ-profile of the solvent ps(σ) is defined as the mole
temperature of gas containing QASs is denoted as T1, pi. In both cases fraction (xi) weighted sum of the σ -profiles of its compounds xi, pxi
the dissociation temperatures must be determined at the same pressure respectively in Eq. (3).
values. Symbol ‘n’ represents the number of points for pressure con-
sidered in the experimentation. 2.6. Theoretical understanding of thermodynamic modeling
ΔHdiss signifies the gas hydrate dissociation enthalpy. Dissociation
enthalpies are figured out by employing Clausius-Clapeyron equation. In order to determine the influence of additional chemicals and salts
For this purpose, derivative of the experimental HLVE data is obtained. on water activity, different thermodynamic models are suggested and
Dissociation enthalpy is calculated by finding slope of hydrate liquid available. In this article, a thermodynamic model given by Dickens and
vapor equilibrium data using Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Preceding Quinby Hunt [60] is applied to determine the hydrate liquid vapor
researches have adopted the same approach and reported about it equilibrium for CH4 hydrates in case of pure compounds and QAS-MEG
[13,41,62]. solution mixtures. The aforementioned model is an extended version of
model used by Pieroen [65]. Partoon and others have used this model
d ln P ΔHdiss
= previously in case of amino acids and ionic liquid solutions [30,61]. In
dT zR (2) the presence of CO2, this particular model has accurately predicted the
boundaries for hydrate phases [66]. The model has also successfully
Wherein T is the equilibrium temperature and P is pressure at which been applied for mixed gas combination of CO2-CH4 as (70/30)% and
equilibrium temperature is inspected. Universal gas constant is pre- (30/70)% in case of ammonium based ionic liquids (AILs) [36]. It was
sented as R and z is the compressibility factor of the gas used. established that quaternary ammonium compounds taken into con-
sideration influenced the hydrate phase boundary by decreasing the
water activity (aw). It was also found that ΔHdiss almost remained
2.5. COSMO-RS analysis of QAS-water system
constant for shorter ranges of temperature. All particulars about the
model can be found in the works of Dickens et al. and Pieroen [60,65].
To understand the inhibition mechanism of THI, molecular inter-
The effect on hydrate dissociation temperature due to the presence
action is observed by obtaining sigma profile of QAS and water mole-
of inhibitors for methane hydrates can be represented according to the
cules. The quantum chemistry-based software namely Conductor-like
following relation:
Screening Model for Real Solvents (COSMO-RS) is used to determine
the sigma profile of the compounds taken into consideration. Sigma ΔHdiss
ln a w = [1/ Tw − 1/ Tinhibitors]
profile shows the charge distribution on the surface of QAS. This charge nR (4)
distribution is an indicator of the hydrogen bonding and hydrophilicity
of the compounds. The COSMO-RS predictions were performed using ln a w = [1/ Tfi − 1/ Tf ]
R (5)
COSMOthermX, Version C3.0, release 17.01 software. In order to obtain
the sigma profiles, molecules of water and QAS were selected from the where aw shows the water activity, n is hydration number for CH4
list with the parameter file BP_TZVP_C21_0111.ctd (COSMOlogic GmbH hydrates. The value of n is 5.75 as reported in previous study [41].
& Co KG, Leverkusen, Germany) by the lowest energy conformer ΔHdiss for CH4 hydrates is found to be 57.44 kJ/mol. R is universal gas
[63,64]. constant and Tw represents the hydrate formation temperature. It is
A. Qasim, et al. Fuel 259 (2020) 116219
used for both types of solution mixtures i.e. in the absence and presence thermodynamic inhibition performance with an average suppression
of MEG. ΔHFUS(i) is the heat of ice fusion and its value is 6.008 KJ/mol. temperature of 1.5 K [57]. It was due to the presence of OH− anion
The freezing point temperatures of water (273.15 K) without the ad- which showed exceptional capability to form hydrogen bonding with
dition of inhibitors is written as Tf and with addition of inhibitors it is water. In this work, the suppression performance of TMAB is high and
represented as Tf(i). Dickens et al. [60] stated the value of cryoscopic comparable with TMAOH as it showed the average value of 1.34 K at
constant to be 1.853 K.kg/mol for the calculation of Tf. The in- 10% concentration.
