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Design Guide & Applications Manual

For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters

and Configurable Power Supplies
Design Guide & Applications Manual Table of Contents
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

VI-/MI-200 and VI-/MI-J00 DC-DC Converters Section Page(s)

Zero-Current-Switching 1 2
DC-DC Converter Pinouts 2 3
Module Do’s and Don’ts 3 4–6
Overcurrent Protection 4 7
Output Voltage Trimming 5 8 – 10
Multiple GATE IN Connections 6 11
Application Circuits / Converter Array Design Considerations 7 12 – 13
Using Boosters and Parallel Arrays 8 14 – 17
EMC Considerations 9 18 – 28
Optional Output Filters 10 29
Battery Charger (BatMod) 11 30 – 32

Filter & Front-End Modules

AC Input Module (AIM / MI-AIM) 12 33 – 36
Harmonic Attenuator Module (HAM) 13 37 – 42
Input Attenuator Module (IAM / MI-IAM) 14 43 – 46
Ripple Attenuator Module (RAM / MI-RAM) 15 47
Offline Front End 16 48 – 51

Configurable Products
DC Input Power System (ComPAC / MI-ComPAC Family) 17 52 – 54
AC Input Power System (FlatPAC Family) 18 55 – 57
AC Input Power System (PFC FlatPAC) 19 58 – 59

Thermal and Module Mounting Considerations 20 60 – 67
Thermal Curves 21 68 – 77
Lead Free Pins (RoHS) 22 78 – 82
Tin Lead Pins 23 83 – 87
Module Packaging Options (SlimMod, FinMod, BusMod and MegaMod Families) 24 88
Product Weights 25 89
Glossary of Technical Terms 26 90 – 97

NOTE: This Design Guide and Applications Manual does NOT address Vicor’s Maxi, Mini and Micro DC-DC
converters. For more information on these products go to .

VI-200 and VI-J00 Family Design Guide Rev 3.5

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1. Zero-Current-Switching Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


Vicor offers RoHS compliant modules. These modules have Referring to Figure and Table 1–1 below, turn-on of the
a “VE” prefix. The information presented herein applies to MOSFET switch transfers a quantized energy packet from
both versions, and “VI” will be the default designation. the input source to an LC “tank” circuit, composed of
inherent transformer leakage inductance of T1 and a
The heart of Vicor’s VI-/ MI-200 and VI-/ MI-J00 module
capacitive element, C, in the secondary. Simultaneously,
technology, zero-current-switching, allows Vicor
an approximately half-sinusoidal current flows through the
converters to operate at frequencies in excess of 1 MHz,
switch, resulting in switch turn-on at zero current and
with high efficiency and power density. Depending on
turn-off when current returns to zero. Resonance, or
input voltage and load, the converters operate at
bidirectional energy flow, cannot occur because D1 will
frequencies ranging from the low hundreds of kilohertz
only permit unidirectional energy transfer. A low-pass filter
(light load, high line) to approximately one megahertz (full
(Lo, Co) following the capacitor produces a low ripple DC
load, low line). Another aspect of the Vicor topology is
output. The result is a virtually lossless energy transfer
that two or more power trains driven at the same
from input to output with greatly reduced levels of
frequency will inherently load-share if their outputs are
conducted and radiated noise.
tied together. Load sharing is dynamic and is within 5%.
The VI-200 and MI-200 product line offer both Driver and
Booster modules: Ip: Primary current
• Drivers and Boosters must have identical power trains. Vp: Primary voltage

• Drivers close the voltage loop internally, Boosters do not. Vs: Secondary voltage

• Boosters may be slaved to a Driver, allowing OVP: Overvoltage protection (output)

configurations of multi-kilowatt arrays, which OTS: Over temperature shutdown
exhibit dynamic current sharing between modules.
OC1, OC2: Opto-coupler
• Only a single control connection is needed between E/A: Error amplifier
modules with all module’s power inputs and outputs,
connected together — no trimming, adjustments, or REF: Bandgap reference
external components are required to achieve load sharing. C/L: Current limit amplifier
Table 1–1

Output Filter Ip
Input Vp
Filter T1 Vin
D1 Vs +Vout
Reset C D2 Co Load
Ip –Vout
-Vin Vp + – Vs
OVP[a] C/L
OTS[a] Vout
Logic – +S
GATE Control Referenced
OUT + 2.5 V to –Vin
E/A Gate
–S Out

[a] Not in VI-J00 Series

Figure 1–1 — VI- /MI-200 and VI- /MI-J00 series zero-current-switching block diagram

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 2. DC-DC Converter Pinouts
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

GATE IN. The GATE IN pin on a Driver module may be

used as a logic Enable / Disable input. When GATE IN is
pulled low (<0.65 V @ 6 mA, referenced to –Vin), the
module is turned off; when GATE IN is floating (open
collector), the module is turned on. The open circuit
voltage of the GATE IN pin is less than 10 V.
–S –S

–OUT, +OUT. DC output pins. See the Table 2–3 and 2–4
+S +S
below for output voltages and power levels of VI-/MI-200
and VI-/MI-J00 Family converter modules.

VI-200, VI-J00 Standard Output Voltages

Designator Output Designator Output
Figure 2–1 — VI- / MI-200, VI- / MI-J00 Z 2 V 2 15 V
Y 3.3 V N 18.5 V
0 5 V 3 24 V
– IN, + IN. DC voltage inputs. See Tables 2–1 and 2–2 for
X 5.2 V L 28 V
nominal input voltages and ranges for the VI-/MI-200 and W 5.5 V J 36 V
VI-/MI-J00 Family converter modules (data sheets contain V 5.8 V K 40 V
Low Line, 75% Max. Power and Transient ratings). T 6.5 V 4 48 V
R 7.5 V H 52 V
M 10 V F 72 V
1 12 V D 85 V
VI-200, VI-J00 Input Voltage Ranges P 13.8 V B 95 V
Designator Low Nominal High Table 2–3 — VI-200, VI-J00 output voltage designators
0 10 V 12 V 20 V
V 10 V 12 / 24 V 36 V
1 21 V 24 V 32 V
Output Power Level Power Level
W 18 V 24 V 36 V
<5 Vdc 10 – 40 A
2 21 V 36 V 56 V VI-200 VI-J00 MI-200 MI-J00

≥5 Vdc 50 – 200 W 25 – 100 W 50 – 100 W 10 – 50 W

3 42 V 48 V 60 V 5 – 20 A 10 – 30 A 5 – 10 A
N 36 V 48 V 76 V
4 55 V 72 V 100 V Table 2–4 — Output voltage vs. power level
T 66 V 110 V 160 V
5 100 V 150 V 200 V
6 200 V 300 V 400 V
7 100 V 150 / 300 V 375 V Special output voltages from 1 – 95 V; consult factory.
Table 2–1 — VI-200, VI-J00 input voltage ranges T (TRIM). Provides fixed or variable adjustment of the
module output.
MI-200, MI-J00 Input Voltage Ranges
Trimming Down. Allows output voltage of the module to
Designator Low Nominal High be trimmed down, with a decrease in efficiency. Ripple as
2 18 V 28 V 50 V
a percent of output voltage goes up and input range
5 100 V 155 V 210 V
6 125 V 270 V 400 V widens since input voltage dropout (loss of regulation)
7 100 V 165 V 310 V moves down.
Table 2–2 — MI-200, MI-J00 input voltage ranges Trimming Up. Reverses the above effects.
–S, +S (–SENSE, +SENSE). Provides for locating the point
of optimal voltage regulation external to the converter.
GATE OUT. The pulsed signal at the GATE OUT pin of a Output OVP in VI- / MI-200 will trip if remote sense
regulating Driver module is used to synchronously drive compensates output voltage measured at output pins
the GATE IN pin of a companion Booster module to effect above 110% of nominal. Discrete wire used for sense
power sharing between the Driver and the Booster. Daisy- must be tightly twisted pair. Do not exceed 0.25 V drop in
chaining additional Boosters (connecting GATE OUT of negative return; if the voltage drop exceeds 0.25 V in the
one unit to GATE IN of a succeeding unit) leads to a negative return path, the current limit setpoint will increase.
virtually unlimited power expansion capability. Connect +SENSE to +OUT and –SENSE to –OUT at the
module if remote sensing is not desired. (Figure 7– 4)

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3. Module Do’s and Dont’s Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

ELECTRICAL CONSIDERATIONS Input Source Impedance. The converter should be

GATE IN AND GATE OUT PINS connected to an input source that exhibits low AC
impedance. A small electrolytic capacitor should be
Logic Disable. When power is applied to the input pins,
mounted close to the module’s input pins. (C3, Figure 3–1)
the GATE IN pin of a Driver can be pulled low with respect
This will restore low AC impedance, while avoiding the
to the –IN thus turning off the output while power is still
potential resonance associated with “high-Q” film
applied to the input. (Figure 7–1)
capacitors. The minimum value of the capacitor, in
CAUTION: With offline applications –IN is not microfarads, should be C (µF) = 400 ÷ Vin minimum.
earth ground. Example: Vin, minimum, for a VI-260-CV is 200 V. The
In Logic Disable mode, the GATE IN pin should be driven minimum capacitance would be 400 ÷ 200 = 2 µF. For
from either an “open collector” or electromechanical applications involving long input lines or high inductance,
switch that can sink 6 mA when on (GATE IN voltage less additional capacitance will be required.
than 0.65 V). If driven from an electromechanical switch The impedance of the source feeding the input of the
or relay, a 1 µF capacitor should be connected from GATE IN module directly affects both the stability and transient
to –IN to eliminate the effects of switch “bounce”. The 1 µF response of the module. In general, the source impedance
capacitor may be required in all applications to provide a should be lower than the input impedance of the module
“soft start” if the unit is disabled and enabled quickly. Do by a factor of ten, from DC to 50 kHz.
not exceed a repetitive on / off rate of 1 Hz to the GATE
To calculate the required source impedance, use the
IN or input voltage pins.
following formula:
High Power Arrays. The pulsed signal at the GATE OUT
Z = 0.1(VLL)2 / Pin
pin of a regulating Driver module is used to synchronously
drive the GATE IN pin of a companion Booster module to where: Z is required input impedance
effect power sharing between the Driver and the Booster. VLL is the low line input voltage
(Figure 7–5) Daisy-chaining additional Boosters (i.e., Pin is the input power of the module
connecting GATE OUT to GATE IN of a succeeding unit)
Filters, which precede the module, should be well damped
leads to a virtually unlimited power expansion capability.
to prevent ringing when the input voltage is applied or
VI-/ MI-200 series modules of the same family and power
the load on the output of the module is abruptly changed.
level can be paralleled (i.e., Driver, VI-260-CU with
Booster, VI-B60-CU). Input Transients. Don’t exceed the transient input
voltage rating of the converter. Input Attenuator Modules
In general:
or surge suppressors in combination with appropriate
• Don’t drive the GATE IN pin from an “analog” filtering, should be used in offline applications or in
voltage source. applications where source transients may be induced by
• Don’t leave GATE IN pins of Booster modules load changes, blown fuses, etc. For applications where the
unterminated. input voltage may go below low line it is recommended
• Don’t overload GATE OUT; limit load to a single Vicor that an undervoltage lockout circuit be used to pull GATE
module GATE IN connection, or 1 kΩ, minimum, in IN low to disable the converter module. The undervoltage
parallel with 100 pF, maximum. lockout circuit should induce a delay of at least one
• Don’t skimp on traces that interconnect module –IN second before restarting the converter module. Longer
pins in high power arrays. GATE IN and GATE OUT delays will be required if external capacitance is added at
are referenced to –IN; heavy, properly laid out traces will the output to insure the internal soft-start is re-initialized.
minimize parasitic impedances that could interfere with
proper operation. NOTE: Do not allow the rate of change of the input
• Do use a decoupling capacitor across each module’s voltage to exceed 10 V/µs for any input voltage deviation.
input (see Input Source Impedance that follows). The level of transient suppression required will depend on
• Do use an EMI suppression capacitor from +/– input and the severity of the transients. A Zener diode, TRANSZORB™
output pins to the baseplate. or MOV will provide suppression of transients under 100 µs
• Do use a fuse on each module’s + input to prevent fire and act as a voltage clipper for DC input transients. It may
in the event of module failure. See safety agency be necessary to incorporate an LC filter for larger energy
conditions of acceptability for the latest information on transients. This LC filter will integrate the transient energy
fusing. Please see the Vicor website while the Zener clips the peak voltages. The Q of this filter
for Safety Approvals. should be kept low to avoid potential resonance problems.
See Section 14, Input Attenuator Module (IAM / MI-IAM)
for additional information on transient suppression.

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 3. Module Do’s and Dont’s
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Output OVP. The VI- / MI-200, with the exception of THERMAL AND VOLTAGE HAZARDS
VI- / MI-J00s, has an internal overvoltage protection circuit
Vicor component power products are intended to be used
that monitors the voltage across the output power pins. It
within protective enclosures. Vicor DC-DC converters
is designed to latch the converter off at 115 – 135% of
work effectively at baseplate temperatures, which could
rated output voltage. It is not a crowbar circuit, and if a
be harmful if contacted directly. Voltages and high
module is trimmed above 110% of rated output voltage,
currents (energy hazard) present at the pins and circuitry
OVP may be activated. Do not backdrive the output of
connected to them may pose a safety hazard if contacted
the converter module to test the OVP circuit.
or if stray current paths develop. Systems with removable
CAUTION: When trimming up VI-/ MI-J00 modules, circuit cards or covers which may expose the converter(s)
additional care should be taken as an improper or circuitry connected to the converters, should have proper
component selection could result in module failure. guarding to avoid hazardous conditions.
Improper connection of the sense leads on VI-/ MI-J00
modules can also result in an excessive overvoltage
condition and module failure. EMC CONSIDERATIONS
Input Reverse Voltage Protection. The module may be All applications utilizing DC-DC converters must be properly
protected against reverse input voltages by the addition of bypassed, even if no EMC standards need to be met. Bypass
a diode in series with the positive input, or a reverse IN and OUT pins to each module baseplate as shown in
shunt diode with a fuse in series with the positive input. Figure 3–1. Lead length should be as short as possible.
See Section 14, the Input Attenuator Module (IAM /MI-IAM) Recommended values vary depending on the front end, if
provides input reverse voltage protection when used with any, that is used with the modules, and are indicated on the
a current limiting device (fuse). appropriate data sheet. In most applications, C1a – C1b is a
4,700 pF Y-capacitor (Vicor Part # 01000) carrying the
appropriate safety agency approval; C2a – C2b is a 4,700 pF
THERMAL / MECHANICAL CONSIDERATIONS Y-capacitor (Vicor Part # 01000) or a 0.01 µF ceramic
capacitor rated at 500 V. In PCB mount applications, each of
Baseplate. Operating temperature of the baseplate, as
these components is typically small enough to fit under the
measured at the center mounting slot on the –IN, –OUT
module baseplate flange.
side, can not exceed rated maximum. ThermMate or
thermal compound should be used when mounting the
module baseplate to a chassis or heat sink. All six
mounting holes should be used. Number six (#6) machine
screws should be torqued to 5-7 in-lbs, and use of Belville
washers is recommended. C1a C2a
The module pins are intended for PCB mounting either by +IN +OUT
wave soldering to a PCB or by insertion into one of the C3
Zero Current
recommended PCB socket solutions. –IN Converter
CAUTION: Use of discrete wires soldered directly C1b C2b
to the pins may cause intermittent or permanent
damage to the module; therefore, it is not
recommended as a reliable interconnection scheme
for production as a final released product. See
Section 21 for packaging options designed for Figure 3–1 — IN and OUT pins bypassed to the module baseplate
discrete wire connections (BusMod, MegaMod). and input cap for low AC impedance
In addition, modules that have been soldered into printed
circuit boards and have subsequently been removed
should not be reused.

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3. Module Do’s and Dont’s Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Shock Hazard. Agency compliance requires that the Safety agency conditions of acceptability require module
baseplate be grounded. input fusing. The VI-x7x, VI-x6x and VI-x5x require the use
of a Buss PC-Tron fuse, or other DC-rated fuse. See below
Fusing. Internal fusing is not provided in Vicor DC-DC
for suggested fuse ratings.
converters. To meet safety agency conditions, a fuse is
required. This fuse should be placed in the positive input The safety approvals section of the Vicor website should
lead, not the negative input lead, as opening of the always be checked for the latest fusing and conditions of
negative input lead will cause the GATE IN and GATE OUT acceptability information for all DC-DC converters
to rise to the potential of the +IN lead, causing possible including the MegaMod family.
damage to other modules or circuits that share common
GATE IN or GATE OUT connections.

Acceptable Fuse Types and Current Rating for the VI-200 and VI-J00 Family of Converters
Package Size Required Fuse Package Size Required Fuse
VI-27x-xx PC-Tron 2.5 A VI-J7x-xx PC-Tron 2.5 A
VI-26x-xx PC-Tron 3 A VI-J6x-xx PC-Tron 3 A
VI-25x-xx PC-Tron 5 A VI-J5x-xx PC-Tron 5 A
VI-2Tx-xx PC-Tron 5A VI-JTx-xx PC-Tron 5A
VI-24x-xx 6 A / 125 V VI-J4x-xx PC-Tron 5A
VI-2Nx-xx 8A / 125 V VI-JNx-xx PC-Tron 5A
VI-23x-xx 8 A /125 V VI-J3x-xx PC-Tron 5A
VI-22x-xx 8 A / 60 V VI-J2x-xx PC-Tron 5A
VI-2Wx-xx 12 A / 50 V VI-JWx-xx 8 A / 60 V
VI-21x-xx 12 A / 32 V VI-J1x-xx 8 A / 60 V
VI-2Vx-xx 12 A / 32 V VI-J0x-xx 8 A / 60 V
VI-20x-xx 12 A / 32 V

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 4. Overcurrent Protection
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


The VI-/ MI-200 modules with output voltages of 5 V or The VI-/ MI-200 modules with output voltages greater
3.3 V incorporate foldback current limiting. (Figure 4–1) In than 5 V, 2 V (VI-/ MI-200 only) and all VI-/ MI-J00
this mode, the output voltage remains constant up to the modules incorporate a straight-line type current limit.
current knee, (Ic), which is 5 – 25% greater than full-rated (Figure 4–2) As output current is increased beyond Imax,
current, (Imax). Beyond Ic, the output voltage falls along the output voltage remains constant and within its
the vertical line Ic– Ifb until approximately 2 V. At ≤2 V, the specified limits up to a point, Ic, which is 5 – 25% greater
voltage and current folds back to short circuit current than rated current, (Imax). Beyond Ic, the output voltage
point (20 – 80% of Imax). Typically, modules will falls along the vertical line to Isc. Typically, modules will
automatically recover when overcurrent is removed. automatically recover after overcurrent is removed.
When bench testing modules with foldback current limiting,
use a constant resistance load as opposed to a constant
current load. Some constant current loads have the ability
to pull full current at near zero volts. This may cause a
latchup condition. Also when performing a short circuit
test it is recommended to use a mercury wetted relay to
induce the output short as other methods may induce
switch bounce that could potentially damage the converter.

I max Ic

2V I fb

I out
I short circuit I max
I out
I short circuit

Figure 4–1 — Foldback current limiting Figure 4–2 — Straight-line current limiting

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5. Output Voltage Trimming Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Specifications such as efficiency, ripple and input voltage Example 1. For trimming –10% to +10% with a standard
range are a function of output voltage settings. As the off-the-shelf 10 kΩ potentiometer (R7), values for resistors
output voltage is trimmed down, efficiency goes down; R6 and R8 need to be calculated.
ripple as a percent of Vout goes up and the input voltage
Resistor R6 limits the trim down range. For a given
range widens since input voltage dropout (loss of regulation)
percentage, its value is independent of output voltage.
moves down. As the units are trimmed up, the reverse of
Refer to Table 5–1, for limiting resistor values.
the above effects occurs.
All converters have a fixed current limit. The overvoltage
protection setpoint is also fixed; trimming the output +OUT

voltage does not alter its setting. As the output voltage is R1 47 Ω Typ.
Error Amp
trimmed down, the current limit setpoint remains constant. R2 R8
Therefore, in terms of output power, if the unit is trimmed + R7 Load
R5 10 kΩ[a] R3
down, available output power drops accordingly. C1
2.5 V[a] R4 27 Ω Typ.
The output voltage of most Vicor converters can be –OUT

trimmed +10%, –50%. Certain modules have restricted

trim ranges. Consult the latest datasheet for details. [a]For Vout <3.3 V, R5 = 3.88 kΩ and internal reference = 0.97 V.

Do not attempt to trim the module output voltage more Figure 5–1 — External resistive network for variable trimming
than +10%, as overvoltage shut down may occur. Do not
exceed maximum rated output power when the module is
trimmed up. TRIMMING DOWN –10%
CAUTION: When trimming up VI- / MI-J00 converter A 10% drop of the 2.5 V reference at the TRIM pin is
modules, additional care should be taken as an needed to effect a 10% drop in the output voltage.
improper component selection could result in module (Figure 5–2)
failure. Improper connection of the sense leads on
VI- / MI-J00 converter modules can also result in an
excessive overvoltage condition and module failure.
The following procedures describe methods for output +SENSE
voltage adjustment (–10 to +10% of nominal) of the R5 10 kΩ [a] R8
VI-/ MI-200, VI-/ MI-J00, ComPAC / MI-ComPAC, FlatPAC TRIM R6
2.5 V [a] R7 10 kΩ POT
and MegaMod / MI-MegaMod Families. reference V1 I R6
(internal) –SENSE

Modules with nominal 3.3 V outputs and above have –OUT

the 2.5 V precision reference and 10 k internal resistor.

For trim resistor calculations on modules with 2.0 V
[a] For Vout <3.3 V, R5 = 3.88 kΩ and internal reference = 0.97 V.
outputs use 0.97 V in place of the 2.5 V reference
and substitute 3.88 kΩ for the internal 10 kΩ resistor. Figure 5–2 — Circuit diagram “Trim Down”

Resistors are 0.25 W. When trimming down any module,

always maintain a minimum preload of at least 1% of
V1 = 2.5 V – 10% = 2.25 V
rated output power and in some cases up to 10% may be
required. For more specific information on trimming down Therefore:
a specific module, please consult Vicor’s Applications
Engineering Department at (800) 927-9474. IR5 = (2.5 V – 2.25 V) = 25 µA
10 kΩ

Since IR5 = IR6 = 25 µA:

To achieve a variable trim range, an external resistor R6 = 2.25 V = 90 kΩ
network must be added. (Figure 5–1) 25 µA

This value will limit the trim down range to –10% of

nominal output voltage.

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 5. Output Voltage Trimming
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


To trim 10% above the nominal output voltage, the Converters can be trimmed up or down with the addition
following calculations are needed to determine the value of one external resistor, either Ru for programming up or
of R8. This calculation is dependent on the output voltage Rd for programming down. (Figure 5–4)
of the module. A 12 V output will be used as an example.
Example 2. Fixed Trim Up (12 V to 12.6 V).
(Figure 5–3)
To determine Ru, the following calculation must be made:
It is necessary for the voltage at the TRIM pin to be 10%
2.5 V + 5% = 2.625 V
greater than the 2.5 V reference. This offset will cause the
error amplifier to adjust the output voltage up 10% to 13.2 V. VR5 = VTRIM – Vref
VR5 = 2.625 – 2.5 = 0.125 V

Knowing this voltage, the current through R5 can be found:
+ SENSE VR5 = 0.125 = 12.5 µA
R5 10 kΩ[a] R8
IR5 =
(internal) R6 90 kΩ V2
I R8 R5 10 kΩ
2.5 V [a] R7 10 kΩ POT
reference V1
– SENSE 25 µA 500 µA VRu = 12.6 V – 2.625 V = 9.975 V

– OUT Ru = 9.975 = 798 kΩ

12.5 µA
For Vout <3.3 V, R5 = 3.88 kΩ and internal reference = 0.97 V.

Figure 5–3 — Circuit diagram “Trim Up”


R5 10 kΩ [a] Trim Resistor for UP
(internal) Ru Programming
V1 = 2.5 V + 10% = 2.75 V 2.5 V [a] or
reference Trim Resistor for DOWN
(internal) – SENSE Rd Programming
IR5 = (2.75 V – 2.5 V) = 25 µA – OUT
10 kΩ

For Vout <3.3 V, R5 = 3.88 kΩ and internal reference = 0.97 V.
Since IR5 = IR6 ,
the voltage drop across R6 = (90 kΩ) (25 µA) = 2.25 V. Figure 5–4 — Fixed trimming
Therefore, V2 = 2.75 V + 2.25 V = 5 V. The current
through R7 (10 kΩ pot) is: Connect Ru from the TRIM pin to the +SENSE. Be sure to
V2 5 = 500 µA connect the resistor to the +SENSE, not the +OUT, or
IR7 = = drops in the positive output lead as a function of load will
R7 10 k
cause apparent load regulation problems.
Using Kirchoff’s current law:
Example 3. –25% Fixed Trim Down (24 V to 18 V).
IR8 = IR7 + IR6 = 525 µA The trim down methodology is identical to that used in
Example 2, except that it is utilized to trim the output of a
Thus, knowing the current and voltage, R8 can be
24 V module down 25% to 18 V. The voltage on the
TRIM pin must be reduced 25% from its nominal setting
VR8 = (Vout + 10%) – V2 = 13.2 V – 5 V = 8.2 V of 2.5 V. This is accomplished by adding a resistor from
the TRIM pin to –SENSE.
(8.2 V) = 15.6 kΩ
R8 =
525 µA
2.5 V – 25% = 1.875 V
This resistor configuration allows a 12 V output module
VR5 = Vbandgap – VTRIM
to be trimmed up to 13.2 V and down to 10.8 V. Follow
this procedure to determine resistor values for other = 2.5 V – 1.875 V = 0.625 V
output voltages.

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5. Output Voltage Trimming Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Knowing this voltage, the current through R5 can be found: DYNAMIC ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE
VR5 = 0.625 = 62.5 µA
Output voltage can also be dynamically programmed by
IR5 =
R5 10 kΩ driving the TRIM pin from a voltage or current source;
programmable power supplies and power amplifier
The voltage across the resistor, Rd, and the current
applications can be addressed in this way. For dynamic
flowing through it are known:
programming, drive the TRIM pin from a source referenced
(2.5 V – 0.625 V) = 30 kΩ to the negative sense lead, and keep the drive voltage in
Rd =
62.5 µA the range of 1.25 – 2.75 V. Applying 1.25 – 2.5 V on the
TRIM pin corresponds to 50 – 100% of nominal output
Connect Rd (Figure 5– 4) from the TRIM pin to the –SENSE voltage. For example, an application requires a +10, 0%
of the module. Be sure to connect the resistor to the (nominal), and a –15% output voltage adjustment for a 48 V
–SENSE, not the –OUT, or drops in the negative output output converter. Referring to the table below, the voltage
lead as a function of load will cause apparent load that should be applied to the trim pin would be as follows:
regulation problems. VTRIM VOUT Change from nominal
2.125 40.8 –15%
Values for Trim Down by Percentage 2.5 48 0
2.75 52.8 +10%
Percent Resistance
–5 % 190 kΩ
–10 % 90 kΩ The actual voltage range is further restricted by the
–15 % 56.7 kΩ allowable trim range of the converter. Voltages in excess
–20 % 40 kΩ of 2.75 V (+10% over nominal) may cause overvoltage
–25 % 30 kΩ protection to be activated. For applications where the
–30 % 23.3 kΩ module will be programmed on a continuous basis the
–35 % 18.6 kΩ slew rate should be limited to 30 Hz sinusoidal.
– 40 % 15 kΩ
– 45 % 12.2 kΩ
–50 % 10 kΩ
Table 5–1 — Values for trim down by percentage (Refer to product
Trim values are calculated automatically. Design
data sheet for allowable trim ranges at Calculators are available on Vicor’s website in the
PowerBenchTM section at
Fixed Trim Down
Resistor values can be easily determined for fixed trim up,
Vnom V (Desired) Trim Resistor [a] fixed trim down and for variable trimming applications.
5 V 4.5 V 90.9 kΩ
3.3 V 19.6 kΩ In addition to trimming information, the website also
2.5 V 10.0 kΩ includes design tips, applications circuits, EMC
15 V 13.8 V 115 kΩ
24 V 20 V 49.9 kΩ
suggestions, thermal design guidelines and PDF data
48 V 40 V 49.9 kΩ sheets for all available Vicor products.
36 V 30.1 kΩ
Table 5–2a — Values for fixed trim down by voltage

Fixed Trim Up
Vnom V (Desired) Trim Resistor [a]
5 V 5.2 V 261 kΩ
5.5 V 110 kΩ
12 V 12.5 V 953 kΩ
13.2 V 422 kΩ
15 V 15.5 V 1.62 MΩ
16.5 V 562 kΩ
24 V 25 V 2.24 MΩ
48 V 50 V 4.74 MΩ

Table 5–2b — Values for fixed trim up by voltage

Values listed in the tables are the closest standard 1% resistor values.

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 6. Multiple GATE IN Connections
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

A number of GATE IN pins may be connected for remote lengthen turn-on time. SW1 is a mechanical or solid state
shut down and logic disable. (Figure 6-1) Diodes D1 and switch that is used to disable both Driver modules. C3 is
D2 provide isolation and prevent multiple failures if the used to minimize the effects of “switch bounce” associated
GATE IN of a module becomes shorted to the +IN. The with mechanical devices.
Zener diodes Z1, Z2 and capacitors C1, C2 attenuate
NOTE: GATE IN voltage needs to be <0.65 V
transient voltage spikes caused by differential inductance
referenced to –IN to ensure modules are disabled.
in the negative lead. Capacitors C1 and C2 will also

IN Vicor
DC-DC Converter
C1, C2, C3 = 1 µF Z1 GATE
Z1, Z2 = 15 V (1N5245B)
[a] C3 –IN
D1, D2 = Small signal diode (1N4148)
[a] SW1
For bus voltages greater than 75 V, F2
a 1N4006 diode should be used. +IN
IN Vicor
DC-DC Converter

NOTE: The –IN to –IN input lead should be kept as short as possible to minimize differential inductance.
Heavy lines indicate power connections. Use suitably sized conductors.
Opto-couplers or relays should be used to isolate GATE IN connections, if the converters are on
separate boards or the negative input lead’s impedance is high.

