Lfo Assembly Guide
Lfo Assembly Guide
Lfo Assembly Guide
Techinical Specifications Components
-Low Frequency Oscillator in a Here is a brief overview of the and other functions in the circuit
compact 4HP, skiff friendly 30 mm components we’ll be using: - Pin header - This connects the
depth size power from the Eurorack system
-Square,Triangle and approximat- -Printed Circuit Board-Mechani- power bus to the module
ed Sine Wave outputs (5V Peak to cally suports and electrically con- - Aluminium panel- Mounts to
Peak) nects the components in the cir- the circuit board after the compo-
-Rate/ Frequency range - 0.01Hz cuit nents are on, so the module will
to 40Hz -TL074-Quad Operational Ampli- fit in a rack unit
-LED indicator for Rate fier- the heart of the circuit, helps - Jack sockets - for plugging ca-
-Current Consumpiton +12v create the different wave forms bles in and out of the modules
20mA, -12v 20mA -TL071-Single Operational Ampli-
fier- this is used to power the LED This is a beginener level kit.
Tools rate indicator Some previous experience of
Below is a brief overview of the -Resistors- resist the flow of cur- completing electronic kit is rec-
tools we will need: rent ommended but not essencial.
-Ceramic capacitors - power sup- This is the assembly guide for
-Soldering iron (15 w will do fine, ply bypass capacitors PCB version 0.2.
any hotter may start to burn the -Polyester capacitor - helps set Okay let’s begin...
PCB) the oscillator frequency
-Solder -Electrolytic capacitors- used for
-Wire cutters power supply bypassing and also
-Multi-meter to help set the frequency of the
-De-soldering pump oscillator
-Helping hands/ soldering stand - Diodes- these are used for re-
-3/4”;1” clamps x2 verse power supply protection
Soldering is easy, here’s how to do it
We are now going to begin sol- ponents step by step. The most - Do not let solder cross between
dering the circuit board. You will important things to keep in mind the solder pads on the board.
notice that the circuit board has are: This will cause a short circuit and
numbers (R5, C11, etc.) beside the mean your circuit will not work. A
component outlines (known as de-solder pump can easily fix this
the silkscreen layer of the bard). - Take your time and check the problem.
The outlines and the components silkscreen and the orientation of
numbers help us to identify which the components; some compo- - Components which must be
components to solder where on nents are polarized or must be orientated correctly include the
the PCB. orientated in certain direction. diodes, electrolytic capacitors, IC
sockets and ICs, mono jacks and
The circuit board is double sided. - You want to make sure the sol- the variable potentiometer.
We will be soldering some com- der joints are good and solid and
ponents on the top side of the they should fill in the pad on the - Before soldering any compo-
board, and some on the bottom board that the component leg is nent, empty all them into a small
side. We will go through the com- coming through. bowl or plate.
Step 1 - Resistors
Solder the resistors following From the top left corner of the
the numbers on the PCB and board (top side) and moving
the guide below. Check the re- clockwise:
sistor colour codes and measure
the values first with a multi-me-
ter before soldering in place. All
resistors in the kit are 1% toler-
ance. Insert the resistors vertically
through the bottom side of the
board where the numbers are
marked, on the silscreen, and the
solder to the pads on the top side.
Clip the lead off each resistor with
the wire cutter after soldering
each joint. Cut the leads above
the solder joint, also be careful
not to cut the joint as this can
break the solder joint.
Step 2 - IC Sockets
Solder the IC sockets in the IC
positions on the top side of the
PCB. Check the orientation, the
little notch on the socket should
match up with the notch on the
PCB. Solder the tails on the sock-
ets to the solder pads on the bot-
tom side of the board. Use a small
piece of cello tape to hold the
socket in place while soldering.
Insert the ceramic capacitors
through the top side of the board
and solder to the pads on the
bottom side of the board. These
capacitors are not polarised. Fol- 4
Next, we will solder the diodes. D5 – LED – we will skip this for the marking on the diode with the ar-
Diodes are polarised, meaning minute because we want to add row on the silkscreen
there is a positive and a negative this at the end (after the panel
pin, and must be soldered in the is mounted) to make sure it fits D4 – IN4148 - this is inserted ver-
correct orientation for the circuit snugly through the panel. tically on the board, match the
to work. Insert the diodes through marking on the diode with the
the top side of the board and sol- D1 – IN4001 – inserted horizon- arrow on the silkscreen, which is
der to the pads on the bottom tally, match the marking on the opposite to the orientation of D3
side of the board. Again moving diode with the marking on the
clockwise from the top left of the circuit board D2 – IN4001 – inserted horizon-
board: tally, match the marking on the
D3 – IN4148 – this is inserted ver- diode with the marking on the
tically on the board, match the circuit board
-C4 22uF
-C1 22uF
-C6 4.7uF
IC pins can be quite fragile and the IC, which works as good as an
easily broken. Usually the pins insertion tool. Also make sure to
will require some gentle bending check the orientation of the IC,
to fit them into the socket. Some the little notch on the IC should
people use an IC insertion tool match up with the notch on the
for this job. If you’re taking an IC IC socket.
IC Sockets
Ceramic Capacitors
Electrolytic capacitors
Circuit Description
What’s is happening in the circuit?