corporation of Eqs. (3) and (4) expresses the temperature at constant The thermodynamic inhibition effect of QAS-MEG mixtures on hy-
pressure where the hydrate phase of CH4 is in equilibrium along with drate formation has also been calculated and reported in Fig. 5. The
the equilibrium conditions and ice-water phase temperature for QAS/ effect of TEAB and TMAB in combination with MEG has been taken into
QAS-MEG mixtures. Eq. (5) shows the calculation. account. The obtained results demonstrate that QAS-MEG mixtures
performed better than pure QACs. QAS-MEG mixtures shifted the
⎡1 − 1 ⎤ = nΔHFUS (i) [1/ Tfi − 1/ Tf ] equilibrium temperature more towards the left of the graph i.e., lower
⎢ T
⎣ w Tinhibitors ⎥
⎦ ΔHdiss (6) side at the same experimental pressure values used in the scheme of
In the presence of inhibitors, the temperature of hydrate dissocia- pure compounds. The inhibition performance of MEG and QAS is ob-
tion can be examined using Eq. (5). Average absolute error (AAE) is also served due to their ability to form hydrogen bond with water. For
taken into consideration as it is an indicator of the suitability of the TMAB-MEG and TEAB-MEG mixtures, the inhibition shown by them is
model. Eq. (6) shows the calculation for AAE. greater than pure quaternary ammonium compounds but still the effect
of inhibition observed is not synergic. Fig. 4 shows that the 10 wt%
1 TMAB-MEG mixture accomplished better inhibition effect as compared
∑ [TExp − TCal ]i to the other compounds considered in this study. It is due to the reason
i=1 (7)
that TMAB and MEG themselves in their individual capacities act as
effective THIs. So in a situation where these compounds are added to-
3. Results and discussion gether, an effective inhibition effect is observed.
3.1. Measurement for thermodynamic hydrate inhibition 3.2. Average suppression temperature
THI measurement comprises the results regarding hydrate liquid Table 3 shows the quantified effect of QACs on thermodynamic
vapor equilibrium points. The significance of HLVE is due to simulta- inhibition of hydrate formation for methane hydrates. For this purpose,
neous coexistence of all phases. Table 2 shows all the points obtained at average suppression temperature (ΔT) is reported for 5 and 10 wt%
equilibrium for QASs mentioned in Table 1. The equilibrium points are QACs solutions. Among these compounds, The THI influence of TMAB
considered within the pressure range of 3.4–8.3 MPa. In this selected is found to be of highest order followed by TEAB. The influence of TEAI
range of pressure values, equilibrium is reached within the temperature as THI is less than TMAB and TEAB. Table 3 shows that TEAI offered the
range of 274–284.6 K. suppression up to an extent of 0.45 K at 5 wt% while 0.82 K at 10 wt%
The HLVE points of methane hydrates for pure QACs which are in comparison to that of water. TEAB suppressed the hydrate formation
mentioned in Table 2 are shown in Fig. 3. The HLVE points are de- to an extent of 0.55 K at 5 wt% and 1.07 K at 10 wt%. For TMAB, the
termined at 1, 5 and 10 wt% of solution concentrations. The results degree of suppression achieved at 5 wt% is 0.76 K and 1.34 K at 10 wt%.