Figure 6–1 — Protection for multiple GATE IN connections

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7. Application Circuits / Converter Array Design Considerations Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Logic Disable. (Figure 7–1) The GATE IN pin of the Negative Inputs (with positive ground). (Figure 7–3)
module may be used to turn the module on or off. When Vicor modules have isolated inputs and outputs making
GATE IN is pulled low (<0.65 V @ 6 mA, referenced to negative input configurations easy. Fusing should always
–Vin), the module is turned off. When GATE IN is floating be placed in the positive lead.
(open collector), the module is turned on. The open circuit
Remote Sensing. (Figure 7–4) Output voltage between
voltage of the GATE IN pin is less than 10 V. This applies
+OUT and –OUT must be maintained below 110% of
to VI-/ MI-200, VI-/ MI-J00 and MegaMod / MI-MegaMod
nominal. Do not exceed 0.25 V drop in negative return as
Family modules.
the current limit setpoint is moved out proportionately.
Output Voltage Programming. (Figure 7–2) Consult The sense should be closed at the module if remote
Vicor’s Applications Engineering Department before sensing is not desired. Applies to VI-/ MI-200, VI-/ MI-J00,
attempting large signal applications at high repetition ComPAC / MI-ComPAC, FlatPAC and MegaMod /
rates due to ripple current considerations with the internal MI-MegaMod Family modules. Excessively long sense leads
output capacitors. This applies to VI-/ MI-200, VI-/ MI-J00, and / or excessive external capacitance at the load may
ComPAC / MI-ComPAC, FlatPAC and MegaMod / result in module instability. Please consult Vicor
MI-MegaMod Family modules. Applications Engineering for compensation methods.
Vtrim x Vnom
Vout =


1 Zero Current +S Zero Current +S
+ IN + IN Switching
– 2 Switching TRIM Load – TRIM Load
5 1µF GATE Converter GATE Converter
TLP798G Driver –S Driver –S
Agilent 6N139

Figure 7–1 — Logic disable Figure 7–3 — Negative inputs (with positive ground)

+IN +OUT +IN +OUT •••

GATE Zero Current +S GATE Zero Current +S •••
+ IN Switching + + IN Switching
– TRIM – Load – TRIM Load
GATE Converter Converter
Driver –S GATE Driver –S •••
–IN –OUT –IN –OUT •••

Figure 7–2 — Output voltage programming Figure 7–4 — Remote sensing

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 7. Application Circuits / Converter Array Design Considerations
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Parallel Boost. (Figure 7–5) U.S. Patent #4,648,020 — NOTE: When using a VI-J00 module, the TRIM pin
other patents pending. To retain accurate power sharing voltage should be clamped to 2.75 V to avoid
between a Driver and (n) number of Boosters, provide damage to the module. This corresponds to the
adequate input and output power bussing. This applies to maximum trim up voltage. This circuit or functional
VI-/ MI-200 and MegaMod / MI-MegaMod Family equivalent must be used when charging batteries.
modules. See Module Do’s and Don’ts for recommended Do not exceed the nominal current ratings of the
external components. (Section 3) converter. Example,
Programmable Current Source. (Figure 7–6) Module
output voltage should not exceed the rated voltage of the Vnominal
operational amplifier. This applies to VI-/ MI-200,
Dual Output Voltages. (Figure 7–7) Vicor modules have
VI-/ MI-J00, ComPAC / MI-ComPAC, FlatPAC and
isolated outputs so they can easily be referenced to a
MegaMod / MI-MegaMod Family modules. common node creating positive and / or negative rails.

Zero Current GATE
GATE Switching Zero Current +S
IN +S + IN Switching Load requiring
Converter – TRIM
#1 TRIM Converter positive output
Driver –S OUT
VI-2xx-xx –IN –OUT

+ Load

Zero Current +IN +OUT
IN Switching +S GATE
Converter Zero Current +S
TRIM + IN Switching Load requiring
GATE #n – TRIM negative output
Booster –S GATE Converter
OUT Driver –S
–IN VI-Bxx-xx –OUT

Figure 7–5 — Parallel boost. U.S. Patent #4,648,020 — other Figure 7–7 — Dual output voltages
patents pending.

GATE Zero Current +S –
+ IN Switching 1K OP
– TRIM AMP 0.01 Load
Converter 1K
Driver -S 10 µF
1K 1K
0.05 Ω
V Control
0.1 V/A

Figure 7–6 — Programmable current source

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8. Using Boosters and Parallel Arrays Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

OVERVIEW consideration. Most current-sharing schemes employed

with power converters involve analog approaches. One
The VI-/ MI-200 Family of DC-DC converters are available
analog method artificially increases the output impedance
as Driver or Booster modules. The Driver can be used as a
of the converter modules, while another actually senses
stand alone module, or in multi-kilowatt arrays by adding
the output current of each module and forces all of the
parallel Boosters. Booster modules do not contain
currents to be equal by feedback control.
feedback or control circuitry, so it is necessary to connect
the Booster GATE IN pin to the preceding Driver or Synchronous current sharing offers an alternative to
Booster GATE OUT, to synchronize operation. Drivers and analog techniques. In a synchronous scheme, there is no
Boosters have identical power trains, although Drivers need for a current-sensing or current-measuring device on
close the voltage loop internally while Boosters do not. each module. Nor is there a need to artificially increase
output impedance, which compromises load regulation.
The concept behind Driver / Booster operation is that two
or more ZCS power trains driven at the same frequency There are advantages and disadvantages associated with
will inherently load-share if their inputs and outputs are each approach to current sharing. In choosing the best
tied together. Slaved modules require only one connection approach for a given application, designers should be
between units when their outputs are connected aware of the tradeoffs as well as tips for implementing a
together; no trimming, adjustments or external successful design.
components are required to achieve load sharing. The
Most paralleled power components, such as transistors,
load sharing is dynamic and typically within 5%.
rectifiers, power conversion modules, and offline power
For additional information, refer to Electrical Considerations supplies, will not inherently share the load. With power
– High Power Arrays in the Module Do’s and Don’ts. converters, one or more of the converters will try to
(Section 3) assume a disproportionate or excessive fraction of the
load unless forced current-sharing control is designed into
IMPORTANT: It is important to remember that when
the system.
using Boosters, the input voltage, output voltage and
output power of the Boosters must be the same as One converter, typically the one with the highest output
the Driver. voltage, may deliver current up to its current limit setting,
which is beyond its rated maximum. Then, the voltage will
Whenever power supplies or converters are operated in a
drop to the point where another converter in the array—
parallel configuration—for higher output power, fault
the one with the next highest voltage—will begin to
tolerance, or both—current sharing is an important
deliver current. All of the converters in an array may

+ +IN +OUT
GATE Zero-Current-
IN Switching +S
– –IN VI-2xx-xx

GATE Zero-Current-
–IN VI-Bxx-xx –OUT

GATE Zero-Current-
IN Switching +S
Booster TRIM

Figure 8–1 — Parallel array

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 8. Using Boosters and Parallel Arrays
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

deliver some current, but the load will be shared unequally. Driver / Booster arrays usually contain one intelligent
With built-in current limiting, one or more of the converters module or Driver, and one or more power-train-only
will deliver current up to the current limit (generally 15 or modules or Boosters. Analog current-sharing control
20% above the module’s rated maximum), while other involves paralleling two or more identical modules, each
converters in the array supply just a fraction of load. containing intelligence.
Consider a situation where one module in a two-module One of the common methods of forcing load sharing in
array is providing all of the load. If it fails, the load on the an array of parallel converters is to sense the output
second module must go from no load to full load. During current of each converter and compare it to the average
that time, the output voltage is likely to droop temporarily. current. Then, the output of a given converter is adjusted
This could result in system problems, including shutdown so that its contribution is equal to the average. This is
or reset. usually accomplished by current-sense resistors in series
with the load, a sensing amplifier for each converter
On the other hand, if both modules were sharing the load
module, and a summing amplifier. Load sharing is
and one failed, the surviving module would experience a
accomplished by actively trimming the output voltage
much less severe transient (one-half to full load). Also, the
using TRIM or SENSE pins.
output voltage would be likely to experience no more
than a slight momentary droop. The dynamic response Occasionally, a designer is tempted to avoid the expense
characteristic of all forward converters, resonant or pulse- of a current-sense resistor by using the IR drops in the
width modulated, is degraded when the load is stepped wire as a means of sensing the current. Unfortunately,
from zero (no load) where the output inductor current is there are a number of negative issues associated with
discontinuous. that idea. First of all, there’s the temperature coefficient
of copper. As the wire heats up, its resistance increases,
In the same two-module array example, the module
negating its value as a stable current-sensing device.
carrying all of the load also is generating all of the heat.
Second, there are oxidation and corrosion issues, which
That results in a much lower mean time between failure
also cause parametric changes. Consequently, a high-
for that module. An often-quoted rule of thumb says that
precision current-sensing device, such as a precision
for each 10°C increase in operating temperature, average
resistor, is a must.
component life is cut in half.
The resistor values typically range from a few milliohms
In a current-sharing system, the converters or supplies all
up to about 100 mΩ, depending on the power level or
run at the same temperature. This temperature is lower
current range of operation. Selecting the right value
than that of the hot-running (heavily loaded) modules in
requires a tradeoff between power dissipation and
a system without current sharing. Furthermore, same-
sensitivity (signal-to-noise ratio or noise immunity). The
temperature operation means that all of the modules in
larger the resistor value, the better the noise immunity—
a current-sharing arrangement age equally.
and the greater the power dissipation.
Current sharing, then, is important because it improves
Determining the size of the resistor needed to generate a
system performance. It optimizes transient and dynamic
signal above the noise can be a bit tricky. Another
response and minimizes thermal problems, which improves
potential pitfall with this (or, for that matter, any other)
reliability and helps extend the lifetimes of all of the
approach is the need for good electrical and mechanical
modules in an array. Current sharing is an essential
design and layout. This requires adequate trace widths,
ingredient in most systems that use multiple power supplies
minimized trace lengths, and decoupling to reduce noise.
or converters to achieve higher output power or fault
An experienced designer should have no difficulty with
this, but it is an area rich with opportunities for error.
When parallel supplies or converters are used to increase
The droop-share method artificially increases the output
power, current sharing is achieved through a number of
impedance to force the currents to be equal.
approaches. One scheme simply adds resistance in series
It’s accomplished by injecting an error signal into the
with the load. A more practical variant of that is the
control loop of the converter, causing the output voltage
“droop-share” method, which actively causes the output
to vary as a function of load current. As load current
voltage to drop in response to increasing load.
increases, output voltage decreases. All of the modules
Nevertheless, the two most commonly used approaches
will deliver approximately the same current because they
to paralleling converters for power expansion are Driver /
are all being summed into one node.
Booster arrays and analog current-sharing control. They
appear to be similar, but the implementation of each is If one supply is delivering more current than another
quite different. supply, its output voltage will be slightly forced down so

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8. Using Boosters and Parallel Arrays Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

that it will be delivering equal current for an equal voltage The single intelligent module in the array determines the
at the summing node. A simple implementation of the transient response, which does not change as modules
droop-share scheme uses the voltage dropped across an are added. Slaved modules require only one connection
ORing diode, which is proportional to current, to adjust between units when their outputs are connected. No
the output voltage of the associated converter. (Figure 8–2) trimming, adjustments, or external components are
required to achieve load sharing. The load sharing is
Droop share has advantages and disadvantages. One of
dynamic and usually guaranteed within 5%. It’s important
the advantages is that it can work with any topology. It’s
to remember that when using Boosters, the input and
also fairly simple and inexpensive to implement. Though, a
output voltage and output power specifications of the
major drawback is that it requires that the current be
Boosters must be the same as the Driver.
sensed. A current-sensing device is needed in each of the
converters or power supplies. Additionally, a small penalty Driver / Booster arrays have two advantages. They have
is paid in load regulation, though in many applications this only a single control loop, so there are no loop-within-a-
isn’t an issue. loop stability issues. And, they have excellent transient
response. However, this arrangement isn’t fault tolerant.
In general, mixing and matching converters isn’t
If the Driver module fails, the array won’t maintain its
recommended—especially those with incompatible
output voltage.
current-sharing schemes. The droop-share method,
however, is more forgiving in this regard than any of the Analog current-sharing control involves paralleling two or
other techniques. With a little external circuitry, current more identical modules, each containing intelligence. The
sharing can be achieved using arrays constructed from circuit actively adjusts the output voltage of each supply
different converter models or even from different suppliers. so the multiple supplies deliver equal currents. This method,
though, has a number of disadvantages. Each converter in
Most systems can employ the Driver / Booster (or master /
the array has its own voltage regulation loop, and each
slave) array for increased power. (Figure 8–3) The Driver is
requires a current-sensing device and current-control loop.
used to set and control output voltage, while Booster
modules, as slaves to the master, are used to extend Analog current-sharing control does support a level of
output power to meet system requirements. redundancy. But it’s susceptible to single-point failures
within the current-sharing bus that at best can defeat
Driver / Booster arrays of quasi-resonant converters with
current sharing, and at worst can destroy every module in
identical power trains inherently current share because the
the array. The major reason for this is the single-wire
per-pulse energy of each converter is the same. If the
galvanic connection between modules.
inputs and outputs are tied together and the units operate
at the same frequency, all modules will deliver equal Current sharing is an essential element in fault-tolerant
current (within component tolerances). arrays. Yet regardless of the approach, there is an inherent


GATE Zero Current
Switching +S
Converter TRIM +VOUT
GATE #1 –S
OUT Driver

GATE Zero Current
IN Switching
Converter TRIM
GATE Return
#n –S
OUT Driver

Figure 8–2 — Droop-share current sharing artificially increases converter output impedance to force the currents to be equal. Diodes on the
output of each converter provide current sensing and fault protection.

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 8. Using Boosters and Parallel Arrays
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

cost incurred by the addition of at least one redundant could be used to provide a 400 W output with an
converter or supply. additional 200 W module for 2+1 redundancy (a total of
600 W in a volume of about 16.5 in3).
Incidentally, most applications today that require fault
tolerance or redundancy also require Hot-Swap capability Alternatively, four 100 W half-size modules might be used
to ensure continuous system operation. Hot-swappable with a fifth 100 W module to provide 4+1 redundancy (a
cards must be designed so the operator won’t come in total of 500 W and 14 in3). Although the second solution
contact with dangerous potentials and currents. uses less space, it increases the accumulated failure rate
because it employs more converters, more ORing diodes,
It’s also essential that when a module fails, the failure is
more monitoring circuitry, and more assembly.
detected and identified by an alarm or notice to provide
service. A Hot-Swap system must ensure that during ORing diodes may be inserted in series with the output
swap-out, there is minimal disturbance of the power bus. of each module in an N+1 array to provide output fault
Specifically, the affected voltage bus must not drop tolerance. (Figure 8–2) They’re important in a redundant
enough to cause errors in the system, either on the input power system to maintain fault isolation. Without them,
bus or the output bus. a short-circuit failure in the output of one converter could
bring down the entire array.
A power-supply failure can cripple an entire system, so the
addition of a redundant converter or supply is often But ORing diodes add losses to the power system,
justified by the need to keep the system operating. reducing overall efficiency and decreasing reliability. To
Adding an extra module (N+1) to a group of paralleled ameliorate the negative effect on efficiency, ORing diodes
modules will significantly increase reliability with only a should run hot, thereby reducing forward voltage drop
modest increase in cost. and increasing efficiency. Reverse leakage current will be
an issue only if the output of a converter shorts and the
The implementation of redundant converters is
diode is reverse biased. This is an important consideration
determined in part by the available space and cost
with regard to operating temperature.
requirements. For example, two 200 W full-size modules


IN + Sense
INPUT Zero-Current- Trim LOAD
GATE Switching Driver
OUT –Sense

IN +Sense
Zero-Current- Trim
GATE Switching Booster
OUT –Sense

GATE +Sense
Zero-Current- Trim
GATE Switching Booster

Figure 8–3 — Most converters can use the Driver / Booster array to increase output power. Driver / Booster arrays usually contain one
intelligent module or Driver, and one or more power-train-only modules or Boosters.

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9. EMC Considerations Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

CONDUCTED NOISE Common-Mode Noise with No Additional Filtering.

Common mode conducted noise current is the
Conducted noise is the AC current flowing between the
unidirectional (in phase) component in both the +IN and
source voltage and the power supply. It includes both
–IN pins to the module. This current circulates from the
common-mode and differential-mode noise. Vicor zero-
converter via the power input leads to the DC source and
current-switching converters are 20 – 40 dB lower in
returns to the converter via the grounded baseplate or
conducted noise than a traditional board-mounted PWM
output lead connections. This represents a potentially
converter; however, if a specific EMC specification such as
large loop cross-sectional area which, if not effectively
FCC or VDE must be met, additional filtering may be required.
controlled, can generate magnetic fields. Common-mode
Since the noise generated is ten to a hundred times lower noise is a function of the dv/dt across the main switch in
than fixed frequency converters, an existing filter should the converter and the effective input to baseplate and
provide equal or better performance when the conditions input to output capacitance of the converter.
in the Module Do’s and Don’ts section are followed.
The most effective means to reduce common-mode current
(Section 3)
is to bypass both input leads to the baseplate with
In the event the system does not contain an existing filter, Y-capacitors (C2), keeping the leads short to reduce
the following will provide valuable information relative to parasitic inductance. Additionally, a common-mode choke
the attainment of system conducted noise objectives. (L1) is usually required to meet FCC / VDE A or B. (Figure
System requirements, such as Tempest (military) or UL544 / 9–2)
EN60601 (medical), require a somewhat different approach.
NOTE: Acoustic Noise. Audible noise may be emitted
Medical requirements vary as a function of the application
from the module under no load, light load, or
and country — please contact Vicor Applications
dynamic loading conditions. This is considered
Engineering for additional details.
normal operation of the module.

Typical Vicor Module

48 V Input, 5 V Output (VI-230-CV)

C2 C3

+IN +OUT Conditions:

GATE +S C1 = 100 µF Light Load = 3 A
IN TRIM C2 = 4,700 pF Nominal Line = 48 V Nominal Load = 15 A
GATE C3 = 0.01 µF Full Load = 30 A

C2 C3

Conducted Noise vs. Load

3 Amp Load 15 Amp Load 30 Amp Load

Figure 9–1 — Conducted input noise, no additional filtering

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 9. EMC Considerations
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Common-Mode Noise with Common-Mode Choke. NOTE: In most cases, a fixed frequency converter
There are no special precautions that must be exercised in generates more input conducted noise with a filter
the design of input filters for Vicor converters. In fact, if than Vicor’s zero-current-switching converter without
the system contains an EMC filter designed for typical a filter. Also note that fixed frequency converters
fixed frequency converters, it should be sufficient as is using a construction technique involving control
(although not optimal in terms of size), as zero-current- circuitry on the same metal plate as power processing
switching converters inherently generate significantly less components will generate significantly more input
conducted noise. noise than shown.
The plots in Figure 9–2 are representative of fixed
frequency converters with input filtering.

Typical Fixed Frequency Converter (PWM)

48 V Input, 5 V Output

C3 C4

C1 = 2.2 µF Light Load = 3 A
CM C2 = 100 µF Nominal Line = 48 V Nominal Load = 15 A
C1 C2
C3 = Internal Full Load = 30 A
+IN –OUT C4 = Internal
L1 = 3 mH

C3 C4

Conducted Noise vs. Load

3 Amp Load 15 Amp Load 30 Amp Load

Figure 9–2 — Conducted input noise, typical fixed frequency converter with filter

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9. EMC Considerations Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Typical Vicor Module (VI-230-CV)

48 V Input, 5 V Output

C2a C3a Three common-mode chokes are offered as standard accessories.

Part Inductance Maximum Resistance

Number Each Winding DC Current Each Winding
+IN +OUT 31743 1,000 µH 12 Amperes 6.5 mΩ
L1 GATE +S 31742 3,000 µH 7 Amperes 18 mΩ
GATE 31943 2,163 µH 1 Ampere 42 mΩ
NOTE: Common-mode filters may be common to one or
more modules, but only one should be used with modules
interconnected via GATE IN’s or, GATE OUT to GATE IN. As
C2b C3b an example, Driver / Booster arrays or Drivers with GATE IN’s
C1 = 100 µF tied together to provide a common disable function.
C2a – C2b = 4,700 pF (Vicor Part # 01000) Conditions
C3a – C3b = 0.01 µF (Vicor Part # 04872) Light Load = 3 A
C4 = 2.2 µF Nominal Load = 15 A
L1 = 3,000 µH (Vicor Part # 31742) Full Load = 30 A

Conducted Noise vs. Load

3 Amp Load 15 Amp Load 30 Amp Load

Figure 9–3 — Conducted input noise, with common-mode choke

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 9. EMC Considerations
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Differential and Common-Mode Filter with More however the wire size on the magnetics will need to
than One Module. No special precautions are needed reflect the increased input current. Shown below is the
when using two or more modules. The filter required will input conducted noise for two modules sharing a
have the same characteristics as a single module filter, common input source.

Differential and Common-Mode Filter with More than One Module

48 V Inputs, 5 V Outputs (Two Vicor VI-230-CV Modules)

C2a C3a
Three common-mode chokes are offered as standard accessories.
+IN +OUT Part Inductance Maximum Resistance
L1 Number Each Winding DC Current Each Winding
C4 C1a
T Load 1 31743 1,000 µH 12 Amperes 6.5 mΩ
OUT 31742 3,000 µH 7 Amperes 18 mΩ
31943 2,163 µH 1 Ampere 42 mΩ
C2b C3b
NOTE: Common-mode filters may be common to one or
C2c C3c more modules, but only one should be used with modules
interconnected via GATE IN’s or, GATE OUT to GATE IN. As
+IN +OUT an example, Driver / Booster arrays or Drivers with GATE IN’s
GATE +S tied together to provide a common disable function.
C1b IN T Load 2

C2d C3d
C1a – C1b = 47 µF
C2a – C2d = 4,700 pF (Vicor Part # 01000) Conditions
C3a – C3d = 0.01 µF (Vicor Part # 04872) Light Load = 3 A
C4 = 2.2 µF Nominal Load = 15 A
L1 = 3,000 µH (Vicor Part # 31742) Full Load = 30 A
L2 = 20 µH

Conducted Noise vs. Load

3 Amp / 3 Amp Load 3 Amp / 6 Amp Load 3 Amp / 30 Amp Load

15 Amp / 15 Amp Load 15 Amp / 30 Amp Load 30 Amp / 30 Amp Load

Figure 9–4 — Conducted noise, multiple zero-current-switching converters

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9. EMC Considerations Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Differential-Mode Noise Filter. Differential-mode Care should be taken to reduce the loop cross-sectional
conducted noise current is the component of current, area of differential-mode current flowing between the
at the input power pin, which is opposite in direction or source and C1. Since differential-mode input current is by
phase with respect to the other input power pin. definition opposite in phase, twisting the input leads
causes noise cancellation. PCB power planes can reduce
All Vicor converters have an internal differential-mode LC
radiated noise if the traces are on opposite sides of the
filter which, in conjunction with a small external capacitor
PCB directly over one another. If differential mode inductance
C1 (minimum value in µF) = 400 / Vin, is used, it may be common to one or more modules.
reduces differential-mode conducted noise. The external
capacitor should be placed close to the module to reduce
loop cross-sectional area.

Differential-Mode Filter
Typical Vicor Module (VI-230-CV) 48 V Input, 5 V Output

C2a C3a

L1 C1 = 100 µF
C2a – C2b = 4,700 pF (Vicor Part # 01000)
IN C3a – C3b = 0.01 µF (Vicor Part # 04872) Conditions
GATE C4 = 2.2 µF Light Load = 3 A
L1 = 20 µH Nominal Load = 15 A
L2 L2 = 20 µH Full Load = 30 A

C2b C3b

Conducted Noise vs. Load

3 Amp Load 15 Amp Load 30 Amp Load

Figure 9–5 — Conducted noise, differential-mode filtering

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 9. EMC Considerations
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Radiated noise may be either electric field or magnetic L
field. Magnetic radiation is caused by high di/dt and is +IN + OUT
generally what is measured by FCC, VDE or MIL-STD-461.
Vicor converters utilize zero-current-switching, with the
advantage over PWM non-zero-current-switching being C

that zero-current-switching topologies contain minimal Vp Ip

discontinuities in the switched current waveforms,
resulting in lower di/dt’s. Electric field radiation (caused by
dv/dt) is “near-field,” i.e., it decays rapidly as a function of
distance and as a result does not typically affect radiated –IN

Figure 9–6 — Basic zero-current-switching converter topology
Radiation can be minimized by proper board layout. Keep (VI-200 / VI-J00)
all leads with AC current short, twisted or routed as
overlapping planes to minimize loop cross-sectional area. Since the energy in every pulse is related to the square of
Also keep in mind the effects of capacitive coupling — the applied voltage (CV2), the pulse repetition rate varies
even when not expected. Do not put an unshielded filter as approximately the square of the line voltage. For
on the opposite side of the PCB from the module. example, a 300 V input unit can vary from 200 – 400 V,
Conducted noise can be capacitively coupled around the or a factor of two, therefore it follows that the repetition
filter. Do not route input and output leads in the same rate must vary by approximately a factor of four to regulate
cable bundle. Again, no special precautions, just good the output. As previously established, the current in the
design practice. primary is a half-wave rectified sine wave, but the voltage
on the primary is a square wave. Since this voltage is a
square wave, it contains harmonics of the fundamental
NOISE CONSIDERATIONS switching frequency. It also includes frequencies, that extend
to 70 MHz.
All switchmode power supplies generate a certain amount
of “noise”, yet it remains one of the least understood These frequencies can be of interest in the following
parameters in power conversion. circumstances. Rapidly changing voltages (high dv/dt) can
generate E-fields (primarily near-field) which do not usually
VI-200s and VI-J00s both use the same topology, so their cause system noise problems since they significantly
operation is very similar. These products are zero-current- decrease as a function of distance. For this reason, E-fields
switching converters — i.e., the current is zero when the are not measured by agencies such as the FCC or VDE.
main switch is turned on or off. While the switch is on, These agencies do, however, measure the magnetic
the current through the switch or the primary of the radiation caused by high frequency currents in a conductor.
transformer is a half-wave rectified sine wave. Similar in The half-wave rectified sine wave in the transformer is an
operation to a resonant converter, these products are example of this, but since there are minimal discontinuities
commonly referred to as quasi-resonant converters. The in the current waveform and the loop cross-sectional area
LC resonant frequency is fixed so the on-time of the is very small, the resultant E-field is very small. E-fields can
switch is about 500 ns. When the switch turns on, energy be a problem if sensitive circuitry is located near the
builds up in the leakage inductance of the transformer (L) module. In this case, a shield can be positioned under the
and then “transferred” into the capacitor on the label side of the module as a discrete element or as a
secondary side of the module. (C, Figure 9–6) The energy ground plane on the PCB. The other effect that occurs as
processed in each pulse is fixed, and is ultimately the a result of the 50 – 70 MHz component on the main
energy stored in this capacitor, 1/2 CV2. Since the energy switch is common-mode noise. (Figure 9–7)
in every pulse is fixed, the repetition rate of the pulse train
is varied as a function of load to regulate the output
voltage. Maximum repetition rate occurs at minimum line, Capacitance

full load and is approximately twice the LC time period or FET Rectifier
1 µs. If the load drops by 50%, then the repetition rate is Shield Shield
Ceramic Ceramic
approximately one-half of maximum (since the energy in
every pulse is fixed). Therefore the pulse repetition rate Baseplate

varies linearly with load, to a first order approximation.

Figure 9–7 — The shield layer serves to reduce the capacitance

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9. EMC Considerations Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

The dv/dt of the switch (FET) is a noise generator. This have very short leads since the frequency is high. It must
FET is mounted on a two layer insulating and shielding also be a good capacitor (i.e., ceramic or other material
assembly which is attached to the baseplate. Since ceramic that has a low ESR / ESL). This type of capacitor is most
is a dielectric, there is capacitance from the FET to the important on high input voltage units since the “dv”
baseplate. (Figure 9–7) The output rectifiers are also tied is larger, but is required for all units. For off-line
to the baseplate with ceramic insulators, adding additional applications this capacitor must have the appropriate
capacitance. The dv/dt of the FET is differentiated by these safety agency approvals.
two series capacitors, resulting in a spike of noise current
at 50 – 70 MHz that flows from primary to secondary. Insert probe into female receptacle To Scope
(Vicor P/N 06207) for proper output
(Figure 9–8) This noise current is common-mode as opposed differential noise measurement technique
to differential, and therefore should not affect the operation
of the system. It should be noted, however, that oscilloscopes
have a finite ability to reject common-mode signals, and
these signals can be abnormally emphasized by the use of
long ground leads on the scope probe.
Ground Ring on Probe
Primary Baseplate Secondary
C FET C Rectifier
To Scope

Vp Vp Figure 9–9 — Output ripple measurement technique

A capacitor from +/–Vout to the baseplate, is required
since the output rectifier has a changing voltage on it,
C FET C Rectifier and, like the FET, can generate common-mode noise.
This capacitor is similarly recommended for high output
I DM voltage units (48 V).
Common-mode noise is not differential with respect to
the output. It does, however, flow in both input and
C External C External
Ycaps Ycaps output leads of the power supply and is a noise parameter
that is measured by the FCC or VDE. It can cause power
Figure 9–8 — Noise coupling model systems to fail radiated emission tests, so it must be dealt
with. Bypass capacitors to the baseplate with a common-
mode filter on the input of the module or the main input
of the power supply is required.
Long ground leads adversely impact the common-mode
The common-mode filter is typically placed on the input as
rejection capability of oscilloscopes because the ground
opposed to the output. Theoretically, since this current
lead has inductance not present on the signal lead. These
flows from primary to secondary, the choke could be
differing impedances take common-mode signals and
placed in either the input or the output, but is preferably
convert them to differential signals that show up on the
placed in the input leads for the following reasons:
trace. To check for common-mode noise, place the
oscilloscope probe on the ground lead connection of the 1) input currents are smaller since the input voltage is
probe while the ground lead is tied to output return. usually higher;
(Figure 9–9) If the noise is common-mode, there will still
2) line regulation of the module can correct for voltage
be “noise” observed at the same test point.
drops across the choke; and
NOTE: The output return must be at the same relative
3) if the choke is on the output and the senses are
potential as the earth ground of the oscilloscope or
connected to the other side of it, the stability of the
damaging current may flow through the oscilloscope
loop may be impacted.
ground lead.
Differential output noise is the AC component of the
Capacitors are required from the +/–IN to the baseplate
output voltage that is not common to both outputs. The
thereby shunting common-mode current, thus reducing
noise is comprised of both low frequency, line-related
noise current on the input power lines. The capacitor must
noise (typically 120 Hz) and high frequency switching noise.