from Fig. 3 proved that QASs have the ability to show thermodynamic Among these inhibitors, TMAB clearly showed the maximum amount of
influence by moving HLVE in lower temperature regions in comparison suppression at each concentration (At 5 wt% ΔT = 0.76 K; At 10 wt%,
to that of pure water HLVE curve. For CH4 hydrates, the THI effect of ΔT = 1.34 K) which is ascribed to the presence of shortest alkyl chain
QASs is concentration dependent. With the increase in concentration of among all QACs. Previous results show the same trend as obtained in
solution, activity of compounds in aqueous phase is also increased. The here. Results agree with the previous literature data available for ionic
increased activity is responsible for higher inhibition at 10 wt% con- liquids and QACs. Preceding works showed that the length of alkyl
centration in comparison to that of 5 wt%. In order to quantify THI and chain plays an important role and affects the phase stability of hydrate
examine the effect of pressure on phase behavior, Fig. 3 illustrates the formation [17]. Alkyl chain puts influence as larger chain carries hy-
HLVE data of various compositions of CH4-QAS-H2O at different ex- drophobicity and prohibits cation in QAS to have a bond with the hy-
perimental pressures. According to it, THI impact of CH4-QAS-H2O droxyl ion. Same trend was observed for ILs containing imidazolium in
hydrates enhanced with increased concentration as it is varied from 1 to preceding studies done by Yaqub et al. [16] and Xiao et al. [68]. It was
5 and 10 wt%, respectively. The ability to suppress hydrate formation found that thermodynamic inhibition capacity of IL with the same
emanates due to the formation of hydrogen bonds of cations and anions anion decreased as the alkyl chain length increased from ethyl to butyl
present in quaternary ammonium compounds with water. group. It reaffirmed the findings of the previous studies wherein re-
Moreover Fig. 4 compares the performance of studied QAS systems searchers found that THI capacity of ionic liquids with shorter alkyl
with earlier reported ILs and QAS system. As observed from the Fig. 4, chain showed better results in comparison to that of longer alkyl chain
the inhibition performance of QASs is compared and found to be in line keeping the anion constant. Khan et al. [7] observed the same effect as
with the systems reported in the literature [37,41,57,67,68,9,69]. The the ILs employed for study revealed the decrease in inhibition cap-
HLVE points obtained in this experimental work are compared with the ability with the increase in alkyl chain length. In case of methane hy-
results from some previously available literature on thermodynamic drates, Tariq et al. studied the effect of ammonium based ionic liquids
inhibition of pure water, some ILs and QASs. These include TMACl, on depression temperature and found that results were in compliance
TMAOH, EMMor-Br, EMMor-BF4, EMPip-Br, EMPip-BF4 and BMIM-BF4 with the identified behavior [70]. TEAB showed better suppression
in presence of CH4 as shown in Fig. 4. In order to compare the results, performance as compared to TEAI.
maximum concentration of 10 wt% is taken into consideration. Pre- Table 4 shows the average suppression temperature for TEAB-MEG
ceding literature involved piperidinium, morpholinium and imidazo- and TMAB-MEG solution mixtures. The collective performance of QAS-
lium based compounds while quaternary ammonium salts are ammo- MEG solutions is found to be better than pure QAS solution mixtures. It
nium based compounds. The comparison of ammonium based can also be seen that the inhibition performance increases with the
compounds with ILs used in preceding studies can provide a useful increase in concentration. The trend obtained for solution mixtures is
insight regarding their inhibition performance. It can be noticed from identical as observed in pure compounds. As expected, TMAB also ex-
the previous studies that TMAOH as a pure compound offered the best hibited better inhibition behavior in mixture with MEG as it showed in
A. Qasim, et al. Fuel 259 (2020) 116219
Table 2
HLVE data at 1, 5 and 10 wt% inhibitors for CH4 gas with and without MEG.
T (K) P (MPa)
276.2 3.45
278.95 4.55
282.55 6.5
283.58 7.35
284.6 8.21
Expanded uncertainties U(T) = ± 0.1 K, U(P) = ± 0.01 MPa, U(mass fraction) = ± 0.0001 g (0.95 level of confidence).
Fig. 3. HLVE data for TEAI, TMAB and TEAB at studied concentrations (1, 5 wt% and 10 wt%).
A. Qasim, et al. Fuel 259 (2020) 116219
Fig. 4. Comparison of studied QASs with literature reported ILs and QAS systems for 10 wt% concentration.