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 9. EMC Considerations
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

High Frequency Switching Noise. Peak-to-peak output (300 Vin to 5 Vout) has a rejection specification at 120 Hz
voltage ripple is typically 2% or less (1% for 12 V outputs of 30 + 20 Log (Vin / Vout). Vin = 300 and Vout = 5,
and above). Hence additional output filtering is generally hence its rejection is 30 + 35.56 = 65.56 dB, which
not required. Digital systems rarely need additional provides an attenuation factor of 1.89 k. Therefore, if the
filtering. However some analog systems, such as input to the converter has 30 V p-p of ripple, the output
ultrasound systems, will probably require additional output p-p ripple would be 15.8 mV. It is not practical to
filtering. See additional output filter choices in Table 9–1. attenuate this component further with passive filtering
due to its low frequency, hence active filtering is required.
Line Related Output Noise. Line related output noise
The RAM contains both a passive filter for high frequency
can be determined from the converter specification —
noise and an active filter for low frequency noise.
Input Ripple Rejection. As an example, a VI-260-CV

5 V Outputs 12 – 15 V Outputs 24 – 48 V Outputs

No Additional Filter 2% p-p (Typical) 1% p-p (Typical) 0.2% p-p (Typical)
Low ESR Output Cap. 1% p-p (Typical) 0.5% p-p (Typical) 0.1% p-p (Typical)
LC Output Filter 0.4% p-p (Typical) 0.2% p-p (Typical) 0.05% p-p (Typical)
RAM Filter (VI-200) <3 mV p-p (Maximum) <3 mV p-p (Maximum) <3 mV p-p (Maximum)
RAM Filter (VI-J00) <10 mV (Maximum) <10 mV (Maximum) <10 mV (Maximum)

Table 9–1 — Output filter options and output voltage and ripple

Differential Output Filtering

Typical Vicor Module (VI-230-CV) 48 V Input, 5 V Output

C2a C3a

OUT C1 = 100 µF Light Load = 3 A
GATE C2a – C2b = 4,700 pF (Vicor Part # 01000) Nominal Load = 15 A
C3a – C3b = 0.01 µF (Vicor Part # 04872) Full Load = 30 A

C2b C3b

Output Ripple vs. Load

3 Amp Load 15 Amp Load 30 Amp Load

Figure 9–10 — Output noise, no additional output filtering

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9. EMC Considerations Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Addition of Output Capacitor

Typical Vicor Module (VI-230-CV) 48 V Input, 5 V Output

C2a C3a

C1 = 100 µF Conditions
IN C2a – C2b = 4,700 pF (Vicor Part # 01000) Light Load = 3 A
GATE C3a – C3b = 0.01 µF (Vicor Part # 04872) Nominal Load = 15 A
C4 = 270 µF (Tant.) Full Load = 30 A

C2b C3b

NOTE: A low ESR capacitor should be used on the output, preferably tantalum.

Output Ripple vs. Load

3 Amp Load 15 Amp Load 30 Amp Load

Figure 9–11 — Output noise, additional output capacitance

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For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

LC Output Filter
Typical Vicor Module (VI-230-CV) 48 V Input, 5 V Output

C2a C3a

+IN +OUT C1 = 100 µF
GATE +S C2a – C2b = 4,700 pF (Vicor Part # 01000) Conditions
C1 TRIM C3a – C3b = 0.01 µF (Vicor Part # 04872) Light Load = 3 A
OUT –S C4 = 270 µF (Tant.) Nominal Load = 15 A
–IN –OUT L1 = 200 nH (Vicor Part # 30268) Full Load = 30 A

C2b C3b

Output Ripple vs. Load

3 Amp Load 15 Amp Load 30 Amp Load

Figure 9 –12 — Output noise, additional output inductor and capacitor (L-C Filter)

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9. EMC Considerations Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


The RAM / MI-RAM attenuates output noise in two ways. The use of the RAM / MI-RAM is very straightforward, but
First, an LC filter in the RAM / MI-RAM attenuates high a couple of precautions should be noted. The LC filter is in
frequency components associated with the switching the positive output lead, so if that lead is shorted then the
frequency. Secondly, the RAM / MI-RAM contains an active high frequency attenuation is compromised. The active
filter that attenuates low frequency components associated circuit is in the negative output lead, so if that lead is
with the input to the converter. These frequencies are on shorted the low frequency attenuation is compromised.
the order of 60 – 120 Hz and harmonics would require The RAM must be used with a common-mode choke at
very large output LC if a passive approach were to be the input of the converter.
used. Essentially, the active circuit looks at the output
The RAM is intended to be used with the Vicor VI-200 /
ripple from the converter, multiplies it by –1 (inverts) and
VI-J00, and the MI-RAM is intended to be used with Vicor
adds it to the output. This effectively cancels out the low
MI-200 / MI-J00 Family of DC-DC converter modules. It is
frequency components.
also available in a chassis mounted version as VI-LRAM-xx
The RAM does not contain any common-mode filtering, (MegaMod package) or VI-RAM-xx-B1 (BusMod package).
so whatever common-mode noise is present is passed
NOTE: Do not use if load is inductive as instability
through. It only provides differential filtering of noise that
may result. The addition of the RAM will increase the
is present on one output pin relative to the other.
converter’s current limit setpoint by ~ 14%.

RAM Output Filter

Typical Vicor Module (VI-230-CV) 48 V Input, 5 V Output with VI-RAM-C2

C2a C3a


C4 +

C2b C3b C1 = 100 µF Light Load = 3 A
C2a – C2b = 4,700 pF (Vicor Part # 01000) Full Load = 15 A
C3a – C3b = 0.01 µF (Vicor Part # 33643) Overload Condition = 30 A
C4 = 220 µF (Electrolytic)

Output Ripple vs. Load

30 Amp Load
3 Amp Load 15 Amp Load
(Overload Condition)

Figure 9–13 — Output noise, with Ripple Attenuator Module (RAM)

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 10. Optional Output Filters
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


The LC filter design below is a comparatively simple solution • L1 — Vicor P/N 30268 or Micrometals #T38-26/90 core
for reducing ripple on the outputs of Vicor’s VI-200 and with 2T #14 wire (200 nH)
VI-J00 Family converter modules. These components are
solid tantalum, ESR 90 mΩ typical
• C1, C2 — Vicor P/N 30800, 270 µF / 10 V,
small and provide significant peak-to-peak noise attenuation.
Since an output filter capacitor is already present in the
DC-DC converter, adding an inductor and capacitor to the • Typical data at high line input:
output creates a pi filter. It is important that the inductor With full load, ripple ~ 11 mV p-p
wire be of a size sufficient to carry the load current, With 50% load, ripple ~ 8 mV p-p
including a safety factor, and that the core does not
saturate. LC filters are generally needed only where very
accurate analog signals are involved. FILTER COMPONENTS FOR 12 V AND 15 V OUTPUTS
The RAM /MI-RAM (Ripple Attenuator Module) should be • L1 — Vicor P/N 30268 or Micrometals #T38-26/90 core
used if greater attenuation of output ripple is required, or with 2T #14 wire (200 nH)
where additional AC power line ripple frequency rejection

solid tantalum, ESR 90 mΩ typical

is required. • C1, C2 — Vicor P/N 30506, 120 µF / 20 V,

All standard outputs will function with either remote sense

or local sense, with the recommended capacitance. Lower • Typical data at high line input:
ESR is achieved with capacitors in parallel. Ripple data With full load, ripple ~ 5 mV p-p
measured at 20 MHz bandwidth limit. With 10% load, ripple ~ 15 mV p-p

Adding excessive amounts of external filtering may

compromise the stability of the converter and result in FILTER COMPONENTS FOR 24 V AND 28 V OUTPUTS
• L1 — Vicor P/N 30268 or Micrometals #T38-26/90 core
with 2T #14 wire (200 nH)

solid tantalum, ESR 160 mΩ typical

• C1, C2 — Vicor P/N 30507, 68 µF / 30 V,
IN +S • Typical data at high line input:
C1 C2
With full load, ripple ~ 6 mV p-p
With 10% load, ripple ~ 18 mV p-p

Figure 10 –1 — Recommended LC output filter

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11. Battery Charger (BatMod) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

The BatMod is a programmable current source module Current Monitor (IMON). An output that indicates the
that is intended for battery charging or simular current amount of current being sourced. It is a linear voltage /
source applications. It can be controlled externally to meet current relationship where one volt corresponds to 0%
a wide range of charging parameters: voltage, current, of sourced current and 5 V corresponds to 100% of
charge rate and charge time. sourced current.
The BatMod is comparable to the VI-200 voltage source 5 Vdc 100% of Rating
module but with a variable current limit. It has three =
output pins that differ from the VI-200 converters:
Current Control (ITRIM), Voltage Adjust (VTRIM) and Current 1 Vdc 0 Amps
Monitor (IMON). All of these pins are referenced to the
–OUT pin. For DC input / current source applications (Figure 11–1),
the BatMod has a similar wide range input rating as the
Although the BatMod is primarily intended for battery VI-200 Family of voltage converters for 48 and 300 V
charge applications it can be used as a programmable inputs. BatMods can be used for higher current source
current source for resistive loads or CW laser diodes. The applications with a Driver / Booster approach. (Figure 11–2)
BatMod will not function properly at zero output voltage
and current simultaneously. It follows therefore that the NOTE: Inductance to the load should be limited to
current can not be adjusted to zero with a resistive load. 20 µH to avoid possible loop instabilities.
Refer to Safe Operating Area Curves on the BatMod data
sheet, which can be found at


Current Control (ITRIM). An input which can receive an IN I TRIM
DC Input BatMod Load
analog control voltage from 1 – 5 V for adjustment of the GATE
OUT I MON Functions

sourced current from zero to maximum rating of the BatMod. –IN –OUT

5 Vdc 100% of Rating

1 Vdc 0 Amps Figure 11–1 — DC input single module

Voltage Adjust (VTRIM). An input for controlling or +IN +OUT +

setting the output setpoint, this is similar to the trim Enable/
IN Load
function on the VI-200. (Section 5) A maximum voltage DC Input
GATE BatMod I TRIM Control
can be set by a fixed resistor or adjusted with an external –IN –OUT –

voltage source. A source voltage referenced to –OUT

adjusted from 1.25 – 2.5 V will program a 50 – 100% of +IN +OUT
rated voltage setting. GATE
2.5 Vdc Max. Vout OUT Booster
1.25 Vdc 50% of Vout +IN +OUT
IN BatMod
It is important to note the nominal output voltage for GATE

each BatMod type untrimmed. –IN –OUT

12 Vout Part # = 15 V actual

Figure 11–2 — DC input high power array
24 Vout Part # = 30 V actual
48 Vout Part # = 60 V actual

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 11. Battery Charger (BatMod)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


Vicor’s BatMod (current source module) enables designers Setting the Charge Current. The charge current can
to easily build a compact, lightweight battery charging be programmed from 0 to maximum (14.5 A) by applying
system with commonly available parts. The BatMod 1 – 5 V to the ITRIM pin. To determine the voltage required
provides programmable output current and output voltage to produce a particular charge current, 10 A for example,
capability. Since the BatMod allows the output voltage use the following formula:
and the charge current to be set independently, the
system design is greatly simplified.
Basic Battery Charger. Figure 11–3, shows a basic
charging circuit with a BatMod for the following
( Desired Charge Current
4 Maximum Output Current + 1 = ITRIM voltage

system requirements:
Battery voltage: 12 V
Float voltage: 13.8 V
( 10 A
4 14.5 A ) + 1 = 3.76 V

Charge current: Adjustable 0 – 14.5 A

To set the input voltage at ITRIM to 3.76 V, adjust the
Setting the Float Voltage. Since the open circuit output
potentiometer (R2) appropriately.
of a 12 V BatMod (VI-2x1-CU-BM) is 15 V, a trim resistor
(R3) is necessary to set the float voltage of 13.8 V. In Figure 11–3 the configuration will charge the battery
at a maximum of 10 A with a 13.8 V float voltage. Other
Steps to determine the value of R3:
charge rates and float voltages may be similarly calculated.
Solve for VTRIM: If a fixed charge current is desired, the potentiometer can
be replaced with two fixed resistors. In applications requiring

( )
tight control over the charging current, D1 can be replaced
with a precision reference.
Advanced Battery Charger. Many new battery technologies

( )
13.8 V
15 V 2.5 V = 2.3 V
require sophisticated charging and monitoring systems to
preserve their high performance and to extend their life.
The BatMod serves as an ideal building block for
Solve for VR5: constructing an advanced battery management system,
which typically incorporates a microprocessor-based
VREF – VTRIM = VR5 control circuit that is easily adapted for a variety of battery
2.5 V – 2.3 V = 0.2 V chemistries and monitoring functions. (Figure 11–4)
Solve for IR5: To maintain the optimum charge on the battery, the
control circuit independently adjusts the float voltage and
I R5 = VR5 = 0.2 V = 20 µA charge current in response to conditions during the
R5 10 kΩ charge: the battery’s voltage, current, temperature and
Solve for R3: pressure, and other pertinent parameters. It can also relay
battery status information such as capacity, charge and
VTRIM discharge history, and cause of failure.
= R3
I R5
NOTE: A redundant control or monitoring circuit
2.3 V must be included if failure of the BatMod or its
= 115 kΩ
20 µA control circuit will result in uncontrolled charging of
the battery. Many new battery types are sensitive to
A 13.8 V output requires a 115 kΩ resistor. these conditions and may result in fire or explosion.
With its wide range of outputs, the BatMod offers
designers a simple, cost-effective solution to battery
charging for all major battery types.

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11. Battery Charger (BatMod) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

BatMod VI-2x1-CU-BM 10 mA R1
To Front End: 820 Ω
Amp ITRIM D1 12 V
IAM, or R3 5 kΩ
Off-Line OUT 10 kΩ ≈ 50 kΩ 115 kΩ 1 mA Zener
Front End –IN –OUT
2.5 V

Figure 11–3 — Basic charging circuit using a current source module (BatMod)


VTRIM Control Circuitry

• Voltage
ITRIM • Battery Temp.
IMON • Ambient Temp.
• Other

Figure 11–4 — The BatMod in an advanced battery charging system

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 12. AC Input Module (AIM / MI-AIM)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

In combination with VI-200 and VI-J00 Family of DC-DC Input overvoltage conditions cause the GATE IN pin of the
converter modules, the Alternating Input Module (AIM) AIM to disable the converters when the output bus voltage
provides a high density, low profile, universal AC input is in the range of 406 – 423 Vdc. Input undervoltage
off-line switching power supply for systems requiring conditions cause the GATE IN to disable the converters
up to 200 W of total output power. The AIM accepts when the output bus voltage drops within the range of
85 – 264 Vac, with a DC output voltage proportional to 68 – 89 Vdc.
the peak value of the AC line. The input voltage required
CAUTION: The AIM is not isolated. Do not place scope
for the AIM to start operating is between 82 V and 90 Vrms
probes on input and output of AIM simultaneously. Do
(non-distorted sinusoid).
not connect the output of the AIM to earth ground.
The DC output of the AIM is the peak rectified line
(Vac RMS X √ 2 ), thus, 85 Vac corresponds to 120 Vdc
The GATE OUT of the AIM must be connected to the
GATE OUT of only one DC-DC converter. This input signal
and 264 Vac corresponds to 373 Vdc. Since the DC
to the AIM controls a charge pump (D1, D2, C2) that
output range is wide, a “7” (100 – 375 V) designator for
biases the gate of Q1, 10 V above its source, which turns
input voltage in the part number of the DC-DC converter
on Q1 to shunt out a PTC thermistor that limits inrush.
is required. However, the “5” (100 – 200 V) designator
Multiple DC-DC converters operating from an AIM may
for the DC-DC converter part number is available for
make it difficult to guarantee a 10% load on the DC-DC
domestic AC inputs only and the “6” (200 – 400 V)
converter that provides the GATE OUT signal to the AIM .
designator for European AC inputs only, potentially
In this instance, other DC-DC converters can charge pump
reducing the number of modules required in some
the FET through the PARALLEL pin, with the addition of
applications, based on output power capability.
two diodes and a capacitor to each Driver module.
(Figure 12– 4)
Use VI-x7x for inputs of 85–264 Vac; VI-x6x for inputs of
170–264 Vac; or VI-x5x for inputs of 85–135 Vac. EMC Q1 D2 C2

filtering specifications of FCC Level A are met by adding Vref 1 D1

10 V
a 0.47 µF “X-type” capacitor to the input of the AIM EMI OV
(Vicor Part #03047); “Y-type” bypass capacitors must also Vref
be added from the +/– inputs of the DC-DC converters to OC Shift Q2
their respective baseplates, which are grounded (Vicor L2/N –OUT

Part #01000, 4,700 pF). To select the hold-up capacitor

appropriate for your application, (refer to Selecting
Capacitors for AIM Modules section that follows).
Figure 12–1 — Block diagram, AIM / MI-AIM
The output ripple of the AIM is a function of output load.
It is necessary to keep the ripple less than 20 V p-p to
ensure the under / overvoltage protection circuits will not
trigger. A fully loaded AIM (200 W of module output
power) requires a minimum of 680 µF of capacitance;
hold-up requirements can be met with this capacitor and 0.47 µF PIM POM

maximum total capacitance should not exceed 1,200 µF L1 +OUT +IN +OUT

(refer to Selecting Capacitors for AIM Modules section AC IN VI-AIM C1

that follows). The voltage rating of this capacitor will be L2/N –OUT –IN –OUT
determined by the input operating voltage.
C1 is a hold-up capacitor necessary for proper operation of the AIM.
It is necessary to connect all “Driver” DC-DC converter Hold-up capacitors are available at
GATE IN pins to the GATE IN pin of the AIM . This GATE IN
to GATE IN connection is used to disable the converters at
turn-on to allow proper start-up of the AIM . The DC-DC
converters are then enabled through the GATE IN pin when Figure 12–2 — System block diagram (supervisory connections
the output bus voltage is in the range of 113 – 123 Vdc. not shown)

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12. AC Input Module (AIM / MI-AIM) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


Hold-up Time. For maximum flexibility, an external The basic equations involved in calculating hold-up time are:
capacitor (Figure 12–2, C1) is used to set the system’s
hold-up requirements. Hold-up time, for purposes of this
1 X C1 X Vp2 – 1 X C1 X Vdo2 = PIM X (T5 – T3) (1)
application note, is defined as the time interval from loss 2 2
of AC power to the time a DC-DC converter begins to
drop out of regulation (Figure 12–3, T4 to T5). Hold-up
time is a function of line voltage, hold-up capacitance, solving for C1:
output load, and that point on the AC waveform where
the line drops out. For example, if the AC line fails just PIM x (T5 – T3)
C1 = 2 X (2)
after the hold-up capacitors were recharged, hold-up time Vp2 – Vdo2
will be much greater (Figure 12–3, T3 to T5) than if the
AC line fails just prior to another recharge (Figure 12–3,
T4 to T5). Where PIM is power delivered from the AIM:

PIM = Module Output Power = POM (3)

Module Efficiency Eff. % / 100

The energy (Joules) delivered from the AIM from the time
power is lost (T4), until loss of an output (Figure 12–2, T5):

Energy (Joules) = PIM x (T5 - T4) (Watt – Seconds) (4)

T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 where: POM = Output power from all the modules


PIM = Input power to the modules

(output power from the AIM)
Figure 12–3 — AC waveforms
Eff = Weighted average efficiency of all modules

The input power to the converter(s) during normal operation

is supplied from the AC line during the conduction time
of the rectifiers (T2 to T3) internal to the AIM and by the
energy stored in C1 when the rectifiers in the AIM are
reverse biased (T1 to T2). In the event of an AC failure
(T4), C1 must continue to provide energy to the converters
until either AC returns or the converter drops out (T5).
The energy stored in C1 at the peak of the AC is:
x C1 x Vp2 = Joules (5)

The energy stored in C1 when the converter drops out of

regulation is:
1 x C1 x Vdo 2 = Joules (6)
The energy delivered by C1 to the converters during
normal operation is:
PIM x (T2 – T1) = Joules (7)

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 12. AC Input Module (AIM / MI-AIM)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

CHOOSING APPROPRIATE VALUES FOR AIM MODULES T4 = The low point of the rectified AC line; the point
of lowest energy in C1; the point at which if the
Sample calculation: AC line fails, hold-up time is shortest, i.e., “worst
Converter output power (POM) = 100 W case”.

Line frequency = 60 Hz T5 = The time at which the converter(s) drop out of

Line range = 105 – 264 Vac
T5 – T4 = Minimum hold-up time. Actual hold-up time
Efficiency = 82% may vary up to a maximum of T5 – T3.

Desired hold-up time = 5 ms (minimum) (T3 – T1) X 2 = One line cycle.

The following values are calculated in a similar manner.
PIM = 100 = 122 W Module(s) 60 Hz 50 Hz
Delivered Power 90 Vac 105 Vac 90 Vac 105 Vac
50 W 270 µF 135 µF 300 µF 150 µF
T5 – T3 = 5 ms + 8.3 ms = 13.3 ms 75 W 400 µF 200 µF 440 µF 230 µF
(minimum hold-up time plus half cycle) 100 W 525 µF 270 µF 600 µF 300 µF
150 W 800 µF 400 µF 890 µF 455 µF
Vp = 105 X √ 2 = 148 V 200 W 1,000 µF 540 µF 1,180 µF 600 µF

Table 12–1 — Hold-up capacitor values for use with VI-270 / VI-J70
Vdo = 100 V and the VI-250 / VI-J50 DC-DC converters.

C1 values as a function of line voltage, frequency and
2 X 122 X 0.0133
C1 = delivered power, for use with the “7” input designator
148 2 – 100 2
DC-DC converters (AIM input of 90–264 Vac) or “5” input
designator (AIM input of 90–132 Vac) DC-DC converters.
C1 = 270 µF
NOTE: With “7” input DC-DC converters operated
where: from the AIM input range of 90 – 264 Vac, 400 V
VP = The peak of the rectified AC line or √ 2 X Vac in.
capacitors must be used (Vicor Part #30240). With
“5” input DC-DC converters used over the AIM input
For an input range of 85 – 264 Vac, this voltage
will vary from 120 – 373 V. range of 90 – 132 Vac, 200 V capacitors may be used
(Vicor Part #30769).
VV = The low point of the rectified AC line under
normal operating conditions. This “valley” voltage
is a function of C1, PIM and line frequency. The Module(s) 60 Hz 50 Hz
peak-to-peak ripple across C1 is VP – VV and Delivered Power 180 Vac 210 Vac 180 Vac 210 Vac
determines the ripple current in C1. 50 W 66 µF 34 µF 74 µF 38 µF
75 W 100 µF 50 µF 110 µF 60 µF
NOTE: It is important to verify the rms ripple 100 W 130 µF 67 µF 150 µF 75 µF
current in C1 with a current probe. 150 W 200 µF 100 µF 220 µF 115 µF
200 W 262 µF 135 µF 300 µF 150 µF
Vdo = Voltage at which the DC-DC converter(s) begin(s) to
drop out of regulation. This voltage is from the data Table 12–1 — Hold-up capacitor values for use with VI-260 / VI-J60
sheet of the appropriate module, which for the DC-DC converters.
VI-270 Family is 100 Vdc. Under normal operating
conditions, VV must exceed Vdo.
C1 values as a function of line voltage, frequency and
T1 = The peak of the rectified AC line or the point at delivered power, for use with the “6” input designator
which C1 is fully charged. For an input range of DC-DC converters (AIM input of 180 – 264 Vac).
85 – 264 Vac, this voltage will vary from 120 – 373 V.
NOTE: With “6” input DC-DC converters operated
T2 = The low point of the rectified AC line under
from the AIM input range of 180 – 264 Vac,
normal operating conditions and the point at
which C1 is about to be “recharged”. This is the 400 V capacitors must be used (Vicor Part #30240).
point of lowest energy in C1.

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12. AC Input Module (AIM / MI-AIM) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Bussman Fuses,
PC Tron
Universal C1 IN
0.47 µF

D1 C2 Driver TRIM
D1, D2: 1N4148 GATE
C2: 470 pf / 500 V
D3: 1N4006

[a] +IN +OUT

Refer to Selecting Capacitors for D3
AIM Modules in the begining of this IN +S
Section. Refer to Typical application D1 C2 Driver TRIM
for Vicor converter with AIM, OUT –S
Figure 12–5, for recommended –IN –OUT
external components.

Y-capacitors not shown for clarity

Figure 12–4 — AIM connection diagram, multiple Driver DC-DC converters

0.01 µF (Two 4,700 pF)

Y-Rated Capacitors

Universal 0.01 µF Ceramic

AC In F1 F2
0.47 µF Z1 [a] IN VI-200/J00 TRIM Load
GATE Driver
0.01 µF Ceramic


0.01 µF (Two 4,700 pF)

Y-Rated Capacitors

Consult factory or refer to Selecting Capacitors for AIM Modules at the begining of this section.
Z1: MOV Part #30076
Fuse 1: 6.3A/250V (IEC 5X20 mm) Buss GDB-6.3 or 7 A / 250 V (3AG 1/4" x 1 1/4") Littlefuse 314-007
Fuse 2: For VI-X7X-XX — Buss PC-Tron 2.5 A (250 V)
For VI-X6X-XX — Buss PC-Tron 3 A (250 V)
For VI-X5X-XX — Buss PC-Tron 5 A

Figure 12–5 — Typical application for Vicor converter with AIM

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 13. AC Input Harmonic Attenuator Module (HAM)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


The Harmonic Attenuation Module (HAM) consists of a
full-wave rectifier, a high-frequency zero-current-switching
(ZCS) boost converter, active inrush current limiting, short-
circuit protection, control, and housekeeping circuitry
(Figure 13–1). The incoming AC line is rectified and fed to
the boost converter. The control circuitry varies the
operating frequency of the boost converter to regulate
and maintain the output voltage of the HAM above the
peak of the incoming line, while forcing the input current
to follow the waveshape and phase of the line voltage. A
power factor better than 0.99 is achieved (Figure 13–2).
Operating efficiency of the boost converter is optimized
Figure 13–2 — Input voltage and current wave forms, without and
at any incoming line voltage by an adaptive output with power factor correction.
voltage control scheme.
The output voltage of the HAM varies as a function of 435
incoming AC line voltage (Figure 13-3). On a nominal 120
650 400
Vac line the output voltage of the HAM is 260 Vdc — well
600 365

Output Voltage (Vdc)

within the input operating voltage range of Vicor VI-26x Output Power (W)
and VI-J6x converters. As input line increases, so does the 550 330
derate output power 8 W/V for Vin <110 Vac

HAM output voltage; at 220 Vac the delivered voltage will
be about 350 V. For any given input line voltage, the HAM
450 260
maintains enough headroom between the output voltage
and peak input voltage to ensure high quality active 400 225

power factor correction without unnecessarily sacrificing 350 190

85 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195 205 215 225 235 245 255 265

Input Voltage
operating efficiency.
110 Vac
Rated Output Power
Output Voltage

The HAMD version does not contain an internal bridge

rectifier and is intended for configuring higher power arrays
with Booster versions, referred to as the VI-BAMD Figure 13–3 — Output voltage and power rating vs. input voltage
(Figure 13–5).
L1 and L2/N (HAM) Pin. An appropriate line filter is
required to limit conducted emissions and ensure reliable
Inrush + operation of the HAM, see page 40. Connect single phase
AC Recti- & Short DC
Line fier Boost Circuit Out AC mains to the input of the line filter via a 10 A, 250 V
Converter Protection – fuse. Connect the output of the filter to L1 and L2/N of
the HAM. Do not put an X-capacitor across the input of
High Frequency
Control Non-Isolated the HAM or use a line filter with an X-capacitor on its
Voltage Output
Waveform Control Output Voltage output as power factor correction may be impacted.
& House- Module Enable
keeping Power OK +IN, –IN (HAMD, BAMD) Pin. These pins are connected
to the output of the external bridge rectifier in HAMD /
Gate In BAMD configurations (Figure 13–5).
Aux. Supply
Gate Out

GATE IN (HAM) Pin. The user should not make any

NOTE: No input to output isolation.
connection to this pin.
Figure 13–1 — HAM block diagram (HAMD version has the rectifier GATE IN (HAMD) Pin. This pin provides line voltage
block deleted.)
envelope and phase information for power factor
correction. This connection must be made through the
synchronization diodes between the line filter and bridge
rectifier (Figure 13–5).

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13. AC Input Harmonic Attenuator Module (HAM) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

GATE IN (BAMD) Pin. The Gate In pin is an interface pin E/O signal of the HAM. This provides sufficient time for
to the Gate Out pin of a HAMD or BAMD depending on the converters to turn on and their output(s) to stabilize
configuration. The user should not make any other prior to P/OK being asserted (Figure 13–9). For momentary
connection to this pin. interruptions of AC power, the HAM will provide at least
16 ms of ride through or hold up time (with 1,000 µF
GATE OUT Pin. The Gate Out pin is a synchronization pin output capacitor). On loss of power or brownout, (when
for HAMD/BAMD arrays; the user should not make any the HAM output voltage drops below 230 Vdc) the P/OK
other connection to this pin. signal will go to an open circuit state (see Figure 13–7),
signaling an impending loss of input power to the
+OUT and -OUT Pin. Connect the +OUT of the HAM to converter modules. P/OK will provide power fail warning
the +IN of the respective Vicor DC-DC converters with the at least 1 ms prior to converter shut down. When the
recommended fuse. Connect the -OUT of the HAM to the HAM output voltage drops below 195 Vdc the converters
-IN of the converters. In addition, an external hold-up are disabled via Enable Output (E/O).
capacitor of 1,000 µF with a minimum voltage rating of
450 Vdc, is required (across the output of the HAM) for NOTE: Acoustic Noise. Audible noise may be emitted
16 ms ride through time at full power (500 µF for half from the module under no load, light load, or
power, etc). This capacitor must be in close proximity to dynamic loading conditions. This is considered
the HAM. Do not exceed 3,000 µF of total output normal operation of the module.
capacitance. Lower values of capacitance may be used for
reduced hold up requirements, but not less than 500 µF.
Lower capacitance values may degrade power factor
specifications. Each HAM, HAMD or BAMD module must be
preceded by a safety agency recognized fast-blow
Auxiliary Supply (A/S) Pin. The HAM provides a low 10A 3AG fuse.
voltage non isolated output Auxiliary Supply (A/S) that
may be used to power primary side control and The HAM is not isolated from the line – either input
monitoring circuitry. This output is 19 – 23 Vdc, or output; a line isolation transformer must be used
referenced to -OUT, at 3 mA max. Do not overload or when making scope measurements. HAMs do not
short this output as the HAM will fail. A typical use for provide input to output isolation. Differential probes
A/S is to power an optical coupler that isolates the Power should be used when probing the input and output
OK signal (Figure 13–6). simultaneously to avoid destructive ground loops.

Enable Output (E/O) Pin. The Enable Output (E/O) is

used to inhibit the DC-DC converters at start up until the
hold up capacitors are charged, at which time Enable is Over Temperature Shut Down. The HAM is designed to
asserted high (open state, Figure 13–8). If the AC line shut down when the temperature of the baseplate
fails, E/O goes low when the DC output of the HAM exceeds 90°C. Do not operate the HAM above its
drops below 195 Vdc. maximum operating temperature of 85°C.
E/O must be connected to the Gate Input of all VI-26x and Short Circuit Protection. The HAM contains output short
VI-J6x drivers (Figure 13–4); failure to do so may cause the circuit protection. Operation of this function does not
converters to toggle on and off. It is not necessary to clear the input fuse and the output will resume normal
connect this pin to boosters as they are controlled by their operation after removal of the fault.
respective driver. If an external load is connected directly A short period of time may be required to allow for
to the output of the HAM, do not apply the load until the cooling of an internal temperature sensor.
output hold up capacitor(s) are fully charged.
Output Over Voltage Protection. The HAM contains
The E/O pin ancillary circuitry illustrated in Figures 13–4 and output over voltage protection. In the event the output
13–5 provides transient immunity. The illustrated circuitry is voltage exceeds approximately 420 Vdc, the boost will
the minimum required, see Figures 13–4 and 13–5. decrease to maintain 420 Vdc on the output. When the
peak of the AC line exceeds 420 V (approximately
Power OK (P/OK) Pin. Power OK is a monitor signal that 293 Vac) the boost will have been reduced to zero and
indicates the status of the AC mains and the DC output the E/O line will be pulled low shutting down the
voltage of the HAM. P/OK is asserted (active low) when converters. Beyond this the protection circuit will be
the output bus voltage is within normal operating range enabled and the output voltage will decrease.
20 – 25 ms after DC-DC converters are enabled by the

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 13. AC Input Harmonic Attenuator Module (HAM)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

F3 VI-26x or VI-J6x DC-DC Converters

Input V1 C5

L1 L1 + OUT +IN
Line Filter R1 G ATE IN
GND VI-HAM-xM E/O Driver
6.3 A A/S C1 C2
D1 D4 C9
L2/N L2/N L2/N – OUT -IN

LINE LOAD C6 Y-Capacitor

Component Description Vicor

Designation Part Number
C1 0.1 µF ceramic, 50 V
C2, C3 0.01 µF ceramic, 50 V
C4 Hold up capacitor, Available as a HUB F2
500 to 3,000 µF from Vicor (see
adjoining table) G ATE IN
R1 50 KΩ C4 D5 Driver
C9, C10 0.2 µF to 500 V C10
R4* 100 KΩ, 2 W -IN
D1 1N4691 zener, 6.2 V
D2, D3 1N4006 diode, 800 V 00670 C8 Y-Capacitor
D4, D5 1N5817 schottky diode, 20V 26108
V1 275 V MOV 30076 Hold up Box (HUB)
C5–C8 4,700 pF Y2 cap. 01000
F1, F2 Use recommended fusing for specific
DC-DC Converters
F3 10 A, 250 V

Figure 13–4 — Connection diagram HAM / DC-DC converter

VI-26x or VI-J6x DC-DC Converters

10 A F1
Bridge GATE IN
Rectifier VI-HAMD-xM E/O Driver
F3 Vicor P/N 30660 D1
C2 D4
L1 L1 -IN -IN
JMK Filter 1N4006 Z1
Input P/N 1319-13 Z2
12.6 A*
1N4006 Z3 C7
L2/N L2/N 10 A F2

Component Description Vicor VI-BAMD-xM C4 Booster (N)
R4 ** C10
Designation Part Number GATE OUT GATE OUT
C1 0.1 µF ceramic, 50 V -IN -OUT -IN
C2, C3 0.01 µF ceramic, 50 V
C4 Hold up capacitor, Available as a HUB C8
1000 to 6,000 µF from Vicor (see
adjoining table)
C5–C8 4,700 pF Y2 cap. 01000
C9,C10 0.2 µF, 500 V Film or Ceramic
D1 1N4691 zener, 6.2 V
* Consult Vicor's Applications Engineering for specific
D2, D3 1N4006 diode, 800 V 00670
HAMD / BAMD filtering information.
D4, D5 1N5817 schottky diode, 20 V 26108 ** A 100 KΩ, 2 W resistor is used for every 1,000 µF
F1, F2 Use recommended fusing for specific of hold up capacitance.
DC-DC Converters
F3 20 A, 250 V
R1 50 KΩ
R4** 100 KΩ, 2 W
V1 275 V MOV 30076
Hold up Box (HUB)
Z1, Z2 130 V Transorb 1.5KE130CA
2000 µF HUB1000-P 1200 W
Z3 150 V Transorb 1.5KE150CA

Figure 13–5 — Connection Diagram, HAMD / BAMD / VI-26x or VI-J6x DC-DC Converters
HAMD-CM Driver HAM: No internal bridge rectifier or synchronization diodes.
BAMD-CM Booster HAM: Companion module to HAMD-CM used for additional output power. No internal bridge rectifier.

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13. AC Input Harmonic Attenuator Module (HAM) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


or directly connect a capacitor
P/OK to the A/S terminal.

E/O IAS ≤ 3 mA
+ A/S +OUT
19 – 23 V
– –OUT D
"Power OK" Status P/OK
Low = OK

E/O 18 kΩ, 1/4 W


Figure 13–6 — Auxiliary Supply (A/S) Figure 13–7 — Power OK (P/OK)

AC Mains
120 Vrms

Boost Voltage
DC Output 240 Vdc
of HAM 230 Vdc
+OUT 195 Vdc
Rectified Line

P/OK Off at 195 Vdc

Enable Output (E/O)
A/S 25 ms
Off at 230 Vdc


Outputs 10 ms
DC-DC Converter(s) Off below 195 Vdc

Figure 13–8 — Enable Output (E/O) Figure 13–9 — Start-up / shut-down timing diagram


A line filter is required to provide attenuation of
conducted emissions generated by the HAM module and
to protect it from line transients. It also presents a well
Cy D1
defined high frequency AC line impedance to the input of

R Cx D2
P/N 30076
the HAM. To meet the listed specifications, Vicor’s P/N D3

30205 line filter/transient suppressor or equivalent must

HAM Filter P/N 30205
be used (Figure 13–10). The addition of a MOV external Cx = 1.5 uF(x2)SH Cy = 0.01 uF, Y2 type LC = 6.9 mH LD = 0.72 mH
to this filter is required to meet normal mode transient R = 235 KΩ D1,2 = 1.5KE130CA D3 = 1.5KE150CA
surge requirements. *MOV required external to filter to meet normal mode transient surge requirements

For applications using HAMD + BAMD or where the user

desires to construct a custom HAM filter, the filter should
be designed following Figure 13–10, the schematic of
Figure 13–10 — Recommended HAM filter
Vicor’s P/N 30205 filter. The current carrying capability of
the inductors must be scaled proportionally to the number
of HAM modules used. Inductance values must be Parameter Min Typ Max Unit
selected according to Table 13–1. These limits are to Differential Mode 0.2 0.35 0.75 mH
ensure proper operation of the HAM and do not Inductance (LD)
guarantee a system will meet conducted emissions Common Mode
Inductance (LC) 3 6 mH
For applications requiring magnetic field shielding, do not Table 13-1 — HAM filter inductance range
place a ferrous EMI shield over the plastic cover of the
HAM module. This can cause thermal problems due to
induction heating effects.

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 13. AC Input Harmonic Attenuator Module (HAM)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies




0.25 DP 4 PL

4.60 ±0.02
ø0.080 PIN 0.060
1.200 6 PLACES



2.40±0.02 2.00 1.800
0.100 0.900

0.30 ±0.02

0.13 ±0.02 50
0.500 0.500 MAX
1.45 2.800

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0



Figure 13–11 — HAM filter mechanical diagram Figure 13–12 — HAM filter’s current rating vs. temperature


0.01 0.04 0.1 0.4 1 4 10 40 100
0.02 0.07 0.2 0.7 2 7 20 70

Figure 13–13 — HAM filter insertion loss vs. frequency

Parameter Min Typ Max Unit

Operating voltage 85 250 Vac
Operating temperature (See Fig.13-12) –20 50 °C
Leakage current at 264 Vac, 63 Hz 1.2 mA
(Either line to earth)
Operating current 6.3 A
Dielectric withstand (line – case) 1500 Vac
Residual voltage after 1 sec. 34 V
Operating frequency 50 60 Hz

Table 13-2 — HAM filter part #30205 specifications

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13. AC Input Harmonic Attenuator Module (HAM) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


The following cautions should be observed before applying • Power factor is 0.997 at 120 Vac and 0.995 at 240 Vac.
power to the HAM. Harmonic content at 240 Vac is therefore somewhat
higher than at 120 Vac. Remember that harmonic
• It is important that the output of the HAM not be
content measured cannot be any lower than the
loaded until the input voltage has exceeded 85 Vac and
harmonic content of the AC mains. A precision AC
the output has begun to boost to 260 Vdc. This means
source is required for accurate power factor measurements.
that if the load on the HAM is a Vicor converter, the
ENABLE Output of the HAM must be connected to the • The input voltage range of the HAM is 85 – 264 Vac;
GATE IN of all Driver modules. The HAM will then disable however it may not start boosting until the AC mains
the module output until the input exceeds 85 Vac and has exceeded 87 Vac. Once the HAM has started, it will
the output has been boosted to 260 Vdc. If an external operate down to 85 Vac. The HAM contains 2.5 – 6 V
load is connected directly to the output of the HAM, do of input hysteresis, therefore if the AC line impedance is
not apply the load until the output of the HAM is high, i.e., when using a variable autotransformer, the
stabilized in boost mode. HAM may start, but the AC line may then fall enough
to drop below undervoltage lockout. When this
• Although the efficiency of the HAM is quite high, it still
happens the AC line will go up, the HAM starts and the
dissipates significantly more power than a VI-26x
cycle repeats. Therefore avoid soft AC lines at or near
DC-DC converter. Care should be taken to cool it. Do
low line.
not rely on the internal overtemperature shut down to
take the place of adequate planning relative to the
cooling of the HAM. Thermal compound should be
used between the heat sink and baseplate of the HAM,

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 14. Input Attenuator Module (IAM / MI-IAM)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

The IAM is a component-level, DC input front-end filter EMC performance is guaranteed when the IAM is used in
that when used in conjunction with the Vx-200 and conjunction with the recommended Vicor converters
Vx-J00 Family of DC-DC converters provides a highly within the permissible power rating and in accordance
efficient, high density power system with outputs from with the recommended installation procedure. (Figure14–3)
1 – 95 Vdc and power expansion from 25 – 800 W. The capacitor shown across the input of the converter and
bypass capacitors shown on the –IN and +IN of the DC-DC
There are five input attenuator modules available for the
converters to ground are required to meet EMC specifications.
commercial market that comply with telecommunication
The capacitors should be Y-rated (interference suppression).
and industrial control EMC specifications: Refer to data
Y capacitors have high voltage breakdown ratings to meet
sheets for applicable standards at
the isolation characteristics of the module’s input to
baseplate specification, self-healing properties, and safety
Input Maximum Output Power[a]
Model agency approvals.
Voltage Range of Converter Combinations
VI-A11-xU 24 V (21 – 32 V) 200 W
VI-AWW-xU 24 V “W” (18 – 36 V) 200 W
VI-A33-xQ 48 V (42 – 60 V) 400 W
VI-ANN-xQ 48 V “N” (36 – 76 V) 400 W
VI-A66-xQ 300 V (200 – 400 V) 400 W A Zener diode in the EMC filter provides reverse polarity
[a] Based on DC-DC converters with 5 V outputs or higher. protection when used with a properly rated fuse external
to the IAM. The characteristics of the recommended input
Table 14 –1 — Output power capability line fuses permit normal full load operation with
protection in the event of a reverse polarity by clearing of
the fuse. (Table 4–3).
There are two input attenuator modules available for the
defense market that comply with military EMC specifications,
transient specifications and spike specifications. Refer to
product data sheet for applicable standards at INPUT TRANSIENT PROTECTION
A Zener diode, inductor and capacitor in the EMC filter
Input Maximum Output Power protect against short term transients. Transient voltages
Model Voltage Range of Converter Combinations that persist beyond these limits are dropped across an
MI-A22-xU 28 V (16 – 50 V) 200 W N-channel enhancement FET, Q1. It is necessary that the
MI-A66-xU 270 V (125 – 400 V) 200 W FET be kept in saturation mode during normal operation.
Table 14 –2 — Output power capability Thus it is necessary to connect the DC-DC converters’
GATE OUT to the IAM’s GATE OUT to charge pump the

Q1 D1
Vref 1
D2 10V
EMI Filter OV
–IN OC Shift Q2

Figure 14–1 — Block diagram of Input Attenuator Module (IAM)

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14. Input Attenuator Module (IAM / MI-IAM) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

gate of the FET to a voltage in excess of its source. In the Inrush current is a function of the number of DC-DC
case where multiple DC-DC Driver modules are connected converters that are connected to the input attenuator
to one IAM, an external charge pump through the PARALLEL module (modules are not gated off at turn-on) and the
pin (connected to the gate of the FET) must be added to amount of external capacitance added between the Input
ensure that the FET remains enhanced in the event GATE Attenuator Module and the DC-DC converter. The inrush
OUT enhancement is lost (Figure 14 – 4). The additional current specification is 125% of steady state input current
circuitry, C2, D1 and D2 are added externally to charge for 10 ms. To avoid excessive dissipation in the element
pump through the PARALLEL pin. controlling the inrush (Q1), the following maximum values
of external capacitance must be adhered to.
Shut down of the DC-DC converters is accomplished by
saturating Q2 during an input overvoltage to prevent
possible damage to the converters. The IAM will automatically Input Voltage Maximum Capacitance[a]
restart when the input overvoltage is reduced to within
24 Vdc (21 – 32 V) 470 µF
the input voltage range.
24 Vdc (18 – 36 V) 470 µF
If the long term transient withstand specifications are 28 Vdc (18 – 50 V) 390 µF
exceeded, the recommended external fuse will clear. 48 Vdc (42 – 60 V) 220 µF
48 Vdc (36 – 76 V) 120 µF
270 Vdc (125 – 400 V) 27 µF
Input Voltage Recommended Fuse 300 Vdc (200 – 400 V) 27 µF
24 V 20 A / 32 V (AGC-20) [a] Capacitance should be distributed across the input of each
24 V “W” 20 A / 36 V (AGC-20) DC-DC converter. (C1, Figure 14–3)
48 V 20 A / 60 V (3AB-20) Table 14 –4 — Recommended distributed capacitance on input of
48 V “N” 20 A / 80 V (3AB-20) DC-DC converter(s)
300 V 5 A / 250 V Bussman PC-Tron
28 V 20 A / 250 V (3AB-20 or F03A, 125 V, 20 A)
270 V 5 A / 250 V Bussman PC-Tron or F03A, 250 V, 4 A

Table 14 –3 — Recommended fusing based on input voltage

Safe Operating Area

(1% duty cycle max., Zs = 0.5Ω, for short duration transient capability refer to specifications)


24 V Inputs 48 V Input 28 Vdc Input

Ratings Exceeded
Standard Wide Range
R.E. 300
100V 100V
S.D. 0
Full Load 100V I.S.W.
Full Load S.D.
-300 Reverse Polarity
32V 36V 60V

Normal Operating Area Normal Operating Area
21V 18V 42V -500
0.1 1 10ms 100 1000 0.1 1 10ms 100 1000
10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100
1ms 10ms 100ms 1s
48 V Wide Range Input 300 V Input TIME (SECONDS)

276V R.E.
800V R.E.

270 Vdc Input

Ratings Exceeded
125V I.S.W. 500V I.S.W.
Full Load S.D. 100V Full Load
400 OVP
76V 400V
Normal Operating Area Normal Operating Area 200
36V 200V
0.1 1 10ms 100 1000 0.1 1 10ms 100 1000 200
500ms 500ms
400 Reverse Polarity

I.S.W.: Input surge withstand (no disruption of performance)
10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100
R.E.: Ratings exceeded
1ms 10ms 100ms 1s
S.D.: Shut down TIME (SECONDS)

Figure 14–2 — Safe operating area based on input voltage of IAM

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 14. Input Attenuator Module (IAM / MI-IAM)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


Output overcurrent protection is a foldback type, followed the Input Attenuator Modules to ensure equal potential at
by a timed latched shut down should the overcurrent these points when paralleling Input Attenuator Modules,
persist beyond 2 ms. If the overcurrent condition is so as not to impact the effectiveness of the internal
removed before the timeout interval, auto restart shall common-mode choke.
occur. Should latched shut down occur, input power must
be recycled to restart.

Output Overcurrent Threshold

24 Vin “W”, 28 Vin, 48 Vin “N” 20 A 4,700 pF
24 Vin, 48 Vin 15 A
270 Vin, 300 Vin 4A

Table 14–5 — IAM overcurrent +IN +OUT

IN Driver/
To IAM C1 Booster TRIM
The Input Attenuator Module incorporates a PARALLEL pin
permitting power expansion as long as the total output
power from the DC-DC converters does not exceed the
Connection to module baseplate
power rating of each Input Attenuator Module (EMC or ground plane

attenuators in parallel). It is necessary to include a 100 Ω,

4,700 pF connected to baseplate
specifications are guaranteed for up to two input

1/4 W resistor between the negative outputs of Figure 14–3 — External x,y capacitors for EMC requirements


– PAR Driver Trim
–IN –OUT –IN –Out


[a] D1 C2 Driver TRIM
D1, D2, D3: 1N4148 GATE
C2: 470 pF/500V

D1 C2 Driver TRIM
[a] OUT –S
For bus voltages greater than 75 V,
a 1N4006 diode should be used for –IN –OUT
the diodes (D3) connected to the

NOTE: x,y capacitors not shown for clarity

GATE IN pins.

Figure 14–4 — IAM multiple Driver interconnection

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14. Input Attenuator Module (IAM / MI-IAM) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Shock Hazard. Agency compliance requires that the Fusing. Safety agency conditions of acceptability require
baseplate be grounded or made inaccessible. module input fusing. See Table 14–3 for recommended
fuse ratings.


+ IN VI-200

[a] IN VI-200 TRIM
Diodes: 1N4148 GATE Booster –S
C2: 470 pf / 500 V –OUT

GATE Driver



PAR Booster


C2 IN VI-200
GATE Driver
[a] – IN –OUT
For bus voltages greater than 75 V,

NOTE: x,y capacitors not shown for clarity

a 1N4006 diode should be used for the
diodes connected to the GATE IN pins.

Figure 14–5 — Paralleling connections for the IAM

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 15. Ripple Attenuator Module (RAM / MI-RAM)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

The RAM / MI-RAM is an accessory product for VI- / MI-200, The power supply’s sense leads feed through the RAM for
VI- / MI-J00, MegaMod /MI-MegaMod, ComPAC / MI- connection at the RAM output, for local sense, or at the
ComPAC and FlatPAC. It reduces line frequency related load, for remote sense (converter compensation is
ripple and converter switching noise to less than 3 mV p-p 0.5 V maximum). The attenuation and insertion loss are
(10 mV p-p on the VI-J00). constant up to 10 A or 20 A, depending on model. In
overload (above 10 A or 20 A), the voltage drop will
Features include:
increase as the current increases. A single RAM can be
• Reduced differential noise (<3 mV p-p at loads up used on any output from 5 – 50 Vdc and will maintain the
to 20 A). The input of the RAM must be between original output setpoint of the converter within 0.5% at
5 – 50 Vdc. the SENSE connection. Care should be taken not to
connect IN to OUT pins (i.e., through scope probe returns,
• Active and passive filtering grounds, etc.) as attenuation will be adversely affected.
• Attenuation of low frequency input power source Inserting the RAM into the output leads of a Vicor
harmonics and high frequency switching components VI-200/VI-J00 converter adds phase shift to the converter’s
from DC-20 MHz control loop. This occurs because voltage is sensed at the
• Remote sense, trim, overvoltage protection and output of the RAM’s internal filter. The 220µF capacitor
overcurrent protection features retained between –S IN and –IN (See Figure 15-1) provides additional
high frequency bypassing for the sense leads to ensure
Applications for the RAM include medical diagnostic and stability of the converter and RAM. It may be possible to
automated test equipment, radio receivers, transmitters reduce its value or remove it in applications where
and communication products, and other products requiring transient response is important. If it is removed a network
the noise performance of a linear supply. Refer to the RAM analyzer should be used to verify stable operation.
operation in Section 9.
The RAM is a combination active / passive filter. A simplified
schematic is shown in Figure 15–2. The output of the
switcher feeds directly into a high frequency passive filter +S +S
which attenuates the switching noise. Low frequency, line
related ripple attenuation is via a FET series regulator that
maintains a constant average forward voltage drop of
about 350 mV. The FET gate is modulated to maintain the
AC component of the FET drain-source voltage equal to
the ripple component of the incoming DC voltage,
effectively cancelling it out.
–S –S

Figure 15 –2 — Basic RAM schematic


L1 + S IN +S OUT
CM IN VI- / MI-200 TRIM RAM N/C Load
–S – S IN – S OUT
25 db
OUT 220 µF 0.22 µF
– –IN –OUT – IN –OUT
30 db

35 db

40 db

45 db
Figure 15 –1 — RAM with optional trimming circuit and
50 db
recommended common-mode choke
55 db
60 db
10 Hz 100 Hz 1 KHz 10 KHz 100 KHz 1 MHz 10 MHz


Figure 15 –3 — Attenuation vs. frequency (typical)

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16. Offline Front End Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


Vicor’s single phase non-isolated AC front ends are protection, active inrush limiting, AC-OK (AC fail
available in both PCB and chassis mount versions, and indicator), and a BUS-OK status output suitable for
deliver reliable DC bus voltage to VI-x6x converter controlling Vicor modules via the GATE IN pin.
modules or Mega Modules at power levels up to 250,
Vicor’s front ends have been designed to comply with
500 and 750 W. These front ends are strappable to
the requirements of major safety agencies when used
provide operation from either 115 Vac or 230 Vac single
in conjunction with recommended mains switching
phase lines, and provide conducted EMC filtering to VDE /
and input fusing.
FCC Level B. They also offer transient surge

Ground all baseplates
(500 W, 750 W front end only) to Earth Ground

Earth Ground Vce sat. <70 V F2
GROUND F1 <0.4 V @
L1 (Phase) 1.5 mA GATE IN VI-x6x
L2 (Neutral) –IN
FOR 115 Vac VDC+ +IN
230 Vac Module

250 W — FUSE 1: 6.3 A / 250 V (IEC 5 x 20 mm) BUSSMAN
GDB-6.3 OR 7 A / 250 V (3AG 1/4" x 1 1/4") LITTLEFUSE Fn
FUSES 2,3,4...n: 3 A / 250 V BUSSMAN PC-TRON GATE IN VI-x6x
500 W — FUSE 1: 12A/250V BUSSMAN ABC-12, –IN
FUSES 2,3,4...n: 3 A / 250 V BUSSMAN PC-TRON
750 W — FUSE 1: 15 A / 250 V BUSSMAN ABC-15,
LITTLEFUSE 314-015 NOTE: x,y capacitors not shown for clarity
FUSES 2,3,4...n: 3 A / 250 V BUSSMAN PC-TRON

Figure 16–1 — 250 W, 500 W, 750 W front ends

• Ambient temperature must be less than 50˚C in • If unit is strapped for 115 V operation and 230 V is
free air. Temperature may exceed 50˚C with moving applied, the input fuse will clear. Replace fuse,
air. (refer to derating curves in Figure 16–2) strap correctly and reapply power.
• Do not obstruct vent holes. • To control EMC most effectively, the return path to
ground from either the front end or modules
• Observe module installation requirements (refer to
should be made via a good RF ground (i.e., a
Module Do & Don’ts, Section 3).
braided wire) if possible.
• Minimize length of all unshielded line cord.
• The BUS-OK, Vdc– and Vdc+ lines should be run in
• Minimum conductor size for supply is 16 AWG close proximity to one another or as a twisted
(250 W), 14 AWG (500 W) and 12 AWG (750 W) group between the front end and modules.
including the 115/230 strap.
• Bypass the baseplates of the modules to –IN and
• If the DC output bus is shorted before application –OUT (refer to EMC Considerations, Section 9).
of AC power, the fuse may not blow, and the unit
will not turn on.
• If wire distance from front end to modules is
greater than 3 feet, (0.91 m) install a TRANSZORB
(Part #1.5KE400A) across the input of each module.

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 16. Offline Front End
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Free Convection Derating.
250 W
• 250 W: Derate output power linearly at 7.2 W/°C 80

over 50°C.

Ambient Temperature ° C
• 500 W: Derate output power linearly at 14.3 W/°C
over 50°C. 60

• 750 W: Derate output power linearly at 18.8 W/°C

over 45°C.
Forced Convection. The curves to the right represent 40
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
worst case data for chassis mounted (enclosed) front
Airflow (LFM)
ends; i.e., low line, full load. System conditions such as
higher line voltage, lighter load or PC mount versions of
the front ends will increase reliability if the following data
is used as the nominal design criteria.
500 W
The sigmoid shape of the curves at low airflow is due to
the chassis mount cover restricting the airflow to the

Ambient Temperature ° C
inboard components. When an airflow of approximately
200 LFM is achieved, the velocity of air rushing over the
cover causes air to be pulled in through the side 60
perforations, resulting in a rapid improvement in the
cooling of internal components. 50

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Airflow (LFM)

750 W

Ambient Temperature ° C



0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Airflow (LFM)

Figure 16–2 — Maximum ambient temperature vs. airflow (LFM)

over cover (full load, 90 Vac Input, chassis mount)

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16. Offline Front End Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


Vicor’s 3-phase front-ends are available as chassis mount pin. Isolated AC-OK and BUS-OK outputs are also provided
products that deliver reliable DC bus voltage to VI-x6x for advance warning of DC bus dropout due to AC line
Family (nominal 300 Vdc input) converters up to 1.5 kW, failure and indication of internal DC bus integrity in the
3 kW and 5 kW. user system, respectively.
Front ends operate from 3-phase (4-wire delta or 4 or These front ends have been designed to comply with
5-wire wye) AC mains input and provide conducted EMC the requirements of major safety agencies when used in
filtering to VDE/FCC Class A, transient surge protection, conjunction with the recommended mains switching and
inrush current limiting and ENABLE output suitable for input fusing.
controlling an array of Vicor converters via the GATE IN

Ground all baseplates to Earth Ground [a]

Vce sat.<0.4 V
@ 1.5 mA F2
+V +IN
<70 V
+V Module
AC L2 AC-OK + <70 V –IN
N F3
GND Vdc+ +IN

CAUTION: External capacitors connected to +Vdc and –Vdc will F4

significantly increase inrush current. Also these capacitors are GATE IN VI-x6x
subject to AC ripple voltages of approximately 40 V at full load. –IN

[a] To control EMC most effectively, the return path to

ground from either the front-end or modules should be made


via a good RF ground (i.e., a braided wire) if possible.

NOTE: x,y capacitors not shown for clarity

Figure 16 –3 — 1.5, 3.0 kW Front-end

Ground All Baseplates to Earth Ground [a]

Vce sat.<0.4V F2
@ 1.5 mA
CAUTION: External capacitors BUS-OK + +V
<70 V
connected to +Vdc and –Vdc AC-OK + +V Module
<70 V –IN
will significantly increase inrush AC-OK –

current. Also these capacitors are MOD ENBL

subject to AC ripple voltages of Vdc+
approximately 40 V at full load. Vdc–


[a] To control EMC most effectively, the return path to

ground from either the front-end or modules should be made


via a good RF ground (i.e., a braided wire) if possible.