Fig. 5. HLVE data of TMAB-MEG and TEAB-MEG systems at 1, 5 wt% and 10 wt%.
pure form. with the suppression value of 4.21 K. In litereature, better performance
For comparitive analysis, Fig. 6 represents the average suppression of methanol and MEG in terms of THI is attributed to the attraction
(Ŧ) temperaure at 10 wt% of the studied sytems with with the com- between inhibitor oxygen atoms and surrounding water molecules [69].
mercial thermodynamic inhibitors (methanol and MEG) obtained from The presence of OH− anion attached with a short alkyl chain of methyl
commercial prediction software which is CSMGem. According to results in methanol structure accounts for its better results in THI applications.
shown in Fig. 6, the inhibition performance of methanol is unsurpassed The inhibition performance shown by TMAB-MEG mixture is closer to
Table 3
Average suppression temperatures (Ŧ) of TMAB, TEAB and TEAI at different experimental pressure conditions.
P (MPa) 1 wt% 5 wt% 10 wt% 1 wt% 5 wt% 10 wt% 1 wt% 5 wt% 10 wt%
3.45 0.40 0.70 1.30 0.30 0.55 1.15 0.20 0.40 0.70
4.55 0.40 0.75 1.25 0.35 0.55 0.95 0.25 0.45 0.85
6.5 0.50 0.95 1.45 0.35 0.55 1.05 0.25 0.45 0.85
7.35 0.48 0.68 1.28 0.38 0.58 1.08 0.33 0.46 0.86
8.21 0.45 0.70 1.40 0.35 0.50 1.10 0.30 0.50 0.85
Ŧ (K) 0.45 0.76 1.34 0.35 0.55 1.07 0.27 0.45 0.82
A. Qasim, et al. Fuel 259 (2020) 116219
Fig. 6. Comparison of the studied QAS and QAS-MEG systems on methane hydrate dissociation temperature with MEG and methanol (predicted by CSMGem).
A. Qasim, et al. Fuel 259 (2020) 116219
Table 5
ΔHdiss data for all the studied systems (QAS-CH4 and QAS-MEG-CH4).
Pressure (MPa) CH4 1 wt% 5 wt% 10 wt% 1 wt% 5 wt% 10 wt% 1 wt% 5 wt% 10 wt%
3.45 60.69 60.22 60.52 60.72 60.68 60.55 60.76 61.16 60.75 60.97
4.55 59.13 58.68 58.97 59.14 59.10 58.97 59.18 59.58 59.18 56.47
6.5 56.67 56.26 56.51 56.65 56.71 56.54 56.70 56.17 56.76 56.91
7.35 55.76 55.28 55.53 55.67 55.72 55.57 55.73 55.33 55.77 55.92
8.21 54.95 54.53 54.73 54.85 54.96 54.79 54.92 55.34 54.99 55.13
ΔHdiss (kJ/mol) 57.44 56.99 57.25 57.41 57.43 57.28 57.46 57.52 57.49 57.08
Expanded uncertainties U(T) = ± 0.1 K, U(P) = ± 0.01 MPa, U(mass fraction) = ± 0.0001 g (0.95 level of confidence).
Fig. 7. Sigma profile generated by COSMO-RS software for anions and cations.
hydrates present in solution mixtures of pure QACs are shown in Fig. 8. The AAE values for TMAB-MEG and TEAB-MEG mixtures are also
The equilibrium point values include both experimental and predicted calculated and shown in Table 7. In case of TMAB-MEG mixture, at 1, 5,
by the model in between the pressure range of 3.4–8.3 MPa. The results 10 wt%, AAE values are obtained to be 0.8 K, 0.35 K and 0.25 K re-
disclose that experimental and model predicted values show a good spectively as depicted in Table 7. For TEAB-MEG mixture, AAE values
agreement with each other. are found to be 0.62 K, 0.06 K and 0.41 K at 1, 5 and 10 wt% respec-
Average Absolute Error (AAE) values for pure QACs at all con- tively. Table 7 shows that all the R-squared values obtained for QAS-
centrations are shown in Table 6. For TEAI, AAE values at 1, 5 and MEG mixtures are greater than 0.998. The high values of R2 which are
10 wt% are 0.20 K, 0.14 K and 0.2 K respectively. The AAE values cal- closer to 1 show a very good agreement between experimental and
culated in case of TMAB at 1, 5 and 10 wt% are obtained to be 0.24 K, modeling data.