NOTE: x,y capacitors not shown for clarity

Figure 16–4 — 5.0 kW Front-end

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 16. Offline Front End
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


• 1.5 kW front end: 7 A / 250 V normal blow in all A three terminal barrier block labeled Vdc–, Vdc+ and
three phases of the AC line (Bussman ABC-7 or MOD EN provides both the DC input enable and enable
Littlefuse 314-007). control line for Vicor converters.
• 3 kW front end: 12 A / 250 V normal blow in all • Vdc–: Negative DC input terminal to all Vicor converters.
three phases of the AC line (Bussman ABC-12 or
• Vdc+: Positive DC input terminal to all Vicor converters.
Littlefuse 314-012).
• MOD EN: Connect to the GATE IN terminal of all Driver
• 5 kW front end: 20 A / 250 V normal blow in all
modules. This connection must be made to guarantee
three phases of the AC line (Bussman ABC-20).
proper enabling of the converter array on power-up and
proper shut down of the converter array on power loss,
loss of phase or output fault.
• Operating temperature (no load to full load):
–20˚C to +50˚C, free convection CAUTIONS
• Non operating temperature: –40˚C to +80˚C • This product is designed to operate with Vicor VI-x6x
Family (300 Vdc input) converters, Mega Modules and
• Operating / non-operating humidity:
the 300 Vin Maxi, Mini and Micro converters.
95% relative, non-condensing
• This product is not intended for use with European
380 – 415 Vac three phase distribution.
• This product is an offline AC-DC power supply.
It is not isolated from the AC mains.
• 3-phase delta (4 wire): 208 Vac (nominal) +20% / –10%.
• Proper grounding is mandatory for safe operation.
Connect the three phases (L1, L2, L3) and GND (earth)
to the five terminal barrier block marked as such.
• 3-phase wye distribution (5-wire): 208 Vac (nominal)
+20% / –10%. Connect the three phases (L1, L2, L3),
N (neutral), and GND (earth) to the five terminal barrier
block marked as such.
• Line frequency: 47 – 440 Hz

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17. DC Input Power System (ComPAC / MI-ComPAC Family) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

The ComPAC is a low profile, highly efficient, high density EMC Performance, Conducted EMC. The ComPAC will
configurable DC-DC power solution with EMC filtering, conform to the following conducted EMC specifications
transient protection and reverse polarity protection. It has on the input power leads:
an isolated master disable input for remote shutdown, and • Telecom (24 V, 48 V inputs): Bellcore TR-TSY-000513,
provides outputs from 1 – 95 Vdc and power-up to 600 W. Issue 2 July 1987 and Rev. 1, December 1988.
British Telecom Document BTR2511, Issue 2.
There are five input voltages available which comply with
• Commercial (300 V input): FCC Pt. 15 Subpt. J,
telecommunication and industrial control EMC specifications.
Class A / VDE 0871 Class A.
Refer to data sheet for applicable standards at
• Military (28 V, 270 V): MIL-STD-461C
Nominal Input Input Voltage Conducted Emissions: CE01, CE03, CE07
Input Voltage Designator Range Conducted Susceptibility: CS01, CS02, CS06
24 V 1 21.7 – 32
24 V (wide) W 18.7 – 36 Radiated EMC. The ComPAC will conform to the
48 V 3 42 – 60 following radiated specifications:
48 V (wide) N 36 – 76
300 V 6 200 – 400
• Military: Radiated Emissions: RE02; Radiated
Susceptibility: MIL-STD-461C, RS02, RS03.
There are two military input voltages available which comply Input Transient Protection. The input transient
with military EMC specifications and the transient and spike protection will suppress short term transients appearing
specifications. Refer to data sheet for applicable standards on the input line. Refer to data sheet for applicable
at standards at

Nominal Input Input Voltage

Input Surge Withstand. The 24 V, 48 V and 300 V input
Input Voltage Designator Range ComPAC shall withstand, without damage or interruption
28 V 2 18 – 50 of power, an input line surge shown below for a duration
270 V 6 125 – 400 of 100 ms from a source impedance of 500 milliohms.
Extended Input OV Shut Down. Surge protection shall
ComPACs can be configured in 1-up, 2-up or 3-up
also shut down the ComPAC in the presence of sustained
packages with total output power limited to the
input surges (100 – 1,000 ms) which would cause
maximum power of individual VI-200 or MI-200 series
excessive dissipation or damage. The ComPAC will auto
converters. Output voltages may be trimmed by the user.
restart when the input overvoltage is removed.
Output Power. The maximum total power which is
Input Reverse Polarity Protection. The ComPAC’s input
delivered from the ComPAC is:
is protected against reverse polarity. No damage will occur
Nominal Total Output Power provided that external current limiting is present (i.e., fuse).
Input Voltage 1-Up 2-Up 3-Up
24 V and 24 V (wide) 150 W 300 W 450 W Output Short Circuit Protection. Output short circuit
28 V, 270 V (military) 100 W 200 W 300 W protection is provided by the current limiting of the Vicor
48 V and 48 V (wide), 300 V 200 W 400 W 600 W DC-DC converters.

Weight. Undervoltage Lockout. The ComPAC incorporates an

1-Up: 1.2 lbs (540 g) undervoltage lockout which will inhibit the output of all
2-Up: 2.4 lbs (1,080 g) converters until the input line exceeds the brownout
3-Up: 3.6 lbs (1,630 g) voltage specified for the converter input range.
Nominal UV Lockout
Operating Case Temperature. Input Voltage (Vdc, Typical)
E-Grade: –10˚C to +85˚C 24 V 19
C-Grade: –25˚C to +85°C 24 V (wide) 17
I-Grade: –40˚C to +85°C 28 V (military) 17
48 V 41
M-Grade: –55˚C to +85°C 48 V (wide) 35
270 V (military) 121
Overall Efficiency. The overall efficiency of the ComPAC is 300 V 188
approximately 1% less than the efficiency of the Vicor
DC-DC converters (typical efficiencies: 77% for 2 V output, Following startup, the undervoltage lockout will inhibit the
81% for 5 V output and 83% for 12 – 48 V output). converter output(s) should the input drop roughly
8 – 10 V below the UV lockout limits stated above.

VI-200 and VI-J00 Family Design Guide Rev 3.5

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 17. DC Input Power System (ComPAC / MI-ComPAC Family)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


The ComPAC must be fused externally. The table below • 4 mA DC minimum for 1-up ComPAC
lists the fuse ratings for one, two and three-up units • 8 mA DC minimum for 2-up ComPAC
(maximum output 200, 400 and 600 W). • 12 mA DC minimum for 3-up ComPAC
Nominal Fuse Rating
Input Voltage 1-Up 2-Up 3-Up
24 V 10 A / 32 V 20 A / 32 V 30 A / 32 V TRIMMING
24 V (wide) 12 A / 32 V 20 A / 32 V 30 A / 32 V
28 V (military) 10 A / 250 V 20 A / 250 V 30 A / 125 V The nominal output voltage of the ComPAC can be
48 V 8 A / 60 V 15 A / 60 V 25 A / 60 V adjusted from 110% to 50% of nominal voltage. Refer to
48 V (wide) 6 A / 100 V 15 A / 100 V 25 A / 100 V Output Voltage Trimming, Section 5, for external resistor
270 V (military) 2 A / 250 V 4 A / 250 V 6 A / 250 V
300 V 2 A / 250 V 4 A /250 V 6 A / 250 V values. DO NOT trim the outputs higher than 110% of
their nominal output power (output overvoltage protection
may trigger). When the output is trimmed up, do not
RECOMMENDED INPUT WIRING AND TORQUE exceed its maximum rated output power.

1-Up #16 AWG 10 in-lb NOTE: 10 V, 12 V, and 15 V outputs, standard trim

2-Up #14 AWG 15 in-lb range ±10%, 3.3 V output trim range 2.20 to 3.63 V.


Use the output wire gauge that corresponds to the output +SENSE and –SENSE must be connected locally or remotely.
current of the ComPAC unit:
105 A – 160 A: #4 26 A – 40 A: #10 7 A – 10 A: #16 OUTPUT TERMINAL CONNECTIONS
66 A – 104 A: #6 16 A – 25 A: #12 4 A – 6 A: #18
41 A – 65 A: #8 11 A – 15 A: #14 0 A – 3 A: #20 A hardware kit with parts for output terminal connections is
provided with each ComPAC unit. The following drawing
Long cable runs, or wires in large bundles will require shows the assembly of those parts for the proper
heavier cable to avoid excessive voltage drops or overheating. connection of metal power terminals. Assembly for PCB
power terminals is the same except that they do not require
an external tooth lockwasher. See Figure 17–2 for the
GROUNDING recommended torque level for each stud size.
For safe operation, the ComPAC unit must be grounded.
Connect a ground lead to the terminal marked (GND). Use
the same wire gauge as that specified for your ComPAC RETAINING NUT

unit’s input voltage connections. EXTERNAL TOOTH


The ComPAC incorporates an optically isolated Master LOCKWASHER
Disable input which will shut down the ComPAC output OPENING PROVIDED)


when a current is driven through the disable terminals.
Terminal and Terminal Stud Recommended

20 mA Max.
Product Model Style Size Torque
–OUT, +OUT Terminals

LC, PC, RC Series PCB 8-32 UNC 10 in-lbs (1.1 N-m)

MC and NC Series Metal 10-32 UNC 15 in-lbs (1. 7 N-m)

PCB 8-32 UNC 10 in-lbs (1.1 N-m)
QC Series
Metal 10-32 UNC 15 in-lbs (1.7 N-m)

+ / – SENSE, TRIM Terminals
All Models Sized to accept Amp Faston© insulated
receptacle #2-520184-2.
Figure 17–1 — ComPAC module disable Figure 17–2 — Output terminal connections

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17. DC Input Power System (ComPAC / MI-ComPAC Family) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Operating Ambient Temperature. Depends on factors Thermal Impedance, Free Convection.
such as output power, availability of forced air, and Thermal resistance baseplate to air (˚C/W):
mounting technique. DO NOT allow the ComPAC to Type of
exceed its maximum operating temperature, which is Mounting 1-Up 2-Up 3-Up
reached when the case is 85˚C. Temperature measured at Vertical 2.44 1.17 0.76
Horizontal 3.60 1.70 1.35
center of heat sink. (Full power can be delivered up to this
temperature.) Refer to Section 20, Thermal Curves, to
determine the maximum ambient temperature for your Forced Convection. Thermal resistance baseplate to air
application. (horizontal mount):
NOTE: To ensure proper heat transfer from the Thermal Resistance (°C / W)
Airflow (LFM)
1-Up 2-Up 3-Up
internal module(s) to the heat sink, the mounting 3.6 1.7 1.35 0
holes through the heat sink must be properly 2.7 1.4 1.26 50
torqued at all times during operation. If the unit is 2.3 1.3 1.11 100
operated unmounted, insert a #6 or metric M3.5 1.6 0.97 0.82 250
1.15 0.70 0.58 500
flathead screw through each hole from below and 0.9 0.54 0.46 750
secure with a nut on top, torqued to 6 lb-in (0.83 N-m). 0.78 0.45 0.38 1,000

NOTE: A 1.37" (34,8 mm) heat sink, option H1,

is also available.

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 18. AC Input Power System (FlatPAC Family)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Vicor’s FlatPAC consists of an offline single phase AC front The control circuit maintains the converter GATE IN pins
end and one, two or three VI-26x / VI-B6x Family DC-DC low, the PTC shunt inactive and the AC-OK and BUS-OK
converter modules (1-up, 2-up, 3-up), combined in an outputs in FAIL status until the DC bus potential reaches a
integrated mechanical assembly. This assembly provides a minimum threshold at which full power and hold-up can
complete, high efficiency, offline switching power supply be delivered. The GATE IN terminals of all Driver modules
delivering power up to 600 W. The offline front end internal to the FlatPAC are FET-controlled by a logical
provides rectification and filtering of the AC input, replica of the BUS-OK status line, and as such will inhibit
delivering a nominal unregulated 300 Vdc bus as input to converter operation at power-up until the DC bus potential
the VI-26x / VI-B6x Family converter modules. The front has settled to full operating level. The converters are then
end control circuit will automatically strap the bridge as a enabled and the PTC shunt activated.
voltage doubler for 115 Vac operation or as a full bridge
The AC-OK and BUS-OK status lines go to their respective
for 230 Vac operation.
active states almost simultaneously on initial power-up.
AC-OK will de-assert prior to BUS-OK on loss of AC input,
CIRCUIT OPERATION providing advance warning of impending DC failure should
the AC line not return prior to the expiration of the ride-
AC line voltage is applied via an agency-approved terminal through time (a function of both load and line voltage).
block providing AC mains (L1, L2/N and GND). Current in
the L1 lead is applied to a 15 A / 250 V fuse for the 3-up The front-end output is bled down automatically after loss
FlatPAC, a 12 A / 250 V fuse for the 2-up FlatPAC and a of AC input, as the logic circuit operating power is derived
8 A / 250 V fuse for the 1-up FlatPAC. This current is from a bleed path across the DC output bus. Wait two
interrupted only in the event of a catastrophic failure minutes before reapplying input after shutdown. Input
of a main power component internal to the FlatPAC. voltage to the converters is made via fast-acting 3 A / 250
V Buss PC-Tron fuses in each positive input lead. The fuse
The input current beyond the fuse is passed through an will clear rapidly and protect the front-end from damage
EMC filter designed to meet conducted noise limits of in the event of a module input short.
FCC Part 15 EN55022 Class B for the 2-up and 3-up
versions. At start-up, AC inrush current is limited by a Input overvoltage sensing and protection is performed by
PTC thermistor prior to being passed to the main energy a voltage sensing circuit connected across the DC bus. In
storage capacitors. This PTC thermistor serves as both an the event of an overvoltage condition, a SCR / PTC
inrush current limiter on power-up and a current limiting combination will simultaneously disable the drive for the
shutdown device in the event of a line overvoltage TRIAC / SCR PTC shunt, disable the converters and apply a
condition. The PTC is shunted out shortly after initial load across the DC bus. Normal operation resumes when
power-up by a pair of inverse parallel SCRs on the 3-up the input voltage falls within the normal operating range
FlatPAC (TRIAC for the 1-up and 2-up FlatPAC), controlled when operated from a 230 Vac source.
by an opto-TRIAC coupler driven by a DC bus voltage
A Master Disable function is incorporated in the 2-up and
sense circuit. The main rectifiers and filter capacitors are
3-up FlatPAC (MOD DIS+, MOD DIS–). This optically
arranged in a conventional selectable configuration and
isolated input will disable the output of all converters
act as either a full wave bridge or voltage doubler,
simultaneously. Applying a current to this input will
delivering a nominal 300 Vdc to the converter modules.
disable the converters. This disable current should be
At initial power-up, the front end is configured for 230 V limited to 30 mA maximum by an external control element.
operation and the PTC inrush limiter permits the main
storage capacitors to charge up at a controlled rate
toward full operating DC bus potential. If the bus voltage FLATPAC AC-OK AND BUS-OK STATUS OUTPUTS,
is below the operating threshold for the converter, the MOD-DIS INPUT (2-UP AND 3-UP ONLY)
unit will autostrap for 115 V operation. The autostrapping
The BUS-OK and AC-OK outputs provide the user with
function is performed by a control circuit and TRIAC (dual
both an optically isolated status indication of the internal
SCRs on 3-up unit) which configures the front end from a
DC bus condition and advance warning of pending DC
full wave bridge to a voltage doubler. Once the unit
bus drop-out due to AC line loss. These outputs, in system
autostraps for 230 V operation, it will be necessary to
applications, can provide power supply status, switch in
recycle the AC power to allow operation at 115 V. If the
(standby) backup sources or initiate “power-down”
unit is operating in the 115 V mode and a long duration
sequences to save volatile memory contents in the event
transient is applied to the FlatPAC (>150 Vac for 50 ms),
of AC line loss. The MOD-DIS input is an optically coupled
the unit will autostrap for 230 V operation.

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18. AC Input Power System (FlatPAC Family) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

input and allows for remote disabling of the outputs of detect assertion of logic outputs, or a separate source of
2-up and 3-up FlatPACs. bias supply voltage (i.e., backup batteries) to provide a
safe pull-up voltage source regardless of the AC line status.
BUS-OK. An internal replica of BUS-OK is wired to the
GATE IN input of all internal Driver modules. The modules
will be disabled (no DC output) during initial power-up of
the FlatPAC until the internal DC input bus voltage to the MOD-DIS + Internal 2-Up
DC-DC converters is sufficient to support fully-loaded AC-OK – Supervisory and
AC-OK + Circuits 3-Up
BUS-OK – (Optocouplers)
operation. The BUS-OK status output reflects the status of
this inhibit function. This same logic circuit will shut down BUS-OK +
the converters when the internal DC bus voltage is
L1 1-Up
insufficient to support proper loaded operation. This shut
AC Mains
down will occur during normal power down, AC line
dropouts of duration exceeding the hold-up time, or Earth Ground GND
internal faults causing the internal DC bus voltage at the
input of the converters to collapse.
NOTE: Product is internally fused
AC-OK. This output is provided primarily as an advance
warning of a potential DC BUS-OK shut down due to loss
of AC line or an internal fault. A minimum advance Figure 18–1 — AC mains and supervisory connections
warning time of 5 ms is provided at 90 Vac and full load.
MOD-DIS Input. Apply a current of 1 – 30 mA to disable
output. Forward voltage drop of internal opto diode is
MOD-DIS+, MOD-DIS– 1.65 V max. at 30 mA max.
The Module Disable function will disable the output(s) of AC-OK and BUS-OK Status Outputs. Outputs low when
the 2-up and 3-up FlatPACs. The supply is disabled by OK. Vce sat. = < 0.4 V @ 1.5 mA. Maximum external
applying current to the MOD-DIS+ / MOD-DIS– input. The pullup is 70 Vdc. AC-OK and BUS-OK signals are isolated
minimum input current for disabling the supplies is 1 mA. and can have different reference levels.
The maximum allowable current is 30 mA.

30 mA max.

Status output pairs AC-OK+, AC-OK– and BUS-OK+, Disable

BUS-OK– are the collectors (+) and emitters (–) of NPN +
optoisolator output transistors (one optoisolator per status V +
signal). The collector terminals AC-OK+ and BUS-OK+ of MOD-DIS –
the optocouplers, in a typical application, can be
connected via current limiting resistors to a source no
1.5 mA
greater than 70 Vdc. These resistors should limit the max.
maximum current to the optocoupler output transistors to r
1.5 mA. The emitter terminals AC-OK– and BUS-OK– are +
connected to the return of the external source. The status AC-OK
OK condition will set the optocoupler output transistors in –
saturation and are capable of sinking up to 1.5 mA with a
1.5 mA
Vce saturation voltage of 0.4 V. Users should be cautioned max.
that although the output of the FlatPAC can be used as r
the pull-up source, shortly after BUS-OK changes from OK +
(saturated) to NOT OK (high Z), the pull-up voltage will be
shut down. It is thus advisable to provide a capacitive –
reservoir, if the pull-up source is one of the FlatPAC’s
outputs, in order to maintain the pull-up potential after Figure 18–2 — External supervisory functions (2-up and 3-up
loss of DC current output. Use edge sensing logic to models only)

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 18. AC Input Power System (FlatPAC Family)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Input Voltage Connections. Connect the line voltage

VLINE > 90 (180)Vac
to L1 (hot) and L2N (neutral). For 1-up FlatPAC models
(max. output 200 W), use #16 AWG input wire; for 2-up
AC Line
Interrupted and 3-up models (max. output 400 W and 600 W), use #14
AWG input wire. Recommended connector screw torque is
BUS-OK 5 to 7 in-lbs (0.5 to 0.8 N-m). Recommended strip length is
8 mm. Use your FlatPAC model only with the corresponding
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
input voltages and frequencies shown in the table below.
Conditions: Full Load 90 (180)Vac, AC Line

Product Grade Model 90 – 132 Vac 180 – 264 Vac

Time Interval Min Typ Max Units Notes
C-Grade VI-xU-Cx 47 – 63 Hz 47 – 63 Hz
T1 – T0 0 0.1 1.0 ms I-Grade VI-xU-Ix 47 – 440 Hz 47 – 440 Hz
T3 – T2 0 – – ms Ride-through time
T4 – T2 5 – – ms Hold-up time Output Wire Gauge. Use the output wire gauge that
T4 – T3 5 – – ms AC fail warning time corresponds to the output current of your Autoranging
Figure 18–3 — Timing diagram – status signals (2-up and 3-up FlatPAC unit, below: Do not loosen bottom nut.
models only)
100 A – 160 A: #2 AWG 30 A –50 A: #8 AWG 10 A –15 A: #14 AWG
75 A –100 A: #4 AWG 20 A –30 A: #10 AWG 6 A – 10 A: #16 AWG

50 A – 75 A: #6 AWG 15 A –20 A:#12 AWG 0 A – 6 A: #18 AWG
Long cable runs, or wires in large bundles will require
heavier cable to avoid excessive voltage drops or overheating.


Output Voltage Trimming. Do not trim the outputs
higher than 110% of their nominal output voltage. When
an output is trimmed up, do not exceed its maximum
NOTE: +SENSE and –SENSE must be connected locally or
remotely (shown).
rated output power. (refer to Section 5)

Resister Values for Trimming Standard Output Voltages

Operating Temperature. Do not allow the FlatPAC to
Nom. Output Trim exceed its maximum operating temperature, which is
Voltage 5V 12 V 15 V 24 V 28 V 48 V Range reached when the heat sink is 85°C. (Full power can be
R1 (KΩ) 0.953 15.8 22.1 41.2 48.7 90.9 +10%, –10% delivered up to this temperature.) Heat sink temperature is
R2 (KΩ) 90 90 90 90 90 90 +10%, –10% a function of the output power and voltage of the supply,
Figure 18–4 — Output SENSE and TRIM (all models with VI-200s) ambient temperature, and airflow across the heat sink.
Always use worst-case conditions when calculating
Battery Programmable Current
operating temperature.
Charger or Voltage Source
NOTE 1: To ensure proper heat transfer from the
internal module(s) to the heat sink, the mounting
VTRIM External VTRIM External
12 – 48 V
holes through the heat sink (two, three, and four
ITRIM Control ITRIM Control Load
Functions Functions
holes on 1-up, 2-up, and 3-up models, respectively)
– – must contain torqued screws at all times during
operation, whether or not the unit is mounted. If the
unit is operated unmounted, insert a #6 or M3.5
Figure 18–5 — Typical applications (models with BatMods only) panhead screw through each hole from below and
secure with a nut on top, torqued to 6 in-lbs (0.7 N-m).
Fusing. The FlatPAC’s internal fuses are not user-replaceable. NOTE 2: All FlatPAC models are available with a
Please return the unit to vendor if servicing is necessary. conduction cooled flat plate instead of the top heat
Grounding. To satisfy IEC950 Class I grounding requirements, sink. Go to for outline drawings.
connect a ground lead to the terminal marked (GND). Input / Output Retrofit Connections. A hardware kit,
For 1-up FlatPAC models (max. output 200 W), use 1.5 mm 2 available from Vicor, allows the input and output
/ #16 AWG wire; for 2-up and 3-up models (max. output supervisory terminals to be connected in the same manner
400 W and 600 W), use 2.5 mm 2 / #14 AWG wire. as for the earlier style FlatPAC (2-up model only). The
retrofit output terminals are sized to accept AMP Faston®
insulated receptacle #2-520184-2.

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19. AC Input Power System (PFC FlatPAC) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

OVERVIEW - PFC FLATPAC Fusing. The PFC FlatPAC’s internal fuse is not
The PFC FlatPAC consists of a universal input (85-264 Vac)
AC front end and one Maxi DC-DC converter in an Grounding. To satisfy IEC950 Class I grounding
integrated mechanical assembly providing up to 575 W of requirements, connect a ground lead to the terminal
power. Using Vicor’s Harmonic Attenuator Module (HAM) marked (GND). Use 2.5 mm2 / #14 AWG wire.
and integrated filtering, the PFC FlatPAC meets
EN61000-3-2 harmonic current limits and 0.99 power Input Voltage Connections. Connect the line voltage to
factor. The internal filtering provides compliance to L1 (hot) and L2N (neutral). Use #14AWG input wire.
EN55022-A conducted EMI. Recommended connector screw torque is 5 to 7 in-lbs
(0.5 to 0.8 N-m). Recommended strip length is 8 mm.
The PFC FlatPAC will accept an input voltage of 85-264 Vac, Refer to Figure 19–2.
derate power at 9 W/Vrms as shown in Figure 19–1.
Output Wire Gauge. Use the output wire gauge that
corresponds to the output current of your FlatPAC unit,
below: Do not loosen bottom nut. Long cable runs, or
560 wires in large bundles will require heavier cable to avoid
540 excessive voltage drops or overheating.
Pout (W)

480 100 A–160 A : #2 AWG 30 A–50 A : #8 AWG 10 A–15 A : #14 AWG

460 75 A–100 A : #4 AWG 20 A–30 A : #10 AWG 6 A–10 A : #16 AWG
440 50 A–75 A : #6 AWG 15 A–20 A : #12 AWG 0 A–6 A : #18 AWG
400 Table 19–1
Output Voltage Trimming. The Maxi converters used in
85 105 125 145 165 185 205 225 245 265 the PFC FlatPAC have a wide trim range of +10% to -
Vin (Vrms) 90%. See the Maxi, Mini, Micro design guide for details.

+Out + VOUT
Figure 19–1 — PFC FlatPAC output power vs. input voltage


–Sense 10K
AC line voltage is applied via an agency-approved terminal
block providing AC mains (L1, L2/N and GND). Current in –Out VOUT RTN
the L1 lead is applied to a 15 A / 250 V internal fuse This
current is interrupted only in the event of a catastrophic NOTE: +Sense and –Sense must be connected locally or
failure of a main power component internal to the PFC remotely (shown). See calculator for output voltage trimming
Figure 19–3 — Output sense and trim
The input current beyond the fuse is passed through an
EMC filter designed to meet conducted noise limits of
Operating Temperature. Do not allow the PFC FlatPAC
FCC Part 15 EN55022 Class A. At start-up, AC inrush
to exceed its maximum operating temperature, which is
current is limited by the HAM’s internal circuitry prior to
reached when the heat sink is 85°C. (Full power can be
being passed to the main energy storage capacitors.
delivered up to this temperature.) Heat sink temperature is
The DC-DC converter is held off until the internal DC bus a function of the output power and voltage of the supply,
potential has settled to full operating level. The converter ambient temperature, and airflow across the heat sink.
is then enabled. Always use worst-case conditions when calculating
operating temperature.

AC Mains
Earth Ground GND

NOTE: Product is internally fused.

Figure 19–2 — AC mains connections

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 19. AC Input Power System (PFC FlatPAC)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

600 600

500 550

Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (W)

400 500

300 Cold Plate 450

Temp (°C)

200 80 400
100 350

0 300
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 85 110 135 160 185 210 235 260

Ambient Temperature (°C) Input Voltage (Vac)

Figure 19–4 — Power de-rating conduction cooled option Figure 19–5 — Output power start-up de-rating @ –30° C
(I-Grade only). 5 minute warm up required before full power (see
Figure 19–1) is available.

NOTE 1: To ensure proper heat transfer from the internal NOTE 2: All PFC FlatPAC models are available with a
modules to the heat sink, the mounting holes through the conduction cooled flat plate instead of the top heat sink.
heat sink (three holes on 2-up models) must contain Go to for outline drawings. Refer to
torqued screws at all times during operation, whether or Figure 19–4 for additional deratings for the -cc variants.
not the unit is mounted. If the unit is operated
unmounted, insert a #6 or M3.5 panhead screw through
each hole from below and secure with a nut on top,
torqued to 6 in-lbs (0.7 N-m).

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20. Thermal and Module Mounting Considerations Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Simplified thermal management is one of the benefits of The first step in evaluating cooling requirements is to
using Vicor converters. High operating efficiency minimizes calculate worst-case dissipation based on converter
heat loss, and the low profile package features an easily efficiency and worst-case anticipated load power. Clearly,
accessible, electrically isolated thermal interface surface. higher efficiency will translate into lower power dissipation
and simplify the cooling problem. Vicor converters are
Proper thermal management pays dividends in terms of
among the most efficient converters available, with full
improved converter and system MTBFs, smaller size and
load efficiencies typically in excess of 80%.
lower product life-cycle costs. The following pages provide
guidelines for achieving effective thermal management of
Vicor converters.
Heat is removed from Vicor converters through the flat
EFFICIENCY AND DISSIPATED POWER metal baseplate on top of the module. The baseplate is
thermally coupled to, but electrically isolated from, all
A DC-DC converter takes power from an input source and
internal heat-generating components. The basic thermal
converts it into regulated output power for delivery to a
design problem is to transfer heat from the baseplate into
load. Not all of the input power is converted to output
the surrounding environment as a means of maintaining
power however; some is dissipated as heat within the
baseplate temperature at or below rated maximum.
converter. The ratio of delivered output power to
converter input power is defined as the converter’s Heat energy is transferred from regions of high temperature
efficiency. Efficiency is a basic figure of merit that can be to regions of low temperature via three basic mechanisms;
used to relate power dissipation directly to converter radiation, conduction and convection.
output power, as illustrated in Figures 20–1a and 20–1b.
Radiation. Electromagnetic transfer of heat between
masses at different temperatures.
Conduction. Transfer of heat through a solid medium.
12 V, 15 V, 24 V and 48 V Models
Convection. Transfer of heat through the medium of a
fluid; typically air.

All three of these heat transfer mechanisms are active to

some degree in every application. Convection will be the
dominant heat transfer mechanism in most applications.
5 V Models Nondominant effects will provide an added contribution
to cooling; in some cases, however, they may result in
20% 50% 75% 100% undesirable and unanticipated thermal interactions
Percentage of Load between components and subassemblies.
Figure 20–1a — Module efficiency All three of these mechanisms should be given consideration
when developing a successful cooling strategy.

Power Input = Power Dissipated as Heat + Power Output RADIATION

Radiant heat transfer occurs continuously between objects
at different temperatures that are exposed to each other.
Load The net effect on the temperature of an individual part is
Source + dependent on a great many factors, including its temperature
relative to other parts, relative part orientations, surface
– finishes and spacing. The difficulty in quantifying many of
these factors, combined with the universal presence of
Power Dissipated = Power Output X ) )
1 –1
radiant energy exchange, makes calculation of radiational
Power Input x Efficiency (η) = Power Output temperature effects both a complex and generally
imprecise task.
Figure 20–1b — Dissipated power

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 20. Thermal and Module Mounting Considerations
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Temperature differentials encountered in practical rise is dependent on controlling interface resistance, as

applications of Vicor converters are never large enough described above, and controlling the thermal resistance of
to cause radiational cooling to be the dominant heat the transfer member through appropriate material
transfer mechanism. Radiation will account for less than selection and dimensioning.
10% of total heat transfer in the majority of cases. For
these reasons, the presence of radiant cooling is often
assumed to provide safety margins over and above the Surface Irregularities
dominant cooling mechanism, and detailed consideration Produce Temperature Mating Member
Drop in the Interface at Temperature = Ts
of its effects are neglected. A valid assumption, in most
Heat Flow
cases, is that the converter will be warmer than its
surroundings and radiant energy transfer will aid cooling.
In some cases, however, nearby objects (PC boards, power
resistors, etc.) may be much hotter than the converter and
net radiant energy transfer may actually increase the θ bs = Interface Thermal Resistance (°C/Watt)
converter’s temperature.
Surveying the relative positions and estimated temperatures
of converters and surrounding parts is advisable as a means +
of anticipating the potential effects of radiant transfer. In Pdiss Tb Ts
cases where hot components are in close proximity to the Power –
converter, the use of interposing barriers can generally Dissipated (–) Temperature
by Converter of Mating
moderate undesirable radiational heating effects. (Watts)
Tb = Baseplate Temperature
Surface (°C)
= Ts + Pdiss x θbs

CONDUCTION Figure 20–2 — Baseplate thermal considerations

In most applications, heat will be conducted from the

baseplate into an attached heat sink or heat conducting
member. Heat conducted across the interface between the Thermal Resistance of Conducting Member (θm)
baseplate and mating member will result in a temperature θm = L
drop which must be controlled. As shown in Figure 20–2, K = Thermal Conductivity
A = Cross Sectional Area
the interface can be modeled as a “thermal resistance” in L = Length
series with the dissipated power flow. The baseplate
temperature will be the sum of the temperature rise in the
interface and the temperature of the member to which
the baseplate is attached. Cooling
θ bm θ ms Surface at
Interface Interface Temperature
Temperature rise across a surface interface can be Resistance Resistance = Ts

significant if not controlled. The area of the interface

should be as large as possible, and the surface flatness of θ bm θm θms
the attached member should be within 5 mils. Thermal (+)
compound or a thermal pad should be used to fill surface +
irregularities. Thermal resistance across surface interfaces Pdiss Tb Ts
can be held to under 0.1˚C / Watt with proper measures. Power –
Dissipated (–) Temperature
Many applications require that heat be conducted from by Converter
of Cooling
Surface (°C)
the baseplate of the converter to a “remote” dissipative Tb = Baseplate Temperature
= Ts + ( θ bm + θ m + θ ms) x Pdiss
surface via a thermally conductive member. The resulting
baseplate temperature will be the sum of the temperature
Figure 20–3 — Interface thermal considerations
of the dissipative surface, the temperature rise in the heat
conducting member, and the rises across the two surface
interfaces. The thermal resistance of the conductive
member is proportional to its length, and inversely
proportional to both its cross-sectional area and thermal
conductivity (Figure 20–3). Minimizing total temperature

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To select a suitable heat sink for free convection cooling,

Surrounding Air Temperature (Ta)
follow these steps:
1. Determine the power to be dissipated by the heat sink.
Heat Flow
This should be based upon converter efficiency and
worst-case converter power output using the formula
given in the section on Module Efficiency and Dissipated
Power. (Figures 20–1a and 20–1b)

θ bs θsa
Power Dissipated = Power Output X 1
n–1 ( )
+ 2. Estimate or experimentally determine the surface
Pdiss Tb Ta interface thermal resistance. Use of thermal compound
Power – or a thermal pad is recommended to minimize this
Dissipated (–) Ambient Air
by Converter Temperature resistance. An estimate of 0.2˚C / Watt should provide
Tb = Baseplate Temperature an adequate safety margin.
θ bs = Baseplate – Heatsink Interface Resistance
θ sa = Heatsink-to-Air Thermal Resistance
Tb = Ta + (θbs + θsa) x Pdiss
3. Referencing Figure 20–4, we can derive the following
formula for heat sink-to-air thermal resistance:
Figure 20–4 — Heat sink thermal considerations

θsa = Tb – Ta – θbs
Pdiss )
Convective heat transfer into air is a common method for Ta = Worst case anticipated operating ambient
cooling Vicor converters. “Free” or “natural” convection air temperature.
refers to heat transfer from a dissipative surface into a θbs = Surface interface thermal resistance, from Step 2.
cooler surrounding mass of otherwise still air; forced
convection refers to heat transfer into a moving air stream. Pdiss = Worst-case power dissipation, from Step 1.
The convection cooling model is shown in Figure 20-4. Tb = Baseplate temperature.
Baseplate temperature depends on the temperature of the
Start with a value of Tb = 85˚C (or 100˚C, VI-J00) to
air, total dissipated power and the values of two thermal
determine the maximum acceptable heat sink-to-air
resistances; the thermal resistance of the surface interface
thermal resistance.
between the baseplate and the heat sink, and the heat
sink-to-air thermal resistance. Surface interface resistance 4. Select several heat sinks that appear physically
can be minimized as discussed under Conduction. The acceptable for the application. Using data provided,
heat sink-to-air resistance is dependent on a variety of obtain values for their free convection thermal
factors including heat sink material and geometry, air resistance, preferably at worst-case ambient
temperature, air density and air flow rate. Fortunately, temperature, Ta. If values obtained are less than the
thermal resistance data is available for a very wide range value calculated in Step 3, go on to Step 5. If the
of standard heat sinks for use in both free and forced values are greater, then either a physically larger heat
convection applications. The following sections will sink will be required or a different cooling method will
provide guidelines for both free and forced convection need to be used (i.e., forced air, etc.).
cooling of Vicor converters and configurables.
5. Select the heat sink with the lowest available thermal
resistance consistent with space and cost limits. Keep
in mind that small reductions in baseplate temperature
produce dramatic improvements in MTBF.
The benefits of free convection include low cost of
6. Baseplate temperature can be estimated by using the
implementation, no need for fans, and the inherent
following formula:
reliability of the cooling process. Compared to forced air
cooling, however, free convection will require more heat Tb = Ta + Pdiss x (θbs + θsa)
sink volume to achieve an equivalent baseplate temperature.
7. Test to verify that performance is in line with expectations.

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For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Heat sink data is almost always given for vertical fin Multiple Modules Using Common Fasteners. The
orientation. Orienting the fins horizontally will reduce following mounting scheme should be used to attach
cooling effectiveness. If horizontal mounting is mandatory, modules to a heat sink for two or more modules. A large,
obtain relevant heat sink performance data or use forced heavy washer should be used on the common fasteners to
convection cooling. distribute the mounting force equally between modules.
The torquing sequence shown in Figure 20–6 can easily
Free convection depends on air movement caused by
be expanded from two to any number of modules. An
heat-induced density changes. Thermal resistance data is
array of three is shown.
dependent on the heat sink fins being completely exposed
to the ambient air without any significant interference to
air flow at the ends of or along the length of the fins. If
8 4 12 1 8
packaging will tend to block or baffle air movement over
the fins, a larger heat sink might be required. In the worst
case, free convection may be ineffective. Make sure that
the fins are well exposed to ambient air.
It is not necessary to limit the size of the heat sink to the 7 3 11 7 2

size of the baseplate. Heat sinks with footprints larger

than the baseplate area can often be used to advantage.
In the latter case, heat must be conducted along the base
surface of the heat sink to get to the outer fins, so don’t
count on achieving full cooling capability. Also, several 6 2 10 3 6

modules can be mounted to a common heat sink, but

cooling calculations must now take into account total
power dissipation with consideration given to possible
localized overheating if worst-case converter power
dissipations are greatly imbalanced. When securing a PC 5 1 9 5 4

board containing two or more converters to a heat sink,

it is good practice to use sockets on the converter pins
to allow for mechanical alignment. If sockets are not Figure 20–6 — Torquing sequence, multiple VI-200 / VI-J00 converters
used, be sure to mount the converters first mechanically,
then solder the units in place. A fixture should be used
to maintain alignment if soldering must be performed FORCED CONVECTION
before attachment.
Forced air can make a great difference in cooling
When mounting heat sinks to Vicor modules, use #6 or effectiveness. Heat sink-to-air thermal resistance can be
M3.5 screws torqued uniformly through the mounting improved by as much as an order of magnitude when
slots provided. The following tightening sequence should compared to free convection performance, by using
be used: suitable heat sinks. Consider the following data for
baseplate-to-air thermal resistance (no heat sink) of a
• Lightly finger-tighten all screws
VI-200 or VI-J00 module at various airflow rates:
• Torque screws to 6 in-lbs (0.7 N – m) per Figure 20–5.
VI-200 VI-J00
Airflow Baseplate to Air Baseplate to Air
Thermal Resistance Thermal Resistance
Free Air 5.1˚C/W 8.1˚C/W
200 LFM 2.8˚C/W 5.1˚C/W
4 2 5 1 4
400 LFM 1.8˚C/W 2.7˚C/W
600 LFM 1.4˚C/W 2.3˚C/W
800 LFM 1.2˚C/W 1.7˚C/W
1,000 LFM 1.0˚C/W 1.4˚C/W

Table 20–1 — Baseplate-to-airflow thermal resistance (no heat sink)

3 1 6 3 2
Forced air implies the use of fans. Many applications
require that fans be used to achieve some desired
combination of overall system reliability and packaging
density. Industrial environments will require filters that must
Figure 20–5 — Heat sink torquing sequence VI-200 / VI-J00

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For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

be changed regularly to maintain cooling efficiency, and Heat sink airflows may be given either in CFM or LFM
neglecting to change a filter or the failure of the fan could (linear feet per minute). The conversion between LFM
cause the system to shut down or malfunction. and CFM is dependent on the cross-sectional area
through which air is flowing: CFM = LFM X Area
The steps involved in selecting a heat sink / fan
combination for forced convection are essentially the The cross-sectional area between the fins is the area
same as those followed for free convection, with the through which the total airflow must pass. (Figure 20–8)
additional requirement that the heat sink and fan be Correct interpretation of heat sink data requires that
matched to achieve desired heat sink-to-air thermal only the airflow through this area be considered.
resistance. Attention must also be paid to proper Simply pointing a fan at a heat sink will clearly not
channeling of fan airflow so that maximum utilization of result in all of the flow going through the cooling
its cooling capability is realized. Selection of a heat sink / cross-section of the sink; some channeling of air is
fan combination involves the following three steps: usually required to get the full benefit of fan output.
1. Determine maximum acceptable heat sink-to-air The fan curves give output in CFM versus pressure
thermal resistance by following the first three steps drop. Fan pressure drop is the total of all drops
of the heat sink selection procedure given in the encountered by the fan airflow. The heat sink, any
Free Convection section. ducting that is used, and air entry and exit channels all
contribute to pressure drop. Pressure drop represents
2. Selection of a heat sink / fan combination requires that
the work done by the fan in moving air through a
forced convection data for both the heat sink and fan
region, so care should be taken to minimize unproductive
be available. Forced convection characteristics for heat
pressure losses. Ensure that air entry and exit locations
sinks define both heat sink-to-air thermal resistance
and internal air channels are not unduly constricted,
and pressure drop through the heat sink as a function
and avoid sharp turns in airflow paths.
of airflow. Fan characteristics define airflow as a function
of pressure drop. The intersection point of the airflow
versus pressure curves for the fan and heat sink will
Cooling Airflow is Air Which
Flows Through the Shaded
define the operating airflow through the heat sink.
Cooling Cross-Sectional Area
Area = (N - 1) x H x S
(Figure 20–7) The heat sink-to-air thermal resistance
for this airflow may be read directly off the airflow S
versus resistance curve for the heat sink.


S = Fin Spacing

H = Fin Height

N = No. of Fins
Airflow (in. H 2O)
Figure 20–8 — Heat sink cross section

The thermal resistance that was determined by

overlapping the fan and heat sink curves will represent
an optimistic estimate since it assumes that all the fan
Heatsink to Air
Thermal Resistance output flows through the heat sink cooling cross section,
Thermal Resistance (˚C/Watt)
at Operating Airflow and that all the pressure drop occurs along the heat
sink. If the estimated thermal resistance is close to the
Figure 20–7 — Airflow vs. resistance
minimum value determined in Step 1, then it is likely
that a larger fan or different heat sink is required. This
will not be a problem in most cases; relatively modest
Finding and interpreting the operating point requires
heat sinks and fans usually provide ample cooling.
consideration of the following:
Careful channeling and ducting of airflow as a means
Units of pressure drop are generally given in inches of
of both maximizing flow through the cooling cross-
water. Units of fan airflow are in cubic feet per minute
section of the heat sink and minimizing extraneous
(CFM). Occasionally metric units are used, but conversion
flow of air around the sink is well worth the small
is straightforward.
extra design effort required. Every degree of

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For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

improvement in baseplate temperature results in NOTE: The values of θsa incorporating add-on or
significant improvement in MTBF. If you are paying for integral heat sinks include the baseplate-to-heat sink
a fan, you may as well leverage it for all that it is worth. thermal resistance θba. When using heat sinks from
other sources, the thermal impedance baseplate-to-air
3. Steps 5 through 7 in the Free Convection section will
will be the sum of the thermal impedance heat sink-
complete the heat sink selection process. Select the fan
to-air specified by the heat sink manufacturer and the
/ heat sink combination with the lowest thermal resistance
baseplate-to-heat sink impedance from the following
consistent with cost and space constraints, calculate the
Thermal Impedance Charts that follow.
estimated baseplate temperature and test to verify.

Thermal Impedance Table (°C/W)

TABLE USAGE: The forced convection thermal impedance data shown in the tables below assumes airflow
through the heat sink fins. Actual airflow through the fins should be verified. For purposes of heat sink
calculation, assume efficiencies of 81% for 5 V outputs and 85% for 12 V and above.

Part #30089 Part #30775 Part #30090 Part #30780 Part #30193 Part #30194
VI-200 Baseplate 0.9"L Fins [a] 0.7"L Fins 0.9"T Fins[b] 1.45"L Fins 0.7"T Fins 0.4"T Fins SlimMod FinMod FinMod
MI-200 –F1 / –F3 –F2 / –F4
θbs = 0.2
(22,86 mm) (17,78 mm) (22,86 mm) (36,83 mm) (17,78 mm) (10,16 mm)
θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa
Free Air 5.10 3.40 4.08 2.70 2.60 3.15 3.80 5.40 5.00 3.70
200 LFM 2.80 1.50 1.80 1.10 1.00 1.28 1.55 3.20 2.40 1.80
400 LFM 1.80 1.00 1.20 0.80 0.60 0.93 1.13 2.20 1.50 1.20
600 LFM 1.40 0.80 0.96 0.60 0.50 0.70 0.84 1.60 1.10 0.90
800 LFM 1.20 0.60 0.72 0.50 0.40 0.58 0.70 1.30 0.90 0.70
1,000 LFM 1.00 0.50 0.60 0.40 0.30 0.47 0.56 1.20 0.80 0.60
Table 20–2a — Thermal impedance for VI-200 / MI-200

Part #30191 Part #30771 Part #30140

VI-J00 Baseplate 0.9" L Fins 0.9" T Fins 0.4" T Fins SlimMod FinMod FinMod
MI-J00 –F1 / –F3 –F2 / –F4
θbs = 0.4
(22,86 mm) (22,86 mm) (10,16 mm)
θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa
Free Air (H) 8.10 4.20 4.00 5.63 8.50 8.00 7.00
Free Air (V) 7.60 4.00 3.90 5.49 8.40 7.30 6.70
200 LFM 5.10 1.60 1.60 2.25 5.50 5.00 2.70
400 LFM 2.70 1.30 1.30 1.83 3.60 2.50 1.50
600 LFM 2.30 0.90 0.90 1.27 2.90 2.10 1.20
800 LFM 1.70 0.70 0.70 0.99 2.30 1.30 0.80
1,000 LFM 1.40 0.60 0.60 0.84 2.00 1.10 0.70

Table 20–2b — Thermal impedance for VI-J00/MI-J00

FlatPAC[c] ComPAC[c] MegaMod[c]

Configurables 1-Up 2-Up 3-Up 1-Up 2-Up 3-Up 1-Up 2-Up 3-Up
(also applies to MI-ComPAC θbm θbm θbm θbm θbm θbm θbm θbm θbm
and MI-MegaMod) 0.1 0.05 0.03 0.1 0.05 0.03 0.1 0.05 0.03
θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa θsa
Free Air 2.1 1.3 1.0 3.6 1.7 1.4 4.4 2.1 1.7
50 LFM 1.5 1.1 0.9 2.7 1.4 1.3 3.3 1.7 1.6
100 LFM 1.2 0.9 0.7 2.3 1.3 1.1 2.8 1.6 1.3
250 LFM 0.7 0.5 0.4 1.6 1.0 0.8 2.0 1.2 1.0
500 LFM 0.4 0.3 0.3 1.2 0.7 0.6 1.5 0.9 0.7
750 LFM 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.5 0.5 1.1 0.6 0.6
1,000 LFM 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.5 0.5
Table 20–2c — Thermal impedance for FlatPAC, ComPAC / MI-ComPAC and MegaMod /MI-MegaMod Families

[a] Longitudinal fins

[b] Transverse fins
[c] Assumes uniform loading of two and three output units.

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For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies


Tmax = maximum baseplate temperature Example 1. Determine the maximum output power for a
(Available from converters data sheet, which can 100 W, VI-200 converter, no heat sink, delivering 5 V in
be found on 400 LFM at a maximum ambient temperature of 45°C.
Ta = ambient temperature Tmax – Ta
Maximum output power =
θsa η – 1
η = efficiency = Pout
(Assume efficiencies of 81%
for 5 V outputs and 85%
for 12 V out and above.) Tmax = 85°C

θbs = baseplate-to-heat sink thermal resistance

Ta = 45°C

(From thermal impedance tables) θsa = 1.8°C/W

θsa = heatsink-to-air sink thermal resistance η = 81% = (0.81)

(From thermal impedance tables) 85 – 45
Maximum output power =

Pdiss = dissipated power = Pout 1 – 1
η ) Example 2. Determine the maximum thermal impedance
of a 50 W, VI-J00 converter, no heat sink, delivering 24 V
( )
Airflow (LFM) = CFM
at 45 W in free air convection at 55°C ambient.
Tmax – Ta
Maximum thermal impedance =
Maximum output power =
Tmax – Ta

θsa 1 – 1
η (
η( ) Tmax = 100°C
Ta = 55°C
Tmax – Ta Pout = 45 W
Maximum thermal impedance =
( ) η = 85% = (0.85)
1 –1

Maximum ambient temperature = Tmax – θsa x Pout ( )

–1 Maximum thermal impedance =
100 – 55

Temperature rise = θsa x Pout
= 5.7˚C/W
( 1
–1 )
Thermal drop = θbm x Pout 1
η(–1 )

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For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Example 3. Determine the maximum ambient temperature

of a 3-up FlatPAC delivering 12 V at 600 W in 500 LFM
with no additional conduction cooling to the chassis.

Maximum ambient temp. = Tmax – θsa x Pout

( 1
Tmax = 85°C
θsa = 0.3°C/W
Pout = 600 W
η = 85% = (0.85)

Maximum ambient temp. = 85 – 0.3 x 600

( 1
= 53°C

Example 4. Determine the temperature rise of a

150 W, VI-200 converter delivering 5 V at 132 W
with a Part #30090 heat sink in 200 LFM.

Temperature rise = θsa x Pout

( 1
θsa = 1.1°C/W
Pout = 132 W
η = 81% = (0.81)

Temperature rise = 1.1 x 132

( 1
= 34˚C Over ambient temperature

Example 5. Determine the baseplate to coldplate thermal

drop for an MI-200 converter delivering 5 V at 50 W with
a thermal pad.

Thermal drop = θbs x Pout

( 1
θbs = 0.2°C/W
Pout = 50 W
η = 81% = 0.81

Temperature rise = 0.2 x 50 ( 1

= 2.34˚C

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21. Thermal Curves Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

NOTE: Use as a design guide only. Verify final design by actual temperature measurement.

VI-200 Family
FREE AIR 200 LFM 400 LFM 600 LFM 800 LFM 1000 LFM

200 200

175 175

150 150

125 125

Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–1 — VI-200 Family baseplate-to-air (no heat sink) Figure 21–2 — VI-200 Family baseplate-to-air (no heat sink)
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

200 200

175 175

150 150

125 125
Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–3 — VI-200 Family, Part #30089 heat sink Figure 21–4 — VI-200 Family, Part #30089 heat sink
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0
Ambient Temperature (°C) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–5 — VI-200 Family, Part #30194 heat sink Figure 21–6 — VI-200 Family, Part #30194 heat sink
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

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NOTE: Use as a design guide only. Verify final design by actual temperature measurement.

VI-200 Family
FREE AIR 200 LFM 400 LFM 600 LFM 800 LFM 1000 LFM

200 200

175 175

150 150

125 125
Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–7 — VI-200 Family, Part #30090 heat sink Figure 21–8 — VI-200 Family, Part #30090 heat sink
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

200 200

175 175

150 150

125 125
Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–9 — VI-200 Family, Part #30775 heat sink Figure 21–10 — VI-200 Family, Part #30775 Heat sink
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

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21. Thermal Curves Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

NOTE: Use as a design guide only. Verify final design by actual temperature measurement.

VI-J00 Family
FREE AIR, H FREE AIR, V 200 LFM 400 LFM 600 LFM 800 LFM 1000 LFM

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70
Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–11 — VI-J00 Family baseplate-to-air (no heat sink) Figure 21–12 — VI-J00 Family baseplate-to-air (no heat sink)
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70
Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)


50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–13 — VI-J00 Family, Part #30191 heat sink Figure 21–14 — VI-J00 Family, Part #30191 heat sink
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70
Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–15 — VI-J00 Family, Part #30771 heat sink Figure 21–16 — VI-J00 Family 30771 heat sink
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

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NOTE: Use as a design guide only. Verify final design by actual temperature measurement.

VI-J00 Family
FREE AIR, H FREE AIR, V 200 LFM 400 LFM 600 LFM 800 LFM 1000 LFM

Output Power (Watts)


Output Power (Watts)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Ambient Temperature (°C)
Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–17 — VI-J00 Family, Part #30140 heat sink Figure 21–18 — VI-200 Family, Part #30140 heat sink
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

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NOTE: Use as a design guide only. Verify final design by actual temperature measurement.

FinMod VI-200 Family

FREE AIR 200 LFM 400 LFM 600 LFM 800 LFM 1000 LFM

200 200

175 175

150 150

125 125
Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–19 — FinMod VI-200 Family F1/ F3 configuration Figure 21–20 — FinMod VI-200 Family F1/ F3 configuration
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

200 200

175 175

150 150

125 125
Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–21 — FinMod VI-200 Family F2 / F4 configuration Figure 21–22 — FinMod VI-200 Family F2 / F4 configuration
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

VI-200 and VI-J00 Family Design Guide Rev 3.5

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 21. Thermal Curves
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

NOTE: Use as a design guide only. Verify final design by actual temperature measurement.

FinMod VI-J00 Family

FREE AIR, H FREE AIR, V 200 LFM 400 LFM 600 LFM 800 LFM 1000 LFM

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70

Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–23 — FinMod VI-J00 Family F1/ F3 configuration Figure 21–24 — FinMod VI-J00 Family F1 / F3 configuration
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70
Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–25 — FinMod VI-J00 Family F2 / F4 configuration Figure 21–26 — FinMod VI-J00 Family F2 / F4 configuration
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

VI-200 and VI-J00 Family Design Guide Rev 3.5

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21. Thermal Curves Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

NOTE: Use as a design guide only. Verify final design by actual temperature measurement.

SlimMod VI-200 Family

FREE AIR 200 LFM 400 LFM 600 LFM 800 LFM 1000 LFM

200 200

175 175

150 150

Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)


100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–27 — SlimMod VI-200 Family Figure 21–28 — SlimMod VI-200 Family
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

SlimMod VI-J00 Family

FREE AIR, H FREE AIR, V 200 LFM 400 LFM 600 LFM 800 LFM 1000 LFM

100 100

90 90

80 80

70 70
Output Power (Watts)
Output Power (Watts)

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–29 — SlimMod VI-J00 Family Figure 21–30 — SlimMod VI-J00 Family
5 V output 12 – 48 V output

VI-200 and VI-J00 Family Design Guide Rev 3.5

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 21. Thermal Curves
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

NOTE: Use as a design guide only. Verify final design by actual temperature measurement.

ComPAC Family
FREE AIR, H FREE AIR, V 200 LFM 400 LFM 600 LFM 800 LFM 1000 LFM

200 200

175 175

150 150


Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)


100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–31 — 1-Up ComPAC Figure 21–32 — 1-Up ComPAC

5 V output 12 – 48 V output


350 350

300 300

250 250
Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–33 — 2-Up ComPAC Figure 21–34 — 2-Up ComPAC

5 V output 12 – 48 V output

600 600

525 525

450 450

Output Power (Watts)
Output Power (Watts)


300 300

225 225

150 150

75 75

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–35 — 3-Up ComPAC Figure 21–36 — 3-Up ComPAC

5 V output 12 – 48 V output

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21. Thermal Curves Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

NOTE: Use as a design guide only. Verify final design by actual temperature measurement.

FlatPAC Family
FREE AIR, H FREE AIR, V 200 LFM 400 LFM 600 LFM 800 LFM 1000 LFM





Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C)
Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–37 — 1-Up FlatPAC Figure 21–38 — 1-Up FlatPAC

5 V output 12 – 48 V output

400 400

350 350

300 300

250 250
Output Power (Watts)
Output Power (Watts)

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–39 — 2-Up FlatPAC Figure 21–40 — 2-Up FlatPAC

5 V output 12 – 48 V output

600 600

525 525

450 450

375 375
Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

300 300

225 225

150 150

75 75

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–41 — 3-Up FlatPAC Figure 21–42 — 3-Up FlatPAC

5 V output 12 – 48 V output

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 21. Thermal Curves
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

NOTE: Use as a design guide only. Verify final design by actual temperature measurement.