0.24 K and 0.30 K respectively. For TEAB, the values of AAE are at-
tained as 0.27 K, 0.17 K and 0.31 K at 1, 5 and 10 wt% respectively.
From Table 6, it can be noticed that R-squared values are higher than 4. Conclusion
0.998 in all cases which shows a good fit and modeling results comply
with the experimental results. The THI performance of three quaternary ammonium salts which
A comparison between experimental and predicted data for TMAB- include TEAI, TMAB and TEAB is evaluated for CH4 hydrates at high
MEG and TEAB-MEG solution mixtures is presented in Fig. 9 at 1, 5 and pressure range of 3.4–8.3 MPa. Thermodynamic hydrate inhibition is
10 wt% concentrations. Fig. 9 shows that the model accurately pre- determined for pure compounds and along with MEG in case of TMAB
dicted the equilibrium temperature as both the values are close to each and TEAB. The inhibition effect shown by TMAB is found to be un-
other at the selected pressure range. Average Absolute Error (AAE) and surpassed both in pure and in mixture with MEG. The average sup-
R-squared values are also calculated and reported in Table 7. pression temperature for TMAB as a pure compound is achieved to be
1.34 K at the maximum concentration of 10 wt%. In mixture with MEG,
A. Qasim, et al. Fuel 259 (2020) 116219
1 % TEAI
1 % TEAI Predicted
8.0 5 % TEAI
5 % TEAI Predited
10 % TEAI
10 % TEAI Predicted
1 % TMAB
Pressure (MPa)
1 % TMAB Predicted
5 % TMAB
5 % TMAB Predicted
6.0 10 % TMAB
10 % TMAB Predicted
1 % TEAB
1 % TEAB Predicted
5 % TEAB
5.0 5 % TEAB Predicted
10 % TEAB
10 % TEAB Predicted
274 276 278 280 282 284 286
Temperature (K)
Fig. 8. CH4 hydrates model predicted and experimental HLVE data at 1, 5 and 10 wt%.
Table 6 Table 7
Model predicted equilibrium data (parameters) for QAS systems in case of CH4 The Model predicted HLVE data (parameters) for QAS-MEG systems in the
hydrates. presence of CH4 hydrates.
1 wt% 1 wt%
Temperature Range (K) 276.14–284.54 275.8–284.15 276.13–284.52 Temperature Range (K) 275.95–284.33 275.97–284.36
AAE (K) 0.2 0.24 0.27 AAE (K) 0.80 0.62
No. of data points 5 5 5 No. of data points 5 5
R2 Value 0.9987 0.9987 0.9987 R2 Value 0.9989 0.9987
5 wt% 5 wt%
Temperature Range (K) 275.90–284.28 275.5–283.9 275.83–284.21 Temperature Range (K) 274.94–283.27 275.05–283.38
AAE (K) 0.14 0.24 0.17 AAE (K) 0.35 0.06
No. of data points 5 5 5 No. of data points 5 5
R2 Value 0.9986 0.9987 0.9987 R2 Value 0.9991 0.9991
10 wt% 10 wt%
Temperature Range (K) 275.60–283.96 275.2–283.54 275.47–283.82 Temperature Range (K) 273.36–281.93 273.89–282.15
AAE (K) 0.2 0.3 0.31 AAE (K) 0.25 0.41
No. of data points 5 5 5 No. of data points 5 5
R2 Value 0.9986 0.9986 0.9987 R2 Value 0.9987 0.9987
Expanded uncertainties U(T) = ± 0.1 K, U(P) = ± 0.01 MPa, U(mass fraction) Expanded uncertainties U(T) = ± 0.1 K, U(P) = ± 0.01 MPa, U(mass fraction)
= ± 0.0001 g (0.95 level of confidence). = ± 0.0001 g (0.95 level of confidence).
Fig. 9. Model predicted and experimental HLVE data for CH4 hydrates in presence of different concentrations of aqueous QAS-MEG solutions (1, 5 and 10 wt%).
A. Qasim, et al. Fuel 259 (2020) 116219
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