PFC FlatPAC Family

FREE AIR 200 LFM 400 LFM 600 LFM 800 LFM 1000 LFM

575 400
525 350

Output Power (Watts)

Output Power (Watts)

375 250
225 150
75 50
25 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–43 — Output power derating vs. temperature, Vout ≥ 12 V Figure 21–44 — Output power derating vs. temperature, Vout = 5 V

Output Power (Watts)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Ambient Temperature (°C)

Figure 21–45 — Output power derating vs. temperature, Vout = 3.3 V

VI-200 and VI-J00 Family Design Guide Rev 3.5

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22. Recommended Soldering Methods, Lead Free Pins (RoHS) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

The following chapters contain soldering information for regardless of whether they are soldered by hand, by
the following Vicor product families; Maxi, Mini, Micro; fountain, or by wave.
VE-200, VE-J00; VI BRICK®, and similar package filters and
In examining a solder joint, be sure that there is no solder
front-ends. This document is intended to provide guidance
connecting one pad to another. This is known as a solder
for making high-quality solder connections of RoHS-
bridge and will be discussed later.
compliant Vicor power modules to printed circuit boards.
This application note applies to lead-free soldering of
Vicor’s RoHS- compliant modules. The following provides
an outline for appropriate soldering procedures and the
evaluation of solder joints to ensure an optimal
connection to the power module. Common soldering
defects will be examined and direction will be provided for
detecting and handling them. Vicor’s manufacturing
facilities use the IPC-A-610 standards for establishing
quality solder joints. It is recommended that
manufacturing processes using Vicor modules refer to
these same standards, which can be found, along with
supporting documentation, at


The IPC-A-610 standard requires that solder fill at least
75% of the barrel to ensure a solid connection. Ideally, all
Figure 22–1 — Side profile of Maxi or Mini module’s RoHS solder joint.
connections should have a 100% fill. To accomplish this,
the solder applied to both the barrel and the pin must
exhibit a process known as wetting. Wetting occurs when
liquid solder on a surface is heated to the point that it SOLDERING PROCEDURES
loses a significant amount of latent surface tension and
Hand Soldering. Before soldering, make sure that the
evenly coats the surface via capillary action (both cohesion
PCB is clean and free of debris, chemical residue, or liquid.
and adhesion).
It is not recommended that additional flux other than
During the soldering process wetting can be identified by what is contained in the solder be used during soldering
an even coating of solder on the barrel and pin. In because it potentially leaves a residue that cannot be
addition, coating the surface of barrel and pin, the solder removed without potentially damaging or compromising
will gather at the intersection of the two and produce a the power module. Also, the presence of these residues
trailing fillet along each surface. Once wetting has occurred, on the modules may cause harm or improper operation.
then upon solidification it will bond appropriately to both
The pins on Vicor modules are optimized to provide a low-
components, producing a quality connection.
resistance electrical connection. The final mounting
Figure 22–1 shows a side profile of a good solder joint scheme for any module should be designed to minimize
with a power module. Notice that the solder forms a any potential mechanical stress on the pins and solder
concave meniscus between pin and barrel. This is an joints. Modules with heat sinks or modules used in
example of a properly formed fillet and is evidence of systems that are subject to shock or vibration should use
good wetting during the soldering process. The joint standoffs to minimize stress on the pins. It is not
between solder and pin as well as solder and pad should recommended that discrete wires or connectors be
always exhibit a feathered edge. In Figure 22–1 it can also soldered directly onto a module.
be seen that the solder covers a good deal of the surface
Also necessary for a good solder connection is pin protrusion
area of both the pin and the pad. This is also evidence of
from the PCB. It is not possible to create a good solder
good wetting. (Notice also that the solder joint is dull
joint without some protrusion of module pins from the
compared to leaded processing). This is evidence of good
PCB. If the PCB is too thick to allow good pin protrusion,
immobilization of the joint during cooling as well as good
consider using Vicor module accessories such as sockets to
cleaning of the board prior to soldering. All soldering
allow proper mounting. Before soldering, the module
connections should exhibit similar characteristics
should be mechanically affixed or immobilized with

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 22. Recommended Soldering Methods, Lead Free Pins (RoHS)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

respect to the PCB to ensure no movement during the 6. Type of Lead-free Solder. The actual melting point of
soldering process. The standoffs can be used for this the solder varies depending on the type of solder used
process. Vicor power modules contain two types of pins: and affects the necessary temperature of the pad and
power pins (which deliver the power to the load and are pin for flow. Vicor recommends SAC305 SnAgCu
typically sized according to the rated output current) and solder for use on Vicor power modules.
signal pins (which typically carry very little current and are
7. Tip Size. A larger tip will be able to heat a larger
of a uniform size across a given product family). The larger
surface area, thus lowering soldering time.
the pin, the more soldering time required to form an
adequate connection. In addition to the sizing of the pin, Since there are so many factors that influence soldering
the time required to create a robust connection will vary time, listing actual times is difficult. In general, it is
depending on several parameters: recommended that the joint be examined post-process to
insure a quality soldering joint. If necessary, different
1. PCB Thickness. The thicker the printed circuit board,
parameters can then be varied in order to ensure a solid
the more heat it is able to dissipate, and will require
process. The soldering times listed in Table 22–1 can be
more soldering time.
used as a guideline for establishing more application and
2. Copper Trace Area. Power pins require large copper process specific parameters. Below are some recommen-
traces to minimize resistive power losses in carrying the dations for general practice:
power to the load. Since the copper tends to conduct
1. Do not run tip temperature above 810°F (430°C). This
heat well, the actual sizes of these copper traces
will greatly increase the risk of damaging the pads,
directly affect the amount of time necessary to heat
traces, printed circuit board, or Vicor power module.
the PCB socket.
Check with the printed circuit board manufacturer that
3. Copper Trace Thickness. As above, the thickness of the the boards are RoHS capable and for any additional
copper trace is a function of output current of the recommendations in regard to temperature.
module, and has a direct impact on the amount of
2. Apply the soldering iron to one side of the pin and pad
soldering time. Typically, PCB copper thickness is
and apply the solder to the other, allowing the heat
specified in terms of weight per square foot, typically
from the pin and pad to melt the solder. Do not apply
2 oz. or 3 oz. copper for current-carrying planes.
solder to the soldering iron and subsequently attempt
4. Soldering Iron Power. A higher power soldering iron to transfer it to the pad and pin. Melting the solder by
can source more heat and thus take less time to heat a applying it directly to the soldering iron does not
PCB trace. As a soldering iron is heating a point on the guarantee adequate wetting on the joint and is not
board, everything that is adjacent to this point is being considered good technique.
heated as well, including the Vicor power module.
3. Do not apply excessive pressure with the soldering iron
A large copper trace, because it conducts heat very
to the printed circuit board, barrel, or pad. This could
well, will exhibit less of a thermal gradient, and thus a
result in breaking a trace, dislodging a barrel, or
low-power soldering iron will have to heat the whole
damaging the PCB, which becomes noticeably softer
trace to a higher temperature before the area close to
when heated.
the iron is hot enough to flow solder. Because the
trace and board are both dissipating and conducting 4. Do not apply the soldering iron to a connection for an
thermal energy, some irons may not have enough extended period of time or damage to the module
power to heat a trace to the temperature that will could result. If the soldering times exceed the upper
allow proper soldering. limit listed in Table 22–1, consider using a larger tip or
a higher power soldering iron.
5. Tip Temperature. Typical SAC-type solder melts at
419 – 491°F (215 – 225°C). Pb-free soldering requires 5. Make sure PCB pads and holes are clean before to
a tip temperature of about 800°F. A higher tip soldering.
temperature will bring the barrel and pin above the
melting point of solder faster. However, a higher tip 6. Solders with no-clean flux may be used to facilitate
temperature may cause damage to the pad, printed soldering.
circuit board, or module pin. 7. Keep the tip of the soldering iron clean and free from
resin. Apply a small amount of solder directly to the tip
of the iron. This process is known as tinning.

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22. Recommended Soldering Methods, Lead Free Pins (RoHS) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

8. Be careful not to jar the module or PCB while the Preheating of the PCB is generally required for wave
solder is cooling. This could result in a cold solder soldering operations to ensure adequate wetting of the
joint, a void in the barrel, or a cracked joint. solder to the PCB. The recommended temperature for PCB
topside is 203 – 248°F (95 – 120°C) prior to the molten
9. If it is necessary to re-solder a joint, remove all existing
wave. Thick, multilayer PCBs should be heated toward the
solder from the pad and pin before reapplying solder.
upper limit of this range, while simple two-layer PCBs
10. Use of a soldering gun is not recommended for should be heated to the lower limit. These parameters are
soldering Vicor modules. consistent with generally accepted requirements for
circuit-card assembly. The power module is often much
11. It is not recommended that Maxi / Mini / Micro module more massive than other components mounted to the
pins be trimmed under any circumstances. PCB. During wave solder preheating, the pins will
As a procedural benchmark, given an 800°F (427ºC) dissipate much of their absorbed heat within the module;
temperature on a 60 W iron with a 3 mm tip, approximate therefore, adjustments to preheaters alone will not
times to solder a Vicor power module to a 0.062 (1,5 mm) improve module soldering significantly. A more effective
thick PCB board with an appropriately sized copper trace way to improve the soldering of the module is to lower
would be in the range of Table 22–1. the conveyor speed and increase the dwell time in the molten
wave. Approximately 5 seconds of exposure to the molten
wave is required to achieve an acceptable solder joint for
Soldering a Maxi / Mini / Micro power module. The VE-200 / VE-J00/
Converter Family Pin Type
Time (range)
VE-200 / VE-J00 Signal 3 – 5 seconds
VE-HAM and VI BRICK® modules should solder in
VE-200 Power 5 – 8 seconds approximately 4 seconds of molten wave exposure.
VE-J00 Power 4 – 7 seconds
Post Solder Cleaning. Vicor modules are not hermetically
Maxi / Mini / Micro Signal 3 – 5 seconds
Maxi Power 5 – 8 seconds
sealed and must not be exposed to liquid, including but
Mini Power 4 – 7 seconds not limited to cleaning solvents, aqueous washing
Micro Power 3 – 5 seconds solutions or pressurized sprays. Cleaning the backside of
VI BRICK Input & Signal 3 – 5 seconds the PCB is acceptable provided no solvent contacts the
VI BRICK Power 4 – 7 seconds body of the module.
Also relevant for similar packaged accessory modules
When soldering, it is recommended that no-clean flux
Table 22–1 — Recommended pin soldering times for RoHS solder be used, as this will ensure that potentially
family modules corrosive mobile ions will not remain on, around, or
Again, please note that soldering for significantly longer under the module following the soldering process.
periods of time than those listed above could result in If the application requires the PCB to be subject to an
damage to the module. Table 22–1 should not be used aqueous wash after soldering, then it is recommended
without verifying that the times will produce a quality that Vicor module accessories such as through-hole or
soldering joint as defined in the previous sections. surface-mount sockets be used. These sockets should be
Wave Soldering. Vicor modules achieve an adequate mounted to the PCB, and the modules subsequently
solder connection on a wave-soldering machine with inserted following the aqueous washing sequence.
conveyor speeds from three to seven feet per minute. As De-soldering Vicor Modules. Vicor modules should not
with hand soldering, times and parameters vary with the be re-used after desoldering for the following reasons:
properties of the PCB and copper traces. As a standard
benchmark, the parameters below may be used. As with 1. Most de-soldering procedures introduce damaging
hand-soldered boards, the results should be examined to mechanical and thermal stresses to the module.
ensure a quality soldering joint and a sound process. 2. Devices or processes that may be capable of
Wave Soldering Profile. desoldering a Vicor module from a printed-circuit
board without causing damage have not been
1. Bottom-side preheaters: Zone 1: 350°F (177°C), qualified for use with Vicor modules.
Zone 2: 300°F (149°C), Zone 3: 675°F (357°C)
For applications that require removal of a module with the
2. Top-side preheaters: 220 – 235°F (104 – 113°C) intent of reuse, use Vicor socketing systems.
3. Wave temperature: 510°F (266°C)
4. Wave type: 4.25 in (107,95 mm) standard laminar wave

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 22. Recommended Soldering Methods, Lead Free Pins (RoHS)
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Index of Common Soldering defects. 4. De-wetting. The solder initially appears to wet but
then pulls back to expose the pad surface. More
1. Solder Bridge. A short circuit between two electrically
common in wave-soldering.
inadvertently forming a “bridge” or connection between
the two points. Recommended Solution. Make sure the PCB is clean
prior to soldering.
Recommended Solution. Use a smaller soldering tip,
or hold the tip at a different angle when soldering, so
as to contact only one pad at a time.
5. Dry Joint. The solder has a dull gray appearance as
opposed to a bright silver surface. The solder joint may
2. Cold Solder. An incomplete or poor connection have a mottled look as well, with jagged ridges. It is
caused by either the barrel or the pin not being caused by the solder joint moving before it has
heated to the flow temperature of solder. A cold completely cooled.
solder joint will typically exhibit a convex meniscus
Recommended Solution. Immobilize the module
with possibly a dark spot around the barrel or pad.
with respect to the PCB to ensure that the solder joint
Also, a cold solder joint will not be shiny, but will
cools properly.
typically have a “dirty” appearance.
CAUTION: A cold solder joint is not necessarily
an open connection electrically, and cannot be 6. Icicles. Jagged or conical extensions from solder fillet.
diagnosed by a simple continuity check. A cold These are caused by soldering with the temperature too
solder joint is frequently an electrically inter- low, or soldering to a highly heat absorbent surface.
mittent connection and is best diagnosed by Recommended Solution. Increase the soldering
way of visual inspection. A cold solder joint will temperature, but not outside the recommended limits.
likely become electrically open following a period If necessary, use a higher power soldering iron.
of temperature cycling.
Recommended Solution. Increase soldering iron
7. Pinholes. Small or large holes in surface of solder
temperature, soldering time, or use a soldering iron
joint, most commonly occurring in wave solder systems.
with a higher output wattage if hand soldering. If
wave soldering, lower conveyor speed or increase Recommended Solution. Increase preheat or
preheat temperature. topside heater temperature, but not outside the
recommended limits.
3. PC Board Damage. An intermittent or poor connection
caused by damage to a trace, pad, or barrel. A damaged
pad is best identified by a burn mark on the PCB,
or a trace pad that moves when prodded with a
mechanical object.
Recommended Solution. Lower the soldering iron
temperature or the soldering time. If damage persists,
use a lower power iron, or consult with the manufacturer
of the PCB for recommended soldering guidelines.

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22. Recommended Soldering Methods, Lead Free Pins (RoHS) Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies



Maxi / Mini / Micro Standoff Kits for Solder Mounted Modules

Board Mounting Slotted Through-Hole Threaded
Thickness Options Baseplate Baseplate Baseplate

Nom. Mounting Pin Through-Hole Threaded Through-Hole Threaded Through-Hole

(Min/Max) Style Style Heat Sink Heat Sink Heat Sink Heat Sink Heat Sink
0.062" Kit-18150 Kit-18151 Kit-18146 Kit-18147 Kit-18146
In-Board F
(0.055"/0.071") Bag-19126 Bag-19127 Bag-19122 Bag-19123 Bag-19122
1,5 mm Kit-18156 Kit-18157 Kit-18150 Kit-18152 Kit-18150
On-Board G
(1,4 mm / 1,8 mm) Bag-19132 Bag-19133 Bag-19126 Bag-19128 Bag-19126
Kit-18150 Kit-18151 Kit-18146 Kit-18147 Kit-18146
In-Board G
2,4 mm
Bag-19126 Bag-19127 Bag-19122 Bag-19123 Bag-19122
(2,1 mm / 2,6 mm)

Table 22–2 — Standoff Kits for solder mounted modules

Kits include six (6) standoffs and screws. Mini and Micro modules require a minimum of four (4) standoffs.
Bags contain 100 standoffs only (#4-40 screws required).

VI BRICK Standoff Kits

Standoffs Description Part No.

12 pc Kit for 0.125” PCB
(includes M3 x 5 mm and M3 x 6 mm screws)
F-F Standoff 12 pc Kit for 0.062” PCB
0.287” long (includes M3 x 5 mm screws) 34718

100 pc bag 34709

12 pc Kit
M-F Standoff (includes M3 x 6 mm screws) 34719
0.287” long
100 pc bag 34710

Bags contain 100 standoffs only (M3 screws required).

VI-200 and VI-J00 Family Design Guide Rev 3.5

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 23. Recommended Soldering Methods,
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies
Tin Lead Pins, and InMate Sockets

The following chapters contain soldering information for similar characteristics regardless of whether they are
the following Vicor product families; Maxi, Mini, Micro; soldered by hand or wave soldered.
VI-200, VI-J00; VI BRICK®, and similar package filters and
front-ends. This document is intended to provide guidance
in utilizing soldering practices to make high-quality
connections of Vicor power modules to printed circuit
boards. Some care will be taken to outline appropriate
soldering procedures as well as the evaluation of solder
joints in a manner that enables the customer to ensure
that the end application has an optimal connection to the
power module. Common soldering defects will be
examined and direction will be provided for detecting and
handling the common defects.
Vicor’s manufacturing facilities use the IPC-A-610C
standards as a means of establishing quality solder joints.
It is recommended that manufacturing processes using
Vicor modules refer to these same standards, which can Figure 23–1 — Side profile of a Mini module solder joint
be found, along with supporting documentation, at


The IPC-A-610C standard requires that solder fill at least
75% of the barrel in order to ensure a solid connection.
Ideally, all connections should have a 100% fill. In order to
accomplish this, the solder applied to both the barrel and
the pin must exhibit a process known as wetting. Wetting
occurs when liquid solder on a surface is heated to the
point that it loses a significant amount of latent surface
tension and evenly coats the surface via capillary action
(both cohesion and adhesion).
During the soldering process wetting can be identified by
an even coating of solder on the barrel and pin. In Figure 23–2 — Maxi / Mini output power pin and Sense pin
addition to coating the surface of barrel and pin, the
solder will gather at the intersection of the two and
produce a trailing fillet along each surface. Once wetting
Figure 23–2 is a top view of the signal and power pin of a
has occurred, then upon solidification it will bond
Maxi or Mini module properly soldered to a printed circuit
appropriately to both components, producing a quality
board. Notice that both the joint and the area around the
connection. Figure 23–1 shows a side profile of a good
joint are clean and free from resin and solder residue. Also
solder joint with a Mini power module. Notice that for
the pad and printed circuit board adjacent to the barrel
both examples the solder forms a concave meniscus
are not burnt or discolored and are solidly attached to
between pin and barrel. This is an example of a properly
each other. In examining a solder joint, be sure that there
formed fillet and is evidence of good wetting during the
is no solder connecting one pad to another. This is known
soldering process. The joint between solder and pin as
as a solder bridge and will be discussed further along with
well as solder and pad should always exhibit a feathered
other potential soldering defects.
edge. In Figure 23–1 it can also be seen that the solder
covers a good deal of the surface area of both the pin
and the pad. This is also evidence of good wetting. Notice
also that the solder joint has a smooth surface with a
silver color. This is evidence of good immobilization of the
joint during cooling as well as good cleaning of the board
prior to soldering. All soldering connections should exhibit

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23. Recommended Soldering Methods, Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies
Tin Lead Pins, and InMate Sockets

Hand Soldering. Before soldering, make sure that the 3. Copper Trace Thickness. As above, the thickness of
PCB is clean and free of debris, chemical residue, or liquid. the copper trace is a function of output current of the
It is not recommended that additional flux other than module, and has a direct impact on the amount of
what is contained in the solder be used during soldering soldering time. Typically, PCB copper thickness is
as it potentially leaves a residue that cannot be removed specified in terms of weight per square foot, typically
without potentially damaging or compromising the power 2 oz. or 3 oz. copper for current-carrying planes.
module. Also, the presence of these residues themselves
4. Soldering Iron Power. A higher power soldering iron
on the modules may cause harm or improper operation.
can source more heat and thus take less time to heat
The pins on Vicor modules are optimized in design for
a PCB trace. When a soldering iron is heating a point
providing a low-resistance electrical connection. The final
on the board, everything that is adjacent to this point
mounting scheme for any module should be designed so
is being heated as well, including the Vicor power
as to minimize any potential mechanical stress on the pins
module. A large copper trace, because it conducts
and solder joints. Modules with heat sinks or modules used
heat very well, will exhibit less of a thermal gradient
in systems that are subject to shock or vibration should
and thus a low-power soldering iron will have to heat
use standoffs to minimize stress on the pins. Tin / lead
the whole trace to a higher temperature before the
pins are specifically designed for soldering applications
area close to the iron is hot enough to flow solder.
while gold pin options are specified for socketed
Because the trace and board are both dissipating and
applications (see SurfMate or InMate mounting systems).
conducting thermal energy, some irons may not have
It is not recommended that discrete wires or connectors
enough power to heat a trace to the temperature that
be soldered directly onto a module.
will allow proper soldering.
Also necessary for a good solder connection is pin
5. Tip Temperature. Typical 63 / 37 solder melts at 392°F
protrusion from the PCB. It is not possible to create a
(200°C). A higher tip temperature will bring the barrel
good solder joint without some protrusion of module pins
and pin above the melting point of solder faster.
from the PCB. If the PCB is too thick to allow good pin
However, a higher tip temperature may cause damage
protrusion, consider using Vicor module accessories such
to the pad, printed circuit board, or module pin.
as sockets to allow proper mounting.
6. Type of Solder. The actual melting point of the solder
Before soldering, the module should be mechanically
varies depending on the type of solder used and
affixed or immobilized with respect to the PCB to ensure
affects the necessary temperature of the pad and pin
no movement during the soldering process. The standoffs
for flow. Vicor recommends 63 / 37 SnPb solder for
can be used for this process.
use on Vicor power modules.
Vicor power modules contain two types of pins: power
7. Tip Size. A larger tip will be able to heat a larger
pins (which deliver the power to the load and are typically
surface area, thus lowering soldering time.
sized according to the rated output current) and signal
pins (which typically carry very little current and are of a
uniform size across a given product family). The larger the
pin, the more soldering time required to form an
adequate connection. In addition to the sizing of the pin
the time required to create a robust connection will vary
depending on several parameters:
1. PCB Thickness. The thicker the printed circuit board is,
the more heat it is able to dissipate, and thus it will
require more soldering time.
2. Copper Trace Area. Power pins require large copper
traces to minimize resistive power losses in carrying
the power to the load. Since the copper tends to
conduct heat rather well, the actual size of these
copper traces directly affect the amount of time
necessary to heat the PCB socket.

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 23. Recommended Soldering Methods,
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies
Tin Lead Pins, and InMate Sockets

Since there are so many factors that influence soldering 11. It is not recommended that Maxi, Mini, Micro module
time, listing actual times is difficult. In general, it is pins be trimmed under any circumstances.
recommended that the joint be examined post-process to
12. The caps of the InMate socket are designed to repel
ensure a quality soldering joint. If necessary, different
solder. It is normal for this surface to be free of solder.
parameters can then be varied in order to ensure a solid
process. The soldering times listed in Table 23–1 can be As a procedural benchmark, given a 750°F (400°C)
used as a guideline for establishing more application and temperature on a 60 W iron with a 0.19 in (3 mm) tip,
process-specific parameters. Below are some recommen- approximate times to solder a Vicor power module to a
dations for general practice: 0.062 (1,5 mm) thick PCB board with an appropriately
sized copper trace would be in the range of Table 14–1.
1. Do not run tip temperature above 750°F (400°C)
because it will greatly increase the risk of damaging
the pads, traces, printed circuit board, or Vicor power Converter Family Pin Type Soldering
module. Check with the printed circuit board Time (range)
manufacturer for any additional recommendations VI-200 / VI-J00 Signal 3 – 5 seconds
with regards to temperature. VI-200 Power 5 – 8 seconds
VI-J00 Power 4 – 7 seconds
2. Apply the soldering iron to one side of the pin and Maxi / Mini / Micro Signal 3 – 5 seconds
pad and apply the solder to the other, allowing the Maxi Power 5 – 8 seconds
heat from the pin and pad to melt the solder. Do not Mini Power 4 – 7 seconds
Micro Power 3 – 5 seconds
apply solder to the soldering iron and subsequently
attempt to transfer it to the pad and pin. Melting the Table 23–1 — Recommended pin soldering times for Vicor modules
solder by applying it directly to the soldering iron does
not guarantee adequate wetting on the joint and is Again, please note that soldering for significantly longer
not considered good technique. periods of time than the time listed above could result in
3. Do not apply excessive pressure with the soldering damage to the module. The time listed in Table 23–1 should
iron to the printed circuit board, barrel, or pad. This not be used without verifying that the times will produce
could result in breaking a trace, dislodging a barrel or a quality soldering joint as defined in the previous sections.
damaging the PCB, which becomes noticeably softer Wave Soldering. Vicor modules achieve an adequate
when heated. solder connection on a wave soldering machine with
4. Do not apply the soldering iron to a connection for an conveyor speeds from three to seven feet per minute. As
extended period of time or damage to the module with hand soldering, times and parameters vary with the
could result. If the soldering times exceed the upper properties of the PCB and copper traces. As a standard
limit listed in Table 23–1, consider using a larger tip or benchmark the parameters below may be used. As with
a higher power soldering iron. hand-soldered boards, the results should be examined to
ensure a quality soldering joint and a sound process.
5. Make sure PCB pads and holes are clean prior to
soldering. Wave Soldering Profile.

6. Solders with no-clean flux may be used to facilitate 1. Bottom-side preheaters: Zone 1: 650°F (343°C),
soldering. Zone 2: 750°F ( 398°C)

7. Keep the tip of the soldering iron clean and free from 2. Top-side preheaters: 203 – 248°F (95 – 120°C)
resin. Apply a small amount of solder directly to the 3. Wave temperature: 500°F (260°C)
tip of the iron. This process is known as tinning.
4. Wave type: 4.25 in (107,9 mm) standard laminar wave
8. Be careful not to jar the module or PCB while the
solder is cooling. This could result in a cold solder Preheating of the PCB is generally required for wave
joint, a void in the barrel, or a cracked joint. soldering operations to ensure adequate wetting of the
solder to the PCB. The recommended temperature for PCB
9. If it is necessary to re-solder a joint, remove all topside is 203 – 248°F (95 – 120°C) prior to the molten
existing solder from the pad and pin prior to wave. Thick, multilayer PCBs should be heated toward the
reapplying solder. upper limit of this range, while simple two-layer PCBs
10. Use of a soldering gun is not recommended for should be heated to the lower limit. These parameters are
soldering Vicor modules. consistent with generally accepted requirements for
circuit-card assembly.

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23. Recommended Soldering Methods, Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies
Tin Lead Pins, and InMate Sockets

The power module is often much more massive than Index of Common Soldering defects.
other components mounted to the PCB. During wave
1. Solder Bridge. A short circuit between two electrically
solder preheating, the pins will dissipate much of their
unconnected points caused by a piece of solder
absorbed heat within the module. Adjustments to
inadvertently forming a “bridge” or connection
preheaters alone, therefore, will not improve module
between the two points.
soldering significantly.
Recommended Solution. Use a smaller soldering tip,
A more effective way to improve the soldering of the module
or hold the tip at a different angle when soldering, so
is to lower the conveyor speed and increase the dwell time
as to only contact one pad at a time.
in the molten wave. Approximately 5 seconds of exposure
to the molten wave is required to achieve an acceptable
solder joint for a Maxi, Mini, or Micro power module. 2. Cold Solder. An incomplete or poor connection
Post Solder Cleaning. Vicor modules are not hermetically caused by either the barrel or the pin not being
sealed and must not be exposed to liquid, including but heated to the flow temperature of solder. A cold
not limited to cleaning solvents, aqueous washing solder joint will typically exhibit a convex meniscus
solutions, or pressurized sprays. Cleaning the backside of with possibly a dark spot around the barrel or pad.
the PCB is acceptable provided no solvent contacts the Also a cold solder joint will not be shiny, but will
body of the module. typically have a “dirty”appearance.

When soldering, it is recommended that no-clean flux CAUTION: A cold solder joint is not necessarily an
solder be used, as this will ensure that potentially open connection electrically, and cannot be
corrosive mobile ions will not remain on, around, or under diagnosed by a simple continuity check. A cold
the module following the soldering process. solder joint is frequently an electrically intermit-
tent connection and is best diagnosed by visual
If the application requires the PCB to be subject to an inspection. A cold solder joint will likely become
aqueous wash after soldering, then it is recommended electrically open following a period of temp-
that Vicor module accessories such as through-hole or erature cycling.
surface-mount sockets be used. These sockets should be
mounted to the PCB and the modules subsequently Recommended Solution. Increase soldering iron
inserted following the aqueous washing sequence. temperature, soldering time, or use a soldering iron
with a higher output wattage if hand soldering. If
De-soldering Vicor Modules. Vicor modules should not wave soldering, lower conveyor speed or increase
be re-used after desoldering for the following reasons: preheat temperature.
1. Most de-soldering procedures introduce damaging
mechanical and thermal stresses to the module. 3. PC Board Damage. An intermittent or poor
2. Devices or processes that may be capable of connection caused by damage to a trace, pad, or
de-soldering a Vicor module from a printed circuit barrel. A damaged pad is best identified by a burn
board without causing damage have not been mark on the PCB, or a trace of pad that moves when
qualified for use with Vicor modules. For applications prodded with a mechanical object.
that require removal of a module with the intent of Recommended Solution. Lower the soldering iron
reuse, use Vicor socketing systems. temperature or the soldering time. If damage persists
use a lower power iron, or consult with the manufacturer
of the PCB for recommended soldering guidelines.

4. De-wetting. The solder initially appears to wet but

then pulls back to expose the pad surface, more
common in wave soldering.
Recommended Solution. Make sure the PCB is clean
prior to soldering.

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 23. Recommended Soldering Methods,
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies
Tin Lead Pins, and InMate Sockets

5. Dry Joint. The solder has a dull gray appearance as 7. Pinholes. Small or large holes in surface of solder
opposed to a bright silver surface. The solder joint joint, most commonly occurring in wave-solder systems.
may have a mottled look as well, with jagged ridges.
Recommended Solution. Increase preheat or
It is caused by the solder joint moving before
topside heater temperature, but not outside the
completely cooled.
recommended limits.
Recommended Solution. Immobilize the module
with respect to the PCB to ensure that the solder joint
cools properly.
6. Icicles. Jagged or conical extensions from solder fillet. Organizations
These are caused by soldering with the temperature
too low, or soldering to a highly heat-absorbent surface.
Recommended Solution. Increase the soldering
temperature, but not outside the recommended
limits. If necessary, use a higher power soldering iron.

Maxi / Mini / Micro Standoff Kits for Solder Mounted Modules*

Board Mounting Slotted Through-Hole Threaded
Thickness Options Baseplate Baseplate Baseplate

Nom. Mounting Pin Through-Hole Threaded Through-Hole Threaded Through-Hole

(Min/Max) Style Style Heat Sink Heat Sink Heat Sink Heat Sink Heat Sink
0.062" Short Kit-18150 Kit-18151 Kit-18146 Kit-18147 Kit-18146
(0.055"/ 0.071") Tin/Lead Bag-19126 Bag-19127 Bag-19122 Bag-19123 Bag-19122
(1,5 mm) Kit-18156 Kit-18157 Kit-18150 Kit-18152 Kit-18150
On-Board L
(1,4 mm / 1,8 mm) Bag-19132 Bag-19133 Bag-19126 Bag-19128 Bag-19126
0.093" Kit-18150 Kit-18151 Kit-18146 Kit-18147 Kit-18146
(0.084"/ 0.104")
In-Board L
2,4 mm
Bag-19126 Bag-19127 Bag-19122 Bag-19123 Bag-19122
(2,1 mm / 2,6 mm)

Table 23–2 — Standoff kits for solder mounted modules

* Kits include six (6) standoffs and screws. Mini and Micro modules require a minimum of four (4) standoffs.
100 piece bags contain standoffs only (#4-40 screws required).

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24. Module Packaging Options Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Full Size

Half Size

Figure 24–1 — Full and half-size SlimMods Figure 24–3 — BusMod module housing assembly

SlimMod BusMod
Vicor’s PCB mount power components are available in The BusMod is a rugged module housing assembly that
flangeless “SlimMod” package configurations that provide combines convenient chassis mounting with a screw / lug
users with narrower width 1.8'' (45,7 mm) for tight wiring interface for all electrical connections. To order the
printed circuit mount applications. BusMod option, add “–B1” to the standard part number.
To order the SlimMod configuration, add the suffix “S” to NOTE: The BusMod may be used with any of Vicor’s
the standard part number. Example: VI-260-CV-S. VI- / MI-200, VI- / MI-J00, IAM, or VI- / MI-RAM modules,
SlimMod clips are available for grounding the baseplate to with the exception of the HAM.
the PCB ground plane.

Figure 24–2 — Longitudinal and transverse FinMods Figure 24–4 — MegaMods housing assembly

FinMod MegaMod/MI-MegaMod DC-DC Converter Family

Vicor’s PCB mount power components are also available in MegaMod/ MI-MegaMod and MegaMod/ MI-MegaMod Jr.
flangeless “FinMod” package configurations with integral DC-DC converters incorporate one, two, or three Vicor
finned heat sinks. FinMods eliminate the need for secondary VI- / MI-200 or VI- / MI-J00 DC-DC converters in a modular
heat sink assembly operations. package to provide a chassis-mounted alternative to board-
mounted power supplies. MegaMod / MI-MegaMods offer
The full-size and half-size module components are
50 – 600 W of power from 1 – 3 outputs. MegaMod / MI-
available with heat sink heights of 0.25'' (6,35 mm) and
MegaMod Jr.’s offer a total of 25 – 300 W from 1 – 3
0.5'' (12,7 mm) longitudinal or transverse fin versions. To
outputs. Each output may be independently sensed,
order the longitudinal fin configurations add the suffix
adjusted, and sequenced using the procedures outlined
“F1” 0.25'' (6,35 mm) or “F2” 0.5'' (12,7 mm) to the
for VI- / MI-200 and VI- / MI-J00 DC-DC converters.
standard part number. [a] For transverse fins, add the suffix
“F3” 0.25'' (6,35 mm) or “F4” 0.5'' (12,7 mm) to the [a]
standard part number. FinMod clips are available for grounding the baseplate
to the PCB ground plane.

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 25. Product Weights
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Typical Weights for Vicor Products

Standard Heatsink Options


VI-/MI-200 Family 170 g / 6.0 oz.

(Including SlimMod)

VI-/MI-J00 Family 85 g / 3.0 oz.

BatMod 170 g / 6.0 oz.

VI-2XX-XX-B1 357 g / 12.6 oz.
MI-2XX-XX-B1 357 g / 12.6 oz.
VI-JXX-XX-B1 181 g / 6.4 oz.
MI-JXX-XX-B1 181 g / 6.4 oz.

VI-2XX-XX-F1,MI-2XX-MX-F1 198 g / 7.0 oz.
VI-2XX-XX-F2, MI-2XX-MX-F2 213 g / 7.5 oz.
VI-JXX-XX-F1, MI-JXX-MX-F1 99 g / 3.5 oz.
VI-JXX-XX-F2, MI-JXX-MX-F2 113 g / 4.0 oz.

MegaMod/MI-MegaMod Family
L Family (1-up) 255 g / 9.0 oz.
M and P Family (2-up) 545 g / 1.2 lbs.
N, Q, R Family (3-up) 772 g / 1.7 lbs

MegaMod/MI-MegaMod Jr. Family

L Family (1-up) 127 g / 4.5 oz.
P Family (2-up) 250 g / 8.8 oz.
R Family (3-up) 377 g / 13.3 oz.

ComPAC / MI-ComPAC Family –CC –H1

LC Family (1-up) 545 g / 1.2 lbs. 636 g / 1.4 lbs. 590 g / 1.3 lbs.
MC Family (2-up 1.248 kg / 2.4 lbs. 1.27 kg / 2.8 lbs. 1.23 kg / 2.7 lbs.
NC Family (3-up) 1.633 kg / 3.6 lbs. 1.91 kg / 4.2 lbs. 1.82 kg / 4.0 lbs.


AC Input Module (AIM / MI-AIM) 85 g / 3.0 oz.

Harmonic Attenuator Module (HAM) 170 g / 6.0 oz.

FlatPAC – CC
LU Family (1-up) 652 g / 1.4 lbs. 817 g / 1.8 lbs.
PU, MU Family (2-up) 1.248 kg / 2.75 lbs. 1.59 kg / 3.5 lbs.
NU, QU, RU Family (3-up) 1.843 kg / 4.0 lbs. 2.32 kg / 5.1 lbs.

Offline Front Ends (Includes Industrial Grade)

VI-FPE6-CUX (250 W PC Mount) 184 g / 6.5 oz.
VI-FKE6-CUX (250 W Chassis Mount) 340 g / 12.0 oz.
VI-FPE6-CQX (500 W PC Mount 391 g / 13.8 oz.
VI-FKE6-CQX (500 W Chassis Mount) 610 g / 1.3 lbs.
VI-FPE6-CMX (750 W PC Mount) 496 g / 1.1 lbs.
VI-FPE6-CMX (750 W Chassis Mount) 737 g / 1.6 lbs.

3-Phase Front Ends

VI-TKY6-CHX (1500 W) 862 g / 1.9 lbs.
VI-TKY6-CEX (3000 W) 1.497 kg / 3.3 lbs.
VI-TRY6-CCX (5000 W) 2.857 kg / 6.3 lbs.


Input Attenuator Module (IAM / MI-IAM) 91 g / 3.2 oz.

Ripple Attenuator Module (RAM / MI-RAM) 79 g / 2.8 oz.

HAM Filter Part #30205 85 g / 13.6 oz.

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26. Glossary of Technical Terms Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

AC-OK Signal. The signal used to indicate the loss of AC Bridge Rectifier. A full wave rectifier circuit employing
input voltage from the 115 / 230 V line. four rectifiers in a bridge configuration.
Altitude Testing. Generally performed to determine the British Telecom Standards. A telecommunications
proper functionality of equipment in airplanes and other industry standard developed by the British PTT authorities.
flying objects. MIL-STD-810.
Brownout. A reduction of the AC mains distribution
Ambient Temperature. The temperature of the voltage, usually caused deliberately by the utility company
environment, usually the still air in the immediate to reduce power consumption when demand exceeds
proximity of the power supply. generation or distribution capacity.
Apparent Power. A value of power for AC circuits that Burn-In. Operating a newly manufactured power supply,
is calculated as the product of rms current times rms usually at rated load, for a period of time in order to force
voltage, without taking power factor into account. component infant mortality failures or other latent defects.

Bandwidth. A range of frequencies over which a certain Capacitive Coupling. Coupling of a signal between two
phenomenon is to be considered. circuits, due to discrete or parasitic capacitance between
the circuits.
Baseplate. All modular products have an aluminum
mounting base at which Vicor specifies operating Center Tap. An electrical connection made at the center
temperatures and which should be affixed to a thermally of a transformer or inductor winding, usually so as to result
conductive surface for cooling. in an equal number of turns on either side of the tap.
Bellcore Specification. A telecommunications industry Centralized Power Architecture (CPA). One of the
standard developed by Bellcore. oldest power systems architectures, generates all system
voltages at a central location and distributes them to load
Bipolar Transistor. A transistor that operates by the
locations via distribution buses. This can be effective if the
action of minority carriers across a PN junction; and is a
voltages are high and the currents low or if the distances
current controlled device as opposed to a voltage
between the power supply and the loads are small.
controlled device.
C-Grade. Industry standard where the operating
Bleeder Resistor. A resistor added to a circuit for the
temperature of a device does not drop below –20°C.
purpose of providing a small current drain, to assure
discharge of capacitors. Chassis Mount Configuration. A configuration where the
modules or AC front ends are mounted directly to the chassis.
Bobbin. A device upon which the windings of a
transformer or inductor are wound, it provides a form for Common-Mode Noise. Noise present equally on two
the coil and insulates the windings from the core. conductors with respect to some reference point; often
used specifically to refer to noise present on both the hot
Booster Converter. A “slave” module in a Driver /
and neutral AC lines with respect to ground.
Booster combination, where the Driver is the master.
Several Boosters can be paralleled with a Driver module ComPAC. A Vicor DC input power supply that provides
for higher output power. EMC filtering and transient suppression for industrial,
military and telecommunications markets.
Breakdown Voltage. A voltage level at which dielectric
insulation fails by excessive leakage current or arcing. In Constant Current Power Supply. A power supply
reference to power supplies the breakdown voltage is the designed to regulate output current for changes in line,
maximum AC or DC voltage that can be applied from load, ambient temperature and drift resulting from time.
input to output and / or chassis.
Constant Voltage Power Supply. A power supply
Bridge Converter. A DC-DC converter topology designed to regulate output voltage for changes in line,
(configuration) employing two or four active switching load, ambient temperature and drift resulting from time.
components in a bridge configuration across a power
Control Circuit. A circuit in a closed-loop system, typically
containing an error amplifier, that controls the operation
of the system to achieve regulation.

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Design Guide & Applications Manual 26. Glossary of Technical Terms
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Converter. An electrical circuit that accepts a DC input Distributed Power Architecture (DPA). A power
and generates a DC output of a different voltage usually distribution architecture that replaces multiple central
achieved by high frequency switching action employing power sources with a single bulk supply that is converted
inductive and capacitive filter elements. to the end-use voltages by DC-DC converters located at
the point of need. The growth of this design technique is
Crest Factor. In an AC circuit, the mathematical ratio of
demonstrated by the size of the DC-DC converter market.
the peak to rms values of a waveform. Crest factor is
Distributed power can reduce the system size, reduce the
sometimes used for describing the current stress in AC
system weight, provide better operation with battery
mains supply wires, since for a given amount of power
power, and deliver more efficient sub-system isolation and
transferred, the rms value, and hence the losses, become
greater with increasing peak values. Crest factor gives
essentially the same information as power factor, and is Drift. The change in an output voltage, after a warm-up
being replaced by power factor in power supply technology. period, as a function of time when all other variables such
as line, load, and operating temperature are held constant.
Cross Regulation. The effect of a load change on one
output to the regulation of another output. It usually only Driver Module. The controlling module in a standalone
applies to non postregulated (quasi) outputs. or Driver / Booster configuration. The Driver module
contains all the control circuitry.
Crowbar. An overvoltage protection method that shorts
the power supply output to ground in order to protect the Dropout. The lower limit of the AC input voltage where
load when an overvoltage fault is detected. the power supply just begins to experience insufficient
input to maintain regulation. The dropout voltage for
CSA. Canadian Standards Association. Defines the
linears is largely line dependent, whereas for most
standards and safety requirements for power components.
switchers it is largely load dependent, and to a smaller
Current Limiting. An overload protection circuit that degree line dependent.
limits the maximum output current of a power supply in
Dynamic Load Regulation. The delta in output voltage
order to protect the load and / or the power supply.
when the output load is rapidly changed.
Current Mode. A control method for switch-mode
converters where the converter adjusts its regulating
pulsewidth in response to measured output current and E
output voltage, using a dual loop control circuit.
Efficiency. The ratio of total output power to input power
Current Monitor. An analog power supply signal that is expressed as a percentage.
linearly proportional to output current flow.
Electronic Load. An electronic device designed to provide
a load to the outputs of a power supply, usually capable
of dynamic loading, and frequently programmable or
computer controlled.
DC-OK Signal. Signal used to monitor the status of the
EMC. Electromagnetic Compatibility. Relating to
DC output.
compliance with electromagnetic emissions and
Derating. A reduction in an operating specification to susceptibility standards.
improve reliability. For power supplies it is usually a
EMI. Electromagnetic Interference. The generation of
specified reduction in output power to facilitate operation
unwanted noise during the operation of a power supply
at higher temperatures.
or other electrical or electronic equipment.
Design Life. The expected lifetime of a power supply
ESR. Equivalent Series Resistance. The value of resistance
during which it will operate to its published specifications.
in series with an ideal capacitor that duplicates the
Differential-Mode Noise. Noise that is measured performance characteristics of a real capacitor.
between two lines with respect to a common reference
point excluding common-mode noise. The resultant
measurement is the difference of the noise components of
the two lines. The noise between the DC output and DC
return is usually measured in power supplies.

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26. Glossary of Technical Terms Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Factorized Power Architecture (FPA). A power Ground. An electrical connection to earth or some
distribution architecture that is inherently more granular other conductor that is connected to earth. Sometimes
and leverages an allocation of the DC-DC converter the term “ground” is used in place of “common,” but
functions consistent with efficient power distribution such usage is not correct unless the connection is also
principles. An optimal power distribution architecture connected to earth.
should efficiently support demanding low voltage, high
Ground Loop. An unintentionally induced feedback
current loads. FPA is a higher level power architecture that
loop caused by two or more circuits sharing a common
offers dramatic improvements in onboard power distribution
electrical ground.
systems, in performance, reliability and economy.
Fault Tolerant Configuration. A method of parallel
operation, using output Oring diodes, in which the failure H
of a single supply (module) will not result in a loss of
power. The total current of the parallel system must not Haversine. A waveform that is sinusoidal in nature, but
exceed the load requirements to a point where the failure consists of a portion of a sine wave superimposed on
of a single unit will not result in a system overload. another waveform. The input current waveform to a
typical offline power supply has the form of a haversine.
FET. Field Effect Transistor. A majority carrier-voltage
controlled transistor. Headroom. Used in conjunction with series pass
regulators, headroom is the difference between the input
FinMod. A flangeless /finned packaging option available and output voltages.
on Vicor’s VI-/MI-Family converters and accessory modules.
Heat Sink. A medium of high thermal mass that can
FlatPAC. A Vicor AC-DC switcher available with one, two absorb (sink) heat indefinitely with negligible change in
or three outputs, with total power rating from 50 – 600 W. temperature. Heat sinks are not necessarily needed with
Vicor modules, and their use is highly dependent on the
Floating Output. An output of a power supply that is
individual application, power and ambient temperature.
not connected or referenced to any other output, usually
denoting full galvanic isolation. Floating outputs can High Line Input. The maximum steady-state input
generally be used as either positive or negative outputs. voltage on the input pin.
Non floating outputs share a common return line and are
hence DC referenced to one another. Hipot. Abbreviation for high potential, and generally
refers to the high voltages used to test dielectric
Foldback Current Limiting. A type of protection circuit withstand capability for regulatory agency electrical safety
where the output current decreases as the overload requirements.
increases. The output current reaches a minimum as the
load approaches a short circuit condition. Hold-Up Capacitor. A capacitor whose energy is used to
provide output voltage for a period after the removal of
Forward Converter. A switching power supply in which input voltage.
the energy is transferred from the input to the output
during the “on” time of the primary switching device. Hold-Up Time. The length of time a power supply can
operate in regulation after failure of the AC input. Linears
have very short hold-up times due to the energy stored
on the low-voltage secondary side output capacitors.
Switchers have longer times due to higher-voltage
GATE IN. The GATE IN pin of the module may be used to primary-side energy storage capacitors.
turn the module on or off. When GATE IN is pulled low,
Hot Swap. Insertion and extraction of a power supply
the module is turned off. When GATE IN is floating (open
into a system while power is applied.
collector) the module is turned on. The open circuit voltage
of the GATE IN pin is less than 10 V, referenced to –Vin.
A GATE OUT / GATE IN connection is necessary to run
Driver / Booster configurations. I

GATE OUT. The GATE OUT pin is the clock pulse of the I-Grade. Industry standard where the operation
converter. It is used to synchronize Booster modules to a temperature of a device does not drop below –40°C.
Driver module for high power arrays.

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For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Impedance. The ratio of voltage to current at a specified Line Voltage (Mains). The sine wave voltage provided to
frequency. the power supply, usually expressed in volts rms.
Induced Noise. Noise generated in a circuit by varying a Load Regulation. The change in output voltage when
magnetic field produced by another circuit. the load on the output is changed.
Input Line Filter. An internally or externally mounted Local Sensing. Using the voltage output terminals of the
lowpass or band-reject filter at the power supply input power supply as sense points for voltage regulation.
that reduces the noise fed into the power supply.
Long Term Stability. Power supply output voltage
Inrush Current. The peak current flowing into a power change due to time with all other factors held constant.
supply the instant AC power is applied. This peak may be This is expressed in percent and is a function of
much higher than the steady state input current due to component aging.
the charging of the input filter capacitors.
Low Line. The minimum steady state voltage that can be
Inrush Current Limiting. A circuit that limits the amount applied between the +IN and –IN pins of a converter and
of inrush current when a power supply is turned on. still maintain output regulation.
Isolation. Two circuits that are completely electrically
separated with respect to DC potentials, and almost
always AC potentials. In power supplies, it is defined
as the electrical separation of the input and output via Mains. The utility AC power distribution wires.
the transformer.
Margining. Adjusting a power supply output voltage
Isolation Voltage. The maximum AC or DC test voltage up or down from its nominal setting in order to verify
that may be applied from input to output and / or chassis system performance margin with respect to supply
of a power supply. Usually this has a time limit per voltage. This is usually done electrically by a system-
preregulatory agency such as EN60950. generated control signal.
Intermediate Bus Architecture (IBA). A power MegaMod. A chassis mount packaging option that
distribution architecture that relies on non-isolated point- incorporates one, two or three VI- / MI-200 Family
of-load regulators (niPOLs), reducing the POL function to converters for single, dual or triple outputs having a
regulation and transformation. The niPOLs operate from combined power of up to 600 W.
an intermediate bus voltage provided by upstream isolated
converters. However, IBA has inherent limitations that M-Grade. An industry standard where the operating
require tradeoffs between distribution and conversion loss temperature of a device does not drop below –55°C.
that limit responsiveness to rapid load changes. IBA has MIL-SPECS. Military standards that a device must meet to
proven effective as an interim method of containing be used in military environments.
power system cost while addressing the trend toward a
proliferation of lower load voltages. MiniMod. A junior size (VI- / MI-J00) version of the
VI- / MI-200 Family of DC-DC converters offering up
to half the power in a 2.28" x 2.4" x 0.5" (57,9 x 61,0 x
L 12,7 mm) package.

Leakage Current. A term relating to current flowing Minimum Load. The minimum load current / power
between the AC supply wires and earth ground. The term that must be drawn from the power supply in order for
does not necessarily denote a fault condition. In power the supply to meet its performance specifications. Less
supplies, leakage current usually refers to the 60 Hz frequently, a minimum load is required to prevent the
current that flows through the EMC filter capacitors power supply from failing.
connected between the AC lines and ground (Y caps). Module Evaluation Board. A test fixture used to
Linear Regulator. A regulating technique where a evaluate Vicor DC-DC converters.
dissipative active device such as a transistor is placed MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure). MTBF is the point
in series with a power supply output to regulate the at which 63% of a given population no longer meet
output voltage. specification. It can either be calculated or demonstrated.
Line Regulation. The change in output voltage when The usual calculation is per MIL-STD-217 Rev. E. Demonstrated
the AC input voltage is changed from minimum to reliability is usually determined by temperature accelerated
maximum specified. life testing and is usually greater than calculated MTBF.

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26. Glossary of Technical Terms Design Guide & Applications Manual
For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Nominal Input. The center value for the input voltage Overshoot. A transient output voltage change exceeding
range. the high limit of the voltage accuracy specification caused
by turning the power supply on or off, or abruptly
Nominal Value. A usual, average, normal, or expected
changing line or load conditions.
operating condition. This stated value will probably not be
equal to the value actually measured. Overtemp Warning. A TTL compatible signal that indicates
an overtemperature condition exists in the power supply.
Overvoltage Protection (OVP). A circuit that either
shuts down the power supply or crowbars the output
Offline. A power supply that receives its input power in the event of an output overvoltage condition.
from the AC line, without using a 50 / 60 Hz power
transformer prior to rectification and filtering, hence
the term “offline” power supply. P
Open Frame. A power supply where there is no external Parallel Boost. VI- /MI-200 Family Booster modules may
metal chassis; the power supply is provided to the end be added to a Driver to create multi-kilowatt arrays.
user essentially as a printed circuit board that provides Boosters do not contain any feedback or control circuitry.
mechanical support as well as supporting the components
Parallel Operation. Connecting the outputs of two or
and making electrical connections.
more power supplies together for the purpose of
Operating Temperature. The range of temperatures in obtaining a higher output current. This requires power
which a unit can operate within specifications. supplies specially designed for load sharing.
Optoisolator. An electro-optical device that transmits a PARD. Periodic And Random Deviation. Referring to the
signal across a DC isolation boundary. sum of all ripple and noise components on the DC output
of a power supply, regardless of nature or source.
ORing Diodes. Diodes used to isolate supplies from one
another under a fault condition. Peak Power. The absolute maximum output power that a
power supply can produce without immediate damage.
Output Filtering. Filter used to reduce switching power
Peak power capability is typically well beyond the
supply noise and ripple.
continuous output power capability and the resulting
Output Good. A power supply status signal that indicates average power should not exceed rated specifications.
the output voltage is within a certain tolerance. An output
Pi Filter. A commonly used filter at the input of a
that is either too high or too low will deactivate the
switching supply or DC-DC converter to reduce reflected
Output Good signal.
ripple current. The filter usually consists of two shunt
Output Impedance. The ratio of change in output capacitors with inductance between them.
voltage to change in load current.
Post Regulator. A secondary regulating circuit on an
Output Noise. The AC component that may be present auxiliary output of a power supply that provides regulation
on the DC output of a power supply. Switch-mode power on that output.
supply output noise usually has two components: a lower
Power Fail. A power supply interface signal that gives a
frequency component at the switching frequency of the
warning that the input voltage will no longer sustain full
converter and a high frequency component due to fast
power regulated output.
edges of the converter switching transitions. Noise should
always be measured directly at the output terminals with Power Factor. The ratio of true power to apparent power
a scope probe having an extremely short grounding lead. in an AC circuit. In power conversion technology, power
factor is used in conjunction with describing AC input
Output Power Rating. The maximum power in watts
current to the power supply.
that the power supply can provide and still maintain safety
agency approvals. Preload. A small amount of current drawn from a power
supply to stabilize its operation.
Output Voltage Accuracy. See Setpoint Accuracy.
Primary. The input section of an isolated power supply, it
Overload Protection. A power supply protection circuit
is connected to the AC mains and hence has dangerous
that limits the output current under overload conditions.
voltage levels present.

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For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Product Grade. The environmental and acceptance tests Remote Sense. Wires connected in parallel with power
performed on Vicor products. supply output cables such that the power supply can
sense the actual voltage at the load to compensate for
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). A switching power
voltage drops in the output cables and / or isolation devices.
conversion technique where the on-time (or width) of a
duty cycle is modulated to control power transfer for Return. The designation of the common terminal for
regulating power supply outputs. the power supply outputs. It carries the return current
for the outputs.
Push-Pull Converter. A switch-mode power supply
topology that utilizes a center-tapped transformer and Reverse Voltage Protection. A protection circuit that
two power switches. The two switches are alternately prevents the power supply from being damaged in the
driven on and off. event that a reverse voltage is applied at the input or
output terminals.
RFI. Radio Frequency Interference. Undesirable noise
produced by a power supply or other electrical or
Quasi-Regulated Output. The regulation of an auxiliary electronic device during its operation. In power supply
output that is accomplished by regulation of the main technology, RFI is usually taken to mean the same
output. A transformer turns ratio, commensurate with the thing as EMC.
desired auxiliary output voltage, is used in conjunction
Ripple and Noise. The amplitude of the AC component
with the output around which the main control loop is
on the DC output of a power supply usually expressed
closed. Quasi-regulated outputs are significantly affected
in millivolts peak-to-peak or rms. For a linear power
by second order effects in the converter.
supply it is usually at the frequency of the AC mains.
For a switching power supply, it is usually at the
switching frequency of the converter stage.
Rated Output Current. The maximum load current that
a power supply can provide at a specified ambient S
Safety Ground. A conductive path to earth that is
Reflected Ripple Current. The rms or peak-to-peak AC designed to protect persons from electrical shock by
current present at the input of the power supply that is a shunting away any dangerous currents that might occur
result of the switching frequency of the converter. due to malfunction or accident.
Regulation. The ability of a power supply to maintain an Secondary. The output section of an isolated power
output voltage within a specified tolerance as referenced supply, it is isolated from the AC mains and specially
to changing conditions of input voltage and / or load. designed for safety of personnel who might be working
with power on the system.
Regulation Band. The total error band allowable for an
output voltage. This includes the effects of all of the types SELV. An acronym for Safety Extra Low Voltage, a term
of regulation: line, load, temperature and time. generally defined by the regulatory agencies as the
highest voltage that can be contacted by a person and
Regulatory Agencies. CSA: Canadian Standards not cause injury. It is often specifically defined as 30 Vac
Association; FCC: Federal Communications Commission; or 42.4 Vdc.
FTZ: Fernmelde Technisches Zentralamt; TÜV: Technischer
Überwachungs Verein; U.L.: Underwriters Laboratory; VDE: Setpoint Accuracy. Ratio of actual to specified output
Verband Deutscher Electrotechniker. voltage.
Remote Inhibit. A power supply interface signal, usually Sequencing. The technique of establishing a desired
TTL compatible, that commands the power supply to shut order of activating the outputs of a multiple output
down one or all outputs. power supply.
Remote On/Off. Enables power supply to be remotely Soft Start. A technique for gradually activating a power
turned on or off. Turn-on is typically performed by open supply circuit when the power supply is first turned on.
circuit or TTL logic “1”, and turn-off by switch closure or This technique is generally used to provide a gradual rise
TTL logic “0”. in output voltages and inrush current limiting.

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For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Soft Line. A condition where there is substantial impedance U

present in the AC mains feeding input power to a power
Undershoot. A transient output voltage change which
supply. The input voltage to the power supply drops
does not meet the low limit of the voltage accuracy
significantly with increasing load.
specification and is caused by turning the power supply
Split Bobbin Winding. A transformer winding technique on or off, or abruptly changing line or load conditions.
where the primary and secondary are wound side-by-side
Universal Input. An AC input capable of operating from
on a bobbin with an insulation barrier between them.
major AC lines worldwide, without straps or switches.
Standby Current. The input current drawn by a power
supply when shut down by a control input (remote inhibit)
or under no load. V
Stiff Line. A condition where there is no significant VI Chip® (VIC). VI Chips are the smallest power
impedance present in the AC mains feeding input power components available today — about the size of a 1/16
to a power supply. The input voltage to the power supply brick and very power dense. They can be used as building
does not change appreciably with load. blocks to replace existing circuits (quarter bricks and silver
Switching Frequency. The rate at which the DC voltage box power supplies). VI Chips offer flexible thermal
is switched on and off in a switching power supply. management: a low thermal impedance package and the
design of the package simplifies heat sink design.
Voltage Balance. The difference in magnitudes, in
T percent, of two output voltages that have equal
nominal voltage magnitudes but opposite polarities.
Temperature Coefficient. The average output voltage
change expressed as a percent per degree Celsius of Voltage Mode. A method of closed loop control of a
ambient temperature change. This is usually specified for switching converter to correct for changes in the output
a predetermined temperature range. voltage.
Temperature Derating. Reducing the output power of a
power supply with increasing temperature to maintain
reliable operation. W

Thermal Pad. A phase change material (ThermMate) Warm-Up Drift. The initial change in the output voltage
used as a thermal interface between the converter and of a power supply in the time period between turn-on
a heat sink or chassis. and when the power supply reaches thermal equilibrium
at 25°C, full load and nominal line.
Thermal Protection. A power supply protection circuit
that shuts the power supply down in the event of Warm-Up Time. The time required after initial turn-on for
unacceptably high internal temperatures. a power supply to achieve compliance to its performance
Topology. The design type of a converter, indicative of
the configuration of switching transistors, utilization of
the transformer, and type of filtering. Examples of X
topologies are the Flyback, Forward, Half Bridge, Full
Bridge, Resonant and Zero-Current-Switching. X-Capacitor. A capacitor connected across the supply
lines to suppress normal mode interference.
Tracking. A characteristic in a multiple output power
supply where any changes in the output voltage of one
output caused by line, load, and / or temperature are
proportional to similar changes in accompanying outputs.
Transient Recovery Time. The time required for an
output voltage to be within specified accuracy limits after
a step change in line or load conditions.
True Power. In an AC circuit, true power is the actual
power consumed. It is distinguished from apparent power
by eliminating the reactive power component that may
be present.

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For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Y-Capacitor. Power conversion modules generally require
bypass capacitors from line to chassis (earth ground) to
shunt common-mode noise currents and keep them local
to the converter. In cases where the converters are
operating from rectified AC line voltage, the failure of a
bypass capacitor could result in excessive leakage current
to the equipment chassis thus creating a ground fault and
shock hazard. For this reason, a special classification of
capacitor, referred to as a Y-capacitor, is recommended.
These capacitors contain a dielectric with unique “self-
healing” properties to help prevent against excessive
To meet general EMC requirements (Section 9), Vicor
recommends the use of Y-capacitors with all power
conversion modules. Y-capacitors meet IEC384-14,
EN132400, and UL1283 standards.

Zero-Current-Switching. The turn-on and turn-off of a
switching device at zero current, resulting in essentially
lossless switching. The zero-current-switching topology
allows Vicor converters to operate at frequencies up to
1 MHz, with efficiencies higher than 80% and power
densities greater than conventional topologies.
Zero-Voltage-Switching. This technique significantly
minimizes the switching losses and dv/dt noise due to the
discharge of the switching MOSFET junction capacitance
and reverse recovery of the diode, and enables switch
mode converters to operate at higher frequencies.

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For VI-200 and VI-J00 Family DC-DC Converters and Configurable Power Supplies

Vicor’s comprehensive line of power solutions includes high density AC-DC

and DC-DC modules and accessory components, fully configurable AC-DC
and DC-DC power supplies, and complete custom power systems.
Information furnished by Vicor is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Vicor
for its use. Vicor components are not designed to be used in applications, such as life support systems, wherein a
failure or malfunction could result in injury or death. All sales are subject to Vicor’s Terms and Conditions of Sale,
which are available upon request.

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Intellectual Property Notice

Vicor and its subsidiaries own Intellectual Property (including issued U.S. and Foreign Patents and pending
patent applications) relating to the products described in this data sheet. Interested parties should contact
Vicor's Intellectual Property Department.

Vicor Corporation
25 Frontage Road
Andover, MA, USA 01810
Tel: 800-735-6200
Fax: 978-475-6715

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